Category Archives: Equality before the Law

The Sophistry of Ayn Rand. Selfishness. A conversation with Prodos Marinakis

Ayn Rand’s ‘The Virtue of selfishness’.

It is my opinion that while she is correct about the Ideals of Capitalism and Freedom, Ayn Rand’s philosophy ‘Objectivism’ takes individualism to perverse extremes and in so doing has committed great disservice to the Libertarian cause.
She was a Megalomaniac says the late Nathaniel Branden, and by my reckoning… a Narcissist… and her cult attracts a high percentage of Disciples with similar Sociopathic tendencies.

Unfortunately The reputation of Objectivism has become entangled with that of the Libertarian movement.
Having usurped a position of authority in the Libertarian movement Objectivist teachings and character have caused the Libertarian movement to stink… All the High Ideals of Libertarianism have been sullied because of the delusion that Libertarians are selfish and dont give a toss about the poor, and as long as this is how the Voting Public veiws Libertarianism… There will never be a Libertarian Government elected into office.
Objectivists tend to drive out other types of Libertarians as it takes a very thick skin to bear their Obsessive derision of Religion and glorification of egotistical arrogance.

The accusation that ‘Libertarians are selfish bastards who dont give a shit about the poor’ is a characteristic easily assumed by Socialists and others who have the unpleasant misfortune of talking with an arrogant Randiod Egoist.
Though it is a terrible accusation… this sort of Critisism is often received by an Objectivist as a badge of Honour to be worn with pride! They think concern for others is a vice.
They assume they are imitating their Glorious master who teaches them to be absolutely impervious to the opinions of others.
Central to her Philosophy is also Militant Atheism…’Religion is the root of all evil’ type mentality that is not only overt, but also needs to be appreciated to understand that her Individualism is underpinned (and distorted) because of her Atheism.

Ironically I was prompted to write this blogpost critisising Rands contention that ‘selfishness is a virtue’ after having a Facebook conversation with an Objectivist who shares few (if any) of these common Objectivist traits, and is prepared to Diverge from Rand’s Rabid Anti-theism… Australia’s Colourful champion of Liberty… Prodos Marinakis.
From his comment below you can see for yourself he is willing to be honest and critical about the Objectivist movement.
He’s a very likable Guy.

Prodos Facebook

As Facebook friends I saw one of his posts on ‘The political Compass’ which is a better ‘graph’ on which to plot peoples Political persuasions rather than the ridiculously simplistic Far Left to Far Right Linear graph that is adored by the Mainstream who only seek to maintain the two party system.
These ‘Left and Right’ parties dont like the ‘political compass’ because it outs them as anti-freedom Authoritarians.

Having answered a questionnaire to ascertain his political leanings… the result was plotted on the compass. Below is Prodos result…. and I’ll let our conversation carry on from here… yet for the record I myself am a Bible believing Christian and an Independent Libertarian activist.

…Prodos Marinakis

Political Compass Test — just for fun.
Mine is below. Similar score to Milton Friedman.

More “conservative” than “libertarian”.

Tim Wikiriwhi:
I’m not surprised by your result Prodos given how highly you regard Rand.
I think she distorts peoples views about the virtue of Charity and the vise of selfishness, whereas I highly Regard Jesus Christ and St Paul… and it will be no surprise to you that I usually register as a left leaning Libertarian.

And yet now having completed this test (above) I too have come out a Right leaning Libertarian … making a mockery of my earlier comment… 🙂

In fact We virtually got the same coordinates…[ Both Libertarians rather than Authoritarians …I was slightly to the left of Prodos… yet still on the right side of the spectrum]

Like me you were probably uncomfortable with the Direction of some of the questions and were forced to make some choices without the opportunity to explain your reasoning…

Prodos Marinakis:
Tim, thanks for sharing your Political Compass results & for your comments — both before and after doing the “Political Compass” test.
I’m very glad to see that we got such similar results. You are more surprised by that than I am, since I believe I understand you, better than you understand me.
You wrote, regarding Ayn Rand:
“I think she distorts peoples views about the virtue of Charity and the (vice) of selfishness …”
Well, to talk about Ayn Rand (or Jesus) and not get bogged down, it helps to have specific quotes and to also put them into the proper context. True?
Personally, I consider Charity to be a virtue — provided it’s not tainted by the Kantian notion of altruism (which, despite the modern Church’s reliance on this evil concept, is in fact a post-Christian and anti-Christian invention of Auguste Comte from the 1830’s).
As for “selfishness” as a motive … that term, in Ethics, usually refers to a bad motive.
Calling someone “selfish” usually means that they’re benefiting themselves — even when it’s at the expense of others. And they’re benefiting themselves in a way that’s indifferent to other people.
Yet, there is nothing in Ayn Rand’s fiction or non-fiction that advocates or esteems THAT kind of “selfishness”.
On the contrary, being “selfish” in the Ayn Rand sense — as she explained in The Virtue of Selfishness and encapsulated in her saying: “There are no conflicts of interests among rational men”.
Not to mention the whole model of Free Market Capitalism.
It is true, however, that Objectivism tends to underrate the value and virtue of Charity.
When a writer uses a word (or an expression) it’s important to understand what THE WRITER meant by that word (or expression).
When Jesus says “Render to Caesar the things that are Caesar’s, and to God the things that are God’s” … we need to study what Jesus meant.
For instance he didn’t mean (as one of my colleagues recently argued) that Jesus is a supporter of taxation and “Big Government”.
(better leave it there for now as I have to cook dinner!)

Tim Wikiriwhi:
Prodos, I think you have a better grasp than the average Objecitivist because you differ from the average in two aspects.
1. You dont have an innate hatred of religion and so you dont ‘need’ to ‘prove’ it is ‘Evil’… and that gives you a far more objective view when discussing such matters, and (2) this is a corollary (or complimentary) of the fact that you are not afraid to diverge from the Orthodox dogma of the Cult.
Now One of the reasons I accuse Rand of Sophistry is because she trains her disciples to Bastardise the English language by arrogantly abandoning accepted meaning of terms… Re-defining words to mean something other than what they have been historically understood to mean and then proceeds to pretend she can prove the whole world was wrong … *and that she is some sort of Mega-genius* when in fact she is a fraud who has literally re-written the rules.
…often giving terms the very opposite meaning… and most importantly… she has ‘Pre-loaded’ the new meanings so that they will now appear to mathematically add up to the conclusion she wants to achieve… eg ‘that selfishness is now ‘a virtue’…. Objectivists dont even speak the same language… they are disconnected from the historical dialogue and dont even realise they have been swindled… mainly because they share Rands hatred of Christianity and are consumed by their own Egos… and think they too are super geniuses… ‘John Galts’ far above the average savage…. This is not the mentality of ‘Objectivity’… but a type of psychosis that blinds the mind of those who are not aware of what game she is playing.
Now though I know what her nefarious motives were… to discredit Charity… esp religious charity … therefore casting a devious lie to destroy faith in the goodness of Christ and the Christian faith… I can entertain her ‘Revisions’ and understand her silly definitions of ‘Rational selfishness’ vs ‘Irrational selfishness’ …(obviously by her reckoning the historical meaning of selfishness *was this irrational selfishness* and nothing more… not independence… not self-reliance… not self responsibility… and certainly not slavery to the collective!), yet her distortions of Egoism and selfishness, and twisted ideas about altruism as a form of slavery rather than voluntary Individual virtue of charity have contorted the average Objectivists views on Capitalism and Voluntary community Action.
Objectivists are always praising Blatant *Greed*… Rand has crippled their minds so that they are incapable of forming moral arguments that condemn Largess by CEOs at the expense of the well being of the average worker … because the average Objectivist cant understand that simply because a person may have the liberty to act a certain way… that this does not of necessity make it Just, or wise, or of Good character.
Likewise Objectivists tend excuse themselves from supporting worthy voluntary associations and community activities under the pretense that to ‘feel obliged’ to contribute is some sort of ‘psychological slavery’…. yet if any free society is to function it will rely Heavily on exactly these sorts of virtues and voluntarily self imposed moral duty’s.

These are my thoughts on why I suggested that On the Libertarian spectrum I would expect myself to be to the Left of you (Prodos), though I appreciate you are not ‘the average Objectivist’…. yet still your thinking will be ‘coloured’ to some degree by Rands Bents.
I have seen many of your posts that I have enjoyed very much in particular many that could not have been written by the’average Objectivist’ because they are Antireligious-lite… even commending… and that is not a common trait in the Cult.”

That is where I’ll finish this dialogue with Prodos.

I think think he is is a very interesting, and intelligent Man… a Champion of Liberty… a Man of Reason… who in my opinion avoids sycophantic Rand worship.
Someone a Christian can have a meaningful discussion with… free of petty conceit.

