To be edited.
So it has been a couple of months now since I packed up my stuff and moved out of Facebook, waving goodbye to many family and friends.
I left because Facebook is one of the big fat evil leftist globalist internet monsters working like demons 24/7 to install enemies of freedom into positions of power and authority about the globe, and I did not want to remain one of the billions of dumfounded dipshits supporting it.
Having left the woke safe space, it has taken some adjustments to get used to existence on the outside again.
Life in alternate platforms, such as MeWe, Gab, Bitchute has been interesting in unexpected ways.
A bit like moving back into your old neighborhood on the shadier less orderly side of the tracks.
So I want to discuss this now as pertaining to the dynamics of freedom.
I talked about my decision to leave Facebook in an earlier blog post here BYE BYE MY FACEBOOK PEOPLE. IT’S TIME TO GO.
I also switched my browser from Google to Duckduckgo, and do my best to use Bitchute rather than Youtube whenever possible.
I have been splitting my social media time between Mewe and Gab.
I currently am only using their free basic options yet intend to step up and purchase their premium options when I have discussed how to do this with my computer nerd sons.
I personally am a tech moron and fear doing anything different without guidance.
This being so I can’t really advise on which of these two platforms are the best.
On these basic levels I do prefer Mewe, as I think Gab has been struggling with technical difficulties due to a massive influx of users.
On Gab sometimes when I submit posts and comments they ‘fail’, and there is some sort of limit on post length which I find annoying.
Maybe one day I’ll get around to reading their rules.
I will say that both these sites are not as ‘fancy’ as Facebook… just as Duckduckgo is not as fancy as Google, yet that is to be expected. The important thing to appreciate is that a person can still enjoy Social media without Facebook.
Life does go on!
I am currently up to over 900 ‘Gabs’ (posts) and have 186 ‘followers’ which works out that I gain a new follower on average for every 5 ‘Gabs’ I make.
That’s a big bang for the buck!
I can easily pump out 10 or more ‘Gabs’ a day without breaking into a sweat.
Being a Christian Libertarian activist and Blogger, it is essential that my posts have a decent audience and that I am not simply speaking to the void.
I can see that my following is growing at a regular steady pace.
Leaving facebook has increased my outreach because facebook was throttling my posts so that they did not appear on many of my friends news feeds.
And now I have developed the habit of using more than one platform… as my ‘new normal’… so I will never be placed in the hands of an evil Monopoly again!
These facts demonstrate ‘the law of Compensation’ that even from overtly bad experiences… some surprising goods things will arise.
I am wiser today.
Now having moved from the heavily censored and moderated platforms of Big Tech… going out West… way past the frontier of their walled communities into lesser policed lands, was a bit of a jolt.
I should have expected this… yet I didn’t.
I had to re-acclimatise myself to a less regimented world.
I salute the creators of these alternative sites most of whom are champions of Free Speech, and the last thing a want to do is discourage people from making the leap from Facebook to alternative free speech platforms, I do however want to prepare people for what is out there.
What I am about to say may sound a bit arrogant or even pompous, yet there are all sorts of people congregating on these new alternate platforms… like frontier towns, and many of them are not people with whom I would normally seek to associate.
Some like myself motivated by ethical concerns voluntarily abandoned the ‘Mainstream Social media providers’ because of their heavy Woke NWO bias and censorship’
Others… and there are a fair number of them… are people who in my opinion are small minded bigots… ie people whom actually hold what may be described as ‘Far Right’ leaning tendencies.
It would be wrong to label them as Alt Right nor are they predominant, yet they are there… expressing their own view of the world.
And every now and then you come across the odd contempt filled Nationalist Racist.
The majority of these types would have been tossed out of Facebook because they post nasty guile filled venom, or totally bonkers and obviously fabricated lies.
It is never a pleasant experience to cross paths with these types, and the few times I have attempted to express my own repugnance for what they are expounding, I have regretted it because that triggers a burst of negative replies in which my name has become embroiled.
I would probably have been better off simply scrolling past their posts and carrying on my day un-sullied.
Not sure if that is really the moral course, and yet why cast pearls before swine?
It is a difficult subject to broach because the Woke Leftists Label sites like Gab as being havens of Far right bigotry, and by taring these sites with that brush hope to provoke Governments into censoring these platforms who refuse to play by the Woke ‘Community standards’ play book.
The Woke outcry against sites like Gab is little more than partisan prejudice as most of you know Ultra-Left Antifa types routinely label anyone right of themselves as Nazis, and yet if I am to be truthful, I myself a Christian Libertarian would identify a small percentage of Gabbers as being far right.
I think my experience would be the norm, ie any new comers to such platforms will within a relatively short period of time come across content and people that you find personally deluded and or repugnant.
So does this actually validate the claims the woke Left level at sites like Gab that they are nothing but infestations of Nazis?
Then what does it really signify?
I don’t want to overstate the degree of bad element Alt Righters lurking about.
