Charlie Delta and Cliven Bundy: New York Times slander.

Charlie Delta and Cliven Bundy.
Charlie Delta and Cliven Bundy Stand together.

From Facebook … >>>Here<<< Please make viral. "The media distorts information to the point of social division. This is a photo of myself and the resilient, often charismatic, and maybe not so tactful Cliven Bundy. He's a cowboy and a helluva family man, not an orator. One thing he definitely isn't - a racist. I found his comments to not only be NOT racist, but his own view of his experiences. Who the heck are we to determine another man's perspective on the world around him?! Just because Picasso's view of the world was abstract, does it negate the fact that his art was genuine? Furthermore, if you take the time to do your own research, you'll find that his statements about some black Americans actually hold weight. He posed a hypothetical question. He said, "I wonder IF" ... Hell, I'm black and I often wonder about the same about the decline of the black family. Bottom line is that we are all slaves in this waning republic, no matter our skin color. Mr. Bundy could have used any racial demographic as an example: Native Americans on reservations, whites in trailer parks, etc. He noticed the crippling effects of receiving government "assistance" and the long term result of accepting handouts. It's not progress at all. I challenge Sean Hannity, Rand Paul, and others to read my comment and reconsider their position in this matter. Individual liberties are at stake here, yours and mine. THAT is the issue. Don't let the liberal media and ignoramuses like Glenn Beck and that weasel Harry Reid make you lose sight of the real issue here: The federal government is a burgeoning behemoth and a bully on a once constitutional playground. I sincerely hope you real patriots out there who can see through the smoke. Semper Fidelis ************************************* The New York times has tried to undermine public support for The Bundy's by gross distortion of Cliven's public statements about the plight of Americans, esp Blacks under the current socialist tyranny.... and they hacked and re-hashed his comments to make him out to be a stupid racist. Now obviously Cliven is no polished PR expert, yet to label him a racist is a disgusting slur...a lie yet a typical tactic of Tyranny loving lefty Obama sycophants. When the Media have gotten into bed with corrupt government they have utterly failed in their moral duty.


Thankfully demonstrations of solidarity like these above show that you cant fool all the people… all the time.

Tim Wikiriwhi
Christian Libertarian.

Read this Infowars article and watch Cliven Bundy’s full discourse … >>>InfoWars: Bundy tape was edited to exclude his ‘pro-black, pro-Mexican’ comments<<< Read more on the Bundy Resistance.... US State Terrorism. Pretext to abolish the second Amendment. Bundy’s declared ‘Domestic Terrorists’.

Read more about the evils of Collusion between media and the State…

Lost Plot. World Press Freedom Day.

FOX5 Vegas – KVVU

Jesus said, Jesus said

Here is an example of ones own conscience being the final authority on matters of faith. Instead you shoud free your mind to enable the spirit to guide you. Allow God to be the final authority.!/WarOnWomenExists/photos/a.263272553797860.1073741828.263257327132716/325583444233437/?type=1&theater

Ok so what did Jesus say about saving whales? What did Jesus say about global warming?

Right, we can establish Jesus was anti death pentalty, doesn’t that answer the abortion question by default?

It’s true Jesus didn’t say a fetus is a person, but did he say a person who is under 30cm tall is a person? did he say a person with less than 46 chromosomes is a person, did he say a person connected to a life support machine is a person? did he say a person with robotic limbs is a person?

From reading the above link, we have established everyone is equal before God. Thus by default includes unborn children. Unborn children are not considered lesser than adults.

I really love the way Jesus steps into heated arguements.

“At that time the disciples came to Jesus, saying, “Who is the greatest in the kingdom of heaven?” And calling to him a child, he put him in the midst of them and said, “Truly, I say to you, unless you turn and become like children, you will never enter the kingdom of heaven.” – Matt 18:1-3

Hamilton City Council vs. your basic human rights


Citizens denied access to public space for Hamilton J Day

NORML NZ Press Statement for Immediate Release: 24/04/2014

Citizens denied access to public space by Hamilton City Council to celebrate Hamilton J Day

The Hamilton branch of the National Organisation for the Reform of Marijuana Laws’ request to use the Hamilton Lake Domain Stage to hold its annual J Day gathering in Hamilton has been denied by the Hamilton City Council. The Council is claiming the event violates the Hamilton City Smoke-Free Environment Policy.

This event is primarily a political protest, involving activists, supporters, musicians, political party candidates and other speakers, but it is also a rare opportunity for the community to come together and discuss evidence based health and justice policies and to connect with others in their community that share their views.

