Category Archives: Christian Libertarianism

David Bain proven innocent! I salute Joe Karam!

bain thumb

Never mind the caption… look at those lines on Robin Bain’s Thumb! They were caused by him reloading his Magazine after shooting half his family… then killing the rest (except for David who was doing his paper round)… then turning the Gun on himself!

To all of you who have stubbornly held firm to the belief that David Bain killed his Family Time to Eat Cake!
They have conclusively proven that Robin Bain Killed his Family!
David Bain is an innocent Man!
He’s a victim who was treated as a criminal because of shoddy Police work!
Robin Bain had marks on his thumb and finger from loading the 22 rife Magazines!
This new evidence was picked up by an amateur… a Waikato businessman.


Finally Joe Karam’s fanatical determination to see David Bain freed has been vindicated!
So many people labelled this hero an obsessed Idiot when he was really Obsessed about Truth and Justice!
I Salute You Joe! You should be Knighted!
What a testimony of Faith and virtue!
What a Man of Principle!
Homage to you Sir!
You are an Inspiration!
A testament to Battlers against State injustice… to anyone who champions a righteous cause… to sticking to what you believe to be right no matter what the odds… in the face of every Devil… every army which seeks to defeat you and break your resolve… to demoralise you and make you fall back into line.

Read about Joe Karam: Tireless Campainer Here:

This Travisty of Justice … the conviction of Daivid Bain… is what happens when you convict some one on circumstantial evidence and a bogus police fabricated account of events.
Innocent people get Stomped upon by the State!
This is why it is so important to judge a person to be innocent until proved guilty… beyond Reasonable Doubt!
This is why the innocent verdict of Ewen McDonald in the Scott Guy Murder trial was the correct verdict…. based on the evidence!

Now it’s time David Bain received an official apology from the Police and Justice system… and his Kin whom disowned him ought to now beg for his forgiveness and invite him back into their hearts and lives.

It is also time for the Justice department to get the chequebook out and make reparations for their grievous miscarriage of justice!

Joe Karam also deserves Recompense and payment for services rendered!

There ought to be a commission of inquiry into how the Police go about their witch hunts!
Their bumblings!
Their whole case was a complete fabrication!
*Remember that Robin Bain even left a confession on the computer!*… yet even that was said to be a fabrication by the Real Killer… according to the Police.

scott watson
Scott Watson.
The Bungling and injustice of the Bain case also demonstrates why The Scott Watson conviction definitely needs to be reviewed!
If only Scott had his own ‘Joe Karam’ like champion I sincerely believe he too would be set free.

Read more Here… Former detective believes Watson is innocent

These types of dubious convictions are tragically common in New Zealand and clearly demonstrate one good reason (of many) to oppose the Death penalty.
Our ‘Justice’ system is a joke…all too Human… all too fallible.
Pandering to Popular outrage and fear, the Police lay charges and prosecute people on the most flimsy of circumstances… they fabricate the most convoluted stories and motives, are very selective about witnesses they use, they routinely fail to protect evidence and often intentionally destroy it, and their ‘science’ is often later found to be seriously unreliable and thereby unfairly prejudices cases in favour of getting a conviction.

And this is one reason why reparations must be high when bad judgments are overturned.
They need to justly reflect the travesty of the police and courts prosecuting cases upon insufficient evidence, and cause the population to appreciate the gravity of maintaining a defective Justice system.
Currently I believe Kiwis are too keen to see the police ping ‘someone’…’anyone’… rather than only prosecuting cases which have substantial evidence.
Inquires ought to follow and Police ought to be held accountable when they are found to have bungled or been subversive in their activities.

Tim Wikiriwhi.
Christian Libertarian (Independent)

Read more on this subject Here…

Extra Note Re: the caption of the Photo of Robin Bain’s Hand and the Magazine.
What we must now ask is whether a policeman stood the Magazine up on it’s edge like that!
It is in what Herbert Spencer would call an ‘unstable equilibrium’… and just a small amount of force is required to make it move into a more stable equilibrium… flat on the floor.
It is true that if we were to drop that Mag it is more likely to naturally end up lying flat on the ground rather than up on its edge like that… Yet still how silly is it to think that ‘A Killer’ would place a magazine on purpose like that???
There is something Odd about that… yet not beyond possibility… so…. ???? Just sayin šŸ™‚

“Praise you Jesus How I love you!” …Christian walks over the Abyss. Nik Wallenda


Wallenda is the first human to walk across the Grand Canyon.

