Category Archives: Slashing Bureaucracy

Home D gets Home D… for the crime of pulling teeth! NZ Herald.

This is a case out of the Dark ages….
Guildist protectionism… only Guild Bakers can bake…. only Guild Wheelwrights can make wheels.

It demonstrates the sorts of people our ‘system’ persecutes… Anyone whose ‘enterprise’ does not conform to their Monopolistic, Favour-istic, Compliance/ Credential heavy,…. and Exorbitant extortion rackets.

Here’s an experienced guy who has been helping the poor… for more than 9 years… alleviating pain
He has the support of 500 people…. yet he’s been busted, and treated like he was a violent or dis-honest criminal.
You think socialism cares about your Health…. about your pain?
Get Real!
It cares about maintaining it’s stranglehold upon everything we do!

Personally I dont think I would get my teeth worked on in a Garage.
When it comes to pain killing drugs…. I want the good stuff!
I pay! I pay!
My Dentist does a great job…. yet the thing is though if I was struggling financially and was suffering tooth related pain … which is very torturous….*Then*… I probably would.

To my way of thinking anyone who went to this man for dental work would know they were getting a ‘back yard job’… the same as when you take your car to a friend’s mate to get fixed…. because he’s cheep.
And I would only do such a thing if these back yard operators had a good reputation… and It appears that 500 people were willing to support his activities.

This is exactly the sort of thing the socialist power trippers want to nip in the bud.
They dont want the people to realise you can get stuff done without all the Rules and regulations, and certificates…. etc.
Thus the lie …. they say they have shut down and punished Mr Vailea for the sake of health and safety … to protect the public, when in reality they have shut him down and punished him to protect their own power-base and political racket.
Tim Wikiriwhi

sione Vailea

Underground dentist gets home detention

A man who ran an underground dental practice from his South Auckland home has been sentenced to four months home detention.

Sione Heinave Vailea appeared in the Manukau District Court this afternoon facing charges of criminal nuisance, performing a restricted activity, forgery and possession of prescription medicines.

The court heard how Vailea had carried out dental work including root canals, extractions and gold inlays from his Mangere home, despite not being a registered dentist.

A summary of facts showed pictures of where Vailea carried out his work; showing unhygenic conditions and old equipment.

The majority of patients were from the Tongan and wider Pacific community.
Vailea worked as a dental therapist in Tonga for many years, but was not qualified in that same area in New Zealand.

It is understood the offending carried on for about nine years.

Judge Fraser initially sentenced Vailea to 12 months imprisonment, but was later reduced to four months home detention.

The judge said he acknowledged Vailea’s lack of previous convictions and a petition with more than 500 signatures from his community, showing their support.

Mangawhai Rates Rebels to defy corrupt Beehive legislation.


New Zealand has rotten political institutions from top to bottom.

New Legislation…. Kaipara bill passes, validating Mangawhai rates

Listen to this podcast.

The Kaipara City council acted with gross incompetence and criminally in intentionally overspending by tens of millions of dollars on a new sewage system, and yet instead of finding the Councillor culprits guilty and accountable… Our Mikey mouse Parliament tries to ‘legalise’ this corruption by passing a special new law to force the ratepayers to into submission.


The ratepayers intend to challenge this in the high court.
We must watch this case and support the rebels because depending on what the High court determines will have serious implications…. not just for Mangawhai…. but for all New Zealand.
This Corrupt new parliamentary dictate must be overthrown because it opens the floodgates for incompetent big spending councils to completely disregard the Ratepayers they are supposed to represent, and to frivolously spend up however they please…. without accountability.

mark t

In my view this new Beehive legislation is proof that the Mangawhai Ratepayers were/ are in the legal right to withhold their rates…. and the Evil bastards in the Beehive know this!
Yet instead of supporting these righteous folk they chose rather to pass a tyrannical new Law to halt Ratepayers/ taxpayers all about the country from questioning the Spending practices of the government, and withholding their money.
Parliaments actions show that the scum in the Beehive will simply legitimize any such miss-representation, miss-appropriation, and extortion.


