Category Archives: Laws of Nature

Willful Ignorance and the Limits of human reason (without Divine Revelation.)


Today I want to make my rebuttal of a friends defense for Larkin Rose’s expressed position on God/ Deism.
Larken Rose Recognizes the fingerprint of Intelligence within the incredible design of living things yet appears ambivalent towards any further thought or discussion about the ramifications of this Revelation.
He reminds me of the late A Flew… the once High priest of Atheism who in the face of the discoveries of Modern science esp the complexity of living things abandoned his Atheism for belief in Intelligent design… yet never made the full traverse to Bible believing Faith in THE LORD.
Flew was an honest thinker yet ran out of Time…whereas Larken Rose still has time to discover the truth… yet his attitude appears to me to be that of a Man who does not really want to go down that road…and I question his motives.

I argue why Deism may once have been forgivable/ understandable in the distant past, yet is inexcusable today, and that now Reason and Logic are on the side of the Theist.
While both entail the belief in a Creator God, what distinguishes Deism from Theism is that Deism rejects Divine interventions in the affairs of Men… No Miracles to circumvent the laws of Nature… and esp No Divine special Revelations to mankind.
It will be necessary for me to skip over large portions of history and related material for the sake of brevity such as the Deism of the 18th century.
(I will have to do a separate Blog post on these important aspects of this topic at some later date, and insert a link to it here)

Watch Larken Rose Here…

Ten or more years ago I was asked to debate Hamilton based Atheists for the existence of the Christian God.
One of my opponents was Garry Mallett from Act.
Now The only reason I have mentioned this debate is because the 2nd part of my argument was the logical assumption that *If there is in fact a God (in the Full context of the word) and that he made us human beings…as Rational, conscious beings… that it would be a reasonable assumption to think that surely he would communicate with us some how… who he is… why he made us…etc rather than just leaving us Ignorant about such things.

That was my premise for why it is rational to at least consider the possibility that the Bible’s claim to be the Divine Revelation from the Creator of the Universe to be a plausible possibility at least… and that the honest thinking person having first concluded that the Universe and Living things are best understood as the products of intelligent design… that following upon that, that The Bible answers the questions that naturally flow on…. The *Who* is this Great designer of the Universe… and what message does he have for us… his Conscious Rational Moral Free Agent Creations… and most importantly… that such a Revelation is precisely what the rational mind would expect from the God who is there… rather than silence.

This is an argument that places Theism as superior to mere Deism and in fact renders belief in Deism today to be a cop out…poor reasoning at best… mostly willful ignorance.

Deism and Theism both draw upon what has been described as ‘Natural religion’… Ideas about God derived from looking at Nature… looking at what has been described as ‘The Book of God’s works’.
Yet Theism makes an additional claim that we have a second Book that we may also gain direct and infallible knowledge about God.. The Book of his actual words.

Deism/ Natural Religion is great up to certain point, yet severely limited as it can never tell us Human beings *who God is*… only that he is there… and that he is super intelligent and super powerful, and that there is some sort of Objective moral law which We Human beings ought to at least try and live by… that gives our Moral sence some legitimate foundation and purpose… rather than simply being some sort of illusion… mere sentiment… mere feelings.
An Idea such as ‘Kharma’, or ‘Reaping what you sow’… These are the sorts of ideas human beings have arrived at via contemplating nature… ‘Do unto others as you would have done unto you’ … ‘Be Good’… we know that’Theft is evil’…because we hate it when someone steals from us… so dont steal from others… yet still none of this has anything higher than our own opinion to rest upon… or the opinion of ‘wise others’… and is therefore not impervious to arguments of evil men that assert that all such moralizations are vacuous.
Dark minds may posit the question… Maybe the Deity is Malevolent?
Do not Floods and Earthquakes signal that our creator is far from a caring God! ????
Is the only Moral Rule …contrary to what the wowzers would have us believe…that the Strong may subject the weak?
Are they trying to subject the strong to whiles of the weak?
What the heck is really going on?
Deism cant definitively answer this… yet it gives those whom cling to it a certain self-justification for not being Nihilistic… for claiming they are Moral and good. (something that is necessary because of what the bible describes as our innate knowledge/ consciousness of Good and evil)

“For the invisible things of him from the creation of the world are clearly seen, being understood by the things that are made, even his eternal power and Godhead; so that they are without excuse:…”
St Paul. Romans 1:20.

Yet Deism says *Nobody can claim to really know*.