At one point during the feat, Wallenda began praying.

“That’s a view there buddy. Praise God, this is awesome,” he said, as he stepped out into the void. “Thank you Jesus for this beautiful view,” he added.

“Praise you Jesus, how I love you,” he said repeatedly, adding that there was “a lot of wind”….

“Winds are way worse than I expected,” he said about six minutes into the wal

He later told reporters: “I was fatigued until I was three quarters of the way across, and then it was all just adrenaline,” Walenda said afterwards.

“There was dust. My mouth is extremely dry, it feels like I was walking in the desert for three weeks, not 20 minutes.”

Earlier, Wallenda said he was confident in his ability.

“But the mental part is where I have to be very, very cautious. It’s very challenging leading up to an event like this, it’s a worldwide event … that really plays a role on me mentally,” he said.

Wallenda, a seventh generation member of the Flying Wallendas circus family, said that as he steps out he would be thinking of his great grandfather Karl Wallenda, who died in 1978 after falling from a tightrope.

Video of the fatal fall in Puerto Rico is easily viewable online, and Wallenda said it is a constant reminder of the risks – and that he must stop performing at a much younger age than his forefather, who died aged 73.

“He had said publicly that that’s the way he wanted to go,” the younger Wallenda said, but added: “I don’t want to go that way … I wanna die in a bed next to my wife, at an old age over 100 years old. That’s my dream.

“I don’t want to die performing,” he added.

Read more here:

Watch 3 minutes here:

With almost every step Nik was calling upon his God for Providential care…
He walked over the Abyss… above, not though the Valley of death.
This was truly a testament to what a man of faith can accomplish…in defiance of Death.

Nik it truly an inspirational Man of faith and courage, and has given us all a valuable lesson!
Life is for the brave.
Life is either a bold walk faith, or a slow death… of slavery to your fears.
Live a victorious life Brothers and Sisters! Choose to put your faith in God’s word, and Christ!

“…and ye shall know the truth, and the Truth shall make you free”
Jesus Christ.

Higher Values than Wealth or Self Interest


The Bible does not glorify poverty as so many infidels insist, or say that the poor are always virtuious, and the rich always crooked.
Scriptures like this mean that Money and self interest ought not to be our highest values.
“For *the Love* of money is the root of all Evil.”
St Paul.


“Every Man has his Price”.
Unspeakible evils have been committed for the sake of Filthy Lucre.

.. indeed even Christ was betrayed for 40 pieces of silver.

Important Caveat: while some money isn’t exactly ‘clean’…Some money is much much ‘filthier’ than others!
If we were to scrutinise each and every industry of humanity… almost none would be found to be absolutely squeeky clean!
As a Libertarian I respect an Individual’s right to choose their own religion, and to make honest money, even if the means are less than virtuous eg I respect the right of a person to make money selling books on atheism, and Evolution…though I think they are making money out of the ignorance, and folly of their fellow man.
I regret that they are lost souls, and that one day… unless they see the light… they will stand before God and answer why they chose to Capitalize from the market of infidelity.
That is filthy lucre and yet because in involves no theft or extortion, it is still ‘legitimate’ cash and Christian Libertarians like myself can tolerate that.
Likewise with Prostitution, Porn, Alcohol, etc.
The truth is I have far more respect for prostitutes, than I do for Devious and unscrupulous woman whom prey on some drunken chump to get pregnant so that they may claim the DPB! (Domestic Purposes benefit) My rationale being that Prostitutes actually ‘work’ for their money, and they dont force anyone to hire/pay them, whereas the DPB ‘Breeders’ use illegitimate children as a means of income extorted by force from hard working Tax slaves…by Gangster socialist governments… That sort of money is the filthiest of the lot!

