"I may not get there with you. But we, as a people, will get to the promised land!" He was shot the next day.Video by Occupy Democrats, LIKE our page for more.
The deafening silence of America in respect to the murder of Lavoy Finicum and the imprisonment of the Bundys Beggars belief!
Patriots and defenders of Liberty and the constitution are slaughtered and wrongfully imprisoned with impunity!
The people slumber… wallowing in their Obese Apathy!
The Buzzards circle the America born of the Enlightenment.
The Evil Empire is crushing the seeds of Defiance.
It is a great tragedy playing out before our eyes.
Tim Wikirwihi
Christian Libertarian.
New Zealand.
LaVoy Finicum; One Cowboys Family Stand For Freedom. Sunday, February 21, 2016
We never imagined it would be the blood of our husband and father watering the ‘Tree of Liberty’ that Thomas Jefferson spoke of in years past.
For those new to the LaVoy Finicum Assassination storyvideo of his murder, it began years ago as he practiced daily diligence in the things that develop mind, body and spirit. Such practices enabled him to be the powerful voice America knows him to be.
The more he studied the more he began to recognize how tyranny’s iron fist was intimately in the lives of the American people. This weighed heavily on his soul because he was a man of principle. As a God fearing man, he understood the responsibility and obligation he had to stand in his respective sphere for the cause of liberty.
The Political Assassination of LaVoy Finicum. Revised and Enlarged, Jan 30, 2016
Professor Hall brings his original article, written within hours of the assassination of LaVoy Finicum, into conformity with more recent developments. He refutes those such as Gordon Duff who have misrepresented Finicum’s assassination as “suicide by cop.” The author concludes that the Finicum family are justified in their conclusion that “the FBI chose to escalate the situation to force a confrontation, and violent ending.”
“The vehicle was fired upon before Finicum drove off from the first stop. That was the planned manuver by the FBI to panic him to accelerate out of danger. They left the road wide open for him to leave all of the witnesses at the first stop out of view for what was a planned execution without witnesses at the second stop. LaVoy was first deliberately shot in the lower intestine to cause a reaction that would appear he went for his gun. Of course he reached for the area of excruciating pain. After the final shot murdered him they riddled the truck with bullets and shot flashbangs that’s when Ryan Bundy was struck in the shoulder FROM A BULLET not a toy pellet. To the FBI’s amazement the Bonney and Clyde style shooting victims were not killed. Now they are witnesses to attempted murder, conspiracy to commit murder and murder in the first degree. Why doesn’t the FBI release pictures of the vehicle? That will prove the criminal acts as will the autopsy of Finicum.”
The following is an absolutely Damning testimony about what transpired in relation to the Murder of Lavoy Finicum by Agents of the American Government.
The whole thing was a planned murder.
They ensured it took place somewhere cell phone coverage was poor, and away from witnesses.
At no point were Lavoy and company given opportunity to peacefully comply.
They were fired upon without provocation… driven to enter the kill zone that had been set up ahead of them.
They were prevented from reaching the safe haven of the Sheriff in the next settlement to whom they made a last ditch effort to reach.
Lavoy was gunned down in Cold Blood by Agents wearing no Identification, and had a 9mm pistol planted on him.
Video that was shot during the chaos by the victims was confiscated and remains hidden from the public.
Other footage taken by the Agents has not been relaesed.
Footage that has been released has had all identifications removed…. audio removed… and had it’s quality degraded to cover up the extreme and unprovoked volleys of gunfire that the authorities poured out… and the sequence of the 9 shots they fired…killing Lavoy.
This was an Execution and incarceration of dissidents… as sure as happens In Zimbabwe… Russia… and other tyrannies.
WITNESS TO THE LAVOY FINICUM SHOOTING SPEAKS W/ DMLLast night, due to time constraints, UNFILTERED played a portion of the interview with Shawna Cox. The attached video is the entire interview. You will find it very interesting. Worth a watch and share. DML and team will continue to put together the pieces of what took place in Oregon, plus, DML and team will be launching a full investigation into the BLM and how they go about their business.
