Category Archives: National Party

Real voluntary private Charity vs the evils of welfare and Political force. .


Recently I have been in communication with a newly formed charity organized by private citizens moved with concern for the growing number of homeless people in the city in which I live.
Though it would not take Sherlock homes to discover which organization I am talking about, I will not specify that here and now because firstly my purposes in writing this blog post don’t require me to be so specific… I am seeking to talk about private charity in general, and because my intentions here is not to castigate anyone in particular, but to educate… or at least bring to light some of my thoughts and thereby indirectly inform whomsoever hath an Ear.

I may add the specific name later if the organization in question so desires…

I have lived in Hamilton since the beginning of 1999, having moved over from Tauranga due to a Job transfer.

And though many people from the Bay of Plenty thought that we were crazy leaving the coastal paradise and moving to the Inland city, Hamilton has proven to be a wonderful city, and I have experienced unprecedented personal growth here.

Yet over the years with 9/11, and the Global economic collapse, rising Taxes, Rates, and the resulting increases in the cost of living…. Food, housing, etc… there has become an increasing number of homeless people congregating in the central city… predominately from the lower income earners…some are people with mental health issues or have expensive addictions… some are ex cons etc… thus for various reasons these people have not been able to keep their heads above water… and have become ‘social statistics’… members of a growing percentage of our population whom have fallen through the cracks… and now live in poverty.

When I herd about this new charitable organization I was impressed and burdened to lend my support…. Esp when I learned they were being harassed by the Hamilton city council… which has a habit of trying to run various minorities out of town simply because they don’t ‘fit’ well with their plans and delusions about what they think the CBD (Central Business District) should be… and consequently the CBD is dying a slow painful death…. Despite the HCC throwing millions of Rate payer dollars at it!

As a person with years of experience in local body politics I was keen to help this charity succeed in the face of the Bully tactics, harassment, and threats of arrest, etc the charity organizers have been enduring…and so I decide to attend several of their meetings, to meet those involved, to offer my assistance, and to see for myself how they intended to run their operation.

It was very interesting to say the least!
I met a very diverse bunch of people, primarily motivated by religious convictions and compassion for their fellow man.
This diversity in itself deserves a blogpost in its own right, and I will write about this aspect at a later…. Not too distant time, yet I have other specific things to discuss here and now.
It is enough for now to say that this diversity has meant that I was but one of many interested parties keen to help this organization…. Each with their own perspectives and advise as to how they believe the best course of action the Charity should pursue to overcome the many obstacles it faces and to succeed.

As a Libertarian Christian, I have an underlying philosophy of tolerance and respect for other peoples right to hold, and express their own beliefs and to pursue their own happiness, as long as they do it peacefully and at their own expense, and thus the first thing I suggested was that the Charity remained focused on it’s core ambition of providing meals to the homeless, and that in so doing they could avoid complications which would tend towards dis-unity and division.

They presented a Mission statement which was simple and profound… and acceptable to all present.

Thus it is that I was completely happy with the stated objectives and had no problems co-working with this diverse group.
I began to become optimistic, and to believe this was indeed a worthy voluntary association deserving of my time, effort, and cash… all of which are in short supply… esp cash… due to my struggles as a self employed man with the Inland revenue department, and several other Government departments which constantly demand more and more of my hard earned money.

Yet this High was short lived as unfortunately It was not long before a Big problem arose which threatens to disqualify me from being able to continue to offer my support.

It is a moral dilemma.
My Libertarianism can tolerate a great deal of wild and whacky things.
It can tolerate a lot of personal vice and bad character… yet there is a line in the sand over which I cannot step in good conscience… it is when people seek to use force upon others to achieve their goals and ambitions… even if those goals and ambitions appear noble and Humane.
I cannot tolerate the violation of peoples *legitimate* rights and liberties… which must be distinguished from the Manufactured Pseudo-rights claimed by socialists.
Real rights are God-given, and are not the gifts of Government.

That above statement may at first appear completely out of place!
Why would Tim raise such an issues here and now?
Wasn’t he talking about compassionate people eager to help the needy?
Why raise the issue of Force?
Why mention the violation of rights?

I want to talk about the philosophical/ ethical question of Ends and Means… in as simple a way as possible so as to be able to convey what the problem I encountered is all about, and what instead I believe is the better, more moral way to proceed.
A way in which I am most happy to participate.
I hope that in few words to lay out some of the most fundamental moral issues regarding Charitable works, and expose a very common misconception about what The proper duties of government are, and why Social welfare is in no way Charity in the Christian sense of the word.

I will only lightly touch on the principles involved and leave a great deal un-argued for the sake of simplicity.
I also implore my readers whom are unfamiliar with the Christian Libertarian Ethic to please seriously consider what I am about to say, even though it may be completely new…. Completely opposite to how you have become accustomed to think…. And especially…. If I am at all successful in articulating my position… to be brave enough to admit to yourself that I am right …. That I have spoken the truth…. Even if the consequences may mean you perceive a more difficult path ahead.

When Old ideas are undermined and we are faced with new challenges… it can be scary, and some will allow this fear to corrupt their hearts.
Thus with my exposition I put out the call for Faith!
Faith that doing the right thing is the right thing do… in the eyes of God.
That is what ought to be foremost in peoples minds… That God himself expects us to walk honestly…. And not to be lazy…. Or take short cuts or attempt to achieve our goals via unscrupulous means under the vain delusion that being for a worthy cause… the righteous end justifies wicked means.

Don’t allow yourselves to think…. Well everyone else accepts things ‘this way’…. That according to the majority… ‘this is fine’…. Etc.
I ask you to search your consciences… and by the time I have finished no one will be able to plead ignorance about the issues at hand.

I believe it is God’s will that I make this apology… that he wants this charity to make a choice as to how it will proceed.
I have no desire to become a point of division, and should my arguments be rejected, I shall quietly go my own way.


