Category Archives: Guns

Tribute: Hero Christian Biker with AR 15 Shoots it out with Tactically prepared Church Psycho-Killer .

Hero Christian Biker and NRA member Stephen Willeford.

We are a race of fallen beings occupying a world locked in a spiritual battle between Good and evil… this much is certain… and yet just as a person who is born blind cannot know the difference between night and day, so too many people are completely oblivious as to what is *Really going on* …oblivious to what it means to be moral free agents walking upon the Earth living out … and why there is Evil in the world.
Many People look at such evil events as happened in Texas… or having suffered some terrible injustice mistake these things as Proof that there is no such thing as divine justice… no real value or point to human existence or human suffering… and no code by which a person ought to live that may be used to distinguish what is Objectively good from what is evil.
The Darkness and nihilism seeps in.
Some souls… by the Grace of God are not beyond salvation, and though they may wander in darkness for much of their lives eventually they see the light and start to walk towards that light, others may get glimpses of that light… yet because they actually enjoy the darkness… or because they dont think they need the light… purposefully turn their backs.
And still some … because their hearts are filled with contempt and malice…and Ego… Become Evil personified… Monsters whose Evils are on such a scale that sickens all but the hardest of hearts… and blackest of souls.
It all comes down to Choice…. and faith.

This post is not going to expound on that theme to any great depth (I will attach links at the end), yet that opening paragraph had to be said to give context to the Horrific events of Terrorism going on all over the world as we speak, and in particular the Murder of 22+ Christians in a church in Texas by a psychotic Christian hating Atheist out on a personal vendetta… yet this Devil met his Nemesis in the Person of Stephen Willeford… a Christian Biker who rides with the Baptist Church… A man who ran out of his house in bear feet towards the sound of Gun fire while jamming a handful of rounds into the mag of his AR. (ArmaLite Rifle)

Evil Bastard Devin Kelley.

Where was God when all this was happening?…. mocks one of my atheist friends.
God sent one of his Christian soldiers into the nightmare… Stephen… a member of the NRA (an ex instructor)… knew what his Moral Duty was… he did not allow fear or concerns for his own safety be his dominating value, but his love of humanity… and this was an hour his moral weight was being tested… and in an exploit of bravery that is deserving of both Christian and Biker communities highest esteem … and in full accord with both fraternities Codes of conduct, this barefoot Christian Biker engaged the fully armored terrorist mass murderer in a close quarter gunfight and drove him from the scene… and from the testimony of the pursuit that he and another Brave man have retold… it is most likely that One of Stephen’s shots found its mark… The Terrorist crashing and dying a few minutes away from the scene.

Here we see two different world views… two different sets of values at play… One Full of Evil… the other Full of Good… and I feel sorry for anyone whose personal world views blind them to such Patently obvious and objective truths.
Do you think This atheist killer who took pleasure in slaughtering Christians in their place of worship expected to face Divine judgement for his crime?
Boy was he in for an unpleasant surprise!
And this is an important truth to appreciate… No Evil will go unrewarded.
God will judge us all.

Report: Texas Church Shooter Was Atheist, Thought Christians ‘Stupid’

“The man who shot and killed 26 people in a Texas church on Sunday is reported to be a creepy, crazy, and weird outcast who preached atheism online.”

Texas church shooter was a militant atheist

The Hero on his steed.

Watch the Video interview below… All this is there… yet I wanted to make this Personal tribute to this Hero, and a short rebuttal to my Atheist friend who Mocks God’s existence because of the Evil choices Humans are free to make.


When Evil is at it’s worst… so too do the hero’s…. The best of Humanity ,,, among the most ordinary folk *also* come to the fore….
I must pay tribute to Peggy Lynn Warden

“SUTHERLAND SPRINGS, Texas — Among the horror of the worst church shooting in American history is the story of a woman who made a simple decision.

She would not let the gunman take her grandson.

Peggy Lynn Warden, 56, was among the 26 victims of the massacre at the First Baptist Church in Sutherland Springs, Texas, on Sunday. Her brother, Jimmy Stevens, said she used her body to shield her grandson, Zachary Poston, 18, when the gunfire erupted…”

Read more… Grandmother Died Shielding Grandson During Texas Church Shooting

This is what it means to be truly a moral and loving person…living in a spiritual realm where Morality really counts!
Anyone can feign being a good person when the going is easy… its when Evil is afoot that a persons Mettle is truly tested… their values shine forth.

Absolutely Essential principles were clearly demonstrated by these events.
What is needed to halt ‘Evil men with guns’… or rampaging Cars…etc *Is Good men with Guns*… and here we see why an AR is not as it is falsely called ‘An assault rife’ but a valuable too of Defense!
It was his AR that gave him the advantage he needed to drive off this Psycho in full battle dress… Kevlar Body armour and Helmet.. yet who only had a pistol, which though a lethal weapon is far harder to deliver accurate shots esp in the heat of battle.
It is also a testament to the Wisdom and justice of the second amendment right to bear arms… for self defense, as everybody know that the Nutbar Left… and their Political ambitions are to take away guns from law abiding citizens… esp the AR… and we clearly see there that Had not Stephen had both the means of defense and the willingness to risk his own life for others… that most likely more people would have died… and the purp may have even escaped… to rampage elsewhere… before the Police could intervene.
His truck was filled with guns and ammo.

Official reports however say his death was ‘self inflicted’… should we automatically accept this on the word of the Police? These days that is a dubious assumption! And from the preparedness and actions of this Evil Child-killing scumbag it is far more likely he would have tried to shoot it out to the bitter end…going down in a hail of bullets rather than cowardly ending his own life.
I think he was Dead before the cops arrived at the scene.

Johnnie_Langendorff… Drove his truck with Stephen Willeford in high speed pursuit of the killer.

People use Guns everyday in self defense in America yet as this goes against what the lefty media and Liberal agenda attacking the constitutional rights to bear arms these daily events don’t receive anywhere near the sensational and skewed Media reporting as happens when guns are used in mass killings.
Many innocent People are alive today… and many would be killers, rapists, etc are dead because of the Americans right to bear arms for their own defense… yet why is it when you try and communicate this with Sheeple who think guns are evil… all you get is a cross eyed dopey stare and a smirk?
Their anti-gun arguments are quite frankly infantile, on every level… and yet because of the prevailing numerical popularity of their mindset in countries like New Zealand there are Crime waves of armed Robbers robbing Dairies and Gas stations… Liquor store workers get bashed and murdered because the thugs know their victims will be defenseless… have been rendered ‘sitting ducks’… by the legislators… who then carry no remorse or responsibility for the injustice they are party to!

Read: Dairy owners ‘constantly live in fear’

128 tobacco robberies

Liquor store owner killing ‘cold, deliberate’, court told

Thirsty liquor aggravated robbery victim: ‘I’m mentally traumatised

Person in serious condition after South Auckland liquor store robbery

Violence worsening in robberies – liquor store owner

When governments criminalizes the right to self defense, and denies the right to bear the means to do so, good people become the prey of violent criminals… Like lambs to the slaughter…
Apart from the fact that we can attribute the rise of violent crime *directly* to Oppressive Nanny state laws like the war on drugs, alcohol and cigarette Tax hikes, and apart from the fact that the second amendment was written to guarantee that Evil oppressive Governments cannot lawfully dis-arm the people, the truth is when you outlaw guns… they dont just ‘Vanish’ …. you create a society in which *only criminals have guns*.
Thank God Stephen Willeford had an AR!
Ride On Brother!

