Heart Disease is the leading cause of Death: Brett Boettcher. X

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Know It Some reposted
Brett Boettcher
Heart disease is the leading cause of death

But it’s insulin resistance that causes heart disease, strokes, cancers and other inflammatory conditions

Since your doctor won’t help you avoid it, here are 42 sentences that will:
2:53 am · 16 Feb 2024

1) Insulin resistance occurs due to poor metabolic health

2) When you eat, your pancreas naturally releases insulin to absorb the sugar out of your bloodstream into the muscle, fat and liver cells

3) If sugar levels are chronically elevated, your body, like a drug addict, requires more insulin to have the same effect

4) You can be insulin resistant without any symptoms, since it’s a leading indicator and blood sugar is a lagging indicator

5) Once the pancreas is forced to start putting out more insulin, the body begins the process of dealing with increased inflammation

6) Over 88% of the population are not metabolically healthy based on blood pressure, blood sugar, triglycerides or waist circumference

7) Type II diabetes is really an advanced case of insulin resistance

8) A waist measurement of 40 inches or more for men is linked to insulin resistance which also happens to be the average waist size for men over 25

9) You can have insulin resistance without being overweight

10) Exercise and physical activity allow the muscle to pull sugar from your bloodstream and use it for fuel

11) Walking before or after meals, even for just 5 minutes, helps to stabilize blood sugar

12) Muscle is the most metabolically active tissue, the more of it you build, the more insulin sensitive you’ll be, all else being equal

13) Added sugar and refined grains are the foods most closely linked to insulin resistance

14) Drinking your calories is a recipe for poor metabolic health

15) Heart disease is an inflammatory cascade kicked off by insulin resistance, not cholesterol or meat

16) A diet high in omega 6/omega 3 ratio of fatty acids is linked to increased inflammation and disease

17) Seed oils (canola, safflower, sunflower, soybean etc) have high omega 6/3 ratios and are added to the majority of packaged foods because they are cheap and have a long shelf life

18) Eating more eggs and less toast for breakfast will improve your HDL (good cholesterol) while decreasing harmful triglycerides

19) Sun exposure decreased insulin resistance, insulin levels and triglycerides in a study on diabetics

20) Inactivity and obesity are the number 1 associations with insulin resistance

21) Carbs are not the enemy for everyone but for those with insulin resistance or specifically type II diabetes, reducing carb intake should be a focus until a normal baseline is achieved

22) Fasting has shown promising results for glucose control, gut health and improving insulin sensitivity

23) A high triglyceride to HDL ratio is one of the biggest risk factors for increased mortality

24) Conversely, a low ratio drastically decreases mortality risk. Triglycerides and HDL are both affected by improving your metabolic health

25) Resistance training raises HDL and lowers triglycerides and blood sugar

26) Inflammation to blood vessel walls leads to a cascade that can eventually choke off the blood supply resulting in heart attacks and strokes

26) Abdominal fat and insulin resistance results in inflammation to your organs that can eventually result in various cancers

27) Muscle mass lost due to aging greatly affects insulin sensitivity but can be combatted with resistance training

28) Studies show strength-trained 70 year olds can have greater quad strength than untrained 30 year olds. Resistance training is the fountain of youth

29) Insulin resistance places you at a higher risk for:

-Type II diabetes
-All-cause mortality
-Majority of cancers
-Alzheimer’s disease

30) Insulin resistance is prevented or reversed by:

-Lifting weights
-Shedding weight
-Regular activity (walking)
-Reducing processed foods

31) Reversing your insulin resistance will result in:

-Improved energy levels
-Less cravings for junk food
-Improved mental health
-Longer, happier life

32) Your children are more likely to have insulin resistance if you do, though this is more due to sharing your lifestyle than your genetics

33) Diets high in protein are inversely correlated with insulin resistance.

34) Refined grains like breads and pastas are quickly broken down into sugar in your bloodstream.

35) Chronic sugar in your bloodstream is damaging to the blood vessels, and results in crashes in energy when your body has to respond with a burst of insulin.

36) Type II diabetes occurs when your pancreas fails to produce enough insulin to manage the sugar, but the damage starts well before the that

37) Cardiologists we’re not important doctors years ago because heart disease is a modern issue caused by factory food and inactivity

38) Reversing even advanced insulin resistance is possible with the right mental fortitude, plan and lifestyle adjustments. But the longer you wait, the more challenging it becomes

39) When in doubt, eat farm foods. Meat, eggs, dairy and whole vegetables.

