Category Archives: Freedom

Christian ‘Constitutional Conservative’ introduces Bill to end the war on drugs. Hit and Run Blog.

From >>>here<<< David Simpson-0-0

David Simpson, the Republican state representative who wants to repeal marijuana prohibition in Texas, is a radical. I mean that in a good way. The bill he introduced on Monday would not merely allow specified marijuana-related activities—the approach taken by every state that has legalized marijuana so far. Instead Simpson, who is in his third term representing an East Texas district that includes Gregg and Upshur counties, aims to eliminate all references to marijuana from the state’s criminal code. In an essay published by The Texas Tribune’s online opinion section, he explains why, laying out “The Christian Case for Drug Law Reform”:

As a Christian, I recognize the innate goodness of everything God made and humanity’s charge to be stewards of the same.

In fact, it’s for this reason that I’m especially cautious when it comes to laws banning plants. I don’t believe that when God made marijuana he made a mistake that government needs to fix.

New York Times editorial writer Lawrence Downes likes what Simpson has to say. “I don’t think I’ve read a more concise and persuasive conservative argument for rethinking marijuana laws,” Downes writes. But Simpson’s goal is more ambitious than that:

In the name of protecting the public, certain substances have been declared evil and contraband. So evil are these substances that state and federal agents are empowered to enforce laws with little or no regard for constitutional protections of individual rights, the sanctity of one’s home or the right to travel freely….

Our current “war on drugs” policies [are] spurring a proliferation of ever-changing exotic designer drugs and a disregard for contitutional protections in the name of eliminating drugs at any cost. Just think of no-knock warrants, stop-and-frisk, civil asset forfeiture and billionaire drug lords.

The time has come for a thoughtful discussion of the prudence of the prohibition approach to drug abuse, the impact of prohibition enforcement on constitutionally protected liberties and the responsibilities that individuals must take for their own actions….

Should we be concerned for our friends and neighbors who abuse a substance or activity? Yes, we should help them through sincere and voluntary engagement, but not with force and violence.

Is there a place for prohibition? Yes, a prohibition of aggression (Romans 13). Our laws should prohibit and penalize violent acts. This is the jurisdiction of the magistrates under the new covenant—harm to one’s neighbor.

Civil government should value everything God made and leave people alone unless they meddle with their neighbor.

This is not just a brief against marijuana prohibition, or even the war on drugs in general. It is a brief against using force to stop peaceful, consensual activity. Simpson, who calls himself a “constitutional conservative,” elaborates on that libertarian theme in his campaign biography:

Man’s actions which harm other men must be checked by force to preserve human life and liberty. I believe that this is the legitimate role of civil government—to do justice and to protect individual rights of life, liberty and property. This consists of enforcing the rules between individuals (contracts), punishing the wrongdoer who harms his neighbor here at home, and defending us from our enemies abroad. Civil government, otherwise, should leave us alone and free.

We need more Republicans like David Simpson.


Police know the War on Drugs is making New Zealand a more dangerous place, yet try to pull the wool over the Public’s eyes.


The irrefutable pattern continues…. not just in Mexico…. not just in Chicago….But the world over… including New Zealand.

Read the latest news…


‘NZ criminals shift to bigger guns’.

Underworld figures are now packing machineguns in what has been identified as a “culture” shift toward heavier arming among criminals, an intelligence report warns.

But police say the big guns are mostly for show, and that their use rarely reaches beyond the closed doors of the criminal world.

A summary of the report, which notes the growing frequency and increasing sophistication of weapons featuring particularly among gangsters’ drugs crime activity, has been released under the Official Information Act.

Assistant police commissioner Malcolm Burgess would not comment on the sources of the information.

He said criminals, not the public, were most at risk of encountering gun crime. “They are more likely to use these firearms in situations involving other criminals, rather than against the general population.”

A summary of the July 2014 report, briefing police officers and entitled “Firearms and Organised Crime: Illicit Supply, Possession and Use”, notes a shift in New Zealand criminals’ attitudes to bearing arms.

“It is likely (the event will probably occur in most circumstances) there has been and continues to be an erosion of the traditional culture of firearms non-usage by New Zealand organised crime group members,” it says.

