Category Archives: Live Like It’s Legal

The Census Nazis are coming.

wolf at the door

The 2013 New Zealand Census Nazis are coming to crush the Spirit of Liberty and justice.

Reports the Northern Advocate…

Nineteen Northlanders in the firing line.

Northlanders who did not fill out their Census forms are waiting to see if they are among 100 people nationally who are being prosecuted.

Statistics NZ has already released the first results from the 2013 Census, publishing population counts and electoral population numbers.

But the agency is now cracking down on those who did not fill out their census forms and has confirmed that 19 Northlanders are among the 100 people to be prosecuted.

Those being prosecuted have not been issued with a summons yet. The documents are now with Crown Law solicitor offices in each region and they will be lodging the papers with the courts.

Libertarianz Party Northland co-ordinator Helen Hughes is waiting to find out if she will be prosecuted for not filling out a Census form. Photo / John Stone

One Northlander waiting to see if she will be taken before the courts is Libertarianz Northland coordinator Helen Hughes, who held a party on Census day, March 5, to “responsibly” destroy her form, along with others opposed to the information gathering exercise.

Ms Hughes admits the event was exhorting people to take part in a mass form of civil disobedience but she said many didn’t like the intrusive nature of the Census and did not trust the Government…

Read more >>> here <<< Yes... 100 Kiwi Individuals are about to be summoned before the Nazi Courts for the crime of refusing to fill out their compulsory census forms as demanded by State Dictate. Many of these are people of principle who utterly refused to fill out any part of the forms claiming the States demands violate their rights to privacy. Others did not fill them out to the satisfaction of the State. One wonders how these Summons will be delivered to Us Conscientious Objectors considering we didn't fill out our names and addresses on our census forms? How on Earth will the State Know who we are or where we live???? Oh they already have that information!... thus exposing what a travesty this whole process of Prosecution really is! Its not that they need such information.... it that they need us all to abandon any belief in our own rights and liberties, and to submit to their tyrannical demands like good Slaves! Of course all the spineless slaves whom have already bent their knee will enjoy the spectacle of us 'pesky whackos' being punished for refusing to do as we were bloody well told! census

Like My Libertarian Comrade Helen Hughes I await to see if I am going to be one of the unfortunate few whom are to be broken on the wheel…. for the sake of making an example…
Of course picking only 100 people is a Machiavellian tactical ploy on the part of a vicious Socialist state as this is a big enough number to cause fear, but small enough to make it difficult for us to rally a large number of People in Protest.
Yes The Sheepish millions will not be too bothered by our plight.
They wont bother themselves protesting against our oppression by the government for our sakes… and will pretend that this issue has nothing to do with them… even though we Conscientious objectors are standing up for everyone’s rights!
The Machiavellians can rely on the Apathy of the sheeple… whom will not care that 100 little people are trodden underfoot.

All this in an Era when many western Nations are abandoning having a Census because they are a Gross waste of Time and Tax money.
This just makes the Tyranny here in New Zealand that much more insane… that much more unbearable.

Watch this space.
Please Contact me if you are one of the unfortunate few… of the thousands whom told the government to Bugger off and mind their own business.

Tim Wikiriwhi.
Christian Libertarian.

Read more>>> I Am Not A Number! Protesting against the Census.

Fire Starter! My Declaration for Non-compliance. NZ Census 2013

How the census meshes with bankrupt Socialist Totalitarianism

Onya DotCom! He does Kiwi’s a great service by Suing our Corrupt Government for $6 million.