“None of the event information provided to the Council by NORML, or any of NORML’s materials promoting this event, make any mention of an intention to violate a smoking prohibition, and we made it clear that we had offered to help with extra Council signage and include constant announcements to remind attendees that the Council has a smoking prohibition in all City parks to be fully in compliance with their smoke free policy,” said event organiser and Hamilton NORML member Gary Chiles.

NORML has said that it considers the action of the Council to be a direct violation of the organisation and its supporters’ democratic rights to gather and protest against the injustice of New Zealand’s cannabis prohibition, and also an unreasonable assumption on the part of the Council that an event clearly promoted as a law reform protest is promoting behaviour inconsistent with their smoke-free policy.

NORML invites all Hamilton supporters of cannabis law reform to gather peacefully to celebrate J Day at the Lake Domain Stage Saturday 3rd May at 12:00 as planned.

We have a democratic right to protest and a right to freedom of speech under the Bill of Rights Act, and we have every intention of exercising those rights.


The power-tripping control freaks at the Hamilton City Council are at it again! Last I heard

A group feeding Hamilton’s needy say the council is forcing them out of Garden Place to stop more homeless people coming to the area.

But the council says while they have received complaints about the group feeding the homeless, their primary concern is the fact that those involved don’t have the appropriate permit to operate in a public.

Now they’re denying people the opportunity to gather in a public space and celebrate a wonder plant that God placed on this green earth explicitly for our use!

Then God said, “I give you every seed-bearing plant on the face of the whole earth and every tree that has fruit with seed in it. They will be yours for food.”

Big ups to Hamilton J Day organiser Gary Chiles for standing fast in the face of the Hamilton City Council’s authoritarian tantrums.

It is not for our elected representatives to lord it over those whom they are supposed to serve.

J Day Cannabis Law Reform Rally

US State Terrorism. Pretext to abolish the second Amendment. Bundy’s declared ‘Domestic Terrorists’.

reid bundy

Updating Developments on The Bundy Ranch resistance.
As predicted the Bundy’s, and all their supporters, Vets, and Patriots have been labelled “DOMESTIC TERRORISTS” By Senator Harry Reid!
This is frightening…yet on cue and text book Socialism…. Tyrannical government is preparing a Machiavellian pretext to abolish the 2nd amendment and make ‘examples’ of the Bundy resistance.

This is pure State Terrorism in action!

Read the Washington post… >>>666<<< deadcow
Dead Bundy Cattle being removed from Mass-pit…. Slaughtered By The Army of Federal BLM Bastards.

The Reason the Federal government imposed a no fly zone over the area is so that they could do what ever the hell they liked without ex·po·sé on the net and in the Media.
The US government is attempting a Media black out and to control what the public see, and how this story is to be feed to them.

That is what makes Blogging this story so important… to make it harder for the Feds to murder these people.

They shot Cattle last time… will they shoot people next time?
It’s sure looks that way!

Surely if what the government is doing is just and Lawful they should have no problem with everything being Video recorded by the Free press.
This all smacks of Criminal activity by the US government.
Tim Wikiriwhi
Christian Libertarian.

Read more >>> Bundy Cowboys and Militia Stand on the highest legal ground… Why the 2nd Amendment was enshrined.

The Warsaw ghetto uprising. 1943. The Right to armed resistance against tyrannical Government


From the album: Timeline Photos
By United States Holocaust Memorial Museum
>>>here<<< "On the eve of Passover, April 19, 1943, SS and police units entered the Warsaw ghetto, intending to liquidate it and deport its remaining inhabitants. Instead, an armed uprising began, and the Jewish resistance fighters would hold off the German forces for nearly a month. The Warsaw ghetto uprising was the largest, symbolically most important Jewish uprising, and the first urban uprising, in German-occupied Europe. On the anniversary, we honor the courage of all who resisted, whether with arms or with spirit. Learn more about the Warsaw ghetto uprising: ...>>>Here<<< ****************************************** I put this post up for two Reasons. the first is to pay Homage to the bravery of the Jews of Warsaw for daring to resist the Criminal actions of their governing power... The Nazi Scum. guncontrol2

Secondly I post it because it demonstrates why the Founding Fathers enshrined the Second amendment… the right of Individual citizens and groups to own Guns, and to use them *against the government* in the defence of their own lives and property… or that of their neighbour.
This is poignant because there are a lot of people who struggle to be able to apprehend the righteousness of these principles… yet when they look at how the Nazis functioned in respect to the Jews…. and then they read about this uprising in Warsaw… they have to admit the Jews were right to attempt to resist the Nazis… and that of course the first thing evil powers seek to do is disarm their chosen victims.