Furthermore… as part of a Obama’s well planed Party political strategy to outlaw and arrest ‘Enemies of the state’… they have arrested Cliven Bundy and indited him trumped up charges even though all his actions were within the rights of citizens under the constitution which is the highest Law of the Land.
Obama’s ambitions to overthrow the second amendment are at the very forefont of American politics and has huge support amongst Democrat voters… and it is among this sheepish sector of the population that you find vile racist hatred for Cliven Bundy and the Cowboys whom are being trampled under foot…. *Because of their forthright stand on the second amendment*
The Motive behind all these Covert and criminal activities of the Obama administration is that with The ‘Fiscal cliff’ Debt crisis that threatens to shut down the US government, Obama is desperate to find pretext to nullify the Second amendment and to be allowed to use the police and military personnel to forcibly remove the arms of the american people and to arrest…. even kill anyone who resists…suppressing any hope of the American people fulfilling the founding principles of their nation …. and their constitutional rights to overthrow the government by force of Arms when it has become contrary to it’s proscribed legitimate function… the defense of the rights and Liberties of the American people.
Obama has it in his head that the maintenance of the Status quo is of far greater importance than operating lawfully, and is no doubt prepared to use the full force of the Machine against the American people.
His propaganda engines are in full swing to fool the sheeple to thinking the Law is on his side, and that any dissenters… like the Bundy Ranchers are racist religious extremists.
We also have situations elsewhere in which the true ‘Free press’… vigilant independent Journalists and bloggers critical of the government and Police disregard for the Law are being jailed for filming the police.
Quote: ‘Deo Odolecki, founder of Greater Cleveland CopBlock, host of CopBlock Radio and CounterCurrent News editor, was on trial the last two days at the Parma (OH) Justice Center regarding two cases where he was arrested while CopBlocking (also known as filming the police). Both cases involved First Amendment rights (like protesting unconstitutional government actions and filming the police) but instead of upholding those rights, Judge Deanna O’Donnell denied them when she sentenced him to 240 days in jail’
Though his grip on power is virtually secure due to a divided nation, Obama is fully aware that in this age of the Internet, it might only take a small number of Vigilant and vocal patriots to expose his tyrannical ambitions and potentially rally the American People against him… and so he is hellbent on silencing such voices.
We also have the FBI routinely Bugging and tracking whosoever they like… refusing to give any valid reason for their activities… and then threatening law abiding citizens when they get exposed!
Just business as usual?… maybe… yet it is part of an emergent systemic pattern that shows us the growing tyrannical attitudes of the system… and disregard for the rights and liberties of the people.
When he was visited by the agents, Yasir had obvious questions about the situation. Who had planted the device on his car, and why? Was he suspected in some sort of investigation?
The agents refused to answer any of his questions and told him that if he refused to cooperate with them that they were going to make this situation as difficult as possible for him”
And worse still All the way from Front line Police to Supreme court… the System is being filled up with Corrupt officers and Judges who show complete disregard for the constitution.
This from Dave Champion….
And even more distressing situation… because of how high up the ladder it has occurred…. one of the Few remaining Supreme court Judges whom was most faithful to the Constitution and has thwarted attempts in the past to circumvent the 2nd amendment has died ‘of natural causes’ and it is feared that he will be replaced with yet another Party political Stooge, allowing the Anti-constitutional agenda of the Democrat party steam on ahead less impeded.
This type of Political appointment has been going on for years by both parties and is the chief reason the constitution lies in shreds.
Yet with the Obama Administration the debt crisis, the accrual of power, the manufacture of Corrupt legislation, and undermining of the Rights of the people has reached crisis point.
Today, Supreme Court Justice Scalia, a hard-nose conservative died. This means Obama will appoint a liberal judge and his pending amnesty will go through, and that’s just the start.
