Category Archives: Cannabis

NZ Libertarian voting New Conservatives, and ‘Yes’ for both Cannabis Legalisation and the Assisted Dying Referendums.

Read about the kind of guy New Conservative Deputy Leader Elliot Ikili is… here > Motorway rescue earns recognition

With regard to the up and coming referendum on the right to assisted death for the terminally ill, and to politics in general, a fundamental question asked by Libertarians is Who owns your life?
Answer: You do! Not society.

Upon that basis I believe a Yes vote for the right to assisted dying for the terminally ill is the moral vote because it is the only consistent position with the principle that (politically speaking) *you own yourself*.
Otherwise you become the slave/ property of society.

The above statement is clear cut, yet not without controversy.
The ‘No’ voters think this reform erodes the sanctity of Human life. So argues the New Conservative party.
I say it does the very opposite thing.
It removes power from the State and gives it back to individuals to make their own choices.

I myself am both a Libertarian, and a Christian, yet many Christians will not be able to reconcile my ‘Yes vote’ with how they interpret ‘Christian values’, and in fact many people… both believers and infidels can’t imagine how Christianity and Libertarianism can be coherently united and consistent in application.

More on these nuances later, first of all I want to talk about the curious mental gymnastics I am forced to engage in this election whereby my votes on both referendums will be in conflict with the expressed policies of the political party I have decided to support. New Conservatives.

I forgive people for this default starting assumption.
Hopefully those of you who find my decisions incredulous will take the trouble to read this post whereby I will do my best to extricate myself from being written off as a nutbar.

I know that my choices will win few friends, and will more likely annoy any I already have because splitting my votes will tend to draw the ire and consternation of *all camps*.
Nonetheless this is the course I am choosing to navigate.

We here in New Zealand live in chaotic times politically speaking, and the two referenda being run in unison with the national elections are two highly polarising subjects… which is why they have become referenda as neither of the two large parties have the Nads to legislate these reforms, or run with them as election policies.

The assisted dying referendum for the terminally ill has come about because of a bill presented to parliament by Act Leader David Seymour.

I will be supporting Seymour’s reform, yet I won’t be giving Act my party vote.

Even though Act have never been a great party, deciding not to vote Act this election was not an easy decision to make, as what other party even remotely represents my essential values?
On several key matters of personal freedom David Seymour had stood head and shoulders above the rest of parliament in how he conducted himself this election cycle, with respect to the issues of free Speech, and his opposition to the shameful way the new Firearms prohibitions were enacted.

In the light of these noble actions I was definitely leaning towards giving Act my vote and encouraging others to do the same, yet as time progressed, Seymour’s virtues became overshadowed by other unconscionable actions he would proceed to commit which have undermined my support.

With regards to the new abortion Legislation he not only supported late term abortions but also failed to vote for a proposed amendment that would have defended the rights of babies born alive after botched Abortions to receive medical aid rather than being neglected to die.
The whole basis of the pro-abortion arguments are that a woman is sovereign over her own body and the government has no authority to dictate what she does within her own body… yet once a baby has in fact been born… is *outside* the woman’s body, then they ought to have the full rights of an independent human being!
I consider these failings by David Seymour to be morally reprehensible.
And how disgusting that such laws were passed under a parliament led by a Woke PM who claims she entered politics ‘For the Children’!!!!
Seymour is fully complicit in this foul business.

I was also disgusted with the way he treated some of his most loyal candidates with regards to this elections Act party list, and I have always disliked what I see as a general lack of spine on some of the most important social issues facing our Nation such as ending the Race based seats in parliament, and his support for the UN Global compact on migration.

These are not attributes of a leader I can endorse.

In the not too distant past voting for me was a far less convoluted enterprise.
During the first decade of this new Millennium voting was relatively easy because New Zealand had a vibrant Libertarian Party for whom I could cast my vote with confidence, and for many elections in the second decade, I stood as a Libertarian Independent, and so obviously I at least knew which candidate I would support.. yet the question of where to place my party vote has never been an easy decision since the Libertarianz Party disbanded.

It is a matter of political folklore that the Act Party are a ‘Libertarian party’, yet this is to the largest extent a myth.
A myth that is mostly to the detriment of Libertarianism.
Politics in New Zealand truly is a confounding mess and almost madness to try and untangle… which causes many not to bother trying.

Act may have been founded with the aid of some Libertarian minded people, yet there were also many Ex Labour Party Neo-liberal Bigwigs like Roger Douglas and Richard Prebble, and so instead of advocating any Libertarian social reforms, Act quickly became a Crony Capitalist/’National Socialist party’ that supported some Free market Economics, yet maintained Welfare State socialism with regards to virtually everything else.

Take a look at the picture (above) that exposes how far the National party have drifted from their original charter!
If only they had remained true to their original aspirations upon which they were founded!

Act became the most Right Wing party of New Zealand.. to the right of National.. a lobby to bludgeon Left wing heavy Taxation Anti-Business ambitions of Labor and their more radical minions yet despite lofty rhetoric Act absolutely failed to stand for any reforms on individual liberty.
This has remained the case throughout their history perhaps with the one exception during the party leadership by the Great New Zealander Don Brash.

It was under Brash that Act came anywhere near a forthright stand on any law reform that was a matter of personal freedom, when Brash came out on TV in favour of ending cannabis prohibition.
His party associates like John Banks nearly had a heart attack!
Brash stint with Act was short, and any mention of Cannabis law reform left when he did.
Act has always and only played lip service to being the party of small government and personal freedom.
This is because apart from Brash the Party has been run by a bunch of Ball-less wonders.
The most disappointing for me was Jamie Whyte… because of all of them he knew better.
Most of them put money matters above personal liberty and social justice.

Act are not Nazis, yet their party is part way down a continuum at the end of which is full blown fascism.

Labour are not Communists, yet their party is well down the continuum at the end of which stands full blown Communism. Today under Ardern their policies and loyalties lie not with the interests of New Zealanders but with UN Socialist Globalism.

By labeling Act as ‘Libertarian’ the leftist media managed to confound Libertarianism with being Far right.
This is disgraceful slander.
Libertarianism is fundamentally different to every other political ideology.

Act’s alignment with *Fascism* rather than true capitalism and Freedom, is why the True Libertarians who initially helped found Act, quickly realised what was afoot and jumped ship.
They formed their own genuine Libertarian party, and so Act became just another Party against whom the Libertarianz party had to cross swords.

