Category Archives: Intelligent Design

Multiplying Absurdities Equals Certainty… The Math Magic of Modern Atheist Astrologers!


The main topic of this post is the use and abuse of mathematics.
By ‘abuse’ I mean using math in such a way as to deceive people into believing falsehoods.

Though I am not by any stretch of the imagination a skilled Mathematician, I am an Engineer, and so I appreciate Math.
Engineering is applied Math and Science.
Engineering is ‘generally speaking’ a very ‘Grounded’ discipline… while there is at times the need for innovation and experiment, It is more often Methodical.
There is little room for wild speculation, with expensive equipment and material, and so it’s use of Math is very ‘pure’… righteous … and exact.

Engineer at work on a Lathe… Applied Science and Maths… without wild conjecture or speculation.

When making components I often rely on gauges and dials on my machines, calculating precisely what I want the machine tool to do so as to end up with a work piece which will do the job it is supposed to.
Many jobs are done to very fine tolerances so as to achieve the necessary ‘fit’.
Using high tolerance measuring gear the engineer must decide what degree of rotation on a hand wheel will result in infinitesimal perfection.
Like a captain navigating a ship in the Dark, or a Pilot flying through a storm,
Math becomes essential in Engineering situations where you must ‘fly blind’…for eg when a cutting tool is turning out internal details deep within a work piece.
Like a pilot flying in a storm… Often the Machinist cant see much at all, and must rely on his dials and hand wheels to make very precise and calculated sets of moves.
The smallest errors can result in catastrophe, either in the form of an industrial accident during production of the component, or a failure for it to fit, function or perform when the time comes for it to serve the purpose for which it was designed.

Thus I appreciate just how wonderful Math is as a tool for man in applied science… esp for high accuracy and for working in situations beyond sight verification.
It gets results!
This is applied math at it’s purest and best… firstly because in these applications theory is practically proven beyond any doubt, ….Being well understood and fundamentally ‘Secular’ …as the term is properly understood ….there is no need for wild conjecture or speculations….in this sense it is very mundane, and secondly because of the advances made in this type of applied science and math, which has resulted in the greatest benefits to mankind… and advances in almost every other field of Human Endeavour… for example in astronomy.
Yet alas technical advances are impotent to improve the spiritual condition of Humanity, and instead Mankind’s corrupt nature consistently employs even the greatest of Arts into the most terrible evils and infernal purposes.

The Engineering advances in the development of the telescope serves as an excellent example of how ‘basic’ technical advances led to the expansion of human knowledge of our Universe…. The higher degree of accuracy to which a telescope is made, (and calibrated), the better observations the astronomer can make.
Yet man being man new technical advances not only brought greater knowledge and apprehension, but also brought new opportunities for Man to exercise his vanity and capacity for delusion!


What I am about to talk about now is a very different way in which math is often used … In domains where wild Political and mythical speculations are countenanced, being tailored to accommodate the most Rabid and biased agendas …and even revered as the work of genius…. Under the guise of ‘scientific hypotheses’.
I would like the reader to consider just how ridiculous is the commonly touted atheist ‘Myth’, that Science has always been the tool of Rationalism against religion, primitive ignorance, and superstition!
An Objective survey of the march of Materialist Naturalism testifies to the fact that any pretence that Science may be understood to be the advance of truth against religious superstition is a very naive proposition indeed!

The truth is that on one hand no purely technical scientific advance has ever been in conflict with Religious belief… or placed true religion/ biblical Christianity in any retreat whatsoever!
This Atheist contention that the advance of Science has been squeezing God and Supernaturalism out of existence is patently false.
I will have to leave my explanations for this to another Blog post, It will have to suffice for now to say that this belief stems from a misguided yet historic trend which followed the Enlightenment, and also that this atheist assertion as it stands today is not founded upon the solid rock of science proper…like engineering is, but relies totally upon wild conjecture… upon ‘impure usage of mathematics… and ‘Pseudo-scientific theory’….all of which are expressly designed to prop up and legitimize an absolutely unscientific ideological bent..
And this type of agenda driven pseudo scientific theory is also visibly operational in political arena as well… eg Climate change.
On this subject, I suggest readers go and listen to the arguments of Climate change skeptic Lord Monkton… He is very critical about the Warmist’s Math!

There are many things which can and do corrupt real and genuine scientific objectivity, and ideology, and vested interests… Bigotry, Profit, and power over the minds… and lives of humanity… are all at work today, and have utterly corrupted science so as to render the world to be filled not with light… but with utter confusion… and darkness.

All too often the most wild of hypotheses are quickly christened ‘facts’… and are then wielded as clubs to bludgeon and crush dissenting opinion and scepticism of the powers that be.
And In academic circles today it is the Socialists and the Materialist Atheists whom occupy the Seats of Power … and who maintain their position via this corrupt means of employing Mass Pseudo scientific Propaganda… and by every means at their disposal …they actively protest and prohibit any opposition to their Naturalistic Cosmology, to their ‘orthodox medicines, to their environmentalism, etc etc.
Anyone questioning the Priests of Naturalism and Socialism receive similar treatment to Galileo when he argued for a Heliocentric model of the solar system !
How Ironic! 

Now it’s time for me to vindicate myself, yet let me confess to being not only ‘an amateur’ in the subject of Math, but also of having but a rudimentary apprehension of the modern methods, claims, and discoveries in field of Astronomy.
Just as I have done with Politics, Philosophy, and History, I have had to content my interest in Astronomy by reading the odd book, by watching The News, and Discovery channel, by chatting with friends in the smoko table or on line… and by Reading articles in Papers and magazines. And though I have been actively doing so for most of my 46 years, I must say that I do not pretend to be an expert, and what follows is purely based upon the limits of such an eclectic and non-professional assimilation of Data.
And these are my current thoughts on these matters, and I will be more than happy to modify my position should Good reason be provided by some critique.

Modern Astronomy = Modern Astrology!