Despite the fact that Long Blog posts are unpopular, I do need to make one further clarification, and that is to say that though Christianity regards Charity as one of the highest virtues, and that People tend to associate this as a mentality common among left leaning political supporters, that it is a grievous error to automatically assume this means Christians ought to be socialists!
The notion that Christ was a socialist has been around for a long time, yet was systematically propagated and grew predominant among Western Christians in the 20th century when Communists infiltrated the churches and began to systematically sway Christians into supporting socialism… despite their Nations Prosperity,Freedom and capitalism being founded upon Christian protestant political reforms and values of Individual Rights, Private property, Hard work, Thrift, Voluntary charity, Honest Free-trade, etc.

This is quite a complex conundrum to untangle, yet when properly understood the confusion and false teaching gives way to definite clarity and broad understanding.
The Key is to understand the dispensational scheme of the scriptures and how things fit in properly with the plan of God.

Reading the Bible there are verses in the Gospels, and early Acts that appear to the unlearned to support the idea that Jesus was anti-wealth and promoted ‘Communism’… yet such an interpretation fails to take into account what Jesus was offering the Jews at the time, and that these instances… such as when he told the Rich young man to sell all his possessions and give the money to the poor… and follow him… are not representative of the future Kingdom Christ had come to establish but was a special time of transition … from the Kingdom of Mammon… into the Messianic Kingdom of God on Earth whereby these injunctions were tests of worthiness to enter his kingdom… repentance for rebellion and sin… and a willingness to forsake the gains achieved under Mammon.. wealth… power… social status… and to enter the kingdom ‘Naked’… fully trusting that Christ would reward them when he had overthrown the Romans and established his rule in Jerusalem.
And here is the real Jam: Christs Kingdom will not be a Communist Utopia!
There will be private property!
The Lazy will not reap the harvests of the Virtuous and hard working, etc!
So the Important thing to appreciate about Christs Message to the Jews at that time and his injunctions to Sell their possessions, and have all things common, and to Turn the other cheek, and to endure persecution unto the end were not instructive of how his Kingdom would function… but tests of Faith and repentance… ie to be found worthy to enter his Kingdom The Jews had to have faith Plus works!
When this is understood the claim that Jesus promoted Socialism collapses… and is exposed as a wicked false doctrine used to deceive Christians for Evil political ends.
Sadly this False doctrine has been very successful with millions of Deceived Christians voting for Big Government Nanny State socialist Tyranny instead of for Liberty and self responsibility guided by personal ethics.
How Ironic that these Christians fail to see they are unwitting supporting Leviathan… enthroning the all powerful State as God… Mammon!

As this Blog post is already too long I will simply ad links to some of my other Blogposts that go into more detail about Christs Kingdom ministry to the Jews… and how that differs from the Christian Age of Grace that we live in today… which is a different dispensation, and has a different gospel..


The Ideals of Freedom and Individual rights was born of Protestantism!

I will add a link here to show that true Christian Charity is vastly different from the Atheist pseudo-morality of Socialist Tyranny and the forced redistribution of Wealth via welfare…


And finally below is a Link to a speech I delivered in 2006, at the Tenth anniversary of the now disbanded New Zealand Libertarian party… ‘The Libertarianz’ in which I tried to expound why I thought Rabid Objectivism needed to take a back seat to a more Humane and tolerant activism if the party was to have any hope of success at the polls… as can be seen from the date posted to the blog was in 2012… and I was still very angry about what had happened to the Libertarianz party… I was of the opinion that Objectivism was/ had suffocated the party.
I saw the party as becoming little more than a propaganda machine to further the Atheist Cult of Rand… I had already walked away from it by then.
Fanatical Objectivists have convinced themselves that by coining the phrase ‘Egoism’ that they can escape the the accusations of Egotism! another example of Rand’s Sophistry are work!
Egoism… self worship…they say is the highest Individual character trait!


New Zealand still needs a Libertarian Political Choice… yet if this is ever to rise again lessons need to be learned from the Objectivist Dominated Libertarianz party.
If a New Libertarian party is to rise it cannot become a recruitment tool for the Cult of Objectivism… Rands Philosophy cannot be adopted as the last word on Party Policy… and certainly Objectivist Intolerance towards religious views or Charity… cannot be allowed to set the tone of Party Literature and conduct.
A far more Libertarian and enlightened Character and charter needs to be set and presented to the voting public…one in which Libertarianism is expounded that shows Liberty is far more compassionate and Humane than Socialism ever was… and when you Look a a guy like Prodos Marinakis and his moderated style of Objectivism compared to the Rabid Rand worshiping Egoist and Millitant Atheists… the contrast is stark.
Its the difference between an enlightened and Tolerant, and thinking Libertarian… from an indoctrinated Fanatical Zealot of a God hating Cult of selfish arseholes!

This Caricature of Rand and Objectivism may be an exaggeration yet it is not wholly Unjustified as anyone who has had anything to do with the Objectivist movement will tell you… and you can read about just how delusional Rand was in person by one of her closest and most dedicated disciples… Nathaniel Branden… Read “My Years with Ayn Rand”.
When Judgement day comes for Any Rand she will be exposed as a fraud… In Reality she was not Great at all but a Delusional Woman full of the worst Character traits… and her toxic beliefs bring out the worst in those that are deceived by her.

Fortunately there are some New Zealand Objectivists and Libertarians who share the same virtues as Prodos… those that are prepared to think for themselves more and quote Rand less.
Any New party would need to maintain a separation of the Church of Ayn Rand and State… as much as a separation of any other personal ideology.
This is where hope lies and could be the basis for Cooperation between Libertarians of all persuasions.
Getting things all in their correct context and this way Libertarianism will have a much broader appeal… including winning Christians and others out of Socialism and into supporting Freedom where they ought to be. This will only happen when Egoism, and Atheism, and Selfishness are not the defining traits of the Libertarian party… But Enlightened tolerance and adherence to just principles, equality before the Law, and a desire to downsize Government and abolish unjust tyrannical laws and taxes… “He who governs best… governs least”. Thomas Jefferson.
Maybe sometime soon Kiwi Libertarians can have a Reunion… a few Beers… and talk about what could be… what should be in the near future.

Tim Wikiriwhi
Christian Libertarian.



More from Tim…





Radical Islam is like Socialism… Neither are Religions of Peace.

Note: This post is not about Peaceful Muslims who practice their faith without a desire to impose their values upon others by force.
Its about *Radicalism*.


Facebook Here

Please watch her video (below)

I hear this woman’s cries!
Radical Islam is a kissing cousin of Socialism… both are a threat to our Life, Rights, and liberty.
Religious liberty exists within strict Moral limits… yet both socialists and Radical Islamic want totalitarianism and must be resisted at all costs.
Radical Atheism… Radical Christianity… *Extremism* that is intolerant of the liberty and rights of others and desires power to impose their beliefs upon everyone by force… they are the enemies of humanity… the enemies of justice.
The answer *is Libertarianism*
Look it up folks!
Under Libertarianism you are free to peacefully follow your own conscience … be an atheist… be a Muslim… be a Christian… even be a socialist… and propagate your values via free speech… yet *not* impose your beliefs by force of the Law.
For our Rights are *equal*

The God of Confusion reigns down here… anyone doubt this?
for example… most of us recognize the fact that opening the port callus to allow mobs of Radical Islamics to just walze in and set up shop is a recipe for self destruction! and yet we dont seem to appreciate the fact that letting in Socialists is just as insane… for the very same reason!
Because we have become acclimatized to living with extremist socialists who have no regard for our rights…. shame on us.
Because the media does not alert us to this danger and we are such sheeple as to not contemplate this truth for our selves… shame on us!
Having Open Boarders is a Libertarian ideal… for sure… yet it is not something that can be achieved overnight… it is an ultimate goal… so too is having well defended boarders…. The difficultly is in transitioning from the status quo to the ideal without being foolish… but also by being brave enough to avoid inhumanity towards the needy (like real refugees)
To those paranoid about allowing foreign refugees to stay here.. yet dont apply the same concern for social Democrats who want to stay here… I say you are either foolish and dont appreciate the equivalent risks involved to our country’s Liberty and justice,… or deceitful… because you yourself are a socialist with zero respect for the Freedom of others.
It Acient times, there was noting Evil about having a walled city to keep the barbarians out and the existence of strict terms and conditions for entry (keeping the peace, and respecting the rights and liberties of the inhabitants)… those that enter must consent to minimum standards of conduct that are universally applicable… even outside the walls…

Tim Wikiriwhi
Christian Libertarian.