For more than a decade the Libertarianz Party fought valiantly for Individual liberty and rights against ever expanding Government encroachment, yet sadly after years of courageous activism they were forced to throw in the towel from lack of traction and financial support.

MMp’s 5% mark to get an MP into parliament is in my opinion far too high, and represents a barrier to breaking the stranglehold the two major parties enjoy.
The Political playing field is also heavily tilted in favour of maintaining the status quo, and New Zealanders themselves are heavily conditioned to their chains.
The Libertarianz party could not sustain itself against the overwhelming odds.

Freedom lovers failed to rally under their noble banner from a delusion of ‘wasting their votes’.
Well… I ask… where did casting your votes for other parties get our Nation?
Because New Zealanders did not heed the Libertarians on their Soap boxes, and rally behind them is why our nation now experiences the dawning of an era of Tyranny!

I implore Freedom lovers to not make the same mistake!
Stop voting for the very parties that have abandoned our values and taken our nation towards complete enslavement!

The demise of the Libertarianz Party spelled the end of New Zealanders clear choice between Freedom and various levels of Tyranny.
Between Justice and various levels of oppression.
Between fairness in economics vs heavy Political obstacles.

Libertarian minded New Zealanders were cast adrift… forced to swim about in a stinking cesspool, looking for the best place to put their democratic votes.
The political climate and darkened mentality of our times have made this a very dirty business.
Most of the wares on offer by todays mongers are of dubious quality.
The Libertarian pines over his ale, looking out upon a scene of chaos, confusion, and mayhem.

Is there any hope to be found?

The question of which political parties (if any) should the Libertarian now give their vote is a highly troublesome dilemma, as at a glance there appear only shades of grey tending towards complete blackness.
It is very difficult to determine whether *any* of the parties standing ought to be supported.

Trolley Problems © Steve Lillie 2016. Please visit

The closest way to describe what voting now entails for a Kiwi Libertarian is to liken the decision making process to solving a bunch of ‘Trolley Problems’ that will be familiar to those who have to some degree studied moral philosophy.
‘The trolley problems’ are designed to highlight the many complexities involved in dealing with moral dilemmas in which *means and ends* are far from ideal.
Solution tends towards making pragmatic determinations hoping for the best outcomes attainable via the least repugnant means… for the overall sake of committing the lesser Evil.
The trouble is the lesser evil is still evil.

Wikipedia discussion on Trolley problems can be found here

There is no space here or sense in attempting to fully articulate the conundrums involved. It must suffice to say this is an abhorrent ‘game’ for any Idealist to be forced to play, and being independent thinkers, the once united Libertarians have now fragmented… going their own ways… as each individual makes their own determinations as to how to solve the set of trolley problems presented to them at election time. This election is particularly significant as we also must vote on the two referenda.

In truth the most moral of men and woman, and the greatest leaders of history have had to face frightful moral dilemmas, and most of them have had to carry the weight of harsh criticism for the decisions they made from lesser mortals who would have been stupefied and paralyzed had they themselves been faced with the same crisis.
To shrink from tuff calls is symptomatic of Moral weakness.
One day we all will stand before our Maker and give account of ourselves, and it is He who shall determine the virtue of those who made tuff calls.

Two examples might be the decision to use the Atom bomb on Japan in 1945, another might be Churchill’s decision to ally with Stalin for the sake of defeating Hitler.
Both of these involve weighty moral dilemmas that provoke strong criticism to this day.

Given today’s circumstances I know a few Ex Libertarianz party members who today throw up their hands in disgust… and refuse to vote… the irony is that not voting… *is their vote*… to do nothing.
In the perspective of the Trolley problems not voting is the equivalent of never choosing to throw the lever… not intervening at all to try and mitigate any crisis that is unfolding, and allowing things to take their course… no matter how horrendous the result of their inaction might be, or how things could have turned out had they been brave enough to reach for the switch.

Most of us have heard the saying “Evil prevails when good men do nothing”.

For me *to automatically* determine to ‘do nothing’ is no escape from moral culpability in what ensues, it is in fact an abdication of moral duty… a most heinous moral failing… maybe the worst of them all!
Bible Theologians would call this ‘The sin of Omission’… and one example of this in the Bible is told by Jesus when asked about the moral duty to ‘love thy neighbour as thyself’.
He spoke of the predicament of the man who was beaten and robbed, yet the ‘Religious Jew’ walked past him without giving him any aid. It was only when the Good Samaritan came along that the man received care.
By doing nothing The Religious Jew was deemed to be wicked, and so *automatic inaction* cannot be the moral position…if there exists at all any plausible means of steering things towards a more desirable outcome without committing unconscionable evils in the process. ‘Not Voting’ cannot absolve a person from the resulting evils his inaction inevitably entails.
It’s like walking past our sick and dying country on the other side of the road as if it’s not your problem, rather than inconveniencing yourself and getting your hands dirty.

The reality is that though no registered political Party standing in October 17 is fundamentally a Libertarian party, there is still a broad range of parties standing and the fact is it still makes a massive difference which ones manage to get their hands on the levers of Power.
Lives are at stake!
Freedom is at stake!
Quality of life is at stake!
Our Children’s futures are at stake!

New Conservative candidate for Hamilton West Rudy du Plooy.

When I survey the Political landscape, despite the absence of a Libertarian party, judged by their policies and election campaigns certain parties do stand out as vastly superior to either National or Labour.
Some are worse, such as the Greens, and The Maori Party.
Some are no better such as NZ First, Top.
Many ex Libertarianz will be voting for Act, yet personally speaking of the two parties that most clearly articulate principles, and values that I considered honorable, it is the New Conservatives who come out on top.
Their forthright defense of Free speech.
Their rejection of 1080.
Repeal all the new and hastily enacted Firearms prohibitions created in the wake of the Christchurch terrorist attack.
Their defense of National sovereignty in opposition to UN Globalist slavery.
Their rejection of Ardern’s Covid 19 ‘elimination strategy, Lockdowns, and their absolute rejection of compulsory vaccinations.
No to carbon taxes, first 20k of income tax free.
Their rejection of ‘Transgender indoctrination’ in schools against parents wishes.
Their rejection of the UN Global compact on migration, etc all these clearly stated policies mean New Conservatives trump the Act Party by a country mile, and that is why I will be giving them my party vote, and having had a coffee with their Hamilton West candidate Rudy du Plooy last week I will also be giving him my candidate vote.