Mankind had advanced virtually as far as possible in Earthbound Astronomy using ordinary optics, and the micrometer, when advances in Electronics, rocketry and the advent of Computers literally opened up New Horizons.

Mankind’s powers have been greatly magnified, yet still we remain trapped in our own self-destructive nature.
War has become so much more terrible, Thefts have become more massive, Tyranny has become more pervasive, and Mythology has become cloaked in White overcoats, and statistics.
We live in the Era of ‘Computer Modeling’ which can be a fantastic tool for running massive math calculations and other chores… yet like everything of Human construction it is not Free of the Human Factor… and so these things… including Mathematics (which play a major part in Computer modelling) can become a powerful tool of Propaganda… for selling Ideology to the Masses, and also can be a form of self delusion… by those who honestly believe their own fancy footwork is something more than mere conjecture and thereby unjustly elevate their hypotheses in the domain of proven *scientific fact*… of unquestionable truth which is supposed to discredit alternative theories and propositions.
We live in times when it is a form of blasphemy to question anything deemed to be a *scientific fact*

One Book… the title of which is ‘How to lie using statistics’ is ‘recommended reading’ in Libertarian circles, and I even own a copy, yet I have not actually read it.
Still it’s Title incorporates a truth that has relevance to a debate I am having regarding the naturalistic theory of the Big bang and evolution of the cosmos which tries to explain the formation of our Home planet the Earth , the solar system, the Moon, etc via the forces of nature, eliminating any need for belief in, or the interventions of a Creator God.

In a recent face book debate, I have been asked to explain the scepticism I expressed about this Naturalistic explanation, and the latest claims by astronomers using the latest techniques to discover new worlds.
I am particularly critical of the latest claims that there are probably billions of ‘Earths’ in the universe… ie the speculation that our planet is in no way special, and that belief in extra terrestrial life is somehow supported by mathematical probability… via the same process of naturalistic Evolution which are supposed by Atheists and materialists to have given genesis to life here on Earth.

One of the latest developments in astronomy which has become possible via the powers of exactitude, and Mass calculations afforded by the Technological revolution is the claims that tiny ‘observed’ patterns of orbital perturbations and oscillations in the positions and motions of stars are best explained by the postulation of the gravitational effects of unseen orbiting Planets… solar systems… similar to our own, and without spending my life checking that their methodology is not flawed, and that their equipment is actually capable of such feats… on face value… I have no problem with this basic rationale. I am impressed with the ingenious ways these technologies are being exploited.


If this basic rationale was maintained I would not be writing this blog post, The problem as I see it comes when Astronomers expose their religious Materialistic zeal… and attempt to conflate these discoveries of solar systems with evolutionary theory… esp the Abiogenesis of Life.

See here>>>> 4.5 Billion ‘Alien Earths’ May Populate Milky Way

This corruption is so commonplace that almost every article about Astronomy mentions something about it… eg almost every report from a Mars rover makes some claim that these rovers are vindicating belief that ‘Martians’ probably existed …’Millions of years ago’. ”Mars once had Oceans” “Mars once had potable water”…etc.
From this speculation you are supposed to leap to the conclusion that there were once also Martian ‘fish’.

mars fish

Just as Engineers have ‘fits and limits’… Tolerances within which they can operate successfully … the breadth of which being dependent upon the task at hand… so too do the scientists of Astronomy, yet it is much easier for Astronomers to ‘play loose’, than it is for Engineers…and their maniacal bents mean they are in a habit of so choosing to interpret the data as supporting the notion that a certain observable perturbation in a stars motion indicates the presence of a particular sized planet… which just so happens to be within the so-called “Goldilocks zone” for that Star… *even if the perturbation can also be just as accurately explain in mathematical terms via a ‘less favourable’ set of variables which are just ad valid mathematically yet they would put a different massed planet either Too close or too far away to claim they have discovered a ‘Goldilocks planet.’
I proffer this argument both from experience of knowing just how often scientists meddle with data until they ‘prove’ their own theories… and because I know a larger planet at a greater distance will generate the same perturbation as a smaller planet at a closer distance… with the same orbital duration.
Me thinks that ‘Materialist Astronomers will tend to play with this extremely broad parameter… and suggest that a said perturbation indicates the existence of an ‘Earth like’ planet orbiting a said star… simply by arbitrarily choosing ‘convenient dimensions’ and by going to ether the inner or outer extremes of tolerance the received Data will allow so as to put the planet conveniently within what they consider to be the ‘goldilocks zone’ for that star.
It is most telling that these Astronomers are without doubt engaging in ideological propaganda because they just as easily say the perturbations are being caused by Mars-like planets!… yet that does not have the same Evolutionary wet dream ….Sex appeal!
I can make this assertion because
Mars is within the tolerances of the goldilocks zone…that’s how board a tolerance the astronomers set for this ‘idea’… and We are bombarded with propaganda from NASSA that they consider Mars to be ‘a goldilocks planet.
They justify the spending of Billions of extorted Tax dollars upon the grand delusion that Space exportation is a noble Endeavour in the quest for the discovery of the origin of Life. And The Billions of Dumbfounded dipshits… swallow this line and submit to their slavery!

The fact remains that it’s not so mystical to make the claim that the latest discoveries of Planets prove the existence of Billions of ‘Mar’s like’ planets… that is not sensational at all!
It is however extremely sensational to say the data supports the idea of ‘Billions of Earths’!… and yet this is a purely arbitrary statement!
Via this rationale Mars must be deemed to be ‘Earth-like’… and yet from this we can apprehend just how bogus such a claim really is!


The original Idea of the planetary goldilocks zone is actually *a theistic ID idea*.
The premise being that God placed the Earth in the Ideal orbit to sustain life.
This is a very devastating idea to Naturalistic atheism as it is one of many amazing factors about the Earth which the atheists must assume is not a matter of intelligent design but another ‘fortunate accident’…

Now lets look at what these sorts of Mathematical shinnaganism really means.
Is this a valid scientific modus opperandi or theory?
Not at all! Their theories are non-falsifiable because when they can jiggy the numbers to almost any Astronomical extreme… until they arrive at something pleasing to their preconceptions… and then declare the numbers add up… that’s not science!

