Category Archives: Hedonism

John McAfee for POTUS


John McAfee is one of three potential Libertarian Party presidential candidates. I think he wins the first nationally televised debate hands down.

Here’s the start of an op-ed piece he wrote in which he tells it like it is.

This article may disturb some people. For that I apologize in advance, but I feel compelled, at this point, to step outside the narrow path of acceptability. I am moved to bare my heart and confess my thoughts.

I am writing this to the disaffected, the disenfranchised, the angry and frustrated. I am speaking to the heart of Americans who feel alienated from the government that we ourselves created.

I’m speaking to those of you who may have left the comfort of your home on a dark night and wandered down lonely streets, or those who have glimpsed, in the people closest to you, the depth and mysteries within that person, and felt an exquisite communion – even for a moment.

I’m speaking to the people who have questioned, and irrespective of the cost, have sought answers, or to those who have traveled extensively and seen and experienced ways of living which seem alien to our culture.

And I’m speaking to those of you who have viewed themselves in the mirror of your own existence, and experienced a profound epiphany of self revelation – or who at least looked with the hope of finding one.

I will tell you who I am – without polish or apologies – without pride or shame, and I will tell you why, after 70 years of inhabiting this planet, I am speaking out.

Everything of value in life I have learned from experience. I am not a great student or a great reader. I was thirty years old before I read my first book, cover to cover. It was Darwin’s “Origin of Species”. I was dealing drugs in Mexico at the time and it was the only English language book I could get my hands on.

I was arrested in Mexico …

You can read the rest of the article at Business Insider.

I endorse John McAfee as the Libertine Libertarian Party presidential nominee and the next POTUS. How could I not? 🙂

David Bowie… stepping through the door… Fags, Fanatics,Freedom and Fate.

Ruff Draft…To be edited.


News of David Bowie’s death from cancer reached Cyberspace tonight (Jan 11 2016NZ).
Planet Earth is Blue and there’s nothing I can do.
I am merely one of untold millions of fans who have been rocked by the news… esp having only today gossiped with friends about his latest songs… and that “He’s still shocking… and still got it!”.
Now I see that his latest songs were a foreboding message to his fans that the Reaper was calling.
Obvious now.
This is where my Blogpost comes to the Tee intersection.
One direction heads up ‘Tribute’ hill towards the usual sycophantic adoration and pinning.
The other heads down Guile pass which is the path enjoyed by those who seek to throw stones, and take opportunity to exercise their personal piety.

There will be plenty of both types of commentaries on Bowie’s life for everyone to slake their thirsts… each according to their palates.
Mine is going to careen off these well beaten paths… on a tangent… out out somewhere I don’t expect many to want to go… as it will not completely satisfy any particular mindset…. Except the minority of social outcasts like myself.
And this in it self is 50% of why I think The passing of David Bowie is not only an opportunity for me to express some of my personal insights, but the best tribute to him that I can produce.
You see that when people die… there is a popular conception that in the ‘time of respect for the dead… and for those grieving’… that certain things are best left unsaid.
I broke that rule in my Tribute to Scott Weiland… and his tragic end, yet obeyed it when I did my recent Eternal Vigilance Blog tribute to Lemmy from Motorhead which is conspicuously absent of any personal commentary and just filled with snapshots, and videos of his exploits, yet in doing so I fail to explain my own reasoning to the lovers and haters… why a Bible believing Christian still likes Lost souls like Lemmy… and this was to avoid saying things I knew would upset everyone.
Yet I don’t like writing stuff simply to please the masses, or avoid controversy at the expense of my strongly held personal views.
I don’t like remaining quite about things that I believe need to be said even though I will probably upset everybody… for different reasons.
I don’t write to please. I write to hold up the Torch… and so it is that I will do Bowie the tribute of boldly speaking my mind about his life and how I see he fits in to the Flow of Culture and the story of western civilization.
I could make the following sorts of comments about most of the greater Rockers of Recent history, yet taking care of business here and now will mean that I can avoid this long windedness in many future tributes that I will write, and will simply be able to refer readers to this post.
Eternal vigilance blog has from it’s foundation *Always been about the Music.*

Blar Blar Blar.
I have probably already lost 50% of my readers … too much talk about me… not enough about Bowie, yet I believe I have now set up the necessary props for the main show to begin.

With reverence I salute David Bowies musical genius and contributions to the happiness of Millions of Fans.
I grew up loving Space Oddity, Star Man, Ashes to ashes, etc…. all received via Radio waves.
Via that same medium my spirit wandered to ‘Rocket man, Don’t let the sun go down on me, Saturday nights alright for fighting, Another one Bites the Dust, Radio Gag ga, Flash, Who wants to live for ever?, etc.
Why have I included these tracks from Elton John, and Queen?…. some of you will have already guessed yet for those who need further explanation, it is because the musical genius of David Bowie, is part of the massive contributions to music and western culture made by mega talented Homosexuals and the impact they have had…. For better or for worse on our societies… modifying the very sexual fabric… and depending on which faction you choose to belong… most peoples’ sentiments will be typified in the common antagonisms of various conflicting world views.

David Bowie went through changes… was married twice, yet like many Rock stars, David Bowie in his younger years gratified his insatiable sexual appetites, which included having orgies involving both sexes. I don’t need to dwell on this any further to explain an important aspect of my blog post… My concern for his Immortal soul.
Did David Bowie receive the Gift of God…. Salvation from the Judgment of God that all sinners face?
Or was he… like so many Homosexuals/ Bi sexuals an infidel to the bitter end?
I am a ‘Straight’/ heterosexual guy… and A Christian, yet though I share the typical revulsion at the thought of Homosexual activities… and the common Christian belief that Homosexuality is perverse, I do not share the common and historical Christian idea that Homosexuals are ‘Extra evil/ sinful’ or the desire to persecute them.
In truth I confess my own sexual perversity… which I need not go into any further detail, but mention the fact because in my view all so-called straight people are just as guilty of Sexual degeneracy as homosexuals are …. We all fall short of the mark of Purity and holiness… and that needs to be said because it exposes the hypocrisy of the Bigots whom desire to persecute Homosexuals, but turn a blind eye to their own sins.
In fact the sin of Adultery which is most common among ‘Christians’ ought to be considered *more evil* than plain homosexuality between consenting adults because Adultery not only offends God, and breaks the marriage covenant with him, but also involves dishonesty and the betrayal of third parties… the spouses…real victims of the offense.
Yet still I want to discuss the probable reasons why of all sinners and reprobates many Homosexuals seem to be ‘Extra antagonistic’ towards Christianity…. A tragic situation given that God’s love towards us sinners motivated him to send Christ … so that …Whosoever calls upon the name of the Lord might be saved.
There is none righteous no not one… for all have sinned and come short of the glory of God… saith St Paul.
Many Christians however think that God hates Homosexuals, and that they are a class of sinner all on their own… and are without hope.

