Category Archives: Bigotry and Hate

NEED A PERMIT TO HELP THE POOR? Nazi Hamilton Council Bastards!


Waikato Times reports…. “A group feeding Hamilton’s needy say the council is forcing them out of Garden Place to stop more homeless people coming to the area. But the council says while they have received complaints about the group feeding the homeless, their primary concern is the fact that those involved don’t have the appropriate permit to operate in a public.”
Read on here..


Of course it’s not just the council… Hamilton CBD seems to be infested with Mean spirited whinney Bitches who complain about everything.
They bleated on about ‘Rif Raff’ frequenting the Legal high outlets etc etc…. making all sorts of wild allegations… etc Ad Nauseam… and the Council was more than willing to use this as a pretext to write even more unjust laws… and generate even more prohibitions.
They tried to stop the Casino being built.

What good is having a public domain if only the Wealthy can use it?
Socialism cares for the weak? YEAH RIGHT!

And you wonder why nobody’s doing business in Town?
Me thinks it has more to do with the Blamers and Ban-ers rather than those they oppress.
The Pompous arses spend all day kicking people out of the city and then wonder why they are going broke?
Morons blame others for their own Nastiness and stupidity.

The reality is none of these activities ought to be criminalised, I almost hope a giant sink hole would open up and swallow the whole CBD…. esp Council HQ.
What a hole it has become.
When benevolent Citizens show compassion for their fellow man the Socialist infested Council makes it illegal!
If I was Mayor I would tell all these small minded fascists to ether shut their traps… or shut their shops and Bugger off somewhere else! And allow more tolerant others to use the city.

Hamilton CBD needs more freedom, less Government.

The Great Waitangi Debate. 2010

Part 1.

Part 2.

Part 3.

My (Tim Wikiriwhi) contribution to this televised debate starts (below) at part 4….

Part 6.

Not only is the Treaty separatist movement deceitful and immoral.. a giant scam, it is also the chief reason Maori have such horrible social statistics because it poisons the soul and teaches them to blame others for their own choices and misery.
Today we have Mongrel Mob Murderers appealing their sentences ‘on the basis that they are Maori’…. this is supposed to define them *as helpless victims of greater injustices*.
And this has become the Official line…. This is what they are teaching your kiddies at school.

What is their solution?
To Teach Boy’s they are ‘Warriors’…. that ‘the system’ is some foreign invaders tyranny…. that life was wonderful here before the white man turned up. etc as if that’s really going to help them in their relationships…. and help them to succeed in society!

It teaches them to deny 1/2 of their owe heritage!…. because they are all part- Pakeha too!

As a Maori among Maori, it has been a lonely, thankless and even dangerous path for me to speak out these truths for the sake of opening the Eyes of the Maori people that they have been deceived by the Racist radicals in their midst who are teaching them to become horrible Racist Haters.
When the truth challenges Political Advantage and calls for an end to the blame game, and for Self-responsibly instead …. it is a remedy that is not received with gratitude.
Maori have identified themselves with the disease… and it frightens them to abandon such a world view…. yet it is my sincere belief that it is the average Maori individual who has the most to gain from ending Waitangi apartheid and establishing racial equality before the Law.
Under Equality Maori can and will prosper and will be free to revel in their own culture… no longer political footballs….. this is my dream.
Tim Wikiriwhi
Christian Libertarian Independent.

t and j
Tim Wikiriwhi and John Ansell speaking at the Hamilton ‘Treatygate’ meeting in 2013.

Read more about Waitangi Separatism from Tim Wikiriwhi….

Where Haters come from.

Tim Wikiriwhi’s Submission to the New Zealand Government’s Constitutional Review. 2013

Mt Everest is for Wimps! Lets Conquer Apartheid Government in New Zealand! A strategy.

TREATYGATE Hamilton…introducing John Ansell

The Shame of Maori Radicalism. Hate and Violence.

Why a new Constitution for New Zealand must protect the Individual from Mobocracy.

Paul Holmes on Waitangi day Stench.

State of Confusion. The Rule of Law vs The Mandate of the Majority. New Zealand’s Constitutional Crisis.

Low Lives in High Places. Water and John Key’s Racist Alliance

The Great Waitangi Swindle.

Trojan Horse: The UN Separatist Declaration of Indigenous Rights.

Universal Pride in Washington, Separatist Shame in Wellington.

