Category Archives: New Zealand History

George John Wedgewood Boon. Mayor of Stratford from 1957 to 1971.

Just found a photo and Reference to my Great Grandfather George Boon.
I thought it proper to put it up on Eternal Vigilance.

From here.

They refer to him as ‘Lodgeman’… I can only assume that means he was a Mason.
That would explain why my beloved Grandfather John Steele Clark was also a Mason… as he married George’s Daughter Marie.
All this is speculation.
I remember George from when I was a Child.
Tim Wikiriwhi
Christian Libertarian.

“This is my Great Grandfather, George John Wedgewood Boon. He was mayor of Stratford from 1957- 1971. He is nephew of former Mayor Josephiah W Boon (1915-1917) They both had part in the Boon Brothers Ltd Sawmilling business. There’s more information in a book we have here at Puke Ariki called ‘Stratford, Shakespearean town under the mountain’

– Nicole Berry posted 9 years ago.

Another Reference for George is here of ‘Family Search’

Small references to John Steele Clark and wife Marie Valmai Boon Here

I wrote an Online Tribute to my Grandfather here

Maori Science? IMO NOPE!

Below my opinion piece is the article written by Georgina Tuari Stewart | Mar 17, 2023 (shared on X by NZ MAGA Mike here )
‘Is there such thing as Māori science? ‘It depends’.

I placed it after my own views as it is a lengthy piece.
Also while Georgina’s piece was funded by the ‘Public Interest Journalism Fund’, my piece did not cost taxpayers a single dime.

The topic of ‘Maori science’ has raised headed debate on X over the past week when it was revealed the NZ Government forked out $4 million for ‘Whale songs’ and the sound of ‘Healthy Kauri Trees growing’ to be played in areas of NZ forest suffering from Kauri Die back disease.

For many this episode exposes the absurdity of the notions of ‘Maori Science’ as a credible notion.
What hypothetical mechanisms were they testing for?
By what means were the results of this experiment to be measured? What controls were in place? Should no positive response to the disease be measurable will it be permissible to deem this ‘Maori experiment to be a failure… or would that be racist? What lessons would these ‘Maori scientists draw from a negative result?

At face value this ‘Experiment’ was absurd… and serves as a good example as to why I argue there was no such thing as pre-colonial ‘Maori Science’… something most Kiwis consider a self evident fact.
If we were to investigate their rationale would we find references to ‘Mauri’ or other Old world Maori spiritualism/ animism? If so clearly this belongs in the realm of pseudo-science… like the philosophers stone. Like Humunculus… not True science.

I argue there is no such thing as ‘Maori science’ prior to colonisation nor since then, despite this being the obvious desire of Radical academics to establish in their quest to debunk the notion that Maori were a primitive society far behind that of the British empire.
There is just ‘science’.
Any new Scientific knowledge that might be gained today by legitimate means… by scientists of Maori descent does not/ ought not to end up in a special category called ‘Maori science’.
If it is peer reviewed and found to be valid it ends up being accepted as a contribution to ‘Science’… the personal ethnicity of the discoverers being irrelevant.

It must be understood I wrote my piece before this $4M charade was revealed on X.

My piece is not a jab at Maori. It is a jab at political falsehoods being perpetuated in their name by corrupt academic’s, scam artists, and radicals who routinely falsify history.

Maori Science? NOPE!
By Tim Wikiriwhi

Oooh this has stimulated some thoughts
Time for a bit of a ramble!

A fundamental problem I see here is that Science is science… *Hypothesis based* not Ethnicity based… so the notion of ‘English science’ ‘Maori science’ are both bogus.
A better way to frame the question is Did the English practice science… yes.
Did Old world Maori practice science… Generally speaking… IMO… No!
They had no systematic scientific method.
No grasp of what Science is.

That by itself disqualifies them from being able to practice science.

The English did, and they were able to make predictions that often proved very accurate.
Science is systematic knowledge… discovering General truths from particular observations and experiments.

All Human societies managed to gain knowledge about nature and the world… yet most of it was not ‘Scientifically arrived at’… nor was it expressed in scientific terms or math.

Maori knew Canoes float but did they understand Archimedes law of displacement? no.

Maori had medicinal herbs but could they explain/ express how they worked on the body in chemical and anatomical terms? no.

What is interesting to also consider though is how much mumbo-jumbo the English too have erroneously believed was Scientific Fact!

What might surprise people to understand is how little we actually know that is not open to challenge.

Is ‘The science’ ever settled… is a legitimate question.
Falsifiability is yet another fascinating criteria that is said to be critical to identify ‘a scientific theory’ from pseudo-science.

Then there are such difficult questions such as the problem of Induction.

I don’t think there has been as big an upset in the realm of Science as Einstein overthrowing Newton.
Science (and Reality) stopped making ‘common sense’ that day!

Ultimately Humanity has benefitted from any practical art… even when the explanations have been dubious… or completely hocus pocus!

Scientific ‘advance’ being any time a better/ more accurate/ more general explanation is found for observable phenomena…
Science is the quest for Ultimate principles and fundamental elements.

Yet Science will never answer Man’s most important questions about our own existence and nature.

Einstein himself said ‘Moral teachers like Jesus are more important than Physicists…’ Why?
He was thinking about Humanity in the Atomic Age…

Tim Wikiriwhi
Christian Libertarian.

Is there such thing as Māori science? ‘It depends’
by Georgina Tuari Stewart | Mar 17, 2023
“There is danger in rushing to a final and definitive answer on whether Māori knowledge is a science.” — Georgina Tuari Stewart (Photo supplied)
Debate about “Māori science” is often split between the claim that mātauranga Māori is a traditional indigenous form of science — and vehement opposition to that claim.

It’s a debate that is more than simply academic jostling — the idea of “Maōri science” increasingly has real-world application in Aotearoa, especially in teaching.

Here’s Georgina Tuari Stewart writing about why the arguments on either side aren’t clear-cut.

I’d like to tackle the question of whether there’s such a thing as “Māori science”.

It’s a theoretical question but it is one that has ongoing real-world significance to national science funding and education.

To consider my answer, I draw on my more than 25 years of experience in teaching intermediate and secondary Pūtaiao — which is the Māori word for “science”, and is capitalised when referring to the Māori-medium school subject.

My teaching experience has showed me that the apparently simple question of whether “Māori science” exists is extremely complex, and requires consideration on many levels, including theories of knowledge, philosophy, culture, identity, technology and politics.

However, I do think it’s possible to provide a balanced synopsis of the arguments for and against the concept of Māori science in hopes of making a useful contribution to the current discussions.

One clear view which exists is that, yes, mātauranga Māori is a traditional indigenous form of science from Aotearoa. The other dominant response is a firm “no”, from those who regard it as nonsense, and part of the growth to dangerous levels of anti-science attitudes in society. Claims are made on both sides that the opposition’s views are blinded by politics or privilege.

This debate is a specific instance of a larger philosophical debate between universalism and relativism, but the Māori science discussion is not purely academic. It can have real effects, for example, in the work of school science teachers who are increasingly held personally responsible for the achievement of their Māori students under current policies. Similar policies are also being taken up for tertiary-level science teaching.

In 1993, when I first started teaching intermediate and secondary Pūtaiao, I was devising the curriculum and accompanying lexicon as I went. Te reo Māori was the primary language of the classroom, but I had to plan all the content: topics, texts and activities, and above all, describe an underpinning model of the subject that made sense both in Māori terms and in science terms.

It was clear in my planning that the question of whether Māori knowledge is a science was important. But the idea of Māori science has traditionally been of little relevance as perceived by scientists themselves. In this sense, the Māori science debate is notable for the disjunction between its large theoretical heft and its tiny base of practical and perceived importance.

Central to its theoretical importance is the prior difficulty of succinctly but adequately defining science. Much literature on multicultural-science education, including most papers on the “Māori science” question, falls into the trap created by this difficulty.

For example, in response to the argument that traditional knowledge of sustainable living techniques enabled Māori ancestors to thrive, the standard disciplinary philosophy of science would say those things are about technology, not science.

The same point of view would also argue that the accurate and detailed Māori observation of natural phenomena is an inadequate concept of science, because it’s merely “nature study”.

Nevertheless, both these examples have some merit, and are often rehearsed as arguments in favour of the concept of “Māori science”.

So, let’s summarise the key arguments, distilled from my years of research into Pūtaiao, that are made for the case that mātauranga Māori does count as science.

Traditional knowledge enabled Māori ancestors to live and flourish in harmony with the natural world in Aotearoa, employing sustainable technologies such as kūmara pits and harakeke fishing nets and lines.

Many items of traditional Māori knowledge are based on accurate, detailed observations of macroscopic natural phenomena (plants, animals, astronomical patterns, and so on), capable of generating data of scientific validity and interest.

The cosmogenic Māori nature narratives work together as an overarching paradigm of knowledge, replacing in that role the science framework of theories and commitments that underpins the modern/western worldview.