In my view the phenomena of Homosexuality is yet another signpost to the truthfulness of the Biblical doctrine of original sin and the fall of Adam. It’s straight up weird.
As the saying goes God made Adam and Eve, not Adam and Steve.
The Human condition itself is perfectly explicable via the literal theology of Genesis.
God made sex pleasurable and most importantly… for procreation of our kind… yet true to form Sinful mankind has found ways to pervert this Divine order.
The Penis and vagina *Are designed* to function together as surely as the bolt and the nut, with the result… a miraculous thing… Children…. Little people… in accordance not with Darwin, but with the Biblical law of Kind after it’s Kind… unfortunately after the fall of our Original parents…. We are born fallen beings… mortal, sinful, and perverse.
The First born Mortal murdered the second born…
And so the nature of fallen humanity has determined our History, and affected every society.
There is no desert Island filled with Noble savages… no times or places where societies have not had their share of Murderers, thieves, Adulterers, and Homosexuals.
The Laws of the book of Genesis are IronClad, and it is in that first book of the Bible that the perversion of Homosexuality is found full blown.
After the Judgment of the wicked world by flood, we see that sin had ‘stowed away’ on the Ark, and a Drunken Noah was raped by his son Ham, and later Descendants of his grandson Canaan built the notoriously Corrupt cities of Sodom and Gomorra.
These cities were destroyed by God Almighty… and this was in an age (dispensation) before The Mosaic Law.
Homosexuality…. Along with eating Shellfish were ‘Abominations’ prohibited to the Jews… as was working on Saturdays.
Adultery was also forbidden to Jews, and Jesus himself said that even if they Looked at another man’s wife with lust that they had committed adultery in their hearts.
Not only does mankind have strange lusts… We are also by our sinful and lost natures prone to hypocritical Judgment and vicious persecution.
The term ‘Faggot’ is of course reference to times when the persecution of Homosexuals by Christians meant they were Burned alive… Google what a faggot was if you need to. (It is Ironic that many Homosexuals prefer to be called ‘Faggs’…. go figure!)


Why I myself don’t share this historical lust to Legally oppress homosexuals is because I am a Dispensationalist Christian who understands just how Evil, Unchristian, and unbiblical this sort to Horror really is.
I understand that while the Bible does say that Homosexuality is wicked, displeases God, and was illegal under the Jewish theocratic Laws which were a part of their Covenant with him, that Christianity as preach by St Paul is a completely different ‘voluntary society’ under which no such legal imposition of morality can be rightfully endorsed.
Thus I condemn the historic persecutions of Homosexuals, Witches, Drug users, etc under the guise of ‘Christianity’ and ‘Civilization’ as being Wicked heresy and absolutely at variance with the true spirit of Christian grace and modus opperandi.
Christianity’s solutions to the wickedness of humanity is via the Gospel of God’s grace and voluntarily embraced values and ideas… not via Moral legalisms imposed on unbelievers via Political force.
Like every other form of Bigotry… so many Christians seethe with self righteous malice and lust and crave for the legal right to vent their hatred upon the target of their prejudice… and this is where the Demon possessed Lynch mobs and Stake burnings of history have caused the name of Christ to stink in the nostrils of so many sinners for whom Christ died to bring Salvations and Gods forgiveness.
And this persecution has been horrific!
And following Moral causation… Evil tends to produce reciprocal evils, this historic persecution has led to the phenomena that today Homosexual fraternities are Rabidly Anti-Christ … to an extreme and bigoted degree.
While this in itself is nasty and foolish, and has resulted in violence towards innocent Christians, and should be condemned… It is understandable given humanities weakness for recklessly and hypocritically dealing out evil for evil.
You would think that having been the victim of Bigotry and injustice that newly liberated minorities would be wise, and would hesitate to perpetrate similar evils against others… yet the fact is that Human beings are very slow to apprehend general principles, and are quick to take opportunity for venting their own personal hatred with violence.
Today Homosexuals stand at the very forefront of the drive to ‘De-Christianize’ western civilization, not simply on the political level (much of which I Agree with as truly progressive for civilization and Christianity), but more fundamentally they attack faith in Christianity, and biblical morality.
Two examples.
The first example I present is the musical genius and raving Homo …Maynard James Keenan of ‘Tool’…. My favorite band.
I will talk about how guys like David Bowie moved modern society to make Bands like Tool possible very shortly, yet here I simply want to point out that few bands reach the heights of Anti-Christian distain, and revel in the highest forms of Homosexual perversity as Tool has reached under the guidance of Maynard.
His sexually perverse lyrics are descriptive and he writes Song Titles like ‘Stink fist’, ‘Hooker with a penis’, and ‘Prison sex’, and his blasphemies drag Christ himself down into his perverse mentality.
He accounts other Antichrists as his mentors and idols and apparently took pleasure ‘Punking’ Korn’s Brian Head for converting to Christianity on M TV.
The behavior of Guy’s like Maynard summon visions of the Cross road and bargains with Satan… offering Fame and glory, if they will serve him… and he gets their souls.
There is a video out there in cyber space with him dressed up as Red Satan… yet it is all a mockery.