It is fitting that here I discuss one of NC’s most important policies, and examples of their party’s integrity and courage and that is their forthright call for the end of Treaty separatism and the race based seats in parliament.
Rudy is an immigrant from South Africa and so he has experienced the evils of Apartheid and appreciates just how violent and unjust Racist politics and bigotry can become.
That is why his party is calling for racial equality before the law.

The Treatment of White South Africans currently going on over there is appalling! Yet not a peep is raised about it by our Woke PM Ardern… because ultimately socialists like her support the oppression of White people.
Many of her own policies are heavily prejudiced against Pakeha New Zealanders, and for all her talk about humanitarian migration, she remains silent in opening New Zealand’s doors to help more oppressed white South Africans… because they are white.
This too despite the fact that White South Africans integrate well into our society as they share common traditional values… yet these are the very values socialists like her are determined to destroy.
Statistically speaking Ardern wants Less white people in New Zealand, and she can turn a blind eye to the fate of white farmers there under the contemptible socialist bromide that they are paying the dues of the white race for the past apartheid regime.
By Socialist math two wrongs do make a right.
Hence Ardern has little conscience about supporting Racist legislations under the pretense of ‘De-colonising’ New Zealand.

In New Plymouth which is a hot bed of Radical Maori separatist activism the NC candidate Murry Chong has heroically weathered a Tempest of outrage for his forthright stand against attempts to further entrench fraudulent Waitangi Apartheid and Treaty partnership doctrines and institutions there. He has suffered the most skewed press that mischaracterised his defense of Racial equality as ‘Opposition to Maori Representation’… which is a complete lie.
What he and his fellow New Conservatives oppose is the ongoing creation of special seats of power whereby Iwi can extort the rest of the people perpetually… as if they have more rights than everyone else.
They seek to rid our nation of such corrupt politics, and when the Maori seats and the rest of the apartheid institutions are abolished, He understands that Maori rights will still be protected by the Law in common with everyone else. Maori will still be able to stand of Parliament and Council, only to do so they will have to campaign before the entire community which will cut off the truly *racist radicals* for ever attaining office because their nasty bigoted views and ambitions will never fly with the whole of the people… and that is how a democracy is supposed to function!
The Racist radicals know that should apartheid politics be brought to an end… so too will their ability to extort unearned and undeserved wealth and privilege be broken.
So many New Zealanders have completely forgotten the most important fundamentals of justice and good government!

The New Conservatives have candidates in every electorate including the Maori seats.
Personally I don’t think it was the right thing to stand in those electorates, yet having said that I appreciate the Nads it takes to do so.
Their candidates in the Maori electorates will face heavy angst from many Maori who have been brainwashed into thinking their party policy to abolish the race based electoral system is a demonstration of anti-Maori bigotry. They will face threats. Yet should they maintain their composure and speak truth with eloquence they will be able to present their case with love.
Truth and principle, and Righteousness are on their side!

You know The New Conservatives are the party that threaten Left wing Radical socialism as no other party is enduring the hate and violence as they are…

Read: Police investigating after New Conservative member ‘slashed’ with knife in west Auckland

Read: Controversial political candidate claims vandalism has got personal

Read: New Conservative party’s electoral campaign billboards defaced with swastikas

I salute all NC candidates for their bravery… The one-eyed mainstream media takes no more pleasure than to pillory the small parties and their candidates who bravely challenge the ‘norms’ of the status quo.

Act’s David Seymour in private professes that the race based system is corrupt and ruining our country yet does not have the balls to say so in public at election time.
That is cowardly. That is unprincipled scheming, and demonstrates the sort of Game playing politician he really is.
How is he any different for the scoundrel Winston Peters who betrayed his supporters last election with regards to making the abolishment of the race-based seats a bottom line for coalition talks?
Sadly… when you dig deep down… despite many good things David has done… he and Winston are not as different as he likes to think.
He too is a game player.

The Leftist radicals of Labour, the Greens, and the Maori Party demonstrate their absolute disregard for fair elections in that they have implemented a strategy of destroying New Conservative election bill boards all about the country… despite their own parties getting far more Taxpayer loot to fund their own campaigns!
Like I said earlier about the struggles of the Libertarianz Party before them… New Zealand elections are far from fair… far for being fought on a level playing field, and so The New Conservatives face an uphill battle against dirty political tactics at every step.
I urge every New Zealander who is alarmed at our headlong plunge into tyranny under Jacinda Ardern to get behind the brave and principled New Conservative party!
If 5% of us do… they will be in parliament and possibly even be included in a coalition government, most likely with National and Act.
This would position them well to lever National into making concessions in alignment with our Values and principles… away from the direction Ardern has carried us.

These are good people who hold to the traditional values that made New Zealand a great and prosperous place to live.
They care about all New Zealanders.
I attended a public meeting a few months back in Te Awamutu where I heard several candidates speak, including the party’s passionate and compassionate deputy, Elliot Ikilei.
He spoke very well, and I was particularly impressed with his insights into the many social conditions that are common for troubled youth that play a large role in such important issues in Maori criminality.
He articulated that from his experience working in this field that all the separatist rhetoric about Maori crime statistics as being evidence of systemic oppression of Maori from colonisation are absolutely false!
Instead he argued that the main driver of Maori criminality was broken homes and a lack of a Father in the house, and thus all the ‘positive discrimination’ going on in the name of ‘closing the gaps’ between Maori and the rest of the country absolutely miss the fundamental issues.
He described how the institution of the Domestic Purposes benefit *was devastating for Maori* because that was corrosive to maintaining families, promoted single parent-ism, and it’s institution correlates perfectly with the exponential growth of Maori dependence on welfare and Broken homes.
Thus Elliot understands that socialism is a dangerous trap!

I myself also know Maori must take ownership of their own violence and substance abuse… these are not evils that can be justly blamed on their Pakeha neighbours but represent the ugly truth of a serious lack of wholesome values that are requisite in having happy homes and personal prosperity in a free and modern society.
Maori need to cut with the shameful blame, and take more ownership of their own mess!

