Bad personal choices and Socialism to blame for Maori predicaments, not Colonisation. Lets talk about Facial Tattoos.

Important note: Never forget… No matter what we have done… God’s mercy and new life is waiting for us… through the Cross. The Power of The Gospel to Change Lives…
Find Truth, Redemption, and the Love of God
Read article (below) then watch this one… (above^)

50 Cent pokes fun at Mongrel Mob member’s tattoo on social media

‘Rapper 50 Cent has used his personal Instagram account to poke fun at a Mongrel Mob member’s face tattoo.

“What the f… is really going on man. I wonder why he can’t get a job?” the rapper wrote.

The image shared was a picture of Mongrel Mob member Puk Kireka, who has the word “Notorious” tattooed in red and black across the lower half of his face.

Kireka’s story was picked up by global media following an interview he did with the NZ Herald last week, where he admitted it would be tough to find employment with the tattoo. ‘
**** **** ****

Who thinks 50 Cent is wrong about his derision of how detrimental Puk Kireka’s Mob Tattoo will affect his future Job prospects????
Even Puk Kireka knows thats a simple fact.
The following blog post is written in disgust… not racism… though it does focus on what is happening to a particular racial demographic… the Maori people… *My People*…
My disgust centers upon the vile lies and socialist politics that subverts the truth and fails to correctly identify the *real causes* for why…despite decades of social engineering and Billions of Tax dollars of special treatment, Maori remain trapped in State dependence, and fill up New Zealand’s Jails.
Its about how our Government falsely and relentlessly attributes Maori Social failings to ‘Oppression and racism’ suffered from ‘Colonisation’ when in reality Maori are victims of the delusions that derive from this very Deceitful and toxic Socialist ideology.

One of my latest blog posts here poured scorn on a recently completed and heavily funded Government inquiry into the question of Maori Criminality that is starkly out of all proportion to their number comparative to all other racial demographics, and the resultant report called ‘‘He Waka Roimata or A Vessel of Tears’ recently tabled for the government to consider.
This report is supposed to give MPs guidance and insights into the root causes of why Maori have such disastrous social statistics. esp in relation to crime and Jail.

The release of this report, and its utterly contemptible conclusions are what have spurred me to blogging on this Current affair, as I utterly reject its main premises as not merely missing the mark by a thousand miles, but because it is a work of Evil political agenda driven propaganda… not an objective inquiry leading to sound conclusions… and it is outrageous that this fraudulent report is going to be used as a guide to Future Government policy!

We can see that the result will be precisely what Socialists intended to do all along *even before the inquiry was undertaken*… like so many of the farcical processes acted out for the sake of pulling the wool over the eyes of the public before Socialist enact their heavy handed and expensive agendas.
Such Inquiries pretend to be ‘sound governance practice’… ‘due diligence’ feigning ‘due process’… with copious helpings of ‘Public consultation’… garnering ‘expert opinion’… etc etc … when we know the result has been pre-determined and will entail Hundreds of Millions of Taxpayer dollars more being spent expanding State interventions and apartheid politics… yet because all this Nonsense does not correctly identify the root causes of Maori criminality and poverty, it is with mathematical certainty doomed to failure just as all the Socialist Apartheid politics of the last 50 years has proven to be.
They are not only continuing to Flog this dead horse… continuing with political ideas that are proven failures, these Socialist Politicians are doing what they always do… *Enabling* and *perpetuating* the misery!
*And this Angers me!* *This incompetence* and dishonesty Disgusts me!
Yet of course because Nanny State Socialists are ‘one trick ponies’… they dont have any other Game to play…
Unfortunately the entire country must pay a heavy price for their ongoing incompetence and delusions… no one paying a higher price than Maori themselves who have been indoctrinated with these toxic lies that corrode their ability to appreciate the fundamental causes of their own predicament.

The solution to the Maori predicament is not more Nanny statism… but less…. and more self responsibility.
The solution to the Maori predicament is not more Apartheid politics and blame… but less… and more self responsibility.
Ie If Maori are ever going to climb out of the gutter it will be *when they do it for themselves* by embracing the ethics of *Self responsibility*

This is the truth that is missing from the report ‘He Waka Roimata or A Vessel of Tears’ that instead tries to blame ‘White Colonialism’for Maori’s plight rather than their own failure to embrace Ethics and values necessary to prosper… and stay out of prison.

The Fundamental truth that Current Socialist Apartheid politics and Welfare dependence are 100 times more destructive to Maori individuals well being than the so-called ‘culture shock’ of 19 century English Colonisation can be proven at all points if only people will open their eyes and ears… and esp their minds to considering *alternative perspectives* to the ones that they have been spoon fed by Socialist politicians and their ‘Education system’.