At 79 years of age, it is easy for most to accept media reports that The Judge succumbed to ‘natural causes’… before any medical examination or Coroners report has been completed, yet more suspicious minds…. some with a ‘more than generous’ helping of distrust of government wonder if the Conservative Judge was bumped off.
Conspiracy theory at it’s finest?…. maybe…. yet with all that has been going on with regards to the high stakes game The US Government has been playing… ruthlessly and methodically implementing it’s strategies to maintain power and control at all cost and by any means necessary… to prevent an uprising of the People in the face of eminent financial collapse… speculation about such a political assassination is not at all as far fetched proposition as would be the case under less dire circumstances.
A Government that is busy murdering and imprisoning Defenders of the Second amendment, would have little reason to hesitate given the ease of convincing the people that the death of an old man as being nothing more than nature taking it’s course…
An even more insidious possibility is for the powers that be to actually participate in the mass production of ridiculous conspiracy theories themselves… burying the truth under a mountain of insanity… and by provoking a backlash of shear incredulity render the truth unbelievable.
Having in the wake of Post 911 Panic poured in billions of dollars into ‘anti-terrorism’ equipment, strategies, and training of secret corps of anti-terrorist squads, CIA hitmen, etc who will obey any order given under the guise of ‘National security.
We are talking about large numbers of Police and military personnel who are trained to take out Fellow Americans deemed to be ‘Domestic terrorists’, etc. We are talking about Fema Camps set up to ‘deal with large numbers of Americans the State considers ‘a problem’.
Just looking at the sort of tactical response the handful of protesters in the Oregon wildlife center summoned from the establishment evidences the huge apparatus that covertly exists and is ready to be deployed.
Now such speculations about the assassination of Antonin Scalia may be nothing but paranoia, nonetheless even if his death truly is merely a ‘fortuitous happenstance’ for the Regime, still the opportunity will not be missed for Obama to attempt to install another political puppet into the Supreme court … one with the same disdain for the constitution as Obama has.
“With a half-dozen or more major cases and the ideological tilt of the court in the balance, Obama said he planned “to fulfill my constitutional responsibility to nominate a successor in due time.”
from here
what makes the death of Justice Antonin Scailia so monumental is that by far the majority of Supreme Court judges are traitors to the constitution and absolutely fail in their duty to be the vanguard of Justice against abuses of power.
They have by majority decision already deemed it not to be the duty of the Police to protect and serve… but to enforce party political dictates and agendas…. this virtually overthrows the just foundations of the constitution in which the government is the servant of the people… not their masters.
Now The State is master… and the Police are there to force the people to Obey.
The Supreme court just decided that the police can invent the law as they go along, and that when they make false arrests that the people have no defense.
The Corruption and draconian powers of the Police are beyond belief!
They literally get away with murders every day.
So-called independent bodies created to keep an eye on the police suffer political pressure from the highest sources to absolve the Police of wrongdoing…. almost no disciplinary actions reach the courts.
Prosecutors fail to prosecute criminal Police activities, and when they do… Judges rarely convict.
Now the New York Police seek powers to prosecute Innocent people who are guilty of no crime other than resisting falce arrest!
Quote: ‘Cops using resistance as an excuse for their own abuse isn’t some wild conspiracy theory. Sam Walker, a law-enforcement expert and retired University of Nebraska-Omaha criminal justice professor, told WNYC in December:
“There’s a widespread pattern in American policing where resisting arrest charges are used to sort of cover – and that phrase is used – the officer’s use of force,” said Walker, the accountability expert from the University of Nebraska. “Why did the officer use force? Well, the person was resisting arrest.”
Quote: ‘Documents and contracts leaked when hackers recently breached the servers of the Fraternal Order of Police have revealed “guarantees that disciplinary records and complaints made against officers are kept secret or even destroyed,”according to a new analysis by the Guardian.