And theses are the hard facts of history…. not some intellectual exercise.
And as has been rightly said… “Fools who learn nothing from history are doomed to repeat it”.

Read more…

Bundy Cowboys and Militia Stand on the highest legal ground… Why the 2nd Amendment was enshrined.

Time to Choose…. Storm Clouds Gathering. God given Rights vs Tyranny

The Right of Revolution

The Boy Mountain. Scott’s towering example.


Chemo cant keep Scott down

There are many great people recorded in history… many famous stars on our Tv’s… yet I want to write a small tribute to a boy who truly was Great in a way that is truly inspirational…. truly humbling.
He had the spirit of a Lion.

This is a boy I have never met, nor have I any hope of meeting in this life, as he has passed on… after a heroic traverse.
By God’s Grace I certainly hope to see him in Heaven… when my time comes.

His name is Scott.

scotts sacoma 2

I was one of thousands of facebookers who had the pleasure of following his story on line.
It’s a Tragedy… yet the greatness of his soul shines through!

A Year ago The Doctors took away his arm because of the Evil Cancer… sarcoma… yet even though this would have devastated a normal person…. even an adult… what we witnessed via photos supplied on his facebook page is the indomitable spirit of a Soldier!

Scott Staunch

This Boy was Staunch!
It is humbling to gaze upon his smile… his thumbs up!
and it seems as if he picked himself up and got on with living without skipping a beat!
How could we ever stand in his presence?
We should hang our heads in shame at the petty things we allow to rob us of optimism.

Scott was popular with the Biker fraternity
Scott was popular with the Biker Fraternity.


Scott was constantly having fun and acting the goat!

scott has style
This Boy had style
He would have become a King!

I know that I cannot really know all the pains and struggles Scott and his family went through, yet I know enough to say that Cancer may have taken his mortal flesh, yet it never defeated his spirit and love of life.


Scott passed away 4-3-14.
This news hit his fans hard!
We had watched him triumph over adversity.
We could not believe he was gone.
I am writing this tribute on Easter Sunday…. The Day of the Resurrection of Jesus Christ.
It is this day which gives me hope that I will indeed meet Scott one day.

I also put out the call for Eternal Vigilance readers to make donations for Child cancer Research and Aid.
It is a horrendous evil which is robbing us of our most precious possessions… our kids.

scott and mom

It has taken me a while to build up the courage to write this tribute.
I fear my words cannot do this Heroic figure… this special boy justice.
He has taught me many lessons.
He inspires me.
If only I had half his courage to face the day!
I am determined to be less a coward…. more like him!
Thank You Scott.
Thank You to your Mom and Family for sharing you with us.
See ya soon Bro.

Tim Wikiriwhi
Hamilton New Zealand.

Eternal Vigilance welcomes food porn queen Higella Lawson to New Zealand!


Nodding with approval Eternal Vigilance applauds the eminently sensible decision by Immigration NZ in giving Nigella Lawson an exemption so that she can enter New Zealand and star in a commercial for Whittaker’s Chocolate.
We also Salute Whittaker’s for bringing her to New Zealand and giving her the Role.
Having just endured a very Public Court case and Divorce from a violent Husband… her private affairs were exposed to all and sundry… in particular her drug use which includes Cocaine and Cannabis.

We at Eternal Vigilance endorse Whittaker’s Chocolates to our liberty loving ‘Munchie’ fans and hope they patronise this brand…. they are worthy…. and their Stuff tastes bloody good too!

nagella with cake

Nigella is certainly no threat to Kiwis.
We warn her to take care to have her Blow stashed somewhere deep and inconspicuous because unfortunately our crappy little Barbarous Nation still persecutes her types.

We Love you Nagella!
You are a much better Cook Than that Naked loser…. whats his name?… who cares!

Seriously… We wish you well.

Tim Wikiriwhi.
Christian Libertarian.


The NZ Herald reports…
Celebrity cook Nigella Lawson has been given a waiver to work in New Zealand next month, required because she was barred from the United States after admitting cocaine use.

The British star is visiting New Zealand to make a new TV commercial for chocolate maker Whittaker’s — but she wouldn’t have been able to come without the Immigration NZ exemption.

Read more >>>here<<< Update: 21-4-14. You Really Gotta Hate the Labour Party! Labour questions Lawson visa

Give me Liberty, or give me Death!