A new life begins

Hatebreed is metal with attitude. (All true metal is metal with attitude!)

Destroy everything (x 3)
So a new life can begin

Destroy everything (x 3)
Rebuild and start again

The lyrics to this song make me think of Genesis 6. (YMMV.)

The Lord saw how great the wickedness of the human race had become on the earth, and that every inclination of the thoughts of the human heart was only evil all the time. The Lord regretted that he had made human beings on the earth, and his heart was deeply troubled. So the Lord said, “I will wipe from the face of the earth the human race I have created—and with them the animals, the birds and the creatures that move along the ground—for I regret that I have made them.” (NIV)

Where Haters come from.


Where do Haters come from?

This is an important subject I have been wanting to blog for some time.
It has to do with the Nature vs Nurture debate.
It’s a very big topic which will only lightly be touched upon in this post.
I would like to talk about a few examples which prove the importance of how Parents nurture their children.

While it may not be strictly true to say We start our ideological/ mental lives ‘Tabular Rasa’ (with an empty slate) we… like Birds who don’t need to be taught to build nests…We humans too possess some ‘instincts’/ innate knowledge, and despite the latest controversial/ absurd claims by Evolutionary biologists that try and assert that we are born politically Left, or Right, or Libertarian….the reality is how we end up ideologically speaking as adults has a hell of a lot to do with the environment in which we live and the external influences we imbibe.

It is patently obvious to me that both Nature and Nurture work together in producing Human personalities, yet for now let put aside the discussion of Nature and focus on Nurture.
I raise this subject for discussion to highlight just how important our behavior as parents is in respect to effecting our Children’s perspective of the world and how they learn to deal with life, and how vitally important the Ideas and values we embody and teach them are to our children’s future well being.

Just two examples will suffice to get this discussion going…

The first is an article which appeared in the NZ herald
‘Hate-filled Family made monster’ read it Here:
Now in this article the brother of a Terrorist… the French Scooter Killer Mohamed Merah whom Murdered 7 people (including 3 Jewish children) and died in a hail of Bullets resisting arrest.

Yet Mohamed was not born in a vacuume.
In a book he has written this Terrorist’s brother dis-owns and condemns his own family members for filling his brothers head with hatred.
I would suggest that this is a very common thread within the Lions share of Radical Islamic extremists whom end up with a Rabid Race hatred for the Jews and others, and go on to become Terrorists, suicide bombers, etc.
Not having read the book I must ask why it is that this other brother did not become a terrorist too?
What saved him?
In what way was his individual nature and Nurturing different to that of his fanatical Brother?

Racist radical and Mana Party Leader and MP Hone Harawera.

The Next example I would like to raise is closer to home (for Kiwis)….that of the Racist Radical MP and Leader of The Mana Party John (Hone) Harawera son of the Rabid Racist… the Evil Titiwhi Harawera.
Now it is obvious to all what sort of upbringing Titiwhi gave her son!
She filled his head with stories of how the Pakeha (European invaders) executed a ‘Holocaust’ against the Maori people, and robbed them of their land, and have left them destitute. She has taught him that ever since the establishment of ‘White rule’ Maori people have been trodden underfoot and suffered vile Race oppressions.

The end result has been to produce one of the countries most militantly hateful and racist personalities… Hone Harawera.
Mummy must be proud!
This tale would be common to many of our worst Maori Radical… like Tame Iti.
Thus from these two examples we can easily see that Haters do in fact grow on trees… They are carefully propagated… nurtured… Indoctrinated.
We can be sure that had Hone been adopted out as a child to a Pakeha family (like my uncle was) that he would not be the same person today.
That many of the most vile Haters are born from Hate filled environments surely means we ought to mitigate our condemnation of Hone’s current attitudes and activities.
Putting it bluntly… he’s been brainwashed from a very early age, and his attitude is almost to be expected.
We can see that his hatred for Pakeha, and his desire for UTU has less to do with factual history, and more to do with the vile racism of his mother.
It’s like an moral virus he picked up.
I suspect Titiwhi herself had a similar upbringing.