Night of the Long Knives: SJWs Running the Internet are silencing critics and systematically undermining free and fair elections on a global scale

When Donald Trump beat Hillary Clintion and started dismantling Obama’s Fascist agenda shockwaves rippled trough the Internet.
Because the Political Candidate that the Admins of Google+Youtube, Twitter, and facebook endorsed and wanted to win (Hillary Clinton) lost!… and they realised that their own creations were a primary cause for their own defeat, and they took the Trump victory as such horror they envisioned the end of the Socialist Dream and Human Civilisation!
All their hard work deceiving the world into embracing Climate Change.
All their hard work imposing their anti-christian views on sexuality, all their dreams of a Global centralized Socialist Government etc looked like they were going to be set back 20 years…
This is when they abandoned any pretense to respect for free speech and open dialogue and determined that *Next US election* they would be better prepared to shut down political debates that were not in their own interests… and not just US elections… but they would control information on the Global scale.
Google searches will Bury Websites, blogs, memes, photos, and articles that are anti-left agenda, and would instead put pro left propaganda to the fore.
Facebook will simply axe whole pages they see as being anti-left platforms for their opponents, create Alogorithms that can read memes, and hunt out and automatically ban photos, memes, articles that have been flagged by their SJW minions and spies that infest the internet and political forums.
This is more than just the usual vetting of malicious content… its a massive escalation of definite suppression of dissenting opinions to the political views of these Social Media/ Internet Mogals.
A flexing of mussel designed to slope the playing field, giving massive advantage to their own opinions, to the degree that they will be manipulating the democratic process as surely and effectively as any tyrannical Government censorship.
And Facebook is not an absolutely ‘Free enterprise’. as Governments have heavily invested in Facebook shares.

Read: Facebook has created an AI that can understand memes

To those of us whom understand the essential nature of having open dialogue, Alarm bells began to ring out when this Cabal of Internet Lords, all Banned Alex Jones and his ‘Info wars’… virtually wiping him off the map.
Jones was instrumental in the Trump victory as one of his most ardent supporters with a large global audience, and attacking Hillary Clinton as a Criminal and traitor.
Jones would talk daily on Items of importance… like the Bundy ranch resistance to the BLM, The Murder of Lavoy Finicm by The Black opps ‘Hostage rescue team’… things the mainstream media refused to Air.
The Mainstream media and Hollywood are also largely under control of Rabid Lefty Nutbars and they too engage in a program of keeping the sheeple in the dark.

Read this article from Reason: Facebook Slams Independent Voices With Latest Political Purge

Now I wont deny that Alex Jones says and does some pretty whack things, and that many of the ‘Investigative reports’ on Infowars are considered by many to be nothing but delusional conspiracies and ‘Fake news’.
Also I am a person who is myself disgusted by all the patently dishonest content on the internet flowing from legions of sites and blogs, and individuals with very bent opinions about everything… many of who mass produce Photo-shopped images, and fabricate patent lies about their political enemies… and in this dirty business it is the Right who i say are the chief offenders, and in this sence it should not be surprising that this mass-dishonesty by the Right has added fuel to the rage harboured by the Liberal Internet giants, it has also given them the pretext to begin their heavy censorship program… feigning a legitimacy to their Machiavellian schemes… and they used the notorious Alex Jones as a posterchild for what was about to follow.

Then Zuckerburg made his move and shut down 800+ facebook pages with millions of followers… mostly Anti-liberal agenda sites… under the pretext that these sites prosper from and disseminate fake news.
There was no warning… no discussion… it was a Night of the long knives action… fast, clean, and soon to be forgotten… while normalising the Idea that Anti-liberal opinion is ‘Hate speech’ and ‘fake news’and as such can rightfully be suppressed.
Of Course these actions would have caused Champagne to flow like water among the Lefty Parties, and hordes of Purple haired social justice warriors who have zero respect for any notions of fairness, free speech, etc and whose whole political means of action involves Compulsions and prohibitions.

This is the new puddle of stink that we all must now swim in… the Internet has changed… dramatically for the worst. Freedom is the victim. Satan Laughing spreads his wings!
And this is just the beginning… they will come for the Christians, They will come for the Mens Rights groups, They will come for the likes of The Leuren Sotherns and Stephan moloneuxs … who dare to challenge the Anti white propaganda of the left….. and Libertarians and bloggers like myself.
And just as insidious will be the *fear* this activity will generate among internet users who witnesswill drastically reduce what they share, and what they dare to say fearing that their pages could be shut down without redress at the whims of Facebook administrators…. All it takes is for a single Nasty purple haired Female SJW to ‘take offence’ at a comment or post that they dont like and to report you to the FB gestapo.

As a Passionate Voice of Dissent against Ideological evils and activities of both the Right and the left I have suffered an increasing number of these types of attacks, despite being vigilant and quickly blocking people who make it clear to me they are a SJW and are ‘Triggered’ by something I have said.
I have learned to move quickly to their profile and block them… hopefully before they have run to the Gestapo… one time I was too slow, a Joke I told on a Mushroom Identification page ‘Triggered’ a Purple hair thing (I wont assume her gender 🙂 ) and I was sent to Facebook Jail… for telling a joke!
This is not equal treatment but special privilege!
You can tell jokes about how Dumb Men are… but not any jokes about Transgenders, or SJW Neofeminists, etc…. another recent case was when I was commenting on an ENFJ Briggs-Meyers personality type page (I took the test and it said I was ENFJ Type) , and my comment was on the topic of Briggs-Meyers when some Purple-hair thing told me flat I was not an ENFJ because she had seen my previous profile pic and because it was a Meme-joke that mocked Neo-feminism… this was all the proof she needed that I was too ‘insensitive’ to be a member of *Her caring personality type!*
(The offending Picture Below)…

I dont have time to explain in detail what then transpired … it is enough to say a bunch more SJW Woman showed up and within a day of this, I had been thrown out of the group, and had my picture reported to Facebook whom quickly said It violated Facebook community standards and was Deleted.
Remember that I was not even discussing politics at the time this Attack started.
It was simply enough that It was my profile pic that the SJWs had taken offence to and got me thrown out and reported to the Facebook Gestapo.

^ This is what a SJW Feminazi looks like.

One more example I must share, It will take some explanation, yet it is worth it because it is very telling about how frightening things have become at facebook… and how powerful are their methods to screen everything that everyone is saying, and to crush anything that goes against their agenda, while leaving any BS that serves their purposes.
Below is another pic I shared in one of my photo albums, that is actually an example of despicable Right wing doctoring aimed at provoking anti-left sentiment. And they specialise in this particular type of photo doctoring that changes the message on a Protesters placard.

This one above is the Doctored picture. The one below is the original

Now it is only obvious to see that this picture has been doctored when you see the original, and I was taking it at face value, and had shared it to my page, when I read in the comments that followed that this was Doctored and the original was provided.
Of course I was peeved at this deception, It was not the first time I had gullibly shared a picture that had been doctored by the Right, and so Determined not to be so easily fooled again!
I noticed a pattern in these deceptive placard pictures that is also a dead giveaway for fake News articles in that if the Picture is too overt… or the Headlines of the ‘Newspiece’ is also way over the top’… then it is highly likely these things are manufactured Propaganda designed to doop the naive, and generate outrage.
Of course this should have been obvious to me before I had shared these things… yet It just goes to show how successful these dirty tricks can be.
Pissed off at the dirty tactics of the Right this time I created a photo album with the title of ‘The Right is as full of Dirty Liars as the left.’… and it featured this doctored picture, and I placed a description with it that said “I foolishly shared this photo thinking it was a *Real self-loathing white Lefty*… which it actually is… *Yet the message has been photoshopped by a dirty bastard Right winger who added in ‘Killing all’.
This is despicable deception… the sort that has ruined the internet… filled it with lies!
Designed to generate outrage and hate….”
I also shared the un-doctored Original so that my readers could see the obvious doctoring (photo shopping)
All was great… I was starting to populate my new album with more examples of these despicable Right wing deceptions when My Page was frozen by an automated program that had detected the doctored pic and told me that my Picture violated facebook standards.
Remember I had not put this pic in my album to *Spread the lie* but to expose the lie… yet the automation did not give a toss about that! It was simply ‘obeying za orders’ programmed into it to search and destroy this pic where ever it had been posted in Facebook.
I was however given the option to ask for a review… which I clicked… and was told this process would take about 24 hours… anyway much to my surprise my picture was restored!
And it was accompanied with the reply that the Review process found that my pic *Did not breach facebook standards* and that they had made a mistake!
Now it is not a long bow to draw that my picture had been reviewed by a living breathing Liberal SJW Facebook censor who realised I was using this picture to put the hate on the Right wingers… whom Facebook are trying to destroy… and so all of a sudden this picture was acceptable!!!!