Māori knowledge is not necessarily restricted to the three-dimensional reality of the laws of physics, and therefore may have access to wisdom that western science has disallowed within its canon.
The original meaning of the word “science” comes from the Latin word meaning “knowledge”, so on grounds of epistemic fairness, mātauranga Māori deserves to be recognised as valid knowledge, that is, as a form of science in its own right.
Mātauranga Māori can also be understood as a critical Māori viewpoint on science and its applications in society in Aotearoa New Zealand — for example, as a Māori critique of scientific racism and justifications for colonising damage done to Māori people, culture, and environments.
Mātauranga Māori sometimes seems to know more than science about very complex phenomena, such as the essential nature of a human being, or the mysteries of reality. For instance, mātauranga Māori has values and metaphors that can provide fresh views on epistemology, or philosophical questions of knowledge.
The objections to the first two reasons for “Māori science” have already been noted.
Arguments based on the wider paradigm of Māori knowledge, as in 3 and 4, are less common, and most scientists reject them by saying any system of knowledge that doesn’t adhere to the key science theories and philosophical commitments is, by definition, not science.
The remaining reasons given in favour of the concept of “Māori science” are more complex. To argue that “Māori knowledge” is a science changes the meaning of “science”. It begs the answer: “It depends on what is meant by the word ‘science’.”
If any recognisable form of knowledge is a science, then yes, so is mātauranga Māori.

And if we consider the anthropological sense of a body of natural knowledge fit to cross oceans and sustain the life of an identifiable human culture, then perhaps Māori knowledge does deserve to be considered a “science”.

Let’s turn now to the argument for mātauranga Māori as functioning as a critical viewpoint on science and its applications in Aotearoa. This argument tends to get entangled with nationalistic myths and deliberate philosophical attacks on Māori knowledge, embedded in a belief that scientific knowledge holds “the truth” about Māori and about the national history of the country.

When mātauranga Māori is used to critique scientific racism and the justifications for colonising damage done to Māori people, culture and environments, it often becomes a discussion about national identity and what it means to be from Aotearoa New Zealand.

The final argument — that mātauranga Māori sometimes seems to know more than science about very complex phenomena — works better as an argument in favour of “Māori philosophy” rather than “Māori science”. All knowledge, including science, is based on a philosophy of knowledge, but the two words, “science” and “philosophy”, have different meanings, so the concept of “Māori philosophy” does not imply that there must be “Māori science” apart from in the restricted senses noted above.

Now let’s look at the case against “Māori science”, where the arguments tend to group as follows:

The laws of science apply equally, at all times, in all places, to all human beings. In other words, science is based on universalism (or universalist philosophical commitments).

Resulting from the above point, science is an acultural (or transcultural) form of knowledge, so to place a cultural modifier, such as Māori, before the word science is incoherent and makes no sense.

Science knowledge is based on empirical experimentation and testing using well-established methodological norms (the scientific method). That is, science tests itself against empirical reality.

Science knowledge has well-defined criteria and a vast archive of experience that ensure it adheres to the highest epistemic standards and is the “best” possible knowledge about reality available to humans.
Science knowledge is subject to ongoing revision as empirical knowledge advances. In other words, science is fallible knowledge that changes over time in ways that orthodoxy or faith-based knowledge does not.
Scientific research is subject to the scrutiny of a community of peers, and this community ultimately decides the current status of scientific knowledge on any topic.
Science enabled the rapid advances in human knowledge and its applications that characterised the post-Enlightenment rise of modern European culture across all facets of human endeavour, to a previously unprecedented size, level of sophistication, and global dominance.
The first point to consider when thinking about the arguments above, is that, while the criteria of science and laws of nature may be universal, there is a very large gap between epistemic ideals and the way science plays out in society.
As a human product, science is subject to human failings and weaknesses, including the deep influences of non-scientific ideas such as sexist or racist ideas. Nor is there any reason to think scientists should be any more immune than the general public to the subtle curricula of colonisation. The lack of recognition that renders those invisible also renders them powerful.
For example, the colonisation of Aotearoa was carried out under the banner of a now outdated form of science, which included ideas such as the “Family of Man” in which Māori people were considered less evolved and hence biologically inferior to British, or white, people. Darwin’s then-new theory of evolution was famously mis-applied to humans to argue that Māori as the “inferior race” would naturally die out.
The term “Māori science” can therefore be used with irony to critique the term “western science”. This terminological comparison highlights the fact that science is, essentially, a western form of knowledge. It’s a cultural term — and it’s local in the same sense as “Māori”, and not universal at all. However, the unmarked word science continues to mean or imply “western science”, and terms such as “Māori science” are useful provocations of this unmarked meaning and its implications.

Reasons 3, 4, 5 and 6 against “Māori science” are more a matter of degree than of kind, as these components all appear in mātauranga Māori systems and practice, and so they don’t provide robust grounds for arguing that science is completely different from Māori knowledge. The argument about scientific method is outdated. It’s a relic found mainly in school textbooks.

Reason 7 about the power of science and its applications is undeniably true, but heavily loaded, since it’s now impossible to read such a statement without awareness of the catastrophe about to engulf humanity that has grown like a cancer from that power — and made possible by what is described as western philosophical blindness to the degree to which science has become enslaved to wealth.

So, the short answer to the question of whether there is such a thing as Māori science is therefore: “It depends.” It depends on what is meant by science, and it depends on the purpose for asking the question.

That also means we can’t give an answer which is an unqualified “yes”. It is not the case, for example, that there’s a base of traditional Māori knowledge that can replace the standard school science curriculum — or at least, not with the same outcomes that mean “success” in the current system. The idea that scientific data can be swapped for oral texts and so forth is clearly ridiculous.

So how are we to understand the two systems and how they may relate to each other?

In 1993, when I was putting together ways to teach Pūtaiao, I began from the traditional accounts of Rangi and Papa and their many children, including Tāne, Tangaroa, Tāwhirimātea and so on, who act as guardians and metaphors for knowledge of the different elements and domains of the natural world.

Since Māori knowledge includes these gods, and knowledge of spiritual realms, while science doesn’t, I drew a diagram in which mātauranga Māori is a large circle, and science is a smaller circle inside it.

This differs from the more typical Venn diagram model with two intersecting circles used to show the overlap between science and Māori knowledge.

The benefit of my “superset” model of the relationship between science and mātauranga Māori is that it makes all of science, not only in some domains such as ecology, relevant to Māori and Māori school students.

The other benefit is that it allows us to sharpen rather than usurp ideas about the accepted foundations and canons of science knowledge, while remaining critically aware of science’s past, and its current enslavement to power, money, and social privilege.

Without such a perspective, the question of “Māori science” remains a political football in which the uninformed nature of debate tends to entrench rather than overcome oppositional attitudes on either side.

Meanwhile, the implications of the question for science education continue to grow in urgency, as classroom teachers are being held increasingly responsible for Māori student achievement, and education policy seems trapped in the unproven belief that “adding Māori knowledge” to the curriculum is the answer to long-standing Māori lack of achievement, which is particularly severe in science.

These pressures add to a growing base of support, even among English-medium schools and teachers, for the dubious value of translating science into te reo Māori.

Science translated into te reo Māori has become synonymous with Pūtaiao at the expense of any notion of “Māori science” as a different form of knowledge, with a different philosophical basis. This reduction of Pūtaiao to effectively being science that is taught only in reo Māori supports a call for teaching Māori philosophy rather than “Māori science”.

Public science funding is the second main site — or real-world context — of the Māori science debate, dating back to a major report in the mid-1990s on the interface between science and mātauranga Māori, as part of the restructuring of public science management and funding. The neoliberal reform process stimulated a round of academic debate on the question of Māori science, and I read these papers as part of the writing group for the first Pūtaiao curriculum document.

Since 2005, the Vision Mātauranga policy has guided inclusion of Māori knowledge in research, but scientists still seem unsure about how it applies to their work. There is ongoing discussion about including Māori knowledge in university research and teaching.

I think it’s more helpful to look at the question of Māori science as a tangle of semantic, philosophical and political arguments, rather than a simple yes-or-no question. It’s a specialised form of the wider debate about the nature of science.

So, whether Māori knowledge “counts” as science is more of a provocation than a research question to be answered. It has no simple or correct answer, as the right answer depends on what is meant by science, and the purpose of the question.

Perhaps the best way to regard Māori science is as a conundrum: the two words represent incommensurable forms of knowledge that can’t be measured or compared by the same standard. This disjunction is an opportunity for learning, and it’s of particular importance to the self-knowledge of science and research in the national academy of Aotearoa New Zealand.

There is danger in rushing to a final and definitive answer on whether Māori knowledge is a science, which could altogether miss the educational opportunity and gift presented by the provocative concept of “Māori science”.

Georgina Tuari Stewart is Professor of Māori Philosophy of Education in Te Ara Poutama/Faculty of Māori Studies, Auckland University of Technology (AUT), and is of the peoples of Ngāpuhi, Ngāti Kahu and Ngāti Maru. Georgina first qualified and worked in science research, and later trained as a teacher. She is one of the few Māori-speaking qualified teachers of science and mathematics. That work led her to doctoral studies at University of Waikato, in turn leading to her current academic and research career.

Made possible by the Public Interest Journalism Fund.

Principles of The Treaty Of Waitangi Bill. Submission By Tim Wikiriwhi.

Principles of the Treaty of Waitangi Bill.

Public Submission.
To the committee.


My name is Tim Wikirwihi.
I am a father, grandfather, a Christian Libertarian, and a Kiwi of both Maori and Pakeha descent.
Te Arawa is my Iwi.

