Category Archives: Constitution

Obama is nullifying the Second amendment before our very eyes! FEDS INDICT NEVADA RANCHER CLIVEN BUNDY. RISE UP AMERICA!

Listen to this podcast…


Rancher faces 42 years in prison and up to $1.5 million in fines

The complaint claims the rancher spearheaded a conspiracy to commit an offense against the United States, in addition to five other charges: Assault on a Federal Law Enforcement Officer; Use and Carry of a Firearm In Relation to a Crime of Violence; Obstruction of the Administration of Justice; Interference with Commerce by Extortion; and, Aiding and Abetting.
From the indictment, discussing the 2014 “Bundy standoff” in Bunkerville:

“The 200 Followers in the wash included a significant number brandishing or raising their assault rifles in front of the officers. Some of these gunmen took tactically superior positions on high ground, while others moved in and out of the crowd, masking their movements behind other unarmed Followers. The most immediate threat to the officers came from the bridges where gunmen took sniper positions behind concrete barriers, their assault rifles aimed directly at the officers below.”
“To achieve his objectives,” the complaint reads, “BUNDY and his co-conspirators recruited, organized and led a force of hundreds of people to threaten and use force and violence to prevent the law enforcement officers from discharging their duties and to coerce their consent to abandon the cattle that were, pursuant to court order, lawfully in their care and custody and which they were duty bound to protect.”
The indictment goes on to say officers “believed they were going to be shot and killed,” suggesting some of the people who stood by Bundy during the epic standoff could be charged as well.”

Read more here


In response I repost below my blog …. Bundy Cowboys and Militia Stand on the highest legal ground… Why the 2nd Amendment was enshrined.

Yet before leaving you to that, I must raise my grievous concern about the absolutely *Zombie like* ignorance…. the absolute Racist bigotry against these Patriots simply because they are White… the absolute slavish disdain that is heaped upon them for daring to challenge the tyranny that the American government has become in direct violation of the Constitution and founding principles of the nation!
And most of these vile and slavish support that Begs the government to murder and imprison these Dissidents actually comes from the ‘Occupy’ and ‘Black lives matter’ groups!!!!
This Rank hypocrisy bodes ill for America as it appears that Obama has plenty of support for his tyrannical ambitions for a population that Laps up the official line…esp the Agenda to label defenders of the Second amendment as ‘Hateful Extremists’…. Religious fanatics…. Domestic terrorists.

This is a repeat of the Waco massacre type Government Crushing dissent.
It is Tienanmen square.

America ought to be rising up against the crushing of these Righteous and Patriotic standing on the Constitution… yet instead… like the mob that chose Barabbas over Christ… they cry ‘Crucify them’.

And Obama will wash his hands… and Satan laughing…. spreads his wings.
America… which has become Sickly and Pox ridden… will finally be dead.
The principles of Liberty which stand between Mankind and the Antichrist will be extinguished… and the rounding up of outspoken critics and Libertarian minded dissenters will become routine.

Tim Wikiriwhi
Christian Libertarian.
New Zealand.


Last week’s standoff between Southern Nevada rancher Cliven Bundy and the Bureau of Land Management “is not over,” Senate Majority Leader Harry Reid told a gathering of students, professors and political candidates Monday at the University of Nevada, Reno.>>>Here<<< “We can’t have an American people that violate the law and then just walk away from it,” he said, reiterating the fact that “it’s not over.” Read more Here

Yet is The Law really on Reid’s side …. or the Bundy’s?
If what has been said about Reids vested interest in pushing the Ranchers out of Nevada is true, then it may surprise many sheeple to hear that the Armed Ranchers and Militia *acted Lawfully* in taking up arms and resisting the unjust and tyrannical demands of the Bureau of Land Management, and getting the illegally confiscated Bundy cattle back.
They were claiming their Second amendment Rights… which trumps any and all legislations and dictates which would have the Bundy’s submit to the will of the BLM.

bundy 2nd Ammendment

This sort of situation is exactly why the Founding Fathers enshrined the second amendment.
It is the Lawful right to Bear arms in self defence against corrupt and tyrannical government.

Follow the link below…
NAPOLITANO: The right to shoot tyrants, not deer
The Second Amendment is the guarantee of freedom

bundy millita
Milita sniper covers the Bundy cowboys as they confront the BLM and demand they Stand down and release the cattle.

Of course this sort of armed resistance is going to piss off the Bastards in Power Big time, and there is a very real threat that everyone involved in the resistance could be murdered by the state or imprisoned… unless the People of America Rally and stand behind these Brave freedom fighters…
Their Fate will be determined by whether or not the Tyrannical powers *Fear the wrath of the People*… or instead convince themselves that they can crush this ‘rebellion’ with little fear of an escalation into full blown Revolution.

Reid’s comments clearly indicate this crisis is not over by a long shot and there is every reason to Fear ‘Waco type’ repercussions.

It is therefore imperative that Patriots and militia about the US step up now and voice their solidarity and fraternity with the Bundy resistance…. and that Bloggers/ Social network Fans around the Globe make it clear that we are all watching… and in the know…. so that the Power mongers in Washington appreciate they cant hide the truth.

May The Good Lord Be with the Righteous Defenders of Liberty and Justice.
Tim Wikiriwhi
Christian Libertarian
New Zealand.

Update: 22-4-14.
As predicted the Bundy’s, and all their supporters, Vets, and Patriots have been labelled “DOMESTIC TERRORISTS” By Senator Reed!

US State Terrorism. Pretext to abolish the second Amendment. Bundy’s declared ‘Domestic Terrorists’.

Update: 12/14 FBI Investigating Bundy Ranch Standoff Video.

Ammon Bundy speaks from Jail. Appeals to God, The Constitution, and the American Declaration of Independence. “Where Christ is… there is Liberty”.

Obama Government Calls in the Black Opps to Burns to maintain his grip on Power.

Bad Moon Rising: The Murder Lavoy Finicum.

The Murder of Lavoy Finicum. (2).

“Mow them Down,” Americans Once Critical of Police Killings Now Beg Feds to “Slaughter” US Citizens.

US State Terrorism. Pretext to abolish the second Amendment. Bundy’s declared ‘Domestic Terrorists’.

Legalised Force attracts Thugs and Bullies like flies to…

Bundy Cowboys and Militia Stand on the highest legal ground… Why the 2nd Amendment was enshrined.

High Noon at the Bundy Ranch. “A Tiananmen square moment”.

Shitstorm in Nevada! The Crisis Revisited. DC Clothesline.

Daddy… What part did you play in the Revolution?

Filthy Bastards: “It was an Accident”. Kim Dotcom Raid.

Onya DotCom! He does Kiwi’s a great service by Suing our Corrupt Government for $6 million.

The GCSB BILL… Arabs (and Maori Radicals) with knives at the foot of the bed!

Turkey shoot! Why Tyrants and Psychopaths Love Gun Prohibition.