Now I love many of the Great heathen thinkers of classical times, whom both believed a God exists, and that Humanity should be moral, and because of the times and places in which *they lived* I accept that they really had taken ‘Natural religion’ to its highest forms and that they had no ‘Rungs upon which they could possibly ascend higher and closer to God’, and that they were Good, wise, Moral men…In the context of how good any man might be under such circumstances. (Separated/ aliens from Israel, mostly living before the advent of Christ)
It is at this plateau that many of the Great Heathen moral thinkers had arrived.
The Stoic Marcus Aurelius is supposed to have said…


Though Aurelius lived post-Christ and had ‘herd’ about the Christians and held negative opinions about them, I am not sure to what degree he had any real first hand communications with them, or any familiarity with the Old testament/ Book of Genesis, thus I tend to consider his situation as very similar to that of the *Pre-Christ* Gentile thinkers… Aliens from the Divine revelation.
He was a very interesting thinker…God will judge him.
Here is an interesting link to this Topic

Now As a Christian Theist who believes the Bible, I know there are Mountains of the most vital truths missing from this Natural/Deistic Faith position because I have the Divine Revelation… The Holy inspired and preserved words of God Almighty himself esp the Facts That Humanity is under a curse because of our Sin, and that our Sin separates us from God and puts us in danger of His Judgement and Damnation.
*It is possible*… because it is so obvious… without the aid of scripture to apprehend by the power of reason alone Humanities fallen/ sinful condition… our wickedness… our depravity… our Cruelty…. and perhaps from this a rationale may be conceived of the need to somehow appease the anger of the God(s)… for justice sake… all sorts of weird Ideas have been proposed… *Yet via reason it would be impossible to conceive of the doctrine of Christs virgin birth, and substitutional atonement for our sins, and resurrection*…from nature alone.
Indeed many Naturally minded people find these Doctrines repugnant… which leads to my main contentions for this blog about Deists living today in western civilization… and their willful ignorance/ rejection of the Divine Revelation… the Bible in which all these doctrines are laid out in the most Logical fashion from the very beginning in Genesis.


As I have said Deism is severely handicapped to what degree it can reveal the nature of God to us… limited in its certainty of moral precepts, etc, none the less *Today*…far from these limits as being considered by trendy thinkers as pitfalls… these people actually *enjoy* them!
Most of these are people *Today* … follow a trend that became fashionable from the end of the Great reformation who… for various reasons…good or bad… *hate organised religion* (which tends to be where Theistic claims of having ‘Divine revelation’ are most prevalent) … they also enjoy what they see as ‘the Freedom to do as they please… the only moral restraints being their own conscience… and esp that Deism can make no emphatic claims of Divine Judgement for moral failures… it cant even emphatically state the validity of any Human Judgement derived from Nature.
They will say that ‘Reason’ is the only Authority they will subject themselves to, and as they have reached to limits of Reason… they cannot be subject to any higher Moral authority or law.

Philosophers love to quote Hume … “you cant get an ‘Ought from an Is”.
Its Funny though that ordinary people seem to be able to do just that without much trouble appealing to sentiment… they are not moved by arguments that say we can have no confidence in these… in fact to my thinking …the rational approach to this mystery of consciousness to the ideas of Good and evil is not to say ‘We cant ever know’… but instead to set out *in faith* on a Pilgrimage to discover some means by which our sentiments can find Objective validation… It is a quest of discovery for the Divine revelation from the Intelligent Creator whose existence is testified to by his Natural handiwork.
And It is an Irony that in a work by the great skeptic himself David Hume called ‘Dialogues concerning Natural religion’ in which there is a debate about the existence of God, in which Hume deploys his skeptical arguments in the person of ‘Philo’, yet stunningly… in the final analysis his Book ends by giving the victory to the Theist ‘Cleanthes’!

My contention at the Debate was that not only did the Deity Communicate his existence and expectations of Humanity via Prophets and the written word… He intervened into Human affairs in the Most personal manor…. He visited us… and Walked among us… God was manifest in the flesh.

“Then he said unto them, O fools, and slow of heart to believe all that the prophets have spoken:…”

Now when you add up all the components I have briefly discussed above you ought to be able to grasp why it is that I myself am a Theist… a Bible believer… That the fact that we westerners have easy access to the King James Bible and the book of Genesis therein, that willfully seeking to remain ignorant of the Divine revelation is inexcusable… and why it is that I have a pet dislike for modern Deism… esp its corruption/heresy of what I call Christian Deism which I see as a pathetic retreat from true Christian Theistic faith…caused by a weakness in faith and Bad reasoning… in the face of Atheist sophistry. (Topic for another Post)
I actually struggle to contain my contempt!
I need to take 5… and chill… and remember that it is only by Gods grace that I myself am a Christian at all.
I need to remember *How alien* I once was… How utterly incapable of apprehending the existence of God let alone the truthfulness of the Bible!

It is with all this in mind that I decided to keep calm and write this post..
Recently A friend of mine tried to justify the Deism of one of his Favorite thinkers Larkin Rose, which I had critisised as being pathetic… because he refused to make the most basic inference that Intelligent design demands *GOD* and that from this obvious conclusion… if he was an honest thinker… would demand he then begin a personal pilgrimage to discover *Who* this Grand designer is.