No doubt Dotcoms claim of $6m will cause plenty of whinging… Good!!!!
I think it’s Nobel of Dotcom to pledge any $$$ he receives to Charity (less expenses) from his Law suit against the criminal activities of the GCSB, The Police, and PM John Key… yet even if he pocketed it all…. I would still Salute him for the righteousness of his claims…even though as a taxpayer… I am footing the bill… not John Key.
I say this because We are responsible for the arseholes we elect. (When I say *We*… I mean *you* Chumps who voted National… and you chumps who did not vote National but still support the Anti-libertarian status quo!)
I say this because such gross abuses of power… against any Human being…. whether Citizen, Resident, or visitor… cannot justly be without recompense, and so by hitting JK… and his Goons… and his Tax slaves hard… Dotcom serves up a reality pill which… unless the sheep are too dopey to apprehend…. ought to send shock waves through the corridors of power!
The hurting Sheeple… The Tax slaves who must foot the bill…. ought to be pissed enough about it…. not at the victim… Dotcom…. but at the Corrupt Bastards in power who perpetrated this crime against Dotcom to square a secret deal John Key had made with Hollywood for the sake of getting the Hobbit filmed in New Zealand.
The Tax slaves ought to demand *Heads to Roll* for such an injustice and financial screw up… In the GCSB…. IN the Police…. and most importantly *in the Beehive*
John Key must be forced to resign.
It was his office which authorised this Politically motivated crime!
If New Zealanders fail to rise up …. they will feul the Arseholes into thinking they can do whatever they like…. without fear of consequences from the Sheeple.
*By Suing John Key and Co…. Dotcom is working to protect all our rights from such criminal activities in the future!*

Now I am not saying that Punishing John Key and National means voting for that other bunch of a complete Dooshbags… Labour…Greens… Maori…. etc!!!
It’s time for New Zealanders to vote for a new party of principle…. one that respects Equality, Liberty, and Justice.
Tim Wikiriwhi.

>>>>Dotcom set to claim $6m<<<< Read more... >>>>The GCSB BILL… Arabs (and Maori Radicals) with knives at the foot of the bed!

>>>> Filthy Bastards: “It was an Accident”. Kim Dotcom Raid. <<<<

Yo Kotton mouth Kings… Dont you get it? Obama Sux nuts just as badly as the rest of them…except Jimmy Carter.

“Reefer Madness”

All My Friends Are Stoners Everyone I Know Gets High
Maybe there’s A Reason Why Weed’s Not Legalized

Why People Always Be Afraid Of What They Don’t Know
I Understand can’t Comprehend The Infos So Old
The Reefer Madness video is Purely Propaganda
A Movie Made To Scare All Of The Kids In Alabama
Maybe they’re Afraid To Think That They Might Lose Control
Instead Of Embracing It’s Many Uses Performing The Medical
It’s All Pathetic Though A Pharmaceutical Company
Can Make You Feel High Than Low
It Seems It’s All About The Money
Funny Cause

All My Friends Are Stoners Everyone I Know Gets High
Maybe there’s A Reason Why Weed’s Not Legalized
Maybe they’re Afraid Of Too Much Peace And Harmony
Maybe they’re Afraid Of Open Minds And People Free

No Rest Upon My Feet Until My People Free
When They Turn The Ganja Plant Into An Evil Weed
It’s Reefer Madness

Check this
So Many Friends that I know Have Suffered The Lies The Governments Strangle
Into The Ground illegal Bound In Every Angle
Even The Lawmakers Making The Laws Are Smoking The Bong And Vapin The Chronic
And Nobody Hearing The Voice Of The Weed I Find It Ironic
So How Do We Govern The Danger Of Not Becoming To Hostile
Not Losing The Mind Not Crossing The Line Not Feeling Colossal
There’s Only One Avenue We Can Be Sure That We Getting Our Justice
The legalization of it, of the weed, they tryin’ ta bust us.


[Daddy X:]
We Got A Black President Before Weed’s Legal
In My Mind In My Time That Shits Unbelievable
I Love Obama I Love All People
I Just can’t Believe That The Plants Not Legal
A Plant, A Seed, That Grows In The Soil
And They’re Still Fightin’ Bloody Wars Over Oil?
Reefer Madness Is Useless Propaganda
Fear Is The Tool That They Use To Command Us
So Understand Us We Don’t Fear No Plant
We don’t fear no plant


Obama does not deserve any respect from Cannabis users.
He has maintained the oppression, and actually worked to hinder the independent states from legalising it for medical use.
Fortunately many of the States have ignored the Federal government and gone ahead and legalised it anyway.

Read more…
Ex US President Jimmy Carter wants to end the war on drugs.

The War on drugs is lost

Helen Clark calls War on Drugs a failure

Personal Enlightenment… That Glorious moment when the Scales fall from the Eyes of a Sheep blinded by Propaganda…and they See the truth! Cannabis is a Medicine.