All of a sudden it Did not breach their community standards!
This shows they are patently discriminating against the Right, while giving anything that is anti-right licence to kill! and has nothing to do with ‘Community standards’ at all!
And This copy remains as we speak in my photo album for the world to see!
Yet when I try and share it from my album, It gets sniped again by the search and destroy algorithm!
You can try this… copy the pic above and share it on your page and I guarantee you will get a visit from the Killbot.
I have also received links to reports that Facebook has been developing the software to screen *Every picture and meme* that gets posted… so they have absolute control to censor everything and anything, and that this is what they are doing.
I have had other attacks to my page too that affect my ability to function as a Libertarian Advocate and critic, yet this will suffice.
Multiply all this by Billions of times and the net effect this will have on the democratic process of western societies is mind numbing to apprehend!
The Masses of Facebook sheeple will be receiving more and more propaganda of the Left… with less and less voices of descent.
I fully expect to have my page shut down in the near future, yet until then I will be exposing this corruption!

Now this post is already ridiculously long, and maybe no one will read it yet I must make one final point… and it has to do with the solution to this Tyranical Cabal of Left wing Internet monsters.
First of all it is worrisome that many who suffer the oppression of the Facebook Gestapo will run straight to *Their Governments* asking them to pass legislation to take away the ‘evil powers’ from these Liberals who are hell bent on manipulating the public and the election processes of western nations.
They will probably say this is a perfect example of the need to implement *Antitrust legislation* to break up these massive companies into smaller chunks that are supposed to then work in competition with one another instead of collusion… Yes The Government regulators will save us!!!
That will be to leap out of the frying pan… into the fire!
You see *Internet Tyranny and control* is in fact something Western Socialist Democratic States have been dreaming of accomplishing *for themselves!*
The result will not be greater freedom of speech… but simply a shift of power from private hands into the Governments.
They will not simply legislate to break up Facebook, Google, etc, but will also legislate to make all sorts of internet communications illegal… and so instead of merely being thrown in ‘virtual jail’ as happens now… there is every probability that we will begin to be thrown in *Real jail* simply for expressing our own opinions (it is already happening!).
The Real solution is for some smart entrepreneurs and programmers to understand what is going on and to take steps to capitalise on the massive outrage that is being generated by the prejudices of the current internet giants, and to develop alternative social media sites and search engines… ones that have Iron clad security, and that have a constitution/ code of ethics to be what all ‘Free Press’ are supposed to be… the Vanguards of Freedom… of equal rights… of free speech!
And when this happens and people realise that there are far better places to do business than Facebook and Google… their power will be broken… their stocks will crash… and their reign of terror will be over.
This can be done without surrendering anything to Governments.
It will take time.
I have already signed up to MeWe social media site as an interim bolthole should my facebook page get axed, yet I have herd rumours of far better and secure social media site are in development as we speak!
Something called ‘Chain-blocking’ which is gibberish to me, yet my geeky friends assure me its very snazzy and will be awesome when it arrives!
And this is the Free market in action… and to the rescue!
The despicable tyrants running Youtube, Facebook, Google, have sown the seeds of their own destruction, and I hope the creators of these better sites are not only more ethical… which will be their greatest marketing strategy they could aspire to… but also that they become super wealthy from their creations that will go a long way towards halting the diabolical evils of Liberals Fascists in high places.

While I in no way fully endorse Donald Trump, I will say that By Defeating Hillary Clinton Trump saved America from a very very dangerous socialist tyrant.
And Donald Trump is by far a more honest, and just President than the despicable and psychotic Hillary Clinton who fully endorsed everything that Barack Obama did… they conspired together, and was poised to take things to the next level.
Thankfully the American people had had enough of their Diabolical and treasonous Agenda that was trying to destroy American Values, Rights,and freedom and force everyone into embracing Anti-Christian depravity and delusions… Grown men… perverts…. mentally ill allowed in Little girls Toilets!

Trumps victory has in fact caused the left to become even more psychotic… things are getting progressively worse… not just on line, but on the streets, and how Law and order is now being implemented.
The destroyers like violent Fascists groups like Antifa can cause riots etc with impunity, while anyone who tries to physically defend themselves will get arrested. Critics of the Left get their speeches cancelled, etc etc… there is a war against Freedom going on and its getting very violent.
It is becoming dangerous to oppose the psychotic Left.

^ here we see a guy in court who dared belong to a group called ‘Proud boys’. He was labeled a ‘member of a ‘hate group’ and a White Supremacist… even though he is married to a black woman and has black kids!
And you can guarantee it was Antifa who threw the first punch.
We all know their moto ‘Punch a fascist’… how Ironic… Today a Communist is just a Transgenderised Fascist!
Fascism in Drag.

Is this the world you wish your children to inherit?
At least Like and share my blogposts!
Get active!

Tim Wikiriwhi
Christian Libertarian.

Tim on Facebook(I will not leave quietly!)

Tim on MeWe

More From Tim….




Good Cop Bad Cop.

I have just started a New Facebook page with the above title.
Law and order are subjects I am very passionate about, esp because I have suffered from the injustices of Bad Laws enforced by unscrupulous Police… and so I know first hand how Bad Laws wrongfully enforced corrodes an individuals faith in society… causes a hate for society, and mass produces Criminals and Outlaws.
It was a near thing for me yet by the grace of God, he taught me the dynamics of these things, and why I ought to refrain from going down that dark ally… and instead ‘Keep the faith’ in Justice, and work for a more just and enlightened society.

As a Libertarian, not an Anarchist I believe in Just Government, Just Laws, and the Just enforcement of just laws.
Good Government, and Good Police respect the inalienable rights and liberties of Individuals, and their just and limited powers are delegated to them by the people (as Individuals) as an extension of the individuals right to provide for their own defense (Self defense) … yet that is as far as their legitimate function goes.
Good Cops… like Good Government are a boon to society… a Good Cop ought to be a Pillar of Ethics… a person motivated by Compassion and who sees virtue in serving the people… and this is something quite different from a Paid goon who enjoys wielding power under the pretense and pseudo-legitimacy of enforcing the Law… irrespective of *what* the nature of the law is.

If This page pours scorn, ridicule, or outrage upon events and the actions of an officer, department, or Court Ruling, please remember that this page is *Not about Hate*… It is about Justice and reform.

Good Police should be as outraged as I am, when bad police get away with injustice.

A Good cop is a person of the highest Scruple and integrity… He/ she is not in it for the money… or the power.
They will put the rights and liberties of the people they seek to serve ahead of tyrannical Party political agendas… and a Just society ought to have a constitution that embodies these ‘Higher principles’ that trumps Parliamentary whims, and has the authority to Deem The Evil ambitions of Politicians to be corrupt… and therefore void…. and therefore Criminal … and a code of Ethical conduct by which Good Cops can repair in defense of their refusal to enforce Bad laws and Evil Orders.

A Bad cop is a person who has no problems enforcing Evil laws that encroach upon the rights and liberties of the people.
Just as Satan appears as an Angel of Light, Evil Political agendas… and Bad cops always disguise themselves under the garb of Expedience, emergency, or some supposed Lofty Social and ‘Politically Correct’ Ideal.
Bad Cops even use Just Laws as pretense to commit gratuitous violence and oppression… and frame the innocent.
It is a characteristic of Evil to be able to pervert and twist good things to evil ends… and Bad cops do this all the ding dong day!
“He Resisted arrest”… “He went for my Gun”… so I shot him dead…… They know, and even have been trained how to work the system so that they can commit violence and crimes with impunity.

When the Cops are Corrupt… the wheels of society are truly falling off the wagon, and there are few things more destructive to Civil order… few Evils that generate Criminals than when people loose respect for the Law… because the powers that be… and esp the Police are corrupt and oppressive.

A society that does not vigorously expose, and prosecute Dirty Bad cops is on the road to Ruin…

Power Tends to attract the worst personality types, and it corrupts those of weak moral stature, which is a fundamental reason why Legal Powers of Force need to be very very limited, and The Government and Police need to be under constant scrutiny… and held to the highest standards of principle.

Sadly for most of the world the things I have written above are ignored, and so The Reputation of the Police is that of Oppressors… of a violent Criminal Gang within a corrupt system that protects them.

My Page is all about addressing these issues… about pointing out instances of Great police work, and contrasting them against instances when the Police commit crimes against the people.

My ambition for this page is not to propagate lawlessness and contempt for the institution of the Police but the very opposite… to promote Good Laws, To encourage reforms where needed, and be a place where people can discuss these issues… so please Like, Post and share here.
All are welcome.

So Enjoy ‘Good Cop Bad Cop’

Tim Wikliriwhi
Christian Libertarian.


More from Tim…

Legalised Force attracts Thugs and Bullies like flies to…

Thomas Beard: tutor of God’s Englishman. Commentary on passages from C. Hills historic biography of Oliver Cromwell. (Origins of Libertarianism.)

