I confess… and it’s no secret…
I Swear.
It is something that I struggle with.
I dont think it’s ok.
Yet neither do I buy into what Self-righteous freaks suggest that some how… because I swear… that is evidence I’m not a true Christian.
Its called being imperfect.
And there are many people who are PC… dont swear yet have far more malevolence in their hearts… they just dress their hatred and bigotry in more socially acceptable garb … yet it can be even more vile and insidious in it’s intent… yet that is how self-righteous hypocrisy manifests itself.
^ Sadly…There is some truth in this
I admit my shameful short comings… I dont wear a fake cloak of righteousness.
And I do try and live a better life every day… yet it is hard to get swearing out of your system when it is ingrained in your vocabulary of self-expression… there is no ‘Magic’ way to stop… anyone who thinks the Holy Spirit magically stops people from swearing is full of ‘it’.
I try to keep it real… try to remain sincere… and not put on an act… a facade… I am me… and one of the things I loath about *Acting Christians* is their phonie-ness .
I have always struggled with my spiritual walk against the Flesh… I have to trust God’s grace is sufficient for me… the wretch.
“A good man out of the good treasure of his heart bringeth forth that which is good; and an evil man out of the evil treasure of his heart bringeth forth that which is evil: for of the abundance of the heart his mouth speaketh.”
Jesus Christ. Luke 6vs45
I am not a Pastor because I am unworthy… I do admire people who are both holy and sincere, and full of grace… not law… yet there is something very wrong with all the messages I hear about being ‘Holy and separate and not like the world’… To me they mostly preach a ‘Fake stereotype’ of what they think *Every Christian* should conform too… as if there is only one pattern… as if we ought to all be alike in every aspect… all like pastors… all absolutely and only committed to the gospel… or else we are being evil and ‘like the world’… yet I can see that this idea is *not what the Bible says*.
The Bible says we are all *different parts of the Body of Christ*… with different jobs to do… different gifts and talents.
Different struggles and missions.
And most of us are not called to be ministers and Pastors.
Our first duty is to take care of our families safety and necessities… and raise our children in faith.
This means we work in the real world… Buy houses… vote in elections…. are concerned about Terrorism… and we raise our children under the grace of God… not under the Law… and under grace we may still watch TV… still cheer for our favorite sports teams… buy a boat and go fishing… etc etc.. ie we enjoy our lives like ordinary people… and so its *not a sin* in many ways to look like ordinary people… because that is what we are… and so I get very annoyed with self righteous zealots who claim unless we appear as zealous as they do, that somehow we are fake Christians… ‘like the world’.
I say they are far more likely to be the fakes!
they have totally missed the boat about being a Christian.
I am a real Christian!
Not Perfect…
A Sinner saved by the grace of God… and trying to incorporate Christian virtues and values in my life… and preaching the gospel when opportunity presents it’self.
It cant be denied that swearing not only offends God, but also ruins/ severely detracts from a Christians testimony… and this brings me grief to know this.
It pains me that some lost souls will turn their ears from my testimony because I swear, and
If my testimony is worthless because I swear then virtually my whole life is worthless… yet I dont believe that.
God only has imperfect Servants with which to delegate his chores!
There are no perfectly holy Christians.
I dont believe the gospel would be better off if I hid my faith until I master my unruly tongue.
I still believe my testimony has value *despite my failings*…
I try to represent the truth that God’s grace is open to ordinary people… ordinary sinners… and that becoming a christian doest not demand a person become a faker… a card board cut out of what *the world thinks Christians are*.
Becoming a Christian does not a perfect person make… it is but the beginning of a new path *and process* of Moral Redemption as we transform from a Lost soul and the thoughts and habits thereof into a ‘born again’ new person patterned on Holiness.
Yet The Old man does not surrender easily!
The less the vile wickedness of the carnal tongue is no joke… no laughing matter…. It is something Alien to God’s Holiness, and is very much an attribute of Satan himself!
An ‘Anarchist Christian’ friend remarked “I think it’s okay to have a potty mouth, just don’t use names of God as expletives.”
I pointed out firstly that… ‘I think’… is not a good yardstick for morality… not objective… and secondly the concept of … ‘I think it’s okay to have a potty mouth’… gets its subjectivity because of Our ‘acclimatization’ to what we conciser ‘normal’… and the excuses and rationalisations we create to pseudo-justify what ‘We think…’ for convenience.
I take responsibility for my predicament with regards to swearing.
It is ingrained in me because of years of habit… of conforming to ‘the norms’ of my peers in the social strata I have lived in… in particular the ‘Bogan Westy culture’ that I embraced as a Teenager, and the ‘Engineering Guild ‘ to which I Joined and work among as an Engineer.
Swearing is endemic in both these Sub cultures.
It is the norm.
And it is acceptable among the *Hard core* who consider themselves to be *The real deal*… rather than the ‘PC Wowzers’ who will never be fully accepted into this ‘elite’.
And though at face value I can see how pompous and silly… and in fact *immoral* these ideas are, it still takes a monumental effort not to think in these terms… It is so deeply ingrained into our *Personal Identity and world view*.
Just questioning these ideas and trying to escape it is looked upon as almost a sign of betrayal!
The problem is that I have bought into this stuff to such a degree that *It feels true to me*… even though when I step back… i know its an evil delusion.
Thus I battle within myself.
I admit my own stubbornly ingrained false values that are in conflict with what I know to be Right and good.
This is the spiritual battle between the Old man… the flesh… and the New Man Born of Faith in Christ.
James 3:1-12 (NKJV) 7 For every kind of beast and bird, of reptile and creature of the sea, is tamed and has been tamed by mankind. 8 But no man can tame the tongue. It is an unruly evil, full of deadly poison. 9 With it we bless our God and Father, and with it we curse men, who have been made in the similitude of God.
On the upside I am not the sort of Christian who gets offended by swearing, and even should I eventually win the victory over my own cussing … By God’s Grace I hope never to be a person who takes offence… or hold anyone in contempt for being a swearer.
I will have grace upon them, and will continue to preach Gods grace… may I never become one of those self-righteous and judgmental freaks who cause Christianity to stink because of their over-zealously turns them into contempt filled Pharisees.
I believe this is actually a positive virtue that aids me in what I believe is my God given calling and mission field… which is to share my testimony with Publicans, and Sinners… Bogans and Westies… in other words…. among my own people.
I pray my personal walk improves and my testimony becomes more valuable to God.
Tim Wikiriwhi
Protestant, Dispensationalist, King James Bible believer, Christian Libertarian.
P.S I do need to clarify one more thing… and that is that in a very real sense God has given us a pattern and example to follow and emulate… and that Pattern for the Christian is The Apostle Paul… yet this does not mean we are to *Exactly* emulate him like perfect xerox copies… We ought to emulate his Ideals and values, and follow his doctrines yet this does not mean we will all appear like clones… We should not all become tent makers…. we are not ourselves Apostles!
We are to incorporate Paul’s teachings into our own lives and circumstances… and apply them as we follow what we believe is Gods will and intention for our lives… as individuals… seeking out Gods special purpose for our lives.
This is yet another blog post that I have been paralyzed by the shear magnitude of the task involved in doing justice to the subject … and so have again literally left it to the last hours to attempt… as I have no more time to wallow in self-doubt about my writing skills.
The day is literally at hand, and so I am compelled to write this in spite of my fears that I will shortchange the virtuous.
I am of course talking about the Fake day of remembrance that Maori radicals have managed to manipulate our government into officially endorsing and even providing Tax payer money of 1 million dollars annually to fund what will prove to be a gigantic day of propaganda designed to present the wars as an injustice committed by the Colonial government against so-called ‘righteous and peaceful tribes’ for the sake of stealing their lands… as if the aggression was on the side of the Colonial government… driven by greed… and in violation of the Treaty of Waitangi.
We have already seen ‘Waitangi day’ being absolutely hijacked by the Racist radicals and turned from what was supposed to be a day of celebrations for the unification of Maori and European Settlers as one people, under the benevolent sovereignty of the British crown … into a day of Race hate and propagation for Separatism and special privileges for Maori.
Why on earth you may ask has the government set us up to endure more of the same vile opportunism for the lies and hatred from a small but highly politicized section of our society who are hell bent on propigating grievous racial divisions for the sake of their own political agenda of extortion?
The answer is simple… The National party was in Bed with some of New Zealand’s most prominent Racial separatists sitting in the shameful Racist seats of our parliament all members of one of the most racist political parties… the Maori party!
Ie the reason the National government has given this opportunity to ferment even greater racial division was because they have been selling out our country to these racist seats for decades!
A very warped and dishonest account of events and the wars of the 1860s will be rammed down the throats of our entire nation tomorrow.
No good will come of this travesty!
Truth will be the first and greatest victim… followed by ongoing and increasing injustices against the vastly superior numbers of New Zelander’s many of whom are completely oblivious to the fact that they are being taken for a ride!
These are the fools who are the ‘enablers’ … those whose accent empowers the Racists to achieve their vile ambitions.
Yet many of us Kiwi will immediately realise this day is just a big Charade… the familiar pantomime is again being acted out by the same old troupe of actors…with a sprinkling of new zealots… yet with the same old plot… like some badly written sitcom.
Que the Wailing Wahine!
Due to decades of False revisionist history being spoon fed to the sheeple in our Education system by radicals… some who have risen into political prominence by peddling their lies… such as Auckland University Radical Pita Sharples… later to be Co-leader of The Maori Party… sufficient numbers of Non-Maori New Zealanders have swallowed the separatist narrative of Pakeha Greed and have taken on a collective guilt trip… and are supporting their own political oppression!
Though they undoubtedly know that they themselves have not acted in a racist manor towards Maori… yet in their eagerness to deny any hint that they themselves support the ill treatment of Maori have assumed they are guilty by simply being a descendant of the colonials… whom have been painted as being Greedy Bastards… or because they will perceive that because they have benefited from the colonial system (as everyone… including Maori has)… that because of the claims of the Maori radicals… that somehow they themselves have wrongly profited… so they assume they owe Maori ‘Reparations’.
This is why so many Pakeha do not balk at the Billions of Tax dollars getting handed over to racists instead of being spent on Hospitals, schools, Medicines, etc.
They believe the hype that *They are responsible* for the present low condition and terrible social statistics that are wielded like a Mere by the radicals as evidence of Pakeha oppression when in reality it is the shocking lack of Personal ethics, and lack self responsibility why Maori are responsible for their own misery…themselves!
They are the ones who stuff their faces with unhealthy food.
They are the ones who Drink themselves stupid rather than saving their money to better themselves.
They are the ones who commit violence and thefts and end up in jail.
All the while refusing to take ownership of their own problems… all the while listening to the lies and agitations of their political elites who profit from the ongoing misery of their people… and who blame the Pakeha for everything!
This is what Waitangi day has come to represent, and is the vile mentality that will be prominent tomorrow and will underpin ‘the remberance day ‘ of the wars of the 1860s.
Now that was the easy part of this post… the part that is most familiar to most New Zealanders, the harder part that I can now only lightly touch upon is the actual history of the wars themselves and what they really were all about.
This is difficult because to do it with justice would require massive volumes.
It would require a monumental amount references to historic events and records, all the while having to counter-argue against the Tidal wave of Political propaganda and revisionist lies that have twisted history to suit the narrative of Maori as victims of Colonial oppression.
None the less I must give at least a brief commentary on the over-all principles and motives that were in play at those times…
I cannot here engage in dealing with specific accusations leveled at various battles against the Colonial troops by those that have a political vested interest to sully the reputations of some of our countries greatest heroes… like Major Von Tempsky…. a man of Outstanding Heroism and exploits… An Enlightened thinker of High Character and Art… a true Renaissance Man… and who gave his life for Law and order , Peace in this country and good will between Maori and Pakeha that lasted 100 years… and who also until recent times was honored as one of our greatest historic figures.
He was revered by friend and foe alike!
It is the rightful legacy of such Great heroes and the honor they are due that is being robbed by despicable liars for their own financial and political gain.
Even his enemies worshiped his mana as a mighty and fearless warrior.
Today he has suffered Post humorous Political character assassination by the vested interests who seek to hide the rightful guilt that belongs to the rebellious tribes who caused war against the Colonial government by open rebellion to the treaty for the sake of pushing the Pakeha into the sea and re-establishing Maori sovereignty under the Tainui King.