And Salute to Peggy Lynn Warden… who gave her life for her grandson.

Dont let the haters win… Keep the faith!

Tim Wikiriwhi
Christain Libertarian.
New Zealand Biker.

More from Tim…

Other World…The Right to Opt out. Biker Credos.

Gun rights advocates care about your wives, mothers, and daughters.

Police know the War on Drugs is making New Zealand a more dangerous place, yet try to pull the wool over the Public’s eyes.

Alcohol, Drugs, Nanny State, and the Plight of the Maori People.

Tim Wikiriwhi’s Submission to the New Zealand Government’s Constitutional Review. 2013

Car Crash.

How can a Good God exist when there is so much evil in the world? (part1) Atheist Nihilism.

Never Happy again.

Chace Topperwien

Charity Never Faileth

The hope which is In Christ. Terrible grief shall be turned into great joy!

Sick Puppies.

Poster child for Atheism…Hannibal Lecter.

Hell is for the Self Righteous, Heaven is for Sinners.

Christ’s work of Salvation on the Cross… The Great Equaliser.

The Gospel of God’s Grace.

Man Down. Biker lives matter.

Nazi Thugs just over the ditch! Australian Police State well advanced… New Zealand Bikers Beware!

The Perfect Woman?

Nat’s Orwellian Budget. Bikers pay the price for stupid Laws in more ways than $$$

I’m Hunter S. Thompson’s Latest Fan. Kingdom of Fear.

Machine Gun Preacher.

Standing on the Edge of the Abyss? Jesus Saves!

New Zealand Christian Motorcyclists Association.

Tim Wikiriwhi’s submission to New Zealand ACC re: Motorcycle levies.

Why Motorcycle helmets are Cool.

Life and Death. Hope and Happiness. A Tribute to Rev John Steele Clark. (Re-post)

Merely an Attunement? Life after Death.

Space Truckin: Dead for 45 minutes.

Christopher Hitchens Dies.

Music played by Christian New Zealand Biker Rimu Tahuaroa and his Band …..

The Great Xenophobe Winston Peters Fathers NZ Asian Political party.


The Master Puppeteer Winston Peters has gullible Pakeha Kiwi dancing to his fiddle again.
Supportive posts of his latest antics are flowing into my Facebook news feed.

Winston Peters has always been a populist politician … Its always about the math.
Never allowing his politics to be scuttled by un-popular moral principle… yet always opportunistic to suiting up his self-interested populism in some pious garb….whenever convenient.

This time he has climb upon his soapbox to Cry outrage at the foundation of an Asian political party…

Read /watch Here> Peters lashes out at ‘ethnic-based’ People’s Party

“The Gaul of these Boat People! We let them in out of the goodness of our hearts… they steal all our jobs, Buy up all our houses”…. they are taking over the Joint!…We should ship them all back to Katmandu!”

No… sorry Winston never said that… *Not exactly that* … yet again that is exactly the sort of mindset he’s pandering too… of the sort of people who Idolize him… laugh at his jokes… and keep voting for him.

Yet Lets ask the obvious question… why on earth would Kiwi Indians and Asians ever think they would need such a political Party?

I agree that there can be no legitimacy for Racial parties… that the rise of such phenomena is frightfully regressive, yet when it comes to politics of race… of all people *The hypocrisy* of Winston Peters is staggering!
*He of all New Zealand politicians * has made political Capital by attacking Asian immigration, Asians buying property, Asians driving on our roads, etc etc…. to the degree that His pandering to Xenephobia would be the chief reason he has remained in parliament for so long.

*Given the Racist nature* of New Zealand politics and Media, we should not be surprised that some Kiwi Asians have thought that establishing their own Political party to champion their own interests is a smart idea.
So Winston truly is a scoundrel… and New Zealanders who buy into his Posturing are as thick as two short planks… allowing such a Charlatan to play them so easily… lapping up his Bullshit…. never holding him to account for his own despicable politics…. because he’s smart enough to *pander to the despicable and ignorant opinions of the Sheepish Kiwis.


This is the Political environment Shameful Politicians of division have created… and Winston Peters Ranks Right up there with Tariana Turia, and The rest of the Racist Maori politicians.
Whereas The Maori radicals have made political capital out of stiring up Maori grievance and victimism, Winston Peters has not simply Capitalized off the Pakeha Backlash… which is legitimate, he has pandered to a deeply rooted Xenephobia towards Migrants, and Asian migrants in particular…. the sort of small minded, easily spooked paranoia that lurks within almost every population… and is a ‘sure bet’… for Populist politicains the world over…. the most famous of these currently being the Republican party candidate for US President Donald Trump.


Ever wonder why Western Civilisation is a sinking ship?
Trumps Campaign has been propelled forward by tapping into the very same *Bigoted* and Paranoia driven mindset lurking within so many Americans…. and it is these sorts of Popular phobias and prejudices that make Democracy a frighteningly Barbarous and Backward means of choosing Political leadership, and granting them the powers that they may wield.

It is because Democracy tends to be driven by mass hysteria rather than ‘Mass wisdom’ that an Enlightened Constitution is essential… to enshrine *The Rule of Law*… Principles of Justice… and limits to Government power… to Keep Populist Politicians in check and prevent them from enacting Laws that dont embody the principle of Equality for all regardless of Race, sex, etc.
It is only when a nation has no such Constitutional Defense, That Politicians like Trump and Winston Peters think they can win votes by making Statements that patently single out ethic groups to be politically suppressed and legally dis-advantaged.
So despite what so many Pakeha think about Winston Peters being ‘a great man of principle because he vocally condemns special treatment for Maori… in reality *He is exactly the same sort of Politician as the Racist Maori radicals*… when it comes to Asian ethnicties…
Yet of course they turn a blind eye to this… because Winston is pandering *To their personal anti-asian sentiments.
This is what really pisses me off the most about so many people in the ‘One Law for all’ movement… In reality the only evil they are fighting is the Waitangi racism that directly disadvantages themselves…. in the next breath they are quite happy to forget all about racial equality and freedom… and to support politicians who peddle Racist politics against a demographic they personally fear and disdain.
So underneath their pious calls for One law for all… there still lurks a petty mind driven wholly by self-interest… the use of the Principle of Equality is little more than a convenient tool to get their own way… Tragic.


The American Constitution is Battered and Crumbling… their population has become virtually lobotomized as to what their constitution represents, why It says the things it does, and how it is being subverted…
Without an Ironclad constitution Democratic Government is not *Lex Rex*….The Rule of Law…. but the opposite…. completely arbitrary… the rule of whim… and its that whim that is the play thing of populist politicians… (many like Peters and Dunne vocally express their contempt for ‘Ideology baced politics.)

This Millenia has been called ‘The Information Age’, yet in reality I think a better term is “The age of Bullshit”.
The Law of Compensation appears Ironclad.
On one side of the scale… The Internet, and social media have created an unprecedented freedom of information, and made it almost impossible for Governments and the powers that be to prevent uncomfortable facts for becoming public knowledge… so that one of the greatest aspects of political powers has been how they can keep their secrets secret… punish whistle-blowers, etc… all the while claiming to be ‘transparent’ and for justice to be seen being done (yet still allowing secret courts, Police to charge private citizens filming them, etc)

Many Believe the Internet is therefore this positive power for the people…

Sadly there is a Natural… ugly… counter-balance… the Law of Compensation…

Because of the internet, and social media there exists today an unprecedented means for Mass Bullshit, paranoia mongering, and herding the Sheeple…. Burring the truth under mountains of lies…. mis-directing the gaze of the population away from issues of great magnitude.. towards petty disputes and follies.
And The shear Volumes of Miss-information, lies, and Chaos renders the Internet just as much a tool for control of the masses as a tool for liberation.

