Films, Videos, and Publications Classification (Urgent Interim Classification of Publications and Prevention of Online Harm) Amendment Bill.
Submission of Tim Wikiriwhi RUFF DRAFT.
This Draft below contained most of what I wanted to submit to the Public submissions for this bill, yet unfortunately it was to lengthy to be accepted by the Government database so I was forced to substantially reduce it to fit… at the expense of many important things I wanted to state publicly.
I however will keep this draft available on Eternal Vigilance Blog because at least here people can find my full thoughts.
My final draft could not even fit my caveat about these things being my personal opinions.
Final Draft can be found here .
Submissions are limited to 10 000 characters.
Mine is 9996.
To the Committee,
Thank you for considering my submission.
These are my personal views and opinions.
I would like to express my grave concerns about this bill.
I believe it to be corrosive to the wellbeing and democratic health of our nation.
I believe it is an attack upon bona fide free speech and will be used to suffocate religious liberty, and therefore I oppose it.
My commentary may not be appreciated by those seeking to pass this legislation as I believe the danger inherent within the document is not accidental or a result of a lack of foresight, but intentional.
This bill is framed to further partisan political interests and powers pushing a subtil anti-democratic anti-freedom agenda cloaked under humanitarian guise.
Wolves in sheeps clothing.
The ultimate goal is to control all information.
I do not make these assertions callously.
If they cause the committee some alarm… possibly offence even, well then so be it.
In truth it is in defense of my right to publicly utter things than might cause offence to others… esp to those in power which is at the heart of my submission, and why I oppose this bill.
There are times when Truth must take precedence over pride… when a Spade must be called a Spade… irrespective of who faints.
I dare to speak essential hard truths in love… for my children’s sake… and for my fellow citizens against what I see as a Government acting in it’s own political interest and agenda rather than what is in the interest of the people of New Zealand.
For a healthy democracy to endure New Zealand needs to maintain an open public forum where tuff and uncomfortable discourse can be engaged without fear.
An open Forum that is not hobbled by pitiable cries of hurt feelings, not wrapped in cotton wool for the sake of precious and dainty hearts, or cut short by the whimsical taking of offence, effectively muzzling plain speech and making the public expression of certain views and opinions crimes.
Only an open forum truly represents a tolerant society.
A society that will not countenance opinions that are at variance with the Governments agenda, is the very opposite thing of Tolerance … it is a closed and oppressive society… and in my view that is what this legislation is seeking to establish… less tolerance.
It seeks to impose a world view upon a population by force because it simply cannot win over the people to voluntary acceptance in open well reasoned debate… which is the only way a healthy democracy can function.
And a Free society *tolerates* dissenting opinions and understands that allowing them to circulate as part of the Open forum and debate for the public to make up their own minds about is at the very heart of a healthy and free society.
It is part of the *Anti-freedom mentality* to see contrary opinions as *only bad*, because in truth… like a Black canvas allows a white picture painted upon it to be more clearly seen, so too bad and weak arguments are opportunities for superior Reasoning to shine.
Yet when it is the official narrative that turns out to be dull when the dissenter shines with superior proofs and reasons … this is when the Powers that be are provoked, and instead of embracing the superior rationale and changing course, they resort to calling them ‘Fake news’, haters, Harmful, etc in a bid to justify silencing them before the general public grasp that the official narrative they are being spoon fed is in fact weak and dull and not the best opinion to be derived from the facts.
The vital question is this…How can the people appreciate they have been fed propaganda if the dissenting opinions have all be censored?
They can’t… they are trapped in a spiders web.
The people pushing this bill are seeking subversive powers, and that is what makes this bill a danger to our nation.
These Ideologues relish the power to make their own opinions law and to dictate what is acceptable for the voting public to hear and to think.
There are serious and intentional ambiguities that expose the people of New Zealand to open ended and whimsical prohibitions and dangers that are starkly apparent.
This legislation is too loose.
It has no safeguards against arbitrary judgements and partisan abuses… again I say this is no accident or oversight, but intended.
This legislation does not spring from any genuine need or shortfall in current Legal protections for citizens.
It is mere pretense to claim otherwise.
The scourge of Politically Correct madness that has gripped western civilization is the underlying intent underpinning this bill.
The design is nothing short of undermining our national identity, culture, values, and the hard won freedoms and progress of the past 200 years and replace it with a narrow and hostile ideology that is at variance with National autonomy, freedom, equal rights, and limited government.
A politically correct Socialist globalist tyranny is the end game socialist ideologues are working towards for our country.
Some may describe what is going on as treason!
Selling out our nation to foreign globalist powers and ambitions.
How can any ideological dictatorship seeking to control all information sell their diabolical scheme to the public without outing themselves as the enemies of free speech?
Simply by not articulating explicitly in the legislation itself the specific ideas and opinions they plan to make illegal as any overt admissions would expose their real intent, and how it shall negatively affect significant portions of the population and their commonly held ideas and values that Leftist Globalists intend to silence and criminalise.
Instead they take a far more cunning approach and promote their censorship by the use of ambiguous terms such as ‘harmful’, ‘objectionable’. ‘hateful’, ‘offensive’, ‘misinformation’, ‘fake news’, etc.
Framing their legislation with intentional ambiguity and open ended ill defined clauses… leaving the reality to become painfully apparent after the bill has become law.
Later on they will be at liberty to interpret these ambiguities any way they wish.
They seek to gain the assent of their fellow legislators via the ruse… ‘Who could possibly protest the suppression of ‘hate’ and ‘harm’?
The bill states that take down notices may be issued when ‘(c) the Inspector believes, on reasonable grounds, that the online publication is objectionable’… hence the scope of the people of New Zealand’s Free speech will be limited to conform to what some Thought Police Official ‘believes’.
This bill can easily be exposed as being totalitarian, as nothing is beyond it’s scope because Woke social Justice warriors literally take offence at *everything* and consider making Public complaints and calling for censorship a means of signaling their own virtue.
Not even Dr Seuss is safe!
These amendments are so worded that all it takes to trigger the censorship powers in this bill is for someone ‘to submit a complaint.’, and for some Orwellian ‘Inspector’ from ‘the Ministry of Truth’ (Read Orwell’s 1984) to deem any utterance as ‘probably harmful to the public good’.
I see no safeguards protecting unwelcome statements of fact from being deemed offensive and therefore ‘harmful’.
This bill will make the taking Offence a trump card negating any need to own up to any unwelcome facts or criticisms.
When people are being confronted or challenged about contentious matters, truthful counter claims can cause offence.
The fact that offence is caused is not legitimate grounds to forbid sharp opinions from being aired for public scrutiny.
Let the people hear and decide matters for themselves!
This Bill exposes all citizens at all times to the danger of being found upon the wrong side of the line based upon the most whimsical and petty of human vices… that of spineless and intolerant taking of offence.
This bill once it gets operating will intimidate the people into silent, obedient, conformity.
The self-censorship that will ensue out of fear will be the greatest controlling factor of all… esp after the State makes a few examples out of foolhardy dissidents or better still when some Kiwi Icons discover how quickly they have become public pariah’s for daring to commit the equivalent of Politically incorrect Blasphemy.
When the mighty are brought to their knees… fear will keep the rest of the people in their place.
None will dare tell an off-colour joke. They shall become crimes.
Ambiguity leaves the ‘Official’ the caprice of ignoring any truly malicious speech that is congruent with ‘politically correct prejudices and bigotry.
From knowing the mindset of those behind this bill we can anticipate how they intend their minions to apply this legislation … simply ask yourself if any statement or article would have the assent of our great leader The very embodiment of kindness in Jackboots… PM Jacinda Ardern.
If She thinks it is kind we can be certain that it is not hateful or ‘misinformation’ according to this Bill.
Politically indoctrinated operatives in office will use the legal ambiguities in this Bill in two ways… by rigorously implementing censorship and punishment’s for wrong think, and by conveniently giving a green light to officially endorsed ‘right think’.
With not a single well defined objective principle in sight that can be easily grasped and applied equally to all, censorship shall proceed on a purely arbitrary basis and fully dependent upon the bias of the ‘Politically correct’ powers that be.
There could not be a more pernicious idea to justice and freedom than the rationale that hate speech legislation needs to be broad and open ended, and that it simply shall not be abused because the standard that shall be applied is that the agents of the State will ‘instinctually recognize hate speech when they see it’.
You could not formulate a law more open to abuse and prejudice.
Let me list a few specific examples of really offensive, hateful, and bigoted ideas that shall conveniently pass through the Gauntlet set up by this bill… unhindered.
When hate and prejudice is leveled at White people, it will be condoned.
When sexism and disadvantage fall against men and boys it will be condoned.
When Doctors refuse to tow the Official line on such things as vaccines or lockdowns but dare to promote the efficacy of alternatives their appeals to the public will be taken down and they will be threatened into silence.
When Christians are forbidden to express their long held beliefs, this muzzling will be officially sanctioned.
We know this because these are the Identities and demographics who have been singled out by the Woke left for subjugation… and no complaining allowed.
Conversely not a single contempt filled Maori Radical, or Man-hating Feminist, or bitter irreligionist, or ribald trans-sexual despiser of heterosexuality will be suffered to tone down their guile.
Any Written complaints against these haters will be summarily dismissed.
They shall enjoy their Free Speech because they are the Champions, Heroes, and trail blazers of the New woke Socialist ‘inclusive’ Utopia.
The New Zealand we grew up in will be gone…. destroyed.
As George Orwell penned in ‘Animal Farm’… the once ‘oppressed’ become the next oppressors.
This is not progress!
It is a new tyranny.
Conversely any statements critical Of Treaty separatism, critical of Climate change, critical of open immigration, critical of transgender sex theory, critical of Covid 19 vaccinations, or is vocally opposed to abortion, or who simply promotes traditional Christian values… shall be deemed as hateful, harmful, offensive, misinformation, bigoted, conspiracy theory, etc… and in the jargon of this bill may be deemed as being… against the public good… and therefore outlawed, and any platforms carrying such content will be forced to remove it.
This is the end goal in mind.
All part of the Globalist Agenda.
All criticism, debate, and expression of opinions that do not rigorously abide by the official narrative become ‘forboden’ ‘wrong think’ and will be censored off all media formats so that such opinions cannot be discussed or disseminated amongst the voting public.
Only one narrative can be allowed… The Official narrative.
This is the death of democracy and the death of freedom and societies that function like this are definitively oppressive… not loving… not caring… not tolerant … not inclusive.
They are frightening, and suffocating, at any time a person who dares to speak their thoughts out loud could hear jackboots approaching their door… and have their lives ruined
If there ever was cause for suspicion of ill intent on the part of the framers of this legislation it surely must be in the clauses that create indemnity for officials from being held accountable for any injustices found to have been incurred by innocent parties wrongfully censored or punished.
‘No action to lie against Officials’… So no accountability or consequences for abuse of power!
There are no safeguards for Free speech against Official caprice.
Should this Bill not be scrapped as it ought to be, one amendment that ought to be considered to safeguard free speech from abuse of power would be reverse these indemnity clauses to in fact make any misuse and abuses by Government officials personally liable, and emphatically grant citizens the express right to redress and compensation.
Heads should roll!
This would make the over zealous and partisan official think twice!
Big Sister is watching.
In The closing years of the last decade the Gargantuan Internet/ Tech Corporations have formed a cozy relationship with Socialist governments… like Jacinda Ardern’s Radical leftist government here in NZ.
They share political outlook, and working in collusion together they successfully shut down a significant portion of political opposition from being able to get their counter-narratives herd by the social media addicted voting populations. Enough to skew elections.
They did this via de-platforming and censorship on an unprecedented scale, yet as a backlash *alternative social media and video streaming platforms have sprung up in the name of free speech* and those portions of the voting Public who have suffered Mass censorship from this unholy alliance between Big Tek and Socialist Parliaments, have migrated to new platforms that allow them to congregate and share their views and expound their arguments. This makes these new platforms a threat to the Leftist woke powers that be and it is via legislation such as this bill that we see these Power Mad Machiavellians mobilizing to crush these new platforms where dissent is starting to flourish.
Up till now The underlying rationale that has been applied that has allowed these Woke big Tec giants to operate with extreme prejudice has been because they are ‘Private entities’.
Yet now that alternative ‘Private platforms’ independent of the Leftist Cabal have entered the market that are dissident in nature, countless numbers are slipping out the Socialist Net’
Woke Politicians now seek to extend their tentacles to encroach upon and crush these new private enclaves of Free Speech and association… *forcing them* via this bill to comply with their maniacal ‘Politically Correct’ agenda via take down notices that must be complied with.
None of them will admit their true intents… they all hide behind a façade of humanitarianism seeking to curtail ‘Hate and harm’.
Satan laughing spreads his wings!
This regulatory activity by Socialist governments is much to the advantage of the Old boy Mega corporations, like facebook, Twitter, who have been losing market share and control as Freedom lovers exodus their politically skewed platforms.
This legislation will plug the leakage.
The mega wealthy billionaires of Facebook, Google, Twitter, Instagram, Amazon, etc will all dance a jig!
Freedom will be the loser.
The fanatical Zeal of Woke leftist Globalists like Ardern and her minions will not be content with anything less than total control of all information being shared either On line, or off.
The result if this bill becomes law will be Police raids and intimidation of Political dissidents,
Mass social conditioning.
Thought Police.
It is not creating a tolerant society but a political correct tyranny.
It is establishing intolerance as the rule, and offence taking as the means of silencing opposition.
This is not Social progress but a headlong regressive slide backwards.
Humorless, fearful, oppressive, stupefying.
This is an expanded version of my earlier post of similar title containing important additions regarding the 2020 election fraud. TRUMP DERANGEMENT SYNDROME VS TRUMP HERO WORSHIP.
These are my personal opinions and views.
To be edited.
As I started reading the above ‘Natural News’ article I was massively impressed…
“(Natural News) America as we know it is over. President Trump is the last president of the United States of America. Fake president Joe Biden wasn’t elected by the people and isn’t a real president, so his fake regime doesn’t count.
Beyond all the politics and cyber warfare and criminal vote fraud carried out by Democrats, what is the real root cause of the fall of America? As I explain in today’s podcast, it really comes down to mass mental illness.
Over half the people in America are mentally poisoned to the point of clinical insanity, and it is these people who attempt to run the government, the fake news outlets, the CDC and public schools, all like some twisted scene out of Idiocracy where even the Secretary of Education is a complete moron.
We’ve already passed the Idiocracy tipping point in America, of course. Fake White House press secretary Jen Psaki is a moron. Fake president Joe Biden has advanced dementia. None of the Democrats in the U.S. Senate can recognize reality anymore, and they function almost entirely as brainwashed bio-puppets who do whatever they’re told. (Which is what NPCs do, of course.) Meanwhile, the people who voted for Biden suffer from the mental illness / cult brainwashing of “progressivism” which is rooted in irrationality, learned hatred and denial of reality…”
^Those first few hundred words were on point about the mass delusion and idiocy that has taken over…. But then I ready the bullet point list of what the Author thought was the source of the grand delusions… and my heart dropped.
The list is itself Whack… and an example of Mass delusion of the equal opposite type that unfortunately have proliferated within some quarters of the Pro-Trump camp.
The Article continues….
“… But what caused all this mass mental illness? It’s not difficult to identify the vectors of the poisoning:
5G exposure
Toxic vaccines that attack human neurology
Brain-damaging pharmaceuticals such as antidepressants
Heavy metals in the food supply
Glyphosate herbicide exposure, which is now known to cause mass mental illness
Covid bioweapons exposure, now documented to cause mental illness in 33% of survivors
Fire retardant exposure, which is known to cause antisocial, violent behavior
Journo-terrorism (psychology terrorism by the media)
Fluoride in the public water supply
Mass media brainwashing and subliminal messaging like what you see in every Super Bowl halt-time demon cult worship theater event
Widespread nutritional deficiencies caused by the processed food industry
When you put all this together, you realize that a majority of Americans are now cognitively poisoned beyond the point of rationality…”
Wake TF Up People!
5G and Vaccines are symptomatic of the Grand evil Agenda but *are not* the source of the delusions!
5G is part of their All seeing eye… Global surveillance State.
Compulsory Vaccinations is about the end of personal bodily autonomy.
