After doing some calculations, I’ve discovered that Richard Dawkins thinks there is a 14% chance that fairies exist.
In conclusion I have two words: Full Retard!
After doing some calculations, I’ve discovered that Richard Dawkins thinks there is a 14% chance that fairies exist.
In conclusion I have two words: Full Retard!
Andrew Magdy Kamal – apparently the highest IQ ever recorded, at 231.734. This was accomplished last year (2013) just before he turned 17. This includes an adjustment made for his age (which is done routinely for minors), so only time will tell if he maintains his position, but he is listed in Record Holder’s Republic for Highest IQ and Highest IQ average, and it looks pretty good. He is a he is a staunch conservative and a member of the Republican Tea Party. He is also the founder of the Coptic Orthodox Messianicans Group. Andrew Magdy Kamal hopes to use his talents and intelligence to spread the news of Messiah Yeshua (Jesus Christ) his hero, and he lives in Michigan.
Abdessellam Jelloul – apparently the highest IQ ever scored by an adult in the “advanced IQ test” was by Jelloul, who scored an adult IQ of 198. This was in a 2012 test which included 13 dimensions of intelligence (analytical, spatial, logical, memory, musical, linguistic, philosophical, moral, spiritual, interpersonal, intra-personal, bodily and naturalist). Unlike other tests, the advanced IQ test includes more measures that other tests cannot assess. I tweeted Mr. Jelloul a question about his beliefs in September of last year, and he graciously replied to me that he does “believe in God, a Supreme Architect of the universe” (see a screenshot of this tweet in the slideshow).
Christopher Michael Langan – has a verified IQ of at least 195. Langan achieved a perfect score on the SAT, but dropped out of Montana State University after concluding his professors weren’t qualified to teach him anything. ABC’s 20/20 measured his IQ (as an adult) to be between 195 and 210. Langan has indicated in his writings numerous that he believes in God, for example, in William Dembski’s book “Uncommon Dissent”, he wrote: “…since Biblical accounts of the genesis of our world and species are true but metaphorical, our task is to correctly decipher the metaphor in light of scientific evidence also given to us by God”.
Terence Tao – his IQ was estimated to be between 220 and 230 by the Davidson Institute when he was about ten years old. At eight years old, Tao achieved a score of 760 on the pre-1995 SAT, received a Ph.D from Princeton at 20 and at 24 became the youngest ever full professor at UCLA. I couldn’t find anything about Tao’s metaphysical views. He’s obviously a tremendous mathematician, but doesn’t seem to post much outside of mathematics.
Christopher Hirata – has a verified IQ of 225, calculated when he was in his teens. Hirata skipped middle school, and at 16 was working with NASA on a project exploring the possibility of colonizing Mars. The Daily Princetonian, Princeton’s student paper, where Hirata began attending for his PhD in Astrophysics at 18, reported that his IQ is around 225. Hirata posted the following to his Facebook on October 31, 2013: “Today’s experience: saying the Lord’s prayer with a homeless couple on Colorado Boulevard. It may not feed or shelter them, but I hope that it made a difference in their lives.” So he is clearly both a Theist and a Christian.
Evangelos Katsioulis – has apparently scored a 198 as an adult. Katsioulis is a Greek Doctor/Psychiatrist/Philosopher who has publicly referred to his belief in human souls several times. For example, he did a lecture in 2008 called “BODY AND SOUL”, and made clear that he wasn’t speaking metaphorically in it with lines like: “The soul is not the body. It is not the flesh. It is the spirit.” He is apparently a follower of a strand of Christianity influenced by Teilhard de Chardin.
Rick Rosner – has apparently scored a 192 as an adult, after years of honing his IQ test-taking skills. Has been a writer for the Jimmy Kimmel Show, and appeared on “So You Want to be A Millionaire”. Rosner denied that he was an atheist on Twitter, after an inquiry. He also retweeted this Einstein quote: “God does not care about our mathematical difficulties. He integrates empirically” and in answer to the question “You know there’s a God?” he answered “Maybe. Suspect there’s an infinity of gods”.
Mislav Predavec – has apparently scored a 192 as an adult. [Update – I initially had the wrong quote linked here]. His Christianity can easily be confirmed by a beautiful response he wrote to a friend who had become a Christian in one of the groups he belongs to and which was posted online:
“David, I am so glad hearing good news about your convalescence, and more about your enlightenment, you are aware now that your suffer and pain, your giftedness and sense are a part of plan. Truly, all this can´t exist without being leading it intentionally. Atheistic explanation that everything is accidental progress is full of holes. Stay well my friend.