Today’s blog will consider just one aspect of detrimental choices and behaviour that makes life harder for those people who make this choice… just one reason why many Maori will find themselves welfare dependent… yet it has little to do with their race.
Upon reading the following only the belligerent minded will not already appreciate what I am about to say as being so basic and irrefutable that it barely requires being stated, yet I must do so to demonstrate the dynamics of Falsely labeling *personal individual choices* as ‘systemic racism’.
Failure to Call out Maori for their own poor choices, and instead blaming the Pakeha for their woes virtually guarantees succeeding generations of Maori will continue to wallow in the mire… and continue to cultivate Race hatred for their Pakeha neighbours!
And from hatred comes violence and crime.

Read: Dangerous man on the run from police.

So lets talk about the vital issues of Self responsibility, and personal choices… issues Socialists avoid like the plague in favour of an ideology of *Blaming others* .
Socialism thrives on victimism… they envisage an endless struggle between Oppressor and the oppressed.
They Never associate personal outcomes with personal choices and responsibility.
Instead they seek to circumvent personal responsibility via Nanny State interventions, Prohibitions, and compulsions.

Life is Tough!
And yet Good Parents attempt to raise their children to take responsibility for their own actions.
Yet ‘Adulting’ can be very difficult… especially when it comes to self discipline and voluntarily obeying and maintaining morals and values you know in the long term to be wise and beneficial… all the while resisting urges and temptations to indulge in vice, or ‘short cuts’… for immediate short term benefit and gratification… that are gained at the expense of others… and ultimately… ourselves.
There will always be a personal price to pay for Bad choices!
Call it Karma… reaping what you sow…. etc.
Though this is tuff… nonetheless these truths are *vital* for every individual to apprehend… irrespective of Race.
Despite what the Morally bankrupt Academics of our day preach in our institutions of learning about ‘cultural relativism’… in truth the same essential morals, values, and principles apply equally to all… and your success or failure as an individual depends upon how well you grasp these essential truths… and how resolved you are to following Virtue as your guide…and in maintaining them in your personal walk.

I want to apply this theme to the story at the top of this post… 50cent and the Mobster Puk Kireka’s Heavy Gang Facial tattoo…and how this demonstrates the Truth about a lack in self responsibility as being the Primary source of the Maori peoples sorry social conditions… not Colonisation.

50 cent derided Puk because his personal choice to get that tattoo is guaranteed to make his life harder ‘in the big wide world’… esp with respect to future employment… and employment is one of the *most essential factors* in being self reliant and independent human being!
The ability to Earn an honest dollar.

So unless you are Filthy Rich and dont need a Job, obviously getting that sort of Tattoo may therefore be considered to be *a bad personal choice* because is will undoubtedly negatively impact on that persons ability to uprightly take care of themselves.
It is a Bad choice not restricted to Maori, but by people of all races, and yet it is a Bad personal choice made to a much higher degree by young Maori Men… usually to impress their Peers.. or to serve as a type of ‘War paint’… that this person is ‘Staunch’… ‘Bad ass’… etc to intimidate others or cause others to be wary of messing with them… I am of course taking about Tattoos… esp Face, neck, lower arms and hand tattoos that are impossible/ difficult to conceal.
And it is the higher prevalence of such tattoos among Maori men that is but one factor that works to lower Maori Social statistical outcomes… not colonisation.

I will discuss Traditional ‘Moko’ in the postscript.

Many of these Tattoos are purposefully ‘aggressive’, most often of very poor quality, and often associated with fringe subcultures,Gangs, and Jail.
I appreciate that when you are raised in a poor community (not a personal choice children make), and immersed in Gang culture (which is often family related, or Neighborhood related, yet ultimately still a life style choice to participate in) these Tattoos are considered to be ‘positive goods’… emblems of belonging… have urban warfare value… even value when it comes to ‘Hooking up’.
This is what life appears to be ‘all about’ to young people immersed in it, yet they are setting themselves up for a very hard lesson in life that the Greater world… the world in which better quality of life exists, will not be at all impressed.
This whole ‘Culture’ is a study in personal ethics and choices that too easily is talked about by socialists who make excuses for Bad personal choices by their pet demographics they instead frame as ‘helpless victims’ of ‘social failings’ and oppression rather than individual choices.
If only More Youth would have the wisdom and foresight to appreciate how bad a decision to get a facial tattoo can be… unfortunately many youth dont get good parenting or mentor-ship that sets an example worthy to be emulated… unfortunately Young Maori men take their roll models from older siblings, Uncles, etc… Gang Members… heavily tattooed… Hard Drinkers… drug users… and quick to use their fists if they feel ‘disrespected’.
Thus the older generation of Maori have to accept that their own life choices play a very strong part in the choices their youth will make… for better or ill.
What sort of examples did Puk’s Whanau set for him?

