Category Archives: Christian Libertarianism

Hamilton Homeless Meet and Greet… The Lords feet and hands working in the trenches.

ham hom

Great ‘Hamilton Home-less‘ meeting tonight.
Awesome Interesting caring people from all walks… gathered together in the spirit of Christian charity and good will.

The Lord works in mysterious ways!

The reasons people said which moved them to step up were such things as their “love of God and his people…”
Many had been through tuff times themselves in the past and had the deep desire to “Give something back”.
One of the Organisers said that because they claimed the name of Jesus, that he “didn’t want to be a hypocrite” and that he wanted to believe his life to have contributed something Good and right.


Even Hamilton East Mp David Bennett put in a show.
He did not grand stand, or offer up ‘buckets of other peoples money… ill gotten’, but contributed his advise as to the best way he thought the group could move forward.
Good on Him.

The Pastor of Rototuna’s C3 Church turned up and said he was keen for his fellowship to assist.

‘Hamilton Homeless’ are looking to become a charitable trust and to have premises in the CBD… both essential for serving this sector of our community whom naturally congregate in the CBD.
They hope to eventually extend their charitable work far beyond just the homeless, to include anyone…. families… students… etc whom need some Kai and fellowship.
So Pray for them!

ham home

Hamilton Homeless Mission statement.

There certainly is a growing need for such private charitable voluntary associations.
For all The Platitudes of our Socialist ‘Welfare State’…. ‘Caring’, there are multitudes subsisting on and below the poverty line.
The Hamilton City council is doing everything they can to impede this charity work, including threats of arrest.

It’s time to step up peeps.
I hope to become an active contributor to this worthy cause.
You don’t have to be a Christian.
You don’t have to be wealthy.
You don’t have to have heaps of spare time to contribute something… whether Donations of Money, food,… even hugs!
This is about what is best in humanity, and making a real difference to people at the bottom of the heap.

Tim Wikiriwhi.
Hamilton Christian Libertarian.

Update: 14-4-14.
90 showed up for tonites Feed.
Winter is coming!
Hamilton Homeless needs Warm clothing, blankets, and wet weather gear/ tarps, etc.
The need for Extra large men’s clothing is dire.
If you can donate any of these items, or help out in any way please contact Hamilton homeless at the facebook link … private message >>>here<<< or... Jo, Admin 027 8146995 Coordinators Monday- Oli and Bex 021 0771526 Tuesday- Petrina 022 1772210 Wednesday- Claire 027 9459474 Thursday- Kyle 027 2579269 Friday- Murdoch 022 0112002 Saturday- Jahna 021 08188666 Sunday- Kim 020 40318001 Food Donations- Mel 027 8432273 Claire, Manager 0279459474

Shitstorm in Nevada! The Crisis Revisited. DC Clothesline.


Militias Are On Route: Is the 2nd American Revolution Starting in Bunkerville, Nevada?


An area just outside of the little town of Bunkerville, Nevada, with a population of around a thousand people, may go down in history. This little spot in the desert may be compared with Lexington, Massachusetts, the site of the “shot heard round the world” – the first shot fired in the American Revolution. Because it looks like the second American Revolution may start there…and soon.

Read more… DC Clothesline…. >>> here <<< *****************************************************

The Obamaites must be freaking out because if they cause another Waco it could escalate into a full on Nation wide Revolution.

A vast number of Americans have been pepping for exactly this.
We have all herd about the Fiscal cliff and seen chaos break out in Europe with the financial collapse of various Nation States.


Waco Texas 1993

The US economy has been living on borrowed time and any armed conflict between Americans and their government could trigger collapse, and then we shall see the truth!
That far from being the saviours of the American Dream… Obama’s democrats have been the final Nail in its coffin!
Only Foolish Morons could have ever believed his shameless promises for ‘Change’.
The Obama Democrats are the enemies of the American people!