In my daily affairs I never feel the need to mention my Maori ancestry, or Iwi as I do not see any relevance in my dealings with others.
In my work (I am a self employed engineer), or any other affairs I am simply Tim Wikiriwhi, and I expect others to interact with me simply on the basis of common humanity and my own reputation and character… not my race, yet given the nature of this Bill, and the position I stand for, I believe this is one of the few times that it is appropriate to mention my tribal affiliation because it adds an important context to my submission that I believe is essential for this committee to appreciate.

I am a representative of a substantial demographic that many pretend does not exist.
I am a New Zealander of Maori blood who emphatically supports this Treaty principles Bill and urge the committee to recommend it be passed into law.

Given Truth and Justice for our nation are at stake I think that it is vital for your committee to appreciate that there are many Maori like myself who stand with our fellow non-Maori countrymen earnestly desiring an end to the false doctrines of ‘Treaty separatism’, and a restoration of the true principles of the treaty that established a single Crown government over all peoples of New Zealand and that it guaranteed *Equality of rights* before the Law… for us all… As British subjects.

The Treaty did not establish a perpetual racial division.
It did not created a partnership of ‘shared governance’.
The Maori Chiefs ceded sovereignty to the British Crown.

These are the historical facts.
They are supported by mountains of documentation and recorded statements of such giants of Maoridom Sir Aparana Ngata, and evidence is plentiful in the Archives of the British and New Zealand Governments.
We even have the original English manuscript of the Treaty… penned by James Busby from which Te Tiriti o Waitangi was translated and transcribed.
The Littlewood Treaty.

Wars were fought and won to uphold the Sovereignty of the British Crown as written in the Treaty of Waitangi.
‘Treaty partnership’ as we know it today is a modern malicious political construct that exhumes dangerous racist rebellious delusions that had long been put to rest as a Nation resulting in prosperity, peace and unity.
Racist subversives have succeeded in hijacking our Nation and stirring up Race hate afresh.

These are facts… not opinions… embedded in historical realty.
To deny these is to falsify history and facilitate political fraud that was foisted upon our nation in 1975.

50 years of Heavy political favour has not lifted Maori out of their dire social statistics because it utterly fails to address the real causes of their plight!

It is not institutional racism that keeps Maori down, But institutional welfarism and dependence!
Maori need to take ownership and responsibility for their own crimes and poor health, and quit blaming everybody else… but themselves.

This is the key to breaking the social malaise that rests upon them, and will continue to do so as long as Treaty separatism and the grievance industries hold sway.
These blights on our Country require ongoing Racial strife for fuel.
This is the expertise of Radical Leftist Marxism.

The wave of ‘Anti-colonialism’/ calls for ‘decolonisation’ are a shameful slander upon the Good and Heroic Pioneers and Colonists who built this country not by thefts and oppression, but by sweat, toil, and virtue!
Making this Country the envy of the world and the envy of the racist radicals who are using political extortion to plunder our nation for themselves!

David Seymour (who is of Maori Descent) has boldly submitted this Bill for Parliament to consider as a first step in bringing this nasty Politics of race to heel.

One of the biggest hurdles to this Bill being made Law is not the justness of it’s cause… but the existence of the Maori Seats in Parliament that have been the preserve and Powerbase for Maori Racists, Radicals, and extremists over the past 50 years.

Being a constant thorn in the side of any government who is not pandering to their demands.
When seeking to challenge any aspect of racial separatism, it takes heroic strength. integrity, and fortitude to weather the storm of vitriol that blows from the Racists occupying the Maori seats, yet who also enjoy a wall of security… protected from facing the just retaliation from the Non-Maori New Zealander voters they slander and extort by the perversion of our democracy… The Race based Electoral Roll.
They can Lie, and slander, and disrespect the bulk of the New Zealand citizenry without regard… for the Non-Maori people have no means by which they can vote them out.

Appalled by this situation many Maori like myself who reject the vile politics of race are not registered on the Maori roll.
We choose to stand as equals beside our Non-Maori Countrymen on the General roll.

And most grievous of all. Very often the Separate Maori seats hold the balance of power and so the Separatists revel in the opportunity to play ‘king makers’.
They are able to exact a high price for their support, playing the National Party and Labour party off against each other.
In their frenzy for power National and Labour then engage in selling out the rest of New Zealand to the demands of those holding the Maori seats.
This is how the separatist Seats corrupt our entire democracy and keeps our nation perpetually divided, and Maori in a state of Grievance, victimhood, and welfare dependence.
There is no end to this is sight unless New Zealanders wake up and demand Parliament fixes this disgusting racist travesty.

Yet herein lies the dilemma.
Any Coalition Gov that would move to end this travesty as Act is doing with this Treaty Principles Bill that we are considering today… must contend with the huge backlash that will ensue from the racist radicals in the Maori seats.
Hikios from Hell.
Hakas in the house, etc.
Vandalism of colonial monuments, etc.
Terrorism that causes feeble Governments to falter.

To repeat my assertion I made above IMO the biggest hurdle to this Bill being made Law is not the justness of it’s cause… but the existence of the Maori Seats in Parliament.

This is where I call out New Zealand Prime Minister Christopher Luxon.

Luxon has already said he will not allow National party MP to support this Bill past this stage of the process.
He intends to sink this bill… without even considering Submissions made by the New Zealand Public!
What arrogance!

Luxon does not have the spine to weather the slanders and angst that he fears will be his fate should he support this Bill.

Luxon knows that if He supports this Bill that next election the Maori Radicals will support a Labour led coalition government… so he is not considering this Bill on its merits… but on what the consequences possibly could be for the National party should he support it.

Should he continue on this path not only is his position immoral, not only will it cement his name in NZ history as being yet another facilitator of racist politics… that shall be his legacy and I believe he is making a massive strategic political blunder!
He’s misreading the temper of the New Zealand Public!

We the people of New Zealand have had enough of living in a two tier race based society and We will not forgive Luxon and National for siding with Te Pati Maori against his own coalition partner Act.

New Zealand put this coalition in office to address this issue in the light of what Jacinda Ardern was doing with Three Waters and The He Pua Pua Report, and it is something he said he would do!
Yet now he is reneging on his commitment. We will not forget this.
Support will bleed away from National towards Act.
You can be certain of it.
This Bill puts Act in the ascendency.
National would do well to support it thereby shoring up their own support.

Luxon underestimates just how angry New Zealanders are with the way things have been going… turning our country into an Apartheid Nation.
We have had it with the lies and extortion and the brainwashing going on in ours schools… the falsifying of history to condition the next generations of Kiwi into accepting being rendered second class subjects in their own Country.

Luxon claims to be focused on the economy and deludes himself that he can ignore this Cancerous growth in our Nations side.
If he cared about social justice and the economic condition of Maori he would support this bill as the establishment of One Citizenship, One law for all is absolutely essential for social justice… the first step to ending Maori dependence on the welfare state and embracing the philosophy of Self reliance *as individuals* for their own betterment.
For they must pull themselves out of the mire by their own bootstraps… no longer clinging to the apron of Nanny State.
They must learn and embrace good values and work ethics… these are essential if they are to shrug off crime.

This Treaty Principles Bill if passed into law will be the first step in the road to establishing One Citizenship, One law for all.
Ie establishing Justice and ending the false Treaty principles and extortion that has grown up from them.

To follow will be the abolishment of the Maori Seats in Parliament and the Race Based Electoral system.
Maori Politicians then will have to stand for election on the general roll and be accountable to all the people of New Zealand for their policies and utterances.

As a Maori I look forward to that day and will take personal pride in having raised my voice in advocacy for the True principles of the Treaty of Waitangi.
That is the New Zealand I remember from my Childhood, and the New Zealand I wish to bequeath to my children’s children.
One New Zealand.
Equality for All.


Tim Wikiriwhi.

More from Tim.

Big Hui: Kingites Plot Social Unrest To Maintain Racist Treaty separatism @ Turangawarwae .

A Submission In Opposition To The Electoral (Entrenchment Of Maori Seats) Amendment Bill








Murder and Mayhem in Opotiki. Part 1. Weakness enforcing the Law increases Lawlessness and Chaos.

Picture from here.

The small Bay of Plenty Town of Opotiki was centre stage for New Zealand news this week after a regional Gang Boss was murdered.
The victim was Mongrel Mob ‘Barbarians’ Chapter President Stephen Rota Taiatini.
Word is he was taken out… Run down by a Ute… following shortly after MM associates did a hit on a rival gang residence, thus fueling fears of a Gang war.

News media report the town became ‘locked down’, not by Police investigating the crime, but was ‘taken over’ by the Mongrel Mob, as gang members from far and wide congregated in Opotiki in a display of Gang solidarity and strength.
They were controlling who was allowed in and out of certain areas.

Gang ‘Tangi’ are some of the biggest funerals that happen in New Zealand, esp when the deceased is a Gang Boss.
Hundreds of motorcycles, trucks, and gang sleds rumbling about, doing burn outs and other general Thuggy deeds. Schools shut down for fears of children’s safety.
Media says the Police are out numbered and have lost control of the situation.