For these reasons there is good cause to be alarmed… yet not because they are the root cause of humanities freefall into insanity!
I realise that ‘Natural News’ does not represent ‘orthodoxy’ in the freedom/ anti-globalist movement, yet this article serves to illustrate important disfunctions that are hobbling the Freedom Campaign, and causing the movement to appear like Mad house.
This confusion in our ranks works in favour of the enemies of freedom.
Satan Laughing spreads his wings.
The true source of the delusions Zombifying the world is primarily Ideological …. A massive body of Lies have been heavily propagandised upon the populations of the world by the super Wealthy Technocrats and Politically Powerful aided and abetted by myriads of soul-less fanatical minions.
This has been a long long game that has now reached the final quarter while Freedom Advocates about the globe wallow in disarray… half infected by the delusions themselves and whose ranks have been led wildly astray by ridiculous conspiracies such as the Q movement… Trump worship… etc.
I like Trump. I believe he was a great President for our troubled times… yet he is not Jesus Christ!
And you do Donald Trump a huge disservice by thinking of him that way… loading the responsibility for saving America on his shoulders!
The truth about what I am saying was highlighted recently by Leftist Spokesman to the Masses Bill Maher when he called the ‘Capitol Riot’ ‘a faith based initiative’ and cited both the Q Annon cult and ‘Christian Nationalism’ as being the ideological bents underpinning the mindset of those who refuse to accept the US election results as being legitimate.
He said … “The events of January 6 were a faith-based initiative and Trumpism is a Christian nationalist movement that believes (former President Donald) Trump was literally sent from Heaven to save them,” said the 65-year-old Maher, an outspoken atheist who frequently criticizes organized religion.
Again… It would be dishonest to suggest that such wild claims about ‘Trumps Divine Mission’ are representative of the views of all ‘Fundamental Christians’ and yet what Bill Maher is saying is not without substance because most of us who are informed have witnessed this psychosis as being a real cringe worthy phenomena that has infected a section of the ‘Pro-Trump’ camp, and as such Bill Maher ought not to be reviled for pointing out such an embarrassing truth.
Maher is giving these Pro-Trump ‘fanatics’ a mirror to perceive why so many atheists like himself view religion as a dangerous source of uncivilised mayhem and chaos.
Christians ought to take cognizance of this, and appreciate the truthfulness of it.
Religious fanaticism that undergirds riotous civil unrest truly is an abhorrent evil… not endorsed by the love or grace of God!
He comments also show why ultimately the basis for the Freedom movement must be framed in *impartial secular terms*.
This Truth is what the Protestant Reformation and the Enlightenment bequeathed to humanity and is the source of Freedom in Western Civilisation.
Maintaining a separation of Church and State.
I know that saying that will cause many Christians to get their knickers all up in a bunch… but that is simply because they wrongfully interpret the term ‘secular’ to mean ‘Atheist’.
It does not mean that at all.
It means *Reason based*… Arts, sciences, ethics etc that stand on the merits of their own truthfulness and internal consistency, and thus ought to be acceptable to Atheist and Theist alike.
Such as ‘A square is a polygon with 4 equal sides and 4 equal angles.’.
That is a secular truth… not an ‘atheist’ truth simply because there are no references to God in it.
Likewise Christians do well to frame their political ideals in terms that can stand upon their own merit thus making them palatable to non-Christians and demonstrating Christians need not be religious fanatics, and are capable if peaceful coexistence with others on reasonable reciprocal terms.
Don’t get me wrong… I am not saying Christians don’t have a right talk about the political state of the world in context to their own views.
I do it all the time and am doing so in this blog post.
I am saying however that the near ‘Trump-worship’ by Christians prior to the last election was shameful and brings Christianity and Trump’s own movement into disrepute.
They ought to have maintained their vocal support for him because of the principles of Freedom and justice he stood for… not because of quazi-religious Drama.
The Pastors who have fermented this Cult should be ashamed of themselves.
They give the enemies of Christianity and Freedom grounds upon which to justify the suppression of our free speech and values!
They ought to have walked a more nuanced line… which is what I am attempting to do here and now.
I admit it is difficult… and prone to misinterpretation at every bend.
I am a Christian Libertarian.
Donald Trump is a Conservative.
To me Biden really is an absolute Minion of Satan.
With respect to their ideals and agendas, and the situation the world finds itself in and by my doing my own Math though Donald Trump is far from perfect… I choose to ride the Trump Train!
The Ideological war the Socialist Globalist are waging against Freedom is being fought on many fronts.
Trump is a Good Man, and as President fought against them on most of the important theatres (but not all) and because Christians like myself recognise the Socialist New World Order as being nothing less than the Rise of the Antichrist system, it is easy to see how many Christian have therefore translate these facts into ‘a Holy war for the souls of humanity against enslavement to the Devil’.
They are not wrong about that.
Yet still that does *not make Trump God’s Divine savior of Humanity and America*!
It makes him simply the best Democratic Choice… according to our values and ideal.
His Brash personality was in fact well suited to deal with the endless dung throwing monkeys who assailed him all day long for daring to steer America in the opposite direction to their Globalist Scheme. He was impervious to their rancor and so remained steadfast in his resolve!
He has now weathered 2 attempts at impeachment on the most contrived and fraudulent grounds.
Few men could have done that… and underneath he has a good honest heart.
He was and still remains simultaneously the most despised, and most admired man on the planet today.
By standing against the Globalist Tyrannical Agenda Trump is on the side of Liberty, including Religious Liberty, Freedom lovers and Christians ought rightly to stand behind him and that is their Democratic right to do so… yet… and this is the difficult part to clearly delineate… Christians ought never to have confounded the justness of the cause for freedom with ‘Leader worship’… turning a popular democratic movement into some sort of Cult. yet that is what many have done.
I guess this is one of the traps of modern politics whereby leaders are assumed to be the embodiment of the Politics their party expounds.
It is a trap that ought to be avoided at all costs.
Socialist Leaders love to propagate such mindless Idolatry. No better example can be given that our own Jacinda Ardern.
The Freedom of Western civilization has hung in the balance several times in the recent past, requiring great leadership and heavy sacrifices to save.
Most notably from the Nazi and Communist threats.
Was Churchill perfect?
No, but only an ideological fool would have allowed Churchills ‘imperfections to be grounds enough to withhold support for Britain in the war against the Nazis and The Yellow peril.
Supporting leaders at such times is not an endorsement of their every move, but of the cause they are championing.
Is the cause fundamentally just? If so… then support it!
This being so those who claim to love liberty yet choose not to support Trump because of their personal dislike to his eccentric personality or foibles are demonstrably betraying the cause of Freedom!
Trump derangement syndrome is a disease of the mind.
That so many so-called freedom lovers have been so infected as to cheer that Biden won is an outrage!
Though the type of struggle has changed, the Crisis of Hitler’s hordes posed to our way of life was as dire as what we are currently facing today… Hitler appeared the personification of the Antichrist to Freedom lovers of his day.
Still, looking back we can appreciate how foolish it would be to elevate Churchill to quazi-Divine Stature.
Trump and Churchill were Men of their hour.
Trump Derangement syndrome and Trump Hero worship are equal follies.
We are called by the Apostle Paul … ” I exhort therefore, that, first of all, supplications, prayers, intercessions, and giving of thanks, be made for all men; For kings, and for all that are in authority; that we may lead a quiet and peaceable life in all godliness and honesty.”
Yet we must refrain from ‘Hero-worship’.
Conservative America is far from being the true ‘Land of the Free’, yet compared to the Socialist Hell that the Democrats are attempting to set up ‘Conservative America’ is still a bastion of light in the world.
Trump is no saint. He has many flaws… yet still I hold him to be… by comparative standards… a Good man and his cause is just… because he fights for Freedom and Constitutional rights, for all.
That I believe is a healthy and just evaluation of Trump… no less… no more.
Biden, Ardern, Macron, Trudeau, Gates, Zuckerberg, Schwab, etc are all unwittingly in league with Beelzebub!
I believe that to be a fair evaluation of them also because they are working to destroy individual liberty and rights and set up a Totalitarian Global tyranny!
Despite Atheist credulity the indisputable fact is the eventual establishment of the One World Tyranny of the AntiChrist has all been prophesied.
It shall come to pass… we just don’t know when.
The Bible also says that with the rise of the Antichrist strong delusions would come and that the world will fall under his sway.
I do believe it will happen *when we human beings allow it to happen*… ie with the abandonment of the Christian faith, and when apathy sets in and Virtue is hard to find… then our society shall reap the reward of the abandonment of the values that underpinned the rise of Freedom in Western civilisation… the morals.. the ethics… we will have become feeble and weak… and the powers of darkness will know their time is at hand.
It has been said that for all it’s faults at least under democracy populations get the government they deserve.
Perhaps we deserve to loose the blessings we have enjoyed to such a large extent over the past 100 years.
‘The Greatest generation’ were prepared to run into Nazi Machine gun fire to halt the antichrist of their day… and by God’s grace they prevailed.
The type of Warfare today is far different… yet I fear that we today do not have the mettle required to face the evils of our times.
We don’t seem to be able to rally together for the cause.
Are we that accursed generation upon whom freedom, Righteousness, and truth will finally slip away?
Is the Sun setting on Western democracy?
Now it appears that Democracy itself has fallen!
How many elections about the globe in the past ten years have been defrauded by the Globalists?
How Many of their vile and treasonous minions have been installed and maintained in power to sell out their individual nations to the New World Order and ‘The Great reset?’.
I believe the last General election here in New Zealand was defrauded. Read about that here: VERY VERY SUSPECT ELECTION RESULTS FOR THE SOUTH ISLAND.
There has always been corruption in US Politics.
Mitt Romney defrauded Ron Paul in 2012 and Berny Sanders has been shafted by his own party in the last two elections, yet these despicable deeds cannot compare to what transpired in 2020.
We freedom advocates knew the situation was bad, yet just how deep the Machiavellian Soros Inc infiltration of the system was still took most of us by surprise.
Not only has the years of propagating the fantastic lies about Climate change, Covid 19, ‘White Nationalism, corroded the minds of the politicians of the world towards Trump’s non-compliance to the narrative, it also appears to me reasonable to speculate that Soros Inc used more direct means to corrupt major players in Trumps own Camp and the Deep State…. Judases.
How did the Soros/Democrat Cabal get to Bill Barr?
What was his ‘motivation’ to play such a double crossing snake in the grass betrayal of Donald Trump?
In my mind nobody come close to having stuck their knife into Donald Trumps back deeper and twisted it more than he.
Everything points to him being Blackmailed.
Had he fallen into some trap by which Soros Inc had some unspeakable dirt on him?
Or was he or his loved ones threatened by some powerful entities that caused him to break?
Time will tell us why, yet for now it is a complete mystery.
We can only despair how Barr slow walked every big case that came past his desk that could have absolutely decimated the Democrat party… Monumental evidence against Hillary Clinton… Monumental evidence against the Biden crime family… and because of his treason the media of the world were able to ignore the Truth too… and continue to sell the false narrative that it was the Trump administration that was corrupt… not the Dems.
That so many people who should know better… people who claim to support freedom against Socialism *accept all the lies about Trump, and that Sleepy Corrupt Joe Biden won the election fair and square just goes to show the Diabolical Sway and success the relentless Globalist propaganda Campaign has been.
George Soros is in the top handful of influential people in the world today.
Royalty and Governments bow before him.
Soros admitted Trump was ‘Enemy number one’ in his ambitions to establish the one world order, yet spoke with calm certainty that Trumps time would be short lived and that he would be gone at the next election.
How could he be so certain?
He cloaked his certainty about Trumps short time in office in a waffle about Trump alienating himself from the voters, yet it is virtually certain he made it a priority to corrupt the Electoral system of the US… and elsewhere… like New Zealand.
Why did the Supreme Court refuse to hear the evidence for Election Fraud?
The claim that the Texas case ‘had no standing’ to my mind is absolute bunk!
Texas has no business with regards to other States independent election of their own representatives, yet how they conduct their election for the Presidency is a Federal matter, and therefore of vital importance to all States… and it is without question Georgia, Michigan, Pennsylvania and Wisconsin all practiced ‘illegal’ and highly suspicious election anomalies!
You have to have rocks for brains to believe the FBI statement that the 2020 Election was ‘Fraud Free’.
The scale of this Fraud is mind boggling!
It surely ranks up there with the greatest of all time such as the Climate change Fraud, The Evolution Fraud.
Hitler said the greater the lie, the more people will believe it…. and I guess the reason this is true is because sometimes the truth is hard to believe.
In my opinion Biden is Soros Sock Puppet.
He is a Criminal and not the Legitimate President of the USA.
This opinion is shared by Tens of Millions of American citizens and tens of millions more like myself around the globe all who refuse to be swayed by the ‘Official Narrative’.
So determined are the powers that be to stamp out any whispers that Biden stole the election, holding such an opinion is almost illegal.
Will Comrade Ardern try and shut down this Blog?
Will she send around the Goon Squad to intimidate me for my ‘wrong think’?
These sorts of possibilities were unthinkable 20 years ago… not so now!
They are now entering the realm of high probability.
This is ultimately what this whole blog post is about.
This is much bigger than Trump!
It’s all about realising what is really at stake!
The coming tyrannical Socialist New World Order.
This is why All Liberty lovers, Libertarians, the world over ought to have snapped out of their Trump Derangement Syndrome and rallied behind him.
Its a bit late now, yet still the best defense we have is that we all stand together.
There is strength in numbers.
We must all refuse to remain silent and boldly exercise our right to free speech, making it impossible for the Evil ones to suppress the truth.
After a truly heroic stand Trump has been brought down… yet the struggle against the Globalist tyranny must go on!
Sadly many people still don’t grasp the peril the world is now in.
The Stealing of the US Elections does mark the point where the Battle for freedom has clearly tipped against us, and so if we are to ever get back to a semblance of freedom and sanity it will demand freedom lovers and Christians must be prepared to bear a far heavier burden than ever before and risk far heavier persecution by the Corrupt State … all with the support of the Children of the Damned… the brainwashed zombie hordes.
Are any of the so-called freedom lovers and Christians prepared to put aside petty differences and unite, and stand up together and hazard their very lives and property for the sake of Freedom for their Children… or will they remain impotent and at variance with each other?
I fear those who know what is going on are too cowardly… to weighed down with the cares of this world… to bravely resist the Beast.
Maybe this really is the End?
We could still turn back the tide yet it will now take *Massive commitment* to our ideals and beliefs… All backed up by Mass Peaceful demonstrations. And literally Millions of individual acts of public peaceful protest around the globe.
I am afraid the hour is late and our situation dire.
The Globalists now control the Armies, the Police forces, the Courts, of Western Civilisation.
We can expect the ongoing confiscation of Firearms to accelerate and the eventual nullification of the second amendment… probably by stealth… rubberstamped by corrupt courts.
Treasonous Globalist parliamentarians have already circumvented due processes and safeguards to write the legislation to round up anyone who talks about Armed resistance… Freedom fighters being deemed to be ‘Dangerous Radicals’… terrorists even.
How far have our societies fallen in such a short time… and will continue to fall unless bold principled resistance is taken!
We are fast approaching China-like tyranny and suppression of all dissent.
We now have to be willing to risk Jail time, risk being assaulted and even Death from fanatical Woke hordes… for freedom and truths sake… all the while maintaining the high ground and not being lured into rewarding Evil for Evil.
I’m not sure we have the mettle to pull this off!
God help us… and our Children!
Putting aside my Christian retoric for the sake of the cause of unity I know that our movement must be founded upon the core of commonly held values and principle common to all factions of Freedom loving communities which form an ‘overlapping consensus’ between our various groups and that these core values and principles can be,,, and must be articulated in *secular terms* that are acceptable to *all parties of reason*.
I will have to write a whole new post to describe what I mean by this ‘overlapping consensus’ that can form the basis for mutual cooperation between disparate groups, yet basically it results in an embodied constitution of Equality before the Law, personal freedom, and limited government… Time tested and proven ideals and values that have been forsaken by this generation.
We must get out in the streets and protest against the slide towards the Socialist NWO!
We must expose and throw out evil minions like Jacinda Ardern!
The time is short.
As I started reading the above article I was massively impressed…
“(Natural News) America as we know it is over. President Trump is the last president of the United States of America. Fake president Joe Biden wasn’t elected by the people and isn’t a real president, so his fake regime doesn’t count.