They will try and blame the collapse on the Rebels yet it was their Big spending and tyrannical laws which really are to blame.
And we shall see why the government has been making FEMA camps and buying up Billions of Rounds of Ammo, and has been strategically installing Military vehicles in police stations around the Nation.
These things were never meant for ‘Terrorists’…. but for controlling and suppressing the outrage of the American People against the Obama Government.
Obama will no doubt also play the ‘Race card’ and say that the trouble was cause by ‘White supremacists’ ….etc etc.

Yet still Only Foolish morons could still believe that the Republicans are any better!
They proved their corruption too when the shafted Ron Paul… the last Great hope America had.
We shall see in the coming civil unrest that the Republicans to a large extent will join with Obama in the hope of putting down any unrest… out of pure greed.
Just because they are not in power does not automatically mean they will support the Revolution.
They have vested interesting in maintaining the status quo.

“It is easier for a Camel to pass through the eye of a needle than for a rich man to enter the Kingdom of heaven.”


It has been the threat that the American people themselves pose to the Obama government which has been the real reason He has been hell bent on attempting to remove the 2nd Amendment rights, and to Dis-arm the American people…. esp to take away their Automatic weapons, and High capacity Magazines.
So that he can Subjugate them utterly, and maintain the corrupt State indefinitely…. no matter how terrible things get for the people…. how much poverty and police brutality ensues…

With regards to the rebellion in Nevada, it will be ‘interesting’ to observe how the Obama Regime behaves in respect to Social networking and the Net.
Will we witness a tyrannical ‘shut down’ of parts of the net? Of people who are on those government ‘watch lists’ for ‘Libertarian extremism’…. being suddenly blocked on Facebook, twitter etc???
How will these companies behave when the Hour of Crisis is at hand… when the Government threatens to confiscate their wealth and property?
No doubt self interest will overcome any sense of Justice and they will side with the Beast!

And the tyrannical Rot could spread around the Globe…. people like myself could even get arrested… here at the bottom of the World.
If not today…. some time soon.
Get Prepping People…. the world could be thrown into Darkness at any time.

The biggest problem is that though I can speak of the Times and the Seasons…. I cannot predict the Day nor the Hour.
Though all the Auguries forsooth ill… the Collapse and chaos may yet be avoided…. delayed …. yet with time the situation gets worse not better.

Yes It is all about Money and Power!
The socialists around the globe have Ruined western civilisation and they know it…. and they have prepared for the coming storm of their own creation.

The only Course which can result in the least Death and Mayhem would be for the entire American government to Resign… and a new Government to be re-constituted upon the original foundations of the Republic…. an absolute end to socialism and big government, and a return to self reliance… and voluntary community action.

And for the rest of western civilisation to follow suit.

Yet as you know…. there is virtually no hope of the powers that be surrendering…. of admitting they have failed the American people.
They are far more likely to drag the world to hell rather than surrender their power and filthy lucre.

Tim Wikiriwhi.
Christian Libertarian.

Update: 13-4-14 High Noon at the Bundy Ranch. “A Tiananmen square moment”.

The Crisis…. Tom Paine.


December 23, 1776

THESE are the times that try men’s souls. The summer soldier and the sunshine patriot will, in this crisis, shrink from the service of their country; but he that stands by it now, deserves the love and thanks of man and woman. Tyranny, like hell, is not easily conquered; yet we have this consolation with us, that the harder the conflict, the more glorious the triumph. What we obtain too cheap, we esteem too lightly: it is dearness only that gives every thing its value. Heaven knows how to put a proper price upon its goods; and it would be strange indeed if so celestial an article as FREEDOM should not be highly rated. Britain, with an army to enforce her tyranny, has declared that she has a right (not only to TAX) but “to BIND us in ALL CASES WHATSOEVER” and if being bound in that manner, is not slavery, then is there not such a thing as slavery upon earth. Even the expression is impious; for so unlimited a power can belong only to God. …

Great American. War of Independence.
Tom Paine.

Read more….