There is a massive difference between someone who prostitutes themselves to feed themselves and their kids, than someone who does it simple because they are too lazy… or too proud to accept menial, servile… yet righteous employment… and there is always high hidden spiritual cost involved.
Thankfully God is rich in mercy and grace.

The Lord knows I am no Holy man, and that I must confess to having dirty hands… yet still though I would be sad if my daughter was a Hooker, in truth I personally have nothing at all against ‘working girls’, (or publicans)… I drink plenty myself, and I have had some as very close friends who ran Brothels, and as a Libertarian activist I have defended their rights.
I am sad for them too… though they are not my daughters… I still care about their spiritual well being, and believe they are selling themselves ‘cheep’.
I would much rather see them in employment which did not involve them selling their bodies… yet this is what this post is all about!
It’s about having values higher than easy loot or wealth.
What price do you put on your integrity…. your soul… your friendships… your body…???

Yet here’s My dilemma….I would far rather my Daughter prostitute herself than to mug an old lady for her purse!
And I am sure God see’s things this way too!
One is a Vise, the other is *a Crime*.
While vise is voluntary…*A crime involves force or fraud upon another person*
Likewise Though I dont like Cigarettes, I would still rather work in Cigarette factory to earn an honnest dollar to pay my bills and feed my family…. than to be a Bank robber.

Ultimately I pray for the souls Criminals, Prostitutes, and Peddlers of vise.
I pray they see the light and not only are spiritually redeemed by Christ, but Redeem themselves from selling themselves out… for ‘easy’ money.
I respect the Babe who Strips Friday and Saturday nights to pay her bills and feed her kids and thereby aviods sullying herself with the ‘filthy lucre of Government extortion’ going on the Dole, yet I respect more the beautiful woman who instead chooses to work longer hours at a Cafe for much lower pay Rather than prostitute herself… for the sake of ideals she values more than easy money… for the sake of her own higher self value, and saving herself for her Man.

Just what the Doctor Ordered. Three Boys Oyster Stout.

threeboys oyster stout 007

I prepared myself for the worst!
I feared I was walking into a trap laid by My Nemesis, the Dastardly ‘Dr No Goode’.
With great trepidations I wielded my Mauri Brs & Thomson Ltd opener… dreading what horror awaited… yet this was a moral duty I could not shirk…. and I needed to know!
I needed to verify my suspicions that The Diabolical Dr was again up to usual shenanigans and that he had no qualms whose Goode name he ruined in the process!
I admit he had Plotted well when he had chosen to critique Three Boys ‘Oyster’ Stout… his sole Luddite ambition being to enslave Men to By-gone traditions and Backward pseudo-orthodoxy… to suppress any spirit of Endeavour, of Exploration, or innovation, and shackle us to the mundane.
With glee he saw his opportunity!

Read his critique here >>> Ye shall have their carcases in abomination

His verdict was pronounced in that momentā€¦before he had even opened the bottleā€¦ and I confess that I was scared!
I had even prepared my counter argument should the Dr have found his mark.
You see the Dr would have everyone believe that I must champion every conceivable deviation from the normā€¦ to maintain my position that such things as Coffee, Chocolate, and even Coconut can have their legitimate place in Beer., and that all that he needs to do is find one abominable brew and drag it before meā€¦.like the Pharisees did with the adulterous womanā€¦ to see if I would defend the indefensible, or surrender to his Pious legalism.
Evil prevails when Goode men do nothing, and there was no way I could allow Threeboys Brewery to be that victem of such a calculated attack against ‘Yours truely’… and so
I readied myself for an honest endorsement of his cutting Critique, yet would have argued further that in the pursuit of progress (such as powered flight) there were many more failures than successesā€¦ yet the Endeavour was still noble, and science was still the winnerā€¦ even in failureā€¦.

threeboys oyster stout 004

And then I tasted it. šŸ˜€
Joy of joys!
My Bravery had once again seen me through the Gauntlet!
What a wonderful Ale Three boys Oyster Stout is!

Doctors once prescribed stout as a revitalising tonic, while brewers enhanced their potency with additional ingredients, like oysters, which had desirable properties of their own. The Three Boys Oyster Stout contains select malt and hops to produce a beer that is rich and complex. And, who knows, our addition of genuine Bluff oysters to this very special brew might be just what the doctor ordered.