Beyond all the politics and cyber warfare and criminal vote fraud carried out by Democrats, what is the real root cause of the fall of America? As I explain in today’s podcast, it really comes down to mass mental illness.
Over half the people in America are mentally poisoned to the point of clinical insanity, and it is these people who attempt to run the government, the fake news outlets, the CDC and public schools, all like some twisted scene out of Idiocracy where even the Secretary of Education is a complete moron.
We’ve already passed the Idiocracy tipping point in America, of course. Fake White House press secretary Jen Psaki is a moron. Fake president Joe Biden has advanced dementia. None of the Democrats in the U.S. Senate can recognize reality anymore, and they function almost entirely as brainwashed bio-puppets who do whatever they’re told. (Which is what NPCs do, of course.) Meanwhile, the people who voted for Biden suffer from the mental illness / cult brainwashing of “progressivism” which is rooted in irrationality, learned hatred and denial of reality…”
The first 300 words were 100% on point about the mass delusion and idiocy that has taken over…. But then I ready the bullet point list of what the Author thought was the source of the grand delusions… and my heart dropped.
The list is itself Whack… and an example of Mass delusion of the equal opposite type… the grand delusions that unfortunately have proliferated within the Pro-Trump camp!
The Article continues….
“… But what caused all this mass mental illness? It’s not difficult to identify the vectors of the poisoning:
5G exposure
Toxic vaccines that attack human neurology
Brain-damaging pharmaceuticals such as antidepressants
Heavy metals in the food supply
Glyphosate herbicide exposure, which is now known to cause mass mental illness
Covid bioweapons exposure, now documented to cause mental illness in 33% of survivors
Fire retardant exposure, which is known to cause antisocial, violent behavior
Journo-terrorism (psychology terrorism by the media)
Fluoride in the public water supply
Mass media brainwashing and subliminal messaging like what you see in every Super Bowl halt-time demon cult worship theater event
Widespread nutritional deficiencies caused by the processed food industry
When you put all this together, you realize that a majority of Americans are now cognitively poisoned beyond the point of rationality…”
Wake TF Up People!
5G and Vaccines are symptomatic of the Grand evil Agenda but *are not* the source of the delusions!
5G is part of their All seeing eye… Global surveillance State.
Compulsory Vaccinations is about the end of personal bodily autonomy.
For these reasons there is good cause to be alarmed… not because they are cause of humanities freefall into insanity!
I realise that ‘Natural News’ does not represent ‘orthodoxy’ in the freedom/ anti-globalist movement, yet this article serves to illustrate important disfunctions that are hobbling the Freedom Campaign, and causing the movement to appear like Mad house.
This confusion in our ranks works in favour of the enemies of freedom.
Satan Laughing spreads his wings.
The true source of the delusions Zombifying the world is primarily Ideological…. A massive body of Lies have been heavily propagandised upon the populations of the world by the super Wealthy Technocrats and Politically Powerful aided and abetted by myriads of soul-less fanatical minions.
This has been a long long game that has now reached the final quarter while Freedom Advocates about the globe wallow in disarray… half infected by the delusions themselves and whose ranks have been infected by ridiculous conspiracies such as the Q movement… Trump worship… etc.
I like Trump. I believe he was a great President for our troubled times… yet he is not Jesus Christ!
And you do Donald Trump a huge disservice by thinking of him that way… loading the responsibility for saving America on his shoulders!
The truth about what I am saying was highlighted recently by Leftist Spokesman to the Masses Bill Maher when he called the ‘Capitol Riot’ ‘a faith based initiative’ and cited both the Q Annon cult and ‘Christian Nationalism’ as being the ideological bents underpinning the mindset of those who refuse to accept the US election results as being legitimate.
He said … “The events of January 6 were a faith-based initiative and Trumpism is a Christian nationalist movement that believes (former President Donald) Trump was literally sent from Heaven to save them,” said the 65-year-old Maher, an outspoken atheist who frequently criticizes organized religion.
Again… It would be dishonest to suggest that such wild claims about ‘Trumps Divine Mission’ are representative of the views of all ‘Fundamental Christians’ and yet what Bill Maher is saying is not without substance because most of us who are informed have witnessed this psychosis as being a real cringe worthy phenomena that has infected a section of the ‘Pro-Trump’ camp, and as such Bill Maher ought not to be reviled for pointing out such an embarrassing truth.
Bill is giving these Pro-Trump ‘fanatics’ a mirror to perceive why so many atheists like himself view religion as a dangerous source of uncivilised mayhem and chaos.
Christians ought to take cognizance of this, and appreciate the truthfulness of it.
Religious fanaticism that undergirds riotous civil unrest truly is an abhorrent evil… not endorsed by the love or grace of God!
He comments also show why ultimately the basis for the Freedom movement must be framed in *impartial secular terms*.
This Truth is what the Protestant Reformation and the Enlightenment bequeathed to humanity and is the source of Freedom in Western Civilisation.
Maintaining a separation of Church and State.
I know that saying that will cause many Christians to get their knickers all up in a bunch… but that is simply because they wrongfully interpret the term ‘secular’ to mean ‘Atheist’.
It does not mean that at all.
It means *Reason based*… Arts, sciences, ethics etc that stand on the merits of their own truthfulness and internal consistency, and thus ought to be acceptable to Atheist and Theist alike.
Such as ‘A square is a polygon with 4 equal sides and 4 equal angles.’.
That is a secular truth… not an ‘atheist’ truth simply because there are no references to God in it.
Likewise Christians do well to frame their political ideals in terms that can stand upon their own merit thus making them palatable to non-Christians and demonstrating Christians need not be religious fanatics, and are capable if peaceful coexistence with others on reasonable reciprocal terms.
Don’t get me wrong… I am not saying Christians don’t have a right talk about the political state of the world in context to their own views.
I do it all the time and am doing so in this blog post.
I am saying however that the near ‘Trump-worship’ by Christians prior to the last election was shameful and brings Christianity and Trump’s own movement into disrepute.
They ought to have maintained their vocal support for him because of the principles of Freedom and justice he stood for… not because of quazi-religious Drama.
The Pastors who have fermented this Cult should be ashamed of themselves.
They give the enemies of Christianity and Freedom grounds upon which to justify the suppression of our free speech and values!
They ought to have walked a more nuanced line… which is what I am attempting to do here and now.
I admit it is difficult… and prone to misinterpretation at every bend.
I am a Christian Libertarian.
Donald Trump is a Conservative.
To me Biden really is an absolute Minion of Satan.
With respect to their ideals and agendas, and the situation the world finds itself in and by my doing my own Math though Donald Trump is far from perfect… I choose to ride the Trump Train!
The Ideological war the Socialist Globalist are waging against Freedom is being fought on many fronts.
Trump is a Good Man, and as President fought against them on most of the important theatres (but not all) and because Christians like myself recognise the Socialist New World Order as being nothing less than the Rise of the Antichrist system, it is easy to see how many Christian have therefore translate these facts into ‘a Holy war for the souls of humanity against enslavement to the Devil’.
They are not wrong about that.
Yet still that does *not make Trump God’s Divine savior of Humanity and America*!
It makes him simply the best Democratic Choice… according to our values and ideal.
His Brash personality was in fact well suited to deal with the endless dung throwing monkeys who assailed him all day long for daring to steer America in the opposite direction to their Globalist Scheme. He was impervious to their rancor and so remained steadfast in his resolve!
Few men could have done that… and underneath he has a good honest heart.
He was and still remains simultaneously the most despised, and most admired man on the planet today.
By standing against the Globalist Tyrannical Agenda Trump is on the side of Liberty, including Religious Liberty, Freedom lovers and Christians ought rightly to stand behind him and that is their Democratic right to do so… yet… and this is the difficult part to clearly delineate… Christians ought never to have confounded the justness of the cause for freedom with ‘Leader worship’… turning a popular democratic movement into some sort of Cult. yet that is what many have done.
I guess this is one of the traps of modern politics whereby leaders are assumed to be the embodiment of the Politics their party expounds.
It is a trap that ought to be avoided at all costs.
Socialist Leaders love to propagate such mindless Idolatry. No better example can be given that our own Jacinda Ardern.
The Freedom of Western civilization has hung in the balance several times in the recent past, requiring great leadership and heavy sacrifices to save.
Most notably from the Nazi and Communist threats.
Was Churchill perfect?
No, but only an ideological fool would have allowed Churchills ‘imperfections to be grounds enough to withhold support for Britain in the war against the Nazis and The Yellow peril.
Supporting leaders at such times is not an endorsement of their every move, but of the cause they are championing.
Is the cause fundamentally just? If so… then support it!
This being so those who claim to love liberty yet choose not to support Trump because of their personal dislike to his eccentric personality or foibles are demonstrably betraying the cause of Freedom!
Trump derangement syndrome is a disease of the mind.
That so many so-called freedom lovers have been so infected as to cheer that Biden won is an outrage!
Though the type of struggle has changed, the Crisis of Hitler’s hordes posed to our way of life was as dire as what we are currently facing today… Hitler appeared the personification of the Antichrist to Freedom lovers of his day.
Still, looking back we can appreciate how foolish it would be to elevate Churchill to quazi-Divine Stature.
Trump and Churchill were Men of their hour.
Trump Derangement syndrome and Trump Hero worship are equal follies.
We are called by the Apostle Paul … ” I exhort therefore, that, first of all, supplications, prayers, intercessions, and giving of thanks, be made for all men; For kings, and for all that are in authority; that we may lead a quiet and peaceable life in all godliness and honesty.”
Yet we must refrain from ‘Hero-worship’.
Conservative America is far from being the true ‘Land of the Free’, yet compared to the Socialist Hell that the Democrats are attempting to set up ‘Conservative America’ is still a bastion of light in the world.
Trump is no saint. He has many flaws… yet still I hold him to be… by comparative standards… a Good man and his cause is just… because he fights for Freedom and Constitutional rights, for all.
That I believe is a healthy and just evaluation of Trump… no less… no more.
Biden, Ardern, Macron, Trudeau, Gates, Zuckerberg, Schwab, etc are all unwittingly in league with Beelzebub!
I believe that to be a fair evaluation of them also because they are working to destroy individual liberty and rights and set up a Totalitarian Global tyranny!
Despite Atheist credulity the indisputable fact is the eventual establishment of the One World Tyranny of the AntiChrist has all been prophesied.
It shall come to pass… we just don’t know when.
The Bible also says that with the rise of the Antichrist strong delusions would come and that the world will fall under his sway.
I do believe it will happen *when we human beings allow it to happen*… ie with the abandonment of the Christian faith, and when apathy sets in and Virtue is hard to find… then our society shall reap the reward of the abandonment of the values that underpinned the rise of Freedom in Western civilisation… the morals.. the ethics… we will have become feeble and weak… and the powers of darkness will know their time is at hand.
It has been said that for all it’s faults at least under democracy populations get the government they deserve.
Perhaps we deserve to loose the blessings we have enjoyed to such a large extent over the past 100 years.
‘The Greatest generation’ were prepared to run into Nazi Machine gun fire to halt the antichrist of their day… and by God’s grace they prevailed.
The type of Warfare today is far different… yet I fear that we today do not have the mettle required to face the evils of our times.
We don’t seem to be able to rally together for the cause.
Are we that accursed generation upon whom freedom, Righteousness, and truth will finally slip away?
Is the Sun setting on Western democracy?
Now it appears that Democracy itself has fallen!
How many elections about the globe in the past ten years have been defrauded by the Globalists?
How Many of their vile and treasonous minions have been installed and maintained in power to sell out their individual nations to the New World Order and ‘The Great reset?’.
I believe the last General election here in New Zealand was defrauded. Read about that here: VERY VERY SUSPECT ELECTION RESULTS FOR THE SOUTH ISLAND.
We freedom advocates knew the situation was bad, yet just how deep the Machiavellian Soros Inc infiltration of the system was still took most of us by surprise.
Not only has the years of propagating the fantastic lies about Climate change, Covid 19, ‘White Nationalism, corroded the minds of the politicians of the world, It also appears Soros Inc used more direct mean to corrupt major players in Trumps own Camp…. Judases.
How did the Soros/Democrat Cabal get to Bill Barr?
What was his ‘motivation’ to play such a double crossing snake in the grass betrayal of Donald Trump?
In my mind nobody come close to having stuck their knife into Donald Trumps back deeper and twisted it more than he.
Everything points to him being Blackmailed.
Had he fallen into some trap by which Soros Inc had some unspeakable dirt on him?
Or was he or his loved ones threatened by some powerful entities that caused him to break?
Time will tell us why, yet for now it is a complete mystery.
We can only despair how Barr slow walked every big case that came past his desk that could have absolutely decimated the Democrat party… Monumental evidence against Hillary Clinton… Monumental evidence against the Biden crime family… and because of his treason the media of the world were able to ignore the Truth too… and continue to sell the false narrative that it was the Trump administration that was corrupt… not the Dems.
That so many people who should know better… people who claim to support freedom against Socialism *accept all the lies about Trump, and that Sleepy Corrupt Joe Biden won the election fair and square just goes to show the Diabolical Sway and success the relentless Globalist propaganda Campaign has been.
Soros admitted Trump was ‘Enemy number one’ in his ambitions to establish the one world order, yet spoke with calm certainty that Trumps time would be short lived and that he would be gone at the next election.
How could he be so certain?
Because he made it a priority to corrupt the Electoral system of the US… and elsewhere… like New Zealand.
Why did the Supreme Court refuse to hear the evidence for Election Fraud?
The claim that the Texas case ‘had no standing’ to my mind is absolute bunk!
Texas has no business with regards to other States independent election of their own representatives, yet how they conduct their election for the Presidency is a Federal matter, and therefore of vital importance to all States… and it is without question Georgia, Michigan, Pennsylvania and Wisconsin all practiced ‘illegal’ and highly suspicious election anomalies!
You have to have rocks for brains to believe the FBI statement that the 2020 Election was ‘Fraud Free’.
The scale of this Fraud is mind boggling!
It surely ranks up there with the greatest of all time such as the Climate change Fraud, The Evolution Fraud.
Hitler said the greater the lie, the more people will believe it…. and I guess the reason this is true is because sometimes the truth is hard to believe.
The Stealing of the US Elections does mark the point where the Battle for freedom has clearly tipped against us, and so if we are to ever get back to a semblance of freedom and sanity it will demand freedom lovers and Christians must be prepared to bear a far heavier burden than ever before and risk far heavier persecution by the Corrupt State … all with the support of the Children of the Damned… the brainwashed zombie hordes.
Are any of the so-called freedom lovers and Christians prepared to put aside petty differences and unite, and stand up together and hazard their very lives and property for the sake of Freedom for their Children… or will they remain impotent and at variance with each other?
I fear those who know what is going on are too cowardly… to weighed down with the cares of this world… to bravely resist the Beast.
Maybe this really is the End?
We could still turn back the tide yet it will now take *Massive commitment* to our ideals and beliefs… All backed up by Mass Peaceful demonstrations. And literally Millions of individual acts of public peaceful protest around the globe.
I am afraid the hour is late and our situation dire.
The Globalists now control the Armies, the Police forces, the Courts, of Western Civilisation.
We can expect the ongoing confiscation of Firearms to accelerate and the eventual nullification of the second amendment… probably by stealth… rubberstamped by corrupt courts.
Treasonous Globalist parliamentarians have already circumvented due processes and safeguards to write the legislation to round up anyone who talks about Armed resistance… Freedom fighters being deemed to be ‘Dangerous Radicals’… terrorists even.
How far have our societies fallen in such a short time… and will continue to fall unless bold principled resistance is taken!
We are fast approaching China-like tyranny and suppression of all dissent.
We now have to be willing to risk Jail time, risk being assaulted and even Death from fanatical Woke hordes… for freedom and truths sake… all the while maintaining the high ground and not being lured into rewarding Evil for Evil.
I’m not sure we have the mettle to pull this off!
God help us… and our Children!
Putting aside my Christian retoric for the sake of the cause of unity I know that our movement must be founded upon the core of commonly held values and principle common to all factions of Freedom loving communities which form an ‘overlapping consensus’ between our various groups and that these core values and principles can be,,, and must be articulated in *secular terms* that are acceptable to *all parties of reason*.
