Lebanese Hooters for Freedom!

syrian hooters for fredom!

Brave Girls!

leb hoots
Burning Isis Flag from > here < hooters-for-freedom

Read about ^^^ my Struggle here > Standing up for Justice more important than Personal Ambitions <

^ Must watch! šŸ™‚

Ludovic Boumbas. No Greater Love!

hero  Ludovic Boumbas

When I read the tiny NZ Herald story about Ludovic Boumbas there was no picture… but an account of mighty heroism.
I was not expecting him to be Negroid… yet there he is ^^^^ up there…. or was… for Ludovic died in Paris …deliberately flinging himself between the murderous onslaught of a Satanic terrorist and his companions.

The article reports… “Mr Boumbas’s friends hailed his bravery. One said: ‘Ludo threw himself forward to protect a girl and took the bullet. She was also shot, but she survived. He loved travelling the world and above all he loved people. He was just one of life’s good, good people. He didn’t stand a chance.’

Miss Clement’s manager at CafĆ© des Anges, Virgile Grunberg, said after visiting her in hospital: ‘She was on morphine and was in shock. She would barely speak. She felt guilty because Ludovic died for her. She just kept repeating his name again and again.’… Boumbas… Boumbas…

I had to shield my tear as I was sitting at smoko with Colleagues all enjoying their break.

Ludovic proves once again that it is in Humanities darkest hours… that’s when the best of us shine their brightest.

May your reward be in heaven! HERO!

Tim Wikiriwhi.


More Heroes…. Read on… Taiana Pilitati: No Greater Love.

Christ-likenessā€¦Heroic Self-sacrificeā€¦ John Shear throws himself in front of a horse to save little girl. (Ayn Randā€™s Objectivism blows!)

The Failure of Objectivist Libertarianism.

War Time Heroism. Tin Can USS Johnston vs The Greatest Battleship of all Time.

Father Tackles Suicide Bomber In Beirut, Killing Himself To Save Hundreds Of Lives

Teacher died trying to save student – friend

Land of the free

A yellow and black "Private Property Keep Out" sign attached to a barbed wire gate stretched across a dirt road.

Property rights are restrictions on freedom.

If you don’t agree that property rights are restrictions on freedom—if you think instead, for example, that property rights are a prerequisite of freedom—then either you haven’t been paying attention, or you’ve been reading too much Rand, or, at any rate, you’re using the word ‘freedom’ in a particular sense of the word that’s packed with presuppositions—and freedom might as well be just another word for nothing left to lose because with our differing conceptions of freedom now in play we’re all ready, set, go to miscommunicate spectacularly.

Other people’s property rights are restrictions on your freedom, and your property rights are restrictions on other people’s freedom. Is this not obvious from the textbook definition of property?

Property. That which is peculiar or proper to any person; that which belongs exclusively to one. In the strict legal sense, an aggregate of rights which are guaranteed and protected by the government. … The term is said to extend to every species of valuable right and interest. More specifically, ownership; the unrestricted and exclusive right to a thing; the right to dispose of a thing in every legal way, to possess it, to use it, and to exclude every one else from interfering with it. That dominion or indefinite right of use or disposition which one may lawfully exercise over particular things or subjects. The exclusive right of possessing, enjoying, and disposing of a thing. The highest right a man can have to anything; being used to refer to that right which one has to lands or tenements, goods or chattels, which no way depends on another man’s courtesy.

As wrong as it sounds on the face of it, libertarians are actually all in favour of giving up a little freedom in order to gain … what? Property rights, that’s what. Your freedom ends (where my property rights begin). Property rights are restrictions on freedom.

Ownership is the central concept in political philosophy. Every political ism (capitalism, socialism, communism, etc.) is defined by its theory of property rights. Every political ism says what belongs to whom, and who belongs to what. So it’s important to think about this topic until you actually get it.

Thomas Hobbes is the founding father of modern political philosophy. In a Hobbesian state of nature, everyone is perfectly free. And life is total shit. Why? Because

In such condition there is no place for industry, because the fruit thereof is uncertain, and consequently, not culture of the earth, no navigation, nor the use of commodities that may be imported by sea, no commodious building, no instruments of moving and removing such things as require much force, no knowledge of the face of the earth, no account of time, no arts, no letters, no society, and which is worst of all, continual fear and danger of violent death, and the life of man, solitary, poor, nasty, brutish, and short.