And astronomy is filled to the brim with such conjectures… which are deemed to be established facts… simply because they ‘add up’.

Another example to further substantiate my point that Astronomers (and others) ‘play games with numbers and then pretend this is science , lets look at a current theory in respect to the formation of the Moon via a collision of another planet with Earth.

moon formation

Scientists set up a computer model and run through a whole series of variables/ scenarios… different size ‘Planet X’ traveling at various velocities …until they narrowed down the variables to a set which when run through the computer appears to give them a pattern which somewhat resembles the Earth and the moon ‘as they assume these bodies would have been like… and then they call a press conference… or write an article for ‘Nature’ declaring they have ‘evidence’ which supports their hypothesis that the Moon was created via a collision with imaginary ‘Planet X’ and the Earth… xxx years ago!
Now many reading this will say “what’s wrong with that?”
“It applies the laws of physics and mathematics and comes up with a working explanation!???”

The problem with this type of ‘science’ is that it was *a foregone conclusion*….even before they began to run the program, that they would eventually get a favourable scenario because when you are at liberty to feed into such programs whatever variables you like that one of these sets will inevitably produce the required Masses and forces to ‘prove’ their hypothesis! Ie this virtual experiment is *Non-falsifiable* … you simply ‘boogie the Masses and velocities until you get ‘a brew’ which satisfies your demands… and then argue that Planet x was such and such a size and it was travelling at such and such a speed…. And yet this whole exercise was nothing more than mathematical gymnastics!

Now that you apprehend the dubious nature of such methodology let me apply this insight to explain just one of the reasons why I am very sceptical about the latest claims of Materialist astronomers using computer modelling etc to make such claims as to have already found ‘Earth-like’ planets orbiting other stars… and further inferring that the earth is not amazingly Unique… but merely one of Billions.

Let me now explain the motive behind why Astronomers are determined to make people believe the universe is filled ‘Earths’ rather than ‘Mars’s’ .
They are playing the ultimate statistical numbers scam of them all!

One of the largest problems Materialist/ Naturalist/ Evolutionist/ atheist have is that advances in technology have not only greatly increase our powers to investigate the vastness of the Universe, but has also greatly increase our ability to investigate the Microscopic… the infinitesimal… and to the horror of the Atheist what has been revealed is not the simplicity they had postulated… and require for their Naturalistic theories of the spontaneous generation of life!

The cell compared to a Factory.

Indeed the advances in real science have done the very opposite…Looking at the Cell, they have reveled a mind blowing complexity! Thus with the advance of science the hopes and dreams of atheists ought to have faded… as the magnitude of improbability of the spontaneous generation of life is today beyond rational belief, yet instead of abandoning their unscientific superstition… they are hell bent on fixing the numbers… so that their wild and irrational belief in Atheism …appears more rational than it really is.
And to do this they Need either Billions of Earths… Or Billions of ‘Universes’.
Without writing another 3000 words to explain this I point out that the odds of life spontaneously generating on Earth have been described as *Infinitely improbable!*

Read about this improbability on my blog post here …

Dingbat Atheist Pseudo-science. Instant Life… just add water!

Yet rather than be despondent about any of this, the Hard as nails fanatical atheist instead have postulated myriads of mythical Earth-like planets… and or infinite numbers of Universe occupying ‘other dimensions’! (and yet they have the cheek to deride theists for belief in Heaven!)


Modern Technology and the growing *real scientific knowledge* about Reality has forced Atheist Naturalists into the most extreme absurdities and Math shenanigans… to maintain their atheism… and they know it!
What this gimmick does is not make the spontaneous generation of life any less fantastic… but dupes the fanatical Materialist into a false sense of certainty…reasoning that if a truckload of 1 000 000 dice get tossed 1 000 000 000 000 times or more that simply by chance every now and then on particular throws… all the dices will fall six face up!… by pure chance!
They are so enthralled by this hope… their entire atheist faith has come to depends upon it being true… and as they have no hope of finding other universes …they today scan the heavens with the express determination of discovering billions of Earth-like planets … because to their way of thinking just finding one other earth-like planet improves the odds for their deranged faith by 50%!
It does not make the appearance of life by natural means any easier… but by a quirk of mathematics it doubles the opportunity for fate to smile!… and the atheist are betting the farm on this! They are so insane as to believe that if they can prove that billions of ‘Earths’ exist that this would somehow move the belief in The spontaneous generation of life from an absolute absurdity into an absolute certainty!
This surely must rank as the greatest majic trick of all time!
If ever there was a pseudo science… this must be the king of them all!
And knowing this powerful ulterior motive is a driving force in astronomy, is why we should be very wary of these latest claims that astronomers have already ‘discovered’ Earth-like planets. They have serious vested interests to make such wild claims…in the vain attempt to add credibility to their absurd Atheism and to rescue Naturalistic Evolution and Materialism from the dustbin where the latest discoveries of Biology indicate such superstitions belong.
The Idea that science has liberated Mankind from superstition via Naturalism and Materialism is a ridiculous joke!
Modern Astronomy differs little from the astrologers of old… in its superstitious notions.
Modern atheists academics are absolute hypocrites! They are barely distinguishable from the Superstitious Luddites of old whom they say resisted every scientific advance. Today it is the priests of Atheism whom rail against the appointment of any Free-thinkers as teacher… whom reject the absolute Religious Naturalistic orthodoxy of our day!
Just look at the extremes to which the will go to combat investigation of the alternative explanations… that God created the Heavens and the Earth.

