I’m Painfully too Sexy for My Shirt.

I recently got a 12 mth Rego sticker for my bike. It cost me $530.00. (@$%%^! #%^&&^%$!)
I dont ride it everyday.
This bike is my Prozac. A Drug free release from the wallow of Bullshit that is my life,…Its liberating and a thrill, yet of course ‘The Man/ The Machine/ Mammon’ rapes my pocket for the privilege.
Because I only ride it once a month, that means 530/12= $44.00 per ride…just for registration! before fuel!!! and the biggest component of that goes to ACC.
That is a ^&*&^^%R$ Rip off!
ACC Sux Dogs Balls!
@#$%^&^&&* Rapist Socilaist State!

Viktor Safonkin

My 2010 Triumph Bonneville America.

Sticking it to the Man! Planting Liberty.

Smugglers. Vasily Hudiakov.

Just flouted the Easter Trading Laws. Went down to Oderings Plant nurseries and bought up large on trees for our yard. Its a worthy cause, and perfect time to plant.
So get out there and support your local Civil disobedient Free-Marketeers!
To the Revolution!

Department of Labour reminds retailers of Easter Trading law
In the run-up to Easter the Department of Labour is advising retailers to ensure they are familiar with the law that restricts shops from trading on Good Friday and Easter Sunday.

That law – the Shop Trading Hours Act Repeal Act 1990 – specifies three-and-a-half days each year on which most New Zealand retailers must close – Christmas Day, Good Friday, Easter Sunday and until 1pm on Anzac Day.

The Department’s Deputy Secretary Craig Armitage says: “The Act sets out exemptions from shop trading restrictions for a limited number of retailers. All others must close on the restricted days. The Department encourages retailers to contact it prior to Easter if they are uncertain whether they are able to open on Good Friday and Easter Sunday.”

The Act allows certain types of shops to remain open on restricted days. These are shops whose main purpose is to provide essential supplies in quantities which people in the area or travelling through may need, shops providing food ready to eat, souvenir and duty free shops, pharmacies, and shops in premises where there are bona fide shows or exhibitions.

Shops in locations covered by area exemptions issued by the former Shop Trading Hours Commission, under the previous law, may also trade on restricted days. The Department of Labour cannot make or change area exemptions or redefine the boundaries of these areas – there are no provisions to do that under the shop trading legislation.

If a business does not clearly fit into one of the exempted categories, it is an offence to open and trade during any time the law restricts trading. The owner or occupier of the shop may be prosecuted and fined up to $1000.”


MMP Review

In the 2011 Referendum on the Voting System, held in conjunction with the General Election on 26 November, the majority of voters chose to keep MMP as New Zealand’s voting system.

This triggered an independent review of MMP, conducted by the Electoral Commission, in which all of us can have our say on any changes we’d like to see made to the way MMP works.

TODAY (5 April) is the deadline for submissions for those wanting to present in person to the Commission. Submissions must be lodged with the Commission by midnight on 5 April.

You can make a quick submission. Or you can make a full submission. To make a quick submission, all you have to write is, e.g.,

I believe that to achieve better representation the MMP threshold should be lowered to 2.5%.

Let’s give freedom-friendly parties such as the ALCP and the Libz a better chance next time. And dissuade people from committing “the ends justify the means” atrocities such as “strategically voting” for John Banks to get Don Brash into Parliament.

In the words of our Lord and Saviour Jesus Christ

What you are about to do, do quickly (John 13:27)

Okay, so that was quoted totally out of context. Never mind. Just SUBMIT! DO IT NOW!

Is your mind so small that you have to fall in with the pack wherever they run?

God Bless Ozzy Osbourne

Have you ever thought about your soul – can it be saved?
Or perhaps you think that when you’re dead you just stay in your grave
Is God just a thought within your head or is he a part of you?
Is Christ just a name that you read in a book when you were in school?

When you think about death do you lose your breath or
do you keep your cool?
Would you like to see the Pope on the end of a rope
do you think he’s a fool?
Well I have seen the truth, yes I’ve seen the light and I’ve changed my ways
And I’ll be prepared when you’re lonely and scared at the end of our days

Could it be you’re afraid of what your friends might say
IF THEY KNEW you believed in God above?
They should realize before they criticize
that God is the only way to love

Is your mind so small that you have to fall
In with the pack wherever they run
Will you still sneer when death is near
And say they may as well worship the sun?

I think it was true it was people like you that crucified Christ
I think it is sad the opinion you had was the only one voiced
Will you be so sure when your day is near, say you don’t believe?
You had the chance but you turned it down, now you can’t retrieve

Perhaps you’ll think before you say that God is dead and gone
Open your eyes, just realize that he’s the one
The only one who can save you now from all this sin and hate
Or will you jeer at all you hear? Yes! I think it’s too late.

Black Sabbath. Masters of Reality.

See that bird?

An excerpt from Richard Feynman’s What is Science?

Regarding this business about names and words, I would tell you another story. We used to go up to the Catskill Mountains for vacations. In New York, you go the Catskill Mountains for vacations. The poor husbands had to go to work during the week, but they would come rushing out for weekends and stay with their families. On the weekends, my father would take me for walks in the woods. He often took me for walks, and we learned all about nature, and so on, in the process. But the other children, friends of mine also wanted to go, and tried to get my father to take them. He didn’t want to, because he said I was more advanced. I’m not trying to tell you how to teach, because what my father was doing was with a class of just one student; if he had a class of more than one, he was incapable of doing it.

So we went alone for our walk in the woods. But mothers were very powerful in those day’s as they are now, and they convinced the other fathers that they had to take their own sons out for walks in the woods. So all fathers took all sons out for walks in the woods one Sunday afternoon. The next day, Monday, we were playing in the fields and this boy said to me, “See that bird standing on the stump there? What’s the name of it?”