Gary Kasparov – is alleged to have an IQ of 190. He was perhaps the most universally attested-to as a top-shelf intellect, so it was unthinkable to leave him off of this list. In 2003 Kasparov played to a draw against a chess computer that could calculate three million positions per second. He is considered by many to be the greatest chess player of all time. Kasparov has described himself as a “self-appointed Christian”
Kenneth Ferrell – has apparently scored a 190 as an adult. If I have located the right Kenneth Ferrell online, it’s abundantly clear from his own words that he’s a Christian. Since I’m not sure, I didn’t include him in my count of believers.
So you can see that the brightest of the bright have not foreclosed on the possibility of the existence of an Intelligent Designer. Juxtaposed with the fact that most Scientists are not atheists, I’d say that the Appeal to Authority on which atheist debators have long relied has dissolved.
Steve J. Williams is the author of What Your Atheist Professor Doesn’t Know (But Should)
Read full article >>>Here<<< Read more.... Atheism. The Philosophy of Small Minds.
Pasteur’s Law, Creation Science vs Nose Bone Atheism.
Faith, Science, and Reason. The Pomposity of Atheism.
David Berlinski—Atheism and its Scientific Pretensions
The Walls are closing in on Atheism… not Theism.
Rapturous Amazement! The Advance of Science Converts The High Priest of Atheism to Deism. A Flew.
“…The earth also was corrupt before God, and the earth was filled with violence. ”
Genesis 6vs11.
The Bible explains why Mankind is violent.
It has to do with the Fall of Adam into sin, Exile from the Garden, and The loss of God.
Mankind has become rebellious, deceitful, and vicious.
Driven by Lusts, and Damnable.
For all have sinned and come short of the glory of God.
We all need to receive >>>> The Gospel of God’s Grace.<<<<
‘Evolutionary Science’ is Oxymoron-ic.
This is proven time and time again.
When these whack mystics posit such a ridiculous arguments as to suggest that the Human face has been shaped by ‘hand to hand combat’… you know they are absolutely Clueless!
Yes Folks, these idiots would have you believe that you look like you do because your ancestors… for millions and millions of years have been punching each other in the face!
They would have you believe that fist fighting is an ‘evolutionary driver’… that it has effected our Genetics!
This is patently false.
It also shows how vacuous…. how absolutely lacking in Genetic reality… how thoroughly reliant on unscientific imagination the whole theory is.
This latest theory is no better than the previous…. equally imaginative… equally un-scientific hypothesis that…
” the transition in facial structure from apes to early hominins had previously been explained largely by the need to chew on nuts and other hard foods that needed crushing.”
Read about these laughable theories >>>here<<< and >>>Here<<< This is not science. This is grasping at straws. The Truth is Human beings *Did not* Evolve from Monkeys/ apes! Evolution *Cant* explain why Human beings exist. It's not Plausible... Its Delusional. Naturalism is Impotent. Materialism cant generate life from Dead matter and then trans-mutate it from Algae into humanity. And the more powerful scientific tools of investigation we Humans invent, continuously *increase* the implausibility of Atheist Naturalistic Materialism with every new insight and revelation. The only reason Atheists embrace such wild fantasies that constitute the theory of evolution is because they refuse to consider the only really plausible explanation in the light of Genetic Information.... That Living things prove there is a Grand Designer... a Super-mind... whom exists 'outside' the Physical Universe. Atheists allow their personal hatred of the Idea of 'God' to blind them to the obvious truth, and insodoing they cling to the most ridiculous of delusions about how monkeys can turn into people. And Science has now proven Materialism to be false and that the Super-natural realm *must exist*. The Universe *was born* out of this prior-existing eternal Transcendental reality... which is far more *fundamental* and primary than our temporal universe. Science is catching up with the Book of Genesis. " In the beginning, God created the Heavens and the Earth." The Walls are closing in on Atheism… not Theism.
Tim Wikiriwhi.
Read about more Evolutionist Bullshit >>>> Evolutionary ‘Mumbo Jumbo’ of the the Week. “Why Do Humans Cry?”
Evolution in action. Dr Richard Nixon.
Filtering: “Selective presentation or deliberate manipulation of information to make it more acceptable or favorable to its recipient.”
Read more:
This is the ‘Human factor’ at work in ‘Science’, and is why the vast % of ‘Research’ ends up ‘proving’ the hypothesis of the ‘researcher’.
