Category Archives: Keep it Metal!

Rediscovering Dispensational Truth…Exposing the Frauds of Orthodoxy one Fallacy at a time… Part 1. Christ’s Gospel.


Dear Readers, I intend to expound the Dispensational doctrines of the scriptures in a piecemeal fashion, having been labelled ‘a heretic’ for some of my Blog posts on this subject.
I can sympathise with such sentiments because Dispensationalism is *not* taught in so-called orthodox Churches, and to the Degree that it is at all studied in Higher Education, It appears to be maligned as a ‘modern heresy’… ironically by ‘Learned scholars whom pride themselves with being ‘up to date’ on everything.
I will be using my King James Authorised Bible.
I Dedicate this series of posts to my Fellow Blogger Richard Goode.
I hope that by taking my sweet time, and patently getting him to walk with me through the Bible, that he will slowly but surely begin to grasp the accuracy of the Dispensational perspective.


Dispensationalism makes distinctions and puts various things, events, doctrines, etc in chronological order… thus creating a linear Time line which basically may be viewed as Past, present, and future… and we can place events in chronological order and see the flow, the changes, the purposes, etc and this gives clarity to what is going on and dispels a great deal of Confusion which results from not understanding the proper context of things and clearly making distinctions.
The Failure to appreciate Dispensational truth results in Chaos… and even has meant many Christians today don’t even know The Gospel of the Grace of God.
They utterly confuse it with Old testament Law and other Gospels.

I will start with the beginning of Jesus’s Ministry.


St Mark Chapter 1vs 14….

“Now after John was put in prison, Jesus came into Galilee, Preaching the Gospel of the Kingdom of God.
And saying, The time is Fulfilled, and the Kingdom of God is at hand: Repent Ye and believe the Gospel.”

Ok… Now that should be simple enough to understand.
Jesus Preached *To Jews* ‘The Good News’ that God’s Kingdom was *at hand!*
This is called *the Gospel of the Kingdom of God*… and it was ‘Good news to the Jews of his day because They were living under the Roman Yoke.
The Jews were waiting for their promised Messiah to appear and Save them *as a Nation*, and to set up his Kingdom… ruling from ‘the throne of David’.

Jesus was telling them… The Time fulfilled… God was now moving to set up The promised kingdom they were waiting for… and this meant Freedom from Rome.

Traditionally this beginning of Christ’s ministry is said to have been 31AD

Notice what Jesus Gospel *did not include*…. it did not include any mention of the cross, or Himself dying on the Cross, or any ideas associated with substitutional atonement.
And we can know this because the Bible clearly declares that it was not until much later on in his ministry that Christ began to discuss the fact that he would be killed.

Chronologically speaking Matthew 16vs 21 is much later on in Christ’s ministry… yet it was not until this late stage that He began to talk about his Death on the cross… in a series of ‘Progressive revelations’…

“From that time forth began Jesus to shew unto his disciples, how that he must go unto Jerusalem, and suffer many things of the elders and chief priests and scribes, and be killed, and be raised again the third day.”

Here we are specifically told the *from this time* Jesus *Began* to talk about his death… and no matter what scholarly squabbles about the actual dates involved… this Beginning of talking about the Cross was already two years into his three year ministry!

Thus we know that the ‘Gospel of the Kingdom he had been preaching said nothing about the cross!

Back in Matt 10 Christ sent his 12 disiples to preach the Gospel of the Kingdom to the Jews Only…

“5 These twelve Jesus sent forth, and commanded them, saying, Go not into the way of the Gentiles, and into any city of the Samaritans enter ye not:

6 But go rather to the lost sheep of the house of Israel.

7 And as ye go, preach, saying, The kingdom of heaven is at hand.”

The reason Christ sent his disciples to the Jews Only…. with this Gospel of the Kingdom is because God had made covenants with Their Fathers!
Abraham, Isaac, Jacob, Moses, David….

St Paul Says this about Christ’s ministry…. Romans 15vs8

“Now I say that Jesus Christ was a minister of the circumcision for the truth of God, to confirm the promises made unto the fathers:”

That’s why Jesus himself said Matt 15vs24

“…I am not sent but unto the lost sheep of the house of Israel.”

And that is why The Jews were looking for their messiah and “looking for redemption in Israel”
Go read Luke chapter 2 in your KJV!

Lost sheep

This will suffice for part 1 of this series.