Riders on the Storm! Homeland Security already confiscating guns .

Time to Choose…. Storm Clouds Gathering. God given Rights vs Tyranny

Time for Regime Change in the USA.

Daddy… What part did you play in the Revolution?

Turkey shoot! Why Tyrants and Psychopaths Love Gun Prohibition.

The Coming American Civil War.

The Rape Of American Democracy

Epitaph. The Death of America and Western Democracy. Ron Paul’s Farewell Speech.

White Rose. Hans and Sophie Scholl – The Final Days: True Story of Anti-Nazi Activist

For Goodness sake…Stick to your Guns!


High Times Poll. More Stoners believe in God.


Hightimes are running a Poll on ‘The God question …>>Here<<

If you get high, eventually you get around to discussing the possible existence of the Force, the Creator, the Big Guy Upstairs or whatever you wanna call the Big Unknown. So what do you believe? You’ve got three choices.

The Results are conclusive…

I’m an atheist. I don’t believe in God.
27% (1241 VOTES)
I’m an agnostic. I’m not sure, but I’m open to the idea.
24% (1096 VOTES)
I believe in a higher power.
49% (2255 VOTES)
Total votes: 4592

roadtrip with joy and tracey 019

So Getting High is not detrimental to faith in God… the expanded consciousness could even be conducive towards a realisation that what passes for ‘society’, and the mundane and trivial fashions, etc is insignificant compared to the Grandeur of the total Human experience.
I know that Getting stoned certainly has resulted in countless hours of contemplation about the meaning of life and given me a deeper appreciation for the Natural wonders which surround me.


Any Doubts? Legalise!

probition doesnt work april14 008

“Better that 100 innocents burn than one witch escape”…. saith the Grand inquisitor.

“Better that ten guilty persons escape, than that one innocent suffer.” saith Blackstone.

“Tiz Better to er on the side of Liberty than tyranny.”
A Libertarian Maxim.

So many issues confronting legislators are hard to decide.
When tempers and fears…. and vested interests are threatened many things are deemed to be ‘scientifically proven to be evil…. only later to be discovered that it was ‘Science falsely so-called’

Only Fools believe that it is the duty of Government to investigate all things and legislate accordingly…. Once general principles of Liberty and justice have been established, if a certain thing upsets a particular sector of society… yet cannot be certainly proven to contravene those principles… the practice ought not to be banned, and society ought to be left to deal with it via their personal domain of self responsibility, and Freedom.
Even when certain practices have strong evidence to be harmful, it does not automatically justify prohibitions.
There are principles of self ownership, Liberty, etc which protect the individual from becomming the subject of the Government.
Eg Cigarettes may be hazardous, yet they ought not to be banned.
Anti-smoking groups are of course free to preach against smoking, yet society must take care that their constituted legislators are forbidden from making Laws which violate personal sovereignty and responsibility.
A persons Health… what they choose to consume… is their own business.

Does Gay marriage encroach upon the rights and liberties of Straights?
It may be indirectly detrimental… yet still it is better to er on the side of Liberty.

Party Pills, synthetic cannabis… are they really dangerous to those who consume them?
What sort of relevance does that question even really have in regards to justice and the question of their Legitimate rights and liberties???
They should be legal, and it be a matter of personal responsibility whether or not an individual chooses to Use or abstain.

Sudafed ought to be Legal.
Guns should not be Banned.
You should be allowed to ride your motorbike without a helmet.

probition doesnt work april14 009

Currently their is a witch-craze brewing in regards to synthetic cannabis.
‘Reports are flowing in that it is Harmful…. causing psychosis, etc…. yet how much weight should we put on such claims?
Others say…. we dont have enough ‘good scientific Data’ to determine if said products are ‘safer than alcohol’…. all of which is ridiculous given that alcohol is lethal… and the question of the Safety of a product like synthetic cannabis… is irrelevant!
It’s a Bogus concept from start to Finnish!