My friend began to repair to the arguments *of Classical Deism* and the limits that Logic faced in that direction… as if that excuse… which of course appears quite valid when looking back to heathen lands… and times before Christ… aliens to the Divine Revelation, Yet This blogpost is my express rebuttal to that argument when applied to modern thinkers like Larkin.
It is invalid for Thinkers today to simply rest on that ancient Plateau… because they live post Christ and have access to the Bible and history.
This makes them fully culpable for rejecting Jesus Christ.
Socrates on the other hand was not privy to the Bible… and I even conjecture that he would have become a Christian had he been given the opportunity… so many of his conclusions about Divine things being in perfect harmony with the scriptures… that he never had opportunity to read.
I say that If Socrates would have considered the Gargantuan explanatory power for the first chapters in the book of Genesis…plus all the rest… the Biblical explanation for the existence of Evil…The explanation of why God has separated himself from mankind… why we die… why there are Natural disasters, etc etc that it is very possible that he would have realised that this divine revelation gives a great logical basis for Biblical theistic faith when one applies it to the world about him.
That in fact the Bible *Is the Revelation* of the Intelligent designer of everything…his message to us his creatures… esp telling us *Who he is*… and what is *Really* going on.


So I question why it is that though Larken Rose sees through the delusion of atheistic evolution, he still is apathetic towards discovering *Who God is* and challenge him to Read the King James Bible… to really contemplate it’s message… and that in doing so he would no longer be in a position to argue that Logic ends at the plateau of Natural religion.
The Bible is a logical extension from the Plateau at the top of the Mountain… upwards out of the stratosphere all the way… a direct line of communication to the Deity… a logical vindication of Bible believing christian Theism.
Of course Satan and his minions have been attacking the Bible, and via sophistry undermining faith in its veracity as The Bible is the Ultimate Fortress of God for the believer. It is the Ultimate Lighthouse in the storm of life Shining its beams upon the treacherous Rocks of peril, and a Guide of Safe passage… salvation to every soul who sees its light and navigates into the Harbour of God’s love and Grace.
Satan is the enemy Of God and Men’s souls…The Father of Lies… it was by cunning craftiness that he was able to deceive Eve, and get her to disbelieve Gods word and to Eat of the forbidden fruit, and he has been at this game the whole time… Deceiving… yet the word of God remains like a Rock

Happy Resurrection Day!
Tim Wikiriwhi.
Protestant, 1611 King James Bible believer, Dispensationalist, Christian Libertarian.

The last paragraphs of Humes Dialouges concerning Natural religion…

If the whole of Natural Theology, as some people seem to maintain, resolves itself into one simple, though somewhat ambiguous, at least undefined proposition, That the cause or causes of order in the universe probably bear some remote analogy to human intelligence: If this proposition be not capable of extension, variation, or more particular explication: If it affords no inference that affects human life, or can be the source of any action or forbearance: And if the analogy, imperfect as it is, can be carried no farther than to the human intelligence; and cannot be transferred, with any appearance of probability, to the other qualities of the mind: If this really be the case, what can the most inquisitive, contemplative, and religious man do more than give a plain, philosophical assent to the proposition, as often as it occurs; and believe that the arguments, on which it is established, exceed the objections, which lie against it? Some astonishment indeed will naturally arise from the greatness of the object: Some melancholy from its obscurity: Some contempt of human reason, that it can give no solution more satisfactory with regard to so extraordinary and magnificent a question. But believe me, Cleanthes, the most natural sentiment, which a well-disposed mind will feel on this occasion, is a longing desire and expectation, that heaven would be pleased to dissipate, at least alleviate this profound ignorance, by affording some more particular revelation to mankind, and making discoveries of the nature, attributes, and operations of the divine object of our faith. A person, seasoned with a just sense of the imperfections of natural reason, will fly to revealed truth with the greatest avidity: While the haughty Dogmatist, persuaded, that he can erect a complete system of Theology by the mere help of philosophy,
KS 228
disdains any farther aid, and rejects this adventitious instructor. To be a philosophical Sceptic is, in a man of letters, the first and most essential step towards being a sound, believing Christian; a proposition, which I would willingly recommend to the attention of Pamphilus: And I hope Cleanthes will forgive me for interposing so far in the education and instruction of his pupil.
D 12.34
Cleanthes and Philo pursued not this conversation much farther; and as nothing ever made greater impression on me, than all the reasonings of that day; so, I confess, that, upon a serious review of the whole, I cannot but think, that Philo’s principles are more probable than Demea’s; but that those of Cleanthes approach still nearer to the truth.

Read the whole Dialogue here (It is fabulous! 🙂 )

More from Tim…. The Rock of Divine Revelation.

Death of an Atheist. Follow the evidence.

Rapturous Amazement! The Advance of Science Converts The High Priest of Atheism to Deism. A Flew.

Car Crash.

How can a Good God exist when there is so much evil in the world? (part1) Atheist Nihilism.

Christ’s work of Salvation on the Cross… The Great Equaliser.

Dispensational Truth. 2Timothy2vs15, Ephesians 3vs1-9

The Irony. Why I follow St Paul… Not Jesus.

Can God Bless America? Gavin Seim for liberty


This will offend some and most will not listen. But it's time for hard truths.How Can God Bless America? When we…

Posted by Gavin Seim for Liberty on Saturday, February 20, 2016

Evolutionism vs. Rube Goldberg


Rube Goldberg machines are AWESOME! 🙂

Hand of the alarm clock strikes the hour … nek minnit roll the credits!

The red ute is OK Go … nekminnit … band members splattered with paintballs of many colours!

Pull the lever … nek minnit rain falls on the righteous and unrighteous flowers!