40) Resistance training helps build and maintain muscle, even in the elderly which is perhaps when it’s needed the most.

41) People with heart disease have more linoleic acid in their fat tissues. Linoleic acid makes up 20-70% of seed oils like soybean, canola, sunflower & corn

42) Exercise is important, but an active lifestyle is just as critical. Walk, bike, chase your kids, take the stairs, pick a 5K race and put it on the calendar as motivation.

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I missed Collective Soul and Simple Minds concert last week end here in Hamilton Waikato… because it was Pissing Down.

Simple Minds.

I’ve lost my credibility as a Die hard Rocker!!!

This Blog post is nothing more than a tribute to some great Bands that did an outdoor gig here in Waikato Hamilton which I would have loved to have seen… yet the weather was so atrocious I whimped out!
I have officially gotten old.
Collective Soul, Simple Minds, Texas, and Pseudo Echo!
What a line up!… and reports from friends who attended it was a fantastic show…. weather not withstanding.
I wimped out… Shame on me.

Greenstone Entertainment delivered yet another astounding line up of artists… They are certifiable legends in their own right having now through their many Summer music festivals facilitated Kiwis in the enjoyment of a staggering list of Music’s greatest artists for the past decade or more…
I have blogged about them in the past…
I missed out…

They have usually been held in Taupo, Whitianga, and Queenstown, yet this year Whitianga was substituted by holding this show in Hamilton instead.
Roumour has it that the usual venue in Whitianga has now fallen through never to be repeated, which is a bummer because the Coromandal peninsula is such a beautiful part of the country where many Kiwis enjoy their holidays.
Still I hope the Hamilton show was a financial success for the promoters as I just so happen to live in Hamilton and it would be jolly wonderful for me personally should they decide Hamilton is a worthy alternative for future festivals.

It is esp painful to realise I missed the opportunity to hear Collective Soul… a band I really dug in the 90s Grunge era… my heyday.

Nonetheless I will still shamelessly take this opportunity to blog about this event… because I love music… love these bands… and as Simple minds sing “… come in come out of the rain…”
Listening to them now on You tube makes me realise what a big mistake I made not braving the weather… Hardman gone soft.

Tim Wikiriwhi.
Music Critic.

More from Tim…



Rock legend and good guy Glenn Hughes pays his respects at Ronnie James Dio 4th year memorial.

Falling to Pieces …. Thank’s for the music Scott Weiland

Alice Cooper Goes to Hell. Nek Minnit!

Alice Cooper; ‘My life is dedicated to follow Christ’

Is God Dead? Black Sabbath.

BLACK SABBATH’s GEEZER BUTLER: ‘I Always Felt That God And Jesus Wanted Us To Love Each Other’: Blabbermouth. net

Megadeths Dave Mustaine is a Christian.

Brian Welch: From Korn to Jesus

Jimi vs Jesus.

Peter Steele Type 0 Negative. ‘Dead again Hipo-Christian’.

Hell is for the Self Righteous, Heaven is for Sinners.

and from my mate Richard…. about Blackie Lawless…
I came not to bring peace, but a sword

Waikato Breweries: 1924 Ford Model T owned by Brian Cossey .

Brian Cossey’s 1924 Model T Ford

My son Roman, his friend Jake, and I had the pleasure of going to Saturday’s ‘Wings and Wheels’ car, motorcycle, and aircraft show held in Thames New Zealand (27-1-24).
We rode in my good friend Simon’s beautiful 1958 Buick Special Coupe.

Unfortunately for me my old camera is on it’s last legs, and as I do not have a smart phone I was unable to take a stream of photos which would have made this blog article more interesting so I have had to snipe some pics off my sons phone for this. The pics of Bryan Cossey’s 1924 Ford Model T were dutifully snapped by my son Roman at my command… thank’s son.

Custom fabricated Sportscar (NZ)

There were plenty of Rad rides on display… plenty of Yank Tanks… an Austin Healy Club had many cool little sports cars there.
Another mate Scotty was with his Mini Club in his British racing green Mini Cooper. There were Military displays, including some small artillery which were fired, and then there were the Arial displays… Harvard’s, Yaks, other high performance stunt planes, some Bi and Triplanes, and the highlight being some cool swoops, rolls etc by a Corsair Warbird.
A truly fabulous looking machine.