Questions have surrounded how police officers simply move on to the same job with another department after facing disciplinary action or complaints — and these leaked documents appear to offer at least a partial explanation:
“A Guardian analysis of dozens of contracts obtained from the servers of the Fraternal Order of Police (FOP) found that more than a third featured clauses allowing — and often mandating — the destruction of records of civilian complaints, departmental investigations, or disciplinary actions after a negotiated period of time.
“The review also found 30% of the 67 leaked police contracts, which were struck between cities and police unions, included provisions barring public access to records of past civilian complaints, departmental investigations, and disciplinary actions.”
Anyone attempting to hold police accountable for inordinate use of force and other offenses are often stymied by the so-called Blue Wall of Silence — the invisible, and seemingly impenetrable, tendency for police to close ranks to protect their own when an officer is accused of misconduct in some form. But as the Guardian’s report shows, that mythical Blue Wall has very concrete manifestations.
In fact, as University of Nebraska professor of criminology Samuel Walker explained, there could be “no justification” for such purges of officers’ records, particularly since they would evidence use of force against civilians.”
In isolation each of the things I have mention in this post ought to be of grave concern…. yet when looked at in totality… it is absolutely frightening!
And I have only touched upon the tip of the iceberg!
All these Events and trends spell the end of American Liberty and the prosperity and justice that comes from it.
What stands ahead is tyranny, and poverty.
The Cosmos is falling into Evil Conjunctions and the Rise of The Man of Sin is Eminent.
His way has been prepared.
The Sheeple are ready to embrace him.
The powers of Darkness are moving against Christians and anyone else who will not bow the knee to the Leviathan State.
Yet the *REAL PROBLEM* Ultimately in all of this is *helplessly* *hopelessly* witnessing the acceleration of the America towards 666… because the powers that be have all but extinguished belief in the enlightened Ideals upon which the Greatness of America was founded.
The hope that a few bloggers and patriots will be able to rekindle the brush fires in the collective mind of such politically Zombified masses is virtually nil… and without that… all is lost.
The last Libertarians holding up the torch will be crushed into silence.
Satan Laughing spreads his wings.
I will leave you with one last David Champion video… it virtually signals the End…. unless by some miracle and New Enlightenment based upon the love of Liberty and the Inalienable rights of individuals causes the people of America to forget their partisan delusions of the Left and Right… and unite for the same cause that gave birth to their once great nation.
And this will only happen if everyone who sees The Riders of the Apocalypse on the horizon… calls their family, friends and neighbors to forget their Partisan squabbling… and Rise as a United people for the sake of Liberty against the Tyranny that is not at the gates…. but barging through the front door!
No matter where you are in the world… please sign this petition (below).
Not only do we all need to put pressure on the US government to look into this henious crime… but also to let them know… we … out here in the world beyond US Boarders are watching and are aware of the despicable deed being done.
The US Government has murdered a peaceful yet resolute Patriot and defender of the American Constitution, and arrested 7 others… all of whom were forthright dissenters against the governments ongoing violations of constitutional Law and the rights of Individuals.
They chose to commit this crime in a place where there would be the least amount of witnesses and in such a way that would allow them to control the media dialogue about what transpired.
They now await to see what reaction… if any… how the American people will respond.
This is a precursor for Martial Law and the crushing of the approaching Revolution which will occur when the America plunges off the Fiscal cliff.
Should there be no mass rallies about the country in outrage of this monumental crime, such apathy will no doubt signal to these Malevolent Powers that Americans dont give a shit about a few Bible believing 2nd amendment loving Honkeys and so they will be able to escalate their systematic implementation of measures designed to protect the Corrupt Status Quo from an uprising of the people … whom the founding documents of their nation… the American declaration of Independence and the constitution say Citizens have both the right and the moral duty to *Abolish the government* … by armed revolution if necessary…. when it becomes tyrannical and corrupt.
We all know the American government/police/etc murders people all the time… and that the ranks of the American Law enforcement are filled with Evil thugs that think little of Beating and shooting Americans to death… Men, women, and children.