I dont expect the sheeple to understand this.
They are Idiots who worship the State and expect to be treated like children… yet I am gob smacked…. I am appalled by the so-called ‘Liberals’ who have forsaken the tenets of Liberty and have become the advocates on Nanny State…. under the guise of ‘public Safety’!

What is even more despicable is that Many are doing so for the most underhanded reasons…. they have an agenda whereby they gain Liberty for themselves at the expense of another unpopular minority… a lot like Nazi Collaborators who thought it expedient to betray Jews and gypsies.

The greatest problem with being a Libertarian Idealist is that Everyone is against you… even many who pretend to be ‘Libertarians!’

99% of Everyone has Pet hates and prejudices which they think vindicates oppressive powers of State!
Everyone wants freedom for themselves, yet desire the State to trample over some particular ‘rodent population’.

“He who would sacrifice Freedom for Safety, deserves neither” Benjimin Franklin.

“The ultimate result of shielding men from the effects of folly, is to fill the world with fools. Herbert Spencer.

“The welfare of the people in particular has always been the alibi of tyrants, and it provides the further advantage of giving the servants of tyranny a good conscience.”
Albert Camus

“Absolute power corrupts even when exercised for humane purposes. The benevolent despot who sees himself as a shepherd of the people still demands from others the submissiveness of sheep. The taint inherent in absolute power is not it’s inhumanity, but it’s anti-humanity.”
Eric Hoffer

“The greatest tyrannies are always perpetuated in the name of the noblest causes.”
Thomas Paine

“Every collectivist revolution rides in on a Trojan horse of “emergency”. It was the tactic of Lenin, Hitler and Mussolini. In the collectivist sweep over a dozen minor countries of Europe…And “emergency” became the justification of subsequent steps. This technique of creating emergency is the greatest achievement that demagoguery attains.”

Herbert Hoover


The Greatest lie of all is that if something is legal it must be ‘safe’… and therefore unless we know something is Safe…. it ought to be made illegal.
*This is the very antithesis of Libertarian Liberty and self responsibility!
It is the recipe for Totalitarian Nanny State!

Nothing Negates Moral self-responsibility for Independent Adults!
Only Force and Fraud can be rightfully outlawed.
It’s not the governments fault when a fool drinks or smokes himself to death… It’s his own fault!
Stop trying to make the State responsible for everything!
If you believe something is Bad… Use your legitimate powers to enlighten and warn others… but never call for an expansion of Government or for Laws which encroach into the domain of Liberty and self-responsibility.

Only when you see Force or fraud ought you to intervene, and call the Police.

What matters is Freedom and individual rights and sovereignty…. not some fictitious safety standard!
Leave individuals free to determine the Risk/ benefits.

the inquisition
The Grand inquisition.

Spare me all the bitching about how your Teens wont obey you… how they wont talk to you any more!
Dont blame it on the drugs…. how about looking in the mirror when you are nutting out like a Lunatic!
How do you expect your youth to respond to such lunacy?
Maybe whats going on in regards to your failing relationships has more to do with your incompetence, Bigotry, and Hypocrisy rather than ‘evidence’ that Drugs are adversely effecting your Young adults Brains.????
And what good do you think getting the Police to impose your Fanaticism upon to them is going to do????

What is the ultimate Irony of all is that the Drug war is absolutely disastrous with regards to the safety and well being of our Youth… and expanding it is the absolute worst thing to do.
Tim Wikiriwhi

banna phone

Read more….

Albert J Nock and the Atrophy of Charity and Self-Reliance.

Life before Suffocating Nanny State Bubble wrap.

Forbes: Everything You’ve Heard About Crack And Meth Is Wrong

Let’s talk rationally about Synthetic Cannabis and how society ought to manage it.

New Prohibitions. How our Police and Government work for Criminal Gangs.

Historic battles. The Libertarian struggle against Drug Prohibition. Why BZP should have been kept Legal.

The Broad way. Morality by vote. Social Arbitrary Law.