Let there be light … nek minnit Pee-wee Herman eats his daily breakfast!

Rube Goldberg machines are AWESOME!! 🙂

The essence of a Rube Goldberg machine is that there is a simple starting event … then follows a series of events that happen entirely automatically in a complex causal chain leading inexorably to … breakfast is served, the flowers are watered, there’s lots of pretty colours and the credits roll. No intervention required. AWESOME!!! 🙂

So are you ready for the AWESOMEST Rube Goldberg machine of them all? 🙂

You’re living in it.

Big Bang … nek minnit you’re reading this blog post!

Approximately 13.8 billion years ago there was a singular starting event. An unimaginably small speck containing the mass of the entire known universe and the space-time continuum itself expanded. After the initial expansion, the universe cooled sufficiently to allow the formation of subatomic particles, and later simple atoms. Giant clouds of these primordial elements later coalesced through gravity to form stars and galaxies. Later, on a small rock circling an unremarkable star near the edge of a galaxy’s spiral arm, primitive life spontaneously appeared in a primordial ocean. This first cell divided and divided and biological evolution happened. Our species evolved from ape-like mammalian ancestors and human history unfolded. And here we all are.

In brief, the history of everything is no different in principle from a line of falling dominoes. From the moment of the Big Bang, the complex causal chain of events that lead to us happened by itself. Even the Big Bang happened by itself, like the alarm clock going off in the Rube Goldberg machine at the top of this post. While familiar flora and fauna may appear to be intelligently designed, and intelligent design needs an intelligent designer, it is really no more than appearance. A new study hints at spontaneous appearance of primordial DNA. All things bright and beautiful? Abiogenesis and the blind mechanical process of natural selection of chance mutations made them all. Over the epochs the ball bearings of genetic transmission rolled down the available pre-existing causal channels, and the evolutionary tree of life branched and blossomed, in the manner of drought-ending flood waters flowing to the sea down the already etched out causeways of a dry river delta.

So what’s the take-home message?

Evolutionism is true and our world is just a Rube Goldberg machine on a grand cosmic scale. It’s all ball bearings and clockwork writ large.

Checkmate Creationists! Where is your Rube Goldberg God now?

The Superstitions of Materialist Orthodoxy, and their conflict with scientific progress and inquiry . Rupert Sheldrake – The Science Delusion BANNED TED TALK


a more extensive (better) version of Sheldrake’s speech below…

Read more….

Knowledge Filters: All solid evidence against the Theory of Evolution is automatically rejected .

Defunct / Archaic Western Dogma blindly insists : ‘Whatever does not fit the Naturalistic Materialist Paradigm is Illusory’. Entity Attacks

Monism: Evolutionary Psychology and the Death of Morality, Reason and Freewill.


Russell’s Teapot really refutes Atheism not Theism!

The Rusty Cage: Scientism.

The Folly of Scientism. Austin L. Hughes

Spiel on brain washing, and socialist engines of confomity. State education.

Expelled: No Intelligence Allowed

Do you believe you have the Perfect Word of God? Theism vs Humanistic Rationalism. Seeing The Light! My Testimony.

Of 10 highest IQ’s on earth, at least 8 are Theists, at least 6 are Christians:

Andrew Magdy Kamal – apparently the highest IQ ever recorded, at 231.734. This was accomplished last year (2013) just before he turned 17. This includes an adjustment made for his age (which is done routinely for minors), so only time will tell if he maintains his position, but he is listed in Record Holder’s Republic for Highest IQ and Highest IQ average, and it looks pretty good. He is a he is a staunch conservative and a member of the Republican Tea Party. He is also the founder of the Coptic Orthodox Messianicans Group. Andrew Magdy Kamal hopes to use his talents and intelligence to spread the news of Messiah Yeshua (Jesus Christ) his hero, and he lives in Michigan.

Abdessellam Jelloul – apparently the highest IQ ever scored by an adult in the “advanced IQ test” was by Jelloul, who scored an adult IQ of 198. This was in a 2012 test which included 13 dimensions of intelligence (analytical, spatial, logical, memory, musical, linguistic, philosophical, moral, spiritual, interpersonal, intra-personal, bodily and naturalist). Unlike other tests, the advanced IQ test includes more measures that other tests cannot assess. I tweeted Mr. Jelloul a question about his beliefs in September of last year, and he graciously replied to me that he does “believe in God, a Supreme Architect of the universe” (see a screenshot of this tweet in the slideshow).

Christopher Michael Langan – has a verified IQ of at least 195. Langan achieved a perfect score on the SAT, but dropped out of Montana State University after concluding his professors weren’t qualified to teach him anything. ABC’s 20/20 measured his IQ (as an adult) to be between 195 and 210. Langan has indicated in his writings numerous that he believes in God, for example, in William Dembski’s book “Uncommon Dissent”, he wrote: “…since Biblical accounts of the genesis of our world and species are true but metaphorical, our task is to correctly decipher the metaphor in light of scientific evidence also given to us by God”.