Tim Wikiriwhi.
King James Bible believer. Dispensationalist. Libertarian.

god created

One of the aspects of the Atheist quest to find life in outer space which I left out of this post is the fact that they stretch the so-called Goldilocks zone to the greatest extremes, and even justify the wildest speculation about life spontaneously Abiogenesising in the most Bizarre and harsh environments such as on Saturn’s Moon Titan, and Jupiter’s Europa… both of which do not fall into what is deemed to be the Goldilocks Zone for our Star by presenting examples of Life living under extreme conditions here on Earth… such as in the Darkest depths of the ocean by volcanic vents, or in Acid, or near boiling pools.

What this proves is that there is virtually no limit to the extremes these atheists will go to convince the world of the Atheistic theory for the Origin of life. All talk of the Goldilocks zone is in fact rendered meaningless. They prove this by making claims about abiogenesis on planets and moons which are’n even in the zone.
NASA Team Investigates Complex Chemistry at Titan

NASA experiment indicates possibility of life on Saturn’s moon Titan

The possibility of life on Europa

Update 2

Update:3 This just in…. so here we have the same game being exposed in yet another field… not only are astronomers, Evolutionists, and climatologists playing funky with Maths…. so are Economists….


Read more here:

Rabid Anti-Reason Atheists Priesthood Cry Blasphemy!



Creationism and intelligent design are causing quite a stir at Ball State University, a public college in Muncie, Indiana. In addition to sparking an internal investigation into Professor Eric Hedin, a Christian who is accused by the atheistic Freedom From Religion Foundation (FFRF), among others, of potentially indoctrinating students, there’s yet another new target. The FFRF is now joining evolutionary scientists in speaking out against the same university’s hire of Dr. Guillermo Gonzalez, an astronomy professor who embraces intelligent design.

What’s most fascinating about the debate is that academic environments really should be the host of vibrant discussion, debate and diverse viewpoints. While most scientists do believe in evolutionary theory, the notion that people who do not should be silenced seems counter-intuitive. But that is exactly what is unfolding as the contention over Ball State’s hiring of these professors progresses.

Read more Here:

^^^ This story exposes the Bigotry which corrupts the academic world which not only stifles real science, but maintains the lies of evolution and Materialist in the position of ‘Orthodoxy’.
These Atheists are complete hypocrites because they are doing today what they accuse the Religious zealots of the past of doing!… Stifling dissenting opinion for the sake of maintaining a monopoly… not by reason… but by force!

Watch this excellent video… Expelled: No Intelligence allowed

David Berlinski—Atheism and its Scientific Pretensions

Dingbat Atheist Pseudo-science. Instant Life… just add water!

Pasteur’s Law, Creation Science vs Nose Bone Atheism.

The Rusty Cage: Scientism.

The Ludicrous Claims of Evolution! Why not ESP?

Russell’s Teapot really refutes Atheism not Theism!

Biomimicry… Plagiarizing God’s designs.

Monism: Evolutionary Psychology and the Death of Morality, Reason and Freewill.

The Lies of Atheist Pseudo Science.

The False Deity Called Evolution.

Atheism has no basis for Rights… or Morals.

We are not Robots Ayn Rand. We are Moral Agents.

How can a Good God exist when there is so much evil in the world? (part1) Atheist Nihilism.

Dingbat Atheist Pseudo-science. Instant Life… just add water!

big bang evolution

The Theory of evolution is a bloody joke!
Yet it’s fanatical devotees infest our media and schools to the extent that those of us who don’t believe it are considered the Lunatic fringe.
And yet when ever you examine any of the so called evidences or rationale which under girds this Belief, all the thinking man finds is hocus pocus and minuscule facts stretched to their extreme.

The latest findings of the Mars Rover ‘Opportunity’ serve as yet another example of just how devoid of real substance the atheist naturalistic cosmology really is…

In an NZ herald article (pg A25) June 13 2013 a Cambridge Professor of Mineral Physics Simon Redfern talks about The Rover performing an xray on some Mars ‘Esperance’… rock which revealed mineral deposits within which gives plausibly to this rock having been formed via Water borne sedimentary action… muddy clays which absorbed water, rather than Sulphuric acid… as has been the interpretation given to the majority of other ‘hydrated’ rocks examined.

This discovery is in the words of the Professor…
“Powerful evidence that water interacted with this rock…”

Now that is interesting, and I have no reason to believe there is anything wrong with his conclusion… It is the fantastic conjecture which Atheists draw from this sort of thing!
Like squeezing blood from a stone… they then leap to the conclusion that


^^^^ Is it possible to justify that statement … which was the actual title of the whole NZ Herald article… from the mere fact that this rock probably had contact with water of a potable quality?

Lets look at what the article says…
“It’s the strongest evidence yet for a past environment that would have been conducive to life.”

I can live with that Idea… I can conjecture that Mars may indeed have been a far more ‘hospitable place’ that had water… aeons ago.
Where did it all go?
Did Mars fall victem to a capitalist society causing catistrophic ‘Climate change’? 🙂
I digress.


It is at this point in the article we move from what I consider ‘fair’ scientific speculation straight into the extreme realms of Evolutionary Fairytale… The article continues…

“Speculation linking the origins of life on Earth to the presence of clays minerals has been something of a theme since it was suggested in the 1950s.
Swelling clays, like those seen in Esperance, demonstrate the presence of neutral water early in Mars history. But at the molecular scale the inter-layer structure of clay can also act as a template to any organic molecules present and potentially, promote replication of enzymes and proteins, which are necessary for life.
The findings back up earlier theories that the Martian surface once hosted an ocean , covering much of it’s Northern Hemisphere”.

Blar Blar Blar! There you have it!
The Wild and unfounded atheist conjecture as to the origin of life on Earth is used to vindicate further conjecture to Life on Mars!
There is no real science in any of this!
Atheism is a belief in Martian Sea-monkeys!
Just add water… and hey presto ‘Instant Life’…

sea monkeys

These claims in fact prove how Baseless and devoid of Science the Naturalistic notion of the origin of life really is!
Their simpleton rationale goes something like this… “… Life needs water… Mars had water… Oh that means the probability of life having existed there ….’once upon a time’…is likely!
They are grasping at straws.
And they are guilty of the very assumption they accuse theism of… ie baseless conjecture.
There is *zero evidence for life on Mars*
End of story
This claim is pure whim! Pure pseudo science!