Tim Wikiriwhi’s Submission to the New Zealand Government’s Constitutional Review. 2013

The New Zealand War of the 1860s was not a ‘Land war’… It was a Sovereignty War.


Watch *this Video*

For New Zealand….It is one of the greatest Political Lies of our Day…
The lie that the 1860s War was a Land war…. just another example of British Imperial Greed.
The Truth is that it was a Sovereignty War!
A Sovereignty which Britain was very hesitant to adopt.

The War was an armed rebellion led by Tainui against the Sovereignty of The Queen of England.
They set up their own *King!*
And that is why Nagpuhi and Te Arawa Fought with The British.
They Preferred an English Woman to be their Queen rather than a Tainui Man.
The Rebellion was an act of aggression by Rebels who intended to drive the Pakeha into the Sea…. and they expected it to be as Easy as ‘Cutting Grass’.
The Confiscations happened *After* this murderous Breach of the Treaty of Waitangi, as UTU for their Heinous Crimes.
Ie The Confiscations were *an enforcement of the treaty*.
Neither is it true to say These confiscations…. or British Colonisation was responsible for the impoverishment of Tainui Maori…. They were impoverished by their ongoing tribalism.
In fact the conviscations…. by discouraging a repeat of the rebellion ….Re-established peace which was… the foundation for future peace and Prosperity for all!

^^^This is the truth about British colonisation in New Zealand!

Ngaa haka group
^^^Or do you think this is better???
Dont get me wrong…. I’m not saying Maori should be ashamed of their past, or should not enjoy what is best in their unique culture…. but that it is very dangerous to be trapped into thinking you must absolutely identify yourself by such archaic visions.
To do so is a trap…. it is to live in the past and to worship a false ideal.
And this false Ideal is trapping many Maori in a lie.


^^^ This is Me! A descendant of Te Arawa and Ngapuhi….. A Proud Independent, self reliant Maori who does not expect any ‘Special treatment’ because of my race.
I am an Engineer!
Not a Maori engineer…. not a Warrior.
I am a self reliant independent individual who only seeks my own freedom and equality before the Law.
My own Culture is my own business.

Please don’t mistake my ‘Self promotion’ as Vanity.
I am simply attempting to shine a light down a path I sincerely believe is in the best interest of Maori.
A path denied by the ‘Treaty Grievers’…. I declare that Maori poverty, ill health and crime cannot be rightly blamed upon British colonisation, nor is the solution to be found in Racist legislations which assume Maori need special treatment.
The opposite is true.
British colonisation was a great Boon, a great liberation from stone age superstitions, poverty, slavery, and tribal war!
And that the way forward is to absolutely forsake the grievers/ victim-ism mentality fostered by the Racist radicals…. and to embrace Freedom and equality before the Law…. and to *Work hard…. study Hard…. and embrace ethics of Self responsibility in the pursuit of our own happiness.
This is where Enlightenment and true self empowerment lies.
You can escape tribalism, yet still enjoy and ‘honour’ your roots.

I implore Maori to wake up the all the Machiavellian Racist lies they are being fed by their own so-called leaders.
All The discord we hear today are lies designed to lever money and power back to the Maori Oligarchy… not the common Maori…. whom are just Pawns in the Elitists game…. as has always been the Case.

Read More….

Looking Forward, not Backwards: Dynamic Culture vs Stagnation. Why British Colonisation was good for Maori.

TREATYGATE Hamilton…introducing John Ansell

Trojan Horse: The UN Separatist Declaration of Indigenous Rights.

Universal Pride in Washington, Separatist Shame in Wellington.

The Shame of Maori Radicalism. Hate and Violence.

New Zealand’s ‘Cold’ Civil War. Constitutional Crisis.

Tim Wikiriwhi’s Submission to the New Zealand Government’s Constitutional Review. 2013

Legalised Force attracts Thugs and Bullies like flies to…

Cop Commits Blatant Perjury

Did This Cop Lie? You Tell Me!