Terence Tao – his IQ was estimated to be between 220 and 230 by the Davidson Institute when he was about ten years old. At eight years old, Tao achieved a score of 760 on the pre-1995 SAT, received a Ph.D from Princeton at 20 and at 24 became the youngest ever full professor at UCLA. I couldn’t find anything about Tao’s metaphysical views. He’s obviously a tremendous mathematician, but doesn’t seem to post much outside of mathematics.

Christopher Hirata – has a verified IQ of 225, calculated when he was in his teens. Hirata skipped middle school, and at 16 was working with NASA on a project exploring the possibility of colonizing Mars. The Daily Princetonian, Princeton’s student paper, where Hirata began attending for his PhD in Astrophysics at 18, reported that his IQ is around 225. Hirata posted the following to his Facebook on October 31, 2013: “Today’s experience: saying the Lord’s prayer with a homeless couple on Colorado Boulevard. It may not feed or shelter them, but I hope that it made a difference in their lives.” So he is clearly both a Theist and a Christian.

Evangelos Katsioulis – has apparently scored a 198 as an adult. Katsioulis is a Greek Doctor/Psychiatrist/Philosopher who has publicly referred to his belief in human souls several times. For example, he did a lecture in 2008 called “BODY AND SOUL”, and made clear that he wasn’t speaking metaphorically in it with lines like: “The soul is not the body. It is not the flesh. It is the spirit.” He is apparently a follower of a strand of Christianity influenced by Teilhard de Chardin.

Rick Rosner – has apparently scored a 192 as an adult, after years of honing his IQ test-taking skills. Has been a writer for the Jimmy Kimmel Show, and appeared on “So You Want to be A Millionaire”. Rosner denied that he was an atheist on Twitter, after an inquiry. He also retweeted this Einstein quote: “God does not care about our mathematical difficulties. He integrates empirically” and in answer to the question “You know there’s a God?” he answered “Maybe. Suspect there’s an infinity of gods”.

Mislav Predavec – has apparently scored a 192 as an adult. [Update – I initially had the wrong quote linked here]. His Christianity can easily be confirmed by a beautiful response he wrote to a friend who had become a Christian in one of the groups he belongs to and which was posted online:

“David, I am so glad hearing good news about your convalescence, and more about your enlightenment, you are aware now that your suffer and pain, your giftedness and sense are a part of plan. Truly, all this can´t exist without being leading it intentionally. Atheistic explanation that everything is accidental progress is full of holes. Stay well my friend.


Gary Kasparov – is alleged to have an IQ of 190. He was perhaps the most universally attested-to as a top-shelf intellect, so it was unthinkable to leave him off of this list. In 2003 Kasparov played to a draw against a chess computer that could calculate three million positions per second. He is considered by many to be the greatest chess player of all time. Kasparov has described himself as a “self-appointed Christian”

Kenneth Ferrell – has apparently scored a 190 as an adult. If I have located the right Kenneth Ferrell online, it’s abundantly clear from his own words that he’s a Christian. Since I’m not sure, I didn’t include him in my count of believers.

So you can see that the brightest of the bright have not foreclosed on the possibility of the existence of an Intelligent Designer. Juxtaposed with the fact that most Scientists are not atheists, I’d say that the Appeal to Authority on which atheist debators have long relied has dissolved.

Steve J. Williams is the author of What Your Atheist Professor Doesn’t Know (But Should)

Read full article >>>Here<<< Read more.... Atheism. The Philosophy of Small Minds.

Pasteur’s Law, Creation Science vs Nose Bone Atheism.

Faith, Science, and Reason. The Pomposity of Atheism.

David Berlinski—Atheism and its Scientific Pretensions

The Walls are closing in on Atheism… not Theism.

Rapturous Amazement! The Advance of Science Converts The High Priest of Atheism to Deism. A Flew.

Evolutionary ‘Mumbo Jumbo’ of the the Week. The human face… ‘bashed into shape’

“…The earth also was corrupt before God, and the earth was filled with violence. ”
Genesis 6vs11.

The Bible explains why Mankind is violent.
It has to do with the Fall of Adam into sin, Exile from the Garden, and The loss of God.
Mankind has become rebellious, deceitful, and vicious.
Driven by Lusts, and Damnable.

For all have sinned and come short of the glory of God.

We all need to receive >>>> The Gospel of God’s Grace.<<<< *************************************************** zombie_fist_fight_by_otkman1995-d5rxdj4

‘Evolutionary Science’ is Oxymoron-ic.
This is proven time and time again.
When these whack mystics posit such a ridiculous arguments as to suggest that the Human face has been shaped by ‘hand to hand combat’… you know they are absolutely Clueless!
Yes Folks, these idiots would have you believe that you look like you do because your ancestors… for millions and millions of years have been punching each other in the face!

They would have you believe that fist fighting is an ‘evolutionary driver’… that it has effected our Genetics!
This is patently false.
It also shows how vacuous…. how absolutely lacking in Genetic reality… how thoroughly reliant on unscientific imagination the whole theory is.
This latest theory is no better than the previous…. equally imaginative… equally un-scientific hypothesis that…
” the transition in facial structure from apes to early hominins had previously been explained largely by the need to chew on nuts and other hard foods that needed crushing.”

