Category Archives: Narcissism

FcakeBook Transgender Prejudice Not Funny.

If there is ever a real alternative to Facebook where free-speech and equal rights for all prevails… I’m dumping facebook and heading there!
This is just a quick protest blog to highlight a clear case of Prejudice by Facebook whereby I was blocked from Posting, replying/communication for three days all because some Transgender did not like a joke I made on a Mushroom ID page!

For the record my Joke was thus…. On this Mushroom ID Page someone posted a pic of a Puffball and said that when they took the picture it ‘Poofed’ in their face.
They said “I hope the spores are not toxic and asked for an ID.

That is when I joked…. “It’s the deadly ‘Poof Face Fungus’ and that it turns it’s victims transgender!” šŸ™‚

That was it.
The joke was silly… like jokes are yet it is clear that this person went out of their way to complain to facebook to get me ‘punished’… and that says a lot about how these Social Justice Warriors operate.
And FaKebook enables these types… so obviously Facebook has a clear prejudice…. Lefty Liberal AF! no surprise there!
Now my joke contained no profanities, and was getting laughs, yet even when I was about to hit ‘post’ I wondered how long it would be before some Purple Haired ‘Hero’ would complain… yet I hit send anyway… because it was after all just a joke… and it fitted the post… and to my way of thinking *Equal Rights and Liberties* means that we ought to be allowed to tell jokes about Transgenders as much as we tell them about any other demographic… such as jokes about Men, Woman, Bikers, Engineers, etc etc.
*That is what equality is about*
Yet what This Nasty little Queer expects… and what facebook clearly has an agenda for is not equality… But Prejudice in favour of Transgenders… against the rest of us!
Esp against anyone who disagree with the Transgender movement.

What sort of tyrannical world are these types trying to create by outlawing Jokes, humor, satire, ????
Of Course we know its open season on White males!
Many Famous comedians are aware of how dangerous and corrosive this Politically Correct attitude is against a free society.

^ It. I cant use its ‘preferred pronoun’ as who knows what ‘it’ is? You certainly cannot ‘assume their Gender’… so what do you do????

For the record while I do subscribe to the perfectly legitimate school of thought backed up by plenty of psychologists that Transgender-ism is both a Moral and mental health issue, as a Libertarian and christian, I do not hate them or wish them ill… though of course every time they get someone banned/ thrown off Facebook or anywhere else they do their demographic no favours but ferment animosity towards themselves.

I could not respond to my friends posts on important issues.
I could not respond to comments on my own posts.
I could not wish my friends ‘Happy birthday’.
I could not send prayers and positive vibs to sick children!
All because some little puffball could not take a joke!
These types are not satisfied with simply scrolling past… or even starting a debate… or even blocking you from their sight… no… they are hellbent on using any means at their disposal to *F@&# you up!
They want freedom for themselves and their Bigotry but hate Freedom for everyone else who disagrees with them.

And what is scary is that though I understand perfectly that as a private company Facebook has the right to set its own values and rules… that it clearly does not act fairly, or value Free-speech within reasonable Moderation!
It’s scary because Facebook dominates in the Global social media business and so has the ability to seriously handicap any persons internet life should Facebook decide to shut them down.

I investigated their ‘blocking system’ and it stated *There is no way to undo their Block!*… so there is no appeal against injustice!
They threaten you that if you get blocked several times your account may get closed down!

Again I dont have a problem with blatantly abusive and psychotic people being thrown out… yet I do see that The treat hangs over any Libertarian or christian, or anyone who may seek to tell jokes… or create satire about the Political agenda’s and Pet demographics of the Lefty Liberals running facebook.

I wrote a complaint about how I believe I was unjustly targeted by a malevolent political operator and that facebook functioned with prejudice… yet i wont hold my breath about facebook suddenly gaining a conscience and correcting their bias.

If there was some alternative of quality where better judgement by moderators was out there… I would Leave Facebook and go there, and I am sure there are millions of people who would do the same.
Surely there is some Geeks out there who want to get rich and can come up with decent competition to facebook????
Facebooks own behavior is generating an opportunity for competition via it’s unfairness and dissatisfaction.
Facebook is actually enabling Nasty Pettiness to prevail… instead of saying *Harden up Cupcakes*!

And a word of advise… If some purple hair SJW jumps on one of your posts to cry ‘oppression’ immediately go to their profile and hit *Block*.
That way if you are fast enough you have cut them out of your life *before* the dob you into the Gestapo.
If only I had done this myself, I would probably have saved myself from being thrown in FB Jail.