They thought they would easily win…and slaughter the Pakeha… ‘Like cutting grass’.
These wars were not about land at all!
They were about Sovereignty!
Just one on-line reference to VonTempky’s good character can be found here
“Von Tempsky took part in the actions at Hairini, Waiari, Rangiaowhia, Kihikihi and Orakau, establishing a reputation as an intrepid leader. He was a strong disciplinarian who was popular with his men. When the defenders broke out of the Orakau Pa, he led his men in a ruthless pursuit but strongly disapproved when the British troops killed some of the wounded and women. He encouraged his men to intervene in order to prevent these atrocities.”
After 20 years of British rule via the colonial government and the growing settlement of the Nation the Chiefs and Maori Aristocracy became jealous of the growing powers of the government and were watching an inevitable reduction in their own powers and ‘mana’ over their own tribes as their people voluntarily embraced Pakeha ways, manors, beliefs that were not conducive to maintaining faith and submission to the old Hierarchy… and just as is typical for humanity the world over… when powerful vest interests feel threatened… they plot.
And so a few of the Tribes decided they would rebel and try and overthrow the Government and become masters of the country themselves… and they tried to convince many of the other tribes to join their rebellion yet were unsuccessful.
There are records of all this and one famous account that when Kingitanga Tainui emissaries approach Ngapuhi to join the rebellion that they were mocked!
Ngapuhi said they would rather be governed by an English woman than any Tainui King!
So perhaps one of the greatest proofs of the lies of today’s Radicals and their historic revisionism is the undeniable fat that the wars were not Maori verses Pakeha… But Maori and Pakeha vs a handful of murderous tribes in rebellion of the treaty!
On the left is my copy of ‘The Defenders of New Zealand and Maori history of the war’ in which both sides of the conflict are presented.
And what is also not taught in our schools is that the rebellious tribes were murdering people and making war preparations to attack Auckland, and that they were duly warned by Govenor Grey to desist their rebellious activities… if they desired to keep their rights as enunciated by the treaty!
What is not being taught in our schools or spoken of in our media is that troops were only deployed after Governor Greys warnings were spurned and war preparations and attacks on setters continued.
He fore-warned them that if war broke out they would loose land as punishment for violating the treaty
And when the rebellions were suppressed, Land was confiscated as punishment for their murderous rebellion and as a deterrent against future rebellions… ie The treaty was not backed by a toothless lion and that there was to be a heavy price to be paid by any chief or tribe that rebelled.
And so it was the confiscations that were the chief reasons that quelled any ideas about rebellion for the next 100 years!
“Some have said that these conviscations were wrong and they have contravened the articles of the treaty of Waitangi, but the chiefs placed in the hands of the Queen of England, the sovereignty and authority to make laws. Some sections of the Maori people violated that authority, war arose and blood was spilled. The Law came into opperation and land was taken in payment. This itself is Maori custom – revenge- plunder to avenge a wrong. It was their chiefs who ceded that right to the queen. The conviscations can not therefore be objected to in the light of the Treaty”.
Extracts from ‘The Treaty of Waitangi, an explanation’ by Sir Apirana Ngata.
Furthermore the suppression of the rebellion was committed to General Cameron… a man famous for his compassion towards the Maori rebels… a man who respected their bravery… a man who was reluctant to use excessive force to the degree that he was derided for being too weak in his execution of the war… yet you will struggle to find any honest accounts of his humanitarianism on modern biographies written by prejudiced academics who purposefully downplay the virtues of those on the colonial side yet exacerbate their vises, while whitewashing the crimes and motives of the rebels.
This is an entire industry these Days…. the falsification of history by academics and the Monumental extortion of manufactured grievance.
And this is what will be on full display tomorrow.
Now in finishing and having presented my contentions as to why the wars happened and how it was the Rebellious Maori tribes who violated the treaty… not the colonial government who acted lawfully in full accord with the Treaty let me put in this caveat: Though I assert that the Radicals claims that the wars were started by the government out of lust for land and Greed to be fraudulent this should never be construed to say that there were never any individual instances of greed on the part of some settlers… nor any instances of ‘war crimes’ committed during any of the battles… of course there would have been some… yet these were not endemic or evidences of systemic corruption… and of course these sorts of things would have been committed intermittently by both sides… and it is telling that you will never ever hear any admissions of … even of the possibility that the Rebels committed atrocities even though they have been fully documented!
This shows just how absolutely un-objective the Radical separatists are and how their entire arguments are the very definition of extreme prejudice…falsehoods… the pure fabrication of vested interests with vile agendas
A classic example of this is how the radicals have managed to get our corrupt government to accepting a sanitized revisionist account of the historic murder and cannibalization of a christian Minister C S Volkner by the rebels. Read about that here
The colonization of New Zealand was not an invasion against the will of the Natives.
The truth is that Maori themselves petitioned the throne of England to establish their Rule here to maintain peace between the settlers and themselves and to protect them from France who were planning to take New Zealand for themselves. And the reluctant British parliament moved to save them in the nick of time!
The Treaty itself is a document of the highest humanitarian Ideas that stands like a shining light in the history of the world having been formulated by benevolent Men with genuine concern for the Maori people in an age of enlightenment in the British empire… have only a few years before abolished slavery!
Weakness and complicity has allowed the 100 year peace that was established via the suppression of the rebellion by the colonial forces to be shattered… and another Cold war of rebellion to be taking place… not with arms… but via political subversion and lies!
it is actually part of a Global socialist agenda against what they call ‘British/ European imperialism’ and it was the socialist who invented the evil doctrines of ‘indigenous rights’… that overturn the principle of justice as being Equal and colourblind and instead insists so-called indigenous people have more rights than so-called ‘invaders’.
We are witnessing a politically manufactured Race relations crisis, and tomorrows events will only serve to make things worse.
The National Government and their allies… Act and The Maori Party have committed another political crime against the people of New Zealand by endorsing and funding, and enabling the radical extremists to yet again peddle their lies and hate on an annual basis.
This blogpost is part of my ongoing efforts for nearly 20 years to speak for the truth and for the principles of Freedom and Equality before the law.
Dont be fooled by all the lies that will be spoken about tomorrow!
Go study the history of our Nation… not from modern revisionist sources… but buy up Old books written in the early 2oth century… or earlier.
Tim Wikirwihi.
Libertarain Independent.
P.S… So many things I have had to leave unsaid here yet I will add one final comment.
All of this business hinges upon the idea of ‘State sovereignty’ I have not had opportunity to present any arguments to why this is whole concept is flawed and that enlightened minds do not endorse Sovereign states but instead argue for the Sovereignty of the individual and how this does away with Factions fighting over political power and advantage.
That will have to wait for future expositions.
An Old picture of me with my Grandfather Autiti at Whakarewarewa.
The 28th came and went almost as if it never happened!
Apart from a few Newspaper articles and small amounts of TV coverage we may even say the Big event was a complete wash out!
I am yet to find out exactly what/why all the hype never transpired as this was supposed to be… politically Speaking in the Radical separtist movement… A Big Deal!
Was it because of the recent collapse of the Mana and Maori Parties?
What happened to the $400 000.00 of Tax payer money that was granted … of a total of 1 million on offer for this year… and 3 million more over the next 3 years?
There were supposed to be big events at various parts of the country such as Rangariri here in the Waikato yet it appears that they all failed to transpire.
I have no clue as to what happened, why, or what this all means.
I will update this blog when I get more info.
“The government allocated $4 million across four years in last year’s budget to fund the commemorations, and nearly $400,000 dollars has been handed out for 16 applications received since.”
From Here
Group Event Region Event Location Event Start Date Event End Date Amount Requested
Tihi Consultants Limited The proposal is to deliver a series of events over the two weeks, leading up to a commemorative service at Te Ngutu o te Manu Reserve on 28 October 2017. Te Tai Hauāuru Hāwera Monday, 16 October 2017 Friday, 27 October 2017 $9,000.00
Te Whare Wānanga o Awanuiārangi Two-day symposia titled ‘Te Pūtake o te Riri’ with a number of outcomes. Waikato-Waiariki Whakatāne Wednesday, 18 October 2017 Thursday, 19 October 2017 $95,200.00
Ngāti Awa Community Development Trust Commemoration of the 1865 Battle of Te Kupenga a Taramainuku Pā Waikato-Waiariki Te Teko – Te Kupenga Pā Friday, 20 October 2017 $67,863.00
Te Reo Irirangi o Te Mānuka Tūtahi Trust Broadcasting and Online Video Streaming of the 2017 commemoration service of the Battle of Te Kupenga a Taramainuku Pā Waikato-Waiariki Whakatāne Friday, 20 October 2017 $6,000.00
Māori Land Charitable Trust Public screening of the New Zealand Wars series Te Tai Hauāuru Ōtaki Saturday, 28 October 2017 Sunday, 12 November 2017 $12,000.00
Kuranui College – Greytown Theatre based on one of the East Coast Wars affecting Ngāti Porou and Ngāti Kahungunu Te Tai Hauāuru Greytown – Wairarapa Late October $2,500.00
Bridget Williams Publishing Trust To support the Vincent O’Malley giving talks to schools about the significance of the New Zealand Land Wars Te Tai Hauāuru 20 School Visits Early 2018 Early 2018 $30,000.00
Te Rūnanga o Ngāti Ruanui Trust (TRONRT) To organise a hīkoi to the South Island to pay respect, wānanga the historical account of, and acknowledge the lives, achievement and resting place of our Ngāti Ruanui & Pakakohe Tūpuna who were imprisoned in Dunedin in 1869. Te Tai Hauāuru South Island Thursday, 1 March 2018 $61,500.00
Raukawa Charitable Trust Tour to four significant New Zealand war sites where Raukawa had significant involvement. Waikato-Waiariki Tour to four significant New Zealand war sites where Raukawa had significant involvement. Friday, 6 April 2018 Sunday, 8 April 2018 $71,200.00
Waiokura Marae and Reserves Trust Commemorate Ōrangituāpeka and the significance of the Rāhui Whenua Te Tai Hauāuru Manaia, South Taranaki Wednesday 25 April 2018 $30,000.00
The up coming election is looking like a complete disaster for Justice and race relations with both National and Labour Poised to outdo each other in selling out our Country to Racist interests for the sake of their own short term political gains.
This is nothing new but has long been a feature of our shameful apartheid system… yet things have become acute in recent decades with the rise of The Socialist Racist radial Maori separatists and their grip on the the Maori seats in Parliament and esp since the establishment of MMP.
It has its own coined phrase… ‘Brown-mail’.
Despite a veneer of revisionist lies that try to legitimize these abominations… and the Actors involved performing with such believe-ability that they deserve Oscars… the facts remain and are so infamous… and blatant… that they barely need enunciating … I only add these details here to my blog for the sake of the monologue!
Only fools and Vested interests Swallow the BS!
The Politics surrounding our race-based electoral rolls and Seats have morphed from a misguided benevolent anomaly of Ages long dead into a grotesque cancerous monstrosity… inflicting pain and extreme injustice upon our Nation… a source of Power and extortion for Liars and bigots.
Everybody with an ounce of wisdom knows the race-based seats should have been abolished over 100 years ago… yet come election time and the struggle for power… the two major parties have neither the scruple… nor the Nads to abolish them.
National and Labour dont care about what is in our Nations best interests… yet there is a cunning fox circling the Chicken coup …. the shrewd New Zealand First Party Leader Winston Peters… and he smells an opportunity to deliver something most New Zealanders want … and as such… I am about to ask something weird! and make an appeal to National and Labour supporters… I’m asking you to put principles ahead of Party… for your own sakes, and that of our Nation…. lets put New Zealand first!
I ask those of you who traditionally vote Blue or Red whether or not Bill English or Kelvin Davis truly represent your sentiments and interest with respect to their refusal to put the question of the ongoing existence of these Race-based seats in parliament to a special vote of the people.
The very seats that are always occupied by Racists who want Pakeha to ‘go home’… while expecting Pakeha to pay for everything and give them special rights and privileges… those seats.
You see… Neither Bill or Kelvin want to give you an opportunity to express how sick and tired you are of Treaty separatism, and the way it renders most of you… and your children second class citizens… because they are more concerned about out maneuvering each other at election time than having just policies.
