Category Archives: Easy Listening

Married to a Megalomaniac…


It was with amusement that I read an NZ Herald article today which said….
“…The way you sleep may reveal aspects of your personality, with dark traits such as narcissism and cheating linked to night owls.

A study by researchers in Sydney and Liverpool has found the “dark triad” of personality traits – narcissism, psychopathy and Machiavellianism – are linked to those who prefer to stay up late….”

Read more >>>here<<< How much weight should a person like myself ... a man with political ambitions, and who also has difficulty getting to bed before midnight.... place on such assertions? Am I supposed to believe that I stay up late 'scheming' and 'revolutionizing'....and that typically my latest activism being putting myself into the Local body Elections for the Hamilton city Council... is real evidence.... not of the fact that because I work a 10 hour day, that the night time is my only opportunity to defend and promote my Ideals and values... Not because I really give a shit about Freedom and Justice.... Not because of carrying the weight that because There is no one else.... not one other Libertarian Candidate standing in Hamilton... that unless I step up... no one will... Not because of my conviction that not to stand, means Evil must prevail... But instead.... according to this 'Study'....that All those Ideas that *I believe* and hold dear are instead... evidence of my Narcissism... My Psychopathy.... My Machaelellianism???? Ie Are the things which I consider to be tokens of my virtue and good character in reality Signposts of my Base Character and self delusion? What pains me the most is that my own Wife thinks this is so. It is indescribably painful when the person who has spent the last 20 years with you and is supposed to be closest to you... and is supposed to understand your Heart and Soul... can write off your most cherished Beliefs and values... as merely personal Vanity! I stagger in contemplation that even my own wife thinks I'm a Fraud! Obviously she does not give a Rat's arse about the things I hold Dear. I write this Blog with full confidence that unless someone tells her about my comments here ....she will never know about them. She never bothers to read my work.... she obviously has more important... Less Diabolical... things on her mind. But Let's be honest... Is not the Headline 'Tim Wikiriwhi For Mayor' a statement reeking of Psychopathic Narcissism!?? I know that. Do I have an over-inflated sense of my own importance? I know that my chances for success at the elections are no better than the other 8-10 times I have stepped forward. Is that in itself a valid reason for me not to bother? Should I appreciate and submit to that? I hear Satan's Laughter... and cackling of the mob. None the less I Stand. How can my wife believe I do this for fun.... for Vanity? It's an Ordeal. An Obligation. I do it for my community... For my Children.... And yes.... for my own conscience and self esteem. Yet if someone else would step forward I would be greatly relieved! I think Ill have another Beer. I'm in no rush to go to bed. I have a world to Dominate!... no wait that's Socialism..... :-) The thing is that when I do hit the hay... my conscience is clear, and I still have a vision and hope to share... I have spent this evening getting my nomination forms sorted... my Profile pic, and my Election profile statements done. I need to get my A into town tomorrow before noon to get registered.... that's the cut off and typical Tim style I have left it to the last moments to decide to run.... If I don't make tomorrow's deadline... I will be disqualified. Copy of HCC Elections 2013 005

Tim Wikiriwhi For Mayor/ Hamilton West!

…Due to gross incompetence our city wallows in high rates and crippling debt.
Yet still I believe Hamilton could become New Zealand’s premier city via the rigorous application of the principles endorsed by Nobel Prize winner for economics Milton Friedman.
Reducing bureaucratic interference with private property, individual liberty, and business will allow you to realize your full potential.

Hamiltonian’s interests are best served when Council keeps costs down.
Lower rates means lower rents, and ultimately lower food and petrol bills.
Lower rates gives Hamilton business’s the greatest advantage to compete both domestically and globally.
While you forge a brighter future, I’ll focus on the reduction of city debt and rates by running a tight ship.
Council should stick to essential utilities.
I will promote community interests by soliciting philanthropy from the Private sector, encouraging voluntary community initiatives to develop art, charity and culture.
Let’s think smart, and aim for success.

Tim Wikiriwhi
Affordable Waikato.


World’s Hottest Porn Star gives life to God.


Once named by Maxim as one of the hottest porn stars in the world, Jenna Presley performed in more than 275 pornographic films, stripped for money, sold her body in prostitution, abused drugs and even tried to kill herself – but now the young brunette stunner says she has found her true calling in life.