Peace out.

Tim Wikiriwhi
Libertarian christian.

P.S If I disappear off Facebook it is because they have assassinated me.

Update…. The following appeared on my page 8-12-17

Calling Men ‘Scum’ or ‘Trash’ Is Now Hate Speech
“Facebook jailing” over mild insults shows how far “hate speech” policing has creepedā€”and the folly of actual laws against it

Read more here

My Comment:
As a Man this does not impress me at all!
Facebook is out of control!
People should be allowed to express their opinions or else facebook becomes some sort of Prison.
This is not moderation… its treating adults like children.
This Is Politically Correct Tyranny.
I dont want to be shielded from hearing what people really think… and anyone who agrees with this cannot complain if they get ‘punished’ for speaking their own mind.
I myself got pinged for a lamo joke I made… If this carries on Facebook will be *only what facebook likes*… it wont be your social network anymore.

More from Tim….

Transgender syndrome: Feminismā€™s Satanic Plot and the slide towards Armageddon.

David Bowieā€¦ stepping through the doorā€¦ Fags, Fanatics,Freedom and Fate.

Babes and Ball Crushers.

Feminism, Lisa Lewis, and the death of romance.

Geoffrey Palmer and the Rape Culture of Socialist Government. Teaching Liberals the Principle of Consent

The War is overā€¦Neo-Feminism is a Joke.

Heart Ripped out. This ones for all the Dying Dads ā€¦ and the Survivors.

Police Sexist bias exposed by failure to prosecute Lefty Dildo thrower.

Update: 12-11-17… Here is another example that happened on a group I belong to…. After the Admins immediately deleted my post too… I quit the group… Losers.

Tim Wikiriwhi writes….

Hey Guys…. and Admin (Please let this post be discussed).
I would like to talk about a trend that is growing on Facebook, and that I just witnessed happen here on this page.
A person posted an about a famous pornstar and that she had aids… which was probably Fake news and a malicious rumor being spread on the net.
And My comment was that it is nasty to falsely defame people like that.
Next thing I see another member here (who I wont mention ) saying they were going to report the poster and called Admin to remove it.

Now this is becoming an all too common reaction by people to Facebook posts that they disprove of and it is turning facebook into a petty minded hell!

Even though I think the post was not accurate, and probably written by a bigoted hater designed to cause pain, there is no reason to assume the person who posted it here was intentionally part of the smear campaign and it is far more likely they posted it here either because they believed it was interesting (Dark) news or to get other peoples opinion about it.
It was almost immediately erased, even though it had generated an interesting discussion about whether or not people should share such rumors …. and so even though the post itself was dodgy… It added value by the discussion, and in my opinion the post should have been allowed to stand even just for the sake of the Rebuttals that were being added in the comments… and for the value of the discussion.

Yet now all that value has disappeared, and another facebook user has imposed their (Popular) view by force upon another unpopular view/question.

Having witnessed this, I immediately went to the person who called for the admin to jump on this post and Blocked them from reading my stuff, as i have been targeted by such people in the past for expressing view they did not like and I was banned for 3 days… which was a big pain in the arse… and facebook says that if you get too many complaints against you… they will close your page!
Talk about a malicious way to shut down people you disagree with!
So I do not want to run the risk that this same person will try and get my posts deleted, or even try and get me kicked off facebook… so I blocked them… for my own safety…. nor do I wish to associate with such intolerant people.

So at the end of the day This post is a call for people not to be so quick to call in the hounds on others even though you may disagree with what they have posted… If you Facebook to be a cool place where controversial things can be discussed.

If you dont like a Post, or a Joke, etc then you are free to make a critisism, or to simply scroll past… yet for goodness sake refrain from calling for peoples posts to get deleted, or for then to be throw out of a group… or to be ‘Officially’ jailed by facebook.
Think about the sort of person you are… a freedom lover… or a Bigot who only thinks their own opinions ought to be allowed to be discussed?
If freedom Prevails so too is the truth most likely to prevail.
If Censorship prevails and only The Popular Politically Correct views are allowed to stand… that is how Great popular delusions are maintained… progress is halted… and you have created a tyranny.

Below is a blog post I wrote yesterday about my experience of being ‘complained about’ because of a trivial joke I made…

Tripping Over Pebbles Laid Down For Catching Out The Wicked.. #1 Onanism and the Infidel.


