Category Archives: Bogus Science

The WEF. Klaus Schwab’s New Age Religious Cult.

The diabolical Claus Schwab Sells A Heavenly futuristic vision of Global Tyranny

From X.
Posted by ‘Resist CBDC’ @Resist_CBDC here

“The move to EV’s is a disguised move to END PRIVATE CAR OWNERSHIP.

“You will use an app like Uber … a self driving car will come to your hotel or wherever you are … in 2030 Los Angeles will be private car driven free … this will to transform highways into parks”

The EV Uber will be scarce and doled out based on social credit. Same with air travel.

This is not about the climate. This is establishing social control, to perfect the human condition, classic Marxism updated for 21st century.

All part of the Digital ID + CBDC social credit system.”

Click and watch…

My commentary….

There is no way they will be able to do that by 2030.
Not a chance. Not even if they stage a Coup and take over the USA.
But that’s not what’s important about his speech.
What’s important is that he is woo-ing the crowd by visions of a Futuristic Green Utopia.
Schwab is essentially an evangelist for a New Age religion of Man… founded upon technology… his New World Order… and he has mesmerised a massive portion of the gullible world leaders into believing his visons.
He’s a false prophet.
He’s a Cult leader.
This is what we are witnessing here…

And remember all things in this Electrical Utopia… all financial transactions, access to goods, and services pass though the Control panels in the WEF HQ.
All things are Watched by their All-seeing Electronic eyes.

Tim Wikiriwhi
Christian Libertarian.

More from Tim…

The World Economic Forum is Where Politicians Of The World Conspire Against their Own Nations. Schwab Makes Policies For Your Nation, Bypassing Democracy.

Dr. Robert Malone… The WEF should be shut down and all young global leaders and globalist should be removed from office.

Libertarian Opposition to the Globalist agenda of Mass Immigration.

NZ Police have been ‘Trained to detect extremism’…. what does that even mean?

WEF, Soros Determined to insure Donald Trump Does not win 2020 Election… and they achieved their objective.

Scott Stapp from Creed Calls for All Americans to unite against Soros and the WEF.

The WEF provoked the War in Ukraine. It’s all about overthrowing Putin.

“There’ll be NO FOOD LEFT And It’ll Be WAR” – Farmers Expose WEF Agenda: Russell Brand.

UK PM Starmer does sharp U Turn on illegal immigration. Admits ‘Open Boarders experiment’

The World Economic Forum is Where Politicians Of The World Conspire Against their Own Nations. Schwab Makes Policies For Your Nation, Bypassing Democracy.

The Firmi Paradox Rattles Atheist Brian Cox. If Evolution is true…Where are all the Space Aliens?

Watch short (below)

The idea that there are aliens out there is pure Atheist Evolutionary Myth. The reality is *Life cannot spontaneously generate* Mic Drop. We know this because There is no such thing as a ‘simple cell’… Cells are super-complex… that is why blind nature cannot make life…. Mic Drop. Which is also why The Firmi paradox is a death blow to Atheist evolution and why Brian is bothered by this truth.

Tim Wikiriwhi
Christian Libertarian.


“There’s a thing called the Fermi- Paradox… and the paradox is… if we hadn’t seen anything… lets assume we haven’t seen any evidence of anything… That’s a paradox. We now know.
We didn’t when Firmi first posed it. by the way.

We now know there’s so many planets out there… so let’s say trillions of planets in the Milky way. The Milky ways been there for over 13 billion years. Pretty much the age of the Universe. So If there’s no one else out there, then the question is why?

Because there’s been so much Time and so many places for civilisations to become Space faring civilisations. We are very close to becoming a multi planetary civilisation. And once you have become a Multi planetary and multi Stellar civilisation, and you become that you’re immortal basically.

So the question is… the paradox is why does it appear nobody has done that.

So the first thing to say is…. I would not be surprised if a UFO landed here now in the parking lot. I’d actually not only would I not be surprised, I’d be relieved.

This is good. It would be a weight off my shoulders. because I’m worried [Joe Rogan: that we are the only ones… that’s a terrifying scenario] … and we are going to make a mess of it.
Brian Cox on Joe Rogan.

There is a God.
He Created this Universe and Us.
We fell into evil and that is why he separated himself from us.
Yet he loves us and has provided a way for us to be forgiven and cleansed from Sin.
By believing the Gospel and receiving Jesus Christ as our Lord and Savior.
Christ died on the cross for our sins.
He was buried, and rose from the dead on the third day in victory over sin and death.
Whosoever believes the gospel and calls upon the name of Christ… shall be saved from eternal damnation and instead will live forevermore in God’s loving presence.

Update: 12-1-25

More From Tim…

Why have we not met Aliens? Are we alone in this Universe?