Read Full article >>>Here<<< MORE FIREPOWER Police raiding a central Wellington apartment found the occupants lying in wait with high-powered rifles. Raids across the region in June last year netted guns, drugs and samurai swords and about $20,000 worth of methamphetamine, as well as cocaine, LSD, ecstasy and cannabis. The 21 people arrested remain before the courts and the swords were returned to their original owner. Asked where such weapons come from, Assistant Police Commissioner Malcolm Burgess said most were sourced via thefts from licensed firearms holders. Police found 22 firearms in raids around Whangarei in December last year which resulted in 38 Headhunters gang members' arrests and $4 million in methamphetamine being seized. Several of the guns seized are alleged to be part of a large cache stolen from a Bucklands Beach, Auckland, gun collector last June. Hunting rifles found rolled up in a mattress at a Plimmerton house in July last year where gang members were living were traced back allegedly to burglaries in the Hutt Valley and Wairarapa. Two people were arrested on methamphetamine, LSD, MDMA and cannabis supply charges. Customs intercepted 1880 firearms and 3393 parts at the border in 2013-14. - The Dominion Post ******************************* cake

Now to any Prohibitionist reading this….there is no point getting upset that your methods are worse than a failure… that your Tyranny is making society much less safe…
When will you admit defeat?
When will you stop calling for Blood on the streets?

Instead, take a look at what is going on in Colorado USA, and how Ending Cannabis prohibition is having a massive effect on reducing violent crimes, and is hurting the Mexican Cartels…

Read this>>>> ‘Legal Pot in the US Is Crippling Mexican Cartels’

And This>>>> Legal US Weed Is Killing Drug Cartels

And This >>>> Colorado Crime Rates Down 14.6% Since Legalizing Marijuana

Or get yourself a copy of Don Brash’s book ‘Incredible Luck’ in which he dedicates a chapter as to why he supports the discrimination of Cannabis in New Zealand.
He is virtually Giving them away… about $7 per copy *postage included*.

You can contact/ private message Don >>>Here<<< Ending the war on drugs will be the greatest step towards more justice, and public safety that is possible with the stroke of a pen! Our Jails will empty... Respect for the Law will increase. Add to that the 100s of millions of Tax $$$ Savings which are currently wasted on enforcement of the failed policies of prohibition. Add to that the benifits of having a Legal Cannabis industry. We will stop Jailing peaceful people like Dakta Green! If you have not met this great man.... why not? We are about to stick him and several of his comrades in jail again... for being brave enough to resist the Evils of Cannabis prohibition, and pushing for legal safe dispensaries. free_the_daktory_three
I am having trouble finding an up-to-date article on Dakta’s latest predicament…. I will remedy this when I can…. yet >>>here is a blogpost<<<< I wrote about his earlier civil disobedience. *****There will be an all night Vigil before the Sentencing for the Daktory 3 on April 22 at Auckland District Court. If you want to stand up for your rights, be there if you can.***** Hamilton-Jay-Day-2014
Hamilton J day 2014
William Mckee, Gary Chiles, Dakta Green, and Tim Wikiriwhi.

Read my speech >>>Here<<< and find more Eternal vigilance posts on Ending the Drug war. Tim Wikiriwhi. Christian Libertarian, Friend and admirer of Dakta Green and company.

Other World…The Right to Opt out. Biker Credos.


From Motorcycle Clubs Australia
April 13 • Edited

The Other World…
There are humans who live eventually,here and now.
And there are humans who decided to live in another world.

Being a member of a motorcycle club is an attitude towards life.
Truth and respect at the forefront outlaw bikies are proud and it’s an honour to be an outlaw biker.

Some find fellowship, brotherhood,and solidarity thats why they join a club.
If an outlaw biker gives his word he keeps it. If you behave like a man you’ll be treated like a man.

If you behave like an asshole you’ll be treated like an asshole.An outlaw biker can be your best and loyal friend.
But can also be your worst nightmare.

Its not about breaking the rules or fighting the system.Its about freedom that is fixed in the mind.The government doesn’t like that, they don’t like a strong group because they can’t control them so easy.

