Crafty Andrew Little Awaits ‘Right Moment’ to Snatch Away Free Speech In New Zealand. Lets Be Ready To Defend Our Nation From These Destroyers!

A Friend of mine has been looking on government websites for any offical reference to Justice minister Andrew Little’s Hate speech Law proposals or Bill as he is wanting to fill a submission in defense of Free speech.

As yet there is nothing to be found.

Freedom Lovers and concerned New Zealanders have been waiting for a year now for Andrew Little to table his much touted ‘Hate Speech Bill’.

However for reasons we can only speculate on he is keeping us in the dark as to when he intends to start the parliamentary process to make his aims Law.

As minions of UN Ardern and Little have used the Christchurch atrocity to argue that New Zealands current situation on Free speech is ‘too lenient’.
He is also the one who has authorised the New Zealand Police to visit and harass Independent Social media voices for sharing opinions that are critical of his regime’s agenda.
Labeling them ‘Extremists’.
Their agenda has been clearly stated in such things as the UN Global Compact on Immigration that demands governments implement restrictions on free speech that voice opposition to their Open Boarders, Mass Migration plans, or simply express alarm at the erosion of their culture and the escalation of crime committed by lawless migrants and refugees.

As the first few months passed from his announcement that he was pursuing the introduction of hate speech legislation we assumed he was in the process of doing ‘due diligence’ in preparation of the speedy introduction of his bill, yet now as time ticks on The bill has not yet been tabled.

Little did in fact conciser using the excuse of ‘Combating false information’ in the lead up up to the forthcoming referenda on Cannabis law reform and The Right to die with dignity for the terminally ill as justification to table his Bill… yet seems to have backed away from that ruse.

Read about it here

Why has he stalled?

Could it be that he is anticipating a huge public backlash and as such does not think it expedient to drop his bill before the general election scheduled for later this year?
Jacinda Ardern may enjoy massive Global popularity from woke folk far and wide, her popularity at home is always in flux to the degree that it is far from guaranteed she can lead her coalition into a second term in power.
They may fear that introduction of the bill before the election could be political suicide, yet after the election they could present it.

That Little was prepared to use the referenda as an excuse to pass his anti-free speech legislation should ring Alarm bells as that was a clear indicator of how they really intend to *control information* and steer the democratic process towards the desired outcome of their own agenda by controlling the Public narrative!

Little has also made it clear he considers The desire of many New Zealanders to abolish the Race based electoral system and Maori seats in parliament (institutions he personally endorses and utilises) as ‘Hateful’.
This is yet another example of how these Socialists seek to suppress legitimate views and arguments from being herd in the public square.

That is the Death of Democracy and freedom!
That is why we must oppose Little’s diabolical ambitions will every ounce of our being!
It is time for New Zealanders to stand in defense of our Freedom, Values, and way of life from systematic destruction and imposition of The Socialist Totalitarian New world Order that stands in opposition to virtually everything we hold dear!
They seek to reduce us all to slaves… this in no exaggeration.
These people despise Freedom, despise Christianity, despise Free enterprise and self reliance.
They want everyone to be dependent and beholden to their All powerful Socialist State which will be Vassal to the UN.

There is another more probable reason for Little’s delay…
I suspect They are waiting for some ‘Opportunity’ to present itself… some sort of ‘Stupid yet nasty’ hate crime to occur… preferably by a ‘White supremacist’ … something the media can make a National carnival out of it for a few weeks… so that he can pounce on the Public ‘outrage’ and rely on his legislation getting full support from MPs who all want to jump on the Pious bandwagon against ‘Hate crimes’…. that’s how they do business.
Such an opportunity could happen at any time.

We saw Ardern spring into action to pass Heavy Gun prohibitions in the wake of the Christchurch attack.
Her confiscations have not made our Nation more safe but less so.
She has in fact unleashed a police state upon us!
Ardern cloaked her Brazen opportunism of the Public hysteria generated by this horrendous crime committed by a foreign terrorist under a Hadjib… and hugs.
And again with the Covid-19 pseudo-pandemic she demonstrated the Socialist maxim “Never let a good emergency go to waste”

That is how you get Draconian Laws passed in our parliament.

While we await these Machiavellians to make their move We should be getting our public submissions ready as no doubt they will give us minimum opportunity to respond.
So much for ‘the most transparent regime ever!

Rushing trough Evil Legislation that tramples over our rights has also become their Modus opperandi.

