I hope my title for this blog post is original… I’ve got a nagging feeling I may have seen another post on X with this title recently… I can’t be sure… and because of that I feel obliged to write this note at the top of my post. If indeed someone else said this first… I appologise for subliminally nicking your goodies… whoever you might be.
There have been some oddball discussions going on X (Twitter) today.
One about evidence for Pre-Maori peoples and government cover ups.
Another on the Moon landings mocking people who think that was faked.
It got me thinking about what it must be like to be a person who only holds ‘orthodox/ mainstream’ opinions about everything… never questioning the veracity of the general consensus… etc!
Living like that is alien to me, yet there are Millions of sheeple just like this in the world.
Never thinking their own thoughts… Never brave enough to stand with the oddball dissenters on any issue.
These people automatically assume people must be either retarded or ignorant not to believe the things they believe.
They cannot fathom the possibility that ‘the weirdos’ might know more about a subject than they do.
They don’t believe scientists ever tell lies, commit frauds… can be bribed etc.
To my way of thinking… show me a person who does not believe anything controversial… and I’ll show you a mindless zombie and an intellectual coward.
A useful idiot.
Tim Wikiriwhi.
Christian Libertarian.
P.S I’ve looked at the ‘Fake moon landing conspiracy theory’ and they make some very interesting points
Dodgy photos, Fake moon rocks, Odd behaviour of Buzz Aldrin.
The one that gets me the deepest is how Junky and ridiculous the spacecraft and Luna landers look!
They really do look like poorly constructed stupid props for a low budget si-fi sitcom!
Despite all this I still lean towards the belief they really did land on the moon.
This is based upon weighing up the evidence and drawing the most likely conclusion, yet it would be false to say I don’t harbour any doubts.
It’s unlikely, but still very possible I’ve been deceived and I’m open to that possibility.
Maybe I’m a sheep on this one!
Do I *know* they landed on the Moon?
I believe they did… probably.
I believe this is an intellectually honest position for me on this subject.
I’m accepting the ‘mainstream’ position in a qualified and conscious/ informed way without over-exaggerating the subjective nature of my conclusion and I’m still open for further discussion on this matter…
I’m against New Zealand building Nuclear Power stations, yet not for the ‘usual’ reasons regarding it’s safety. but rather because I know the WEF Globalist New World Order Seeks to overthrow the Oil based Civilisation and install their *Electric Based totalitarian system whereby they control the lives of every individual on Earth via their consoles.
This includes a Global Cashless system. 666.
This includes a Global ID social credit system of control whereby dissidents and critics of government get punished and silenced.
It will include some sort of Mark or chip imbedded into the body. All our Biometrics will be scanned and recorded. We are told it’s all for our own convenience and social good.
It’s a system of absolute slavery… yet the biggest hurdle to their New World Order is that there is currently not enough Electric generation to replace Coal, Oil, and Gas.
They are not doing this ‘to save the planet’. That is a gigantic scam. The Politically generated Climate Alarmism and hysteria is merely a ruse to deceive the gullible masses into complying with their tyrannical dictates.
So NO! I do not support the government or anyone setting up Nuclear power stations in New Zealand!
That is what they will use to enslave my children. That is when they will outlaw petrol cars and trucks.
Coal, Oil, Petrol, and gas represents *FREEDOM*.
I will not comply or support the building of a tyrannical system.
I fully admit that I am alarmed by the way everything is being assimilated into the electronic matrix. The total loss of privacy… the way Tech corporations invade our personal spaces… steal our data… track us and spy on us and I am gobsmaked by the apathy of my fellow citizens to all this… their sheepish compliance… their acquiescence… their surrendering their rights for the sake of petty conveniences. I think it has all gone way too far.
The balance between Smart tech and analogue stand alone tech that is not reliant on the Matrix has been well and truly crossed with no end in sight!
So much of the ‘Smart tech’ is absolutely unnecessary… quite ridiculous really so that our societies dependency on the internet is like Crack cocaine… a very real form of enslavement… Am I really that crazy to point these things out?
Given the WEF agenda for the Great Reset, we must expect a heavy propaganda spin campaigns promoting Nuclear energy under the guise of fighting ‘Climate annihilation’… yet we know the real game plan.
It’s Ironic when you know people like Bill Gates and the WEF Transhumanist want to reduce the population… yet these demons sucker so many fools into thinking they are trying to save the world.
Satan laughing spreads his wings.
From what is going on in Britain and Australia we can see that Police forces around the world are acting in lockstep in a bid to end free speech and to take full control of the internet.
Look at the state of this seething vile socialist hater of Christian values and Christ!
Molesters of Children’s minds.
See how Satan works.
Step one: Introduce inappropriate perversion into schools.
Step two: Silence any dissenting opinions by accusing Christian parents of being inappropriate and bigoted when they express outrage at the perversion they introduced.
Fact: This is a spiritual Ideological war being waged against our Christian foundations.
These people are destroyers and they are evil.
They are wreaking absolute havoc creating legions of lobotimised zombies who have been taught that Christianity is Nazizm…. all classic Marxist strategy for corroding overthrowing Nations.
Parents must stand up against them.
The Socialist onslaught is on many fronts… Critical Race theory, revisionist History, Gender Identity, Economics, Science… Climate change,… ie all the whack ideas the extreme leftist radicals screech and kick big tantrums about…. yet most of all… they hate Christianity and the Bible.
The fruit of Far left socialism…
These vile sentiments translate into crime and violence against white people.. If sh’e a mother and teaches those vile opinions to them to her sons they have a high probability of ending up in jail for Race hate crimes.
We cannot allow these Haters and Evil and Oppressive Extremists to control the public sphere.
We must boldly and forthrightly Oppose them.
Free Speech Champion!
Watch her Bold stand against a Woke School Borad that tried to censor what parents were allowed to say at Board meetings… here
There is no excuse for cowardly silence.
Everything is at stake.
Intelligence? Why did ‘intelligent’ people fall for all the nonsense? (All the Covid 19 pseudoscience and state tyranny and propaganda). Teacher Nigel Watson: YouTube.
Watch video (below).
^Klaus Schwab… aka Dr Evil… founder and executive chairman of the World Economic Forum.
Regarding the Global Covid 19 response, the pro-Covid 19 peddlers want us to pretend there are no ‘ulterior motives’… no evil political schemes afoot.
Those of us who think otherwise are labeled ‘conspiracy theorists’.
And yet the Globalist plan for the Great Reset and Socialist New World Order is openly discussed by the powers that be.
Klaus Schwab himself connected the Covid 19 pandemic with Globalist ‘opportunity’ to establish their New World Order’ so to my way of thinking you have to literally be a Zombie not to appreciate what is really going on… This is not merely a pandemic but a PLAN-DEMIC!
I have no intention of taking the gene altering experimental pseudo-vax Frankenshot.
I refuse to be so driven by fear of the viral monstrosity (C19) Big Pharma’s mad scientist’s modified, and released upon the world as to blindly and cowardly allow them to inject their venom into my veins. (or the veins of my dependent child)
Wuhan 2019.
‘It was an accident’… yeah right… an accident that happened on cue, and that has raked in countless billions for the very people who caused the trouble!
The Plandemic has resulted in gigantic wealth accumulation for the tiny handful of Technocrats, while bankrupting millions of small business owners.
If my rejection of the MRNA Vax turns out that I die from Covid 19 so be it!
I know the risks… and I’m prepared to take my chances.
One thing is for sure… I don’t trust Bill Gates.
I don’t trust the fake vaccines, and I certainly don’t trust the whole political direction the Governments of the the world are taking us.
Yet these things are not the main point I want to contemplate here in this post.
Ponder this question: Given most of the big nations have already distributed 100s of millions of shots *each*… billions in total, why do you think the Vax Cartel have been slow to supply little New Zealand with a mere 5 million people?
I thought Comrade Ardern had friends in high places… and yet New Zealand looks to be last in line for the Vax.
You know something’s up when even Arderns most vocal Fan Club is starting to wonder what TF is going on!
Some might say we have ‘less dire need’ for the vax given our Great Leader Comrade Arden has been able to control the virus here via stomping it out.