The latest discoveries of Genetic science explode the idea of a ‘simple cell’.
The Cell is super complex… a super organized structure, and knowing this ought to slay any remaining delusions that Life can spontaneously arise by fortuitous circumstances, and indeed explains why… even here on earth where conditions are perfect for life… abiogenesis/ spontaneous generation has never been observed, in fact Pasteurs Law is absolute… *Life always and only comes from life*… a sterile environment will remain sterile forever… unless ‘seeded’ from an external source.

Math destroys Atheism.

The impossiblility of spontanious generation is Scientific Reality. Abiogenesis is a mathematical absurdity…yet because these facts simply dont fit the irreligious opinions of the professor and his ilk, he chooses to ignore science and to substitute the facts with his own irreligious Bullshit… Blar blar “clays act as templates”, etc….and that folks demonstrates just how and why the theory of evolution keeps it legs and continues to be preached in schools and in the Media.
It is a Wolf in sheeps clothing.
St Paul warned us to beware ‘Science falsely so-called’.

Read more…

Pasteur’s Law, Creation Science vs Nose Bone Atheism.

What are the statistical odds-against the”spontaneous-generation theory?

What do the scientist say – John Eccles, winner of the Nobel Prize and one of the foremost brain scientists in this century speaks of one chance in 1010,000 as being “infinitely improbable…..Carl Sagan and other prominent scientists have estimated the chance of man evolving at roughly 1 chance in 102,000,000,000.34……Harold Morowitz, a Yale University physicist,calculated the odds of a single bacterium emerging from the basic building blocks necessary were 1 chance in 10100,000,000,000.24…….Dr. David J. Rodabough, Associate Professor of Mathematics at the University of Missouri, estimated the more realistic chance that life would spontaneously generate (even on 1023 planets) as only one chance in 102,999,940.21……scientists Walter L. Bradley and Charles Thaxton, point out that the probability of assembling amino acid building blocks into a functional protein is approximately one chance in 4.9 X 10191.16…..

Scientist Harold F. Blum, writing in Time’s Arrow and Evolution, wrote that, “The spontaneous formation of a polypeptide of the size of the smallest known proteins seems beyond all probability.”…..David J. Rodabaugh, Ph.D., Associate Professor of Mathematics at the University of Missouri, Columbia, Missouri, shows the probability that a simple living organism could be produced by mutations “is so small as to constitute a scientific impossibility” — “the chance that it could have happened anywhere in the universe,is less than 1 [chance] in 102,999,942.”7….Moshe Trop, Ph.D., with the Department of Life Sciences, Bar-Ilan University, Ramat Gan, Israel, concludes,”All calculations made of the probability [that life could evolve by chance, lead to the conclusion that] there could have been no possibility of the random appearance of life….(NOTE – All evidence cited orginates from the science community)….(continue)

Staggering complexity of the cell.

A discussion of the staggeringly complexity and elegance of the cell, which has been described as a nano-factory full of machinery millenia beyond what today’s brilliant engineers can produce.

Is this all the product of filtered, mindless, purposeless accidents or of brilliant design? You be the judge.

“Although the tiniest living things known to science, bacterial cells, are incredibly small (10^-12 grams), each is a veritable micro-miniaturized factory containing thousands of elegantly designed pieces of intricate molecular machinery, made up altogether of one hundred thousand million atoms, far more complicated than any machine built by man and absolutely without parallel in the non-living world.”
–Michael Denton, Ph.D. geneticist

“To grasp the reality of life as it has been revealed by molecular biology, we must first magnify a cell a thousand million times until it is 20 kilometers in diameter and resembles a giant airship large enough to cover a great city like London or New York. What we would see then would be an object of unparalleled complexity,…we would find ourselves in a world of supreme technology and bewildering complexity.”
–Michael Denton, Ph.D. geneticist, Evolution: A Theory In Crisis, pg.328

Read more…

The Walls are closing in on Atheism… not Theism.

The myth making processes of Pseudo Science. The Epic Tale of the Simple cell. (Part 1)

Multiplying Absurdities Equals Certainty… The Math Magic of Modern Atheist Astrologers!

Science goes Ga Ga! The Spirit Temple-Material Interface. The Human Brain.

^^^^This is quite funny, yet still the subject matter is mind blowing!

Many people probably mistake all this talk of Neurons, etc as evidence of real understanding.
It’s supposed to make Science ‘Poetic’ and profound yet is really a song of ignorance, myth and superstition.
“Our Reptile Brain”.
“It evolved from the inside out”
Quite pathetic.
This is a Materialist Hymn.
Why would anyone believe this nonsense?

The reality is Science cannot fathom how our Conscious Minds, our Self awareness, and freewill are related to our Grey matter.
They must wax lyrical about ‘Collage explosions’… I assume on the ‘Entertainment systems’ in our heads!

The closest these guys get to the Truth is when they call our Brains.. ‘an enchanted room’.
’20 million volumes of information… A very Big place in a very small space’

The confession… “It is the most mysterious part of our Body”.


The biggest questions of Consciousness are well beyond reach, and as long as modern science remains dominated by Monist Materialism they will never be able to understand the Mind/ Brain paradox because they have willfully shut their minds to non-physical spiritual realities.
I laugh at the ‘all to common’ claims these days that mankind has mastered how the brain works, and Technology … that scientists will within the next 20 years have invented ‘Conscious computers’ which will be capable of thinking ‘human’ thoughts, and ‘feeling’ human emotions.
It is mind boggling that materialists can be so Absurd as to be contemplating ‘ethical issues’ of granting Robots ‘rights’!!!
They have traveled so far into materialist fantasy that they have forgotten the reality that *’Robot’ and ‘Morality’* are Oxymorons!
Morality only being possible for Free willed beings which have a choice, and whom exist in a universe governed by Objective Moral laws.
All these necessities are absolutely alien to Materialist cosmology.