I have just started reading Christopher Hill’s ‘God’s Englishman’ Oliver Cromwell and the English Revolution and from the very start I find the Biblical political Ideology and dynamics within the Reformation that led to the full exposition of the Just limits to Kingly or Popish powers, and the inalienable nature of the God given rights of every Individual.
The Author introduces his readers to ‘Thomas Beard’.
He was Schoolmaster in the Free school of the Town of Huntington attended by Oliver the Boy… and is a person whom Hill says history records as a greater influence on the young O.C than his own father.

The whole book can be found on line here

There is a vital truth in all this for the factual historic argument that Libertrainism was born of Protestant Christianity.
An unassailable fact that has been utterly bamboozeled by that commonplace naive and ignorant Atheist delusion about a historic battle between science and religious superstition.
The modern world and esp Western Freedom and prosperity are not the fruits of any supposed ‘triumph of secular materialist rationalism’.

It was not the growth of Materialism them gave birth to the ideals and principles of Liberty… but all the struggles for power and tyranny between the Religious factions , and the arguments the Protestant theologians found in the bible… that justified their calls for Freedom of Religion, private property rights, freedom from excessive taxation…. etc.
Thus the Doctrines of the equality of Humanity and the God given inalienable rights of the individual, and the limited just powers of government.

You have to be ignorant of a massive amount of the history of western civilisation to maintain that tired fantasy that enlightened progress and prosperity in the West is due to atheism and the abandonment of religion.
The Protestant Reformation was a doctrinal and political revival of the true faith …it stands opposed to the absolute power of either State or the Church.

So far I am only up to page 40… 250 more still to go so no doubt I will blog a many more comments on this book before I am through… so epic were the game of thrones at this time… for real.
The Right of Revolution….even Regicide.
So Thomas Beard is yet another example of this Protestant Christian Libertarian Enlightenment.
It’s King James Bible Time.

Tim Wikiriwhi
Protestant Libertarian.
More from Tim…
Guy Fawkes. Agent of The AntiChrist.

History of The King James Bible: God’s Perfect Word

Materialism renders Man Nought. Meaning-less, Value-less, Right-less

The Light of the gospel reaches the utmost parts of the Earth. Bi-Centennial of Samuel Marsden’s Christmas Message. Bay of Islands. 1814.

The Christian Fellowship is a voluntary private society, not a theocratic political movement.

Not PC: FREE RADICAL #75 – The Right of Revolution: In Praise of Commodore Frank Bainimarama. by Tim Wikiriwhi

Excuse me David Seymour …. It was nice to meet you, yet what page are you on?…. you seem to have lost the plot! An appeal and comentary on strategy.

Being edited over the next few days…

Disappointment is only possible when it is preceded by hope, thus at Election time with respect to policy, I am never disappointed by National or Labour… what I experience from them is sickening depression, disgust, and anger.
I ask myself why it is that I have suffered a succession of disappointments from The Act Party, and it is obviously because with Act I have always harboured much higher Hopes than the others that they would stand up for the values and principles of Liberty and justice… only to watch them sell out everything for the sake of sitting in parliament as Eunuchs to the tyrants.
Why do they do it?
As someone who has myself stood for Election many times, I have steeled myself against the temptation of dropping unpopular principles for the sake of getting more votes, believing that selling out for the sake of getting into power as not only cowardly and a betrayal to the minorities whose plight is dire and yet have no representation in parliament… but that without carrying my principles with me it would also be an absolutely hollow victory!
I have always believed that when it comes to politics it is a persons integrity to principles that is essential as they alone distinguished my political wares from all the rest… and what elevated me to the higher ground… and from which alone I can have self esteem.
And this has been proven true for Act… with their track record for achieving virtually nothing while in parliament.
They of course try and justify their gross compromises with the opposite lame idea that being in power is the most important value.

The bitter taste in my mouth is because all of Act’s rhetoric about being a party of Freedom and small government is ultimately farcical!
They all sound like Libertarians at their election speeches, and all their leaders have written books that tend to make the reader think these people understand what is wrong with the status quo and are the party who seeks to reform all the violations of Freedom and justice yet when they get to the coal face…Parliament… they have already bargained away all their picks and shovels… and sit there smugly like useless toothless Lions…. and all the Evils continue on unabated… all the while still kidding themselves that they still represent something better and more noble!
They prop up virtually all the new oppressive measures their overlords dictate… if not expressly, then by simply continuing to support the wicked regime of which they are a part.
They think their compromises have gained them the world… yet it has been at the cost of their souls.
How could Act have ever gotten into bed with National AND the Maori party… and still sleep at night???!!!!!
Its mind boggling!
They have no base line below which they will not stoop.

This blog post is primarily about what I see as current Act Leader David Seymour’s absolutely shocking strategy to “Save the Act Party’… Keep the bad guys out… and make the good guys better” (to paraphrase David).
I intend to point out what I believe are the fatal errors in his plan… and to put in writing an alternative strategy that I am sure is pragmatically smarter and also far more ethical for Act.
It is not my intention here to just throw mud.
My introduction (above) was written with the intention of showing how the principled liberty-loving voter evaluates Act’s historic modus opperandi.
I hope that the above shows how Act has disappointed the sizable minority who would otherwise vote for them this election.
It is *this sizable minority* that David should be aiming his policies to gain his own political foundations within the voting populous, instead of his current fatally flawed strategy of ditching all the most precious principles that Act are supposed to represent in hope of having a much broader popular appeal.

I went to the Waikato ‘Beers with David Seymour’ event on the East side of the Waikato river a few nights back to size him up face to face and with the hope of discussing these things with him, yet unfortunately it was late in the evening when I made my move… too late for this private discussion… and so I missed my opportunity.
I am primarily writing this for his sake… for Acts sake… you see another reason I went to this meeting was on the outside chance that he may be able to convince me to spend the rest of this election period advocating for Act instead of Winston first.
There was perhapse 30 people there, and it was held at the ‘Good Neighbour’ restaurant and bar, which though a tad noisy from the diners below the mezzenene, sold good beer and I hear great food.

I saw a Man who was much more likable than he appears in the media, and from his speech and answers to the questions that followed, I can see that he is an honest man… even if I strongly disagree with how he operates.
I refrained from taking him to task over the many points that made me recoil as It is always important to be respectful at such events… only lefties think they have the divine right to ruin such evenings and attempt to shut down speakers who say things of which they disapprove… because they have no respect for free speech and no sense of decency.
I express my negative reactions to his answers here not to scorn him or to undermine him, but in the hope of explaining how many of that sizable minority of Freedom loving voters feel about what we see as his constant lack of political spine.
Hearing him talk and answer questions it was obvious to me there was zero point in even raising the topic of all the Toxic Deaths attributed to synthetic cannabis happening right now… on his watch… in Auckland city, and the obvious solution of the legalisation of the much safer alternative… Cannabis … even though I believe this is another righteous opportunity being lost by Act.

It’s like he has been hanging out with Super-conservative Bill English too long and has been sitting at his feet like a puppy taking notes… much to National’s satisfaction!
It is easy to imagine him having Beers with his good mate Bill… The Old statesman tutoring the younger and hence somewhat gullible student who assumes his mentor has his best interests at heart… and is bequeathing to his apprentice the mysteries of political success… when in reality Bill has his own Agenda and seeks to keep David in check.

This senerio has weight because of how David answered the questions at question time… there was a definite theme… a definite mindset, for example when I fired my most important question I had on my list to ask him about whether or not he would support Winston Peters call for a referendum on the Maori Seats he in so many words said *NO!*, and his excuse was to quote National party/John key/ Bill English line that to work to dismantle the Apartheid electoral system would produce ‘Hikois from hell’.
He is prepared to ignore this most cancerous situation out of fear of the Maori radicals… allowing the malignancy to reach the bone where it will become nothing but pain and misery for future generations… all because he wont lace up his boots… grab his gun… and head to the front himself.

Not only was this a testament that he has no spine to confront the most serious injustice that our Political system embodies, but also that was a clear indication that he either thinks following the same strategy that National is following… will also work for Act or that he is too cowardly to differ from National on this vital issue out of fear they may stand against him in Epsom!
Seriously think about that.
Its fundamental.
If its the first reason he’s stupid, and if its the second he’s proving to just be Nationals Lap dog!
I think its both.
He fails to see that the only reason that freedom lovers will vote for Act rather than National or Labour is because they believe Act has more Mettle and higher values than these mainstream parties with their legions of Sheeple voters and absolutely Evil Racist politics!
He underestimates the cost to Act in votes that his lack of spine on such important matters costs them in the polls.

