Real voluntary private Charity vs the evils of welfare and Political force. .

Recently I have been in communication with a newly formed charity organized by private citizens moved with concern for the growing number of homeless people in the city in which I live. Though it would not take Sherlock homes to discover which organization I am talking about, I will not specify that here and now … Continue reading Real voluntary private Charity vs the evils of welfare and Political force. .

Spread a little hate worldwide

I found reading this incredibly sad. Fred Phelps, Founder of the ‘God Hates Fags’ Westboro Baptist Church, is on the ‘Edge of Death’ You know Fred Phelps. You loathe Fred Phelps. You despise everything he stands for, like his family members’ infamous protests at soldiers’ funerals with their awful “God Hates Fags” signs. They’ve been … Continue reading Spread a little hate worldwide

Ain’t Nobody’s Business If You Do

Everybody—including me—should read Ain’t Nobody’s Business If You Do: The Absurdity of Consensual Crimes in Our Free Country by Peter McWilliams. It’s a libertarian classic. It’s available free online here and here. Peter McWilliams was born 5 August 1949 to a Roman Catholic family in Detroit, Michigan, USA. During his life, he authored nearly 40 books, including … Continue reading Ain’t Nobody’s Business If You Do

No Free Will = No Moral Responsibility. William Lane Craig

“And God made man in his own image….” When God made Man he not only formed his body out of matter, He breathed ‘spirit’ into him and he became a living soul… a freewill moral agent capable of making real choices… not a robot slave of Materialistic determinism. Atheist delusions leave mankind not only without … Continue reading No Free Will = No Moral Responsibility. William Lane Craig

Hidden in Plain Sight #2: Don’t tread on me

I used to be a huge Metallica fan. (Doesn’t Kirk have lovely hair? I used to have hair like that.) Over the summer of 1986/87 I played Ride the Lightning and Master of Puppets back-to-back, non-stop. I wore out the vinyl. I cried when Metallica’s bass player Cliff Burton died in a bus accident in … Continue reading Hidden in Plain Sight #2: Don’t tread on me

Robo Fish Reality.

My wife bought my son a pair of Robo-fish for the bath. They are quite incredibly fish-like… swimming about just like Goldfish…Looking at them I realised that it would be easier for nature to make those robofish than to make a single celled protozoa… and yet are our oceans filled with clock work fish???? No! … Continue reading Robo Fish Reality.

David Berlinski—Atheism and its Scientific Pretensions

Dingbat Atheist Pseudo-science. Instant Life… just add water! Pasteur’s Law, Creation Science vs Nose Bone Atheism. The Rusty Cage: Scientism. The Ludicrous Claims of Evolution! Why not ESP? Russell’s Teapot really refutes Atheism not Theism! Biomimicry… Plagiarizing God’s designs. Monism: Evolutionary Psychology and the Death of Morality, Reason and Freewill. The Lies of Atheist Pseudo … Continue reading David Berlinski—Atheism and its Scientific Pretensions

Poster child for Atheism…Hannibal Lecter.

^^^^ YEAH RIGHT! Many Modern Atheists are Pompous White horse Riding ‘Moralists’! They are Religious Zealot’s on a Righteous Crusade, fighting the ‘Evils’ of Religion, and vigously propagating and defending their Faith. They often get extremely vicious against declarations of Faith in the Christian God, which led one Blogger to inquire… ” I mean, if … Continue reading Poster child for Atheism…Hannibal Lecter.