To extricate ourselves from such a dire circumstance as perfect freedom, we need to (hopefully) agree on a few rules (and abide by them and enforce them). The first and most obvious one (subject to caveats later, but we’ll get to that) is the non-initiation of (physical) force. The NIOF principle. My freedom ends where your nose begins. And vice versa.

Voila! with this one simple rule, we have property rights, in the form of self-ownership. Your ownership of your body, your property rights in your body, are restrictions on other people’s freedom to do what they please with your body. With this one simple rule, the NIOF priniple, in place, you now own your body because you remain free to do as you like with your body, but no one else is now free to do as they like with your body.

The general point here is that all property rights correspond to a set of restrictions on the freedoms of non-owners. Property rights in tangible goods mean that owners of said goods are free to determine the use of such goods, and no one else is. Get your hands off my stuff! Intellectual property rights mean that owners of ideas can copy them, but no one else can. You wouldn’t download a bear!

Thus the central question of political philosophy is, what property rights should people have? Or, what restrictions on people’s freedoms should there be? And these amount to exactly the same question.


Still awake?

This post is the first in a new series about property rights. And in it I want to take a look at the issue of land ownership. This is topical because the issue of land ownership is closely tied to the issue of national borders. Should we allow unrestricted “open borders” or should we control border traffic to a greater or lesser extent?

To the greatest extent, says Lew Rockwell in his article Open Borders Are an Assault on Private Property. I beg to differ, emphatically. So does Kevin Carson of the Centre for a Stateless Society, in no uncertain terms. How Low Can Lew Rockwell Go?

Wide awake?

Did you notice my equivocation on the central question of political philosophy? I said above that

Every political ism (capitalism, socialism, communism, etc.) is defined by its theory of property rights. It says what belongs to whom, and who belongs to what.

but I also said above that

the central question of political philosophy is, what property rights should people have?

What property rights do people have? Is one question. What property rights should people have? Is another question. And why should people have those particular property rights and not others is another question altogether. It is mandatory pedantry to point out that these are three separate questions. If we confound these three distinctly different questions then we’re all ready, set, go to miscommunicate spectacularly.

Notice how loose-talking Lew mixes it up.

In order to … reach the appropriate libertarian conclusion, we have to look more closely at what public property really is and who, if anyone, can be said to be its true owner. … Certainly we cannot say public property is owned by the government, since government may not legitimately own anything.

Rockwell is quite wrong in what he actually says. Certainly we can say that public property is owned by the government. Firstly, does government have property rights in government-owned land? Yes, government-owned land is owned by the government! But, secondly, should government have property rights in what is currently government-owned land? Rockwell says no, government may not legitimately own anything. I won’t argue with that. Thirdly, why may government not legitimately own anything?

To be clear, the central question of political philosophy as such is the second of these questions. What property rights should people have? Or, what restrictions on people’s freedoms should there be? As noted already, these amount to exactly the same question. But I think it’s more instructive to focus on the question’s second formulation. So now let’s get down to business and ask it with respect to land ownership.

Comatose yet?

With respect to land use, what restrictions on people’s freedoms should there be? Exactly what forms of land ownership are available in the fabled land of Anarcho-Libertopia? And what is their justification?

I’m only going to point in the general direction of beginning to answer these questions. Suffice it to say, I have a nuanced view. The idea that there should be restrictions on land ownership, or even that people shouldn’t be allowed to own land at all, isn’t new. For example, geolibertarianism is a Georgist school of thought within libertarianism. The New Mutualists are their anarchist counterparts. So I’m in very good company.

So now let’s look at what Lew Rockwell says to discredit himself. How low does he go?

Now if all the parcels of land in the whole world were privately owned, the solution to the so-called immigration problem would be evident. In fact, it might be more accurate to say that there would be no immigration problem in the first place. Everyone moving somewhere new would have to have the consent of the owner of that place.

When the state and its so-called public property enter the picture, though, things become murky, and it takes extra effort to uncover the proper libertarian position.

What we believe in are private property rights. No one has ā€œfreedom of speechā€ on my property, since I set the rules, and in the last resort I can expel someone. He can say whatever he likes on his own property, and on the property of anyone who cares to listen to him, but not on mine.

The same principle holds for freedom of movement. Libertarians do not believe in any such principle in the abstract. … I cannot simply go wherever I like.

Rockwell totally plumbs it.

He gets it totally wrong. True libertarians absolutely do believe in freedom of movement as an abstract principle. We’re freedom-fighters and we believe in freedom! Derp.