My second example of the link between Homosexuality and the modern Anti-Christian movements is…
I personally know one of New Zealands most militant Atheists and Antichrists.
Radio and TV personality, Founding Father of the now disbanded New Zealand Libertarian party (Libertarianz), the unabashed Homosexual and Objectivist Lindsay Perigo.
In Politics I consider him my New Zealand mentor, to the extent that we both occupy whats is described in Libertarian circles as the ‘purist’ position… absolutely opposed to Political correctness, and compromise, and committed to standing on principle irrespective of how extremely unpopular any position might be.
Many times this has us standing among some of the most loathed minorities, in opposition to many of the most popular rallies for New persecutions.
Many times we have been criticized even by so-called fellow Libertarians for being too ridged and lacking Political expedience… after all is it not a political party’s ambition to be popular enough to get elected?
Linz and I would always say NOPE!
We would say there is no point getting into parliament naked… without our principles… and that to fool voters about our real intents for the sake of getting elected would be the very height of Shysterism… and such strategies are irrefutable evidence of such candidates unworthiness to Govern!
We never did get elected… but does this prove we are wrong?
I think not.
I have put myself forward at countless elections, always with the same values and Ideals.
I have never been successful in being elected… yet I say I have never *lost* an election because I have always remained true to my personal convictions and always forthrightly expressed them to the voting public, even when I know how unpopular my Libertarianism is because it threatens the vested interests of the Status quo, and refuses to pander to the popular phobias of the masses.

We have also watched many of the ‘expedient touting Compromisers who though claiming to be Libertarians, distain idealism and instead claim pragmatism to be far more effective in the battle for freedom … as Act Party members… they get elected to parliament by selling out many of their professed values…because their position is less threatening to status quo… yet Time after time, year after year… these types prove to be useless inert nothings… effecting no Libertarian reforms… just collecting a State pay cheque… funds for their party… and actually working for the beast against justice and libertarian ideals.
These sorts of people have never been responsible for the reforms that have slowly raised western civilization out of barbarism and oppression.
As Ayn Rand said… in any compromise with evil… evil wins.
Both Linz and I are Stubborn… yet we prefer the terms like Resolute… Stalwart.

So back to the subject… on this political level Linz and I are Kindred spirits, yet on another we are polls apart… the matter of Religion.
And it is easy to see how history will have guided many Homosexuals towards Libertarianism , yet also affected a deep hatred of Christianity… and not simply because of the persecutions… but also because it says Homosexuality is perverse and sinful.
They don’t like being called perverts, and they have been militant… esp in the atheist Leftist sphere of politics in systematically attacking Christian values… far beyond merely the removal of unjust laws… but in attempting to ‘normalise’ homosexuality and obliterate the idea that it is sinful.


The Left via Marx has always been an Anti-Christian movement, always attempted to overthrow the Christian world view and install it’s own Atheistic pseudo morality… Yet It is disappointing for me that though Lindsey Perigo is super intelligent and was smart enough to abandon Socialism for libertarianism… yet he still harbors a vicious hatred for the Christian religion… and in fact believes that belief in God is one of the pillars of tyranny.
As an Objectivist his personal Ego knows no bounds and any belief that he is somehow a pervert is tantamount to Blasphemy against his self-worship.
Interesting enough his Goddess… the Atheist Ayn Rand also thought homosexuality was immoral and perverse, yet he has gone to great lengths to argue *She was Wrong!* about this… proving *No argument… no matter who from what direction will ever convince Lindsey to believe Homosexuality is sinful.

Stalwart… or beyond reason?
Lindsay is dedicated to keeping his conscience clear about his personal sexuality… and there is plenty of Modern Psychology and pseudo science to under-gird his ideological Edifice.

As a christian vehemently condemn his chosen Religion of Atheism!
Not only because I believe it to be false, but just as importantly because in my view it is corrosive to the underpinnings of Libertarianism and the Justice of the principle of Equal rights for all…. which are squarely founded upon Biblical Theistic principles… Inalienable rights being *God Given* and above any dictates of Human government.
Thus I contend that despite that manifold evils that have been committed in God’s name… that Linz is absolutely wrong… and that Religion is essential to Freeing humanity from Tyranny!
See some of my aruements >here< and >here< and >here< Nonetheless Yet I sympathize with Atheists , having been one myself... knowing the Darkness they mistake for light... and just how alien Theism is to the Godless. I spend a great deal of my spare time attempting to present well reasoned arguments both for faith in the Bible, and exposing the follies of Atheist materialism. Though there is no *HomoGene* yet still Modern Atheist Evolutionary psychology is attempting to obliterate Christian morality by denying freewill, and saying all our thoughts, choices, and desires are nothing but machine programs originating in our DNA. For Homosexuals this would mean they cant be morally responsible for their perversions any more than a waterfall is responsible for gravity. Via such a conception the idea that Homosexuality is genetic eliminates the whole accusation that it is 'Un-natural'....against nature. Read more >here< Any one Goggling Lindsay Perigo and religion, atheim, etc will find mountains of his works that seethe with bitterness and hatred for all things Christian... for theistic religion in general.... to him they are all equally false... equality oppressive and Evil. The perseverance of Homosexuality while supporting the doctrines of the book of Genesis *actually defies the theory of evolution* because if it was merely some form of Genetic anomaly... it is definitively *a dead end*.... Homosexuality makes such Genetics... less fit to survive... because it is sterile... tending towards Extinction. His unwavering animosity towards Christianity has meant that despite our Political Comradeship, Lindsay and I are so diametrically opposed on the question of Religion as to only communicate on rarest of occasions...and this is sad because as Libertarians we could have been the best of friends and allies. The choice to keep our lives separate is no doubt mutual… I do it to insulate myself from his Rabid atheism, and I assume he does it to insulate himself from my Rabid Christian Theism… though we may find each others political posts inspiring, and fortifying, We find each others daily rants about religion intolerable. .. so in keeping with the best Libertarian ideals… we simply leave each other alone. I pray for his enlightenment and Salvation… yet it appears to me that Homosexuals are some of the most blinded souls to the mercy and forgiveness of God. I hope that if he ever reads this post that it gives him pause. Here is but a tiny snippet Anti theism/ Anti-Christianity from Linz's pen... quite a mild example at that, yet shows just how he maintains his hatred by reliving the dark ages... "In the case of the good guys like Aristotle and Jefferson, their lapses contradicted their essential goodness. In the case of Christianity, persecution, torture and bigotry went with the territory (and still would if the fagot-lighters had political dominance)[ie, Christians are EVIL!!!]. They who believe absurdities (such as your lonely goblin story) commit atrocities. [See, see, EVIL!!!!] They who are capable of believing in the justice of eternal torture are not going to have any qualms about inflicting temporary torture [Oh, except for not wanting to end up there themselves, but we'll ignore that ... Christians are EVIL!!!!]." Lindsey Perigo Many Homos refuse to forget the ages of persecution… even though they themselves may have never have experienced any of it. They will have encountered plenty of Zealous Christians motivated by the same Self-righteous hatred who have told them ‘God hates Fags’… and insisted that Homosexuals are far more deviant sinners than themselves. This Rank hypocrisy of the Christians only serves to strengthen their resolve to die unrepentant … thumbing their noses at Christ with their dying breath, yet in reality The Bible does not single out Homosexuality as being more wicked than other sins, nor does it instruct Christians to hate them… yet still many do. To Homosexuals… Militancy against Christianity is exercising their Rights… and paybacks for centuries of oppression of ‘their kind’, and to Libertarians like myself it is a just that they are now free not only from persecution for being gay, but also to speak their minds without censure… even though many of them are now actively attacking *my own faith*. Not only do I understand where their angst came from, I believe they have the right to reject Christ, and vocally express their views, and am glad that the era of Legalistic oppression of homosexuals is virtually over in Western democracies. And here we Return to David Bowie and his Gay Friends and contemporaries, whose musical talent has helped to break down the walls of bigotry by their sheer genius… and musical gifts they have bestowed upon their generations. They were a big part of the movement of Liberation, often activists and spokesman. They are adored by millions. Society no longer cheers, but morns when they die. And I am one of their fans who love the music... and the freedom that comes when ancient tyrannies crumble. I cant help but chuckle about the revelation that David Bowie was getting so High that he cant even remember making one of his most revered Lp's Station to Station. :-D Freddy Statue
Swiss monument to Freddy Mercury.