None of this has anything to do with ‘Colonisation’ or Pakeha oppression.
It has everything to do with a culture of poor judgement, poor ethics, poor values, and poor exemplars.
Maori have enjoyed decades of Political and legal favoritism and yet Socialists never cease to insist Maori are oppressed.
In reality Maori criminality is a testament to Maori failure to honour the Treaty!

That Racism has little to do with this particular issue can be seen with the well known case of ‘Devast8’… White boy Mark Cropp.
“A man with ‘Devast8’ tattooed across his face, who last year opened up about his job struggles as he tried to turn his life around, is back before the courts.”

Read more here…
‘New charges revealed: Jobseeker with ‘Devast8′ across his face is back before the courts’

The fact is that these types of Tattoos carry definite social stigma and are justly associated with Anti-social behavior, and crime.
And this Sigma has nothing to do with race.. and nothing to do with ‘Bigotry’… A White person with a Facial ‘White Power’ tattoo with find his lot in life just as difficult as any Maori with ‘Black Power’
Its a simple fact that Employers, Landlords will with good reason think twice about employing or renting to a person with heavy tattoos
That this trait is very predominant among young Maori… ie that many Maori men have heavy Facial tattoos,Hands, Neck… and also carry high statistical gang affiliations is why their demographic is proportionally heavily affected, yet in reality New Zealanders are collectively a heavily Tattooed People… New Zealand has a high statistical Tattoo count from all ethnic backgrounds… yet not so much on the face.

The Internet is full of accounts of Non Maori… White Individuals who have a harder time in life because of their facial tattoos.
Its an internationally recognised problem for individuals.

Australian Craig Ginter
Read : ‘Man denied entry into Winnipeg bar because of face tattoos likely not protected by law’

Many people will not even bother to read this post simply because the facts are so obvious!
That the serious negative consequences result from this sort of personal behavior by young people has nothing to do with systemic racism, and everything to do with having made very bad choices that will impact negatively upon your future is something so Obvious that many people will wonder why I bothered to write this?
As I have explained in the very first paragraph… This post is about exposing the Lies of socialism that try and blame ‘Colonialism and White Prejudices’ for the poor social conditions/ High Criminality of Maori, and in the process deny the fact that the *real causes* are the lack of Self responsibility for their personal choices… and that blaming Colonisation and White racism is a disgusting lie for political ends, that not only slanders Pakeha, but attempts to justify *Racist politics* extorting hundreds of millions of dollars all the while failing to address the real Moral crisis that is impoverishing Maori and ensnaring them in Socialist dependency.

Let me finish by saying most of the insights on the importance of personal ethics I have expressed are not things I have learned in school but truths I have lived.
I spent my youth as part of the Fringe subculture in rebellion to ‘conservative society’, in which tattoos were the norm, and in which many foolish values are embraced as being ‘Cool’ ‘Staunch’.
I have many Tattoos. Tattoos I wish I did not have, yet fortunately they are not on my Face, Hands, Neck, or lower arms.
I like Tattoos, yet for religious reasons I regret mine, and discourage anyone from getting them… and if they do implore they do so on discrete areas of the body that can be covered at times of Work, Job interviews, etc… because for most professional interactions with wider society having overt tattoos will be a disadvantage.

It is pointless for the Tattoo community to act as if they are somehow being ‘oppressed’ by ‘bigoted’ outsiders for ‘Judging them’ because of their Tattoos when its a patent fact that Tattoos and criminality… Tattoos and Gangs…, etc are not mythical associations but factual… and that not only are a large percentage of tattoos purposefully intended to send a message of ‘Baddassness’ but that even the Tattooed community judge each other by their tattoos… eg a Tattooed Maori is highly likely to immediately hate a Pakeha with a white power Tattoo… and so when you analyse all this you can easily see that deriving *First impressions about a persons character* from their Tattoos is a universal habit founded upon some very valid associations.
Yet sometimes these first impressions can be wrong… and of course there are many Great people with Facial Tattoos.
People can change… Criminals can reform… First appearances can be very deceiving… People do form judgments by first appearances and may will not bother to investigate further whether or not their first impressions were correct.
It has just been reported that Puk Kireka actually wants to change his ways and is seeking donations from the public to fund his education.
Read ‘Tattooed Mongrel Mob member mocked by 50 Cent seeks donations to fund education.’