Yet this approach also involves stomping all over our rights and bankrupting our economy… this does not seem to matter… or is this the intention of the delay all along???
If you appreciate how Klaus Schwab and the Globalists are using the Plandemic to usher in their NWO then this delay makes perfect sense!
They are withholding the supply of the vax to New Zealand to prolong our ongoing lockdowns… knowing Jacinda Ardern is committed to driving our nation into a pit of debt that will be impossible for us to climb out of!
This delay is purposeful and designed to ruin our nation!
This I believe is the logical conclusion to draw from the facts, as more time passes exposing the lie to Ardern’s claims that New Zealand’s was going to get speedy delivery.
In The Global context, New Zealand’s population is merely the size of a single large city … and given Comrade Arderns ‘International prestige’ she enjoys on the world Stage as one of the most Woke Leftist Globalist leaders on Earth you would think that shipping 10-15 million shots out the billions being made would be a small order.
Something very devious is going on… and as the clock ticks and our boarders remain closed… our Nation sinks.
Deputy PM Grant Robertson speaks with forked tongue when he raves on about our Nations ‘economic resilience’ and claims that their lockdown strategy is not only the best way to fight the virus, but also the best economic strategy.
We have been living off the credit card… selling out our future.
Crippling Taxes must follow to service the debts.
Make no mistake… Labour is sailing our ship to ruin!
And it’s all part of the Great Scamdemic… and the Great Reset.
Tourism was New Zealand’s biggest export industry until the beginning of 2020… before the Covid 19 plandemic.
And that is just one aspect of how Ardern’s Covid 19 strategy is suffocating our nation… and yet she has been hiding the real cost of her decisions by ticking up credit and accumulation massive National debt.
Vain tripper Comrade Ardern may receive great praises in the World press, and get her picture taken with all the movers and shakers of the Globalist community, yet at the end of the day she is simply a useful Idiot… just another foolish pawn in the Globalist Bigwigs game.
Either that or she is a fully cognizant and committed traitor of our Nation.
I think she is *Both*.
She knows what the end game is.
Comrade Ardern has been keeping our entire nation… the voting public weak, scared, and isolated from each other hoping we do not rally together… that is why recently she told us to not only ‘keep to our bubbles’ but also ‘DON”T TALK TO YOUR NEIGHBOURS*!
Talk about drunk with Power!
When you understand what the plan is, and what a scam the Vaccines are you realise this Lockdown was always going to happen.
This is part of their scheme of terrorising and breaking our nation and resolve… esp of those who are wary of the Vax… and know the Vaccine Passport system means the end of privacy and freedom.
I notice the Covid 19 new case narrative is specifically designed to terrify young New Zealanders into getting Vaxxed.
Despite the ‘Urgent tone’ of the reader spieling a list of numbers affected and age groups, very little useful information is being shared, for example it says a large number of young adults have ‘tested positive’ yet does not say how hard they are being affected (the young don’t die from Covid), nor do they say if they are still using the now discredited PCR tests (We must assume they are), or how many cycles these tests are being run at (we can be sure they are ridiculously high)… etc etc.
All this selective information is designed with political intent. To con people into submission.
We hear zero news about any improvements in how Covid is being treated these days in New Zealand… Are they using Ivermectin?
Are they administering high dose intravenous Vitamins C, D, Zinc?
What lessons that have been learned overseas are they taking and modifying their approach?
You would think they might want to keep New Zealanders informed on such matters if they wanted to calm nerves and alleviate fears… yet that is not what they want to do… but rather the opposite… they want to maximise hysteria… weaponise hysteria… to pressure the population into submitting to the plan of universal vaccination and most importantly… the Global passport.
Since the first case was detected that triggered this lock down, hundreds of new cases have been incrementally reported yet there have been zero deaths… so how bad is this virus really?
This whole business smacks of the Pied Piper to justify cranking up the tyranny and coercion and terrify the ‘hesitant sheeple’ into getting the experimental vax.
P.S… The Pfizer shot *has not been approved by the FDA*.. the approval was issued on another one of their Vaxxes that has not yet been distributed. The current Pfizer Shot remains under *Emergency authorisation only* in the US which has a restricted use to 16 years and over. NOT for Children.
Thank’s to Ardern’s absurd elimination strategy, New Zealand is now 2 full years behind the rest of the world in dealing with this virus… it has not even begun to fuck with us yet.
We could have stuck with the original scheme of protecting the most vulnerable, while allowing a controlled burn through out the rest of the population to gain Natural herd immunity (The strategy of flattening the curve). The thing is this alternative and far more rational strategy would have ruined the globalist plot to impose the Vaccine passport system upon us because people who gain Natural immunity have zero need for the Vax.
Ardern could have allowed New Zealanders access to Ivermectin, and Hydroxychloroquine, and they could have authorised the protocol of administering High strength intravenous Vitamin C etc so that they can effectively and confidently treat the illness when anyone contracts it.
Where is all the ‘Media’ on telling New Zealanders to fortify themselves with Vitamins (C,D) ?
It’s like they want New Zealanders only hope to be in the Vax!
Billy TK Jr. (Photo credit: Stuff News)
Not everyone is drinking the Coolaid.
Just how prolific is ‘Vaccine hesitancy’ is not something our media takes any trouble advertising… yet I am sure it is significant.
Ardern’s Pixie dust is wearing off.
There has been some resistance. Small groups of Kiwi have organised themselves and done protests.
Self-Important Political activist Billy TK Jr even managed to get himself arrested.
Billy is not to be trusted. Billy TK is unprincipled, and has a megalomaniac personality. His focus is on his own aggrandizement and rise to fame and power.
I cannot help but see any project he gets involved with is just a means to achieving those ends.
He is not a noble person… though that is what he wants people to believe.
It would be bad for any Freedom movement in New Zealand should Billy TK become their figurehead
And yet he is on the right side of the line on this issue… and at least he’s out there protesting!
Where is every one else?
ACT are absolutely HOPELESS on the matter of the lock downs and Vax because David Seymour is a true Believer!
Seymour appears to be running Act like Winston Peters ran NZ First… No one is allowed their own opinions… Pro-Freedom? YEAH RIGHT!
I saw a recent Act Press release that actually castigated Ardern *for not being Heavy handed enough!*
This pains me to say… but it is true.
David Seymour is a source of constant disappointment to me.
*David Seymour is not a Libertarian*.
He thinks ‘Science’ is on the side of Ardern’s Tyranny.
That’s how easily he abandons Individual rights and becomes Authoritarian.
In many ways he’s like Billy TK… simply using the void of Freedom advocacy in New Zealand Politics as a niche market he can exploit for his own gain.
I wish I could say otherwise.
A ‘White Rose’ sticker in London.
A group calling themselves ‘The White Rose’ did a pamphlet drop in Hamilton city, and their Pamphlet is *very Good*.
From their mission statement….
The White Rose is a decentralized global network of independent activistsâeach a powerful one person operationâall working in unison to disseminate a much needed counter narrative to the relentless onslaught of fear mongering, lies and propaganda we’ve all been subjected to since day one of the Covid-19 “pandemic”. United by a common cause and methodology, our mission is to inspire healthy skepticism, critical thought and righteous dissent in the face of ubiquitous government and corporate media propaganda, mass authoritarian groupthink, and an official Covid-19 narrative riddled with logical inconsistencies, quasi-religious dogmatism and outright lies. In an age of rampant internet censorship, where all dissenting voices are silenced, and only Big Tech approved viewpoints are permitted a platform, we have taken the immense power of memetic warfare to the streets, via the medium of stickers
As the Propaganda fear mongering ramps up in the mainstream media… softening up the Sheeple to remain passive as the Government tightens the vise, all concerned freedom loving citizens who can see where all this is heading *Must Stand Strong* in resistance, and not be broken into slavish submission.
While on one hand the vaccine rollout has been snail-pace, on the other Government indicates lockdowns will continue until incredulous levels of vaccination are achieved… which is a recipe for wrack and ruin! ( w-rack in this case referring to compulsions and punishment’s for the non-compliant).
Where are the Journalists challenging the credulity of the Governments ambitions regarding the roll out as unattainable if they are going to respect New Zealanders right to choose?