A Russian Yak: Photo Roman Wikiriwhi.

Now to the Star of the show… Brian Cossey’s 1924 Model T Ford…
2024 makes this particular Truck 100 years old!

Many of my friends and I myself are huge fans of Waikato Draught Beer, and belong to the social club ‘Friends of Waikato Draught’
This is why Bryan’s Truck caught my eye and captured my affection!
I did not see him at the show and so I have not received any permission from him to blog about his fine Model T Truck yet I hope to track him down in the next few months and have a chat with him about it.
I have questions!

It just so happens that Waikato Draught Ale will be celebrating it’s 100th birthday next year in 2025!
This centennial will celebrate the date Waikato breweries began to sell their *Draught ale* which was not their first beer and thus this centenary is to be distinguished from when Waikato Breweries originally started (back in the late 1800s), and from when they established their NZ Famous Brewery at Bridge St Hamilton Waikato which I believe predates 1912.

It is also to be distinguished from The 100th birthday of Waikato Draughts famous Mascot ‘Willie the Waiter’ Created in 1945, he is currently only 78 years old so will not reach his centennial until 2045 (Only by the grace of God I might live to celebrate that!… here’s hoping!)

The tailgate is particularly interesting as it speaks of a ‘100 year Re-enactment’ held in Wellington and Auckland dated 3rd-7th Nov 2012.
Now I am unfamiliar with the date 1912 being of any significance to Waikato Brewery?
I suspect it has to do with the first Model T Fords arriving in New Zealand as they were Manufactured by Henry Ford from 1908.

You can’t get more Waikato than Waikato Draught!
The Beer has Iconic status in the Waikato region and beyond.
Many of the classic and oldest Pubs have Waikato Draught Emblazoned across them.
Waikato Draught has sponsored Sporting events, esp Rugby for generations… esp the Mooloos.
This puts Brian Cossey’s 1924 Model T into the Epic League in the eyes of the Friends of Waikato Draught!

It is a fact that Waikato Brewery imported the first truck to the Waikato District.
It was a Wichita…

I recommend Waikato Draught fans and Kiwi Beer historians to get hold of a copy of Colin V. Innes fabulous book ‘A Crown For The Lady’… The unravelling of a pioneer story. Moana Press.
It is a must read for Waikato Draught fans and anyone interested in the history of Hamilton, Huntly, Taupri, Teawamutu Ngaruawahia, in particular the business dealings of the Innes family who were pioneer Beer makers who established Waikato Breweries.

Tim Wikiriwhi.
Beer Expert.
New Zealand.

Yours truly.. and my BA Falcon… Ford Rulz!

More from Tim…




Big Hui: Kingites Plot Social Unrest To Maintain Racist Treaty separatism @ Turangawarwae .

All too predictable!
The Kingites are at it again!
The Chamberlain policies of appeasement to Maori radical angst over the past 50 years have had predictable results.
Consecutive governments have proven feeble in the extreme… prime for extortion.
This environment has tended to empower and strengthen within Maoridom leaders who excel in the politics of this extortion, tilling, sowing, and fertilizing the soils of racial division, fake offence, and fraudulent grievance.
Propaganda is now embraced as Gospel… usurping the place of history.
This has become the mainstream ethos embraced universally to a greater or lesser degree.
It is a thought crime to be critical of the ‘Official narrative’… ie… to question the presumption that colonisation was a gigantic racist crime committed against Maori.

The Maori King has actively participated in pushing this narrative, esp in respect to the city of Hamilton… seeking to tear down it’s monuments, efface it’s street names etc.. all part of an ideology of ‘De-colonisation’ whereby Non Maori New Zealanders and their history and their culture are being systematically denigrated and maligned.
Not a single admission that Maori have greatly profited from colonisation is ever admitted.

What’s the Big Hui all about?

Kiingi Tuuheitia, who called the national hui attended by about 10,000 today, later told the crowd their message had been “heard around the world” and warned the government not to tamper with the Treaty of Waitangi in its proposed legislation.”
Click the link (above) to read the NZ Herald’s take on the hui.