Ayn Rand Didn’t Understand Capitalism. Or Altruism. Or Christianity. Or Reality. JOE CARTER. Acton Institute Powerblog

rand self

There once was a time when I was enamored by the philosophy of Ayn Rand. An émigré from the Soviet Union, the influential novelist and founder of Objectivism had an enthusiasm for market capitalism and a hatred of communism that I found entrancing. I discovered her two major philosophical novels, The Fountainhead and Atlas Shrugged, in my early years in college as I was beginning to wake from my enchantment with liberalism. I was instantly hooked.

Rand’s ideas were intriguing, yet she harbored sentiments that made it difficult for a young Christian to accept. She was an atheist who despised altruism and preached the “virtue of selfishness.” She believed that rational self-interest was the greatest good and sang the praises of egoism.

In retrospect, it appears obvious that any attempt to reconcile these ideas with my orthodox evangelicalism was destined to fail. Still, I thought there might be something to the philosophy and was particularly intrigued by her defense of capitalism. My understanding of our economic system was a rather immature, though, and I failed to recognize that Rand had an almost complete misunderstanding of capitalism. She confused self-interest with selfishness.
Read more >>>Here<<< Read More of my criticisms of Objectivism below... We are not Robots Ayn Rand. We are Moral Agents.

Higher Values than Wealth or Self Interest

Classic Libertarian Idealism Cares (Objectivism is as silly as Socialism)

Christ-likeness…Heroic Self-sacrifice… John Shear throws himself in front of a horse to save little girl. (Ayn Rand’s Objectivism blows!)

Jefferson’s God. The Rock upon which Liberty is founded. (God save us from Atheism!)

Faith, Science, and Reason. The Pomposity of Atheism.

God is the Font of Morality. Why Objectivists Hate Ron Paul. (updated)

The Failure of Objectivist Libertarianism.

Thorns in the Flesh.

Materialism renders Man Nought. Meaning-less, Value-less, Right-less

Atheism has no basis for Rights… or Morals.

Un-ask-able questions… Police Brutality: When should you shoot a Cop?


This video not only highlights the blatant criminality of police violence agianst protesters, party goers, etc, but also reminds me of the Cannibals case of Jan Molenaar who fired on New Zealand Police officers executing a ‘routine’ cannabis search warrant at his house at 41 Chaucer Road, killing Senior Constable Len Snee and seriously injuring Senior Constables Bruce Miller and Grant Diver. A neighbour attempting to assist the police was also shot. Read about that >>>here<<< I was thinking that Pot smokers and their friends, neighbours, and families have become so submissive of peaceful people being violently fucked over by police under the pretence of the 'war on drugs', that we are shocked when One man chooses to defend his own liberty from a corrupt Political tyranny. Now I am not saying pot smokers should start shooting. I believe in passive resistance. Yet lets not confuse who is in the wrong and who is perpetrating violence against whom! Just by posting this to our site brings the fear of being tagged as 'an extremist' invites the intrusive Evil eye... and phobia of Tyrannical retributions... yet tyranny prevails when good people through terror...say nothing. I'm a fan of Peaceful activists like Socrates, Jesus, St Paul, Martin Luther King, Gandhi ...Oh wait.... they all got Whacked. :-( Tim Wikiriwhi. Christian Libertarian. police-beating-kids-2

Read more… Police Brutality in ‘God’s Own’

Filthy Bastards: “It was an Accident”. Kim Dotcom Raid.

Daddy… What part did you play in the Revolution?

God’s Grace, Libertarianism, and Anne Frank

Forbes: Everything You’ve Heard About Crack And Meth Is Wrong


By Jacob Sullum

Growing familiarity with marijuana has been accompanied by growing support for legalization because people discovered through personal experience that the government was lying to them about the drug’s hazards. But it is easier to demonize less popular drugs such as crack cocaine and methamphetamine, which in the public mind are still linked, as marijuana once was, with addiction, madness, and violence. Any attempt to question the use of force in dealing with these drugs therefore must begin by separating reality from horror stories.


That is where Carl Hart comes in. Hart, a neuropsychopharmacologist at Columbia who grew up in one of Miami’s rougher neighborhoods, has done bold, path-breaking research that challenges widely accepted beliefs about crack and meth. In his inspiring and fascinating new memoir High Price, he describes both how he overcame his early disadvantages to secure a tenured position at an Ivy League university and how he came to question everything he thought he knew about drugs as he learned to think critically about the issue.