Politicians have quoted ‘studies’ on Vax induced ‘Herd Immunity’ that say as high as 90% Vaccination uptake must first be achieved before they will open up our country to tourism and end the lock downs.
WAKE UP SHEEPLE! These targets are BOGUS and *unattainable* without implementing heavily oppressive measures… yet we can be sure that Ardern will not flinch from ordering whatever she deems necessary to achieve her aims.
The incremental ramping up of tyranny and the erosion of our rights is all about timing.
Jacinda Ardern is like ‘the Briscoes Lady of Politics’… she’s an Advertising Gimmick… a marketing Ploy. Every time she appears in public, making any statement, It’s like she’s selling ‘A Great Deal on Kitchenware… to gullible idiots. Yet behind the Smile and Bubbles lurks a cold calculating socialist despot.
Despite giving the chore of announcing her less-popular dictates to her minions to deliver her tyrannical side often reveals itself.
Ardern is operating on Machiavellian principles.
Machavelli explains to The Prince that when compelled by circumstances to tread lightly… feign you are doing it from your own goodness…
Until the motherload of Frankenshots arrive… Ardern will maintain a façade of Liberal respect for personal choice, however we can be sure that once a critical percentage of Sheeple have received the Jab… She will then seek to compel the remaining non-compliant people by even more despotic means… so we must rally NOW!
If you don’t want your children to inherit a totalitarian Socialist State and become slaves of a Globalist New World Order that is the Enemy of Freedom and Our Western Enlightenment Values… the enemy of Capitalism… the enemy of Private property and individual thought and ideals… then we must organise ourselves *NOW* into a powerful peaceful protest movement and be willing to fight for our freedom and our children’s future!
Decades of Socialist indoctrination and dumbing down has resulted in Comrade Ardern’s Socialist tyranny being brought to power.
If anyone still believes the Lockdowns and Global Vaccination programs are about ‘fighting the virus’… you have Rocks for brains!
We must now be willing to count the cost and to stand up against her treasonous Globalist tyranny that is destroying our nation before our very eyes!
We can show her that we the people of New Zealand will not surrender our values and Freedom just so she can sell our nation out to the Great Reset, and The Socialist New World Order!
It’s well past time.
Only the stupid members of society (and there are a lot of you) were surprised to discover Anthony Fauchi has been engaged in a massive fraud and conspiracy with regards to the Covid 19 Plandemic.
The rest of us… those of us who have taken a stand against the Lockdowns and ‘Frankenshot’ roll outs knew all this for a very long time… and we did not cease to warn the rest of you morons about what was going on yet our voices largely fell on deaf ears.
Mainstream media chose to call us ‘tin foil hat wearing loons’!
The Great Lie has now been exposed, and the truth about what Fauchi has been doing can no longer be denied.
The public release of Fauchi’s email correspondence has blown the scheme wide open.
Are you feeling stupid yet?
Are you at all peeved to find out you have been taken for a ride and have sacrificed the future wellbeing of your nations because you allowed Shysters to prey upon your cowardice, ignoracnce, and fear?
Myriad upon myriad of dullards went merrily along with all the State propaganda… even when time and time again reality exposed one fallacy after another!
You were impervious to reason… incapable of re-evaluation in the light of new facts.
You fools cheered when the Woke Tech giants ‘jailed’ or deplatformed dissidents, doctors, and nurses who risked everything to tell you… the captivated public, that this entire Covid 19 response was a monumental fraud.
The science *never* supported the Big Government-Big Pharma lockdowns, mask mandates, or grand vaccination scheme!
We now have evidence of Fauchi admitting as much on virtually every score!
Sen Rand Paul called Fauchi out for ‘Theater’… in wearing his mask after claiming he has been vaccinated… a proposition not supported by science!
Fauchi was seeking to maintain Covid hysteria.
Fauchi lied point blank to Rand Paul while under oath denying he had funded ‘gain of function experimentation’ on bat viruses at Wuhan China.
Fauchi knew waaaaay back that the Covid 19 gene sequence had hallmarks of being the product of gene splicing yet worked like a devil to bury the idea that the virus had escaped from the Lab.
He had a personal vested interest to mislead the public.
He discussed this in emails, yet even before this became public knowledge independent thinkers had already asked this question, done the math; and concluded that it was too much of a coincidence that Covid 19 broke out just down the road from the Wuhan lab for that high probability to be ignored.
It was in fact the most obvious source.
Despite this the Social media tech giants set about to silence the voices of questioning citizens and independent experts who wanted to debate such matters.
Fauchi’s opinions and Fauchi worship were the only narrative allowed to be aired.
Even US President Donald Trump got censored when he said this was the most likely scenario.
Trump Derangement Syndrome much!
Partisan political corruption!
The whole globalist pandemic response had as it’s ultimate goal the mass ‘vaccination of humanity’ and the imposition of the global digital vaccine passport system… all predicated upon Fauchi / Gates lies!
The Plandemic is a bonafide conspiracy by the Globalists to enslave the billions of Dumbfounded Dipshits… and the so-called ‘Anti-Vaxxers’, anti-mask, anti-lockdown ‘Freaks’ were right about everything!
The lies are all exposed to the light!
That Fauchi should lose his job is a given.
He must also face prosecution for his frauds and culpability, not only with regards to covering up his own roll in funding the gain of function experiments in Wuhan, but also for his knowledge that Hydroxychloroquine was an effective treatment that rendered the development and mass vaccination of humanity absolutely unnecessary!
The problem is too many NWO Great Reset Bigwigs were more than happy to impose his lies upon the world… including New Zealand’s own PM Jacinda Ardern… accelerating their Globalist Totalitarian Scheme, so there is virtually no chance he will ever be held to account.
Satan laughing spreads his wings.
It is hard to grasp the massive scale of Fauchi’s fraud in misleading the world with respect to masks, lockdowns, and the efficacy of drugs like Hydroxychloroquine… all designed to get ’emergency dispensation’ for vaccine use through such institutions as the FDA sidestepping normal safety protocols… and to stimulate Governments to usurp despotic powers, holding virtually the entire Western civilisation and beyond in lockdowns so as to traumatise their populations into wanting Bill Gates/ Big Pharma’s untested and dangerous ‘Frankenshots’ (pseudo-Vaccines) that contain Genetic engineering that alters (contaminates) the populations Genetic make up.
Those promoting the New World order also have Freaky ‘Trans-humanist’ aspirations.
A side note: Christians know this happened before Noah’s flood with the mixing of Human and Angel DNA… just sayin. The End Is Nigh!
And what TF are the ‘Humanized Mice’ spoken of used in testing for ‘Gain of Function’?
Sounds a hell of a lot like Human-animal hybrids!
How are these monstrosities… these abominations created?
Anyone like to consider the moral implications of that aspect of Fauchi’s ‘research’?
Apparently Fauchi’s Wife Chistine Grady is Head of Bioethics at the National Institute of Health!
The mind Boggles!
Update: Things are even worse than I feared… apparently a ‘Humanized mouse’ is a mouse that has had aborted human fetus tissue surgically implanted!
Apparently this is big business… aborted babies and parts for sale.
This is a horror story for real!
Fauchi should be investigated also for his roll in other schemes such as the HIV crisis as he has now been exposed as a pathological liar who will deceive the world for his own ends.
The testimonies of Doctors and scientists who have blown the whistle on his alleged other dirty dealings were blacklisted, jailed, and written off as ‘kooks’.
Now their claims that Fauchi is a devious Liar have proven to be true, more credence should be given to their claims against him for example virologist Judy Mikovits with respect to having her life destroyed by Fauchi frauds with regards to Big Pharma profits from her HIV research.
So Fauchi has been caught in his own web… yet it is too late now… the damage is done!
Fauchi achieved his objective of fooling the governments of the world into buying hundreds of Billions of dollars worth of Gates ‘vaccines’/ Frankinshots instead of using things like Ivermectin or Hydroxychloroquine, and now these Governments are fully committed to forcing their people to take the vaccines.
Governments will never admit they were scammed. Many knew the game plan all along.
