La la la la Just imagine dethroning the Queen of England !???
I couldn’t help myself but to imagine exactly that… and myself sitting on the throne… after reading that it’s illegal… even to imagine that 🙂
Imagine if I were King!
Oh how the world would be a much brighter place!
The truth is I actually like Olde Lizzy… (though I am sure I could do a better job … 🙂 )
I once wrote a Queens birthday Radio show yarn on why I thought she was quite certainly one of the better monarchs of history… for example she does not impose her personal religious beliefs upon the Plebs… as was common practice a few hundred years ago.
As a Libertarian I believe New Zealand ought to become a constitutional Republic, yet this does not mean I dont like the Queen, or that I would support *any and every* Kiwi political Republican ambition as I am well aware of the possibility of a much worse form of government being established than what we have under the Commonwealth.
I am indeed very sceptical about such a move given our parliament is currently packed to the brim with Communists, racists, and Fascists who would love to assume absolute power!
Be very afraid!
Yet still this post was motivated by a very strange, silly, and tyrannical Statist Law.
A supposed crime of thought.
In Libertarian circles such thoughts…. and even actions… are a right, and a duty.
Read about that>>>> The Right of Revolution:
$5 say Prince Charlie has contemplated it a few times… 😀
Tim Wikiriwhi
Read this….
To even ‘imagine’ toppling Queen illegal… Press TV
To even “imagine” toppling the Queen or the abolition of the monarchy both remain punishable by life imprisonment in each and every country under the reign of the Queen, particularly in the UK, local media report.
This came after the UK Ministry of Justice was left embarrassed following the announcement that a list of 309 offences due to be repealed before May mistakenly included a call for the abolition of the monarchy.
The government was quick to reiterate that it is still illegal to even “imagine” so and one that imagined so could be imprisoned for life.
To imagine deposing the Crown or waging war against the Queen is still theoretically punishable by lifetime jail, although nobody has been prosecuted under the law since 1897, it has been claimed.
A routine notice from the Home Office had suggested that Section 3 of the Treason Felony Act h1848 had been repealed.
Following the announcement, campaign group Republic said it welcomed the news that a law banning public calls for the abolition of the monarchy had been scrapped.
“ … we have long called for the repeal of this law and we are pleased that parliament now formally acknowledges that republicanism is a legitimate and mainstream point of view … we have repeatedly publically and unequivocally called for the abolition of the monarchy without any legal threat,” said Republic’s spokesperson Graham Smith..
However, the Ministry of Justice said embarrassingly that it has been a mistake to announce that the law is scrapped, reiterating that republicanism still carries the title of crime punishable by life in prison.
The monarchy in Britain is not only an unaccountable, totalitarian and expensive entity, but it also is a hereditary institution within which the Queen and her family cannot be held to account at the ballot box.
More of my stuff on a similar thread…
Guy Fawkes. Agent of The AntiChrist. (Re-post)
Tim Wikiriwhi’s Submission to the New Zealand Government’s Constitutional Review. 2013
The Founders, Religion and Government: Christian Libertarian Charles Carroll
God’s Grace, Libertarianism, and Anne Frank
TREATYGATE Hamilton…introducing John Ansell
The Shame of Maori Radicalism. Hate and Violence.
Why a new Constitution for New Zealand must protect the Individual from Mobocracy.