Jodi Arias: WWJD

John 8:1-11
but Jesus went to the Mount of Olives.

At dawn he appeared again in the temple courts, where all the people gathered around him, and he sat down to teach them. The teachers of the law and the Pharisees brought in a woman caught in adultery. They made her stand before the group and said to Jesus, “Teacher, this woman was caught in the act of adultery. In the Law Moses commanded us to stone such women.Now what do you say?” They were using this question as a trap,in order to have a basis for accusing him.

But Jesus bent down and started to write on the ground with his finger. When they kept on questioning him, he straightened up and said to them, “Let any one of you who is without sin be the first to throw a stone at her.” Again he stooped down and wrote on the ground.

At this, those who heard began to go away one at a time, the older ones first, until only Jesus was left, with the woman still standing there. Jesus straightened up and asked her, “Woman, where are they? Has no one condemned you?”

“No one, sir,” she said.

“Then neither do I condemn you,”Jesus declared. “Go now and leave your life of sin.”

What if the Pharisees had instead brought someone like Jodi Arias before Jesus?

Jodi Arias killed her ex-boyfriend, she stabbed him repeatedly, shot and nearly decapitated him. She has been found guilty and may be sentenced to death. What would Jesus response have been had the pharisees said to him “in the Law Moses commanded us to kill such women. Now what do you say?”

Would Jesus have said “Let any one of you who is without sin be the first to throw a stone at her” or would he have said, as Moses instructed, “eye for eye, tooth for tooth, life for life”?

Racism,Violence, and Misery. Why I’m missing my favourite band. Tool!


Tool is playing right now in Auckland.
They are my Favorite Band.
Why aren’t I there rockin out????
I should be!
Yet instead of having fun, Im spending my last buck$ on a Public meeting calling for an end to Racist Law and Government in New Zealand.

I would have loved to have been @ Vector Arena!
It’s a concert I have waited years to see, yet I have been forced to choose between my own immediate pleasure, and a political Ideal I believe is essential for the betterment of New Zealand.
An Ideal I believe will help end a lot of poverty, misery and dependence… and dispel a lot of bigotry and race hatred which has been fostered by Radical separatists for Political Power and Loot.
I refer to the principle of Equality before the Law.
Abolishing the separate Maori seats in parliament, and separate Electoral rolls.
Just today, the front Page of the Waikato Times ran a story which showed statistics which proved that Violent crime in a city was proportional to the size of it’s Maori population!
That is a shocking reality which proves what 30 years of Apartheid have achieved.


Read about it here: Top Criminologist blames Maori for high rates of violent Crime
‘Maori crime ‘fact of life”

This is the reality which the radicals try and blame on ‘Pakeha oppression’, on the Government’s ‘Failure to honour the Treaty’…. I ask How long New Zealanders will tollerate this absolutely despicable lie!

The Fat cat Tribalist elites may be sitting pretty, yet it has been at the cost of fostering Hatred, dependence, a victim/ blame mentality into the ordinary Maori Individuals, many of whom are incapable of admitting that their poverty, violence and misery is of their own making… not because of any oppression by ‘Evil Pakeha’… as the shit stirring Political activist preach, or as the average socialist whacko school teacher rambles on about… instead of teaching young Maori to take responsibility for themselves and their futures as individuals… competing on a level playing field… under equality before the Law!
Young Maori are told to study stone age Maori history and culture… instead of engineering, science, etc… thus putting them at a disadvantage when they leave school… alienating them from modern society, and setting them up for failure… with the Radicals whispering in their ears that this is all the Pakeha’s fault! “If the Pakeha were not here they would own the whole country… and could get buy fishing!”
Yes These are lies and insanity which I am dedicated to ending.
Treaty separatism has resulted in nothing but Race hatred and Misery.
I love all that is good and beautiful in Maori Culture, yet I despise racism, and Political propaganda… and politically engineered Evil.