Simply put…. they impose their theory upon the data… cherry picking whatever they can make fit their arguments, and ignoring/ passing over/ covering up any ‘anomalies’ which go against their ambitions.
this is how/ why ‘evolutionary scientist can go and investigate a river and ‘discover’ how it “makes fish evolve”….
The Video below at first appearance looks very dubious, yet the Guest speaker presents some very interesting evidence to support the idea that dinosaurs were still around until a few thousand years ago, rather than millions upon millions.
What is also telling is how the scientific community reacts to such evidence which threatens to overthrow all their cherished beliefs.
The truth is that none of the pet theorys of atheism actually have a solid scientific foundation…. materialism, evolution, abiogenesis, etc.
all of them are purely based upon the assumption of atheism.
Ie none of these ideas are provable via observation and experiment.
Thus the claims made by atheists that science supports their theories is a gigantic lie… none the less they are prepared to not only cling to it, but to actually deny *all evidence* which proves them to be wrong.
It’s worth watching.
^^^ Watch That Video!
Update: 12/14
Researchers have unearthed a fossil fish so well preserved, it still has traces of eye tissues. What’s more, these fossil tissues reveal that the 300-million-year-old fish called Acanthodes bridgei (pictured), like its living relatives, possessed two types of photoreceptors called rods and cones—cells that make vision possible. This is the first time that mineralized rods and cones have been found conserved in a vertebrate fossil, the team reports online today in Nature Communications, as soft tissues of the eye normally begin to disintegrate within days of death… more>>> Three-hundred-million-year-old fossil fish still has traces of eye tissue
^^^^Talk about vindicating my Blog posts!
These Quacks in the above tube vid want more Tax loot to fund their own cushy existence on the basis of their own Bat shit crazy beliefs!
The say that is “a matter of numbers”…. and that though they suggest intelligent life may be ‘very rare’… they are ‘confident’ that the probability of Microbial life is “almost 100%”.
May I refer you to my blog posts >>>> Multiplying Absurdities Equals Certainty… The Math Magic of Modern Atheist Astrologers!
The myth making processes of Pseudo Science. The Epic Tale of the Simple cell. (Part 1)
Dingbat Atheist Pseudo-science. Instant Life… just add water!
What is even funnier about this is that I didn’t know that these supposed space Microbes could transmit Radio signals… etc which is the primary thing these SETI Kooks spend all day listen for!
Maybe they have ESP
I guess the joke is on American Tax slaves.
This lobbying for money to fund Seti is the exact equivalent of the Cult of ‘Heavens Gate‘ asking Congress to fund their wacky UFO religion…. it only the fact that the SETI Cult of Atheist Materialism enjoys much greater popularity, and has devotees in high places that these Pseudo-scientists even dare to ask for $$$.
This sort of prejudice towards The religion of atheism is a flagrant violation of the principle of the separation of State and religion, and that it is tolerated is the chief reason why so many Sheeple have been duped into following the pied pipers to their doom.
Satan Laughing spreads his wings.
With all this wacky speculation being touted as Rational Science, one wonders how Richard Dawkins can be so sure there are no Spaghetti monsters out there?
Evolution seams to make any fantastic being possible…. as long as its not Moral, all powerful, responsible for making mankind, and doesn’t demand worship.
Oh really Ricky?
All this talk of ‘ET’ and a supposed ‘almost 100% certainty’… based upon the numbers of Stars in the sky proves otherwise!
It exposes the Naivety and dishonesty of Atheists (Like Rick Gervais) in regards to their insistence that their Atheist Faith is based upon a more sure foundation than Divine revelation.
In reality they deceive themselves by their absurd notions of what materialism and Naturalism are and how sold the so-called science which they claim underpins their beliefs.
Oh Really Neil? May I suggest that the very opposite is *more often* true of science!
Ie more often than not what has been claimed to be scientific fact is eventually overturned and proven to be false.
These Atheist somehow delude themselves that *their* Science is Holy…. objective… and free of the Human condition… when in reality they wallow in Human Subjectivism, self deception, and ignorance.
Their Atheism is not based upon science… rather their science is based upon their atheism.
They are just too dumb….too blind…. too hateful of religion to realise it.
Tim Wikiriwhi
Read more…
From >>>Here<<<
A trucker in Ohio shocked hospital staff after coming back to life nearly an hour after he lost his pulse following a massive heart attack — but it’s what he claims to have seen during those tense moments that has him sure there’s an afterlife.