Posted by Dave Champion's Liberty on Friday, February 5, 2016

^^^^Watch this appalling video about Police brutality.
It inspired this post. (note: The original video posted here was deleted from the net, so I have inserted this one from Dave Champion’s Liberty Facebook page.
Dave is an inspiration!)

ok that one has gone now…. look at this one….

Ok that one has gone now too… so here we see You Tubes ongoing trend of censorship of materials that expose Government corruption.

Please carry on reading my blogpost as it easily stands on it’s own merits.


We live in a PC Wowzers world in which Socialists Mess with our society under the most ridiculous and naive Agendas.
A hot topic for the Meddlers at present is the Feminists are trying to more closely ‘equalise’ the numbers of woman in such occupations as Business executives, and even Engineering… and typical to the Socialist mind… they are prepared to use Legal coercion to attain their Desideratum rather than respecting Freedom and utilising persuasion.

I don’t dispute that Silly cultural norms and prejudices tend to generate statistical disparities in who does what for a living, yet it is foolish to think that disparities are evidence of wicked Employer mindsets…or that even having identified the prevalence of certain bigoted mentalities that heavy handed dictates are a justifiable solution….

It appears that Socialism itself is a Political Ideology which attracts more than their fair share of busy bodies who have no compunction against using force to impose *Their personal prejudices!

Oblivious to the above irony Social engineers fail to appreciate the simple reality that left to follow their own yearnings… Different personality types…. different sexes, etc gravitate and accumulate in various occupations of their own accord.
And to the degree that this happens without Political coercion…. this tends to the greatest happiness of everyone as individuals make their own choices and trade offs to achieve the most favourable outcomes… in their own minds.

Money/ remuneration is not everything…to some it is and they will be prepared to sacrifice many other things to that end…. yet Wealth attainment is not the most important thing to many people.
Some people have Humanitarian vocations or have a passion for something …and rank ‘being at the coal face’… where the action is… is a far more valuable achievement that mere Financial reward.
The socialist notion of ‘Parity of pay’ does great harm by ‘poisoning the well’…. fermenting discord… sewing the idea that vocational workers like ‘nurses’, ‘Teachers’, counsellors, etc should be putting their own Financial reward ahead of these other values… and in so doing these services begin to fill up with People who dont really give a damn about the people they are supposed to care for.
The lie is proven that Socialism is not at all about human compassion and higher values … but all about financial Greed.

And Socialisms love for Power and coercion has had other dire consequences for the social professions… I want to highlight one in particular… the Police.
Joining the Police ought to be looked upon as a vocation for people who care about justice and want to protect and serve their community, yet Socialist Laws, and the socialist mentality has corrupted this noble profession and turned it into a Hive of Violent thuggery and oppression…. always cloaked under the guise of social concern!

When Western Civilisation to a great extent abandoned such things as Guildism and Feudal laws which trapped surfs to the soil…. and Liberty increased the mobility of people between occupations and trades…. the phenomenon I am describing in respect to the Modern socialist Police force … began to unfold in respect to employment across the board.
Many people left the rural districts and became factory workers etc… seeking their own well being and prosperity, and were also free to pursue their other dreams and values… vocations.

gay hair

And though Socialism has done its best to reverse this liberty via it’s tyrannical Trade regulations, compliances, and Credentialism… yet still to the degree that freedom reigns we see personal choices and ‘cultural norms’ being played out via such things as a statistical prevalence of Woman and Gay men choosing to get involved in hair dressing and fashion.
A far greater number of Men in Engineering. Etc.
These disparities being a result of liberty of action… and because they are to the greatest degree ‘natural’ … they are just.
Greater numbers of ‘Straight men’ simply prefer to be Engineers rather than Hair dressers, and visa versa for woman.
If we altered the prevalent cultural perspectives of our society, no doubt the numbers would change of their own accord.
Coercive Social engineering on the other hand can and does have horrendous consequences for the well being of society … because of the tyrannical ideals which are artificially imposed.