The internet and social media *Expose the Pettiness and Mass delusions* of humanity… the shared ignorance and commonly held evils that lurk within the minds of men… of various societies… that have been cultivated, manipulated, and capitalised upon by the likes of Trump and Winston Peters.

Standing against the Politics of Race, as A Libertarian not only have I actively opposed Waitangi Treaty separatism, Special Indigenous Rights and Seats in Government for Maori, I have also campaigned of a New Constitution that outlaws Racist political institutions and Laws, and Guarantees equal rights and liberties for all.

When standing for Council, I have attended Election Meeting organised by Asian community groups and when asked about then having representatives in Council to promote their interests, Often I was the only candidate who stood up and said that as a Libertarian I would listen to the Asian communities concerns and applications with the same care as to any other sector of the community… and that I believed my position was the *minimum standard* and principle that All politicians ought to adhere to… and that the notion that various ethnicities need to have *Race based Representation* to get justice… was a very sorry situation.

*It is true* that many Indian/Asian migrants working in Convenience stores, Liquor outlets, and Gas stations have born a greater share than most of New Zealands rising violent crimes… and that successive governments have not merely turned a blind eye towards their plight… but have systematically made things much worse… in so many ways.
Not only have theses Businessmen and workers been left easy prey… denied their right to keep defensive weapons available to protect themselves from violent dangerous criminal determined to Rob them… Rapacious Tax Greedy Nanny State Social policies have caused the value of Cigarettes, and Alcohol, Fuel.. to sky rocket… making them a valuable contraband on the black market… and also making the Cash registers of these businesses much more attractive to Criminals.
As a Libertarian I directly campaigned advocating the right of Dairy, Liquor store, and Gas station owners and operators to have the means of self defense at hand, and also Spoke out against the Rapacious taxation.

If we had a Libertarain constitution and form of Government, It would be clear to Asians New Zealanders that they were at no political disadvantage… not an alien population… but Fully enfranchised and enjoy Full Liberty, and protection of the Law… to raise their families… to work for their own prosperity… and pursue their own happiness.

Tim Wikiriwhi
Christian Libertarian.

Read > Tim Wikiriwhi’s Submission to the New Zealand Government’s Constitutional Review. 2013



Politicians are Famous fabulous Liars and feigners… along with Lawyers, Insurance salesmen, and Used car dealers.

That Lies and falsehoods exist in reality is not something any sane person would deny.
Science tell us the Universe had a beginning… and so logic demands that there has been a finite amount of time from that beginning, and that at some point backwards… some one…. some being *Told the first lie*.
Someone invented Lying.
The Bible says this first ‘Father of Lies’ was Lucifer/ Satan.
The Bible also says that using lies Satan deceived Mankind and convinced man to sin/ rebel against God Almighty… and that is where all our troubles as a species began.
Jesus calls the Lost ‘Children of Darkness’… Children of the Devil…
“Ye are of your father the devil, and the lusts of your father ye will do. He was a murderer from the beginning, and abode not in the truth, because there is no truth in him. When he speaketh a lie, he speaketh of his own: for he is a liar, and the father of it.”

The Internet… and this ‘Age of Bullshit’… proves just how True the Bible is.


And How Naive to view such Politician like Peters and Trumps as Saviors of Humanity!
They wear a cloack of Righteousness, yet are ministers of Satan… playing the Devils game… with that Hapless legions of lost souls… of the Children of the Damned.
Satan Laughing spreads his wings.

The Gospel of Democracy is False.
That is the moral of this story.

Jesus said “Broad is the way that leadeth to Damnation and many there be thereon. Narrow is the way that leads to life and Few there be that find it”…. so… according to scripture… *Following the many* is not a wise principle… it certainly is not a valid moral justification for Law.

To the US Libertarian Party: Muzzle your Hounds! Gary Johnson appears to be writing his own rules.


As a New Zealand Libertarian and foreign observer of the US elections, the activities of The US Libertarian Party have been of the greatest personal interest… much more so than the insane rantings of Clinton and Trump.

I watched many of the Libertarian debates between the hopeful candidates, and was a little disappointed… yet not surprised, when Gary Johnson was Victorious.
Though my preferences would have been John Mcaffe, or Austin Peterson because of their superior adherence to Libertarian philosophy (Gary absolutely blew it for me when he said a Jewish Baker should be forced to bake Nazi Cakes)… none the less *On the whole* Gary Still appeared to stand head and shoulders above the competition he faces from the two major party candidates, Trump and Clinton.


Yet as time passes…and the election gets closer… the high ground is eroding from under his feet…
Most of us already understood that Gary is a seasoned Election strategist… as opposed to an adroit man of principle… and it is chiefly for this reason that he was chosen by the moderate elements to represent the party… while the more principled elements were shaking their heads… some vowing not to endorse the Party choice.
Others like myself were willing to swallow our disappointment… and wash down the unpleasant aftertaste with several stiff drinks… and determine to get in behind Johnson…. for the sake of the Party… and America. (See my post script about how the internet allows foreigners to participate in such elections)


Yet as time passes… we suffer reflux.

What is *almost treachery* is Gary Johnson and side kick William Weld have been busy declaring *More Statist positions*, than he did during the selection process…*And that’s dishonest*.

A fundamental issue appears to be getting out of hand.
It is very different for a candidate and Party Representative to *hold personal opinions* about issues… like the legitimacy of Global warming…. quite another to unilaterally *make party policy*…. that contradicts their/our fundamental principles… as Gary has done.
… And I’m not sure why the Libertarians Party has not called him in to lay down a few limits to his Autocratic attitudes.
One would think that being *The Libertarian Party candidate for President* that he would be coming up with *Free market ideas* that people could embrace to satisfy their fears about global warming (whether it is true or not)…. yet he appears to be devoid of such innovative thoughts that embody our fundamental beliefs… that good ideas dont need compulsion… instead he is repairing to the *same Anti-liberty* type ideas as *Carbon taxes*… yet with not very clever sophistry… re-branded this Statist Tax … as a ‘Fee’.

Weld has come out stating he would support certain new Gun Restrictions.

So I am calling out The US Libertraians Party Executive and asking why they have not called in Johnson and Weld and laid down a few basic Limits to their Policy commitments and promises.
They ought to be free to express their personal views, yet make it clear that they are such… not party policy, and when suggesting *Any solutions* to problems, they must fall within the scope of *Libertarian principle*… or be considered void… and dishonest by the party.
Johnson and Weld should be expected to make *Retractions* on their remarks about *Carbon Fees*, forced Vaccinations, and *Gun restrictions*… and other statements they have made that are not in conformity with Libertarian fundamentals.

The sooner this is done… the better.
The way things are going a lot of Libertarians are in danger of Vomiting.
Johnson and Weld are beginning to morph into a grotesque Republican/ Democratic party mutation…
It is with concern, yet also a desire to minimize destructive schism that I make this Blog post, and appeal.


