IMO this is what ALCP should be arguing:
Category Archives: Justice
Rulers bear the sword for a reason

Romans 13:4
For the one in authority is God’s servant for your good. But if you do wrong, be afraid, for rulers do not bear the sword for no reason. They are God’s servants, agents of wrath to bring punishment on the wrongdoer.
Governments that serve God well should be agents of wrath that bring punishment on wrongdoers.
Christians should be supporting/advocating government punishment of wrongdoers. As I write this I think this doctrine is too obvious to mention and uncontentious… but I have seen that some Christians think justice has been replaced with “not judging”, forgiveness and mercy. And many people think the purpose of a justice system should be to rehabilitate and/or protect citizens.
Mercy and forgiveness have their place but these are, I believe, an individual’s prerogative – in the same way that generosity is an individuals prerogative. It is not virtuous when the state gives away people’s money against their wishes and neither is it virtuous when the state gives lenient punishments against a victim’s wishes. (Mercy, forgiveness and generosity by proxy are counterfeit virtues.)
Significant disagreements amongst Christians occur when we consider which wrongdoings should be punished. Wrongdoings can be classified as against God (e.g. worshipping other gods, disobedience), against self (e.g. drunkenness, greed, laziness, pride) or against others (e.g. murder, theft, assault).
Wrongdoings against God or self are nobody else’s business – those wrongdoings are between that person and God – as Paul said “Who am I to judge another man’s servant?”
The reason rulers bear the sword is to punish wrongdoers – specifically those who do wrongs against others.
(I thought I was finished… but I guess I’d better add that all punishments should be just i.e. they must not be disproportionate to the wrongdoing… eye for an eye, tooth for tooth, yadda yadda.)
Kings and Convicts (Part 3) Korotangi Paki’s Thug life, and road to redemption.
Because my 2nd post on this subject was so long.
I decided to chop it in half and make a 3rd post.
When I speak of ‘Redemption’, I am referring to becoming a civilised and respectful member of society with something good to contribute, rather than Spiritual salvation from the Ultimate Judgement of God.
It is very true to say that Criminal reform often follows in the wake of true Chistian conversion and faith…. Christianity being describe as ‘that most potent of moral antiseptics’ by the father of sociology, Herbert Spencer, and it is also true to say that Christianity was the major civilising influence for Cannibalistic and Savage Maori culture when the English Protestant ‘Mechanic Missionaries’ first landed in Aotearoa before this country became a British Colony… at the request of the Confederation of Maori Chiefs, whom feared conquest by the French.
The influence of the Christian missionaries is evident in their petition to King William.
1831 Māori petition the British government
The civilising influences of Christianity aside, what follows is not about *how and why* a criminal might seek to reform, but that reform is possible, and that criminals can become valuable members of civil society.
Part One >>>Here<<< Part Two >>>Here<<< Part three is below. ****************************************************
It has been a very bad week in the press for the Taunui Monarchy, with growing reports of more misbehaviour from the second son, including Racist ranting, and connections with the Mongrel mob, and we have herd that he was involved in a serious car crash a few years back… and yet was not convicted for that either.
I don’t think it is fair to assume the Kings son’s offending is a consequence of poor parenting, or positive proof the Monarch never bothered to try and instil healthy values in his son… it may indeed be the case.
It is certainly true in many Maori households.
Maybe the King is indeed a Bad Parent, yet it is just as likely that his sons bad behaviour has more to do with his misfit peers with whom he hangs out, than his upbringing.
Sadly many youths of our day… and a very high percentage of Maori youth embrace a delinquent lifestyle as it is a part of a Hollywood Glamorised Rebellious youth culture, and deeper still it has a lot to do with the Nihilism of our ‘age of Atheism’… on top of learning unhealthy values at home, and having Bad Role models.
The Thug life.
Korotangi Paki’s offending, and shameful behaviour no doubt springs from a combination of these things … The actions of a lost young soul who thinks that Lawlessness is cool, and struggles to find anything worth while in life.
I can relate to that. .. yet despite any of these circumstances …. and many others, Youths need to appreciate the fact that as they have become self responsible adults , that excuses for sloth, or bad behaviour simply don’t cut it…. and they must assume full responsibility for their lives and actions.
They must learn healthy values and to respect the rights and property of others.
I cant help but wonder if he had been convicted for his earlier offence , that that ‘reality pill’ could have helped him to appreciate that his High jinx juvenile delinquency comes at a cost.
Is it possible to believe that had he been convicted earlier, that he would not now be dodging punishments for more crimes?
Some kids learn quickly…. Others take decades.
I cant help but think that if I was King Tuheitia, that rather than try and save Korotangi Paki from facing the full legal consequences of his actions, the best thing that could happen to this young rebel is that he receives a conviction for these charges of Burglary and Drinking and driving, and that he is made to pay a fine, and do Periodic detention … to teach him that he is not above the law and that should he continue down this path of criminality, that he will suffer the consequences.
As for grooming the boy for the throne, i cant think of someone being less fit to rule over the tribe, than a person whom via experience has been taught that they are above the law and that the system can be manipulated!
What ought to matter to the King is not that his boy remains free from criminal conviction, but that he *Reforms his ways* Learns the lesson that Crime is not cool, or excusable, and that he grows in Character and virtue.
And being convicted for his crimes is in reality most likely to be a valuable lesson.
Some of us only learn the hard way.
If I was the king I would be very worried about the path my boy was taking, yet I would never say that my boy could *Never succeed me* if he ever received a criminal conviction…. on the contrary I would make it clear that he still has reason to hope if he ‘mans up’ and straightens up his life, and proves himself to have learned from his mistakes, and become a Man of virtue.
Indeed such a reformed person can become a very good leader of men, and a good example.
They can be better communicators to troubled youths, because they can empathise with them… and understand how their mind ticks.
They can use their personal insights … and speak from personal experience.
The reality is Maori don’t need more Pompous frauds whom are experts at ‘playing Maori’.
They do need leaders whom can guide them towards better values and ethics which are essential for Maori to learn if they are to climb out of the Dire social statistics which has resulted …. not from European colonisation, but from of an ethical crisis.
Korotangi Paki’s crimes and shameful behaviour stems from a lack of personal ethics and self responsibility…. not because he is a member of a persecuted racial minority.
The good news is that because this is so, It means the solution to his problems are not beyond his control, but are completely within his power to overcome.
It is simply a matter of him admitting to himself that he has taken a wrong path, and finding the will … the desire to become a better man.
He needs to walk away from any associates who are hell bent on Chaos and destruction, and to find new friends whom are also trying to make the most of life via virtue .
It is not an easy thing to achieve, but it is do-able.
The alternative is to travel further down the path that leads to destruction.
If the king does not give his son any hope that he can work his way out of this mess, and back into favour, that could be a burden too much to bear, and could be the factor which drives his son to destruction.
A Father’s Blessing or curse weighs a great deal upon a son, and when the boy is down… they need their fathers support to help get themselves out of the hole.
Yet the loving parent must never ‘Baby’ them… that’s not helping… that’s perpetuating the problem.
Thus I dare to challenge the common notion that convicted criminals cant make good leaders or examples.
I say that Reformed Criminals can be Great leaders and become inspirational examples to be emulated by others.
It is in reality up to Korotangi Paki what sort of Man he will eventually become… which course he chooses to navigate….
Life is not Static, nor are we slaves of circumstances, or of our genes.
As Freewill moral agents we are at all times making moral judgements, and expressing our Values.
We can learn from our mistakes and become better people, as long as we take ownership and responsibility for our actions.
I know these things from personal experience.
The return of the wayward (Prodigal) Son from the wilderness of the ungodly world.
>>>>>*If*<<<<< Korotangi Paki snaps out of his current folly, and begins to prove himself to be a Better, more mature person... I dont see any reason why after 7 years of truly self responsible behaviour that he should not be given a clean slate, considered to be a potential leader of the Tainui people... To er is Human, to forgive is divine. Tim Wikiriwhi.
Kings and Convicts (Part 2) The Charade.
The following is Part two of my thoughts on the recent Saga involving the criminal activities of
Korotangi Paki, the 2nd son of the Tainui King.
It is way way too long, and at some time in the future I will revise and combine both parts into a single opinion piece.
They will require a massive hatchet job.
I apologize for their cumbersome obesity.
I hope by the end of this second part that it is obvious how the first part relates to the second.
Update: I decided the best solution was to make this a 3 part series. 🙂
Part one is >>>Here<<<
Part 2 is below ....
Part 3 is >>>Here<<<
In a letter to the Judge, The Tainui King said that there is no way he would consider his son as a possible heir to his throne, if he should get criminal convictions.
It was in the light of this letter, that the Liberal Judge decided not to convict Korotangi Paki for Burglary and Drink driving being persuaded that the cost to him… should he be convicted would be far too heavy in respect to the offences.
While it is true that any penalties a court of justice imposes ought be justly proportional to the seriousness of the crime, this type of defence employed in this case is a Liberal sophistry which has gained currency in New Zealand, which is primarily used to separate and grant favours to the social elite…. most often by the likes of Sportsman and artists whom have careers or at least ambitions overseas.
Because many countries bar entry to convicts, this defence has been successfully employed to avoid convictions by ‘high fliers’, while the plebs of our Nation are afforded no such leniency, even though their lives are in reality grievously affected by convictions for the very same offences.
The Lawyer for the prince was employing this ruse in a very novel way., and it worked.
The prince escaped conviction.
When the News of this travesty, reached the New Zealand public, of course there was an outcry!
Such a blatant contrast between how this High borne child was treated by the Courts compared to how the youth of commoners are dealt with… it is important to appreciate that this was not a case of Racial favouritism …. as some Pakeha have tried to make it out to be… but a matter of Class…. Favouritism for a member of the Social Political Elite.
Large numbers of ordinary Maori are getting convictions for burglaries and dinking driving virtually every day Courts are in session!
Maori as a race may indeed get mountains of Legal and political favours at the hands of our corrupt apartheid State…. Yet I have never herd of anyone being let off such Criminal charges simply on the basis that they are Maori.
I find it Fascinating that the King decided to throw his weight into this matter…. Very interventionalist…. Very hands on…. And I think…. Very short sighted.
His comments to the Judge are very revealing about how his mind works (or were they merely a clever ploy?)
They certainly embody something ominous about how our political system works.
It’s a system founded upon pretence.
Obviously… like most families would be… The Tainui King was embarrassed by his sons behaviour as it causes the community to question his parenting skills, and to wonder what sort of ethics and examples were the Elders of the house and family setting for this Boy to go so far astray, … and as such the King, instead of keeping his distance from the wheels of justice… like a good political leader ought, he instead transgressed ethical boundaries …. Throwing his weight about with the design to minimise the ‘loss of Mana’ he perceives a conviction would carry for his son… and himself… in the eyes of his tribe, other tribes, and the Nation as a whole.
This demonstrates either an arrogant contempt for the legal system, or at least a massive miscalculation… because the Kings Mana would have been greatly increased had he bravely stood aloof from his sons case, and expressed his respect for the Laws of the Nation, and acknowledged they apply to the Kingly Class as much as the lowliest tribesman.
Unfortunately it appears King Tuheitia suffers that all to common delusion of the High and mighty… that they inhabit a plane above the law… and that power may be used for personal legal advantage.
There can be no doubt that the King worded his letter to the judge on the carefully constructed advice of the QC Lawyer he had employed for his son’s defence, and the Judge obediently accepted the Legal charade it presents…. Rather than bravely disregarding the Letter of the King, and taking the higher Road of ‘Lex Rex’…. The Law is King.
The Judge took the low road… and went along with the carefully construed technicality…. that in the light of the Kings letter… it would appear that a conviction for these offences would result in a punishment out of proportion to the crimes.
That there is virtually no chance that this second son will ever have succeeded his Father adds weight to the commonly held perception that this whole defence and escape from justice, was farcical from beginning to end.
That is not the only aspect worth contemplating about this case.
There is plenty more worth consideration.
It is also striking that both the King and the Judge seem to be on a similar wave length as to the social implications as to the seriousness of being convicted of crimes, rather than merely being in fact guilty of the offences.
They seem to think that what matters most is the legal technicalities rather than the moral reality.
As if maintaining a clean record is more important than seeing justice served for crimes that were indeed committed…. we are supposed to somehow assume that by avoiding conviction, *removes the princes guilt* of having committed burglary… and drinking and driving… and that via this legal trickery somehow … not being convicted means he magically remains ‘fit to reign…. Ie that the King would thereby be able to seriously consider his wayward son to succeed him to the Tainui throne.
The shocking part of all this is surely what matters most is the actual innocence or guilt for the offence…. and that is something which cannot be washed away by a letter from a king to a judge.
This being so we should marvel at the nonsense of this whole line of defence employed by the King and the QC.
The mind numbing really is however that such games are in fact how our political machine functions!
What this non-conviction achieves is that it works to maintain the Charade of Righteousness the Ruling elite seek to project downward towards their subject populations… a Mask necessary to promote faith in their Leadership and character in the hearts and minds of the great unwashed, and elicit their willing submission…. duping the people into thinking their leaders are benevolent benefactors, when in reality their policies are Machiavellian, and they are in reality unscrupulous, and motivated to rule more by greed, the Baubles of Office, and social status, rather than a genuine concern for society.
This case in question demonstrates that a person’s criminal record…. or lack thereof can simply be a matter of wealth and social standing. or luck, or cunning, or how good a Lawyer you or your parents can afford.
One thing is certain… not having a criminal record is no proof of good character or worthiness to rule.
The Charade is universally employed the world over.
Having enshrined himself as Caliph in his newly conquered territories in Iraq, Abu Bakr Al-Baghdadi appears to the public in the pious garb of a righteous and devout Muslim leader designed to engender faith in his authority and rule.
Sometimes this Charade comes close to toppling the highest of VIPs from their perch, for example John Key was very quick to distance himself from his fellow ally John Banks… *once he was convicted* of Election fraud, yet he himself is prepared to tell Bare-face Lies to the people of New Zealand and being Neck deep in the Illegal spying scandal and raid on Kim Dotcom.
Hiding behind multiple ‘Memory lapses’, he arrogantly continues to govern rather than do the honourable thing and resign… simply because he has not been found guilty in a court of law for lying and complicity in the illegal activities of his Spies… whereas John Banks ‘Memory lapses’ have been exposed in the courts…. And he is Goneburger!
For John Banks… the Charade is finally over.
It is not just the Social elite whom carry on this Façade.
They have plenty of help.
The bulk of our society are ‘wilfully ignorant’. Ie they *don’t want to know* anything about this charade because often they support the shysters in power, and most importantly, they don’t want to admit their civilisation is largely built upon lies.
They plead ignorance!
They certainly don’t want to admit that to a very great extent the distinction between Saints and Sinners is a wholly artificial façade!
They are in on this charade of Self-righteousness just as much as their corrupt Leaders are.
They also like to kid themselves that they are righteous and civilised, and also dwell on that superior moral plane and have the right to look down their noses at sinners and convicted criminals …. on that same pretence that they themselves have not been *convicted* for their crimes.
Indeed if this was not so, it would not be so necessary for the Political Game players to put on their garbs of piety.
It does not mean the so-called ‘moral majority’ have not caused others grievous harm.
It does not mean they have never stolen anything…. never committed acts of violence… never committed frauds (told lies)… it simply means they have gotten away with their foul deeds.
… and this is enough to allow the average sinner to be puffed up with self-righteous vanity and bigotry.
“Judge not, lest ye be judged.
For with what Judgement ye judge, ye shall be judged: and with what measure ye mete, it shall be measured to you again”
Jesus Christ Matt 7vs 1-3
“Therefore thou art inexcusable, O man, whosoever thou art that judgest: for wherein thou judgest another, thou condemnest thyself; for thou that judgest doest the same things.”
St Paul Romans 2vs1.
And so it is that what parades itself as Civil Order does not bare scrutiny.
And many smart people know this, and decide to forsake society and to live ‘outside’ the constraints of law… They are Fools too, because the fact that society is corrupt does not mean there is no moral reality… no justice in the universe, or that it is wrong for society to convict *real* criminals.
Morality has Objective reality, and so an individual ought to walk in righteousness…. Even when the society in which he lives is savage and unjust.
This is easier said than done.
It is with this in mind that I do my best not to pretend to be ‘Holier than thou’… not to ‘fake’ being more of a Saint than I really am.
I do believe in living honestly and respecting the rights and liberties of my fellow man yet I am painfully aware of my own short comings.
The way I read the Bible… one of the very worst of sins, is Self-Righteous hypocrisy.
*The Charade*.
To Re-word the Kings letter….
“How could I even contemplate passing the Diadem to my Son if he has no ‘Cloak of Righteousness’ to fool the people into submitting to his Authority?
How would he be able to manoeuvre in the political arena unless he can fool the other players into considering him a man of virtue?
No that could never work.
A Criminal conviction will ruin everything.”
End of Part 2.
Tim Wikiriwhi.
The Speed of Hypocrisy: How America got hooked on Legal Meth. Motherboard.
A terrible number of words have been written about Breaking Bad, yet none have struck upon the irony at its core. For all of the cult hit’s vaunted fine-brush realism and sly cultural references, the show never even winked at the real world “blue” that grew up alongside it.
During the five years Heisenberg spent as a blue-meth cook, the nation experienced a nonfictional explosion in the manufacture and sale of sapphire pills and azure capsules containing amphetamine. This other “blue,” known by its trade names Adderall and Vyvanse, found its biggest market in classrooms like Walter White’s. As this blue speed is made and sold in anodyne corporate environments, the drama understandably focused on blue meth and its buyers, usually depicted as jittery tweakers picking at lesions and wearing rags on loan from the cannibal gangs of Cormac McCarthy’s The Road.
For presenting such a compelling one-sided cartoon of speed in America, Breaking Bad deserves recognition as a modern day Reefer Madness. That 1937 film immortalized the selective attentions of the first drug war, in which hysteria was stoked over Mexican marijuana but nothing was said about that era’s brisk drugstore trade in Benzedrine, the patented speed of the Great Depression.
To understand why the “edgy” AMC drama fits so snug in the Reefer Madness mold, it helps to see the show from the perspective of pharmaceutical executives, whom I suspect held some rowdy Breaking Bad viewing parties.
Because here’s the thing about hide-the-children caricatures of street speed and the class stigmas they weave: Without them, the needle starts to skip on pharma’s marketing lullabies about the safety and expanding therapeutic application of their purer product. Take away Goofus and Gallant-style contrasts between backwoods Crank Zombies and suburban Adderall Aspirationals, and suddenly we’re having some very awkward conversations about the periodic table, addiction, and the experience of getting high.
Aside from some foul cutting material, Winnebago methamphetamine and pharmaceutical amphetamine are kissing chemical cousins. The difference between them boils down to one methyl-group molecule that lets crank race a little faster across the blood-brain barrier and kick just a little harder. After that, meth breaks down fast into good old dextroamphetamine, the dominant salt in America’s leading ADHD drug and cram-study aid, Adderall…
Read more >>>Here<<< And Here>>>> Forbes: Everything You’ve Heard About Crack And Meth Is Wrong
I have no doubt that with the process of time that all the Hype about synthetic cannabis will also be exposed as just another Prohibitionist witch craze…. as suggested here >>> NZ Research finds Synthetic Cannabis Low Risk. The Star Trust.
The common thread of Drug Prohibition has been lies and Politicised Pseudo-science inciting a public Hysteria for the express purpose of justifying the State usurping tyrannical powers in complete disregard for Rights and liberties… in the name of ‘Safety and social order’.
Socialists have convinced the Clean shaven Perfumed masses of arrogant vicious little dipshits that Pragmatism trumps just Ideals… that it’s Ok for the State to trample those whom dont share their tastes and phobias underfoot.
Even though their interventions are Catastrophic… The Liars and the Fools delude themselves that the alternative…. Liberty and an end to the War… would result in something much worse.
Western Social Democracy is a Lunatic asylum… run by sadistic psychopaths whom cloak their criminality in the garb of ‘Sisters of mercy’… and ‘Doctors.’…. they will cut the devil out of you! Their noble Ends justify their Depraved means.
(Hence my choice of ‘American Horror story’ Artwork for this Blogpost 🙂 )
What is beyond insane is that the same legions of Zombies whom are happy for the State to persecute Meth dealers and users will happily allow major corporations to manufacture truckloads of the very same products and to gobble them down via Doctors prescriptions!
The very height of self delusion and hypocrisy.
Tim Wikiriwhi.
Kings and Convicts. (Part 1) The Clean Slate Act.
Hello my Pretties,
I apologise for my recent absence and neglect….. I still love you…. believe me when I say that matters of Cosmic importance have kept me in the field… chief among them earning my ransom for the IRD.
Without blood…. calamity from on high befalls us… this is a scientific fact.
Brain hurts.
Several events have taken place in recent times which I hope to tie together in this blogpost, on an important topic which I have been meaning to address for ages…
….The Clean slate act, and the diversion/ non-convictions of the 2nd son of the Maori King on Drinking driving and Burglary are my impetus, and to summarise my topic, I want to talk about the pretentious ‘mask of holiness’…. the cloak of ‘self-righteous ’ , which our ‘Special Hat’ wearing Political Task-Masters attempt to portray *As Real Piety*… as a supporting pillar of their personal credibility, and fitness to rule.
The ‘Clean slate’ Act is an interesting piece of legislation which raises many questions, regarding personal privacy … the right to remain silent…. and other peoples ‘right’ to know.
I cant say that I have spent much time investigating it, or reading the debate it has generated.
I cant claim to be speaking with indifferent objectivity either when I say that IMO I think this act is an enlightened piece of legislation, yet I hope my subjective ‘insider’ perspective adds some clarity to the topic, rather than detract from it.
I shall try to explain why in as short a space as possible as Part One … and how I tie this subject in with my main topic >>>Part two<<< , and I have now finnished off with >>>Part 3<<<
This act interests me for personal reasons.... having in the past been convicted for a variety of offences... some of which I am ashamed of... :-) .... some of which I say... ‘was not me’... not because I didn’t commit them.... but because they happened a very long time ago, and I am ‘a different person’ today.
I make no attempt to deny my guilt, nor do I deny that my convictions... in these particular matters.... were unjust.
There may have been some mitigating circumstances... yet no excuses.
A recent Newspaper article caught my attention, in which a representative of some employers association was upset that the Clean slate Act means that after 7 years without any further convictions that a person whom may have been convicted for theft as a servant, will not have to admit to such convictions when asked in any Job applications.
They argue that this exposes employers to greater risk of suffering thefts.
But is this really so?
I think not.
Though there may be a tiny % of Unrepentant recidivists whom manage to maintain their skulduggery in secret…. flying under the radar …. to my way of thinking that is highly improbable, and it is far more rational to believe that any person whom has maintained themselves without further conviction for 7 years… has in fact reformed their behaviour, and has earned/ *deserves* a fresh start.
This period of time was chosen because it is *long enough* to suggest that they have ‘turned over a new leaf’... have learned that honesty is the best policy.... and most importantly are in reality... just as trustworthy as anyone else.
Here we meet several interesting issues.
The delusion of piety.
Faith in society base upon truth, rather than hypocritical Fakery.
Forgiveness is important for society, to allow reformed criminals to re-enter society.
Without such hope, why bother to reform... if the marked man is to forever remain marked, and kept in alienation?
If you keep them alienated, not only do you risk imposing a punishment which is wholly out of proportion to the crime.... you also are denying the principle that a criminal can reform, and pragmatically speaking you are exposing society *to a greater risk* that this person will re-offend... because they have been effectively locked out of honest employment/ normal participation in society.
The Devils rejects.
Forgiveness is not only a Christian virtue, it is essential for society to heal its wounds, and progress.
Nobody can force the victim of any crime to forgive the person who wronged them... even after long periods of time... after a sentence served... and after an expression of contrition, yet I would suggest that not to forgive.... is to remain wilfully a spiritual cripple... carrying a dead weight about.
Obviously some crimes are harder to forgive than others, yet I would question the character of an unforgiving person whom is unwilling to grant others a fresh start considering the fact that *there is none righteous.... no not one, for all have sinned and come short of the glory of God*
Ie.... who among us... even those whom have never been convicted in a court of Law... is not in need of forgiveness for some evil deed we have done to our fellow man?
There are only two types of human beings.... Convicted criminals and un-convicted criminals.... those whom either live above or beyond the law.... or simply those whom have never been caught... or at least successfully prosecuted.
A third type we may describe as ’temporarily innocent’ only because they have not come of age.
I am not suggesting that every human being poses an equal danger to the life and property of their neighbour.
Obviously some people are much more virtuous than others, yet I wanted to explode the idea that just because a person *has not been convicted for theft or fraud* does not mean they have never stolen anything , or never told a lie.... *Everyone is guilty* of these crimes/ sins... and knowing this explodes the idea that a person whom has no criminal convictions is somehow more trust-worthy than someone whom has been caught and convicted.
This undeniable truth is a fundamental reason that political power must be kept to a minimum... so that the evils of politicians have the least scope to wreak havoc upon the population.
I will return to these ‘inconvenient’ facts about the human condition shortly.
It’s a fact which the self-righteous social elite and powerful desire to remain unarticulated....
“Trust Me.... said the liar to the fool”
[I actually quite like Queen Lizzy…. I posted this pic simply to portray ‘the Pomp’ of government which fills the subject with Awe and dread….. a sense of the Divine…. an unquestionable righteousness and authority to govern… engendering submission.
All Politicians, rulers, and powers attempt to portray ‘majesty’ to some degree.
It’s a part of statecraft]
When I speak of contrition, I refer to a real inner remorse… an acknowledgement of wrong doing and true repentance, not merely a regret at being caught.
And this require the perpetrator to take ownership of their crime…. that they made evil choices, for their devious selfish ends, and that though circumstances may not have made doing the right thing ‘easy’ , that none the less they made the wrong choices, which harmed others.
How a criminal may be brought to true repentance is a subject for another time.
Obviously it requires a re-shuffle of values and a restoration of faith in society… in humanity, and that living an honest, moral life is not just a Charade.
It is enough for now that I give my personal assertion…. from personal experience… that Reform is possible…. thank God.
While I reject any delusions about human perfection, or perfectibility, Reform is an essential social concept (reform / self improvement are also an important factors within Christianity) .
We are human beings smitten with the common Human lusts and aspirations, yet an individual’s morality and character are not genetically determined, and any theory which attempts to reduce ethics down to genes and chemicals needs to be exposed for the anti-Human Pseudo science that it is.
The people whom promote such delusions have serious prejudices, ulterior motives, and a very specific ideological agenda.
Empirically we ought to be well aware that the Human Individual is a free-will agent operating in a ‘ moral field’… we call society, in which our actions can and often do effect our fellow citizens… for good or ill.
This is what is meant by the term that our deeds are said to have ‘moral weight’.
Being Humans… not gods, the universe does not obey our whims, and we must navigate ourselves on the sea of life via our own compass… our personal values, wisdom, and moral convictions… or lack of them… and it is a relentless ocean, Tides and tempests, Calms, and shallows.
What defines the Human life is not the circumstances of our birth, but about how steer our ship in the seas new find ourselves in.
Circumstances may vary greatly, yet our duty as morally responsible beings is the same.
We all start off as Babes…. Yet we learn, we grow,….* we change* … yet Objective morality remains always the same.
We embody the ethics we have chosen to embrace…form one moment to the next.
Life is in Flux.
The truth is a person…. As long as he has breath, can either grow in moral character…. Plateau…. Or regress.
A persons behaviour can be effected by many things… yet can only really be said to be moral when life is lived well *consciously* and freely.
Thus many people live as passive obedient sheep… never ending up in court …. Not because of true piety… inner convictions that certain actions are truly evil, But out of fear…. Fear of becoming Social outcastes…. Fear of prison, or a fear of nihilistic lawlessness.
The system does’t care….. These flocks of sheeple obey their masters…. And delude themselves this slavish conformity is in fact a virtue… to the degree that they believe anything is really virtuous… a great percentage of them dutifully embrace what their ‘Liberal’ educators teach…. That everything is merely culturally relative … and that societies Laws… and all things ‘Moral’… are merely the convenient constructs of the social order… which is the highest power in the universe and may dictate anything whatsoever it deems to be in the best interest of the collective organism.
Yes our society is filled…. Top to toe with this *Fake moral Piety…. And Slavery*
If that is all there is…. The belief that that is all there is … is not a sufficient foundation for a Free, Civil, and just society!
Not only does such a corrosive anti-ideology- ideology undermine the credibility of living a good and decent life… rendering Society a giant fraud… and morality merely a tool for the ruling elite…. Protecting the haves… from the have-nots…. This becomes the excuse…. The vindication for the mass production of Evil legislations and tyranny…. Which not only directly treads souls underfoot, it also energizes the mass production of ‘Criminals and outcastes’ whom either take this philosophy as truth… embracing lawlessness as the ultimate truth….rejecting Civilisation as a gimmick… Or conversely those brave individualists whom retain a faith in objective morality…. Yet reject the authority of the State to impose laws upon them …. Prohibitions, Exactions, or Compulsions which they believe are unjust…. Thus it is is not only the Amoral whom can find themselves outsiders, and criminalised, but the truly virtuous and moral…. Which is why people like Jesus, and Socrates…. were executed as criminals.
Anyway, I have digressed somewhat…. I think the point that sometimes society, and the Law can be in the wrong…. And the so-called criminals in the right was worth making.
When the law is corrupt… The Real Criminals are in power… feigning piety…. Wolves in sheep’s clothing.
I also think it was worthwhile touching upon the consequences of a society which embraces toxic ideas… how that tends towards injustice and chaos.
Do you believe any crimes are truly Objectively Evil or are all crimes merely rebellions against subjective social/cultural norms?
A person whom is raised to believe Toxic / amoral/ nihilistic Ideas is sailing his ship witout a compass, and is a person capable of committing crimes and atrocities…. Likewise any person whom ‘looses faith’ in society…. And the value of enlightened, civilised, and humanitarian ideals …. Is someone whom has thrown his compass overboard… and can descend into real criminality.
Yet let me also say that a person whom may have been living a directionless chaotic existence for a very long time can find a moral ‘north star…. And straighten out there course… and begin to consciously navigate …
Enlightenment and reform are as real and as valid as any fall from grace into darkness.
Humanity has the capacity not only for descending into debauchery…. But to escape it too should they find the reason…. The will, and the faith to do so.
People can change for the better.
Savages can learn, and embrace civilisation.
Sinners can Repent.
Social reform is possible… and the ‘Clean slate’ act is all about motivating this personal improvement.
It’s about justice…. And a better, safer, society.
I will say that most of the things I have written today come from my personal journey… into crime…. And out again.
I have already dragged this out way too far…. I will have to stop here and make this the end of Part one.
Tomorrow, or the next day I will write part two and tie this rave in with the latest travesty of Justice with regards to Korotangi Paki escaping Justice .
Though I have many criticisms of what has transpired, it is not my intension to write a Guile filled spiel of condemnation upon him and the Tainui Monarch.
I will include aspects of my own situation… and how I have stood for election many times…. In spite of my own criminal past.
I will be so presumptuous as to offer the King some advise….
I actually have something positive to say
But for now enough has been said…. I will have to tidy this (part 1) up somewhat later… its time for nigh nighs….
Brain hurts…
Tim Wikiriwhi
Part 2 Kings and Convicts The Charade. >>>>Here<<<<
Where was Jamie Whyte while Laila Harre was getting high?
So Laila Harre has seized the initiative… and the high ground on Cannabis Law reform.
Good for her!
I chuckle because this will test the bonds of the Internet Mana Marriage.
Will Hone Harawera do a ‘Hone Banksy’ on her?
We all witnessed last election ‘Righty Hone Banks’ knife his dear leader, Don Brash for publicly expressing his views that Cannabis should be de-criminalised.
We all know this treacherous disloyalty cost the Act party and Don Heavily … though Banksy still got his Baubles of power.
Consequently Acts support under ‘National Banks’ sunk to absolute Zero.
(Did Banksy and his Fascist Faction really think Freedom lovers would support such a Carnie side show?)
From all the rhetoric I have herd from ‘lefty’ Hone Harawera… he is as anti- Decriminalisation as his Pakeha counterpart to his Right.
Things could get ugly for Laila… just as they did for Don.
This could be an interesting week in politics.
As a Libertarian, I am always hoping that more, and more parties adopt policies in favour of ending prohibition on Cannabis because to achieve such reforms through parliament and maintain them requires a broad multi-party consensus.
And thinking more about this one must ask the obvious question as to where the hell is Act’s new Brash-man Jamie Whyte on this Issue?
What can voters infer from his silence that either he doesn’t give a shit, or that the great Fraudulent Liberal prohibitionist Banksy still wearing the Pants in the Act party?
Why is it that all we hear from James is all about *Business*…. nothing about individual freedom and responsibility?
Why the hell has he allowed The Lefty Freaks of Internet Mana seize the High ground on this fundamental issue of Personal freedom?
Am I the only one who thinks this is farcical?
It’s quite embarrassing for Act… or should be.
How can Act claim to be the part of Personal Freedom and Anti- Nanny State when they are being out shined on this important matter???
Come on Jamie….
Are you going to let the Lefty Freaks win all the support that is out there for Cannabis Law Reform?
Are you only concerned with Business interests?
Where is your stuff on Freedom and getting rid of Socialist Nannyism?
Why Do You think silence is the best policy?
I think you are letting one of your greatest opportunities slip through your hands…
Rather than standing tall like a Beacon in stormy Seas you appear to be just another Grey suited politician whom calculates that conservatism on such issues is the best way to ‘win a seat at the table’.
I should not have to point out what a monumental *Fail* such Compromises have historically proven to be for Act.
Power without principles is hopeless.
That sort of wet flannel politics is why they have achieved absolutely *Zero* for all their time in parliament (worse than zero actually if you count the Super city fiasco)… and it is why Act have no credibility today.
How about growing a pair and showing some Brash principles… rather than playing possum on such a vital, yet contentious issue!
Brash was onto something great.
His biggest mistake was getting John Banks into the Act Party.
John Banks has achieved nothing but being the flunky for John Key.
Is a vote for Jamie Whyte’s Act *still* nothing more than another vote for John Key’s National party?
It seems that way from where I’m sitting.
Tim Wikiriwhi.
Libertarian Independent.
Read about Laila Harre’s press release >>>> Here <<<< Read more from me .... Tick…Tock… Tick… Puff Puff. Where does Act’s Jamie Whyte stand on Cannabis Law Reform?
Open letter to Act’s new leader Jamie Whyte … Stop being National’s Lapp-dog.
Hamilton City Council’s relentless agenda to starve out the homeless.
Over the last few months I have written several blogposts about a fledgling voluntary charity which has begun operating in Hamilton City, Waikato, New Zealand, attempting to embody the Christian principle of Loving our neighbor as ourselves.
Hamilton Homeless was started by a small group of Mormons concerned about the growing number of Homeless people living in the Central City.
They saw their plight and felt a Religious Humanitarian obligation to do something about this unfolding tragedy, and rallied Hamiltonians to start providing free meals, clothing, and Love to the many people in desperate need.
And caring Hamiltonians of all shades of Religious and cultural backgrounds put aside their doctrinal differences, and in the spirit of Good will and co-operation have been working together in this Righteous endeavour.
Despite these obviously noble and selfless ambitions aimed at helping the most needy sector of our society, and the fact that all this Charity work is being done voluntarily and without any politically imposed burden on Hamilton residents and ratepayers, ‘Hamilton homeless’ has nonetheless become the target of what can only be described as an orchestrated and on-going campaign of oppression at the hands of the City Council, in whose warped minds… it is more important to foster a commercially and Politically aesthetic façade of Hamilton’s CBD a place of glamour and affluence, than any concern about the *Real World* Poverty which is growing there… a reality they intend to shove into a dark corner…. Away from the public view.
‘Out of sight…. out of mind’.
There can be no doubt that the Council is behaving in a malicious and oppressive manor…. abusing it’s political power to violate the rights of the citizens of Hamilton to exercise their Religious convictions in a peaceful manor, …. having threatened the Land lord of a property ‘Hamilton Homeless’ have rented for the purposes of avoiding City Council threats of arrest for feeding the Poor on public spaces… without a permit.
Council staff have put pressure on the Landlord demanding he insists Hamilton homeless immeadiately stops feeding the poor from their rental property.
It appears that even though Hamilton homeless have acquired their own private property… quite a distance from any commercial interests whom might complain about poor people ‘loitering’ in front of their businesses, that the Council is determined to shut this Charity down.
I personally believe the Council is in serious violation of Private property rights, and intend to investigate whether or not the laws of our Nation protect our private property rights, and religious liberty, or in fact sanction such vile abuses of political power!
On top of this wicked agenda, It is of course truly heartbreaking to the compassionate members of Hamilton Homeless that the Poorest members of our community… the people whom they seek to serve… are in danger of loosing this loving support.
This really is a question of our rights to peacefully practice our religion, and follow our own conscience.
Private property rights are not merely a Legal protection against theft…. Not merely a foundation for establishing and exchanging ownership and legitimizing trade, it is fundamentally a principle which establishes *a space* …. *a place*… where citizens can worship their God/God’s, and peacefully practice their beliefs.
This function of private property is a fundamental corollary of our inalienable rights as individuals to Religious liberty, and is why we live in a society which is to great extent a testimony to Religious tolerance and peaceful co-existence.
We as individuals have the inalienable Right to form voluntary associations, and to function as a group, from private property… and it is a measure of the Justice of any society to the degree that such Freedom is protected from molestation and any potential violence of intolerant bigotry at the hands of other citizens, or from political oppression from the powers that be.
And the glory of these principles of Rights….Freedom, Equality, and Private property is why here in New Zealand that within the space of a few kilometres you can have a Catholic church, an Islamic Mosque, and a Mormon Temple… with virtually zero religious conflict!
This is truly a wonderful testament to the virtues of a society which has respect for these principles, and All New Zealanders should be Eternally Vigilant… watching politicians and Public servants, that they don’t start to undermine our Rights and Liberties… and to be always ready to Rally in defence of *Any voluntary association* whom has become the victim of political oppression.
Real Christians, and Patriots ought to rally in defence of Muslims, or Hindus… should it become apparent that their Religious liberty is being violated.
All our rights are equal.
When government threatens the freedom of anyone, they are in reality a danger to every ones freedom.
It is only the foolish and ignorant that don’t appreciate this… and the Nasty Bigots whom enjoy watching people whom hold different beliefs being suppressed.
Socialist Governments and Councils love to try and divide our society into separate groups and to systematically oppress these sub-sections, and it is appallingly far too often that New Zealanders go along with such corrupt political agendas instead of unifying for the sake of the principles of Freedom, equality, and Real justice… realizing what really is at stake… ie either maintaining a system of justice and freedom, or allowing the government and city councils to start telling us what peaceful religious beliefs we are allowed practice on our own property!
And Private property rights, in regards to religious liberty also exist on rented properties as long as all activities are kept within any caveats that may have been conditional upon agreement to lease.
Hamilton Homeless was doing exactly that.
It is not a commercial enterprise.
It is not a Community house.
It was not even cooking food, and therefore is not subject to Health department regulations which apply to such things as Restaurants, Cafes, etc.
It is a privately rented house in which invited people in need to come and enjoy food which was being cooked in other private homes… the very same way that we all cook our own Kai… and all this was done peacefully, quietly, and in love… the same way that is very common in Communities of strong communal bond… for example in many Christian, Indian and Maori homes the front door is always open, People come and go at leisure, They sing songs and enjoy fellowship… nothing at all strange or evil about it.
This may not be everyone’s ‘cup of tea’… there are of course millions of Kiwis whom shun such openly communal living… enjoying their own privacy and insulation, yet I would hope that such people are still tolerant of their neighbors whom have much larger community involvement.
It is truly tragic when small minded prudes allow their own closeted ways to become motivation for making complaints against their neighbors more open enjoyment of their properties… and lobby the Government and Councils to generate and impose heavy restrictions which violate Freedom and equality.
That is the road backwards towards societies of Intolerance and conflict.
Thus I fervently argue that Hamilton homeless has become the target of political oppression and abuse of power.
I hope to be invited to attend any meeting of the Hamilton homeless executive to discuss how to move forward and fight this council injustice.
I hope to inquire what legal grounds, if any the Council staff had in approaching Hamilton homeless’s Land Lord as I believe they have seriously overstepped their duties as servants of Hamilton ratepayers and residents.
I hope to inquire what legal right, (if any) the Land lord has to insist Hamilton homeless cease to feed the poor from that address, or whether in fact he is in breach of their tenancy rights.
Did their Landlord know what purposes Hamilton homeless intended to use the property for when he rented them the house?
I will be asking these sorts of questions.
I do believe everyone should respect their landlords reasonable requests, yet It is a very poor show if the Landlord is simply bucking under the duress of a Bully Council which is out of control…. Esp to detriment of the Poor, Cold, and Hungry!
I will report back as things run their course…. For good or ill.
It may amaze some readers to realize just how uncaring and Nasty Hamilton City council is behaving on this matter, yet a quick Google search will reveal to any inquirer just how common this sort oppression is meted out by Heartless Councils around the globe upon Charities whom care for the Needy.
Eg>>>> Here <<<<
The difference being how the various communities respond… to the knowledge of how their elected officials and paid City staff treat the most vulnerable and exposed members of our community!
How will you Hamiltonians and Kiwi’s respond to this local crisis?
Will you rally in defence of voluntary charity and your poor neighbours?
I am reminded of a homeless Beggar whom not so long ago was found dead in the Waikato River after being thrown out of his hovel by a Hamilton City Ticket Warden whom had no business doing so!
He was not on council property, but had found a corner somewhere along the Riverside on Private land where he had lived in squalor for some time, yet had not caused any one any real harm.
The Council worker went out of his way to take away the smallest comfort this poor soul had in this world… and he died.
I think this story is a exemplar of just how Cold hearted, and indifferent to the plight of others some Public servants can be.
Vicious and tyrannical.
Poverty is happening not only in Africa… but is growing here in God’s own!
This sorry tale also shows the sort of Dire straights many people are finding themselves, and the urgency with which the down and out need the care and compassion of people like Hamilton homeless.
This is a matter of Religious Conscience.
Will You readers spread the word and rally in defence of this Noble charity?
As a Libertarian I will be doing my best to guide ‘Hamilton Homeless’ to remain fully private and voluntary so as to maintain it’s moral stature as true charity in the Christian sense of the word… rather than becoming another burden upon the backs of struggling ratepayers and renters.
As far as I am concerned…. we just want The Council to ‘Bugger off’ and leave us Hamiltonians to take care of business ourselves.
Tim Wikiriwhi.
Christian Libertarian.
Read more from me about Charity, and Hamilton homeless…
Hamilton Homeless Meet and Greet… The Lords feet and hands working in the trenches.
NEED A PERMIT TO HELP THE POOR? Nazi Hamilton Council Bastards!
Real voluntary private Charity vs the evils of welfare and Political force Ruff draft.
P-lab risk vastly exaggerated: Mike Butler … Breaking News.
The following is a few excerpts from a very Bold New`Zealander whom has the audacity to question many Mainstream pet political superstitions.
Mike is revered for his substantial efforts to expose the lies of Waitangi treaty separatism.
Today he challenges the lies and exaggerations of the NZ Police in respect to their Propaganda campaign designed to justify their oppressive war against Meth amphetamine.
I make a few short comments on the bottom.
“Details of the number of clan-lab busts and information on the harm likely to occur from living in a property where meth-amphetamine has been produced shows that the scale of the problem has been substantially overstated.”
“Having established that the incidence of illegal manufacture of P is quite rare, how harmful is it to live in a dwelling where such illegal manufacture has occurred.
The best that Ministry of Health guidelines can say is: “Though often found in small amounts, clandestine methamphetamine laboratory (clan meth lab) contaminants may pose health hazards to people exposed to them” – with the operative word being “may”. (1)
Burns, tissue irritation and rashes can be the consequence of chemical spills and skin contact. Other health effects such as nausea, dizziness and headaches can result from the inhalation of vapours and gases.
A request under the Official Information Act on the numbers of illnesses, hospitalizations and deaths resulting from methamphetamine contamination or fires from P labs shows no record of such hospitalizations, with a note that the collected data does not have any codes to record such hospitalizations. …”
“It is safe to ignore claims that the police are finding a new lab every 45 hours. Police dismantled just 77 of such labs last year and the most labs busted in a year occurred in 2005, when 211 were found.
Bear in mind that the total number of rental properties in New Zealand is 480,000 while the total number of dwellings is around 1.3 million. “….
” An eye-watering part of the report may be found in the over-the-top clean-up requirements. Demolition is recommended to ensure “no residual risk” of a miniscule amount of a substance that may trigger a visit to a doctor if directly contacted. This is what is required to ensure “acceptable residual risk”:
Remove carpeting, wallpaper and unpainted gib board.
Remove suspended and attached ceiling tiles.
Spray paint textured ceilings.
Remove upholstered furniture, mattresses, paper items, and other porous contents.
Remove clothing, toys, bedding, baby bottles and cups, and other personal items used by infants and small children.
Dispose of those items in an approved landfill with appropriate acceptance criteria
HEPA vacuum all remaining porous surfaces such as raw wood, brick and cement block.
HEPA vacuum all wood floors and all floors beneath removed carpeting.
Detergent wash all building surfaces twice, rinsing with fresh water.
Spray paint all building surfaces with two coats of a high-quality paint, polyurethane or concrete/brick sealer. (2)
Over-reaction to clan labs is captured in what the report describes as “community perception of risk” (where most people freak out at the mere hint that a property is contaminated) that is not based on technical risk assessment alone, and “outrage at involuntary exposure to hazards not of one’s own making”.
Such fear and alarm, overstatement of risk, panic knee-jerk reaction by local bodies and government agencies, and opportunism by clean-up companies, has combined to create a minefield for property owners. Everybody should take a deep breath until hard scientific data that derives from the New Zealand experience proves that the actual chemical risk is not very great at all. ”
Mike Butler…. Read Full article >>>Here<<< Read more Eternal Vigilance ..... The New Jews… Meth Users.
Forbes: Everything You’ve Heard About Crack And Meth Is Wrong.
The Tyrannical War on drugs is out of control and purporting injustice on a monumental scale.
It has *always* relied on Lies and propaganda to Terrorise the gullible public into mandating the Jackbooted police with all their Weapons of War.
Just recently we saw the Media beat up and Political Machiavellian surrounding the Legal supply of synthetic cannabis.
You have to have Poo for brains not to realise that the terror mongering of The Anti-legal High Prohibitionists is typical Nonsense which has always underpinned prohibitions of every sort, and that all their so-called ‘evidence’ is ridiculously un-objective and Extremely dubious.
Read>>>> NZ Research finds Synthetic Cannabis Low Risk. The Star Trust.
Of course the police dont want the sheeple to consider the reality that it is Prohibition which is responsible for clandestine P labs being set up in Rental properties, and that prohibition prevents Meth from being manufactured in safe industrial facilities… thus any explosions and fires which result in destruction of property, Injury, and even death, may be squarely blamed on *Prohibition*.
Tim Wikiriwhi.
Libertarian Independent.
Harm minimisation vs. harm elimination
It’s important to say what you mean and mean what you say.
If you don’t say what you mean and mean what you say, you will likely be misunderstood.
The trouble is, even if you do say what you mean and mean what you say, you will still likely be misunderstood!
Sad but true.
It all goes back to the Babel incident recorded in the Book of Genesis.
Then they said, “Come, let us build ourselves a city, with a tower that reaches to the heavens, so that we may make a name for ourselves; otherwise we will be scattered over the face of the whole earth.”
But the Lord came down to see the city and the tower the people were building. The Lord said, “If as one people speaking the same language they have begun to do this, then nothing they plan to do will be impossible for them. Come, let us go down and confuse their language so they will not understand each other.”
So the Lord scattered them from there over all the earth, and they stopped building the city. That is why it was called Babel—because there the Lord confused the language of the whole world. From there the Lord scattered them over the face of the whole earth. (NIV)
Later, much later … we have modern telecommunications technology. We have the Internet and language translators such as the Babelfish). Microsoft readies real-time language translator for Skype. Is anything we plan now possible for us?
No, it’s not. Our language is still confused! People can’t seem to speak clearly. Ambiguity is ubiquitous. Even if we do say what we mean and mean what we say … it takes two to tango. Communication is as much the listener’s responsibility as the speaker’s. People can’t seem to speak clearly, and they can’t seem to listen clearly either. They’ll hear you say what they thought you meant. Even before you said it.
Even if what you meant is what you said and what you said is what you meant, you will still likely be misunderstood!
Here’s a recent case study. It’s an edited snippet of a conversation I had on Facebook with a libertarian friend. (No prizes for guessing whom!)
Do you agree that a government should minimise the unjust harm the government actively inflicts on its own citizens? Yes or No?
No it must be absolutely eliminated…and it is *we the people* who do this…. not the government itself. *they dont make the rules. We do. They merely enforce the duties we delegate to them…. Government for the People… by the people.
Their Duty is to *uphold our rights*….. whether or not we Harm ourselves to a greater or lesser extent…. via ignorance or choice.
When you say Governments unjust harm should be ‘minimised’ rather than eliminated, you are saying that there is a tolerable level unjust harm that is allowable….
That’s not what I’m saying at all. Or is it?!
verb: minimise
reduce (something, especially something undesirable) to the smallest possible amount or degree.
To minimise harm is to reduce harm to the smallest possible amount or degree.
To eliminate harm is to reduce harm to zero.
To minimise harm or to eliminate harm completely? These come to the exact same thing if it turns out that the smallest possible amount of harm is zero! The question is, consistent with its ongoing role as a properly functioning proper government, what is the smallest possible amount of unjust harm the government can actively inflict on its own citizens? Is it, in fact, zero?
It’s not zero.
What is the proper function of a proper government? My friend says that government’s duty
is to *uphold our rights*
but what the hell does that even mean? Uphold? Wat.
According to my understanding of libertarianism, the government really has only two proper functions, viz., defence of the realm and administration of justice.
For defence of the realm, we have the Ministry of Defence … and (arguably) the Ministry of Foreign Affairs (but not Trade).
For administration of justice, we have the Ministry of Justice … and the subsidiary Ministry of Police and Ministry of Corrections (so-called).
The police are there to apprehend those who infringe our rights. The prison system is there to punish the perpetrators, according to principles of justice. To “uphold” our rights is merely to apprehend those who infringe our rights and bring them to justice … after the fact. Strictly speaking, according to my libertarian philosophy, the police have no business preventing crime. That’s what private security companies are for.
Now, let’s consider the government’s proper function of administering justice. Because of the very nature of earthly justice systems, it turns out that the smallest possible amount of unjust harm a government may inflict on its own citizens is greater than zero.
Sad but true.
In administering justice, earthly justice systems are prone to two basic kinds of error. Punishing the innocent and letting the guilty walk free. These two errors are not independent.
We could eliminate the first kind of error—punishing the innocent—by letting everyone walk free. But that would be a cop-out. It would not be administering justice at all.
We could eliminate the second kind of error—letting the guilty walk free—by locking everyone up. But that would be to unjustly harm the innocent en masse. It would not be administering justice at all.
In practice, our justice system is heavily weighted towards avoiding the second kind of error. As a result, very few innocent people are ever sent to prison. As a result, very many guilty people walk free.
Governments harm people. Even proper libertarian governments. Unfortunately, there is a tolerable level of unjust harm that is allowable. It’s just a harsh fact of life but one that we must accept.