The myth making processes of Pseudo Science. The Epic Tale of the Simple cell. (Part 1)

David Berlinski—Atheism and its Scientific Pretensions

Evolutionary ‘Mumbo Jumbo’ of the the Week. “Why Do Humans Cry?”

Multiplying Absurdities Equals Certainty… The Math Magic of Modern Atheist Astrologers!

Dingbat Atheist Pseudo-science. Instant Life… just add water!

Science goes Ga Ga! The Spirit Temple-Material Interface. The Human Brain.

Russell’s Teapot really refutes Atheism not Theism!

The Ludicrous Claims of Evolution! Why not ESP?

Faith, Science, and Reason. The Pomposity of Atheism.

The Rusty Cage: Scientism.

Square Circles. When Continuity is claimed as Evolution

The Lies of Atheist Pseudo Science.

Way too Starry for Atheism!

The CDC / John Hopkins Geier Study. 2000. Robert Kennedy Jr on X. Have Vaccines Saved Tens Of Millions Of Lives?

Robert F. Kennedy Jr.: “And then in the year 2000, CDC did a study with Johns Hopkins called Geier because there was this emerging claim that vaccines had saved tens of millions of lives around the world. And I’m not going to tell you that they don’t because nobody should trust my word on this. You know, what I say is irrelevant. What is relevant is the science.”

“And this is the principal effort by CDC to actually verify that claim. And what the Geier study, and they looked at all the, you know, the history of each vaccine and health claims. And What they were trying to say is there was this huge decline in mortality from infectious disease that took place in the 20th century. An 80% drop in deaths from infectious disease.”

“And what caused that? Was it vaccines? And what they said is no, it had very little, almost nothing to do with vaccines. The real drop happened because of really engineering solutions, refrigerators. You could store food. transportation systems that would get oranges up from Florida, etc. the roads, better housing, sanitation, the invention of chlorine, sewage treatment, but mainly nutrition.”

2Nutrition is absolutely critical to building immune systems and so what was really killing these children was malnutrition and you know it was the infectious disease that was kind of knocking them off at the end But the real cause of death was malnutrition and a collapsed immune system. And that is what the Geier studies says.”

“Now anybody who’s listening to this, you know, you can go look at this study. So don’t blame me and don’t say, you know, Kennedy’s in denial. This is the only time CDC ever looked at this. And it’s called Geier. It’s published, as I recall, in Pediatrics. And it’s CDC and NIH and Johns Hopkins. in the year 2000. And I believe the study is true and that it’s borne out by many, many others.”

“There’s another study from 1977 called McGinley and McGinley. And it was, and that study also said that fewer than 1 percent of the decline in infectious mortality deaths could be attributed to vaccines. Oh, and that study was required reading in almost every medical school in this country until the mid-1980s.”

“So anyway, I’m just saying that orthodoxy that you just described, it’s not an orthodoxy that should be accepted on faith. People should actually look at it, and when they have, it has not borne up.”
Robert F Kennedy Jr.

Watch Video Below.

Genetically Modified Organisms Not wanted in New Zealand’s Environment or Food.

The following revelations were posted on X.

FSANZ (Food Standards Australia and New Zealand) is proposing to end any requirement for labelling certain foods which have been genetically modified.

In brief, foods that they judge through various technical criteria are ‘substantially equivalent’ to natural foods will no longer be labelled as such or even referred to as ‘genetically modified’.

Read: Urgent: Government Plans To Remove Gene Food Labelling

“In essence, the regulations will be accommodating the commercial biotechnology food sector ensuring that they will no longer be required to label many gene modified foods. In other words, the public will be left in the dark about the GM origin of a wide range of foods and thereby denied their right of choice.”

My commentary (reply)

I’m a Libertarian. Understand this… *We the people* of New Zealand have the right to demand any product containing GM organisms be clearly labeled.
That does not violate Free trade. It protects against subversion and trickery.

The big question is why *certain interests* would want to hide such a declaration?

It’s obvious who those interests are…. *The Mega corporations* … and why do they want license to operate in the dark?

Because they know *Consumers* don’t want GM Products! Ie Consumers will not willingly prefer GM food over Natural food if they can tell the difference!

So this is about deceiving the consumers… for the sake of Mega corporations and their Patented GM Crap!

Furthermore… *on the basis of property rights* We New Zealanders do not consent to GM Crops being grown here in NZ *because You cannot guarantee the GM organisms will not escape into the wider environment…. contaminating the property and crops of others who do not want GM organisms on their farms or in their food!

Therefore it is upon Libertarian first principles that I demand the Government Prohibit all GM organisms unless they are grown under such conditions that guarantees they will not contaminate the property or crops of others.
The Big corporations want the people to sacrifice their rights just so they can make a fortune without bearing full responsibility for the risks their activities cause to others.