I did written submissions on the last two firearms confiscation bills, and an Oral sub on the last tranche yet this Public Submission process is little more than a token charade… like a public haka… the Committee simply ignores everything they hear and recommends Parliament to proceed. Its a total scam.
It would be interesting to trace back trough all the bills of the last 20 years and get the stats on how many Committees hearing public submission actually recommended the bills be dropped, and have sited Reasons given by Public submission as being valid concerns.

I would bet $5.00 that there has not been a single instance that Public submissions have affected such an outcome.

Still our Submissions become a matter of public record and so may become useful Ammunition if every some principled MP tries to abolish any of these vile Legislative Acts.
They will have a mountain of Pubic Submissions to help them undermine and overthrow these Evil dictates.

Hopefully we can make Ardern, Peters, and Little pay at election time… Unfortunately for us National has been in cahoots with Ardern and co so in reality they are no better.
Bridges is a Tyrannical Turnip…. Colin’s is a Jackboot lover too!
So regime change would be largely just another Charade.

This post is a Rally call for Kiwis to prepare submissions in opposition to the Anti-Free speech legislation En Masse.
We Need to *Swamp the bastards* with a literal mountain of Public outrage that they would dare to trample over our Rights to free Speech and assembly!

Despite the formidable Hurdles before us We need a wave of Public submissions to exceed any quantity ever received on any other Bill!
That is how critical this matter is to the Future well being of our Country!
We need to absolutely Crush and Politician who seeks to impose the UN Globalist agenda upon us at the ex pence of our Independence and rights!

Maybe we should not even wait for little to table his bill before we start sending our submission directly to MPs, Party Hqs, and the Media.

We should create dedicated Social media pages to publish them also.

Its time for action stations!
Get those submissions started in opposition to any new restrictions on free speech and rally your friends and family to do the same.

Tim Wikiriwhi
Libertarian Independent.


Last Year, in anticipation of these new Hate speech laws I contributed to a Book called ‘Free Speech Under Attack’ from Tross Publishing.
Get yourselves a copy!
It contains many arguments that explain what is at stake.
Tell your friends about this book… we need to get the word out and start a popular movement in defense of Freedom and democracy.

I wrote…

“Reading ancient Greek dialogues we find Ideological antagonists… Philosophers of different schools of thought engage in the Combat of Reason.
The Dialogues are so written that we imagine scenes of Eloquent and civilised Toga wearing gentlemen each patiently hearing each other out without interruption… no matter how long an exposition might be… discourses all delivered in the finest art of Rhetoric and decorum.
The Rebuttals would be precisely on point, and deploying as much reason as can be summoned…delivers a devastating yet absolutely dispassionate retort.
Apart from moderated debates, this sort of civilised warfare was then, as it is today a fantasy. An idealized Charade that attempts to sell the ideal that certain mortals walk a ‘Higher path’ than the rest of us Savages whom are consumed with Base appetites and drives.
Such dialogues are of course tools by which the interplay can be followed between various rationale… they can even be carried on by fictitious characters and Gods.
In Reality when it came to contentious issues, The Greeks were as given over to their lower nature as any of us are today. They would take affront at having been bested in public and would Plot by any means the downfall of their ideological enemies.
Such was the situation when Socrates found himself in peril.
Representatives of the Status quo who did not appreciate his Expositions invented and spread malicious lies about Him … calling into question his character, nor hesitated in employing Political force against him.
It was common back then to have such ‘Troublemakers’ banished… or like the fate of Socrates whose unassailable power of Reason was rewarded with slander, and he was brought before the court ‘for corruption of the Youth’;
His prize for daring to question the legitimacy of the commonly held beliefs of his day was a cup of Hemlock.

He admitted to being a pesky Gadfly… for truths sake … his ‘crime’ was seeking to get people to question the veracity of long held backward and erroneous ideas that could not withstand scrutiny.
Free speech has always been despised by those seeking to perpetuate falsehoods and control the minds of the sheeple.