The Impetus for this ‘Waitangi’ of the tribes in Ngaruawhia was to discuss and plot what united resistance they intend to mount against the newly formed National-Act-NZ First coalition government that ran for election on promises to halt the Radical Ardern Labour He Pua Pua Agenda she was imposing without mandate from the people of New Zealand… much to their alarm… and for which the people of New Zealand spoke at election time 2023.
Under Ardern Maori Radicalism and institutionalized racism was expanded at a truly staggering pace.
All government departments became Maorified to the point that the average New Zealander did not even know what they stood for any more!
She sought to rob New Zealanders of their control over water… and so much more… All in the dead of night… Employing every trick in the book… the least transparent government ever!

Disgrace: Ex NZ PM Radical Socialist Jacinda Ardern who deserted her party by quitting her post, and hypocritically accepted a Damehood.

By far New Zealand’s worst and most disastrous Prime minister she was however loved by the radical tribal interests and Neo-marxist academics who hate Traditional New Zealand and sought to disfigure and destroy it.
Ardern could see the writing was on the wall and jumped ship rather than face sacking for her treasonous activities by an angry population.
She got off lightly, yet the damage she did… the racial divisions she exacerbated… and the riches and power she apportioned to tribal interests has now placed race relations in dire jeopardy as those vested interests whom have become accustom to enjoying such political advantages will be willing to go extreme lengths to keep hold of them.

Winston Peters (NZ First party), PM Chris Luxon (National Party) , and David Seymour (Act Party) all rode into office promising to end Ardern’s Racial Political Agenda, and to reverse much of what she and previous governments had done.

Now is the time they must deliver on these promises, yet rest assured Waitangi Apartheid will not be dismantled without courage, and unwavering resolve in the face of extreme resistance that could at times spill over into violent protest.

This is what the big Hui is all about!
They are about to unleash the flying monkeys!
The want to unite all their pet radical minions to resist the disestablishment of Treaty separatism!
The Maori King want’s treaty separatism entrenched… for ever!
(Note: The treaty did not separate but united all New Zealanders as One people… *Separatism* is the great lie)
Note also that the Racist radical movement… those who primarily vote for the Maori Party or the Greens do not represent the Maori people but are a minority.
It must be remembered that most Maori are not even registered on the separatist Maori electoral roll but choose to be on the general roll with their fellow Kiwis.

The separatists intend to make it very difficult for the New Government to reform our apartheid system.
They are getting ready to kick up a heck of a big stink!
When it comes to protesting no other single interest lobby group is as well organized or as willing to resort to violence as the Maori Radicals are.
Not even the Radical environmentalists.
The unspoken truth is that Maori Radicalism poses by far the greatest threat to the safety and well being of the New Zealand public.
1000 times more militant and dangerous than so called ‘White supremacy’ which pose such a tiny risk as to be laughable by comparison yet has been hyped up for political purposes.

Depending on how committed the new government is to pushing back institutionalised racial separatism will determine just how extreme the lengths will be that the rabid separatists will go.

Notorious Racist MP Willie Jackson threatened *War!*

This is what extortion looks like!
This is how gangsters operate!
This is what Billions of dollars of treaty settlements have got us… Gratitude? Peace? No! Contempt!
It is via such threats that so many generations of Politicians have shirked the responsibility of Getting rid of the Maori seats in parliament, and all the vile treaty separatism.

The people of New Zealand must be prepared to square off against vicious organised resistance and heroically walk this gauntlet… for our children’s sake!
For the future well being of *All New Zealanders*… including the common Maori who today are mere pawns in a political racket being used by their own corrupt leaders.
The future for New Zealand must be racial unity and harmony… one law for all. One citizenship, not institutionalised racial division, and endless grievance.
Will these three Coalition leaders (two of which are of Maori lineage) have the stones to maintain course for truth and justice in New Zealand in the face of a withering storm?
Probably not.
There are already signs that they are not up to the task… that they will falter… that they will not bind themselves together in an oath to fulfill their election promises and work to put an end to the Waitangi extortion racket, but instead will vacillate and engage in petty politics… none the less those of us Kiwis who are committed to those ends, must put aside any past angst we may harbour about National-Act-NZ First.. and use all our strength, hearts, and minds to embolden them to take on this formidable and urgent task of ending Treaty Separatism and grievance… once and for all!
They need us to have their backs on this one!

My Grandfather Autiti Wikiriwhi and myself at Whakawerawera in the 1980s.