“A Givealittle page, started by Kireka’s partner Waiora Tareha, is now seeking donations from the public to help the gang member turn his life around.
Tareha said the page was an attempt to get Kireka a helping hand from others to kickstart a new, positive life.”

I wish Puk Kireka every success in his endevour to step up and create a better life for himself!
It will be very hard with that Heavy Facial Tattoo… Yet not impossible… He will have to find the inner strength to persevere.
Maybe getting it removed would be in his own best interest… these are the sorts of tuff choices he must make for his own future.

I hope he also mentors his younger Whanau into not making the same detrimental life choices that he himself made… in this way he can help them to have a better life… a smoother path… Break out of Poverty and crime… and is not this what we all want for Maori?
They must turn their backs on the lies of Socialism and race hate against the Pakeha… turn away from blaming Colonisation which has brought 1000 times more benefits and opportunities to these shores than the socialist claims of the evils of ‘Land alienation and loss of culture’.
In Freedom and equality before the Law Maori may embrace *all the positive aspects of their Cultural inheritance* while also embracing the advantages of Western Science, technology, and life affirming Values and ethics that are essential for all human beings to escape socialist dependence on the State and prosper by their own efforts.

I wrote this ‘Pamphlet’ ‘Whistle while you Work‘ on work ethics and work culture to help individuals seeking to better themselves via personal effort and self responsibility… Please share it with Job seekers and anyone who is keen to make a better life for themselves… they have the power!

Stop with the self-defeating Victimism and Blame!
There are Political injustices in life, and they can and do make life harder… and as a Libertarian I busy myself exposing them and calling for reforms, yet this blog post has focused on merely *one example* of a *personal choice* that has heavy consequences for individuals irrespective of their race… Yet of course there are countless other matters of personal choice, values, and personal responsibility that when considered in totality are sufficient to explain why some people wallow in poverty, commit crimes, and never rise to their full potential… while others rise above the hurdles and succeed… in spite of all the Political BS.
Be like them!

Tim Wikiriwhi.
Christian Libertarian.

Postscript: Moko.

Without spending too much time talking about the ‘Old World’ tradition of Moko (of which I make no claims of expertise) I just want to make a few passing points.
Firstly I want to say their is a world of difference between ‘Tribal art’ and Gang tattoos.
I also want to point out that Facial Moko even back in Pre-Colonial times was not universal, and that the notion that any contemporary Maori thinking that by getting a Facial Moko today somehow makes them ‘A greater Maori’ or somehow symbolises them as being ‘more passionate’ about Old world Maori culture… I cant help but to consider such motives as being Poor judgement
and actually perpetrating a type of cultural fraud.

Tattoos in Old times may have been associated with high Mana, and imbued *ferocity* to a Warriors presence in war (and on the street… and in jails… all reason why Modern Gangs love Facial Tattoos)… yet that same ferocity will work to defeat you in times of Peace… outside Gang culture…in the modern world where prosperity and Freedom from Crime and jail is to be found… so a person must weigh up the positive personal consequences they perceive of Getting a facial tattoo that they like, from any negative social costs such a Tattoo may carry in affecting their ability to prosper… and this is a personal choice… not a matter of prejudice…

More from Tim…








Universal Pride in Washington, Separatist Shame in Wellington.

The Shame of Maori Radicalism. Hate and Violence.

Why a new Constitution for New Zealand must protect the Individual from Mobocracy.

Paul Holmes on Waitangi day Stench.

State of Confusion. The Rule of Law vs The Mandate of the Majority. New Zealand’s Constitutional Crisis.

Low Lives in High Places. Water and John Key’s Racist Alliance

The Great Waitangi Swindle.

Trojan Horse: The UN Separatist Declaration of Indigenous Rights.

Gangster Police make Gun owners ‘Offer they cant Refuse’. Their ‘Gun Buy Back Scheme’ With Menaces.

Reading the above ‘post’ from a Facebook Group, it is apparent the New Zealand Police continue with their belligerent attitude towards Law abiding and innocent Gun Owners.
If the report is accurate, they intend to run the ‘Gun Buy back scheme’ in such a way that is bound to cause Maximum Grievance and minimum compliance!
They are supposed to ‘Buy back’ the guns recently outlawed by Jacinda Ardern via shambolic legal processes, yet the scene is set for them to Under-value everything and thereby under compensate people for the Fire arms they are confiscating and destroying.
There is every reason to be suspicious given the dubious ‘process’ that has been ‘un-officially described’ and the paucity of the Governments allocation of a mere $168 million for compensation.