The Meme Below was posted by an Atheist named ‘Christopher’ to a Facebook group I belong to, and because it really is definitive of the Level upon which Atheism/ infidelity in general functions I feel my response is worthy of being Blogged… esp because these topics keep popping up time and time again… so like a Cake I have prepared earlier for the Cooking show… I like to have my enlargements ready for when they are needed… and blog posts work best for this.
2017 resolution: I am going to put more effort into Blogging this stuff… even if they are just a single paragraph.


Tim Wikiriwhi to Christopher….

Christopher is King of tripping over pebbles… Its his thing… He enjoys it.
He cannot understand that these pebbles exist for the sake of giving the ‘Christophers’ of the world something to to reveal their inner nature…. a hell bent need to come up with ‘Rationalisations’ to stand in accusation of the Christian God…. so that they can tell themselves their rebellion is some sort of ‘wise and principled stand’…. (even though Atheism renders every act of humanity Nill… neither good or evil).
So God as Luke correctly states… God is God… and He sets the standards for what is right and wrong… *not the Christophers of this world* (who in fact have Zero as their standard)…. and he (God Almighty) in this special case is seen exercising his Sovereignty… and its this Sovereignty… this Right to Judge… that Christopher hates the most about the Judeo-Christian God.
Thus Stated: God Judges *All Sin*.
Onan Sinned.
God Judged him.
The End.

Now for 5 cents let me add that I myself practice ‘Onanism’ as a form of Birth control *all the time*… yet By Gods Grace I am still here… Which Proves that God Sovereignty *also* includes his Divine right to be merciful and show grace…. yet of course ‘The Christophers’ of this world are not interested in hearing about *The Gracious God*… as that does not feed their childish Hate and rebellion…

Tim Wikiriwhi.

Good reasons why I’m not voting to keep the flag


My late father was a good keen outdoorsman. He loved sailing and hiking but back in the early ’70s we lived in the Midlands in the heart of England, a long way from bodies of water bigger than puddles and mountain peaks worth climbing.

Also my father worked in the British motor industry and in the early ’70s he could see that the industry was starting to tank. So he and my mother decided that the family would emigrate to somewhere with bigger wilderness and better job prospects. IIRC, the options were the U.S, Canada, Australia, or New Zealand. Fortunately, my mother vetoed the U.S., otherwise we might have ended up in Detroit. We emigrated to New Zealand in 1975 and settled in Wellington.

I’m glad that we did. I still have a bond with the mother country but I’m a Kiwi now. I spent my childhood in England but grew up in Godzone. When I became an adult I also became a NZ citizen. So to cut a long story short, what I’m getting around to saying is that because of my background I’m personally rather fond of the current NZ flag. It consists of the Union Jack which represents the land of my birth and the Southern Cross which represents my adopted homeland. But I’m not voting to keep it. Why not?

Now don’t get me wrong. I’m not voting to change to the John Key tea towel design either. I’m not voting in the second flag referendum and I didn’t vote in the first. Why not?

Firstly, because my vote won’t make a difference. The current flag is winning in all the recent opinion polls by a clear margin. Twice as many people are against change as are for it. I’m calling the result of the second flag referendum now. No change.


Secondly, because no one can change my flag. I don’t have a flag! I don’t want a flag, but if did I could have any flag I wanted and stick it on a pole and fly it. Many Kiwis already fly the unofficial New Zealand flag, the silver fern. Good on them. Go the All Blacks! No worries.


Thirdly, because the entire debate is pure political distraction and engaging in it is exactly what Key wants. As Martyn Bradbury concludes

We have 99 problems in NZ ā€“ a fucking flag isnā€™t one of them.

Voting only encourages these arseholes.


Fourthly, because the entire flag referendum process is a needless waste of money which would be better spent elsewhere and I refuse to sanction it by voting. Flag this irrelevant debate and spend $26m on hungry kids. Is what the government would have better done instead.

Fifthly, because a state-initiated binding referendum is a slap in the face to the hundreds of thousands of Kiwis who’ve signed petitions to get non-binding citizens-initiated referendums on things that actually matter, such as reducing the number of MPs in Parliament, not reducing the number of firefighters in the New Zealand fire service, not being criminalised for smacking their children, and so on. All to no avail.