Picture from here

This could not have happened at a worse time for New Zealand’s crumbling Woke Labour government.
Jacinda Ardern destroyed the Kiwi Dream and then abandoned her country leaving her political comrades to bear the fallout of her incompetence, our angry nation reeling under heavy inflation and a violent crime wave.
True to her own megalomania she now gives zero fucks about what’s happening in her wake. She’s ‘reluctantly’ accepted a Damehood, and is moving on to far more important things.
It has been the fate of Chris Hipkins to inherit her legacy and despite trying to back peddle on many of Ardern’s unpopular Woke policies, Labour is looking at defeat to a National and Act Party coalition.

Limp wristed Policing under woke Ardern is being blamed for a huge spike in violent crime, armed robberies, and Ram raids, etc. The NZ Police having been Rainbow-ised woke-a-fied and told not to pursue criminals, but allow them to get away… for fear they might crash. The Labour Government’s ‘Dis-information project’ leading the narrative that White supremacy, and far right ideology are the greatest dangers running rampant in New Zealand communities. ( Not Crime, Not Gangs, Not Maori radicalism, Not Green Extremism) Our Radical Leftist government and their extremist auxiliaries in the Green Party and the Maori Party are retraining the NZ Police to think ordinary New Zealanders who seek to retain their traditional rights and values are New Zealand’s greatest criminal elements!

Picture from here

What is now happening in Opotiki demonstrates all this and so much more.
Chris Hipkins and the Police have characteristically bumbled this situation.
As soon as news of this murder reached Police HQ, Bus loads of Police should have been dispatched quick smart to Opotiki, and The Police should have been in strong enough numbers to maintain Law and Order.
That Opotiki would soon swarm with Gang members was as predictable as night follows day!
The Police ought to have been respectful of well behaved Mongrel Mob members visiting Opotiki, which they have every right to do, yet not allow them to ‘take over control of the town’ and disrupt ordinary folk safely going about their own business, And to make it clear who is in charge.
But this did not happen.

Leading opposition Party, National’s Christopher Luxon has been election campaigning on Labours Law and order catastrophe said ”
“Right now a town in New Zealand has been overtaken by a gang. Schools are closed. Public transport has been cancelled. And Chris Hipkins’ response? It’s not his job to deal with crime,” Luxon tweeted on Tuesday.

“The people in Ōpōtiki are living in fear due to gang tension. They deserve better. They deserve leadership. National will get tough on crime and restore law and order.”

The National Party leader said New Zealand can’t afford three more years of a “soft-on-crime” Labour Government.

Read more Ōpōtiki Mongrel Mob Barbarians death: Christopher Luxon says town ‘deserves better’ after it’s ‘overtaken’ by gang

Read: Ōpōtiki schools shut as gang tensions rise

According to Te Pati Maori (Maori Party) MP Rawiri Waititi both gangs involved in this murder are Te Whakatohea ‘whanau’, and incidentally Waititi himself belongs to this tribe, and therefore considers himself the only MP in parliament ‘worthy’ to discuss these matters.

Read : Rawiri Waititi lashes out at Prime Minister, Christopher Luxon, media over commentary around death of gang leader

I, TWikiriwhi, first became aware of the unfolding chaos in Opotiki from a Twitter post that included a TV1 News report. A comment was made that the display of weakness on the part of the Police… just makes the Gangs bolder and stronger…

*This is an absolutely essential dynamic to appreciate* and demonstrates why Ardern’s soft on crime approach has led to a break down in Law and order in New Zealand under her piss weak woke philosophy of ‘kindness’.

The Law will only be respected by the Lawless, when it is backed up with sufficient force to ensure compliance.
Janis-like Ardern had no qualms about bringing in the Brute squad when Peaceful protesters were protesting against her tyrannical Covid 19 dictates and woke agenda!

The contrast is stark See here. Its obvious who the Labour government considers ‘dangerous’… ie their Non-woke politically conservative critics who reject woke tyranny. No Hugs for them! They get the Jackboots!

This is basic stuff, yet Woke ideologues in power today have abandoned the fundamentals in favour of their own political delusions.

Their duplicity ought to be obvious to all.

That Law and order must be upheld and enforced is as true today as it was way back in the 1800s, when New Zealand first took root as a British colony.
More on this soon…

This is when I decided to add my 5 cents worth to the public discourse.
I have a soft spot for Opotiki.
I like Opotiki, love that part of the Bay of Plenty and have spent many summer weekends down that way, and enjoy riding my own motorcycle through those parts.
I am also passionate about the study of New Zealand history in which some very significant events took place in Opotiki and surrounding regions in the mid 1860s.

Having laid down the preceding perspectives, my readers can understand the context in which I entered this discussion… with the following comment…

“If only Kiwis knew their history.
Trouble is not new to Opotiki. In the 1860s Maori Rebel ‘gangs’ the Hau hau murdered a peaceful Missionary there named Volkner. The Colonials gov sent Warships and fought many battles to bring the Murderers to justice. The Law must be upheld.”

This comment solicited an interesting historical discussion about the events surrounding the Murder of Christian Missionary Carl Volkner which led onto claims of injustice on the part of the Colonial Gov in their response to Volker’s horrendous murder upon the Te Whakatohea Iwi, Land confiscations, and supposed unjust trials and hangings.
The claim was “The people of Te Whakatohea were innocent…”

I will discuss this divergence of the topic in part 2 of my blog commentary.
Presently I’ll stick with my original intent.

The main point of my Twitter comment was to contrast the resolve of the 1860s Colonial government to expedite Justice for Volkner, and put down lawlessness that was spreading about the Opotiki region back then, with our current governments dismal display of incompetence and weakness in Opotiki today with this gang murder, esp the breakdown in ordinary life for the citizens of Opotiki hiding in their homes in fear of Gang outlawry that threatens to escalate into more violence and possible revenge killings.
This ain’t no Sunday picnic!
The Police had better get control of the situation before more people get shot!

Christian Missionary Carl Volkner



The response to Volkners murder by the Colonial government which included Pro-government contingents of ‘Kaupapa’ Maori needs to be understood in context of the period of Colonial history in which there were many challenges to the Sovereignty of Queen Victoria by Rebel tribes, at which time the success of the colony hung in the balance.
Even more than this it needs to be understood that The Colonial Government was only now…. 25 years after the signing of the Treaty beginning to properly enforce British Rule, Law and order over the entire country.
Prior to this the Government was not strong enough to police the whole country, to the effect that outside the centers of colonial activity (like Russel, Auckland and Wellington) there were large tracts of Land in which British law was not enforced and in which Tribal chiefs continued to be a law unto themselves just as they had prior to the treaty.

Waka NeNe.

Heke’s rebellion in the North was swiftly put down and order restored with the help of Friendly Ngapuhi Chiefs such as the Famous Waka Nene, yet the reality is in the period between 1840 and 1860 Crimes/ violations of British Law were being committed by Rouge Maori who were not at all afraid to defy British Law as they had learned that the Colonial Government was weak… and would not visit Utu upon them should they slaughter Pakeha.

The most infamous example of this being Te Raupraha’a slaughter of 18 Pakeha in what is know as ‘The Wairau Incident’.
In a display of Weakness Governor FitzRoy failed to bring anyone to justices for these cold calculated murders, signaling to these Warlike Chiefs that according to the rules of Utu… Pakeha were of no consequence, and could be murdered with impunity.
It was this show of weakness that would encourage ongoing acts of defiance, that would eventually lead to the wars of Rebellion in the 1860s.

Note: Gangs understand and operate on this principle of UTU. If a rival Gang takes out one of your guys, by the rule of Utu there must be pay back.
Weakness, and retreat on the part of government will breed greater contempt for the Law and be exploited to its fullest.
Yet In a modern Civil society UTU for Murder is delegated to the State Justice system. The State ought to recompense the guilty.
This breaks the Old-world cycle of UTU.
It is the Duty of the New Zealand Police and justice system to see to it the Killer(s) of New Zealand citizen Stephen Rota Taiatini are brought to Justice.
Though Taiatini was a Gang member. He is still a New Zealand citizen with full rights, and our government is duty bound to solve his murder.

It was the realisation that for the colony to succeed that this situation had to change, and that rebellious chiefs had to be made to understand that British sovereignty and Law would be upheld across the whole nation, and that there was no forest beyond reach of Government forces, to which they could escape, that signaled the end of Lawlessness in New Zealand.

Cannibal Hau Hau ‘Prophet’ Kereopa Te Rau. Also known as… ‘Kaiwhatu’ The Eye Eater. The Murderer of Missionary Carl Volkner.

When these matters are understood the development of the Colony, and New Zealand as a Nation makes perfect sense, and these events can be understood as the birth pangs of shifting from a Land of Tribal anarchy to that of a unified peaceful and prosperous nation… from which Everyone has benefitted, including Maori.
Nobody but Criminals prosper when there is a break down in civil order.

In preparation for part 2 of this commentary, I want to finish here on a comment I made during the twitter discourse with a Wahine who was making a case that Te Whakatohea had suffered injustices.

“I’ve only one interest. The preservation of Truth. I’d be happy to dialogue with you about these events as long as you realise in the process I harbour no malice towards anyone in arguing the case for the contemporary historic records. It can be difficult to discuss such things”

So it is that I will dig deeper into the claims she has made about what happened in the Bay of Plenty that was triggered by the Martyrdom of Carl Volkner, yet I must reiterate the motives of my heart in so doing. I harbour no evil intents towards Te Wharatohea. I wish for their prosperity and blessing.