It was sooo apparent to me that David does not realise how disconnected he is from the very people whom he should be appealing to!
That significant voting block that is far in excess of 5%… and is currently homeless… currently thinking of holding their nose… and voting New Zealand first!
Anyone who knows Winston knows the man can smell where the votes are!
Old whiley Winston knows a Massive percentage of the voting public have had a guts full of all the racism and extortion that results from treaty separatism and the Maori seats, and that out of desperation will will rally around *anyone* who campaigns to bring this evil to an end and establish Racial equality before the Law.
David cant be associating himself with the same political forums that I frequent and so he does not appreciate just how many votes that Winston has gained solely from his forthright assault on these Racist seats and agenda!
It massive, and the chief reason Winston is skyrocketing in the polls and was the chief reason Don Brash was able to raise National out of the pit of despair they were in when he inherited the leadership… a doldrums they were suffering in the wake of Helen Clark, very similar to doldrums Labour has suffered in wake of john Key.
Winston is not phased by the threat of ‘Hikois from hell’… which is nothing but tale wagging the dog!
All the vileness of treaty separatism springs from MMP chiefly because of the perpetual failure to abolish the Maori Seats and is why New Zealanders of significant numbers are desperate to get rid of them… if only David would grow a pair… be willing to cross the floor away from Bill English… and support Winston’s call for a referendum.
Votes like mine would flow into Act instead of NZ First!
And his Mana and integrity would rise in the eyes of the voters… I would be far less disappointed with Act!
I cant help also think that David is reciprocating a petty dislike for Winston as he claims Winston holds for Him (David alluded to this with respect to Winston refusal to endorse his euthanasia bill)
If this is so it also demonstrates a lack of character by David which again means he falls from walking the higher path, and is a turn off.

It was grotesque when having flat out denied that he would not defend Racial equality before the Law that minutes later he was spieling on about being a champion of equality for Woman!
Oh! such a brave stand…. in our times of Politically Correct tyranny and Feminist domination!
It is just Lame.
This is the sort of rubbish that people expect from Labour and Green MPs appealing to their dopey useful idiots!
Again he fails to connect with the traditional Act voter and fails to appreciate how they are looking for a far different and just approach in politics!
An ex card carrying Act member told me how affronted he was when David introduced his List team as ‘Embodying diversity’… Girls… young people, ethnic minorities… as if these were important merits rather than because they are the best most skilled people for the job!
Ie Act is supposed to be about Merit… not such PC Rubbish that should be the preserve of the Zombie Left!
He betrays the sad fact that he has swallowed the lefty propaganda that Act is the party for ‘Wealthy Old White Men’ and crumbled under pressure!
Again his strategy show a disconnect from the serious minded Act voter.

Davis enunciated his strategy to save Act.
He said he is employing the latest Election techniques from America, and had polled and talked with 1700 people for half a hour first asking them who they would vote for… and then at the end asking them again… noting those whom had changed their mind and decided they would vote Act.
He said they gleaned what policies were the ones to had positively swayed these people and said these were the policies he would hammer on about in the rest of the election campaign.
he said Act is sitting at 1% in the polls, but that he would win Epsom, and that only by degrees of a few % of party vote would increase the number of List MPs he could carry with him into parliament.
From this you see that he has abandoned his faithful and things that if he can sell Act with the most broad and non-threatening policy that he only needs a few % more to get his best people in parlaiment with him… and with more Act mps… more clout to wrestle better deals.
Obvious to me this exercise he employed did not ask the right questions… because of his unwillingness now to make bold policy.

Think about this…He is not aiming at reaching 5%, and is only attempting to garner a few measly percent of the vote! and for such a minuscule return he is prepared to sell out on the most important principles Act professes to stand for!
That is the impression his strategy stimulates in the mind of the thinking principled freedom loving demographic that he is supposed to represent!

And I’m sure this rationale does have some support from a proportion of Act members even though it demonstrates that Act is no longer about principles but about playing the numbers… just like National… this theme is consistent in all his thinking and is why He does not understand how to function as a minority Party.
If he does not win Epsom, Act is finished… yet to win Epson he sell out everything Act represents and becomes indistinguishable from National.
I think he underestimates the mettle of the Epsom electorate and their capacity to vote for a far stronger and more principled MP and that out of fear of alienating himself from the electorate.
He admitted almost daily knocking on doors there and how tiny the numbers were of people whom were interested in talking politics, yet somehow thinks he has enough Data to justify treading such a low path.
Safety rather than Bold principle is the very heart of his strategy, and his own political position in parliament as representative for Epsom comes first rather than Act principles… and even more important than getting his fellow list members in with him.

He’s all about the Numbers… not about spine… not about principles… and I believe his numbers are wayyyyy off.
To sumerize David may be honest… and I believe that is his most virtuous aspect, yet he has fallen into a trap, and has absolutely has the wrong strategy to win support for Act….
His strategy is one you would expect from Bill English…. His thinking is not about fighting for his professed values, but about keeping Act within what he believes is ‘popular opinion’… and that is why Act must fail… hes not connecting with *the minority demographic that wants to Vote Act*… if only they are significantly distinguishable from National and will have the backbone to wrestle *Real Concessions* .

I would love to discuss this further with David, it is impossible to present everything in a blog like this, and I hope that my criticisms are not childishly dismissed with the wave of the hand and written off as written in malice, and seeking to undermine Act.
They are written for the very opposite reason.

It was only yesterday that I read a press release about Jacinda Ardern’s striving to win the The Maori seats for Labour by saying she supports the entrenchment of the Maori seats which will make it much harder to abolish them. Read/watch that Here
This sets the tone for the ugly face-off between National and Labour come post election coalition talks and the competition for which party will sell out most to Racist Treaty separatism!
This demonstrates how urgent it is that these seats must be established immediately and that anyone with any Political nous knows that we are looking down the barrel of Massive Race relations injustices being perpetuated and that our Children will inherit this mess because of spinelessness of those Mps whom claim to know better unwillingness to take the fight against the rabid racism of Treaty separatists.
This is an evil that grows exponentially… and the task ahead grows more perilous by the day as the brainwashing that is going on in schools and in the media is relentless.

Sadly, I left the meeting still affirmed that I’m best giving my vote to Winston, and unless there is a significant and immediate change in direction I will continue telling others to do the same.

And this makes my pain and disappointment in likes Of David and his minions so much more acute.
The time cannot be far away before I loose my disappointment in Act… not because they have grown a pair… but because like most of the traditional Act voter whom have abandoned them…I have learned to expect nothing better from them than from Labour or Nation.
I may not suffer this misery long as there is every possibility that act will disappear after this election and they will deserve it because they have sold out all everything that the significant minority of freedom lovers hold dear and the greatest reasons Act have had any votes at all.

By far Acts greatest Leader was Don Brash!
He is hero of mine, and was set to Put act back on the map with his adroit stand for one Law for all, and the decriminalization of cannabis yet he shot himself in the foot by taking on board John Banks who was not ACT material at all and caused Don to Falter on the decriminalization of Cannabis.
Banks Took Epsom but Sunk Act!
And now because of that very Peanut brained nasty Dinosaur mentality that dominates in parliament towards ending Prohibition we have young people dying on Auckland streets from imbibing Poisons!
I dont know what polls National and David Seymour follow yet they cant be the same ones the rest of the country look at as the pols on this issue clearly indicate a majority of Kiwis want decriminalization!
Read here how Don Brashes integrity to what are supposed to be act core principle resulted in an outcry within his own ranks!
Ending the War on cannabis embodies all the Values and principle Act claim to represent, and when it happens will result in a massive improvement in justice… massive reduction in police expenses and man power and less body bags… and not cost the taxpayer a dime!
David is already on record that though he personally thinks it should be legalised … he wont move on it as he fears it will cost him votes…
If only he was not so cowardly and show some kahunas… he would win votes!
I am sure he could sell this in Epsom if he had the courage of his convictions.
Its dishonest to know what is right in your heart… but refuse to defend it.
The demographic for cannabis Law reform is massive and the the only advocates for this are all on the left.
This means there are a huge number of homeless Pro cannabis voters who hate the left who are just waiting for someone on the Right to give them a home!
In a flash he could boost his own ranks and rob support from the left.

You dont need to appeal to the masses of dumbfounded dipshits!
Your whole strategy is wrong… and it makes you stink!
Your Votes are to be found in that 15-20% of principled and outraged thinkers!
Give Don Brash a call FFS!
Ask Jamie Whyte what he thinks he did right and what he did wrong.

Tim Wikiriwhi.

More from Tim…

Calling National and Labour Party voters to UNITE! Lets put New Zealand First and End Waitangi Apartheid!