I am committed to this end.
I will endeavor to assist this government to do the right thing, and I encourage all my fellow New Zealanders, including Maori *in this crucial hour* to rally for the side of right and good!
We can see the vested interests who seek to perpetuate separatism and grievance have already mobilized to prevent reform!
We can see that 50 years of appeasements has not brought an end to their malice, endless slanders, and demands!
All it has done has emboldened them and made them a more formidable obstacle to justice and equality… a sore that will never heal because they choose to keep it open and festering!
For that is how they propagate and maintain Racial division and hate!
This manufactured hate shows it’s ugly head at mass protests, hikois, and occupations… under false manufactured claims of oppression… and these spectacles are what timid populist politicians fear most.
Should this government lose it’s nerve again and capitulate it might be decades before another group of leaders express a willingness to push back on Treaty separatism.

I hope I am wrong about this new Government’s resolve.
Christians ought to pray God imbues them with conviction, wisdom, and fortitude… for the task ahead is great, yet so too will be the reward of ending Apartheid to New Zealand and establishing One Law… one citizenship… for all.

On a personal note I want to do my bit for the cause.
I have committed myself to this for 2 1/2 decades and have educated myself on the issues.
I have held public meetings, Contributed to Government Inquiries and Bills, and ran in both Local body and National elections on a policy of establishing Racial equality before the law.
I am also a Libertarian political commentator.
I believe I have much to offer this public discussion for truth, reason, and the moral high ground are soundly on our side.
One united and sovereign nation, one Law for all.

I offer an open invitation to Christopher Luxon, David Seymour, and Winston Peters to meet with them and discuss how I might be of assistance to them in achieving these noble ends.
I won’t hold my breath on them taking up my offer, yet it is sincerely given.

I also offer an open invitation to meet and talk with all and any Iwi or Hapu leadership… including King Tuuheitia, for in truth I am no one’s enemy!
I agreed with much of your address (You tube vid below). I understand your concerns. Many of your insights were legitimate, yet appreciate that 50 years of the politics of separatism has created a divide that makes everything seem like ‘Us against them’, yet that most certainly is not how things should be.
New Zealanders interests are not at variance with each other. We should all respect each others rights as equals.
I am a messenger of good will. I have a message Maori leadership needs to hear because if they truly care about their people’s wellbeing and future rather than just political power for themselves I have a transformative message that has the potential to deliver great gains that Socialism and separatism has utterly failed to deliver.
This is why I have a clear conscience, and speak with boldness, and with urgency. Because as long as the lies and hate that underpin treaty separatism are maintained… the people suffer.
Was there anyone at your Hui who proposed these ideas?
If not the people were not given a full perspective, nor are all options for today’s political climate being considered.

As a Maori Libertarian and Christian I sincerely believe it is in everyone’s best interest… esp Maori to bring Treaty separatism and grievance to an end.
I am willing to lay out how freedom and equality will in no way hinder Maori from full enjoyment of their Culture, on the contrary it will remove from it an association with nasty racist politics.
I believe Maori Leadership can be transformed away from sowing race hate and social unrest towards harmony and true self-empowerment and that this is the real remedy for Maori problems with vice, poverty, and crime because it puts an end to *the victimhood mentality* that is propagated by the Anti-colonisation propagandists, It explodes the myth that politicians and governments are the source of wellbeing and prosperity, and at last makes each individual Maori responsible for their own moral outcomes, and future prosperity.
This is not an easy road… but it is the truth!
It is the only road out of the valley… to Peace.

Treaty separatism is a scam and a trap!
Lets speak the truth!
It’s time to face the Racist Radicals and defeat their lies!
It’s time for true liberation!
It’s time for New Zealanders to restore our Unity and Fraternity.

Note: In a Free Society it is a right to speak freely your opinion, and to protest *peacefully*… that is how you maintain your legitimacy and Mana.
Never allow yourself to be deceived by political stirrers into becoming violent or destroying property.
I ask Maori youth to not allow themselves to be used as political pawns to prop up a racist political system but instead to support one law for all.

We are about to be tested as a nation.
Have the people of New Zealand the spine and the resolve to face the outrage the hateful racist Maori Radicals are about to unleash for the sake of restoring New Zealand back to the envy of the world… God’s own?
Or will we cower before the haters… the noisy racists who seek to render all non-Maori as second class subjects,,, forever???

Tim Wikiriwhi
Christian Libertarian.

More from Tim.

A Submission In Opposition To The Electoral (Entrenchment Of Maori Seats) Amendment Bill








The Exploding Ford Pinto Scandal Was NOTHING Compared To What’s Happening Today : Uncle Tony’s Garage.