I like the New Conservative party very much.
They have their hearts in the right place.
They offer real and much needed alternatives.
None of them appear to me to be in politics for powers sake, yet they are not perfect.
They have many policies and values I myself hold dear, yet I know they are not a consistent Libertarian party.
They are Democrats… with all the weakness that entails.’
This being so I see great opportunity for improvement, and given the chance I would like to engage in healthy dialogue to see if they are open to reasonable challenge on some of their policies which I do not endorse.
I have already mentioned that I will be voting yes for the right to assisted dying.
This is at variance with the New Conservatives.
Maybe sometime soon I will write a blogpost explaining in more detail why I believe they are wrong to oppose this legal reform, yet because this current post is already insanely long, I want to finish by discussing the New Conservative policy of Citizens Binding Referenda and my intention to vote ‘yes’ for Cannabis law reform in the forthcoming referenda which is again against the expressed policy of the New Conservatives.

At the Te Awamutu meeting my friend and fellow Libertarian Robin Thomsen and I introduced ourselves to Elliot and engaged in a short conversation.
Elliot was happy to talk and spoke candidly.
After a few other subjects I broached the topic of the Cannabis Referendum and asked what his party would do should they succeed in getting into parliament, yet also the people of New Zealand vote for Cannabis legalisation?
He said his party would honor that result despite it being contrary to their own policy and hopes.

That answer was consistent with their policy of citizens binding referenda and demonstrates integrity to that political school of thought despite the result going against their own opinions as to what is best for the country.

As far as ending the war on cannabis being ‘bad’ for New Zealand I emphatically reject that position.
This is a topic I have involved myself for many years having experienced first hand the injustice of criminalising cannabis users, and understand the manifold other detrimental effects these bad laws have on our society. I have been an activist for reform for over 30 years, and in fact it was activism to ‘Free the weed’ that was my first foray into politics trying to fix a broke system.
I would jump from hedge to hedge… covertly distributing ‘NORML’ Pamphlets in Tauranga letterboxes in the dead of night.
I knew the difference between dishonesty and violence, from peacefully enjoying a doobie with friends in my own home… I knew I was being oppressed and that the Law needed to be changed.
I will post links to other Blogposts on this subject below.

The point I wish to finish on, and one I hope the New Conservatives are open to reconsider is the weird way in which they promote binding Citizens referenda in the face of knowing it is just as likely for the majority of people to vote for laws they believe to be *Bad* as it is for good… and I am using the Cannabis referenda as an example.

Is it not apparent to them that *Mob Rule* is no guarantee of Good law or justice?
I see their policy on binding referenda as their Achilles heel.
It’s a policy that actually undermines the *Real foundations of Just Law* which are the Objective principles of Justice such as personal sovereignty, and equality before the Law… and that just government has strictly limited authority over the lives of citizens, the impartial enforcement of legally binding contracts, and limited powers over only such matters pertaining to the defense of rights.
The terms and condition upon which Government is founded, and limits of it’s powers ought to be embodied in a constitution with an iron clad bill of rights upon which democratically elected Parliaments have no authority to encroach.
This is a million miles away from having a system of Mob rule… open ended social arbitrary Law whereby the greatest mob get their way.
Under such a system there is no protection for Individuals or minorities, and the Masses are notorious for being easily duped and manipulated by Charismatic demagogues.

I have much to say on these matters, and it would be my pleasure to open a dialogue with the New Conservatives about these vital political truths.

Now remember the moral dilemmas of the Trolley problems and the uncomfortable reality of having to make choices under circumstances less than ideal, via means that are less than ideal, and which also probably will result… no matter what decision is made in ends that are less than ideal?
My decision to vote ‘Yes’ on the Act Party’s Right to assisted death for the terminally ill referendum, and ‘Yes’ on the Green Party’s Cannabis Law reform Referendum, and also ‘yes’ for the New Conservative party this election are each individual decisions I have arrived at as being the most moral, and just choices available to voters this election.
I am being compelled to make compromises, and there is always an element of risk, yet ultimately from my best evaluations all these choices are the most consistent with my Christian Libertarian values and ideals.
Such is the human condition and predicament.
I don’t pretend my choices are not open to critisism… such is the nature of moral dilemma.

I hope this blogpost is instrumental in winning support for the New Conservatives from Liberty lovers, Free thinkers, and all who are concerned about the Free fall of our country into socialist tyranny.

I believe they will reach 5% if enough of us resolve to give them our support.
They deserve it.
Our Country desperately needs to steer a new course to get back to the freedom and Values we enjoyed not too many years ago before the likes of Ardern came to power.
She is turning our Nation into a Police State!

Tim Wikiriwhi.
Christian Libertarian.

More from Tim.








Why Christians should support ending Cannabis Prohibition. New Zealand Referendum 2020.

The Question:

“Hi Tim. Happy New Year, I hope you had a wonderful and blessed Christmas. I’m just wondering if you can explain to me why you are in favour of legalizing recreational cannabis. You are obviously very informed and intelligent. As a Christian I have always believed in keeping the mind protected so that it can’t fall prey to the influences of the enemy. So that would mean alcohol is ok unless you get drunk. But the sole purpose of using cannabis is for its mind altering properties. I can’t reconcile that with my beliefs. I am fully 100% supportive of medicinal cannabis. I’m always interested in different viewpoints but it’s a very sensitive topic that always ends in abusive exchanges. Thanks and have an awesome day.”

Happy New Year ‘Eternal Vigilantes’!

The inquiry above was private message to me via Facebook from a friend, and it was important enough to inspire this first ‘Eternal Vigilance’ Blog Post for 2020.

It is a fair question, and also supplies a common explanation as to why many Christians perceive the idea of cannabis law reform as being a negative step into chaos… thus think they should oppose legalisation.

So what follows is a relatively short explanation as to why I believe such a perspective is disastrously misguided.
I hope to show why as a Christian myself I am an enthusiastic supporter of cannabis legalization… on the strongest grounds of Justice and Good Christian values and ideals.

First I suggest Christians seeking to investigate this legal matter, should ask themselves…
“Who commits the greater Evil… a peaceful person getting high… or the person who calls upon an oppressive State to throw people in jail and ruining their lives because they enjoy cannabis?”

“What basis can you justify *your personal beliefs* as being a good enough reason to call for the persecution of others who dont share your opinions?”

“Have they not an equal right to their own opinion… how would you like it if they forced their personal beliefs upon you?”

“Do you seriously believe you have the Divine right to legally persecute Pot smokers?”

“Where is Freedom and the virtue of following your own conscience in any of this oppressive politics?”