I have said many times before that mankind may one day make an imitation mechanical bird which may be able to fly and sing, and that a person may have trouble identifying it as being a fake… none the less that Machine will never be a real bird.
Likewise with a Humanoid Robot.
They may be clever enough to program a machine with human mannerisms, so that when we interact with it we can believe we are dealing with a living, thinking…even emotional and caring *Person*, but in reality that is all just a gigantic Deception… The Robot will not be alive… will not be conscious, will not be moral, will not care… etc etc…

It is staggering to know that these fundamental truths are completely ignored by materialist thinkers.
What is worse to contemplate is just what materialists believe our life and human consciousness is!
Death, the Materialist must believe is nothing more that ‘pulling the plug on your computer’!
And *you* literally ‘vanish’.
Materialism is one of the most powerful Opiates of them all!
It’s stupefying!
Why do they choose to think this way?
Simply because they desire to subject the whole universe …neatly into their own puny… small minded Naturalistic Rationale.
They allow themselves to be dominated by their own primitive theories.
It makes them feel good.
They refuse to be Objective and admit that there are plenty of things in reality which don’t fit at all well with their materialism.
The moment they admit this to themselves, their entire ‘religion’ falls apart… and that is what materialism is… a falce religion.
The moment a person awakens to the idea that there are greater realities than mere Matter and energy is the day that their subjective scales fall from their eyes and they appreciate spiritual truths, Free will, Consciousness, Love, …Good and evil, etc are not properties of matter… nor ever could be… and they are then in a much better position to appreciate the Amazing truth of the Bible.

Read more…

The Rusty Cage: Scientism


Pasteur’s Law, Creation Science vs Nose Bone Atheism.

We are not Robots Ayn Rand…

Monism: Evolutionary Psychology and the Death of Morality, Reason and Freewill.

Poster child for Atheism…Hannibal Lecter.

Biomimicry… Plagiarizing God’s designs.

The False Deity Called Evolution.

Planet of the Apes…whateva. 1Tim6vs20

Faith, Science, and Reason. The Pomposity of Atheism.

The Ludicrous Claims of Evolution! Why not ESP?

Russell’s Teapot really refutes Atheism not Theism!

Atheism has no basis for Rights… or Morals.

Atheism. The Philosophy of Small Minds.

Christopher Hitchens Dies.

God vs. AI

In this video from the 2012 Asia Consciousness Festival, AI researcher Ben Goertzel says

Imagine you had a collective of people, or they could be people and AIs, or some of them could be cyborgs (the people with brains jacked in to the computers), and imagine that they’re concerned with a number of things …

First, they’re concerned with measuring each other’s brain states and making scientific theories about what they observe …

Second, they observe more in the manner of a group of people meditating together, they’re actually subjectively perceiving each other’s consciousness while they’re doing this and so they can both measure each other’s states of consciousness empirically and neurally, or digitally if they’re AIs, and they can subjectively enter into collective mind states …

But there’s another ingredient, human beings have the annoying property that if you cut open our heads and mess with our brains we tend to die or become gibbering idiots or something but a computer program won’t necessarily have this feature and with molecular nanotechnology humans won’t necessarily have this feature either, so …

You can imagine this sort of ashram of consciousness scientists who are studying each other’s brains and minds and experiencing each other’s states of consciousness in a very refined way …

You can imagine this happening in a situation where the members of this community could actually alter and adjust each other’s brains experimentally and dynamically during the collective process…

Now, what you see here is the possibility of some form of collective understanding going beyond science as we have it now and going beyond religion as we have it now. Whether you can get this new form of understanding using humans as we exist now I’m not sure. It’s easy to envision with the AIs and cyborgs in the mix.

Artificial minds will be such that they can readily fuse into a single mind, or fissure into many separate minds. I suppose that in principle fission is easy, but that fusion is more problematic. An artificial mind may fissure into multiple separate minds, with the intent of fusing back into a single mind some time later, but the newly begotten minds, once split off, may have other ideas.

My God My God Why Have you

Here‘s what C. S. Lewis has to say about the super-personal God of the Trinity.

A good many people nowadays say, `I believe in a God, but not in a personal God.’ They feel that the mysterious something which is behind all other things must be more than a person. Now the Christians quite agree. But the Christians are the only people who offer any idea of what a being that is beyond personality could be like. All the other people, though they say that God is beyond personality, really think of Him as something impersonal: that is, as something less than personal. If you are looking for something super-personal, something more than a person, then it is not a question of choosing between the Christian idea and the other ideas. The Christian idea is the only one on the market.

Again, some people think that after this life, or perhaps after several lives, human souls will be ‘absorbed’ into God. But when they try to explain what they mean, they seem to be thinking of our being absorbed into God as one material thing is absorbed into another. They say it is like a drop of water slipping into the sea. But of course that is the end of the drop. If that is what happens to us, then being absorbed is the same as ceasing to exist. It is only the Christians who have any idea of how human souls can be taken into the life of God and yet remain themselves—in fact, be very much more themselves than they were before.

… The whole purpose for which we exist is to be thus taken into the life of God. Wrong ideas about what that life is will make it harder. And now, for a few minutes, I must ask you to follow rather carefully.

You know that in space you can move in three ways – to left or right, backwards or forwards, up or down. Every direction is either one of these three or a compromise between them. They are called the three Dimensions. Now notice :his. If you are using only one dimension, you could draw only a straight line. If you are using two; you could draw a figure: say, a square. And a square is made up of four straight lines. Now a step further. If you have three dimensions, you can then build what we call a solid body: say, a cube – a thing like a dice or a lump of sugar. And a cube is made up of six squares.