Of course depending upon how solid a moral foundation we ourselves have been taught by our parents, (and others) will determine how resilient we are against the hatred and prejudices of others throughout our lives. Ie if we have been taught enlightened values as a child, and wisdom about how the world really works, we will be able to fend off the vile lies and hate filled Bigotry of others rather than assimilating it.
This points to just how vital it is that we as parents take pains to instill enlightened and humane values in our children to fortify them when they go to school, and eventually out into the world.
So many evils are taught in school!
Today from primary school to University our politically corrupted Education system since the late 70’s has actually taught our nations children many of the lies that Titiwhi taught her son!
And due to a serious lack of wisdom on the part of the average parent today we have an indoctrinated society of sheeple whom accept a heinously distorted view of the history of New Zealand, and embrace an apartheid system of Government!

Copy of bt
The Great Booker T Washington.

I do not suggest that All haters result from hateful upbringings, or indoctrination. I know horrible events in peoples lives can also generate hatered.
Nor am a saying Hone’s upbringing renders him morally blameless for his prejudices and activities as an MP. I have said what I have said with hope of understanding how such a bigot came to be… where many haters come from.
As an adult he is morally culpable.
If we look at such Moral exemplars as ex slaves, Frederick Douglas, Booker T Washington, or Equal rights activist Martin Luther King, we learn from them that oppression and prejudice does not justify reciprocation.
These Humanitarians were followers of the teachings of Jesus Christ… “Render no man evil for evil but overcome evil with good” .
They broke their chains… not only the legal chains which kept their peoples under, but most importantly, the Chains that link intergenerational Race hate.
So I ask Parents here … esp to Maori parents…” What values are you teaching your children?”
“What example do you set?”
Are You holding up a torch to lighten their paths, or are you filling their hearts with malice against their white friends and neighbors?
Will the values you have instilled help them to succeed in the world or will they hobble their ability to make good judgments… free of malice?
Tim Wikiriwhi
Christian Libertarian.

love thyir kids

Update: 28-4-13 Who Radicalised Boston BomberTamerlan Tsarnaev?

Time for Regime Change in the USA.


^^^^^^You think this is a joke?
Sorry, it’s economic reality!
Just ask your Neighbors whom escaped Zimbabwe about governments printing money and hyper inflation.
It is cheaper to wipe your arse on ten dollar notes than squares of dunny paper!
In places like Germany and Russia Money was blowing around the streets like worthless trash.


Today ‘Money’ exists to a large degree in cyberspace… as numbers in an electronic system, so it is not necessary for Socialists to Print as much paper as in times pass to achieve the same results…>>>inflation/ devaluation<<<... and so when the shit deepens, Yanks may not be seen using wheelbarrows to carry their lunch money yet their credits in the bank will be just as worthless. Look up the meaning of the phrases Hyperinflation. Look up the history of the saying "Don’t give a Continental"... Its all about Fiat Currency… Governments whom Mass print money/credits without having the means to exchange it for mediums of intrinsic value like Gold, silver, etc.
Governments have historically resorted to Fiat Money when they are in dire straits…Broke and in debt.
It results in poverty and ruin for the populations of such Nations.
Real Money is a ‘promise to Pay the face value in Gold or silver upon Demand’ by the issuers, which can only be done when the amount in circulation is less than or equal to the stores of real wealth in the vaults. When the money supply exceeds what is in the vault, it is impossible to redeem your paper currency/credits and you are stuck with BUM PAPER!

Yet what do we find is happening In America under Obarma?
Herd of QE1, QE2, QE3? (Quantitative Easing)
Look it Up!
Do you understand that they implemented QE2 because QE1 Flopped?
They have implemented QE3 because QE2 Flopped too!
Google *QE2 Fail* and see for yourself.


