Back to basics


This meme has been doing the rounds of drug law reform social networks. Regular readers may have seen it once or twice already.

In this post I want to consider the message that this meme is sending to young people. And what this meme means for drug law reformers in general and for libertarians in particular.

Drugs can ruin your life

For sure. Drugs can, and do, harm people. Drug harms can be measured. See, for example, the Nutt scale. And drug harms can be prevented.

so if I catch you with them I’m sending you to jail and ruining your life.

One way to prevent drug harms is to prevent people from taking drugs. One way to prevent people from taking drugs is to send them to jail. But being sent to jail ruins your life.

The harms caused by criminalising drug use can also be measured and it turns out that the cure is worse than the disease. Prohibition doesn’t work. The War on Drugs™ is an expensive, epic failure. The harms caused by criminalising drugs outweigh and/or add to and exacerbate the harms caused by the drugs themselves.

So say the majority of drug law reformers. In the interests of harm minimisation, we must abandon the failed policy of prohibition and try a new approach to preventing drug harms. The three pillars of harm minimisation are demand reduction, supply control and problem limitation. So we must educate (to reduce demand), regulate (to control supply) and treat (to limit problems).

But wait! Who’s being forced to pay for all this harm minimisation? Asks the libertarian. Since when was harm minimisation a proper role of government? The proper role of government is to uphold our rights, not to save us from ourselves.

Drugs can ruin your life

The stock libertarian response is, if you’re worried that drugs can ruin your life, don’t take them. In other words, so what?

so if I catch you with them I’m sending you to jail and ruining your life.

It’s the bottom bit of the message that ought to make libertarians sit up and take notice. The proper role of government is to uphold our rights, not to save us from ourselves, and certainly not to violate our rights by sending us to jail! Governments can and do catch people with drugs, send them to jail and ruin their lives. Governments harm people by doing that. Governments shouldn’t harm people. So it turns out that harm minimisation is a proper role of government, after all.

I briefly looked at the types of harms governments should try to minimise in a previous post.

The overarching goal of the [New Zealand government’s National Drug] Policy, to prevent and reduce the harms that are linked to drug use, is a noble one. However, we must distinguish between three main kinds of drug-related harms

1. Harms which individuals inflict upon themselves, or inflict upon others with their consent
2. Harms which individuals inflict upon others without their consent
3. Harms which governments inflict upon their citizens

Libertarianz says that the government should not seek to save people from themselves, and most certainly should not harm its own citizens. The government should seek to bring to justice those who commit thefts, assaults, rapes and murders, whether such criminal acts are drug-fuelled or not.

It’s by focussing on this third category that I believe we can, as libertarians, make a contribution to National Drug Policy while maintaining our philosophical integrity.

Harm minimisation is a proper role of government, but only the minimisation of certain harms and not others. Minimising the harms we inflict upon ourselves is not the legitimate business of the state. Minimising the harms the state inflicts on its own citizens is very much the legitimate business of the state. Governments ought to be forced to take the Hippocratic Oath! Above all, do no harm.


Last year, the New Zealand government did what seemed to be a very libertarian thing. It stood back and let us get on with the business of harming ourselves by smoking untested, unsafe, novel synthetic cannabinoids. This month, the New Zealand government apparently reverted to its authoritarian ways and banned the sale and use of all synthetic cannabinoids until further notice.

All is not as it seems. By allowing us to harm ourselves, the government was inflicting harm on us!

How so? What I just said is bound to sound paradoxical, or even duplicitous, unless you stand back and get the bigger picture. In my previous post, syndicated from Life Behind The IRon Drape, Mark Hubbard stands back and gets the bigger picture.

This is what the 119 that I declared a philosophical war upon, have done. They legalised a line of hardcore addictive drugs in the league of P or heroin, nothing similar to the non-toxic, non-addictive, medicinal cannabis that many other countries are sensibly legalising, and then by keeping cannabis criminalised they successfully addicted possibly thousands of mainly young Kiwis to the equivalent of heroin, because by taking the legal heroin they would not face the force of the law, or lose their jobs, unlike smoking cannabis for which they would be convicted in the government war on drugs. So government policy addicted them to heroin, and I’ll keep making this point …

Context is important. He who would trade safely implemented and lasting drug law reform for some temporary liberty, deserves neither. Sometimes, a little freedom is a dangerous thing.