Before he became a scientist, Hart believed that people who use crack generally get hooked on it and thereby lose control of their behavior. But when he looked at the data on patterns of drug use as an academic, he could plainly see that only a small minority of people who try crack become heavy users. “Even at the peak [of] widespread use,” he writes, “only 10–20 percent of crack cocaine users became addicted.” According to the National Survey on Drug Use and Health, just 3 percent of Americans who have tried this reputedly irresistible and inescapable drug have smoked it in the last month.

Contrary to what anti-drug ads claim, Hart observes, addiction “is not an equal-opportunity disorder.” He notes that even rats, whose voracious consumption of cocaine in certain contrived conditions supposedly shows how powerfully addictive that drug is, tend to use it in moderation when they have other options, such as food, sex, or an interesting environment to explore.


Crack “gained the popularity that it did in the hood…because there weren’t that many other affordable sources of pleasure and purpose,” Hart writes. “And that was why, despite years of media-hyped predictions that crack’s expansion across classes was imminent, it never ‘ravaged’ the suburbs.”

Furthermore, Hart’s own research with heavy crack smokers found that, in contrast with the stereotypical addict who cannot help but immediately consume whatever crack is available, they frequently rejected the drug in favor of small cash payments or vouchers. He got similar results with meth snorters, even though he deliberately recruited frequent consumers who had no interest in stopping. These findings underline a crucial truth that Hart emphasizes: “The effects of drugs on human behavior and physiology are determined by a complex interaction between the individual drug user and her or his environment.”


Hart debunks various other misconceptions about crack and meth. He notes that the vast majority of violence attributed to crack grew out of black-market disputes, as opposed to the drug’s pharmacological effects. His studies found that cocaine and methamphetamine do increase heart rate and blood pressure, but the effect of typical doses is not dangerous in otherwise healthy people. He argues that research linking meth to brain damage confuses correlation with causation and fails to show that meth users’ cognitive capabilities are outside the normal range. And in case you were wondering, “There is no empirical evidence to support the claim that methamphetamine causes one to become physically unattractive.”

Read more >>>here<<< ********* drug-abuse-is-bad-drug-war-is-worse

Well Shucks!
Do you really think that Bigotry, Paranoia, and Tyranny has been propagating lies about how bad drugs like Meth are to maintain public support for their persecution and grievous oppression of an unpopular minority of Citizens????

That’s how evil powers justify violating such principles as our personal sovereignty and property rights over our own bodies and our right to peacefully pursue our own happiness… at our own expense.
I salute Carl Hart for his bravery in presenting his observations which challenge the popular prejudices and delusions of the Status quo, and Forbes for running this story.
Evil prevails when good men do nothing.
We need to expose the war on Drugs for the Brutal tyranny and injustice that it is and empty our prisons of innocent people, and remove such revenues streams from the vicious Drug Cartels and gangs… exactly as ending Alcohol prohibition achieved.

Read my blog post >>> The New Jews… Meth Users.

and >>> New Prohibitions. How our Police and Government work for Criminal Gangs.

And >>> Historic battles. The Libertarian struggle against Drug Prohibition. Why BZP should have been kept Legal.

and >>> Drug users fill New Zealand jails

And >>> What you should know about Drug Prohibition.

And >>> The Child Casualties of the Jihad on Drugs.

And >>> Prohibition is a Bad trip!

And >>> A Transitional Drug Policy

Update: 13-10-14 …
Meth hitler

METH HEAD ALERT: Report statest that Hitler used crystal meth

Comfortably Numb : Confessions of a Nyctophilliac.

There is a common excuse that ‘You cant choose what you believe’… this is self delusion.
In reality we all choose to believe what we do, it just a matter of what moves us.
Some of us are more objective than others … yet being human, psychology still plays a massive roll.
We kid ourselves if we think we are without personal prejudice.

nyctophilia… “an abnormal preference for the night over the day.”


^^^ This meme I ‘liberated’ from the excellent facebook page ‘The Illogical Atheist’ because it vindicates an argument I made in a previous post Nyctophilia: Hiding in the Dark….
Through this meme… The Horse speaketh!

The important thing to appreciate is that many people choose to be atheists because they seek to pretend there are no morals by which they are duty bound.
They block out any and all objective facts of reality or sound arguments that challenge their coveted Nihilism…. closing their eyes, and their minds to any truth which threatens to awaken them from their Meaningless, purposeless, Conscienceless dream.
They keep chanting to themselves… “There is no God”.

In the words of Perfect Circles Maynard James Keenan…
“Best to keep things in the shallow end.
Because I never quite learned how to swim.
I just didn’t want to know”

Read more about my take on Music as a religion… Jim Morrison…. Maynard James Keenan Here>>> Jimi vs Jesus

More…. Nyctophilia: Hiding in the Dark….