Brian Miller, 41, was opening the lid of a container when he knew something felt wrong — he immediately called 911 and told the operator, “I’m a truck driver and I think I’m having a heart attack.”
Sure enough, his main artery was completely blocked — causing what’s known as a “widow-maker” heart attack
He was rushed to a local hospital where doctors managed to revive him and clear the blockage, but after regaining consciousness and feeling the pain dissipate, he developed ventricular fibrillation, when the heart starts quivering wildly and is unable to pump blood.
“He had no heart rate, he had no blood pressure, he had no pulse,” said ICU nurse Emily Bishop. “I mean think about that.”
Doctor’s performed “strong, hard, fast CPR” and shocked Miller four times to try to revive him, but had no luck.
It was during that time that Miller said he slipped away into a celestial world, “The only thing I remember I started seeing the light, and started walking toward the light.”
He described walking down a flower-lined path into white light — until he came upon his step mother, who had died recently, “She was the most beautiful thing when I seen her, it was like the first day I met her, (she) looked so happy.”
Miller remembered, “She grabbed ahold of my arm and told me, ‘It’s not your time, you don’t need to be here, we’ve got to take you back you’ve got things to go and do.’”
After 45 minutes his pulse returned “out of nowhere,” Bishop said. ”His brain had no oxygen for 45 minutes, the fact that he’s up walking, talking, laughing, everything is amazing.”
Glad to be back amongst the living, Miller now says there is one thing he is sure of, “There is an afterlife and people need to believe in it, big time.”
I read an article recently that suggested that as many as 20 million people had had Near Death Experiences, and that despite Materialist monists fervent denials, there has been accounts which have ‘independent’ corroboration, and also other interesting ‘anomalies’ such as blind people ‘Seeing things’… for which the term ‘Mindsight’ was coined.
These experiences suggest that consciousness, thought, memory, etc carry on after Zero brain activity…. which supports the Dualistic theory of Body and soul… thwarting Monism which insists all our personality and consciousness is generated by the brain.
I find the article is interesting because it articulates my own scepticism about Materialist scepticism for Spiritual realities.
The truckie story above is a classic example of *What really happens at death* … ALOT!…. which Materialists have to reduce down to illusion.
I actually have a Jewish friend who died in a Car crash… was dead for several hours… and revived.
She reported seeing Jesus (which was a surprise… being a Jew), and meeting her Gand Father who said Nanna will be ‘here soon’.
She reported all this to her parents, and within a few weeks… Nanna had passed away.
None of this is explicable via notions of ‘hallucinations of a dying brain… loss of oxygen, etc’… Monitors detect Zero brain activity, and when people temporarily black out from lack of Oxygen they experience confusion and or memory loss, not Lucidity of thought… not vivid memory… and their black outs are not *Life altering*…. *perspective Game changers*…. which is a very common result of Near death experiences.
Objectively speaking, these experiences ought not to be written off as delusion simply because they don’t fit well with the common assumptions of the Material paradigm.
The Free thinker will be open to consider greater possibilities…. even if the evidence demands a person to forsake their cherished assertions.
Tim Wikiriwhi.
Read more….
Science goes Ga Ga! The Spirit Temple-Material Interface. The Human Brain.
The Folly of Scientism. Austin L. Hughes
Et tu Brute? What is Scientism: William Lane Craig
Monism: Evolutionary Psychology and the Death of Morality, Reason and Freewill.
Hightimes are running a Poll on ‘The God question …>>Here<<
If you get high, eventually you get around to discussing the possible existence of the Force, the Creator, the Big Guy Upstairs or whatever you wanna call the Big Unknown. So what do you believe? You’ve got three choices.
The Results are conclusive…
I’m an atheist. I don’t believe in God.
27% (1241 VOTES)
I’m an agnostic. I’m not sure, but I’m open to the idea.
24% (1096 VOTES)
I believe in a higher power.
49% (2255 VOTES)
Total votes: 4592
So Getting High is not detrimental to faith in God… the expanded consciousness could even be conducive towards a realisation that what passes for ‘society’, and the mundane and trivial fashions, etc is insignificant compared to the Grandeur of the total Human experience.
I know that Getting stoned certainly has resulted in countless hours of contemplation about the meaning of life and given me a deeper appreciation for the Natural wonders which surround me.
Noah’s Ark could have floated even with two of every land animal in the world packed inside, scientists have calculated.
Although researchers are unsure if all the creatures could have squeezed into the huge vessel, they are confident it would have handled the weight of 70,000 animals without sinking.