Copy of raglan in june 003
The Author: The Triumph Man Beer Critic Tim Wikiriwhi out at Raglan’s Marlin Cafe and Grill.

I had called the Machiavellian Drā€™s bluff oyster and emerged victorious!…at least Three boys emerged victorious! And it is my pleasure to restore their Goode name which was sullied be such a Villain!
His reputation will precede him!
Soon Goode Manly Ales from far and wide will no doubt send him samples in the hope that he will serve out one of his infamous condemnations!
Because a condemnation from such a Fiend will only serve to enhance the reputation of any Brewery.

This surely was one of those times our Naysayer proves one of his Master Niccolo’s own Maxums… “The fool keeps his mouth closed when he should have opened it, and opens his mouth when it should have remained closed..”
He is a poor student.

It is with pleasure that I rank Three boys Oyster stout as of the highest quality, dare I say itā€¦ even better than their fine Porter!
Now that Evil has once again been thwarted, I shall enjoy the rest of the bottle, and will not hesitate to purchase more and to recommend it to other Connoisseurs of Fine Dark ales and Stouts!

Yet such a malicious scheemer will not wallow in self pitty for long!
And I must be forever vigilant…

Three Boys Oyster Stout recieved a ’95’ rating here: Rate Beer

The Christian Fellowship is a voluntary private society, not a theocratic political movement.

Christians face the Lions in Rome.

Pray for Liberty!…
“Therefore I exhort first of all that supplications, prayers, intercessions, and giving of thanks be made for all men, 2 for kings and all who are in authority, that we may lead a quiet and peaceable life in all godliness and reverence. 3 For this is good and acceptable in the sight of God our Savior, 4 who desires all men to be saved and to come to the knowledge of the truth.”
St Paul (1Tim2vs1-4)

A member of The Christian libertarians (new) facebook page asked the following question… supplying a Multi-choice answer format in which you could add your own answers.

“From what fundamental principle(s) do you base your libertarian political principles?”

The Golden Rule…27 votes.
Private Property …12 votes.
The answer I added….Grace gospel = individualistic self government and voluntary association…7 votes.
Argumentation ethics… 1 vote.
The Non-Aggression Principle….23 votes.
Jesus is Lord and Caesar is Not…4 votes.
Pragmatic (libertarianism is best for society)…3 votes.
The Constitution…3 votes.
Old Testament Law…1 vote.

I ticked the Golden rule, and Private property, and also added my own option… Grace Gospel… (see above)
I then qualified my answers in the comments…

“Paul’s Gospel of grace is a personal invitation to the individual sinner for salvation, in which he voluntarily joins the ‘private association’ of the ‘Fellowship of the mystery’, and chooses of his own freewill to make Christian values his own, thus all of his/her good works, charity flow from this voluntary basis, not from any form of legalistic compulsion. … threat of political punishments or prohibitions.
Thus ‘Religious liberty’ is the essential principle, so that we are free to follow our own conscience, and private property is necessary as giving us the place to practice and preach our faith in peace and safety.

This ‘free society’ is to be distinguished both from Jewish Legalistic Nationalism, and from Christ’s and Peters Political gospel of ‘National Salvation’ for Israel via the establishment of Christ’s Kingdom Rule… in which there is no Religious liberty, because the True God will be on Earth.

Contrary to the Gospel of the Kingdom, Paulā€™s gospel of grace and the Christian fellowship of the mystery do not require compulsory membership of others, or for us to impose our values upon others by force (or Law), and establishes the framework for Peace with others with whom peaceful Libertarian coexistence is possible, Equality, and freedom, and thereby naturally fulfills the Golden rule.

In this freedom sinners may choose to receive the gift of Godā€™s grace, or to reject it and remain ā€˜outsideā€™ the church and live in sinā€¦ as long as they donā€™t impinge upon our religios liberty, or threaten our lives and property. It is not for us to lock up Prostitutes, drug dealers, Homosexuals, adulterers, etc. They shall reap what they sow, and ultimately shall face the judgment of God.

