Sexual Pollution

This is how I see the sexual culture that surrounds me…

I can hardly watch TV with my kids anymore (TV hasn’t changed, they’re just older and have older tastes). They think all this shit is normal. I hate it.

It’s not just the sexual images that I object to – it’s the messages. Sex and marriage are constantly  cheapened – sex outside marriage is constantly promoted – everything is deliberately sexualised in an effort to influence us. What chance do my kids have of having unpolluted fulfilling marriages?

And it’s not just TV (and the internet and books and billboards) it’s the people – friends, family, my kids’ fellow students, teachers, etc.

dirty water

This is the culture that I live in and I have no choice but to consume at least some pollution.


Thunderstruck Tuesday

I used to think the unforgiveable sin was Metallica’s Black Album. It’s not.

Wherefore I say unto you, All manner of sin and blasphemy shall be forgiven unto men: but the blasphemy against the Holy Ghost shall not be forgiven unto men.

And whosoever speaketh a word against the Son of man, it shall be forgiven him: but whosoever speaketh against the Holy Ghost, it shall not be forgiven him, neither in this world, neither in the world to come. (KJV)

It’s unforgiveable sins. Exit Sandman? Satan laughing spreads his wings.

I’ve got big boobs


Angie Schuller Wyatt (pictured above) is the author of God and Boobs: Balancing Faith and Sexuality. is Angie Schuller Wyatt’s website and also a Faceboob page.

Angie Schuller Wyatt is the granddaughter of celebrated televangelist Dr. Robert H Schuller.
Did we go from Hour of Power to breasts like towers in just two generations? I think we did.



What does the Bible say about breasts? What does my co-blogger Tim (pictured above) say about breasts? More than the Bible. His cups runneth over. Breasts have long been one of Tim’s good keen manly interests, but Standing up for Justice more important than Personal Ambitions.

AC/DC is not a cup size. They’re ballbreaking Aussie rock legends! AC/DC wrote the song Big Balls which was the musical accompaniment to my other post I’ve got big balls. So I think big boobs should be the musical accompaniment to this one. (This is the breast cover of an AC/DC song I’ve ever seen.)

Et tu Brute? What is Scientism: William Lane Craig


Take care in whom/what you trust…

Read more… The Rusty cage of Scientism

Faith, Science, and Reason. The Pomposity of Atheism.

Science goes Ga Ga! The Spirit Temple-Material Interface. The Human Brain.

David Berlinski—Atheism and its Scientific Pretensions


The wise man build’s his house upon the Rock of God’s infallible word!….

Read more>>>The Divine Rock of Revelation<<<

Syrian Shit Sandwiches: Allied to Bin Stalin.

In League with Lucifer….
Is my Enemies Enemy …my friend?
In war… do expedients trump Ideals?

The Syrian mess.
The Rebels have a just cause against the Tyrant, yet does victory for their cause justify their allying themselves with Al Qaeda?
How does this effect the righteousness of their cause?
Some would say…. Such a pact with Satan negates their whole enterprise…. yet I was thinking about this today… and curiously my mind turned to WW2 and Churchill’s and Roosevelt’s pact with Stalin …. for the sake of defeating Hitler.


Hitler was defeated… yet does this justify Churchill’s and Roosevelt’s getting into bed with such a monster????

We all know that after the War Stalin became the greatest threat to Western civilisation and that the ‘Cold war’… and other communists conflicts in Korea, Vietnam, etc gained support from the USSR…. yet I would be interested in hearing opinions from those who oppose supporting the Syrian rebels because they are allied to Al Qeada…. yet condone the Pact between the Allies and the USSR in WW2.
What would have happened had Stalin been left unsupported and Hitler had been allowed to Conquer the USSR…. simply because Churchill and Roosevelt had refused to ‘ally’ with Stalin?????

Should not the Rebels accept help from Al Qeada to defeat Bashar al-Assad… and after that… take on Al Qaeda…. just as we did with the USSR *after* WW2?

Do you appreciate the dilemma I am presenting to ye who castigate the Syrian rebels on the basis that they have accepted aid from Al Qaeda?

I would be interested to hear what ye Arm Chair Field Marshals, Sages, and Peaceniks have to say on such matters.

If you condone the pact made with Stalin… for the expedience of defeating Hitler…. should you not also sympathise with the Syrian Rebels allying themselves with Al Qaeda?

How do you think Churchill felt having to rub shoulders with such a vile degenerate as Stalin???

Satan Laughing spreads his wings….

The little brown saint

Mohandas K. Gandhi ;Manilal Gandhi ;Mrs. Kanu Gandhi;Pyarelal;Sita Gandhi;Sushila Pai;Raj Kumari

A few words from Mahatma Mohandas Karamchand Gandhi (2 October 1869 – 30 January 1948).

Among the many misdeeds of the British rule in India, history will look upon the act depriving a whole nation of arms as the blackest.

It is better to be violent, if there is violence in our hearts, than to put on the cloak of nonviolence to cover impotence.

The weak can never forgive. Forgiveness is the attribute of the strong.

A coward is incapable of exhibiting love; it is the prerogative of the brave.


If we could change ourselves, the tendencies in the world would also change. As a man changes his own nature, so does the attitude of the world change towards him. … We need not wait to see what others do.