This year’s General Election will include 2 ‘peoples referendum’. One on Legalising Euthenasia, and the other on Ending Cannabis Prohibition.
So these questions are being talked about by the politically awake sections of New Zealand, the Media, Social networks, etc as people either seek to be better informed on what is at stake, or seek to sway others into similar opinions to their own.

For Me the subject of Ending the War on drugs, esp the legalisation of Cannabis is one that I have spent a large amount of time advocating.
I have been an activist seeking to End cannabis prohibition for over 2 decades, in fact this was the topic that first got me interested in Politics and freedom as I had been in the West Auckland ‘Pot Scene’ as a teenager from the mid 80s… even before I became a Christian at the age of 18.
The Drug war was in full swing back then… yet despite the oppression, Pot was everywhere in West Auckland… Prohibition certainly *did not prevent* young people from getting plenty of it… and even though The Jack booted police raids and the criminalisation of youth was very oppressive… it did not deter young people from smoking it…. it just made them more defiant… and hate the police… and the society that was treating them like scum…. Cannabis was Sociable… Cannabis was enjoyable… and that was that…. no amount of Heavy handed Draconian Police raids and jails was ever going to stamp it out…
Cannabis use in New Zealand is among the very highest of all Western Nations.
Most adults have at some stage tried cannabis and a very large portion regularly do so.
The Police have had a war on Cannabis…. and cannabis has won!
The admission that the Drug war has failed is now a matter of Global realisation… New approaches are being implemented….
Many Nations have now legalised cannabis and have regulated markets.
Cannabis is also now recognised for having many health and medicinal benefits.
Where law reform has occurred recreational use has not increased, and Crime stats have improved.

Me, Max (Then NormL co-ordinator for the Waikato and organiser of Hamilton J day), Joe Citizen(Guest speaker), And Nandor Tanczos at Hamilton J day 2008

There is a strong argument that a Legalised yet regulated market for cannabis will actually reduce the amount available to under-aged users that is currently a significant problem under prohibition… just as having Licensed alcohol sales *reduces access* to underage drinkers… it cannot 100% prevent access… yet does significantly reduce it for a number of reasons… esp that venders will lose their licences to sell if they are caught supplying underage youth.

I got arrested several times before the age of 20, and those experiences taught me that *it was the system that was Evil*… not me. I knew that smoking weed was not like Violence to others… or like Theft… ie that my Pot smoking was no different to having a few beers… and that as long as I did not harm others that it was wrong for the government to punish me for enjoying myself with my friends.
This mistreatment by the system via these oppressive laws only served to alienate the pot smoking community and make them more sympathetic towards the *real criminal community*… having been made criminals themselves by the State… and so in this way does the unjust prohibition of cannabis *cause large numbers of citizens to lose faith in the justice of that societies Law and order* and Muddies the water of clarity as to what really ought to constitute a crime… and what does not justly meet the criteria by which it should be criminalised.
Via these unjust laws, the system is *actually manufacturing criminals out of peaceful people* from a bigoted and fanatical desire to force these people to comply to the Bigots demands.

When cannabis prohibition ends this will be a massive boon to our society on the law and order front as it will fix a situation that is a monstrosity of injustice and Bad Law. in fact I predict the legalisation of cannabis will easily prove to be the greatest law reform that will make our society safer, and more just so far this millennium!
I can think of no other law reform in the past 20 years that will have had as comparatively significant improvement in social justice and redeeming such a large section of the population from criminalisation… and with it a jump in respect for law and order in general.
I know this from first hand experience as to just how corrosive suffering the sting of cannabis prohibition by the state was to my own young perceptions about the justness of society and how alienating the legal persecution of pot smokers is.
It was from these experienced based insights that I began as a young man in my 20s to start my political activism to ‘Free the weed’.
25 plus years later… after many speeches at Jay days, and blog posts, etc and the effort of countless other Activists and heroes like Dakta Green, Chris Fowlie, Nandor Tanczos New Zealand is finally going to put the question of ending the War on cannabis to public referendum, and there is every reason to be positive that the People will call for an end to prohibition in favour of a decriminalized and regulated legal use similar to Alcohol regulations.

I have many more points that I could raise on this issue, yet the points above suffice as an introduction to how I became an activist to end prohibition and some of the most weighty reasons why calling for Law reform is justified… and urgent.

Hamilton Jay Day 2014 William Mckee, Gary Chiles, Dakta Green, and Tim Wikiriwhi.

Now I would specifically like to address why I say *Christians* ought to also support the referendum to end prohibition.
I am a Christian, and the first argument I would use to convince other Christians into supporting Law reform is because *Christians are supposed to stand up for the oppressed*… not cheer for their persecution!

When the Pharisee Saul was confronted on the Damascus Road by the risen Christ (later to become Paul The Apostle of Grace) he forsook moral legalism and never again took up stones to throw at Sinners, Heretics, or infidels.
God Gave him a New Gospel… the Gospel of Grace… That Christ had taken all the sins of the world upon himself on the cross and that Whosoever will Believe the Gospel will be saved… without works…. we are free from the Law that Condemns us.
By the cross are we sinners set free.

Having been freely forgiven for our own sins how then can a Christian justify being so legalistic and judgmental of others… by supporting oppressive laws like Cannabis prohibition?

You need to grasp this important fact…. that calling for an end to an unjust jack booted law is not the same thing as endorsing any such activities!

As a Christian I support the fact that Homosexuality is no longer a crime… or that a woman can no longer be burned at the stake for witchcraft… or that Prostitutes are no longer jailed… yet in none of these cases does that mean I endorse homosexuality, witchcraft, prostitution, etc!

It simply means I do not believe it is just to use the force of the Law and police to attack and control such activities… that (like smoking weed) are all non-violent… that are all in fact matters of adult Free choice… just like choosing to follow Christ is a personal freewill choice that cannot be compelled.

I dont want people to believe and practice witchcraft, yet it is not just… nor the true Christian way for me to impose my personal beliefs upon others by force of Law… who in reality have the same and equal liberty I have to peacefully follow their own conscience on religious matters.. and questions of religious ethics… just as I do.
And I have Free speech via which I can work to persuade unbelievers of the truth.
I have no use whatsoever for Laws to compel others against their will.

The reality is that *only the feeble minded* will demand the Legal system oppress sinners and infidels because they cannot summon a powerful enough reason based argument that is able to convince others to voluntarily abandon their vises and false beliefs.