The activities of Lavoy, nor his murder had anything to do with his Colour, yet we…. at the very ends of the Earth have witnessed the outrage of Black communities when *Innocent Black Americans* get slaughtered… yet who will protest when the victims of State violence are white?
You see what makes *this murder* particularly dire is that while it is very Politically correct to be outraged when a Black person gets killed by trigger happy Cops…. because ‘Black lives matter’…. yet when you are a seen as a Bible believing hick who refuses to surrender their right to bear arms…. then *It’s not PC* to give a shit about them!
The Media, and The Democrats under Obama has successfully labeled these defenders of Liberty and the second amendment… not as True American patriots… but as heartless and crazy scum who are responsible for all the Gun deaths in America.
Domestic Terrorists.
Many of the Police want to completely disarm the American people so that they can Beat, Kill, and arrest anyone they desire without facing resistance to their jackbooted tyranny.
Many are Brick Stupid and will obey any order.
Others… more righteous Police… understand why they were employed…. what the Constitution expects of them… and that Guns save the lives of Citizens by giving them the means of protecting themselves from violent offenders… and rouge police.
Many have already declared they will disobey any ‘executive orders’ or ‘Legal fabrications’ that attempt to justify the confiscation of Arms from the American citizenry .
Yet we can be sure that in the short time that remains before the whole bankrupt house of cards collapses… that the powers that be will busy themselves ‘weeding out’ these Good, and righteous Police and Military personnel whom would ‘Refuse to follow orders’… just as they will be systematically removing Judges whom respect the constitution… the longer they can prolong the collapse… the more of their ambitions for consolidating their stranglehold over the American people will be implemented.
Satan Laughing spreads his wings.
‘Evil prevails when Good men do nothing’.
Unless the American people Rally in outrage… these things are inevitable… This much is clear to anyone who understands the modus opperandi of tyranny.
*Dont for one minute accept the sycophantic Idea that these patriots who the government has moved against are the dangerous criminals!*
The Greatest, Highest Law of the land is on their side!
The Criminals are the ones wearing the Badges, and giving the orders to Kill and arrest.
Lavoy Finnicum understood all of this.
To him the principles upon which America was built were sacred, and essential for the Life and liberty of himself, his family, friends and countrymen…of all races and creeds, and he has now sealed his commitment to the cause with his Life!
His God-Given Life was Stolen from him by the Powers of Mammon.
He is now an American Hero of the most important species.
I watch these events with sorrow and alarm.
It is far from over!
Please watch Gavin Seim explain what has happened… observe the righteousness of the cause… the nobleness of the manor of these Patriots whom are now labeled as ‘Enemies of the State’.
What has America become?
These are the sorts of Evils committed in Stalin’s USSR!
Watch this good mans vocal warning to America and understand why Governments around the world want to have the power to censor the internet… and silence the voices of principled dissent.
Take care all you peoples of the world to protect those voices among you whom boldly expose the evils of Officialdom… for they are the targets of the powers that be.
They desire nothing better than to Jail, torture, and science forever the voices of those who would rally the people to overthrow their Corrupt operations.
I shudder at the thought of just how apathetic… just how subservient and sheepish the average westerner is.
And it is this apathy and ignorance that allows the tyrants to Bankrupt, imprison, and destroy so many lives.
I implore you all *to get interested in politics* and not just the fashionable nutbar politics of Socialism, but learn about the inalienable rights of Individuals!
Learn what *Libertarianism* is all about and how it is the only true resistance to Tyranny and oppression in all it’s political forms.
Ignore my words at your peril.
Tim Wikiriwhi.
Christian Libertarian.
New Zealand.
Lavoy Finicum’s stand for Freedom facebook page >Here<
His family Responds to his murder..."
****Finicum Family Response to LaVoy’s Murder****
We thank all those reaching out to us in love during this difficult time. Your faithful prayers are felt. Please keep praying and keep using your voice to get the truth out. This fight against tyranny is not over. Press forward.