I will have to write a whole new post to describe what I mean by this ‘overlapping consensus’ that can form the basis for mutual cooperation between disparate groups, yet basically it results in an embodied constitution of Equality before the Law, personal freedom, and limited government… Time tested and proven ideals and values that have been forsaken by this generation.
We must get out in the streets and protest against the slide towards the Socialist NWO!
We must expose and throw out evil minions like Jacinda Ardern!
The time is short.
I don’t care what People say about Alex Jones…. The man is a patriot Freedom lover and broadcasts a lot of truth.
Part of how the enemies of freedom work is to castigate their opponents as nut jobs so that they can then shut them down and the people will not even flinch.
Yes he has some wild ideas…. big deal…. who doesn’t?
Yet by far the majority of what he says is spooky accurate.
You just have to filter out the wheat from the chaff… and not be so foolish as to close your ears.
Weigh each claim on its merits… ditching the dross… but being smart enough to grasp when the facts bear him out .
This video below is important. esp because it is another example of information the Globalists (at Youtube) have done their best to blank out.
Before Trump, I said that The Obama regime was at war with the American people and now they are back to pick up where they left off under Biden.
They are today looking at creating laws to ‘break up Trump supporter networks’.
This is no joke.
Having swindled the democratic process (Biden/Ardern/etc) their next step is to label their political opponents dangerous ‘Enemies of the state’, shut down their coms, and round them up.
This began immediately when that Nut job Communist AOC said she was ‘terrified of being around Republicans’ and that they had ‘tried to have her murdered.’ re: the Antifa/BLM Agent provocateur’s who embedded themselves in the Capitol hill protests and caused all the violence for the purpose of making the pro Trump movement look like terrorists.
This is all part of a Machiavellian scheme that is being played out with frightening attention to detail.
The same meticulous process is being played out across western nations while their sheepish populations slumber.
Ardern has been sowing these seeds since the Christchurch attack here in NZ (dangerous hate groups/ white supremacists), and we are witnessing an escalation on silencing anyone who is critical of the expansion of Maori separatist powers.
They have just knock John Banks off his public platform for speaking the truth.
Like Trump, Not even Bank’s historical Mana has saved him… and he looks like a stunned Mullet… all apologetic… absolutely incapable of defending himself.
Where is the public outcry against this Cancel culture/ deplatforming?
Where is the backlash against the companies who threatened to pull their advertising from Mediaworks?
The freedom movements are state of lethargy and stupor.
Like stunned rabbits.
There is no freedom movement in New Zealand!
When will the people wake up and march on parliament?
Oh that’s right Ardern has already put ‘Covid 19 legislation’ in place to deploy the Army against us, and the police are already conditioned to looking at protests as criminal activities instead of the people exercising our legitimate rights!
We are in Deep shit.
The Beast system is right at our door now.
Only by genius and bold moves will there be any hope of us getting out of this mess.
We are at the point where Freedom activists must be prepared to risk our lives and liberty for the sake of the cause… just as has been the case in so many Nations where the socialists have the Power and rights have been crushed….
Photo Martin Luther King led a successful peaceful movement to end Race segregation in America.
Had he been alive today without doubt he would have outright condemned the Violent and Riotous Communist Hate Group Black Lives Matter.
We have historic exemplars to follow.
The Leaders of all the Great peaceful movements who shun violence at all costs… instead they faced the wolves as lambs… and prevailed.
True ‘Civil disobedience’ is not violent or destructive.
It is simply unity of action and non-compliance articulating unassailable reason.
All the physical power is on our enemies side… yet the Truth and Justice are all on our side!
They are spiritually powerful… and our greatest advantage.
There would be no hope of a violent revolution being successful here in NZ, in fact our enemies would profit greatly should some over-zealous fools attempt to start a civil war.
The Enemies may even *fake* such a situation as pretext to round up ‘the ringleaders and spokespeople’ of the ‘enemies of the state’.
Yet we still could win via peaceful and principled Activism and protest.
History shows this… and every time the Evil system meets a peaceful movement with Battons and tear gas… the more of the general public wake up to the true nature of the struggle.
And eventually ‘People power’ can win the day…
It is our only hope… yet we have no such movement….
We need to start one.
Believe it or not this is one of the toughest decisions I have had to make in a long time.
Over the past decade Facebook has become such a big part of my life and freedom activism.
It is to a large degree the only communication I have with many Family and friends.
When I leave…. I will effectively loose touch with people I hold dear and groups I have enjoyed being a member.
This pains me to the degree that I despair doing this… yet I must go.
Why am I leaving?
Because Facebook is evil… Massively evil!.. a major player in the mind-control business for the grand Globalist agenda and the enslavement of the entire human race.
Facebook is Satanic… day by day feeding toxic ideas and lies directly into the minds of the masses while relentlessly suffocating the most important voices who raise the alarm and expose the absolute political corruption that is afoot.
In protest and disgust, and the only way I can dish out a tiny measure of ‘Justice’… is for me to leave… and shake the very dust from my sandals.
Who cares you say?
Facebook will still be fully operational without my puny voice, yet I am not alone in doing this…. an Exodus of Freedom loving Free thinkers has begun… and I’ll be joining that caravan out of here in search of Freedom, and the more of us who leave… the more ‘Justice’ will be served.
We will look for alternative… more worthy platforms and providers who respect Free speech and deserve our custom.
Update pic 6-2-21 GAB CEO talking about how rapidly Gab is growing in the wake of ‘The greatest internet exodus’ ,,,, YEAH PEOPLE!
Unfortunately the World is now in a crisis… and I’m not talking about Covid 19 or Climate change!
We are slipping into an age of Darkness, and Tyranny on an almost unimaginable scale.
Governments will pass more laws to silence Freedom Advocates…. sending around the Thought Police…. This is what is at stake… and I fear we are nearing a point whereby the life we have previously known of personal liberty to disagree with the State is coming to an abrupt end.
Thinkers like myself are… more and more… being labeled ‘Dangerous’… and the sheeple have no clue to the fact they are being socially conditioned to accept the Globalist Police State rounding up ‘Enemies of the State’ like Nazi Germany, The Soviet Union, China, North Korea, Venezuela, etc etc.
Socialism coming to a town near you!
The Sheeple gullibly accept each and every incremental loss of freedom… every new compulsion… as if they are all necessary political expedients from Benevolent Dictators.
I believe we are watching the rise of the Global Antichrist.
The New World Order under which only the Politically Correct view of everything is permissible.
Mock me if you like… They mocked Noah too when he warned of the coming flood.
There is a definite deceiving spirit at work among Western civilisation.
Great lies believed by the ‘billons of dumfounded dipshits’.. to quote a Tool song.
Evil Lizards like Mark Zuckerburg and his infernal Engine are at the forefront of this global deception.
It didn’t have to be this way… Facebook could have been a tool for great good… yet like so many great things in the hands of the Wicked… Social Power corrupts.
We are witnessing the collapse of Democracy.
It simply cannot function when Evil political powers control the narrative and completely blot out the voices of opposition.
Sadly most of you will carry on as if there is nothing to be concerned about.. Eating, Drinking, getting married… not bothering to look up and see the Thunderclouds gathering overhead.
You’d better learn to swim.
If only I could wake you people up!
I wish you all would join the Freedom Caravan too… yet I know most of you won’t.
Leaving Facebook is like trying to quit smoking Crack!
Believe me when I say that I fully understand how difficult it is to even contemplate leaving… it really is one of the great tests of moral fiber in our time… as it involves great personal loss for the sake of doing the right thing…. it is a matter of values and integrity.
Believe me when I say that I am doing this because I Love you all… and I love Freedom… and so I must put my money where my mouth is… and act.
Only by example can I communicate to you all the seriousness of what is at stake, and what we all ought to be doing.
Zuckerburg needs to be kicked in the nut sack and knocked off his perch!
I will no longer prop him up.
Remain here at your peril.
A person can make all sorts of excuses and reasons to compromise their principles… to avoid making a painful decision… to excuse their ongoing voluntary collusion with some evil.
Many will say that Freedom lovers are ‘quitting’ and that they ought instead to stay here and fight it out’ yet that is what we have been doing for the past decade and it has not prevented the Rot setting in… it is a failed strategy because the Evil powers running this freak show have *guaranteed* the overwhelming political slant that the Sheeple are fed.
On top of outright deplatforming individuals and groups, via various means of AI facebook has long ceased to be an open forum where Freedom activism can be successfully carried on.
Any bold voices still here are targeted for suppression so that their posts simply reach nobody…. so you are effectively speaking to the void.
So in this sense by leaving, the Freedom Advocate is not hurting their effectiveness to any significant degree… in fact by staying there… you are choosing to muzzle yourself because you could be elsewhere on another platform growing a larger audience and reaching more people!
Don’t kid yourselves that you are staying here for the sake of Freedom… you are choosing the low path… making the easy choice… because you are not prepared to count the cost.
The only real recourse we who love Freedom have is to leave… with our dignity… refusing to surrender our values and beliefs… and finding somewhere else to commune together.
I regret that our departure will accelerate the pace and intensity of Facebook’s relentless indoctrination and Agenda Programming.
Voices like mine won’t be here to buzz around your face… many will be glad to see us go.
Conversely there is a buzz starting on other platforms like Mewe and Rumble that will only get better the more freedom advocates get wise and make the leap of faith!
There is life after Facebook!
Me thinks it will turn out to be a much better life.
I fear for your Kids using these Brain washing machines run by the Woke Billionaire Globalists … just as I fear them going to Universities cram packed with PC Lunatic Leftist Nut jobs for Teachers and exemplars.
These machines churn out little twisted minions… Mindless Mad and unprincipled Social Justice Warriors… Zombies.
There is an ideological war raging… yet so many people just like to swim in the shallow end of the pool…. thinking is a drag… holding difficult opinions is tiresome… they prefer to turn their heads.
Ignorance is Bliss.
Satan laughing spreads his wings.
I will leave my page active for a week, and continue to post this ‘Farewell’ notice… and receive messages… I am not sure how many people actually get it as my posts and blogs are being suffocated by the Facebook/ Google algorithms… and then I shall close my account.
My Cell phone number is 0276630331
My email is
I am on Mewe, and Gab, and Parler.
Rant over.
Time to sign out.
Good bye my Facebook people…. I will miss you… take care.
Trust in Jesus.
Peace Out.
Tim Wikiriwhi.
Christian Libertarian.
P.S Jim Grey sends his regards.
Update 9-2-21 (pic below) Yay! The Revolution is happening!
“The ad-free platform aims to compete against traditional social media models that use data collection for targeted ads. MeWe, launched by Mark Weinstein in 2016, also vouches not to censor their users for behavior that might violate the policies of other networks, including Facebook and Twitter.
“People all over the world are leaving Facebook and Twitter in droves because they are fed up with the relentless privacy violations, surveillance capitalism, political bias, targeting and newsfeed manipulation by these companies,” MeWe’s marketing director, David Westreich, told USA TODAY…”
Buy a cheap jar of English marmalade (chunky style is best), about a 300ml bottle of Soy sauce and a small jar of Chili flakes.
Get a small pot. put it on the stove at a low heat.
Pour in a good amount of Soy sauce and add the whole jar of Marmalade to that and stir together to break down the Marmalade into the soy Sauce.
You can add a small amount of Oyster sauce too if you want but you don’t have to… it makes it a bit saltier.
Don’t boil it but just bring it to a low simmer… stirring it… then add the chili flakes to your own liking… I like to put in heaps as they are usually not that hot.
Let that simmer of about 5 minutes then take off the heat and let it cool right down.
Prepare your Chicken… I like wings… get a big stack of wings and put them in a big plastic container… pour the marinade over the top and put the lid on… and stick in the fridge overnite… however long you like… a few hours will do. Keep flipping the chicken about in the marinade every few hours to give it all a good soak.
Then… depending how you are going to cook them… say roasted in an oven tray use tongs to place the chicken wings into the tray leaving the marinade in the container… place the chicken in an oven at about 170deg c. Then pour the marinade back in a small pot and simmer again (this is to kill and chicken bacteria in there). Turn your wings a few times… dont over cook them… they don’t take long to cook. Pour off any excess juice that occurs in the roasting tray as you dont want to ‘boil’ them. Then when you see they are getting close to Ready take a spoon and drizzle the wings with more of your hot marinade from the pot you have just simmered to coat them all in a sticky marinade… cook them 5-7 minutes more to ‘set’ the marinade to the wings yet take care not to burn the marinade… and then Serve! BOOM!
You could do a similar method on the BBq too.
Works with Pork Too!
Important note: I wrote this article 2 weeks before the infamous 2020 US elections. I now believe the same evil powers in high places rigged the New Zealand Elections as a test run for the US Elections to Unseat President Donald Trump.
Democratic elections are not secure. The Globalists in all western nations have been meddling with their voting protocols making them less secure, and more venerable to Fraud’s.
The Covid scamdemic was used in both the US and NZ to alter normal voting procedure’s.
Will they try this again in 2024?
Something fishy going on down in the Mainland with the election results!
The Otargo Daily Times reports that Labour won the party vote *in all 17* South Island electorates!
That is a high statistical improbability in it’s own right, yet the situation gets even more shady when you see how many Electorate seats National actually won down there.
See below….
Party vote stats from Otago daily times.
Electorate Seats stats from TV 1 news Election results
The first numbers compare Labour’s Party vote wins over National in each electorate, yet I have added the Electorate votes after these in the seats that National actually won… and I would expect *National* to have also had the greater number of electorate votes in these electorates… yet apparently though the electorate voted predominately National for the candidate they split their vote and voted predominately Labour for the party vote????
In every single electorate????
IMO this is sus!
Nelson: Labour 20,564 – National 8418
West Coast Tasman: Labour 17,859 – National 9974
Kaikoura: Labour 16,561 – National 11,538… yet National Party’s Stuart Smith won the seat 16105 votes to Labour’s Matt Flight’s 13823.
Waimakariri: Labour 20,222 – National 11,720… yet National party’s Matt Doocey won the seat 19236 votes to Labour’s Dan Rosewarne 17260
Christchurch East: Labour 20,302 National 5779
Ilam: Labour 15,875 National 11,011
Christchurch Central: Labour 17,467 National 6648
Banks Peninsula: Labour 21,302 National 9166
Selwyn: Labour 15,293 National 12,908… yet National party’s Nicola Grigg won the seat 18578 to Labour’s Reuben Davidson 13635
Wigram: Labour 17,653 National 7033
Rangitata: Labour 18,531 National 12,244
Waitaki: Labour 17,058 National 12,330…. yet the National party’s Jacqui Dean won the seat 17615votes to Labour’s Liam Wairepo’s 14470
Dunedin: Labour 21,625 Green 7001 National 5514
Taieri: Labour 23,210 National 8505
Southland: Labour 13,359 National 12,777… yet National party’s Joseph Mooney won the seat 17817votes to Labour’s Jon Mitchell’s 12741
Invercargill: Labour 17,050 National 10,873… yet National party’s Penny Simmonds won the seat 16372 to Labour’s Liz Craig’s 15687
Te Tai Tonga: Labour 13,056 Green 2597 Maori 1838
So from my cursory investigations National won in 6 electorates… yet still lost to Labour in all 6 with regards to that Electorate’s party votes.
That Labour would score higher than National on party votes in all 6 electorates where National candidates won the seats appears to be *very counter intuitive* and smacks of election Fraud!
Which is a real thing people… esp when we are talking about Power Mad Lefty Globalists.
I would hope the National party has people looking into this very odd result.
Talking about how it possibly could have occurred the first and most obvious would be some sort of Computer hack/ corrupted program, yet the fact that this election was notable for it’s very early Pre-election voting means scrutinizing the booths would be very hard… esp for minor parties… more opportunity for Fraud… and the fact that we are told record numbers of Kiwi chose to vote early (69% of the total vote) could also be an opportunity for fraud… and then I have herd rumors of a high number of invalidated votes… which party suffered the most from these invalidated votes?
Also the number of people claimed to have voted this election is quite absurdly high… 82.5% of enrolled voters a total pool of itself that is 92.5% of all eligible voters. Maybe this excessively high voter count also hides many fraudulent votes?
I don’t profess to know, yet IMO the numbers for the South Island look Dodgy as.