And if in the process of fighting this evil for the sake of Equality before the Law that I must miss out on seeing my favorite Band… well there is always You Tube!
Hopefully they will be back in not too many years time?

Got Jesus?


In the beginning was the Word, and the Word was with God, and the Word was God. He was with God in the beginning. Through him all things were made; without him nothing was made that has been made. In him was life, and that life was the light of all mankind. The light shines in the darkness, and the darkness has not overcome it.

There was a man sent from God whose name was John. He came as a witness to testify concerning that light, so that through him all might believe. He himself was not the light; he came only as a witness to the light.

The true light that gives light to everyone was coming into the world. He was in the world, and though the world was made through him, the world did not recognize him. He came to that which was his own, but his own did not receive him. Yet to all who did receive him, to those who believed in his name, he gave the right to become children of God— (NIV)

Do you believe you have the Perfect Word of God? Theism vs Humanistic Rationalism. Seeing The Light! My Testimony.


When I was convinced to convert from Atheism to Christianity… 29 years ago, a most vital part of my conversion was the fact that the Christians whom shared with me their faith in Christ were King James Bible believers, and they were able to convince me of the trustworthiness of the Bible as Gods Divine revelation to mankind.

Now I was an Ignorant Atheist Evolutionist Nihilist Bogan West Aucklander who worshipped Jim Morrison.
I was Militantly Atheistic, and believed that people who believed in ‘The Big Man up in the Clouds’ were Bat shit Crazy (like my Mom!)
I would rip into them!
I would Mock them!
I would roll around on the ground in a fit of hysterics at the very thought that People could be so stupid as to really believe in Miracles, Heaven, etc.
Didn’t they Know that Science had proven that We came from Monkeys????
Didn’t they know that only Children, and Primitive Savages believed in Ghosts, Boogie Men, Angels, Fairies, God, Santa, etc ????
This clearly meant that the Bible was complete Bullshit!
It was written by Ignorant superstitious savages…before the Advent of science.
And The fact that there were many Bibles also further proved that it had been altered with the process of Time.
Everybody knew the Bible was full of Superstition, and contradictions (though I had never read it).
And Like our society, It was filled with Man made customs and rules which in reality were not binding upon anyone… *only Chumps believed morality was real!*
I ‘Knew’ reality was Materialistic, and that there was no Heaven for the Good, no hell for the wicked, and that all the rules of society were simply ‘Made up’…. and believed by slaves and Idiots.
I was Free!
I ‘knew’ There was no ‘Right or wrong’ in Atoms or the Periodic Table.
I ‘knew’ there was no Divine judge… no Divine Lawgiver….nothing out there but empty space… and a lot of fear ridden Idiots whom wasted their lives worshipping Fake Gods.

This was the Package Deal I called my Atheist/ scientific/ worldview.
And it was this entire Package which had to be confronted and overthrown if I was to become an honest believer In Jesus Christ.

It was quite amazing that circumstances arose that I actually gave one particular Christian opportunity to present his case for belief in God, and a vital part of his case was that Mankind had been ‘Visited’ by God and that he had given us his word, and preserved it, and that it was trustworthy, and ought to be believed.

Had he not presented his faith as standing upon such an absolutely trustworthy foundation I would have immediately said to myself that even the Christians themselves know the Bible if full of errors.
Ie That they admit the Atheist position is Valid, and I would have rejected Christianity upon that basis alone. Ie The Bible can not be relied upon. End of story.