The Coming American Civil War.

The Rape Of American Democracy

Epitaph. The Death of America and Western Democracy. Ron Paul’s Farewell Speech.

White Rose. Hans and Sophie Scholl – The Final Days: True Story of Anti-Nazi Activist

For Goodness sake…Stick to your Guns!

Not PC: FREE RADICAL #75 – The Right of Revolution: In Praise of Commodore Frank Bainimarama. by Tim Wikiriwhi

Nazi Thugs just over the ditch! Australian Police State well advanced… New Zealand Bikers Beware!


Obama Government Calls in the Black Opps to Burns to maintain his grip on Power.


Top secret American Anti-domestic terrorist squads have Zero presence on the Internet.

Re: Article concerning US government Black opps and Jackboots in Burns Oregon. (Atricle below)

Hello from New Zealand, Watching events over there with concern, and blogging it .
Very good observations regarding the Black opps going on, and I think this is a cIear indication that the Obama administration/ Powers that be are more concerned with maintaining power in the face of what the whole world knows is a potential Civil war/ revolution to overthrow a corrupt government that has bankrupted and enslaved America,than with any external terrorist threats.
They are acutely aware that *it is Americans* who are still Patriotic to the founding principles of your nation that are Vigilant enough to see what the Tyrants are up to… and vocal enough to be raising the alarm… and now are bold enough to take a stand… who are now the greatest threat… not to Americans… but to *the US Government government which has become absolutely corrupt* and in violation of the Constitution on virtually every count.
*This puts the law on the side of the Protesters and Outlaws the tyrannical system.

So I think it is obvious that the build up there is not about grabbing farms and minerals at all… but about *The Big Picture*…. suppressing this protest and murder from becoming the spark of Revolution.
And these ‘Non-descript’ Military people will be Specially picked *Americans* who have been trained to have no compunction about shooting fellow Americans… as they did to Lavoy… and they will think nothing to covering their evils with lies and subversion… as they did with planting a 9mm on Lavoy.
These are CIA type tactics.
It has nothing to do with the safety of the Opps themselves.
They have no identifications on their uniforms to make it harder for the Government to be exposed and brought to account for their crimes, and so they can tell lies about *who is doing the killing*… and about the righteousness of those they are attacking.

Unless the people of America hold peaceful mass rallies all across the country… the cause will be lost… and the greatness of American Liberty will be utterly crushed.
The Main stream media are all in cahoots.
So it will be upto the *The true free-press*… the bloggers and the people to get the message out there Viral-ly… and to rally the people.
You can see why The Government is hell bent on controlling the internet.

Now even though I live on the other side of the planet, I am still not out of reach of the US government, as was proven by the Illegal spying of the New Zealand GCSB and Raid of Mega Upload mogul Kim Dot com.
An even with clearly shows the depth of Collusion between the New Zealand government and the US.
Of course New Zealand is part of the ‘Five eyes’ Global spy network, and this is no doubt a relationship based upon “You scratch our back… and we will scratch yours”.
This being so it is very probable that Kiwi bloggers like myself can expect to fall into the cross hairs of our GCSB.
This is how the Collusion between countries hopes to exercise *Global controls* and crush dissent that crosses national boundaries.
And the GCSB have already proven they will break the law against them spying on New Zealand citizens and permanent residents.
Our Prime minister John Key has been caught lying about these things, including the mass surveillance of New Zealanders, etc… always repairing to ‘Memory blocks’ when he is found out.
So it is not without personal risk that I dare to hold up the touch for American patriots.
I could easily find myself in trouble here in New Zealand.
My Home bugged, my Blogging activities interfered with… or worse.
Yet Evil prevails when good men do nothing… and so I will continue to Speak up for you Good American patriots as long as I can… You Righteous Liberty and Justice loving hard working folk whom are being labeled ‘Domestic terrorists’… and are now feeling the Boots of Tyranny.
God bless your righteous stand.
God save America… and Western civilisation.

Tim Wikiriwhi.
Christian Libertarian.
New Zealand

Read article below.


There’s Something Strange Happening Here…

Written by Diane Rodgers on Feb. 7, 2016

About two years the Nation watched as Cliven Bundy stood in opposition against an unjust seizure of his ranch and grazing rights by the BLM. The event grew as patriotic Americans responded to his aid. The growing protest was ultimately successful in forcing the BLM to turn tail and retreat in face of the growing support that they could no longer control. Fast forward now to January 2, 2016 and we have a similar situation with the BLM is small town out west called Burns, Oregon. Since the start of this protest, the Main Stream Media (MSM) has been putting forth articles and news reports using such adjectives as “armed militants”, “right wing racists”, “terrorists” or “armed thugs”. Every story I read or listened to was basically the same, always one sided. I follow the belief that there are 3 sides to every story; you could call it her side, his side and the Truth. So when only one side is ever told, it is safe to assume that there is an agenda afoot. An agenda the MSM never speaks about.

So in my quest to get to the Truth, I decided to take an eight day vacation from my full time job to travel 3,000 miles via plane and car to that small town out west call Burns. What you are about to read is exactly what I witnessed and learned from my westward trip. I hope that this article, and those to follow, will help you see through the smokescreen of lies the media, at the bequest of our federal government , have been and are still telling us as the means to controlling the narrative.

Contrary to the MSM stories one finds on the situation in Burns Oregon, the real terrorist in Burns Oregon are not the framer, ranchers or loggers, nor are they the patriotic first responders. The farmer, ranchers and loggers are salt of the earth people, they are hardworking folks who bust their butts every day to earn a living as many of us do on a daily basis. The Patriotic first responders, men and women who have left behind their lives, families, friends and jobs in order to come to Burns to bring attention to the illegal land grabs and the usurpation of our Constitution. These people present no threat to the people of Burns as evidenced by the fact that they frequent the local stores, shops, restaurants and bars without any issues.

At first glance, it is easy to accept the media story that Sheriff David Ward invited the FBI to take over local control of the situation to help protect the citizens of Burns Oregon from a band of “armed occupiers”. But that is for another article. So let’s take a closer look at several key issues that most may not be seeing.

In past decades whenever there was a civil protest it was customary for the local police and maybe the use of the state police to control and insure that the protest remains peaceful. During the protests of the late 60’s when demonstration began turning violent, State’s at the request of their Governors started to call in the National Guard to assist the police in maintaining order and protecting the public.

The question to ask is why didn’t Oregon Governor, Kate Brown, in accordance with Title 32 of the United States Code, call for the Oregon National Guard to assist in any local police action in response to the “armed occupiers” at the Malheur Refuge. Could it be that Gov. Kate Brown was appointed to her position, not elected by the People of her State, as was Sheriff David Ward of Harney County? Could it be that these appointed officials are beholden, not the good People of Oregon, but strictly to those entities that placed them in their position and power. Another unusual fact is that Special Agent Greg Bretzing in charge of the Malhuer Refuge Occupation happens to be linked to a Nation Security breach along with other fraud and corruption violation, as reported by The Shasta Lantern. Click here to view that article.