National and Labour are both desperate to kiss up to the Maori radicals again and count on your ongoing apathy to allow them to continue to trade away our country via coalition deals to a bunch of bigots who think the colour of their skin entitles them to greater right to live here and enjoy our country than everyone else… no matter how many generations your Family has existed here.
They expect to simply live off the pigs back!
Only Winston Peters wants to give you… the voter an opportunity to have your own voice on such an essential principle of Unity and equality before the Law!
I will be honest with you… I am no fan of National… no Fan of Labour… not a dedicated fan of Winston… I’m not even a fan of Binding referenda… yet on this essential issue there is extreme urgency that the Apartheid system must be abolished and Winston’s referenda is about the only conceivable means by which this could happen in the shortest time frame… before the rest of our country has been bargained away!
And remember he’s a Maori too!
I also know you guys ought to be peeved about this…
I know from such previous Polls and other things like the Constitutional review held in 2013 that the desire to End the separatism is by far in the majority… and so their attitude against Winston’s call for a referendum is patently against what everyone knows is the will of a significant majority of Kiwi.
National/Maori halted the review process in its tracks and quietly shelved the submissions they received when it was clear That an overwhelming majority of Kiwi wanted no part in their desire to entrench the treaty… currently all the racist Bunk of Treaty separatism can be abolished by a simple majority in parliament.
And that is what the Maori radicals fear most… That kiwi will wake up from their stupor and abolish their Scam… that is netting them BILLIONS… yet not helping the average Maori one iota… in fact The Radicals in power enjoy the ongoing grievance and misery of the Maori people they pretend to care about… Its all money, Mana, and power in the bank for them… that its all filthy lucre and founded upon lies and misery matters not to them.
It’s time for you to wake up… to step up for your own sake and show your displeasure by getting in behind Winston Peters.
I cant even believe it is me who is writing this!
I know you wont vote for Libertarians, and that though I have spent a good deal of my adult life as a Libertarian castigating the populism of Winston Peters, yet so dire is our situation… and such a contrast between Winston and the Blue/Reds that I appeal to your sense of justice to prevail over your usual Party political election decisions.
End the Official Racism!
Stop The Racial extortion!
Vote for your own Rights and liberties and Equality before the Law!
There are massive grabs by the Racists afoot…. It is staggering to witness just how far National has sold out our Nation to the Racist radicals!
Nothing less than our Beaches and Water rights!
It matters not to the scoundrels in National or Labour that the Treaty established British sovereignty, British law and order, and British rights and liberties under which the beaches and waterways are held in ownership by the Queen… in trust for the common use of all.
All they care about is getting into power… and they expect you to continue to believe the revisionist lies that the treaty retained Maori Sovereignty… and gave ownership rights of these absolutely essential assets to Maori.
They want you to continue believe the lies that it was only by greed and dishonesty that Maori wallow in poverty today… and that somehow *You owe Maori the shirt off your back*… you know… all the BS they teach about British Colonization in State Uni.
And these lies have been official policy for nearly half a century now and yet all the loot and injustice has not raised up the average tribesman… has not ‘closed the gap’… but entrenched the poverty and exacerbated the racial divisions and enmity.
All the Racial divisions and injustices reached crisis point decades ago and yet tragically Kiwis have become acclimatized to it all.
I know most of you are sick and tired of it yet again its now the Norm…and National and Labour are counting on you to remain un-moved in your Party Political support.
I ask you to seriously look at Winston Peters as not only a viable alternative, whose policies on most everything else are indistinguishable from National and Labour, but also as you best hope to ending the travesty of a tiny minority of Maori Radicals holding our whole country to ransom… every election.
Your Party Leaders dont give a damn about it… but Winston does…because he knows you do too.
Because Winston’s other policies are not very far away from either Nationals or Labour… a vote for New Zealand First instead of either will not represent a massive departure politically speaking for most of the people I am appealing to here and now.
Please grow a pair…. and think these things through!
I am Maori… and I long for the day that Treaty separatism ends!
I can look my own race in the face and say that this will be as great a day for them as for the whole country… an end of shameful Apartheid electoral system… the essential beginning of the end of Apartheid Law… and the first step for Maori to stand as equals with the rest of New Zealand!
That is the beginning of their recovery out of the mire!
I also know that when all the racist Laws and institutions have been abolished that this will not impinge upon the legitimate rights and liberties of Maori to enjoy their culture any more than equality before the Law prevents any other Nationality from peacefully enjoying their own freedom.
It will not detract … but in fact will restore the truth with respect to Maori history.
The Truth that New Zealand was the home of what is know as Maori Culture and heritage… cannot be erased… yet nor should it be allowed to perpetually enslave our Nation!
So Its time stand up and tell your parties you want the opportunity to have your say via Winston’s referendum, and unless they reverse the decision to allow it… you will jump Waka and give Winston your votes!
Let them know that you have had a guts fully of their treacherous selling out and bribery of the Maori radicals… and that they better appreciate just how outraged you are about their shameful politicking… and make it clear they better allow Winston’s referendum to take place… Demand you get your say on this matter!
Or will you blindly vote for these mongrels who think you are chumps… proving them right?
Satan Laughing spreads his wings.
I am contemplating standing as a Libertarian independent in Hamilton West, yet because of the urgency and essential principles of justice at stake I implore you Labour and National voters to do what I myself am committed to doing… and that is putting aside all my personal apprehension and giving my party vote to New Zealand First.
If I dont stand I will also give my electorate vote to the New Zealand First candidate as well.
Note: The ‘Wanganui’ district and River have now been officially renamed ‘Whanganui’ in an act of Politically correct revisionist nonsense. Read about the Whanganui River here
Election year,About Ten years ago I was Standing as a Parliamentary candidate for the Libertarianz Party, as well as being the Party spokesperson for the Deregulation of Maori affairs… I attended a ‘Meet the candidates’ election meeting in Hamilton East… the Seat of the Waikato University.
At this meeting one of the candidates stood up, introduced himself as a Tutor of Maori studies at the Waikato University, and proceeded to explain what a thoroughly immersed Maori he was… that is immersed in today’s perspective of what is now supposed as being the ‘Ancient/ Pre-European Colonization Maori Culture.
These were his credentials that he expected to qualify him to be a member of the New Zealand parliament.
Of course he left out all the historical bits about inter-Tribal hatred and warfare and the rampant cannibalism…. yet… and this part is important… he took the trouble to explain that The Waikato river was ‘Sacred’ to him… and that in fact the river was in his eyes ‘a person’.
I remember being quite frankly amused!
The election came and went… and though my own Libertarian principles were spurned by the people, thankfully so were the patently absurd notions of this Dangerously Fraudulent academic.
I say that he was a fraud, as we all know that *He really did not believe* the river was a person…No Maori today does…. He was acting… putting up a complete charade … pretending to be a ‘super-Maori’… whom had heroically shrugged off 200 years of Euro-centric culture and learning.
Yes… he claimed the River was a person!
That he did not flinch from presenting himself like this is a testament to deep seated prejudices… and a malevolent political agenda.
Yet this stuff was no secret!
It was what he was being paid by the Taxpayers to teach in the university!
That baloney and the Official line that today’s Maori are an oppressed people whom have suffered a ‘Holocaust’ at the hands of the Greedy Parasitic European invasion.
This is what today’s Maori are told they ought to believe too…if they wish to claim to be ‘real Maoris’.
And this story of Maori oppression by the Pakeha is also supposed to be embraced by the Pakeha themselves!
And untold numbers of them do exactly that.
They take on this *Collective guilt trip* simply because they are the descendants of the Colonial pioneers.
They have abandoned the view that *their ancestors* were enlightened and Bold, and forged a noble civilisation in a land that was once one of the Darkest corners of the Globe… no… The revisionist history says that it was These advanced white people whom were the real Savages… and that they destroyed an enlightened culture ‘that was one with the land… etc etc… not backward at all!
It was seeing this sort of absolute Political Propaganda of the most Malevolent and dishonest type, that had convicted my conscience years before as a Libertarian and a New Zealander of Both Maori and Pakeha descent to put myself forward as Party spokesman for the Deregulation of Maori affairs.
Not only was the Portfolio of ‘Maori Affairs’ being used to perpetuate an apartheid State complete with separatist Race-based electoral rolls and seats in parliament, but these doctrines were being used to justify the redistribution of wealth on a gigantic scale.
Years later… nothing has changed.
100s of millions of Dollars, and vast tracts of Lands, and other assets have been handed over as ‘Treaty settlements’… to a bunch of charlatans whose only virtue is that they have a fraction of Maori Blood.
That’s right… These Pseudo-Maori whom all have Pakeha Blood…most of whom have more Pakeha blood than Maori…which happened via intermarriage and mutual assimilation… have managed to claim they are victims of their own ancestors… whom they conveniently pretend they have no connection with!
They also have conveniently forgotten that their Maori ancestors were Migrants whom arrived here *And really did perpetrate a Holocaust* upon the Tangata Whenua… the people of the Land… whom were here when they arrived in their Canoes.
None of the truth is taught in New Zealand schools and Universities because the Socialist Left have systematically implanted their ‘Anti-imperialist* Propaganda for world revolution that has its roots in Russia 1917!
The very Racist Doctrines that put people like Robert Mugabe in Power in Zimbabwe, and inspired the Anti-Indian Coups in Fiji.
It was the Commy Scum of the 20th century that invented the doctrines of ‘indigenous rights’… specifically designed to ferment unrest and Communist revolution.
The Soviet Union collapsed in the early 90’s, and China has quietly abandoned its overt Communism… yet the fanatical socialists in the west never surrendered.
Today’s generations cant even relate to what the Cold war was about… so they are absolutely ignorant about how the subversive ideologies that are being taught today in our institutions of learning came about, and have been so successfully implanted as to now being virtually unquestionable.
If you question all the systematic racism being enacted… you must be a racist!
Its the perfect con.
Because of 40 plus years of these shystery doings…springing from the most vile systematically fostered bigotry… and the most contemptible sence of entitlement… and the most Fraudulent and pretentious of Absurdities… New Zealand has now the Shameful claim to this:
“In what’s believed to be a world first, New Zealand’s government has granted a river the same rights as a living person.
The Whanganui River, considered part of the living landscape by the indigenous Whanganui Iwi people associated with it, has been granted legal personhood under a parliamentary bill, reports local news service Newshub. Two representatives from the local indigenous community — one appointed by the government, another elected by the community — will be entrusted with acting in the river’s interests…”
New Zealand’s Whanganui River Has Been Granted the Same Legal Rights as a Person (Time Magazine)
In accounts of the earliest times of first contact between Europeans and Maori, we read about the powers of the Tohunga… The ‘priests’/ witch doctors’ whom had occult powers and whom were the keepers of the Occult knowledge.
They were famous for their cunning, and used their ‘Mana’ for political ends, or anything that suited their purposes.
They could read omens about future events, and talk with the dead, and could put curses on people… and those they cursed… would believe it… and lay down and die.
It is with such incredulity at recent events as such patently insane happenings as the Wanganui river now being legally given ‘person-hood’…Its like the entire country of New Zealand has been placed under a hex!
It’s beyond belief!
How can any sane person take this stuff seriously?
Its like a form of superstitious bewitchment!
This is a fantastic Testament to just how far New Zealand has been suckered by the complete lies… and utter ridiculousness of the doctrines of the Indigenous rights movement and the NUTBARS that thoroughly infest our Universities…Parliament, and that now inhabit the vacant skulls of the Sheeple…
This trumps all the other absurdities like the fact that the majority of New Zealanders have accepted second class citizenship!
That they have allowed a tiny Tribal elite to fleece Billions of dollars from the Taxpayers!
The Lobotomy is now complete.
Now the shysters can legally claim that such vital assets as Rivers ‘are people’…and that they are the rivers advocates/ trustees/ Guardians… even though we all know that *Nobody believes such Bullshit as Rivers being people*… not even that Nutcases whom have pushed for such Travesties of Law!
And these shyters claim this is for the the well-being of the River when in reality it’s about potentially Billions of dollars in water rights… selling water to overseas Bottling companies… and claiming ‘fees’ from all New Zealanders whom need access to the rivers!