I’m given to understand that this revised meme is what most of my fellow drug law reform activists are fighting for. Well, being sent to rehab is better than being sent to jail, isn’t it? I suppose so.

Toto, I’ve a feeling we’re not in Libertopia any more.


The police officer in the picture is Anthony DiPonzio of the Rochester Police Department in New York. DiPonzios is both a perpetrator and a victim in the War on Drugs™. In 2009

DiPonzio, 23, was shot in the back of the head on a city street after questioning a few people about alleged drug activity on Saturday, Jan. 31. Tyquan Rivera, 14, of 65 Dayton St., Rochester, turned himself in to Rochester police Tuesday, Feb. 3. He will be tried as a juvenile and could face up to 10 years in prison if convicted.

“We are pleased to share that officer DiPonzio continues to make significant progress in recovering from his serious wound. He is speaking this morning, and we are very pleased with his notably improving condition, which is far ahead of where we expected him to be at this point.”

“He has made such significant progress that – based on his current condition – we anticipate he will be able to transfer from Rochester General Hospital to Unity Health System’s Brain Injury Rehabilitation Unit early next week.”


Immigration is dependent on ownership

If an island is owned by one person then just immigration to that island is dependent on the will of the owner.

If a group of islands is owned by one person then just immigration to those islands is dependent on the will of the owner.

If a group of islands is owned by a group of people then just immigration to those islands is dependent on the will of the owners.

New Zealand is a group of islands owned by a group of people – Just immigration to New Zealand is dependent on the will of the owners.

Immigration is dependent on ownership.
Freedom is only relevant if it is the owners’ will (or duty).

Let’s see where this goes…

Legal Heroin Ban: PSA and the Evil of Politics.


It’s a great relief to me that at least one of my libertarian friends gets it.

This compelling piece on the diabolical Psychoactive Substances Act by atheist blogger and fellow freedom fighter Mark Hubbard is so good, I’m syndicating it.

Be sure to check out more of Mark’s blog. I wish I had more time to read his posts.

Legal Heroin Ban: PSA and the Evil of Politics.

I wish I had more time to write this post.

Search this blog for the Psychoactive Substances Bill, animal welfare, or animal testing, and you’ll see around the time that 119 of New Zealand’s 120 members of Parliament were enacting infamy, their egos driving them for a world first, I was warning them of the inhumanity they were about to force on us. Although now that the results of legalising synthetic, toxic poison – on the heinous principle of animal testing for our human recreation- has been in place for less than a year, even I am left breathless at the devastation and misery that has been caused.

This is what the 119 that I declared a philosophical war upon, have done. They legalised a line of hardcore addictive drugs in the league of P or heroin, nothing similar to the non-toxic, non-addictive, medicinal cannabis that many other countries are sensibly legalising, and then by keeping cannabis criminalised they successfully addicted possibly thousands of mainly young Kiwis to the equivalent of heroin, because by taking the legal heroin they would not face the force of the law, or lose their jobs, unlike smoking cannabis for which they would be convicted in the government war on drugs. So government policy addicted them to heroin, and I’ll keep making this point, heroin, which is what I’m calling it from now on, because that’s what this drek is: these MP’s have been hiding behind the euphemisms legal high and synthetic cannabis for too long. They legalised a hardcore, psychosis forming, addictive drug while keeping the harmless option criminalised.

And then much worse. Because it’s election year, and Campbell Live has been exposing the ruined lives that have been addicted to legal heroin, Labour decided it would be a vote catcher to announce a policy of banning it. Not to be outdone, merely minutes before Labour announcing its ban yesterday, the instigator of legal heroin, Peter Dunne, whose son, remember, is the foremost legal representative to the legal heroin industry, in a knee-jerk political action announced his own ban of all 41 legal brands of heroin currently on sale, from two weeks hence.

Now, hands up those who understand addiction, who believe that these new government created addicts are going to miraculously stop taking their heroin fix in two weeks? Of course they’re not: they can’t. No what Dunne has done with the ill-thought out ban, as the solution to his incompetent, ill-thought out legislation, is deliver a brand new customer base to organised crime; the violent gangs whom will happily take up supply at some magnitude of the current price, meaning a burglary crime wave is also headed our way. (Perhaps young James Dunne better line up his legal aide application.)