So of course the police handle the outlaw bikies differently, aggressively portraying them as the boogey men of our society.
The scary monster man that sells drugs to school kids from the back of his Harley,who rapes and murders at will,the lowest of the low who has no moral compass whatsoever or so they will have you believe …

Due to conditioning, through the government’s advertising arm, the media, threatening and intrusive governmental action is not denounced as dangerous but lauded as a positive step toward security a safer society. This concept–government psychologically shaping its citizens to comfortably accept authoritarianism.

Complex social circumstances in a progressive society like ours always determines and should determine the curtailment of civil liberties.Bikers do not want to be controlled from above,there’s already enough people in a free society who feel this kind of need.But that doesn’t mean that they are criminal organisations.

Those that give up freedom for safety will lose both in the end.

(extracts from various sources.)
— with Eddie Mendez.


^^^The above is a Biker Credo which I ‘Liberated’ from an ‘outlaw’ Biker FB site…

Some people may think it is a poor show for me to glorify Outlaw bikers like this, yet I want to propose that *Outlaw Gangs* are to a large degree a reaction to all the BULLSHIT that passes for civil society these days.
They are a reaction to the monumental hypocrisy.
They are a rejection of all the Petty Tyrannies… all the Legal corruptions… all the ridiculous ‘Social norms’.
All the Religious Bigotry.

As a Person whom has spent over 15 fruitless years trying to reform the system via the democratic process, what … when the system has proven to be a self protecting charade…is a person like me supposed to do next?
Am I expected to just roll over, and accept the perpetual Sodomizing like a good little Slave?… am I supposed to be grateful?

Now I’m not about to join a gang…, nor am I about to surrender…. yet I want to make the point as to why many good people reach the conclusion that joining an Outlaw Biker Gang is actually *a good thing to do*
FUck the system!

I can relate to that… esp when … upon futher investigation you discover that Biker Gangs are not absolutely Lawless… they have their own codes of Honor… and they have strong views on *Natural justice*.
Of course Some Biker Gangs are full of Scum… Rapists, Thieves, and Murderers, yet by far the greater percentage of Bike Clubs don’t tolerate scum, and have codes of honour.

and Ironic as it may seem… within Limits, they have a Right to do exactly that!

Tim Wikiriwhi.
New Zealand Biker.


Read on….


The Right to Ignore the State

by Herbert Spencer


Herbert Spencer was an incredible prophet and a magnificent defender of laissez-faire. Among his numerous works is The Man Versus The State, first published in 1884. That book launched one of the most spirited attacks on statism ever written. He ridiculed the idea that government intervention of any kind “will work as it is intended to work, which it never does.” He drew on his tremendous knowledge of history, citing one dramatic case after another of price controls, usury laws, slum clearance laws, and myriad other laws which, touted as compassionate policies, intensified human misery. Below is one of his essays that explores the principles of self-government, which Henry David Thoreau defended in his seminal essay, Civil Disobedience.

The Right to Ignore the State

1. The Right to Voluntary Outlawry

As a corollary to the proposition that all institutions must be subordinated to the law of equal freedom, we cannot choose but admit the right of the citizen to adopt a condition of voluntary outlawry. If every man has freedom to do all that he wills, provided he infringes not the equal freedom of any other man, then he is free to drop connection with the state — to relinquish its protection, and to refuse paying toward its support. It is self-evident that in so behaving he in no way trenches upon the liberty of others; for his position is a passive one; and whilst passive he cannot become an aggressor. It is equally self-evident that he cannot be compelled to continue one of a political corporation, without a breach of the moral law, seeing that citizenship involves payment of taxes; and the taking away of a man’s property against his will, is an infringement of his rights. Government being simply an agent employed in common by a number of individuals to secure to them certain advantages, the very nature of the connection implies that it is for each to say whether he will employ such an agent or not. If any one of them determines to ignore this mutual-safety confederation, nothing can be said except that he loses all claim to its good offices, and exposes himself to the danger of maltreatment — a thing he is quite at liberty to do if he likes. He cannot be coerced into political combination without a breach of the law of equal freedom; he can withdraw from it without committing any such breach; and he has therefore a right so to withdraw.

Read more from Herbert >>>Here<<< minnn

Free Biker Alliance Inferno -36

N F E R N O – 3 6 In mythology, the Minotaur symbolizes power and fear, that of a monster half man, half bull, but at the same time he was locked in the labyrinth by Minos (one of the judges of hell).