(The Treaty vested the Rivers in the Crown… for everyone… Then they were the Highways…and one of the reason Governor George Grey declared war on Tainui was because they started molesting settlers traveling on the river)
And before Colonization… The Rivers were Warpaths… they were not owned by anyone.. in fact in those dark superstitious days the River more likely owned *you!*…*Real Primitive Maori Really were animists*… They *Really believed* the River was a person … and they also accommodated Monsters at every turn… Taniwha! that had to be appeased.
It was all this backwardness, all the evils of Tribal warfare and cannibalism… all the monsters that inhabited this land… and the abject poverty and savagery that The Church Missionaries, The Treaty of Waitangi, and the colonization that followed Liberated Maori from, turning New Zealand from a Swap inhabited by monsters into a Paradise… God’s own… One of the most blessed places on Earth to live and raise children!
*All this progress is what the Nut bar socialists spurn, and the malicious Racial separatists seek to undo*
Its all about Political lies and delusions… Political power… and Filthy Lucre. $$$ $$$ $$$ $$$
I would like to think my activism will wake up a large number of New Zealanders to their Folly… inspire them to march on Parliament and throw out every politician who ever supported such Racist madness… and demand all such shysters embedded in Universities be hurled out in disgrace… yet I have been in politics too long to be so Naive.
The Rot is now terminal.
I have written this blog basically for a small handful of my countrymen whom are awake.
Almost Nobody listens to a word I say.
No Media will publish any portion of this, or ask for an interview.
I’m the one who is nuts… they say… I’m the dangerous subversive whose Ideas must be prevented from reaching the masses.
Not even the people whom claim to be fighting this apartheid will promote my teachings… they dont want to be associated with a Tinfoil hat wearing ‘Libertarian’.
There is no happy ending.
Satan Laughing spreads his wings.
He is 100% Right.
And for slumbering New Zealanders and esp the Maori people … his words are alarm bells!
The whole victim hood of the Treaty separatists is known as ‘The grievance industry’… and everybody is being duped… and the ramifications are disastrous for everyone …
How high can you stack Bullshit?
If You are a Populist Politician belonging to any of the mainstream parties you can stack it Flocking High!!!
In 2010 John Key boasted that The governments Heavy handed Tactics on P ‘were winning’… anyone familiar with Prohibition ought to have immediately smelled something very poo-ey…. World Leaders have been coming to realise that Prohibition *Never works!*… yet it suceeds in making society less safe…
The Police are executing people without trial… yet the problem keep getting worse….
When it comes to dealing with societies Pet Phobias… The more heavy handed the better.
Like the witch craze…. The Mass hysteria surrounding P (Meth) is a Licence to Kill.
The best indicator to their Failure is despite More funding… More Arrests, and Executions… and Extreme Punishments being meted out… Demand has not fallen, and the price of P is now almost half what it was in 2010!
In October last year, then-Prime Minister John Key acknowledged meth had become “the drug of choice” for some Kiwis.
Police needed to do more to stop it entering the country through remote areas like Northland, he said.
Key said at the time that a $15 million boost for anti-drug initiatives was not an admission the Government was losing the war against P.
John Key puts on his ‘Cant remember’ face.
^^^ What an evil lying Pig-headed Prick!
The Man is Deranged!
Anyone with any brains can see that The War on P is lost…
Anyone with Brains can see that Ongoing Cannabis Prohibition is also exacerbating the use of Meth… and that the best policy for making our country safer would be to legalise Cannabis… as has been happening in America!
And when it is proven that More Freedom… less tyranny actually works… more people will wake up to the truth that the War on drugs needs to be completely surrendered… yet of course,, the vested interests of Prohibition… the populist politicians…The Police… and The Drug Gangs… And the Growth indistry that has sprung up testing workers for Drugs… testing houses for contamination… repairing houses that have been blacklisted…. these vested interests and the Millions of Dopey dipshits who think they have the right to tell other people what they do with their own Bodies, time, and money… all these freaks will do everything they can to keep the war going…. Despite all the evidence that they are making things worse.
The word ‘insanity’ does not do justice to this Madness.
‘Hellbent’ ‘Psychopathic’ ‘Fanaticism’ ‘Malevolent-hatred’…. these are terms more suited to describe all the parties involved in perpetuating this Heinous War.
Satan Laughing spreads his wings.
Tim Wikiriwhi.
Christian Libertarian.
Read on…
‘Meth now easier to get than cannabis in Northland, locals say’….
January 19 2017
Methamphetamine has become easier to source in Northland than marijuana, according to locals.
Whangarei defence lawyer Kelly Ellis said according to her clients, P was soaring in availability over cannabis, which had long been considered the country’s preferred illegal drug.
“It makes sense, let’s get real about it,” she said.
“Meth is much more lucrative and much easier to do than having to carry smelly bags of cannabis around the place.”
Ellis deals with people at “the pointy end” of the drug trade, including meth users, dealers and manufacturers.
She said gang presence in the north had increased rapidly over the past five years, and what were once tinnie houses had converted to dealing the much harder drug.
The seizure of half a tonne of P from 90 Mile Beach in June was an indication of the size of New Zealand’s meth problem, she said.
“If you look at that as being a basic economic indicator of availability versus demand, it seems demand is not outstripping supply.”
Chris Fowlie, president of the New Zealand reform marijuana advocacy group NORML, said he too had heard meth was easier to come by than cannabis in Northland.
”People can’t find cannabis but they know where to get meth from a tinnie house,” he said.
“Gangs really do run the show because of fear of people growing their own.”
Detective Inspector Kevin Burke said the take-down of 12 local labs last year, on top of the June bust, was another indication of the “significant problem” meth had become.
“It illustrates, in addition to the importation of methamphetamine, there’s still a demand clearly for homegrown methamphetamine,” he said.
“At the end of the day it’s profit-driven and people are prepared to run the risk.”
In October, then-Prime Minister John Key acknowledged meth had become “the drug of choice” for some Kiwis.
Police needed to do more to stop it entering the country through remote areas like Northland, he said.
Key said at the time that a $15 million boost for anti-drug initiatives was not an admission the Government was losing the war against P.
“Westport is being dubbed “Methport” as P takes a hold in the West Coast town.
The annual cannabis haul in the West Coast bush has been trending down over the past decade but P offences have sky-rocketed. Joanne Carroll takes a look at what is happening.
The West Coast has always had a reputation for being the cannabis capital of New Zealand with its isolated communities surrounded by beautiful wild bush in a climate that some say creates ideal growing conditions.
But that reputation is changing as P takes a devastating grip….”
They claim it’s easier to buy a bag of P than it is to get a cannabis tinny, and that addiction is having a flow-on effect in the community.
“Depending on who you know it’s between $550 and $1000 a gram, and in Gisborne we have kids going to school with no lunch,” says former user Tricia Walsh, who was jailed for three years on drug offences.”
“The bad news is that there are still some governments that believe drug prohibition is possible. They still insist on continuing a flawed war launched by former President Nixon in the early 1970s. They cling to outdated ideas. They rely more on ideology than evidence. Some of them are simply ignorant to the harms generated by irrational drug policy.
Here are three ways that the war on drugs has fallen short.
First, the war on drugs has utterly failed to reduce the supply of illicit drugs on international markets. Fumigation, eradication, and crop substitution programmes have had almost no effect on aggregate production of cocaine, heroin, or marijuana. In spite of massive investments by the U.S. and others in Bolivia, Colombia and Peru – the countries responsible for almost 100% of cocaine production – coca cultivation is in fact stable over the past decade. If anything, they’ve only succeeded in making life more miserable for poor communities and farmers.
Second, counter-narcotics policies have also been unable to contain transit of drugs from Latin America to North American and European markets. About 90% of the cocaine consumed in the United States comes from Colombia, while 90% of the cocaine used by Europeans is from Peru. Virtually all of this product is transferred through countries in Central America, the Caribbean and South America. Not only has it persisted unabated, but its transfer has also greatly expanded corruption of politicians, customs officials, police and has spread violence and increased consumption throughout these regions….”
A police officer from the Narcotics Control Board guards bags of methamphetamine pills during a drug destruction ceremony north of Bangkok, Thailand, June 26, 2015. Credit: Athit Perawongmetha/Reuters
“The war on drugs is futile. So why not just decriminalize meth?”
It’s not a sentiment you’d expect from senior officials in any authoritarian country — let alone from a strait-laced army general, draped in medals, who came to power in a coup.
But Thailand’s top law enforcement officer is now pursuing this radical notion with vigor.
He’s talking openly about a potential new diktat, issued by military rulers, that would allow citizens to smoke meth without fearing prison.
“The world has lost the war on drugs,” said Thailand’s Justice Minister Paiboon Khumchaya, according to Reuters. “Not only Thailand.”
These are startling statements in a country that, as it stands, still executes drug traffickers.
The Thai government’s drug policy is quite harsh. After all, in recent decades, the nation’s police have largely mimicked the zealous drug war mindset propagated by the United States.
Yet now, seemingly out of nowhere, this typically rigid junta is spouting soft views on narcotics — namely meth — that fall somewhere to the left of many Colorado stoners.
“This is unprecedented,” says Pascal Tanguay, a Bangkok-based associate with the International Drug Policy Consortium. “They’ve actually been talking about different models from decriminalization to full-fledged legalization.”
Read more Here
Read what Andrew Napolitano has to say about the ‘Revenge of the Deep State’….
“Liberty is rarely lost overnight. The wall of tyranny often begins with benign building blocks of safety — each one lying on top of a predecessor — eventually collectively constituting an impediment to the exercise of free choices by free people, often not even recognized until it is too late.”
Here is the back story.
In the pre-Revolutionary era, British courts in London secretly issued general warrants to British government agents in America. The warrants were not based on any probable cause of crime or individual articulable suspicion; they did not name the person or thing to be seized or identify the place to be searched. They authorized agents to search where they wished and seize what they found.
The use of general warrants was so offensive to our Colonial ancestors that it whipped up more serious opposition to British rule and support for the revolutionaries than the “no taxation without representation” argument did. And when it came time for Americans to write the Constitution, they prohibited general warrants in the Fourth Amendment, the whole purpose of which was to guarantee the right to be left alone by forcing the government to focus on bad guys and prohibit it from engaging in fishing expeditions. But the fishing expeditions would come.
In 1978, Congress passed the Foreign Intelligence Surveillance Act (FISA), which was intended to rein in the government spying on Americans that had been unleashed by the Nixon administration. FISA established a secret court and permitted it to issue warrants authorizing spying on agents of foreign governments when physically present in the United States.
People born in foreign countries who are here for benevolent or benign or even evil purposes have the same constitutional protections as those of us born here. That’s because the critical parts of the Constitution that insulate human freedom from the government’s reach protect “persons,” not just citizens. But FISA ignored that…
Donald Trump does not enjoy the Loyalty of his own party let alone Loyalty from the Titan Buraucratic Machinery he has inherited from his predecessor Barack Obama, for the simple reason that He does not have the same Agenda as Obama implemented as a sycophant of the Status Quo… and the powers that be.
It is an agenda that Hillary Cinton was supposed to perpetuate.
These are the loathsome critters whom inhabit the Swamp Trump promised he would drain.
Obama and Clinton were merely Cogs in the Machine… There are far Greater vested Interests at work in the world.
Though there are many things not to like about Trump… none the less his successful election campaign has been one of the greatest of Spanners thrown into the gears of the Beast machine… and he has many powerful enemies as a result… both within Government and without.
All the vested Interests whom were growing the power of the State and suppressing the Rights and Liberties of the People.
Possibly the greatest threats Trump poses to the One world Order is his campaign promises to restore American Gun Rights that have been eroded… Guns in the hands of the people poses the greatest hurdle to the security of the Wealth and powers of the Status quo in the face of the coming Gigantic Financial collapse of the American Government.
They want to render ‘the Great unwashed’ powerless.
and secondly by Trumps moves to End the Rampant Pseudo-environmentalism with regards to the Scam of Global warming, and other diabolical United Nations Agendas… such as their persecution of Israel.
I remind Kiwis that it was Radical Green extremists whom had teamed up with the radical Racist extremists in the Urawera ranges and were practicing Murder, assignation, and hurling fire bombs… (Read about that here)
Radical Green Extremists are almost as fanatical about the destruction of Freedom as Isis and Al Qaeda!