Alarm Bells should be ringing!!!!!

It is easy to infer The Government are more concerned about keeping costs down rather than paying a just price, which will virtually guarantee many Gun owners will rebel against being *Robbed of their property by the Police*.

The official details will be released on Thursday.
If it pans out that the Police intend to under compensate Gun owners, why should they comply with such extortion?
The Police are obviously relying on intimidation to cause compliance out of shear terror.
We all know how Jackbooted the New Zealand police have become… They expect compliance to their unjust terms simply because *they have the guns and the legal authority to destroy your life if you dont obey…. Raid your home… point Guns at your wife and Kids… and take you away if they find *anything*.
And this appears to be the Stance the police are taking.
They are delivering an Ultimatum… Treating gun Owners as if they are Criminals.

Unless the Police front up with a fair Deal, it will only be under an atmosphere of Coercive threats that people will comply and part with their property for a sum they consider unfair.

This is not a fair and reasonable transaction but Bully Boy Gangsterism… using Stand over tactics… extorting the property from helpless victims!
This is not Justice but Terrorism by the State!
This is what a Police State looks like!

I am not a Gun owner and so this Extortion Racket will not directly affect me YET I AM ABSOLUTELY DISGUSTED that the process (post above) is what the Police have concocted to ‘Relieve Gun Owners of their property’ before they settle what compensation they will pay!

They leave you zero recourse…. any pretense to ‘an appeal’ is farcical…. once they have your property there is no intensive to pay you anything more. *nor any Legal requirement for them to do so!*
Parliament has left the Door open for large scale rip offs to occur without legal redress … and the Police know this.

I guarantee you when you hear this process has begun we will hear stories to low payments and failed appeals…

The Gun Community must Rally Now!!!!!
You must organise.
You must pool some money to stage a legal challenge now.
This group must preemptively Value some guns before handing some over and see what the Buy back scheme pays out.
If it is Robbing people You must all act collectively and refuse to comply until they pay you what your property is worth… *thats what Buy back means … and they are claiming this is a Buy back scheme…. which *always means the price is agreed and paid before the property changes hands NOT AFTER!!!
The Gun community must demand what means the Police are using to deem the value of what they are ‘Buying back’.

Many of you will be thinking The same thing yet will be scared to speak up because as you may have herd that Police are threatening to take away licences from Gun owners who even talk about non-compliance!

This is what tyranny looks like.

Of course the Police will not appreciate me saying these things, or calling the Gun Community to rally in defense of their Rights and Property.
The Police would love to make it Illegal to even *talk about* non-compliance to their plans.
Yet Peaceful and principled Civil disobedience has been one of the most potent forms of democratic/people power resistance to Government tyranny and fighting Bad Laws.
Free Speech, and Freedom of association, and protest are some of the most important rights of the people to challenge State injustice, and the Police have no right to criminalise people for organising themselves into peaceful resistance and protest.
Any cursory study of the history of Rights and law reform bears witness to countless examples whereby Good people with righteous causes have used peaceful civil disobedience to fight legal injustice… in fact Few would be instances where law reform has been achieved *without protest* or Civil Disobedient non-compliance.
This always takes Brave and principled People to risk persecution by the State…violence, arrest, and even jail for the sake of Truth and justice.

I realise that though the Recent Arms amendments were enacted via farcical practices (esp on the part of the Police playing legislators) that there is now a legal obligation for Gun owners to comply, and that ultimately non-compliance will be in violation of the new laws and risks Prosecution, yet the Police ought not to be running the Buy back in such a Nazi-like fashion!
They should not be allowed to destroy *any guns* before the owners have agreed to accept the compensation offered to them and any owners who believe the offer is not sufficient their Guns should not be destroyed but become part of a second process whereby the owner makes a claim to value, and independent experts access this via Market values over seas… like for like.
Only by treating gun owners with respect can the New Zealand Police maintain Mana and receive Respect in return from the gun owning community, and gain maximum compliance.
Remember these people have done nothing wrong and they deserve to be fully compensated for what the Ardern Government has done.
We all know the Weasles in Parliament dont want to acknowledge the full amount of how many hundreds of Millions of Tax Slave Dollars they have wasted on this tyrannical legislation.
And if this Buy back scheme turns out to be a gigantic rip off how many Good People may end up in Jail because they refused to allow the government to under pay them for their property?
They will be treated like dangerous criminals instead of the victims of dangerously Corrupt government, and as such we can be sure the Jackbooted and Militarised NZ Police will not hesitate to Shoot people dead over the smallest acts of resistance.