Furthermore the *need to oppress* people who do not willingly follow the same values as you do *is definitive of the vile oppressive anti freedom… anti-equality of rights mentality and unenlightened ignorance that underpins the psyche of supporters of Tyranny and persecution.
Hardly Christ like attributes.

Legalised weed in no way imposes upon Christians any obligation to smoke weed or refrain from expressing their personal views about alcohol and drug use… it merely prevents them from using the Police as some sort of Religious tool to try and force sinners and infidels into submission.
Such oppressive means as the Drug war have not only proven to be a complete failure… but also are a distinctly *unChristian* means to try and get your way!

Christianity is never going to extend its true influence by such tyrannical means!
Christianity works via the preaching of the gospel!
By the power of persuasion… and by personal example!
Christians persecuting Pot smokers in the name of Christ are doing the devils work!
You are causing the Name of Christ to stink in the eyes of those you are persecuting!
You are making them think of Christ as a source of heartless oppression… not salvation!
Woe unto you when you stand before the Lord and give account of your deeds!


The moment you abandon tyrannical moral legalism and start to practice Christian love and grace towards sinners will your whole Christian ministry cease to be like the Whited sepulchers of the Pharisees… and you will become like Christ and st Paul… who took God’s messages of Love, grace, and forgiveness to the sinners…. and instead of persecuting them… you show charity and grace towards them… showing them that they are important to God, and that they have value… instead of calling for them to be dragged off to jail!
Ie you will cease to act like their hateful enemy and start to appear more as a minster of the gospel… of Peace… of Love… of mercy.

For we Christians are not under the law!
Who among us is Holy and without sin?
who among us is worthy to cast the first stone?
Why then… if you admit your own moral failings would you think yourself Pious enough to gazed down from a higher plain assuming divine sanction to impose your own hypocritical self righteous opinions on your unwilling friends and neighbours?

The bottom line is unless other peoples actions actually do you violence… and *violate your rights* rather than mere appear immoral to your personal sensibilities … there can be no justification for passing a law against them… and so if you seek to remove certain practices from society you can only do so righteously in the eyes of the Lord *via persuasion*.
He has given you no sanction to persecute sinners and infidels.

‘If it be possible, as much as lieth in you, live peaceably with all men.’ Romans 12vs8.

Thus if you can convert a sinner into believing the Bible, then that is the start for them having ‘a new life’ guided by the scriptures…. by which they will voluntarily begin to reshape their behavior in line with Christian values and ideals.

*That is How Christianity is the salt of the earth… that is how Christianity leads to a better more civil society… via evangelism and standing up for the oppressed.
*IE Christianity Flourishes in freedom*… it is Freedom that is conducive to Christian evangelism and ministry…

This being so watch how the vile Socialists are trying to outlaw Christians promoting their values!
Ref: Israel Folau


The Truth is the Christian Fellowship is not fundamentally a Political faction… but a Private Voluntary society…
Pray for Liberty!…

“Therefore I exhort first of all that supplications, prayers, intercessions, and giving of thanks be made for all men, 2 for kings and all who are in authority, that we may lead a quiet and peaceable life in all godliness and reverence. 3 For this is good and acceptable in the sight of God our Savior, 4 who desires all men to be saved and to come to the knowledge of the truth.”
St Paul (1Tim2vs1-4)


What we see from the activities of the WOKE Politically correct Social justice warrior Antifa type movements is that they are *Anti-Freedom* Pro-legalistic tyranny… and seek to use Political force to impose their lunatic and ungodly perversions upon Christians, Conservatives, and Libertarians alike.
The answer to their tyranny is not an equal yet opposite form of tyranny and persecution of the Liberal left… but the advocacy of Freedom and tolerance, and a large sphere of personal choice and responsibility.

This is why As a Christian who understands the difference between Old testament Jewish Nationalism and Moral legalism, from Gods New Dispensation of grace towards us gentiles *as individuals* via the Cross and a personal relationship and walk with God whereby we ought to choose freely to embrace Gods morally… not from Political coercion… but from our love of God and our desire to live lives pleasing to him.

We are not called to act like Pharisees…. but are supposed to be messengers of God’s mercy and grace via the good news of the cross!
Now tell me how you can reconcile this true modus opperandi of the christian faith with ongoing support for oppressive laws against peaceful people?
Persecution is not the Christian way to ‘save society’… it is definitively oppressive… the way of Satan’s Tyrants.

The People of New Zealand have the opportunity this year to abolish a grave injustice that has been perpetrated against their own Youth, friends, and neighbours and improve our societies Legal system significantly with virtually no down side.
I implore my countrymen not to let this opportunity pass without boldly voting for Law reform and an end to the Nasty and failed War on Cannabis.

Tim Wikiriwhi.
Christian Libertarian.

More from Tim….

My weighing up on the very controversial subject of legalising Euthenasa …. CHRISTIAN GRACE AND COMPASSION FOR THE SUFFERING. AGAINST SUICIDE, YET TOLERANT OF EUTHANASIA.
As usual I lean towards Liberty and Grace… away from Dictatorial prohibitions.


Christianity is Pro Freedom and rights, whereas Atheist Materialism is anti-rights….


You need to understand the Bible better!
True Christianity is *Libertarian* in its modus opperandi….

On Homosexuality and their hatred of Christianity because of historic persecution…..


I tried voting but it didn’t work


My pet issue has always been cannabis law reform. I’ve always voted for cannabis law reform.

In 1996 I voted in the first New Zealand general election held under the MMP voting system. Naturally, I gave my party vote to the Aotearoa Legalise Cannabis Party, who gained 1.66% of the party vote. Their result was simultaneously disappointing and encouraging. Disappointing, because it fell well short of the 5% threshold required to gain seats in Parliament under MMP. Encouraging because it was a solid base of support on which to build.

So in 1999 I voted for the ALCP again. But this time their share of the party vote fell by about half a percentage point to 1.10%. Instead of voting harder, people were realising that a vote for the ALCP is a wasted vote under MMP. But in a sudden plot twist, former ALCP candidate Nándor Tánczos entered Parliament as a Green Party MP and started making noises about cannabis law reform.

Clearly, I hadn’t been paying attention. Here was a party with a serious cannabis law reform policy that was actually in Parliament. So in 2002 I voted Green. Nándor was returned to Parliament and the Greens gained two more seats. Meanwhile, the ALCP’s share of the party vote fell again to 0.64%.


