Category Archives: Self-ownership

Bundy Cowboys and Militia Stand on the highest legal ground… Why the 2nd Amendment was enshrined.


Last week’s standoff between Southern Nevada rancher Cliven Bundy and the Bureau of Land Management “is not over,” Senate Majority Leader Harry Reid told a gathering of students, professors and political candidates Monday at the University of Nevada, Reno.>>>Here<<< “We can’t have an American people that violate the law and then just walk away from it,” he said, reiterating the fact that “it’s not over.” Read more >>>Here<<< Yet is The Law really on Reid's side .... or the Bundy's? If what has been said about Reids vested interest in pushing the Ranchers out of Nevada is true, then it may surprise many sheeple to hear that the Armed Ranchers and Militia *acted Lawfully* in taking up arms and resisting the unjust and tyrannical demands of the Bureau of Land Management, and getting the illegally confiscated Bundy cattle back. They were claiming their Second amendment Rights... which trumps any and all legislations and dictates which would have the Bundy's submit to the will of the BLM. bundy 2nd Ammendment

This sort of situation is exactly why the Founding Fathers enshrined the second amendment.
It is the Lawful right to Bear arms in self defence against corrupt and tyrannical government.

Follow the link below…
NAPOLITANO: The right to shoot tyrants, not deer
The Second Amendment is the guarantee of freedom

bundy millita
Milita sniper covers the Bundy cowboys as they confront the BLM and demand they Stand down and release the cattle.

Of course this sort of armed resistance is going to piss off the Bastards in Power Big time, and there is a very real threat that everyone involved in the resistance could be murdered by the state or imprisoned… unless the People of America Rally and stand behind these Brave freedom fighters…
Their Fate will be determined by whether or not the Tyrannical powers *Fear the wrath of the People*… or instead convince themselves that they can crush this ‘rebellion’ with little fear of an escalation into full blown Revolution.

Reid’s comments clearly indicate this crisis is not over by a long shot and there is every reason to Fear ‘Waco type’ repercussions.

It is therefore imperative that Patriots and militia about the US step up now and voice their solidarity and fraternity with the Bundy resistance…. and that Bloggers/ Social network Fans around the Globe make it clear that we are all watching… and in the know…. so that the Power mongers in Washington appreciate they cant hide the truth.

May The Good Lord Be with the Righteous Defenders of Liberty and Justice.
Tim Wikiriwhi
Christian Libertarian
New Zealand.

Update: 22-4-14.
As predicted the Bundy’s, and all their supporters, Vets, and Patriots have been labelled “DOMESTIC TERRORISTS” By Senator Reed!

US State Terrorism. Pretext to abolish the second Amendment. Bundy’s declared ‘Domestic Terrorists’.

Update: 12/14 FBI Investigating Bundy Ranch Standoff Video.

Read more Eternal Vigilance on this showdown…

High Noon at the Bundy Ranch. “A Tiananmen square moment”.

Shitstorm in Nevada! The Crisis Revisited. DC Clothesline.

Spiel on brain washing, and socialist engines of conformity. State education.

Hell’s Bells! Drugs and Alcohol are being consumed in an Adult manner by the employed masses!


Afroman… what Druggies are supposed to be like… turns out this common portrayal is contradicted by the facts.

Some News reports stick out like Dogs Balls for their sheer incredulity.
This one in particular is from Stuff…. Live chat: Kiwis’ drug use
It reports what is assumed to be shocking revelations….

“An invisible swathe of middle-class New Zealanders are drinking heavily and indulging in drugs, a new survey has found.

Fairfax Media’s involvement in the Global Drugs Survey on worldwide drug use has for the first time revealed how entrenched alcohol and drugs – both legal and illegal – are in our everyday lives.”

“The survey reveals interesting and shocking glimpses into the drug habits of the 5731 New Zealand respondents, who had a mean age of 34.7, about half of whom had an undergraduate degree, and 84 per cent of whom were employed.”

84%!!!!! Shocking aye…. if you are a Twat! 🙂

Now let me ‘re-interpret this Data.

For ‘invisible swathe of middle class..’ read ‘the majority of Sensible people who consume recreational drugs in an adult fashion so as not to cause any problems’… *that’s why they are ‘Invisible’.*
Because they peacefully pursue their own happiness without causing social chaos… they slip under the Police/ Media radar.
These people contradict all the prohibitionist hype and stereotyping…. shocking aye!

What more they prove that Alcohol and drug use is not synonymous with welfare parasitism and incompetence…. 84% hold down jobs!
Ie they self regulate their drug use…. times and amounts so as not to impede their ability to function at work.