“Keep things in the shallow end… because I just didn’t want to know…”

Seether: Know Thyself. How can a Good God exist when there is so much evil in the world? Part 5.

Guy Fawkes. Agent of The AntiChrist. (Re-post)


Guy Fawkes night is creepy! Yet raise your glasses high Ye Liberty Lovers!
As a Libertarian Christian it creeps me out to think about how as a child I took great pleasure in making a Guy for the Bonfire. It bothers me that in my innocence that the sight of a Man burning at the stake did not provoke in me any horror whatsoever… but joy.
Pondering this I shudder at the thought of times and places where Real Men and woman were burned on bonfires, and worse still many of these were Heroic and Righteous people, completely innocent of any wrongdoing. They were victims of persecution and corrupt Laws and Governments, and Religious intolerance. Many were like myself… fringe dwellers labeled Unorthodox ‘Heretics’ and Non-conformists whom dared to challenge the Authority and Doctrines of the Orthodox Church.
Yet Guy Fawkes was not Officially a Heretic , nor was he burned at the stake. For the crime of High treason, He was Hung, Drawn, and Quartered! This is a process in which after being dragged through the streets and Hung on the Gallows, the Body is then cut into 4 pieces. These were then usually fed to Dogs.
All this heinous business churns the stomach and one may wonder why it is that 400 years after the barbaric punishment of Guy Fawkes we still celebrate the event? It is here where I must say that despite the atrocious fate of Guy Fawkes, I am a Fan of this celebration as it memorializes one of the most important circumstances of Providence in establishing Liberty in Western Civilization. Today there is a lot of Fireworks and money changing hands yet the truth behind this celebration is all but forgotten. Let me touch briefly upon the monumental events of the time and activities of Guy Fawkes, and revive understanding of the true meaning of this strange Day.

1605 Guy Fawkes was a devout Catholic, a Jesuit, and enemy of the Protestant King of England and Scotland James the 1st. The Jesuits were a Machiavellian Order…the KGB of the Catholic Church. They were involved in Covert / black opps and because King James had authorized an official translation of the Bible into English, The Catholic Church had marked him for Assassination. The last thing they wanted was the Bible placed into the hands of the common Man! They wanted to maintain their Monopoly on the word of God, the control of which left the populations of Europe at the mercy of the Priest-craft of the church of Rome. In these times Protestant Christians called the Pope the Antichrist, and as if to prove them absolutely right, his Satanic church moved to suppress The word of God from reaching the common Englishman. Enter Guy Fawkes and the Gun powder plot. He was caught planting Gun power in the cellars of the House of Lords to be detonated when King James was in attendance. After getting a forced confession He was sentenced to death and executed. There is not space here to lay out just how dire it would have been to the Liberation of Western Civilization from the yoke of religious tyranny had the Plot succeeded. When the Authorised King James Bible was published in 1611 the effect was Explosive! It is no exaggeration to rank its publication as the single greatest impetus to Freedom and Justice in Modern history. I will leave you with a 200 word letter I sent into the Waikato Times earlier this year in celebration of the 400th anniversary of the KJV.

Dear Ed…This year marks the 400th anniversary of the 1611 King James Bible. Its publication was the greatest single event of the Protestant Reformation inspiring enlightenment, religious toleration, independent thought, and justice among English speaking peoples and beyond. It was onboard the ships of the Pilgrim fathers whom set sail for America desiring freedom from old world tradition and ‘orthodoxy’. An explosion of denominations and sects occurred, which many conservatives mistake as a great evil, when in truth this represents true religious liberty from the tyranny of priest craft and the establishment. Tom Payne quoted the KJV in his ‘Common Sense’ sparking the American Revolution. John Locke used it in formulating his two treaties on civil government upon which Jefferson founded the American Declaration of Independence. It was the Mighty sword used by Wilberforce to end slavery in the British Empire , and later fostered the fraternal inspiration of North American abolition. The Font of civilization, it dispatched brave Church missionaries down to the antipodes to liberate savage tribes from superstition, cannibalism, and lawlessness. It was often upon the lips of Martin Luther King jr calling for peaceful civil disobedience in the fight for equal rights for blacks, etc. Praise God Almighty!
Tim Wikiriwhi

Nothing less than this entire history was at stake in 1605. As a Libertarian, I’m sure glad Guy Fawkes failed. I celebrate the survival of King James the first as an act of Divine Providence from which Western civilization embarked upon the road to religious liberty and enlightenment.

