The Faith and Wisdom of Maxwell Joseph Davies. 1948-2024.

Maxwell Joseph Davies. 19 Nov 1948 to 6 August 2024. After a period of illness, on Friday 9 August 2024 family and friends laid Maxwell Joseph Davies to rest at Pyes Pa Cemetery. Plot 80. I had the honour of being asked by Max’s family to direct Max’s funeral service, and to deliver a short … Continue reading The Faith and Wisdom of Maxwell Joseph Davies. 1948-2024.

Bad Heart, Bad Soul. Is Easter still relevant in 2023?

11am 7-4-23 In the process of Editing. Is there any meaning or purpose to human existence? I’m bad to the bone. I know this. Some might say I am unfit to write this blog article about Easter. They may be correct. Just recently I was proscribed medication to lower my blood pressure. It’s high. It’s … Continue reading Bad Heart, Bad Soul. Is Easter still relevant in 2023?

Vain Imaginations: Jordan Peterson on How Psychedelic Experiences Could’ve Shaped Religion

I have watched a fair chunk of both Rogan and Peterson materials… and have enjoyed a great portion of it all. I believe they both make very valuable and insightful contributions in the realm of thought…yet I am not a sycophant. I give praise when I believe praise is due, yet I will also call … Continue reading Vain Imaginations: Jordan Peterson on How Psychedelic Experiences Could’ve Shaped Religion

Dr. John Campbells Awakening: The End of evidence based Medicine. Rogue Scientist .Youtube. Commentary.

‘Follow the science where ever it leads’ The video below contains some valuable insights’ It catalogues the process whereby a sincere man who believed all the platitudes about ‘science based medicine’ the Gates funded WHO Globalists used in their Covid 19 vax agenda is eventually ‘Red pilled’. Following the evidence it dawns on him the … Continue reading Dr. John Campbells Awakening: The End of evidence based Medicine. Rogue Scientist .Youtube. Commentary.

An argument for Chaos… does it explain the Universe as we know it? Part 1.

I belong to a ‘Physics’ social media page. On it a certain person seeking to justify belief in the Natural Unguided Evolution of everything posted the following…. Do you consider the following scenario impossible, and if so , why? I think the following scenario is possibly true: “We are all part of the same universe … Continue reading An argument for Chaos… does it explain the Universe as we know it? Part 1.

15th Anniversary of the passing of Rev John Steele Clark. Minister, Teacher, Farmer of the Coromandal (Repost)

2 days ago was the 15th anniversary of my Grand Father, John Steele Clark’s death. He was a wonderful and inspirational person. The Greatest human being I have ever known. I was blessed beyond measure to have him as my Granddad. My precious Nanna passed over to the other side too in 2019…. I like … Continue reading 15th Anniversary of the passing of Rev John Steele Clark. Minister, Teacher, Farmer of the Coromandal (Repost)

It’s all about *The Spike*. Covid 19 is a Bioweapon released upon Humanity for the sake of Global power.

What evidence supports this Theory? A lot! Picture Credit: from here Must watch (Above). It was this video that put the final piece in place for me… Watching Fauchi obfuscate when questioned directly about the Spike protein. BOOM! Yet this has far more implications than merely exposing that Fauchi has been lying and illegally funding … Continue reading It’s all about *The Spike*. Covid 19 is a Bioweapon released upon Humanity for the sake of Global power.

Hitler, Christianity, and the Third Reich by Kerry Bolton.

I recently watched an exposition on Freemasonry that provoked me to spend some time surfing the net looking at what interesting materials I could find on the subject. While searching the internet this evening, researching the Masonic Secret society, and the ‘Lucis Trust’… a Satanic organisation dedicated to ‘a New World Order’ that offers ‘consultancy … Continue reading Hitler, Christianity, and the Third Reich by Kerry Bolton.

Trump vs Soros Inc. The Defrauding of the US Elections 2020, Trump Derangement Syndrome, and more…

This is an expanded version of my earlier post of similar title containing important additions regarding the 2020 election fraud. TRUMP DERANGEMENT SYNDROME VS TRUMP HERO WORSHIP. These are my personal opinions and views. To be edited. **** ‘God is not the Author of Confusion’ 1Cor 14vs33. Why then does confusion reign? Reference : Situation … Continue reading Trump vs Soros Inc. The Defrauding of the US Elections 2020, Trump Derangement Syndrome, and more…

Trump Derangement syndrome vs Trump Hero worship.

To Be Edited. ‘God is not the Author of Confusion’ 1Cor 14vs33. Why then does confusion reign? Reference : Situation Update, Feb. 10th – How America ends: Mass mental poisoning triggers tipping point of collapse As I started reading the above article I was massively impressed… “(Natural News) America as we know it is over. … Continue reading Trump Derangement syndrome vs Trump Hero worship.