Yet if we are to discuss the history of these events, and truth and understanding are the goals, then it will only be possible if the truth is spoken with forthright confidence without fear that it might cause offence.

No malice intended.

Because of the subject matter, and because of the heavy Politicization of Treaty claims, and other highly controversial aspects it is inevitable that some of the things I will say will not be pleasant to swallow.

This being so… It’s highly likely that despite my honorable intentions, after I have posted the second part, any further conversation could descend into animosity and the taking of offence.
Will I suffer slander as to my character for daring to state things in a way that undermines much of what is being claimed today, by vested interests as to what really happened?
We shall see.
Perhaps the dialogue will remain relatively calm and learning will achieved on both sides.
That is my sincere hope.
I maintain an open ear.

Only evil prospers when lies prevail.
Sometimes it takes bravery to speak the truth.
I love Opotiki.
I harbour no ill will over the History of our Nation.
Yet today our Nation suffers Deep politically manufactured Racial divide.
Upon understanding the truth the future peace of our nation depends.

Tim Wikiriwhi.
Christian Libertarian.

More from Tim…






Waitangi Day 2023: True New Zealand History: Capitan Gustav Von Tempsky Was A Great Man of High Character… A Hero Who Gave His Life For Our Country.

This is a piece I have been working on for months, and yet it is nowhere near what I would deem to be ‘finished’.
Yet I am publishing it today here on Eternal Vigilance Blog for the public holiday for Waitangi Day 2023, as my contribution to the ongoing defense of the Kiwi Dream, The values that underpinned the British Colonisation of New Zealand from the relentless slander and falsification that is pervasive across all modes of communication with the intention of brainwashing the population.

How important is it to have a solid grasp of history?
Very important lest you be deceived and defrauded by agenda driven liars.
“He who controls the past… controls the future” saith George Orwell meaning if Machiavellian political actors can shade your view of history… they will also be able to manipulate and proscribe your future… and that translates into Political Power.

Captain of No.2 Company, Forrest Rangers. Major Gustav von Tempsky.

Above is photo of a New Zealand hero. Prussian born Major Gustav von Tempsky. He Lived and died in New Zealand, in the mid 1800s, yet his exploits are just as relevant today as they were 150+ years ago… and that is because we live in a time in which Machavellian radicals are seeking to ‘control the past’ precisely as Orwell warned… so that they can control our future… and they are doing a splendid job of it too…. at the present time…they are actually winning the fight… and the defenders of truth, freedom and enlightenment values are withering under the onslaught.
We desperately need reinforcements!

Do you want your children to inherit an apartheid socialist slave society… or to enjoy the same freedoms and quality of life that older generations of Kiwi have enjoyed?
If you care about future generations you better wake up to what is going on… fast!
Arm your self with Truth and knowledge, and Just principles… put your boots on and succor the heroic minority of freedom advocates battling the barbarians.

If you are a Kiwi, yet have never herd of Von Tempsky then you are one of the many who have neglected to study the colonial heritage of our nation. Your ignorance makes you easy meat to be fooled.
Or perhaps you consider yourself to be ‘educated and informed’ on ‘the evils of British Imperialism and the crimes of the colonisation of New Zealand… if then you think you know about Von Tempsky and his contemporaries you will no doubt believe he was a Villainous racist and murderer… if this is the case you have been thoroughly fooled already!
You have been sold malicious lies, and fallen under the power of those who are seeking to destroy our Western society… and take everything for themselves.

No Joke…. everything is at stake!
I am committed to the cause of promoting the counter-narrative to todays politically driven falsehoods… I endeavor to present a far more accurate understanding of our history so that by consideration of the facts as recorded in history proper, and weighing up the two contrasting views my countrymen can make their own determination as to which fits best. I have confidence that the truth can wake up those whom have been deceived.
And when you appreciate the swindle that is afoot my hope is that you will join us in the fight to defeat the vile ideology of Radical Far left extremism and Treaty separatism.

Lets get going…

Capitan Gustav Von Tempsky (Major) Was A Great Man of High Character… A Hero Who Gave His Life For Our Country.

Today’s blogpost is in defense of the character and Legacy one of New Zealand’s most brave heroes of the 19th Century. An artist, Adventurer, and man who fought to defend our young nation from violent overthrow, and who gave his life defending the Treaty of Waitangi for the sake of law and order… as a member of ‘The Armed Constabulary’.

The contribution that he, and his generation made to secure our nation and lay the foundations for our prosperity has been shamefully forgotten in the century of peace that followed their brave and principled actions.

The Heroic Death of Von Tempsky.

Von Tempsky in his time was a celebrated Hero!
He was worthy of public esteem.

Along with other defenders of New Zealand in recognition of their service to our nation, the city of Hamilton would name a city street in his honour.
The name of the city itself ‘Hamilton’ was named after yet another brave soldier who lost his life fighting Rebel Maori at the Battle of Gate Pa.
The Tainui led Kingites and their allies were defeated by the joint heroism of both British and Loyalist Maori forces, upholding British Sovereignty and the Rule of Law, securing the future Peace, good will and prosperity we now enjoy.

Because in war there are victors and the defeated, afterwards there are always those who carry bitterness and scheming malcontents looking for wealth and power can take advantage of such divides by devious political means. This is where the desire to destroy the reputation of Men like VonTempsky finds it’s root. Haters gina be haten… the scent of money via playing the victim…. ‘Reparations for past oppression’…. thus the impetus to generate ‘tales of injustice and woe…’
Truth is the first casualty.

Obviously having been defeated in battle some insignificant few cling to resentment, ill feelings and harbour desires for Utu, yet time tends to salve wounds, and having fought wars against vested interests that desired to prevent progress, and drive Pakeha ‘back into the sea’, the nation sought to put the conflicts of the 1860s aside (this is true of most of the defeated leaders of the rebellion too) and focus on fostering unity and quiet… yet sadly in doing so…
100+ years on we have allowed an ignorance to prevail in succeeding generations about the true nature and causes of the conflicts … an ignorance that is now being fully exploited by a minority of malevolent envious malcontents… Contemptuous politicians, ideologues, and racist activists to spread lies about the collonistation of New Zealand…. so that today instead of being revered with their due honor, Von Tempsky (and his contemporaries) is being reviled as some sort of racist monster… a purposefully politically fabricated caricature that is supposed to be representative of the ‘evils of colonisation’ in general.

I have written in defense of Von Tempsy’s honor many times in the past, in particular I made a written submission to Hamilton City Council in 2020 when they asked for public submissions on the proposal to strip Hamilton City of place and Street names that honored great men of our colonial past, in particular many who fought and defeated the Tainui Kingite rebellion (Read here).
The desire to destroy these tributes and monuments comes from a specific political Lobby and vested interest.

Hamilton City Council announced a suspension of this public discourse into these matters under the pretext of ‘Social Distancing for Covid 19’.
A scheduled public hearing was postponed… indefinitely. I suspect they had miscalculated the public backlash that was expressed in written submissions.
Instead they implemented a scheme that only granted excusive participation from selected quarters…. mainly Tainui activists… bypassing/ disenfranchising the public at large from having a voice in the process… The Hamilton press failing to voice any protest to their machinations.
They instituted a shambolic closed doors ‘inquisition’ of Gustav von Tempsky… and found him guilty… and past the verdict that his memorial street shall be ‘Blotted out’.

Read: Waikato Times: Street name in Hamilton changed from Von Tempsky to Putikitiki

and… Hundreds sign petition to rename Hamilton streets named after ‘assholes’ who fought Māori
(note: No real public process was involved in collecting ‘1600 signatures’ for these petitions. They will have been collected at places like Wananga’s and Marae, ie in places where the false narratives of the wars are most strongly indoctrinated, and given Hamilton city has a population of over 180 000, 1600 signatures represents less than 1%!)

These articles represent how our nations media has been hijacked by Far left radicalism… Marxist Communist anti-British colonsation doctrines.

I seek to expose the extreme malice and gross injustice of misrepresenting the character of the Brave Men such as Von Tempsky who fought for Queen and country.

Today, quoting from recorded history, and from other personal observations, I will further reinforce my contention that history bares witness to the fact that Von Tempsky was a man of Honor.
Von Tempsky was not ‘a Maori hating Racist’ as the Woke left try to portray him, and I seek to expose the duplicity of his detractors who point to his ‘Glory seeking antics’… as evidence of an evil racist ‘Blood-lusting’ mentality.
They fail to apply the same standard to the mindset of the thousands of Rebel Maori Warriors who were absolutely obsessed with the attainment of such glory for themselves… and who ready did take pleasure in the slaughter of white people.

James Cowan.

There is no higher authority in the recording of the history of the armed conflicts in New Zealand of the 1800’s than James Cowan and his two volumes ‘The New Zealand Wars’.
Not only did Cowan visit the sites of battle while there were still ‘bullet holes in walls’, and spoke with many who themselves were participants able to give their accounts of what happened where… and why, Cowan demonstrates high levels of objectivity, and if anything like many Pakeha of his times his sympathy leans towards the dignity of the ‘Brave Rebels’.
This is esp conspicuous in his telling of the Battle of Orakau.
This is apparent when you read his history. I would measure his achievement as being willing to give credit where ever he thought it was due… but esp to ‘the underdogs’… The Rebels who were fighting against a far Superior Foe.
Courage… ‘Pluck’… being the primary virtue in war esp in ‘forlorn hope’. And the rebels surely were not inferior in this.