But, here in Burns the situation is much different and potentially much more ominous and deadly, as evidenced by the murder of LaVoy Finicum, by agencies yet to be fully disclosed. Authorities acting under the color of law but not in adherence to our laws, first closed down the Burns school system, even though the “armed occupiers”, of which only 4 are now remaining, are located 30 plus miles from downtown Burns in the middle of nowhere. WHY? Why was this necessary?

Road blocks, closures and check points are now common place in in and around Burns. Many of the local people have claimed that they are being randomly pulled over by “authorities” demanding they provide their ID’s for just driving down the street. There are locals being stopped at armed check points and forced out of their vehicle at gun point while their personal belongings and vehicle are thoroughly searched.

One rancher, Thom Davis, related his story in which he had a slowly dying horse on the range that needed to be humanly put down in order to relieve its suffering. The only trouble being that he was not that far from one of these check points and feared that should he have ended the horse’s suffering with a shot to the head, he too would have suffered the same fate. A fate that was later confirmed when he talked to the sheriff.

In another case the authorities actually took their vehicle a quarter mile beyond the check point and made them walk to get it.

Yet, in another case, Alexandra Puckett, described in a facebook post, the treatment and gun point threats from authorities that her husband and his mom encountered while trying only to feed their cows.


These actions taken by authorities have more in common with those of a Military Occupying Force in Iraq or Afghanistan they do with normal police actions here in American. The terrorization of Burns and throughout Harney County is, by no stretch of the imagination, being conducted by the ever increasing militarization of Federal and State agencies. With many reports of in conjunction with an illegal and unconstitutional buildup of a foreign mercenary army of PMC’s, an invading army if you will, acting under the color of law but not in adherence to our laws. Claim as they do that they are FBI, their tactics and use of vehicle void of any US military or alphabet agency marking or insignias, and lack of compliance with US Law, even when asked they present no documentation that they are indeed FBI. A video clip of this fact can be seen here

Additionally, other armored assets from distant counties are in Burns. I ask, Is all this really necessary to protect the public from 4 people still at the Refuge located 30 miles away, armed with a few rifles and hand guns, and already contained by authorities so they cannot escape from there. Or is something else going on here?

>>>Read on<<< Update: The US Government is Crushing the Defenders of the Constitution! Oregon standoff: Protesters may leave Thursday; Cliven Bundy arrested "(CNN)The armed occupiers of a wildlife refuge in Oregon say they will turn themselves in on Thursday morning, hours after Cliven Bundy -- the father of protest leader Ammon Bundy -- was arrested by federal agents. Oregon siege: What the armed group wants and why A Facebook page for his ranch announced that Cliven Bundy, who came to the national spotlight in a fight with the federal Bureau of Land Management over grazing rights for his cattle in 2014, was heading to Oregon earlier Wednesday. "It's time," the post said. "Cliven Bundy is headed to the Harney County Resource Center in Burns Oregon." After landing in Portland, Oregon, Bundy was taken into federal custody, the FBI said. It's not clear what he's been charged with. The FBI said authorities would make charging information available on Thursday morning. Bundy's son, Ammon, was one of the leaders of the occupation of the Malheur National Wildlife Refuge. He was arrested last month. The refuge's current occupiers said -- during a purported live stream of a conference call between protesters, activists and conservative Nevada lawmaker Michele Fiore -- they were prepared to leave Thursday morning...." Must watch >>> here<<< electronic equip

More from Tim….

Ammon Bundy speaks from Jail. Appeals to God, The Constitution, and the American Declaration of Independence. “Where Christ is… there is Liberty”.

Bad Moon Rising: The Murder Lavoy Finicum.

The Murder of Lavoy Finicum. (2).

“Mow them Down,” Americans Once Critical of Police Killings Now Beg Feds to “Slaughter” US Citizens.

US State Terrorism. Pretext to abolish the second Amendment. Bundy’s declared ‘Domestic Terrorists’.

Legalised Force attracts Thugs and Bullies like flies to…

Bundy Cowboys and Militia Stand on the highest legal ground… Why the 2nd Amendment was enshrined.

High Noon at the Bundy Ranch. “A Tiananmen square moment”.

Shitstorm in Nevada! The Crisis Revisited. DC Clothesline.

Daddy… What part did you play in the Revolution?

Filthy Bastards: “It was an Accident”. Kim Dotcom Raid.

Onya DotCom! He does Kiwi’s a great service by Suing our Corrupt Government for $6 million.

The GCSB BILL… Arabs (and Maori Radicals) with knives at the foot of the bed!

Turkey shoot! Why Tyrants and Psychopaths Love Gun Prohibition.

The Coming American Civil War.

The Rape Of American Democracy

Epitaph. The Death of America and Western Democracy. Ron Paul’s Farewell Speech.

White Rose. Hans and Sophie Scholl – The Final Days: True Story of Anti-Nazi Activist

For Goodness sake…Stick to your Guns!

Not PC: FREE RADICAL #75 – The Right of Revolution: In Praise of Commodore Frank Bainimarama. by Tim Wikiriwhi

Nazi Thugs just over the ditch! Australian Police State well advanced… New Zealand Bikers Beware!


Nazi Thugs just over the ditch! Australian Police State well advanced… New Zealand Bikers Beware!

queensland-biker-gets-harrased-21-times-by-police (1)

Harley Davidson rider James Evans, who has been stopped a startling 21 times since buying his fatboy motorcycle in 2012, finally filmed his latest incident.

Queensland Police Media have responded to Jamie’s video saying riders and the public have “nothing to fear” from the increased police presence. Jamie is a member of the Misfits Social Motorcycle Club and wears a “Misfits” vest when he rides… “I’ve been advised by the police on many occasions to take the vest off, but I will always wear my vest. I’m proud of it,” he says.
…However, the harassment has now got to the stage where he says he can’t take his nine-year-old son for a ride. “How do you explain to a nine-year-old that police aren’t bad but I ride a bike so they see me as being bad. He’d lose any respect he has for the police,” he says. Despite the grilling by several police, Jamie filmed the whole incident and managed to keep his sense of humor…. Read more >here< Auzzy bikers

Reports from Australia are becoming more grim every day.
It is fast becoming a brutal Police state!
Under the pretense of breaking up Organised crime, Australian legislators have empowered the Police to go on a rampage.
Not only are they going to extreme lengths with regards to 1%er Motorcycle clubs, but they are perpetrating extreme prejudice towards All bikers, People with Tattoos, etc… and shutting down vibrant Entertainment and business districts.

nom nom nom

Read this >>> The Australian Government Says If You Are Tattooed, You Are a Criminal.

And this>>>> Would the last person in Sydney please turn the lights out?

“Ruled by a succession of incompetent governments, everything in Sydney is now illegal- including fun.