Politicians are too easily corrupted by Corporations.
Too often Politicians are one track minded… easily duped by pseudoscience… and willing to trample on the rights of the little people for what they perceive as economic gain.
All too often Politicians serve the Profiteering interests of Corporations over the rights of the people whom they are elected to serve.
One of the most blatant forms this has been taking in recent times is attempts by governments to prevent people growing their own food at home.
By attacking Home grown food this threatens the Store of Seeds held by the general public and their ability to feed themselves in hard times.
It causes them to become dependent upon Big Food.
Patented GM products has almost nothing to do with the betterment of humanity and everything to do with *Ownership of verities of food crops for profit*
Property rights is the strongest defense against such a scheme as unless corrupt politicians allow corporations to spread their mutant strains without proper safeguards… It would cut into the profitability of such crops if they had to be grow under stringent conditions that prevented escape into the wider environment.

Here’s the thing… Mr. Big Food… If you can grow your crap without affecting the property of others and their GM Free Crops… and if you clearly label your products… full disclosure and are able to get them to market and sell them … ie you have a customer base… All will be well and good, yet if your operation threatens neighboring farmers and you must hide the fact your produce has GMs to sell it at the market…. then you can go fly a kite!
The viability of your GM Crops must factor in the rights of others *who were here first*.

I’ve had a guts full of constant encroachments upon self-reliance and healthy foods.
Monsanto and other Mega corporations can Bugger off as far as I’m concerned.
We esp don’t want Bill Gates fake Meats!
New Zealanders don’t need their crap.
We can grow Clean Natural foods.
That’s what New Zealanders want for our kids, and by keeping our produce 100% GMO Free we can supply the global market for others who want the same for themselves and their kids.
Big Food needs to grasp the fact that Junk Food is no longer wanted.
The world wants God’s Natural goodness.
This is why corporations don’t want to declare their GM produce.
We can not allow them to hide their crap in our food.

Propaganda would say that the desire to have clean natural food is a ‘Luddite’ anti-science mentality.
Satan laughing spreads his wings…

Tim Wikiriwhi.
Christian Libertarian.

Update: 30-11-24.

On a related topic… Bill Gates ‘additive’ to Cows feed for the purpose of reducing Methane release via Burps and farts… We read that The UK has approved his product yet do not require foods manufactured from such cows to be labeled the product is from ‘treated herds’… thereby keeping the general public in the dark about what’s in their food.
This is a disgrace! Yet again we see a government taking the side of the Mega rich… against the interests of the people/ consumers who might avoid this additive if they had the means to differentiate Milk, butter, cheese etc that does not contain it.
This highlights the urgent need for us here in New Zealand to keep our produce clean, and Natural… as this will give us an advantage in the market places of the world for those who don’t want Bill Gates weird funk in their food.
You might think they would happily label their products as being from ‘Low emissions dairy herds’… to appeal to the Cult Of Environmentalism and Climate hysteria. The Truth however is The world is growing wary of Processed foods and skeptical about the legitimacy and safety of human interventions, Vaccinations of cattle, hormones, drenches, etc etc with a strong trend towards preference for ‘Organic’ produce.
It’s corrupt that governments are prepared to collaborate with ‘Big Food’ in deceiving and disempowering the voting public… robbing them of their personal choice and preferences when it comes to one of their most essential aspects of their lives… their food!
Again this is Totalitarian socialism at work… shoving their government sanctioned politically correct garbage down citizens throats… by stealth.!
God knows what effects this will have on Cattle and consumers. We can be sure this was all ‘fast tracked’ through the system (just like the Cov jabs were) without proper normal safety protocols being adhered to ‘in the name of urgency because of the impending ‘climate catastrophe’. It’s a risk (with our lives and the well being of cattle) these lunatic Politicians are willing to take!
Eat you Porridge Slaves… nom nom nom!

Update: 1-12-24.
British public backlash has begun!

Western Nations are sick. Sen Johnson RoundTable REPLAY: American Health & Nutrition: A Second Opinion… From X.

My commentary…

While I don’t believe there is any Utopian solution to many of these issues… The biggest take away I get is that we the people should be far more aware about Natural/ organic foods and be far more wary about Big Pharma and Big Food. If there is a disconnect between Toxins in Food products… and paying the costs of Health crisis… then there is no reason to make food products safe… this to me is a legislative matter…
The Micro-plastics problem is frightening given they are already ever-present in our environment…and I don’t see how that could be fixed… at all.
That is a completely different type of problem… Plastics serve a heck of a lot of *good* in our societies to the degree that ‘Banning Plastic’ might be more detrimental to our collective health and well being… etc.
That one will probably only be solved by the development of new materials… yet they in turn might be discovered to have their own issues.
It is all part of the Human condition.
The more Informed we are as individuals and the more self responsibility we take on… and the more freedom we have to apply our own choices… these factors at least place the greater responsibility for our health *on ourselves* rather than dependence upon Government and being stuck with Big Pharma Big Food virtual Monopolies. So politicians who pass laws against people growing their own foods… Farm gate sales… Restrict Natural health products etc these politicians are destroying our freedom to take care of our own heath and assisting the Big corporations to capture the markets. In the end Obese people must take responsibility for their own eating habits and health conditions.