Those $billions spent on dangerous experimental pseudo-vaccines and on ‘lockdown stimulus/welfare’ have bankrupted nations and extorted wealth that might have gone to better uses.
Fauchi and the Globalists like Jacinda Ardern destroyed the liberty of Western nations with all the ’emergency Covid legislation’ and Police State lockdowns.
He should hang! So too all the Tech giants, and Woke politicians who all participated in the Covid 19 Global Plandemic.
The Fake News NZ Mainstream media remains quiet about the Fauchi fraud revelations… no surprise there as they take their cue from PM Ardern’s Office.
Those who followed the Pied piper Fauchi and worship Jacinda Ardern will remain in a haze of cognitive dissonance… isolated from facts, truth, and reality.
They cannot excuse their blundering jackboots by claiming to have acted upon the best information available at the time, because despite every attempt to censor and silence dissenters a massive portion of global populations… people like myself … were not drinking their cool aid and *knew for a long time* that this whole scheme was corrupt!
That these powers were engaged in mass propaganda and censorship, forbidding democratic protests, passing Police State legislations under urgency without public participation and due process… all these are fairly big clues as to which side of the ‘debate’ were acting rashly and in bad faith!
What remains to be seen is whether ‘the people’ will hold their complicit elected Parliaments to the flame for what they have done?
Politicians who endorsed Covid 19 tyranny must be thrown out of office in disgrace!
Like so many compromised leaders, by every measure Jacinda Ardern has shown herself to be an incompetent Tyrant and Radical Leftist Socialist working as a treasonous globalist minion of the UN.
Ardern lied about such things as having the legal authority to order in and mass distribute the Frankenshots to the New Zealand population, and when taken to the High Court by Lawyer and Social activist Sue Grey it was determined that Arden and co were breaking the Law… that in fact her regime did not have the legal authority to bypass safety protocols and rush general distribution of an experimental vaxx by exploiting existing special dispensations … so… unfazed by mere Laws… she simply rushed through legislation in the dead of night to magically make her Covid 19 overreach legit!
Her government used the excuse ‘We thought we were legal’… yet does that defense work in court for ordinary citizens? No!
Where is the punishment for such a massive violation of Public Health Law designed to protect New Zealanders from precisely the sort of actions power mad and unscrupulous Ardern was involved in… as was the Nuremburg code!
What also is of importance to realise about this saga is that had not Sue Grey and co called out The Ardern regime upon their unlawful activities… they would have happily deceived the New Zealand public about the legality of their activities!
And even though Ardern and co abused their powers by legalising their own unlawful activities, Sue Grey and co are to be commended for being eternally vigilant for what their parliament is doing.
It is up to us voters at election time to ensure these Machiavellians are thrown out!
Without punishment / consequences politicians like her escape the political condemnation due for such behaviour which would virtually guarantee they step down from office and have no hope of re-election.
And this was not the only time Ardern’s Covid measures were found to be unlawful. Anyone remember when it was found the Police were violating Kiwi’s rights when they were arresting people for surfing, etc and that again Ardern changed the law?
Is anyone out there paying attention?
Ardern is in fact *Lawless* because she does whatever she pleases and no law is allowed to stand in her path!
This exposes *everything* we have and are to her caprice!
If that does not alarm you… you are fully lobotomised!
It is as if we have no Opposition parties here in New Zealand!
Nobody is stepping forward to lead the way in insuring politicians like PM Ardern answer to the New Zealand public for their bungling and dishonesty.
The system is geared to keep the public stupid so that they will vote her back into power again next time… or should that not appear to be on the cards… to give her the election via fraudulent means as I believe happened last time… Read VERY VERY SUSPECT ELECTION RESULTS FOR THE SOUTH ISLAND.
For those of you who think I’m a loon for suggesting the New Zealand elections were compromised as a forerunner to the stealing of the US elections, you all had better go back to school!
You are the same idiots who believed Fauchi about Covid 19!
You are the same Idiots who think Ardern is fantastic despite violating every principle of good governance, trampling our rights underfoot, and burring our nation in crushing debt!
You are the useful Idiots who Socialist Tyrants love to use like Pawns.
Wake The Flock up!
Or go back to sleep… and sell out your children’s future to the system of the Beast.
Is it possible, given the zombified nature of so many in Western Society that any lessons will be learned from this monumental scam?
Will this experience work to stop governments acting in such a draconian way the next time a so-called pandemic alarm is raised?
Will the truth of Ivermectin and Hydroxychloroquine as *life savers* against viruses spell the end of the entire Big Pharma Flu vaccination racket?
Will populations demand these safe and effective treatments be made available off the shelf without prescription in every pharmacy in every town?
Will Bill Gates be bankrupted, or held account for his scheming?
Will the contents of the Frankenshots be fully and independently investigated?
We are yet to understand the consequences of what has just transpired!
How many really died from Covid 19 (over-reported), and how many died from the pseudo- vaccines (underreported).
MRNA vaccinated sheeple have now had their very genetic make up modified to produce virus spike proteins, it is possible at some point in the future they will suffer autoimmune problems as their bodies immune systems attack their own organs and tissues.
Will there be any long term effects for the population of vaccinated sheeple such as infertility?
For small children it could be over a decade before we know if they have been sterilised by the shots.
When you appreciate that people like Bill Gates and many radical Leftists harbour ‘Population downsizing’ to be a long term environmental goal, what a tragedy it shall be for the next generation to realise they have been mass sterilized!
These are not the fruit of wild baseless paranoia!
These are the sorts of concerns many highly professional medical experts are putting on the table.
Not only were the MRNA vaccines not rigorously safety tested, Big Pharma secured indemnity from liability and prosecution should any harm be found to result from their pseudo-vaccines.
Another lession ought to be take care for who you vote for!
Will people wake up to the fact that Socialists will not hesitate to pass tyrannical / unconstitutional laws that violate your rights, take away your freedom, destroy your livelihoods, and even deploy the Police against you!
Do you now realise our Police Force has not been trained to defend your Rights and Freedoms, but instead have been trained to obey government dictates and are more than willing to arrest you for surfing, arrest your Pastor for holding church services, arrest mothers with young children present exercising their democratic rights to protest government tyranny?
Knowing this can happen should stimulate public pressure to get some sort of Constitutional protections!
My God! How enslaved, and mistreated, and deceived must you be before you decide to stand up for freedom?
That Lesson is the most important of them all.
Tim Wikiriwhi.
Christian Libertarian.
Note: I am opposed to the death penalty as I don’t believe the State should exercise such a dangerous power.
History proves evil governments use the death penalty to murder dissidents and reformers… and it still goes on today in places like the China and North Korea.
I use the term ‘hang’ (above) as a loose ‘euphemism’ for ‘facing justice’, which given the magnitude of their crimes I would believe life in jail without parole, for every life their wickedness cost would be their just deserts.
I feel it necessary to make this ‘meaning’ clear as we live in such dangerous times that to say people in power ‘should be hung’ can now be misconstrued as being ‘threatening violence and insurrection’. Maybe used as ‘evidence’ that I am a dangerous extremist.
This is how bad things have gotten under Woke Socialist politically correct tyranny.
This is now the common modus opperandi of the Left seeking to criminalise and silence their critics.
Just ask Kiwi You Tuber Lee Williams.
Update: 4/4/21 in an interview by Dinesh D’Souza Sidney Powell Refutes the claims by Main Stream Media that were the basis of this Blog post and which are still circulating on the net.
So The blogpost below must be read in context of the time it was written
Though the primary basis of the post has now proven to have been malicious Mainstream media fake news, it still contains ideas of value, and is worth saving for historic reference of this dirty business perpetuated by the corrupt media for the sake of propping up an illegitimate government.
Update: 24-3-21. I have been told that Sidney Powell has called out reports of her motion to dismiss the Dominion lawsuit against her on the grounds that her claims were ‘not credible enough to be believed’ is Fake news and false.
We will have to wait and see… I cant find any reports of this to be able to substantiate what I have been told yet her Press releases are probably intentionally being suppressed/ have the breaks on…
This makes more sense, and if true I will have to add an update to my blog post.
Update: 25-3-21. I have found this from her Telegram account ….