When Realisations like this happen it’s called a personal Enlightenment.
I Salute any person who realises they were wrong about supporting an oppressive Law, and comes clean about it…. and says sorry…esp if they then actively work for the cause they once oppressed…
They Redeem themselves thereby.

Read more here>>>> Dr. Sanjay Gupta comes out in favor of medical marijuana

There is every reason to believe that Western society is at this moment waking up to the follies and delusions which underpin The prohibition of Cannabis and restring it’s reverenced Status as a blessing to Humanity which it previously enjoyed since the dawn of time..


Read more…

American Christians using medical cannabis to save their Children’s Lives. Epilepsy .Self help (4)

Medical Cannabis Halts life-Threatening Fit’s and Seizures in Children! Self Help (3).

Self Help. Hands on…Fighting the Demon Cancer (No2). Cannabis cures Cancers

The Big Con. Lew Rockwell


Click>>>> Enslaved by your own Gullible Stupidity! Taxation and Tyranny.


Click>>>>> Tim Wikiriwhi’s Submission to the New Zealand Government’s Constitutional Review. 2013

Crank it up….

Thrash Punks invented Global Warming Doomsday… in 1987.

The Plasmatics.

Maggots: The Record is the fourth and final studio album released by punk / metal band The Plasmatics in 1987. The album was released as a special “9th Anniversary Album”. Despite being called a “Plasmatics” album, it is often regarded as another Wendy O. Williams solo album, largely in part because her name is over that of the band, the merchandise for the tour has the WOW logo from her solo career, and the only other original member is Wes Beech on rhythm guitar.
Maggots: The Record was recorded in 1987 and is a concept album set 25 years in the future, where environmental abuse and the burning of fossil fuels have created a greenhouse effect, leading to an end of the world scenario.
Read more…

To really appreciate this Album you need to get a glow on…:-)

Let’s talk rationally about Synthetic Cannabis and how society ought to manage it.

K2. (I assume that is short for Kronic 2… the synthetic variant of THC in ‘kronic one’ having been banned.) Is this the packaging of this stuff available in New Zealand?
I don’t know! I have never actually seen a packet myself.
What is interesting about this photo is the clear R18 age restriction voluntarily printed on the packs by the distributors, which is a prudent and socially conscientious thing to do, showing that contrary to all the hypocritical claims of ‘drug panic’ merchants who are busy ripping their shirts over the availability of legal highs… the fact is that the distributors have no desire to peddle their wares to children, and that any shop keepers doing so are violating the express conditions of being vendors of this product, and could be/ should be sued by the K2 distributors.
All Legal highs should have such R18 age restrictions on sale and purchase… just like Alcohol.

I have just recently been accepted into a face book group called ‘K2 and other ‘Legal Highs’ in New Zealand. We all need to know the dangers’ (thank’s to my invitation by Richard)
And as recreational drug use and prohibition is an important subject to Libertarian minded people like myself, I hope to present the group with alternative arguments to prohibition… in the interest of society, Justice, and harm minimization.
It will be interesting to see if my input will be recognized as a legitimate contribution to the discussion, or if I… because I am Anti-prohibition… anti- drug phobia… will be labeled ‘a Troll’
And banned.
I certainly hope not!
It is not my intension (today…in this group) to cause trouble, or to be a Gadfly. I enter this group in sincerity believing I have a valid position to put forward and can contribute value to this discussion.

I have blogged about Internet trolling before Here:, , and though I now need to do a follow up blog post confessing my realization of the reality of malicious predators whom do indeed stalk the Net seeking to cause Chaos and disorder, that in no way is this my intension in joining this group.
My intensions are honourable.

Below is my introduction to my Libertarian argument against Prohibition, in favour of an age restricted legal market. (I have embellished it slightly with photos and captions for the sake of this Blogpost)

This is a very ‘polarizing’ topic… a matter of great paranoia to many….to the extent that they shut their minds to hearing all sides of the debate and demand heavy
handed laws and prohibitions, refusing to appreciate that such an approach has proven to be an absolute failure time and time again, and that the draconian nature of Prohibition is actually far more harmful to our society… esp to the youth who become criminalized and thereby alienated from our society… not for any acts of dishonesty, or violence, but because they have been caught with a small bag of ‘happiness’ in their pocket.
These young people know that they have been unjustly treated, because they know that many of those whom have brought the Law down upon their heads, including the majority of the Police who break down their doors, and ransack their homes, and drag them off to the cells… all drink Booze… beer, wine, and spirits, until they cant even walk!