Part two I will look at what happened when Christ started to tell the disciples about his coming death.
About why Peter slashed off the Ear of the Roman guard, why he denied Christ, and what the disciples thought when they got news of his resurrection.
All these things testify to the fact that they were not taught to focus on the Cross… but on the Messianic Kingdom.

As I have already said I dedicate them To Richard Goode, and pray God opens up his eyes to these truths.
I also pray that God can soften Glenn Peoples hardened heart, and spiritual Pride so that he at least will contemplate what I have said… on it’s face value rather than searing his own conscience and attempting to subvert these clear teachings into a confounding muddle…. which is what the so-called ‘orthodox’ must do to pretend that Christ’s Gospel to the Jews and St Paul’s gospels to the gentiles are the same.

Now I must declare that I myself do not claim to be a Minister, A Pastor, or any Person of Great piety.
I am a very carnal Man, and have many spiritual problems, and so I dont make any pretensions to be a Great Christian.

I am merely sharing what I have learned from much greater Christians than I.
And It appears that by God’s grace he has seen fit that I should know these truths, and I sincerely believe it is God’s will that I share them.
I guess God has always had to use less than perfect Vessels in his service.

Tim Wikiriwhi
King James Bible believer, Dispensationalist, Libertarian.

My Old Pastor. The Late Great Dr Denis Spackman.

Some people may wonder why I would put the following song on the end of this blogpost.
it’s because sometimes it’s necessary to ‘loose your religion’ to discover the truth.

US State Terrorism. Pretext to abolish the second Amendment. Bundy’s declared ‘Domestic Terrorists’.

reid bundy

Updating Developments on The Bundy Ranch resistance.
As predicted the Bundy’s, and all their supporters, Vets, and Patriots have been labelled “DOMESTIC TERRORISTS” By Senator Harry Reid!
This is frightening…yet on cue and text book Socialism…. Tyrannical government is preparing a Machiavellian pretext to abolish the 2nd amendment and make ‘examples’ of the Bundy resistance.

This is pure State Terrorism in action!

Read the Washington post… >>>666<<< deadcow
Dead Bundy Cattle being removed from Mass-pit…. Slaughtered By The Army of Federal BLM Bastards.

The Reason the Federal government imposed a no fly zone over the area is so that they could do what ever the hell they liked without ex·po·sé on the net and in the Media.
The US government is attempting a Media black out and to control what the public see, and how this story is to be feed to them.

That is what makes Blogging this story so important… to make it harder for the Feds to murder these people.

They shot Cattle last time… will they shoot people next time?
It’s sure looks that way!

Surely if what the government is doing is just and Lawful they should have no problem with everything being Video recorded by the Free press.
This all smacks of Criminal activity by the US government.
Tim Wikiriwhi
Christian Libertarian.

Read more >>> Bundy Cowboys and Militia Stand on the highest legal ground… Why the 2nd Amendment was enshrined.

Welcome to Death


And do not fear those who kill the body but cannot kill the soul. Rather fear him who can destroy both soul and body in hell[a].

a. Matthew 10:28 Greek Gehenna

A couple of years ago, I posted a 13-part series wherein I gave you Hell, a little booklet by the inimitable Dr. Jeff Obadiah Simmonds. And I posted an index to the instalments … elsewhere.

Everything you ever wanted to know about Hell (but were too afraid to ask)

I just discovered an awesome Christian death metal band called Antidemon with an awesome song about hell, so I figured now is as good a time as any to post the index … below.

Hell #1: Welcome to Hell
Hell #2: Hellish doctrines
Hell #3: The Immortality of the Soul (Part 1)
Hell #4: The Immortality of the Soul (Part 2)
Hell #5: Hell as Eternal Torment
Hell #6: Annihilation (Part 1)
Hell #7: Annihilation (Part 2)
Hell #8: Annihilation (Part 3)
Hell #9: Hell in the Teachings of Jesus (Part 1)
Hell #10: Hell in the Teachings of Jesus (Part 2)
Hell #11: Hell in the Teachings of Jesus (Part 3)
Hell #12: Hell in the Book of Revelation
Hell #13: Final Doom

Last call for synthacrack!


I sense an impending ban on the so-called “legal highs”. Get stockpiling, synthapeeps!
‘Cuz if you don’t stock up now, you’ll be kicking your wicked habits sooner rather than later!

The witch burning anti-synthetics brigade has gone into overdrive!
Someone pressed the moral panic button!