Should their appeal to the High court fail…. they should take it to the Supreme court.
If that fails, this will prove the dire consequences of not having a written and binding constitution which limits the powers of Parliaments for the sake of protecting the Rights and liberties of Individuals and citizens from tyrannical legislation, Mob rule, and the Political agendas of Party politics .
It’s a pity Hamilton ratepayers did nothing when their City council’s sleazy dealings with the V8 Supercars ended up costing then ten’s of millions more than the Mayor and council said it would.
(read about that >>>here<<<) You can contact the Mangawhai Ratepayers >>>here<<< jeff

I salute these brave people standing up for their rights.
It is a travesty that the strikers are now inciting people to ‘Break the Law’.

Tim Wikiriwhi.


“Mangawhai Ratepayers and Residents Association chairman Bruce Rogan said residents were refusing to pay because the sewage system was an ever-expanding “Ponzi scheme” foisted on the community without its consent.

Meeting papers show councillors secretly agreed to expand and more than double the cost of the project in 2006 without telling the community for another four years and the council’s own legal opinion shows it has collected about $17 million of rates illegally.

Mr Rogan said residents were being asked to bail out the scheme again when many had already paid a lump sum which was supposed to cover the capital costs.

The council resigned in August and was replaced by commissioners. Chairman John Robertson, a former National MP and Papakura mayor, said 90 per cent of residents were paying their rates, including 75 per cent in Mangawhai…
Read more….From…>>>
NZ Herald Kaipara rates rebellion grows

Read more from Tim Wikiriwhi on City Council tyranny and spending…

‘Revolution At The Roots’ Making Hamilton’s City Council smaller,better, and more conducive towards Prosperity. Tim Wikiriwhi.

Tim Wikiriwhi represents Affordable Waikato in the Hamilton City Council Elections. Mayor and West Ward.

Hamilton and Wellington Rate payers, and Renters Beware! The Wolf of Socialism is at your Door. ‘Living wage’

How the census meshes with bankrupt Socialist Totalitarianism

Liberty Conference: Dick Quax and the Great Leap Backwards. Agenda 21.

Comparing Hamilton City’s Dire straits to Bankrupt City of Stockton.

Reality Punches Socialist’s In The Face!

Conspiracy of Silence.

Spiritual Warfare. The Great Controversy.

evo christ war

This is an old and valid….(though a tad simplistic I admit) Christian argument which is simply showing that the Modern regression in morality is founded upon both the acceptance of Atheist evolution and the rejection of Bible based theistic Christianity.
I say it is simplistic because some of this ‘liberalism’ has in fact been real progress because it has removed bad Laws… and as such should in fact be supported by Christians… like the End of Prohibitions on Homosexuality, etc…)
Many Christians have been taught by ignorant and bigoted preachers that such reforms are evil…. when infact Christianity proper is not about oppressing sinners and infidels. That has historically been a great evil which resulted from the merging of Church and state…. Constantine…. etc… which was a deviation from what Christianity truly is… a voluntary association… not A political lobby for Power.

This is not to say that Christians ought not to participate in the democratic process, but that they must take care to be on the side of Liberty and justice… not tyranny and oppression.
They must seek to be ‘the salt of the earth’ not by despotic Laws…. but by Example and preaching Christian values and inspiring voluntary endorsement of their beliefs.

This picture also attempts to show Christians why they must be prepared to directly confront the False religion/ pseudo science of Evolution…. because it is the foundation of so many lies and Great evils.
It was when I realised that Evolution was Bogus, that I became much more open to the truth of the Bible…. because The idea of God crating Mankind began to make much more sense.

Read more…

Materialism renders Man Nought. Meaning-less, Value-less, Right-less

The Christian Fellowship is a voluntary private society, not a theocratic political movement.

Standing up for Justice more important than Personal Ambitions

Un-ask-able questions… Police Brutality: When should you shoot a Cop?