Providence smiled, and the Charity has recently acquired a conveniently located property from which to operate which solved one of their biggest problems they faced with respect to the Council’s attempts to shift them out of the CBD and demand ‘Permit fees’… yet the council still did not get off their back, but has decided to ‘investigate them’… and has been using various devious means to gather information on how they are operating…. With the obvious intention of using the said information to make life as difficult as possible for them and even to find legal grounds to shut them down.

Thus with news of these developments, I was invited to attend a second meeting.

Another issue had arisen that day with the publication of the Saturday 26-4-14 edition of the Waikato Times, which featured a front page story on the activities of some to the members of the charity. I will write on that at a later date…. Yet the meeting started off with discussions about this article, and then progressed onto the ongoing problems with the Hamilton city council.

It was then that someone…. A person whose good intentions I am not questioning…. A person who is a political activist…. began to express their opinions about what they saw as the ‘Evil directions’ Mayor Julie Hardacre was taking the city council… and said that not only was the City council failing in it’s moral responsibilities to the Homeless, but that other policies demonstrated a lack of social concern…. Such as dropping the funding for community houses, and a desire to sell off pensioner flats.

She used the phrase that Council was focusing on “Bricks and mortar” insinuating a callous neglect of what she believes are far more important moral duties …. social concern for human beings.

Now as a Libertarian I am certainly no fan of the Powers that be in the H.C.C and have said many times that I believe them to be heartless power-trippers… yet for very different reasons than what this activist was enunciating… I rabidly oppose the Status quo … none the less it behoved me to correct some of the misguided ideas which had just been tabled.

I have run for council and mayor many times, and so I interjected with my first hand knowledge of the realities behind these Council spending cuts and asset sales.
I said that Julie hardaker certainly had not undertaken this course of action because she believes in a ‘Bricks and mortar only’ ideology, or from any assumed ‘heartless capitalist mindset, but that these austerity measures and asset sales had in fact been *reluctantly enacted* because of the *huge city debts* which successions of mismanagement, and big spending councillors had racked up… and under which the backs of Ratepayers are now buckling.

I said that when Hardaker had originally ran for mayor she either ignorantly, or purposefully ignored the dire financial crisis of the H.C.C and like all the other Candidates…. had campaigned via promising everyone the moon!

(Julie Hardaker is a big spender at heart… yet after she was elected there was no money in the coffers… and big bills to pay… and so she was forced by economic realities which could no longer be ignored to bite the bullet and implement a program of cuts and savings.)

My reply was met with no acknowledgement.

Instead what followed was a proposal to have a ‘hui’ with government departments like Mental health, local Labour party Mps, and lefty city councillors… in particular big spending socialist Dave Mcpherson… with the intention of getting these political powers ‘on board’… obviously with the intention of tapping into Government funds and utilities, etc…. under the belief that it was the governments responsibility to get involved and aid this charity work.
In other words… “Lets make them Pay!”

And before I could say that I thought that was an absolutely terrible plan, the Director of the Charity nodded with agreement and gave her endorsement to proceed down that path!

In five minutes flat I had been completely shut down.
I did not have opportunity to explain why I considered that proposal was a very bad plan as I was not prepared to impose my contrary opinion …. once the director had given her endorsement.
I had no desire at all to become the center of division, all I could do was say that I personally could not endorse that proposal and that it would be best that I leave.
I said that what had attracted me to this organization was that it was a private, voluntary charity, and that I had intended to help them get the government off their backs so that they could get on with the business of feeding the poor… not to get into bed with government.
I asked if they had needed the Governments help so far… and was told ‘not yet.’

Thus I took my leave, promising I would write some bogs on this subject and see what developed… and that depending on how things panned out… that would determine how far I would continue to travel together with them.

It was disappointing for me, yet not surprising considering western society is predominantly Social Democrat in nature which means the population has been indoctrinated and have become acclimatized to living in a heavily politicized environment in which the tentacles of the state reach into every corner of our lives… and charge us for the privileged via Taxes, Rates, etc.
This is the Norm…. If you want something done… you don’t do it yourself… you don’t rally your neighbours…. You lobby the government…. And get them involved…
Nanny state.

Thus it was an almost automatic response to endorse ‘the hui’ proposal… no need for further discussion….. It was ‘common sense’ from an educated and experienced political operator… an adult law student none the less.
Surely any objection Tim Wikiriwhi has to this ‘common sense’ proposal must be naive…. Must be unimportant….. must be petty and irrational.

Well finally Dear Reader…. having explained the circumstances as to why I have ended up out in the cold… I will now type out what I never had the opportunity to say at the second meeting….my rationale as to why I reject the hui proposal and will present what I believe to be a much better plan… a much more ethical means to achieving the desired ambitions of the charity.


Let me state that the fundamental problem with the ‘Hui plan’ begins with the assumptions firstly that it is the duty of Government to run social welfare programs… that Hamilton city council is somehow neglecting their duty to provide for the homeless!

Now to many people whom have become ‘normalised’ to Government micromanagement of everything… that may seem like a crazy statement!
Of course the city Council and Government have a moral responsibility!… don’t they???
To deny this moral obligation is to be a cold hearted bastard!!! Yes???

No! and No!

Let me explain why to believe such things is extremely misguided and counter productive to the desired ends of Less homeless people… less Hungry people.

First lets look at the fundamental moral question.
I present to you the following situation…

Two people bring money to give to the charity for feeding the poor.
One is a little old man… retired… and he brings $20.00 which he has withdrawn from his ample savings from a lifetime of hard work and prudent financial self-responsibility.
He makes a direct payment via internet banking.

A second person is a thief, He brings $2000. 00 and says he got the money by robbing Rich bastards living in a fancy neighbourhood…with a gun.
He then drops the money into the charity collection plate outside the mall.

Now which of these two people has the truly righteous and charitable soul… and which one is the Fraud?

