Category Archives: Liberate your Mind!

Forbes: Everything You’ve Heard About Crack And Meth Is Wrong


By Jacob Sullum

Growing familiarity with marijuana has been accompanied by growing support for legalization because people discovered through personal experience that the government was lying to them about the drug’s hazards. But it is easier to demonize less popular drugs such as crack cocaine and methamphetamine, which in the public mind are still linked, as marijuana once was, with addiction, madness, and violence. Any attempt to question the use of force in dealing with these drugs therefore must begin by separating reality from horror stories.


That is where Carl Hart comes in. Hart, a neuropsychopharmacologist at Columbia who grew up in one of Miami’s rougher neighborhoods, has done bold, path-breaking research that challenges widely accepted beliefs about crack and meth. In his inspiring and fascinating new memoir High Price, he describes both how he overcame his early disadvantages to secure a tenured position at an Ivy League university and how he came to question everything he thought he knew about drugs as he learned to think critically about the issue.


Before he became a scientist, Hart believed that people who use crack generally get hooked on it and thereby lose control of their behavior. But when he looked at the data on patterns of drug use as an academic, he could plainly see that only a small minority of people who try crack become heavy users. “Even at the peak [of] widespread use,” he writes, “only 10–20 percent of crack cocaine users became addicted.” According to the National Survey on Drug Use and Health, just 3 percent of Americans who have tried this reputedly irresistible and inescapable drug have smoked it in the last month.

Contrary to what anti-drug ads claim, Hart observes, addiction “is not an equal-opportunity disorder.” He notes that even rats, whose voracious consumption of cocaine in certain contrived conditions supposedly shows how powerfully addictive that drug is, tend to use it in moderation when they have other options, such as food, sex, or an interesting environment to explore.


Crack “gained the popularity that it did in the hood…because there weren’t that many other affordable sources of pleasure and purpose,” Hart writes. “And that was why, despite years of media-hyped predictions that crack’s expansion across classes was imminent, it never ‘ravaged’ the suburbs.”

Furthermore, Hart’s own research with heavy crack smokers found that, in contrast with the stereotypical addict who cannot help but immediately consume whatever crack is available, they frequently rejected the drug in favor of small cash payments or vouchers. He got similar results with meth snorters, even though he deliberately recruited frequent consumers who had no interest in stopping. These findings underline a crucial truth that Hart emphasizes: “The effects of drugs on human behavior and physiology are determined by a complex interaction between the individual drug user and her or his environment.”


Hart debunks various other misconceptions about crack and meth. He notes that the vast majority of violence attributed to crack grew out of black-market disputes, as opposed to the drug’s pharmacological effects. His studies found that cocaine and methamphetamine do increase heart rate and blood pressure, but the effect of typical doses is not dangerous in otherwise healthy people. He argues that research linking meth to brain damage confuses correlation with causation and fails to show that meth users’ cognitive capabilities are outside the normal range. And in case you were wondering, “There is no empirical evidence to support the claim that methamphetamine causes one to become physically unattractive.”

Read more >>>here<<< ********* drug-abuse-is-bad-drug-war-is-worse

Well Shucks!
Do you really think that Bigotry, Paranoia, and Tyranny has been propagating lies about how bad drugs like Meth are to maintain public support for their persecution and grievous oppression of an unpopular minority of Citizens????

That’s how evil powers justify violating such principles as our personal sovereignty and property rights over our own bodies and our right to peacefully pursue our own happiness… at our own expense.
I salute Carl Hart for his bravery in presenting his observations which challenge the popular prejudices and delusions of the Status quo, and Forbes for running this story.
Evil prevails when good men do nothing.
We need to expose the war on Drugs for the Brutal tyranny and injustice that it is and empty our prisons of innocent people, and remove such revenues streams from the vicious Drug Cartels and gangs… exactly as ending Alcohol prohibition achieved.

Read my blog post >>> The New Jews… Meth Users.

and >>> New Prohibitions. How our Police and Government work for Criminal Gangs.

And >>> Historic battles. The Libertarian struggle against Drug Prohibition. Why BZP should have been kept Legal.

and >>> Drug users fill New Zealand jails

And >>> What you should know about Drug Prohibition.

And >>> The Child Casualties of the Jihad on Drugs.

And >>> Prohibition is a Bad trip!