A group of master’s students from the Department of Physics and Astronomy at Leicester University studied the exact dimensions of the Ark, set out in Genesis 6:13-22.
According to The Bible, God instructed Noah to build a boat that was 300 cubits long 50 cubits wide and 30 cubits high – recommending that it be constructed from gopher wood. The students averaged out the Egyptian and Hebrew cubit measurement to come up with 18.98in, making the Ark around 472ft long – about 328ft shorter than the Navy’s recently scrapped aircraft carrier Ark Royal.
Using those dimensions, the Archimedes principle of buoyancy and the approximate weight of various animals, they were surprised to discover that the Ark could have floated.
Benjamin Jordan, 21, a student from Bury St Edmunds, Suffolk, said: “Using the dimensions of the Ark and the density of the water, we were able to calculate its buoyancy force, which, according to Archimedes’s principle, is equal to the weight of the volume of fluid the object displaces. This meant we were then able to estimate the total mass the Ark could support before the gravitational weight would overcome the buoyancy force, causing the Ark to sink.”
…Thomas Morris, 22, from Chelmsford, Essex, said: “You don’t think of the Bible necessarily as a scientifically accurate source of information, so I guess we were quite surprised when we discovered it would work. We’re not proving that it’s true, but the concept would definitely work.”
Read more >>>here<< So despite what the Naysayers say.... the Genesis Math/ science of Noahs Ark is Good! Bible believers.... 1. Infidels........... 0. The bagging of the latest Russell Crow Movie based Upon Noah, by so-called Christian Fundamentalists like Ray Comfort.... because in their opinion... it does not accurately portray the historical Noah I think is very short sighted because the movie *makes people think.* I grantee this movie stimulates millions of people to contemplate this historical Epic.... many of us not expecting Hollywood to do anything less than embellish the truth! The above article is an example of the Media jumping on the Populist bandwagon because Holywood has made Noah... a Topic of interest. I personally cant wait to see it! Tim Wikirwihi
In a carefully orchestrated ‘announcement’ ‘Big Bang Breakthrough’…about the detection of ‘Gravitational Ripples’ The Materialist PR engines were quick to attempt to ‘channel’ the sheeples minds away from the obvious implications of this new ‘discovery’ which again proves the Universe is finite in every sense of the word… the now well established fact that our universe had a beginning… exactly as the Bible always said… towards instead accepting their fictitious fabrications designed specifically to lull the unwary and unwilling… into a false sense of the validity of atheism.
Reading about this in an article in today’s NZ herald…
“If cosmic inflation, which we need in order to explain several weird facts about our universe, is correct, then this provides strong support for the notion of the “multi-verse”; the idea that what we see when we look up at the night sky is but a gnat on the back of the elephant that is the true totality of creation.
The existence of gravity waves is evidence that “our” universe may not only exist alongside an infinite number of parallel worlds, but may itself be infinite in extent, containing endless copies of our galaxy located trillions of light years apart.”
For those of you who dont appreciate just how loaded this PR spin is…. in one foul swoop theses spin doctors not only managed to placate the uneasiness felt by atheists that science keeps vindicating the Judeo-Christian scriptures…. they also took opportunity to pretend that their favourite myth …the multi-verse theory … they invented under the sophist delusion that it somehow makes belief in the Naturalistic emergence of life more plausible despite the ludicrously fantastic odds against it in this universe …. supposedly providing a convoluted escape from the rational necessity for belief in God…. they claim via this new discovery….their charade now has some sort of scientific vindication!
Satan Laughing spreads his wings.
They act as if it really is News that our universe and the laws which maintain it are finite and that a far greater transcendental reality …a far more Real/Absolute reality exists beyond the reach of science… it’s not news at all… Science has shown us this in various other ways via thermodynamics and the increasing speed of the expansion of the universe…etc etc.
Nor does this new validation of the temporal nature of our reality … contrary to the devious assertions of this Public relations stunt…add any credence to the multi-verse theory… only that there must be something much more fundamental ‘outside’ our universe.
It is an absolute fraud to suggest this in itself adds any weight to the preposterous multi-verse fabrication invented as I have said before… not as a logical necessity… but as a sheer atheist ruse.
The notion the The Universe ‘Popped out of nothing’… has always been an absurd atheist folly… the Universal equivalent of Flat Earth theory…
And the unnecessary and whimsical postulation of ‘infinite universes’ does nothing to solve the Ultimate problem for atheists… if anything it multiplies the biggest problem of all… and multiplies the ultimate necessity of postulating the existence of the supreme being.