I hope that nobody struggles to distinguish the heart of the matter.
Obviously the first person is the real charitable person because they gave willingly from their own pockets, where as the second Guy took the money by force and then put that in the collection plate… obviously the money was not even his in the first place, and secondly he had gotten his filthy hands on the money by force!

Even if the second person says he did not steel the money for himself but took it because he cares deeply about the plight of the poor, does his apparent social concern justify his means of attaining the money?

Does their heart motive ‘cleanse’ the money?
Can it ever be truly said that the charitable desire to help feed the poor can justify such an unrighteous means of finance?

No doubt the stolen $2000.00 will buy a lot more food for the poor than the earned and gifted $20.00 yet does that make the $2000.00 better than the $20.00???
What do you think God would say about this?

Now let me tell you that it is the same thing regarding the difference between Real voluntary private charity…. And Government social welfare.
One is righteous because it is given freely from the heart, the other is money which has been taken from others by force… vai Taxation, Rates, and by creating Government debts which must be paid by the citizens.

Social welfare is an atheist invention designed to counterfeit Christian charity.
The atheists set up a counterfeit ‘morality’ designed to replace Christianity.. in which the State is God… the source of all benevolence.

Do not be deceive by the fact that socialist governments have created Laws which pseudo-legitimizes this extortion and forced redistribution of wealth!
These Laws are Evil!
They cannot turn theft into a virtue.
Only in the minds of fools is such voodoo possible.


It can never be the legitimate duty of Government to Rob the people whose rights it was instituted to protect… even if a majority says that they want the state to do just that!
Mob rule is not a Christian principle, but another denial of Christian absolute morality.
It is yet another secular invention in opposition to Christian values and ideals.
Christianity is not supposed to operate via political force but by a voluntary submission to the will of God…

It matters not that Taxation may be an easy means by which billions of dollars can be appropriated under the pretext of financing massive social welfare schemes… It’s all filthy lucre! Stolen money taken at the point of a gun…. Under threat of being stripped of all your property, or imprisonment!

Do you really expect God to bless your efforts and reward you in heaven when you have accepted money that was taken by force via the tyrannical and filthy hands of Double-chinned politicians?
The Political system represents Mammon… not God.
There is no way that state welfare can be construed to be Christian charity.
It’s a wolf in sheeps clothing.
Furthermore Social welfare breeds laziness, vice, and dependence…. Not self responsibility…. Not self-reliant independence!

Why go to church when you can avoid the Preachy types and go to social welfare instead?
Thanks to the feminist Atheists in parliament.

While the Bible supports giving charity to those in need it is careful not to encourage sloth….
“If any man will not work… neither should he eat”… said St Paul, our Apostle to the Thessalonians.
(2Thes3:10 KJV)

There is a big difference between giving someone a meal, and giving them a dole cheque!
How much Dole money gets spent on Cigarettes booze, gambling, and drugs… while the average family struggles away under heavy taxation…. and goes without essentials like the dentist of the doctor…because of the cost of Milk and bread?…. just so the socialist politicians can hand out money willy nilly?

Ask yourselves why does the cost of living keep going up and Up?
Why is the Government always increasing Taxes?
The chief reason is not Greedy Capitalists.
Its because the government keeps passing more and more laws and growing bigger and bigger and bigger… and all this *increase in the expense of running the political system* is passed onto the consumers.


Frederick Bastiats small book >>>‘The Law’<<< is a must read on this subject Ever expanding government is the chief cause of inflation and why The necessities of life are becoming too expensive for the low income earners to afford! And the government spends spends spends…. Borrows borrows borrows. Mortgaging our Children. Rents go through the roof… the consumer carries all the costs. And more people are impoverished and oppressed.... crumbling under the weight. the-more-corrupt-the-state-the-more-numerous-the-laws

Remember Governments don’t generate wealth… free enterprise, prudent investment, and Free exercise of our talents and ingenuity does that.
Government expenses and foolish regulations *generate Poverty!*
Politicians are notoriously poor handlers of finances… always blowing budgets… always suffering losses… yet what do they care?
They arent risking and loosing their own money… they are gambling and giving away billions of other peoples money… money they have taken from Joe Public who lives on on struggle st.
They have taken it by political force!

Knowing these things how can any charity lobby for Funds from Government?
Knowing how it is the Government Tax theft and incompetence which is the number 1 cause generating poverty?
Who could desire such Ill gotten gains?

Not I!

One thing is for sure…. I know the difference between real charity and fake political coercion!
I cannot endorse or belong to any fake charity who is in bed with the government… and happy to use money that was wrongfully appropriated from the people who earned it.
This is why I cannot endorse ‘the Hui’ proposal as it ignores all these corrupt means of action and ignores the poverty Big government generates…. And in fact seeks to get into bed with this evil system… and add to the extortion…. Add to the debt.

Thus to my way of thinking the only real charity is one which remains 100% voluntary…. 100% Private…. 100% funded via means which does not involve political force.

I know that we are forced to pay taxes, yet that does not justify us then lobbying for tax revenues…. That is to get into bed with the beast… the Harlot.

These are just some of the evils of Social democracy…. I could go on and on… talking about how the Burden of big government ruins our competitive advantages in the global trade thereby costing us Jobs and shrinking our economy.
I could talk about how their silly rules and regulations restricts job opportunities…etc etc.

I must make the point that Big busy body socialist Government is a massive financial burden upon the backs of the hard working and productive which greatly hobbles their ability to take care of themselves and their families and makes them less secure and able to cope with the slings and arrows of daily existence. Ie it drags more and more people towards the breadline.

It siphons away money which would otherwise have been invested in Business, and used by the real entrepreneurs and producers to generate wealth and expand our economy!

We need to keep the size and expense of government to an absolute minimum!

Looking back at Julie Hardakers Austerity measures for the city council…
though she is a big spender at heart and only reluctantly implemented a program of cuts and savings.
Oddly enough, Her decision to do so, and to focus on ‘bricks and mortar was by far the most prudent, and *ultimately the most humane course of action to take!
These cost and debt reductions, and down sizing actually mirrored to a lesser extent my own Libertarian policies on which I myself campaigned!