New Zealand’s Hopeless Election Choices… The Selling out of New Zealand to BrownMail. RMA 2017

Standing up for Justice more important than Personal Ambitions

And Richard… Hikois from hell

New Zealand’s First Official day of Remembrance of the Wars of the 1860s. The Hauhau Rebellion and the Heinous Murder of The Reverand C.S. Volkner.


This is the first of a series of blog posts I hope to do leading up to October 28 this year.
This date has been set as the first official day of remembrance for the New Zealand wars of the 1860s.
This day of remembrance is itself something that has been pushed for by Maori radicals whom seek to use this event to propagate their lies/ revisionist history that presents the Maori Rebels (And Maori in general as being the victims of systemic violent Pakeha Greed.

You will note that I have not called these wars by the ‘Politically correct’ name by which they have become known by spoon fed New Zealanders… ‘The Land Wars’… as I know this title to be to be a malicious fabrication designed to mis-direct the New Zealand people away from what the wars were *Really all about* … and what was *Really at stake* back in 1860s… and what is in fact *Really at stake* today.
The real purpose motivating these Activist Maori whom have whom have managed to get the 28th of October to be an official day of remembrance.

If there is at all any good reason for New Zealand to look so far back, and have a Day of remembrance for those events…The Activists certainly dont have these good intentions in mind, yet seek to use this day for very malicious political ends.
Via their twisted re-interpretation of history they seek to propagate greater Racial divisions between Maori and Pakeha… and to use this Dissension to generate fraudulent grievances…. to wrestle more money and power from ‘settlements’.

These Maori have become professional Extortioners… and have Duped the New Zealand people via the Fools and scoundrels in parliament of Billions of dollars.

It grieves me to have to talk about such nasty Machiavellian Political activities that stirs up uncomfortable feelings in people whom have no desire for ill will with their Fellow countrymen of Maori decent… People who would prefer to distance themselves from this ugly business… yet I call upon you to stand with me against the Political lies and malevolence that is being pushed through as Official doctrine, and is having real world effects… not only exacerbating Race relation troubles… not only extorting mountains of Tax dollars… but is changing the very fabric of our society… creating an apartheid system that will be inherited by our children… and unless we stand up for the truth… Our Children themselves will be taught and believe lies.

If that happens it will be because Those of us who know the truth were too intimidated by the controversy we face… to step up to defend both what is true… and what is just.

Not only that, but the reputation of the true Heroes… some of New Zealand’s Greatest defenders… whom fought for the Treaty of Waitangi, against Murderous Tribes in rebellion will forever be spat upon.

I personally find all this unconscionable.
I personally intend to do what what I can to see to it that the lies are exposed, and the Reputations of these heroic and righteous men get their due respect.

These wars were not ‘Land wars’…ie a greedy grab for tribal land by the Pakeha powers!
They were wars of rebellion by Maori Chiefs whom saw Colonization as a threat to their Mana and power…esp as their people began to exit their tribal lands and go live independently , and thus they hatched a plan to get rid of the Treaty, and the British Sovereignty, law and order, and to push the Pakeha back into the sea.
This is what Kingitanga (installing a Maori King) was all about.
And it was these Rebel Maori whom began to prey on the the colonials…and make war preparations conveniently close to Auckland… which they intended to Sack.

I will expand on all this in the following months, and will site my references, yet today I would just like to touch on one particular event that demonstrates what was at stake for New Zealand… and the sort of evils that were poised to devastate this country… and to start to prove that had it not been for bravery of the Colonial forces, Von Tempsky and Forrest Rangers, and later the Armed constabulary, and the Faithful Maori tribes whom preferred the peace of treaty of Waitangi to the tribal wars that were before it… and certainly preferred the Rule of Victoria to the prospect of subjection to a Tainui king… Our history would be completely different.
New Zealand would not be the Great first world Nation… God’s own… that we enjoy today.

All that above is merely my explanation for why I am about to post on a truly horrific murder committed by the Rebel Maori in the mid 1860s… The Hau Hau murder and cannibalism of of The Reverand C.S. Volkner.

We have first hand accounts of what transpired by a Man who was there by fellow Missionary Rev Thomas Grace. (You can find an excerpt by Thomas Grace in Trevor Bently’s ‘Transgressing Tikanga’. The excerpt is verbatum, while Bently’s own commentaries are often blatantly skewed Modern Revisionism… not supported by the records… be warned!)

From Rev Grace’s account we read that Volkner was a Man of high Christian Character and was every measure of what defined the Heroic and Christian Missionary of those times.
He had worked or many years among the Maori at Opotiki whom he loved and worked to bring the Gospel.
His efforts had resulted in a new church having just been erected at the time these events transpired.
Having travelled to Auckland, A band of Rebel Religious Fanatics of the Pai Marire Cult (Hau Hau) had arrived in Opotiki and managed to deceive and corrupt the very Maori whom Volkner considered his friends and brothers and sisters in Christ.
Though having been warned not to return to Opotiki, Volkner displayed the heroic character by ignoring concerns for his personal safety and instead governed by his love of the Maori people of Opotiki determined to run the hazard and return there.
Cautiously He left his wife in Auckland, the plan being she would follow later once The Rev was satisfied the situation was permitting.
There was a War going on, and the murderous Hau Hau had no intention of allowing this influential Christian of high mana to regain the souls of Opotiki for Christ and the Queen, and so these devils conspired a plot for his destruction. Saying he was a spy for the Government to justify his murder.
We can be certain that the accusation was a pure fabrication.
Volkner was hung, decapitated, his blood was drunken, and his eyes gouged out and eaten by Kereopa, thereafter deemed by his friends to be known as ‘The Eye Eater’.

Volkner was a Martyr for Christ and just one of the many Great Anglicans Missionaries who dedicated their lives to the salvation and improvement of the Maori People.
Though born in Germany, and was sent by the North German Missionary Society to Taranaki, Volkner offered his services to the Anglican Church Missionary Society.
Read more here.


You can read about these events Here.

The following is an excerpt…



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CHAPTER IV. Murder and Pillage.
The Hauhaus continued their journey up the Wanganui River until they reached Taupo. The Reverend T. S. Grace was stationed as a missionary at Taupo, and had to flee from his post.1 The apostles Kereopa and Patara, who were now the leaders of the party, began to pillage and murder. They broke into the now evacuated house of Mr. Grace, and promptly appropriated its contents.2 The Maoris at Taupo became converts to Pai Marire, no doubt largely in self-defence from the fanatics.

At Taupo the Hauhaus divided into their two parties as previously arranged. The result was one party reached Opotiki on March 1st, 1865, while the other reached Turanga on March 16th, 1865. These two parties must be dealt with separately.

The party for Opotiki found the tribe at that place already in a state of excitement. The Hauhaus boasted of their successes, and this further inflamed the simmering discontent of the Opotiki natives. The people of Opotiki had sympathised in the Waikato War, and some had taken part. Various circumstances had caused their minister (the Reverend C. S. Volkner)1 to be suspected of being in secret correspondence with the Government on the subject of their disaffection.2
Mr. Volkner had several times visited Auckland. This aggravated the suspicion already current about him. Actually he was continually troubled by the thought of the miserable conditions of his people.3 It was for the purpose of ameliorating their conditions that he made his last trip to Auckland.

On March 2nd, 1865, the Reverends C. S. Volkner and T. S. Grace arrived at Opotiki on the “H.M.S. Eclipse.”4 A Taranaki native named Wiwini immediately went on board and asked Morris Levy, one of the crew, for his Hebrew prayer book. The native pretended to read it and expressed great satisfaction at be-coming possessed of so great a treasure.1 Mr. Volkner’s natives then came on shore to cry for him, because they knew what was going to happen. Shortly after everybody on board the schooner was ordered on shore. On landing Mr. Volkner went up to the people and offered his hand, but no one would shake hands with him. The two missionaries, at the command of Kereopa, were marched off to the Roman Catholic Chapel.2 Finally they were locked in a hut with the sailors. However, Captain Levy, who had piloted the boat, was allowed his freedom, because, being a Jew, he was considered a sort of Hauhau.3
In the evening there was a Runanga (meeting) of the chiefs. It was decided to hang Mr. Volkner, but Mr. Grace was to be kept a prisoner until Patara returned to Opotiki, as Mr. Grace was a stranger to the place.4 The majority of the tribe voted for the death of their pastor, with a few notable exceptions — Tiwai and Te Ranapia.