Sixthly, because I’m the founder and co-leader of Not A Party and it is incumbent on me to set a good example. šŸ™‚


Seventhly, because how the gang that runs New Zealand chooses to brand the monopoly on violence it claims and maintains over the country’s territorial area is none of my business.


Eighthly, because when all is said and done it’s just a coloured rectangular piece of cloth and so not worth fighting over.


What can we do? Socialism’s Tungsten shell, and the refugee crisis

Kiwis pledging to open their homes to Refugees>>>Here<<< Please Help the Red Cross!>>>> Check this out <<<< *********************************************************************************** 2BEDD97800000578-3220746-Grief_Reacting_to_the_tragedy_social_media_users_have_created_mo-a-19_1441288665287

Today, I am ashamed to be a New Zealander…. thank’s for that John Key.
Not even the image of children washing up on beaches is enough to crack the Tungsten shell around some peoples hearts, and move them to ignore their selfish fears for the sake of innocent lives.

I admit that regarding the fact that New Zealand ought to open it’s doors to some portion of the flood of Syrian Refugees displaced by war, and atrocities our ‘great shepherd’ running this Socialist sheep station is in a tuff position.

Not only would opening our door run a high risk of allowing dangerous terrorists to creep in and reek monumental evils here… not only would a large influx of Muslims have dire consequences for the future of our democracy, a simplistic *socialist* view of economics is that we ourselves are already struggling to maintain 1st world standards of living… with mounting debts.
Are not our own growing numbers of poor and needy more than sufficient?
… after all ought not charity to begin at home?
Only a fool will not properly weigh these factors.

Still I say most of these problems above are generated by the Sheepish philosophies which underpin our crappy socialist islands.
Fear trumps reason.
Our rising debts, and levels of poverty may be squarely be laid at the feet of our Inept Political helmsmen of recent generations… whose medlings not only hobble our industries, heap up tax burdens, and reward sloth and political shystery, they also pander to a nasty and callous xenophobia which simply wants to ‘blame Great Satan America’ and change the TV channel when confronted with such horrific images.
Thus every one who has voted for this type of welfare state must bear some of the burden for John Keys decisions.

Photo Daily Mail

Not I! This blog post is written as the beginning of my personal effort to move our parliament into getting at least 10 000 of these Syrian Refugees over the great divide… and into our homes.

*Hang on Tim! Are you not being a hypocrite here?
How can you… as a Libertarian join the chorus for extending welfare to foreigners, when you have spent years condemning welfare for our own”?

It’s simple…. I’m not asking for more welfare-ism.
I’m asking to be allowed to extend a charitable hand… you see welfare is not charity… it’s anti-charity… it’s Heartless … Stone cold.
While shallow minds see welfare as helping the poor… they dont see that it first generates poverty.
Shallow minds believe welfare is humanitarian… yet it allows them to sear their consciences to the desperate outside our gates.

*Hang on Tim* I’ve read Ayn Rand… Libertarians actually think selfishness is a virtue!
What have you to say to that!

Only that Ayn Rand is not a Libertarian but a stain on our good name, and has done more to undermine our movement than any socialist argument ever could.
Regrettably she has attracted the worst types of haters and narcissists into this honorable movement, and caused our name to stink.

Libertarianism is in reality the last vanguard for true charity against the corrosive actions of Nanny State, which atrophies the Spirit of charity and self reliance.

It has become commonplace in Western socialist democracies like ours to pass laws against voluntary charities helping, housing, and feeding the homeless.

How many more Children have drowned while I sit in my comfortable chair typing this?

*Hang on Tim* lets say we allow you… and those whom think like you to transport some of these Syrians here, and let them live in your house…. what about the strain of our hospitals… what sort of conditions will they endure under your roof?
And of course if you put them to work cooking and cleaning… they must get minimum wages and conditions!

*I say* just look at those challenges you present, and how every one of them is a *socialist anti-charity construct*… obstacles getting in the way of compassionate people willing to make sacrifices for the sake of their fellow man.

These are daunting objections… like a row of neighbors preventing me from helping out… and I despise them all for it.

I say just let us help!
I say there ought to be enough volunteers in this country to surmount these sorts of troubles

To those of you who really care…. let’s rise up and at least try and save some!

My rave above is written in the hope that by exposing the evils and fears which are preventing New Zealand accepting more refugees… I can stimulate stronger convictions and bravery to overcome them… and ultimately… lets get rid of our Welfare state… for Justice, and the children’s sake.