Forgiveness is what we can extend and understanding is what we want.
Christ was and is LaVoy’s exemplar. Though there are evil and conspiring men at work, Christ still forgave the executioners for they knew not what they did.
We give permission to all media to use this statement in their reports."
Watch Gavin!!! (Below)
Update: The FBI have released Drone/ chopper footage of their operation that resulted in them gunning down Lavoy.
See what transpired and commentary Here>>> The Murder of Lavoy Finicum. (2).
I get a couple of local rags, the weekly Kapi-Mana News and the monthly Whitby Newsbrief. Yesterday they both arrived together.
The Kapi-Mana News told me that some 20,000 motorists per year are legally obliged to pay a road toll for driving on Whitford Brown Avenue.
The Whitby Newsbrief told me that NZTA has a “commitment to the local community” that they will “demolish the existing Paremata Bridge and remove the clearways through Mana in conjunction with the opening of Transmission Gully motorway, and following appropriate public process,” according to a Paremata Residents Association Inc. report.
Without government, who will demolish the road bridges?!
This is crazy stuff. Notwithstanding that NZTA isn’t actually committed to the bridge demolition, it’s only committed to considering it as a serious option! Read the full Whitby Newsbrief article here.
Now let’s cut to the chase. What really needs to be demolished immediately is the speed camera installation on Whitford Brown Avenue.
The Whitford Brown Ave speed camera is the country’s busiest, having clocked up more than $1 million in fines in nine months last year.
Figures released by New Zealand Police show that in the first nine months of 2015, 15,273 infringement notices were given to motorists caught travelling faster than 54kmh. That put $1,139,490 into the Government coffers.
The second most lucrative camera in New Zealand was the one in Ngaruanga Gorge. It collected $1,070,000 from 14,200 notices.
After complaints from residents, Kapi-Mana News last February asked police for the number of fines resulting from the Whitford Brown camera, and the highest speed clocked along the road, but we were refused that information.
We were told that “due to a technical recording error, [police] could not provide information relating to specific cameras”.
Also, releasing data on speeds risked “glorifying such behaviour and could promote copycat behaviour… thereby creating a public safety risk”, even though incidents of speeding was regularly in the media”.
The police have now chosen to release the information.
I.e., the police lied initially about being unable to provide the information. But I digress.
I’m a safer than average driver. (I collect 1 speeding ticket per 7 years on the road on average.)
I seldom drive Whitford Brown Avenue but I’ve been pinged once. Whereas, I often drive the Ngauranga Gorge and I’ve never been pinged once.
YMMV but, arguably, the speed camera in the gorge has less to do with extorting revenue from the citizenry and more to do with road safety. Whereas, arguably, the speed camera on Whitford Brown Avenue has next to nothing to do with road safety and everything to do with replenishing the troughers’ coffers by means of an arbitrary road tax.
The speed camera on Whitford Brown Avenue must go.
I fantasise about how to wreck the wretched thing as a service to the community.
A hacksaw at the base would surely fell it, but I might be seen sawing and also I’d risk electrocution.
Some explosives wrapped around the base and detonated remotely would see it go out with a bang, but I’d risk the loss of life and limb if I were to dabble in recipes from the Anarchist Cookbook.
A large truck would come off best in any collision with the installation, even at the legal speed limit of 50 kph. If stolen (from the government), it could be abandoned for a quick getaway. So this would be my preferred option.
Lord, lead me not into temptation, but deliver me from evil!
Update: 6/1/16…. Obama is now moving to impose his agenda against the 2nd amendment via ‘executive order’ bi-passing the safeguards of Congressional mandate while admitting the absolute impotence of these measures to achieve the supposed objectives he pretenses to underpin his actions!