A study of Global history and of Cultures… across the ages reveals the same thing happening to a great number of the ‘Great lights’ and Reformers of their day…. I could list countless examples… yet it suffices to simply say that the struggle to attain the Liberty for the average person to publicly articulate our own views that we hold by right today in New Zealand… to which also we have become so accustom that is seems an ordinary and mundane thing …the right to criticise and question the powers that be… or to challenge the veracity of popularly held opinions is of itself a priceless high water mark of progress and Civilisation.
Its a hard won Taonga bequeathed to us by our heroic and enlightened Protestant Christian Pioneering Roots… an Ideal of the highest order hard won over centuries of struggle by the greatest human beings who have ever graced this Earth!
Free Speech is a vital and powerful sword available to all citizens they may wheedled in the Defense of their Rights and liberties from the establishment of new oppressive Laws and powers… and that is the reason why Dangerous Political operators seek to take away this defensive weapon from those they seek to subjugate.
Free Speech is a lighted Lamp to be held high to dispel the darkness of Barbarous, Backward, and unjust traditions and ideas that have yet to be vanquished, and it is for this reason that Freethinkers with New, progressive, and Better Ideas have always been in danger of being lynched by the mob who don’t take kindly to having their ingrained delusions exposed to the light.
So My friends…. Jealously defend this precious right!
*Always* be vigilant, and fearful, and view with suspicion *any Political party* or vested interest that seeks to pass laws that restrict Free speech!
Guard it as you would your own family… for in truth should this right be whittled away and lost… so too will their other precious rights fall in quick succession and if you fail to defend this essential right… you will bequeath to your Children a life of virtual slavery, and indoctrination.
Their future Depends on their Rights and Liberties being secure and it is our duty to insure they remain so on our watch until we exit the sage, and then it will be up to them to remain eternally vigilant… for it is the price of Liberty.
The gravity of what is at stake today right across Western civilisation with the Liberal Lefts Globalist agenda and their determination to curtail free speech under the guise of silencing ‘Extremism’ and ‘Hate speech’ cannot be exaggerated.

It should be easily appreciated that those Dark political interests who seek to remove the peoples right to Free Speech in a democracy must convince the population into supporting their anti- Free speech legislation, deceiving a naive by propagating the idea that free speech of itself is somehow dangerous or oppressive, or that the activists exercising their rights to free speech , and whose criticisms and opinions are subversive to the desired political agenda are themselves malevolent reprobates… and a threat to society… and this perfectly describes what Ardern’s Government is doing here in New Zealand in unison with her Comrades and counterparts in other western societies with regard to their relentless ambition to impose Hate Speech legislation that will effectively make it illegal for New Zealanders to critisise Lefty Liberal Policies or Narratives.
Hate speech legislation is effectively passing laws that use Ad Hominem Character assignation as justification for silencing dissent.
2500 years ago Socrates was legally convicted and silenced… murdered by the State under the pretense that he taught things that were ‘Corrupting the Youth’, so too Ardern and Andrew Little seek to shut down Political activism that is opposed to their various Political ambitions esp with respect to their Globalist Social Justice Warrior Agenda on Climate change, Immigration, Treaty separatism, Transgender Issues, Vaccinations, Feminism, etc.
With Liberals embedded in the Education system, Media, and controlling the Internet, they have managed to create a thick fog that now clouds the wooly public mind.
And so it is that as a freethinking individual who dares to swim against the current of Politically correct Liberalism, I must write in defense of free speech and in defense of my own Character, and the character of others who do likewise and emphatically deny that I am at all hateful, or racist, or Misogynistic, or anti-science, or callous about the environment!
Hopefully you can see just how Machiavellian this ruse of character assignation is that underpins Ardern’s hate speech agenda… the very same ruse that is being used all about Western civilization where ever Lefty Liberal minions of Globalism have gained a footing.
For they are all playing the same game…”

To Read more buy the book!
From Here

More Blogposts from Tim…








13 thoughts on “Crafty Andrew Little Awaits ‘Right Moment’ to Snatch Away Free Speech In New Zealand. Lets Be Ready To Defend Our Nation From These Destroyers!”

  1. “. . . Little used the Christchurch atrocity to argue that New Zealand’s current situation on free speech is ‘too lenient’. ”

    What atrocity? Are you referring to that clumsy psyop staged with crisis actors and dummies? I have been analyzing the relevant material – videos, photographs, testimonies of “survivors”, etc. – for more than a year, and have found no evidence that this was a real event. On the contrary, it was, as far as I can see, nothing more than theater for a gullible public

    You don’t believe me? You think I am just a “conspiracy theorist”? Then explain to me how it was that, when the alleged gunman entered the prayer hall of Al Noor Mosque, the two heaps of “bodies” were already in place. Explain to me how it was that the “body” in the gutter outside the mosque, when photographed after the event, had no head – and a tube protruding from the torso where the head formerly fitted on.

    These are only two of the anomalies in the official narrative. I could list more than a dozen more. But instead, I suggest you visit my website at Then look at some of the other websites that deal with this monstrous deception. Make up your own mind.

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