When Heath and medicine moved away from being *a Vocation*… That was when it began to lose it’s heart and soul, yet lets be real here… while we find it distasteful that profiteering is going on with regards to healthcare we certainly don’t want Soviet style State Health systems,
nor do we want Stalinist Control of Food.
Remember what Adam Smith said about the bakers baking good bread…

A Free society is not *Utopian*… it’s free… and that means many Human beings will choose to over eat… will choose to smoke… etc etc so we must take care not to mistake much of these bad statistics as ‘evidence’ that the government needs to pass regulations and prohibitions that impinge upon personal liberty. If We the people wise up and start demanding healthier foods, etc… demand that Governments remove regulations that protect Big Food from small time competitors who want to supply more natural products… It would be a natural consumer choice that might force Big Food to adjust their practices…

Tim Wikiriwhi
Christian Libertarian.

Full 4 hours

More from Tim…

My Submission to The Therapeutic Products Bill. Tim Wikiriwhi.


From here on X

NZ and the MRNA

Batch number FK0115
(written by Julie Oct 2022)

My name is Julie, and I am a Mandated Health Worker with a 37yr nursing career.

I had worked through the first lockdown, and had been in the Isolation Ward. Many of my colleagues requested not to work in this area for various personal reasons, but there was a group of us that rotated through, but also worked in our own areas as well. (There was internal discussion about whether this policy increased a risk of Covid spread, but it didn’t change).

We were not inundated with patients, and with many things cancelled the hospital was pretty calm… but there was an air of waiting for pandemic numbers to hit.

NZ borders were closed, MIQ was in operation, but the Covid admissions and presentation numbers didn’t escalate.

Then the Vaccines became available in New Zealand, and we went from recommended to MANDATED

I was researching the data safety manufacturers sheets prior to the mandates. By 1st November, I could no longer find them through search engines. The Medsafe site had 8 month old information, and then the emergency use authorization for the Covid vaccine was extended for two further years. I emailed Medsafe, but they replied to say their information was not updated, but now they refer straight to the WHO site information.

In 2019 I had experienced a flu vaccine reaction, (trunk and upper limbs rash, and exhaustion), and had reported this to CARM myself. Never have I had any previous reactions to any vaccines, and I have had the annual flu shot as this was offered free through our workplace. So I was worried, I did not want this Covid vax, but I was one of the last take it in my area.

So to keep my job, I had it in November prior to the mandate deadline. My arm was a little sore, but within 24hrs the lymph nodes under my arm, and the outer aspect of my breast felt full, swollen and tender. I had no rash, was tired, but tiredness was a normal for my shift worker very busy job.

Day 15 post shot, I experienced


I was at work, and did my own obs (BP, heart rate, oxygen sats). In the weeks that followed, these palpitations continued intermittently, and not related to exercise, or any other precipitating events. The swollen lymph persisted. I also noticed that small fresh cuts on my hands were not bleeding.

I saw my GP, but she could not help me with applying for an exemption. Instead offering to make an appointment for the second to be administered in the Emergency Department. I was deemed High Risk, and she said there is a group that travels to areas to administer the vaccine to people like me.

She did not send me for ECG, or bloods or any further investigations. She did listen with a stethascope to ensure there was no “rub”, a sign of pericarditis.

I registered my own Adverse Event on CARM, a time consuming process- logged in as a health professional, the site kicked me off three times, and if the drug name was not spelled correctly it would not allow the forms to be accessed. It seems that a busy health professional would find the time required a real barrier.


nor do people realise they can register their own events. Or those of their loved ones.

Rather than take the second mandated shot I RESIGNED.

I did not have the emotional bandwidth to go through the hospital process of refusing the mandates, and the pathway of interviews and procedures the hospital had in place. There was short discussion with the manager of my area, (and in a public space) but she backed away from applying pressure.

I therefore finished my career January 1st 2022.I have had much help with finding ways to improve my health, and taken steps to manage my symptoms.

Thank you for reading, and please realise that we are not alone. Julie

Covid 19 and Heath articles by Tim…

Mandating Covid 19 Vaccinations in New Zealand Workplaces. My Submissions to Fonterra Committee Vaccine mandate proposal and Risk assessment. By Tim Wikiriwhi.