Read about these laughable theories >>>here<<< and >>>Here<<< This is not science. This is grasping at straws. The Truth is Human beings *Did not* Evolve from Monkeys/ apes! Evolution *Cant* explain why Human beings exist. It's not Plausible... Its Delusional. Naturalism is Impotent. Materialism cant generate life from Dead matter and then trans-mutate it from Algae into humanity. And the more powerful scientific tools of investigation we Humans invent, continuously *increase* the implausibility of Atheist Naturalistic Materialism with every new insight and revelation. The only reason Atheists embrace such wild fantasies that constitute the theory of evolution is because they refuse to consider the only really plausible explanation in the light of Genetic Information.... That Living things prove there is a Grand Designer... a Super-mind... whom exists 'outside' the Physical Universe. Atheists allow their personal hatred of the Idea of 'God' to blind them to the obvious truth, and insodoing they cling to the most ridiculous of delusions about how monkeys can turn into people. And Science has now proven Materialism to be false and that the Super-natural realm *must exist*. The Universe *was born* out of this prior-existing eternal Transcendental reality... which is far more *fundamental* and primary than our temporal universe. Science is catching up with the Book of Genesis. " In the beginning, God created the Heavens and the Earth." The Walls are closing in on Atheism… not Theism.

Tim Wikiriwhi.


Monkey killing Monkey. Tool

Read about more Evolutionist Bullshit >>>> Evolutionary ‘Mumbo Jumbo’ of the the Week. “Why Do Humans Cry?”

Evolution in action. Dr Richard Nixon.


Mankind is on the verge of creating Sentient artificial intelligence? BULLSHIT!


It amazes me just how ridiculous are the myths of Materialism!
That all life forms are the result of mindless accidents.
That ‘unguided’ evolution can change a worm into a human with the ‘magic wand’ of time.
Etc Etc.
And this fundamental superstition of Materialist Naturalism has multitudes of whacky spin-offs… one being that Human consciousness is simply a product of a complex arrangement of atoms.
Following this rationale we end up with Sci-fi movies like the Terminator, whereby Machines have become self aware and decide that Humanity needs to be eradicated.
Now while I like a good sci-fi movie, It is tragic that the computing scientific community have been making such bold claims that they are on the verge of creating Humanoid Artificial intelligence, and are proposing such absurd moral dilemmas as granting their created so-called smart machines ‘Rights’!

Check out this link >>>> ARTIFICIAL INTELLIGENCE is already here. But how will the singularity, or the point at which machines achieve sentience be received by humanity?

How they can say such things with a straight face…. and why legions of otherwise intelligent people actually believe these are serious Moral questions which are eminent is a testimony to just how unfathomably deep their faith in Materialism really is!
They seem to accept the Idea that consciousness is merely a product of material complexity as axiomatic… only questioned by religious nutters who cling to primitive notions of a Super-natural reality.

Forget the fact that the latest scientific discoveries in Physics actually proves that our universe is not absolute, but finite, and that therefore a more primary reality *must exist*, and from which our universe was caused.

And the latest discoveries in scientific understanding of the Brain is also rendering Atheist materialism more and more absurd…. and exploding any delusions that Humanity is about to create sentient computer-beings.

Read the following….

Human brain has more switches than all computers on Earth.

Researchers at Stanford develop a new imaging method that enables visualization in unprecedented detail of the myriad connections between nerve cells in the brain.

The human brain is truly awesome.

A typical, healthy one houses some 200 billion nerve cells, which are connected to one another via hundreds of trillions of synapses. Each synapse functions like a microprocessor, and tens of thousands of them can connect a single neuron to other nerve cells. In the cerebral cortex alone, there are roughly 125 trillion synapses, which is about how many stars fill 1,500 Milky Way galaxies.

These synapses are, of course, so tiny (less than a thousandth of a millimeter in diameter) that humans haven’t been able to see with great clarity what exactly they do and how, beyond knowing that their numbers vary over time. That is until now.

Researchers at the Stanford University School of Medicine have spent the past few years engineering a new imaging model, which they call array tomography, in conjunction with novel computational software, to stitch together image slices into a three-dimensional image that can be rotated, penetrated and navigated. Their work appears in the journal Neuron this week.

To test their model, the team took tissue samples from a mouse whose brain had been bioengineered to make larger neurons in the cerebral cortex express a fluorescent protein (found in jellyfish), making them glow yellow-green. Because of this glow, the researchers were able to see synapses against the background of neurons.

They found that the brain’s complexity is beyond anything they’d imagined, almost to the point of being beyond belief, says Stephen Smith, a professor of molecular and cellular physiology and senior author of the paper describing the study:

One synapse, by itself, is more like a microprocessor–with both memory-storage and information-processing elements–than a mere on/off switch. In fact, one synapse may contain on the order of 1,000 molecular-scale switches. A single human brain has more switches than all the computers and routers and Internet connections on Earth.

Read more >>>Here<<< dualism

You would think that this *unbelievable complexity* would be the Death Nell for Atheism and the theory of Evolution… yet of course it’s not because These superstitions are not Objectively held beliefs…. not founded at all upon science but upon the unfounded and now thoroughly archaic dogmas of Materialist Naturalism.
Thus they are impervious to such discoveries.
All their claims to being empirical and scientific being absolute Bunk…. a great lie designed to fool the masses into believing that Theism is anti-science.