Wild days over for middle-aged Kings Cross

“Love it or hate it, the verdict from certain quarters is in: Kings Cross is dead.
Gone are the bohemians, gone are the Yellow House artists, gone is the fringe, underground culture that, to some, gave the area its soul.”

auzzy lock out laws

Read >>> New alcohol laws now in place Sydney’s alcohol laws


With regards to the persecution of Bikers, Australian Draconianism and Thuggery has spawned opposition groups like Riders Against Discrimination

Read one of their disturbing FB posts… Australian Police are not just targeting Organised Crime syndicates… but ordinary Law abiding bikers….

Riders Against Discrimination – ‘RAD’
Page Liked · February 2 · Edited ·

We have today received a message along with some disturbing pictures from a social rider in Queensland.
We cannot share the pictures or mention the persons name on here as this may be going to court and we respect the request made by the victim of anonymity

At approx 7pm on Friday night this rider was pulled over for a ‘Random’ breath test and following this he was advised that there was to be a search of his bike and himself which he consented to. Nothing was found and so the male police officer asked him to remove his clothes at the side of the road for a strip search, he did not consent to this, aside from this not being a requirement for an RBT anyway last we heard, he was not comfortable as there was also a female officer present.

He then thought he should film anything further that might occur and when he advised the officer he was going to video any further interactions the officer attempted to take his phone away which he resisted and we have seen pictures of the injuries to his face and his arms which occurred during the struggle.

Once again if you think only club members are affected think again this was a social rider – not riding a Harley and wearing his vest with a few patches that were not club patches – EVERYONE is being targeted and we hope that this account reaches the people who are reviewing the VLAD laws as this is another account of the unacceptable nature of the laws and legislations which need to be abolished.

PLEASE SHARE and especially to the wider public who do not ride and need to understand why we are so passionate about the removal of the laws and we ask this question – how many car drivers were stopped at that same RBT last night and how many of them were subjected to further searches and asked to strip off at the side of the road?

DISCRIMINATION at its worst!

bikies descrimination

Now What is happening in Australia ought to be of concern to Every Liberty and Justice loving Human being, esp to us who ride to live… just across the ditch.
I read recently that ” The Hells Angels in Nelson” and that “the Police say they ‘wont tolerate’ them”.

I ask “Should New Zealand Bikers be worried about Auzzy Style Nazi Laws getting passed here ?”

Read on…

“Gang expansion in Nelson ‘won’t be tolerated'” – police….

The expansion of organised criminal gangs in Nelson will be not be tolerated, police say.

The comments follow reports that the Hells Angels has overthrown the longstanding Lost Breed motorcycle gang in Nelson.

Sources said the Lost Breed disbanded in late December after at least one senior member defected to the Hells Angels.

Tasman police district commander Karyn Malthus: “I think it’s intolerable to have gangs in our society full stop.”
Martin de Ruyter
Tasman police district commander Karyn Malthus: “I think it’s intolerable to have gangs in our society full stop.”

It is understood the Hells Angels has also taken over the Lost Breed gang pad in Fuji Court, Stoke.

Tasman police district commander Superintendent Karyn Malthus said police were working to “confirm and understand” what has happened.
However, she said the expansion of any gang in Nelson Bays “won’t be tolerated” by police.

“I think it’s intolerable to have gangs in our society full stop. We have a concerted focus against it. Whether it is the Lost Breed or the Hells Angels, they will get the same focus from police,” Malthus said.

“It is something that we will focus our energies on in combating organised crime – absolutely.”

Malthus declined to comment on what she described as “gossip and innuendo” around the Hells Angels’ expansion in Nelson.

She said gangs generally “only exist for criminal activity and we have to accept that, yes, methamphetamine plays a major part in their day-to-day business”.

The Hells Angels has been linked to the methamphetamine trade in New Zealand.

Detective Sergeant Chris Roberts, officer in charge of the Tasman Organised Crime Unit, said police will act on any information and intelligence they get regarding gang criminal offending in the region.

“It’s business as usual for us. If there’s any offending we can look at, we will. Certainly we don’t want criminal gangs expanding in the district. If they’re there to commit offences, they’ll be policed accordingly.”

He said there had been no suggestion of “inter-gang friction” in the region.

“If that came to the fore we’d be out there looking to deal to it,” Roberts said. “That’s what we’re here for – to protect the public and to continue preventing crime.”

Read more >here< *************************** Now as a Libertarian and a NZ biker I ask What the flock are the Nelson police going to do about all this? They will probably use their old tactics, which include undercover operations... and salivate about *Big Raids and Mass Busts*.... you know.... the Drug war Bullshit ... same shit that made Al Capone Filthy Rich and super dangerous... Yet I am concerned that they may also Lobby parliament* or council to pass Auzzy style Nazi laws against Biker Clubs.


Now I have nothing against the Police arresting violent dangerous criminals…. nothing against the Police breaking up organised crime syndicates… yet the way parliaments like Australia function is that they use shitty excuses like Gang violence to pass Evil laws which end up violating the rights and liberties of Everyone… and give the Police evil powers to Fuck over peaceful people who are not guilty of any wrong doing…. Like most bikers…. and that is what is happening in Australia. *Right now*… and what most of the arsehole sheeple of New Zealand (who dont ride) would love to see happen here.

And on this subject of ‘organised crime’…. instead of passing such nasty anti-freedom laws… which actually make more people hate the Police, parliament should end the war on drugs… That would put an end to a massive proportion of the violence that is associated with organised crime and bikers.
A reform like that would actually *improve* relations between the people and the police.
And Biker clubs that don’t get involved in serious organized crime could be left in peace… as they should be.
There are also principles of justice which ought to protect the freedom of association of everyone… just because a some gang members may commit certain crimes, this is not justification for holding *other members* of that gang responsible for the crimes of their associates.

*Yet many in the police… the courts… politicians… and most of the sheeple despise such principles and safeguards for individual liberty and justice because it makes their job harder to do…. they prefer the easy way… the un-principled bigoted way… that panders to their hatred… and dont give a shit about principles of justice…. they simply want the power to fuck over people and groups they hate or fear.

And in the process Liberty and thousands of innocent people get stomped on by the system… but hey that’s just business as usual in shitty Socialist democracies that fill their jails with peaceful people.
Tim Wikiriwhi
Christian Libertarian.
New Zealand Biker.

More from Tim…

Legalised Force attracts Thugs and Bullies like flies to…

Protect and Serve.

Other World…The Right to Opt out. Biker Credos.

Tim Wikiriwhi’s Submission to the New Zealand Government’s Constitutional Review. 2013

Xmas Commercialism and the Police. Profiteering from Death and Mayhem.

Tim Wikiriwhi’s submission to New Zealand ACC re: Motorcycle levies.

Nat’s Orwellian Budget. Bikers pay the price for stupid Laws in more ways than $$$

Why Motorcycle helmets are Cool.

Lost Plot. World Press Freedom Day.