You assist an unjust administration most effectively by obeying its orders and decrees. An evil administration never deserves such allegiance. Allegiance to it means partaking of the evil. A good person will resist an evil system with his whole soul. Disobedience of the laws of an evil state is therefore a duty.

I’m a lover of my own liberty, and so I would do nothing to restrict yours. I simply want to please my own conscience, which is God.

Freedom is never dear at any price. It is the breath of life. What would a man not pay for living?

What’s the dirt on Gandhi? Apart from this, I can’t find much at all. I’m both pleased and surprised. Perhaps Gandhi really is untouchable?! (It has always been a mystery to me how men can feel themselves honoured by the humiliation of their fellow beings.)

Fucked by major burns

Another P lab explodes in Auckland. They should just legalise it.

[Reprised from beNZylpiperazine, April 2006.]

What do Niki Lauda, Hot Lips Houlihan and, now, a growing number of clandestine lab technicians have in common?

Drug cooks with acute burns from P lab explosions are bumping other patients off surgery waiting lists and costing taxpayers millions of dollars, says the Sunday Star Times.

“A 70 per cent burn takes five months of treatment and will cost $700,000 to treat,” says Waikato Hospital clinical director of plastic surgery and burns, Chris McEwan. “Its impact on our ability to manage the rest of our patient load is absolutely significant. It may delay the treatment of other patients by a considerable length of time.”

The public health system is in enough financial trouble already, without this. So what’s the government to do? We need go no further than the government’s National Drug Policy to find the obvious answer.

The National Drug Policy aims to improve the health and wellbeing of New Zealanders by encouraging the development of strategies and programmes which prevent and reduce drug-related harm.

Harm minimisation is where it’s at. How can we reduce the number of scorched P cooks presenting at A & E departments around the country? The approach that’s been tried, and has manifestly failed, is to criminalise the manufacture of methamphetamine and to provide harsh penalties for offenders. But does a threat of a long jail sentence really provide a deterrent to those who are otherwise prepared to risk lifelong disfigurement? Nope. The retail price of methamphetamine, massively inflated under prohibition, promises huge profits to the uncaught and unscathed. And does cramming our overcrowded prisons full of amateur chemists do anything to reduce the availability of P? Nope. The retail price of methamphetamine, massively inflated under prohibition, promises huge profits to the uncaught and unscathed, and the removal of one manufacturer from the market merely provides a business opportunity for another.

So what is the answer? I suggest something along the lines of needle exchanges for opiate users, like this one in Invercargill. Better still, we could follow the “shooting gallery” model adopted in New South Wales.

Staff at ESR model government issued protective clothing

At a minimum, the government should provide free protective clothing and safety apparatus (and, of course, immunity from prosecution) to those who can prove their clandestine intent and P cooking credentials. This simple measure would, I’m sure, significantly reduce the burden on the public health system of victims of P lab explosions. Of course, to be effective, such safety gear must be used properly. I envisage that the government would also fund some training in proper laboratory procedure.

Although it would certainly cost a great deal more, ideally the government should set up centres in all P-ravaged communities where P cooks can take their dangerous chemicals and drug precursors and go about their business of manufacturing methamphetamine under the watchful supervision of qualified professionals.

You will be next! The power of the terror mongers. When fear dominates reason… evil prevails

A facebook friend put me on to this…

‘You will be next’: Hate preacher who recruited Nairobi mall massacre killers warns of attack on British soil

Satan's Anus

“Asked if terror would be brought to Britain, Makaburi said: ‘Yes. The British will be targeted personally. That means tourists on the streets will be killed. You will all die.”

This won’t be difficult given that England have allowed so many muslims(who subsequently become jihadists) to come and live in their country.

Read more >>>Here<<<< ******* The depth of Evil in this Hate Preacher is unfathomable! He is engaging in terrorism via his very words! Why do you think he is saying this stuff? Out of the goodness of his heart? Its not a warning.... *It is the terror at work!* If the West starts persecuting Muslims out of fear... in response to this sort of Fear mongering... they will be working in the terrorists favour. This Machiavellian devil actually hopes the British people will start to persecute Islamic migrants and Britons as he knows that such oppression will appear to legitimise his hatred, and give birth to the Jihadists he lusts for! I am not saying The West should pander to Islam. I am saying they must uphold Justice and equality.... not be driven by fear.... which is the chief power of the terrorists. Nor am I merely waving my hand at what this Devil preaches. Britian is vulnerable to such terrorism.... All western nations are vulnerable. what I am saying is that an oppressive fear driven reaction to such preaching is not the solution.... but part of the problem. Ie innocent people get oppressed simple because of their race or religion and this oppression generates real.... almost justifiable.... repercussions. It is only by upholding justice, Freedom and equality.... for all.... including Muslims... is the high ground is maintained... the very things which distinguishes Enlightened Civilisation from the Terrorists. That is what is at stake. Nothing less! The West must be brave and Endure! We must come up with more rational and just means of over coming the terrorists threats which dont involve compromises in the Rights and liberties of any portion of our Citizenry. Any simplistic compromise on this results in a victory for terrorism. The solution is far more complex. I urge my Christian brothers and sisters to preach the Gospel of God's grace through Christ! This is ideological struggle. Tim Wikiriwhi Christian Libertarian. Read more about how Terror is used to justify Power grabs >>>here<<< Read about how Hate generates hate >>>Here<<< Read about Terror and the Higher path >>>here<<<

Give me Liberty, or give me Death!