So too are many of the Super wealthy… who look down upon us as ‘Useless Eaters’.
On another Front Brexit … Britain seeking to extract themselves from the EU is also of great weight… another return to Unilateral Sovereignty another set back to the One world Socialist Government agenda that will not go unchallenged.
The Wailing from the Millions of Dumbfounded Liberal Dip-shits across the globe has been deafening!
They want a Coup!
They want Trump assassinated!
And remember that *These are the hordes that have Zero scruples* when it comes to committing Violence and other crimes in order to fulfill their political aims.
These are the scum that Love using unchecked democracy to impose their oppressive lunatic policies on everyone yet scream blue murder when democracy fails to deliver the power back into *their hands*.
And the Danger for is very real for Trump and his family, and could Spring for virtually any quarter.
Christians ought to Heed Our Apostle Paul…
“I exhort therefore, that, first of all, supplications, prayers, intercessions, and giving of thanks, be made for all men;
For kings, and for all that are in authority; that we may lead a quiet and peaceable life in all godliness and honesty.”
(1 Tim 2vs 1,2)
These dynamics expose just how far America has drifted await from it’s foundations.
What is being called ‘the Deep state’ … the 9 to 5 bureaucracy is not supposed to be Party agenda driven… let alone have it’s own, but faithful to the constitution, irrespective whom is elected into office… yet clearly they have been as corrupted by excessive power and over-reach and operate as their own vested interest… just as the Police dont want to end the war on Drugs *because of the loss of Power and revenue this will entail.
Thus the Deep state favors tyrannical executives whom grow the Bureaucracy… and enhance their jurisdictions at the expense of the rights and liberties of the people to whose rights they have sworn to protect, and in virtue of which is the only legitimate function for which they exist at all.
Any reforming President must now content with these powerful vested interests that have been allowed to accrue Un-constitutional powers by a sleepy and gullible population that has foolishly devalued their Rights and liberties and instead have been swindled via Government by Fear, Prejudice, and envy.
And this is extremely dangerous… think of 22 November 1963 in Dallas… 1pm
NAPOLITANO: The right to shoot tyrants, not deer
The Second Amendment is the guarantee of freedom…
The right of the people to keep and bear arms is an extension of the natural right to self-defense and a hallmark of personal sovereignty. It is specifically insulated from governmental interference by the Constitution and has historically been the linchpin of resistance to tyranny. Yet the progressives in both political parties stand ready to use the coercive power of the government to interfere with the exercise of that right by law-abiding persons because of the gross abuse of that right by some crazies in our midst.
When Thomas Jefferson wrote in the Declaration of Independence that we are endowed by our Creator with certain unalienable rights, he was marrying the nation at its birth to the ancient principles of the natural law that have animated the Judeo-Christian tradition in the West. Those principles have operated as a brake on all governments that recognize them by enunciating the concept of natural rights.
As we have been created in the image and likeness of God the Father, we are perfectly free just as He is. Thus, the natural law teaches that our freedoms are pre-political and come from our humanity and not from the government. As our humanity is ultimately divine in origin, the government, even by majority vote, cannot morally take natural rights away from us. A natural right is an area of individual human behavior — like thought, speech, worship, travel, self-defense, privacy, ownership and use of property, consensual personal intimacy — immune from government interference and for the exercise of which we don’t need the government’s permission.
The essence of humanity is freedom. Government — whether voted in peacefully or thrust upon us by force — is essentially the negation of freedom. Throughout the history of the world, people have achieved freedom when those in power have begrudgingly given it up. From the assassination of Julius Caesar to King John’s forced signing of the Magna Carta, from the English Civil War to the triumph of the allies at the end of World War II, from the fall of communism to the Arab Spring, governments have permitted so-called nobles and everyday folk to exercise more…. Read more >Here<
Ignorance of Dispensationalism can be Deadly.
It can also Damn your soul.
The Bible is The Sword of the Spirit!
It carries the weight and authority of God Almighty Himself!
It ought to be not only revered, but handled with Great Fear and trembling!
( For an explanation of what Dispensational truth is see the links at the end of this post)
With this in mind and taking opportunity to discuss the Importance of dispensational truth, I have been soliciting responses from both Christians and Atheists in respect to a news article (posted below)
and the responses from all quarters have been telling … We live in a world of delusion.
Here is the story…
He told parishioners to drink from a bottle of water laced with noxious Rattex
‘Priest Feeds Congregation Rat Poison To Prove They’re Above Death… They All Die’
“This priest tried to prove his congregation were above death by feeding them rat poison and the results were disastrous”
Priest Light Monyeki from Soshanguve, South Africa, took it upon himself to prove his follower’s were superhuman and immortal, with a seriously dangerous stunt.
The priest declared to his congregation they should not fear death, as they will not die, before proceeding to pour bottles of water contaminated with rat poison into their mouths…
Horrifyingly, many of his followers ran forward to take a fatal drink from the treacherous bottle.
The priest took a swig from the poison fluid before pouring it down the throats of his loyal congregation.
Disastrously, yet predictably, the members of his church started to complain of stomach pains and by the evening, five of them were tragically dead.
A further 13 more were taken to hospital for the ingestion of the lethal drink, but despite all of this Monyeki allegedly denied responsibility.
Now some of you readers may be wondering why this Priest would dare to do something so insane?
The answer is that he had obviously read Mark chapter 16 of his Bible which states…
Jesus said…
” Go ye into all the world, and preach the gospel to every creature.
He that believeth and is baptized shall be saved; but he that believeth not shall be damned.
And these signs shall follow them that believe; In my name shall they cast out devils; they shall speak with new tongues;
They shall take up serpents; and if they drink any deadly thing, it shall not hurt them; they shall lay hands on the sick, and they shall recover…” Mark 16vs15-17 KJV.
In the light of these Biblical promises… Was this Priest ‘Evil’ to do what he did… and why did his congregation die?
Here are some of the responses my question received on a Facebook debating Forum that I post to that serve as typical examples of the various conclusions people reach in such situations…
The silliest response I received was from a deeply deluded soul who though claiming to be a Christian wallows in confusion… just as this South African Preist does… He blamed the poisoning on a lack of Faith!
As if these people willingly drank poison… not believing they would be Divinely immune!
That’s just Dumb… They obviously were sincere enough in their belief to risk death… unfortunately their faith was … for some reason… misguided… misplaced.
Does the fact that no miraculous protection from poisoning occurred… but that as was to be expected… people got sick and died prove that Miracles never happen, and that the Bible is only believed by Fools?
Are the Atheists correct in their assertions…. “This is a perfect example of what Hitchens meant when he subtitled one of his books with “Religion poisons everything”… as one militant Atheist claimed.
At face value… looking at the sequence of events…it may appear that the atheists have a sound case!
I will deal with this assertion shortly.
An answer that was not put forward… yet might be considered to be plausible is the argument Christ used when Satan told him to throw himself from the temple spire… contending the Bible said God would protect him… to which Christ responded “Thou shalt not tempt the Lord thy God”.. inferring that the promise of divine protection from poisoning was only against *accidental or malevolent poisoning*… yet this answer will not work either… as Christ said the miracle *Was a sign*… ie was something that was supposed to convince people of the truth… just as Jesus intentionally did signs and wonders to prove he was the Messiah.
Another seemingly plausible explanation to deal with this problem was proposed by ‘Mike’ who claimed … “Most Biblical scholars think those verses in Mark are forgeries. They don’t exist at all in the oldest copies…”
It’s an interesting claim…
My Rebuttal to this assertion that our modern Bible contains Fraudulent Texts that have been added with the process of time, and my overall Bible believing solution follows… and it is an answer that few people today apprehend… Christians or otherwise…
Mike…. These verses are in my King James Bible, and therefore in my view Authoritative… The translators of the King James being *Greater Scholars* than any of its critics… whom are applying *Bad Human reasoning*.
Let me explain.
In the book of Acts, and the letters of Paul, we read that *Straight away* … in the very times of the apostles…the forces of evil were at work in the fellowship of Christ… Wolves in Sheeps clothing were busy Perverting the scriptures… teaching heresies… etc,… yet all this while God promised to Keep his word pure and available… ie the doctrine of preservation…. so Like today… we have The King James AV… and a whole raft of modern perversions.
The King James was translated from the Received Text… which has by far the greatest historical validation, whereas the modern wolves have used the lesser texts… the perverse texts… some of which will *not have the last portions of Mark 16*… as you have asserted.
Now of course *Dating evidence* is a dubious enterprise at best… Dates given being prone to ‘favour’ the bias of those doing the dating…. yet even if it is true that the earliest fragments found dont contain these verses… this cannot be rationally seen an unquestionable proof that these final verses of Mark 16 are a later fraud.
Such older manuscripts are just as likely to be the fraud itself!
… as Paul and others said this was going on from the Earliest of times… and here’s the real Jam… Christopher…. *When you understand the dispensational aspects of the scriptures *these later verses in Mark 16 Dovetail perfectly with the program that was going on at that time*.
It was a time of signs and wonders…. Jesus did signs and wonders… as did his Students… those whom became the first Apostles after his assention… Peter and Co… Read the early book of acts…. Yet these signs and wonders were to pass away… once the Jews had rejected the Apostles message… just as they had rejected the earlier ministry of Christ himself.
All this is clearly expounded in the scriptures…. yet so few Christians understand any of this… and that is why you get so much foolishness going on… like this misguided African Priest…
Thus the doctrine of these portions of Scripture are being misused and abused…. they do not apply to our Age… our dispensation… which is a completely different program from what is being taught in Mark 16… these verse contain *many doctrines* that are not applicable today… such as Baptism being necessary for salvation… speaking in tongues… etc
So far be it from being a Fake… later edition… or some ridiculous pre-scientific Religious mumbo jumbo… When you understand the context of the verses… everything is perfectly in order.
So…. despite such silly notions that ‘you cant use the bible to prove the bible’…. you can… and these stumbling blocks that Atheists like both Christopher Hitchens and the Chris who mentioned him think of as being evidence that ‘ Religion poisons everything’… simply demonstrates their willful ignorance… their need to stumble over things that are at first glance… hard to believe… which is not surprising given their dire need to vindicate their faith in Materialism…. which of course deems *any super natural claims as automatically being *Fraudulent*…
This sorry story is perfect example of how people whom are ignorant of the dispensational nature of the Bible mishandle the scriptures and are blinded by their own delusions..
Such mishandling has the added disastrous affect of leading Atheists to reach and maintain false conclusions… that the whole bible is Full of lies and foolishness… because no miracle was forth coming.
Christians start doubting portions of their scriptures… or start critisizing the faith of people whom if anything show fanatical zeal in the extreme!
All this because Christians today wallow in Doctrinal apostasy… failing to heed Pauls injunction to Rightly divide the word of truth,
Satan laughing spreads his wings.
Tim Wikiriwhi.
Dispensationalist, King James Bible believer, Christian Libertarian.
(Note: I have not read this book, or ‘Can we still believe the Bible’so I can neither endorse or warn against them… I have simply inserted these pictures as pertinent to my discussion. They look interesting.)
The Master Puppeteer Winston Peters has gullible Pakeha Kiwi dancing to his fiddle again.
Supportive posts of his latest antics are flowing into my Facebook news feed.
Winston Peters has always been a populist politician … Its always about the math.
Never allowing his politics to be scuttled by un-popular moral principle… yet always opportunistic to suiting up his self-interested populism in some pious garb….whenever convenient.
This time he has climb upon his soapbox to Cry outrage at the foundation of an Asian political party…
“The Gaul of these Boat People! We let them in out of the goodness of our hearts… they steal all our jobs, Buy up all our houses”…. they are taking over the Joint!…We should ship them all back to Katmandu!”
No… sorry Winston never said that… *Not exactly that* … yet again that is exactly the sort of mindset he’s pandering too… of the sort of people who Idolize him… laugh at his jokes… and keep voting for him.
Yet Lets ask the obvious question… why on earth would Kiwi Indians and Asians ever think they would need such a political Party?
I agree that there can be no legitimacy for Racial parties… that the rise of such phenomena is frightfully regressive, yet when it comes to politics of race… of all people *The hypocrisy* of Winston Peters is staggering!