This video not only highlights the blatant criminality of police violence agianst protesters, party goers, etc, but also reminds me of the Cannibals case of Jan Molenaar who fired on New Zealand Police officers executing a ‘routine’ cannabis search warrant at his house at 41 Chaucer Road, killing Senior Constable Len Snee and seriously injuring Senior Constables Bruce Miller and Grant Diver. A neighbour attempting to assist the police was also shot. Read about that >>>here<<< I was thinking that Pot smokers and their friends, neighbours, and families have become so submissive of peaceful people being violently fucked over by police under the pretence of the 'war on drugs', that we are shocked when One man chooses to defend his own liberty from a corrupt Political tyranny. Now I am not saying pot smokers should start shooting. I believe in passive resistance. Yet lets not confuse who is in the wrong and who is perpetrating violence against whom! Just by posting this to our site brings the fear of being tagged as 'an extremist' invites the intrusive Evil eye... and phobia of Tyrannical retributions... yet tyranny prevails when good people through terror...say nothing. I'm a fan of Peaceful activists like Socrates, Jesus, St Paul, Martin Luther King, Gandhi ...Oh wait.... they all got Whacked. :-( Tim Wikiriwhi. Christian Libertarian. police-beating-kids-2

Read more… Police Brutality in ‘God’s Own’

Filthy Bastards: “It was an Accident”. Kim Dotcom Raid.

Daddy… What part did you play in the Revolution?

God’s Grace, Libertarianism, and Anne Frank

Crocodile Tears.

commy arseholes

^^^This Meme is bullshit!!!
This is the whiny Drivel of Parasites whom feed off the blood of their Neighbours in the private sector.
The reality is that those whom seek to Stop raising the debt ‘ceiling’and put an end to the Big spending over-government which created the crisis… is not merely ‘playing politics’ but a matter of either facing reality or putting off facing the music and making the eventual catastrophe that much greater…. that much harder to recover from!


Yet those whom profit from the tyranny of the Status quo are only concerned about maintaining the flow of filthy lucre into their bank accounts.
Those who live by suckling at the teets of a bloated government need to appreciate that the Day of reckoning is fast approaching and a revolution unto the Death!
A revolution between Liberty and tyranny…. and if Tyranny wins…. God Forbid!


State Tit suckers be warned!
Stop working for the Beast! 666
Get Real Jobs *Now*!
For the sake of your immortal souls…. and your Children.
Alas…. most of you will simply receive the Mark of the Beast…. Worship his image…. and Beg for greater Brutality!
And unfortunately …. because the financial collapse will be massive… many Good people in the private sector will also loose their Jobs and businesses, etc.
We all should be Prepping!
Read about the approaching Fiscal cliff here >>>> Epitaph. The Death of America and Western Democracy. Ron Paul’s Farewell Speech.

Freefm radio interview with Affordable City’s Hamilton Mayoral candidate (and West Ward) Tim Wikiriwhi


Listen to my FreefM interview with Radio Host Andrew Johnstone Here

Facebook Affordable City >>>Here<<< Read more about Agenda 21 and the Socialist Utopian Engineering at it's most diabolical >>>Here<<< Read more about Tim Wikiriwhi's Ideas and principles... why he is standing for City Council ... ‘Revolution At The Roots’ Making Hamilton’s City Council smaller,better, and more conducive towards Prosperity. Tim Wikiriwhi.

Tim Wikiriwhi. Hamilton … No to Fluoride!

Hamilton City Rates System Review 2011. Where I Stand. (Tim Wikiriwhi)

****And because this Radio interview crossed over to discuss my personal religious beliefs****, I share the following …

Read more about Dispensationalism Here>>> The Irony. Why I follow St Paul… Not Jesus.<<<< About my faith in the trustworthiness of the 1611 King James Bible... >>Here<< Christian Libertarianism and the separation of Church and State Here >>> The Christian Fellowship is a voluntary private society, not a theocratic political movement. <<< Standing up for Justice more important than Personal Ambitions

Tim Wikiriwhi. Hamilton … No to Fluoride!

water treatment

Dear Mayoral candidate,

We are a local group of citizens with an interest in promoting the health benefits of fluoridation.

Could you please respond to these two questions:

(1) Do you support the resumption of fluoridation in Hamilton’s water supply?

(2) If the referendum results in a majority of voters in favour, would you support the resumption of fluoridation?

The opinions of candidates obtained from this canvass will be made known to our members and released publicly.

With regards,
Selwyn June

‘Fluoridate Our Water’
A Campaign for Better Dental Health in Hamilton

Tim Wikirwhi respond’s….

Dear Selwyn,
Q1. I don’t believe my personal opinion about Fluoride is what is important, but there are higher issues/ principles at stake.|Namely it is not the councils job to force medicate the people of Hamilton, which is what the pro-fluoride lobby seems to believe is ok.
My argument is the people who want fluoride in their water can find means of dispensing it into their own supply.