It is for us to preach the Gospel of Grace, and to set an example of Godā€™s love for mankind via charity and good works, and to prove the benefits of living by the Inner moral compass of Personal Christian ethics voluntarily imbibed, as superior to Anti freedom nationalistic Socially dictated/ imposed moral legalism
Religious liberty is the fundamental principle of the Gospel of God’s grace, and we ought to be praying for freedom to live by our own convictions, and to peacefully practice, preach, and teach our faith, Print our Bibles, Build our schools and other charitible institutions, etc.
We are not attempting to establish Gods Kingdom on Earth, because we know that *Only Christ* can achieve that… at his second comming.

Tim Wikiriwhi
Christian Libertarian.

The Late great Francis Schaeffer has this to say about Libertarian Rights and Liberties…

Let’s talk rationally about Synthetic Cannabis and how society ought to manage it.

K2. (I assume that is short for Kronic 2… the synthetic variant of THC in ‘kronic one’ having been banned.) Is this the packaging of this stuff available in New Zealand?
I donā€™t know! I have never actually seen a packet myself.
What is interesting about this photo is the clear R18 age restriction voluntarily printed on the packs by the distributors, which is a prudent and socially conscientious thing to do, showing that contrary to all the hypocritical claims of ‘drug panic’ merchants who are busy ripping their shirts over the availability of legal highs… the fact is that the distributors have no desire to peddle their wares to children, and that any shop keepers doing so are violating the express conditions of being vendors of this product, and could be/ should be sued by the K2 distributors.
All Legal highs should have such R18 age restrictions on sale and purchase… just like Alcohol.

I have just recently been accepted into a face book group called ā€˜K2 and other ā€˜Legal Highsā€™ in New Zealand. We all need to know the dangersā€™ (thank’s to my invitation by Richard)
And as recreational drug use and prohibition is an important subject to Libertarian minded people like myself, I hope to present the group with alternative arguments to prohibitionā€¦ in the interest of society, Justice, and harm minimization.
It will be interesting to see if my input will be recognized as a legitimate contribution to the discussion, or if Iā€¦ because I am Anti-prohibitionā€¦ anti- drug phobiaā€¦ will be labeled ā€˜a Trollā€™
And banned.
I certainly hope not!
It is not my intension (todayā€¦in this group) to cause trouble, or to be a Gadfly. I enter this group in sincerity believing I have a valid position to put forward and can contribute value to this discussion.

I have blogged about Internet trolling before Here:, , and though I now need to do a follow up blog post confessing my realization of the reality of malicious predators whom do indeed stalk the Net seeking to cause Chaos and disorder, that in no way is this my intension in joining this group.
My intensions are honourable.

Below is my introduction to my Libertarian argument against Prohibition, in favour of an age restricted legal market. (I have embellished it slightly with photos and captions for the sake of this Blogpost)

This is a very ‘polarizing’ topic… a matter of great paranoia to many….to the extent that they shut their minds to hearing all sides of the debate and demand heavy
handed laws and prohibitions, refusing to appreciate that such an approach has proven to be an absolute failure time and time again, and that the draconian nature of Prohibition is actually far more harmful to our society… esp to the youth who become criminalized and thereby alienated from our society… not for any acts of dishonesty, or violence, but because they have been caught with a small bag of ‘happiness’ in their pocket.
These young people know that they have been unjustly treated, because they know that many of those whom have brought the Law down upon their heads, including the majority of the Police who break down their doors, and ransack their homes, and drag them off to the cellsā€¦ all drink Boozeā€¦ beer, wine, and spirits, until they cant even walk!

I would like to present a counter-argument to prohibition as a means of minimizing the harm of drugs upon our society, and discuss why I believe having a legal yet age restricted market for recreational drugs is a far better means of controlling drugsā€¦ just as we have with alcoholā€¦ and for the very same reasons.
Alcohol prohibition was tried,ā€¦and was dismal failure!

Police from tactical team making entry to serve a high-risk drug related search warrant. Street Narcotics Unit.
Drug raid.

Though we still have big social problems with Alcohol, people still need to appreciate that having legal supply of alcohol is still much better than the evils of Prohibition.
For starters it is much easier under a legalized system for people with problems to go and get help, from places like AA, without fear of being prosecuted, or losing their jobs, etc.