Well The Brain is infinitely more complex than any AI experiments which are going on… to get anywhere near their goal would take all the computing power in all the world!

And even then you still have the problem of drawing consciousness out of a stone!
No own would suggest that the Internet is a conscious entity even though it is connected to hundreds of millions of computers… yet that is exactly what the Materialist dogma believes about consciousness…

To the Monist materialist Free will must be illusory… and that is their answer to every reality which does not fit into their Naturalistic Paradigm.
Thus they are trapped in prison of their own device.
They are so naive as to claim that belief in anything which stands outside the reaches of science is superstition, when in reality to be so gullible as to believe all reality must fall within the scope of science is childish in the extreme… it’s patent stupidity!

The Thinker_blog

Thus the more I contemplate the ideas and beliefs on which atheism is founded the more I marvel at how silly it really is.
I know that really most people choose to be atheists because they absolutely hate the Idea that there might be a God who will one day judge them for how they lived their lives.

As A Bible believing Christian Science is my best friend!
It becomes easier to believe in God by the Day.
My explanatory power of my Dualistic Cosmology increases and is strengthened… The Gap of the Atheist is shrinking to an infinitesimal point.

The Fool hath said in his heart there is no God!

I wish I knew how to present these truths in a less confrontational manner.
I worry that instead of appreciating my honesty, many of my Atheist readers will harden their hearts… because they dont like being called Idiots.
The thing is that I sincerely seek to wake people up to the gigantic scam which has been perpetrated in the name of science and reason!
And that the most foolish thing to do is stubbornly maintain such a delusional belief system… out of sheer Vanity.
The Smartest thing to do is to abandon the lie and embrace the truth…. no matter how hard that is to do, no matter how your friends and family will react to your ‘conversion’.
Yes the world system is designed to persecute anyone brave enough to step out of line.
Yet let me tell you that following the truth is the most rewarding thing you can ever do!
The Truth is that Life does have Meaning, and value, and purpose!
There is Hope!
morality is Real!
etc etc.
And the Greatest truth of them all is that Jesus Christ really is the Son of God, and that he has already provided the way to be saved and restored to fellowship with God our Father… and that Salvation is Free!

My testimony has been to set an example that Christianity is not a form of slavery… but liberation!
God does not want you to become a fake…
He wants you to be an honest and trusting person living under his grace.
Becoming a Christian is a walk with God in which you do transform… into a better and better *You*.
God created us all unique for his purposes.
He dose not want a bunch of card board cut-out Robots.
He wants you to reach your full potential and to ‘shine as a light in the darkness’…

Click>>> The Gospel of God’s Grace.

Tim Wikiriwhi
Protestant, 1611 King James Bible believer, Dispensationalist, Libertarian

Read More From Me…. Science goes Ga Ga! The Spirit Temple-Material Interface. The Human Brain.

Nyctophilia: Hiding in the Dark….

The Rusty Cage: Scientism


Pasteur’s Law, Creation Science vs Nose Bone Atheism.

We are not Robots Ayn Rand…

Monism: Evolutionary Psychology and the Death of Morality, Reason and Freewill.

Poster child for Atheism…Hannibal Lecter.

Biomimicry… Plagiarizing God’s designs.

The False Deity Called Evolution.

Planet of the Apes…whateva. 1Tim6vs20

Faith, Science, and Reason. The Pomposity of Atheism.

The Ludicrous Claims of Evolution! Why not ESP?

Russell’s Teapot really refutes Atheism not Theism!

Atheism has no basis for Rights… or Morals.

Atheism. The Philosophy of Small Minds.

Christopher Hitchens Dies.

Noah’s Ark given the seaworthy seal of approval by physicists. NZ Herald


Noah’s Ark could have floated even with two of every land animal in the world packed inside, scientists have calculated.

Although researchers are unsure if all the creatures could have squeezed into the huge vessel, they are confident it would have handled the weight of 70,000 animals without sinking.

A group of master’s students from the Department of Physics and Astronomy at Leicester University studied the exact dimensions of the Ark, set out in Genesis 6:13-22.

According to The Bible, God instructed Noah to build a boat that was 300 cubits long 50 cubits wide and 30 cubits high – recommending that it be constructed from gopher wood. The students averaged out the Egyptian and Hebrew cubit measurement to come up with 18.98in, making the Ark around 472ft long – about 328ft shorter than the Navy’s recently scrapped aircraft carrier Ark Royal.

Using those dimensions, the Archimedes principle of buoyancy and the approximate weight of various animals, they were surprised to discover that the Ark could have floated.

Benjamin Jordan, 21, a student from Bury St Edmunds, Suffolk, said: “Using the dimensions of the Ark and the density of the water, we were able to calculate its buoyancy force, which, according to Archimedes’s principle, is equal to the weight of the volume of fluid the object displaces. This meant we were then able to estimate the total mass the Ark could support before the gravitational weight would overcome the buoyancy force, causing the Ark to sink.”