Seventeen-year-old Jesse Murray is the face of synthetic high addiction!
He’s an engaging, bright, polite young man, who is horribly addicted to synthetic cannabis!


Legal high habit takes teen to rock bottom

Each morning, 17-year-old Jesse Murray wakes on his cardboard mattress in Christchurch’s hidden haunts and walks the streets, spitting into a white, bloodstained tissue before arriving at his destination.

His days are dictated by the opening and closing hours of the nearest legal high shop.

If he has the money, he will hand over anything between $25 and $80 a day – money he has begged for.

Despite it being illegal for him to purchase the drug because of his age, sometimes, out of sympathy, the storekeepers give it to him for free.

Watch this interview by Campbell Live reporter Jendy Harper and tell me that young Jesse Murray doesn’t have a great acting career ahead of him … if he can stay off the synthacrack!

But srsly. The unfortunate fact is that Jesse’s experience isn’t uncommon. (“Each time he tried to quit he began to vomit blood and convulse.”) Here’s a story left in the comments section on the 3 News website. It’s typical of many that I’ve read or heard.

Coming off synthetic cannabis is by far harder than coming off others drugs such as weed or P. Well in my experience any way. I had smoked weed for years. Done P too ! Quite often all together. Then once all that got to hard to find I started smoking synthetic. Worst mistake I every made. I got hooked fast. I was rolling joints to smoke at work. Walking down to Cosmic corner in my lunch break. I couldn’t stop. If I did I would get hot flushes, rage would fill me and I’d explode. One day I realised I couldn’t continue and locked myself in my bathroom for a week while coming off the stuff. It was literally the worst week of my life. I’ve never suffered such horrible symptoms before. I fear for those who still smoke the stuff.

This is a PR disaster for both the legal highs industry and those promoting the Psychoactive Substances Act as the pathway to sensible drug law reform. It was an error of judgement on the part of us drug law reformers not to speak out against the legal highs industry taking up the government’s offer to allow the ongoing sale of existing products for the duration of an extended interim period. We should have recognised that leaving 15 novel, untested synthetic cannabinoids on the market was an unacceptable risk.

The industry now looks to be shut down, if not by this government before the election, then by the next coalition government after the election. Winston Peters looks set to be “kingmaker” once again, and his NZ First Party has already jumped on the banwagon.

There is one remaining opportunity for the legal highs industry to reclaim the moral high ground and that opportunity is now. Voluntarily recall all your products! Before Peter Dunne cracks under the cognitive dissonance and bans all the substances.


Young National Socialists …. Tyrant Spawn!


NZ Young Nats (National Party) National Socialists LORD PLEB RAPINE!!!


“A robber baron or robber knight is a historic term and title of disdain that was applied to the behavior and practices of a group of unscrupulous and despotic landowners (nobles) of the medieval period in Europe.[1] They hindered commerce by imposing unauthorized tolls and tariffs and at times by sometimes ransoming or hijacking the goods outright of (pack-animal-dependent) caravans and riverine traffic amidst the poorly roaded tracts of the vast and far-flung demesnes…”


The Young Nats are Tyrant Spawn!
The above Meme/Add was captioned….

“Since National’s been in power, extra money has been spent to make sure everyone pays their fair share of tax.”

THE YOUNG BASTARDS!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Greedy MOTHERF*&Kers!!!!!!!!!!!!

This is an admission that NATIONAL has Set the Hounds upon us!
We… The Tax Slaves of New Zealand.

Its like something straight out of Feudalism!!!!!!!!!!!
Bloody Medieval!

Because It’s after midnight, I dont have time now to write up a Full blogpost on just how F56king Evil this declaration is…. How Friggin Sick the Young Nats are…. how utterly Brainwashed by our State indoctrination system these little F87wits are!

I will modify this post tomorrow…. I simply had to Blog some of my CONTEMPT for these Nazi Youth.

The thought that many of these freaks intend to be in Government over my Children fills me with wrath!!!
I must get a grip…
Is there any real hope of converting them??? Of saving their Souls from the wretched path of Political Thuggery…they are on?

To any Young Nat who reads this…. I challenge you to really contemplate exactly what it means… to exact Taxes… via coercion….
what sorts of people are the victims of such a program? …Dont delude yourself that it is the greedy wealthy…. the majority will be the struggling poor whom have already paid thousands and thousands into the system while a great % of the slothful and bureaucratic parasitically sit on benefits or in State Jobs which produce nothing!
Monkeys on the back of the productive…

It is the hard working and productive who you are calling ‘Tax cheats!!!’