Weep you sheeple of New Zealand!
You have allowed your Government to become Drunk on Power!

Tim Wikiriwhi
LIbertarian Independent.

P.S Please share this blogpost on facebook for me as I am currently under a 30 day ban. Cheers!

More from Tim….







Govt’s offer to gun owners unfair, risks public safety
Thu, 20 Jun, 2019
“The Government risks creating a large black market by offering gun owners less than fair market value for newly-banned firearms and by putting political theatre above public safety”, ACT Leader David Seymour says.

“ACT believes that if the government confiscates private property it must compensate owners by paying them fair market value. The only way the Government will retrieve all newly-prohibited firearms, and keep the public safe, is if it offers owners reasonable compensation. It has failed to do that.

“There is now a serious risk that compliance with the buyback scheme will be low and that firearms will go underground. If a significant number of guns are not handed in, the Government risks creating a black market of illegal firearms without any regulatory oversight. That may be a more dangerous world than we had prior to March 15.

“The large public events at which gun owners will be made to hand in their firearms puts political theatre above public safety. The Government wishes to create a spectacle of weapons being destroyed en masse but, by taking the approach it has, there is no guarantee all guns will be handed in. This is the made-for-TV approach to public policy that has become Jacinda Ardern’s trademark.
Read more here

Leading New Zealand ammunition seller warns of ‘revolution’ over Government’s gun buyback scheme

The owner of one of New Zealand’s largest ammunition companies has warned of a violent revolution if gun owners feel shortchanged by the Government’s gun buyback scheme.

Paul Clark’s company, New Zealand Ammunition, supplies both the Police and the Defence Force. He told RNZ’s Checkpoint that many gun owners were planning to intentionally skirt the law by hiding their banned weapons.

He was “absolutely sure” that gun owners or organisations would appeal to the courts over the proposed prices of the gun buyback, and he was currently considering taking an action himself.

He said that if gun owners could not access the courts “the only alternative is revolution”.

When asked by host Lisa Owen what he meant by “revolution”, Clark said “Literally, what I just said. What have you got to lose? What other alternatives have you got in life?”…

Read more here

‘Illegal gun owners to ‘go to ground’ to avoid buyback scheme, says retailer’

Some Marlborough gun owners still do not intend to hand in illegal semi-automatic firearms despite “fair pricing” in the Government’s gun buyback scheme, a gun shop owner says.

Gunshack Blenheim owner Peter Watson said he had received calls from people in Marlborough, and around the country, saying they would not be handing in their guns.

“In reality the price is fair, but what they’ve taken away is not fair,” Watson said.
“They’ll go to ground and keep them until a change of Government or a change of policy.”

Read more here

Stop with the lies and Blame! Maori need to take responsibility for their own shocking Crime statistics.

Socialism is built upon a mountain of lies that must be maintained at all cost lest the light of truth should penetrate the fog and expose the rot and the deception.
Lies are told by those who seek advantage that they would never receive should the truth be admitted, and any such advantages gained by such dishonesty are always at the expense of others.
Yet Lies also bring curses upon those who make deals with the Devil, and though it may appear for a season to be profitable… ultimately Frauds have a habit of bringing pain and destruction… hence the old adage ‘Cheats never prosper’.

One of the most toxic Political Deceptions that is rigorously maintained by Socialists in New Zealand and continuously served up to the New Zealand public is the ‘Defeatist Entrapment’ of the Maori people as being the eternal victims of White Rapine, and Oppression.
The Great Evil of ‘Colonisation’.

This Blatant lie is not only used to claim that because Maori are said to be the victims of Racism, that they are owed Welfare….’restorative justice’… compensation…. etc… ie Justify all the socialist welfare programs, special Legislation, and treaty settlements, etc but also to absolve Maori from taking any responsibility for their own shocking Social metrics.

Socialists claim:
Its the white mans Fault Maori Men Drink and Beat their woman and children.
Its the white mans Fault Maori Woman are Obese.
Its the white mans fault Maori youth are unemployed and belong to Gangs.
Its the White man’s Fault that Maori Commit violent crimes and fill our jails to overflowing!

This is precisely the sort of vile Political ideology that has just been served up under a report ‘He Waka Roimata or A Vessel of Tears’ that pretends to be ‘an inquiry’ when in reality its just a Partisan Ideological media release designed to dupe the public into accepting Left wing political agenda and program.

Ref: Stuff ‘A Vessel of Tears’: Grief and colonialism at the heart of criminal justice experience, report says

They claim this is *systemic oppression*.