The fact is… as a person whom is well read in New Zealand history I assert you will struggle to find any traces of the ‘Bigoted White supremacy and desire to oppress Maori’, that todays Separatist radicals assert was the signature character of Pakeha in the first century of Colonisation.
It simply is not there. Yet compassion and the desire to praise Maori is virtually universal… yet you can only know this… if you actually study the historic records themselves rather than imbibe the ideological falsehoods of Radical and politically skewed modern day pseudo-Academics. They are Charlatans!

The Kingite Rebellion was a violent breach of the Treaty of Waitangi.
J Cowan called their cause… ‘A Struggle for Independence’ J Cowan. The New Zealand Wars. pg 316.
Governor Grey expressly warned if they did not desist from their murderous hostilities that were a breach of the treaty, he would punish them, and that they would lose their guarantees over their land which was part of the terms and conditions of them *honoring the treaty* esp the Sovereignty of Queen Victoria.

It is from Cowan’s works that I will now quote and make commentary…

“The Engagement At Mahoetahui.
The Upper Waikato contingent had gone home after Puketa-kaurere to tell of their victory over the pakeha, exhibit their trophies of battle, and plant their crops. The news of their prowess in the field, and and the sight of the soldiers’ caps and red coats in which some of them paraded, their newly gotten rifles, bayonets, and cartridge pouches, aroused at once the admiration and the jealousy of their neighbours. Ngati-Manipoto’s exploits fired all the Waikato tribes with ardour for the field. Nati-Haua’s war-fever could no longer be allayed even by the peace-loving Wiremu Tamehana. The stalwart men of Matamata, Tamahere, and Maunga-tautari had reluctantly remained in their kaingas when Potatau forbade Waikato and Ngati-Haua to cross the Puniu river and released only Ngati-Manipoto for the war on the Waitara. But now the old king was dead, and his runanga at Ngaruawhahia had little control over Ngati-Haua of the plains.
Why should Ngati-Manipoto have all the joy, and glory of killing the Pakeha?…”
James Cowan. The New Zealand Wars. Pt1 pg 193.

The above short passage is just a tiny taste of what is recorded in ‘The New Zealand Wars’ as to the Rebel Maori’s love of War and express desire to slaughter Pakeha.
Maori of old worshiped Tu… a Bloody God of War and after less than a hand full of decades since the signing of the Treaty of Waitangi, the Warrior Cult was still at the forefront of the least civilised tribesmen. Even today this aspect of Maori Culture is understood as foremost.

There is a lie circulating that the Urewera iwi Tuhoe never took part in the Maori rebellions of the 1860s.
They certainly did!
Moreover Tuhoe was an extremely Warlike people… and famous for their Black mystical Arts.
let us see how they are described by James Cowan…

‘These impassioned war-calls intensely excited the young warriors of Tuhoe, and inspite of the advice of some of the old chiefs they raised a company for the assistance of the Maori King. Two casks of gunpowder were given to Rewi’s party. One of these – presented by Harehare, Te Wiremu, and Timoti, of the Ngati-Manawa, at Tauaroa- had been sent from Ohinemuri by the old cannibal warrior Taraia Ngakuti, of Ngati- Tamatera. The touhungas had recited charms over the cask of powder to render the contents doubly efficacious asgainst the Pakeha; and it had been given the name “Hine-ia-Taraua.” Takurua Koro=kai-toke joined Rewi: he was the elder brother of Harehare, the present chief of Ngati-Manawa at Murupara, on the Rangitaiki. He and his wife Rawinia (Lavinia) were both wounded at Orakau. Harehare himself, having no grievance against Europeans, did not join, saying that he would fight the troops if they invaded the Rangitaiki country, but not otherwise. But Tuhoe and Ngati-Whare entertained no such punctilio; they were eager to make use of their weapons, and would travel far for the pure love of fighting…’
The New Zealand Wars. Pt 1. James Cowan. pg 368

So if any justice is to spoken about the lust for war, it must be understood that The Rebels themselves were by far the most enamored.

Nor did Martial minded Pakeha like Von Tempsky disrespect their War-like customs. It was understood that Martial prowess was *a source of Mana for any people* that demanded respect.
Likewise was Von Tempskys bravery and prowess in Battle revered by his enemies.
The blatant duplicity of so-called modern Historians, Socialist politicians, and Separatist activists in seeking to slander the character of the Colonial defenders by painting them as Blood-lusting greedy warmongers when in truth…. after the facts of Von Tempkys chivalrous conduct during the Wars are understood… those savage characteristics far more accurately describe the Bulk of Rebel Maori than the character and exploits of Von Tempsky.

Reading James Cowan’s ‘The New Zealand wars’ Wairemu Tamehana looms large. What singles him out from his ‘war-fevered’ peers was his ‘Peace-loving’ restraining influence and warnings that war would bring ill upon them. It was the fact that by far the prevailing desire among the rebel tribes was to exterminate the Pakeha that Wairemu Tamehana was ultimately unable to dissuade the Rebels from the murderous and disastrous actions that resulted in their defeat.

Activists and revisionists seek to portray Von Tempksy as a ‘Maori Hater’… a white supremacist bigot….

As to Von Tempsky’s attitude towards race and towards Maori in general, Cowan records that in Von Tempsky’s corps of Forest Rangers included 2 Negroes.
Cowan also mentions that before Von Tempsky arrived in New Zealand he had been involved in military’s escapades in South America in which he commanded an irregular force of ethnic Mosquito Coast native Indians. (James Cowan The New Zealand Wars Pt 1 pgs 269,270)
Conspicuous only to those who take the trouble to look into these events for themselves, Professor O’Malley’s character profile of Von Tempsky in his report for Hamilton City council is skewed in that he omits that prior to coming to New Zealand, while in America Von Tempsky had led a contingent of *Mosqutia Natives*, instead only mentioning the Von Tempsky had his first military’s experiences there.
O’Malley makes no mention of the two Blacks who served in Von Tempsky’s hand picked squad of Forrest Rangers.
“All nationalities were in the ranks…” (J Cowan The New Zealand wars Pt1 pg 268)
J Cowan notes that prior to joining the Forrest Rangers, while at the Coromandal Gold fields Von Tempsky himself had experienced some prejudice ‘on account of his nationality’
(J Cowan The New Zealand Wars Pt1 pg 270)

These facts do not square with the accusation that he was a man of pompous White supremacist bigoted views.
These are the sort of fact that would not be conducive to achieving the aims of Tainui and the Woke members of the Hamilton City Council in getting rid of VonTempsky’s legacy and ‘De-colonising’ the City… which is why corrupt O’Malley omits them from his report.
He was paid to produce a report that served to justify the intended political aims of Tainui and the Woke Council.

One opportunity O’ Malley used to paint Von Tempsky as a villain was when he expressed jealousy in playing no roll in the exploits of an action carried on by his friendly rival Captain (Major) William Jackson against raiding Maori Rebels. (O’Malley Report 112-113). O’Malley claims the action was reported as being ‘Murderous’ in the ‘Daily Southern Cross’ yet does not provide any verifiable reference… and so O’Malley presents Von Tempsky as being a Man who takes pleasure in the ‘Murder'[slaughter] of Maori including Woman and children… even though he was not there!
The truth is this action was far from ‘Murder’, but was in fact in just response to murderous raids this Hupu of Koheriki Maori were perpetrating against hard working and relatively defenseless pioneer ‘frontier’ homesteads on the outskirts of Auckland in which these murderous raiders were killing families, Men, woman in Children tending their farms.

“On the 13th October a party of Koheriki retaliated with an attack on unarmed Europeans within a short distance of the Galloway Redoubt. An elderly man named Job Hamlin was killed, and his companion, a boy named Joseph Wallis, about 13 years of age was terribly tomahawked, but by a miracle survived his wounds…”

“On the 15th, October an old soldier named Fahey and his wife, who were settled on a small bush farm near Ramarama, were out milking their cows when they were surprised by some of the Koheriki and shot and tomakawked…”

” A party of twenty Koheriki natives on the 26th October raided Kennedy’s farm at Mangemangeroa, a few miles from Howick in the direction of Maraetai. Mr Trust, who was in charge of the farm, was away in Auckland at the time, but there were three of his sons in occupation, besides two men, Courtenay and Lord. Ambrose Trust was the eldest son; the others, Richard and Nicholas Trust, were nine and twelve years of age. Lord, who was a workman on the place, was leaving the farmhouse at about 7 o’clock to go to his house when he saw a number of armed Maoris crouching in a ditch near the house. Lord and Courtenay escaped, but the latter was wounded The Maoris fired through the front window. Ambrose Trust Trust, taking his little brothers by the hand, ran out the back and hurried in the direction of the neighbours. The Maori gave chase and shot down the two small boys. Ambrose, wounded in the shoulder, with difficulty escaped.
The boys were tomahawked…”
J Cowan. The New Zealand Wars. Pt1 pgs 291,292, 293

This is the type of Atrocities the Kingites were committing.