Land ownership is a restriction on people’s freedom of movement. Any such restrictions on people simply going wherever they like must be justified.

The problem with unrestricted land ownership is that by buying up all the land surrounding someone’s else’s slice of heaven you can effectively lay seige to that person, cut off their vital supply lines, and kill them. Only a moral monster would give the green light to, let alone actively encourage and enforce, a system that allowed such perverse and depraved outcomes. Sadly, we in the West (that is to say, our governments) have shown ourselves to be exactly this depraved, by turning away refugees at our national borders, condemning them to take their chances back in their homelands from which they were already fleeing for their lives and the lives of their children.

Photo by Jeff J Mitchell/Getty Images

From here, observes Carson from his vantage point on the moral high ground

Rockwell continues to elaborate on an argument whose basic assumptions are ā€” I say without equivocation ā€” mind-numbingly stupid.

As both Franz Oppenheimer and Albert Jay Nock argued, the land of the entire world will never be universally privately appropriated by legitimate means. The only way in which every single parcel of land can come under private ownership is through what Oppenheimer called ā€œpolitical appropriationā€ and Nock called ā€œlaw-made property.ā€ And itā€™s no coincidence, as both of them argued, that universal appropriation of the land is a prerequisite for economic exploitation. Only when people are cut off from the possibility of homesteading and subsisting on previously vacant land, and employers are thereby protected against competition from the possibility of self-employment, is it possible to force people to accept employment on whatever disadvantageous terms the property owners see fit to offer.

That says something right there about the kind of people whose wet dream is an entire world without an unowned place to stand on, without some property ownerā€™s permission.

Today the Rothbard-Hoppe-Rockwell kind of people that Carson rightly vilifies for their despotism in the guise of libertarian purity call themselves ancaps. And they’re fair game. You can read the rest of Carson’s demolition of Rockwell’s “wretched turd of an article” here.

So what forms of land ownership (restrictions on other people’s movements) should we allow?

In the first chapter of the Book of Job, God convenes a meeting with his angels, and Satan shows up.

The Lord said to Satan, ā€œWhere have you come from?ā€

Satan answered the Lord, ā€œFrom roaming throughout the earth, going back and forth on it.ā€ (NIV)

Satan freely roams the earth, going back and forth on it. How should we restrict Satan’s movements? Because no one wants Satan trampling all over their cabbages. But we don’t want to restrict anyone’s freedom of movement unnecessarily. So where do we draw the right lines when it comes to restricting land use? And how do we justify drawing the particular lines that we determine we should?

Well, as I said, Iā€™m only going to point in the general direction of beginning to answer these questions. But let’s go right back to Hobbes and his state of nature, and ask why we would restrict our own and anyone’s freedoms at all?

It’s so that we can have a place for industry, and the fruit thereof. It’s so that we can enjoy culture of the earth, navigation, the use of commodities that may be imported by sea, commodious building, instruments of moving and removing such things as require much force, knowledge of the face of the earth, account of time, arts, letters, and society. Without continual fear and danger of violent death.

In short, we justify having property rights (restrictions on our freedoms) on consequentialist grounds. We allow such property rights as we do for the greater good of the greater number in society.

That’s my conclusion and I don’t like it much either. I welcome your comments. šŸ™‚

God Bless Angela Merkel, and those Germans whom courageously support her in these times which try Men’s souls.


ā€œWe believe in the right of everyone to seek his fortune and live, to the respect for the other and tolerance. We know that our free life is stronger than any terrorist. Letā€™s give the terrorists the answer by living our values confidently. And as we affirm these values throughout Europe. Now more than ever.ā€
Angela Merkel.
German chancellor.


My Prayers are with her and Germany.
May The Lord shine upon this nation and keep them from the evils which terrify so many westerners to the point that they want to NUKE Arabia…. Annihilate a Billion people…. leave children to die at their gates.
Times of Crisis demand greatness from those whom would lead… and she is great!

To Paraphrase another great man… Tom Payne… “THESE are the times that try men’s souls. The summer Humanitarian and the sunshine Socialist will, in this crisis, shrink from the service of their country; but he that stands by it now, deserves the love and thanks of man and woman.
Tyranny, like hell, is not easily conquered; yet we have this consolation with us, that the harder the conflict, the more glorious the triumph. What we obtain too cheap, we esteem too lightly: it is dearness only that gives every thing its value. Heaven knows how to put a proper price upon its goods; and it would be strange indeed if so celestial an article as The Fraternity of Mankind should not be highly rated.
Isis, with an army to enforce her tyranny, has declared that she has a right (not only to Murder) but by our own fears in ALL CASES WHATSOEVER cause us to abandon our values… if being bound in that manner, is not slavery, then is there not such a thing as slavery upon earth.”