*He of all New Zealand politicians * has made political Capital by attacking Asian immigration, Asians buying property, Asians driving on our roads, etc etc…. to the degree that His pandering to Xenephobia would be the chief reason he has remained in parliament for so long.
*Given the Racist nature* of New Zealand politics and Media, we should not be surprised that some Kiwi Asians have thought that establishing their own Political party to champion their own interests is a smart idea.
So Winston truly is a scoundrel… and New Zealanders who buy into his Posturing are as thick as two short planks… allowing such a Charlatan to play them so easily… lapping up his Bullshit…. never holding him to account for his own despicable politics…. because he’s smart enough to *pander to the despicable and ignorant opinions of the Sheepish Kiwis.
This is the Political environment Shameful Politicians of division have created… and Winston Peters Ranks Right up there with Tariana Turia, and The rest of the Racist Maori politicians.
Whereas The Maori radicals have made political capital out of stiring up Maori grievance and victimism, Winston Peters has not simply Capitalized off the Pakeha Backlash… which is legitimate, he has pandered to a deeply rooted Xenephobia towards Migrants, and Asian migrants in particular…. the sort of small minded, easily spooked paranoia that lurks within almost every population… and is a ‘sure bet’… for Populist politicains the world over…. the most famous of these currently being the Republican party candidate for US President Donald Trump.
Ever wonder why Western Civilisation is a sinking ship?
Trumps Campaign has been propelled forward by tapping into the very same *Bigoted* and Paranoia driven mindset lurking within so many Americans…. and it is these sorts of Popular phobias and prejudices that make Democracy a frighteningly Barbarous and Backward means of choosing Political leadership, and granting them the powers that they may wield.
It is because Democracy tends to be driven by mass hysteria rather than ‘Mass wisdom’ that an Enlightened Constitution is essential… to enshrine *The Rule of Law*… Principles of Justice… and limits to Government power… to Keep Populist Politicians in check and prevent them from enacting Laws that dont embody the principle of Equality for all regardless of Race, sex, etc.
It is only when a nation has no such Constitutional Defense, That Politicians like Trump and Winston Peters think they can win votes by making Statements that patently single out ethic groups to be politically suppressed and legally dis-advantaged.
So despite what so many Pakeha think about Winston Peters being ‘a great man of principle because he vocally condemns special treatment for Maori… in reality *He is exactly the same sort of Politician as the Racist Maori radicals*… when it comes to Asian ethnicties…
Yet of course they turn a blind eye to this… because Winston is pandering *To their personal anti-asian sentiments.
This is what really pisses me off the most about so many people in the ‘One Law for all’ movement… In reality the only evil they are fighting is the Waitangi racism that directly disadvantages themselves…. in the next breath they are quite happy to forget all about racial equality and freedom… and to support politicians who peddle Racist politics against a demographic they personally fear and disdain.
So underneath their pious calls for One law for all… there still lurks a petty mind driven wholly by self-interest… the use of the Principle of Equality is little more than a convenient tool to get their own way… Tragic.
The American Constitution is Battered and Crumbling… their population has become virtually lobotomized as to what their constitution represents, why It says the things it does, and how it is being subverted…
Without an Ironclad constitution Democratic Government is not *Lex Rex*….The Rule of Law…. but the opposite…. completely arbitrary… the rule of whim… and its that whim that is the play thing of populist politicians… (many like Peters and Dunne vocally express their contempt for ‘Ideology baced politics.)
This Millenia has been called ‘The Information Age’, yet in reality I think a better term is “The age of Bullshit”.
The Law of Compensation appears Ironclad.
On one side of the scale… The Internet, and social media have created an unprecedented freedom of information, and made it almost impossible for Governments and the powers that be to prevent uncomfortable facts for becoming public knowledge… so that one of the greatest aspects of political powers has been how they can keep their secrets secret… punish whistle-blowers, etc… all the while claiming to be ‘transparent’ and for justice to be seen being done (yet still allowing secret courts, Police to charge private citizens filming them, etc)
Many Believe the Internet is therefore this positive power for the people…
Sadly there is a Natural… ugly… counter-balance… the Law of Compensation…
Because of the internet, and social media there exists today an unprecedented means for Mass Bullshit, paranoia mongering, and herding the Sheeple…. Burring the truth under mountains of lies…. mis-directing the gaze of the population away from issues of great magnitude.. towards petty disputes and follies.
And The shear Volumes of Miss-information, lies, and Chaos renders the Internet just as much a tool for control of the masses as a tool for liberation.
The internet and social media *Expose the Pettiness and Mass delusions* of humanity… the shared ignorance and commonly held evils that lurk within the minds of men… of various societies… that have been cultivated, manipulated, and capitalised upon by the likes of Trump and Winston Peters.
Standing against the Politics of Race, as A Libertarian not only have I actively opposed Waitangi Treaty separatism, Special Indigenous Rights and Seats in Government for Maori, I have also campaigned of a New Constitution that outlaws Racist political institutions and Laws, and Guarantees equal rights and liberties for all.
When standing for Council, I have attended Election Meeting organised by Asian community groups and when asked about then having representatives in Council to promote their interests, Often I was the only candidate who stood up and said that as a Libertarian I would listen to the Asian communities concerns and applications with the same care as to any other sector of the community… and that I believed my position was the *minimum standard* and principle that All politicians ought to adhere to… and that the notion that various ethnicities need to have *Race based Representation* to get justice… was a very sorry situation.
*It is true* that many Indian/Asian migrants working in Convenience stores, Liquor outlets, and Gas stations have born a greater share than most of New Zealands rising violent crimes… and that successive governments have not merely turned a blind eye towards their plight… but have systematically made things much worse… in so many ways.
Not only have theses Businessmen and workers been left easy prey… denied their right to keep defensive weapons available to protect themselves from violent dangerous criminal determined to Rob them… Rapacious Tax Greedy Nanny State Social policies have caused the value of Cigarettes, and Alcohol, Fuel.. to sky rocket… making them a valuable contraband on the black market… and also making the Cash registers of these businesses much more attractive to Criminals.
As a Libertarian I directly campaigned advocating the right of Dairy, Liquor store, and Gas station owners and operators to have the means of self defense at hand, and also Spoke out against the Rapacious taxation.
If we had a Libertarain constitution and form of Government, It would be clear to Asians New Zealanders that they were at no political disadvantage… not an alien population… but Fully enfranchised and enjoy Full Liberty, and protection of the Law… to raise their families… to work for their own prosperity… and pursue their own happiness.
Politicians are Famous fabulous Liars and feigners… along with Lawyers, Insurance salesmen, and Used car dealers.
That Lies and falsehoods exist in reality is not something any sane person would deny.
Science tell us the Universe had a beginning… and so logic demands that there has been a finite amount of time from that beginning, and that at some point backwards… some one…. some being *Told the first lie*.
Someone invented Lying.
The Bible says this first ‘Father of Lies’ was Lucifer/ Satan.
The Bible also says that using lies Satan deceived Mankind and convinced man to sin/ rebel against God Almighty… and that is where all our troubles as a species began.
Jesus calls the Lost ‘Children of Darkness’… Children of the Devil…
“Ye are of your father the devil, and the lusts of your father ye will do. He was a murderer from the beginning, and abode not in the truth, because there is no truth in him. When he speaketh a lie, he speaketh of his own: for he is a liar, and the father of it.”
The Internet… and this ‘Age of Bullshit’… proves just how True the Bible is.
And How Naive to view such Politician like Peters and Trumps as Saviors of Humanity!
They wear a cloack of Righteousness, yet are ministers of Satan… playing the Devils game… with that Hapless legions of lost souls… of the Children of the Damned.
Satan Laughing spreads his wings.
The Gospel of Democracy is False.
That is the moral of this story.
Jesus said “Broad is the way that leadeth to Damnation and many there be thereon. Narrow is the way that leads to life and Few there be that find it”…. so… according to scripture… *Following the many* is not a wise principle… it certainly is not a valid moral justification for Law.
The following Blog post is not meant to promote bigotry and hatred towards people who Identify as Transgender, Gay, etc.
They are people with psychological illnesses who are in high danger of suicide, and with this being so it is important that they know that their friends and loved ones care about them.
My Blog post is written to expose the Sexism of Militant *4th wave* feminism and their relentless war against healthy Manliness that has greatly exacerbated and cultivated insane sexism against Men, and encouraged the confusion of vulnerable youths.
4th wave feminists are psychotic Wokesters, distinguishable from classical feminists who righteously fought for equality.
Nothing pleases the Feminists more than Emasculated men wanting to be woman.
Read the following:
“Some studies estimate that 70-80% of all people who express transgender feelings spontaneously lose those feelings over time. Psychosocial adjustment for those who have sexual reassignment surgery is about the same as those who don’t (which is why Johns Hopkins University, one of the most advanced medical facilities in the country, refuses to engage in them).
But the worst part, the most shocking part, is that the suicide rate among transgendered people who had reassignment surgery is 20x that of non-transgendered people.”
From >Here
There is a lot of very bad psychology being indoctrinated too… its a minefield.
I would say that if your child claims to be Transgender, that you make sure they feel loved at home… This would be the very most important thing given the risks of suicide.
If my child said they were Gay, that would devastate me, yet I would be sure to let them know that I still loved them… fully.
It is important to appreciate… Moral superiority is no vindication for a poisonous heart. Hate always begets hate, never enlightenment. The Truth needs Love. Read about that >Here.
Now my Blog!…..
The Death Of Masculinity: Male Millennial Swears He Gets His Period Every Month
The “men” of the millennial generation have tried with all their might to kill off what’s left of masculinity, bringing us man buns, male feminists, gender neutral clothing and a slew of men made in the image of Pajama Boy. But it looks like one 22-year-old university student, George Fellowes, finally put the last nail in the manhood coffin: Fellowes swears he gets his period each month.
According to the BBC, Fellowes claims that he has been getting his period “without bleeding” for three years now. “He says he’s so close to his best friend and flatmate Amber-May Ellis that he gets cramps when she comes on each month.” This pathetic excuse of a man says he has even taken sick days because of his “period.” That he doesn’t have.
^That above link was posted to a FB forum to which I belong.
As a Bible believing Christian and Libertarian, I have for years opposed the Modern Lefty Feminist movement, which is a patently Sexist movement having subverted what was an originally legitimate lobby for political equality and justice.
The Modern feminist movement opperates on a broad front not only within the political sphere, but also applies heavy pressure in the domain of Culture via it’s onslaught of what is considered ‘politically correct’ views in modern society.
In our ‘Bruce jennings…. woman of the year’ society, the feminists movement that is in reality infested with Man hating Lesbian Gay rights activists… has been pushing to allow ‘transgender boys’ into the School rest rooms for Girls.(and visa versa)
And Western society keeps bending… relenting… to these abdications of Traditional values and Biological realities…. step by step… a slide into what is now know as the Post christian era.
Many Infidels openly revel in this and celebrate it… Their Lust and hatred of Christianity gaining ground… and the retreat of Christian morality thrills them… and many pseudo-Christians whom have abandoned the Bible celebrate with them.
Other Infidels… who still retain some of the morality and values they imbibed from their Christian heritage are as shocked as many Bible believers are at this slide into moral chaos… yet as they have no anchor… they have unwittingly contributed to this decline by their own participation in undermining the ideological foundations upon which their own morality and values stand.
As Niche said… By Killing God… they have killed themselves… yet the truth of this has not yet reached their ears.
^ see this pic… now you may be forgiven for shuddering…. at assuming this is a Man in a woman’s restroom.
Predatory Men have already started using new transgender legislation that allow men whom ‘identify as woman’ to legally use woman’s only facilities. (remember that transgender is not trans-sexual… ie the transgender individual has not undergone a sex change but retains their original bits and pieces… they just ‘Identify’ themselves as the opposite sex)
Yet in fact this picture is *of a transgender woman!* who is attempting to shock her community into granting permission to local transgender woman to use *Mens facilities*
How do you feel about that Guys?
Liberal Legislators expect *You to be cool about it*… likewise Mothers are supposed to be cool about transgender men using the same restrooms as their Daughters. (see picture below)
The Slide away from Christian values means that instead of seeing these confused people as suffering mental illness… psychological problems … Feminists and Anti-Christian Liberals expect society to accept *This utter confusion*… for it to be normalised and embraced.