Standing up at Public Rallys Day after day…. and trying not to sound like a stuck record… answering lots of tricky questions… it’s easy to put your foot in your mouth…. and very hard to pull it back out again later.
Maybe this pressure has caused Gary to make the odd statement that upon reflection, he regrets?
He should Man up about it.
Plus The Libertarian party must not break down due to in fighting… Gary Needs Full support, yet He must do his part to show himself worthy.
He must not recklessly put Votes ahead of Principle.
He must think smarter… win the support of the people… by smarter, innovative ideas that will work towards the desired end… yet via means that are righteous… in accord with Libertarian Ideals.

That you are the Best successful party candidate for president this election is without debate.
You are standing against Two of the most Unfit individuals in History.

You Beat two very worthy principled Men… John Mcaffe, and Austin Peterson.
Dont blow the trust your Libertarian Countrymen have placed in you by continuing to make Policy statements that you know violate Party principles.
*You dont have a mandate to make your personal opinions party policy*
Stop acting like a Dictator.
Start proving you will respect the principles upon which the constitution is founded.
You are Scary Dude… and making a mockery of our cherished ideals.

Tim Wikiriwhi

Christian Libertarian.
New Zealand.

Post script:

It’s interesting to me that though I am on the opposite side of the world, and cannot vote in the US elections, that none-the-less via the Internet, I can still play a small part in it all… by critiquing the happenings… and being active in promoting the Libertarian candidate.
This is a relatively new phenomena … a consequence of the world wide web… and you can see why ‘The Political powers that be would dearly love to slap censorship onto the net so that they could better manipulate what information is being spread about the elections.
The same may be said of *Legal proceedings*… esp in cases involving *The Government* criminalizing and jailing Citizens for ‘Political crimes’… such as is happening *right now* with regards to the Bundy Ranchers, and the Kangaroo court case proceedings with regards to the Oregon stand off.
Not only is the Judge loading the Bases with regards to the Jury, but is also *Banning the court case from being Live streamed*… like some Third-world tyranny… the Evil powers that be seek to *avoid transparency* …. so that they can crucify/ crush their Political adversaries… whom actually have the Law of the land (The constitution) on their side.
The activities of such principled Americans as Gavin Siems appears to be falling on Deaf ears.
The people of America and the Media slumber while the evil powers that be are busy Treading the constitution and the rights, and due process of their greatest Sons…. underfoot.
It appears that “White Christian Cowboys lives dont matter… to America…. because they stand ‘outside the Politically correct demographics’ that the Liberals have given a monopoly of victimization by the State.
Ie they are not Gay, Not Black, Not Woman,Not Clinton supporters,….
What is happening in Oregon ought to be High on the Libertarian Party candidates list of topics to discuss at every opportunity… at election meetings and in interviews… doing their bit to bust wide open the Dirty dealings that are being done in the dark.

Thus Political criminality will always seek to limit what the world gets to observe… and thereby limit Global criticism and condemnation… so they can more easily feign Legitimacy.
With this in mind I make a conscious effort to broadcast injustices I see happening ‘out there’ in foreign lands…. for the sake of the Righteous oppressed ‘Enemies of the State’… hoping to stir up Global outrage and protest… and make it harder for the Oppressive regimes to hide their evil political activities.
So it seems to me that to the degree that we have access of valid information from Independent sources, The Internet acts the part of ‘International observers’ … as has become normal in many countries in which fear that democratic processes will be subverted for the sake of Rigging election results, etc.
We outsiders cant vote… but we can use reason and persuasion to support the factions we believe are worthy.

As such some US Libertarians may be asking “Why should we bother to listen to someone who is, not a US citizen, and so far removed from the consequences of US Elections?
Is it not Impertinence of the highest order for outsiders to meddle in American affairs?

I answer that *Only for good reason*… ie If My arguments are sound…then it is *reason itself* that you are acknowledging… and that stands on its own merit… irrespective of it’s origin.

And I would also hope that my arguments above on the whole show that having an open Global forum works in favour Freedom of information… against the ability of powerful Political interests to control and manipulate information to the voting public and the world.


2. with regards to Gary Johnson’s phobia about Religious liberty… calling it ‘a black hole’.. and then saying he would force a Jewish baker to bake Nazi Cakes….

This pains me. Religious liberty is the fundamental Right… all the rest are corollaries…. Nor is it ‘a black hole’, the defining limits is *Equality of Liberty*… ie your religious liberty cannot impinge upon the religious liberty of others.
Thus Private property is *The space* for you to Build your temples, schools, and homes to raise your children in your faith…. and free speech is your right to express your values, make apology for your beliefs, and to worship, and propagate your beliefs.
The right to Self defense is your right to defend yourself from Evils… esp from others whom seek to persecute you for your faith, and the right to overthrow the government is your right to resist tyrannical government that impinges upon your peaceful religious liberty to live, sand worship God according to your own conscience.

It is astounding that Gary appears to be oblivious to how his suggestion of Legal compulsion upon the Jewish baker to bake someone a cake against his will is tantamount to slavery… and an absolute violation of *voluntary agreement* that underpins *Free trade*!
It is Repugnant!
It’s interesting to me that all this is actually a demonstration of Johnson’s *personal* aversion to *Christian values* … He is prepared to make such outrageous statements as compelling Jews to bake Nazi Cakes… so that he may do what *he really wants to do*… force Christians to bake Gay wedding cakes.

Yet while such statements as this were made during the Party Candidate selection process, and were sufficient for many of us to prefer McAffe and Peterson to represent Libertarianism in the Elections… none the less Johnson was successful in winning the Candidacy.
Maybe it is true that Debates and Election meeting play little part in the ultimate choices people make when selecting candidates.
Maybe most people are quick to decide whether or not they like someone, and after that… the rest of the process is of little weight?

What a Libertarian actually sounds like….

Thug Life: Cop Killing Niggers.


Cop Killing Niggers…. Pictures flash through your mind…. Conjured up from your prejudices…. a Fat White Racist Cop Shooting Innocent Black Males?…. Or a Crack Head Saggy Pants Gang Banger with a piece… doin a drive by on a Police Cruiser?
Black lives Matter.
Fuck the Police.

cop killer

The wheels are falling of Civil society!
No Shit Sherlock!

Us vs Them.
Who wins?…. Emergency measures… Martial Law.
Satan Laughing spreads his wings.


You have to be living under a rock… at the bottom of the ocean… in the Challenger Deep not to be aware of the Chaos and disorder happening in American society with regards to Police Thuggery and Black Outrage.
Each side of this Mayhem expects us to take their side, and if you dont… you must be a Racist, or a Cop Hater.

I sit on the fence… not because I dont have an opinion…. but because I say *Both sides* have malignant Ideas mixed with some Righteous outrage… Both have Blame…. both are responsible for the troubles… Both need to get their shit together.

