First Baptist Church of Glendale…. Moral Legalist FAIL!

^^^ THAT EVIL is one of the chief reasons why I don’t attend church… they are filled with Snakes,Hypocrites, and Chumps who go to church to feel superior to the rest of humanity. *You wont find Salvation* in such places as Satan Rules there… not Christ. Am I being harsh? Perhaps. I have never set … Continue reading First Baptist Church of Glendale…. Moral Legalist FAIL!

New Zealand Tribute to Dr Robert H Schuller. Great Christian Possibility Thinker. 1926-2015.

“Theistic Faith is Optimistic and springs from a Possiblity Thinker, whereas Atheistic doubt is Pessimistic and springs from an Impossiblity thinker”. Robert Schuller Senior. It is with both sadness and pleasant memories, that I and my wife joy say good bye to a wise old Christian, whose ‘Hour of Power’ brought inspiration and faith into … Continue reading New Zealand Tribute to Dr Robert H Schuller. Great Christian Possibility Thinker. 1926-2015.

Morbid dreams of anarchy

A Christian anarchist is … one who turns the other cheek, overturns the tables of the moneychangers, and does not need a cop to tell him how to behave. A Christian anarchist does not depend upon bullets or ballots to achieve his ideal; he achieves that ideal daily by the One-Man Revolution with which he … Continue reading Morbid dreams of anarchy

Should Christians kill all the homosexuals?

I chose the title of this post carefully in order to comply with Betteridge’s law of headlines. Should Christians kill all the homosexuals? (Let’s be clear. The answer is NO.) Not even Pastor Logan Robertson thinks that Christians should kill all the homosexuals. He thinks that’s a job for the government. I believe every single … Continue reading Should Christians kill all the homosexuals?

What have I been using for brains? (Friday ramble)

Nathaniel Branden, best known for his adulterous liaison with Ayn Rand, has died at the age of 84. And Jim Peron, best known in New Zealand for his forthright views on pedophilia, has written an approbatory encomium for the Huffington Post. Regarded by my co-blogger Tim as “probably the best Objectivist of them all,” Branden is … Continue reading What have I been using for brains? (Friday ramble)

Sensus divinitatis

For since the creation of the world God’s invisible qualities—his eternal power and divine nature—have been clearly seen, being understood from what has been made, so that men are without excuse. (NIV) A while ago I borrowed a friend’s copy of the New Scientist’s special edition, the God Issue. (Note to self: Return it!) Contrary … Continue reading Sensus divinitatis

Knowledge Filters: All solid evidence against the Theory of Evolution is automatically rejected .

Filtering: “Selective presentation or deliberate manipulation of information to make it more acceptable or favorable to its recipient.” Read more: This is the ‘Human factor’ at work in ‘Science’, and is why the vast % of ‘Research’ ends up ‘proving’ the hypothesis of the ‘researcher’. Simply put…. they impose their theory upon the data… … Continue reading Knowledge Filters: All solid evidence against the Theory of Evolution is automatically rejected .

Legal Heroin Ban: PSA and the Evil of Politics.

It’s a great relief to me that at least one of my libertarian friends gets it. This compelling piece on the diabolical Psychoactive Substances Act by atheist blogger and fellow freedom fighter Mark Hubbard is so good, I’m syndicating it. Be sure to check out more of Mark’s blog. I wish I had more time to … Continue reading Legal Heroin Ban: PSA and the Evil of Politics.

Mankind is on the verge of creating Sentient artificial intelligence? BULLSHIT!

It amazes me just how ridiculous are the myths of Materialism! That all life forms are the result of mindless accidents. That ‘unguided’ evolution can change a worm into a human with the ‘magic wand’ of time. Etc Etc. And this fundamental superstition of Materialist Naturalism has multitudes of whacky spin-offs… one being that Human … Continue reading Mankind is on the verge of creating Sentient artificial intelligence? BULLSHIT!