Q2. No! I do not support binding citizen referendums which seek to impose upon the legitimate rights of minorities.
Ref to my answer above.
Fluoridation is one current task which the council can rightly divest itself, and pass on to citizens as a matter of personal choice and responsibility.
Kind regard’s Tim W.

‘Revolution At The Roots’ Making Hamilton’s City Council smaller,better, and more conducive towards Prosperity. Tim Wikiriwhi.


I wrote the following spiel for the last H.C.C Elections.
Since then Economic doom and gloom has increased…The City of Detroit has gone belly up in debt.


‘Revolution At The Roots’. Making Hamilton’s City Council, Smaller, Better, and more conducive towards prosperity
August 5, 2011 at 9:22pm
‘Revolution At The Roots’. Making Hamilton’s City Council, Smaller, Better, and more conducive towards prosperity. By Tim Wikiriwhi Independent Candidate for Hamilton West. HCC elections 2010

Election time is painful for me because it is a time when common sense looses its currency and is trodden underfoot by fanatical lobby groups with vested interests, and forked tongued power hungry politicians who will say and promise the moon for the sake of getting elected.

The financial imprudence, and Nannyism matters little in this feeding frenzy of demands and election bribery.
No one raises such common sense realities because election meetings are not about economic realities or justice, but about political power and imposing vested interests upon our communities.

Well I wont have a bar any of that. I have decided not to attend lobby group meetings because I dont have any political favors for sale.
I’m not putting up any election signs because I don’t want someone to vote for me just because of my good looks on a billboard.
I want people to vote for me because of my principles and financial prudence.
That I did not attend a meeting on getting commuter trains to run between Hamilton and Auckland, or one on city art, does not mean that I have no interest in these various issues, but that I know the council is running in the red with a climbing debt currently at $338.5 million which is projected to blow out to over $700 million before the next decade is through.
What this tells me is the junket is over! Past councils have mortgaged us to eyeballs, and getting this debt under control must be the highest priority of the newly elected council.
This is one reason I implore voters to turn a deaf ear to the big talking, big spenders whom have been in council so long they have grown roots!
These buffoons have run the city into the red, and yet they continue to promise heaven and earth just to be re elected.
I ask voters to not allow themselves to deceived and bankrupted by these incompetent dinosaurs, but to boldly vote in fresh people whom are committed to taking on the hard task of trimming down the size of city council to focus on core infrastructure, and getting the rates burden under control.
Not only will such an approach ease the effects of city council upon Hamiltonians, it will render it far more sustainable, and eliminate the very real environmental risks that occur when essential infrastructure are under funded and neglected due to having an obese council that frivolously wastes money in superfluous enterprises that it ought to left to free enterprise and voluntary community action.

If elected, I will start the dialogue and promote alternative ways to achieve the goals and dreams of Hamiltonians by means that don’t involve an increasing rates burdens or bureaucracy.
The problems that we face in Hamilton are far unique. Around the world the problem of bloated bankrupt bureaucracy, its mismanagement and suppression of prosperity are reaching such proportions that even Castro’s Cuba is looking at axing hundreds of thousands of State jobs and allowing free enterprise to work its economic miracle.


Books such as “Revolution at the Roots… making our government smaller, better, and closer to home” by William D Eggers and John O’Leary, and “Freedom to choose”, by Nobel prize winner for economics, Milton Friedman have already clearly defined the problems we face, and point the way to recovery, grow and prosperity.
If elected It is the ideas written in such insightful volumes that I will promote in the media so that Hamiltonians can see for themselves the wisdom of reducing the size and scope of Council to essentials, and the benefits that come from maximising free enterprise.
Thus my dream for Hamilton is to have a city council that is trim, and councillors that respect liberty, private property and free enterprise.
I envision a council free of small minded Nanny-ism, peopled with those committed to serving the community not tyrannizing over it.
While some may think my dream lacks grandeur…no Pyramids. No Coliseums, they forget that low rates, sustainable core infrastructure, and economic prosperity are a Win, Win, Win, for everyone, and the way to insure Hamilton’s future greatness built upon the innovations of Hamiltonians themselves whom unburdened by extortionate rates and red tape, can make our city great.