Two words…. each represents a side of this controversy…. Terror vs Love.

I dont know how long she will be able to maintain these Humanitarian ‘Open door’ policies as Opposition is waiting for *any terrorism*
*Any unrest* to Thwart her ambitions and slam the door on the desperate victims of war.
Sadly the xenophobic hordes despise her and want her humanitarianism to ‘blow up in her face’.
They want to vindicate their Cold hearted cowardice and inhumanity.
While Populist/ nationalist politicians about the globe (like Donald Trump) seek to prosper from the paranoia Terrorism fathers… talk of mass deportations, New Walls, and abandoning Religious liberty (Banning Islam) Merkel boldly talks of humanity and principles… and calls for Courage!
I salute her.
May God smile upon Germany, and bless them, and cause the refugees to be a boon for them.
May God convert millions whom have witnessed the horrors of Radical Islam to seek Libertarian enlightenment and salvation via Christ.
Blessed be the peacemakers, for they shall be called the children of God!
In them lies the hope of mankind…. till the return of Christ.
The Anti-Migrant cowards have nothing.

Tim Wikiriwhi.

Homeless Jesus
” Foxes have holes, and Birds have their nests,But the Son of man has nowhere to lay his head…” Luke 9vs58

More from Tim…. >>> What can we do? Socialismā€™s Tungsten shell, and the refugee crisis.

Kiwi Muslims stand against violence, call for global response: NZ Herald.

kiwi muslims condemn terrorism

“About 100 people from the Muslim community have gathered in downtown Auckland to protest against terrorist group Isis.

Both young and old are currently at the Aotea Square calling on world leaders to unite against the group, which in the last day has claimed responsibility of the deadly attacks in Paris, which killed up to 120 people and injuring many others.

Several people – including children – are holding signs.

A little girl holds one which reads: “We stand in solidarity with French – we share your pain.”

Another calls on the Afghanistan Government to take more action “before it’s too late.”

While another says: “We condemn the killings of innocent people in Afghanistan.”

One woman told the group Isis had again struck its deadly hand on the people of France.

But many other people around the world – including in Afghanistan – had lost their lives to terrorist actions.”

Read more >>>Here<<< afhanis in Aeotea square
A group of Hazara people from Afghanistan, protest in Aotea Square Auckland after a young family including a mother and daughter were beheaded during an attack in Afghanistan. Photo / Greg Bowker

These ‘Moderate’ protests coincide with others all around the globe…. Read about them >>>> Not In My Name! Muslims Condemn Isis Terror.<<< These civilised Muslims put paid to the accusations of the Far right that 'All Muslims are terrorists'... The Far Right work to strengthen Isis and Hate. They forget that ISIS kills more Muslims than any one else. I salute these brave Muslims who step forward and speak out against the atrocities.... for peace. Tim Wikiriwhi. Christian Libertarian. far r

Read more from Tim >>> What can we do? Socialismā€™s Tungsten shell, and the refugee crisis

Where Haters come from.

The effacacy of Terrorism
The Efficacy of Terrorism.

“Jesus and Weed” This Pastor Gets It Right About Alcohol And Marijuana (Video)HD You Tube.


“Drinking alcohol in moderation does not make you an addict…. doesn’t make you a bad christian, and being a Christian does not mean you have to be a boring weird freaky person that doesn’t have fun anymore.. how about this…. I’m DONE with religion and STUPID RULES that some one other than Jesus’thought up for my own good!’
How about this… come and see Jesus…. He’ll tell me how to live my life…. that’s enough…SCREW the rest!!!!

Found this story @ The Stoners cookbook

Read some of Tim’s stuff…. American Christians using medical cannabis to save their Childrenā€™s Lives. Epilepsy .Self help (4)

Norml J Day Protest Hamilton 2014

Not In My Name! Muslims Condemn Isis Terror.

In light of the Terror attacks in Paris, Friends of mine ask “where are the condemnations of the so-called moderates?”.
To which I reply… a better question is *where is the western media coverage* of the Moderates voice?
This exposes the one eyed nature of Western media…. The voices against terror are out there…. yet Like Libertarians… they are ignored.