I said, “I haven’t got the slightest idea.”

He said, “It’s a brown-throated thrush. Your father doesn’t teach you much about science.”

I smiled to myself, because my father had already taught me that [the name] doesn’t tell me anything about the bird. He taught me “See that bird? It’s a brown-throated thrush, but in Germany it’s called a halsenflugel, and in Chinese they call it a chung ling and even if you know all those names for it, you still know nothing about the bird—you only know something about people; what they call that bird. Now that thrush sings, and teaches its young to fly, and flies so many miles away during the summer across the country, and nobody knows how it finds its way,” and so forth. There is a difference between the name of the thing and what goes on.

Meditation in the Catskill Mountains

What is Science? was presented at the fifteenth annual meeting of the National Science Teachers Association, in New York City (1966).

The Child Casualties of the Jihad on Drugs.

Many people including many atheists consider the War on drugs to be a Holy War, and as such they are prepared to turn a blind eye to the great many evils that this opressive war inflicts directly and indirectly upon countless peaceful and innocent victems. They accept heavy ‘Collateral damage’ without loosing a minutes sleep. Indeed they sleep easier because they think this holy war is actually making them safer. Thats ultimately all that matters to them. They are the very definition of hypocrisy… they are quick to point a Judgemental finger at others, all the while pretending they themselves are without sin.

Reading todays NZ Herald I noticed a tiny column…

‘Mother charged with child neglect after P-making chemicals found’

A mother has been charged with neglecting a girl after police allegedly found chemicals and equipment for making methamphetamine at her house.

Karena Heta appeared at the Auckland District Court today charged with having a .22 calibre rifle, supplying the class A drug methamphetamine and the class B drug gamma hydroxybutric acid, known as GHB.

According to police charge sheets, the 49-year-old had custody of a 12-year-old girl.

The charge sheet alleges that Heta neglected the girl “in a manner likely to cause her injury to health” by exposing her to the risks associated with taking methamphetamine.

Read full article here :

Now there is no denying that this is a shocking thing for a mother to do. It is absolutely careless and wrong and I would never deny that, yet I want to point out that people who believe such cases simply demonstrate one of the many evils of Drugs *are wrong*. They are in fact failing to apportion just blame against themselves and the government they elect, for creating a social environment whereby Clandestine Drug manufacturing thrives, resulting in children being exposed to Drug manufacture and the underworld.

Of course the Legions of fear driven bigots and Booze guzzling hypocrites, don’t wish to consider their own collaboration in this nasty business. They don’t want to contemplate the reality that if it were not for The politics of Prohibition which they endorse that such drugs would be manufactured safely in industrial areas far away from little children, and using better quality raw materials and safe work practices, thereby reducing the most serious problems that are directly caused by not being able to manufacture such drugs legitimately.

So Ye Self-righteous Jihadists how about turning some of your moral outrage you currently harbour against such terrible mothers and Fathers whom exposed their children to Dangerous chemicals *against your selves!* You share in their guilt. You vote for this scenario. Hang your heads in shame!
Tim Wikiriwhi

Low skilled workers: Go to Hell!

Libertarianz Party leader Dr. Richard McGrath has visited here before … and, judging by the title of yesterday’s press release, I think he must have been reading my series of posts on Hell.

National Party Throws Low Skilled Workers into the Furnace

Monday, 2 April 2012
Press Release: Libertarianz Party
National Party Throws Low Skilled Workers into the Furnace

Libertarianz leader Richard McGrath described the government’s decision to raise the minimum wage as short-sighted command-and-control interference in the economy, and predicted it will cost jobs.

“Raising the minimum wage to $13.50 an hour means anyone whose productivity falls below that level is now even more likely to be laid off,” he said.

“Clearly, Kate Wilkinson would rather have unemployed 16 and 17 year olds sitting at home on their Playstations earning $3.82 an hour on the dole, than earning $10 an hour in training or $13 an hour in a job.”

“This speaks volumes about the priorities and the economic literacy of this government. Like the Labour one before them, they believe it acceptable to consign unskilled kids to the scrap heap by pricing them off the job market, as long as it looks good.”

“If Kate Wilkinson thinks repeated upward adjustments of the minimum wage are just and viable, why doesn’t she lift it to $100 an hour?”

“The Libertarianz Party is the only political party in this country that would help low skilled school leavers and others into work by abolishing the minimum wage, thus allowing a fluctuating jobs market to determine the price of labour.”

“This would create a more transparent relationship between the skill level required for different occupations, the relative overall value of these jobs, and the supply of people willing and able to be employed in them.”

“Without the minimum wage distorting the job market, it is likely that anyone truly willing to work would be able to find a job commensurate with their talents and abilities.”

“Minimum wage laws cause false signals to be generated about the worth of various occupations, which is cruel and misleading for low skilled people who wish to work. My party is saddened to see National going down the Muldoonist road yet again.”

Libertarianz: More Freedom, Less Government

Dr Richard McGrath
Libertarianz Leader
Phone: 027 322 2907
Email: richard.mcgrath@libertarianz.org.nz

Throwing low skilled workers into the “fiery furnace” like weeds (Matthew 13:42) is exactly what National’s decision to increase the minimum wage amounts to. In effect, National is telling low skilled workers: Go to Hell!

I prefer the new-fangled “trash” to the old-fashioned “fire” metaphor. Of course, it is the National Party and their wealth-destroying poverty-trap-perpetuating minimum wage laws that should be consigned to the waste-basket of history, not the State-forsaken low skilled workers.

Thanks, Richard, for one hell of a press release!

Give me Liberty, or give me Death!