Picture: Painting of the Radical Abolitionist John Brown who inspired by the King James Bible set about to overthrow slavery in the American South by force of arms. Some believe him to be a murderer, Yet in my view He was a righteous Man. He did nothing which was not done on a much grander scale in the Civil War which soon followed after his capture and execution. For an interesting first hand account of this Radical Christian and the abolition of slavery in America I suggest reading ‘The Life and Times of Frederick Douglass.’

Don’t hate on beneficiaries

Fellow blogger Tim has suggested that solo parent beneficiaries are morally inferior to prostitutes. I think this is false.

Government forcibly takes from the productive – which is wrong but it doesn’t mean that it is wrong to receive from the government.

Everyone (or practically everyone) accepts money from the government. Consider these examples of government payouts:-

  • Pensions
  • Working For Families “tax credits”
  • Kiwisaver “employer contribution”
  • Student Allowance
  • Unemployment Benefit
  • Sickness Benefit
  • Wages
  • Contract payments
  • Tax loopholes

Receiving money under the above situations is not in itself wrong and morally no different than receiving a Solo Parent Benefit.

Some people may be motivated to get on a benefit by laziness but laziness is not worse than prostitution.

Prostitution is itself necessarily wrong – receiving money from the government is not.

Beneficiaries are no more deserving of hate than prostitutes – and anger towards them is misdirected – it is the politicians and their supporters committing the unjust acts of theft.

Babes and Ball Crushers.

Nice! A Beautiful woman taking full advantage of her Femininity.

The following is an exert From a ‘New Statesman’ article…

‘Of course all men don’t hate women. But all men must know they benefit from sexism.’

“This is going to hurt. In the past few months, it has been almost impossible to open a newspaper or turn on a television without encountering a story about another under-age girl being raped, another female politician harassed, another trans woman murdered. But as women, girls and a growing number of male allies start speaking out against sexism and injustice, a curious thing is happening: some people are complaining that speaking about prejudice is itself a form of prejudice.

These days, before we talk about misogyny, women are increasingly being asked to modify our language so we don’t hurt men’s feelings. Don’t say, “Men oppress women” – that’s sexism, as bad as any sexism women ever have to handle, possibly worse. Instead, say, “Some men oppress women.” Whatever you do, don’t generalise. That’s something men do. Not all men – just some men.

This type of semantic squabbling is a very effective way of getting women to shut up. After all, most of us grew up learning that being a good girl was all about putting other people’s feelings ahead of our own. We aren’t supposed to say what we think if there’s a chance it might upset somebody else or, worse, make them angry. So we stifle our speech with apologies, caveats and soothing sounds. We reassure our friends and loved ones that “you’re not one of those men who hate women”.

What we don’t say is: of course not all men hate women. But culture hates women, so men who grow up in a sexist culture have a tendency to do and say sexist things, often without meaning to. We aren’t judging you for who you are but that doesn’t mean we’re not asking you to change your behaviour. What you feel about women in your heart is of less immediate importance than how you treat them on a daily basis.

You can be the gentlest, sweetest man in the world yet still benefit from sexism. That’s how oppression works. Thousands of otherwise decent people are persuaded to go along with an unfair system because it’s less hassle that way. The appropriate response when somebody demands a change in that unfair system is to listen, rather than turning away or yelling, as a child might, that it’s not your fault. And it isn’t your fault. I’m sure you’re lovely. That doesn’t mean you don’t have a responsibility to do something about it.

Read more >>>here<<< if you must. ^^^^Whiny Pseudo-Feminist Bullshit Saith I! Esp in New Zealand and the West. We are not talking about the severe oppression of woman in Islamic nations. The feminists in those countries are *Real Activists for equality* fighting *Real Sexism*. We are talking about the Delusion of oppression in countries like New Zealand, Australia, Brittan, etc. Countries in which We actually have the reverse! Woman get special treatment. We have Laws which give Woman advantages and oppress men. Most of what the feminists in western nations bleat about is not about oppression but about Freedom! They are typically Butt ugly Lefty Hot-woman haters and Ball crushers... Notice how the article attempts to lay collective blame upon *all men* as complicit in this 'Sexual tyranny'. Notice how it attempts to nullify the truth... that it is only *a minority* of men who rape, etc. funny-feminist-meme-girl

Pseudo-Feminists seek to De-sex themselves and Men… yet they still want men to treat them like ladies and to be Manly…. It’s utter confusion!
Its a travesty!