What is amazing is that what now appears to be a Fake News Story is still circulating on the net by every one, and as of yet not a single one of them has released a retraction.
I’m talking CNN, Washington Post, Newsweek, Yahoo, CBS, Business insider, etc etc.
They appear to be leaving the Fake news story up as long as possible to do as much damage to Sidney Powell’s credibility as possible.
Update: The first News article has appeared here Sidney Powell Dismisses Lawsuit Defense ‘Fake News,’ Doubles Down on Conspiracies
Yet it say’s ‘she is walking back what was in the court filing.’
Ie it does not admit any devious fake news was afoot, and goes on to sat she is “still sharing easily debunked disinformation with her supporters.”
The article does it’s best to link her with loons such as the Q movement.
General Flynn Speaks on the fake news attacks on Sidney Powell.
They Broke Sidney Powell. What happened to her claims of massive voter fraud in the US elections?
By Tim Wikiriwhi.
Something wicked is in the wind.
The math does not add up.
Faced with a 1.3 billion dollar lawsuit, and having her cases for Election fraud all rejected by the Supreme Court without hearing her evidence, apparently Sidney Powell has now retracted her claims of voter fraud.
“Lawyer Sidney Powell is claiming that reasonable people would not have believed her allegations of voter fraud and has moved to dismiss a lawsuit from Dominion Voting Systems.
Powell, a lawyer who assisted former President Donald Trump in his efforts to overturn the Nov. 3 election results, previously claimed there was evidence that Dominion had rigged the election in favor of President Joe Biden. Powell is now claiming that âreasonable people would not,â have accepted âsuch statements.â
In retaliation against Powellâs claims of election rigging, Dominion slapped her with a $1.3 billion lawsuit for libel. Additionally, the city of Detroit requested that Powell be disbarred and fined over her efforts to contest the election…”
Powell’s new statements will have hit the 70 million Trump supporters like a comet!
Not to mention countless millions more world wide who like myself seriously believe that the Globalist Cabal seeking to oust Trump, and install Sleepy Joe Biden stole the election.
Many will assume they have been duped and that she has been lying the whole time.
Myself, being stubborn, and skeptical by nature, I prefer to mull over this new situation.
In light of this are we expected to now assume that Powell took cases to the supreme court for which she had no case to argue… no evidence?
That would render her a complete loon.
I don’t buy that for a minute.
I say we must take care not to fall for this attempt to discredit her claims of Election Fraud.
To do so is the very reaction the evil powers want.
Yet it will become more and more dangerous to speak about the fraud as the Evil powers that be seek to close the seal.
We are witnessing the start of something so diabolical now happening in the West, like we sat back and watched happen with horror to Hong Kong Dissidents and advocates for freedom and democracy under the murderous Chinese Communist Party Regime.
Satan laughing spreads his wings.
My reaction to news of Sidney Powell’s basis for defense against Voter Machine Company ‘Dominion’ billion dollar lawsuit was that ‘no sane person would believe her claims were true’ was one of great shock, disappointment, … but not surprise.
I have been fearing for her safety and resolve the whole time.
It was obvious to me the Evil powers would try and get to her… somehow.
It smells to me like the Globalists have broken her.
We can only speculate what sort of extreme means they have used to force her to submit and sell her soul to them.
The truth this is just business as usual for the Great Evil ones.
They Broke Bill Barr.
They Broke The Supreme Court.
The Evil we are facing is truly Satanic.
There is mountains of evidence.
Powell has a stellar reputation, there is no way she would ruin her own reputation unless under extreme duress.
Sadly what this does mean is that all the evidence she has been gathering will be destroyed.
Just at the beginning of this month she talked about people getting killed…. so this is what we are talking about.
Only at the beginning of this month Sidney Powell expressed her steadfast resolve in the face of the up and coming Dominion lawsuit and that it represented an opportunity for her, so whatever broke her resolve only happened in the last few weeks.
I now expect all Sidney Powell articles and interviews about ‘Releasing the Kraken’ to be ‘Memory holed’… wiped off the net.
This level of Evil now at work ought to chill Parents, and freedom lovers to their core!
What sort of world will our children inherit?
The Real problem is that the Evil powers are moving to silence any dissenters who continue to suspect Election fraud… no matter where in the world they are.
This is a Massive Globalist Plot.
So The tentacles of this massive Evil can reach right down to the bottom of the world … right down to New Zealand and get our government and police to target even insignificant people like myself… for censorship… for crushing underfoot.
I believe we stand at the door to an anti-free speech Tyranny the likes of which we have never seen in Western Nations.
Never before has the will and the technology existed whereby the global State can target millions of individuals.
China has already set up their system… and its about to go global.
Real duress is coming to our gates… be ready to feel what tyranny is all about.
How much oppression will you endure for the sake of your beliefs and values?
To get Sidney Powell to bend the knee will have taken extreme measures.
The Globalists have their minions in every Government… and they are playing hardball.
Only Idiots today don’t appreciate how the Covid 19 pandemic has been systematically used to destroy what used to be our rights and liberties, circumventing legislative due process, even forbidding public protests.
No dissent is tolerated.
Look at what Canada has done to a Pastor who refuses to acknowledge their Unconstitutional Covid 19 restrictions as valid and binding!
They have put him in jail!
If this does not alarm you… congratulations! You have been lobotomised and turned into a useful idiot!
A Zombie.
Even those of us still awake… still raising our voices… yet for how long?
They are coming for us!
Are you willing to go to jail for your beliefs…. for Freedom … for your rights?
Or will you crumble at the sight to armed police invading your home, rounding up your family, seizing all your computers, threatening and barking orders at you?
Do you have the nads to start publicly protesting if some brave Freedom advocate gets taken away?
What risks are you prepared to take for you Children’s future liberty and rights?
These are necessary questions for our times given the dire threats we Liberty lovers face from the Socialist tyranny that is consolidating around us… much to the glee of a large proportion of our deranged Family, friends, and countrymen.
If all of a sudden I start saying that I believe the election fraud claims were false… 99% probability I have come under duress and my courage has failed me.
If my social media Pages disappear, and my Blog goes, and all my writings disappear off the net, you can guarantee that I have been targeted for Black out.
As we speak the New Zealand government is moving to pass legislation that will pseudo-legitimise this stuff.
I wrote a public submission opposing this bill, which can be found here.
If this bill passes, all it will take to get all my Libertarian activism wiped off the net will be for some ‘Thought Police official’ to deem my opinions ‘harmful to the Public Good’.
As a Christian things are looking to me very much like we are witnessing the Rise of the Global Antichrist as predicted in the Book of Revelation!
Mock me if you like yet it is all falling into place before my eyes.
Another high profile person standing to expose the Voter fraud is My Pillow CEO Mike Lindell.
How long will he be able to stand?
We should expect *something* to happen to him.
Pray for Pastor Coates
Where is the unified Freedom fraternity???
The hour is at hand to Rally, stand up and support those heros on the front line, and peacefully protest against the tyranny that is encircling us.
Tim Wikiriwhi.
Christian Libertarian.
P.S Epstein did not kill himself.
Must watch video below. Canada has a Globalist PM Trudeau, who is cut from the same cloth as NZ PM Jacinda Ardern.
Under Treudau Canada has become a police state.
Final Draft Below.
Submissions are limited to 10 000 characters.
Mine is 9996.
I had to axe about 50% of my original draft.
A longer (better) version can be found here
I would like to express my grave concerns about this bill.
I believe it to be corrosive to the wellbeing and democratic health of our nation.
I believe it is an attack upon bona fide free speech and will be used to suffocate religious liberty, and therefore I oppose it.
For a healthy democracy to endure New Zealand needs to maintain an open public forum where tuff and uncomfortable discourse can be engaged without fear.
An open Forum that is not hobbled by pitiable cries of hurt feelings, not wrapped in cotton wool for the sake of precious and dainty hearts, or cut short by the whimsical taking of offence, effectively muzzling plain speech and making the public expression of certain views and opinions crimes.
Only an open forum truly represents a tolerant society.
A society that will not countenance opinions that are at variance with the Governments agenda, is the very opposite thing of tolerant.
It is a closed and oppressive society.