Has there been a better example of the evil transacted by government in New Zealand in our recent history? Noting an important point made by one tweeter that opposition to the Psychoactive Substances Act, is still consistent with the belief I hold that prohibition does not work: it’s just that in this case government policy actually forced users to take the most harmful of drugs, by keeping harmless cannabis criminalised. As I write in too many of my posts; you can’t make this stuff up. Thousands of lives ruined chasing world first law-making – that is, one man’s ego – which is a disaster, and yet still, despite the evidence world-wide, including the states in the US seemingly experiencing no problems with cannabis legalisation, not a single MP in New Zealand talking of legalising non-toxic, non-addictive cannabis, to perhaps keep some of these new heroin addicts out of the clutches of the gangs while the ban is on. (Or forget the PSA, at the very least, to look at putting cannabis into hospitals to help manage the side-affects of cancer treatments, and many other of the medicinal uses cannabis has.)

I revise my former oft used epigraph by saying we’re something a lot worse than a kindy of a country.

There are some questions I will quickly recite to end, but first another principled point. This post is all about ethics, but the MSM and majority of the political blogs will cynically write this up as part of the political game: who announced the ban first, how will it affect election chances et al. Most, other than John Campbell – and good on you John – will forget the addicts. This blog is probably considered by most as a political blog, which is ironic, as I hate politics, and politicians who are taking us all at pace from the free, civilised society, to their brave new world of politick, which is a slave pit where the masses are kept chilled with legal heroin. Aldous Huxley got it right. Was Peter Dunne concerned with the addicts here? Hell no, his reply to Labour MP Iain Lees-Galloway on that party’s proposed bill:

There’s no victory here Peter, we’re all losers. If there is one bit of justice out of this it will be your disappearance after this year’s general election.

Questions for the 119 MPs:

Dunne has stated all current 41 heroins will be banned until they pass the test of ‘low or no risk’: however as the legal heroin industry pointed out last night in a tweet, there are still no guidelines set out by our inept law makers as to what constitutes low or no risk. So what is this criteria? And after that, show factually why the plant cannabis does not comply, because I’m willing to bet it does, and you won’t need to test a single animal for that, just look at cannabis use by humans over the last 6,000 years, with not one recorded death from toxicity.

I originally wrote on this Act when in bill form from the point of view of the cruel animal testing it proposed, which via a series of nationwide protests, Kiwis thankfully showed themselves to be implacably against, to the extent that to this stage no animals have been tortured for our recreation under the Psychoactive Substances Act. However in the last tweet from Mojo Mathers to myself, she stated that the expert advisory panel set up to look at the testing of this heroin was still stuck on – the barbarity – of using animals for reproductive testing, thus animal testing is still on the laboratory table.

I suspect there will now be huge pressure to use animal testing as a way to get one of these heroin brands back into the shops, and the economics of this has been changed. Formerly the cost of testing was prohibitive, however that cost is now tempered by the carrot of getting a single heroin to market, and so a legal monopoly.

Will every one of the infamous 119 MP’s who voted for this monstrosity, please put on record if you are going to allow a single animal to be harmed under the Psychoactive Substances Act. Don’t you worry responding Peter Dunne: I’ve realised via this you’re a vainglorious, ego driven man who couldn’t care less about an animal’s welfare (or a human’s as it has ended up.)

Signing off in my usual disgust.

What is real?

The person without the Spirit does not accept the things that come from the Spirit of God but considers them foolishness, and cannot understand them because they are discerned only through the Spirit. (NIV)

In what sense is the world “real”? What are we asking, when we ask that question?

Anna Salamon doesn’t know. I don’t know. Perhaps Jordan Peterson knows.

I’m going to talk to you today about a different way of looking at what real is.

It’s not easy to figure out what real is because we don’t really have infinite knowledge and so we’re always making some sets of presuppositions about what’s most real.

It really matters what you assume is most real because you base the decisions that you make, that run the entire course of your life, on those assumptions, whether you recognise it or not. And if you get the assumptions wrong, or even if you leave them incomplete, you’re going to pay a big price for it.

See also The Naturalist and the Supernaturalist.

Swallowing Brontosauri: The great fossil fuel delusion.


^^^^ Hahahaha…. on whom is the Joke really?

Many years ago I herd a very interesting theory, which immediately struck a chord.
Simply put … It made much more sense than the common assumptions.
What is un-questioningly accepted as Scientific Fact and ‘Common wisdom’ is patently absurd.

What am I on about?
Oil and Gas are falsely assumed to be a fossil fuels…. the reality is *there are no Fossil Fuels!*
They are all simply naturally occurring accumulations of Organic compounds of which the Earth is made.