Yet typically for mankind…. As Ralph Waldo Emerson… ‘the law of Compensation’ is a part of the human condition, and is at all times at work.
This law means that for every advance, progression, reform, positive Good innovation… there will result… from the human condition some Declines…. Some negatives.
This means that when some good man creates something designed to improve the human condition… that some scoundrels will in short succession figure out how to use it for wickedness… and so it is that Homosexuals in western civilization have not merely been liberated from oppression, many are hell bent on actually manipulating the general bigotry of atheists towards traditional Christianity, into Lobbying for Laws forbidding Christians from exercising their own religious liberty!
Theses militant Atheists seek to prevent Christians vocalizing their belief that Homosexuality is sinful… by labeling such expressions as ‘hate speech’.
Having been granted the right to get ‘married’… some homosexuals maliciously call upon ‘anti-discrimination laws’ in the hope to *force churches* to perform Gay marriages *against their own will and beliefs. They demand Christian Bakers bake them Gay Marriage cakes, etc… and all this is not only a gross hypocrisy on their part, not only new oppressions, but also ammunition for those bigoted Christians who resisted Law reforms that removed oppressions from Homosexuals.
Wikipedia has a page on ‘Militant Gays’>here<. MilitantHomosexuals0

Yes, Mankind as a society appears fated to remain unregenerate… It is not only the poor who will always be with us…. But also the spirits of Bigotry, Hypocrisy, and Oppression.
They just take on new forms… and reciprocate… as power shifts from one side to the other.
Thus it is difficult for a Libertarian to say that Western civilization has in reality become more enlightened… but rather gains on one side are being counterbalanced by regressions on another.
Homosexuality is nothing new, yet in terms of ‘the salt of the Earth…. Christian values and it’s cultural paradigm… the moral slide that David Bowie and Homosexual atheists have played such a massive part in may be understood by looking back… Bowie was ‘Shocking for his day’… yet comparatively benign compared to what is needed to shock us today.
We have all to a certain degree acclimatized to the ‘Post Christian era’… We are inoculated rather than enlightened… at ease with Sexual perversity…. We feel this liberalism as an opiate on our conscience… yet which is in reality a regression back towards Sodom and Gomorrah.

We read articles predicting consumers are expected to buy more ‘Gender neutral’ toys this year… ‘As the lines between sexes continue to Blur’.

Checkmate Feminists!

We are all more comfortable with our own sins… we feel less need for Christ.
Many Christians are forsaking the spirit of Persecution of Homosexuals… yet because of the Atheist propaganda that has accompanied this shift… they themselves have been abandoning faith in the veracity of the Theology of Genesis!
They Join the Infidel chorus in ‘normalising’ and morally sanitizing Homosexuality!
Some Liberal churches willingly perform Gay marriages, have Gay Priests and ministers, etc…. and in my view this is nothing short of a sell out… the loss of Truth… part of the slide downhill.
It is one thing to stop persecuting sinners and infidels… yet quite another to endorse them and absolve them of sin.
It has always been the hardest thing for me as a Christian Libertarian to walk the line between these two factions of Christianity… to one moment be seen standing with the liberals against oppression, and yet the next be standing with the conservatives in support of their rights to call homosexuality Sinful.
Both sides think I’m a sell out… and Most Homosexuals dislike me simply because I am a Christian.
How many ‘Facebook likes’ will this Blog post receive?
I expect very few.

This is not the note I was hoping my tribute the Great David Bowie and discourse to finnish.
His Death from Cancer of the liver is tragically but one of millions… my own Dear Aunty Carol died that way.
Modern medicine being able to thwart many of the Grim Reapers traditional weapons… he resorts to this accursed blight more and more… and it is greatly feared.
Yet still the Upside of such deaths gives the departing time not only to say good bye to friends and loved ones… it also gives them time to contemplate their own spiritual condition knowing they are about to pass through the door into eternity… it gives then opportunity to call upon Christ to be saved.

The fact Bowies second marriage to a stunning Muslim woman lasted 23 plus years an was cut short by his death, leaves us to speculate that he had in fact abandoned his need for homosexual gratification, and none other than Christian Evangelist Ray Comfort speculates that Bowie himself may have been contemplating his approaching appointment with his maker … and “returned to the faith of his youth”… in his last song named ‘Lazarus’ he sings… ”Look at me Man, I’m in Heaven…”.
I truly hope so!
For the blood of Christ is powerful enough to redeem the foulest, most depraved of sinners who but calls upon his name…. and I say for all his sins and perversions… for all his participation in the moral slide of contemporary western civilization… David certainly was not the most evil of men… not by a long shot.
Far Worse in my book are all those who commit persecutions and evils in Christ’s holy and blessed name because they inspired the backlash and rejection of Christ.
David will be greatly missed.
Tim Wikiriwhi
Christian Libertarian.