The following day a number of armed men came, and, after going through some ceremonies in front of the house, called to Mr. Volkner to accompany them. Mr. Grace pressed again and again to go with him, but was forced back and told his turn would come next.1 Volkner was taken away to the Church, where Kereopa dressed himself in the coat and waistcoat of his victim. Volkner was then led to a willow-tree, which was improvised as a gallows. Te Ranapia, seeing the Hauhaus pass, attempted a rescue, but was upset into a deep creek.2 Volkner was permitted to pray, and was then hoisted up. After being suspended for about two minutes he was lowered, and then Kereopa went up and shot him through the body; he was then run up again with a jerk.3 An hour later the body was lowered and the head cut off.4 Mr. Grace describes in his diary for that day the events that followed:—
“The scene where this was done was most dreadful. They were eager to taste his blood, and many rubbed it on their faces. Some of his old friends took part in all this! From my own observance, the people appeared to be half lunatic, and so worked up by their religion as to be ready for any work of the devil.”1
Kereopa carried the murdered man’s head to St. Stephen’s Church, and placed it on the reading desk in front of him, together with the communion cup of the missionary’s blood.2 Kereopa forced out Mr. Volkner’s eyes and swallowed them, and declared that this was a symbol of the way he would deal with the Queen and the Parliament of England.3″


Kereopa Te Rau… “Kaiwhatu: the eye-eater”.

The eating of a chiefs eyes was an ancient Heathen Maori practice designed to prevent the Chiefs eyes becoming Stars in the heavens above.
Now when reading *anything* from the Government University it is important to note that these institutions today are thoroughly infested with Revisionist Academics who *if anything* will attempt to slope such stories in favor of the rebels… Blame the victim… attempt to divert blame… etc etc, yet this horrible event is a fact of our past that clearly demonstrates the particularly diabolical characteristics of the Hauhaus.

Modernists have attempted to downplay these events and the government has caved in to their Revisionism… granting this murderer a pardon along with ‘Treaty settlements’. Read here.

Yet Nothing can undo the Grim facts about the fate of Volkner at the hands of these savages.
Their rebellion embodies an important aspect of what was behind the thinking of Rebel Maori’s in general… and it was not merely a desire to establish Maori Rule… but also a desire to revert back to the savage ways of the Pre-colonial past.
The rebels sought to reject Christianity, and the ethics it had established here even before the treaty via the heroic works of the Christian missionaries…
Nothing Typifies this better than their act of cannibalism… Eating his eyes…Drinking the Volkners Blood from his severed head!

The Hauhau were dangerous lunitics.. adherents to a satanic cult… and incorporated violent Political agenda…
Read here:
The Christian Missionaries via their preaching had basically eradicated this endemic evil by the time of the treaty.
The Rebels wanted it reinstated… yet thankfully… in the Name of The British Monarch… via the Right of Sovereignty ceeded to her by the treaty… The Rebel tribes were confronted and defeated in Battle, and the rest is history!
The Land Confiscations that followed were to punish the rebel tribes… to prevent future rebellions… and all this is in perfect harmony with the Treaty… As Governor Grey had warned before he sent troups… and as Sir Aparana Ngata would later validate…


“Let me issue a word of warning to those who are in a habit of bandying the name of the Treaty around to be very careful lest it be made the means of incurring certain liabilities made under the law which we do not know now and which are being borne only by the Pakeha”.

“Some have said that these conviscations were wrong and they have contravened the articles of the treaty of Waitangi, but the chiefs placed in the hands of the Queen of England, the sovereignty and authority to make laws. Some sections of the Maori people violated that authority, war arose and blood was spilled. The Law came into opperation and land was taken in payment. This itself is Maori custom – revenge- plunder to avenge a wrong. It was their chiefs who ceded that right to the queen. The conviscations can not therefore be objected to in the light of the Treaty”.
Extracts from ‘The Treaty of Waitangi, an explanation’ by Sir Apirana Ngata.


This is sufficient for my first blogpost for the coming Remembrance day October 28 2017.
I leave you with the question…. why do you think these words of Sir Apirana Ngata …one of the Greatest Maori Leaders of all time… are not being taught in our schools and universities?
The obvious and short answer is they dont fit in with the Revisionist Political Agenda being foisted upon us that feeds the Treaty grievance industry and Political separatism that elevates Maori above everybody else… extorts Billions… is supposed to justify Racist laws… and renders all Non-Maori second class citizens.

Will you allow this travesty to go unchallenged… or will you join me and my brave and principled friends in seeing the truth is known… the Heroes whom fought for the Treaty get their due honor… and bequeath a nation in which Racial equality before the law is a constitutional guarantee!
Let us fight for our Country… for true justice … for the future of our children and relegate all the Evils of treaty separatism to the dustbin of history….

Join my Facebook page to discuss these issues and help us make sure the heroes whom fought for the treay against the Rebels get their due honor on the first official day of remembrance 28 October 2017.
You will find us here:
Honoring Gustav Von Tempsky and the Forest Rangers 28 October 2017
Update: I have quit Facebook because of it’s heavy censorship and political/religious bias against Liberty and Christ.

Tim Wikiriwhi.
Christian Libertarian.

Postscript: If you ever travel to Opotiki, at the eastern end of the town center stands an Old style Anglican Church, St Stephens.
When you walk behind this building there is a small courtyard between another later constructed building. In this courtyard, embedded in the back wall of the Church you will find the Marble gravestone of the Christian Martyr Rev Karl Volkner.

“He Iwi Tahi Tatau”… We are now one people…
Governor Hobson to the Chiefs at the signing of the Treaty of Waitangi.


More from Tim.

The Wanganui River and the incredulous incantations of the Neo-Tohungas…

Tim Wikiriwhi’s Submission to the New Zealand Government’s Constitutional Review. 2013

Mt Everest is for Wimps! Lets Conquer Apartheid Government in New Zealand! A strategy.

Universal Pride in Washington, Separatist Shame in Wellington.

The Light of the gospel reaches the utmost parts of the Earth. Bi-Centennial of Samuel Marsden’s Christmas Message. Bay of Islands. 1814.

Looking Forward, not Backwards: Dynamic Culture vs Stagnation. Why British Colonisation was good for Maori.

Trojan Horse: The UN Separatist Declaration of Indigenous Rights.

The Great Waitangi Swindle.

My speech for the 1Law4all party 2014 AGM. Tim Wikiriwhi. 17 June. Hamilton

The War is over…Neo-Feminism is a Sex Cult.

I have changed the name of this post after a person remarked how this behavior “reminds him of all the Phallic Statues and cravings around the world”.
I find this observation instructive.
Modern Feminism is in fact a type of Sex Cult!


Feminism in the West is Defunct… obsolete….
The war is over… You won… congrats on that… stop flogging a dead horse… let it go….
Find something else to Bitch about… Now you are embarrassing yourselves.
Tim Wikiriwhi.
Christian Libertarian.


Emma Watson fires back at critics of Vanity Fair photo shoot


“Feminism is not a stick with which to beat other women,” Watson said, after detractors said the semi-clothed shoot betrayed her feminist ideals.
The 26-year-old Watson told The Associated Press on Saturday that the controversy represented “a fundamental and complete misunderstanding of what feminism is.”
She says, “Feminism is about equality and it’s about choice.”
She adds: “Feminism is not a stick with which to beat other women.”


Update 2-1-21… ‘Diva’…33 meter Cunt (above).
Please excuse the ‘C’ language… I feel it necessary in this case for the sake of justice not to ‘tone down’ for the sake of political correctness but to describe this Perversity mascaraing as Art for what it is.

To be honest I am not offended by any of this… I find it absolutely hysterical and that it shouts out the Artist and their warped ideology is completely Bonkers!
The blatant hypocrisy of Feminists prancing about naked in public or parading massive cunts… ‘Its not Pornography when we do it’…. type rationale.

The Artist Juliana Notari
Notice also how the Feminist required a bunch of Burly Men to actually create this Big Flange… talk about bogus ‘Liberation’. Too lazy to find a bunch of Woman to do the dirty work smacks of typical Feminists these days… leaning on ‘The Patriarchy’ whenever it suits them…. oh and yes these men busy oppressing woman and enjoying their ‘Privilege’!

“Diva after all is a big hand made sculpture. As Roberto demonstrated, the engineer responsible for the work (and who puts his hand in the mass! ), could not use excavator, because she would not allow to accurately carve the reliefs she needed. So it was over 40 hands to make Diva rise, over twenty men working in a heroin effort under the sun to pin, amid a lot of music and joke.”

From here.

The Real feminists of yesteryear would be outraged to see what these ‘5th wave feminists’ have done to the feminist movement.
The big Problem is not these ridiculous and grotesque displays, but that these Sexist man hating psychopaths are gaining massive influence over left leaning parliaments.

Tim Wikiriwhi.

Read more…. Babes and Ball Crushers.

Feminism, Lisa Lewis, and the death of romance.

The mother of Invention?

Heart Ripped out. This ones for all the Dying Dads … and the Survivors.

Police Sexist bias exposed by failure to prosecute Lefty Dildo thrower.

Transgenerism and the Feminist Lobby’s relentless drive to Criminalise Christian values.