This symbol represents us perfectly, because it can be very strong and free in his mind, there still remains a prisoner of the system around us is our maze!
July 31, 2012

More Biker stuff from Tim >>>> The Perfect Woman?

Nat’s Orwellian Budget. Bikers pay the price for stupid Laws in more ways than $$$

I’m Hunter S. Thompson’s Latest Fan. Kingdom of Fear.

Machine Gun Preacher.

Standing on the Edge of the Abyss? Jesus Saves!

New Zealand Christian Motorcyclists Association.

They are out there! Heroic and Virtuous Islamic Granny Schools Murdering Extremists.


^^^Small in Stature….. Great and Heroic in Moral Character!
“Blessed be the peacemakers, for they are the children of God”.
May Jesus Christ place his hands on this virtuous woman.



Read more…

Defying Shiite mainstream, Lebanese cleric reaches out to Jews

Read more: Defying Shiite mainstream, Lebanese cleric reaches out to Jews | The Times of Israel
Follow us: @timesofisrael on Twitter | timesofisrael on Facebook

Head Games. Three Dog Night, Foreigner, and Heart rock out in Whitianga New Zealand 25-1-15


The Three Dog Night / Foreigner / Heart Concert in Whitianga last Sunday was AWESOME! … a fact completely wasted on NZ media … with it’s severe lack of coverage of this event… and so I’m writing this post to in some small way REPRESENT the appreciation We Kiwi fans have for the Musical Genius these Folk spread about our Country … a show in Taupo… one up the Coromandal peninsula, and one more due to kick off in Queenstown on the 31st.

During the Show my mind was buzzing…. I had been waiting 30 years to hear Heart and Foreigner… not that I really thought I ever would see them…. And yet there they were!
I was experiencing a very special moment in my life…
I was back in the 80’s … West Auckland…. sitting on the floor…. Back against the wall of my friend Terry’s sleep out… Smoking Bags of Weed… drinking as much of the cheapest nastiest piss as we could afford… Wall to Wall Wasted Wallies head bangin to a scratchy rendition of ‘Cold as Ice’… on the cheapest Crappiest portable turntable ….
Life is Grand!

My Blog tribute may not be the greatest they have ever received, yet I Hope they know just how special this Day was for thousands of people just like me… We were humbled by their presence.
It may have just been just one more show to them… yet for us fans… it’is something we will remember with immense happiness..

During the Gig… several different ideas for a blog post lighted upon me…. Each better than the last…. Yet because I did not bring a pen and paper… they divorced me almost as quickly as they arrived… do you think I can remember any of them now?

It was Hot…. and I was Drinking…. A lot…. 🙂
So was everybody else yet the mood was sooo cruizie … peace reigned… the only spoiler was a silly fat bitch sitting beside me who complained that Joy (my wife) was partially blocking her view of the big screen… even though we were sitting in the very best possie available… a mere 70 feet from the stage!
I told her to get a life.

That was the only ill spirit that appeared that day… I didn’t even see one Coppa… the crowd were havin a Lazy Sunday…. Well done all!
I got Jiggy.

Three Dog Night were Cool as…. Absolute Maestros…. 15 albums.
They joked with the crowd and told yarns about their Heydays…. How they came to write their songs… what was the stimuli… the expedience.
I leaned over to my friend and expressed my wonder… Gob smacked…. “Never did I ever expect to hear them playing these Classic Famous songs”.
Their spoof ‘modern/ Rap version’ of ‘Mama told me not to come’… had us wetting ourselves with Glee!

Closing encores with their New Release… ‘The Prayers of the Children’ … about the children suffering in War Zones… had us Dumb struck with tears.

Flower Power mixed with the best Harmony…. They just don’t make music like that any more…. unless you are 3 Dog Night!
And that was something I noticed about all three of these Bands… a definite and purposeful spirituality… Even Lead Singer for Foreigner… Kelly Hansen… was calling for ‘Hallelujahs’ from the crowd!

Foreigner Rockin out in Whitianga… Gig Photos by David Wolfe.