It was the heavy Taxations of the English crown which caused the American war of Independence.
And it was at that time that Protestant theologians and philosophers were inquiring into what… if any… were the legitimate duties of Government.

This is an Ironic truth which is very difficult for many people to grasp, that having a small government which does not run social programs is in reality… the most socially contentious and prudent policy of all!
It is difficult to appreciate the dynamics involved because much of the effects of policies are not immediately apparent… and much is purposely downplayed.
It is the job of Political science to set out all the effects of various ‘social experiments’ as to their effectiveness and to highlight any unforeseen negative effects.
Sadly Our socialist Universities pump out little socialist political scientists who are utterly convinced of their own importance as Social engineers… manipulating or society via infinite political interventions.
And they actively engage in mass propaganda to make the people believe that big Government is their friend and that Freedom is the enemy.
Libertarianism is attacked on all levels by a schooled political class with Heavy vested interests in maintaining Big Government… and heavy Taxation.
They are pulling the wool over the peoples eyes and rejecting the teachings of the greatest economist of all Time… Adam Smith… why Free-market capitalism works best towards Social good, and prosperity.


Yet Here and now I have dared to challenge the Beast system!
I declare it is the economic realities of Small government and Independence which tend towards greater wealth and prosperity for all… which are an important pragmatic reality which compliments my just moral principles which oppose Social welfare and taxation… and underpin a belief that Real charity must be private funded… by those people who care… at a rate they determine they can afford, and are happy to give… from a surplus of their savings and efforts…. which they themselves determine is above their own needs to provide for themselves and their families.

This is what is missing from the current Socialist conception of the welfare state… and why it is an absolute failure which leads to National bankruptcy and serious declines in the standard of living for the working class… and an ever growing ‘Social static’ of those living in poverty on the streets.

The very last thing an enlightened and compassionate person should do is lobby the government or council to Tax the people… so that funds can be made available to feed the poor!
That is not only immoral… it is utterly self defeating!
It creates More Poverty and a Political Monster!
The Socialist Leviathan State!

If we want to feed the poor lets do it by Real charity… without any political ‘aid’.
If we actually care about the decline in our society we in fact should be protesting against the Beast system… not encouraging it!
We need to stand on our own feet, and demand the government Downsizes and reduces debt and taxes accordingly.
And when we have got this obese Socialist Gorilla off our backs Real charities and churches will flourish and become the norm.
And our economy will grow, and poverty will decrease,
Self reliance will greatly displace welfare dependence.
Self responsibility will greatly displace sloth and vice.

And money will not be stolen from those who earned it… the principle of reaping what you sow will be re-established.

Thus I say that the only moral and prudent means to finance this charity… and all charities which is consistent with the Christian Modus opperandi is to remain an absolutely Voluntary and private association which gets its financial support the old fashioned way… via fund raisers and soliciting charitable donations from our fellow citizens and from private industries and businesses.
The charitable trust should seek endorsements from prominent New Zealanders and even look into modern methods such as are being employed successfully by operations like Canteen.

I believe this is an absolutely viable option, and it also means the charity maintains full control over their own destiny, and is in no way dependent upon government or political power in any way shape or form.

Tim Wikiriwhi
Christian Libertarian.

Read more on Charity, etc…

Hamilton Homeless Meet and Greet… The Lords feet and hands working in the trenches.

NEED A PERMIT TO HELP THE POOR? Nazi Hamilton Council Bastards!

The Christian Fellowship is a voluntary private society, not a theocratic political movement.

Albert J Nock and the Atrophy of Charity and Self-Reliance

Reality Punches Socialist’s In The Face!

Young National Socialists …. Tyrant Spawn!


NZ Young Nats (National Party) National Socialists LORD PLEB RAPINE!!!


“A robber baron or robber knight is a historic term and title of disdain that was applied to the behavior and practices of a group of unscrupulous and despotic landowners (nobles) of the medieval period in Europe.[1] They hindered commerce by imposing unauthorized tolls and tariffs and at times by sometimes ransoming or hijacking the goods outright of (pack-animal-dependent) caravans and riverine traffic amidst the poorly roaded tracts of the vast and far-flung demesnes…”


The Young Nats are Tyrant Spawn!
The above Meme/Add was captioned….

“Since National’s been in power, extra money has been spent to make sure everyone pays their fair share of tax.”

THE YOUNG BASTARDS!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Greedy MOTHERF*&Kers!!!!!!!!!!!!

This is an admission that NATIONAL has Set the Hounds upon us!
We… The Tax Slaves of New Zealand.

Its like something straight out of Feudalism!!!!!!!!!!!
Bloody Medieval!

Because It’s after midnight, I dont have time now to write up a Full blogpost on just how F56king Evil this declaration is…. How Friggin Sick the Young Nats are…. how utterly Brainwashed by our State indoctrination system these little F87wits are!

I will modify this post tomorrow…. I simply had to Blog some of my CONTEMPT for these Nazi Youth.

The thought that many of these freaks intend to be in Government over my Children fills me with wrath!!!
I must get a grip…
Is there any real hope of converting them??? Of saving their Souls from the wretched path of Political Thuggery…they are on?

To any Young Nat who reads this…. I challenge you to really contemplate exactly what it means… to exact Taxes… via coercion….
what sorts of people are the victims of such a program? …Dont delude yourself that it is the greedy wealthy…. the majority will be the struggling poor whom have already paid thousands and thousands into the system while a great % of the slothful and bureaucratic parasitically sit on benefits or in State Jobs which produce nothing!
Monkeys on the back of the productive…

It is the hard working and productive who you are calling ‘Tax cheats!!!’