Riders against descrimination

Valentines day arrest

EXCLUSIVE: 7 News has obtained exclusive pictures of a violent arrest on the Gold Coast.#7News

Posted by 7 News Queensland on Thursday, February 25, 2016

The Murder of Lavoy Finicum. (2).

lavoy being shot

Gavin Seim for Liberty
” Mainstream Media is lying like crazy. But the facts show clearly LaVoy was murdered. He was shot while his hands were still in the air.

Let’s make sure the world knows it. — Gav ”

Published on 28 Jan 2016
This is the complete video footage of a joint FBI and Oregon State Police traffic stop and OSP officer-involved shooting of Robert “LaVoy” Finicum on the Malheur National Wildlife Refuge. This footage, which has only been edited to blur out aircraft information, was taken by the FBI on 01/26/2016 and released by the FBI on 01/28/2016. Note regarding date/time stamp in the left corner of video: Pilots use Zulu


Vanessa Mathews says… Check this out.

“Friends, don’t take the bait. The bait is this video with no sound. Closer video and/or sound would reveal he was hit with their bullets several times before he dropped his hands.

Also, observation from Jeremiah Dearinger:

Also, I found the spot in the video where they shot at them and caused them to speed away. It’s at 8:11. You will see the drone footage brighten momentarily (split second) and you see smoke. It’s a gun shot. And you immediately see the brake light on the truck go off and they start driving.”


My thoughts….Obviously after complying to the flashing lights on the police vehicals, and pulling over… Lavoy hits the gas pedal *when the Police open fire on them! … that is the best explanation.
I think this was all planned… and filmed to make it look like they were resisting arrest.

Then Driving in fear for their lives they met the second road block… which was set up expressly for the purpose of an execution…. they already had gunmen in the trees.
Having stopped the vehicle Lavoy jumped out of the truck with raised hands attempting to surrender.
It is ridiculous to think he was foolish enough to try and shoot his way out of that situation!
This is clear from the video.
He only drops his hands and goes for his gun *after* they have opened fire on him… murdering him in cold blood.
No doubt the Police and FBI had been pep talked into thinking and treating these guys as ‘Terrorists’.
And now they have murdered a Righteous defender of the constitution… and are waiting to see if they have gotten away with it.
Only the American people themselves can rise up at this outrage and show the evil government the consequences of their tyranny.
This is what the second amendment is all about.
Tim Wikiriwhi
Libertarian Christian Independent.
New Zealand.


More From Tim… >>> Bad Moon Rising: The Murder Lavoy Finicum.

Update: 30-1-16 NZ time.
murder of levoy3

Citizens for Constitutional Freedom Support Group
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The FBI says that LaVoy reached twice for a 9mm gun inside his jacket on the left hip area. However, LaVoy carried a revolver on his right hip in a holster. The video shows that LaVoy’s jacket was closed at the time he was shot. Why would a right-handed man who carries a revolver openly on his right hip choose to leave his holster behind and instead hide another man’s 9mm gun on the inside of a jacket around his left hip? It’s as preposterous as the FBI’s thoroughly debunked claim that federal agents did not start the fires that burned 80+ men, women and children alive at the Branch Davidian compound in Waco, Texas.

The FBI is lying. LaVoy’s vehicle was shot at one time at the first stop when Ryan put his hands and head out the window to speak to the feds. LaVoy’s vehicle was shot at several times as he drove away to seek the help and protection from the Grant County Sheriff. LaVoy’s windshield was shot from the front by an agent who jumped out in front of the vehicle at the second stop.

LaVoy was transporting an 18 year old girl with him who was visiting with her family to sing gospel music at the town hall they were traveling to. To save her, Shawna and Ryan Bundy, LaVoy jumped out of the vehicle with his hands in the air. He yelled out that if they were going to shoot someone, to shoot him. With his hands in the air, that is exactly what they did.

The first shot struck him on the left side of his body. His body began to buckle and his hands went down to the wound but he was ordered to put his hands back in the air. He tried to do so, but naturally returned his hands back to the wound. He turned and pointed at the vehicle, yelling out that there were women in it. Rushing up behind him, another agent put a laser pointer on LaVoy and shot him in the face. He was still moving on the ground when they shot him three more times.

It was cold-blooded murder. And the American people will not forget it. LaVoy is a martyr for the cause of justice and liberty. We will not stop fighting for our freedom. Harney County Oregon is our Bunker Hill. This is only the beginning.

Update 2:
Victoria Sharp Witnesses Lavoy Finicum Being Shot To Death

These Seeds of Liberty!

Give me 46 seconds. — Seeds of liberty will NOT be stopped by Treason. It is past time to love our neighbor and defend liberty! #LibertyRevolution

Posted by Gavin Seim for Liberty on Friday, January 29, 2016

Bad Moon Rising: The Murder Lavoy Finicum.



The US Government has murdered a peaceful yet resolute Patriot and defender of the American Constitution, and arrested 7 others… all of whom were forthright dissenters against the governments ongoing violations of constitutional Law and the rights of Individuals.

Read about it here> Eyewitness Says Feds Ambushed Bundys, 100 Shots Fired at Passengers, Lavoy Finicum Killed With ‘Hands Up’

They chose to commit this crime in a place where there would be the least amount of witnesses and in such a way that would allow them to control the media dialogue about what transpired.
They now await to see what reaction… if any… how the American people will respond.
This is a precursor for Martial Law and the crushing of the approaching Revolution which will occur when the America plunges off the Fiscal cliff.
Should there be no mass rallies about the country in outrage of this monumental crime, such apathy will no doubt signal to these Malevolent Powers that Americans dont give a shit about a few Bible believing 2nd amendment loving Honkeys and so they will be able to escalate their systematic implementation of measures designed to protect the Corrupt Status Quo from an uprising of the people … whom the founding documents of their nation… the American declaration of Independence and the constitution say Citizens have both the right and the moral duty to *Abolish the government* … by armed revolution if necessary…. when it becomes tyrannical and corrupt.

pat hen

We all know the American government/police/etc murders people all the time… and that the ranks of the American Law enforcement are filled with Evil thugs that think little of Beating and shooting Americans to death… Men, women, and children.
The activities of Lavoy, nor his murder had anything to do with his Colour, yet we…. at the very ends of the Earth have witnessed the outrage of Black communities when *Innocent Black Americans* get slaughtered… yet who will protest when the victims of State violence are white?
You see what makes *this murder* particularly dire is that while it is very Politically correct to be outraged when a Black person gets killed by trigger happy Cops…. because ‘Black lives matter’…. yet when you are a seen as a Bible believing hick who refuses to surrender their right to bear arms…. then *It’s not PC* to give a shit about them!
The Media, and The Democrats under Obama has successfully labeled these defenders of Liberty and the second amendment… not as True American patriots… but as heartless and crazy scum who are responsible for all the Gun deaths in America.
Domestic Terrorists.
Many of the Police want to completely disarm the American people so that they can Beat, Kill, and arrest anyone they desire without facing resistance to their jackbooted tyranny.
Many are Brick Stupid and will obey any order.