The idea that Oil and gas reserves are the remains of Prehistoric Creatures and vegetation which were somehow buried in massive deposits before decomposition is quite frankly Ridiculous!


Apart from the fact that you can make make oil, gas, and coal via industrial processes from Wood, etc,
the delusion that Oil and Gas are ‘fossil fuels’ was argued from the fact that oil samples under a microscope revealed ‘cellular’ materials.
Yet it later turned out that these Biological ‘bits and pieces’ are not the remnants of Dinosaurs and trees (as supposed, and taught to the Masses) but are the remnants of Bacteria which have since been discovered to live in the Oil deep down below the surface of the Earth.

What is known as Earth’s ‘Biosphere’ … the regions of which Living organisms may be found extends from deep within the Earth itself right up into High altitudes of the atmosphere.
Thermopiles have been found living as deep as 5km underground.

And recent discoveries in Space exploration are now rendering the Fossil fuel hypothesis even more untenable.
Surely the Lie cannot continue much longer… can it???

Just recently vast quantities of liquid “hydrocarbons’ have been discovered in places like Saturn’s moon Titan … and because there have never existed living creatures on theses moons…. it proves that Hydrocarbons form in abundance within our solar system via other natural processes… On Earth carbon is converted internally under heat and pressure etc.
On Titan, it is the cold which liquefies the naturally abundant Gases and ‘Oils’ rain from the sky and form lakes, etc.
All it takes is the right conditions… no Dinosaurs… no forests required.

Suspicion that Oil was not a Fossil fuel has been suspected for Decades… even longer, yet the belief persisted and is perpetuated because it suits the Oil companies to sell it at a premium, and to the Doomsday Greenies whom cry out that ‘fossil fuels’ are a Non-renewable resource that are being Rapaciously consumed… that there is an Oil crisis ahead… and so Capitalism must be stopped, and that heavy handed State control of these ‘limited Resources’ was essential to prevent the eminent ‘Dooms Day’ … The collapse of modern civilisation and Technology…. and a reversion back into the dark age.

These are the same freaks whom also push ‘Climate change’ hysteria…. which also according to them is fast bringing Global catastrophe…. and so…. ‘surprise surprise’… requires the State to seize control of all the worlds resources and restrain Human liberty.
Putting an end to the assumed Decadence of owning your own Gas guzzers with Ginormous ‘Carbon footprints’… etc


Yet there is no crisis (At least not from Green house gasses or a shortage of Oil!)… no need to surrender the world to a Global Fascist/Commy State….alias Leviathan.

Oil and Gas are constantly being made within the Earth’s crust… out of the Earth itself.
Drained reservoirs refill.
The Idea that Oil and Gas are ‘fossil fuels is one of the great myths of our age.
It demonstrates Humanities infinite capacity to swallow Brontosaurus sized delusions and politically manufactured pseudo-science.
Yet because the Fossil fuel myth it is so utterly believed by the great bulk of humanity, I know that not many people reading this will believe me.
They will say I’m Nuts.
How dare I question the orthodox view?

I on the other hand am wondering how long will these Jurassic delusions continue?

Hitler has been sited as saying… “the Bigger the Lie, the more people will believe it.”

Another saying is…
‘… a person is more likely to continue to believe a lie he has herd a thousand times rather than the truth he has herd only once’.

I wonder what sort of Comments this Blog post will elicit

Tim Wikiriwhi.


Rock legend and good guy Glenn Hughes pays his respects at Ronnie James Dio 4th year memorial.

Horns Up Rocks Iron Maiden Dio Holy Diver

Yesterday in New Zealand is today in the US, and so it was the 4th anniversary of Dio’s death.
His friend and Rock Superstar Glenn Hughes of both Deep Purple and Black Sabbath fame posted a pic (at bottom) on his facebook page of his attendance at Dio’s memorial.

As a long time Fan of both Dio and Hughes I am grateful to Glenn for bringing this date back to my mind… Individual lives matter….

Glenn Hughes is not only a Rock legend, but also a self confessed Reformed arsehole.
He admits that in his younger days he was a Drunken arrogant prick… yet with Age he has also gained in wisdom and humanity, and now is a super Nice guy… who only wants to spread love and peace.