A free society *tolerates* dissenting opinions and understands that allowing them to circulate as part of an open forum and debate for the public to make up their own minds about is at the very heart of a healthy and free society.
The *Anti-freedom mentality* sees contrary opinions as *only bad*.
In truth⌠like a Black canvas allows a white picture to be more clearly seen, so too bad and weak arguments are opportunities for superior reasoning to shine.
Yet when it is the official narrative that turns out to be dull and the dissenter shines with superior proofs, this is when the Powers that be are provoked and resort to calling their opponents âhatersâ, âharmfulâ, etc to justify silencing them before the general public grasp the official narrative they are being spoon fed is not the best evaluation of the facts.
The vital question is this⌠How can the people appreciate they have been fed propaganda if the dissenting opinions have all been censored?
They canât⌠they are trapped in a spiders web.
The people pushing this bill are seeking subversive powers, and that is what makes this bill a danger to our nation.
These Ideologues relish the power to make their own opinions law and to dictate what is acceptable for the voting public to hear and to think.
There are serious and intentional ambiguities that expose the people of New Zealand to open ended and whimsical prohibitions and dangers that are starkly apparent.
This legislation is too loose.
It has no safeguards against arbitrary judgements and partisan abuses.
This legislation does not spring from any genuine need or shortfall in current Legal protections for citizens.
It is mere pretense to claim otherwise.
The scourge of Politically Correct madness that has gripped western civilization is the underlying intent underpinning this bill.
Censorship is being advocated by the use of ambiguous yet derogatory terms such as âharmfulâ, âobjectionableâ. âhatefulâ, âoffensiveâ, âmisinformationâ, âfake newsâ, etc.
Intentional ambiguity leaves the reality to become painfully apparent after the bill has become law.
Assent is sort to this bill via the ruse⌠âWho could possibly protest the suppression of âhateâ and âharmâ?
The bill states that take down notices may be issued when â(c) the Inspector believes, on reasonable grounds, that the online publication is objectionableâ⌠hence the scope of Free speech in NZ will be limited to conform to what some Thought Police Official âbelievesâ.
This bill is totalitarian as it leave nothing beyond itâs scope because Woke social Justice warriors literally take offence at *everything*.
Not even Dr Seuss is safe!
All it takes to trigger the censorship powers is for someone âto submit a complaint.â, and for some Orwellian âInspectorâ from âthe Ministry of Truthâ (Read Orwellâs 1984) to deem any utterance as âprobably harmful to the public goodâ.
I see no safeguards protecting unwelcome statements of fact from being deemed offensive and therefore âharmfulâ.
This Bill exposes all citizens at all times to the danger of being found upon the wrong side of the line.
Once in operation it will intimidate the people into silent obedient conformity.
The self-censorship that will ensue out of fear will be the greatest controlling factor of all.
esp after the State makes a few examples out of foolhardy dissidents or better still when some Kiwi Icons discover how quickly they have become public pariahâs for daring to commit the equivalent of Politically incorrect Blasphemy.
When the mighty are brought to their knees⌠fear will keep the rest of the people in their place.
None will dare tell an off-colour joke. No Sarcasm. They shall become crimes.
Take care not to allow your weary heart to thoughtlessly commit any perceivable micro-aggressions!
You will have to be reeducated to understand and embrace the new rules this bill really entails.
Ambiguity leaves caprice for overlooking any truly malicious speech congruent with politically correct prejudices and bigotry.
Political operatives will use the ambiguities in two ways.
By rigorously implementing censorship and punishmentâs for wrong think, and by conveniently giving a green light to officially endorsed âright thinkâ.
With not a single well defined objective principle in sight that can be easily grasped and applied equally to all, censorship shall proceed on a purely arbitrary basis.
There could not be a more pernicious idea to justice and freedom than the rationale that speech legislation needs to be broad and open ended, and that it simply shall not be abused because the standard that shall be applied is that the agents of the State will âinstinctually recognize hate speech when they see itâ.
You could not formulate a law more open to abuse and prejudice.
Let me list a few specific examples of offensive, hateful, and bigoted ideas that shall conveniently pass through the gauntlet unhindered.
When hate and prejudice is leveled at White people, it will be condoned.
When sexism and disadvantage fall against men and boys it will be condoned.
When Doctors refuse to tow the Official line on such things as vaccines or lockdowns but dare to promote alternatives their appeals to the public will be taken down and they will be threatened into silence.
When Christians are forbidden to express their long held beliefs, this suppression will be officially sanctioned.
Not a single contempt filled Maori Radical, or Man-hating Feminist, or bitter irreligionist will be suffered to curtail their guile.
Any written complaints against these hate mongers will be summarily dismissed.
They shall enjoy their free speech, but no one else will as these are seen as the trail blazers of the New woke Socialist âinclusiveâ Utopia.
The New Zealand we grew up in will be goneâŚ. destroyed.
As George Orwell penned in âAnimal Farmâ⌠the once âoppressedâ become the next oppressors.
This is not progress!
It is a new tyranny.
Statements critical of Treaty separatism, Climate change, open immigration, transgender sex theory, vaccinations, abortion, or any promotion of traditional Christian values⌠shall be deemed as harmful, offensive, misinformation, conspiracy theory, etc and âagainst the public goodâ and therefore illegal.
Platforms carrying such content will be forced to âtake it downâ.
Only one narrative can be allowed⌠The Official narrative.
This is the death of democracy and the death of freedom and societies that function like this are definitively oppressive.
If there ever was cause for suspicion of ill intent in this bill it surely must be by creating indemnity for officials from accountability for any injustices incurred by innocent parties wrongfully censored or punished.
âNo action to lie against Officialsâ⌠So no consequences for abuse of power!
Should this Bill not be scrapped, to safeguard free speech these indemnity clauses should be reversed making any misuse and abuses by officials an offence.
Heads should roll!
Big Sister is watching.
In The closing years of the last decade the Gargantuan Internet/ Tech Corporations formed a cozy relationship with Socialist governments.
They share political outlook, and working in collusion they successfully shut down a significant portion of political opposition from being able to get their counter-narratives herd by the voting populations. Enough to skew elections.
They did this via de-platforming and censorship on an unprecedented scale, yet as a backlash *alternative social media and video streaming platforms have sprung up in the name of free speech* and those who suffered mass censorship from this unholy alliance have migrated to new platforms that allow them to congregate and share their views.
This makes these new platforms a threat to the Leftist woke monopoly as the single source of truth.
Platforms independent of the Leftist Cabal today allow countless numbers to slip through the Socialist Net.
Via legislation such as this bill we see these socialist governments mobilizing to crush these new platforms where dissent is starting to flourish thereby restoring their Politically correct stranglehold on information.
This regulatory activity is much to the advantage of the Establishment Mega corporations who have been losing market share and control as Freedom lovers exodus their skewed platforms.
This legislation will plug the leakage.
The fanatical Zeal of Woke leftist Globalists like Ardern and her minions will not be content with anything less than total control of all information either On line, or off.
The result if this bill becomes law will be Police raids and intimidation of Political dissidents.
Mass social conditioning.
Thought Police.
It is not creating a tolerant society but a political correct tyranny.
It is establishing intolerance as the rule, and offence taking as the means of silencing opposition.
This is not Social progress but a headlong regressive slide backwards.
Humorless, fearful, oppressive, stupefying.
The Socialists donât care.
Power Corrupts.
Freedom is in peril.
As I started reading the above article I was massively impressed…
“(Natural News) America as we know it is over. President Trump is the last president of the United States of America. Fake president Joe Biden wasnât elected by the people and isnât a real president, so his fake regime doesnât count.
Beyond all the politics and cyber warfare and criminal vote fraud carried out by Democrats, what is the real root cause of the fall of America? As I explain in todayâs podcast, it really comes down to mass mental illness.
Over half the people in America are mentally poisoned to the point of clinical insanity, and it is these people who attempt to run the government, the fake news outlets, the CDC and public schools, all like some twisted scene out of Idiocracy where even the Secretary of Education is a complete moron.