Ron Paul forced the Federal Reserve to admit it has *No Gold*!!!
When will Socialist realise that you cant print your way out of trouble, not print your way into prosperity?
The Bastards know that Printing money devalues it! Even the Tree hugging Zombies in New Zealand know that!
Here in New Zealand The Socialist Green Party suggested our government gets more Paper Money Printed with the express idea of reducing the value of the NZ Dollar with the insane notion that this will help our export sector and economy.
It’s economic voodoo!
They share the common belief with Obama’s democrats that Governments create wealth, and have the right to Meddle / control the economies of their citizens!
It’s Corrupt! It’s Theft! It’s Funny money!
It’s the final stage of Economic ruin.
All this meddling and regulation is Socialism not capitalism, it’s fascism, yet the Propaganda merchants of the Left have managed to brainwash the masses into thinking the corporate welfare… the bailouts is Capitalism!!!
Lies upon lies!
Stupidity upon stupidity!
Bail outs and Regulations are`ANTICAPITALISM!
Capitalism allows Failing Companies to Fail!
Capitialism does not Steel money from the People to prop up Bad businesses!
The freemarket allows business to Profit or go belly up baces upon their own merits.
What the regulations, Bailouts, welfareism, and other over-government (ie Socialism) has done is create a massive systemic failure and bankrupted the governments of the world.
There’s a massive crash coming folks!
Herd of the Fiscal cliff?
Understand why Obama wants to confiscate Guns…. to keep the people under when the shit hits the fan!
He know when it does the People will come gunning for his hide.
The People of America had there chance to save themselves.
They should have Backed Ron Paul, yet the vested interests wanted to maintain the Status quo at all costs.
They Made sure ‘Mit Romney’, not ‘Ron Paul’ appeared next to Obama on the ballot.

The Elite Fascists know what’s coming.
They put Obama in power to stall for time… so that they could prepare for the Great crash.
As we speak they are building Bunkers and stacking away Gold for the storm to come.
They will be sitting Pretty when there is chaos and starvation on the streets.
They will support the tyranny which will rise up to suppress the rioting masses.
The end is Nigh.
Prepare yourselves My friends… and pray.

The comming American Civil war

Indigenous extortionists execute dolphins in revenge for aid default. Solomon Islands.

Photo: NZ Herald.

I must have successfully purged my Facebook friends list of the most Rabid of Green peace supporters!
When I read about this atrosity in the NZ Herald I was expecting my page to be Bombed with outrage!
Yet nothing… not a fart.

It’s ironic that I must post it to facebook myself!
This truely is a henious moral outrage… over stolen loot.
The dolphins are the loosers.
I assume the Facebook Greenies are thwarted by their own contradictions… Indigenous Rights vs Free Willy!
The Islanders have gotta eat.
Dolphin may indeed be an important resourse to them… yet killing 900+ seems like foolishness!
They are depleating their own resourse, and from the story I gather the extent of the slaughter was Pure Politics.

The Love of money is indeed the root of all evil.

I have not been able to descover whether or not The Earth Island Institute gets funds from the UN or other governments, yet I would suspect so. If it is a private and absolutely voluntarily funded organistaion I will eat my Hat!
If they are fully legit… ie fully private and voluntarily funded, then why did they default on their deal with the Natives? They have made a grievious error of judgement and goes to show just how good intensions can result in unexpected evils… at least this is the terrible message the islanders are communicating.

Solomon Islands villagers kill 900 dolphins in conservation disputeIslanders claim Berkely-based Earth Island Institute failed to fulfill deal to pay $400,000 to stop hunt

True Christian Modus Operandi. Jesus Loves Porn Stars.

Hot Stuff! Auzzy Porn Actress Kiki Vidis

The Waikato Times ran an story on Tuesday in respect to the Parachute Christian Music festival held annually here in the Waikato which caught my attension ‘Porn star worships gift Bible’ because of it’s Libertarian Idealism.
An organisation/ church called ‘XXXChurch.Com’ is going to be at the festival with the Idea of starting a ‘fellowship’ here in New Zealand.