…Thomas Morris, 22, from Chelmsford, Essex, said: “You don’t think of the Bible necessarily as a scientifically accurate source of information, so I guess we were quite surprised when we discovered it would work. We’re not proving that it’s true, but the concept would definitely work.”

Read more >>>here<< So despite what the Naysayers say.... the Genesis Math/ science of Noahs Ark is Good! Bible believers.... 1. Infidels........... 0. The bagging of the latest Russell Crow Movie based Upon Noah, by so-called Christian Fundamentalists like Ray Comfort.... because in their opinion... it does not accurately portray the historical Noah I think is very short sighted because the movie *makes people think.* I grantee this movie stimulates millions of people to contemplate this historical Epic.... many of us not expecting Hollywood to do anything less than embellish the truth! The above article is an example of the Media jumping on the Populist bandwagon because Holywood has made Noah... a Topic of interest. I personally cant wait to see it! Tim Wikirwihi

Newly detected Gravitational ripples prove once again that Biblical Creationism is a scientifically sound belief… not the bogus Atheist Materialist Multi-verse theory.


In a carefully orchestrated ‘announcement’ ‘Big Bang Breakthrough’…about the detection of ‘Gravitational Ripples’ The Materialist PR engines were quick to attempt to ‘channel’ the sheeples minds away from the obvious implications of this new ‘discovery’ which again proves the Universe is finite in every sense of the word… the now well established fact that our universe had a beginning… exactly as the Bible always said… towards instead accepting their fictitious fabrications designed specifically to lull the unwary and unwilling… into a false sense of the validity of atheism.

Reading about this in an article in today’s NZ herald

“If cosmic inflation, which we need in order to explain several weird facts about our universe, is correct, then this provides strong support for the notion of the “multi-verse”; the idea that what we see when we look up at the night sky is but a gnat on the back of the elephant that is the true totality of creation.

The existence of gravity waves is evidence that “our” universe may not only exist alongside an infinite number of parallel worlds, but may itself be infinite in extent, containing endless copies of our galaxy located trillions of light years apart.”


For those of you who dont appreciate just how loaded this PR spin is…. in one foul swoop theses spin doctors not only managed to placate the uneasiness felt by atheists that science keeps vindicating the Judeo-Christian scriptures…. they also took opportunity to pretend that their favourite myth …the multi-verse theory … they invented under the sophist delusion that it somehow makes belief in the Naturalistic emergence of life more plausible despite the ludicrously fantastic odds against it in this universe …. supposedly providing a convoluted escape from the rational necessity for belief in God…. they claim via this new discovery….their charade now has some sort of scientific vindication!

Satan Laughing spreads his wings.


They act as if it really is News that our universe and the laws which maintain it are finite and that a far greater transcendental reality …a far more Real/Absolute reality exists beyond the reach of science… it’s not news at all… Science has shown us this in various other ways via thermodynamics and the increasing speed of the expansion of the universe…etc etc.
Nor does this new validation of the temporal nature of our reality … contrary to the devious assertions of this Public relations stunt…add any credence to the multi-verse theory… only that there must be something much more fundamental ‘outside’ our universe.
It is an absolute fraud to suggest this in itself adds any weight to the preposterous multi-verse fabrication invented as I have said before… not as a logical necessity… but as a sheer atheist ruse.

The notion the The Universe ‘Popped out of nothing’… has always been an absurd atheist folly… the Universal equivalent of Flat Earth theory…
And the unnecessary and whimsical postulation of ‘infinite universes’ does nothing to solve the Ultimate problem for atheists… if anything it multiplies the biggest problem of all… and multiplies the ultimate necessity of postulating the existence of the supreme being.
The Materialist Zombie has received yet another stake through the heart… yet refuses to die… which exposes Atheist materialism as a most *un-scientific superstition*… held by shear force of will… as a preferable delusion to admitting the frightening reality…. there is…. there must be a God!
Science demands it.
Tim Wikiriwhi.


Here is an article which expresses a similar opinion about how this latest discovery supports Biblical Creation…..

‘Big Bang ‘Gravity Wave’ Discovery Supports Biblical Creation, Say Old Earth Creationists’

“The Bible was the first to predict big bang cosmology,” according to Hugh Ross, president and founder of Reasons to Believe, an Old Earth Creationist organization that believes Christianity and science are complementary.”

Follow the link above to read more.

Update 22-3-14 watch Dr William Lane Craig on Fox News Corroborate my Blog post.

Read more from me about the Materialists straw clutching to avoid the obvious statistical absurdity of Naturalistic spontaneous generation of life….

Multiplying Absurdities Equals Certainty… The Math Magic of Modern Atheist Astrologers!

The Zombie God Of Atheist Evolution. Re: Math Magic and Ultimate Mythical Power…..Infinite Probability.

The myth making processes of Pseudo Science. The Epic Tale of the Simple cell. (Part 1)

Dingbat Atheist Pseudo-science. Instant Life… just add water!

Nyctophilia: Hiding in the Dark….

“Keep things in the shallow end… because I just didn’t want to know…”

Eeewww! I’m not reading that book! It’s got Jesus on the cover!