“These are not only recommendations that are well within my legal authority and the executive branch, but they are also ones that the overwhelming majority of the American people – including gun owners – support and believe in.” Moments ago, President Barack Obama addressed his meeting with Attorney General Loretta Lynch regarding new executive actions aimed at tightening gun control.
Judge Napolitano says Obama has no such powers…. Presidents dont write the Laws of the land, and because congress has already declined these measures Obama wants pushed through, that any ‘directives’ he issues to the Police, etc will be deemed illegal by the courts of the land…. See >here<.
On this note I would like to add another comment regarding the devious means the evil party political powers like Obama employ to corrode the constitution and enact their intrusive policies... that is in the appointment of Federal and Supreme court judges... who are supposed to be the ulitmate vanguard for the constitution *against* Corruptions of Law and political power.
By means of appointing Political sycophants/ subversive activist judges, Power trippers like Obama hope to defeat resistance to their unconstitutional Dictates.... so that when they have been petitioned due to Corrupt decisions in the lower courts...The Supreme Court will not veto his encroachments as illegal... but actually endorse them by allowing them to stand.
It has been via such failures of the Supreme court that the monumental evil violations of personal liberty have been incrementally eroding the the constitution... such as the War on Drugs.... such as the today the Supreme court now says it is no longer the duty of the police to ‘Protect and serve’ the people... but to enforce the Laws/ dictates of the political powers.
Kiwis pledging to open their homes to Refugees>>>Here<<<
Please Help the Red Cross!>>>> Check this out <<<<
Today, I am ashamed to be a New Zealander…. thank’s for that John Key.
Not even the image of children washing up on beaches is enough to crack the Tungsten shell around some peoples hearts, and move them to ignore their selfish fears for the sake of innocent lives.
I admit that regarding the fact that New Zealand ought to open it’s doors to some portion of the flood of Syrian Refugees displaced by war, and atrocities our ‘great shepherd’ running this Socialist sheep station is in a tuff position.
Not only would opening our door run a high risk of allowing dangerous terrorists to creep in and reek monumental evils here… not only would a large influx of Muslims have dire consequences for the future of our democracy, a simplistic *socialist* view of economics is that we ourselves are already struggling to maintain 1st world standards of living… with mounting debts.
Are not our own growing numbers of poor and needy more than sufficient?
… after all ought not charity to begin at home?
Only a fool will not properly weigh these factors.
Still I say most of these problems above are generated by the Sheepish philosophies which underpin our crappy socialist islands.
Fear trumps reason.
Our rising debts, and levels of poverty may be squarely be laid at the feet of our Inept Political helmsmen of recent generations… whose medlings not only hobble our industries, heap up tax burdens, and reward sloth and political shystery, they also pander to a nasty and callous xenophobia which simply wants to ‘blame Great Satan America’ and change the TV channel when confronted with such horrific images.
Thus every one who has voted for this type of welfare state must bear some of the burden for John Keys decisions.
Not I! This blog post is written as the beginning of my personal effort to move our parliament into getting at least 10 000 of these Syrian Refugees over the great divide… and into our homes.
*Hang on Tim! Are you not being a hypocrite here?
How can you… as a Libertarian join the chorus for extending welfare to foreigners, when you have spent years condemning welfare for our own”?
It’s simple…. I’m not asking for more welfare-ism.
I’m asking to be allowed to extend a charitable hand… you see welfare is not charity… it’s anti-charity… it’s Heartless … Stone cold.
While shallow minds see welfare as helping the poor… they dont see that it first generates poverty.
Shallow minds believe welfare is humanitarian… yet it allows them to sear their consciences to the desperate outside our gates.
*Hang on Tim* I’ve read Ayn Rand… Libertarians actually think selfishness is a virtue!
What have you to say to that!
Only that Ayn Rand is not a Libertarian but a stain on our good name, and has done more to undermine our movement than any socialist argument ever could.
Regrettably she has attracted the worst types of haters and narcissists into this honorable movement, and caused our name to stink.