The Materialist Zombie has received yet another stake through the heart… yet refuses to die… which exposes Atheist materialism as a most *un-scientific superstition*… held by shear force of will… as a preferable delusion to admitting the frightening reality…. there is…. there must be a God!
Science demands it.
Tim Wikiriwhi.
Here is an article which expresses a similar opinion about how this latest discovery supports Biblical Creation…..
‘Big Bang ‘Gravity Wave’ Discovery Supports Biblical Creation, Say Old Earth Creationists’
“The Bible was the first to predict big bang cosmology,” according to Hugh Ross, president and founder of Reasons to Believe, an Old Earth Creationist organization that believes Christianity and science are complementary.”
Follow the link above to read more.
Update 22-3-14 watch Dr William Lane Craig on Fox News Corroborate my Blog post.
Read more from me about the Materialists straw clutching to avoid the obvious statistical absurdity of Naturalistic spontaneous generation of life….
Multiplying Absurdities Equals Certainty… The Math Magic of Modern Atheist Astrologers!
The myth making processes of Pseudo Science. The Epic Tale of the Simple cell. (Part 1)
Dingbat Atheist Pseudo-science. Instant Life… just add water!
Nyctophilia: Hiding in the Dark….
“Keep things in the shallow end… because I just didn’t want to know…”
Eeewww! I’m not reading that book! It’s got Jesus on the cover!
I found reading this incredibly sad.
Fred Phelps, Founder of the ‘God Hates Fags’ Westboro Baptist Church, is on the ‘Edge of Death’
You know Fred Phelps. You loathe Fred Phelps. You despise everything he stands for, like his family members’ infamous protests at soldiers’ funerals with their awful “God Hates Fags” signs. They’ve been a symbol for many years of the religion-based animosity against the LGBT community — to the point that they’ve been labeled a “hate group” and even the most fundamentalist Christian groups denounce his church’s activities.
Nate Phelps … is Fred’s son and a former member of Westboro Baptist Church. He left the church, and therefore the core of the family, in 1976 when he was 18 years old and has since come out as an atheist, but he still keeps in touch with some of his extended family members, many of whom have also escaped from the church.
Tonight, on Facebook, Nate posted this:
I’ve learned that my father, Fred Phelps, Sr., pastor of the “God Hates Fags” Westboro Baptist Church, was ex-communicated from the “church” back in August of 2013. He is now on the edge of death at Midland Hospice house in Topeka, Kansas.
I’m not sure how I feel about this. Terribly ironic that his devotion to his god ends this way. Destroyed by the monster he made.
I feel sad for all the hurt he’s caused so many. I feel sad for those who will lose the grandfather and father they loved. And I’m bitterly angry that my family is blocking the family members who left from seeing him, and saying their good-byes.
It seems that Fred Phelps badly misconstrued the meaning of
If any man come to me, and hate not his father, and mother, and wife, and children, and brethren, and sisters, yea, and his own life also, he cannot be my disciple. (KJV)
As for Phelps and fags … sure, if you truly believe that people are destined for eternal conscious torment in hell, then arguably it is a loving act to warn them as loudly as you can of their impending doom, but I don’t think Fred Phelps really understood or practised the second great commandment. Do you?
Thou shalt love thy neighbour as thyself. (KJV)
I found reading his son Nate’s Facebook post incredibly sad but I find reading the reactions that news of Phelps’ impending demise has engendered even sadder. Here are some typical reactions I’ve seen on (or linked to from) Facebook.
Fuckin hate this cunt with a passion !! If he needs help gettin over that edge Holla !!!!
Someone give him a shove, and maybe stab him in the back a few times
sweet i so hope he lingers on in utter pain and has to spend the remainder of his miserable existence being hand bathed slowly by a FLAMING HOMOSEXUAL 3 times a day
To the people who spew such venom, I’ve simply got to ask. What did Fred Phelps ever do to you? Did he picket your funeral? Did he personally come and pee on your rug? Seventy times seven, peeps. And don’t you think you’re getting a bit overwrought over something that’s essentially a clown act?
Hate breeds hate. Luckily, I don’t loathe Fred Phelps and never did, but so many people do. Phelps bred hate and spread more than a little hate worldwide. And I’m guessing he might even have inspired some of heavy metal band Slayer’s lyrics. 🙂
No reciprocal hatred from me. Just a wish, in the spirit of yesterday’s St. Patrick’s day, that Phelps’s is “a quick death and an easy one.”