And If there is good reason to be suspicious of the reported Election results of the South Island, that opens up the question to how trustworthy are the reported results for the North Island?
Can other anomalies be discerned in the results there too?
I have not checked, yet I would not be surprised if an erudite investigator can find other oddities there too.???
Tim Wikiriwhi.
Update: I have now read that it is claimed that Labour won the Party vote in 68/72 total electorate seats… and that is *super strange* given National won 26 Electorate seats so that would mean that of the 26 Seats only 4 electorates gave a majority of party votes to National!
It is very possible we are witnessing Election fraud on a grand scale.
The media have started trying to make sense of the strange election results, rationalising away with such misleading titled articles as this one… ‘Election 2020: Federated Farmers want Labour to govern alone’…. which assumes Famers actually wanted Labour to govern!
Well that I guess would be what you must assume if you are not prepared to contemplate the fact that the numbers actually might be better explained by election fraud.
But let’s be real… The sycophantic media are in Ardern’s pocket… bought and paid for… they are the last people New Zealanders can rely on.
In the estatic throes of Ardern worship the last thing our hopeless journos are contemplating is that the numbers could evidence something sinister.
What the article should headline…’Farmers hope to God Ardern does not make a deal with the Green Party!”… and therein lies the crux of why it is absurd to think the farmers really did vote Labour as that definitely exposes them to the Far left Anti-Farming Agenda!
The article is full of crap yet one line sticks out above the rest…
“Temuka dairy farmer Andy Palmer said he was shocked by the result for his electorate, Rangitata but not the overall Labour win.”
That says it all… and people should be shocked because it does not add up.
These ‘fascinating facts’ when you do the math ought to make any thinking person question *Is this evidence of Election hacking?*
“…Labour won the party vote 68 of the 72 electorates in the country, meaning it lost the party vote in just four seats this election – a record high for Labour…”
That is not simply ‘a record high’… it smacks of tampering!
At the very least an investigation needs to be carried out!
The numbers are so extreme as to be highly improbable!
9 times out of 10 wild numbers like this indicates something is awry.
And of the ’20 fascinating facts’ what we don’t see is any mention or clear analysis of how many votes were deemed ‘invalid’… for what reasons… or which parties were the most affected by these disqualified votes????
Quite a serious omission me thinks….
Update 22-10-20…
Just seen this on my facebook feed….
Peter Vaughan
THE ELECTION – “For the Record”
Most of you know I am a researcher when it comes to profiling people and I have a pretty good track record for accuracy and been doing this for 40 years.
Here is my take from the information I have gathered:
When the PM postponed the election in September, the Electoral Commission said the NEXT DATE they can work a re-election date so that all the proper procedures are in place and be in a ready to go state would be 21 November.
Them PM brushed them off and forced a 17 October date. This causes a significant problem as there can be a lot of mishaps with things not in line. This is a covert strategy move to Labours advantage! Dirty politics!
My views on the outcome are…
The PM will knock out the minor parties, potentially fiddle the votes via the early voting ploy as this enables votes to be seen, changed, destroyed and no one would know.
In my expert opinion, the PM is a fabrication and diversion artist. This is obvious by her excessive use of her hands and head movement, a quality most liars follow and no straight answers. The excessive use of the words “obviously, as I say, again” and so forth are subconscious intimidation.
The graphs I have made of all the major MP’s and leaders indicate the PM by years end, enters a downhill slide, as do her partner, Nash, James Shaw, Peters and several others.
Collins is under tension but pulls through, Seymour, is well positioned, but here is where the problem lies (pun intended for the PM), I suspect there is going to be a legal intervention brought forward highlighting interference with votes and the incomplete readiness of the election process due to non adherence to the electoral commission needing another month to be prepared.
This election has the potential to bring about civil unrest as the many new voters and the passion they have to have the standing PM stood down may put her in a precarious position as she has made many citizens dislike her to the extreme.
I would not be surprised if there is a new election called for and in my view, this must happen. Even a blind person can join the dots that this government has not been anything but a ‘car crash’ to the people and the economy of New Zealand and the biggest disappointment ever in the history of New Zealand politics.
In her own words this evening in the final leaders debate were, when asked if she would remain in Labour should she not win the election and a clear and instant “NO”! was uttered. She has probably got a ticket to the corrupt UN in her wallet.
In finishing. I am a Candidate for the UPPER HARBOUR ELECTORATE and stood up because I believe we need NZ to be reclaimed by the people. I have the same policies I had for New Zealand when I ran for Mayor of Auckland last year, but more now because of the difference between local government and central government.
I have become disillusioned with politics due to several leaders of Parties I have come to observe and find little trust exists.
However, Post the election, I will be (and already am working on it) fulfilling my personal policies to bring about the improvement of New Zealand and it’s people with new business models, greater employment opportunities, a drought free Auckland, a pollution free NZ, New Power sources, sustainable energy, sewerage problems solved, electric cars for all that want them at no additional cost to the present incomes, Cooperatives for the indigenous peoples and the cleaning up of the land, new more powerful fertilisers at half the cost to the farmers, clean waterways once again, a New Educational system that caters to ALL people and works – like in the military; “we leave no one behind”, all this and more can be done and the systems have been worked out already. Please vote on Saturday for the party you feel will support you without further harm to your loved ones and your country.
Thank you for reading this write up.
“…You have to go back to 1938 for a bigger percentage (55.8 percent) and to 1935 for a bigger bunch of new MPs (29)…”
That’s the wildest result in 82 years
Such an extraordinary result ought to face scrutiny just to ensure something is not awry.
“….But many of those voters, having given up on Winston Peters and seeing National without a hope of winning, have opted for Labour as its own handbrake, ensuring the Greens don’t have the power to pull Labour further left. They have built a moat for Labour, separating it from those on its left flank…”
This argument is Pish weak… yet it is the one the media is peddling and what you the voters are supposed to believe about the very weird results rather than asking more piecing questions.
Myself, I wont concede the results are legitimate until some sort of transparent and substantial investigation is carried out by some truly independent person.
Live show The Rock 2000 ( Photo credit… and check out more epic pics at Ambient Light. )
The Rock FM Radio Station is New Zealand’s number 1 Bogan Rock Station and has been so since that early 90s.
For over nearly 2 decades The Rock has run an Epic Music comp whereby listeners have voted for their favorite songs.
It started out as the Rock 500, yet has grown by increments of 500 songs through 1000,1500, to the glorious 1 month music event now called the Rock 2000.
It gets millions of votes, and is live streamed to millions across the globe.
Read more about the Rock here
Top 10 songs for 2020 were…
10- Lynard Skynard: Simple Man.
9- Chris Cornell: Patience.
8- Blindspott: Nil by mouth.
7- Rage against the Machine: Killing in the name
6- Black Sabbath: War pigs.
5-Pearl Jam: Black.
4-Shihad: Home Again.
3- Guns and Roses: November Rain.
2- Tool: The Pot.
1- Foofighters Everlong.
Now I just so happened to make it to the Live Countdown and Rock Concert thanks to winning tickets from Carlsberg Beer! (How cool was that!)
They got me and my Bro (The legendary Jamie C) accommodation at the Ramada Suites on Victoria st…Great service from their Staff.
There was an Ice bucket of Carlsberg beersies, Concert Wristbands to get into the Carlsberg VIP Box set up Center rear of the stadium, with great views of the stage and of course… a Bar looking down upon the envious multitude.
All the Event staff involved, from the Rock, Fuse promotions, and Carlsberg Beer were wonderful and made us feel very welcome.
The Crowd was having a blast with the countdown, everyone was trying to figure out which song would make it to Number 1.
My Favorite Band Tool’s ‘The Pot’ got piped at post by The Foofighters ‘Everlong’.
Dave Grohl recorded an acceptance speech, thanked his fans and promised a Tour in NZ in the near future (Damn the Rona!)
The Rock celebrated Bryce Casey’s 20 years at the Station, with video tributes from Kiwi Celebs beamed onto the big screen, many of them expressing their respect for Bryce’s Voluntary work in the area of Mental health.
Then it was time for the Bands!
Legends Head like a hole opened.
Then ‘Racing’ which I have never herd before, and they had a cool sound.
Villainy was obviously popular with the Younger folk.
By the time Devilskin came on we had abandoned the Carlsberg VIP box and were Front row center stage… Rockin out!
When the show was over, Jamie and I ended up at a bar called ‘Father Teds Original Irish pub on Wellesley st listening to a 2 piece band.
It was sometime after 1am that I got back to the Motel… god knows where Jamie went… but he was there in the morning when I woke up so we survived it!
Many Thanks to Carlsberg for all that!
My Rock Picks for 2020.(Below)
My Rock 2000 choices… Thrown together at the last moment.
I intended to do a far greater systematic evaluation yet because I had pissed about too much… I ended up winging it….
Below is my Rock catalogue that I was intending to use to pick my Top 20 for the Rock 2000, yet I never got it finished in time.
I will add to this and it will be ready for next years Rock 2000.
Everyone who digs a similar range of sounds as I will be able to use the list to jog their memory.
The idea is not to list *all the songs* any band or artist made, but their best ones… in my humble opinion.
So many great bands and songs still to list… please feel free to tell me some you think need to be here.
A little about my musical taste. Tool is my favorite band.
Love Classic Rock!, Love Hair Metal!, but the Zenith of Music for me was 90s Grunge.
The 90’s were the greatest party years of my life… I guess everyone has their own ‘Heyday’.
There are no rules written in concrete that we all must agree as to who is the greatest… etc… and everyone has a soundtract to their own life (to plagerise a slogan from another Radio show! :-))
Tool won the Rock’s ‘Rock Wars’ in 2011.
They won the Rock 1000 in 2013 with Sober.
Tool also won the Rock 1000 in 2014 with Stinkfist.
Tool was second last Year in the Rock 1500 with The Pot.
Of course I like some Cruzzie Lazy Sunday tunes too… and some trippy stuff!
Even some 80s pop cheese… never to be herd on the Rock… but what the hell….aaaand even… dare I say it…some pop country!
I’m going to have to kill you to keep my dirty secrets safe! 🙂
Buffalo Girls go around the outside!
Word Homie.
I’ll probably have to surrender my Westie membership card after this… I cant help it…. I enjoy a broad spectrum of music!
Though I am not a musician myself, I think life definitely has a soundtrack, and I habitually think of songs to fit situations or conversations… a lot of what will be listed below cannot be called ‘Rockin Beats’… not Party hard music, a lot is trippy… a lot is cruizzie… yet if you have gone to a lot of Gigs… and rages the *real trick is to take the people on a bit of a ride*
I am sure those of you who play in bands know that you set out your song list like a rollercoaster ride… Building up… then going down which is important so that you can take the party back up again!
Its the lows of life that make the Highs High… that’s a free bit of Life Coaching for you younguns… enjoy it all.
Many songs listed below are there simply because I rank them highly… despite not having a single ounce of Rock juice…
They are there because I want them to remain a part of my life till my last breath.
What is interesting about the Rock 2000 is just how broad a range of songs actually make the list!
It is not what might be expected… just a narrow succession of Bogan head banging Anthems… this tells me I am far from alone in my fetish for freaky flavours.
The Rock 2000 is sponsored by Carlsberg Beer!
I am no expert on German Ale, yet am very familiar with the Gold Can Elephant Beer 8%!
Top Beer!
And for that reason Carlsberg is one of the few Foreign Beer brands whose stuff I collect.
I will add references to where each song scored this year if they made the cut.
I have my own Facebook music page (here) where a regularly post new Music video’s that I have just discovered, or Blasts from the past.
Music related articles, jokes, etc.
Music is a massive part of my life.
Tim Wikiriwhi.
My Song list… No* is 2020. * is *2021
Hell’s Bells. 79. *112
Shoot to thrill. 366. *359
Long way to the top. 151. *218
Dirty Deeds done dirt cheap. *318
Aint no fun waiting around to be a millionaire,
Live wire.
Little lover.
Back in Black. 49. *53
Whole lotta Rosie *407
Highway to hell. 70′ *100
TNT. 215. *456
High Voltage. 1162.
Let there be Rock. 262. *393
Ride on. 409. *419
Can I sit next to you girl. 1644 *1419
Squealer. 1675
Heatseeker. 1149. *1224
Big Balls. 878.
Jailbreak. 428. *593
Whole lotta Rosie. 326.
You shook me all night long. 105. *130
For those about to Rock. 119. *15
Thunderstruck. 37 *39
Touch too much.
Soul Stripper.
Rolling in the deep.
Someone like you
Because I got high.
Laurie Anderson.
O Superman.
Alice in Chains.
Down in a hole. 139. *145
The Rooster. 43. *51
Rain when I Die.
Man in the Box. 85. *142
Would. 61 *58
Nutshell (unplugged) 17 *19
No Excuses. *651
Don’t Follow.
The All Saints.
Pure shores
Black Coffee.
Lady Marmalade.
Rock Steady.
Ventura Highway.
A Horse with no name.
Forever Young.
Everything Burns.
Left outside alone.
The Animals.
House of the Rising Sun. 561.
I’m Crying.
Aphex Twin.
Come to Daddy.
Dream on. 168. *197
Joan Armatrading.
Drop the pilot.
Me myself I
James Arthur
Empty Space
Artic Monkeys.
Do I Wanna Know?
I bet that you look good on the dance floor. *985
R U mine? *656
I am the highway. 150. *184
Like a stone. 69. *71
Be yourself. 335. *488
Doesn’t remind me *
Aint seen nothing yet.
Taking care of business.
Let it ride.
Hey You.
Bad Company.
Bad Company
Shooting star.
Day after Day.
Bad Wolves.
Jimmy Barnes.
I’d die to be with you tonight. 394.
Working class man. 40. *48
No second prize. 306. *412
Good time tonight.
Basement Jaxx
Where’s your head at.
The Beachboys.
wouldn’t it be nice.
Good vibrations.
Surfin USA.
Beastie Boys.
Fight for the right to party 1007.
The Beatles.
Revolution. 1781 *1401
Here comes the sun.
Hey Jude. 825. *209
Get back. 1895
I feel fine.
Little help with my friends.
She came in through the bathroom window.
All my loving.
While my guitar gently weeps. *663
Glass onion.
Bungalow Bill
Rocky Racoon
Lucy in the sky with diamonds.
Back in the USSR. 1904
Happiness is a warm gun.
Across the universe.
Paperback writer.
Helter Skelter. 1070.
Magical mystery tour.
Norwegian wood.
Come together. *398
I started a Joke.
New York Mining disaster.
Too much Heaven.
Stayin alive.
The Bellamy Brothers.
Let your love flow.
Pat Benatar.
Love is a battlefield.
Heartbreaker. 1795
Justin Bieber.
Black-eyed peas.
Where is the love?
The Black Keys.
Gold on the ceiling. 682
Black Sabbath
The Gypsy.
Paranoid. 87. *91
Iron Man. 196.
War Pigs. ***6*** *18
Children of the Grave. 598. *748
Heaven and hell. *495
Sabbath bloody Sabbath. *684
Planet Caravan. 1088.
The Wizzard. 1106
Sweet Leaf. 798. *646
Black Sabbath. 801. *700
Heaven and hell. 164.
Lord of this world.
Changes. *1171
Blind Melon.
No Rain
Nil by Mouth. *(****4****)
Blink 182
What’s my age again? *361
Adam’s song. 367. *494
Miss you. 380. *502
All the small things. 418. *533
Dammit (Growing up)
Heart of Glass. 1312.
Call Me.
Blue Oyster Cult.
Don’t Fear the Reaper. 513. *512
Burning for you.
Then came the last days of May.
The revenge of Vera Gemini
ETI. Extra terrestrial intelligence.
The Blue Stones.
Rolling with the Punches. 1889
Blues Traveler.
The Hook.
Look around.
The Mountain wins again.
Just wait.
James Blunt.
Your Beautiful.
Goodbye my lover
Bon Jovi.
Keep the faith.
Wanted Dead or Alive.
More than a feeling.
Rock and Roll band.
Piece of mind.
David Bowie.
Space oddity. 393.
Star Man. 950. *1036
Ashes to Ashes. *1463
Cat People. 446.
Ziggy Stardust. 553.
Ashes to ashes.
Heroes. 303. *223
Bring me to the Disco king.