You Make me Sick!
Guess what Ye Blood sucking Vampires…. It’s All their money!!!! Not the Governments Money!
They Earned it! Not You Extortionist Gangsters!
Can you comprehend that????
You busybodies!
You abusers of Law and Power!
You think that simply because Parliament writes some Laws that that can magically give you the right to demand the wealth from those whom have Earned it?
Or that Your social program somehow legitimize your exactions???

It is *No Crime* to attempt to keep what is rightfully yours!

Contemplate that!!… ye smug pompous arses!

REPENT I Say! Or Be Damned to Hell!
You Robber Barron scum!

Forsake the Harlot with whom you have defiled yourselves!
Be Born Again!


Forget all the Despotic Lies the minions taught you in Uni Political science!

Go buy some Libertarian books and Start learning some truth.

Read more…. Fascist John Key is not a pimple on St Milton Friedmans Holy Butt!

Spiel on brain washing, and socialist engines of confomity. State education.

Fascist John Key is not a pimple on St Milton Friedmans Holy Butt!

Milton Friedman’s response to recent rumours John Key is one of his Proteges

I doubt John Key has read either Rand or Milton Friedman.
That’s the not-so subtle Joke behind my earlier blog.
If he has read them… he certainly prefers Power over principle.
Key is a Centrist Social democrat… not a Free-market capitalist.

rand Key

This whole Cartoon is pure Leftist Propaganda.
The Ultimate Joke is that the Leftists have become Centrist Righties too.
What happened was by the end of the 20th century Communism Died… It simply doesn’t work, so instead The Communist powers around the world…to the greatest extent became Fascists.
This attempted to inject life/ finances into their tyrannies by opening their boarders to trade, and appealing to corporate greed.
Fascism is ‘more efficient’ than Communism, yet ultimately is still all about keeping a stranglehold upon the throat of your victims… your subject population… Thus Power lusting… freedom hating…Socialists of the Left can make the switch very easily.
IN New Zealand, China, etc .. the Left became bumbling rightists… yet maintaining ‘token’ SOEs, muddled with ‘token’ Competition, muddled with with large Dollops of State and Corporate Whoredom…. Fascism… this mess being ‘Lovingly’ described as a ‘mixed’ economy.
The reality is John Key’s Nats no more represents ‘Libertarian free-market Capitalism’ than Cunnliffes Labour Represents leftist socialism.
They Both ‘play’ their sheepishly appointed dichotomy ….but its all a Façade…. The Façade of ‘Choice’ for ‘Election posturing’.


Labour says things like ‘Buy Back Kiwi Rail’…. ‘No! to charter schools’… as merely Election posturings… irrespective of how detrimental these things will be to our society… that’s how they get elected.
When JK says I’m going to sell off State assets…. to pay debts… We will tighten up on Benefits…etc…. which sounds wonderful, yet in reality He still runs the Government fundamentally the same way Labour did.. His ‘Revenues from asset sales get swallowed up by the expense of running a Socialist Monolithic State, and his newly ‘liberalised’ Corporations are basically 60/40 Government/crony Fascist enterprises… which are a modicum more efficient than their earlier Communistic Full SOE…. and you get Fat Cats sitting in Big Chairs Earning 7 figure commerce commission sanctioned salaries under the pretence of ‘Parity’ with the Private sector…. which itself has been corrupted by Fascist Economics via Business schools whom Love Government…. Private ‘partnerships’ and have indoctrinated and implemented a ‘Top down’ Corporate Management structure in which The Business school graduate credential CEO is GOD and takes a Lions share home via salaries and bonuses… and implements a tyrannical totalitarian Micro-management philosophy called ‘Scientific Management’…. which relies heavily on Oppression, Sheepish unquestioning obedience to Rules, armies of sycophantic middle management… ‘enforcers’ of Der Fuhrers will… weeding out ‘troublesome’ independent renegades who remember times when they could actually do a days work without any meetings or New policies…etc.

That’s just the way they like it!
Government is too tricky a business …. too much a magic art…for the little people to understand.
Best they leave it to their Benevolent Paternal Betters… got that plebs?
Notice the parallel philosophies between Fascist Government and Corporatism.
It’s a Diabolical love affair and why we do see Industry pushing back Government Tyranny.
The Biggest scam of the looney leftiest is to portray ‘Corporatism’ as being ‘Free-market capitalism’… hence the caricature of John key as being an Ayn Rand/ Friedman ‘Libertarian’ Free-marketeer.
Satan Laughing spreads his wings!


Nationwide rally AGAINST the TPPA


The nationwide rally against the Trans-Pacific Partnership Agreement is today. Details here.

I don’t know much about the TPPA. It’s a free trade agreement—and free trade, of course, is a good thing—but it’s more than just a free trade agreement. How much more than just a free trade agreement? Apart from John Key’s National government, no one knows.

Why won’t the government release the full text of the agreement?

Here‘s Labour’s position on the TPPA.

Labour MPs recognise there are potential risks as well as potential benefits in the TPPA, but we do not know what is in the text. That’s why the Government must release the text before it is signed, so Kiwis have a chance to decide for themselves what is in our people’s interests.

And so that each individual Kiwi has a chance to decide for him/herself what is in his/her individual interest. (Never mind our people’s bogus collectivism.)


Join the dots

No person was ever honored for what he received. He has been honored for what he gave. - Calvin Coolidge
No person was ever honored for what he received. Honor has been the reward for what he gave.
– Calvin Coolidge

‘Love’ for PM spurs $105,000 donation, Stuff, 17 July 2010:

A top Auckland restaurateur has given $105,000 to the National Party, saying although he was too Right-wing for any political party, his “love” for the prime minister prompted him to do it.


Asked the reason for his largesse, restaurant owner Tony Astle said Mr Key was a customer he had known for several years.

“Well, I just love the prime minister. I’ve never really been a person to give money to parties, but I decided this time I would. We need them back again, we don’t need those other pretenders.”