“Thank you, Jesus! I found Him, I’m home!” she declared, announcing that she has become a born-again Christian.




True Christian Modus Operandi. Jesus Loves Porn Stars.


The False Deity Called Evolution.

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Way too Starry for Atheism.

Divine Aesthetics.
Some people may think I’m being a Knob when I say that the sight of a Beautiful woman is proof to me of God’s existence, yet I am being absolutely serious! My argument is It is too incredulous to believe that it is a mere coincidence that there is such beauty in the world and that I just so happen to have the eyes to see it and the mind to appreciate it. To me this ‘symbiosis’ smacks of design… and causes an urge to ‘Worship’ the creator of this *Art*.

And I am alluding to more than just the beauty of Woman… I am saying *Beauty* itself, and my ability to experience it is evidence of God…. beautiful beaches…. sunsets… too prove this.
Thus I am saying that my sense of beauty here is more than just a genetic/ sexual urge… Thus I find a Female butterfly to be Beautiful… and a Male Peacock… and this carries over into sound, taste, smell… etc.
Why I make this point Re : Beauty is because before I was a theist, it never occurred to me just how spectacular was this relationship between the beauty of Creation, and my ability to perceive it. after my conversion it dawned on me that all this could have existed and yet if I was ‘born a tree’ I would never have appreciated any of it! Never tasted a peach… never smelled a rose…. never herd a birds song… never appreciated the sun setting over the ocean… Ie My perception was heightened as to just how miraculously God had made me… so as to be able to apprehend his greatness as an artist… The beauty of God.
On a facebook tread discussing my assertions an Atheist tried to say my ‘feelings’ and sence of beauty were merely a product of ‘Nurture’… not nature.
I retorted… Give me a break! What I am talking about is something which is a fundamental capacity designed in human beings to the degree that it’s absence would be a mental handicap… nothing to do with cultural relativism.”

To me Naturalistic theories not only struggle to explain The happy conditions of Life on Earth, they really become absurd when you realise that the Atheist must believe that not only is every beautiful thing merely the product of a giant explosion, but that our sense of beauty itself must be explained thereby… as merely another property of matter.

When I was an Atheist myself, I was blind to this reality, and it was not until I have converted that the true implications of how many things which pass as common experience actually testifies to Intelligent design.
Prior to my faith, I Saw beauty, I tasted beauty, yet took it for granted… as mundane.

Tim Wikiriwhi.


There is a God! (part1)


Hell is for the Self Righteous, Heaven is for Sinners.

JJ Cale’s Travelin Light ….


Just herd the sad news that another Music hero has passed away…
JJ Cale was Awesome!
One of the Giants.
His passing has inspired me to created a new category for our Blog… Outstanding Individual Contribution’

Thank’s JJ for enriching us with your talent… your amazing feel.

Read more here… J J Cale dead at 74: Tributes paid to singer songwriter after his death from a heart attack

The Christian Fellowship is a voluntary private society, not a theocratic political movement.

Christians face the Lions in Rome.

Pray for Liberty!…
“Therefore I exhort first of all that supplications, prayers, intercessions, and giving of thanks be made for all men, 2 for kings and all who are in authority, that we may lead a quiet and peaceable life in all godliness and reverence. 3 For this is good and acceptable in the sight of God our Savior, 4 who desires all men to be saved and to come to the knowledge of the truth.”
St Paul (1Tim2vs1-4)

A member of The Christian libertarians (new) facebook page asked the following question… supplying a Multi-choice answer format in which you could add your own answers.

“From what fundamental principle(s) do you base your libertarian political principles?”

The Golden Rule…27 votes.
Private Property …12 votes.
The answer I added….Grace gospel = individualistic self government and voluntary association…7 votes.
Argumentation ethics… 1 vote.
The Non-Aggression Principle….23 votes.
Jesus is Lord and Caesar is Not…4 votes.
Pragmatic (libertarianism is best for society)…3 votes.
The Constitution…3 votes.
Old Testament Law…1 vote.