The Laughing Gnome.
The Guitar Man.
Breaking Benjimin.
Dairy of Jane. 165 *179
So Cold. 221. *220
Ashes of Eden.
Breath. 647.
I will not bow. 790.
Had enough.
Breaks Co-op
The Other side.
Jackson Brown.
Running on empty.
Buck Cherry’
Lit up. 949.
Head like a hole.
Buffolo Sprinfield.
For what it’s worth.
The chemicals between us.
Glycerine. 234. *315
Everything Zen
Letting the cables sleep
40 miles from the Sun.
Comedown. 582.
Butthole surfers.
The Byrds.
8 miles high
Hey Mr Tamborine man.
Turn Turn Turn.
The Call.
Let the day begin.
The Calling
Wherever You will Go.
Canned Heat.
On the Road again.
Lewis Capaldi
Someone you loved.
The Cardigans.
Favorite game.
Erase/ rewind
The Cars.
Your just what I needed.
Let the Good times Roll.
Bye Bye Love.
Johnny Cash.
Gods Gonna cut you down.
The Chainsmokers.
Don’t let me down.
Cheap Trick.
The Fame.
I want you to want me.
Chemical brothers.
Hey Boy, Hey Girl
Gary Clark
Bright Lights.
Kelly Clarkson.
Already gone.
Cocoanut Rough.
Sierra Leone.
Leonard Cohen.
Marc Cohn.
Walking in Memphis.
Cold Chisel.
Bow River. 57. *185
Dont panick.
Fix you.
Speed of sound.
in my place
Clocks. 1733
The Scientist
God put a smile upon my face.
Paula Cole.
Where have all the Cowboys gone?
Edwyn Collins.
a girl like you.
Collective Soul.
Where the river flows.
The world that I know.
Alice Cooper
Halo of Flies.
From the inside.
Milly and Billy.
Nurse Rosetta.
I’m 18. 1173
Welcome to my nightmare. 984.
Schools out. 998.
Only Woman Bleed. 200.
We’re all crazy.
Chris Cornell.
Cant change me. 1530
Patience. ***9***.
Coverdale / Page.
Shake my Tree.
Take me for a little while.
Zombie. 123. *132
I can’t be with you.
Ridiculous thoughts.
Robert Cray.
Strong Persuader.
Crazy Train.
Credence Clearwater Revival.
Bad moon rising
Fortunate son.
Long as I see the light.
Arms wide open. 193. *342
My own prison. 231.
Jim Croce’
Time in a Bottle.
Crosby Stills and Nash.
Sothern Cross.
Christopher Cross.
Ride like the wind.
Sheryl Crow.
If it makes you happy.
Taio Cruz.
The Cult
She sells sanctuary. 761. *732
Black Angel.
Fire Woman. 819.
Edie. 1047. *1422
Wild Flower. 1663
Sweet Soul sister *1445
Cutting Crew’
Died in your arms
Cypress Hill
Whats your number
Roger Daltry
Avenging Annie.
Dance Exponents.
Even though I’m Blue.
Why does love do this to me?
The Darkness
Love is only a Feeling. 1664 *1238
Rock and Roll deserves to die.
The Datsuns.
Harmonic Generator. 913.
Blacken my Thumb.
The Dead South.
In Hell I’ll be in good company.
Lana Delray
Video Games.
High by the beach.
Summertime sadness.
Born to Die.
Blue Jeans
The Dandy Warhols.
Bohemian like you. *1466
Deep Purple.
Child in Time. 538. *476
Holy man.
Smoke on the water. 440. *648
This time around.
Hush. 1726
Highway star. 1036.
Perfect strangers.
Knocking at your back door.
Black Night. *1177
When a blind man cries.
Gavin DeGraw.
Chemical Party.
I don’t want to be.
Just Friends.
Nice to meet you.
Beers. 1304
Frat Nation.
Rick Derenger.
Rock and Roll Hoochie coo.
Willy Deville.
Storybook love.
Little pills. 51.
Here with me.
No White Flag.
Life for rent.
Die Antwerd
Ugly boy.
I fink you Freaky
I am an Alien.
Holy Diver. 347. *241
Dont talk to strangers.
Sacred Heart.
Dire Straits.
Brothers in Arms. 19. *63
Telegraph Road. 502. *719
Sultans of swing. 67. *84
Industrial Disease.
Romeo and Juliet. 237. *396
Skate away.
Money for nothing. 52. *59
Counting Blue cars.
Down with the sickness. *40
The Divinyls.
Pleasure and Pain.
I touch myself.
Back to the Wall.
Doobie Brothers.
Long Train Running. 1718
What a Fool believes.
Listen to the music.
China Grove.
Black water.
The Doctor.
The Doors
The Changeling.
LA Woman. *730
Breath underwater till the end.
Riders on the storm. 399. *440
Lover her madly. *1471
Horse latitudes.
The Crystal Ship.
Light my fire. 1627 *428
Break on through to the other side. 1314. *1450
The End. 937. *721
Roadhouse Blues. 496. *677
The Spy.
When the music’s over.
Gods plan.
The Dudes/ DD Smash
Be mine tonight.
Better the Devil you know.
Duran Duran.
Ordinary World.
Come Undone.
Save a prayer.
Hungry like the wolf.
Bob Dylan.
Sad eyed lady of the lowlands.
Simple twist of fate.
Tangled up in blue.
Sometimes Satan comes as a man of peace.
Serve somebody.
Like a Rolling stone.
Stuck inside a mobile with the Memphis Blues again.
The Hurricane.
Everybody must get stoned.
Lily, Rosemary and the Jack of Hearts.
The Dudes.
Bliss *(****9****)
The Eagles.
Hotel California. 41. *45
Lying Eyes.
Lifer in the fast lane.
Electric Six.
Danger! High Voltage.
Telephone line.
Don’t bring me down.
Livin thing.
Cant get you out of my head.
Evil Woman. 1714
Out of the Blue.
Mr Blue Sky.
Return to Innocence.
Principles of Lust.
Call me when you’re sober.
Going Under. 910. *579
Everybody’s Fool.
My Immoral.
Bring me to life. 294.
Father of mine.
I will buy you a new life.
Santa Monica. 590.
What its like. 464. *484
Black Jesus. 1713 *1426
Little miss America.
Eve 6.
Inside out.
Me with Deep Purple legend Glenn Hughes… back in 2017
Faith no more.
We care a lot.
Epic. 256. *232
Ashes to ashes.
The Feelers.
Stand up and be counted. *997
Venus. 1102. *235
Astronaut. 1914 *1048
Fishing for Lisa. 1520.
Pressure Man. 893 *582
Honey Honey.
Take a Picture. 1112.
Five finger Death Punch.
Bad Company. *733
Wrong side of Heaven.
House of the Rising Sun.
Five for fighting.
Superman. It’s not easy.
Fleetwood Mac
The Chain. *24
Oh Well.
Green Manilishi
The Chain.
Closing my eyes.
Man of the world.
Need your love so bad.
I’ve got a mind to give up living/All over again.
Tusk 334 *503
Go your own way. *151
Cererus is as Cerberus does.
Flock of Seagulls.
I Ran.
No handlebars.
Fully alive.
all around me.
I’m so sick.
My Hero. 102. *83
Everlong. (******1******) *11
Monkey Wrench. 128. *144
Learn to Fly. 157.
Lita Ford.
If I closed my eyes forever. *655
Cold as Ice. 1700
I want to know what love is.
Waiting for a girl like you.
4 Non Blondes.
What’s Up.
Wishing Well.
Fire and Water.
The Frey.
How to save a life.
Ruby Frost.
White noise.
We are young.
Nelly Furtardo.
Turn out the light.
Say it right.
I’m like a bird.
Peter Gabriel.
Solsbury hill.
In you eyes’
Dont give up.
Digging in the dirt.
Lady Gaga.
Poker face.
Bad Romance.
Rain on me.
Just dance.
Golden Earing.
Radar love.
Ooh la la
Ride a white horse.
Golden Horse.
Run Run Run.
Blue moon rising.
We haven’t turned around.
Revolutionary kind.
Bring it on.
Las Vegas Dealer.
Rhythm and Blues Alibi
Devil will ride.
Goo Goo Dolls.
Feel good inc.
Melancholy hill.
Clint Eastwood.
Dirty Harry.
Somebody I used to know.
Elle Goulding.
Starry Eyed.
The Writer.
Gnarls Barkley.
Lukas Graham.
7 Years.
Ariana Grande.
Break Free (Video)
Thank u, next (video)
Eddie Grant.
Electric Avenue.
Green Day.
Wake me when September ends. 535.
Boulevard of Broken Dreams. 291. *436
David Grey.
Sail away.
My o my.
Dobie Grey.
Drift away
Macy Grey.
I Try.
Chemical heart. *1424
Ash Grunwald
The last stand.
Guns and Roses’
Paradise city. 64. *64
Sweet child of mine. 50. *61
November rain. ***3*** *17
Night train. 261. *201
Patience. 152.
Civil War. 86. *140
Don’t cry. *404
You could be mine. *417
Rocket Queen. *74
Welcome to the Jungle. *88
Wayne Hancock.
Miller, Jack, and Mad Dog.
Darren Hayes
Black out the Sun.
Jeff Healey Band.
While My Guitar Gently Weeps.
Magic man
Crazy on you.
All I want to do is make love to you.
Barracuda. *481
Beth Heart
LA song.
Hello Sailor.
Gutter black. 343.
Blue Lady. *1049
Billy Bold.
Jimi Hendrix.
Hey Joe. *727
Foxy Lady. 1249.
Voodoo child. 600.
Purple haze. *751
Electric Lady Land.
All along the Watchtower. *116
Highly suspect.
My name is human. 42. *50
16. 53.
Bath Salts. 329.
Lips of an Angel. 1798
The Reason.
The Hoodoogurus.
Stone age Romeos
Hayride to hell.
I was a Kamikaze pilot.
The Housemartins.
Caravan of Love.
Hunters and Collectors’
When the river runs dry.
True tears of joy.
Do you see what I see.
Holy Grail. 999
Throw your arms.
Imaginary Girl.
We can get together.
No promises.
Hey little girl.
Dont believe anymore.
Great Southern land. 987.
Cant help myself.
Taking the Town.
Dusty pages.
Billy Idol.
Eyes without a face.
White wedding.
In this moment.
Sex Metal Barbie.
The in-between.
Big Bad Wolf.
Oh Lord. *1213
Iron Maden.
Number of the Beast. 141. *172
Run to the hills. 101 (odd 1141.) *110
The Prisoner
Can I play with Madness. 415.
2 minutes to midnight. 448.
Hallowed be thy name. *154
Hot Blood.
Way down we go. 352. *1147
Save yourself.
Somewhere only we know.
Tick Tok
Alicia Keys.
Empire State of mind.
Wiz Khalfa feat Charlie Puth.
See you again.
Greg Kihn Band.
The Break Up Song.
Kings of Leon.
On Call. 783. *516
Pyro. 388.
Sex on fire. 214. *163
The Kinks.
Sunny afternoon.
Ape man.
I was made for loving you. 609.
You Say.
Television eyes.
Last night in the city. 1534
The Kooks
Got the life.
Twisted transistor. 382. *433
Coming Undone. 187. *162
Right Now.
Word Up. 625. *674
Rotting in vain. *1412
Make me bad.
Throw me away.
Get Up (Feat Shrillex)
Led Zeppelin
Battle of Evermore. 1687
Black Dog. 220. *322
Immigrant song. 91. *96
Whole lotta love. 298. *297
Kashmir. 72. *86
Going to California. 833.
Misty mountain hop. 1788 *1073
Stairway to Heaven. 28. *26
When the Levee breaks. 565.
Babe I’m Gonna Leave You.
Rock N Roll. 1262
No Quarter. 642. *725
Over the hills and far away. 593.
Dazed and Confused. 338. *390
Ramble on. 194. *355
Good times Bad times. *1414
The Leamonheads.
The Outdoor Type.
John Lenin
Jealous guy.
Watching the wheels
Leona Lewis.
Bleeding Love.
Gordon Lightfoot.
Wreak of the Edmond Fitzgerald.
Face of a thousand people.
If you could read my mind.
Songs for a winter night.
Early morning rain.
Linkin Park.
In The End. *54
Little River Band.
Cool Change
The Night Owl.
Its a long way there.
Help is on it’s way.
Home on a Monday.
Lonesome Loser.
Heaven. 1954
The dam at Otter creek.
All over you. . 1294 *1113
We came to the Earth to graze.
Lakini’s juice. 1094
I alone. 762. *749
The Dolphin’s cry. 524. *685
Lightning Crashes. 126. *159
Party Rock Anthem.
Lincoln Park.
Numb. 16.
In The End. 62.
Kick out the jams.
Motor City is Burning,
Ramblin Rose.
Looking at you.
Black To Comm
Bat out of hell. 136. *178
Countdown to destruction.
Symphony of destruction. 113. *127
Hanger 18.
Mental as anything.
If you leave me, can I come too?
Too many times.
The Unforgiven. 66. *82
Enter Sandman. 25. *(****2****)
Master of Puppets. 12 *14
Ride the lightening. 1043. *304
And justice for all. 555. *93
Blackened. 245. *204
For whom the Bell tolls. 11 *23
One. 21 *(*****10****)
Nothing Else matters. 29 *25
Fade to black. 30 *16
Sad but True. 78. *85
Paper planes.
Midnight Oil.
Bus to Bondi.
Stand in line.
Roger Miller.
King of the road.
Steve Miller band.
Keep on Rockin me.
Mercury Blues.
Take the money and run.
Fly like an Eagle.
Keep on Rockin me.
Jet Airliner.
Jesus built my Hotrod. 1613
Every day is Halloween.
Why does my Heart.
Kick out the Jams.
Ramblin Rose.
Looking at you.
Molly Hatchet
Beating the odds.
Penthouse pauper.
Fall of the Peacemakers.
The Rambler.
Monster Magnet.
When the planes fall from the Sky.
Cage around the Sun.
Gods and Punks.
Time Machine.
Space Lord. 1579
Gary Moore.
Still got the Blues.
Alanis Morissette.
You Oughta Know. *983
Morning Wood.
Nth Degree.
Van Morrison.
Into the mystic.
Brown eyed girl.
The Motels.
Only the Lonely.
Little Robbers.
Total control.
Remember the nights.
Suddenly last summer.
Where do we go from here?
Motley Crew.
Kickstart my heart. 147. *89
Without you.
Dr Feelgood. 406. *521
Iron fist.
Killed by death. *686
Ace of Spades. 80. *97
Jason Mraz.
I’m yours.
Pete Murray
Better days.
Sing for Absolution.
Supermassive blackhole. 539
My Chemical Romance.
Welcome to the Black Parade.
Love hurts.
99 Luftballons
Photograph. 840′ *340
Rockstar. 1428.
Far away.
How you remind me. 203. *198
feed the machine. 424.
Stevie Nicks.
Edge of seventeen.
Talk to me.
Smells like teen spirit. 18.
Come as you are. 106. *102
Man who sold the world. 199.
Lithium. 127. *148
Heart shaped box. 135. *167
Territorial pissings.
Lake of Fire. 211.
About A Girl.
The Offspring.
Come out and play. *735
Self esteem. 243 *221
Gone away. 451.
Gotta get away.
OK Go.
Here it goes again.
Counting Stars.
Op Shop.
One Day. *1105
No Ordinary thing. 1917 *332
Pins and Needles.
Stand up.
Owl city and Carley Rae Jepsom.
Good Time.
Ozzy Ozbourne.
No more Tears. 149. *153
Killer of Giants
Crazy Train. 99 *79
Under the Graveyard. 528. *125
Perry Mason. 976. *1417
I just want you.
See you on the other side. 318.
Mama I’m coming home. 183. *150
Dreamer. *756
Pain of Salvation.
Disco Queen.
Enter Rain.
Flame to the moth.
Panic at the Disco.
High Hopes.
This Love. *420
Domination. *276
Walk *30
Cemetery Gates. *62
Alan parsons Project.
Eye in the Sky.
Old and wise.
Turn of a friendly card.
The Raven.
Games people play.
Let her go.
Pearl Jam.