Equality means Woman should be prepared to be hit on at work and have their breast comment on and to allow men to have titty calendars up in their workshops… and to hear sexist jokes because that’s freedom and equality.

I’m not suggesting Men ought to behave like that but that such behaviour does not represent ‘oppression.
Most of the time it’s just light humour of the same sort as Men poke at each other.
At worst it’s just bad manors and crass.

Men dont care if woman have Calenders of ‘half naked men in their office… or tell feminist jokes or get hit on by female co-workers….

Of course it is the right of employers to govern such things as Calenders, etc in the work place and to foster a culture where everyone feels comfortable .
What I am griping about is the new culture of Complaint when a feminist goes into a Man’s domain and then complains to Management about a Girlie calendar on a Guys work station.


Feminists make up a large percentage of the Vocal support restore and to maintain the prohibition of prostitution, and to ban Pornography… which are Laws which remove woman’s rights over their own bodies.


*What feminists want is not equality and freedom* but Special advantages and to oppress men for being men.
It sux and it makes woman into ugly He-woman… a type of transvestite!

fem 3

I am not saying *All large plain Janes are like this. Many are not.
Many are not bitter and twisted Men haters.
Yet There is a good reason why Feminists are stereotyped as Big fat ugly women with bad attitudes.
Why these particular types Hate prostitutes and strippers.
Hate beautiful woman being ogled at.
It’s because they are driven by *Envy* and lack of self esteem.
They blame Men and Hot chicks for their own obesity!
Truly most Western feminists are uglier on the inside than on the out!

I’m not even suggesting woman ought to be prostitutes, strippers, or Porn stars.
I am saying that such things are within their legitimate rights and liberties.
I’m a Christian and as such I believe sex workers *devalue them selves*… yet because the world is the way it is… I can appreciate and respect why they do it.
I have far more respect and admiration for sex workers than for Dole bludgers.
To my way of thinking a dollar earned by sex work is an honest Dollar, as it allows them to take care of themselves and to provide for their kids, etc.
You see plenty of woman take full advantage of their beauty and femininity… as Models, Promo Girls, and in the entertainment industry.
Many get rich and famous because of it.
The reality in the West is that most of the so-called Feminism in the movement is not about getting equal rights for woman. Its a Bogus ‘charade Feminism’… a Front… for large numbers of Fat, ugly, Nasty woman to hate on Men and their more beautiful contemporaries who have taken the trouble to Keep them selves in shape and looking their best… and wield formidable Sexual power.
(Take care Babes… The love of Money… and power Corrupts!)

amy lee palmer
Kiwi Model Amy Lee Palmer

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There are no Laws in NZ which says Woman must accept lower pay than men.
There are no Laws in New Zealand against woman becoming Mechanics and Engineers, Truck drivers etc.
The fact is that for what ever reason woman choose not to engage in these types of occupation.
This disparity is Freedom at work.
The fact is that you ought not to require Political coercion to achieve a higher order of civilisation.
If some people think this is wrong then they ought to try and start a cultural revolution via preaching and sharing their values and vision, not to lobby for restrictions on Liberty.
If ultimately they are ignored because Society does not desire to change or embrace their opinion
that’s simply ‘Hard Cheese’ for them.
They have no legitimate rights to impose their opinions upon society via Anti-freedom legislations.


Like most men I Love woman!
In my dealings with them at work and in my private life I attempt to treat them with the utmost respect no matter whether I find them attractive or not.
I take care not to allow myself to be governed by my own sexual drives and opinions.
I respect competence, intelligence, ethics, and nouse.
IMO A woman’s attitude is what is the most important thing.
A sexy woman with a nasty, demanding, Cold or Narcissistic attitude is *Not sexy!*…. she’s a Monster as far as I’m concerned.
And a woman who may be considered plain or overweight is far more appealing when they are happy within themselves and not consumed with envy and jealousy… when they actually enjoy being treated as an equal… laughs and enjoys Boys being boys in her presence… takes no offence at Blonde jokes, and does not get nasty when Men take notice of beautiful woman.
That is an emancipated woman.

Tim Wikiriwhi.

Read more about this here >>>> The mother of Invention?

Feminism, Lisa Lewis, and the death of romance.

Meet a Real Feminist with a legitimate cause here >>>> “If I don’t speak, who will?” Malala Yousafzai, 14

I’m a Real Feminist myself! >>>> Standing up for Justice more important than Personal Ambitions