Facebook is truly a modern wonder as it allows the whole world to connect in a very cool and intimate way.
Glenn takes the trouble to share his daily doings, and what is even more amazing is the fact that he actually responds directly to many of his fans questions.
I had a Buzz one day when I asked him on FB if he had known Rory Gallagher, to which he responded… “Yes. He was a Dear Friend”.
Howz That for Cool!???
I got to chat for 5 seconds with one of my most revered Rockers.
Cheers FaceBook!

I personally am in awe of Hughes contributions to Deep Purple, believing Him to be their greatest vocalist… which is really saying something considering he beats legends David Coverdale and Ian Gillan.

And Hughes is still working Professionally in his New Band California Breed and doing heaps of independent stuff with Guys like Slash.


I have wanted to write a blog post about Glenn Hughes for some time now as he really is such a nice Bloke these days, and his attendance at Dio’s memorial was the perfect op.
It also gave me another excuse to put up a Dio tube vid on ‘Eternal vigilance’ in Memorial of his passing.
I have enjoyed Dio’s work for decades.

I do worry about where Ronny is now.
I know that ‘RocknRoll Rebels’ Like Dio and Ozzy are Show men acting out a Part for the entertainment of Fans… that these sorts of artists rarely… truly worship Satan, yet it still scares me that they face eternity without calling upon the Name of Christ… the Lamb of God he sent to save us sinners from paying the price of our own evils.
I fear Ronny did not grasp his own need for Christ… Satan laughing spreads his wings. 🙁

Sadly Dio’s opportunity to receive Christ has passed… hopefully…. secretly… sometime when he was alive he had a moment of clarity… and did ask God to forgive him in Christ’s name.
It is something we all must do.
Ozzy and Glenn still have the opportunity to do so.

Being reformed arseholes is not sufficient to redeem our souls from Divine Judgement for our evil deeds.
We all need to look to the Cross of Christ.
This is not the popular image of ‘Satanic Rebellion’ which so many people have been duped into believing is ‘cool’ … yet it is the *only* way, the truth, and the life.
We can only enter heaven on God’s terms… not ours.

It is my one of my greatest hopes to be able to communicate these truths to my Rock n roll Icons.
Maybe facebook will be the conduit of God’s love, peace, and grace towards them.
Alice Cooper, Dave Mustaine, and Brian Welch all figured this out and are now saved by God’s love and Grace.
I sincerely hope this list grows.

Tim Wikiriwhi.
Christian Libertarian.

Glenn Huges ‘Today’ and Dio’s 4th anniversary memorial.

Update: 22-5-14
Great News!
Glenn Hughes Confesses Christ!

From Facebook: “I don’t talk about religion on the Internet .. I know who is my saviour – and I walk with him daily .. It’s in my autobiography .. Some people don’t understand about GOD ,or want to know .. You all know my belief”

Wow! That was news to me and so I Googled ‘Glenn Hughes a Christian’…. and this was on one of the hits…

Commenting on his short stint with Black Sabbath…

“I’m a Christian, I’ve always been a Christian; we know about the alcohol and the drugs but that’s another story. And I didn’t really feel comfortable singing dark stuff…”

You can read more about it >>>Here.<<< This is Fantastic news! Read more... Hell is for the Self Righteous, Heaven is for Sinners.

Jimi vs Jesus.

The Jaws of Hell. H R Giger

Alice Cooper Goes to Hell. Nek Minnit!

Megadeths Dave Mustaine is a Christian.

Brian Welch: From Korn to Jesus

The Gospel of God’s Grace.

Nat’s Orwellian Budget. Bikers pay the price for stupid Laws in more ways than $$$

my memes

I had to make up this Meme having herd that National is dropping the ACC levy of Cars registrations, which is always a positive thing.
Yet still they have not moved an iota on Motorcycle Levies… which are exorbitant.

This situation smacks of favouritism, and thus is typical Socialism in action.
The rationale appears to be that ‘Cars are Righteous, but Motorbikes are evil’.
Never mind the fact that a great % of Motor cycle injuries are caused by Cars, Trucks, tractors, and all the Shit they spread over the roads, and all the pot holes they create, etc, etc.
Frigging 4 wheeled freaks whom pull out of intersections without looking properly.
Bikers flying off the road avoiding Olde Muppets whom who are a danger to themselves and everyone else.
If I ever get that old and stupid… please take my keys off me!
I dont wana kill a young Dad on his day off.