This topic is also a lot like xenophobia and the witch craze, in that wild stories grow up all out of proportion to reality, fueling a lynch mob type hysteria.
Anyone familiar with the history of prohibition knows this classic phenomena.
It is a manufactured frenzy, purposely propagated by the prohibitionist lobby and their Populist politicians who think nothing of feigning Piety and social concern, by promising to crush an unpopular minority for the sake of getting elected.

Corby Schapelle. Imagine for a moment this is your adult child behind bars… not for robbing or harming anyone, but simply because they were found with a drug which was not alcohol.
This is the real ugly face of the injustice of Prohibition… which utterly fails to stop recreational drug use. It merely serves as a disgusting means of inflicting a Nazi-like bigoted hatred upon an unpopular and demonised minority. The Nazis swore their persecution of the ‘Socially deviant Jews’ was completely justified. Vicious bigotry always hides beneath a Cloack of ‘Righteous indignation’.

Though I donā€™t dispute that drugs (like alcohol and cannabis) ought to be kept away from children, and that adults too need to take care how and when they use such substances, I have little doubt that the fears about the harmful effects synthetic cannabis will prove as groundless as the Nonsense which fueled and maintained Cannabis prohibition.

Cannabis is now being legalized across the globe because of itā€™s ā€˜Health benefitsā€™ and medicinal qualities!
It is ironic to understand that for thousandā€™s of years Cannabis was known and appreciated for itā€™s manifold beneficial qualities, and that the folly of prohibition of cannabis is itself a *modern phobia*ā€¦ thankfully this terrible era of prohibition is coming to a close.
It is interesting to consider the fact that if we had already decriminalized Cannabis that we would not be facing the wave of new synthetic substances like K2!
And this fact in itself also reveals why Prohibitions are absurd. Ie because there is a demand for recreational drugsā€¦ some innovative people will always figure out an new way to get high, and undoubtedly some these ways will be far more dangerous than cannabis!
Thus Prohibition tends to endanger our youth because it has outlawed safer alternatives.
Below is a blog post I wrote the other day on this subject and I will produce more as this debate unfolds.
I ask members to seriously consider the counter arguments to prohibition if you claim to really have the interests of society at heart, and not be simply driven by a personal bigotry against drug users.

Tim Wikiriwhi
Christian Libertarian.
Hamilton West.

My Pamphlet on BZP… having legal alternatives to Alcohol… Click >>> Historic battles. The Libertarian struggle against Drug Prohibition. Why BZP should have been kept Legal.

Read about how New Prohibitions. How our Police and Government work for Criminal Gangs.

Update: 29-5-13
It appears that after One day, One post, and one reply (in support of Mr G) I have been ‘Fed to the sharks’ by the SOCIALISTS running the facebook page ‘K2 and other ā€˜Legal Highsā€™ in New Zealand. We all need to know the dangersā€™…. which completely vindicates my acustaions that the ‘Anti-everything lobby’ are so fanatically in favour of tyranny, that they will not even consider any alternative arguments to prohibitionā€¦ in the interest of society, Justice, and harm minimization.
It was interesting to see that indeed my input was not recognized as a legitimate contribution to the discussion, but instead….because I am Anti-prohibitionā€¦ anti- drug phobiaā€¦ they chose the low road… the easier path which was to deem me to be ā€˜a Trollā€™… and thus….rather than openly debate me….. to simply ban me instead!, and forbid Group members from being able to message me!
*I told ya so!*

God’s Grace, Libertarianism, and Anne Frank

The Pharoh and the Midwives.

Being forced to choose the lesser of two evils is never a pleasant experience for an Idealist.
Though done for the right reasons, there is still a sense of compromise with evil.

Yet when I consider certain Moral dilemmas, which at times God allows us mere mortals to face, I am forced to admit that sometimes I would tell a lie rather than tell the truth, esp to protect others from tyranny or other dire evils… Trusting in Godā€™s understanding and Grace.
Up until today I had no literal scriptural vindication for this position, only a trust in Godā€™s Goodness, and Grace.