Campaign donations favour the right, Stuff, 3 November 2011:

Antoine’s Restaurant in Parnell, owned by outspoken John Key supporter Tony Astle, was the other National donor, giving the party $60,000.

It follows another $105,000 donation last June from the Parnell restaurant, where Mr Key and wife Bronagh are regular diners.

New Year Honours: Tony Astle ONZM, New Zealand Herald, 31 December 2012:

“It came out of the blue, really – I wasn’t expecting it at all,” said restaurateur Tony Astle of his award.

The 62-year-old owns the renowned Antoine’s restaurant in Parnell, Auckland, which he opened with his wife, Beth, in 1973.

“I’m very excited about it, because, well, you don’t expect these sorts of things when you’re a chef,” Mr Astle said.

Well spotted, Idiot/Savant.

Out of the blue? Sorry, but this reeks of putrefaction.


The Honours Unit administers the New Zealand Royal Honours System.

The Honours Unit is a small team within the Cabinet Office, which is part of the Department of the Prime Minister and Cabinet.

To my mind, there’s nothing inherently wrong with donating money to political parties, and there’s also nothing inherently wrong with accepting a Royal Honour (although my friend Gary, who put me on to this, would beg to differ!) for genuine culinary achievements and services to restaurateuring.

But had I been in Astle’s shoes? I’d not have accepted. At the very least, the timing is waaay inappropriate! Why couldn’t Astle have waited until Labour’s next term in government to accept his award?! One must not only behave honourably, one must be seen to behave honourably. (Perhaps the alternative version of the meme above is better. “There are some things that money can’t buy … like manners, morals and intelligence.”)

I won’t be dining at Antoine’s any time soon.

Dunce to Dunne



Today was Peter Dunne’s first day back as Associate Minister of Health. I never thought I’d say it, but welcome back, Peter!

Yesterday was Todd McClay’s last day as interim Associate Minister of Health. Yesterday McClay went full retard.

In his swansong announcement, McClay welcomed the decision by the Psychoactive Substances Regulatory Authority to withdraw five psychoactive products from the market.

The five products were: Anarchy, Voodoo, Karma, AK47, and Northern Lights Primo. Their interim product approval numbers were (respectively): P0002, P0003, P0004, P0008, and P0038. Their licences have now been revoked.

Let’s take a closer look at two of these products, AK47 and Northern Lights Primo. Here are screenshots from the Ministry of Health’s interim product approvals page prior to their revocation. (Google’s latest cached copy of the page is here.)


I included two additional products which have interim product approval, Amsterdam Long Island Tea and Tai High Purple Passion. Note the following facts.

The product Northern Lights Primo, which contains CL-2201 at 50 mg per gram, has been taken off the shelves. Meanwhile, the product Amsterdam Long Island Tea, which contains CL-2201 at 50 mg per gram, stays on the shelves. The active ingredient in both products is exactly the same. The amount of the active ingredient in milligrams per gram is exactly the same. The only difference between the two products is different packaging. One gets to go, the other gets to stay. Wat.

The product AK-47, which contains 5F-PB-22 at 60 mg per gram, has been taken off the shelves. Meanwhile, the product Tai High Purple Passion, which contains 5F-PB-22 at 60 mg per gram, stays on the shelves. (PB-22-F and 5F-PB-22 are the same chemical.) The active ingredient in both products is exactly the same. The amount of the active ingredient in milligrams per gram is exactly the same. The only difference between the two products is different packaging. One gets to go, the other gets to stay. Wut.

Unless people smoke the packaging (I think not) we have two pairs of identical products. Todd McClay says

These withdrawals underscore the effectiveness of the Psychoactive Substances Act in getting harmful products off the shelves

I am satisfied that one of my last acts as Associate Health Minister is to see the removal of yet another suite of products that would have risked the health of young New Zealanders.

He might as well have said

These withdrawals underscore the ineffectiveness of the Psychoactive Substances Act in getting harmful products off the shelves.

I am satisfied that one of my last acts as Associate Health Minister is to see the non-removal of yet another suite of products that risk the health of young New Zealanders.

Is Todd McClay a complete idiot? I think so. (He’s just been made the Associate Minister of Tourism. I think the tourism industry should be very worried.)


But there’s quite possibly something more sinister going on. Industrial sabotage. Apparently

The five brands were previously assessed by the Ministry of Health and in August were judged low risk enough to be sold to the public.

But a spike of calls to the National Poisons Centre will lead to a recall today of the AK47, Anarchy, Karma, Northern Lights Primo and Voodoo brands.

A “spike” of calls. Does this indicate the depths to which some operators in the legal highs industry will stoop? Hoax calls to the National Poisons Centre, advising of “adverse reactions” to competitors’ products? I don’t know. But something doesn’t seem at all right to me.

What I do know is that the Ministry of Health is a serious health risk. The morons who comprise the Psychoactive Substances Regulatory Authority are supposed to assess the scientific evidence of potential harms of these products. Sorry, guys, but self-selected self-reports phoned in to the National Poisons Centre hardly count as science. You might as well consult the Amsterdam Long Island Tea leaves you’ve been smoking!

Random drug test!

Nobody expects a random drug test!

1. Which of the following drugs causes the least harm to users?

Methamphetamine (“P”)

2. Which of the following drugs causes the least harm to others?

Methamphetamine (“P”)

3. Which of the following does not involve a specific ROA?


So, how did you go? (I like to think that if I ever had to undergo a random drug test I’d get 100%.)


Trouble at mill.

Workers could be forced to reveal any prescription medicines they are using to their bosses.

ONE News has discovered that a Government MP wants to clamp down on drugs of any sort in the workplace, and the plan could lead to some being sacked.

Northland National MP and former police officer Mike Sabin has put forward a private member’s bill that allows random drug testing in all workplaces and for sniffer dogs to be brought in.

ONE News mentions that Sabin used to be a policeman. What they don’t mention is the fact that formerly Sabin was the founder and managing director of the Methcon Group, a company that supplied drug testing kits.