There certainly are no more than their equally loathsome Left wing counterparts which are welcomed with open arms on facebook… and in fact are lauded there as Progressive trailblazers!
As I contemplate this it occurs to me that many of the unsavory types that have reared their ugly heads on these alternate sites are a result of the way the ‘internet wars’ have been played out on the big social media platforms.
People get kick off sites like facebook for various reasons.
Some from what I would describe as legitimate moderation, and the rest resulting from the imposition of alt left ideology upon their political critics and adversaries.
Thus a lot of the ‘displaced’ user base of these alternative sites naturally reflects these same variables.
Its like they contain *both* the best and the worst of those who oppose the Woke Tyranny on Mainstream sites, and of course the Woke see them all as being one and the same.
There is a sprinkling of ‘Q’ devotees on Gab who still believe Trump is leading the game, and that mass arrests of Democrat traitors is eminent.
There are some who believe a secret cult of Banker Jews are behind all evils in the world. For example they believe the Jews are responsible for the rise of Communist China, and they can provide ‘Evidence’ of Jews living in China after the second world war who helped in the early government of Mao Zedong.
These people do not represent ‘the average Gaber’ but are part of a full spectrum of opinions.
There are also Libertarians like myself there.
So these new social media sites not only contain many of the best people and freedom advocates who suffered censorship and deplatforming from Facebook because of their stand against leftist Globalist tyranny, these sites have also been Refugee camps for many ex facebook users whom I can only describe as the loonatic fringe on the Right.
This manifests itself in the most shameful ways. You get sporadic Memes and Articles proffering absolutely deranged opinions and blatant lies of the most flagrantly warped minds…yet still within the bounds of the rights of individuals… ie nothing criminal.
A lot of what appears in your ‘feed’ will depend on who… the strangers you have inadvertently friended/ ‘follow’.
The dilemma for free speech platforms is how to moderate their sites without slipping into the same ‘Woke’ traps that render platforms like Facebook as slanted engines of Politically Correct Group think.
As an advocate of Freedom and free speech I realise that in a free society Order and virtue only abounds to the degree of enlightened values and ethics of the individuals contained within the collective association as a whole, and that the degree of civility and decency is manifest in the overall resulting ‘vib’ of life in the community in question… is it a pleasant experience?
Do I like living in this town?
Is it well governed?
Is the proper balance between Law and Order and Free expression being maintained?
The reality is that if you value freedom, you of necessity must develop a thicker skin to survive because you will understand that Freedom allows people of differing values and opinions the same rights as yourself to exist and to have a say.
So in this way a bit of chaos, a bit of insanity, a bit of malevolence inter-dispersed between Order, sanity, and benevolence is actually a sign of a Tolerant and free association.
We all see the world through our own Lens and Freedom allows the peaceful coexistence of people of differing perspectives on the basis of a hand full of essential and commonly held ideals.
Equal rights and Freedom.
Respect of other peoples ‘person’, property, and beliefs.
Free speech allows dialogue whereby people are free to argue in the public square for their beliefs, and express their critiques of other views.
These sorts of public debates and evangelism do tend to generate some angst by people of contrary opinions, yet the framework of legal rights and liberties prevents civilised citizens from resorting to violence or appealing to censorship to silence opinions they find offensive.
These people have the equal right to stand on a soap box and deliver their own rebuttals.
This is how a free and civil society is supposed to function… all views being peacefully aired in the open, with the general public being free to listen and to make up their own minds which arguments are the most cogent and persuasive.
So if Free speech is to be upheld as a vital value, it is essential that Social media platforms keep their rules of moderation to a minimum, and repetitively explain why.
A little bit of disorder and disharmony is to be expected.
Maybe it is the whiners… you know the types… those who don’t respect freedom and don’t provide well reasoned rebuttals to posts they disagree with but instead constantly complain about what other people post… that theses are the people who should be moderated! ???
I believe by far the best way to retain Free speech is to have a ‘Block’ function whereby individual users can block content and people they personally find distasteful.
When people are choosing themselves who they desire to associate with on these sites, and making the personal judgement for themselves who they deem as being too offensive for their own taste and thereby having the power to ‘block’ these people… this is fully within the legitimate rights of individuals living in a free society to do.
They are exercising their own ethical rights.
The big threat these new platforms face still comes from the unholy alliance between the Woke Megasites like Facebook, Twitter, Google in bed with Woke socialist governments like Jacinda Ardern’s regime here in New Zealand who are actively formulating new laws that will take away the competitive advantages now enjoyed by sites like Gab because they offer more open forums, and are a growing community of dissidents and displaced populations of right leaning voters that represent a formidable political opposition to the Globalist woke agenda.
We know from experience just how hell bent the globalists are to crush these enclaves of freedom… look what they did to Parler!
Look at what Legislation is in the works here in New Zealand!
Tim Wikiriwhi.
Christian Libertarian.
More from Tim…