Do you see the point? A world of one dimension would be a straight line. In a two-dimensional world, you still get straight lines, but many lines make one figure. In a three-dimensional world, you still get figures but many figures make one solid body. In other words, as you advance to more real and more complicated levels, you do not leave behind you the things you found on the simpler levels: you still have them, but combined in new ways – in ways you could not imagine if you knew only the simpler levels.

Now the Christian account of God involves just the same principle. The human level is a simple and rather empty level. On the human level one person is one being, and any two persons are two separate beings – just as, in two dimensions (say on a flat sheet of paper) one square is one figure, and any two squares are two separate figures. On the Divine level you still find personalities; but up there you find them combined in new ways which we, who do not live on that level, cannot imagine. In God’s dimension, so to speak, you find a being who is three Persons while remaining one Being, just as a cube is six squares while remaining one cube. Of course we cannot fully conceive a Being like that: just as, if we were so made that we perceived only two dimensions in space we could never properly imagine a cube. But we can get a sort of faint notion of it. And when we do, we are then, for the first time in our lives, getting some positive idea, however faint, of something super-personal – something more than a person. It is something we could never have guessed, and yet, once we have been told, one almost feels one ought to have been able to guess it because it fits in so well with all the things we know already.

Is the mind of God like that of an AI? When, ultimately, we are “taken into the life of God,” do we become thee- or four-dimensional facets of the multi-dimensional being that is God? When God invaded his own creation, by sending his only begotten son to incarnate as a human being, was that a case of fission? I suggest that the person of Jesus was entirely separate from the person of his father when, on the cross, Jesus cried out, “My God, my God, why have you forsaken me?”


Evidence for Evolutionism #1. The recurrent laryngeal nerve.


In a comment on Tim’s post The Ludicrous Claims of Evolution! Why not ESP? Kiwi Dave says

Our recurrent laryngeal nerve inefficiently loops round our hearts instead of directly connecting to the brain stem; this, like cleft palates are a consequence of our fish ancestry.

I plan to post evidence for Evolutionism as I find it, to balance my pro-Creationist rants.

This is the first piece of evidence I’ve found worth posting.


The recurrent laryngeal nerve is a branch of the vagus nerve (tenth cranial nerve) that supplies motor function and sensation to the larynx (voice box). It branches from the vagus nerve in the chest cavity before it loops around the aorta and then back up to the larynx. Why doesn’t it take a more direct route? That it takes this circuitous detour is cited as evidence of evolution.

The extreme detour of this nerve (about 15 feet in the case of giraffes) is cited as evidence of evolution as opposed to intelligent design. The nerve’s route would have been direct in the fish-like ancestors of modern tetrapods, traveling from the brain, past the heart, to the gills (as it does in modern fish). Over the course of evolution, as the neck extended and the heart became lower in the body, the laryngeal nerve was caught on the wrong side of the heart. Natural selection gradually lengthened the nerve by tiny increments to accommodate, resulting in the circuitous route now observed.

giraffe recurrent laryngeal nerve

If we (and the giraffes) did indeed evolve from fish, then the course of the recurrent laryngeal nerve has a simple explanation. Its course is less simple to explain if we (and the giraffes) are products of special creation. Thus, the course of the recurrent laryngeal nerve is not merely evidence of evolutionism, but evidence for evolutionism.

I have a question. How difficult would it be to genetically re-engineer a giraffe (or a human) so that the recurrent laryngeal nerve passes directly from the brain to the larynx?

You’re no fun(ction) any more


This post continues the discussion on Tim’s post The Ludicrous Claims of Evolution! Why not ESP?

In comments on Tim’s post, Terry (who is both an Evolutionist and an Objectivist) says

a camera is NOT an eye (nor is an audio recorder an ear, etc). A camera is a piece of equipment used to record images, whereas an eye is an organ of sight. The former mimics the functions of the latter, but apart from that they are worlds apart.

simply because human technology [has] been built so as to mimic certain biological functions does not justify grounds for claiming that the reverse applies and that biology can therefore ‘possibly’ mimic human inventions via the process of evolution. … Evolution is not a creative process – it is an entirely responsive process, which means that new functionality only develops and is maintained in response to the need to survive.

Terry has just committed Objectivism’s “stolen concept” fallacy and violated a fundamental tenet of Evolutionism! Doubleplusungood!

According to Evolutionism, there are no biological functions. The eye, for example, is an organ of sight, but the eye has no purpose. Its function is not to see. It has no function.

According to Evolutionism, there are no biological malfunctions, either. A blind eye, by definition, is not an organ of sight. A blind eye has not malfunctioned, because there is nothing it is supposed to do. An eye has no purpose to be fit for.

If it’s the case that the eye was designed for a purpose, as Creationists claim, then we can say that the function of the eye is to see, and that there is something wrong with an eye that does not see. It ain’t doing what it’s supposed to do, and if the blind lead the blind, both shall fall into the ditch. But Evolutionism is quite explicit that no biological organ is designed for any purpose. As Dawkins says

Biology is the study of complicated things which give the appearance of having been designed for a purpose

and, as Terry himself puts it, “Evolution is not a creative process – it is an entirely responsive process.”

Evolution according to Evolutionists is a blind, stochastic process. Any appearance of design, purpose or function is just an appearance. The reason that we have eyes that see is simply because having eyes that see helped our ancestors to survive. But eyes do not, in virtue of their evolutionary history, ever acquire a purpose or a proper function.

All talk of biological functions is pre-Darwinian. Consistent Evolutionists should not talk of biological functions. If they do, they must explain that their use of the word ‘function’ is just shorthand for facts about an organism’s evolutionary history. If they don’t, they are guilty of Ayn Rand’s stolen concept fallacy.

The “stolen concept” fallacy, first identified by Ayn Rand, is the fallacy of using a concept while denying the validity of its genetic roots, i.e., of an earlier concept(s) on which it logically depends.