“The report was produced by the Government-appointed Te Uepū pai i te Ora – Safe and Effective Justice Advisory Group after more than 220 public meetings nationwide.”

Wow! Sounds like this ‘report’ is based upon a substantial investigation! yet when the resulting conclusions and recommended actions were already known *before the inquiry*… that is not an inquiry!
This whole process was nothing more than a huge Junket at the tax payers expense!
That’s 220 taxpayer funded meetings across the Nation where Socialist ideologues got paid to sit around and have Lunch, and talk *about their own opinions*… peddle their own wares… Paddle their own waka!

(Photos taken from an ‘Action Station’ PDF dated aprox 3-10-18)

The above ‘Action Station’ ‘research report’ encapsulates the ideology that underpins ”He Waka Roimata or A Vessel of Tears’.
The date of this ‘research report’ dovetails perfectly with the ‘Vessel of tears’ program, and you get a feel for the way this whole process was undertaken… and see that it was far from impartial and objective … ” We Honour your Korero, We honour your whanau, and we stand in solidarity with you..”

We can be certain that at no point did the truth about why there are so many Maori in Jail get aired…. Ie That Maori are failing to take responsibility for their own behavior… their own lack of personal ethics… their own sloth, and lack of civil values… ie that the lies of Socialism are failing them… no…. no such Truth Bombs made it into this Left wing propaganda piece… Truth Bombs that would blow the entire left wing Political system out of the water and free Maori from the Delusions that all their misery is the white mans fault!

Even the name of the report ‘Vessel of Tears’…. is nauseating! (like Ardern’s ‘Well being Budget’)… who the hell dreams up these pompous propaganda names … how ‘basic’ do these Charlatans think the average New Zealander is?
They seriously believe such weasel words make the lies they are selling more palatable to the masses?
I shudder to contemplate they may be right!

As a the son of a failed marriage between my Violent and Alcoholic Maori Father and a Pakeha Mother who was the victim of his abuse, My Childhood was a combination of Living with my Pakeha Grandparents, Times lived with my Solo Mum on the DPB, and times lived with a violent Stepfather when my mother re-married, My childhood was less than Ideal, and I would leave home by the age of 15… more on my story here… and I came very close to becoming another Maori Social statistic that could have easily been written off as ‘just another victim of Colonization’ yet thankfully my Journey through the School of hard knocks taught me some priceless life lessons… that I could not blame my ruff childhood for my lot in life, but in fact that I myself, and the choices I made were (and are) chiefly responsible for how my life pans out… and it is this realisation… that I am *not a victim* of anything other than my own foolish ideas and values… that in reality… and irrespective of my dysfunctional upbringing… I am responsible for how successful my life will be … this Truth is *self empowering*… and I became a Libertarian… and an outspoken Critic of Socialism and all the Toxic Racism, defeatism, and entrapment in perpetual victim-ism it entails.
I have spent nearly two decades speaking out against the Lies of the racist radicals and their fraudulent claims of the Colonial oppression of Maori, and the evils of Maori dependence upon Socialist Welfare.

Waitangi Treaty Separatism, and all the socialist lies that it is Built upon is *Bare-faced Racist Politics* *Vile Fraudulent Revisionist History*… Yet to deny these Truth Bombs Socialists Like Justice Minister Andrew Little has the audacity to claim that Political pamphlets that speak out against his party’s Racist agenda and call for Equality before the law “as being Hate speech”… here… Anti-Māori pamphlet shows gaps in hate speech law: Andrew Little calls for action

Little repairing to the pseudo history of left wing accademics that infest of education system when he said… “It peddles myths about pre-European Maori society that historical scholarship does not bear out. If it demonstrates anything, it is that the author of it is an ignorant fool.”

So that is how Rigged this game is!
Socialists have positioned themselves at every station…
The Government.
The education system.
The Media
Fighting the socialist racist politics of the Leftist Government, and calling for Equality before the law is fed to the New Zealand Public by our Left wing infested Media *as being racist*, and as such the government wants to make such Political opinion *illegal* to speak about in public.

Yes Socialism seeks to use Political power and the law silence it’s critics!
Socialism uses political power and the law to re-write history!