Amazing enough… though the belief that the Bible is ‘untrustworthy’ is held by the Majority of so-called Christians today… God instead sent a Bible believer across my path, and It was via a systematic process of convincing me the Bible was indeed trustworthy, and that the Christian cosmology, and explanation of what Humanity really is, is vastly superior and more scientifically and historically accurate than my previous Naturalistic Materialist cosmology, that one day I saw the light!
‘One evening… after many months of Conversations, etc… in my mind it was like a whole cascade of pieces of a jigsaw puzzle all simply fell into place, and I could see what this Christian had been saying made perfect sense!
I began to be able to feed scenarios into this new cosmology and it would spit out ‘answers which added up perfectly with reality!
It’s explanitory power was immense!
And so I decided I would ask Jesus Christ to be my savior… and I was so convinced of his reality that I was kinda surprised no Angel turned up and shook my hand and gave me a Job from God to do! 🙂

I was a changed Man.
I became a religious fanatic… much to the surprise of my Family and friends…esp to my Mother, brother, and sister whom I had always mocked for believing in God!
It was a *real Miracle*!

To this day I believe it was in answer to my mothers prayers, and God’s plan for my life, that he sent his Bible believing servants to preach to me the gosple, with a powerful enough foundation to undo my Infidelity.
I have spent the last 30 years of my life…through Highs and Lows… putting the King James Bible to the test.
I have subjected it to every criticism that the doubters have been able to throw at it… and like a house built upon the Rock…. though the Tempest rages… It standeth sure!
I simply cannot understand how someone can claim to be a Christian yet doubt the trustworthiness of the Bible!…. yet Millions do just that!
And they stand with the atheists attacking my faith in the King James Bible!

Let me say that when I preach the gospel to others, I preach it from full conviction that It is *the Gospel truth*.
That it really is what God says a man must believe to be saved.
And when I call unbelievers to ‘wake up’ that I really have something far superior to show them.
And when I go about my Libertarian activism, it is based upon an absolute conviction that Morality is Objective… that God did create Man equal, and endowed him with certain inalienable rights, and that to secure those rights Governments are instituted among men…

I believe that when an English speaking person stands before God, that he will be judged in accordance with the KJV. Ie God will hold us accountible by It, and our access to it.
We have no excuse.
Those whom a planning to tell God that they did’nt believe the gospel because the Bible was untrustworthy and full of errors will be in for a shock!
They will be found naked, and guilty, and shall be judged… because they chose to reject Christ and the love and Grace of God.

I must go to bed now.
To be continued!…
I will get into particular reasons *why I maintain my belief in The 1611 King James Bible.

More from Tim… Death of an Atheist. Follow the evidence.

Write a letter, you’ll feel better!

I drafted this letter to Peter Dunne while sitting on the train this afternoon.

Dear Peter,

Government targets- Peter Dunne

Re: Psychoactive Substances bill

I understand that your main motivation for promoting this legislation is safety.

I am concerned that the safety testing process for potentially approved psychoactive substances will be unnecessarily long-winded, prohibitively expensive, cruel (if tested on animals) and either too stringent or too lax to be effective. It will not be practically possible to establish likely adverse long-term effects of new psychoactive substances.

Drug users did not ask for this legislation.

Why not legalise substances such as cannabis, methylphenidate, BZP and MDMA?
All these substances have been trialled on humans and have good safety profiles.

Methylphenidate is routinely prescribed to children. Why not legalise it for adult recreational use?

Cannabis has been used safely for millennia. No one has ever died from a cannabis overdose.

If cannabis were already legal, demand for synthetic cannabinoids would be negligible and the proposed legislation would be unnecessary.

Yours sincerely,


Comments are welcome before I send it.

Self Help. Hands on…Fighting the Demon Cancer (No2). Cannabis cures Cancers

Self Help. Hands on…Fighting the Demon Cancer. No1. Alkaloid Body Metabolism Here:
^^^^^ CHECK OUT my First blog post On Self help.^^^^^