Others… more righteous Police… understand why they were employed…. what the Constitution expects of them… and that Guns save the lives of Citizens by giving them the means of protecting themselves from violent offenders… and rouge police.
Many have already declared they will disobey any ‘executive orders’ or ‘Legal fabrications’ that attempt to justify the confiscation of Arms from the American citizenry .
Yet we can be sure that in the short time that remains before the whole bankrupt house of cards collapses… that the powers that be will busy themselves ‘weeding out’ these Good, and righteous Police and Military personnel whom would ‘Refuse to follow orders’… just as they will be systematically removing Judges whom respect the constitution… the longer they can prolong the collapse… the more of their ambitions for consolidating their stranglehold over the American people will be implemented.
Satan Laughing spreads his wings.

‘Evil prevails when Good men do nothing’.
Unless the American people Rally in outrage… these things are inevitable… This much is clear to anyone who understands the modus opperandi of tyranny.
*Dont for one minute accept the sycophantic Idea that these patriots who the government has moved against are the dangerous criminals!*
The Greatest, Highest Law of the land is on their side!
The Criminals are the ones wearing the Badges, and giving the orders to Kill and arrest.


Lavoy Finnicum understood all of this.
To him the principles upon which America was built were sacred, and essential for the Life and liberty of himself, his family, friends and countrymen…of all races and creeds, and he has now sealed his commitment to the cause with his Life!
His God-Given Life was Stolen from him by the Powers of Mammon.
He is now an American Hero of the most important species.

I watch these events with sorrow and alarm.
It is far from over!

Please watch Gavin Seim explain what has happened… observe the righteousness of the cause… the nobleness of the manor of these Patriots whom are now labeled as ‘Enemies of the State’.
What has America become?
These are the sorts of Evils committed in Stalin’s USSR!

patriot shit

Watch this good mans vocal warning to America and understand why Governments around the world want to have the power to censor the internet… and silence the voices of principled dissent.
Take care all you peoples of the world to protect those voices among you whom boldly expose the evils of Officialdom… for they are the targets of the powers that be.
They desire nothing better than to Jail, torture, and science forever the voices of those who would rally the people to overthrow their Corrupt operations.

I shudder at the thought of just how apathetic… just how subservient and sheepish the average westerner is.
And it is this apathy and ignorance that allows the tyrants to Bankrupt, imprison, and destroy so many lives.
I implore you all *to get interested in politics* and not just the fashionable nutbar politics of Socialism, but learn about the inalienable rights of Individuals!
Learn what *Libertarianism* is all about and how it is the only true resistance to Tyranny and oppression in all it’s political forms.
Ignore my words at your peril.
Tim Wikiriwhi.
Christian Libertarian.
New Zealand.

Lavoy Finicum’s stand for Freedom facebook page >Here< His family Responds to his murder..." ****Finicum Family Response to LaVoy’s Murder**** ***1/27/2016*** We thank all those reaching out to us in love during this difficult time. Your faithful prayers are felt. Please keep praying and keep using your voice to get the truth out. This fight against tyranny is not over. Press forward. Forgiveness is what we can extend and understanding is what we want. Christ was and is LaVoy’s exemplar. Though there are evil and conspiring men at work, Christ still forgave the executioners for they knew not what they did. We give permission to all media to use this statement in their reports." bundy terrorists

Watch Gavin!!! (Below)

Update: The FBI have released Drone/ chopper footage of their operation that resulted in them gunning down Lavoy.
See what transpired and commentary Here>>> The Murder of Lavoy Finicum. (2).

More from Tim on this….

“Mow them Down,” Americans Once Critical of Police Killings Now Beg Feds to “Slaughter” US Citizens.

US State Terrorism. Pretext to abolish the second Amendment. Bundy’s declared ‘Domestic Terrorists’.

Legalised Force attracts Thugs and Bullies like flies to…

Bundy Cowboys and Militia Stand on the highest legal ground… Why the 2nd Amendment was enshrined.

High Noon at the Bundy Ranch. “A Tiananmen square moment”.

Shitstorm in Nevada! The Crisis Revisited. DC Clothesline.

Daddy… What part did you play in the Revolution?

Turkey shoot! Why Tyrants and Psychopaths Love Gun Prohibition.

The Coming American Civil War.

The Rape Of American Democracy

Epitaph. The Death of America and Western Democracy. Ron Paul’s Farewell Speech.

White Rose. Hans and Sophie Scholl – The Final Days: True Story of Anti-Nazi Activist

For Goodness sake…Stick to your Guns!

Not PC: FREE RADICAL #75 – The Right of Revolution: In Praise of Commodore Frank Bainimarama. by Tim Wikiriwhi


Who writes the Laws in America? The Erosion of the Safeguards of Liberty via Subversive Party Political Machinations (2). Update On Obama’s personal drive to destroy the 2nd amendment.(2)


Update: 6/1/16…. Obama is now moving to impose his agenda against the 2nd amendment via ‘executive order’ bi-passing the safeguards of Congressional mandate while admitting the absolute impotence of these measures to achieve the supposed objectives he pretenses to underpin his actions!

“These are not only recommendations that are well within my legal authority and the executive branch, but they are also ones that the overwhelming majority of the American people – including gun owners – support and believe in.” Moments ago, President Barack Obama addressed his meeting with Attorney General Loretta Lynch regarding new executive actions aimed at tightening gun control.

Posted by Fox News on Monday, January 4, 2016

Judge Napolitano says Obama has no such powers…. Presidents dont write the Laws of the land, and because congress has already declined these measures Obama wants pushed through, that any ‘directives’ he issues to the Police, etc will be deemed illegal by the courts of the land…. See >here<. On this note I would like to add another comment regarding the devious means the evil party political powers like Obama employ to corrode the constitution and enact their intrusive policies... that is in the appointment of Federal and Supreme court judges... who are supposed to be the ulitmate vanguard for the constitution *against* Corruptions of Law and political power. By means of appointing Political sycophants/ subversive activist judges, Power trippers like Obama hope to defeat resistance to their unconstitutional Dictates.... so that when they have been petitioned due to Corrupt decisions in the lower courts...The Supreme Court will not veto his encroachments as illegal... but actually endorse them by allowing them to stand. It has been via such failures of the Supreme court that the monumental evil violations of personal liberty have been incrementally eroding the the constitution... such as the War on Drugs.... such as the today the Supreme court now says it is no longer the duty of the police to ‘Protect and serve’ the people... but to enforce the Laws/ dictates of the political powers.

Tim Wikiriwhi.
Christian Libertarian.

Wikipedia…. Barack Obama Supreme Court candidates

List of federal judges appointed by Barack Obama

More from Tim…

“Mow them Down,” Americans Once Critical of Police Killings Now Beg Feds to “Slaughter” US Citizens .