*This is exactly the sort of Ethical behaviour which embodies principles of Libertarian Adult self responsibility*…. shocking aye.

What more it makes a joke of the prohibitionist notions regarding drug testing at work… should they actually succeed in sacking all drug users… our economy would collapse!

Yet these truths are absolutely absent from current Dogma regarding Drugs in the workplace…. testing for traces…. rather than for impairment.
Now that is shocking.

Tim Wikiriwhi
Christian Libertarian

‘Invisible Swathe’ of Middle-class Druggies…

More on theses subjects by Tim Wikiriwhi

Exercising Your Right to Refuse Random Drug Testing at Work.

Work ethics and work culture …The Absurdity of the Left vs Right Employment War.

Promoting Self responsibility in recreational Drug use… Historic battles. The Libertarian struggle against Drug Prohibition. Why BZP should have been kept Legal.

More nous, less nows


A friend gave me this excellent DEMOTIVATOR® from several Christmases ago. And, recently, I finally got a round tuit. I put the damn thing up on the wall of my home office!

The poster represents an ever timely life lesson.

Perhaps life’s greatest lesson is that life itself is a lesson. That was my ex-wife’s sort of New Age spiritual viewpoint, in a nutshell, anyway. She had a firm intuition that we are each thrown into this mortal sphere of existence for a reason or reasons—to learn our spiritual life lesson(s). Of course, being a committed atheist and moral nihilist at the time, I mocked the idea. It’s only now, a repentant worldview and a decade of divorce later, that I’m wondering if she was right, after all. (And kicking myself for not asking the obvious question at the time. If life is a lesson, who sets the curriculum?)

Or, perhaps, life’s a Stanley Milgram experiment.

A test of your Moral character and conviction.
The decisions you make throughout your life are all being observed and recorded.
One day you will be asked to give account.

God as teacher and/or God as experimenter? I don’t think that Tim’s suggesting that life on Earth is, quite literally, an experiment. So I will! (A misbegotten experiment, perhaps? No, I’ll leave it to a detractor to suggest that. Also, I’ll leave it to the apologists for God’s supposed omniscience to explain this.)

How did you do? If life’s a classroom and every day’s a school day, did you study hard? Or did you just fritter and waste the hours in an offhand way? If life’s a Stanley Milgram experiment, did you go with the Word or go with the crowd?

One day you will be asked to give account. If life’s a lab running a Stanley Milgram experiment, you will be judged on how you used your God-given faculty of free will. Did you make the right decisions, and evince moral character and conviction? (The decisions you make throughout your life are all being observed and recorded.) Whereas, if life’s a classroom, you will be judged on how you used your God-given learning ability. Were you a willing, conscientious, hard-working student of life? Did you learn and practise the right things? (Everything you learn and practise goes down on your academic record.)

Classroom or lab? Are we God’s students, or are we his experimental test subjects? I suggest that life’s more lesson than lab, for the simple reason that we do not have a faculty of so-called free will, God-given or otherwise. The concept itself is a nonsense. What we do have is the God-given ability to learn and to change our behaviour. We also have the curriculum and the learning objectives. You’ll find it all in the prescribed text.

(Is Christianity complicated? Please don’t protest that God didn’t make it clear what are the right things to learn and practise. He did. The Bible contains massive redundancy. You know, like how the Ten Commandments are repeated in Deuteronomy, just in case you missed them in Exodus.)

Now, back to the DEMOTIVATOR® at the top.

(Did you see what did there with the wee ®? They threatened to send their statist cronies around to your place to sort you out good and hard should you ever decide to go into business selling your own DEMOTIVATOR posters!)

The poster represents an ever timely life lesson. And the life lesson is, learn the power of delaying gratification. Rejoice and be glad!

the children who were best able to delay gratification subsequently did better in school and had fewer behavioral problems than the children who could only resist eating the cookie for a few minutes—and, further, ended up on average with SAT scores that were 210 points higher. As adults, the high-delay children completed college at higher rates than the other children and then went on to earn higher incomes. In contrast, the children who had the most trouble delaying gratification had higher rates of incarceration as adults and were more likely to struggle with drug and alcohol addiction.

How to learn delayed gratification?

Rather than resist the urge to eat the cookie, these children distracted themselves from the urge itself. They played with toys in the room, sang songs to themselves, and looked everywhere but at the cookie. In short, they did everything they could to put the cookie out of their minds.