I ticked the Golden rule, and Private property, and also added my own option… Grace Gospel… (see above)
I then qualified my answers in the comments…

“Paul’s Gospel of grace is a personal invitation to the individual sinner for salvation, in which he voluntarily joins the ‘private association’ of the ‘Fellowship of the mystery’, and chooses of his own freewill to make Christian values his own, thus all of his/her good works, charity flow from this voluntary basis, not from any form of legalistic compulsion. … threat of political punishments or prohibitions.
Thus ‘Religious liberty’ is the essential principle, so that we are free to follow our own conscience, and private property is necessary as giving us the place to practice and preach our faith in peace and safety.

This ‘free society’ is to be distinguished both from Jewish Legalistic Nationalism, and from Christ’s and Peters Political gospel of ‘National Salvation’ for Israel via the establishment of Christ’s Kingdom Rule… in which there is no Religious liberty, because the True God will be on Earth.

Contrary to the Gospel of the Kingdom, Paul’s gospel of grace and the Christian fellowship of the mystery do not require compulsory membership of others, or for us to impose our values upon others by force (or Law), and establishes the framework for Peace with others with whom peaceful Libertarian coexistence is possible, Equality, and freedom, and thereby naturally fulfills the Golden rule.

In this freedom sinners may choose to receive the gift of God’s grace, or to reject it and remain ‘outside’ the church and live in sin… as long as they don’t impinge upon our religios liberty, or threaten our lives and property. It is not for us to lock up Prostitutes, drug dealers, Homosexuals, adulterers, etc. They shall reap what they sow, and ultimately shall face the judgment of God.

It is for us to preach the Gospel of Grace, and to set an example of God’s love for mankind via charity and good works, and to prove the benefits of living by the Inner moral compass of Personal Christian ethics voluntarily imbibed, as superior to Anti freedom nationalistic Socially dictated/ imposed moral legalism
Religious liberty is the fundamental principle of the Gospel of God’s grace, and we ought to be praying for freedom to live by our own convictions, and to peacefully practice, preach, and teach our faith, Print our Bibles, Build our schools and other charitible institutions, etc.
We are not attempting to establish Gods Kingdom on Earth, because we know that *Only Christ* can achieve that… at his second comming.

Tim Wikiriwhi
Christian Libertarian.

The Late great Francis Schaeffer has this to say about Libertarian Rights and Liberties…

Banana republicans


Republicans are bananas!

New Zealand Republic is the website for the Republican Movement of Aotearoa New Zealand.

Let’s check out the case for a New Zealand republic.

(But first, check out the Republican Movement’s logo above. What is it? A stylised letter ‘R’? A misshapen black nodule? Or a badly drawn smiling frog-face? Whatever it is, our people do not want it disgracing our national flag.)

The case for a New Zealand republic sets out the main arguments for why New Zealand should become a republic. They fall into three categories:

Independence — New Zealand should have a New Zealander as the head of state;
Nationhood — the constitution and head of state of New Zealand should reflect New Zealand’s national identity, culture and heritage;
Democracy — New Zealand should have a democratic and accountable head of state.

In this post, I’ll take a look at the Republicans’ argument that we need a New Zealander as the head of State, under the heading “Independence”.


New Zealand will not be fully independent until we have a New Zealander as head of state. New Zealand likes to think of itself as an independent country. However, it cannot objectively be argued New Zealand’s current head of state represents this.

Never mind the head of state. New Zealand will not be fully independent while half of its citizens are dependent on state welfare. That’s a much bigger problem to address.

As the United Kingdom’s one-time head of state, Margaret Thatcher, once said, “there is no such thing as society. There are individual men and women, and there are families. And no government can do anything except through people, and people must look to themselves first. It’s our duty to look after ourselves and then, also to look after our neighbour.” How are we to look after our neighbour when we, ourselves, are reliant on government largesse? New Zealand society will never be independent until such time as its men and women and families are no longer reliant on state welfare handouts and “tax breaks”.

Add to this the fact that the New Zealand’s external debt is the vicinity of $90 billion dollars. We have a long way to go before we can declare our financial independence from foreign lenders.

A republic means a New Zealander as head of state

“Is New Zealand to continue to have an appointed Governor-General… or should we move to an elected president? This will not happen because of any lack of affection or love for our Queen in London, but because the tide of history is moving in one direction.” – former Prime Minster Jim Bolger.

Do we really want someone like Jim Bolger as our head of state? Or Margaret Thatcher? Or John Key?


I’m not a stalwart royalist like my mum, but I’m more than happy with the Queen. Next to spending time with my family, Her Majesty’s message is the highlight of my Xmas Day. (BTW, Happy Birthday Your Majesty!)