I will start with my criticism of the Police… because they are supposed to walk the high road and set an example of Character and Justice, and when the Police become Brutal, Unjust, and corrupt… this is an absolute catastrophe for the society.
This being so I believe *When a Policeman is accused of committing a crime*… this must be openly and thoroughly investigated so that the people can see the process is not slopped in favor of allowing Bad police to escape justice… and when found guilty… because of the professional Responsibility they have in our society… they should face *Heavier penalties* than Civilians who commit the same offences.
They are supposed to be well Trained legal professionals… brave… and of high character… which implies that they care about the people in the communities they serve… and when they commit a Crime… they are betraying the trust that our society places on their uniform.
What is also means is that *The Legal machinery that investigates and prosecutes Bad Police* must be scrupulously independent of the police themselves… and this includes *the attitudes of the Judiciary*, must be above reproach… ie Not be seen to convict defendants simply upon the statements of Police, or excuse criminality perpetrated by the Police.
Thus Like the Police… the Legal system must be transparently Just …. anything less and the people loose faith in justice… and Chaos and dis-order ensues.
Policeman must fear the Judiciary, knowing that they themselves are not above the Law, and will held to account with the full weight of the Law should they cross the line.

*None of this is happening* So it is not surprising that with the advent of The Cellphone Video camera, countless videos are steaming on line of absolutely abominable crimes being committed by police against ordinary people… grand mothers, Young men, etc.
This behavior is nothing new, but today the police are being caught on video.


Yet still… even with video evidence and multiple witnesses most of these corrupt police escape justice…
Some places insist their officers wear body Cams… and these precincts witness a drop in complaints against police for obvious reasons… the police behave better when they are carrying a video that will be examined by their superiors.
I agree with Ex Cop David Champion that one of cost effective things that could be done to help stop Police criminality is to issue all Police on the Beat with Body Cams, and *Any violence, police shootings, etc* that officers say ‘their cameras fell off’… etc should automatically call their version of events int question, and cause high suspicion of Criminality on their part.

Police, etc, cannot be lawfully allowed to withhold footage from independent investigators, or the press, without some sort of judicial process for special cases.

When Faith in the Justness of the Law, The Police, and the Courts has been corroded… Chaos ensues… police will start getting shot more often.
When Faith in the Justness of the Law, The trustworthiness of the Police, and the Fairness and integrity of the Courts is high… the People will be happy… the people will think of the Police as they ought…their friends…. and they will trust that Bad Police will not be tolerated, but will face the consequences of their evil deeds.
*This is what is conducive to civil order*
*This is what will attract the best people of the highest character* into the Police force… as a High vocation of service to their communities…. which is what the Police force is Ideally meant to represent… instead of what it has become… A gang of Lawless thugs whom perpetrate extreme violence and thuggery with impunity.

My Blog post… > Legalised Force attracts Thugs and Bullies like flies to…

*This is the breeding ground for a violent disrespect for society, the Law, and the police*

I must add this one particular comment on the Law itself…. *End the War on Drugs*…. This is a Law and order Disaster that fosters extreme violence by the Police … sanctioned by society… that can be reciprocated by those involved in the Drug trade.
Just as Alcohol Prohibition gave rise to Al Capone, Police Corruption, and Machine Gun Massacres… The War on drugs has repeated the grievous injustices and chaos.
Ending Prohibition ended so much unnecessary violence and chaos from both sides of the Law.

Read my Blogs… Righteous Law Enforcers want to end the War on Drugs.

Police know the War on Drugs is making New Zealand a more dangerous place, yet try to pull the wool over the Public’s eyes.

Richards… A life cut short by Police

It is that only the willfully ignorant say that the police are the good guys… Countless videos on line testify to how lawless and thuggish they have become… and of course a Natural social backlash is in progress.

It is right that there is Public outrage about the un-justifiable killing and brutality of police, and The Police do need serious Cultural reforms… yet still… Outrage cannot justify the sorts of shocking behavior that is being perpetrated …Rioting, Looting, and Cop Killing.
Political Organisations like ‘Black lives Matter’ have sprung up with their own agendas… and to the degree that they seek to highlight a systemic problem within the police, they are to be commended and supported, yet sadly such organisations appear to be filled with *Racists themselves*… Blacks whom call whites ‘Crackers’… and who are taking opportunity to vent their personal prejudices and to Excuse the most lawless and despicable behavior under the guise of ‘Protesting Police brutality… Police Racism…. Etc’

They are conspicuous in their silence when Police brutalize or murder white people… obviously this does not fit well with *their Narrative that Police brutality is focused on Blacks*

These people claim to be a Civil rights movement, yet by their actions they Betray the ideals and values of the Great Black Civil rights activists of History…. Martin Luther King, Booker T Washington, Frederick Douglas… whom refused to dish up Racism for Racism… Hate for Hate…. but instead preached Unity, and Brotherhood *with White America*.

Furthermore ‘Black lives matter’, and many in the Media *Fail to identify the massive Cultural deviancy* that is behind the dire social statistics of the Black demographic…. and Falsely attribute the Lions share of the causes underpinning the squallar, unemployment,and crime which are characteristic of Black neighborhoods *on Racism*…rather than an absolute lacking of Personal ethics and good values on their own part.

It is all very well to expect the Police to walk the highest path… and set the standard for virtue…. yet when you have Black communities that are so violent and crime ridden… filled with all the absolute Mind rotting Gangsta Rapp… It is not surprising that having walked the beat for years… that many Police carry suspicion 24/7 against Swagger Cap wearing Jeromes, and have one finger on the trigger at all times.
The Police are *human*…. and they get sick and tired of the Getto Bullshit that so many Gang Bangas dish out that it is all too easy to treat *Them all* as scum…. when only perhaps 75% of the are…
These hypocrites running ‘Black lives matter’, are to a large degree *Rasists themselves*… they are willing to destroy their cities when a Policeman shoots an unarmed boy in a case of mistaken identity … yet never hit the streets to protest against the thousands of Little Homies who get shot by other little homies.


The following statement is as applicable to my own Maori Demographic here in New Zealand as it does to Black America.
*This Type of Blaming the Whites for all your Problems* instead of looking the mirror and seeing the Violent, criminal, little racists that you are* and fixing the problem *at home*… is a typical Blindness that is promoted by the Political class whom prosper from exacerbating the divisions, and falsely attributing blame to such *as race*, instead of doing what Great leaders would do…. *Calling their own people out!* *Get your shit together people!* Throw all that Gang Banger Rap Rubbish in the Bins! *Dont tolerate that shit your homes… Parents.
*Dont encourage Racism against ‘Crackers’ in your house* Start setting and example… Return to the teachings and lessons of your great Civil Rights leaders…. Condemn those Political shysters whom are promotion Race hatred and fostering endless victim-ism!
Teach your Kids to respect, and be polite to the Police…. walk the high road… and be part the movement for social change within your own communities… Raise Christian Children….

Thus it is that Both The Police and The Communities in which they serve each need to reform themselves… weed out the Devils from their midst’s and come together.

Without blaming the victims for the injustices they suffer…or condoning the vile behavior of the Police, it is not right to deny the Ideological void…the greater Societal degeneracy that is the hall mark of our ‘Post-Christian era’ and so Prevalent… so inter-generational in certain demographics.

The Issues discussed in this blog are but a few of the symptoms of the Disease and decay Western civilization is Reeling under.
Many Nations face Bankruptcy and civil unrest… and so the Status Quo/ Powers that be are also purposefully militarizing their police forces, and attempting to grant themselves greater powers, and to erode the Rights and liberties of the people… and they want a Police force that has no compunction about putting down Public protests… They want a Population that is scared to speak up or to defend their rights… These are Dangerous times…. All this social disorder works as a pretext for the Powers that be to increase their means of population control.