Now I appreciate the use of Cannabis is a sensitive topic to many people, yet to my thinking if Cancer is threatening to take away My life, or the lives of my friends or Family I would be willing to seriously look into the claims that Cannabis/ Cannabis Oil cures some types of Cancer… irrespective of the Petty Legal issues involved.
I post this today to inform and embolden Patients and Parents of sick children, not to allow them to miss out on a potential cure simply out of a misguided obedience to Bad Laws.
Even if you believe Prohibition is right, let me share the fact with you that there is a Massive movement going on to legalise medicinal Marijuana and thousands of Claims that Cannabis can cure some types of Cancer.
Add to this the vast history of cannabis as a medicine, and realise that Prohibition is a very modern anomaly, based upon very poor reason, and falsehoods.
I would like to inform you that though the Powers that be… the FDA etc deny Cannabis has any medicinal qualities… the Big Pharm/US government holds patents on Medical marijuana!
There is a strong belief that it is not just the bigotry of mainstream medicine to alternative treatments which keep Medical marijuana Illegal in most western nations, by the Mega Pharmaceutical Companies whom make trillions of dollars from their own Chemical factories. Thus they seek to maintain a phobia against cannabis so as to keep it from competing with their poisons in the market place.
Read about one of those Patents Here:

I have personally herd testimonies of Cancer survivors who say that Taking cannabis helped the survive the ravages of Chemotherapy.
One man told me he was in a very bad way from the Chemo and cancer, and simply could not eat until he started using cannabis to stimulate his appetite. He credits his survival to Cannabis.

It is because of stories like this… and there are thousands of them, that I write this blog post for those whom seek ways in which they can help themselves or their loved ones suffering the evil of Cancer.

I suggest people Google ‘Cannabis cures Cancer’ and inform yourselves about what is going on out there.
Tim Wikiriwhi
Christian Libertarian.

Parents with sick children *must* Check out this Huffington post video and article…
‘Medical Pot for kids’ here:

And another one

‘Cannabis For Infant’s Brain Tumor, Doctor Calls Child “A Miracle Baby” ‘ Here:

There is a wonderful face book Page

The following is a few testimonials from that page…


“Hello my name is Alysa Erwin and I am 16 years old. In 2011 I was diagnosed with stage 3 anaplastic astrocytoma. We (my family and I) made the decision to use a cannabis concentrate. The University of Michigan told us I was not likely to… survive more than a couple of years and the cancer itself was inoperable because it was in a spider formation. Last January I went for my regular MRI at the University of Michigan. All the tumors are gone.”
Read more Here:

Note: One skeptic wrote… “I am skeptical. Why (in the link to her given, does she have short hair?
This implies chemotherapy.

Don’t get ahead of yourselves claiming cannabis was the key. If she underwent chemotherapy, you’ve got a weak defense in the debate.”

I responded by pointing out… “most people try the orthodox path first. Yet they get told the Chemo is not working. Then they try alternitives. Plus Cannabis can help people going through Chemo by stimulating their apetite. I have personally herd testimonies of people expressing the sincere belief that Cannabis helped them survive Chemo…”

Cannabis cures Cancers said: ” The recommended dose for all internal cancers is to eat at least 2/3rds of a gram of high-THC Cannabis oil per day.
While undergoing chemotherapy (which was only possible because the Cannabis oil first significantly shrank her “terminal” tumor), Alysa increased her dose to 3 grams per day (which is about the most that I have ever heard of anyone taking).”


Watch his testamony here:

From Brave Mykayla Page (3/29/13)

Brave Mykayla:
In January 2013 This loving wife found Brave Mykayla’s story off of google and was inspired and empowered to make the oil for her husband who was suffering from chronic lymphoblastic leukemi…a and had reached the point where the oncologist wanted to use chemotherapy… Within one month Of treatment in combination. With healthy diet and exercise only his leukemia cell count was lower than it was a year and a half ago when he was diagnosed! Thanks to Mykaylas story and Rick Simpson oil… This man is going to have many more years to spend with his wife, children, grandbabies, and Mykayla 🙂 ♥