And what a Singer Kelly Hansen is!!!!!
He had all the woman fizzing at the bung!
His Voice is like he stepped out of a 70’s Time warp!
Classic Rock vocals worthy of the company of Paul Rogers, Peter Green, … Watch out Chris Cornel!
Foreigner songs are like a Male strip show… Provocatively Stud-ly… not just any wannabe can sing them with credibility…. Yet no problem for this showman!
He had a great rapport with the crowd.
My Girlfriends all tell me that Foreigner were the highlight of the Day… and I agree.
They Banged out Hit, after Hit, …

I was there especially to see Heart.
BOOM! Nancy Wilson walks on stage… Sun Glasses, Guitar… and Luscious Golden Blonde hair!!!
She’s only 60.

oh yeah
Heart Rocks Whitianga New Zealand 25-1-15 (Photo by Wolfy… David Wolfe)

Hearing their songs… ‘What about Love’….. ‘Crazy on you’… brought tears to my eyes.
Stealing Lyrics from Foreigner “I’ve been waiting for you” Heart for 30 years… and now there you are… performing for me…. Thank you… thank you…. I love you! 🙂
Just fantastic.
The reason I give the day to Foreigner, and not Heart was because of the extra effort Kelly made to connect with the crowd… the fact that Heart didn’t even bother putting up any Backdrop… and that they finished off on Led Zep covers… which were bloody awesome… yet I would have rather herd more of their own stuff.

Unlike poor old Meatloaf… All these Old Rockers still have it!
They baked themselves for us… the stage facing the direct Sun.
We were blessed with a slight breeze which took some of the Heat Bite away, yet Anne Wilson was dressed in Black lace…


Caught the Ferry across to the other side and within an hour we were back at my friends Bungalow… more music… more booze….
Thank you Heart!
Thank you Foreigner.
Thank you Three Dog Night…. For taking the trouble to come all the way down to the bottom of the world to share your awesome Art…. And your awesome souls… with us Kiwis.

Well done Greenstone Entertainment!
Very well organised events… very reasonable price!
Thanks for bringing these legends of Rock to God’s Own country.

Tim Wikiriwhi.
Music Critic Down Under.

Christian grace and compassion for the Suffering. Against suicide, yet tolerant of euthanasia.

Mother-Theresa-with-Baby-Mother-Theresa-41801 (1)

Two different perspectives about Life, Death, Suffering, and Euthanasia have appeared here recently…

Why No Christian Should Support Euthanasia, by Blair Mulholland


God’s gift to the terminally ill by Richard Goode.

Most thinking people fall squarely into either of these camps.

I would like to suggest that there is a third way… a middle course.

Having come down from my mountain I’d like to wade in 🙂 … Mine is the lonely path… loved by few… because it appears to these antagonists that I’m too cosy with their enemy… not resolute enough… yet I believe it to be the best course.

I support certain aspects of Blair’s Anti-Euthanasia post to a high degree… yet ultimately I support Richard’s conclusion regarding Opium.

Both are arguing from the premise of ‘the sanctity of human life.

It’s a very interesting subject because it’s one of these issues which if the Christian is not careful, he will find himself supporting harsh and inhumane Laws out of a misguided sense of piety (like the twats who support drug prohibition).
It is ‘one of those’ controversial issues which some Christians insist gives them the right to impose *Un-Libertarian* prohibitions on others…. thus these so-called Christians also tend to insinuate that Real Christians *cant be Libertarians*… that there can be no separation of Church and state.

It is my experience to note that most of the Anti-Euthanasia Religionists do this because they still have not figured out the dispensational distinctions of the Christian living under grace, from the OT Jew living under the Law.
They dont yet grasp the reality that Euthanasia is just like the issue of Smoking Cigarettes…. that a Christian can be ideologically *against Cigarettes* yet also ought to be Ideologically *against a prohibition on cigarettes*… and that it is quite right to speak out against the vise of smoking cigarettes… if they be so moved…. yet to maintain a libertarian respect, and compassion for cigarette smokers and their rights rather than the Legalistic spirit *self righteous persecution and hate*.


Let me speak about what I mean with myself as the example.
As a Christian I do believe in the sanctity of human life, and that it would be insulting to God and a gross lack of faith, for me to ‘Commit suicide’ out of depression… yet I also know that we are not under the Law, and that God is a merciful God.
I do believe that he put things like Alcohol, Opium, etc on the Earth to alleviate pain and I am not so silly as to not be able to distinguish someone wishing to avoid a Ghastly and excruciating death, from someone callously throwing their life away out of spite, or sloth.