Update:16-1-16 Stuff article: David Bowie’s sexuality is still hotly debated, but does it matter?

“In the days since his death, lesbian, gay, bisexual and transgender fans have shared how the rocker influenced their lives and helped bring queer culture into the mainstream in the 1960s and 1970s. In essays, interviews, on Twitter and on Facebook, they told how his rise gave them strength.
Many saw a kindred spirit in Bowie’s various characters and gender-bending style, beginning with his first androgynous persona, Ziggy Stardust, in 1972. Not only had he made a glittery, alien-looking creature look cool, he had helped pioneer a sexy (and marketable) form of otherness that mainstream artists have tried to replicate in the decades since…”

Read more >Here< Update 2: 20-1-16 Bowie Really is in Heaven!! :-) bowie constilation

Read >>> David Bowie: astronomers give the Starman his own constellation.

Happy New Year? Let us Re-commit to the Battles of the Minds, Hearts, and Souls of our fellow humanity.


So another year begins.
Satan and his Bitches have not buggered off and so this means we lovers of Truth, Justice, and Freedom must Recommit ourselves to the righteous causes and carry on the fight against the lies and Evil oppressions they spawn.
So My brave friends, let us remember our brothers and sisters in the Jails of our petty tyranny.
Let us rise again to speak boldly against the wicked lies that damn our loved ones souls and keep them under the dragons wing.
May God give me a greater portion of wisdom, grace, and self-control…. to be a better servant… a better soldier…. a better son.

Evil prevails when good men do nothing.
Ask yourselves… is this the world you desire to bequeath to your children and their children?
Not I.

The Battlefront is on all sides.
To Arms!

Tim Wikiriwhi.
Protestant Christian.
1611 Bible believer.



Lemmy RIP

Ace of Spades… Lemmy the Legend … The rock wild man who made Keith Richards look like a choir boy: As Lemmy dies two days after being told he had aggressive cancer, it is only surprising that the hard-drinking Motorhead frontman managed to make it to 70

Read it >>>> here<<<< bar open
”The new one would like to know when does the bar open….”


Motörhead – Ace of Spades. The Young Ones, Bambi, 1984

Posted by British Ideas Corporation on Monday, December 28, 2015

Update: Glenn Hughes FB Tribute

Glenn and lem

“The lads from Staffordshire … We met in London when I was in ‪#‎DEEPPURPLE‬ back in the 70’s …when you made friends with Lemmy , you Made friends for life …thru thick & thin.. Thru it all … Lem was someone who told the truth .. No bullshit …he had ‪#‎NOFEAR‬ …the truth will set you free… Bless you lad … You will live forever … & that my friend is the truth … hughesy …???”

More Biker posts by Tim…

Other World…The Right to Opt out. Biker Credos.

I’m Hunter S. Thompson’s Latest Fan. Kingdom of Fear.

Machine Gun Preacher.

New Zealand Christian Motorcyclists Association.

Why Motorcycle helmets are Cool.

Xmas Commercialism and the Police. Profiteering from Death and Mayhem.

Nat’s Orwellian Budget. Bikers pay the price for stupid Laws in more ways than $$$

Tim Wikiriwhi’s submission to New Zealand ACC re: Motorcycle levies.

Read Ozzy’s Tribute to his mate…

Ozzy Osbourne Remembers Lemmy: ‘He Was My Hero’

” To look at Lemmy, you’d never think he was as educated as he was. People look at the music we do and the way we look, and they go, “Oh, this bunch is a bunch of yobbos. They don’t know what they’re doing. They’re bad people.” But it’s not true. Lemmy looks like an old biker, but he was so well read. He was very up on a lot of things. He was a very clever guy. On his bus on the first tour, he had a plaid suitcase and all he had in there was a pair of knickers and a pair of socks, and the rest was books. When he stayed with us, he’d stay in the library for three days, reading fucking books. And if I got up to go to the bathroom in the middle of the night, he’d still be reading. And I’d go, “Why don’t you sleep?”

He was a serious friend to us. He was very loyal. And if he had something to say to you, he wouldn’t mince about it. He wouldn’t yell at you. He’d just say, “That pissed me off.” That was very rare. I don’t think he said that to me, but he was just everybody’s friend.”
I’ll miss him so much. We all will. There’s a big hole in the music industry as far as I’m concerned.

He was a character. There ain’t many characters in music today. I mean, you’ve got Miley Cyrus, OK, but there’s not many characters in the game anymore. But he was definitely a character. An original. He lived the lifestyle. Sex, drugs and rock & roll, that was Lemmy.

You know what? There goes a hero for me. He was my hero. He was fucking great, a good friend. I’m missing him already. I’ll never forget him. I don’t think a lot of people will forget Lemmy. He’ll be so missed in my camp. He was a good guy, a good man, a good friend of mine. He was just a fucking great dude, man. Not enough time for him.

God bless you, Lemmy. I’m so honored to have you a part of my life.”

Falling to Pieces …. Thank’s for the music Scott Weiland

RIP Scotty

Now I am going to say some things that will upset some folk… yet It must be said… It keeps getting swept under the carpet… so that the party can carry on.

Though an indisputable Icon of Grunge, Scott was a tragically lost soul…. a Train wreak of a person.

Scott was the same age as me… 48.
His music is an essential part of the soundtrack of my life, yet his death… like so many others is a testament to the fact that he was a follower of unbelievably disastrous values, and yet sadly millions of other lost souls worship these Musical loose wheels… and dance their way down the road to destruction.

Satan laughing spreads his wings.

Rolling Stone Article: Scott Weiland: A Photo History of His Wild Life

Scott Weiland’s tragic story is but one track on a stuck record that keeps repeating…

We could talk about Alice in Chains frontman Layne Stanley, or the miserable fate of Kurt Corbain.> April 5 Sux.

Next week I’ll be going to AC DC… yet sadly Bon Scott wont be singing… he’s on that Highway to hell.


It does not have to end like this!!!!
On a much more positive note… Many Rockers survive long enough to wake up from their Drunken stupor and see the light.
Alice Cooper… Alice Cooper Goes to Hell. Nek Minnit!

Deep Purples Glenn Hughes > Rock legend and good guy Glenn Hughes pays his respects at Ronnie James Dio 4th year memorial.