Yet it is with gratitude to the face book page called ā€˜if libertarians are crazy, who wants to be sane?… that I can now say a very important scripture in Exodus (Ex1vs15-21) actually vindicates making such a choice, by describing a Historic event whereby some Midwives were forced to choose between obeying a Murderous decree from a tyrantā€¦which they knew was a morally evil command/ā€™Lawā€™, or instead doing what they believed was rightā€¦ and disobeying it, and covering their tracks with a lie.

15ā€ And the king of Egypt spake to the Hebrew midwives, of which the name of the one was Shiphrah, and the name of the other Puah:
16 And he said, When ye do the office of a midwife to the Hebrew women, and see them upon the stools; if it be a son, then ye shall kill him: but if it be a daughter, then she shall live.
17 But the midwives feared God, and did not as the king of Egypt commanded them, but saved the men children alive.
18 And the king of Egypt called for the midwives, and said unto them, Why have ye done this thing, and have saved the men children alive?
19 And the midwives said unto Pharaoh, Because the Hebrew women are not as the Egyptian women; for they are lively, and are delivered ere the midwives come in unto them.
20 Therefore God dealt well with the midwives: and the people multiplied, and waxed very mighty.
21 And it came to pass, because the midwives feared God, that he made them houses.ā€
(Exodus 1vs15-21)

This portion of scripture is pregnant with Libertarian Ideals!
It is exactly the sort of vindication for my conviction that If I was a Christian Libertarian living in the Netherlands during the 1940’s Nazi occupation, that I would have been fulfilling my Christian duty by Disobeying the Official/ Legal obligation to turn in all the Jews, and instead to help hide them from the Demon Swastkaā€¦ like many brave Christian Netherlanders actually did during the warā€¦ for example those who helped hide ā€¦ Anne Frank and her Family.
I believe those Good souls were Christians because after the War her Father Otto,who survived the death camps, and though being a Jew, set up a charity to help poor European Christianā€™s with the money he received from his murdered Daughters dairyā€¦ the best selling ā€˜Diary of Anne Frankā€™.

Anne Frank.

There can be no doubt that the Exodus story of the Egyptian Midwives, and the story of those whom hid Anne Frank, are perfectly matched, and that God blesses those brave enough to resist evil tyrannies for the sake of doing what is right, and He is prepared to forgive such things as telling lies under these curcumstances.

This does not make these lies ā€˜Goodā€™. It only makes them ā€˜betterā€™/ lesser evils than betraying innocent people to murderers, and because the world does throw such moral dilemmaā€™s at us, and we sometimes have little or no time to think of perfect solutions, that God pours out his grace and mercy upon usā€¦ exactly as I hoped and trusted he would doā€¦ before I became aware of the Libertarian principles in this scripture.

The Apostle Peter before the Sanhedrin.

I have always believed as Peter said when he disobeyed the Authorities command to cease preaching the Name of Jesusā€¦ that there is a limit to the obedience the Christian owes to any Human power, Law, or command.

Actā€™s 4ā€¦
13 ā€œNow when they saw the boldness of Peter and John, and perceived that they were unlearned and ignorant men, they marvelled; and they took knowledge of them, that they had been with Jesus.
14 And beholding the man which was healed standing with them, they could say nothing against it.
15 But when they had commanded them to go aside out of the council, they conferred among themselves,
16 Saying, What shall we do to these men? for that indeed a notable miracle hath been done by them is manifest to all them that dwell in Jerusalem; and we cannot deny it.
17 But that it spread no further among the people, let us straitly threaten them, that they speak henceforth to no man in this name.
18 And they called them, and commanded them not to speak at all nor teach in the name of Jesus.
19 But Peter and John answered and said unto them, Whether it be right in the sight of God to hearken unto you more than unto God, judge ye.
20 For we cannot but speak the things which we have seen and heard.
21 So when they had further threatened them, they let them go, finding nothing how they might punish them, because of the people: for all men glorified God for that which was done.ā€