My submission on the inquiry into the government’s response to Covid 19.

My Submission to The Therapeutic Products Bill. Tim Wikiriwhi.

The Story of Covid 19 in New Zealand, by Tim Wikiriwhi 2021.

Ex Act Party Leader Rodney Hide takes David Seymour to task for his Shameful Stance on the Anti- Covid 19 Mandates Freedom Protests.

Transhumanist Nano Tech Particles Found In The Covid 19 Vaccines? Are These Things Really In There? Living Now in the Last Days…

Jacinda Ardern is more Dangerous than Covid-19: Censorship and Control of the Press.

New Zealand High Court quashes ‘Unlawful’ Vaccine mandate…

Doctors advised to ‘Adjust’ how Death certificates filled out. Jordan Peterson Short.

General Christian Blanchon’s Tribute in Honour of the Unvaccinated.

Global Boiling! Global Burning! Are The Globalists about to Implement ‘Climate Lockdowns’ and impose their New World Order?

Panic Sheeple!
The end is nigh!
Global Boiling is here!

OH Dear God! What shall we do?????

We had better institute a Global Shut down!

Are the Globalists poised to implement the Great Reset?
All Auguries bode ill!
Many factors lead me to believe the Globalists are about to pounce… and that is why they have in recent days elevated their climate alarmism to truly unhinged levels.

Just in case you have been in a coma for the past decade, and are wondering what I’m raving on about, ‘The Great Reset’ is the Socialist Gospel… the institution of the Socialist New World Order. The End of Independent Sovereign Nations, replaced with Global citizenship, and a Cashless global digital currency.

I believe the NWO is nothing less than the establishment of the Kingdom of the Antichrist as foretold in the Bible. 666.
As foretold… As it was in the days of Nimrod and the Tower of Babel, All Nations will be gathered under one All powerful Kingdom, presided over by the Enemy of God and mankind.

You will own nothing… yet you are told that you will be happy.

No one will be able to buy or sell except they have the Mark of the Beast. (Rev 13)
There will be no more Religious Liberty.

To achieve their Diabolical ambitions The World Economic Forum are manufacturing a fake existential crisis to justify their monumental grab for total power over the entire planet!
And billions of idiots are falling for it!
They have control of the UN, The World Health Organisation, and their puppets are in positions of power in almost every Western nation.
It has been decades in the planning, and the fate of human freedom hangs in the balance.

Satan Laughing spreads his wings!

The secretary-general of the United Nations Antonio Guterres.

It will be the end of Capitalism, and the birth of the New Age of Socialism!
Hearts and Hugs!!!!
Individual pursuit of wealth and happiness will be over.
All resources will be used for the greater good of the Herd.

*That is the sort of Socialist Bullshit they expect us all to mindlessly embrace*

Anyone with any understanding of how Socialism really works knows that if this New World Order is allowed to get established It will Be Hell on Earth!

Every individual will be allocated their share via the Global social credit system, your personal carbon footprint will be tracked, Your opinions will be scrutinised and policed.
All you must do is submit to the New World Order by taking the implant.
Rejoice Ye Damned Slaves!!!
Some of you may think this is all a bit stink… yet then you remember the Earth is Boiling!!!!!!!
Capitalism and Freedom are destroying the planet! ( At least that’s what the WEF and Leftist Greens wants you to believe!)


Click and watch that Bangin video (above) from Daisy Cousens.

Our benevolent billionaire banker elites have foreseen all of this and have been selflessly labouring for decades on such a scheme of salvation. The Great Reset.
(If you believe these maniacs have the best interests of humanity at heart, you have rocks for brains!)

It seems patently obvious to me the recent escalation in extreme alarmist retoric is prepping the sheeple of the world into complying with the extreme political evils the Globalists are about to launch… right across the globe. All at once.
The embedded WEF Minions making these absurd claims about ‘Global Boiling’ take their orders from and are working to a schedule dictated by the Globalist Puppet masters, Schwab, Gates, Soros.
Fact check that!

On cue no sooner does The UN and other alarmists ramp up their retoric… catastrophic fires start to break out’ in Hawaii and elsewhere.
The media squeals “Global Boiling!” Global Boiling!
Of course it’s summer in the Northern hemisphere and that’s fire season, just as it is 6mths later in Australia. Poor management of national forests… the failure to maintain fire breaks, and do controlled burn offs of ‘Undergrowth ‘Fuel loads’ is the chief reason why massive fires have become the new normal. Nothing to do with a climate crisis.
This is all well understood, yet satellite images of recent fires in Canada show 6 or more fires starting in synchronicity. Obvious arson… yet Trudeau and Biden take to their National podiums fanning the flames of Climate change hysteria.
This is all by design… All part of the script to justify what is coming… The end of freedom in the West. That is unless we the people rise up in mass protest and Refuse to submit to this Globalists treachery.