These shameful attacks were sanctioned by the Kingite Rebel leadership as an implicit part of their strategy, it is therefore outrageous of O Malley to then call the Forrest Rangers response to these Koheriki raids ‘Murder’.
The response was fully justified *Utu*.
It was because of these outrages that the Forrest Ranger companies were formed, and that O’ Malley omits the context of the ‘Paparata fight’ in light of what these roving bands of rebels were committing in my view constitutes a purposeful intent to misrepresent the historical facts for the sake of a political narrative.
Calling O’Malley an historian is an outrageous lie.
He is a Charlatan.
He and his ilk completely reverse historical truth!
It was the Rebel Maori who intended to commit Racial cleansing and atrocities not Grey’s Collonial Government.
The Colonial Government had to defeat the Kingite rebellion to prevent them carrying out their intention to slaughter the entire population of Auckland!

That the Kingites intended to slaughter Men, Woman, and Children was expressly warned by none other than Wiremu Tamehana.

” The war now waged was very different from Hone heke’s chivalrous tournament of 1845. It was a racial war; The Maori aim was to sweep the pakeha to the sea, as the Pakeha Government’s object was to teach the Maori his subjection to British authority. The Europeans were not without warning that the sharp and barbarous old Maori methods of warfare were to be revived.
Wiremu Tamehana himself, deeply as he sorrowed over the inevitable conflict, was compelled to place himself in line with his countrymen. He warned the Archdeacon Brown, at Tauranga, that he -meaning his race- would spare neither unarmed persons (tangata rina-kore) nor property. In August, 1863, he wrote to the Governor cautioning him to bring ‘to the towns the defenseless, lest they be killed in their farms in the bush,” “But” he concluded, “you are well acquainted with the customs of the Maori race” The frontier settlers who remained on their sections did so at their own risk. No chief, not even a King or the kingmaker, could restrain a party of young bloods on the war-path seeking to flesh their tomahawks. They would quote the ancient war-proverb, He marara kokti ihu waka” ( A flying-fish crossing the bow of the canoe”) in allusion to any luckless persons whom a fighting Taua might find in it’s path, and in the stern logic of the Maori there could be no reasonable protest against the practical application of the aphorism by cutting short the career of the “flying-fish”.
(J Cowan The New Zealand Wars Pt1 pgs 239-42)

From the above quotation we also get a picture of the truth that it was the Young Rebel Maori Warriors who reveled in murder and the tomakawking of the defenseless!
In no way can Von Tempsky’s conduct as a fighting man be compared with this real *Old world Maori barbarism and brutality*… defenseless people are considered ‘flying fish’ to be tomahawked.

Von Tempsky’s Art Legacy

With respect to Von Tempsky’s treatment of Maori woman during the War, and accusations of atrocities committed Rangiaowhia, anyone who takes the time to investigate recorded History will find the truth to be in diametric opposition to the fabrications of the Anti-colonialist Radicals!
Unlike the British/Colonial forces in which only men fought (save woman defending their own homesteads from murderous Rebel assaults), on the Rebel Kingite side woman often participated in battle as active armed combatants… on the offensive… making it very difficult for the chivalry of the British who found it repugnant to shoot woman.

eg, With the attacking warriors ‘
…was a woman, armed with a single barrel gun, a cartridge-belt buckled about her waist. The little clearing, so quiet a few moments before, was filled with the bellowing of heavily loaded ‘Tupara’ and the sharp crack of rifes. High about the other sounds rose the screaming voice of the Maori Amazon as she exhorted her warrior comrades, “Riria! Riria!” (Fight away! Fight Away!”)…’ J Cowan. The New Zealand Wars Pt1 pg 277

These realities are never admitted to by the lying Separatist radicals.
In truth it was the Kingites who relished the slaughter of Non-combatants, Men, woman, and children… not the British and Colonial forces.
At the capture of Rabgiaowhia James Cowan records that it was only after suffering repeated sniping from hate filled wahine, did troops move to capture them… they otherwise would have been left alone unmolested… and still even after having been disarmed and held prisoner VonTempsky signaled a guard to allow a woman to escape.
Later… when the actual Battle of Rangiaowhia took place and the Kingites were defeated, in the flight Wahine were intermingled with the fighting men to avoid shoot them the call went out from the British for the woman to ‘sit down’ those that heeded the call were saved.
No mention of any of these nuanced facts in O’Malleys Report which seeks to maintain gross fallacious pseudo-historical generalisation that the Kingites were the victims of vicious racism, Greed, and atrocities.

O Malley’s agenda is consistent. He Mistreats Governor Grey with the same malicious omission. Grey was a man of High Character and Bravery. At no point does O’Malley do him justice. For example while mentioning Grey’s unannounced visit to Ngaruawahia, O’Malley fails to mention this visit was done for the sake of avoiding conflict… it was a peace mission, at great risk to his personal safety. Grey trusted in his *Friendship and good will* with the Maori King. These are not the actions of a greedy warmonger.

Now I would like to discuss a witness to Von Tempsky’s impeccable character that as far as I can see has been totally overlooked … that is his own treatment of Maori as depicted in *his Art*. I believe Woke Socialist politicians and activists have avoided discussion of his Art because they literally paint a different picture as to VonTempsky’s attitude to Maori.
The study of Art tells us a lot about the artist’s inner voice.

I contend that by looking at the paintings Von Tempsky bequeathed to posterity you can see with your own eyes that he took great pains to present Maori as people of heroic and noble bearing.
The painting themselves are devoid of anything that could be construed as ‘White Supremacy’.
No Maori can glean any ill intent in how he portrays their race in his art.
I his aim was self Glorification of his race, and the debasement of Maori, He could have easily chosen to portray the grotesque savagery and barbarism of his enemies which he would have been very familiar having fought hand to hand combat with many frenzied blood-lusting Toa eager to claim his life to imortalise their own mana… yet he never stooped to such fickle ideological vice.
Thus his paintings testify to his good character, and they rebut the lies leveled against him.

Like so many lands that were once colonies of the British Empire We here in New Zealand must endure a campaign of relentless lies and malicious posthumous character assignation of many of our greatest historical figures.

Columbus is under attack by the Radical woke Far left in the USA.
Capitan Cook is under attack in Australia and elsewhere (including New Zealand)
No nuanced arguments underpin any of this, but grotesque and toxic Marxist brain worms drill into the minds of any and all useful idiots who have not been inoculated with truth

It is truly a despicable process that is in play… all of it a politically driven travesty motivated by hate, greed, and lust for power.
Only their twisted and highly prejudiced perspectives are given weight.
We are supposed to consider their grievances as being valid…. as if their endless and ongoing anguish and victimism is genuine. We are expected to ignore their obvious treasure seeking *Vested interests* that really motivate their activities.
All this dishonesty is not about ‘righting the wrongs of the past’, but about plunder, power, and conquering a nation by stealth through Machiavellian political deception.
It is a despicable travesty that only continues because of the ignorance. impotence, and cowardice of the great majority of New Zealanders who are allowing the Maori Radicals and far left Socialist’s to slander the great generations of Pioneer Collonialists who built this country.

Tim Wikiriwhi
Christian Libertarian.

More from Tim.





The Wanganui River and the incredulous incantations of the Neo-Tohungas…

Tim Wikiriwhi’s Submission to the New Zealand Government’s Constitutional Review. 2013

Mt Everest is for Wimps! Lets Conquer Apartheid Government in New Zealand! A strategy.

Universal Pride in Washington, Separatist Shame in Wellington.

The Light of the gospel reaches the utmost parts of the Earth. Bi-Centennial of Samuel Marsden’s Christmas Message. Bay of Islands. 1814.

Looking Forward, not Backwards: Dynamic Culture vs Stagnation. Why British Colonisation was good for Maori.

Trojan Horse: The UN Separatist Declaration of Indigenous Rights.

The Great Waitangi Swindle.

My speech for the 1Law4all party 2014 AGM. Tim Wikiriwhi. 17 June. Hamilton


A Submission In Opposition To The Electoral (Entrenchment Of Maori Seats) Amendment Bill

Te Ara Nui

Completion April 2020

It’s been a while.

Today, all being well, Transmission Gully opens to traffic. I look forward to driving along it for the first time this weekend.

headlines on Google News

I thought it opened yesterday, when I read the headlines on Google News. But then I remembered that we live in the post-truth era. “Officially opened” just means opened to government officials, in particular, opened to the current Prime Minister and her cronies. Plebs like us have to wait until the very early hours of this morning.

The official name of the new road is Te Ara Nui o Te Rangihaeata. Te Rangihaeata was a Ngāti Toa chief and nephew of the Ngāti Toa warlord Te Rauparaha. In August 1846 he led the Ngāti Toa forces at the battle of Battle Hill, which overlooks the new road roughly halfway between Paekakariki and Pauatahanui. Te Rangihaeata is also famous for having been a signatory to the Treaty of Waitangi in June 1840, and for his involvement with his uncle Te Rauparaha in the Wairau Affray in June 1843. During the latter confrontation, which was the first major skirmish of the Land Wars, a stray bullet killed Te Rangihaeata’s wife, Te Rongo. In an act of vengeance, Te Rangihaeata bludgeoned to death the nine special constables of the New Zealand Company who had been taken prisoner. Later, the newly appointed second Governor of New Zealand, Robert Fitzroy (former captain of the HMS Beagle), investigated the incident and exonerated Te Rangihaeata and Te Rauparaha, on the grounds that the New Zealand Company had attempted an illegal land grab.