Weâve already passed the Idiocracy tipping point in America, of course. Fake White House press secretary Jen Psaki is a moron. Fake president Joe Biden has advanced dementia. None of the Democrats in the U.S. Senate can recognize reality anymore, and they function almost entirely as brainwashed bio-puppets who do whatever theyâre told. (Which is what NPCs do, of course.) Meanwhile, the people who voted for Biden suffer from the mental illness / cult brainwashing of âprogressivismâ which is rooted in irrationality, learned hatred and denial of reality…”
The first 300 words were 100% on point about the mass delusion and idiocy that has taken over…. But then I ready the bullet point list of what the Author thought was the source of the grand delusions… and my heart dropped.
The list is itself Whack… and an example of Mass delusion of the equal opposite type… the grand delusions that unfortunately have proliferated within the Pro-Trump camp!
The Article continues….
“… But what caused all this mass mental illness? Itâs not difficult to identify the vectors of the poisoning:
5G exposure
Toxic vaccines that attack human neurology
Brain-damaging pharmaceuticals such as antidepressants
Heavy metals in the food supply
Glyphosate herbicide exposure, which is now known to cause mass mental illness
Covid bioweapons exposure, now documented to cause mental illness in 33% of survivors
Fire retardant exposure, which is known to cause antisocial, violent behavior
Journo-terrorism (psychology terrorism by the media)
Fluoride in the public water supply
Mass media brainwashing and subliminal messaging like what you see in every Super Bowl halt-time demon cult worship theater event
Widespread nutritional deficiencies caused by the processed food industry
When you put all this together, you realize that a majority of Americans are now cognitively poisoned beyond the point of rationality…”
Wake TF Up People!
5G and Vaccines are symptomatic of the Grand evil Agenda but *are not* the source of the delusions!
5G is part of their All seeing eye… Global surveillance State.
Compulsory Vaccinations is about the end of personal bodily autonomy.
For these reasons there is good cause to be alarmed… not because they are cause of humanities freefall into insanity!
I realise that ‘Natural News’ does not represent ‘orthodoxy’ in the freedom/ anti-globalist movement, yet this article serves to illustrate important disfunctions that are hobbling the Freedom Campaign, and causing the movement to appear like Mad house.
This confusion in our ranks works in favour of the enemies of freedom.
Satan Laughing spreads his wings.
The true source of the delusions Zombifying the world is primarily Ideological…. A massive body of Lies have been heavily propagandised upon the populations of the world by the super Wealthy Technocrats and Politically Powerful aided and abetted by myriads of soul-less fanatical minions.
This has been a long long game that has now reached the final quarter while Freedom Advocates about the globe wallow in disarray… half infected by the delusions themselves and whose ranks have been infected by ridiculous conspiracies such as the Q movement… Trump worship… etc.
I like Trump. I believe he was a great President for our troubled times… yet he is not Jesus Christ!
And you do Donald Trump a huge disservice by thinking of him that way… loading the responsibility for saving America on his shoulders!
The truth about what I am saying was highlighted recently by Leftist Spokesman to the Masses Bill Maher when he called the ‘Capitol Riot’ ‘a faith based initiative’ and cited both the Q Annon cult and ‘Christian Nationalism’ as being the ideological bents underpinning the mindset of those who refuse to accept the US election results as being legitimate.
He said … âThe events of January 6 were a faith-based initiative and Trumpism is a Christian nationalist movement that believes (former President Donald) Trump was literally sent from Heaven to save them,â said the 65-year-old Maher, an outspoken atheist who frequently criticizes organized religion.
Again… It would be dishonest to suggest that such wild claims about ‘Trumps Divine Mission’ are representative of the views of all ‘Fundamental Christians’ and yet what Bill Maher is saying is not without substance because most of us who are informed have witnessed this psychosis as being a real cringe worthy phenomena that has infected a section of the ‘Pro-Trump’ camp, and as such Bill Maher ought not to be reviled for pointing out such an embarrassing truth.
Bill is giving these Pro-Trump ‘fanatics’ a mirror to perceive why so many atheists like himself view religion as a dangerous source of uncivilised mayhem and chaos.
Christians ought to take cognizance of this, and appreciate the truthfulness of it.
Religious fanaticism that undergirds riotous civil unrest truly is an abhorrent evil… not endorsed by the love or grace of God!
He comments also show why ultimately the basis for the Freedom movement must be framed in *impartial secular terms*.
This Truth is what the Protestant Reformation and the Enlightenment bequeathed to humanity and is the source of Freedom in Western Civilisation.
Maintaining a separation of Church and State.
I know that saying that will cause many Christians to get their knickers all up in a bunch… but that is simply because they wrongfully interpret the term ‘secular’ to mean ‘Atheist’.
It does not mean that at all.
It means *Reason based*… Arts, sciences, ethics etc that stand on the merits of their own truthfulness and internal consistency, and thus ought to be acceptable to Atheist and Theist alike.
Such as ‘A square is a polygon with 4 equal sides and 4 equal angles.’.
That is a secular truth… not an ‘atheist’ truth simply because there are no references to God in it.
Likewise Christians do well to frame their political ideals in terms that can stand upon their own merit thus making them palatable to non-Christians and demonstrating Christians need not be religious fanatics, and are capable if peaceful coexistence with others on reasonable reciprocal terms.
Don’t get me wrong… I am not saying Christians don’t have a right talk about the political state of the world in context to their own views.
I do it all the time and am doing so in this blog post.
I am saying however that the near ‘Trump-worship’ by Christians prior to the last election was shameful and brings Christianity and Trump’s own movement into disrepute.
They ought to have maintained their vocal support for him because of the principles of Freedom and justice he stood for… not because of quazi-religious Drama.
The Pastors who have fermented this Cult should be ashamed of themselves.
They give the enemies of Christianity and Freedom grounds upon which to justify the suppression of our free speech and values!
They ought to have walked a more nuanced line… which is what I am attempting to do here and now.
I admit it is difficult… and prone to misinterpretation at every bend.
I am a Christian Libertarian.
Donald Trump is a Conservative.
To me Biden really is an absolute Minion of Satan.
With respect to their ideals and agendas, and the situation the world finds itself in and by my doing my own Math though Donald Trump is far from perfect… I choose to ride the Trump Train!
The Ideological war the Socialist Globalist are waging against Freedom is being fought on many fronts.
Trump is a Good Man, and as President fought against them on most of the important theatres (but not all) and because Christians like myself recognise the Socialist New World Order as being nothing less than the Rise of the Antichrist system, it is easy to see how many Christian have therefore translate these facts into ‘a Holy war for the souls of humanity against enslavement to the Devil’.
They are not wrong about that.
Yet still that does *not make Trump God’s Divine savior of Humanity and America*!
It makes him simply the best Democratic Choice… according to our values and ideal.
His Brash personality was in fact well suited to deal with the endless dung throwing monkeys who assailed him all day long for daring to steer America in the opposite direction to their Globalist Scheme. He was impervious to their rancor and so remained steadfast in his resolve!
Few men could have done that… and underneath he has a good honest heart.
He was and still remains simultaneously the most despised, and most admired man on the planet today.
By standing against the Globalist Tyrannical Agenda Trump is on the side of Liberty, including Religious Liberty, Freedom lovers and Christians ought rightly to stand behind him and that is their Democratic right to do so… yet… and this is the difficult part to clearly delineate… Christians ought never to have confounded the justness of the cause for freedom with ‘Leader worship’… turning a popular democratic movement into some sort of Cult. yet that is what many have done.
I guess this is one of the traps of modern politics whereby leaders are assumed to be the embodiment of the Politics their party expounds.
It is a trap that ought to be avoided at all costs.
Socialist Leaders love to propagate such mindless Idolatry. No better example can be given that our own Jacinda Ardern.
The Freedom of Western civilization has hung in the balance several times in the recent past, requiring great leadership and heavy sacrifices to save.
Most notably from the Nazi and Communist threats.
Was Churchill perfect?
No, but only an ideological fool would have allowed Churchills ‘imperfections to be grounds enough to withhold support for Britain in the war against the Nazis and The Yellow peril.
Supporting leaders at such times is not an endorsement of their every move, but of the cause they are championing.
Is the cause fundamentally just? If so… then support it!