You Make me Sick!
Guess what Ye Blood sucking Vampires…. It’s All their money!!!! Not the Governments Money!
They Earned it! Not You Extortionist Gangsters!
Can you comprehend that????
You busybodies!
You abusers of Law and Power!
You think that simply because Parliament writes some Laws that that can magically give you the right to demand the wealth from those whom have Earned it?
Or that Your social program somehow legitimize your exactions???

It is *No Crime* to attempt to keep what is rightfully yours!

Contemplate that!!… ye smug pompous arses!

REPENT I Say! Or Be Damned to Hell!
You Robber Barron scum!

Forsake the Harlot with whom you have defiled yourselves!
Be Born Again!


Forget all the Despotic Lies the minions taught you in Uni Political science!

Go buy some Libertarian books and Start learning some truth.

Read more…. Fascist John Key is not a pimple on St Milton Friedmans Holy Butt!

Spiel on brain washing, and socialist engines of confomity. State education.

Evidence for Evolutionism #2. The male libido.


Don Brash is in the news again following today’s publication of his autobiography Incredible Luck. True to form, the NZ Herald focuses on the most salacious bits of the book.

In a warts-and-all chapter covering his personal life, Dr Brash tackles head-on his reputation for being a womaniser. But beyond arguing that men have an “extremely powerful biological urge to have sex”, he struggles to explain why he had extra-marital affairs which ultimately took a huge toll on his personal life and plunged him into a deep trough of depression.

Dr Brash writes that adultery was certainly not part of his Christian upbringing, but argues “that the great majority of human males are programmed to find women sexually attractive”.

He realised, of course, that some men were gay. “I have never suspected, even for a single moment, that I might be gay.”

I take it as read(-blooded) that Brash is right. Men do, indeed, have an extremely powerful biological urge to have sex and the great majority of human males are programmed to find women sexually attractive. The question is, what best explains this primal fact? Creationism or evolutionism?

Evolutionism is premised on survival and reproduction. More precisely, evolutionism is premised on survival to reproduce. The DNA of individual organisms that don’t reproduce doesn’t make it into the next or subsequent generations. It’s that simple. Virginity is both anomalous and an evolutionary death-knell. How many of your ancestors were virgins? I bet none.


Evolutionism offers a compelling explanation of the male libido.

We are survival machines—robot vehicles blindly programmed to preserve the selfish molecules known as genes. This is a truth which still fills me with astonishment.

So says Richard Dawkins in his classic The Selfish Gene. And the experience of being male surely bears out the claim. Over the years, my own libido has got me into heaps of trouble, including relationships with women. I even reproduced! But I survived. 🙂 (And I’m older and wiser now, of course.)

It’s not that there aren’t problems with the evolutionist account. Of course, there are, and there’s one big problem in particular, viz., the origin of sex itself. The first forms of life (according to the theory of evolution) were single-celled organisms or simple multi-celled organisms that reproduced by a process of asexual reproduction called budding. It’s a mystery when, why and how the first two such organisms got together and said, “Fuck budding, let’s be fuck buddies.” I expect my evolutionist readers will have some fanciful accounts to share in the comments section below.

So, what’s the best creationist explanation of the male libido? Well, one explanation springs immediately to mind. In Genesis 1, God created mankind in his own image

in the image of God he created them;
male and female he created them.

God blessed them and said to them, “Be fruitful and increase in number; fill the earth and subdue it. … (NIV)

But, men being men … did God seriously expect that we were simply going to obey his command to “be fruitful and increase in number” without a great deal of whining and complaining and general disobedience? No! So he made sure that we’d be fruitful and increase in number by giving us sex drives—quite literally—on steroids!

(See also Evidence for Evolutionism #1. The recurrent laryngeal nerve.)

Heart Ripped out. This ones for all the Dying Dads … and the Survivors.

heart ripped out

I’ve been to the edge.
I’ve stood and looked down.
I’ve lost a lot of friends there….


According to Socialist Feminism Men are Dogs.
They say We carelessly get our rocks off and run away at the first sign of Responsibility.
They have geared the legal system to punish Men because they are de-facto guilty for all marriage failures…etc… who else could be responsible????
Well the statistics tell us quite a different story!
Just whom has been playin whom???