If they are poised to implement a global climate lockdown We should be on the watch for some truly gob smacking brazen catastrophe… possibly A fire of unprecedented scale to break out somewhere with massive loss of life so shocking as to cause everyone on Earth to gasp. Not to infer what happened in Hawaii was trivial, if something of stupendous magnitude happens that can be construed to be a result of ‘Global Boiling’…. I for one will not be surprised.
The Globalists are ready to turn such a happenstance to their own advantage. IMO they are evil enough to engineer such an atrocity.

The stakes don’t get any higher than this.
The elites don’t give a rats arse about the billions of filthy little people who scurry about on *their planet*!
They have already decided there are too many of us… and the anti-human far left Environmental movement has done a fabulous job of instilling this Malthusian myth into the hearts and minds of the sheeple of the world… esp their children.
The evil Globalists are about to seize control of *everything*.
It is coming down to the wire!
A show down between the Globalists New World Order, and Freedom loving Americans and Nationalist patriots in all Western nations.
We shall fight to retain our Independence and right to self-determination!

We see the evil hand of George Soros directly at work manipulating the legal systems right across The US seeking to circumvent democracy and prevent American citizens from being able to vote Donald Trump back into office. It does not matter whether you like Trump or not… this corruption ought to be patently obvious to all! It ought to disgust and alarm *All enlightened people* (I’ll be writing another article on this) yet if The Soros Scheme to block Trump from running in the coming election is unsuccessful, there is an extremely high possibility the Globalists will pull the pin *just before the elections*.
That is how immediate this monumental conspiracy could kick off!
A Trump Presidency would be a massive blow to their aims… The Aged Schwab, Gates, and Soros might never live to see another ‘opportunity’ to grab Global power.
These Machiavellian Megalomaniacs have a sense of urgency to achieve their ultimate aims for Global Domination.
Soros is counting on Mass Trump Derangement Syndrome to cause the world to turn a blind eye towards this massive travesty against the American democracy.
Sadly I think he can have confidence that a massive portion of humanity don’t care if Trump is defrauded. They are blinded by their own contempt.

If you don’t want your children to grow up slaves be ready to march in the streets!
Be ready to go to Parliament and protest!
They are getting ready to impose their New World Order under the guise of the climate emergency. *NOW*
And it will resemble North Korean Type totalitarianism… but on steroids.
They have the technology now to monitor and control all human beings on Earth.
Big Brother… 1984… George Orwell.

Understand the level of tyranny they must impose if they hope to maintain an iron grip on power over the entire earth!
Understand the level of suppression of Thought and ambition they must hold over the peoples minds!
Enlightenment Ideals, and Christianity must be crushed out of existence.

We can still beat them and they know it!
They are desperate to gain control of the internet and pass censorship laws to make articles like this one ‘illegal’!
Because it is via Free speech that We the people can rally against them and thwart their evil plans.

Remember what these Evil Bastards did during the Covid Scamdemic!
Remember it was only the compliance of the sheeple that allowed them to trample our human rights, destroy our nations economy and impost tyrannical lockdowns… all of which were a travesty!
Did we learn anything from that massive social experiment on Global control????
Realise what I am saying is not fantasy, but an accurate description of the Political Establishment’s modus opperandi.

Wake up Sheeple!
So be ready to march in the streets people!
Be ready to resist!
Be ready to defy their evil orders!
Refuse to comply!
United we stand!
And especially remain peaceful in your civil disobedience… for history has proven that peaceful resistance can break despotic powers… as long as *all the people* act in solidarity and do not waiver in the face of the jackboots.
We must be prepared to make the ultimate personal sacrifices to save our children from Satanic Slavery.

It is also election time!
We desperately need to get rid of Labour, The Greens, and the Maori Party, yet if you want to save New Zealand from the great Reset for goodness sake Don’t vote National.
Don’t vote Act! Certainly don’t vote NZ first!
These parties were fully complicit in Arden’s Tyrannical activities since 2017.
Under Ardern these parties absolutely failed to be an effective opposition… that is because they are fundamentally in agreement on 90% of the big issues that New Zealand has faced… and they are fully on board with The Globalist agenda.|
I implore all Freedom fighters to vote for one of the New Freedom based parties!
Vote for New Conservatives, or Democracy NZ, or Leighton Bakers party, Or NZ Loyal, or Sue Grey’s and Brian Tamaki’s Freedom coalition.
New Zealand desperately needs to sweep out the despicable Status quo parties, and elect new blood!
It is my understanding that all these New parties stand for New Zealand’s Independence and National Sovereignty in opposition to the Globalist’s aims.
Voting for any of the status quo is a wasted vote.