Korn’s Brian Welch > Brian Welch: From Korn to Jesus

Ex Metallica/ Megadeth’s Dave Mustiane > Megadeths Dave Mustaine is a Christian.

Wasp’s Blackie Lawless > I came not to bring peace, but a sword

and many more.

I know what I’m talking about because *I was a lost soul on that road myself*
Read my story > Jimi vs Jesus.


Wake up my friends!
Love music by all means, yet you will not discover the road that leads to life until you free yourselves from your foolish prejudices which keep your minds closed to the truth.

Beware that love of the Darkness… you think you are free… when you are in fact slaves.

> Nyctophilia: Hiding in the Dark….

What about Jim Morrison, Janis Joplin, Jimi Hendrix,John Bonham, Keith Moon,Brian Jones, or Amy Winehouse?
Rehab could not save her.
The list is endless.
How long will Miley Cyrus last?

Scott Weiland LA 1994.

Many of you now are parents… how can you raise your kids yet leave them without direction… without hope?
You cast them out into open waters without a compass.

It does not have to be that way.
Seek and ye shall find!
Dont be fools unto the end.
Teach your Kids the lessons of the Survivors!
Those great and fortunate souls who realised in time that even being among the God’s of Rock is nothing but death without Jesus Christ.

The Bible is wonderfully true to those who learn the Truth in time…. terribly true who learn it too late.

My Testimony > Do you believe you have the Perfect Word of God? Theism vs Humanistic Rationalism. Seeing The Light! My Testimony.

It is my hearts desire to help anyone who seeks answers to their questions… to their perceived critisisms of the Bible, yet only a truly open mind and heart is fit to receive the truth.
Closed minds and hard hearts are beyond reach.

To anyone disturbed by the carnage of Rock and Roll, and it’s effects on their youths… Seek!

“And ye shall know the truth, and the truth shall make you free”.
Jesus Christ. John 8vs 32.

more from me>>> Hell is for the Self Righteous, Heaven is for Sinners.

light in the dark

End note: Of course raising your children with biblical faith does not guarantee they wont wander off out into the world… yet even so they will have that lighthouse back in the distance…
They may have to learn what the lost world is like the hard way… yet like Blackie Lawless… they can return home.

Tim Wikiriwhi
Music lover.

Scott Weiland’s ex-wife has penned a candid, poignant essay on the deceased Stone Temple Pilots singer on behalf of his two children

Update: Rolling stone article > Scott Weiland’s Family: ‘Don’t Glorify This Tragedy’

“December 3rd, 2015 is not the day Scott Weiland died. It is the official day the public will use to mourn him, and it was the last day he could be propped up in front of a microphone for the financial benefit or enjoyment of others. The outpouring of condolences and prayers offered to our children, Noah and Lucy, has been overwhelming, appreciated and even comforting. But the truth is, like so many other kids, they lost their father years ago. What they truly lost on December 3rd was hope.”

Read more:
Follow us: @rollingstone on Twitter | RollingStone on Facebook

BLACK SABBATH’s GEEZER BUTLER: ‘I Always Felt That God And Jesus Wanted Us To Love Each Other’: Blabbermouth. net


“In a brand new interview with The Weeklings, BLACK SABBATH bassist Geezer Butler was asked if he got any backlash over SABBATH singing a message of repentance and God being the only way to love on the “Master Of Reality” album.

“No,” he responded. “People always like to find the ‘evil’ in the music, so they’d quote the ‘pope on a rope’ part out of context, as usual. People like to find negative in everything. We weren’t interested in writing songs about the ‘nice’ things in the world; everyone else was writing about that. We wanted to inject some reality into music. I think if we’d been called WHITE SUNDAY we’d have had a totally different reaction.

Butler also talked about his thought process behind writing the lyrics to the SABBATH song “After Forever”, which some historians have called the first real Christian rock song.

“A lot of it was because of the situation in Northern Ireland at the time,” he explained. “There were a lot of religious troubles between the Protestants against the Catholics.

“I was brought up strictly Catholic and I guess I was naïve in thinking that religion shouldn’t be fought over. I always felt that God and Jesus wanted us to love each other.”

He continued: “It was just a bad time in Northern Ireland, setting bombs off in England and such. We all believed in Jesus — and yet people were killing each other over it. To me, it was just ridiculous. I thought that if God could see us killing each other in his name, he’d be disgusted.”


meeeeoct 13

Me at the 2013 Black Sabbath concert. Auckland. New Zealand.
More posts from me….

Hell is for the Self Righteous, Heaven is for Sinners.

Brian Welch: From Korn to Jesus

Rock legend and good guy Glenn Hughes pays his respects at Ronnie James Dio 4th year memorial.

Alice Cooper Goes to Hell. Nek Minnit!

Alice Cooper; ‘My life is dedicated to follow Christ’

Megadeths Dave Mustaine is a Christian.

Is God Dead? Black Sabbath.

Standing on the Edge of the Abyss? Jesus Saves!


Come to the end of your endurance? ^^^^ MUST WATCH!

Read more >>> Car Crash.

Hell is for the Self Righteous, Heaven is for Sinners.

>>> My Story <<<

I’m Hunter S. Thompson’s Latest Fan. Kingdom of Fear.

Hunter S Thompson.

Knowing my tastes and ‘Fringe opinions’, a friend of mine insisted I read a Book by Hunter S. Thompson…. Kingdom of fear.
He knew that I would like Him…. and he was Right!


It’s an amusing autobiography about a truly interesting American
Radical Journalist, Biker, Hedonistic Drug Aficionado, Hunters writings are a mixture of Raw Truth, Insanity, and Libertarianism… A Critic of the death of American Freedom…. the slide towards absolute slavery and conformity.
He talks about how the War on Drugs and conscription for Vietnam ‘Criminalised a Generation’.
He hit the Big time after writing a book about the Hells Angels.


Many people may not have herd of Hunter, yet will be familiar with the Whack movie ‘Fear and Loathing in Las Vegas baced upon Hunter’s alter ego ‘Raoul Duke’.


^^^Must watch that Video.

Dangerous Minds posted a list of Hunter’s Daily Drug intake…

Hunter S. Thompson once said:

I hate to advocate drugs, alcohol, violence, or insanity to anyone, but they’ve always worked for me.