The Breakdown of the Family unit…. welfare-ism,…. *The systematic rise and implementation of Socialist pseudo morality and their repudiation of Christian ethics and values* that used to underpin the principles of Freedom, self reliance, Hard work and the American Dream….

Yet this is enough for One Blog post….
What a Shameful Mess Western societies have become!
Socialism and Atheism have led our nations down the Low Road… the Broad way that leadeth to destruction.
They have lost all their enlightenment values… and as Self Responsibility wains….so too does Liberty…. and tyranny is on the rise.
Narrow is the road to life….Liberty.. and prosperity… Christian Libertarian Values and ideals.


Peace Out.

Tim Wikiriwhi.

More from Tim Protect and Serve.

Do the Math…Obama is waging a covert war on the American People.

Transgender syndrome: Feminism’s Satanic Plot and the slide towards Armageddon.

Transgender syndrome: Feminism’s Satanic Plot and the slide towards Armageddon.

David Bowie… stepping through the door… Fags, Fanatics,Freedom and Fate.

Real voluntary private Charity vs the evils of welfare and Political force Ruff draft.

A life cut short by Police


My day got off to a bad start when I fetched today’s Dominion Post from the end of my mum’s driveway and read the headline. (See above. You can click the image to read the whole thing.) Three blatant lies in large print is excessive even for the Dominion Post.

A life cut short by P

FALSE. A life cut short by an unconfirmed number of police bullets.

Shot gunman had private education and good business – but lost it all to addiction

FALSE. He wasn’t a gunman. According to his girlfriend, who was present, he was unarmed. And, while he may (or may not) have lost the family business to an illegal drug habit, he lost his life to the War on Drugs.

Shooting unavoidable, say police

FALSE. There was no need for the police to break into a private residence unannounced and shoot a man dead just as he was about to sit down to have dinner with his girlfriend.

But Marshall’s girlfriend, who was there at the time of the shooting, insisted he wasn’t armed.

Kendall Eadie lived with him at the mechanic workshop.

She said the pair had just been about to have dinner when police stormed into the residence and immediately fired three shots at Marshall.

“The police executed a warrant on my place and murdered my boyfriend,” she said.

Three vicious falsehoods, and then my day got worse. While my mum read the paper, I went online to read the article. I searched for the headline, “A life cut short by P” to find it. But this is all that Google returned.


Two links to a review of a biography of Edgar Allan Poe. When I did find the online version on Fairfax Media’s stuff website, the main headline now read

Hamilton police shooting victim Nick Marshall sank into addiction

and I became agitated. So much so that my long-suffering mother, who is well accustomed to her visiting son’s political rants, had to tell me to calm down. This before I’d had my morning meth or even a cup of coffee. 🙁

Why was I agitated? Because I realised immediately that readers of the print version, who (on average) are an older demographic who vote more, would not read the more truthful headline presented to readers of the online version, who (on average) are a younger demographic who vote less. The demonisation of methamphetamine continues apace deviously as the police ramp up their ongoing persecution of drug addicts (essentially all of whom are addicts due to unresolved psychological trauma—yes, drug addiction is a mental illness) this time by way of an extrajudicial killing. FTP and the MSM they rode in on!

I’ve said it before, and I’ll say it again, loud and clear. LEGALISE P. Or, at the very least, medicalise it. Make methamphetamine available on prescription. This is not in any way, shape or form a radical or irresponsible proposal. It’s simple common sense and compassion. It’s a no-brainer, and if it seems otherwise to you it’s because, sadly, you’ve been brainwashed. Actually, let’s be frank. If you think methamphetamine is inherently dangerous (Jim Anderton once called it “pure evil”) then you’ve been duped. Methamphetamine is safe enough to prescribe to children.


Desoxyn is a central nervous system stimulant prescription medicine. It is used for the treatment of Attention-Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder (ADHD). Desoxyn may help increase attention and decrease impulsiveness and hyperactivity in patients with ADHD.

Please realise that methamphetamine is only a methyl group (“meth”) different from amphetamine. Chemically speaking, methamphetamine and amphetamine are closely related, and in terms of subjective effects, even veteran speed freaks find it difficult to tell the two apart. Please know that amphetamine and its chemical cousin methylphenidate are routinely prescribed in New Zealand for the treatment of children and adults with attention deficit hyperactivity disorder (ADHD).

Meta-analyses and systematic reviews of magnetic resonance imaging studies suggest that long-term treatment with ADHD stimulants (specifically, amphetamine and methylphenidate) decreases abnormalities in brain structure and function found in subjects with ADHD. Moreover, reviews of clinical stimulant research have established the safety and effectiveness of the long-term use of ADHD stimulants for individuals with ADHD.

Pretty much all the (wildly overstated) harm associated with methamphetamine use is due to improper dosage (yes, you can have too much of a good thing), improper route of administration (don’t snort it or smoke it), and (mainly) its illegality. What are the odds that the late Nick Marshall had undiagnosed ADHD and his methamphetamine use was as much self-medication as addiction? Suppose that he’d been able to see his doctor and get a prescription for P. Fully funded by Pharmac, he’d burn through $10 a month instead of frittering away the multi-million dollar family fortune in a few short years. (If, indeed, that’s what he did. I shouldn’t be making such an assumption. People with ADHD make notoriously bad business managers.) With the help of his doctor, he could reduce his methamphetamine use and wean himself onto the perhaps more forgiving amphetamine or the even more innocuous drug methylphenidate. And today Nick Marshall would still be alive and successfully managing Marshall Transmissions.

In conclusion, the War on Drugs is the Holocaust of our times, the editors at the Dominion Post are propagandist scumbags, and the blue-uniformed thugs are murderous Sturmabteilung.


But the fruit of the Spirit is love, joy, peace, forbearance, kindness, goodness, faithfulness, gentleness and self-control. Against such things there is no law. (NIV)

John McAfee for POTUS


John McAfee is one of three potential Libertarian Party presidential candidates. I think he wins the first nationally televised debate hands down.

Here’s the start of an op-ed piece he wrote in which he tells it like it is.

This article may disturb some people. For that I apologize in advance, but I feel compelled, at this point, to step outside the narrow path of acceptability. I am moved to bare my heart and confess my thoughts.

I am writing this to the disaffected, the disenfranchised, the angry and frustrated. I am speaking to the heart of Americans who feel alienated from the government that we ourselves created.

I’m speaking to those of you who may have left the comfort of your home on a dark night and wandered down lonely streets, or those who have glimpsed, in the people closest to you, the depth and mysteries within that person, and felt an exquisite communion – even for a moment.

I’m speaking to the people who have questioned, and irrespective of the cost, have sought answers, or to those who have traveled extensively and seen and experienced ways of living which seem alien to our culture.

And I’m speaking to those of you who have viewed themselves in the mirror of your own existence, and experienced a profound epiphany of self revelation – or who at least looked with the hope of finding one.

I will tell you who I am – without polish or apologies – without pride or shame, and I will tell you why, after 70 years of inhabiting this planet, I am speaking out.

Everything of value in life I have learned from experience. I am not a great student or a great reader. I was thirty years old before I read my first book, cover to cover. It was Darwin’s “Origin of Species”. I was dealing drugs in Mexico at the time and it was the only English language book I could get my hands on.

I was arrested in Mexico …

You can read the rest of the article at Business Insider.