Black ***5*** *(****5****)
Yellow leadbetter 38. *52
Even Flow. 115. *128
Hard Sun (Eddie Vedder)
Elderly Woman behind the counter in a small town. 166. *174
Better Man. 77. *80
Alive. *118
Last kiss. *250
Daughter. *152
Peking Man.
Room that echoes.
Perfect Circle.
Weak and powerless 827.
The Noose.
The package.
By and Down the River
Counting bodies like sheep.
The Outsider. 342 *380
Weak and powerless.
so long and thanks for the fish. 240. *620
The Contrarian.
Talk Talk
The Doomed. 558. *752
Katy Perry.
Dark Horse.
I kissed a girl and I liked it.
Hot n Cold.
Tom Petty
Dont come around here no more.
Stop dragging my heart around.
Mary Jane’s last dance. *168
Pink Floyd
Heart of the Sun
Brain Damage/Eclipse 620.
Wish you were here. *31
Time. 686 *696
Dark side of the moon
Welcome to the machine.
Shine on you Crazy diamonds. *57
Breath in the air. 1005.
Us and them. 935
Great Gig in the Sky. 838
Hey you. 390. *343
Have a Cigar. 434. *519
Money. 283.
Another Brick in the wall. 222. *207
Comfortably Numb. 39 *35
Pigs (three different ones) *1227
One of these days.
Pure Morning.
Robert Plant/ Honey Drippers.
In the Mood.
Big Log. 1744
Ship of Fools.
Sea of love (Honeydrippers)
29 Palms *1082
Baby come back.
The Pointer Sisters.
Slow hand
Glory box.
My Happiness 885. *767
Sunsets. 1940
Since you’ve been gone.
My kind of scene.
How far have we really come?
On my mind. 1879
Powerman 500.
When worlds collide.
Daniel Powter.
Had a bad day.
The Presidents of the United states.
Peaches. 1034.
Old Man on the back porch.
Lump. 1432.
Tiki God.
Dune Buggy.
Back Porch.
Naked and Famous.
The Pretty Reckless.
Going to hell.
Shake your Blood. *1437
Firestarter. 581. *692
Breath. 638. *650
The Day is my enemy.
Smack my Bitch up.
The Promises.
Baby it’s you.
Pseudo Echo.
Puddle of Mud.
Blurry *654
Queen B
The Humbling river
Momma sed
The Mission.
The Remedy.
Harden my heart.
Radio Gaga.
Another one bites the dust.
The show must go on.
Silent Lucidity. 747. *693
The Raconteurs
Steady as she goes. *1223
Karma Police. 665.
Gerry Rafferty
Baker street.
Right down the line.
Stuck in the middle with you.
Rage Against the Machine.
Killing in the name of. ***7*** *(*************1*************)
Catch the Rainbow.
Since You’ve been gone.
Temple of the King.
Ram Jam.
Black Betty.
Du Hast. 60. *75
Keine Lust
Chris Rea.
Road to hell.
On the Beach.
Red hot Chili peppers.
City of Angels.
Give it away.
Under the Bridge. 74. *92
Suck my kiss. *680
Come back Brighter.
Summers in Bloom
Higher vibration
Place you hands on. 1705
Good Feeling.
The River.
Man on the moon. 1741
Losing my religion. 551. *711
Everybody hurts. *1084
Bang and Blame
Shining happy people.
REO Speedwagon.
Keep pushing.
In my Dreams.
Take on the Run.
Roll with the changes.
Ready to Go.
Drop Dead Gorgeous.
Only Girl in the world.
Rise Against.
Hero of War. 178.
Satellite. 480. *473
Savior. 195. *175
Rival Sons.
Keep on swinging.
Too bad.
Open my Eyes.
Electric Man.
Pressure and Time.
Rolling Stones.
Fool to cry.
Waiting on a friend.
Under my thumb
Paint it black. 159. *126
Gimme Shelter 132. *138
Start me up. 958.
Jack flash
Heart breaker.
Sympathy for the devil. 227. *371
Brown Sugar. 1689
It’s only Rock N Roll. 1793
Angie. 742.
Wild horses. 381. *675
Start me up. *952
Roxy Music.
Love is the Drug.
Dance away.
Jealous guy.
Slave to love.
Home Again. ***4*** *12
My Mind’s Sedate. 250. *335
The General Electric. 111. *131
Peter schilling.
Major Tom.
State of my head.
The greatest.
Elastic heart.
She wolf.
Simon and Garfunkel
The Boxer.
The sound of Silence.
Scarborough Fair.
One mans sealing is another man’s floor.
Anna’s song (Open fire)
Anthem for the year 2000.
Ghost… Ian Astbury *1447
Promise…. Chris Cornell. 1263 *1170
Doctor Alibi … Lemmy.
Gotten… Adam Livine
Saint is a sinner too… Rocco Deluca
By the sword.
Snuf. 71. *27
The Small faces.
Itchykoo park.
Tin soldier.
Walking on the sun.
Smashing Pumpkins.
1979. 401. *180
Tonight. tonite. 879. *701
Bullet with butterfly wings. 225.
Today. 656.
Ava Adore
Sniff n the Tears.
Drivers Seat.
Snow Patrol.
Chasing Cars. 1273
Soul asylum.
Runaway Train. 1543
Blackhole Sun 20 *56
Spoon Man
Room a thousand miles wide.
Fell on Back days. 236. *300
Outshined. 358 *324
Rusty Cage. 468. *535
Jesus Christ Pose. 512. *630
Searching with my good eye closed.
Burden in my hand. 530.
Spoon man. *444
The Spindoctors.
Two Princes.
Little miss can’t be wrong.
Split Ends’
I got you. 1010.
History never repeats. 1729
I see Red.
I hope I never.
One step ahead.
Poor Boy.
My Mistake.
Shark attack.
Dirty Creature *1432
Six months in a leaky boat. *1413
Dusty Springfield.
Son of a preacher man.
Mazzy Star.
Fade into you.
Sterio MC’S
Dakota. 650.
The Bartender and the thief.
Born to be wild.
Majic carpet ride.
The Pusher.
Cat Stevens.
Father and son.
Moon shadow.
Peace train.
Remember the days of the old school yard.
Hard headed woman.
I’m gona get me a gun.
Matthew and son.
Wild World.
Stoned Jesus.
I’m the mountain.
Stone Temple Pilots
interstate love song. 197. *203
Still remains.
Pretty penny
Plush 182. *210
Vasoline. 788.
Lady Picture Show.
The Stranglers.
Golden Brown.
Skin Deep.
No mercy.
The Stray Cats.
Stray Cat Strut.
The Streets.
Blinded by the lights.
might be in.
Dry your eyes.
Fit but she knows it.
The Strypes.
A Good night sleep and a cab fare home.
Al Stewart.
Lord Grandville.
Year of the Cat.
Amii Stewart.
Knock on wood
Harry Styles.
Doin’ Time. *736
Smoke two joints.
Sugar Babes.
Hole in the head.
Freak like me.
Round Round.
Push the button.
Superman lovers
The Logical song.
Give a little bit.
Your bloody well right.
Goodbye stranger.
Take the long way home.
It’s raining again.
It’s a long Road.
Aubade / And I Am Not Like Other Birds of Prey.
Maybe I’m a Beggar.
Words unspoken
Love is like oxygen.
Taylor swift.
Shake it off.
Look what you made me do.
you belong to me.
System of a Down.
Ariel’s. 73. *68
Lonely day.
Chop suey. 27
Spiders. 96. *90
Toxicity. 48. *38
B.Y.O.B. 56. *72
One *1421
Sunday Bloody Sunday.
One Tree Hill.
Streets have no name.
Still haven’t found what I’m looking for. *1046
Who’s gonna ride your wild horses.
With or without you.
Uncle Lucius
Keep the Wolf away.
Urge Overkil.
Girl You’ll be a Woman soon.
Van Halen.
Jump. 1413.
Ain’t talking about love.
Eruption. *1403
You really got Me.
Panama. 251. *534
Van Morrison.
Into the mystic.
The Vapors.
Turning Japanese.
Stevie Ray Vaughn.
Cold Shot.
Velvet Revolver.
Fall to pieces. 414. *477
Joe Walsh
Life’s been Good. 1196. *1058
Rocky Mountain way. 1540 *1031
The Confessor.
The Real Me.
The Headless children.
L.O.V.E Machine.
Forever Free.
Miss You.
The White Stripes.
7 Nation Army. 254. *244
Button to Button.
Amy Winehouse.
You know I’m no Good.
Back to Black.
Love is a losing game.
White Lion.
When the children cry.
Hash pipe. 667.
Buddy Holly. *1149
Say it aint so. 201.
Here I Go again. *708
White Zombie.
Thunderkiss 65 *734
The Who.
We dont get fooled again. 1400.
Behind Blue eyes.
My generation.
I can see for miles.
Baba O’Riley 395. *334
My generation
Who are You? *1124
Gin Wigmore.
Hey Ho.
Paul Mcartney and Wings.
Maybe I’m Amazed.
Band On the Run.
Listen to what the Man said.
Nineteen hundred and eighty five.
Let me roll it.
Uncle Albert/ Admiral Halsey.
Within Temptation.
Wiz Khalifa’
See you Again.
The Joker and the theif.
Neil Young.
The Needle and the damage done.
Your are like a hurricane.
My My Hey hey, 793.
Heart of Gold. 802.
Old Man. 529
Cowgirl in the sand (long version).
Down by the river.
Frank Zappa.
Bobby Brown.
Broken Hearts are for arseholes.
Dangerous Kitchen.
Cocaine decisions.
The Slime.
Rob Zombie.
Dracula. 258. *354
Living Dead girl. 264. *344
ZZ Top.
Legs. 1177. *376
Beer drinkers and hell raisers.
looking for some tush.
Old man
Tush. 1451. *569
Gimme all your lovin. 1293 *454
Sharp Dressed Man. 867.
La Grange. 460. *73
Party on the patio.
Brown sugar.
Somebody else been shakin your tree
Cheap Sunglasses.
Jesus just left Chicago.
I Gotsta get paid.
Just got paid
Back door love affair
I need you tonight.
Sure got Cold after the rain fell.
Hot blue and righteous.
With regard to the up and coming referendum on the right to assisted death for the terminally ill, and to politics in general, a fundamental question asked by Libertarians is Who owns your life?
Answer: You do! Not society.
Upon that basis I believe a Yes vote for the right to assisted dying for the terminally ill is the moral vote because it is the only consistent position with the principle that (politically speaking) *you own yourself*.
Otherwise you become the slave/ property of society.
The above statement is clear cut, yet not without controversy.
The ‘No’ voters think this reform erodes the sanctity of Human life. So argues the New Conservative party.
I say it does the very opposite thing.
It removes power from the State and gives it back to individuals to make their own choices.
I myself am both a Libertarian, and a Christian, yet many Christians will not be able to reconcile my ‘Yes vote’ with how they interpret ‘Christian values’, and in fact many people… both believers and infidels can’t imagine how Christianity and Libertarianism can be coherently united and consistent in application.
More on these nuances later, first of all I want to talk about the curious mental gymnastics I am forced to engage in this election whereby my votes on both referendums will be in conflict with the expressed policies of the political party I have decided to support. New Conservatives.
I forgive people for this default starting assumption.
Hopefully those of you who find my decisions incredulous will take the trouble to read this post whereby I will do my best to extricate myself from being written off as a nutbar.
I know that my choices will win few friends, and will more likely annoy any I already have because splitting my votes will tend to draw the ire and consternation of *all camps*.
Nonetheless this is the course I am choosing to navigate.
We here in New Zealand live in chaotic times politically speaking, and the two referenda being run in unison with the national elections are two highly polarising subjects… which is why they have become referenda as neither of the two large parties have the Nads to legislate these reforms, or run with them as election policies.
The assisted dying referendum for the terminally ill has come about because of a bill presented to parliament by Act Leader David Seymour.
I will be supporting Seymour’s reform, yet I won’t be giving Act my party vote.
Even though Act have never been a great party, deciding not to vote Act this election was not an easy decision to make, as what other party even remotely represents my essential values?
On several key matters of personal freedom David Seymour had stood head and shoulders above the rest of parliament in how he conducted himself this election cycle, with respect to the issues of free Speech, and his opposition to the shameful way the new Firearms prohibitions were enacted.
In the light of these noble actions I was definitely leaning towards giving Act my vote and encouraging others to do the same, yet as time progressed, Seymour’s virtues became overshadowed by other unconscionable actions he would proceed to commit which have undermined my support.
With regards to the new abortion Legislation he not only supported late term abortions but also failed to vote for a proposed amendment that would have defended the rights of babies born alive after botched Abortions to receive medical aid rather than being neglected to die.
The whole basis of the pro-abortion arguments are that a woman is sovereign over her own body and the government has no authority to dictate what she does within her own body… yet once a baby has in fact been born… is *outside* the woman’s body, then they ought to have the full rights of an independent human being!
I consider these failings by David Seymour to be morally reprehensible.
And how disgusting that such laws were passed under a parliament led by a Woke PM who claims she entered politics ‘For the Children’!!!!
Seymour is fully complicit in this foul business.
I was also disgusted with the way he treated some of his most loyal candidates with regards to this elections Act party list, and I have always disliked what I see as a general lack of spine on some of the most important social issues facing our Nation such as ending the Race based seats in parliament, and his support for the UN Global compact on migration.
These are not attributes of a leader I can endorse.
In the not too distant past voting for me was a far less convoluted enterprise.
During the first decade of this new Millennium voting was relatively easy because New Zealand had a vibrant Libertarian Party for whom I could cast my vote with confidence, and for many elections in the second decade, I stood as a Libertarian Independent, and so obviously I at least knew which candidate I would support.. yet the question of where to place my party vote has never been an easy decision since the Libertarianz Party disbanded.
It is a matter of political folklore that the Act Party are a ‘Libertarian party’, yet this is to the largest extent a myth.
A myth that is mostly to the detriment of Libertarianism.
Politics in New Zealand truly is a confounding mess and almost madness to try and untangle… which causes many not to bother trying.
Act may have been founded with the aid of some Libertarian minded people, yet there were also many Ex Labour Party Neo-liberal Bigwigs like Roger Douglas and Richard Prebble, and so instead of advocating any Libertarian social reforms, Act quickly became a Crony Capitalist/’National Socialist party’ that supported some Free market Economics, yet maintained Welfare State socialism with regards to virtually everything else.
Take a look at the picture (above) that exposes how far the National party have drifted from their original charter!
If only they had remained true to their original aspirations upon which they were founded!
Act became the most Right Wing party of New Zealand.. to the right of National.. a lobby to bludgeon Left wing heavy Taxation Anti-Business ambitions of Labor and their more radical minions yet despite lofty rhetoric Act absolutely failed to stand for any reforms on individual liberty.
This has remained the case throughout their history perhaps with the one exception during the party leadership by the Great New Zealander Don Brash.
It was under Brash that Act came anywhere near a forthright stand on any law reform that was a matter of personal freedom, when Brash came out on TV in favour of ending cannabis prohibition.
His party associates like John Banks nearly had a heart attack!
Brash stint with Act was short, and any mention of Cannabis law reform left when he did.
Act has always and only played lip service to being the party of small government and personal freedom.
This is because apart from Brash the Party has been run by a bunch of Ball-less wonders.
The most disappointing for me was Jamie Whyte… because of all of them he knew better.
Most of them put money matters above personal liberty and social justice.
Act are not Nazis, yet their party is part way down a continuum at the end of which is full blown fascism.
Labour are not Communists, yet their party is well down the continuum at the end of which stands full blown Communism. Today under Ardern their policies and loyalties lie not with the interests of New Zealanders but with UN Socialist Globalism.
By labeling Act as ‘Libertarian’ the leftist media managed to confound Libertarianism with being Far right.
This is disgraceful slander.
Libertarianism is fundamentally different to every other political ideology.
Act’s alignment with *Fascism* rather than true capitalism and Freedom, is why the True Libertarians who initially helped found Act, quickly realised what was afoot and jumped ship.
They formed their own genuine Libertarian party, and so Act became just another Party against whom the Libertarianz party had to cross swords.
For more than a decade the Libertarianz Party fought valiantly for Individual liberty and rights against ever expanding Government encroachment, yet sadly after years of courageous activism they were forced to throw in the towel from lack of traction and financial support.