Libertarianism is in reality the last vanguard for true charity against the corrosive actions of Nanny State, which atrophies the Spirit of charity and self reliance.
It has become commonplace in Western socialist democracies like ours to pass laws against voluntary charities helping, housing, and feeding the homeless.
How many more Children have drowned while I sit in my comfortable chair typing this?
*Hang on Tim* lets say we allow you… and those whom think like you to transport some of these Syrians here, and let them live in your house…. what about the strain of our hospitals… what sort of conditions will they endure under your roof?
And of course if you put them to work cooking and cleaning… they must get minimum wages and conditions!
*I say* just look at those challenges you present, and how every one of them is a *socialist anti-charity construct*… obstacles getting in the way of compassionate people willing to make sacrifices for the sake of their fellow man.
These are daunting objections… like a row of neighbors preventing me from helping out… and I despise them all for it.
I say just let us help!
I say there ought to be enough volunteers in this country to surmount these sorts of troubles
To those of you who really care…. let’s rise up and at least try and save some!
My rave above is written in the hope that by exposing the evils and fears which are preventing New Zealand accepting more refugees… I can stimulate stronger convictions and bravery to overcome them… and ultimately… lets get rid of our Welfare state… for Justice, and the children’s sake.
Tim Wikiriwhi
Christian Libertarian.
The Statue of Liberty stands in judgement!
Western Nations like America have forsaken freedom and lost their way!
Not like the brazen giant of Greek fame,
With conquering limbs astride from land to land;
Here at our sea-washed, sunset gates shall stand
A mighty woman with a torch, whose flame
Is the imprisoned lightning, and her name
Mother of Exiles. From her beacon-hand
Glows world-wide welcome; her mild eyes command
The air-bridged harbor that twin cities frame.
“Keep, ancient lands, your storied pomp!” cries she
With silent lips. “Give me your tired, your poor,
Your huddled masses yearning to breathe free,
The wretched refuse of your teeming shore.
Send these, the homeless, tempest-tost to me,
I lift my lamp beside the golden door!”
^^^ THAT EVIL is one of the chief reasons why I don’t attend church… they are filled with Snakes,Hypocrites, and Chumps who go to church to feel superior to the rest of humanity.
*You wont find Salvation* in such places as Satan Rules there… not Christ.
Am I being harsh?
I have never set foot in the place… they may have Good intentions yet they are unintentionally paving the road to hell.
There are few enemies of Humanity with bloodier hands than Religious tyranny and persecution of infidels…(including Atheist tyrannies)
This is an age of Apostasy.
Nowhere in this age of grace are we Christians told *to compel* righteousness.
It’s a simple truth… yet sadly one that has become absolutely alien to a great portion of so-called Protestants.
To please God in this present age all our good works must spring from the heart… not from compulsions or fear of the human magistrates…or fear of hell.
Not to be able to make this simple distinction is a testament to gross ignorance on the part of so-called Christians and is the chief reason they have been involved in atrocities throughout the centuries… all under the Guise of ‘Piety’ and the common good.
Legalist Christians cause the gospel and name of Christ to stink among the very souls Christ came to save!
You are Pharisees and know not the Grace of God.
Christianity is the salt of the Earth *because it converts souls*… not because of Zealous legislation’s.
You want Society to become more Godly?
Get out there and Preach the Gospel of Grace!
Teach God’s love and forgiveness to sinners…. Don’t Persecute them… and feel all Righteous about it.
Satan appears as an Angel of Light, and his Wolves appear as Sheep… Ministers ‘of Righteousness’.
The snare he lays is Self-righteous Hypocritical Piety… Gross judgmentalism … Vicious hatred where their ought to be compassion… a Spirit of persecution… a lack of faith in the power of the Gospel…. and Gross mis-handling of the scriptures…
Sadly the Bible teaches that in the end times the Church will dive into apostasy…. The Salt looses it’s savor … and the world gets ready to embrace the tyranny of the White Horse Rider…