Not appreciating these distinctions is a bit like those dullards whom cant distinguish Loving discipline from child abuse (forgive my terseness).

Assisting a terminally ill person to end their own life, or taking your own life rather than facing the torture of a brutal enemy, are not the same things as assisting a Depressed, faithless, Godless, and ungrateful, (yet otherwise healthy) person to harm themselves.

The thing is that I dont think *prohibitive Laws* have anything good to add to this situation for the Obvious reason that a depressed person determined to kill themselves is in no way obliged to obey Human conventions…. which is all a prohibition is… when not underpinned by a personal ethic… and those whom actually have such a personal ethic *dont need any such law*.

Depressed yet otherwise able bodied people don’t need help to kill themselves.
Only the dying fear that the longer they endure, the less capable they become to take their own life in a peaceful way…. And so then may come to rely on their loved ones for assistance.
The people who want such prohibitions simply seek to persecute the caring Doctors and Family members whom assist their patients and loved ones from ending their sufferings.
I think many are acting out Malice against people whom dont share their personal religious sentiments, which is far Colder …. far less forgiveable than simple ignorance or delusion, … cloaking their evil hearts under the guise of ‘concern’ and religious piety.

This is the very antithesis of Christian Love.

Worst of all is that fact that many supposed ‘Orthodox’ Christians employ false doctrines … resorting to the time of Jewish Law, and Christs preaching to the Jews about being found worthy to enter his kingdom.
They attempt to say that a Christian risks loosing their eternal salvation if they choose Euthanasia…. Because they have failed to ‘endure unto the end’… etc.

This is a clear demonstration of mishandling the word of truth and results in a horrible in-humane doctrine which increases the un-necessary misery and human suffering in the world and when these false doctrines are used to Rally zealots into lobbying the government against Libertarian Law reform…. It causes unbelievers to despise Christianity as Barbaric and oppressive.
It causes Christianity to stink and makes a mockery of the Grace and compassion of God.
It Damns men’s souls via unbelief.

The Truth is quite different.
Under God’s Grace…. In this dispensation we are free from the Law, and salvation is absolutely a free gift…. Not determined at all upon our good works, endurance, etc.

So the Libertarian Christian (like me) does believe in the Sanctity of Human life, and intends to do what I believe is the Godly thing to do… with as much bravery as I an muster…to endure… and face my own fate (Following in the footsteps of my Heroic Grand Father) yet I confess that certain terminal conditions terrify me… and I reserve the right to chicken out and take matters into my own hands.

I know that such a decision would be to opt for the ‘weaker’ path for the Christian to take, yet I am confident of God’s grace and mercy.

I certainly don’t desire any legal prohibitions to prevent me having this option, and I would never be so cold and uncaring as to desire to prohibit others having the right to make this decision for themselves either… or loving parents making the painful decision that it is not in their child’s best interest to postpone the inevitable!

*This is a fundamental principle of Christian Libertarianism … That we are not the property of society… or the government…. We own ourselves… and it is up to us whether or not we will impose upon ourselves certain religious convictions regarding our own death.*
Parents must have their parental rights and responsibilities respected by the state.

Though I hate the false doctrines which try and ensnare fearful souls back under Law, and I have contempt for people whom seek to use the Law to unnecessarily prolong human suffering, I have no problem with people peacefully… and without recourse to political coercion propagating their belief that Euthanasia is wrong…. From forming associations which seek to propagate that belief… from boycotting Doctors whom are known to assist terminal patients to end their lives with dignity.
This is how Libertarianism works… Nobody *forcing* their opinions on others.

* The most important Political reality is that having legally assisted suicide (of itself)does not effect any third party’s rights…. And thus such prohibitions cant be justified*… I’m not saying there cant be any legal challenges Re: debts, and other contractual obligations)

When it comes to my loved ones, there is no way I would assist any of them to die, if they have still have the power of reason, yet have not receive the Gospel.
Death in that case will not end their suffering… it will be but the beginning.
Yet I would assist them if they are trusting in the Resurrection of Christ…. and even though…. perish the thought that many may so choose…. I would not seek a law to forbid people from arranging for their own death… or assisting their loved ones… even if they reject Christ.
God has given them the right to go to their deaths un-repentant, and in their own sins.