Mykayla is their HERO and that makes her feel so good inside ♥

They have become a very special part of our lives! ♥


Debra Cooper: In 2011 my husband was diagnosed with Chronic Lymphocytic Leukemia (CLL). At that time his lymphocyte count was about 48,000 and it stayed around there for about a year and a half, then on Jan. 25th 2013 his count was up to 78,000 and his oncologist started talking about chemo if it reached 90,000. At that time the only prescribed medication he was taking was Trazodone, a mild sedative to aid with sleep.
I was desperate to help him. Then I found HOPE! I saw a news report about a 7 year old girl with Leukemia, Brave Mykayla. Oregon’s youngest Medical Marijuana Patient. She was taking Cannabis Oil and it was working! Google is a wonderful tool my searching led me to Rick Simpson’s video Run From The Cure. And here we are . . . (like I said I was desperate) as of Feb. 25th 2013, Rick Simpson Oil (that I make per Rick’s instructions) has made my husband’s lymphocyte count drop to 38,000. That’s the lowest it has been since he was told he had Leukemia in 2011! His Dr. is no longer talking about chemo. But he wants to monitor blood work every 6 weeks, which we welcome.
My husband started ingesting the RSO (per Rick’s dosing instructions) on Feb. 3rd 2013 in gel caps 3 times a day as he doesn’t like the taste of the oil. He only took the Trazodone the first night and then could not go to work in the morning so he stopped taking them. He sleeps so well now he no longer needs them at all.
His lymphocyte count dropped 40,000 his Dr. wouldn’t say it was the RSO that lowered his count but I know that it is. The only other things he did different was bounce 20 mins. a day on a small trampoline and eat Rick’s high alkaline diet suggestions no meat, no sugar, no dairy and at least a gallon of alkaline water a day. I do cook his food with cannabis infused extra virgin olive oil and cannabis infused coconut oil, and he eats a lot of flax and hemp seeds. He also started taking magnesium and a probiotic (otc). The Dr. would not confirm that diet changes were helping either.
I have now increased his dose to 1 gram a day and he will stay at that dose for sixty days. He will then continue with a maintenance dose. My plan is to update here every 6 weeks after blood test results are in. Thank you Mykayla We love u!


Jefferson’s God. The Rock upon which Liberty is founded. (God save us from Atheism!)


“And can the liberties of a nation be thought secure when we have removed their only firm basis, a conviction in the minds of the people that these liberties are of the gift of God? That they are not to be violated but with his wrath? Indeed I tremble for my country when I reflect that God is just: that his justice cannot sleep for ever: that considering numbers, nature and natural means only, a revolution of the wheel of fortune, an exchange of situation, is among possible events: that it may become probable by supernatural interference!”

~ Thomas Jefferson, Notes on the State of Virginia, Q.XVIII (1782)

From one of the very best political/Christian Libertarian/ historical pages on Facebook ‘The Founders,Religion and Government’ Here:

Sir Bob Jones needs to take a good long hard look at himself, and admit that when he scoffs at Christianity, that he (and all Sowers of Atheism) work not as they claim for the betterment of society, but for the destruction of Freedom and morality… Read about that Here:

Fanatical Antichrist Ayn Rand. Megalomaniac.

This quote from Jefferson also exposes the gross delusions of Ayn Rand and her fantical worshippers… their capacity to ignore Reality…

“America was created by men who broke with all political traditions and who originated a system unprecedented in history, relying on nothing but the “unaided” power of their own intellect.” | Capitalism: The Unknown Ideal.

^^^That is Patently false. Ayn Rand attempts to rob American Libertarianism of it’s Christian foundations, and enthrone Godless ‘Reason’.
She too is a wolf in sheep’s clothing… claiming to be a champion of liberty and rights, while attacking the very foundations of those Ideals.

The Late Great Christian Libertarian Francis Schaeffer explains just how absurd and dishonest Objectivism is here:
Materialism renders Man Nought. Meaning-less, Value-less, Right-less

In his candid biography ‘My life with Ayn Rand’, Her greatest disciple Nathaniel Branden (whom she dubbed ‘John Galt’) admitted she became completely divorced from reality. She was Tyrannical… demanding absolute submission to her dictates.
No room for freedom of thought.
You had the right to follow your own conscience…as long as it was 100% in alignment with their great leaders teachings.
And this is still be the defining trait of Objectivists today.
They have conformed themselves into little imitations… little graven images of their Atheist Deity.