If E. Jean Carroll’s biography Hunter: The Strange and Savage Life of Hunter S. Thompson is to be believed, then drink and drugs certainly did work for HST. Carroll begins her memoir with a list of Hunter’s daily intake of drink and drugs:

I have heard the biographers of Harry S. Truman, Catherine the Great, etc., etc., say they would give anything if their subjects were alive so they could ask them some questions. I, on the other hand, would give anything if my subject were dead.

He should be. Oh, yes. Look at his daily routine:

3:00 p.m. rise

3:05 Chivas Regal with the morning papers, Dunhills

3:45 cocaine

3:50 another glass of Chivas, Dunhill

4:05 first cup of coffee, Dunhill

4:15 cocaine

4:16 orange juice, Dunhill

4:30 cocaine

4:54 cocaine

5:05 cocaine

5:11 coffee, Dunhills

5:30 more ice in the Chivas

5:45 cocaine, etc., etc.

6:00 grass to take the edge off the day

7:05 Woody Creek Tavern for lunch-Heineken, two margaritas, coleslaw, a taco salad, a double order of fried onion rings, carrot cake, ice cream, a bean fritter, Dunhills, another Heineken, cocaine, and for the ride home, a snow cone (a glass of shredded ice over which is poured three or four jig­gers of Chivas.)

9:00 starts snorting cocaine seriously

10:00 drops acid

11:00 Chartreuse, cocaine, grass

11:30 cocaine, etc, etc.

12:00 midnight, Hunter S. Thompson is ready to write

12:05-6:00 a.m. Chartreuse, cocaine, grass, Chivas, coffee, Heineken, clove cigarettes, grapefruit, Dunhills, orange juice, gin, continuous pornographic movies.

6:00 the hot tub-champagne, Dove Bars, fettuccine Alfredo

8:00 Halcyon

8:20 sleep

Impressive. But as Hunter also said:

Anything worth doing, is worth doing right.

And who can argue with that?


Wikipedia says… Thompson died at Owl Farm, his “fortified compound” in Woody Creek, Colorado, at 5:42 p.m. on February 20, 2005, from a self-inflicted gunshot wound to the head. His son Juan, daughter-in-law Jennifer, and grandson Will were visiting for the weekend. Will and Jennifer were in the next room when they heard the gunshot, but they mistook the sound for a book falling and didn’t check on him immediately.

I look forward to reading his first book on the Hells Angels, my friend said I can have it when I return Kingdom of Fear.
I intend to do a Blogpost on Kingdom of fear when I’ve finished.

Tim Wikiriwhi



Kings and Convicts (Part 3) Korotangi Paki’s Thug life, and road to redemption.

thugs and chaos

Because my 2nd post on this subject was so long.
I decided to chop it in half and make a 3rd post.

When I speak of ‘Redemption’, I am referring to becoming a civilised and respectful member of society with something good to contribute, rather than Spiritual salvation from the Ultimate Judgement of God.
It is very true to say that Criminal reform often follows in the wake of true Chistian conversion and faith…. Christianity being describe as ‘that most potent of moral antiseptics’ by the father of sociology, Herbert Spencer, and it is also true to say that Christianity was the major civilising influence for Cannibalistic and Savage Maori culture when the English Protestant ‘Mechanic Missionaries’ first landed in Aotearoa before this country became a British Colony… at the request of the Confederation of Maori Chiefs, whom feared conquest by the French.
The influence of the Christian missionaries is evident in their petition to King William.


1831 Māori petition the British government

The civilising influences of Christianity aside, what follows is not about *how and why* a criminal might seek to reform, but that reform is possible, and that criminals can become valuable members of civil society.

Part One >>>Here<<< Part Two >>>Here<<< Part three is below. ****************************************************

It has been a very bad week in the press for the Taunui Monarchy, with growing reports of more misbehaviour from the second son, including Racist ranting, and connections with the Mongrel mob, and we have herd that he was involved in a serious car crash a few years back… and yet was not convicted for that either.

I don’t think it is fair to assume the Kings son’s offending is a consequence of poor parenting, or positive proof the Monarch never bothered to try and instil healthy values in his son… it may indeed be the case.
It is certainly true in many Maori households.
Maybe the King is indeed a Bad Parent, yet it is just as likely that his sons bad behaviour has more to do with his misfit peers with whom he hangs out, than his upbringing.
Sadly many youths of our day… and a very high percentage of Maori youth embrace a delinquent lifestyle as it is a part of a Hollywood Glamorised Rebellious youth culture, and deeper still it has a lot to do with the Nihilism of our ‘age of Atheism’… on top of learning unhealthy values at home, and having Bad Role models.
The Thug life.

Korotangi Paki’s offending, and shameful behaviour no doubt springs from a combination of these things … The actions of a lost young soul who thinks that Lawlessness is cool, and struggles to find anything worth while in life.

I can relate to that. .. yet despite any of these circumstances …. and many others, Youths need to appreciate the fact that as they have become self responsible adults , that excuses for sloth, or bad behaviour simply don’t cut it…. and they must assume full responsibility for their lives and actions.
They must learn healthy values and to respect the rights and property of others.

I cant help but wonder if he had been convicted for his earlier offence , that that ‘reality pill’ could have helped him to appreciate that his High jinx juvenile delinquency comes at a cost.
Is it possible to believe that had he been convicted earlier, that he would not now be dodging punishments for more crimes?
Some kids learn quickly…. Others take decades.

I cant help but think that if I was King Tuheitia, that rather than try and save Korotangi Paki from facing the full legal consequences of his actions, the best thing that could happen to this young rebel is that he receives a conviction for these charges of Burglary and Drinking and driving, and that he is made to pay a fine, and do Periodic detention … to teach him that he is not above the law and that should he continue down this path of criminality, that he will suffer the consequences.

As for grooming the boy for the throne, i cant think of someone being less fit to rule over the tribe, than a person whom via experience has been taught that they are above the law and that the system can be manipulated!

What ought to matter to the King is not that his boy remains free from criminal conviction, but that he *Reforms his ways* Learns the lesson that Crime is not cool, or excusable, and that he grows in Character and virtue.
And being convicted for his crimes is in reality most likely to be a valuable lesson.
Some of us only learn the hard way.