And >>> A Transitional Drug Policy

Update: 13-10-14 …
Meth hitler

METH HEAD ALERT: Report statest that Hitler used crystal meth

Comfortably Numb : Confessions of a Nyctophilliac.

There is a common excuse that ‘You cant choose what you believe’… this is self delusion.
In reality we all choose to believe what we do, it just a matter of what moves us.
Some of us are more objective than others … yet being human, psychology still plays a massive roll.
We kid ourselves if we think we are without personal prejudice.

nyctophilia… “an abnormal preference for the night over the day.”


^^^ This meme I ‘liberated’ from the excellent facebook page ‘The Illogical Atheist’ because it vindicates an argument I made in a previous post Nyctophilia: Hiding in the Dark….
Through this meme… The Horse speaketh!

The important thing to appreciate is that many people choose to be atheists because they seek to pretend there are no morals by which they are duty bound.
They block out any and all objective facts of reality or sound arguments that challenge their coveted Nihilism…. closing their eyes, and their minds to any truth which threatens to awaken them from their Meaningless, purposeless, Conscienceless dream.
They keep chanting to themselves… “There is no God”.

In the words of Perfect Circles Maynard James Keenan…
“Best to keep things in the shallow end.
Because I never quite learned how to swim.
I just didn’t want to know”

Read more about my take on Music as a religion… Jim Morrison…. Maynard James Keenan Here>>> Jimi vs Jesus

More…. Nyctophilia: Hiding in the Dark….

“Keep things in the shallow end… because I just didn’t want to know…”

Seether: Know Thyself. How can a Good God exist when there is so much evil in the world? Part 5.

Crocodile Tears.

commy arseholes

^^^This Meme is bullshit!!!
This is the whiny Drivel of Parasites whom feed off the blood of their Neighbours in the private sector.
The reality is that those whom seek to Stop raising the debt ‘ceiling’and put an end to the Big spending over-government which created the crisis… is not merely ‘playing politics’ but a matter of either facing reality or putting off facing the music and making the eventual catastrophe that much greater…. that much harder to recover from!


Yet those whom profit from the tyranny of the Status quo are only concerned about maintaining the flow of filthy lucre into their bank accounts.
Those who live by suckling at the teets of a bloated government need to appreciate that the Day of reckoning is fast approaching and a revolution unto the Death!
A revolution between Liberty and tyranny…. and if Tyranny wins…. God Forbid!


State Tit suckers be warned!
Stop working for the Beast! 666
Get Real Jobs *Now*!
For the sake of your immortal souls…. and your Children.
Alas…. most of you will simply receive the Mark of the Beast…. Worship his image…. and Beg for greater Brutality!
And unfortunately …. because the financial collapse will be massive… many Good people in the private sector will also loose their Jobs and businesses, etc.
We all should be Prepping!
Read about the approaching Fiscal cliff here >>>> Epitaph. The Death of America and Western Democracy. Ron Paul’s Farewell Speech.

The Founders, Religion and Government: Christian Libertarian Charles Carroll

From one of the very best Face book Pages…. The Founders, Religion and Government

christ lib

“Grateful to Almighty God for the blessings which, through Jesus Christ Our Lord, He had conferred on my beloved country in her emancipation and on myself in permitting me, under circumstances of mercy, to live to the age of 89 years, and to survive the fiftieth year of independence, adopted by Congress on the 4th of July 1776, which I originally subscribed on the 2d day of August of the same year and of which I am now the last surviving signer.

“I do hereby recommend, to the present and future generations, the principles of that important document, as the best earthly inheritance their ancestors could bequeath to them, and pray that the civil and religious liberties they have secured to my country, may be perpetuated to remotest posterity and extended to the whole family of man.”

~ Charles Carroll, On the 50th Anniversary of the Signing of the Declaration of Independence (August 2, 1826)

999066_713968095297564_1250786450_n (1)

The Founders, Religion and Government
This is an update on an image we have shared before. A reader over at the The Federalist Papers colorized an image made in the 1800s of the motto Benjamin Franklin proposed for the Great Seal of the United States.

Please visit The Founders, Religion and Government and click like

The Census Nazis are coming.

wolf at the door

The 2013 New Zealand Census Nazis are coming to crush the Spirit of Liberty and justice.

Reports the Northern Advocate…

Nineteen Northlanders in the firing line.