Then I discovered what seemed to be my natural political home, the Libertarianz Party. I became their Spokesman on Health and stood for Parliament for the first time on the Libertarianz Party list in 2005. We gained a solid 0.04% of the party vote. Meanwhile, the ALCP’s share of the party vote fell to a record low of 0.25% and Nándor lost his seat. The Greens had lost interest in cannabis law reform and the dreadlocked skateboarder was now being seen by some as increasingly out of favour. He’d been moved down to 7th place on the Green Party list and the Greens were now down to 6 seats. But Green Co-Leader Rod Donald died tragically in late 2005 which meant that Nándor got to re-enter Parliament for one final term, during which he achieved the cannabis law reform movement’s one and only small success, new licensing rules for industrial hemp.

After the 2005 election I came out fully as a drug user and became the Libertarianz Party’s Spokesman on Drugs. In 2008 I stood again on the Libertarianz Party list and also as the Libertarianz Party candidate for the Mana electorate. I got 64 votes. The Libz gained 1% of a percentage point, skyrocketing to 0.05% of the party vote. Meanwhile, the ALCP rebounded from their record 2002 low and got a 0.41% share of the party vote. Nándor quit Parliament and went away to cleanse his soul. After the 2008 election I jumped waka and joined the ALCP.


In 2011 I stood for Parliament again, this time on the ALCP list and as the ALCP candidate for the Mana electorate. Of course, by this time I fully realised that my chances of ever getting into Parliament on a cannabis law reform ticket were close to zero. I now regarded what I was doing as an exercise in educating the public and getting the cannabis law reform message out there, and my electoral results as a barometer of my success in that regard. I was simply taking a stand and speaking out against the injustice of the War on Drugs. I’d figured that I’d get more bang for my buck, as it were, campaigning under the ALCP banner instead of the Libz banner, and I was right. I got 334 votes as an ALCP candidate, up from 64 votes as a Libz candidate, and the ALCP’s share of the party vote went up 0.05% to 0.51%, its best result since 1999. The Libz once again barely registered with a mere 0.05% of the party vote, and soon after called it quits and disappeared from the New Zealand political scene.

Significant and sensible cannabis law reform started to happen elsewhere in the world. On 1 January 2014 cannabis law reform activist and Iraq war veteran Sean Azzariti became the first person to legally purchase cannabis for recreational use in Colorado. I was sure in my own mind that this could only bode well for the ALCP’s electoral prospects here in New Zealand. In 2014 I stood for Parliament again, again on the ALCP list and as the ALCP candidate for the Mana electorate. I got my best result yet with 403 votes as the ALCP candidate, but the ALCP’s share of the party vote dropped back down to 0.46%, much to my surprise and chagrin. And, also much to my surprise and chagrin, John Key’s National Party was returned for a third term. Worst of all, National’s lapdog Peter Dunne was returned as Associate Minister of Health, thereby ensuring that there would be no cannabis law reform for a further three years.


I’ve become very cynical. To me it doesn’t seem like a very big ask to be allowed to grow and use a harmless medicinal herb. I’ve been advocating for safe, sane and sensible drug law reform for three decades and seen nothing happen except some farmers who were prepared to jump through bureaucratic hoops being allowed to grow industrial hemp.

I’ve participated in our democracy, at some considerable financial and emotional cost to myself. And achieved precisely nothing in terms of legislative gains. Meanwhile, arch-prohibitionist Peter Dunne, in league with Satan, pushed through the Psychoactive Substances Act. Instead of drug law reform, New Zealand got landed with peak prohibition. What a total fustercluck.

I’ve always voted for cannabis law reform but I’ve never gotten what I voted for. Insanity is voting for the same thing over and over and expecting a different result every time. But I’m not crazy, just a bit of a slow learner. I tried voting but it didn’t work. So now I don’t vote. I’m plotting to overgrow the government instead.


Prohibition fails again. Synthetic Cannabis still here… driven underground. TVNZ


Oh yes Prohibition is a smashing success.

Here you go all you Anti-synthetic cannabis wowzers!
Read the TV1 article below!!!
When will you learn that Banning things does not remove the hazzards but drives them underground and makes them profitable to unscrupulous criminals who are *more likely* to sell them to minors… than when you have a legal market which has a self interest to self impose an R 18 restrictions?
And also it is funny that all your hysteria disappeared when you got your tyrannical laws… and all the reports about chaos and deaths in hospitals evaporated…. yet the reality is that the drugs themselves never went anywhere… but have been quietly consumed…. without fuss.
This Proves that all the so called ‘dangers of synthetics’ were nothing more than a ‘witch craze’ hysteria….
Just as they are with Regards to Cannabis, BZP, and even P.
That’s how prohibition works!
Upon Lies which generate panic amongst the Masses of Morons whom are governed by fear and terrified of anything novel… or fun… etc.


The reality is Prohibitions actually increase the dangers of drugs on society both directly by putting them into the hands of criminals, and indirectly because of the massive injustice the war on drugs imposes… the wrongful imprisonments, the social alienation, etc etc.
Wasting Police resources on an unjust war that cant be won.
Tim Wikiriwhi
Christian Libertarian.

Read this>>>> Synthetic cannabis customer turns up during police raid

“Police raiding a Christchurch property for drugs were approached by a member of the public asking to buy synthetic cannabis.

Police say they executed a search warrant at a rented residential address in Linwood at about 7am today after information was received relating to synthetic cannabis being sold from the address.

A cordon was established in the vicinity while the armed offenders squad cleared the address as the information suggested there may have been firearms at the property. The cordon was removed around 8am.

While Police Specialist Search and a police dog and handler searched the property, a member of the public arrived at the address and told plain-clothed officers they wanted to buy synthetic cannabis, Detective Sergeant Richard Quested says.

The property is divided into two flats and there were seven people at the property including a small child, he says. Some of the occupants are members of a local gang, Mr Quested says.

A quantity of methamphetamine worth $2,000 was seized by police along with a number of bags of synthetic cannabis which appeared to be packaged for sale and over $2,000 cash.

Police investigations are continuing.”

Read more>>> Why your kid doesn’t want to talk to you, and prefers to sleep on the streets.

NZ Research finds Synthetic Cannabis Low Risk. The Star Trust.

Any Doubts? Legalise!

Dunne fails Drugs Test. Colin Espiner. Sunday Star Times. May 4 2014

Low Crime Stats contradict Legal High mania mongers.