So, learning to delay gratification is not at all the same thing as learning to resist temptation. The results even suggest that any direct attempt to resist the urge to eat the cookie is worse than futile, it’s counter-productive. And, note, we’re talking about a non-starving child and a cookie. We’re not talking about a methamphetamine addict and a bag of P. And we’re certainly not talking about being offered all that you could ever want in the whole world and having it right now.

Again, the devil took him to a very high mountain and showed him all the kingdoms of the world and their splendor. “All this I will give you,” he said, “if you will bow down and worship me.”

Jesus said to him, “Away from me, Satan! For it is written: ‘Worship the Lord your God, and serve him only.’” (NIV)

Nope. Staring down temptation and simply commanding it to go away is way too hardcore for mere images of God! We can but pray, “Lead us not into temptation” in the first place. Give us this day our daily distraction!

Finally, brothers and sisters, whatever is true, whatever is noble, whatever is right, whatever is pure, whatever is lovely, whatever is admirable—if anything is excellent or praiseworthy—think about such things. (NIV)

The poster represents an ever timely life lesson. Delay gratification, do some work, and get your shit sorted. (Thanks for the round tuit.)

A question of harm and government’s duty

A common argument for Marijuana being illegal is as follows :-

P1. Government has a duty to protect people from harm.
P2. Marijuana is harmful.
C. Therefore, Government has a duty to protect people from marijuana.

At a Libertarianz conference Dakta Green spoke against this argument’s conclusion – he argued for the legalisation of cannabis. Dakta’s speech was aimed at convincing the audience that P2 was false (i.e. that cannabis was not harmful).

His seat was near mine so after he had finished speaking I asked him if he thought P should be illegal. He was quite insistent that P should be illegal because it was harmful.

Dakta’s argument for criminalising P was the same form :-

P1. Government has a duty to protect people from harm.
P2. Methamphetamine is harmful.
C. Therefore, Government has a duty to protect people from methamphetamine.

According to Dakta’s own reasoning cannabis should be illegal if it is harmful. Dakta was incorrect about cannabis not being harmful. But he was correct that cannabis should not be illegal. The false premise is P1 – i.e. government does not have a duty to protect people from harm.

Consider the following :-

P1. If government has a duty to protect us from harm then government should protect us from alcohol.
P2. Government shouldn’t protect us from alcohol.
C. Therefore, government does not have a duty to protect us from harm.

The belief that Government has a duty to protect people from harm is the basis of Nanny Statism.

Do you believe that government has a duty to protect you from harm?

Your freedom ends (where my property rights begin)

78651-050-B7368EE4 (copy)

Your freedom ends where my nose begins.

Various permutations of this quote have been incorrectly attributed to Oliver Wendell Holmes, but it was actually written by Zechariah Chafee (pictured above).

Zechariah Chafee, Jr. (December 7, 1885 – February 8, 1957) was an American judicial philosopher and civil libertarian. An advocate for free speech, he was described by Senator Joseph McCarthy as “dangerous” to the United States.

In June 1919 the Harvard Law Review published an article by Zechariah Chafee, Jr. titled “Freedom of Speech in War Time” and it contained a version of the expression spoken by an anonymous judge.

Each side takes the position of the man who was arrested for swinging his arms and hitting another in the nose, and asked the judge if he did not have a right to swing his arms in a free country. “Your right to swing your arms ends just where the other man’s nose begins.”

According to the Quote Investigator, the genesis of this adage can be traced back more than thirty-five additional years. Several variants of the expression were employed by alcohol Prohibitionists. For decades the saying was used at pro-Prohibition rallies and meetings. Such is the colourful history of this libertarian adage. But I digress.

Your right to swing your arms ends just where the other man’s nose begins.

Your freedom ends where my nose begins.

Consider the meaning of these sayings. They tell us about property rights. Libertarians are huge fans of private property rights. Libertarians own. Be it self-ownership, ownership of tangible goods or even ownership of so-called intellectual property. Private property is essential to libertarianism. But what is the essence of private property? Restrictions on your rights and freedoms, that’s what. Your freedom ends. How very unlibertarian!

Back in 2002, Winona Ryder was convicted of shoplifting $5,500 worth of merchandise from a Beverly Hills Saks Fifth Avenue. According to the Onion, one of the terms of her probation was

May no longer walk into stores and just take things.

This is also one of the terms of living in a libertarian society. Kiss goodbye your freedoom to walk into stores and just take things!

Libertarianism is all about sacrificing some of our rights and liberties—e.g., the right to swing our arms and the liberty to walk into stores and just take things—for the security of private property rights.

Any society that would give up a little liberty to gain a little security deserves neither and will lose both.

See also Libertarians are Huge Fans of Initiating Force.