Northlanders who did not fill out their Census forms are waiting to see if they are among 100 people nationally who are being prosecuted.

Statistics NZ has already released the first results from the 2013 Census, publishing population counts and electoral population numbers.

But the agency is now cracking down on those who did not fill out their census forms and has confirmed that 19 Northlanders are among the 100 people to be prosecuted.

Those being prosecuted have not been issued with a summons yet. The documents are now with Crown Law solicitor offices in each region and they will be lodging the papers with the courts.

Libertarianz Party Northland co-ordinator Helen Hughes is waiting to find out if she will be prosecuted for not filling out a Census form. Photo / John Stone

One Northlander waiting to see if she will be taken before the courts is Libertarianz Northland coordinator Helen Hughes, who held a party on Census day, March 5, to “responsibly” destroy her form, along with others opposed to the information gathering exercise.

Ms Hughes admits the event was exhorting people to take part in a mass form of civil disobedience but she said many didn’t like the intrusive nature of the Census and did not trust the Government…

Read more >>> here <<< Yes... 100 Kiwi Individuals are about to be summoned before the Nazi Courts for the crime of refusing to fill out their compulsory census forms as demanded by State Dictate. Many of these are people of principle who utterly refused to fill out any part of the forms claiming the States demands violate their rights to privacy. Others did not fill them out to the satisfaction of the State. One wonders how these Summons will be delivered to Us Conscientious Objectors considering we didn't fill out our names and addresses on our census forms? How on Earth will the State Know who we are or where we live???? Oh they already have that information!... thus exposing what a travesty this whole process of Prosecution really is! Its not that they need such information.... it that they need us all to abandon any belief in our own rights and liberties, and to submit to their tyrannical demands like good Slaves! Of course all the spineless slaves whom have already bent their knee will enjoy the spectacle of us 'pesky whackos' being punished for refusing to do as we were bloody well told! census

Like My Libertarian Comrade Helen Hughes I await to see if I am going to be one of the unfortunate few whom are to be broken on the wheel…. for the sake of making an example…
Of course picking only 100 people is a Machiavellian tactical ploy on the part of a vicious Socialist state as this is a big enough number to cause fear, but small enough to make it difficult for us to rally a large number of People in Protest.
Yes The Sheepish millions will not be too bothered by our plight.
They wont bother themselves protesting against our oppression by the government for our sakes… and will pretend that this issue has nothing to do with them… even though we Conscientious objectors are standing up for everyone’s rights!
The Machiavellians can rely on the Apathy of the sheeple… whom will not care that 100 little people are trodden underfoot.

All this in an Era when many western Nations are abandoning having a Census because they are a Gross waste of Time and Tax money.
This just makes the Tyranny here in New Zealand that much more insane… that much more unbearable.

Watch this space.
Please Contact me if you are one of the unfortunate few… of the thousands whom told the government to Bugger off and mind their own business.

Tim Wikiriwhi.
Christian Libertarian.

Read more>>> I Am Not A Number! Protesting against the Census.

Fire Starter! My Declaration for Non-compliance. NZ Census 2013

How the census meshes with bankrupt Socialist Totalitarianism

Ke$ha’s Incubus.


So many Pop/ Rock stars revel in Satanic Hedonism.
From personal experience this psyche appears to be a natural tendency within us to rebel against Moral restraints and to feed and cultivate our carnal lusts… and thus Sex and Satanism sells….big time.
The lust for Fame and fortune…. Satan smiles.

Marilyn Manson cashing in on Pop-Satanistic Rebellion.

Feeling the magnetic attraction to such things myself… yet also knowing that this Broad low path leads to destruction, I worry about the many thereon…. the Myriad’s of ‘children’ following these Pied pipers to hell.

I wrote about this issue here >>> Jimi vs Jesus. <<< Yet there is more to this Kesha story than just the Normal Pop-Satanism. What grabbed my attention was her claim to having had sex with a Ghost. Was she lying simply for publicity? Many people will simply say that she is.... or that she was dreaming... or that she suffered from some sort of sleeping dis-order.... and yet this sort of experience has a very ancient history... and having experienced an Entity attack myself, this subject is of interest to me... Kesha seems to say she has invited Satan into her life. Read more.... The Green Manalishi.