Remember the Ford Pinto Scandal? Ford knew the Pintos were dangerous but did the math and chose to hide the truth and release the car anyways…
Now Fast forward to Electric vehicles…
Watch Uncle Tony’s video below…

Now watch a second video by Uncle Tony’s Garage about an EV fire at Cook’s Beach, Coromandal, New Zealand in which a EV caught fire while charging.
Yet the Fire investigators report was that the fire started ‘somewhere else’ in the home… yet Neighbours caught the event on camera and the fire definitely originated in the garage!

This appears to be a possible example of the truth about the dangers of EV’s being kept out of the Public spotlights… for political reasons… to minimise public resistance to the destruction of the Oil based Transport being replaced with what we are supposed to imagine as being ‘the safer cleaner, greener Electric alternative.

Politicians setting absurd deadlines for fleets to be electrified, rather than allowing the technology to safely progress at its own pace without political pressure cannot help but cost countless lives! We are seeing this same insanity right across Western Society as Woke Globalists seek to skew Reality to suit their own insane Socialist agendas.

Western society truly is filled with wooly headed idiots to let these Political charlatans destroy our societies over fake climate change hysteria!

Tim Wikiriwhi
Christian Libertarian.

The 1893 World’s Fair . Culture Critic.

Story shared here by permission of Culture Critic on X.
From here.

This is what Chicago was supposed to look like.

It looked this way during the 1893 World’s Fair – one of the most monumental events in American history.

The 19th and 20th century expositions were mighty celebrations of human achievement, congregating people from around the world to showcase leaps forward in culture and technology. Expos still take place today, but they declined in appeal after WW1.

The most impressive of all was the first exposition in Chicago. Some 27 million people attended over 6 months, when the city’s population was only 1 million and visitors did not have the luxury of air travel.

The fair was dedicated to the 400th anniversary of Columbus’s arrival in the Americas – a fitting moment to celebrate the onward march of civilization, during a time when the cultural and geopolitical torch was passing from Europe to the New World. Upstaging the extravagance of the previous fair in Paris, during which the Eiffel Tower was unveiled, was paramount.

In just two years (and without power tools), some 200 neoclassical buildings were erected in and around Jackson Park. Dubbed the “White City” for its gleaming façades, it far exceeded the grandeur of previous events. The structures were spread around a system of artificial lagoons and waterways, on which visitors zipped around on Venetian-style gondolas.

Most structures were built from a mixture of plaster, cement and jute, and intended to be temporary – which is why few remain today. The Palace of Fine Arts is still standing, but this was one of few built primarily from brick. Inside, representatives from 46 different countries exhibited their achievements in technology, science, industry, and the arts.

1893 was also a glimpse into the future – it was the first exposition lit solely by electricity, and most Americans had yet to witness the new technology. In a triumphal moment, President Cleveland switched on the power at the opening of the fair, bathing the White City in light at the push of a button.

The 65-foot “Statue of The Republic” (pictured) was the crowning monument, unveiled from drapery that was hoisted away when Cleveland hit the button. It was an allegory of American Exceptionalism – an eagle perching atop a globe in its right hand (suggesting the nation’s supremacy) and a staff topped by a Phrygian cap in its left (a symbol of liberty from antiquity). At the time, it was the largest statue ever made in America.

After the fair ended and most of its structures dismantled, the wonderful colossus was ordered to be destroyed because its gold-gilded exterior was beginning to wear. Apparently too costly to maintain, it was razed in a secret ceremony. The statue you see in Jackson Park today is a smaller, 24-foot replica.

Tim Wikiriwhi: I’m Uriah Heep’s latest Fan…

Uriah Heep once was concidered Deep Purple’s Equals… but not today.
Today they are rarely herd and their members are not known like Ian Gillan, John Lord of Deep Purple.
For years I tried to dig what made Uriah Heep’s Reputation for being the only credible competion Deep Purple faced… yet to no avail.
Every time I listened to them I could not get into the groove.
Well in the last month that has changed.
I’m now a full Uriah Heep Fan and understand why… Only now have my ears become in tune to their wares… and I am quite frankly bewildered as to why it took me so long!
This is just a ruff draft of this post written at 12.32am on a working nite.
I intend to fill this one in with a lot more details…

Tim Wikiwhi…


Give me Liberty, or give me Death!