“”They gave me a pretty pink Bible with silver edging,” Vidis said. “They are really respectful, they don’t force it down your throat. They came up and said, ‘you do really wonderful work, but if you ever need help you can always come to Christ. Here’s a Bible’. I loved that.”
Kiki Vidis.

jesus loves pornstars

I plan to make contact with them as they appear to be my kind of people.
That is Christians whom dont ride around on high horses like self righteous legalistic Pharasees preaching ‘God Hates Fags’, but instead preach the love and grace of God towards sinners.
This is How Real Christiany functions…ie via Libertarian Means, not by inciting Mob violence or Legalistic oppression, but via reason… and compassion.
I salute them.
Tim Wikiriwhi
Christian Libertarian.

Watch this space for more information.

Me and Two Hunnies @ Steve Crows ‘Boobs on Bikes Parade’ Hamilton NZ.
Read about my activism here:

More Blog posts on this subject Here:
A High Calling

Hell is for the Self Righteous, Heaven is for Sinners.

Standing up for Justice more important than Personal Ambitions

Are your Facebook friends demonically possessed?


Are your Facebook friends demonically possessed?

Here’s one way to find out.

Comment on your Facebook friend’s status and start up a conversation. Part way through the conversation, say

You know what you need, Facebook friend? An exorcism!

If you get a a volley of comments like this in response

YOU know What YOU need Goode.. !00 pounds of knickled plated ass fuck delivered on your Mommas fist …then hard way! Go away and cry till Im ready to deal with your pimply ass…bitch!

Yep…Im angry….piss off and cry about that…

Piss off ass hole…

Bad time

You know what You need asshole…? Someone to take you on your fascist filth….fuck off and die…..cunt!

You are gone…go molest kids else where.

followed by unfriending and deletion of the entire conversation, then it is likely that your (former) Facebook friend is demonically possessed.

[Facebook friend’s real name redacted.]

Fatal attraction


Today the government banned the sale of NIB (neodymium-iron-boron) magnets.

Ban on the sale of high powered magnet sets

Consumer Affairs Minister Simon Bridges has announced a ban on the sale of sets of small high powered magnets that have caused serious injuries in New Zealand and at least one reported death in Australia.

“These magnets are harmless to play with but if swallowed can cause serious internal damage that can require major surgery,” says Mr Bridges.

If two or more of these magnets are ingested they can become joined up in the digestive system and the pressure they exert can cause serious inflammation and ulceration. Left untreated, this can quickly lead to major tissue damage, perforations and potentially infection sepsis and death.

“Because of their strength, older children have been known to use these magnets as mock jewellery, such as mouth or tongue studs. Young children swallow them out of natural curiosity.

“As a result children have been seriously harmed overseas, including many hospitalisations in the United States and Australia and the death of an 18-month-old in Queensland. In December a New Zealand toddler was admitted to Auckland’s Starship Hospital after ingesting some of the magnets. Officials are aware of at least two other serious cases here involving hospitalisation and surgery.

“Though these magnets tend to be marketed at adults as office toys and many brands carry strict safety warnings, it is clear from the cases here and overseas that they pose too great a risk to children.”

The Unsafe Goods Notice for these small powerful magnets will mean that from tomorrow no one will be allowed to import or sell these magnets in New Zealand. The notice is issued under section 31 of the Fair Trading Act 1986 and will be enforced by the New Zealand Customs Service at the border and the Commerce Commission in the marketplace.

Bridges reassures us.

The action I have taken will only apply to the sales of these magnets for personal or domestic use. This ban will not affect the use of this type of magnet in schools and universities for teaching purposes nor would it affect any industrial or commercial use of these magnets.


Imagine the sinking feeling in your stomach, caused not by ingestion of NIB magnets, but by receipt of a letter from the New Zealand Customs Service telling you that they have seized your magnets, and will destroy them, if you do not provide evidence that you imported them for non-personal use.

Give me Liberty, or give me Death!