Men do Crazy shit when they have had their Families ripped away from them.
They Despair of life.
They Feel like failures…. completely worthless.
They can become a Danger to themselves and everybody else.
All their reasons for living…. for striving…. are gone.
It’s a living Hell.

The Police are slow to prosecute woman for assault.
The courts Favour custody for the woman.
Woman rarely pay any child support.

Worst of all It’s the Kids who suffer the most.
The Bullshit can be so deep that some men give up trying to maintain a relationship with their kids because it is so unbearable dealing with the viciousness of their Exs.
So many Kids suffer at the hands of wicked ‘step Fathers’ because of the utter foolishness and selfishness of their mothers who shack up with complete Scum.

Yet who will tell the Kids it’s all their selfish Moms fault?
When will Woman wake up to their own shameful derelict of duty in estranging their Kids from Daddy?
When will they cease to use their kids as Pawns their petty Games of Vengeance?
When will they *Really* put their children’s well being first?

If you dont end up in Jail…. dont end up on Prozac…. or Dead.
It takes two years to start to recover and see the sun shining again… yet thankfully it will shine again.
Hopefully you can establish some sort of working relationship in which you can be a part of your children’s lives.
Even if you have been away for years… its never too late to attempt to make contact… hopefully Time will have worked some magic, eased tensions, and restored some Reason.
The regret of never trying would be worse than any rejection.
In the mean time it is important to focus on self improvement and setting new goals… fostering new dreams.
Ultimately…. Because The world is much bigger than Superman…. and nobody can be with their Children 24/7…even when we are in Stable relationships we must commit our children’s souls…. their well-being to Gods Loving providence….
If you are alone… This is something you ought to pray for Daily.

And dont let one Bitch destroy your faith in Marriage… when you find love again… Be brave enough to give it everything!
Dad’s are not Obsolete.
You are important you know!

Just a few thoughts from a Brother.
Tim Wikiriwhi

What every single open letter to New Zealand abortion providers sounds like to me


Here’s what every single open letter to New Zealand abortion providers sounds like to me.

To New Zealand baby killers,

The Infanticide Law Reform Association of New Zealand (ILRANZ) would like to thank you for all the amazing work you do, often unseen and unacknowledged. While we do not write this type of letter nearly as often as we should, those of us who pursue a pro-death agenda admire and respect the enormous role you play in ensuring and enabling access to baby killing services. We know that providing these services is all too frequently done at a cost to your own safety and wellbeing. We honour your bravery; bearing the brunt of pro-life rebukes, threats and attempts to expose clinic/medical providers as villains.

ILRANZ and pro-death supporters know better. We know that in an ideal world, one we strive to attain, that what you do should be understood as a basic health service. That killing babies should be one part of a wider sexual and reproductive health strategy that enables access free of charge and without barriers to those who need it; without judgement, without recrimination, and without fearing for one’s safety. There would be no stigma and no shame because baby killing would be conceptualised as a basic human right and an integrated health service.

We also know that inside the four walls of slaughterhouses and butcheries around the country that women get some of the best baby killing in the world. You play a fundamental role in ensuring these services continue, but also that pregnant people (especially women) are cared for, listened to and provided with the best option based on individual need. The time spent holding someone’s hand as they explain why killing their own unborn child is their only option. …

That’s enough of that. The cold hard fact of the matter is that the above adaptation is exactly how the original letter sounds to many. (It didn’t always sound that way to me.) Anyone interested can read more at the link above.

What I’d like to do now is present an argument against abortion.

It’s called the Argument from Caution.

(The following is closely based on this article by Matt Flannagan.)

Suppose one morning you are in the bush hunting deer. You have been informed that at some point that morning a party of school children is going to be hiking along the deer trail where you are hunting. Mid-morning you hear rustling and see movement in the bushes. Despite careful examination you are unable to ascertain whether the movement you see is a human being, a deer, or another animal. Are you justified in shooting at the target?

The answer is clearly no … This is because

(i) You know that at some point in the morning, in that place, a human being will be present;
(ii) It is morning and you are perceiving a living object in that place; and
(iii) You are unable to identify whether what you perceive is a human being or not.

It would be an act of gross recklessness or negligence to destroy the target because these three facts are in play. A similar argument applies in the case of killing a pre-natal human being.