Tim Wikiriwhi’s Submission to the New Zealand Government’s Constitutional Review. 2013

Not PC: FREE RADICAL #75 – The Right of Revolution: In Praise of Commodore Frank Bainimarama. by Tim Wikiriwhi

New Zealand’s ‘Cold’ Civil War. Constitutional Crisis.

The Coming American Civil War.

Epiphany. The penny drops for Don Brash…. Welfare is evil, and is destroying lives….and society.


Welfarism is Evil!
Don Brash has been reading….

I congratulate Don for these realizations (see his facebook post Below) …it’s just a pity he’s no longer leader of the National party. (Did I really say that?… hmmm…. no that cant be right!)
My point is that Oh so many leaders seem to ‘conveniently’ have such Epiphanies after they leave office/ positions of influence… where they may have been able to do some good.
No longer pandering to the powers that be, Police chiefs declare the war on drugs to be a failure…. after they leave office, etc.
Politicians get all principled…. after they are no longer soliciting votes.

They come out all Libertarian…. in their farewell address.
Yet still better late than never!

To be fair to Don…. He stood up for many Libertarian truths *while in office*, such as opposition to Waitangi Apartheid while leader of the National party.
He bravely spoke against Cannabis prohibition as Leader of Act.
And of course as a money man… hes always condemned the ‘borrow borrow, spend spend, mentality of the left.
All bold stands in today’s PC Brain dead Socialist lunatic asylum…all these make him a Stand out personality in the history of New Zealand politics.

My question is…. what will Don do with this latest realization?
It really is massive.
Lets hope this is stimulus for New and Greater activism!

Go Hard Don!

Tim Wikiriwhi.


Don Brash
3 hrs •
I have just finished reading a profoundly disturbing book. I bought it 10 years ago, but have only just read it. It’s called “The Welfare State we’re in”, and was written by James Bartholomew. It is about the effect of the welfare state on the UK. Mr Bartholomew concludes that “the welfare state has been a disaster for Britain… [It] has ruined lives and left people morally and culturally impoverished. It has left many depressed and alienated, too. It has caused some to become criminals – a waste of a life – and others to be the victims of criminals. It has spoiled trust between people and caused millions of patients to suffer and to worry. Tens of thousands have died prematurely. It has reduced the decency and happiness of the British people”.
And perhaps most worrying of all, he concludes that the people most adversely affected by the welfare state are the very people it was designed to help – the poor and those on low incomes.
I’m not going to try to summarise a 360 page book in a Facebook post but to me the book is utterly persuasive. He looks at the way in which healthcare, education, provision for support in old age, benefits to the unemployed, provision of “council housing”, together with the high taxation and slow economic growth which have inevitably accompanied the vast expansion of the welfare state, have made the intended beneficiaries of those policies worse off than had the welfare state never existed.
I have no doubt that this post will attract a number of people keen to denounce the book as written by some hard-right guy who just doesn’t understand how awful society would be without the welfare state. And no doubt there will be those who denounce me for praising the book, assuming I like it only because, in their view, I am a “hard-right” former politician. To those people I say: have the guts, and the integrity, to read the book before denouncing it. It is extremely compelling.
Mr Bartholomew has just written another book, this time called “The Welfare of Nations”, which apparently attempts to answer the question “If the welfare state is so bad, what should we do about it?” That is next on my reading list.

From >>>Here<<<.... Please take the time to encourage him to again Step up and *Do something* He's a mover and a shaker.... New Zealand desperately needs Guys like him to act. ************************************ Read more.... A Salute to a Kiwi Hero. Don Brash.

Don, you da man!

Universal Pride in Washington, Separatist Shame in Wellington.

Standing up for Justice more important than Personal Ambitions

Tim Wikiriwhi’s Submission to the New Zealand Government’s Constitutional Review. 2013

Why a new Constitution for New Zealand must protect the Individual from Mobocracy.

The Great Waitangi Debate. 2010

Imbecile Nations watch Greece crumbling… yet fail to grasp the lesson, and modify their own institutions.


Take a good look at what has happened in Greece.
It is happening all about western Socialist democracies, and the same fate will happen here too… eventually because New Zealand is governed by the same Economic and social lunacy.

The Ever expanding State, along with it’s ever expanding debts, and ever expanding injustices, is a consequence of not setting strict limits to Government spheres of action.

The world economy is in a very precarious state which could collapse at any moment, yet even if it takes 20 more years of Nutty Labour/ National Socialism to bankrupt the nation, do you really want your children, and their children to inherit an economy like the one right now in Greece?


That will be the inevitable legacy our foolish generation will bequeath to posterity.
Worse we will have brain washed them into living in matchboxes, and traveling on Public conveyor belts….

The Economic books of the future putting this Mess of Socialist interventionism and Fiat currencies down to a failure of the free markets….

greek mythology

New Zealand needs a New political party which forthrightly argues for great reductions in Government power, spending, etc.

If we *act now*…. so much less will be the Austerity/ misery involved in making the necessary reforms.
The longer things go on… the more severe
the pain and effort required to climb out of the Abyss.
Tim Wikiriwhi.
Libertarian Independent.

More from Tim…. Tim Wikiriwhi’s Submission to the New Zealand Government’s Constitutional Review. 2013

Reality Punches Socialist’s In The Face!

No Utopia.

The Coming American Civil War.

Christian ‘Constitutional Conservative’ introduces Bill to end the war on drugs. Hit and Run Blog.

From >>>here<<< David Simpson-0-0

David Simpson, the Republican state representative who wants to repeal marijuana prohibition in Texas, is a radical. I mean that in a good way. The bill he introduced on Monday would not merely allow specified marijuana-related activities—the approach taken by every state that has legalized marijuana so far. Instead Simpson, who is in his third term representing an East Texas district that includes Gregg and Upshur counties, aims to eliminate all references to marijuana from the state’s criminal code. In an essay published by The Texas Tribune’s online opinion section, he explains why, laying out “The Christian Case for Drug Law Reform”:

As a Christian, I recognize the innate goodness of everything God made and humanity’s charge to be stewards of the same.

In fact, it’s for this reason that I’m especially cautious when it comes to laws banning plants. I don’t believe that when God made marijuana he made a mistake that government needs to fix.

New York Times editorial writer Lawrence Downes likes what Simpson has to say. “I don’t think I’ve read a more concise and persuasive conservative argument for rethinking marijuana laws,” Downes writes. But Simpson’s goal is more ambitious than that:

In the name of protecting the public, certain substances have been declared evil and contraband. So evil are these substances that state and federal agents are empowered to enforce laws with little or no regard for constitutional protections of individual rights, the sanctity of one’s home or the right to travel freely….

Our current “war on drugs” policies [are] spurring a proliferation of ever-changing exotic designer drugs and a disregard for contitutional protections in the name of eliminating drugs at any cost. Just think of no-knock warrants, stop-and-frisk, civil asset forfeiture and billionaire drug lords.