Tim Wikiriwhi
Christian Libertarian.

Update: 26-8-23 *Here we go!…

No less than 79 Arsonists have been arrested in Greece! You can bet they are all Far Left Radicals who are part of the Globalist scheme to promote the idea of ‘Global Boiling’. Their counterparts are lighting fires all over the globe then screaming ‘Climate change!!!!

Read article… here

“… Greece has called out “arsonist scum” after police made 79 arson arrests over wildfires ravaging the country.

Civil Protection Minister Vassilis Kikilias said there had been several attempts by arsonists to start new fires on Mount Parnitha, north-west of Athens.

The blaze is one of hundreds in the nation where wildfires have already killed at least 20 people this week.

“You are committing a crime against the country,” Mr Kikilias said.

“Arsonist scum are setting fires that threaten forests, property and, most of all, human lives,” Mr Kikilias told Greeks during a televised emergency briefing on Thursday.

“You will not get away with it, we will find you, you will be held accountable.”

Summer wildfires are common in Greece and scientists have linked the increasing frequency and intensity of extreme weather events, including heatwaves, to climate change…”

Christian post-script.
The Bible predicted the Antichrist minions of Satan would try to enslave the world. It will only happen on our watch *if we wallow in apathy and indifference*.
If we fight this I see no reason in the scriptures why this ultimate scheme of Satan cannot be delayed for a generation or two… when a more Godless, and docile, and ignorant generation fails to appreciate what is at stake.

And irrespective of the outcome of this struggle, every one of us needs to turn to God Almighty and realise our need to accept the Gospel of his grace.
For We are all *individually* Sinners, and as such our souls are in danger of eternal damnation. It is sin and rebellion against God that is behind the New World Order. yet the gospel say’s God loves us all *as individuals* and has made a way for us to be redeemed, forgiven, and cleansed of our sins, so that we can spend eternity in heaven… in his presence.

The Gospel is that God our Father sent Jesus Christ his son to die on the cross for our sins, and that he was burred, and that he rose from the dead in victory over sin and Death.
Whosoever choses to believe this good news will be saved. Without works! Salvation is the gift of God! You can be saved and put right with God Almighty right now!

It matters not what evils you have committed or what vises you struggle with. If you turn to God and call upon the name of Jesus… you will be saved!
For his love and grace are sufficient *for all*.

Trust in the gospel and no matter what happens, you will spend eternity in Heaven. These are the sure promises of God found in the Bible.

When the Kingdom of the AntiChrist appears (The New World Order) The saved will be raptured out by God, yet all those who rejected Christ will be deceived by strong delusions and will accept the Mark of the Beast.
All who receive the Mark will be judged by God Almighty… Jesus Christ… and be separated from God… Damned… For eternity.
This is the Ultimate spiritual battle that is going on.
Schwab, Gates, and Soros are just the Foolish minions of Satan… deceived by their own Vanity, and lust for power.

My personal testimony is I believe Jesus Christ is the Way, The Truth, and the Life!
The accuracy of the Bible in predicting the coming of Global Tyranny is evidence of it’s Divine truth.
Christianity is the salt of the Earth that prevents the rot… yet Christianity has been systematically attacked and is being forsaken. This is why the world is sinking back into darkness.
Yet We can have a revival!
we must have a revival… if Western civilistaion is to be saved from the false evil Gospel of Socialist Tyranny.

When The Antichrist does finally come to power, he will rule for a mere 7 years… yet these shall be the worst years in the history of Human Government.
In the End, The reign of the Antichrist shall be cut short by the Return of Christ as King of Kings and Lord of Lords.
The Antichrist shall be destroyed, and Christ will set up his Kingdom in Israel.
Sounds Far fetched?
It is happening before your very eyes!
Christ visited Israel in the 1st century BC in accordance with the promises of God to the Jewish Fathers.
He changed world history.
Pears encyclopedia calls him “the greatest figure in Human history”.
The Bible promises that he shall return.
He shall rule from Jerusalem for 1000 years… the Prince of Peace.


More from Tim.







Hell is for the Self Righteous, Heaven is for Sinners.

A High Calling.

Christ’s work of Salvation on the Cross… The Great Equaliser.

The Christian Fellowship is a voluntary private society, not a theocratic political movement.

Do you believe you have the Perfect Word of God? Theism vs Humanistic Rationalism. Seeing The Light! My Testimony.

The hope which is In Christ. Terrible grief shall be turned into great joy!

The Rock of Divine Revelation.

Jimi vs Jesus.

Car Crash.