You know that at some point between (and including) conception and birth, a human being with an unalienable right to life comes into existence. You know that a pre-natal human being is in existence during this period of time. Hence, unless it is beyond reasonable doubt that a pre-natal human being does not have an unalienable right to life, it is seriously immoral to destroy it.

Now I don’t know what theory of human rights the author of the original open letter subscribes to (or even if she has one) or when she thinks human life begins. I subscribe to a Jeffersonian theory of human rights, and I think that human life begins at conception.

We hold these truths to be self-evident, that all men are created equal, that they are endowed by their Creator with certain unalienable Rights, that among these are Life, Liberty and the pursuit of Happiness.

But, for the sake or argument, it matters not whether my theory of human rights, or view about when life begins, or hers, are true. That’s the whole point of the Argument from Caution. Caution mandates that we assume that human life begins at conception and that an unborn child has an unalienable right to life from that point onwards.

See also Saturn’s Children. Libertarianism and Abortion.

See also Butchered at birth.

POSTSCRIPT. Please don’t confuse evincing a quite staggering degree of hypocrisy with exercising a prerogative to change one’s mind. Do as I say, not as I have done.

Be kind to Hone Harawira


Hone Harawira wants to execute legal high retailers, reports Whale Oil.

According to the New Zealand Herald, families demand scrapping of legal-high laws, but Mana Party Leader and Te Tai Tokerau MP Hone Harawira wants to take things a whole lot further.

Mana MP Hone Harawira … said drug retailers should be killed.

“If there is one law I could pass, it would be line up the guys who are making the most money out of this legal drug stuff, put them on TV and then publicly execute them, and then introduce a law to say the next bastard that does it is going to get the same treatment,” he said.

I don’t doubt that Harawira said this.

Let’s be clear. He wants manufacturers and retailers who are going about their legal business to be publicly executed. He would like the State to kill manufacturers and retailers who are licenced to manufacture and retail legal highs under legislation that was passed near unanimously by Parliament in July of last year.

By now, everyone knows that Hone Harawira’s addicted to hate. How should we respond to his latest not-even-barely-concealed homicidal exhortations?

Hey, Hone, here’s an idea. Instead of executing the manufacturers and retailers who are operating within the regulatory boundaries set down by the Psychoactive Substances Act 2013, let’s execute the 119 MPs who last year voted for the new law instead. Oh, wait, that includes you, Hone! (Do as I say or I’ll kill you? Do as I say *and* I’ll kill you!)

Bad idea. Repaying hate with hate is what’s made Hone the hateful man he is today. He bears a grudge against the majority of his fellow kiwis and their ancestors who behaved badly. “White motherfuckers have been raping our lands and ripping us off for centuries and all of a sudden you want me to play along with their puritanical bullshit.” (Puritanical bullshit? This from the man who wants to close down legal high shops. Right.)

There’s no mana in calling for the judicial killing of law-abiding citizens. (And none, of course, in calling for a dictatorship under John Banks.)

Here’s a better idea. Let’s treat Hone Harawira with kindness. Let’s listen to his legitimate concerns. Let’s even consider shutting down the legal highs industry, at least until such time as its products have been properly tested and have passed the safety tests that the industry itself is promoting.

In what I just said, I may sound like anything but a libertarian … but I’m still very much a libertarian. (Got that, Tim?!) God knows, I’m all for legal drugs! But I don’t want to see New Zealand’s bold regulatory experiment be judged a failure and I very much fear that I’m witnessing a train wreck in slow motion. It would be a smart move on the part of the legal highs industry to voluntarily remove its products from the shelves. Because, next to the unfortunate few (or not so few) who have suffered physical and psychological harms as a result of consuming the industry’s products, those whom the implementation of the interim period is hurting (or is going to hurt) the most … is the industry itself. IMHO.

In the interim, opposition to the legal highs industry is only going to increase between now and September’s general election. New Zealand’s most influential political blogger is increasingly vocal in his opposition. Things look set to escalate up another notch early next month when the anti-synthetics brigade takes to the streets on Saturday 5 April in a coordinated nationwide protest. How is it all going to end?

All will be well that ends well if we legalise cannabis. And do so as soon as possible, i.e., now. From a public health perspective, it’s literally insane that the safer, natural alternative to the synthetic cannabinoids remains illegal while untested, synthetic substitutes are given the State seal of approval. And if we’d legalised cannabis a decade or so ago or never criminalised it in the first place, we wouldn’t be dealing with the current situation. I told you so … 🙁