Now, I don’t know whether or not Sabin is still financially involved—either on or off paper—in the business of supplying drug testing kits. I’m just signalling that there’s a potential conflict of interest that an investigative journalist or investigative blogger might like to investigate. Just sayin’.

What I do know is that Sabin is a one-trick pony and a hypocrite who shouldn’t be allowed anywhere near our National Drug Policy. (The Government is calling for submissions to update and help shape its National Drug Policy, Associate Minister of Health Todd McClay announced today.)

I tried to find a picture of Sabin during his Methcon days …

gallery-mar13-img1Mike Sabin of Methcon Group, all kitted up, assessing a workplace

… but I could find only the caption that once went with a picture of Sabin during his Methcon days.

A worker would have to declare any prescription medicine they are taking if it could be a safety problem.

“Nothing at all alters that fact that employers must act in a fair, just and reasonable manner in line with every other provision of the Employment Relations Act,” Mr Sabin said.

I declare that Sabin should resign as MP for Northland. I think his presence in Parliament is a safety problem. The legislative medicine he has so far prescribed, viz., the Psychoactive Substances Act, most certainly is.

I hope that Sabin’s employers (New Zealand’s citizens, residents and taxpayers) will act in a fair, just and reasonable manner next election and vote this poisonous prohibitionist out. Meanwhile, let’s hope his private member’s bill isn’t drawn.

Mangawhai Rates Rebels to defy corrupt Beehive legislation.


New Zealand has rotten political institutions from top to bottom.

New Legislation…. Kaipara bill passes, validating Mangawhai rates

Listen to this podcast.

The Kaipara City council acted with gross incompetence and criminally in intentionally overspending by tens of millions of dollars on a new sewage system, and yet instead of finding the Councillor culprits guilty and accountable… Our Mikey mouse Parliament tries to ‘legalise’ this corruption by passing a special new law to force the ratepayers to into submission.


The ratepayers intend to challenge this in the high court.
We must watch this case and support the rebels because depending on what the High court determines will have serious implications…. not just for Mangawhai…. but for all New Zealand.
This Corrupt new parliamentary dictate must be overthrown because it opens the floodgates for incompetent big spending councils to completely disregard the Ratepayers they are supposed to represent, and to frivolously spend up however they please…. without accountability.

mark t

In my view this new Beehive legislation is proof that the Mangawhai Ratepayers were/ are in the legal right to withhold their rates…. and the Evil bastards in the Beehive know this!
Yet instead of supporting these righteous folk they chose rather to pass a tyrannical new Law to halt Ratepayers/ taxpayers all about the country from questioning the Spending practices of the government, and withholding their money.
Parliaments actions show that the scum in the Beehive will simply legitimize any such miss-representation, miss-appropriation, and extortion.


Should their appeal to the High court fail…. they should take it to the Supreme court.
If that fails, this will prove the dire consequences of not having a written and binding constitution which limits the powers of Parliaments for the sake of protecting the Rights and liberties of Individuals and citizens from tyrannical legislation, Mob rule, and the Political agendas of Party politics .
It’s a pity Hamilton ratepayers did nothing when their City council’s sleazy dealings with the V8 Supercars ended up costing then ten’s of millions more than the Mayor and council said it would.
(read about that >>>here<<<) You can contact the Mangawhai Ratepayers >>>here<<< jeff

I salute these brave people standing up for their rights.
It is a travesty that the strikers are now inciting people to ‘Break the Law’.

Tim Wikiriwhi.


“Mangawhai Ratepayers and Residents Association chairman Bruce Rogan said residents were refusing to pay because the sewage system was an ever-expanding “Ponzi scheme” foisted on the community without its consent.

Meeting papers show councillors secretly agreed to expand and more than double the cost of the project in 2006 without telling the community for another four years and the council’s own legal opinion shows it has collected about $17 million of rates illegally.

Mr Rogan said residents were being asked to bail out the scheme again when many had already paid a lump sum which was supposed to cover the capital costs.

The council resigned in August and was replaced by commissioners. Chairman John Robertson, a former National MP and Papakura mayor, said 90 per cent of residents were paying their rates, including 75 per cent in Mangawhai…
Read more….From…>>>
NZ Herald Kaipara rates rebellion grows

Read more from Tim Wikiriwhi on City Council tyranny and spending…

‘Revolution At The Roots’ Making Hamilton’s City Council smaller,better, and more conducive towards Prosperity. Tim Wikiriwhi.

Tim Wikiriwhi represents Affordable Waikato in the Hamilton City Council Elections. Mayor and West Ward.

Hamilton and Wellington Rate payers, and Renters Beware! The Wolf of Socialism is at your Door. ‘Living wage’

How the census meshes with bankrupt Socialist Totalitarianism

Liberty Conference: Dick Quax and the Great Leap Backwards. Agenda 21.

Comparing Hamilton City’s Dire straits to Bankrupt City of Stockton.

Reality Punches Socialist’s In The Face!

Conspiracy of Silence.

The National government is criminally insane


Yesterday’s post was about a Cosmic Corner brand of fake cannabis. Back in July 2011, Juicy Puff was suddenly ordered off the shelves by the government and temporarily removed from sale after it was found to be contaminated with phenazepam.

Here’s what Associate Minister of Health Peter Dunne had to say at the time. (Emphasis mine.)


Associate Minister Peter Dunne today said finding phenazepam in a second product within a week reinforced the problem of suppliers being able to put unregulated drugs on the market.

“The people in this industry are generally not trustworthy or reliable,” he said.

“They are fast-buck merchants who, on the one hand claim to be offering a legal and safe alternative to illicit drugs, then throw their hands in the air and say they do not know what is in their products when our testing catches them out.

“They cannot have it both ways.”

Dunne said restrictions that would curb the marketing and advertising of synthetic cannabis products were just weeks away, and would be made through amendments to the Misuse of Drugs Act.