Because Evolution is not Falsifiable, it’s not Science. It’s Pseudo-Science

This meme (above) popped up on my Twitter feed today.
I was not sure if the person who posted it was seriously asking this question, or was just trolling those of us who believe in Special creation and reject Evolution.
It matters not, for irrespective of the motive for making this post I took the opportunity to throw in my personal opinion about Evolution as being pseudo-science…

This quickly solicited a response that inferred the Evolution hypothesis could be falsified…
I was able to rebut this assertion with little fuss on my part.

Did my accurate rebuttal phase my antagonist in any way? No.
He simply repeated his original claim. So I expanded my original rebuttal.

Unflinching, he continued to spiel unsubstantiated evolutionary jargon as if it was science…adding he thought Darwin’s ignorance of genetics to be ‘irrelevant’!
It’s far from ‘irrelevant’ for it was only in the vacuum of ignorance about genetics that Darwin’s bunk ideas were able to take hold of the imagination.

He then tried to justify evolution by suggesting that getting new genes was not necessary for evolution (below)!!
I immediately pointed out the error of his contention, and that in fact this was more evidence against evolution…

Mutations do not result in new Genes. There has never been a new creature discovered via Mutation. Even Darwin recognised Mutation as having massive negative impacts on the fitness of Species. The math is so far against the claim that mutations are an evolutionary force as to render the postulate utterly delusional.
Evolutionists clutch at such straws notwithstanding.
Like a stuck record… and he even admitted such (saying for the third time) he repeated what he had already repeated… but also threw in some Ad Hominem attacks on my personal intelligence and learning! That’s what these people do!

This is a signature characteristic of an indoctrinated mind. When confronted with cogent arguments that are completely at variance with what they themselves have been led to believe. Instead of taking time to cognate the plausibility of what they have been proffered, instead they start to assume this line of reasoning can only come from ignorance of what they have assume to be unquestionable truths.!

At this point the poor fellow started to implode… denying his original proposition!

Realising nothing I marshalled would penetrate the stone walls of his fortified mind I felt best to draw this thread to a close… yet not without firing the obligatory parting volley!
Yet not to be bested he fired his own… not realising he again shot himself in the foot by re-asserting the notion that *Evolution would be falsifiable* *if only there were no variations*! This is a falacy of circular reasoning…
“Evolution could be falsified if we found no variations, yet because we find variations Evolution cant be falsified!”

When he said “For the third time: evolution is the change in heritable characteristics in populations of organisms…” The sneak snuck in quite a significant modification to his original contention.
At least he was trying another more nuanced approach. Yet alas thereby he sinks his own ship…

Most of you will be familiar with how Social media debates play out. They do not always flow in a linear fashion from point A to Z as it is possible to read, and re-read the debate and randomly throw in commentary as and when we feel moved to do so. This means the debate can ‘jump about’.
In this Blog article I have done my best to present the argument fairly, yet as a matter of course I have juxtaposed the screen shots in a way that best suits my argument. not in real linear time. I do not mean to disadvantage my antagonist by not declaring this home advantage I have…

Ultimately if this guy wanted to be both honest and maintain his integrity, After I had shown him how variations are explicable without any evolution, he simply ought to have retracted his original claim that Evolution could be falsified via the means of *no variation*. That is patently false. Not only that yet he set up a standard that could not be falsified… as variation is a fact.
If Evolutionists want to defend their Mythical tale as an actual scientific theory they will have to find a better argument for it’s falsifiability.

So my Premise stands… Evolution is Pseudoscience because it is unfalsifiable.

I’d be happy to accept any challenges to this Granite solid proposition.

Tim Wikiriwhi.
Christian Libertarianism.

I informed ‘Fortune’ that I had turned our debate into a Blog article and that if he did not think I represented him faily that he should write a retort in the comments (below) and that I would let it stand as his right of reply. this was his response…

Ask yourself why is it necessary to cast slurs on a person’s character simply because they rigorously oppose something you hold to be true?
Is it not possible to disagree yet remain civil?
This is a requisite IMO for a free and enlightened society.

More from Tim…








The myth making processes of Pseudo Science. The Epic Tale of the Simple cell. (Part 1)

David Berlinski—Atheism and its Scientific Pretensions

Evolutionary ‘Mumbo Jumbo’ of the the Week. “Why Do Humans Cry?”

Multiplying Absurdities Equals Certainty… The Math Magic of Modern Atheist Astrologers!

Dingbat Atheist Pseudo-science. Instant Life… just add water!

Science goes Ga Ga! The Spirit Temple-Material Interface. The Human Brain.

Russell’s Teapot really refutes Atheism not Theism!

The Ludicrous Claims of Evolution! Why not ESP?

Faith, Science, and Reason. The Pomposity of Atheism.

The Rusty Cage: Scientism.

Square Circles. When Continuity is claimed as Evolution

The Lies of Atheist Pseudo Science.

Way too Starry for Atheism!