Time>>> Muslims Around the World Speak Out Against Terrorist Attacks in Paris.

juhaddi parris

musl Isis

Read more…. Muslims around the world condemn terrorism after the Paris attacks


Syrian Refugee Responds to Paris Attacks

This is what Busher, a Syrian refugee traveling through Serbia, had to say about last night's #ParisAttacks: "It is not Islam, not our Islam."

Posted by AJ+ on Saturday, November 14, 2015


They are out there! Heroic and Virtuous Islamic Granny Schools Murdering Extremists.

can mus

The Boston Bombing. Christian Grace and Freedom and the Higher Path.


Where Haters come from

A girl holds a sign during a rally by members of the Muslim community of Madrid outside Madrid's Atocha train station, January 11, 2015, in solidarity with the victims of a shooting by gunmen at the Paris offices of the satirical weekly newspaper Charlie Hebdo, and against Islamophobia. REUTERS/Juan Medina (SPAIN - Tags: CIVIL UNREST CRIME LAW POLITICS) - RTR4KWYN
A girl holds a sign during a rally by members of the Muslim community of Madrid outside Madrid’s Atocha train station, January 11, 2015, in solidarity with the victims of a shooting by gunmen at the Paris offices of the satirical weekly newspaper Charlie Hebdo, and against Islamophobia. REUTERS/Juan Medina (SPAIN – Tags: CIVIL UNREST CRIME LAW POLITICS) – RTR4KWYN

Kiwi Muslims stand against violence, call for global response: NZ Herald.

What can we do? Socialismā€™s Tungsten shell, and the refugee crisis


Father Tackles Suicide Bomber In Beirut, Killing Himself To Save Hundreds Of Lives.
Daughter misses Brave Father
” Adel Termos will be a name you havenā€™t heard before but may never forget.

Prior to Thursday evening’s horrific attack, he was out with his young daughter in Beirut’s predominantly Shia Muslim neighbourhood of Burj al-Barajneh when two ISIS terrorists turned the area into a swirling inferno of death, destruction and misery.

The first suicide bomber detonated his explosive vest outside the target Shia mosque but thinking on his feet, Termos decided to rush and tackle the other suicide bomber. His decision saved the lives of hundreds of those inside the Shia mosque as well as his daughter but unfortunately cost him his own.”
Read more >>>Here<<< Migrant Muslim tells the Extremists they are scum and are not welcome >>>here<<<

With the recent events in Paris, this message from a MUSLIM man needs SHARING!

Posted by The Brizzle on Saturday, January 10, 2015

New Zealand, Racist Sexist Backwater. Your Brain on Internet Socialism.


My Reply to this video…
Hi Cassidy….’
I am a Maori, and Let me say you have done New Zealand a great service…. but not in a way you might think.
You have shown the world the dangers of simply lifting your ideas straight from the Web…. all those Ideas *Are Leftist* propaganda…. They will be very happy that they have managed to (further) indoctrinate you into *their Racism* .
You see those lies about Maori being treated like shit, are what is being used to justify *Racist Policies* which actually subjugate *Non-Maori* New Zealanders.
New Zealand is a Champagne Socialist Backwater where all your PC leftist politics *have been implemented*…. here Maori get special treatment including special seats in parliament.
Here Men get oppressed by a rabidly *feminist* system which treats men like the guilty party in all matters.

I am a blogger and activist *For Equality before the Law*, and would like to discuss these things further with you.

I really enjoyed your ‘Hobbit’ comments and idea that New Zealand was like Narnia šŸ™‚
White people being ‘allowed’ in the All Blacks! šŸ˜€

You were correct about the Haka.
*Pre-European Maori* were very Misogynistic, and in fact the Haka is about Killing and eating your enemies (reducing them to excrement)
Nice aye.
Ironic though it may seem… there are plenty of Maori woman whom have a ridiculous ‘romantic notion’ about Pre-European Maori Culture and actually are actively trying to restore these types of custom…. woman sitting at the back…. etc.
So our country is filled with propaganda which teaches the Maori that they are victims of ‘a Holocaust’…. when in truth the opposite is true.
Maori have very poor social statistics *Because of all the lies and delusions* they have swallowed… and Dependence on the state because of all the ‘Socialist favouritism’ they have been given (Billions of Dollars).
Hand outs are corrosive to self reliance, and self responsibility.

Here is a blog post or two for you!
Cheers from New Zealand!
Tim Wikiriwhi.
Maori, Engineer, Libertarian, Christian.