I have said all of the above about the dynamics of Freedom in employment to esp point out the Sad reality that Socialists have a hatred of freedom and love of Political coercion and state power…. and the Power ,force, and violence Socialism accrues in it’s Machine… *of itself* attracts certain mentalities… … traits which were very prevalent during the Nazi Terror, and in other places… and Socialism has cultivated these Dark Natural traits of Humanity to amass themselves in the Police force, prison system, and other ‘social services’ which wield formidable powers of Law and coercion.
The vestiges of ‘vocation’ only remains as platitudes… cloaks of piety disguising Horrendous evils.

hitlers Furies

Just as Hitler’s Concentration camps attracted the most vile Sadists,
The Police forces of western civilisation have become infested with Mindless thugs whom relish violence.
Power Crazy Social Services like CYfS are over run with Feminist men haters and Bullies whom think nothing about Ripping children away from their homes over the most trifling and arbitrary excuses.


We are witnessing legalised Crimes and thuggery on a grand scale, and Evil and misery abounds.
our courts and prisons are choked up with many False Crimes and many false criminals.
Many true Criminals Wear official badges… others crowd our Parliament!
The Evil self righteous hypocrites who will Call for Zero Tolerance in regards to such things as smoking Cannabis… destroying thousands of lives and families… yet then going home and kissing their own children and pretending to being Caring and socially conscientious citizens.
These injustices destroy their victims faith in society and generate thousands of *Real* Criminals… because they have been F56ked ova by society they then see no reason not to become a scourge upon a society which has rendered them outcasts…

That is how Evil generates more Evil.


There is a much better way of doing things people!
The solution to all of this…. The Urgently needed reforms to purge these institutions of the scum within is to systematically Removed the excessive powers and Bad laws which have promoted this Rot.
We must Dethrone the Socialist Maniacs and Restore real Justice and Liberty… and make these professions respectable enough to again attract the virtuous and truly socially concerned amongst us into these field of employment because of their vocational value… people who function on that higher plane far above those whom relish violence …. or believe Political force trumps cultural and personal enlightenment.

Yet today we are a million miles away from where we need to be.
We need a Revolution.
We need an enlightenment.
We need to remove the fog of totalitarianism and regain the clarity of what the true value of Freedom is in respect to Law and order.
These are truths I have learned via first hand experience.
I see Great evils all about me… and the misery and injustice appals me.
I cannot sit idly by and allow this to continue without raising my voice!
How can anyone who knows the truth let their children inherit such wickedness in high places?
Not I.

Socialism is a Wolf in sheep’s clothing.

Tim Wikiriwhi.
Christian Libertarian.


Important Caveat: I am not saying *All Police* *All CYFS Officers* are evil, but that too many are.
Thankfully there are still some who have entered these professions whom genuinely seek to protect and serve.
These people will be acutely aware of the truth of what i have said above and ought to be desirous to remedy the situation.
Many will have been battling their own consciences having been expected to implement ‘orders’ and laws they know in their hearts are wrong.
Many simply leave.
Yet I would prefer The goodies dont allow themselves to be marginalised but instead determine to work for ‘Cultural change’ within these institutions and to support reforms which curtain evil political powers, and which make the evil Bastards in their midst accountable for their crimes.
Lets reform our legal system starting Right at the Top!
Then Reform the Law codes.
Then kick out all the Thugs in the Police and other departments.
….and once again The Police could be an institution of Respect and Law and order.


Read more from Tim


Nazi Thugs just over the ditch! Australian Police State well advanced… New Zealand Bikers Beware!

Protect and Serve.

Police Brutality in ‘God’s Own’

Filthy Bastards: “It was an Accident”. Kim Dotcom Raid.

Un-ask-able questions… Police Brutality: When should you shoot a Cop?

Righteous Law Enforcers want to end the War on Drugs.