MMp’s 5% mark to get an MP into parliament is in my opinion far too high, and represents a barrier to breaking the stranglehold the two major parties enjoy.
The Political playing field is also heavily tilted in favour of maintaining the status quo, and New Zealanders themselves are heavily conditioned to their chains.
The Libertarianz party could not sustain itself against the overwhelming odds.
Freedom lovers failed to rally under their noble banner from a delusion of ‘wasting their votes’.
Well… I ask… where did casting your votes for other parties get our Nation?
Because New Zealanders did not heed the Libertarians on their Soap boxes, and rally behind them is why our nation now experiences the dawning of an era of Tyranny!
I implore Freedom lovers to not make the same mistake!
Stop voting for the very parties that have abandoned our values and taken our nation towards complete enslavement!
The demise of the Libertarianz Party spelled the end of New Zealanders clear choice between Freedom and various levels of Tyranny.
Between Justice and various levels of oppression.
Between fairness in economics vs heavy Political obstacles.
Libertarian minded New Zealanders were cast adrift… forced to swim about in a stinking cesspool, looking for the best place to put their democratic votes.
The political climate and darkened mentality of our times have made this a very dirty business.
Most of the wares on offer by todays mongers are of dubious quality.
The Libertarian pines over his ale, looking out upon a scene of chaos, confusion, and mayhem.
Is there any hope to be found?
The question of which political parties (if any) should the Libertarian now give their vote is a highly troublesome dilemma, as at a glance there appear only shades of grey tending towards complete blackness.
It is very difficult to determine whether *any* of the parties standing ought to be supported.
The closest way to describe what voting now entails for a Kiwi Libertarian is to liken the decision making process to solving a bunch of ‘Trolley Problems’ that will be familiar to those who have to some degree studied moral philosophy.
‘The trolley problems’ are designed to highlight the many complexities involved in dealing with moral dilemmas in which *means and ends* are far from ideal.
Solution tends towards making pragmatic determinations hoping for the best outcomes attainable via the least repugnant means… for the overall sake of committing the lesser Evil.
The trouble is the lesser evil is still evil.
Wikipedia discussion on Trolley problems can be found here
There is no space here or sense in attempting to fully articulate the conundrums involved. It must suffice to say this is an abhorrent ‘game’ for any Idealist to be forced to play, and being independent thinkers, the once united Libertarians have now fragmented… going their own ways… as each individual makes their own determinations as to how to solve the set of trolley problems presented to them at election time. This election is particularly significant as we also must vote on the two referenda.
In truth the most moral of men and woman, and the greatest leaders of history have had to face frightful moral dilemmas, and most of them have had to carry the weight of harsh criticism for the decisions they made from lesser mortals who would have been stupefied and paralyzed had they themselves been faced with the same crisis.
To shrink from tuff calls is symptomatic of Moral weakness.
One day we all will stand before our Maker and give account of ourselves, and it is He who shall determine the virtue of those who made tuff calls.
Two examples might be the decision to use the Atom bomb on Japan in 1945, another might be Churchill’s decision to ally with Stalin for the sake of defeating Hitler.
Both of these involve weighty moral dilemmas that provoke strong criticism to this day.
Given today’s circumstances I know a few Ex Libertarianz party members who today throw up their hands in disgust… and refuse to vote… the irony is that not voting… *is their vote*… to do nothing.
In the perspective of the Trolley problems not voting is the equivalent of never choosing to throw the lever… not intervening at all to try and mitigate any crisis that is unfolding, and allowing things to take their course… no matter how horrendous the result of their inaction might be, or how things could have turned out had they been brave enough to reach for the switch.
Most of us have heard the saying “Evil prevails when good men do nothing”.
For me *to automatically* determine to ‘do nothing’ is no escape from moral culpability in what ensues, it is in fact an abdication of moral duty… a most heinous moral failing… maybe the worst of them all!
Bible Theologians would call this ‘The sin of Omission’… and one example of this in the Bible is told by Jesus when asked about the moral duty to ‘love thy neighbour as thyself’.
He spoke of the predicament of the man who was beaten and robbed, yet the ‘Religious Jew’ walked past him without giving him any aid. It was only when the Good Samaritan came along that the man received care.
By doing nothing The Religious Jew was deemed to be wicked, and so *automatic inaction* cannot be the moral position…if there exists at all any plausible means of steering things towards a more desirable outcome without committing unconscionable evils in the process. ‘Not Voting’ cannot absolve a person from the resulting evils his inaction inevitably entails.
It’s like walking past our sick and dying country on the other side of the road as if it’s not your problem, rather than inconveniencing yourself and getting your hands dirty.
The reality is that though no registered political Party standing in October 17 is fundamentally a Libertarian party, there is still a broad range of parties standing and the fact is it still makes a massive difference which ones manage to get their hands on the levers of Power.
Lives are at stake!
Freedom is at stake!
Quality of life is at stake!
Our Children’s futures are at stake!
New Conservative candidate for Hamilton West Rudy du Plooy.
When I survey the Political landscape, despite the absence of a Libertarian party, judged by their policies and election campaigns certain parties do stand out as vastly superior to either National or Labour.
Some are worse, such as the Greens, and The Maori Party.
Some are no better such as NZ First, Top.
Many ex Libertarianz will be voting for Act, yet personally speaking of the two parties that most clearly articulate principles, and values that I considered honorable, it is the New Conservatives who come out on top.
Their forthright defense of Free speech.
Their rejection of 1080.
Repeal all the new and hastily enacted Firearms prohibitions created in the wake of the Christchurch terrorist attack.
Their defense of National sovereignty in opposition to UN Globalist slavery.
Their rejection of Ardern’s Covid 19 ‘elimination strategy, Lockdowns, and their absolute rejection of compulsory vaccinations.
No to carbon taxes, first 20k of income tax free.
Their rejection of ‘Transgender indoctrination’ in schools against parents wishes.
Their rejection of the UN Global compact on migration, etc all these clearly stated policies mean New Conservatives trump the Act Party by a country mile, and that is why I will be giving them my party vote, and having had a coffee with their Hamilton West candidate Rudy du Plooy last week I will also be giving him my candidate vote.
It is fitting that here I discuss one of NC’s most important policies, and examples of their party’s integrity and courage and that is their forthright call for the end of Treaty separatism and the race based seats in parliament.
Rudy is an immigrant from South Africa and so he has experienced the evils of Apartheid and appreciates just how violent and unjust Racist politics and bigotry can become.
That is why his party is calling for racial equality before the law.
The Treatment of White South Africans currently going on over there is appalling! Yet not a peep is raised about it by our Woke PM Ardern… because ultimately socialists like her support the oppression of White people.
Many of her own policies are heavily prejudiced against Pakeha New Zealanders, and for all her talk about humanitarian migration, she remains silent in opening New Zealand’s doors to help more oppressed white South Africans… because they are white.
This too despite the fact that White South Africans integrate well into our society as they share common traditional values… yet these are the very values socialists like her are determined to destroy.
Statistically speaking Ardern wants Less white people in New Zealand, and she can turn a blind eye to the fate of white farmers there under the contemptible socialist bromide that they are paying the dues of the white race for the past apartheid regime.
By Socialist math two wrongs do make a right.
Hence Ardern has little conscience about supporting Racist legislations under the pretense of ‘De-colonising’ New Zealand.
In New Plymouth which is a hot bed of Radical Maori separatist activism the NC candidate Murry Chong has heroically weathered a Tempest of outrage for his forthright stand against attempts to further entrench fraudulent Waitangi Apartheid and Treaty partnership doctrines and institutions there. He has suffered the most skewed press that mischaracterised his defense of Racial equality as ‘Opposition to Maori Representation’… which is a complete lie.
What he and his fellow New Conservatives oppose is the ongoing creation of special seats of power whereby Iwi can extort the rest of the people perpetually… as if they have more rights than everyone else.
They seek to rid our nation of such corrupt politics, and when the Maori seats and the rest of the apartheid institutions are abolished, He understands that Maori rights will still be protected by the Law in common with everyone else. Maori will still be able to stand of Parliament and Council, only to do so they will have to campaign before the entire community which will cut off the truly *racist radicals* for ever attaining office because their nasty bigoted views and ambitions will never fly with the whole of the people… and that is how a democracy is supposed to function!
The Racist radicals know that should apartheid politics be brought to an end… so too will their ability to extort unearned and undeserved wealth and privilege be broken.
So many New Zealanders have completely forgotten the most important fundamentals of justice and good government!
The New Conservatives have candidates in every electorate including the Maori seats.
Personally I don’t think it was the right thing to stand in those electorates, yet having said that I appreciate the Nads it takes to do so.
Their candidates in the Maori electorates will face heavy angst from many Maori who have been brainwashed into thinking their party policy to abolish the race based electoral system is a demonstration of anti-Maori bigotry. They will face threats. Yet should they maintain their composure and speak truth with eloquence they will be able to present their case with love.
Truth and principle, and Righteousness are on their side!
You know The New Conservatives are the party that threaten Left wing Radical socialism as no other party is enduring the hate and violence as they are…
I salute all NC candidates for their bravery… The one-eyed mainstream media takes no more pleasure than to pillory the small parties and their candidates who bravely challenge the ‘norms’ of the status quo.
Act’s David Seymour in private professes that the race based system is corrupt and ruining our country yet does not have the balls to say so in public at election time.
That is cowardly. That is unprincipled scheming, and demonstrates the sort of Game playing politician he really is.
How is he any different for the scoundrel Winston Peters who betrayed his supporters last election with regards to making the abolishment of the race-based seats a bottom line for coalition talks?
Sadly… when you dig deep down… despite many good things David has done… he and Winston are not as different as he likes to think.
He too is a game player.
The Leftist radicals of Labour, the Greens, and the Maori Party demonstrate their absolute disregard for fair elections in that they have implemented a strategy of destroying New Conservative election bill boards all about the country… despite their own parties getting far more Taxpayer loot to fund their own campaigns!
Like I said earlier about the struggles of the Libertarianz Party before them… New Zealand elections are far from fair… far for being fought on a level playing field, and so The New Conservatives face an uphill battle against dirty political tactics at every step.
I urge every New Zealander who is alarmed at our headlong plunge into tyranny under Jacinda Ardern to get behind the brave and principled New Conservative party!
If 5% of us do… they will be in parliament and possibly even be included in a coalition government, most likely with National and Act.
This would position them well to lever National into making concessions in alignment with our Values and principles… away from the direction Ardern has carried us.
These are good people who hold to the traditional values that made New Zealand a great and prosperous place to live.
They care about all New Zealanders.
I attended a public meeting a few months back in Te Awamutu where I heard several candidates speak, including the party’s passionate and compassionate deputy, Elliot Ikilei.
He spoke very well, and I was particularly impressed with his insights into the many social conditions that are common for troubled youth that play a large role in such important issues in Maori criminality.
He articulated that from his experience working in this field that all the separatist rhetoric about Maori crime statistics as being evidence of systemic oppression of Maori from colonisation are absolutely false!
Instead he argued that the main driver of Maori criminality was broken homes and a lack of a Father in the house, and thus all the ‘positive discrimination’ going on in the name of ‘closing the gaps’ between Maori and the rest of the country absolutely miss the fundamental issues.
He described how the institution of the Domestic Purposes benefit *was devastating for Maori* because that was corrosive to maintaining families, promoted single parent-ism, and it’s institution correlates perfectly with the exponential growth of Maori dependence on welfare and Broken homes.
Thus Elliot understands that socialism is a dangerous trap!
I myself also know Maori must take ownership of their own violence and substance abuse… these are not evils that can be justly blamed on their Pakeha neighbours but represent the ugly truth of a serious lack of wholesome values that are requisite in having happy homes and personal prosperity in a free and modern society.
Maori need to cut with the shameful blame, and take more ownership of their own mess!
I like the New Conservative party very much.
They have their hearts in the right place.
They offer real and much needed alternatives.
None of them appear to me to be in politics for powers sake, yet they are not perfect.
They have many policies and values I myself hold dear, yet I know they are not a consistent Libertarian party.
They are Democrats… with all the weakness that entails.’
This being so I see great opportunity for improvement, and given the chance I would like to engage in healthy dialogue to see if they are open to reasonable challenge on some of their policies which I do not endorse.
I have already mentioned that I will be voting yes for the right to assisted dying.
This is at variance with the New Conservatives.
Maybe sometime soon I will write a blogpost explaining in more detail why I believe they are wrong to oppose this legal reform, yet because this current post is already insanely long, I want to finish by discussing the New Conservative policy of Citizens Binding Referenda and my intention to vote ‘yes’ for Cannabis law reform in the forthcoming referenda which is again against the expressed policy of the New Conservatives.
At the Te Awamutu meeting my friend and fellow Libertarian Robin Thomsen and I introduced ourselves to Elliot and engaged in a short conversation.
Elliot was happy to talk and spoke candidly.
After a few other subjects I broached the topic of the Cannabis Referendum and asked what his party would do should they succeed in getting into parliament, yet also the people of New Zealand vote for Cannabis legalisation?
He said his party would honor that result despite it being contrary to their own policy and hopes.
That answer was consistent with their policy of citizens binding referenda and demonstrates integrity to that political school of thought despite the result going against their own opinions as to what is best for the country.
As far as ending the war on cannabis being ‘bad’ for New Zealand I emphatically reject that position.
This is a topic I have involved myself for many years having experienced first hand the injustice of criminalising cannabis users, and understand the manifold other detrimental effects these bad laws have on our society. I have been an activist for reform for over 30 years, and in fact it was activism to ‘Free the weed’ that was my first foray into politics trying to fix a broke system.
I would jump from hedge to hedge… covertly distributing ‘NORML’ Pamphlets in Tauranga letterboxes in the dead of night.
I knew the difference between dishonesty and violence, from peacefully enjoying a doobie with friends in my own home… I knew I was being oppressed and that the Law needed to be changed.
I will post links to other Blogposts on this subject below.
The point I wish to finish on, and one I hope the New Conservatives are open to reconsider is the weird way in which they promote binding Citizens referenda in the face of knowing it is just as likely for the majority of people to vote for laws they believe to be *Bad* as it is for good… and I am using the Cannabis referenda as an example.
Is it not apparent to them that *Mob Rule* is no guarantee of Good law or justice?
I see their policy on binding referenda as their Achilles heel.
It’s a policy that actually undermines the *Real foundations of Just Law* which are the Objective principles of Justice such as personal sovereignty, and equality before the Law… and that just government has strictly limited authority over the lives of citizens, the impartial enforcement of legally binding contracts, and limited powers over only such matters pertaining to the defense of rights.
The terms and condition upon which Government is founded, and limits of it’s powers ought to be embodied in a constitution with an iron clad bill of rights upon which democratically elected Parliaments have no authority to encroach.
This is a million miles away from having a system of Mob rule… open ended social arbitrary Law whereby the greatest mob get their way.
Under such a system there is no protection for Individuals or minorities, and the Masses are notorious for being easily duped and manipulated by Charismatic demagogues.
I have much to say on these matters, and it would be my pleasure to open a dialogue with the New Conservatives about these vital political truths.
Now remember the moral dilemmas of the Trolley problems and the uncomfortable reality of having to make choices under circumstances less than ideal, via means that are less than ideal, and which also probably will result… no matter what decision is made in ends that are less than ideal?
My decision to vote ‘Yes’ on the Act Party’s Right to assisted death for the terminally ill referendum, and ‘Yes’ on the Green Party’s Cannabis Law reform Referendum, and also ‘yes’ for the New Conservative party this election are each individual decisions I have arrived at as being the most moral, and just choices available to voters this election.
I am being compelled to make compromises, and there is always an element of risk, yet ultimately from my best evaluations all these choices are the most consistent with my Christian Libertarian values and ideals.
Such is the human condition and predicament.
I don’t pretend my choices are not open to critisism… such is the nature of moral dilemma.
I hope this blogpost is instrumental in winning support for the New Conservatives from Liberty lovers, Free thinkers, and all who are concerned about the Free fall of our country into socialist tyranny.
I believe they will reach 5% if enough of us resolve to give them our support.
They deserve it.
Our Country desperately needs to steer a new course to get back to the freedom and Values we enjoyed not too many years ago before the likes of Ardern came to power.
She is turning our Nation into a Police State!