Notice how *minority disease* is declared to be normal, and the mentally and biologically healthy majority whom recognise that there is definitely something wrong with these people… are said to be bigoted and need to modify their beliefs… and have their natural fears and inclinations suppressed… by force of law if necessary.
Notice how the natural order is expected to give way to the disorder.
Notice how this stuff is headlining in the media
Notice how Christians are expected to shut up about it… and even modify their religion to accommodate this new politically correct social paradigm.
Where is all this heading? The Bible knows.
The Bible has declared it.
I seek to speak to you unbelievers and show you that not only has your unbelief let loose chaos and the end of civil order, but that your atheism itself is a great error…. that the Bible ought to be believed.
The Bible predicted this great Post Christian slide into apostasy and unbelief.
The Bible predicted that Mankind would degenerate into wickedness and become ‘as Sodom and Gomorrah’… and this slide is precisely what we are witnessing via the outworkings of Militant Lefty Feminism and the emasculation of Men.
We are witnessing an unprecedented Uprising and aggrandizement of Homosexuality and Sexual deviancy… The Vessel of mankinds wickedness and rebellion against God is being filled to overflowing.
Good is being called evil… and evil… is being hailed as good.
“And as it was in the days of Noe, so shall it be also in the days of the Son of man.
They did eat, they drank, they married wives, they were given in marriage, until the day that Noe entered into the ark, and the flood came, and destroyed them all.
Likewise also as it was in the days of Lot; they did eat, they drank, they bought, they sold, they planted, they builded;
But the same day that Lot went out of Sodom it rained fire and brimstone from heaven, and destroyed them all.”
Jesus Christ Luke 17vs 26-29
“And GOD saw that the wickedness of man was great in the earth, and that every imagination of the thoughts of his heart was only evil continually.”
Gen 6vs5
“Even as Sodom and Gomorrha, and the cities about them in like manner, giving themselves over to fornication, and going after strange flesh, are set forth for an example, suffering the vengeance of eternal fire.”
Jude 1:7
Today… it has become ‘unacceptable* to suggest that people like Bruce jennings suffer some sort of psychological disorder.
Today… pseudo-scientific Evolutionary psychologists deny any social environmental factors or personal choices have anything to do these sorts of identity crisis but instead insist them to be absolutely natural… a consequence of genetics… and that even Pedophilia is not something immoral… or criminal… but something natural for which Child rapists should not be held criminally responsible.
*You see in this post Christian era… materialism denies free will morality exists….*
Yet of course this theory is only applied in an ad hoc fashion.
*Hetero sexual Men* are said to be sexual predators… rapists by genetics… *Yet they alone* are expected to be controlled by society via systematic emasculation.
*Heterosexual Men* are supposed to be apologetic for being Many men who seek to have sex with Beautiful Feminine woman.
They are expected to look at their views on sexuality as being perverse indoctrination’s of the masochistic oppressive era of Christianity.
They… and any Woman who supports manly heterosexual Men and traditional woman’s femininity and Nuclear family values are the Homophobes.
Woman whom believe in their traditional roll and enjoy it are considered traitors to their sex.
Instead of being considered Liberated and strong… Woman whom exploit their own Beauty are told they are the slaves of Masochistic Paternalism.
Is it any wonder that under such mass delusion that heterosexual Marriage as an institution is collapsing as the foundation of western society?
Is it any wonder that so many children are now raised in single parent situations… devoid of Fatherly influence?
The media itself is held to ransom by Fanatical militant feminism.
If anyone should make the mistake of uttering some political incorrect joke, even the High and mighty in Sport, Business, and Politics are pilloried … tared and feathered… by rioting Fat ugly woman, Effeminate men with Pink hair, and Skinny bearded bespectacled Hypsters.
Everyone is terrified of this frenzied rabble to the point that almost no one defends the traditional view of Men as Head of the house… As Healthy when he seeks a beautiful feminine woman whom enjoys being dominated in the bedroom.
A Man asking a beautiful woman on a date is said to be ‘a sexual predator’.
Most consider it Political expedience to go along with this subversive attack on Christian values and to at least in public appear to embrace this new world which not merely tolerates… but normalizes the mental illness of Transgenderism… and imposes it upon those who seek to maintain traditional Christian values ( Forcing Christian Bakers to Bake Homosexual wedding cakes…which is no different for forcing Jewish bakers to bake Nazi wedding cakes)… so that this movement is not about Equal rights, or religious liberty *but the systematic destruction* of Christianity.
As a Libertaian, I dont believe the government should have any say in the private affairs and marriage contracts between consenting adults, yet as long as they do, I supported equal rights for Gays to get married despite many Christians who sought to confound this issue and maintain the prohibition of Gay marriage on the basis that they foresaw that once Gays were granted this equality… that they would then seek to impose Gay marriages upon Christians… force them to open their churches to them for their ceremonies… etc.
I had no doubt that such things would eventuate, yet was not prepared to allow this secondary assumption prevent me from supporting the principle of equality before the Law.
This New fight… is something else that needed to be fought independently of the marriage law reform.
You see the difficulty in being a Christian who understands that True Christianity is Libertarian in it’s modus opperandi… and that though I support equal rights before the Law, I retain my right to peacefully live by my own christian convictions and to vocalise my moral views from a soap box in the public square.
And that is at the heart of this entire Blog post.
I am speaking as an individual against the current Anti-Christian tidal flow towards Sodom and Gomorrah… I condemn it on a Ideological basis, and put out a call to resist all legal political compulsions that violate the principles of religious liberty… yet I do not seek to impose my views upon others by force… I do not hate Gays, homosexuals, or woman who act like they have testicles…
I simply desire to be free to live my life as a proudly Many man whom Thanks God for beautiful Feminine woman who love to be man handled in the bedroom… and love having Manly Husbands who teach many things and values to their sons.
To the degree that this abandonment of Christian values is a voluntary movement… as a Libertarian Christian I only seek to combat it via preaching my own values and beliefs… via reason and persuasion… never by resisting legitimate reforms or lobbying for laws that impose my personal beliefs upon peaceful people whom choose to reject them… yet I reserve the to protest against any encroachments upon my own religious liberty to follow my own conscience… and preach my values.
Yet Still the march towards Sodom and Gomorrah will continue… there will be seated the AntiChrist.
Satan Laughing spreads his wings.
Just remember you have been forewarned by the Bible that stands sure against the tide… a light in the darkness… the rock on which I stand.
Below is an interesting clip…
Most days This dizzy Blonde gets on her knees for Donald Trump yet on this occasion her Rightism is right…. The cause is Fanatical Lefty Feminism.
She is clickbait for sure…. yet I posted it because for 2 seconds she touches on thi very serious topic I have been writing about …. The emasculation of western civilization…. and the downward slope to Sodom and Gomorrah…. and the end of the world.
In that hour the Light of Christianity will be all but extinguished (save Gods Remnant minority) and The Sexual insanity that is the rejection of Christian values and Ideals will reach it’s zenith.
It is at that hour… when the wickedness of humanity is full… The Sky will crack open and Christ will appear… bringing wrath and judgement.
And who’s fault is it if Woman Freak out at see-ing what appears to be a bearded man in their dressing rooms and rest rooms?
It the fault of the Mentally ill person who has dress themselves up and taken male steroids etc to grow a beard…etc!
And there is no way Lesbian Liberals and Fags have any right to lay a guilt trip on healthy and normal people for them being disturbed by the unnatural and perverse behavior of Sexually confused and perverted individuals.
*If these ‘Deranged people’ suffer social alienation because ordinary people dont accept their weird behavior… then they must get used to it as the price they must pay.
They have no right to insist people accept them as normal.
As a Libertarian, I dont have any issue with Drag queens, etc hanging out together… no problem with Gay bars or what ever as long as I am free to maintain my own beliefs… to separate myself from their activities… and not be compelled by law to do anything that goes against my own conscience.
If I owned a shop, though I am a christian, I would have no problem serving transgender customers.
My beliefs dont demand I treat anyone who disagrees with my beliefs with anything other than respect
That some Christians think they are obliged to reject sinners and infidels… for example not bake a Gay wedding cake… I find very unchristian… yet I respect their right to follow their own conscience …
God does not hate Fags.
God hates sin, yet he sent Christ to pay the penalty of sin so that he could show all us sinners mercy and forgiveness to whosoever calls upon Christs Name.
It is the Devil who seeks to deceive homosexuals into thinking God hates them… and to Hate God and reject Christ. Homosexuals are no worse than Carnal Heterosexuals which perverse fetishes, and the desire to fornicate or commit adultery.
Most human beings have sexual desires they dont like keeping in subjection to Gods order.
Unbridled sensuality; excess.
For the flesh lusteth against the Spirit, and the Spirit against the flesh: and these are contrary the one to the other: so that ye cannot do the things that ye would. But if ye be led of the Spirit, ye are not under the law. Now the works of the flesh are manifest, which are these; Adultery, fornication, uncleanness, LASCIVIOUSNESS. ( Galatians 5:17-19 )
I dont profess to being sexually ‘Holy’ or any more self righteous than any one else… in fact I take great care not to pretend to be a saint or make any promises to God that i will be a good boy.
I will finish this blogpost with an unashamed declaration of defiance!
Not against God’s expressed order… though it condemns many things I take pleasure in… But defiance against the Antichrist Man-hating Feminist tide that is emasculating Men and leading western civilisation to Damnation.
Though I am shamefully carnal and shallow yet I am unashamed of the fact that I believe Men should be Manly and strong and look at woman as Sexually desirable playthings.
That is not my whole description or evaluation of woman, but it is an important one… and I also enjoy being the sexual plaything of woman…. so there is a reciprocal equality… a compatible unification of different beings… the nut and the bolt… the hand in the glove… nothing to be ashamed of…. everything to be enjoyed… and it is the rightful order… the way the Lord designed things… and it matters not that so many of you *hate* to contemplate the truthfulness of this.
I will leave you to stew on all this with 2 flagrantly Pro-Heterosexual music Videos that Glorify Sexy Woman.
Praise the Lord!
Tim Wikiriwhi.
Christian Libertarian.
1611 king james Bible believer.
The following Blog post is not meant to promote bigotry and hatred towards people who Identify as Transgender, Gay, etc.
They are people with psychological illnesses who are in high danger of suicide, and with this being so it is important that they know that their friends and loved ones care about them.
My Blog post is written to expose the Sexism of Militant feminism and their relentless war against healthy Manliness that has greatly exacerbated and cultivated insane sexism against Men, and encouraged the confusion of vulnerable youths.
Nothing pleases the Feminists more than Emasculated men wanting to be woman.
Read the following:
“Some studies estimate that 70-80% of all people who express transgender feelings spontaneously lose those feelings over time. Psychosocial adjustment for those who have sexual reassignment surgery is about the same as those who don’t (which is why Johns Hopkins University, one of the most advanced medical facilities in the country, refuses to engage in them).
But the worst part, the most shocking part, is that the suicide rate among transgendered people who had reassignment surgery is 20x that of non-transgendered people.”
From >Here
There is a lot of very bad psychology being indoctrinated too… its a minefield.
I would say that if your child claims to be Transgender, that you make sure they feel loved at home… This would be the very most important thing given the risks of suicide.
If my child said they were Gay, that would devastate me, yet I would be sure to let them know that I still loved them… fully.
It is important to appreciate… Moral superiority is no vindication for a poisonous heart. Hate always begets hate, never enlightenment. The Truth needs Love. Read about that >Here.
Now my Blog!…..
Transgenderism is a psychological disorder according to Psychology…. yet as a Libertarian I have no problem with someone who wants to ‘identify’ as whatever… yet they have no right to demand *that we do so*… that is that just as they are free to hold their own opinions… so are we…. what the transgender movement is doing however is playing upon Feeble minded ‘Woke’ socialists in social institutions and getting them to allow Transgenders to impose their personal psychosis on everyone else.
They are in fact being brainwashed into doing this By Motivated Political activist on the left… ie most of these transgender people are *being used as Pawns* by the Left to attack Traditional values underpinning Western freedom.
The Death Of Masculinity: Male Millennial Swears He Gets His Period Every Month
The “men” of the millennial generation have tried with all their might to kill off what’s left of masculinity, bringing us man buns, male feminists, gender neutral clothing and a slew of men made in the image of Pajama Boy. But it looks like one 22-year-old university student, George Fellowes, finally put the last nail in the manhood coffin: Fellowes swears he gets his period each month.