Christianity is properly a tolerant liberal faith…which seeks to make the world a better place via preaching the gospel and Christian values to whomsoever hath an open ear… not a Religion of Political force.
Christianity seeks to convert hearts and minds… not impose an artificial draconian order.

Man’s knowledge and powers of Medical intervention have made these sorts of Moral dilemmas far more acute as we understand a lot more about things like Opium, Diseases, and how to prolong life than in the past, and so a lot of the so-called ‘life’ many people ‘endure’ at the end is wholly due to the Un-natural interventions of Humanity… orchestrated in the name of ‘the Sanctity of human life’… ie this so-called ideal results in untold more *un-necessary and futile* misery.

*And it is to a large degree this *artificially engineered period of misery* which we are talking about here… as if Nature… and Human concerns were left to themselves… death would naturally end this misery a lot sooner.
Ie Medicine could concern itself more with ‘Mother Theresa…hospice care’ rather than Frankenstein type fanaticism…. Living Heads in a Jar… trying to steal a few last breaths… under delusions that this is honouring God.

And If I am ever undone…. laid out flat… writhing in agony … beyond repair… I hope my caregivers are not Frugal with the ‘Milk of the poppy’….
Fear not for me… My time will be done…. And my soul is secure in Christ.
Likewise all you whom have loved ones knocking on Heaven’s door… Tell them to trust their souls to the Gospel of Grace and the Resurrection of Christ… and to ‘relax’… accept death … in the faith and hope of God’s Love and promises.
That’s what I intend to do.
Tim Wikiriwhi.
Christian Libertarian.

Read more…

Life and Death. Hope and Happiness. A Tribute to Rev John Steele Clark. (Re-post)

A High Calling.

Car Crash.

Read about Dispensationalism….

The Gospel of God’s Grace.

The Irony. Why I follow St Paul… Not Jesus.

Dispensational Truth. 2Timothy2vs15, Ephesians 3vs1-9

“I thank God I Baptized none of you…” St Paul. 1Cor1vs 14.

The Rock of Divine Revelation.

The Christian Fellowship is a voluntary private society, not a theocratic political movement.

Hell is for the Self Righteous, Heaven is for Sinners.

Did Paul Re- Invent Jesus?

Rediscovering Dispensational Truth…Exposing the Frauds of Orthodoxy one Fallacy at a time… Part 1. Christ’s Gospel.

Guardian Angel. Happy Birthday Mercedes Corby.

happy birthday Mercedes

You exemplify everything which is good about Family, and a Libertarian commitment to justice.
Fighting for your beloved sister caught in the Jaws of an Evil system, you risked everything for her sake.
Happy Birthday Mercedes…. from Eternal Vigilance.
We salute you!

Tim Wikiriwhi.
Christian Libertarian.

s and mmm

From the Facebook page People for Schapelle Corby

Tuesday (7th October) is Mercedes Corby’s birthday. Please join us in wishing her a truly wonderful and stress-free day.

When Schapelle was wrongly arrested in 2004, a nightmare began for Mercedes too. She stayed in Bali to be with her sister, and brought up her young family there. She helped to sustain Schapelle through the most harrowing and horrendous experiences.

She took up the cause with everything she had. Knowing her sister was completely innocent, she did everything in her power to free her from the chains of corruption.

She confronted politicians, she faced down the AFP, and she fought through the courts in Australia, where even her sister’s book royalties had been stolen by the government. She followed every lead, and sought help everywhere possible.

She explored every avenue in Indonesia, applying for clemency for Schapelle, and eventually, getting the parole through. She campaigned endlessly, and she told the truth to anyone who would listen.

In doing so, she became a threat to many interests and many corrupt individuals. So she was abused, maligned, and vilified by the most repugnant media on the planet. She became a target for sewer journalists, and malicious cowardly predators. She was even brutally beaten on the street.

One day, her own story will be told, and like Schapelle’s, it will shake the world.

Today, she remains by her sister’s side. And again, like Schapelle, her human rights continue to be openly breached, as she is illegally gagged. Her own government support this, and the media applaud it. But still she remains strong.

She is one in a million

Happy birthday Mercedes!