And again in Actā€™s 5 vs 29

29 Then Peter and the other apostles answered and said, We ought to obey God rather than men.

There are plenty of verses throughout the Bible which demonstrate this principle, yet Peter did not tell any lie to the Authorities, and was prepared to suffer for his forthright profession.
And this is clearly a different moral circumstance to the one in Exodus or the one facing the Christians in the Netherlandsā€¦ as these circumstances involved the safety othersā€¦
*Oppressed Jews* under Satanic Attack.
God actually promised Abraham that He would ā€œBless them which bless thee and curse them which curse theeā€ ā€¦ the Jew having a special relationship with God.
And the situation of Anne Frank and her family relied on their helpers not being found out or arrested, so that they could continue to aid them, thus Subterfuge is essential.
In such circumstances I am glad to know that God is not an uncompromising Moral Tyrant, but will have mercy upon the Brave soul who makes such a difficult moral decision.
He is indeed Full of Grace, understanding, and mercy.
I would also think this sort of grace is applicable for the Stratagems of the Righteous Commander in the deception required in warfare to overcome the Armies of Evilā€¦eg Operation Mince Meat.

Today has been a great day!
I love it when I learn New Libertarian insights are buried in the Scriptures!
We now have another arrow in our Bow to shoot at those followers of Satan who preach that the Christian cant be a Libertarian, and must slavishly obey all Government decrees no matter how wicked, or that in warfare he must disregard common sence and march straight into cannon fire without devising cunning ways to fool the enemies into error.
Tim Wikiriwhi
King James Bible Believer, Dispensationalist, Libertarian, Christian.

I thought someone was BBQin…Oh Lord Jesus It’s a Fire !


Do you have time for Jesus Christ?
He warned you about the approaching firestorm!
Remember that.


This one is Old…. but still šŸ˜€

Extra note 1.
What I think is awesome about this Vid ^^^^ is the candid Reporting of Elizabeth Gentle, and the balls of her Station for running such a *Real* report.
I think this factor is missing in so much of what passes for news…. because of the social engineer’s desire to ‘control’ what information we, the public gets.
New Zealand Reporting is Lame-o… and downright gagged for the sake of shaping the news for socialist political ends….keeping the masses stupid, scared, and submissive.
See this vid here about the flak Elizabeth took for being too candid and allowing the *real story* on the Air..
Good on Elizabeth for defending Free speech against Political correctness.

Extra note 2.
My posting of the ā€˜Nobody got time for thatā€™ vid is not meant to mock the horrors of Fire.
I have one dear friend that lost their entire home and possessions in a fire, and I lost a cousin to a fire in a car crashā€¦ so please donā€™t think that I have no sense of gravity on this sort of thing, or of Rape, which is the subject of the other video.
I post these sorts of things because they have grabbed my attention for one reason or anotherā€¦ even as artā€¦ and though they may not be the sort of Art the ā€˜Fakersā€™ seek to run on *their blogs*ā€¦well this is not their Blog! *Itā€™s Mine* And I am a Christian Libertarian Bogan Westyā€¦ thatā€™s who I really am and I refuse to pretend to be some ā€˜holier than thou card board cut out of what an orthodox stereotypical Christian is supposed to be! I Hate that Bogus Facade! I am not that person. I am who I am, and by Godā€™s grace I prefer to ā€˜keep it realā€™ rather than become a hypocrite. I believe this is the vocation God has given me. To explode the myth of the Fake self righteous ā€˜Puritanā€™.
I believe that Fake notionā€¦*that act* of what so many lost souls assume you have to become when you receive Christā€¦ puts them off choosing Christ! They find such Pretentious self righteousness repugnant!ā€¦ and rightly so! I find it repugnant too!
My testimony is that by Godā€™s grace we can receive Christ and free salvation without pretending to be ā€˜holyā€™ā€¦ when we are not! When we have so much to unlearnā€¦so much to reformā€¦ and we are so much a product of our timesā€¦. Churches are filled with actors and hypocritesā€¦ who donā€™t like me!
I am not saying all Christians ought to be like me either.
I am saying all Christians ought to be honest, and not ā€˜pretendersā€™.
By Godā€™s grace I am who I am.
As a Libertarian I respect your right to be who you honestly are too.
And if we are Daily meditation upon Gods word and truth and seeking to become better people then daily we shall be transformed into being more Christ-like… yet this can never be an act.
We must always ‘Keep it Real’!!!!