Prosperity will never come by foolishly trusting petty grand standing politicians whom inevitably lead us further into bankruptcy.
Vote Wikiriwhi for Hamilton West!

Hamilton City Rates System Review 2011. Where I Stand.

Me @ my Day job Fonterra Terapa.

My submission to The Hamilton City Rates system review.
September 22, 2011 at 7:34pm
On line Submission form – changing Hamilton’s Rating System
Thank you for taking the time to make a submission. Rates are a significant matter and it’s important we know what you think so Council can consider your views when making a decision.
Submissions must reach Council by Wednesday 12th October at 4pm.
Submissions to Council’s proposed Rating review are public. Your submission will be included in Council reports, which are available to the public and media.

1. It is proposed to change our rating system to one which is based on the total value of a property including land and buildings (Capital Value or CV), instead of the current system which is based only on the land value of a property (LV).
Do you support this change? (Please tick one)
Don’t know

Tim W Comments: *NO* I find this suggestion repugnant. It is a system which discriminates against those who have invested in property, and also does not promote self responsibility in water usage or waste. A system of direct user pays is far more just or a system under which the cost of the service supplied is spread evenly across all ratepayers as equal users is fairer than this proposed change.

2. The proposal suggests a charge per property for water and rubbish based on the total capital value of a property. This charge would vary from property to property and would mean higher valued properties would pay more for water and rubbish, and lower value properties would pay less.
Do you support this idea? (Please tick one)
Don’t know
Tim W Comments: *No* Rates should be based upon services used not property values. The council has no right to treat ratepayers as Cash cows to be milked. They have no right to extort revenues to fund their Grandiose pyramid building and circus schemes. They exist as a servants to take care of the utilities mundane utilities. they are not Ceasers whom can bankroll their absurd delusions of grandeur by extorting funds from an captive population. The extortion and Largesse must stop!

3. There are currently 7 different rates (differentials) for properties. The proposal is to remove 4 of these, which would mean all residential, multi unit, inner city and commercial properties would be rated the same amount per dollar of capital value. Rural properties would still be rated a lesser amount.
Do you support this idea? (Please tick one)
Don’t know
Tim W Comments: *Dont Know* I am opposed to any system which is merely a grab for more revenues by the council. I would support any changes which reflected the reality of services supplied to costs charged. I do not believe property values has anything to do with this. I would like to see a system of user pays whereby those whom consciously use less are rewarded with lower rates etc. i would like to see as many services as possible opened up to competition and free enterprise with the corresponding reduction in revenues taken by the council (It don’t with to pay the council for services I am getting from the private sector)

4. The proposal recommends central city businesses pay a lower rate so that the change to their rates will bring them into line with other commercial properties. In the past they have been paying a higher rate. This will give a boost to the central city.
Do you support this idea? (Please tick one)
Don’t know
Tim W Comments: *YES* Yes I wholeheartedly agree. The free market requires that all business is not crippled by unfair systems of Taxes and rates etc. I strongly appeal for a system of user-pays, thus giving thrifty businesses the opportunity to reduce costs, and gain competitive advantage by more efficient operations.

5. In order to give ratepayers time to adjust, it is suggested to phase in the change to capital value rating over 5 years form 1 July 2012.
Do you support this idea? (Please tick one)
Don’t know
Tim W Comments: *Dont Know*

I would like that period to be much shorter if the resolutions prove to be favourable to ratepayers (Eases their rates burden) and much longer if the council resolves upon a more rapacious revenue grab.

6. Are there any further comments or other rating issues you would like considered?
Tim W comments…*YES* Council spending is out of control. It is they whom are to blame for the current crisis, esp those whom have been in council for successive terms. I would like an inquiry into who is responsible for supporting this largesse and for the public to be informed. I also would like to have a charter enacted which sets down strict austerity measures restricting future council spending to only essential infrastructure, debt reduction, and a reform process which systematically reduces the councils spheres of operation and divests it of all interests which are not its proper duty to be involve with.


This is a ruff sign I hurriedly produced minutes before a meeting at the last HCC elections. it is a typical zero budget,rush Job, yet it tells a frightening truth about the sky-rocketing city debt under successions of Bad…big spending Mayors and councillors. It shows that I warned Hamilton this would happen in 2001, 2004, 2007, and 2010!