Nathaniel Branden would eventually be caste out and demonized because he wanted to end his sexual/ adulterous relationship with Rand.
Incapible of tollerating such an honest evaluation of their Goddess. The most Rabid Rand worshippers have judged the Brandens as being Diablocal, and say that Ayn Rand was not an all-powerful Cult Leader, but a ‘pure of heart’ victem of the Brandens Cunning…

Intolerant Objectivism is busy strangulating Liberatrain movements around the globe…

Read about the Failure of Objectivist Libertarianism Here:

Read how classical Libertarianism used to care… Here:

Satan Laughs As You Eternally Rot


There are two kinds of Christians in this world. Those who post tributes to Jeff Hanneman, Slayer’s recently deceased guitarist, on Facebook. And those who post comments like this on said tribute posts.

A sad wasted life. Hell awaits.

I took umbrage at this, and messaged the author. He explained

It was a sad life. I wish he would have turned to Christ, but it didn’t appear that he did.

Fair comment. I, too, am sad that Jeff did not repent before he took his final breath. But a sad, wasted life? And hell awaits? On a tribute thread?

Yes, folks, this is the post on which you get to speculate (in the comments) on Jeff Hanneman’s afterlife destination!

Here’s what I believe.

Hell, or “Hades” in the original Hebrew, is the grave. And that is where Jeff Hanneman will soon be. (After his funeral, but I’ll get to that.) In God’s eyes, we are all sinners, and the wages of sin is death, so (other things being equal) we’re all going to die. It’s a simple enough argument, and even atheists agree with its conclusion. But here is Christ’s promise to mortal man.

For God so loved the world that he gave his one and only Son, that whoever believes in him shall not perish but have eternal life.

Christians live in the hope that one day Jesus will return to fulfill His promise. Then shall be the Resurrection of the Dead and the Final Judgement. After which there is rest for the wicked, who succumb to the Second Death (Satan Laughs As You Eternally Rot) while the redeemed enjoy eternal life.

It’s a simple, stark choice. Do you go to the grave, or do you submit your life to Christ? Doing God’s will is all that’s asked of you. It sure beats pursuing your own pitiful plans!

But the reality is that that’s what Jeff Hanneman did. And he succeeded, by earthly standards. He drank lots of Heineken. Lots. And he screwed lots of hot metal chicks. Lots. As rock stars do. And then he settled down and married his lovely wife, Kathy. (So, this is all speculation, but I bet I’m not wrong.) And, in the meantime, he wrote the best songs for, and played lead guitar for, the greatest heavy metal band of all time. I am in awe. This is not a good Christian life by any reckoning, but a sad, wasted life? I don’t think so.

I am grateful to Jeff Hanneman for his life. He has brought me, and countless other metallers, hour upon hour of listening pleasure. And he’s saved people’s lives. Slayer’s music has given many disaffected, disturbed, depressed young people, on the verge of topping themselves, the strength to carry on. (Again, this is all mostly speculation, but I bet I’m not wrong.)

Thank God for Jeff Hanneman.

That’s my comment on my friend’s Facebook thread, and it leaves the comment at the top of this post for dead. Which brings me to my final point. The commenter’s Christian brothers and sisters will, I hope, at least understand where the commenter was coming from. But non-Christians (as I was, until recently) will not. I took exception to the comment because it was a steady diet of such dismissive, derogatory, judgemental comments from Christians that helped sustain my more than three decades of atheism in adult life.

We are Christ’s representatives on earth, and we should act like we know it. It’s one reason I founded this blog. To reach out to other Slayer fans!

Jeff Hanneman’s afterlife destination is ultimately up to his Maker. May God have mercy on his soul.

Give me Liberty, or give me Death!