If I was the king I would be very worried about the path my boy was taking, yet I would never say that my boy could *Never succeed me* if he ever received a criminal conviction…. on the contrary I would make it clear that he still has reason to hope if he ‘mans up’ and straightens up his life, and proves himself to have learned from his mistakes, and become a Man of virtue.

Indeed such a reformed person can become a very good leader of men, and a good example.
They can be better communicators to troubled youths, because they can empathise with them… and understand how their mind ticks.
They can use their personal insights … and speak from personal experience.
The reality is Maori don’t need more Pompous frauds whom are experts at ‘playing Maori’.
They do need leaders whom can guide them towards better values and ethics which are essential for Maori to learn if they are to climb out of the Dire social statistics which has resulted …. not from European colonisation, but from of an ethical crisis.


Korotangi Paki’s crimes and shameful behaviour stems from a lack of personal ethics and self responsibility…. not because he is a member of a persecuted racial minority.
The good news is that because this is so, It means the solution to his problems are not beyond his control, but are completely within his power to overcome.
It is simply a matter of him admitting to himself that he has taken a wrong path, and finding the will … the desire to become a better man.

He needs to walk away from any associates who are hell bent on Chaos and destruction, and to find new friends whom are also trying to make the most of life via virtue .
It is not an easy thing to achieve, but it is do-able.
The alternative is to travel further down the path that leads to destruction.
If the king does not give his son any hope that he can work his way out of this mess, and back into favour, that could be a burden too much to bear, and could be the factor which drives his son to destruction.
A Father’s Blessing or curse weighs a great deal upon a son, and when the boy is down… they need their fathers support to help get themselves out of the hole.
Yet the loving parent must never ‘Baby’ them… that’s not helping… that’s perpetuating the problem.

Thus I dare to challenge the common notion that convicted criminals cant make good leaders or examples.
I say that Reformed Criminals can be Great leaders and become inspirational examples to be emulated by others.

It is in reality up to Korotangi Paki what sort of Man he will eventually become… which course he chooses to navigate….
Life is not Static, nor are we slaves of circumstances, or of our genes.
As Freewill moral agents we are at all times making moral judgements, and expressing our Values.
We can learn from our mistakes and become better people, as long as we take ownership and responsibility for our actions.

I know these things from personal experience.

The return of the wayward (Prodigal) Son from the wilderness of the ungodly world.

>>>>>*If*<<<<< Korotangi Paki snaps out of his current folly, and begins to prove himself to be a Better, more mature person... I dont see any reason why after 7 years of truly self responsible behaviour that he should not be given a clean slate, considered to be a potential leader of the Tainui people... To er is Human, to forgive is divine. Tim Wikiriwhi.

The Speed of Hypocrisy: How America got hooked on Legal Meth. Motherboard.


A terrible number of words have been written about Breaking Bad, yet none have struck upon the irony at its core. For all of the cult hit’s vaunted fine-brush realism and sly cultural references, the show never even winked at the real world “blue” that grew up alongside it.

During the five years Heisenberg spent as a blue-meth cook, the nation experienced a nonfictional explosion in the manufacture and sale of sapphire pills and azure capsules containing amphetamine. This other “blue,” known by its trade names Adderall and Vyvanse, found its biggest market in classrooms like Walter White’s. As this blue speed is made and sold in anodyne corporate environments, the drama understandably focused on blue meth and its buyers, usually depicted as jittery tweakers picking at lesions and wearing rags on loan from the cannibal gangs of Cormac McCarthy’s The Road.

For presenting such a compelling one-sided cartoon of speed in America, Breaking Bad deserves recognition as a modern day Reefer Madness. That 1937 film immortalized the selective attentions of the first drug war, in which hysteria was stoked over Mexican marijuana but nothing was said about that era’s brisk drugstore trade in Benzedrine, the patented speed of the Great Depression.

american_horror_story__asylum_by_apetrie74-d5loi6o (1)

To understand why the “edgy” AMC drama fits so snug in the Reefer Madness mold, it helps to see the show from the perspective of pharmaceutical executives, whom I suspect held some rowdy Breaking Bad viewing parties.

Because here’s the thing about hide-the-children caricatures of street speed and the class stigmas they weave: Without them, the needle starts to skip on pharma’s marketing lullabies about the safety and expanding therapeutic application of their purer product. Take away Goofus and Gallant-style contrasts between backwoods Crank Zombies and suburban Adderall Aspirationals, and suddenly we’re having some very awkward conversations about the periodic table, addiction, and the experience of getting high.

Aside from some foul cutting material, Winnebago methamphetamine and pharmaceutical amphetamine are kissing chemical cousins. The difference between them boils down to one methyl-group molecule that lets crank race a little faster across the blood-brain barrier and kick just a little harder. After that, meth breaks down fast into good old dextroamphetamine, the dominant salt in America’s leading ADHD drug and cram-study aid, Adderall…

Read more >>>Here<<< And Here>>>> Forbes: Everything You’ve Heard About Crack And Meth Is Wrong

I have no doubt that with the process of time that all the Hype about synthetic cannabis will also be exposed as just another Prohibitionist witch craze…. as suggested here >>> NZ Research finds Synthetic Cannabis Low Risk. The Star Trust.


The common thread of Drug Prohibition has been lies and Politicised Pseudo-science inciting a public Hysteria for the express purpose of justifying the State usurping tyrannical powers in complete disregard for Rights and liberties… in the name of ‘Safety and social order’.
Socialists have convinced the Clean shaven Perfumed masses of arrogant vicious little dipshits that Pragmatism trumps just Ideals… that it’s Ok for the State to trample those whom dont share their tastes and phobias underfoot.

Even though their interventions are Catastrophic… The Liars and the Fools delude themselves that the alternative…. Liberty and an end to the War… would result in something much worse.
Western Social Democracy is a Lunatic asylum… run by sadistic psychopaths whom cloak their criminality in the garb of ‘Sisters of mercy’… and ‘Doctors.’…. they will cut the devil out of you! Their noble Ends justify their Depraved means.
(Hence my choice of ‘American Horror story’ Artwork for this Blogpost 🙂 )
What is beyond insane is that the same legions of Zombies whom are happy for the State to persecute Meth dealers and users will happily allow major corporations to manufacture truckloads of the very same products and to gobble them down via Doctors prescriptions!
The very height of self delusion and hypocrisy.
Tim Wikiriwhi.