Bikers are a victim minority of Populist delusions and prejudices, and are accordingly being raped by the Government.
National is obviously making policy with the up and coming election in mind rather than any concern for justice.
This Registration fee reduction is in really a ruse, because they are still borrowing 75 million per week…. which we will still have to pay back, plus the growing interest of well in access of 1 billion per year on this ever expanding government debt.
So please Ye Car fans… dont start clapping for National… they are playing yall like chumps.


Because on average I only get out on my bike about once a month, with insurance and registration, it costs me $100.00 per ride before I even turn the Key… before Gas, Tyres, Pies, Etc.
I pay over $50.00 per ride just for road rego!
It’s a Bloody Rip off!
I dont mind the Insurance so much, but greatly detest ACC, whom also take pleasure in raping me for the crime of being a self-employed Engineer.
I would much rather have all my taxes and Levies refunded which the Government extorts from me under the pretence of supplying me ‘a healthcare package’, and buy Private health insurance instead.

And true to Realecconomics… by driving up the cost of Bike registrations, the Rapist government have inadvertently encouraged people not to bother registering their bikes… and so the Government is actually collecting Less revenues!
They have created more outlaw bikers.
More bikers now choose to run the risk of riding unregistered bikes.
Bikers whom used to register more than one bike, instead keep some on hold.


Another way Bikers pay for the ignorance of politician Law makers is regarding the Speed limit.
Bikers are paying for naïve heavy handedness in blood.

I believe Motor cycles ought to be allowed to do 120kph on highways, because I say this would reduce many Cycle accidents which are caused by ridiculous speed restrictions and ‘Hazard County police’ who ‘write their own Rules’ and enforce a pitiful 4kph over speed margin… claiming this Hard line reduces the Road Toll.
Well it doesn’t!
This gimmick has been proven false.
The Road toll is not improved by this crap… all that happens is that the Cops collect more Speed Taxes.
Such patently absurd targets as ‘Zero deaths’ on holidays just goes to show what sort of Bullshit excuses are used to justify Raping us on our days off!
The only way you can expect zero Deaths is by having zero people using the roads!
On Labour weekend 2013 there was one death, the lowest number on record,and the police were quick to take the credit for this as being vindication for their Heavy handedness… despite a myriad of other factors being involved… esp less people than usual travelling, yet having employed this tactic over many more breaks, it has proven that this low result was an anomaly and that enforcing a lower speed limit was not a decisive strategy.


One reason I believe that such simplistic rational fails is because the Speed restrictions on Highways… and the Legions of Ticket issuers just waiting to pounce means that Bikers now avoid these Good roads where it is Safe to travel at speed, and instead Ride the Back roads which are inevitably poory maintained, poorly signed, and not designed for speed.
Plus they encounter far more rural hazards… Cattle, Tractors, Cyclists, etc.
And it is on these Back roads that Bikers are doing 120kph+.

Riding slow can be dangerous too because it is so friggin boring that you are in danger of falling asleep.
Some people may mock me for saying this …. but it’s true.
It’s like when you are at work, and sit down for afternoon smoko … you start to nod off and it’s hard to find the energy to Finnish off that last hours of your shift.
You become complacent and stop thinking… too relaxed… not focused.
This happens when you are not fully engaged in your riding… bored… in the afternoons and evenings.
Yet when you can get some speed on, your blood flows through your veins and your focus is sharper.

Thus I argue that these are the sort of reasons that Lower speed limits dont make the road a safer place, and these Laws actually work to make riding less safe.
The Highways are far safer to travel on big Cruisers, and as such I argue a more tolerant speed limit would greatly improve Riding Stats.
Everyone knows Bikers are already doing these speeds anyway.

Tim Wikiriwhi.

Colorado calling. Cannabis is safer, let’s treat it that way.


At last, NORML has come to its senses! The befuddling effects of the synthetic cannabinoids they’ve been smoking must be starting to wear off after last week’s ban. 😀

I’m very pleased to see that NORML is now turning away from the failed experiment that was the Psychoactive Substances Act and is now looking to Colorado’s pioneering cannabis law reform efforts as a model for sensible, workable drug law reform. Homegrown is not necessarily better!

The line-up of speakers for the conference is … interesting, to say the least! 😎

Circle the wagons! Early bird registration fee is $35 if paid by Sunday 8 June. See y’all there, folks!


Colorado calling … must be time for some Denver deathgrind! Here’s Cephalic Carnage with a “crazy concoction of truly experimental grindcore, death metal, and jazz”. 🙂

Give me Liberty, or give me Death!