The time has come for a thoughtful discussion of the prudence of the prohibition approach to drug abuse, the impact of prohibition enforcement on constitutionally protected liberties and the responsibilities that individuals must take for their own actions….

Should we be concerned for our friends and neighbors who abuse a substance or activity? Yes, we should help them through sincere and voluntary engagement, but not with force and violence.

Is there a place for prohibition? Yes, a prohibition of aggression (Romans 13). Our laws should prohibit and penalize violent acts. This is the jurisdiction of the magistrates under the new covenant—harm to one’s neighbor.

Civil government should value everything God made and leave people alone unless they meddle with their neighbor.

This is not just a brief against marijuana prohibition, or even the war on drugs in general. It is a brief against using force to stop peaceful, consensual activity. Simpson, who calls himself a “constitutional conservative,” elaborates on that libertarian theme in his campaign biography:

Man’s actions which harm other men must be checked by force to preserve human life and liberty. I believe that this is the legitimate role of civil government—to do justice and to protect individual rights of life, liberty and property. This consists of enforcing the rules between individuals (contracts), punishing the wrongdoer who harms his neighbor here at home, and defending us from our enemies abroad. Civil government, otherwise, should leave us alone and free.

We need more Republicans like David Simpson.


The Light of the gospel reaches the utmost parts of the Earth. Bi-Centennial of Samuel Marsden’s Christmas Message. Bay of Islands. 1814.


It is quite a shameful thing for me to confess that I have neglected to investigate such an important historical figure as Samuel Marsden… yet it’s true.
All I can say is that he appears to to have been a Man of Iron will.
I have focused my attentions on the Heroic activities of the Church missionaries whom followed soon after, and the amazing *Civilising power* of Christianity… which Light dawned in this land of Savage Darkness… *Before British Rule of law* was established… in 1840.

For an awesome account of the exploits of the Church Missionaries I recommend ‘Mission and Moko’ Aspects of the Work of the Church Missionary Society in New Zealand, 1814-1882 by Robert Glen.

mission andmoko

One of the great advances The birth and spread of pre-treaty Christianity bestowed upon the ‘Indigenous people’ was the virtual eradication of Cannibalism, which was universally practised here in Pre-European times.

t h p

Many Heroic deeds were performed on the part of the Missionaries themselves and their Early Maori converts to bring about this gigantic change of world-view.

The Mission to New Zealand corresponded with a Humanitarian Enlightenment flourishing in Protestant England … The end of Slavery in Britain… many of the Same Great reformers of English society participating in the same Church societies that sent the missionaries to New Zealand.
This was the Benevolent spirit of the English protestants that it was God’s will that the Maori people receive the Gospel of Grace through Christ… which is a universal message oF Good news to all mankind.

Tim Wikiriwhi.
Libertarian Christian.
1611 KJV Bible believer.

Read more by Tim Wikiriwhi…. Looking Forward, not Backwards: Dynamic Culture vs Stagnation. Why British Colonisation was good for Maori.

Kai Mate! Kai Mate! Eat you when Your Dead! Copyright Tim Wikiriwhi

Like my Grandfather, Marsden was one of the many exceptional individuals whom served the Anglican faith .

Read >>> The Gospel of God’s Grace.

Samuel Marsden’s Account of Christmas Day 1814 (below)

Duaterra [Ruatara] passed the remaining part of the day in preparing for the Sabbath. He enclosed about half an acre of land with a fence, erected a pulpit and reading-desk in the centre, and covered the whole, either with black native cloth, or some duck which he had brought with him from Port Jackson. He also procured some bottoms of old canoes and fixed them up as seats on each side the pulpit for the Europeans to sit upon; intending to have Divine Service performed there the next day. These preparations he made of his own accord; and in the evening, informed me that everything was ready for Divine service. I was much pleased with this singular mark of his attention. The reading-desk was about three feet from the ground and the pulpit about six feet. The black cloth covered the top of the pulpit and hung over the sides. The bottom of the pulpit as well as the reading desk was part of a canoe. The whole was becoming and had a solemn appearance. He had also erected a flag-staff on the highest hill in the village, which had a very commanding view.

On Sunday morning (December 25th) when I was upon deck I saw the English flag flying, which was a pleasing sight in New Zealand. I considered it as the signal for the dawn of civilization, liberty, and religion in that dark and benighted land. I never viewed the British colours with more gratification, and flattered myself they would never be removed till the natives of that island enjoyed all the happiness of British subjects.

About ten o’clock we prepared to go ashore to publish the glad tidings of the Gospel for the first time. I was under no apprehensions for the safety of the vessel, and therefore ordered all on board to go on shore to attend Divine service, except the master and one man. When we landed we found Korokoro, Duaterra [Ruatara], Shunghee [Hongi Hika] dressed in regimentals which Governor Macquarie had given them, with their men drawn up ready to march into the enclosure to attend Divine service. They had their swords by their sides and a switch in their hands. We entered the enclosure and were placed in the seats on each side of the pulpit. Korokoro marched his men on and placed them on my right hand in the rear of the Europeans and Duaterra [Ruatara] placed his men on the left. The inhabitants of the town with the women and children and a number of other chiefs formed a circle round the whole. A very solemn silence prevailed–the sight was truly impressive. I got up and began the service with the singing of the Old Hundred Psalm, and felt my very soul melt within me when I viewed my congregation and considered the state they were in.

After reading the service, during which the natives stood up and sat down at the signal given by the motion of Korokoro’s switch which was regulated by the movements of the Europeans, it being Christmas Day, I preached from the Second Chapter of St. Luke’s Gospel, and tenth verse: “Behold! I bring you glad tidings of great joy.” The Natives told Duaterra [Ruatara] that they could not understand what I meant. He replied that they were not to mind that now for they would understand by and by, and that he would explain my meaning as far as he could. When I had done preaching, he informed them what I had been talking about. Duaterra [Ruatara] was very much pleased that he had been able to make all the necessary preparations for the performance of Divine service in so short a time, and we felt much obliged to him for his attention. He was extremely anxious to convince us that he would do everything for us that lay in his power and that the good of his country was his principal consideration. In this manner the Gospel has been introduced into New Zealand; and I fervently pray that the glory of it may never depart from its inhabitants, till time shall be no more.

When the service was over we returned on board, much gratified with the reception we had met with, and we could not but feel the strongest persuasion that the time was at hand when the Glory of the Lord would be revealed to these poor benighted heathens and that those who were to remain on the island had strong reason to believe that their labours would be crowned and blessed with success. In the evening I administered the Holy Sacrament on board the Active in remembrance of our Saviour’s birth and what He had done and suffered for us.

Source: J.R. Elder, ed., The Letters and Journals of Samuel Marsden 1765-1838, Dunedin: Coulls Somerville Wilkie, 1932, pp.93-94.