The concepts of ‘function’ and ‘purpose’ logically depend on the concept of a Creator. They are pre-Darwinian. Evolutionists have no right to use them.

The Ludicrous Claims of Evolution! Why not ESP?


“…Extrasensory perception (ESP) involves reception of information not gained through the recognized physical senses but sensed with the mind…”
From Wikipedia here:

This post is in reality the continuation of a discussion following my Blogpost
‘Russell’s Teapot Really refutes Atheism not Theism’

I was inspired to write it in response to an atheist friend of mine whom suggested in the comments/ discussion following after the above Blogpost on Russell’s teapot that because A Flew expressed belief in ESP that this was a clear indication he was of dull intellect.
Now I don’t believe Humans have ‘ESP’, yet I don’t discount the possibility that there may be modes… ‘some completely natural’… of sensing things which in the current state of scientific knowledge we are currently completely oblivious to. Others could be ‘spiritual’ powers…like free will.

Of course it is exactly statements like that which cause ‘rationalists’ like my friend to pour scorn against anyone whom suggests things like ESP, or any ‘spiritual powers’ at all may be possible.

Let me place a caveat on my position as enumerated above.
I don’t believe humanity has or ever will develop a ‘Naturalistic’ ESP… why? * because I don’t believe in Evolution!*
To my way of thinking it is the Atheist Evolutionist whom ought not to doubt the possibility of Humans having/ or developing a naturalistic form of ESP as by my reckoning their wild theory seems to give room for every fantastic myth conceivable!
To appreciate this it is only necessary to apprehend just how fantastic are the claims of evolutionists Re the Evolution of Man from a single celled organism.
Let me explain.

Ever seen an X men movie?
All those Fantastic characters… mutants whom are Super-human and have ‘special powers’… but not spiritual powers… they are all advanced Bio tek.
That is what evolution is all about!
Lets talk ‘Naturalistic ESP’.
Now Evolutionists believe that a protozoa type organism slowly developed into the human animal with the five senses, taste, sound, touch, sight, smell… all via the inexorable march of Evolutionary process/progress.
On that basis I cannot see how my friend can insist that an atheist whom claimed decades ago to believe in ESP is some how being ridiculously inconsistent with Naturalistic theory *unless my friend assumes Evolution’ has already exhausted all the possibilities.* …yet it is easy to cast doubt upon this.
I believe I can expose his own inconsistency and in the process expose just how silly belief in evolution really is.


Consider these things…
An ear is a microphone.
An eye is a Camera lens.
A nose and mouth are chemical detectors
An hand is a load scale, temperature probe, and compression tester.
Animals have various other senses too eg lateral lines and sonar/radar etc,
My Atheist friend claims unguided ‘Evolution’ designed and built all these Bio tek instruments.
I ask why then he would doubt that evolution has not/ could not also build a biological ‘wireless cell phone/ ‘walky talky’ like device/system’ directly into our Brains so that we could mentally communicate at a vast distance…without speech?… ie a form of ‘Natural’ ESP?
We do today know that such communication is possible via external devices… a reality which not too many generations ago would have been considered ridiculously impossible!
Obviously a race of X human beings with a Bio wireless telecomunication system would have a superior survival advantage over ordinary human beings.
We must ask why ‘Evolution’ which is… Or so we are told… obsessed with ‘Survival’ has not bothered to supply us which such kit?

All evolution has to do is install such a devise inside our bodies and hey presto we have ESP!… not that difficult to grasp… if as you claim Evolution is capable of ‘upgrading a lifeform from a Germ into a human being!

The crux of my arguement is that if you balk at the idea of Evolution creating ‘Bio-cell phones’ then you must also question the rationale that evolution could create sight, sound, taste, etc… for the very same reason.
Ie because these are incredibly sophisticated ‘gadgets’ too!
Thus the evolutionist position really is that Si-fi movies like X Men are believable!
I ask what freakish creatures… via Evolution…are we destined to become?

An atheist whom balks at the Idea of ESP exposes the simplistic level on which they function. ie They redily will tell you it is rational to believe that evolution is capable of installing Cameras… but irrational to suggest it might install cellphones!
Spot the contradiction!???
Does my friend believe Mankind has reached the Zenith of evolution?

Now for some Funny Evolutionary Theory… Our X-Men Post-Religious future! 😀

Obviously I am not suggesting this video is anything other than a ridiculous fraud… what I’m highlighting *is the Atheist evolutionary myth* upon which it is based… is precisely what Atheist believe.

Its funny because Evolutionists actually *Believe this sort of stuff*… yet mock Theists faith in God!
Think about this…. They believe we came from Non-Theistic sub-creatures… evolved into what we are now, whom have been described as ‘The Worshiping Animals’… which they theorise as though being delusional Fables… non-the-less this trait must have had ‘survival advantages’… yet still they insist that Atheism is an ‘Enlightenment’…a progressive step away from ‘Primitive superstition’… so that ‘in the future’ Humanity will abandon ‘all religious superstition’… and be in atheist thinking ‘Fully rational’… fully knowing… without faith… etc etc… so by their reasoning Atheism both Precedes and Follows Theistic faith… all by the blind forces of Nature!

Talk about a Dung pile of Materialist Fables and superstitions!

It is the theistic position which makes the X men movie an absurdity.
Theism says *Evolution is a Joke!*, and that the blind forces of Nature cannot create life… cannot design new Gadgets/ senses/ biological capacities, etc, and thus the only way a human being could have any form of Naturalistic ESP is if our Creator designed and installed such Gadgetry into our bodies via writing it directly into our DNA… just as he has done with our Eyes, Ears, Etc…all of which are irrefutible testaments to the existance of God!

“For the invisible things of him from the creation of the world are clearly seen, being understood by the things that are made, even his eternal power and Godhead; so that they are without excuse:’
St Paul. Romans 1:20

Tim Wikiriwhi
King James Bible believer.
Libertarian. Dispensationalist.