NEED A PERMIT TO HELP THE POOR? Nazi Hamilton Council Bastards!


Waikato Times reports…. “A group feeding Hamilton’s needy say the council is forcing them out of Garden Place to stop more homeless people coming to the area. But the council says while they have received complaints about the group feeding the homeless, their primary concern is the fact that those involved don’t have the appropriate permit to operate in a public.”
Read on here..


Of course it’s not just the council… Hamilton CBD seems to be infested with Mean spirited whinney Bitches who complain about everything.
They bleated on about ‘Rif Raff’ frequenting the Legal high outlets etc etc…. making all sorts of wild allegations… etc Ad Nauseam… and the Council was more than willing to use this as a pretext to write even more unjust laws… and generate even more prohibitions.
They tried to stop the Casino being built.

What good is having a public domain if only the Wealthy can use it?
Socialism cares for the weak? YEAH RIGHT!

And you wonder why nobody’s doing business in Town?
Me thinks it has more to do with the Blamers and Ban-ers rather than those they oppress.
The Pompous arses spend all day kicking people out of the city and then wonder why they are going broke?
Morons blame others for their own Nastiness and stupidity.

The reality is none of these activities ought to be criminalised, I almost hope a giant sink hole would open up and swallow the whole CBD…. esp Council HQ.
What a hole it has become.
When benevolent Citizens show compassion for their fellow man the Socialist infested Council makes it illegal!
If I was Mayor I would tell all these small minded fascists to ether shut their traps… or shut their shops and Bugger off somewhere else! And allow more tolerant others to use the city.

Hamilton CBD needs more freedom, less Government.

Machine Gun Preacher.

machine gun preacher

A man known internationally as the “Machine Gun Preacher” said Friday that federal agents interrupted his charity work in Africa when they raided his Pennsylvania home, business and warehouse Wednesday.

“They went into a container that was packed and ready to come to the orphanage and totally destroyed it,” Sam Childers, currently in Africa, told WJAC-TV over the phone. “I mean, destroyed it, and what’s so sad is that it was all children’s clothes.”

According to WJAC-TV, the FBI said they couldn’t elaborate on why they conducted the raid or comment on a pending investigation.

Read more >>>Here<<<

Ain’t Nobody’s Business If You Do


Everybody—including me—should read Ain’t Nobody’s Business If You Do: The Absurdity of Consensual Crimes in Our Free Country by Peter McWilliams. It’s a libertarian classic.

It’s available free online here and here.

Peter McWilliams was born 5 August 1949 to a Roman Catholic family in Detroit, Michigan, USA.

During his life, he authored nearly 40 books, including The TM Book in 1975 with Denise Denniston, which was at the top of the New York Times bestseller list for three weeks.

McWilliams was diagnosed with non-Hodgkin’s lymphoma in 1996. He was arrested and charged with growing marijuana in 1997. He was released from custody on $250,000 bail and with the “condition that he not use marijuana.”

McWilliams died on June 14, 2000 in his Los Angeles home, of AIDS-related non-Hodgkin’s lymphoma. At the time he was awaiting sentencing for his conviction of conspiring to “possess, manufacture and sell marijuana.”

Cannabis activist Richard Cowan and many critics of the drug policies in the United States have described his death as murder by the U. S. government, insofar as they denied him the use of the medical marijuana which might have prevented his death. William F. Buckley stated that McWilliams was vomiting and in pain when he died.

Ain’t nobody’s business if you do … but if what you do is deny people life-saving medicine, it is everybody’s business. You should be locked up and released only when you no longer pose a threat to other people’s well-being. Legalise medical cannabis. Anything less is a non-consensual crime.

RIP Peter McWilliams.

(Of particular interest to Christian libertarians are the following sections of a chapter in Part IV.

Jesus of Nazareth and Consensual Crime
Jesus on Sex and Marriage
Jesus and the Separation of Church and State
His Master’s Voice?

Written from an honest atheist perspective, they make for challenging and compelling reading.)