Tim Wikiriwhi
Christian Libertarian.


The Statue of Liberty stands in judgement!

Western Nations like America have forsaken freedom and lost their way!


Not like the brazen giant of Greek fame,
With conquering limbs astride from land to land;
Here at our sea-washed, sunset gates shall stand
A mighty woman with a torch, whose flame
Is the imprisoned lightning, and her name
Mother of Exiles. From her beacon-hand
Glows world-wide welcome; her mild eyes command
The air-bridged harbor that twin cities frame.

“Keep, ancient lands, your storied pomp!” cries she
With silent lips. “Give me your tired, your poor,
Your huddled masses yearning to breathe free,
The wretched refuse of your teeming shore.
Send these, the homeless, tempest-tost to me,
I lift my lamp beside the golden door!”


Read more…. The Failure of Objectivist Libertarianism.

Albert J Nock and the Atrophy of Charity and Self-Reliance

Hamilton City Councilā€™s relentless agenda to starve out the homeless.

Real voluntary private Charity vs the evils of welfare and Political force Ruff draft.

Where Haters come from.

The Boston Bombing. Christian Grace and Freedom and the Higher Path.

Credits to Daily mail and Jews News.

Terrorists ginna Terrorise! >>>> ā€˜Just waitā€¦ā€™ Islamic State reveals it has smuggled THOUSANDS of extremists into Europe

Aylan and bro

Family of Syrian boy washed up on beach were trying to reach Canada

A robust demonology


Demonic possession?

Crazy, crazy shit.

ļæ¼No, Richard, your speculation is not a legitimate scientific theory, it is infantile hocus pocus, which is all I’ve come to expect of you.

Infantile hocus pocus because demons do not exist, neither do gods, fairies, Santa’s-little-helpers or harpies. You’ve never seen one, heard one, touched one, smelled one nor tasted one, neither can you provide an iota of rationale that there exists such a spirit in the universe.

What was called “demon possession” by religionists is mental illness. You’re giving a psychiatric condition a superstitious definition. You call that scientific?

You’re talking like a complete nut-case.

I speculate that what is now called “mental illness” by psychiatrists is actually demonic possession. My claim is this, that the demonic possession model of mental illness is more scientific than the psychiatric model of mental illness. Crazy talk? He who has ears to hear, let him hear.

Two of the largest stakeholder groups in the treatment of mental illness are psychiatrists and psychologists. Psychiatrists are doctors with medical degrees who specialise in treating mental illness as opposed to physical illness. (Please excuse the dichotomy.) They get to prescribe powerful psychotropic drugs. Whereas, psychologists are trained in psychology. They know all about human behaviour, both adaptive and maladaptive. But they don’t get to prescribe, so they’ll give you psychotherapy instead of pills.

Let’s take a look at how these two groups characterise one mental illness in particular, viz., addiction.

The American Psychiatric Association is psychiatry’s largest professional body. It publishes the psychiatrist’s bible, the Diagnostic and Statistical Manual of Mental Disorders. The latest edition, the DSM-5, has a section given over to addictions and related disorders. Medscape’s Guide to DSM-5 says

In DSM-5, the DSM-IV criteria substance abuse and substance dependence have been combined into single substance use disorders specific to each substance of abuse within a new “addictions and related disorders” category. Each substance use disorder is divided into mild, moderate, and severe subtypes.

Psychology Today is a magazine published every two months in the United States. Its intent is to make psychology literature more accessible to the general public. It’s a reputable publication. Wikipedia notes

Owned and managed by the American Psychological Association from 1983 to 1987, the publication is currently endorsed by the National Board for Certified Counselors

Here‘s what Psychology Today has to say about addiction.

most addictive behavior is not related to either physical tolerance or exposure to cues. People compulsively use drugs, gamble, or shop nearly always in reaction to being emotionally stressed, whether or not they have a physical addiction. Since these psychologically based addictions are not based on drug or brain effects, they can account for why people frequently switch addictive actions from one drug to a completely different kind of drug, or even to a non-drug behavior. The focus of the addiction isn’t what matters; it’s the need to take action under certain kinds of stress. Treating this kind of addiction requires an understanding of how it works psychologically.

See the problem?

Suppose that I’m an addict. Now suppose that I make an appointment to see a psychiatrist. She’ll tell me that I have several specific mental disorders. Cannabis use disorder, alcohol use disorder, social media use disorder, etc. Next suppose that I make an appointment to see a psychologist. He’ll tell me that the focus of my behaviour isn’t what matters. It’s my need to take maladaptive action under certain kinds of stress that I need to address.