“In the longer term the solution we are looking at is reversing the onus of proof and making the manufacturers and suppliers prove their products are safe before they get anywhere near the market.

Currently, authorities have to prove such products were unsafe before they could be taken off the market. “We are doing that successfully, but it is not an ideal process. It is cart before horse and the restrictions that will come in the next few weeks are an important step in addressing these issues.”

The following month, in August 2011, Parliament voted to pass the Misuse of Drugs Amendment Act (No 2) 2011. This amendment enabled Peter Dunne to start issuing temporary drug bans called Temporary Class Drug Notices.


Remember how Peter Dunne sold us the follow-up Psychoactive Substances Act?

Here‘s what he told the United Nations Commission on Narcotic Drugs when he took the world stage in Vienna, Austria earlier in 2013. (Emphasis mine.)

While we have placed more than 30 synthetic cannabis-like substances under temporary bans, but we are aware that there are potentially hundreds more that could replace them.

Last month, the New Zealand Government introduced new legislation into our Parliament that will end the game of catch-up once and for all.

We are going to reverse the onus of proof so the manufacturers of these products have to prove they are safe before they can bring them on to the market.

He said the same thing in 2012. It’s what he’s said all along, time and again. In his capacity as a Cabinet minister. On behalf of the New Zealand government. (Emphasis mine. Click the banner below for the official statement from the Beehive.)


As promised, we are reversing the onus of proof. If they cannot prove that a product is safe, then it is not going anywhere near the marketplace

None of these products will come to market if they have not been proven safe.

I think I’ve said enough to establish beyond reasonable doubt that Peter Dunne, the National government’s Associate Minister of Health, promised us this on behalf of the current National government.

Would you feel happy purchasing and consuming a product that had been proven safe? Many of you will answer, yes. What reason do you have to think the products now on the market are safe? Well, none of the products now on the market would be on the market if they hadn’t been proven safe, right? The National government promised us that that simply wouldn’t happen.

But the government has broken its promise. None of the products now on the market have been proven safe. None of the products now on the market has been tested. They are only now being tested. On you, the consumer. And some of the products the government approved for sale have since been proven unsafe.

Is it morally right to test untested drugs on people after promising them that they’ve already been tested and proven safe? Is it morally right to test untested drugs on people after first having obtained their misinformed consent? It’s certainly not legal.

Here’s Section 10 of the New Zealand Bill of Rights Act 1990.

Right not to be subjected to medical or scientific experimentation
Every person has the right not to be subjected to medical or scientific experimentation without that person’s consent.

The National government is in breach of the Act. Someone should take these conscienceless psychopaths to court. They’re criminally insane.

What’s the damage? Kidney failure is the damage. A government approved product called Kryptonite has caused some test subjects to experience

Kryptonite: Kidney failure, hallucinations, vomiting, chest pains.

This according to the Dominion Post.

Back when it was still on the official records, and approved for sale from approved outlets, this is what the MoH told us about Kryptonite.

Product name Psychoactive substance(s) Quantity Company name Physical address  Status Interim product approval number
Kryptonite Red SGT-7 25mg per gram Lightyears Ahead Limited Unit 4/24, Airborne Road, Albany, Auckland Under consideration P0058
Kryptonite Green SGT-19 40mg per gram Lightyears Ahead Limited Unit 4/24, Airborne Road, Albany, Auckland Under consideration P0059

What are SGT-7 and SGT-19? The Ministry of Health has never told us, and neither have the manufacturers or suppliers, even though Section 58 the Psychoactive Substances Act says

Restrictions and requirements relating to labelling of approved products

(2) A label for an approved product must include the following information in a prominent position on the label:
(a) a list of the active ingredients of the product and the appropriate quantity of each active ingredient;

But the Ministry of Health has let slip (here) that SGT-7 is


and SGT-19 is


So now you know. No, wait …

You’ve never previously heard of ADB-CHICA or 4-fluoro-AM2201, right? Well, neither have I, and neither has Google. We still don’t know WTF-7 and WTF-19 they are.

Suppose that someone other than the manufacturers and the Ministry of Obfuscation knew the chemical identities (structures) of these substances? Could they have reasonably guessed that they would cause serious adverse effects such as kidney failure? Well, it’s reasonable to think so. Indeed, I sounded the alarm here a few months ago.

AB-005 XLR-11_structure

The compound on the left is AB-005 which has interim approval. The compound on the right is XLR-11 which was banned as from 13 July 2012 by Peter Dunne. They are structurally similar. They are analogues.

The problem here is that XLR-11 has been linked to acute kidney injury in some users. Now the Ministry of “Health” has seen fit to approve an analogue of a suspected kidney toxin for human use. But it’s legal so it must be safe, right? Yeah right.

But it turns out there’s a problem in my reasoning. You see, we can take an educated guess that analogues of known nephrotoxins are quite likely unsafe. But we don’t know which structural similarities count. Some wise heads in the online drug-using community have suggested that the culprit is not the backbone of the XLR-11 molecule (i.e., the ring structures) but the fluoropentyl side-chain. And there’s at least three products with interim approval that contain a fluoropentyl side-chain, viz., 5F-PB-22, (S)-N-(1-amino-3, 3dimethyl-1-oxobutan-2-yl)-1-(5-fluoropentyl-1H-indole-3-carboxamide and 1-(5-fluoropentyl)-3-(4-fluoro-1-naphthoyl)indole.

However, in the event it’s none of the suspects above that have so far caused kidney failure in some users. It’s one or both of ADB-CHICA or 4-fluoro-AM2201. And what this means is that we cannot make a reasonable educated guess as to which synthetic cannabinoids are possible nephrotoxins. They’re all suspect.

The National government is conducting medical experiments on New Zealand citizens without their informed consent. Really, they’re only one step away from the Tuskagee syphilis experiment and two steps away from the Nazi human experimentation of Josef Mengele.

Never again!

The National government is criminally insane. And must be stopped.