According to the BBC, Fellowes claims that he has been getting his period “without bleeding” for three years now. “He says he’s so close to his best friend and flatmate Amber-May Ellis that he gets cramps when she comes on each month.” This pathetic excuse of a man says he has even taken sick days because of his “period.” That he doesn’t have.
^That above link was posted to a FB forum to which I belong.
As a Bible believing Christian and Libertarian, I have for years opposed the Modern Lefty Feminist movement, which is a patently Sexist movement having subverted what was an originally legitimate lobby for political equality and justice.
The Modern feminist movement opperates on a broad front not only within the political sphere, but also applies heavy pressure in the domain of Culture via it’s onslaught of what is considered ‘politically correct’ views in modern society.
In our ‘Bruce jennings…. woman of the year’ society, the feminists movement that is in reality infested with Man hating Lesbian Gay rights activists… has been pushing to allow ‘transgender boys’ into the School rest rooms for Girls.(and visa versa)
And Western society keeps bending… relenting… to these abdications of Traditional values and Biological realities…. step by step… a slide into what is now know as the Post christian era.
Many Infidels openly revel in this and celebrate it… Their Lust and hatred of Christianity gaining ground… and the retreat of Christian morality thrills them… and many pseudo-Christians whom have abandoned the Bible celebrate with them.
Other Infidels… who still retain some of the morality and values they imbibed from their Christian heritage are as shocked as many Bible believers are at this slide into moral chaos… yet as they have no anchor… they have unwittingly contributed to this decline by their own participation in undermining the ideological foundations upon which their own morality and values stand.
As Niche said… By Killing God… they have killed themselves… yet the truth of this has not yet reached their ears.
^ see this pic… now you may be forgiven for shuddering…. at assuming this is a Man in a woman’s restroom.
Predatory Men have already started using new transgender legislation that allow men whom ‘identify as woman’ to legally use woman’s only facilities. (remember that transgender is not trans-sexual… ie the transgender individual has not undergone a sex change but retains their original bits and pieces… they just ‘Identify’ themselves as the opposite sex)
Yet in fact this picture is *of a transgender woman!* who is attempting to shock her community into granting permission to local transgender woman to use *Mens facilities*
How do you feel about that Guys?
Liberal Legislators expect *You to be cool about it*… likewise Mothers are supposed to be cool about transgender men using the same restrooms as their Daughters. (see picture below)
The Slide away from Christian values means that instead of seeing these confused people as suffering mental illness… psychological problems … Feminists and Anti-Christian Liberals expect society to accept *This utter confusion*… for it to be normalised and embraced.
Notice how *minority disease* is declared to be normal, and the mentally and biologically healthy majority whom recognise that there is definitely something wrong with these people… are said to be bigoted and need to modify their beliefs… and have their natural fears and inclinations suppressed… by force of law if necessary.
Notice how the natural order is expected to give way to the disorder.
Notice how this stuff is headlining in the media
Notice how Christians are expected to shut up about it… and even modify their religion to accommodate this new politically correct social paradigm.
Where is all this heading? The Bible knows.
The Bible has declared it.
I seek to speak to you unbelievers and show you that not only has your unbelief let loose chaos and the end of civil order, but that your atheism itself is a great error…. that the Bible ought to be believed.
The Bible predicted this great Post Christian slide into apostasy and unbelief.
The Bible predicted that Mankind would degenerate into wickedness and become ‘as Sodom and Gomorrah’… and this slide is precisely what we are witnessing via the outworkings of Militant Lefty Feminism and the emasculation of Men.
We are witnessing an unprecedented Uprising and aggrandizement of Homosexuality and Sexual deviancy… The Vessel of mankinds wickedness and rebellion against God is being filled to overflowing.
Good is being called evil… and evil… is being hailed as good.
“And as it was in the days of Noe, so shall it be also in the days of the Son of man.
They did eat, they drank, they married wives, they were given in marriage, until the day that Noe entered into the ark, and the flood came, and destroyed them all.
Likewise also as it was in the days of Lot; they did eat, they drank, they bought, they sold, they planted, they builded;
But the same day that Lot went out of Sodom it rained fire and brimstone from heaven, and destroyed them all.”
Jesus Christ Luke 17vs 26-29
“And GOD saw that the wickedness of man was great in the earth, and that every imagination of the thoughts of his heart was only evil continually.”
Gen 6vs5
“Even as Sodom and Gomorrha, and the cities about them in like manner, giving themselves over to fornication, and going after strange flesh, are set forth for an example, suffering the vengeance of eternal fire.”
Jude 1:7
Today… it has become ‘unacceptable* to suggest that people like Bruce jennings suffer some sort of psychological disorder.
Today… pseudo-scientific Evolutionary psychologists deny any social environmental factors or personal choices have anything to do these sorts of identity crisis but instead insist them to be absolutely natural… a consequence of genetics… and that even Pedophilia is not something immoral… or criminal… but something natural for which Child rapists should not be held criminally responsible.
*You see in this post Christian era… materialism denies free will morality exists….*
Yet of course this theory is only applied in an ad hoc fashion.
*Hetero sexual Men* are said to be sexual predators… rapists by genetics… *Yet they alone* are expected to be controlled by society via systematic emasculation.
*Heterosexual Men* are supposed to be apologetic for being Many men who seek to have sex with Beautiful Feminine woman.
They are expected to look at their views on sexuality as being perverse indoctrination’s of the masochistic oppressive era of Christianity.
They… and any Woman who supports manly heterosexual Men and traditional woman’s femininity and Nuclear family values are the Homophobes.
Woman whom believe in their traditional roll and enjoy it are considered traitors to their sex.
Instead of being considered Liberated and strong… Woman whom exploit their own Beauty are told they are the slaves of Masochistic Paternalism.
Is it any wonder that under such mass delusion that heterosexual Marriage as an institution is collapsing as the foundation of western society?
Is it any wonder that so many children are now raised in single parent situations… devoid of Fatherly influence?
The media itself is held to ransom by Fanatical militant feminism.
If anyone should make the mistake of uttering some political incorrect joke, even the High and mighty in Sport, Business, and Politics are pilloried … tared and feathered… by rioting Fat ugly woman, Effeminate men with Pink hair, and Skinny bearded bespectacled Hypsters.
Everyone is terrified of this frenzied rabble to the point that almost no one defends the traditional view of Men as Head of the house… As Healthy when he seeks a beautiful feminine woman whom enjoys being dominated in the bedroom.
A Man asking a beautiful woman on a date is said to be ‘a sexual predator’.
Most consider it Political expedience to go along with this subversive attack on Christian values and to at least in public appear to embrace this new world which not merely tolerates… but normalizes the mental illness of Transgenderism… and imposes it upon those who seek to maintain traditional Christian values ( Forcing Christian Bakers to Bake Homosexual wedding cakes…which is no different for forcing Jewish bakers to bake Nazi wedding cakes)… so that this movement is not about Equal rights, or religious liberty *but the systematic destruction* of Christianity.
As a Libertaian, I dont believe the government should have any say in the private affairs and marriage contracts between consenting adults, yet as long as they do, I supported equal rights for Gays to get married despite many Christians who sought to confound this issue and maintain the prohibition of Gay marriage on the basis that they foresaw that once Gays were granted this equality… that they would then seek to impose Gay marriages upon Christians… force them to open their churches to them for their ceremonies… etc.
I had no doubt that such things would eventuate, yet was not prepared to allow this secondary assumption prevent me from supporting the principle of equality before the Law.
This New fight… is something else that needed to be fought independently of the marriage law reform.
You see the difficulty in being a Christian who understands that True Christianity is Libertarian in it’s modus opperandi… and that though I support equal rights before the Law, I retain my right to peacefully live by my own christian convictions and to vocalise my moral views from a soap box in the public square.
And that is at the heart of this entire Blog post.
I am speaking as an individual against the current Anti-Christian tidal flow towards Sodom and Gomorrah… I condemn it on a Ideological basis, and put out a call to resist all legal political compulsions that violate the principles of religious liberty… yet I do not seek to impose my views upon others by force… I do not hate Gays, homosexuals, or woman who act like they have testicles…
I simply desire to be free to live my life as a proudly Many man whom Thanks God for beautiful Feminine woman who love to be man handled in the bedroom… and love having Manly Husbands who teach many things and values to their sons.
To the degree that this abandonment of Christian values is a voluntary movement… as a Libertarian Christian I only seek to combat it via preaching my own values and beliefs… via reason and persuasion… never by resisting legitimate reforms or lobbying for laws that impose my personal beliefs upon peaceful people whom choose to reject them… yet I reserve the to protest against any encroachments upon my own religious liberty to follow my own conscience… and preach my values.
Yet Still the march towards Sodom and Gomorrah will continue… there will be seated the AntiChrist.
Satan Laughing spreads his wings.
Just remember you have been forewarned by the Bible that stands sure against the tide… a light in the darkness… the rock on which I stand.
The evil spirit behind Modern Liberal Feminism…. The spirit of AntiChrist.
It is at that hour… when the wickedness of humanity is full… The Sky will crack open and Christ will appear… bringing wrath and judgement.
And who’s fault is it if Woman Freak out at see-ing what appears to be a bearded man in their dressing rooms and rest rooms?
It the fault of the Mentally ill person who has dress themselves up and taken male steroids etc to grow a beard…etc!
And there is no way Lesbian Liberals and Fags have any right to lay a guilt trip on healthy and normal people for them being disturbed by the unnatural and perverse behavior of Sexually confused and perverted individuals.
*If these ‘Deranged people’ suffer social alienation because ordinary people dont accept their weird behavior… then they must get used to it as the price they must pay.
They have no right to insist people accept them as normal.
As a Libertarian, I dont have any issue with Drag queens, etc hanging out together… no problem with Gay bars or what ever as long as I am free to maintain my own beliefs… to separate myself from their activities… and not be compelled by law to do anything that goes against my own conscience.
If I owned a shop, though I am a christian, I would have no problem serving transgender customers.
My beliefs dont demand I treat anyone who disagrees with my beliefs with anything other than respect
That some Christians think they are obliged to reject sinners and infidels… for example not bake a Gay wedding cake… I find very unchristian… yet I respect their right to follow their own conscience …
God does not hate Fags.
God hates sin, yet he sent Christ to pay the penalty of sin so that he could show all us sinners mercy and forgiveness to whosoever calls upon Christs Name.
It is the Devil who seeks to deceive homosexuals into thinking God hates them… and to Hate God and reject Christ. Homosexuals are no worse than Carnal Heterosexuals which perverse fetishes, and the desire to fornicate or commit adultery.
Most human beings have sexual desires they dont like keeping in subjection to Gods order.
Unbridled sensuality; excess.
For the flesh lusteth against the Spirit, and the Spirit against the flesh: and these are contrary the one to the other: so that ye cannot do the things that ye would. But if ye be led of the Spirit, ye are not under the law. Now the works of the flesh are manifest, which are these; Adultery, fornication, uncleanness, LASCIVIOUSNESS. ( Galatians 5:17-19 )
I dont profess to being sexually ‘Holy’ or any more self righteous than any one else… in fact I take great care not to pretend to be a saint or make any promises to God that i will be a good boy.
I will finish this blogpost with an unashamed declaration of defiance!
Not against God’s expressed order… though it condemns many things I take pleasure in… But defiance against the Antichrist Man-hating Feminist tide that is emasculating Men and leading western civilisation to Damnation.
Though I am shamefully carnal and shallow yet I am unashamed of the fact that I believe Men should be Manly and strong and look at woman as Sexually desirable playthings.
That is not my whole description or evaluation of woman, but it is an important one… and I also enjoy being the sexual plaything of woman…. so there is a reciprocal equality… a compatible unification of different beings… the nut and the bolt… the hand in the glove… nothing to be ashamed of…. everything to be enjoyed… and it is the rightful order… the way the Lord designed things… and it matters not that so many of you *hate* to contemplate the truthfulness of this.
I will leave you to stew on all this with 2 flagrantly Pro-Heterosexual music Videos that Glorify Sexy Woman.
Praise the Lord!
Tim Wikiriwhi.
Christian Libertarian.
1611 king james Bible believer.