I endorse John McAfee as the Libertine Libertarian Party presidential nominee and the next POTUS. How could I not? 🙂

The FBI Hostage ‘Rescue Team’… a Government Death Squad. Ruby Ridge, Waco, The Murder of Lavoy Finicum.


Empty Bullets – From Ruby to Harney

Update on the state of our patriots and liberty. — From a boys last words, to a sacrifice for friends; peaceful families to grizzled bikers. Do not turn away — GavHelp the prisoners: #LibertyRevolution

Posted by Gavin Seim for Liberty on Thursday, March 17, 2016

J****e N****n My sheriff was at Ruby Ridge as an FBI agent. He is NOT a constitutional sheriff. Ruby Ridge had special rules of engagement: Kill any adult male, on sight, even if they didn’t have weapon. Sound familiar?
Like · Reply · 6 · about an hour ago
Gavin Seim for Liberty
Gavin Seim for Liberty Are you telling me people actually elected one of terrorists from Ruby Ridge as their sheriff.
Like · Reply · 2 · about an hour ago
J****e N****n
J****e N****n That is exactly what I’m saying. San Diego, CA. He was appointed in 2009 when the then sheriff reisgned. He was voted in during the 2010 election and he ran unopposed in 2014. 32 years in the FBI where he ended as assistant director. He was SAC in the Seattle field office.
Like · Reply · 3 · about an hour ago
R**n D***
R**n D*** J****e N****n My God
Like · Reply · 2 · about an hour ago

Read more…. The Coming American Civil War.



Ruby Ridge 23rd Anniv. of Federal Killings

by Jim on August 21, 2015

Federal killings at Ruby Ridge, Idaho began 23 years ago today. Below are some articles I wrote on this case in 1995. Also included is the counterattack on my Wall Street Journal piece from FBI director Louis Freeh, who claimed that I “grossly mischaracterized” the details of the FBI’s killing of Vicki Weaver.

I wonder how much controversy such a killing would excite nowadays. It is amazing how much further government prerogatives have stretched in the past two decades. And it is perhaps even more amazing how much more docile many Americans have become towards unmitigated government BS.

The artwork above is from an article I wrote for the June 1995 issue of Playboy. James Petersen did a great job editing that piece; the artist was Amy Crehore.

Playboy June 1995

HEADLINE: Overkill; the FBI’s gun battle with Randy Weaver…. Read on

Police Investigation into Death of Lavoy Finicum proves FBI Lied. Criminal Prosecution pending.

sheriff Shane Nelson
Deschutes County Sheriff Shane Nelson

^ Must watch Video,
Published on 8 Mar 2016
Jake Morphonios discusses breaking news regarding the elite FBI strike force that set up the ambush and murder of LaVoy Finicum. The task force is now under criminal investigation by both the Deschutes Oregon County Sheriff’s Office and the US Justice Department’s Inspector General’s Office.

It is fantastic to see that there are still some Law enforcement departments with integrity enough to perform their duty in a professional manor and test the FBI story of killing a ‘Domestic Terrorist’…. FBI via the evidence…. and what they have found is Damnable towards the FBI.
They used provocation, *Planned* and executed this murder of an upright American Patriot, in such a manor as to fabricate a litany of Lies… and this ongoing investigation could lead to criminal prosecutions of these ‘Special FBI agents’ who not only set the Ambush up in such a way as to make it impossible to stop in time, but clearly lied about their use of firearms.
For People like myself who live outside the US, it is fantastic to see how the roll of ‘Sherrif’ comes to the fore on these situations where the Feds are involved.
And it has been Sheriffs whom have been at the forefront of the defense of the Patriots and Cowboys as they have been trampled underfoot by the FBI and BLM.
*After being fired upon while still in his pick up, Lavoy decided his best hope was to get to the refuge of the Grant County Sheriff whom was expected to be in attendance of the Public meeting Lavoy and co were travelling to attend… yet he would never make it.
*This whole episode was absolutely unnecessary*.
*The Patriots were a threat to no-one*
*The FBI wanted to create an escalation*
* They carried out their Crime where there were no witnesses, nor any Cell phone coverage*
*Their blockade and firing upon the vehicle was against procedure and acted rashly*
*They Murdered Lavoy in cold blood, and needlessly endangered the lives of others*
*They almost certainly planted a gun on him*
*They blanked out the Audio and degraded to footage that was released to the public*
*They told lies about what happened, and about the use of their firearms*.
etc. etc.

*And remember that *This is a police report*…. not a propaganda piece for ‘Radical Christian domestic terrorists’.
PRAISE THE LORD! The Federal Government is facing serious resistance from many of these local State law enforcement personnel whom still uphold their oaths to the Constitution and the People they serve… *Above the political Elites* in Washington.
And The American peoples need to count on such Brave and principled Men and woman will increase by the hour as their country marches ever closer to the Fiscal Cliff… and Civil War.
*It is the Political Class and the special interests they represent that are eager to overthrow the constitution… to disarm the People and to subjugate them so that in the event of collapse, or growing unrest… the people will be in no position to overthrow them… put them in jail…. take away their power and privilege… which is their Right to do.

Tim Wikiriwhi.
Christian Libertarian.
New Zealand.


“We hold these truths to be self-evident, that all men are created equal, that they are endowed by their Creator with certain unalienable Rights, that among these are Life, Liberty and the pursuit of Happiness.

That to secure these rights, Governments are instituted among Men, deriving their just powers from the consent of the governed, That whenever any Form of Government becomes destructive of these ends, it is the Right of the People to alter or to abolish it, and to institute new Government, laying its foundation on such principles and organizing its powers in such form, as to them shall seem most likely to effect their Safety and Happiness…”

From The American Declaration of Independence. 1776.

Read more…. Judge Napolitano: The Right to shoot Tyrants, not Deer…. here

Update: Here (below) is the Press conference with the police report….

More from Tim….

America has forgotten its Roots! LaVoy’s Daughter Raises the Call!

Do the Math…Obama is waging a covert war on the American People.

Obama is nullifying the Second amendment before our very eyes! FEDS INDICT NEVADA RANCHER CLIVEN BUNDY. RISE UP AMERICA!

Who writes the Laws in America? The Erosion of the Safeguards of Liberty via Subversive Party Political Machinations (2). Update On Obama’s personal drive to destroy the 2nd amendment.(2)

Ammon Bundy speaks from Jail. Appeals to God, The Constitution, and the American Declaration of Independence. “Where Christ is… there is Liberty”.

Bad Moon Rising: The Murder Lavoy Finicum.

The Murder of Lavoy Finicum. (2).

US State Terrorism. Pretext to abolish the second Amendment. Bundy’s declared ‘Domestic Terrorists’.

Daddy… What part did you play in the Revolution?

Turkey shoot! Why Tyrants and Psychopaths Love Gun Prohibition.

The Coming American Civil War.

The Rape Of American Democracy

Epitaph. The Death of America and Western Democracy. Ron Paul’s Farewell Speech.

White Rose. Hans and Sophie Scholl – The Final Days: True Story of Anti-Nazi Activist

For Goodness sake…Stick to your Guns!


Not PC: FREE RADICAL #75 – The Right of Revolution: In Praise of Commodore Frank Bainimarama. by Tim Wikiriwhi

Nazi Thugs just over the ditch! Australian Police State well advanced… New Zealand Bikers Beware!

The Hydra.

Filthy Bastards: “It was an Accident”. Kim Dotcom Raid.

