The Curse of Hereiwi, and the Stronger Medicine of Christian Missionary Octavius Hadfield.

Young Octavius Hadfield. Photo from here One of the books I am currently reading on New Zealand colonial history is a biography on the extraordinary man, and Christian missionary to the Taranaki-Kapiti region Octavius Hadfield by Barbara Macmorran. Hadfield is one of a generation of truly great English men and Christians who were as brave … Continue reading The Curse of Hereiwi, and the Stronger Medicine of Christian Missionary Octavius Hadfield.

Sam Harris fails miserably to vindicate his claim that Science can answer moral questions.

Watch the video (above)… Well that was predictably shallow…. The Bible says that all human beings have an innate knowledge of ‘Good and Evil’… ie an innate sense of right and wrong… ie a sense of morality… and this atheist is validating this Biblical claim. Yet everything he has to say about this innate moral … Continue reading Sam Harris fails miserably to vindicate his claim that Science can answer moral questions.

The Christchurch Terrorist attack, PM Ardern’s desire to ban semi-Automatic rifles, and the delusion that will make New Zealanders safer.

Note: Tyranny has been running amok here in New Zealand since the Christchurch Terrorist Atrocity happened with Censorship, and suppression, People getting arrested for mere comments on Facebook! Its like The Death of Free speech has arrived. My Blogpost (below) was written *before* many of these Censorship laws were rushed into being and so it … Continue reading The Christchurch Terrorist attack, PM Ardern’s desire to ban semi-Automatic rifles, and the delusion that will make New Zealanders safer.

The Sophistry of Ayn Rand. Selfishness. A conversation with Prodos Marinakis

Ayn Rand’s ‘The Virtue of selfishness’. It is my opinion that while she is correct about the Ideals of Capitalism and Freedom, Ayn Rand’s philosophy ‘Objectivism’ takes individualism to perverse extremes and in so doing has committed great disservice to the Libertarian cause. She was a Megalomaniac says the late Nathaniel Branden, and by my … Continue reading The Sophistry of Ayn Rand. Selfishness. A conversation with Prodos Marinakis

I think Satan’s existence is a Logical necessity … I Challenge you to Change my mind. (Good God/Evil World part 8)

The following argument has been in my mind for decades… ever since I was converted from Atheism to Bible believing Christianity. I am not a trained academic or Logician myself, Yet have attempted to solicit dialogue on my conjectures from several ‘Trained academics’ yet so far have had no response. Thus I have never received … Continue reading I think Satan’s existence is a Logical necessity … I Challenge you to Change my mind. (Good God/Evil World part 8)

Scientific fact…We Human beings are the children of Adam and Eve. Mendel is King of Genetic truth…not Darwin! If not evolution then why do different Races exist?

This question (above) was asked on a facebook debate page and my answer follows below. This is a subject fundamental to why/ how I myself abandoned atheist evolution and became a Genesis literal bible believer… I Followed the evidence….. The following is my reply to the above moot…. This is basic Biology. Not hard to … Continue reading Scientific fact…We Human beings are the children of Adam and Eve. Mendel is King of Genetic truth…not Darwin! If not evolution then why do different Races exist?

“Let there be light.” A Tribute to Christian Missionary Martyr John Allen Chau. 2018.

It is telling that many of the Woke Folk who demand Western 1st world Nations open their boarders to mass immigration also praise the North Sentinelesse for murdering the Christian Missionary the man of peace and good will John Chau… calling him ‘an invader’… and that their Deadly act was ‘defending their Boarder”…. Woe unto … Continue reading “Let there be light.” A Tribute to Christian Missionary Martyr John Allen Chau. 2018.

The Objective Reality Of Hell. Subjective Whim vs Belief in Heinous Things: A Dialogue.

I have been wanting to do a Blogpost on Objective Truths vs Subjective whims for a long time, yet like so many super important topics… I have procrastinated out of fear of not doing these subjects justice. Esp in relation to my Belief in the Objective reality of Hell… despite not liking the doctrine at … Continue reading The Objective Reality Of Hell. Subjective Whim vs Belief in Heinous Things: A Dialogue.

Swearing Imperfect Christian.

Constructed from a Facebook discussion… I confess… and it’s no secret… I Swear. It is something that I struggle with. I dont think it’s ok. Yet neither do I buy into what Self-righteous freaks suggest that some how… because I swear… that is evidence I’m not a true Christian. Its called being imperfect. And there … Continue reading Swearing Imperfect Christian.