End note: *Today* the AllBlack Haka is all about the glory of facing down your *sporting opponents*… not about Sexism or any of that other baggage this young Girl frets about.
It’s not about absolute annihilation of the opposition… in fact it *honors* the opponents as *worthy adversaries*.
Which just goes to show that *living culture* and customs modify themselves … and progress.
Thus we New Zealanders Love it.
I had to add this caveat to do justice to the subject… as it is folly to apply old world meanings to it today… unless you find yourself on the other side of *a real battlefield*… in that case We Kiwi will be beating our chests… into a War frenzy…. and you will not withstand the onslaught!

haka for real!

Tim Wikiriwhi Speaking out against Entrenched Racism in ‘Socialist Aotearoa’ (aka New Zealand) ….

Read on….
Looking Forward, not Backwards: Dynamic Culture vs Stagnation. Why British Colonisation was good for Maori

Universal Pride in Washington, Separatist Shame in Wellington.

Where haters come from.

Tim Wikiriwhiā€™s Submission to the New Zealand Governmentā€™s Constitutional Review. 2013

TREATYGATE Hamiltonā€¦introducing John Ansell

Tim Wikiriwhi’s submission to New Zealand ACC re: Motorcycle levies.


To The ACC Levy Review Board.

I would like to speak against the currently extortionate ACC levies being born by Kiwi bikers via Motorcycle Registration, and make 3 points aimed to make the system fairer.

Though I personally would rather abolish ACC all together in favor of a Free-market in accident insurance, and that this would make for the best deal for ‘consumers’, I know this is not ‘on the table’ at present…. I make this small disclaimer for the record.

Clearly current Draconian method’s of ‘Zero tolerance’, lower drinking limits, etc have failed.
It’s time New directions are considered, which promote self-responsibility rather than mindless compulsions, and so I submit that ACC needs a new Game plan…


How Ironic…. This officially titled ‘ Safence’ is known as ‘Cheese cutters’ in Biker circles.

Like so many Safety issues…. eg in Industry… The Main hazards are generated on the drawing board… and could have been solved/ greatly reduced from the get go.
From a Bikers perspective itā€™s clear from the sections of Expressways in the Waikato, and BOP, and in general, that road design in New Zealand takes virtually no consideration for Motorcycles.
They are forever putting up Obstacles.

Dangerous Cable barriers are proliferating… not only on the median, but also often dangerously close on the outside as wellā€¦ leaving no lane in which a motorcyclist can distance themselves from these vicious hazards.

They leave no room for bikers to take evasive action, and even at slow speeds any otherwise minor error can and does result in a catastrophic accidentā€¦
No doubt these cables work well for cars.
No doubt they are cheap to construct, yet as part of my submission, I would like to suggest that such poor designs, and short sighted cost savings on construction are born by bikersā€¦barriers which may protect occupants of cars, are lethal to bikers.
These barriers serve as but one example that to improve statistics on Motorcycle accidentsā€¦ Road design ought to be a priority.

Thus ACC and the Government who sign off on road designs need to take responsibility for the increased risk we Road users (motorcyclists) unfairly carry, and reduce our Levyā€™sā€¦ and instead spreading the cost across all road users (I also own 2 cars).

Though I personally think ACC should be shut down, while it behooves me to pay ACC I believe that it would be a farer system for ACC to spread all Road user accident expenses collectivelyā€¦ because of factors in my argument above about road design.

My second submission is that on State Highways that are of the best standards that The speed limit for motorcycles be raised to 120 kph.

I believe this would help lower Motorcycle accidents, by encouraging Bikers to enjoy using these ā€˜Better roadsā€™, rather than thinking they are smart avoiding Mr Cop.ā€¦ doing 140kph out on country lanesā€¦ where the roads are not well designed, and there are more ā€™Agricultural obstacles ā€˜ aboutā€¦. From Cows to Milk Tankers.
I submit that if the Main Highways had a 120kph speed limit that this would result is safer ridingā€¦ less accidents.

My Final submission is I that ACC itself implement a Bureaucratic cost cutting exercise, and significantly reduce the costs of running ACC.
Reduce the size of the Corporation, and abolish as much Red tape as possible…

This would obviously be expected to result in significantly lower Levies.
Thank you for taking the time to read my submission,and I am available to front up to make a verbal submission.
Tim Wikiriwhi


Read more from Tim….

Natā€™s Orwellian Budget. Bikers pay the price for stupid Laws in more ways than $$$

Other Worldā€¦The Right to Opt out. Biker Credos.

Give me Liberty, or give me Death!