Onya DotCom! He does Kiwi’s a great service by Suing our Corrupt Government for $6 million.

The GCSB BILL… Arabs (and Maori Radicals) with knives at the foot of the bed!

Un-ask-able questions… Police Brutality: When should you shoot a Cop?

Tim Wikiriwhi’s Submission to the New Zealand Government’s Constitutional Review. 2013

Good reasons why I’m voting to keep the flag.

Me: Tim Wikiriwhi Christian Libertarian.

Tuhoe Terrorist Racist Radical Tame Iti Shoots New Zealand Flag.

Important note: In no way do I seek to belittle or disparage New Zealanders from enjoying their Maori heritage and culture.
What I am highlighting is *Racist Maori Radicalism* and all the anti-British colonialism here in New Zealand… all the vile Race hatred and Despicable revisionist history which not only rots out the minds of all whom are imbibed with such Propaganda… generating hatred…. all for the sake of Filthy lucre… but also ensnares many Maori in victimism and welfare dependence… while enriching a political class that profits from the ongoing misery of their own people.
Maori are at virtually the top of every negative social statistic, *because* they are not taught to take responsibility for themselves… not taught that in Freedom and equality… their own prosperity, and the well-being of their Children *depends upon them Living according to Strong personal ethics*… not because of any Accident of Birth.
Tame Iti is a posterchild for the Victimism and dependence mindset.
He should have been jailed for Terrorism…. yet only escaped because of bungling By the Legislature and police.
Conversely, New Zealand as a whole is extremely proud of all the *positive contributions* of Maori Culture…. song, Haka, Carvings, etc… and all of these things can prosper under Freedom and equality…. as the Maori people would do once free of Waitangi appartheid/ Treaty separatism… and New Zealand establishes *One Law for all*
Tim Wikiriwhi.
Christian Libertarian, and Activist to End the false Treaty Separatism.

Watch me (Tim Wikiriwhi) debate this things on TV1 …Is The Treaty Holding Back New Zealand?

old glory flag

This will take you to another world!

Posted by Miss Arab USA on Friday, March 4, 2016

I know many Kiwis will cringe at me using this *Australian poem*, yet not only does it hold *Equally true* for our flag, it is also a testament to *the common values and heritage* that makes Commonwealth nations the very best in the world, and Unifies us as a collective.
Tim Wikiriwhi,

More from Tim…. Looking Forward, not Backwards: Dynamic Culture vs Stagnation. Why British Colonisation was good for Maori.

Not a Pimple on Mandela’s Butt! Tama Iti

The GCSB BILL… Arabs (and Maori Radicals) with knives at the foot of the bed!

The Shame of Maori Radicalism. Hate and Violence.

Where Haters come from.

New Zealand’s ‘Cold’ Civil War. Constitutional Crisis.

Universal Pride in Washington, Separatist Shame in Wellington.

The Art of Feigning Oppression.

Tim Wikiriwhi’s Submission to the New Zealand Government’s Constitutional Review. 2013

12-струнная бас-гитара, которая может заменить целый оркестр

12-струнная бас-гитара, которая может заменить целый оркестр

Posted by FISHKI.NET on Tuesday, October 13, 2015

Watering the Tree of Liberty. Lavoy Finicum.

treee of libbertyyy

The deafening silence of America in respect to the murder of Lavoy Finicum and the imprisonment of the Bundys Beggars belief!
Patriots and defenders of Liberty and the constitution are slaughtered and wrongfully imprisoned with impunity!
The people slumber… wallowing in their Obese Apathy!

The Buzzards circle the America born of the Enlightenment.
The Evil Empire is crushing the seeds of Defiance.
It is a great tragedy playing out before our eyes.
Tim Wikirwihi
Christian Libertarian.
New Zealand.

patriot shit

LaVoy Finicum; One Cowboys Family Stand For Freedom. Sunday, February 21, 2016

We never imagined it would be the blood of our husband and father watering the ‘Tree of Liberty’ that Thomas Jefferson spoke of in years past.

For those new to the LaVoy Finicum Assassination storyvideo of his murder, it began years ago as he practiced daily diligence in the things that develop mind, body and spirit. Such practices enabled him to be the powerful voice America knows him to be.

The more he studied the more he began to recognize how tyranny’s iron fist was intimately in the lives of the American people. This weighed heavily on his soul because he was a man of principle. As a God fearing man, he understood the responsibility and obligation he had to stand in his respective sphere for the cause of liberty.

Read more >Here< finicum family


The Political Assassination of LaVoy Finicum. Revised and Enlarged, Jan 30, 2016

Professor Hall brings his original article, written within hours of the assassination of LaVoy Finicum, into conformity with more recent developments. He refutes those such as Gordon Duff who have misrepresented Finicum’s assassination as “suicide by cop.” The author concludes that the Finicum family are justified in their conclusion that “the FBI chose to escalate the situation to force a confrontation, and violent ending.”

“The vehicle was fired upon before Finicum drove off from the first stop. That was the planned manuver by the FBI to panic him to accelerate out of danger. They left the road wide open for him to leave all of the witnesses at the first stop out of view for what was a planned execution without witnesses at the second stop. LaVoy was first deliberately shot in the lower intestine to cause a reaction that would appear he went for his gun. Of course he reached for the area of excruciating pain. After the final shot murdered him they riddled the truck with bullets and shot flashbangs that’s when Ryan Bundy was struck in the shoulder FROM A BULLET not a toy pellet. To the FBI’s amazement the Bonney and Clyde style shooting victims were not killed. Now they are witnesses to attempted murder, conspiracy to commit murder and murder in the first degree. Why doesn’t the FBI release pictures of the vehicle? That will prove the criminal acts as will the autopsy of Finicum.”

Read more Here

More from ETERNAL VIGILANCE below….

Do the Math…Obama is waging a covert war on the American People.

Can God Bless America? Gavin Seim for liberty

The Hydra.

Obama is nullifying the Second amendment before our very eyes! FEDS INDICT NEVADA RANCHER CLIVEN BUNDY. RISE UP AMERICA!

Ammon Bundy speaks from Jail. Appeals to God, The Constitution, and the American Declaration of Independence. “Where Christ is… there is Liberty”.

Bad Moon Rising: The Murder Lavoy Finicum.

The Murder of Lavoy Finicum. (2).

US State Terrorism. Pretext to abolish the second Amendment. Bundy’s declared ‘Domestic Terrorists’.

Daddy… What part did you play in the Revolution?

Filthy Bastards: “It was an Accident”. Kim Dotcom Raid.

Onya DotCom! He does Kiwi’s a great service by Suing our Corrupt Government for $6 million.

The GCSB BILL… Arabs (and Maori Radicals) with knives at the foot of the bed!

Turkey shoot! Why Tyrants and Psychopaths Love Gun Prohibition.

The Coming American Civil War.

The Rape Of American Democracy

Epitaph. The Death of America and Western Democracy. Ron Paul’s Farewell Speech.

White Rose. Hans and Sophie Scholl – The Final Days: True Story of Anti-Nazi Activist

For Goodness sake…Stick to your Guns!

Not PC: FREE RADICAL #75 – The Right of Revolution: In Praise of Commodore Frank Bainimarama. by Tim Wikiriwhi

Nazi Thugs just over the ditch! Australian Police State well advanced… New Zealand Bikers Beware!