Have you been brain washed into thinking there are no such things as Ghosts, Demons, Spirits, …God…?
Read this >>>> Defunct / Archaic Western Dogma blindly insists : ‘Whatever does not fit the Naturalistic Materialist Paradigm is Illusory’. Entity Attacks

The mother of Invention?

girl engineers

Engine installers at Douglas Aircraft. Long Beach, California. October 1942
from The Libertarian Republic

This picture speaks a thousand words to me
They say necessity is the mother of invention, yet as an Engineer I wonder why are the so few woman Engineers these days?
It’s not like you have to be built like Arnold Schwarzenegger to be a good engineer.
Modern tools do most of the Hard yacka.

Marilyn monroe
This worker in a Van Nuys, CA factory in 1944 soon started calling herself Marilyn Monroe.
(Pic from The Libertarian Republic)

“Any girl can be glamorous,” Hedy Lamarr once said. “All she has to do is stand still and look stupid.” The film star belied her own apothegm by hiding a brilliant, inventive mind beneath her photogenic exterior. In 1942, at the height of her Hollywood career, she patented a frequency-switching system for torpedo guidance that was two decades ahead of its time.

Hedy Lamarr (thanks Janie)

During WW2 woman put on overalls, and swung on spanners while their men busied themselves killing each other abroad and society nodded with approval at Woman getting their hands dirty.
Yet today so few woman even consider Engineering as a career.
Necessity is on vacation…. The Men have come home….and society has reverted back to tradition… to what is comfortable.

I think that’s kinda sad…


Yet maybe it’s for the best…

You will be next! The power of the terror mongers. When fear dominates reason… evil prevails

A facebook friend put me on to this…

‘You will be next’: Hate preacher who recruited Nairobi mall massacre killers warns of attack on British soil

Satan's Anus

“Asked if terror would be brought to Britain, Makaburi said: ‘Yes. The British will be targeted personally. That means tourists on the streets will be killed. You will all die.”

This won’t be difficult given that England have allowed so many muslims(who subsequently become jihadists) to come and live in their country.

Read more >>>Here<<<< ******* The depth of Evil in this Hate Preacher is unfathomable! He is engaging in terrorism via his very words! Why do you think he is saying this stuff? Out of the goodness of his heart? Its not a warning.... *It is the terror at work!* If the West starts persecuting Muslims out of fear... in response to this sort of Fear mongering... they will be working in the terrorists favour. This Machiavellian devil actually hopes the British people will start to persecute Islamic migrants and Britons as he knows that such oppression will appear to legitimise his hatred, and give birth to the Jihadists he lusts for! I am not saying The West should pander to Islam. I am saying they must uphold Justice and equality.... not be driven by fear.... which is the chief power of the terrorists. Nor am I merely waving my hand at what this Devil preaches. Britian is vulnerable to such terrorism.... All western nations are vulnerable. what I am saying is that an oppressive fear driven reaction to such preaching is not the solution.... but part of the problem. Ie innocent people get oppressed simple because of their race or religion and this oppression generates real.... almost justifiable.... repercussions. It is only by upholding justice, Freedom and equality.... for all.... including Muslims... is the high ground is maintained... the very things which distinguishes Enlightened Civilisation from the Terrorists. That is what is at stake. Nothing less! The West must be brave and Endure! We must come up with more rational and just means of over coming the terrorists threats which dont involve compromises in the Rights and liberties of any portion of our Citizenry. Any simplistic compromise on this results in a victory for terrorism. The solution is far more complex. I urge my Christian brothers and sisters to preach the Gospel of God's grace through Christ! This is ideological struggle. Tim Wikiriwhi Christian Libertarian. Read more about how Terror is used to justify Power grabs >>>here<<< Read about how Hate generates hate >>>Here<<< Read about Terror and the Higher path >>>here<<<



Biological samples are fragile: if they’re not kept at cold temperatures, they quickly degrade. And refrigeration in labs and on trucks, planes, and ships is costly and requires a huge amount of energy.

The company Biomatrica has developed a solution that allows these fragile materials to be stored at room temperature. The technology mimics the microscopic water bear’s survival strategy. The water bear, an arthropod also known as a tardigrade, lumbers across moist surfaces of mosses and lichens. But when those dry up, the water bear goes into a suspended state that could last anywhere from a few months to a century. Other organisms, such as brine shrimp and the resurrection fern, employ similar strategies to survive extreme conditions.

Read more >>>here<<<