Our current head of state is not a New Zealander and does not represent New Zealand. When the Queen travels overseas, she does so in order to represent Great Britain.

The Queen works to strengthen British economic and political ties, and does whatever the British Government asks of her. In fact, whenever “our” head of state visits New Zealand, the Queen has to ask for permission from the British Government to leave Britain.

You have got to be kidding. She’s the Queen! Her subjects answer to her, she doesn’t answer to them!

If the Queen wanted to be a citizen of New Zealand, she would not meet the legal requirements to become a citizen. The Citizenship Act 1977 requires an applicant for New Zealand citizenship to have been resident in New Zealand for five years before citizenship is granted. The Queen has spent a total of no more than six months in New Zealand.

The Governor-General is not a proper head of state. While the Governor-General may increasingly act in ways that befit a head of state, the reality is that New Zealand is still not regarded as being fully independent of Great Britain. Appointing the Queen’s representative in New Zealand is inadequate. A New Zealand head of state will make it clear that New Zealand is an independent country. It will signal New Zealand’s independence and maturity to the world.

I’ll be honest. I don’t actually know who the current Governor-General is. And that’s exactly how it should be. A head of state so off the radar that only Wikipedia knows his or her true identity.

Deciding the rules for ourselves

In recent years, the British Parliament has attempted to amend the succession law. The problem is the Statute of Westminster 1931, the law which granted independence to Canada, Australia and New Zealand.

Oops! Looks like the Republicans just shot themselves in the foot. By their own admission, New Zealand has already been granted independence!

The Statute requires “consultation” on changes to the succession before any changes to the succession law. While this provision is not binding, it is still an important constitutional convention. The most recent attempt in 2008 failed for this reason: the British Government did not want to have to consult with all the parliaments of the Commonwealth realms. New Zealand’s Parliament could change the law of succession unilaterally, but that would go against the convention established by the Statute of Westminster. Change can only be enacted if the governments of all the 15 Commonwealth realms are consulted, probably by Britain. In a republic, the rules governing New Zealand’s head of state will be made solely by the New Zealand Parliament. They will change as New Zealanders decide they need to, not because of events in Great Britain.

Er, well, that’s it. Pretty lame, huh. (Part 1 of 3.) So far, I’m fully not convinced that New Zealand needs to become a republic. And, as I commented on Facebook yesterday

Why do we need “a New Zealand republic with an independent head of State.” I can’t think of a good reason. Change? Why change? Haven’t you people got more pressing concerns?

If it ain’t broken, don’t fix it.

Croucher Patriot. American Black Ale.

croucher patriot 001

About two years ago while I was on the hunt to try different Dark beers and Porter Ales, I came across Croucher Brewing Company’s Patriot, American Black Ale, brewed in Rotorua.
It was exactly the sort of Oddity that I was looking to try.
At nearly $10 for 500mls it was on the pricey side, yet in the name of Beer Science and culture I decided to give it a crack.

Copy of me beer
Beer Miester Tim Wikiriwhi at work in the field.

It was very different to any other Black beer I had ever tasted!
Quite shockingly strong on the Hoppiness…something I have never really enjoyed and one of the reasons I prefer Porter ales… yet after a few glasses I was quite enthralled with *this* sort of Hopps!
It actually converted me to the Idea that I should be experimenting more with hopps in my VonTempsky Heroic Ales …homebrew, and though after several ‘fails’…. Batches I will not be repeating, I still cant help but love this Patriot American Black Ale and wish I could figure out how to get some of that magic into my own brews.
I rank this Beer very highly.

Read some more reveiws about it Here:

I have also found out via Croucher’s Face book page that they also Brew an ‘Ethiopian Coffee Stout’ which has gone on tap at Galbraith’s Alehouse Auckland!

As I am a Fan Of Coffee Porters, and Brew my own, I cant wait to get my grubby hands on a few Bottles of this Coffee Stout!
When I do I will report!
Coffee Porters Keep very well.
I am drinking some I brewed about two years ago and still tastes great!
I brew up a very very ‘expresso’ strength jug of Maccona and put a shot glass full in each 750ml bottle before filling with my Porter brew.
That works very well.
See my Home brew Face Book Page for VonTempsky’s heroic Ales Here: