Category Archives: Liberate your Mind!

ACT’s Charter schools.


As a Libertarian, I have many concerns about ACTs policy for Charter Schools, that they are still funded by Taxes being number 1.

Number two is just as important… watching the video Jamie Whyte was careful to avoid discussing the reality that Charter Schools will still be dictated as to *Content*/ Curriculum, and as such they will still be indoctrination centres of the Socialist Political Status quo… ie Charter schools will still be forced to teach the Revisionist lies of Waitangi separatism, the theory of Evolution, and the lies of Fascist economic theory (that Laissez faire is unworkable and that State Regulation and micro-management of the economy is essential).

Another unmentioned issue is zero reform in what qualifications are required to be employed as a teacher.
It has been said that Albert Einstein would nor have the requisite qualifications to be employed as a physics teacher in a modern Socialist institution, nor would Bill Gates be qualified to teach Computer studies.
Credentialism, is a growing evil which is locking out liberty of employment opportunities, blocking people from transferring across trades, etc and is a return to Guildist protectionism.

What I see in this ACT policy on Schooling is a similar *Failure to make fundamental/ *real reforms* as was the case with the Super City… Both these policies looking at ‘efficiency’ while retaining all the old tyrannical restrictions and regulations.
Acts policies in both counts dont result in any Tax/ rates reductions, and if you look at the Super city under Brown… It has resulted in a Rates/debt Crisis… and an increase of Race based favouritism/ separatism.

The advantage of what ACT are offering…. apart from introducing more flexibility of delivery, and a level of ‘market competition’, is that Teachers may begin to appreciate just how backward the current Collective of the Teachers Union really are…. and via this avenue start to really question the idea that The State ought to run the Education system.

I will say however that if ACT are successful in the long term at establishing their policy of ‘One country… One Law’, and are able to ensure the State starts to apply the principle that it is not the States proper function to promote ‘Culture’ that via this avenue we may see the current State indoctrination about Revisionist history and Waitangi separatism being thrown out of State Schools.

Currently Trainee Teachers whom reject the current Waitangi Separatism, or the theory of Evolution, or Socialist economic theory are ‘weeded out’ …. leaving the teaching fraternity a nest of Socialist Atheist supporters of Apartheid, and is why there is almost zero vocal resistance to Waitangi apartheid policies from Educationalists…. inspite of the fact that Racist Law and Government is such an abomination that such a situation is unforgivable!
Such is the depth of Corrupt Politicised Socialist ideologies within the education system.
This is a system which employs the likes of Pita Sharples, Margret Wilson, and thousands more of their Socialist racial separatist ilk.

ACT’s race policies will gain few friends in the Education sector!

Update: Read about PREPARING THE PARROTS: A TRAINING COLLEGE GRADUATE ON THE CULTURAL CORRUPTION OF TEACHERS by John Ansell. >>> Here <<< ******* On top of that, though ACTs Charter school policy is very moderate, The Teachers and their Union know this Act policy attacks the collectivist foundations of their 'department'.... esp their collective agreements, and this the biggest reason why Jamie should brace himself for 'Cries and Howls' against him in following weeks from this quarter! More calls to front up on State TV 🙂 What is Nuts is that Charter Schools could mean better individual contracts for excellent teachers. It's only the Dead wood whom will not have a future... and that is as it should be... market forces at work.... destroying the Socialist *guild protectionism* Angela-Roberts
When Teachers Unions organise Protests or go on strike its *always* about their own Pay, or supporting political agendas which maintain their virtual monopoly in education.

Read about how socialism has destroyed the concept of ‘Vocations’ >>>Here<<< Socialist Teachers are protecting their own 'Racket' and are Ideological'Bullies' vehemently opposed to freedom in Education, and the teaching of Ideas contrary to their own warped opinions. The fact that such indoctrination is going on is of course a perfect example of why the Government cannot be trusted with the minds of our Children and young people and that State education should be abolished, and replaced with a Private education free marketplace in which Parents have full control over what their children get taught, and that individual Schools either flourish or fail based upon how New Zealanders choose to purchase/ or run the Education of their Kids. meet_the_new_act_leader_jamie_whyte_995984959

Do I Think ACTs policy is an improvement on the status quo?
I think the response it receives from the Commy fascists Teachers Union is evidence enough that it is a small step in the right direction.

Jamie Whyte is a clever advocate for ACT Policies.
What I mentioned as *weaknesses from the Libertarian perspective*… will be most likely considered it’s ‘virtues’ by the Status quo, meaning ACT’s policy for Charter Schools are more palatable… easier to swallow for ‘mainstream’ contemporary thinkers than my personal ‘Fringe dweller’ opinions.

Tim Wikiriwhi.
Libertarian Independent.

Read more from Tim Wikiriwhi….

Spiel on brain washing, and socialist engines of conformity. State education.

Where Haters come from.

Lost Plot. World Press Freedom Day.

More Prohibitionist Lies exposed: ‘Crack baby’ study ends with unexpected but clear result. By Susan FitzGerald, For The Inquirer.


“Ever since her birth 23 years ago, a team of researchers has been tracking every aspect of her development – gauging her progress as an infant, measuring her IQ as a preschooler, even peering into her adolescent brain using an MRI machine.

Now, after nearly a quarter century, the federally funded study was ending, and the question the researchers had been asking was answered.

Did cocaine harm the long-term development of children like Jaimee, who were exposed to the drug in their mother’s womb?

The researchers had expected the answer would be a resounding yes. But it wasn’t. Another factor would prove far more critical.”


“My worst fear was that Jaimee would be slow, mentally retarded, or something like that because of me doing drugs,” she said. She agreed to enroll her baby in the cocaine study at Einstein. Drakewood promised herself that she would turn her life around for the sake of Jaimee and her older daughter, but she soon went back to smoking crack.

Hurt arrived early at Children’s Hospital one morning in June to give a talk on her team’s findings to coworkers. After nearly 25 years of studying the effects of cocaine and publishing or presenting dozens of findings, it wasn’t easy to summarize it in a PowerPoint presentation. The study received nearly $7.9 million in federal funding over the years, as well as $130,000 from the Einstein Society.

Hurt, who had taken her team from Einstein to Children’s in 2003, began her lecture with quotations from the media around the time the study began. A social worker on TV predicted that a crack baby would grow up to “have an IQ of perhaps 50.” A print article quoted a psychologist as saying “crack was interfering with the central core of what it is to be human,” and yet another article predicted that crack babies were “doomed to a life of uncertain suffering, of probable deviance, of permanent inferiority.”

Hurt, who is also a professor of pediatrics at the University of Pennsylvania, is always quick to point out that cocaine can have devastating effects on pregnancy. The drug can cause a problematic rise in a pregnant woman’s blood pressure, trigger premature labor, and may be linked to a dangerous condition in which the placenta tears away from the uterine wall. Babies born prematurely, no matter the cause, are at risk for a host of medical and developmental problems. On top of that, a parent’s drug use can create a chaotic home life for a child.

Hurt’s study enrolled only full-term babies so the possible effects of prematurity did not skew the results. The babies were then evaluated periodically, beginning at six months and then every six or 12 months on through young adulthood. Their mothers agreed to be tested for drug use throughout the study.

The researchers consistently found no significant differences between the cocaine-exposed children and the controls. At age 4, for instance, the average IQ of the cocaine-exposed children was 79.0 and the average IQ for the nonexposed children was 81.9. Both numbers are well below the average of 90 to 109 for U.S. children in the same age group. When it came to school readiness at age 6, about 25 percent of children in each group scored in the abnormal range on tests for math and letter and word recognition.

“We went looking for the effects of cocaine,” Hurt said. But after a time “we began to ask, ‘Was there something else going on?’ ”

While the cocaine-exposed children and a group of nonexposed controls performed about the same on tests, both groups lagged on developmental and intellectual measures compared to the norm. Hurt and her team began to think the “something else” was poverty.

As the children grew, the researchers did many evaluations to tease out environmental factors that could be affecting their development. On the upside, they found that children being raised in a nurturing home – measured by such factors as caregiver warmth and affection and language stimulation – were doing better than kids in a less nurturing home. On the downside, they found that 81 percent of the children had seen someone arrested; 74 percent had heard gunshots; 35 percent had seen someone get shot; and 19 percent had seen a dead body outside – and the kids were only 7 years old at the time. Those children who reported a high exposure to violence were likelier to show signs of depression and anxiety and to have lower self-esteem.

More recently, the team did MRI scans on the participants’ brains. Some research has suggested that gestational cocaine exposure can affect brain development, especially the dopamine system, which in turn can harm cognitive function. An area of concern is “executive functioning,” a set of skills involved in planning, problem-solving, and working memory.

The investigators found one brain area linked to attention skills that differed between exposed and nonexposed children, but they could not find any clinically significant effect on behavioral tests of attention skills.

Drug use did not differ between the exposed and nonexposed participants as young adults. About 42 percent used marijuana and three tested positive for cocaine one time each.

The team has kept tabs on 110 of the 224 children originally in the study. Of the 110, two are dead – one shot in a bar and another in a drive-by shooting – three are in prison, six graduated from college, and six more are on track to graduate. There have been 60 children born to the 110 participants.

The years of tracking kids have led Hurt to a conclusion she didn’t see coming.

“Poverty is a more powerful influence on the outcome of inner-city children than gestational exposure to cocaine,” Hurt said at her May lecture…. ”

Read full article >>>Here<<< catnip

The War on Drugs is not only Unjust, Bigoted, and Oppressive in the extreme… It is an evil founded upon a mountain of falsehoods, Lies, and foolishness.
Cannabis is proving itself to be one of the most beneficial plants to humanity.
Science is now exposing the myths about Magic Mushrooms and Ecstasy… Now they are being investigated for their beneficial qualities for the brain, and helping with PTSD, etc… and yet the disastrous War on drugs continues.

Tim Wikiriwhi

Read more>>>> Forbes: Everything You’ve Heard About Crack And Meth Is Wrong

The New Jews… Meth Users.

and >>> New Prohibitions. How our Police and Government work for Criminal Gangs.

And >>> Historic battles. The Libertarian struggle against Drug Prohibition. Why BZP should have been kept Legal.

and >>> Drug users fill New Zealand jails

And >>> What you should know about Drug Prohibition.

And >>> The Child Casualties of the Jihad on Drugs.

And >>> Prohibition is a Bad trip!

And >>> A Transitional Drug Policy

P-lab risk vastly exaggerated: Mike Butler … Breaking News.

Utilitarianism vs Libertarianism. Socialist pragmatism vs Libertarian Idealism

Of 10 highest IQ’s on earth, at least 8 are Theists, at least 6 are Christians:

Andrew Magdy Kamal – apparently the highest IQ ever recorded, at 231.734. This was accomplished last year (2013) just before he turned 17. This includes an adjustment made for his age (which is done routinely for minors), so only time will tell if he maintains his position, but he is listed in Record Holder’s Republic for Highest IQ and Highest IQ average, and it looks pretty good. He is a he is a staunch conservative and a member of the Republican Tea Party. He is also the founder of the Coptic Orthodox Messianicans Group. Andrew Magdy Kamal hopes to use his talents and intelligence to spread the news of Messiah Yeshua (Jesus Christ) his hero, and he lives in Michigan.

Abdessellam Jelloul – apparently the highest IQ ever scored by an adult in the “advanced IQ test” was by Jelloul, who scored an adult IQ of 198. This was in a 2012 test which included 13 dimensions of intelligence (analytical, spatial, logical, memory, musical, linguistic, philosophical, moral, spiritual, interpersonal, intra-personal, bodily and naturalist). Unlike other tests, the advanced IQ test includes more measures that other tests cannot assess. I tweeted Mr. Jelloul a question about his beliefs in September of last year, and he graciously replied to me that he does “believe in God, a Supreme Architect of the universe” (see a screenshot of this tweet in the slideshow).

Christopher Michael Langan – has a verified IQ of at least 195. Langan achieved a perfect score on the SAT, but dropped out of Montana State University after concluding his professors weren’t qualified to teach him anything. ABC’s 20/20 measured his IQ (as an adult) to be between 195 and 210. Langan has indicated in his writings numerous that he believes in God, for example, in William Dembski’s book “Uncommon Dissent”, he wrote: “…since Biblical accounts of the genesis of our world and species are true but metaphorical, our task is to correctly decipher the metaphor in light of scientific evidence also given to us by God”.

Terence Tao – his IQ was estimated to be between 220 and 230 by the Davidson Institute when he was about ten years old. At eight years old, Tao achieved a score of 760 on the pre-1995 SAT, received a Ph.D from Princeton at 20 and at 24 became the youngest ever full professor at UCLA. I couldn’t find anything about Tao’s metaphysical views. He’s obviously a tremendous mathematician, but doesn’t seem to post much outside of mathematics.

Christopher Hirata – has a verified IQ of 225, calculated when he was in his teens. Hirata skipped middle school, and at 16 was working with NASA on a project exploring the possibility of colonizing Mars. The Daily Princetonian, Princeton’s student paper, where Hirata began attending for his PhD in Astrophysics at 18, reported that his IQ is around 225. Hirata posted the following to his Facebook on October 31, 2013: “Today’s experience: saying the Lord’s prayer with a homeless couple on Colorado Boulevard. It may not feed or shelter them, but I hope that it made a difference in their lives.” So he is clearly both a Theist and a Christian.

Evangelos Katsioulis – has apparently scored a 198 as an adult. Katsioulis is a Greek Doctor/Psychiatrist/Philosopher who has publicly referred to his belief in human souls several times. For example, he did a lecture in 2008 called “BODY AND SOUL”, and made clear that he wasn’t speaking metaphorically in it with lines like: “The soul is not the body. It is not the flesh. It is the spirit.” He is apparently a follower of a strand of Christianity influenced by Teilhard de Chardin.

Rick Rosner – has apparently scored a 192 as an adult, after years of honing his IQ test-taking skills. Has been a writer for the Jimmy Kimmel Show, and appeared on “So You Want to be A Millionaire”. Rosner denied that he was an atheist on Twitter, after an inquiry. He also retweeted this Einstein quote: “God does not care about our mathematical difficulties. He integrates empirically” and in answer to the question “You know there’s a God?” he answered “Maybe. Suspect there’s an infinity of gods”.

Mislav Predavec – has apparently scored a 192 as an adult. [Update – I initially had the wrong quote linked here]. His Christianity can easily be confirmed by a beautiful response he wrote to a friend who had become a Christian in one of the groups he belongs to and which was posted online:

“David, I am so glad hearing good news about your convalescence, and more about your enlightenment, you are aware now that your suffer and pain, your giftedness and sense are a part of plan. Truly, all this can´t exist without being leading it intentionally. Atheistic explanation that everything is accidental progress is full of holes. Stay well my friend.


Gary Kasparov – is alleged to have an IQ of 190. He was perhaps the most universally attested-to as a top-shelf intellect, so it was unthinkable to leave him off of this list. In 2003 Kasparov played to a draw against a chess computer that could calculate three million positions per second. He is considered by many to be the greatest chess player of all time. Kasparov has described himself as a “self-appointed Christian”

Kenneth Ferrell – has apparently scored a 190 as an adult. If I have located the right Kenneth Ferrell online, it’s abundantly clear from his own words that he’s a Christian. Since I’m not sure, I didn’t include him in my count of believers.

So you can see that the brightest of the bright have not foreclosed on the possibility of the existence of an Intelligent Designer. Juxtaposed with the fact that most Scientists are not atheists, I’d say that the Appeal to Authority on which atheist debators have long relied has dissolved.

Steve J. Williams is the author of What Your Atheist Professor Doesn’t Know (But Should)

Read full article >>>Here<<< Read more.... Atheism. The Philosophy of Small Minds.

Pasteur’s Law, Creation Science vs Nose Bone Atheism.

Faith, Science, and Reason. The Pomposity of Atheism.

David Berlinski—Atheism and its Scientific Pretensions

The Walls are closing in on Atheism… not Theism.

Rapturous Amazement! The Advance of Science Converts The High Priest of Atheism to Deism. A Flew.

The Speed of Hypocrisy: How America got hooked on Legal Meth. Motherboard.


A terrible number of words have been written about Breaking Bad, yet none have struck upon the irony at its core. For all of the cult hit’s vaunted fine-brush realism and sly cultural references, the show never even winked at the real world “blue” that grew up alongside it.

During the five years Heisenberg spent as a blue-meth cook, the nation experienced a nonfictional explosion in the manufacture and sale of sapphire pills and azure capsules containing amphetamine. This other “blue,” known by its trade names Adderall and Vyvanse, found its biggest market in classrooms like Walter White’s. As this blue speed is made and sold in anodyne corporate environments, the drama understandably focused on blue meth and its buyers, usually depicted as jittery tweakers picking at lesions and wearing rags on loan from the cannibal gangs of Cormac McCarthy’s The Road.

For presenting such a compelling one-sided cartoon of speed in America, Breaking Bad deserves recognition as a modern day Reefer Madness. That 1937 film immortalized the selective attentions of the first drug war, in which hysteria was stoked over Mexican marijuana but nothing was said about that era’s brisk drugstore trade in Benzedrine, the patented speed of the Great Depression.

american_horror_story__asylum_by_apetrie74-d5loi6o (1)

To understand why the “edgy” AMC drama fits so snug in the Reefer Madness mold, it helps to see the show from the perspective of pharmaceutical executives, whom I suspect held some rowdy Breaking Bad viewing parties.

Because here’s the thing about hide-the-children caricatures of street speed and the class stigmas they weave: Without them, the needle starts to skip on pharma’s marketing lullabies about the safety and expanding therapeutic application of their purer product. Take away Goofus and Gallant-style contrasts between backwoods Crank Zombies and suburban Adderall Aspirationals, and suddenly we’re having some very awkward conversations about the periodic table, addiction, and the experience of getting high.

Aside from some foul cutting material, Winnebago methamphetamine and pharmaceutical amphetamine are kissing chemical cousins. The difference between them boils down to one methyl-group molecule that lets crank race a little faster across the blood-brain barrier and kick just a little harder. After that, meth breaks down fast into good old dextroamphetamine, the dominant salt in America’s leading ADHD drug and cram-study aid, Adderall…

Read more >>>Here<<< And Here>>>> Forbes: Everything You’ve Heard About Crack And Meth Is Wrong

I have no doubt that with the process of time that all the Hype about synthetic cannabis will also be exposed as just another Prohibitionist witch craze…. as suggested here >>> NZ Research finds Synthetic Cannabis Low Risk. The Star Trust.


The common thread of Drug Prohibition has been lies and Politicised Pseudo-science inciting a public Hysteria for the express purpose of justifying the State usurping tyrannical powers in complete disregard for Rights and liberties… in the name of ‘Safety and social order’.
Socialists have convinced the Clean shaven Perfumed masses of arrogant vicious little dipshits that Pragmatism trumps just Ideals… that it’s Ok for the State to trample those whom dont share their tastes and phobias underfoot.

Even though their interventions are Catastrophic… The Liars and the Fools delude themselves that the alternative…. Liberty and an end to the War… would result in something much worse.
Western Social Democracy is a Lunatic asylum… run by sadistic psychopaths whom cloak their criminality in the garb of ‘Sisters of mercy’… and ‘Doctors.’…. they will cut the devil out of you! Their noble Ends justify their Depraved means.
(Hence my choice of ‘American Horror story’ Artwork for this Blogpost 🙂 )
What is beyond insane is that the same legions of Zombies whom are happy for the State to persecute Meth dealers and users will happily allow major corporations to manufacture truckloads of the very same products and to gobble them down via Doctors prescriptions!
The very height of self delusion and hypocrisy.
Tim Wikiriwhi.


My speech for the 1Law4all party 2014 AGM. Tim Wikiriwhi. 17 June. Hamilton

Copy of me and Beaker 002
Me and My Maori Grandfather Autiti Wikiriwhi back in the late 80s

Below is the full script of a speech I wrote for the One law for All party AGM which was held tonite in Hamilton.
As usual I was still typing it out a few hours before I was due to speak.
That was when I realised I had got way too carried away for the 10-12 minutes I had been allocated, and so I had to substantially Edit it down, Yet I have decided to post the full script rather than relegate all the extra stuff to the dustbin.

I have inserted ***** at the beginning and end of the two sections which I did not deliver at the meeting.

Because I had little time to work on this, it is not as good as I would have liked it to be.


Good evening Ladies and gentlemen,
As you already know, my name is Tim Wikiriwhi, and it is an honor to be invited to address your Party AGM.

I struggled to write my speech for you tonight, not only because I am doing long hours at work, but also because you are not my usual audience whom are most often unfamiliar with the common arguments against Waitangi separatism.

Over the past week, I have been stressing out, and only really started framing this speech last night, … thus I have had little time to polish it,or memorise any portions of it, and so I apologies in advance.

It’s a bit different.
My focus tonight is on moral truths and implications rather than historical facts and figures.
I focus largely on the here and now.
It is a personal perspective.

The last thing I wanted to do is to rabbit on about things that you are probably already well aware of.

I want to talk about some of my personal experiences, though tonight is not about me, not about promoting myself.
I simply wish to edify you with some of my personal insights.

I hope you will enjoy it.

I seek to encourage, and emboldened you all to act with fervor in achieving the noble cause of establishing Racial equality before the Law.
I hope to have added a few Arrows to your Quiver for the battle which lies ahead.
And I also hope to have laid out a few Challenging thoughts for you to Mull over.

Establishing One Law 4 all is a political Ideal I believe in very deeply,
and is a principle of justice which I am very passionate about.

While I am a fitting and turning engineer by trade, and work as a self employed Contract engineer, I am also both a Libertarian, and a Christian,
having studied history, philosophy, law and politics in my spare time.

And as a consequence of my private studies, I have been actively opposing treaty separatism for nearly 15 years.

I get my Maori ancestry from my Father, who is of both of Arawa and Ngapuhi decent.

Unfortunately he was very much like ‘Jake the Muss’, a violent alcoholic, whom abused my mother until she finally left him when I was about 4 years old.

My mother, my younger brother and sister, and I went and lived with our Pakeha Grandparents…. Which in it’s self was Providential in forming the person whom stands before you now, as these wonderful human beings came to have such a massive influence in my life.

I have not seen my Father since 1971.

He never bothered to fulfill any of his Duties, yet because this ugly business happened such a long time ago, I don’t hold any real animosity towards him.
He’s a stranger to me, yet I will make the point that there is no way that he can blame his Violence and alcoholism, and lack of contact with his children on Pakeha oppression!

I say that as an adult, he was fully responsible for his own behavior, which clearly demonstrated he possessed very skewed values, and a serious lack of personal ethics.

Maybe life was not easy for him… maybe my mother wasn’t perfect either, yet there is still no excuse for how he behaved.

Allan Duffs ‘Once were warriors’ truly is an Epic, which strikes a chord amongst many Maori people, who can relate to the truth of it.

There is indeed problems with booze and violence among a great many Maori people … yet if you really look at the message of Allan Duff… You see that he doesn’t blame this moral sickness on the Pakeha…. But on Maori men’s own lack of personal ethics and self-responsibility… and a sorry culture of violence which exists among Maori themselves.

I would like to suggest to you however that this lack of self responsibility to some degree may be also understood as an un-foreseen consequence of Nanny State social welfareism… which is a significant factor among Maori, as welfarism is not conducive to strengthening values about self-reliance and self-responsibility, but instead fosters a mindset of dependence and victimism,…. Blaming ‘others’…. Blaming ‘circumstances’ for not being able to support themselves, and for wallowing in drunken stupor.

I find it hard to see how More socialism… more dependence upon special government programs is supposed to cure this… though this is precisely what the Socialists prescribe.
If anything I say it must result in greater addiction, and heavier reliance on Government… not Self-empowerment in the true sense… not Liberty, and Self responsibility.

It breeds a political class that exists purely by political means.
And we see this happening not only via welfare dependence, but also with the vastly expanding Race based institutions of Government which are multiply under the Doctrines of ‘Treaty partnership’
This Social engineering has manufactured a massive vested interest in maintaining the doctrines of treaty separatism… and is frightening to contemplate.
The longer this process continues, the harder and more painful is the road back to true liberty and self reliance… out of government dependence and the re-establishment of equality before the law.
And the harder we can expect this growing vested interest to fight to maintain it’s political advantages.

Now while I pour scorn on the claims of ‘treaty injustice’ as being a legitimate excuse for Maori living at bottom of the social heap, I would never suggest that we live in a perfect society!

There is of course plenty of injustice…. Plenty of Evils in our society which need to be addressed, yet we must take care to correctly Identify them.
I would also suggest that most of the required remedial work rightly involves removing Bad rules and regulations, not adding more!

We need More Freedom, more self reliance, More voluntary community action… and less government.

tim 1lawfor all agm 012

With regards to Maori social statistics, I say New Zealanders have allowed themselves to be deceived via a mis-diagnosis of what really lies at the root of Maori poverty, crime and ill health.
Bad Medicine authored by the racist radical movement and their socialist allies … whom have a specific racist agenda to accrue Wealth and power.

When you think about it, It’s way too convenient to blame Maori Alcoholism and violence, etc on Pakeha for bringing booze with them on their ships, and blaming Maori lack of self-control as some sort of pitiful response to a greedy Pakeha scheme to suppress their culture, and dis-possess them of their lands.
Yet this is exactly what People like John Minto, and Tariana Turia have done.

It has been way too easy for such Ideas to be propagated by Political agitators who are taking full advantage of fatal faults within our democratic engines of State to their own devious advantage.

I am referring to our Apartheid electoral system and Race based seats in parliament , which allow Radical parliamentary hopefuls to vomit forth their lies and racism to bamboozle their captive section of society without having face the Democratic backlash of those outside their parishes…. whom they are maligning night and day.

It is imperative that these Racist seats which corrupt our democracy are abolished.

The Separatist doctrines have been imbibed by the Mainstream political parties, and now are Official doctrine.

Socialists of both the left and the right expect New Zealanders to believe that Maori are not really responsible for their own actions…. Not responsible for their own poverty, but are the victims of a massive Race based political crime… which requires Political interventions to help them get back their feet.

I would like to point out to you that in reality
these doctrines have nothing to do with the Treaty of Waitangi.
This is pure Marxist anti-Western Imperialism in action.
The Treaty is merely a convenient tool by which to frame the Grievance industry.
Marx may be dead. The Soviet Union may have collapsed.
yet the Evil doctrines the invented to destroy western Capitalist civilization are alive and well and very popular in the Beehive.

What we a witnessing with regards to Treaty separatism is in fact a microcosm of Socialist democracy which is also going on in the Macro-scale Globally.

This whole treaty industry is typical Socialist Dogma.
It is a philosophy which relies upon dividing up society into various groups and treating them differently!
Creating special prohibitions against one section, and giving political favor and advantage to another!

Socialism functions by denying the principle of equality before the Law.
Socialists are forever making Laws which discriminate on the basis of Race, Sex, Age, Religion, etc etc, always growing the power and expense of running the government…. Forever increasing the burden upon the Tax-slaves backs.

It ought to be obvious that there is far more involved in achieving these goals that merely establishing Racial equality before the Law.
We need to thoroughly dismantle Nanny State.


Of Course Alcoholism and violence is not monopolized by Maori alone!
These problems are Global, and there are plenty of Pakeha who also behave in these irresponsible and criminal ways.
They certainly are not ‘the victims of ‘British imperialism and greed’, thus exposing the lie that Maori Criminals and alcoholics are somehow a specially oppressed minority.

The fact is that it my Fathers problems…. Like those of all violent Drunks of every colour is fundamentally a serious lack of Personal ethics!…. and not anything at all to do with all the so-called ‘Violations of the treaty Rubbish’.
While Countless Millions have been siphoned out of the pockets of Taxpayers and hand over to enrich an aristocracy of Fat cats and Racist liars… the social statistics for Maori continue to wallow…. Esp in the area of Crime and imprisonment

Most of the ‘benchmarks’ listed as indicators by social scientists are in reality matters of personal Ethics and responsibility… and not the proper business of politicians and government interventions.

On the other hand Bad over-bearing Political interventions do reek havoc upon the populations they are imposed upon… and so it is little wonder that so many Maori are in Jail for violent crimes against tourists, Pakeha, and other Non Maori peoples…. When they have been fed the propaganda that they should envision themselves as Warriors, who are also victims of a Foreign invasion.

This is how the Political lies of Treaty separatism has generated a very Real Race hatred which is growing within the Radicalized Maori community…. And it is a Cancer upon their souls.
The Social unrest Treaty separatism is very real, and the only hope of remedy is by overthrowing the lies, and the Evil politics which generates this Race hatred, and replacing it with more enlightened and self-empowering values and ideals.


Of course I didn’t learn about the gigantic political scam that I call Waitangi apartheid through State education!

The socialists have used their virtual monopoly in Education to indoctrinate our youth with their racist propaganda.
They have been systematically brainwashing the youth of New Zealand… propagating a falsified History, and a diabolical race based political ideology for 40 years.
Thus today while older generations have witnessed this scandal taking place before their eyes, and can remember a time when New Zealanders were proud of their colonial heritage,
Sadly the Younger generations to a large extent, have been sold a completely distorted view.
They have been taught that Europeans Invaded New Zealand and Raped and pillaged the country out of sheer Greed.

The Real history of the Colonization of New Zealand is something very different.

One of the reasons that I am able to see what has happened is because I am Self-educated.
My Dear Deceased Pakeha Maternal Grandfather and my still living Grandmother were both teachers by trade, and they instilled in me a love of Books, and a love of learning.
I remember at 4th form Kelson Boys high school in the 1980’s, being forced to choose between Maori studies, and engineering… you could not do both, and my Maori Class teacher was keen for me to study Maori…. Both because I enjoyed the subject, and because of my blood, yet I chose to study engineering instead because I already had an Engineering apprentiship lined up…. I only needed to complete School certificate before I started.
When I think about that choice, I consider it a very near thing indeed!
Would I be standing here today had I decided to study ‘Maori’ instead of Engineering?
Or would I be speaking at The Internet Mana party AGM instead?
Ha ha ! 🙂
Chilling thought!

Such is the danger of giving Politicians such a powerful tool of social engineering (State schooling), and compulsory control over our children’s minds!
Via the education system, it has thoroughly contaminated the Media which instead of being a Vanguard for freedom, and a watchdog against Corrupt government activities, The so-called ‘Free press’ act as if they are on the Government pay roll.

It is because of the sheer scale with which the lies that underpin treaty separatism have been foistered upon the population, including that absolute repudiation of the principle of Equality before the law… the Socialist doctrine of ‘Indigenous rights’ which is an ‘Anti-British imperialism doctrine specifically invented with the purposeful intent of Dividing and conquering western nations for Marxism… that the task ahead for the 1law4all party is so challenging.
This truly is an ideological struggle.

Thankfully after Decades to Racism and extortion, a large percentage of New Zealanders have had enough!
There has been an awakening, and so a sizable number are questioning the injustice of being treated as second class citizens in their own country and why they are being expected to Pay for supposed ‘wrongs’ committed generations before they were even born, to people claiming to have been wronged… Generations before they were even born.


My Pakeha Grandfather John Steele Clark was an Anglican Minister and an Awsome Dude.
He married me to my wife Joy at Mclarens Falls Tauranga in 2002

You can read about him >>>Here<<< ********************************** I am afraid that I am fast running out of time, and regret that there is so much more about these Issues I would love to discuss with you. Hopefully I will be invited to talk to you again. Yet I must quickly lay out a few final words. The truth, and the moral High ground are on your side and they are very powerful Allies! You are not racists, but are fighting a heavily entrenched and politically manufactured Racism. I wish to give you my Maori Blessing upon your cause… It is Just. It is Honorable…. And it is urgent. Not only to restore justice for Pakeha, and other Non-Maori Kiwis, but also for Maori themselves! I sincerely believe this. Equality, Freedom and justice are a boon for everyone. They are the essentials for a Free and civil society. I believe New Zealand desperately needs a written constitution which lays down the principles of Equality, Freedom, and Limited Government so as to protect the individual rights of everyone…. Irrespective of race… This is essential because it is in this way that we can assure Maori that they have nothing to fear from ending treaty separatism, and getting rid of the Racist electoral system. They can know that their equal rights and liberties are protected from mobocratic rule just like every other minority, and under Freedom and equality, they may pursue their own happiness, and revel in their own culture to their hearts desire… as long as they are prepared to accept the flipside of the coin of Justice which has liberty stamped on one side, and personal responsibility stamped on the other. And this alone is the way forward for Maori as individuals out of the social mire. If Maori are to prosper they must forsake the delusion that they are victims of some Grand crime… and throw off that Racist chip which has been foisted upon their shoulders by the Machiavellian Political charlatans in their midst. Maori need a new self image… not based upon Racial pride, but instead upon a self belief that they are Equals, and that they can, and ought to take care of themselves and prosper in Freedom. Maori need to learn the Glory and Blessings of living in a nation which has One Law for All. Thank you for listening. Tim Wikiriwhi

Evolutionary ‘Mumbo Jumbo’ of the the Week. The human face… ‘bashed into shape’

“…The earth also was corrupt before God, and the earth was filled with violence. ”
Genesis 6vs11.

The Bible explains why Mankind is violent.
It has to do with the Fall of Adam into sin, Exile from the Garden, and The loss of God.
Mankind has become rebellious, deceitful, and vicious.
Driven by Lusts, and Damnable.

For all have sinned and come short of the glory of God.

We all need to receive >>>> The Gospel of God’s Grace.<<<< *************************************************** zombie_fist_fight_by_otkman1995-d5rxdj4

‘Evolutionary Science’ is Oxymoron-ic.
This is proven time and time again.
When these whack mystics posit such a ridiculous arguments as to suggest that the Human face has been shaped by ‘hand to hand combat’… you know they are absolutely Clueless!
Yes Folks, these idiots would have you believe that you look like you do because your ancestors… for millions and millions of years have been punching each other in the face!

They would have you believe that fist fighting is an ‘evolutionary driver’… that it has effected our Genetics!
This is patently false.
It also shows how vacuous…. how absolutely lacking in Genetic reality… how thoroughly reliant on unscientific imagination the whole theory is.
This latest theory is no better than the previous…. equally imaginative… equally un-scientific hypothesis that…
” the transition in facial structure from apes to early hominins had previously been explained largely by the need to chew on nuts and other hard foods that needed crushing.”

Read about these laughable theories >>>here<<< and >>>Here<<< This is not science. This is grasping at straws. The Truth is Human beings *Did not* Evolve from Monkeys/ apes! Evolution *Cant* explain why Human beings exist. It's not Plausible... Its Delusional. Naturalism is Impotent. Materialism cant generate life from Dead matter and then trans-mutate it from Algae into humanity. And the more powerful scientific tools of investigation we Humans invent, continuously *increase* the implausibility of Atheist Naturalistic Materialism with every new insight and revelation. The only reason Atheists embrace such wild fantasies that constitute the theory of evolution is because they refuse to consider the only really plausible explanation in the light of Genetic Information.... That Living things prove there is a Grand Designer... a Super-mind... whom exists 'outside' the Physical Universe. Atheists allow their personal hatred of the Idea of 'God' to blind them to the obvious truth, and insodoing they cling to the most ridiculous of delusions about how monkeys can turn into people. And Science has now proven Materialism to be false and that the Super-natural realm *must exist*. The Universe *was born* out of this prior-existing eternal Transcendental reality... which is far more *fundamental* and primary than our temporal universe. Science is catching up with the Book of Genesis. " In the beginning, God created the Heavens and the Earth." The Walls are closing in on Atheism… not Theism.

Tim Wikiriwhi.


Monkey killing Monkey. Tool

Read about more Evolutionist Bullshit >>>> Evolutionary ‘Mumbo Jumbo’ of the the Week. “Why Do Humans Cry?”

Evolution in action. Dr Richard Nixon.


P-lab risk vastly exaggerated: Mike Butler … Breaking News.

The following is a few excerpts from a very Bold New`Zealander whom has the audacity to question many Mainstream pet political superstitions.
Mike is revered for his substantial efforts to expose the lies of Waitangi treaty separatism.
Today he challenges the lies and exaggerations of the NZ Police in respect to their Propaganda campaign designed to justify their oppressive war against Meth amphetamine.
I make a few short comments on the bottom.

mike Butler

“Details of the number of clan-lab busts and information on the harm likely to occur from living in a property where meth-amphetamine has been produced shows that the scale of the problem has been substantially overstated.”

“Having established that the incidence of illegal manufacture of P is quite rare, how harmful is it to live in a dwelling where such illegal manufacture has occurred.

The best that Ministry of Health guidelines can say is: “Though often found in small amounts, clandestine methamphetamine laboratory (clan meth lab) contaminants may pose health hazards to people exposed to them” – with the operative word being “may”. (1)

Burns, tissue irritation and rashes can be the consequence of chemical spills and skin contact. Other health effects such as nausea, dizziness and headaches can result from the inhalation of vapours and gases.

A request under the Official Information Act on the numbers of illnesses, hospitalizations and deaths resulting from methamphetamine contamination or fires from P labs shows no record of such hospitalizations, with a note that the collected data does not have any codes to record such hospitalizations. …”

“It is safe to ignore claims that the police are finding a new lab every 45 hours. Police dismantled just 77 of such labs last year and the most labs busted in a year occurred in 2005, when 211 were found.

Bear in mind that the total number of rental properties in New Zealand is 480,000 while the total number of dwellings is around 1.3 million. “….

091012 1 meth lab sb

” An eye-watering part of the report may be found in the over-the-top clean-up requirements. Demolition is recommended to ensure “no residual risk” of a miniscule amount of a substance that may trigger a visit to a doctor if directly contacted. This is what is required to ensure “acceptable residual risk”:
Remove carpeting, wallpaper and unpainted gib board.
Remove suspended and attached ceiling tiles.
Spray paint textured ceilings.
Remove upholstered furniture, mattresses, paper items, and other porous contents.
Remove clothing, toys, bedding, baby bottles and cups, and other personal items used by infants and small children.
Dispose of those items in an approved landfill with appropriate acceptance criteria
HEPA vacuum all remaining porous surfaces such as raw wood, brick and cement block.
HEPA vacuum all wood floors and all floors beneath removed carpeting.
Detergent wash all building surfaces twice, rinsing with fresh water.
Spray paint all building surfaces with two coats of a high-quality paint, polyurethane or concrete/brick sealer. (2)
Over-reaction to clan labs is captured in what the report describes as “community perception of risk” (where most people freak out at the mere hint that a property is contaminated) that is not based on technical risk assessment alone, and “outrage at involuntary exposure to hazards not of one’s own making”.


Such fear and alarm, overstatement of risk, panic knee-jerk reaction by local bodies and government agencies, and opportunism by clean-up companies, has combined to create a minefield for property owners. Everybody should take a deep breath until hard scientific data that derives from the New Zealand experience proves that the actual chemical risk is not very great at all. ”

Mike Butler…. Read Full article >>>Here<<< Read more Eternal Vigilance ..... The New Jews… Meth Users.

Forbes: Everything You’ve Heard About Crack And Meth Is Wrong.

The Tyrannical War on drugs is out of control and purporting injustice on a monumental scale.
It has *always* relied on Lies and propaganda to Terrorise the gullible public into mandating the Jackbooted police with all their Weapons of War.
Just recently we saw the Media beat up and Political Machiavellian surrounding the Legal supply of synthetic cannabis.
You have to have Poo for brains not to realise that the terror mongering of The Anti-legal High Prohibitionists is typical Nonsense which has always underpinned prohibitions of every sort, and that all their so-called ‘evidence’ is ridiculously un-objective and Extremely dubious.

Read>>>> NZ Research finds Synthetic Cannabis Low Risk. The Star Trust.

Of course the police dont want the sheeple to consider the reality that it is Prohibition which is responsible for clandestine P labs being set up in Rental properties, and that prohibition prevents Meth from being manufactured in safe industrial facilities… thus any explosions and fires which result in destruction of property, Injury, and even death, may be squarely blamed on *Prohibition*.

Tim Wikiriwhi.
Libertarian Independent.

Space Truckin: Dead for 45 minutes.


From >>>Here<<< A trucker in Ohio shocked hospital staff after coming back to life nearly an hour after he lost his pulse following a massive heart attack — but it’s what he claims to have seen during those tense moments that has him sure there’s an afterlife. Brian Miller, 41, was opening the lid of a container when he knew something felt wrong — he immediately called 911 and told the operator, “I’m a truck driver and I think I’m having a heart attack.” Sure enough, his main artery was completely blocked — causing what’s known as a “widow-maker” heart attack He was rushed to a local hospital where doctors managed to revive him and clear the blockage, but after regaining consciousness and feeling the pain dissipate, he developed ventricular fibrillation, when the heart starts quivering wildly and is unable to pump blood. “He had no heart rate, he had no blood pressure, he had no pulse,” said ICU nurse Emily Bishop. “I mean think about that.” Doctor’s performed “strong, hard, fast CPR” and shocked Miller four times to try to revive him, but had no luck. trrrkk

It was during that time that Miller said he slipped away into a celestial world, “The only thing I remember I started seeing the light, and started walking toward the light.”

He described walking down a flower-lined path into white light — until he came upon his step mother, who had died recently, “She was the most beautiful thing when I seen her, it was like the first day I met her, (she) looked so happy.”

Miller remembered, “She grabbed ahold of my arm and told me, ‘It’s not your time, you don’t need to be here, we’ve got to take you back you’ve got things to go and do.’”

After 45 minutes his pulse returned “out of nowhere,” Bishop said. ”His brain had no oxygen for 45 minutes, the fact that he’s up walking, talking, laughing, everything is amazing.”

Glad to be back amongst the living, Miller now says there is one thing he is sure of, “There is an afterlife and people need to believe in it, big time.”



I read an article recently that suggested that as many as 20 million people had had Near Death Experiences, and that despite Materialist monists fervent denials, there has been accounts which have ‘independent’ corroboration, and also other interesting ‘anomalies’ such as blind people ‘Seeing things’… for which the term ‘Mindsight’ was coined.
These experiences suggest that consciousness, thought, memory, etc carry on after Zero brain activity…. which supports the Dualistic theory of Body and soul… thwarting Monism which insists all our personality and consciousness is generated by the brain.

I find the article is interesting because it articulates my own scepticism about Materialist scepticism for Spiritual realities.

The truckie story above is a classic example of *What really happens at death* … ALOT!…. which Materialists have to reduce down to illusion.

I actually have a Jewish friend who died in a Car crash… was dead for several hours… and revived.
She reported seeing Jesus (which was a surprise… being a Jew), and meeting her Gand Father who said Nanna will be ‘here soon’.
She reported all this to her parents, and within a few weeks… Nanna had passed away.
None of this is explicable via notions of ‘hallucinations of a dying brain… loss of oxygen, etc’… Monitors detect Zero brain activity, and when people temporarily black out from lack of Oxygen they experience confusion and or memory loss, not Lucidity of thought… not vivid memory… and their black outs are not *Life altering*…. *perspective Game changers*…. which is a very common result of Near death experiences.
Objectively speaking, these experiences ought not to be written off as delusion simply because they don’t fit well with the common assumptions of the Material paradigm.
The Free thinker will be open to consider greater possibilities…. even if the evidence demands a person to forsake their cherished assertions.

Tim Wikiriwhi.

Read more….

Defunct / Archaic Western Dogma blindly insists : ‘Whatever does not fit the Naturalistic Materialist Paradigm is Illusory’. Entity Attacks

The Green Manalishi.

Ke$ha’s Incubus.

Science goes Ga Ga! The Spirit Temple-Material Interface. The Human Brain.

The Rusty Cage: Scientism.

The Folly of Scientism. Austin L. Hughes

Et tu Brute? What is Scientism: William Lane Craig

Monism: Evolutionary Psychology and the Death of Morality, Reason and Freewill.

Christopher Hitchens Dies.

Utilitarianism vs Libertarianism. Socialist pragmatism vs Libertarian Idealism


It has been with great sadness that over the past year I have witnessed my fellow Libertarian Blogger Richard Goode change tack and sail off course, and now become an apologyst for Socialist Statism.

This has been evidenced by his entire behaviour in relation to the Psychoactive Substances Act, and particular with regards to Synthetic Cannabis.

To make my point I refer you to all his Blog posts on this subject in which he consistently demonstrates that he believes all the Negative hype about the dangers of Synthetics… which is in my view incredulous considering the history of Prohibition, and it’s reliance on Lies and phobia about drug use, as supposed vindication for the Governments perpetration of a highly oppressive war upon it’s own citizens.

While he calls himself a Libertarian, He has in reality swallowed the Socialist lie that Harm Minimisation is a legitimate function of Government and has attempted to formulate an argument for this >>>Here<<<, yet it is a tragic testimony to his having put the Cart before the horse. While Libertarianism has many pragmatic advantages over Socialist tyranny, Libertarianism is firstly an Individualist Ideology.... a philosophy which embodies clear principles of Law and Justice which protects the sovereignty of Individuals from tyrannical Government, and the pragmatic advantages for society... to the degree that there are any... are merely the By-product which flows from these principles. The Free society is a far more Humane and enlightened civilisation than socialism, and the type of Self reliant- self responsible, and charitable citizenry it fosters, and the peaceful Social interaction which spontaneously generates in a coexistence free of political coercion and advantage... are all extremely preferable ... pragmatically speaking.... yet to mistake these benefits as being the vindication for it's principles is utterly false. The Vindication for Libertarianism is in it's *Justice* for Individuals, and it's defence of the Individual's self-ownership, and it's Principled limits to political power... whether the will of a Monarch, or 'The mandate of the Majority'...the will of the largest Mob. Ie Libertarianism protects Individuals, minorities, and even Majorities, from Social arbitrary Law. That is what vindicates Libertarianism... not its pragmatic social advantages, and certainly not any idea of 'Harm minimisation' for the individual. Libertarians ought to have social concern for others, yet that is an utterly foreign principle to Libertarian ideology... It is in fact a definitive *Socialist* political lever, and pseudo-justification for Political intervention...and it is here where my friend has gone so far astray... Libertarianism embodies voluntary community action. Believe me when I say that I sympathise which how he was lured down this road... It was because the Anti-Prohibitionist movement (in particular Cannabis Law reformers) whom were never Libertarians began to argue for an end to prohibition... not on the basis of Individual rights, but on the basis that Cannabis was safer than alcohol. This was the socialist 'Harm minimisation' Doctrine... which sought to win over the socialist parliament by convincing a big enough mob that by allowing legal cannabis, they would be helping to reduce the Evils of Alcoholism which have been exacerbated by its monopolistic Legal Status. These arguments are thoroughly aimed at a socialist pragmatic mentality which prevails both within New Zealand's parliament, and in our society as a whole. It is a Utilitarian mentality which has abandoned all ideological principles of justice in pursuit of 'The Greatest Happiness'. Under this philosophy the Government can do whatever it pleases with individuals as long as it can convince a majority, that it's actions are conducive to the collective well being of society as a whole. Thus Individuals have become the property 'of society'. Society may overstep a persons individual liberty and self-responsibility either under the pretence of protecting the Hapless individual from himself, or the pretence of minimizing 'problems' that individual choices can have upon Society at large... esp Financial strains upon 'social services' which are run by the government and funded collectively via taxation. Druggies are deemed to be an inexcusable burden upon the system. pink judge

It is under these pretences that modern Socialist judges have no compunction against Jailing peaceful old Pot smokers whom refuse to submit to the Political will of Nanny state.
*Jail is deemed to be for their own good, and the Good of society as a whole*

They believe the ruinous effects upon an individuals life of incarceration are in fact preferable to ‘allowing him’ to continue in his drug use, and that society is safer while drugs are actively being suppressed by the Police.
*Freedom is dangerous* *Nanna Knows Best* *Etc*.

Now it is not the place here and now for me to argue why this whole socialist perspective is utter tyrannical, or why Libertarianism denies it is the proper duties of government to provide social services like public health care.
It ought to be enough to point out how utterly at variance with Libertarianism, this whole approach to ending Cannabis prohibition is.

I shall proceed to explain how my Brother Blogger took his wrong turn and has now wandered so far off track that he has crossed the line and is no longer worthy of the Name *Libertarian*.
My explanation is not written to vilify, but to show how easily this deviation occurred.

Not only do I sympathise with my fellow blogger, but hope that after contemplating what I have written that he will correct his course back over to the Libertarian side.

Many years ago many Kiwi Libertarians, including myself, as members of the Late Great yet struggling Libertarianz party, were supportive of a proposal written by Richard Goode for having a Transitional policy for Drug Law reform, which was accepted because it provided a rational pathway of least resistance to ending the war on drugs.

Our previous policy of simply legalising all drugs was too much for the voting public to swallow and had absolutely no hope of ever being adopted in totality, and so the new proposal presented to the voting public and parliament, was that the War be de-escalated starting with de-criminalising the softer drugs first, and then as fears were alleviated by having legal highs, that support could then be gained for further reforms, with ultimate end being an absolute end to the war on drugs.


We would devour the Prohibition elephant one bite at a time… leaving the boniest portions till last.
And what defined ‘soft drugs’ was their perceived ‘safer than alcohol’ status.

The virtue of this policy was that it was idealistic, yet also realistic as means to our ultimate end because it was far more popular with the People… there was already support for Cannabis Law reform and our definition of cannabis as a ‘softer drug than alcohol’ was met with great enthusiasm from the Socialist faction of Cannabis Law reform movement whom are by far the greatest majority in the movement.

I have no doubt that Richard ‘liberated’ his definition for ‘soft drugs’ for the Libertarianz party transitional drug policy directly from the Socialists.

Richard’s policy was genius, as it unified Idealism with pragmatical realism, and popularity.
He ought to be proud of it.

Unfortunately though, in the years that have since past, and with the de-registration of the Libertarianz party, and Richard joining and now representing the Aotearoa Legalise Cannabis Party, which is still predominantly a Socialist Party, He has obviously lost his Libertarian bearings.

He has forgotten that The Libertarians supported his transitional policy because of it’s progression of Justice… not because it’s starting point of legalising softer drugs was in any way supposes Libertarians endorse the socialist idea that Governments ought to concern themselves with ‘harm reduction’.

It is only in the light of these sorts of consideration that as Libertarian I had anything good to say about the Psychoactive substances act.

To the degree that it did allow a special dispensation to some products to be legally available, and also allowed a convoluted means (in theory) for other products to eventually make it to Market… having run the ‘regulation gauntlet’, it was supposed to be an improvement on the ‘Ban everything as they appear’ prohibition-ism which was the prevailing ‘socialist wisdom’ at the beginning of the rise of synthetic dugs which are now being manufactured to bypass existing prohibitions.

The thing was that Richard had now utterly lost all sight of what Libertarianism is about, and swallowed the socialist ‘Harm minimisation’ pill that he actually condemned the PSA for being too Libertarian!
*He was thoroughly in the Socialist Camp that it is the governments duty to decide what Citizens are allowed to ingest*

He was outraged that Peter Dunne was not acting Nanny Statist enough… because in his mind it was committing a crime by allowing dangerous and untested Synthetic Cannabis to be legally sold!

He relentlessly fanned the fires of Anti-Synthetic Cannabis hysteria… much to the joy of many of his Pro-cannabis Socialist mates, and condemned the Legal highs industry as evil profiteers at the expense of Hapless sheeple.

He told them to voluntarily remove their products, and castigated them for not heeding him… saying that a backlash was growing which would result in their products being banned.
I said that I didn’t think that would happen, yet I was wrong on that count… and I am sure he experienced euphoria when…. being an election year… and with all the Media sensationalism surrounding the Anti-legal high lobby that via the ensuing shysterism/ party politicking of the powers that be.. that the Libertarian portions of the Act got blotted out, and the means by which products could be deemed safe and thereby legalised… was virtually shut.

(Read my post on this >>>Here<<<) This was a leap backwards in the struggle to End Drug prohibition as it re-invigorated Prohibitionism. The world was watching and prohibitionists everywhere celebrated. Having Legal highs in New Zealand... they say... proved to be a failure. discoredia-the-evil-dead-drugs-raves-and-othe-L-MthvyL

Richard and his friend Blogger Mark Hubbard now dwell on the Dark side.
They ignore studies which suggest synthetic cannabis is relatively safe, and instead invoke terror by calling it ‘Legal Heroin’ ‘like P’…. etc… as if Libertarians support the War on Heroin and Meth!

Mark blames the Government for all the supposed troubles experienced by Legal high users… as if they have no personal responsibility.


I have no problem with Libertarians believing certain drugs to be dangerous… even if they are getting their information from patently Dubious sources.
Of course there can be dangers involved in taking drugs.
Alcohol is dangerous… yet to say their Dangerous nature justifies Prohibitions is patently Un-libertarian and socialist!
The philosophical war they have declared is a Socialist Jihad against Individual Rights and Liberties!

call nanana

Richard’s last blog post attempts to be an argument for the government socialist interventions
He by passes the fundamental Libertarian principles which clearly define and articulate the legitimate function of government as being strictly limited to defending Rights and Liberties of individuals, and instead substitutes that with his bogus Pragmatist doctrine of ‘Harm minimisation’ which is pure Utilitarian Socialism … not Libertarianism.
To say that he is going ‘Back to basics’ could not be further from the truth

He attempts to smoke you readers by saying harm minimisation is a legitimate concern of Government with the bogus rationalisation that preventing ‘itself’ from putting people in Jail… which is harmful … as being a form of ‘Harm minimisation’ when in reality the principles involved are no such thing!
He has stitched up a sophistry which is in complete contradiction to Libertarian limited government.

The Legal and just principles against unjust imprisonment are keeping constitutional restraints forbidding the State from stepping outside it’s legitimate and just functions and encroaching upon our legitimate liberties, and violating our Rights which it has been instituted to protect!

This is black and white… lines not to crossed…. spheres of liberty, personal ethics, the pursuit of happiness, and self-responsibility… not to be encroached upon… not even for ‘harm minimisation’.

There are Powers never to be usurped… and they are not contingent upon whether or not Nanny State’s dictates are harmful or beneficial to either society or Individuals themselves.

It could very well be that some Laws could prevent idiots from harming themselves… yet to the Libertarian… that is no justification for passing oppressive laws…. which treat everyone like idiots… and gives the State paternalistic powers.
Harm minimisation is an endorsement of social interventions, not Libertarian self- ownership and responsibility.

Libertarians say that to allow the Government to legislate to protect people from themselves is to people the world with Fools.

Read my Blog post on this >>>Here<<< Richard... the Philosopher... no doubt assumes the Libertarian principle of having an arbitrary demarcation for being of Age of 'Adult consent and culpability' (in regards to being allowed to purchase alcohol without Parental permission) as being a form of 'Regulation' and 'Supply control'... which is again Bullshit. By that way of thinking All Laws are 'Regulations'... and that therefore the only 'Free market' can exist is under Anarchy. That R18 Principle of Law is necessary in regards to Legal parental rights and responsibilities, and custodianship , yet a young person ought to be able to apply for Adult Status earlier. Libertarianism is not Anarchy. It recognises a limited legitimate sphere for Government, yet these do not include 'Licensing products'... like alcohol, FDA approval, or Taxes, or 'Harm minimisation' etc. The only 'License' Libertarians would support is an R18 age restriction on the purchase and sale of liquor, etc with those whom violate this condition being criminally liable and negate their right to sell. If parents allow their own kids to enjoy alcohol, Pot, etc at a younger age, that is their own business. If Parents want to try alternative treatments on their sick infant children such as Cannabis... they have that fundamental right. I brew some booze yet I also buy Alcohol, and pay taxes on it. It does not mean I support the Status quo.... yet I still believe it is better... more Libertarian than outright prohibition. The same with proposals to 'Educate', 'Tax', and 'Regulate' Cannabis. Again I dont say that is the Libertarian Objective, yet it is better than current Prohibition. Richard and Mark have utterly abandoned Libertarianism and become Socialist Statist Prohibitionists. You have abandoned principles of Justice in favour of Socialist Utilitarian Pragmatism. To recover yourselves and to restore yourselves into the Libertarian fold is simple, and it does not require you to drop your opinion about the Safety of Synthetic Cannabis, or mean you must cease arguing that you think Real cannabis is safer. All it requires you to do is to stop arguing that 'Harm minimisation' is a legitimate concern of governments, and desist from supporting any prohibitions on drugs. If on the other hand you think the War on P, on H, and on Synthetics is justifiable, and legitimate, will them please desist from calling yourselves Libertarians. small gold guy_0

It has only been a few weeks since Synthetic cannabis was taken off the shelves, and yet My InLaws reported seeing a bunch of people sniffing glue in the Park.
So much for Harm reduction!

Tim Wikiriwhi.
Christian Libertarian.