This being so those who claim to love liberty yet choose not to support Trump because of their personal dislike to his eccentric personality or foibles are demonstrably betraying the cause of Freedom!
Trump derangement syndrome is a disease of the mind.
That so many so-called freedom lovers have been so infected as to cheer that Biden won is an outrage!
Though the type of struggle has changed, the Crisis of Hitler’s hordes posed to our way of life was as dire as what we are currently facing today… Hitler appeared the personification of the Antichrist to Freedom lovers of his day.
Still, looking back we can appreciate how foolish it would be to elevate Churchill to quazi-Divine Stature.
Trump and Churchill were Men of their hour.
Trump Derangement syndrome and Trump Hero worship are equal follies.
We are called by the Apostle Paul … ” I exhort therefore, that, first of all, supplications, prayers, intercessions, and giving of thanks, be made for all men; For kings, and for all that are in authority; that we may lead a quiet and peaceable life in all godliness and honesty.”
Yet we must refrain from ‘Hero-worship’.
Conservative America is far from being the true ‘Land of the Free’, yet compared to the Socialist Hell that the Democrats are attempting to set up ‘Conservative America’ is still a bastion of light in the world.
Trump is no saint. He has many flaws… yet still I hold him to be… by comparative standards… a Good man and his cause is just… because he fights for Freedom and Constitutional rights, for all.
That I believe is a healthy and just evaluation of Trump… no less… no more.
Biden, Ardern, Macron, Trudeau, Gates, Zuckerberg, Schwab, etc are all unwittingly in league with Beelzebub!
I believe that to be a fair evaluation of them also because they are working to destroy individual liberty and rights and set up a Totalitarian Global tyranny!
Despite Atheist credulity the indisputable fact is the eventual establishment of the One World Tyranny of the AntiChrist has all been prophesied.
It shall come to pass… we just don’t know when.
The Bible also says that with the rise of the Antichrist strong delusions would come and that the world will fall under his sway.
I do believe it will happen *when we human beings allow it to happen*… ie with the abandonment of the Christian faith, and when apathy sets in and Virtue is hard to find… then our society shall reap the reward of the abandonment of the values that underpinned the rise of Freedom in Western civilisation… the morals.. the ethics… we will have become feeble and weak… and the powers of darkness will know their time is at hand.
It has been said that for all it’s faults at least under democracy populations get the government they deserve.
Perhaps we deserve to loose the blessings we have enjoyed to such a large extent over the past 100 years.
‘The Greatest generation’ were prepared to run into Nazi Machine gun fire to halt the antichrist of their day… and by God’s grace they prevailed.
The type of Warfare today is far different… yet I fear that we today do not have the mettle required to face the evils of our times.
We don’t seem to be able to rally together for the cause.
Are we that accursed generation upon whom freedom, Righteousness, and truth will finally slip away?
Is the Sun setting on Western democracy?
Now it appears that Democracy itself has fallen!
How many elections about the globe in the past ten years have been defrauded by the Globalists?
How Many of their vile and treasonous minions have been installed and maintained in power to sell out their individual nations to the New World Order and ‘The Great reset?’.
I believe the last General election here in New Zealand was defrauded. Read about that here: VERY VERY SUSPECT ELECTION RESULTS FOR THE SOUTH ISLAND.
We freedom advocates knew the situation was bad, yet just how deep the Machiavellian Soros Inc infiltration of the system was still took most of us by surprise.
Not only has the years of propagating the fantastic lies about Climate change, Covid 19, ‘White Nationalism, corroded the minds of the politicians of the world, It also appears Soros Inc used more direct mean to corrupt major players in Trumps own Camp…. Judases.
How did the Soros/Democrat Cabal get to Bill Barr?
What was his ‘motivation’ to play such a double crossing snake in the grass betrayal of Donald Trump?
In my mind nobody come close to having stuck their knife into Donald Trumps back deeper and twisted it more than he.
Everything points to him being Blackmailed.
Had he fallen into some trap by which Soros Inc had some unspeakable dirt on him?
Or was he or his loved ones threatened by some powerful entities that caused him to break?
Time will tell us why, yet for now it is a complete mystery.
We can only despair how Barr slow walked every big case that came past his desk that could have absolutely decimated the Democrat party… Monumental evidence against Hillary Clinton… Monumental evidence against the Biden crime family… and because of his treason the media of the world were able to ignore the Truth too… and continue to sell the false narrative that it was the Trump administration that was corrupt… not the Dems.
That so many people who should know better… people who claim to support freedom against Socialism *accept all the lies about Trump, and that Sleepy Corrupt Joe Biden won the election fair and square just goes to show the Diabolical Sway and success the relentless Globalist propaganda Campaign has been.
Soros admitted Trump was ‘Enemy number one’ in his ambitions to establish the one world order, yet spoke with calm certainty that Trumps time would be short lived and that he would be gone at the next election.
How could he be so certain?
Because he made it a priority to corrupt the Electoral system of the US… and elsewhere… like New Zealand.
Why did the Supreme Court refuse to hear the evidence for Election Fraud?
The claim that the Texas case ‘had no standing’ to my mind is absolute bunk!
Texas has no business with regards to other States independent election of their own representatives, yet how they conduct their election for the Presidency is a Federal matter, and therefore of vital importance to all States… and it is without question Georgia, Michigan, Pennsylvania and Wisconsin all practiced ‘illegal’ and highly suspicious election anomalies!
You have to have rocks for brains to believe the FBI statement that the 2020 Election was ‘Fraud Free’.
The scale of this Fraud is mind boggling!
It surely ranks up there with the greatest of all time such as the Climate change Fraud, The Evolution Fraud.
Hitler said the greater the lie, the more people will believe it…. and I guess the reason this is true is because sometimes the truth is hard to believe.
The Stealing of the US Elections does mark the point where the Battle for freedom has clearly tipped against us, and so if we are to ever get back to a semblance of freedom and sanity it will demand freedom lovers and Christians must be prepared to bear a far heavier burden than ever before and risk far heavier persecution by the Corrupt State … all with the support of the Children of the Damned… the brainwashed zombie hordes.
Are any of the so-called freedom lovers and Christians prepared to put aside petty differences and unite, and stand up together and hazard their very lives and property for the sake of Freedom for their Children… or will they remain impotent and at variance with each other?
I fear those who know what is going on are too cowardly… to weighed down with the cares of this world… to bravely resist the Beast.
Maybe this really is the End?
We could still turn back the tide yet it will now take *Massive commitment* to our ideals and beliefs… All backed up by Mass Peaceful demonstrations. And literally Millions of individual acts of public peaceful protest around the globe.
I am afraid the hour is late and our situation dire.
The Globalists now control the Armies, the Police forces, the Courts, of Western Civilisation.
We can expect the ongoing confiscation of Firearms to accelerate and the eventual nullification of the second amendment… probably by stealth… rubberstamped by corrupt courts.
Treasonous Globalist parliamentarians have already circumvented due processes and safeguards to write the legislation to round up anyone who talks about Armed resistance… Freedom fighters being deemed to be ‘Dangerous Radicals’… terrorists even.
How far have our societies fallen in such a short time… and will continue to fall unless bold principled resistance is taken!
We are fast approaching China-like tyranny and suppression of all dissent.
We now have to be willing to risk Jail time, risk being assaulted and even Death from fanatical Woke hordes… for freedom and truths sake… all the while maintaining the high ground and not being lured into rewarding Evil for Evil.
I’m not sure we have the mettle to pull this off!
God help us… and our Children!
Putting aside my Christian retoric for the sake of the cause of unity I know that our movement must be founded upon the core of commonly held values and principle common to all factions of Freedom loving communities which form an ‘overlapping consensus’ between our various groups and that these core values and principles can be,,, and must be articulated in *secular terms* that are acceptable to *all parties of reason*.
I will have to write a whole new post to describe what I mean by this ‘overlapping consensus’ that can form the basis for mutual cooperation between disparate groups, yet basically it results in an embodied constitution of Equality before the Law, personal freedom, and limited government… Time tested and proven ideals and values that have been forsaken by this generation.
We must get out in the streets and protest against the slide towards the Socialist NWO!
We must expose and throw out evil minions like Jacinda Ardern!
The time is short.