These days New Zealand is a less bloody interesting place, but still a place blighted by corporate grift, government graft and endemic low-level corruption. Here’s a timeline of the Transmission Gully project’s 103-year history. Have a read of the history of the project, especially since construction commenced in 2014, paying particular attention to the steady stream of delays, build errors, cost overruns, and silt running into the harbour. I think it’s hardly plausible to deny that some of those involved are on the make.

Someone once said, never ascribe to malice that which is adequately explained by incompetence. But why not both?

The Curse of Hereiwi, and the Stronger Medicine of Christian Missionary Octavius Hadfield.

Young Octavius Hadfield. Photo from here

One of the books I am currently reading on New Zealand colonial history is a biography on the extraordinary man, and Christian missionary to the Taranaki-Kapiti region Octavius Hadfield by Barbara Macmorran.

Hadfield is one of a generation of truly great English men and Christians who were as brave as lions, and guided by the highest of Christian humanitarian values

This is the first short review of portions of this book that together hopefully will highlight various important aspects of Missionary activities and interactions with Native Maori as they were when New Zealand became a colony of the British Empire.

I hope these blogpost form a valuable source of references to be used to combat fake revisionist history with paints Collonisation in an evil light, and also gives concrete facts to the greatness of the Christian missionaries who came here in the early days of the 19th century.

Hadfield was a young man in his 20s when he first arrived in New Zealand. He was a man of strong faith, Iron resolve, yet weak physically due to health troubles.
This is a man who was willing to be left alone hundreds of miles away from the center where his fellow countrymen and missionaries were… to live among Cannibal Maori… including one of the Most notorious Cannibal Chiefs of them all Te Rauparaha. The Guy who wrote the Famous Haka ‘Kai Mate’… ‘Eat you when you’re dead’ . (This haka has been changed to ‘Ka mate’ to hide its true meaning).

Te Raupraha.

Hadfield stood eye to eye with this Fierce Warrior Chief and commanded his respect.
When you contemplate how much bravery It would take to do this you begin to understand how the British people are indominable in spirit and how this Nature was further energized by a powerful Christian faith and sense of purpose.
Only by such Towering character and committed Christian conviction were such men as Hadfield able to match their personal Mana with those of the Great Chiefs of those times who were experts at spotting and exploiting Weakness and fear.

I will develop this theme further yet for now I want to talk about an interesting happening between Hadfield and a ‘Troublesome Chief’ whom had taken a disliking to Hadfield and had started becoming a nuisance at Hadfield’s Sunday services.
This would have happened in 1840…

I will quote the passage….

‘In “Maoris of Bygone days” Hadfield related a story about the chief next in rank to Te Whatanui at Otaki, Matenga Te Matia. Sometimes on a Sunday when Hadfield was holding a service this chief would come “for the purpose of making a noise and interrupting us. On one occasion this interruption went rather too far.” The next day Hadfield visited the chief “for the purposes of remonstrating with him. I found him in his garden with several of his people. But he took no notice of me. So I sat down on the ground and thoughtlessly took up a piece of Kumara and bit it. This was on my part an infraction of a tapu. It afforded him an opportunity, which perhaps he had been looking for, of ridding himself of me and my proceedings. He rushed at me with his tomahawk, and was about to strike me as I sat on the ground, when his daughter and the son of a chief immediately came and placed themselves between me and my assailant, placing their hands over my head so that it became impossible for him to strike me without first striking them. Other then came forward. After some time his rage abated, and he sat down.
I then endeavored to explain that I, a foreigner who had not been long among them, was not aware that I was doing anything offensive.
But before I could finish my explanation the Maori priest, Hereiwi, who had gone through his karakia making the Kumara ground tapu, interrupted by pronouncing a curse upon me which was necessarily to lead to my death, or my removal from Otaki. I told him his curse would neither affect my life nor influence my proceedings, but was much more likely to injure him.
I then left them. Early next morning I went to Waikanae. On my return after a few days I learnt that Hereiwi had died during the night after the affair in the kumera garden.
This produced a profound impression on the Maoris, who attributed his death to his cursing me. In vain I endeavored to explain that I had herd from some Englishmen who knew him that he had been suffering from a complaint in his lungs, and that his death was occasioned by the rupture of a large Blood vessel. Not altogether convinced they resolved not to meddle any more with me, but to allow me in future to disregard all their tapu ceremonies, and go where I liked. After that Te Matia and I were on friendly terms, at least we lived in peace.”

Octavius Hadfield. by Barbara Macmorran pg 24-25.

‘Thoughts of a Tohunga’ by By Charles F Goldie. 1933.

‘Maori Priest’ = Tohunga. See Wikipedia here.

So many interesting things within this short passage describing the interaction of two different worlds.
Here we see the sort of Man Hadfield was… Bold enough to go find this ‘troublesome Chief’ seeking to have a man to man talk to sort out the problem.
Here we see the darkness of the Savage existence in which Maori thinking was wrapped up… so that it was thought a visitor picking up a piece of Kumera and taking a bite was grounds enough to attack and kill him!

And I cannot help also to marvel at the supernatural showdown between the Maori Curse and the superior Spiritual power of Christ!

Some skeptics will argue that what happened to Hereiwi was pure coincidence… and yet the Maori who were witnesses to this decided there was more to it than that!
And anyone who has read a decent amount of New Zealand history will tell you about recorded supernatural events that happened.
Two others come to my mind, one is of the omen… the appearance of the phantom canoe on Lake Tarawera before the eruption which My Ancestor Guide Sophia saw and raised the alarm… saving many peoples lives.

Another one is the weird story of the Tohunga who was at Ruapekepeka Pa when the British brought up a new weapon… a Rocket to attack the Pa, and this cause the Maori to lose heart, yet the Tohunga said the Rocket would do no harm.
And it turned out to be correct as when the British fired the rocket, to spiraled off course and indeed cause no harm. When this was the result, the Tohunga was credited.

Now in all these events I do not make emphatic claims that ‘Supernatural’ things occurred, I simply wish to highlight these events are recorded in history and did happen.
What is interesting is that Atheist materialists are *forced* to say all such things are mere coincidental… as the tenets of their own faith and world view do not allow them the license to even contemplate the possibility that something supernatural in fact occurred. They have no facts, or evidence to support their judgment… they simply assume they are right.
Myself as a Christian I am neither forced to assume the events were super-natural, or not. Yet I am not forced to deny the possibility by my world view.
One thing I can say is standing in Hadfield’s shoes and have had a witchdoctor cast a curse upon him, I appreciate his response, as one of Victory in Christ… the assurance that No Curse of the devil is as potent as Gods Divine grace, protection, and providence under which Hadfield had Boldly left Civilisation and travelled to the utmost parts of the Globe to where Headhunting Cannibals and Dark evil superstitions abound… to do the Lords work and to preach Love and salvation to these poor wretches living in darkness and savagery!
Hadfield’s Faith was his strength… and the curse fell upon him who had uttered it.

And though many of my readers do not at all appreciate this fact… today Maori Curses are still a thing!
A ‘Makutu’ can be uttered against a person still today… and yet The Christian still can find Divine protection in Christ.
“Greater is he who is in you, than he who is in the world.” 1john4vs4.

Read Wikipedia ‘Makutu’ here.

“Another story [about Hadfield] on the same theme was published in the Marlborough Press in an obituary notice, December 14 1904. “Throughout his life, his mana over the Maoris was perhaps greater than any other man’s. Not merely in spiritual matters, but in political directions, it was exercised and feared. Archdeacon Stock used to tell how it was greatly strengthened. In the early days of the Wellington colony, Mr Hadfield was constantly appealed to as an umpire in ever-recurring land troubles, and had in one instance given a decision which greatly offended some West coast Maoris.
Returning from a pastoral visit to Wellington, as he passed through a Pa in the neighbourhood of Porirua, he was met by the chief and Tohunga, who upbraided him in the most violent terms, worked themselves up into a frenzy of excitement which agrivated heart troubles, and as they were pelting him with oratical invective- cursing him up hill and down dale- both dropped dead.
Henceforward, the awe-stricken Maoris regarded him as under the special protection of an all powerful Atua, whom it was death to offend!
All through the war and the Hau-Hau troubles, the Archdeacon travelled here, there, and everywhere, risking at every turn the fate that befell Volkner and others, but absolutely undeterred by dangers.”
Pg25-26. Octavius Hadfield by Barbara Macmorran.

Today, the only way Maori radicals are able to spread their vile falsehoods about the missionaries and colonisation in general is because of an overwhelming ignorance among the population of New Zealanders about *what really happened*.
The Missionaries risked everything to bring Salvation via the light of the gospel to Maori, the gospel that broke down tribal divisions, and united the Maori people with the Pakeha as Brothers and sisters in Christ.
We can easily discern the spirit of anti-Christ working within the Maori separatist movement spreading lies and slander against the integrity of these truly great and noble men, turning Maori away from Christ and the spirit of peace and goodwill… back into the darkness of tribalism and racial separatism.

Tim Wikiriwhi
Christian Libertarian.

More from Tim….











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