Life before Suffocating Nanny State Bubble wrap.

Let’s talk rationally about Synthetic Cannabis and how society ought to manage it.

New Prohibitions. How our Police and Government work for Criminal Gangs.

Historic battles. The Libertarian struggle against Drug Prohibition. Why BZP should have been kept Legal.

The Broad way. Morality by vote. Social Arbitrary Law.

Forbes: Everything You’ve Heard About Crack And Meth Is Wrong

Police know the War on Drugs is making New Zealand a more dangerous place, yet try to pull the wool over the Public’s eyes.


The irrefutable pattern continues…. not just in Mexico…. not just in Chicago….But the world over… including New Zealand.

Read the latest news…


‘NZ criminals shift to bigger guns’.

Underworld figures are now packing machineguns in what has been identified as a “culture” shift toward heavier arming among criminals, an intelligence report warns.

But police say the big guns are mostly for show, and that their use rarely reaches beyond the closed doors of the criminal world.

A summary of the report, which notes the growing frequency and increasing sophistication of weapons featuring particularly among gangsters’ drugs crime activity, has been released under the Official Information Act.

Assistant police commissioner Malcolm Burgess would not comment on the sources of the information.

He said criminals, not the public, were most at risk of encountering gun crime. “They are more likely to use these firearms in situations involving other criminals, rather than against the general population.”

A summary of the July 2014 report, briefing police officers and entitled “Firearms and Organised Crime: Illicit Supply, Possession and Use”, notes a shift in New Zealand criminals’ attitudes to bearing arms.

“It is likely (the event will probably occur in most circumstances) there has been and continues to be an erosion of the traditional culture of firearms non-usage by New Zealand organised crime group members,” it says.

Read Full article >>>Here<<< MORE FIREPOWER Police raiding a central Wellington apartment found the occupants lying in wait with high-powered rifles. Raids across the region in June last year netted guns, drugs and samurai swords and about $20,000 worth of methamphetamine, as well as cocaine, LSD, ecstasy and cannabis. The 21 people arrested remain before the courts and the swords were returned to their original owner. Asked where such weapons come from, Assistant Police Commissioner Malcolm Burgess said most were sourced via thefts from licensed firearms holders. Police found 22 firearms in raids around Whangarei in December last year which resulted in 38 Headhunters gang members' arrests and $4 million in methamphetamine being seized. Several of the guns seized are alleged to be part of a large cache stolen from a Bucklands Beach, Auckland, gun collector last June. Hunting rifles found rolled up in a mattress at a Plimmerton house in July last year where gang members were living were traced back allegedly to burglaries in the Hutt Valley and Wairarapa. Two people were arrested on methamphetamine, LSD, MDMA and cannabis supply charges. Customs intercepted 1880 firearms and 3393 parts at the border in 2013-14. - The Dominion Post ******************************* cake

Now to any Prohibitionist reading this….there is no point getting upset that your methods are worse than a failure… that your Tyranny is making society much less safe…
When will you admit defeat?
When will you stop calling for Blood on the streets?

Instead, take a look at what is going on in Colorado USA, and how Ending Cannabis prohibition is having a massive effect on reducing violent crimes, and is hurting the Mexican Cartels…

Read this>>>> ‘Legal Pot in the US Is Crippling Mexican Cartels’

And This>>>> Legal US Weed Is Killing Drug Cartels

And This >>>> Colorado Crime Rates Down 14.6% Since Legalizing Marijuana

Or get yourself a copy of Don Brash’s book ‘Incredible Luck’ in which he dedicates a chapter as to why he supports the discrimination of Cannabis in New Zealand.
He is virtually Giving them away… about $7 per copy *postage included*.

You can contact/ private message Don >>>Here<<< Ending the war on drugs will be the greatest step towards more justice, and public safety that is possible with the stroke of a pen! Our Jails will empty... Respect for the Law will increase. Add to that the 100s of millions of Tax $$$ Savings which are currently wasted on enforcement of the failed policies of prohibition. Add to that the benifits of having a Legal Cannabis industry. We will stop Jailing peaceful people like Dakta Green! If you have not met this great man.... why not? We are about to stick him and several of his comrades in jail again... for being brave enough to resist the Evils of Cannabis prohibition, and pushing for legal safe dispensaries. free_the_daktory_three
I am having trouble finding an up-to-date article on Dakta’s latest predicament…. I will remedy this when I can…. yet >>>here is a blogpost<<<< I wrote about his earlier civil disobedience. *****There will be an all night Vigil before the Sentencing for the Daktory 3 on April 22 at Auckland District Court. If you want to stand up for your rights, be there if you can.***** Hamilton-Jay-Day-2014
Hamilton J day 2014
William Mckee, Gary Chiles, Dakta Green, and Tim Wikiriwhi.

Read my speech >>>Here<<< and find more Eternal vigilance posts on Ending the Drug war. Tim Wikiriwhi. Christian Libertarian, Friend and admirer of Dakta Green and company.



Dakta Green, Gizella van Trigt and Taranaki Blaze are jointly charged with cannabis offences. These are the charges arising from the raid that closed The Daktory in June 2012.

There are 15 witnesses for the prosecution. All police officers. This includes the main witness for the prosecution, Sargeant Lawes. The same Sargeant who committed perjury during their pretrial. We look forward to his testimony. The Daktory won a previous case and your support now will help win another!

Please show your support at the Auckland District Court, 65/69 Albert Street, this Monday at 9:00 AM.

INVITE ALL YOUR FRIENDS! Lets make this HUGE! See Facebook groups here and here.

Edible indicas, smokeable sativas
Never ending potency
Cannabis club house, comfy chairs and couches
We create the Daktory

Living like it’s legal
Mary Jane has found me
Cannot stop the Daktory

Ending prohibition
Turns into obsession
Cannot kill the Daktory

Cannot stop the Daktas
Daktory is found in me

Daktory! DAKTORY!

Failed confiscation, return of Dakta Vendor
Cops are ripped and blown away
Now is the hour, taking back the power
Daktory is here to stay

Living like it’s legal
Mary Jane has found me
Cannot stop the Daktory

Ending prohibition
Turns into obsession
Cannot kill the Daktory

Cannot stop the Daktas
Daktory is found in me

Daktory! DAKTORY!

Lyrics by Dakta Goode, music by Metallica. 🙂