So do I have a mental disorder, several specific mental disorders, or no mental disorder at all? Health professionals can’t agree. There is no consensus. This ain’t climate science! But suppose I’m an addict. I’ll be going back to see the psychologist to help me get my life back on track, not the psychiatrist. (Although she could prescribe me some powerful psychotropic drugs … hmmm.)

The science isn’t settled, but the psychiatric model of mental illness isn’t even science at all. Not least because it gets diagnoses disastrously wrong. Not yet convinced? Well, there’s a much more devastating objection to the psychiatric model of mental illness and that is that the model does a poor job of capturing either clinical or biological realities. Not to put too fine a point on it, it’s bullshit. But if the psychiatric model of mental illness isn’t scientific at all, then the demonic possession model of mental illness is certainly no less scientific than the psychiatric model of mental illness. And to establish my claim that the demonic possession model is more scientific than the psychiatric model all I need to do is show that the demonic possession model is scientific. Well, at least just a little bit sciency. So here goes.

Check your premises, as the devil woman said. Here are two of my background assumptions. (If you don’t like the first one, you can dispense with it later.)

Materialism about the mind. That’s my first background assumption. More specifically, I assume that the human mind is no more and no less than a suite of software running on wetware known colloquially as ā€œbrainsā€. We’re made out of meat. Considered by some to be an axiom of the modern naturalist worldview. Not too controversial. Unless you’re a dualist.

Self-ownership. Self-ownership of body and mind. That’s my second background assumption. Considered by many to be a libertarian axiom. Not too shabby. Not too controversial.

But ownership is right of possession. Possession?

Can you possess yourself? Of course you can. (Vacant possession is for zombies!) Can you possess your mind? Of course you can, you’d be pretty vacant otherwise, right? But wait! You are your mind. How can a suite of software possess itself? It can, and it must, since self-ownership is worthless if self-possession is incoherent. So how and in what sense does the suite of software that is you possess you? I submit that the suite of software that is you possesses your brain (the wetware you run on) merely by dint of running on it. By extension, the suite of software that is you possesses your body (the biomechanical structure that your wetware is directly wired into) by directly controlling it.

Demonic possession?

That’s when an autonomous suite of malicious software that is not you runs on your wetware alongside the suite of software that is you. Consuming some or all of your mental resources and taking control of some or all of your behaviour.

But how do demons originate? Where do they come from? And how do they get to install themselves? How do they get to take up residence in people’s minds? The short answer is self-deception.

The long answer isn’t much longer. Not right now. The demonic possession theory of mental illness is something I’m still working on. But here are some brief thoughts. Self-deception will occur in response to psychological trauma. We dull the pain. We suppress memories. We partition our own minds. Simple cognitive dissonance will cause us to wall off uncomfortable thought processes, and confirmation bias and other cognitive biases cement the bricks. Humans are adept at self-deception. We like to hide from the truth. We lie to ourselves and we believe our own bullshit. And we hide from the fact that we believe our own bullshit. Out of sight, out of mind. But there’s only so much of us that can be hidden away before a dangerous threshold is reached and the occult cognition reaches a critical mass, the reviled software modules start talking to each other and take on life as autonomous inner demons.

Our inner demons are spirits in prisons of our own making. Behind the prison walls they are perpetually face to face with all the horrors that we desperately do not want to see and can no longer see due to our own dread and duplicity. No wonder they seem tormented! Because they are. I surmise that in some cases our inner demons will even spawn their own inner demons, to hide from themselves as we hide from them. But here’s an interesting thing. Some demons, face to face with the truth from which we hide, will try to get the word out. To do that, they have to take control of speech, but you don’t want to hear the unadorned brutal truth about yourself, do you? But you won’t mind hearing it at all if your inner demon persuades you that what you’re about to hear isn’t an entirely accurate but altogether unflattering description of yourself but a damning indictment of someone else instead, will you? Welcome to Capill syndrome, aka projection, a sure diagnostic criterion of demonic possession.

In the story of the Gadarene Swine, when Jesus ordered the demons out of the demon-possessed man, they relocated to a nearby herd of pigs. Then promptly self-destructed. Fast forward two millennia, and instead of suicidal swine we have supermarket trolleys with minds of their own.