I would like to present a counter-argument to prohibition as a means of minimizing the harm of drugs upon our society, and discuss why I believe having a legal yet age restricted market for recreational drugs is a far better means of controlling drugs… just as we have with alcohol… and for the very same reasons.
Alcohol prohibition was tried,…and was dismal failure!

Police from tactical team making entry to serve a high-risk drug related search warrant. Street Narcotics Unit.
Drug raid.

Though we still have big social problems with Alcohol, people still need to appreciate that having legal supply of alcohol is still much better than the evils of Prohibition.
For starters it is much easier under a legalized system for people with problems to go and get help, from places like AA, without fear of being prosecuted, or losing their jobs, etc.

This topic is also a lot like xenophobia and the witch craze, in that wild stories grow up all out of proportion to reality, fueling a lynch mob type hysteria.
Anyone familiar with the history of prohibition knows this classic phenomena.
It is a manufactured frenzy, purposely propagated by the prohibitionist lobby and their Populist politicians who think nothing of feigning Piety and social concern, by promising to crush an unpopular minority for the sake of getting elected.

Corby Schapelle. Imagine for a moment this is your adult child behind bars… not for robbing or harming anyone, but simply because they were found with a drug which was not alcohol.
This is the real ugly face of the injustice of Prohibition… which utterly fails to stop recreational drug use. It merely serves as a disgusting means of inflicting a Nazi-like bigoted hatred upon an unpopular and demonised minority. The Nazis swore their persecution of the ‘Socially deviant Jews’ was completely justified. Vicious bigotry always hides beneath a Cloack of ‘Righteous indignation’.

Though I don’t dispute that drugs (like alcohol and cannabis) ought to be kept away from children, and that adults too need to take care how and when they use such substances, I have little doubt that the fears about the harmful effects synthetic cannabis will prove as groundless as the Nonsense which fueled and maintained Cannabis prohibition.

Cannabis is now being legalized across the globe because of it’s ‘Health benefits’ and medicinal qualities!
It is ironic to understand that for thousand’s of years Cannabis was known and appreciated for it’s manifold beneficial qualities, and that the folly of prohibition of cannabis is itself a *modern phobia*… thankfully this terrible era of prohibition is coming to a close.
It is interesting to consider the fact that if we had already decriminalized Cannabis that we would not be facing the wave of new synthetic substances like K2!
And this fact in itself also reveals why Prohibitions are absurd. Ie because there is a demand for recreational drugs… some innovative people will always figure out an new way to get high, and undoubtedly some these ways will be far more dangerous than cannabis!
Thus Prohibition tends to endanger our youth because it has outlawed safer alternatives.
Below is a blog post I wrote the other day on this subject and I will produce more as this debate unfolds.
I ask members to seriously consider the counter arguments to prohibition if you claim to really have the interests of society at heart, and not be simply driven by a personal bigotry against drug users.

Tim Wikiriwhi
Christian Libertarian.
Hamilton West.

My Pamphlet on BZP… having legal alternatives to Alcohol… Click >>> Historic battles. The Libertarian struggle against Drug Prohibition. Why BZP should have been kept Legal.

Read about how New Prohibitions. How our Police and Government work for Criminal Gangs.

Update: 29-5-13
It appears that after One day, One post, and one reply (in support of Mr G) I have been ‘Fed to the sharks’ by the SOCIALISTS running the facebook page ‘K2 and other ‘Legal Highs’ in New Zealand. We all need to know the dangers’…. which completely vindicates my acustaions that the ‘Anti-everything lobby’ are so fanatically in favour of tyranny, that they will not even consider any alternative arguments to prohibition… in the interest of society, Justice, and harm minimization.
It was interesting to see that indeed my input was not recognized as a legitimate contribution to the discussion, but instead….because I am Anti-prohibition… anti- drug phobia… they chose the low road… the easier path which was to deem me to be ‘a Troll’… and thus….rather than openly debate me….. to simply ban me instead!, and forbid Group members from being able to message me!
*I told ya so!*