And they want New Zealanders to think of those who call them out on their racism as being ‘Alt Right’ ‘White supremacists’ ‘ etc’.
So of course Socialists *cant stand Maori like myself* who deny We are victims of Colonisation… and who call for an end to treaty separatism and Apartheid politics!
An example of this hatred socialists have for people like myself can be seen in how triggered US democrats get when Black Woman Candice Owens destroys their claims of ‘White privilege’.
They likewise cant stand Gay man Milo yiannopoulis because he refuses to join the Socialist ranks of Homosexuals raging against Christianity. (think Israel Falou)
Likewise any woman who rejects militant left wing feminism and their blatant Man-hating sexism under the guise of ‘fighting the Patriarchy’.
In all these spheres it is not Equality before the Law that is the ideal of left wing ‘Identity politics’… but legalised Discrimination against whites… against holding Christian ideals and values… against Men, etc.

Again who is it that the Socialists in government, in the media, the Liberals running internet Social networks want to de-platform… want to silence?
Who is it the accuse of being ‘Hate speakers’ and try to associate with the ‘Alt right’… or accuse of ‘fake news’?

Those outspoken individuals whose Truth Bombs decimate left wing delusions, and expose their corruption and lies!

These are the speakers and activists Left wing Politicians like Auckland mayor Phil Goff try to prevent from getting Visas, or having venues to share their ideas to the voting public.
its left wing politicians like Goff who want to keep the public ignorant… and voting left!

Getting back to my original topic about the Lies that underpin the Racist Socialist agenda and their ideological excuse that Rampant Maori Criminality may be blamed on ‘Colonisation’, let me remind people of what New Zealand first MP and Minister of Regional Economic Development Shane Jones recently said….

Check this out…. ‘Shane Jones rubbishes claim colonialism is to blame for family violence’

Shane Jones, fresh off rescuing a woman from an alleged brutal domestic assault, has called on Māori to stop blaming colonialism for their woes.

Jones and his wife Dot were driving in Wellington on Saturday when they noticed a “fracas” in the car behind them….

The attacker, Jones said, was a young Māori man.

“I say to our Maori people – this sort of carry-on, don’t go blaming colonialism; don’t join the chorus of idiocy I’m seeing on the East Coast where the artists don’t want Captain Cook celebrated because they’re responsible for family violence on the East Coast. That’s pathetic. I hate that soup of excuses.”

Author of ‘Once were Warriors’ Allan Duff also copped a lot of hate from Maori for challenging their Culture of Blame and perpetual victimism.
The Movie was an indictment against the attitudes… and ‘culture of violence’ prevalent within Maoridom and it exposed the sort of mentality that causes Maori people to end up in prison… Nothing to do with ‘white men’s oppression’ and everything to do with the lack of Values.
In The sequel ‘What becomes of the broken Hearted’ Jake the Muss meets some Maori Guys who were using their time and talents much more constructively, and Jake tries to re-invent himself… to become a better man… and that folks… is the road to redemption!
Once were Warriors cut very close to the bone for many Maori because of how it reflected their reality.
Like my own Father… White people were not to blame for his own lack of self control… for the bullshit running around in his head… for his violence and his drinking!
He was fully responsible for that!

Read: Alan Duff: Time to break silence on Maori violence

It is the height of dishonesty for Socialist politicians to try and deny these most basic Moral truths!

The Real ‘Vessel of Tears’ is the fact that ongoing blame of Colonisation will never rescue Maori from the mire!

That will never come via Socialst lies and delusions.

It will only come the Day the Maori People shrug off the lies of socialist victimism, and racist blame, and determine to escape Socialist welfare dependency by taking ownership for their criminality and thereby determining to *Morally change* and to embrace *Values* that embody the virtues of Hard work, forsaking vice, forsaking violence, forsaking crime, forsaking Race hatred against Pakeha, forsaking the toxic lies sewn by socialists for political gain … that they are the victims of their Pakeha neighbours greed.
Throwing Off all that Dead weight and facing the future as an opportunity to prosper … by their own efforts… In Freedom…. under equality.
None of this entails an abandonment or lessening of their own Culture or identity.
This is pure empowerment… the very opposite of socialist victimism and dependence.

And New Zealanders must fight against Left wing attempts to outlaw Political criticism and alternative opinions!
Free Speech, and Freedom to assemble and hear Critics of the Government is essential for a democracy to remain Free.
Websites, Social media platforms, etc must remain accessible to all so that the people are truly informed at elections rather than just spoon fed left wing lies.

As Jesus Christ said “And ye shall know the truth, and the Truth shall make you free”.


One Law change that could significantly Help Maori would be to End cannabis prohibition!
Its a Bad/ unjust law, and while it has zero to do with racism, Maori are disproportionately affected by it.
So vote to end Prohibition in the coming referendum.

Tim Wikiriwhi
Christian Libertarian.

PS… Neither has it only been the Labour Party that has practiced this apartheid politics… For Decades The National Party has also facilitated it, and gotten into bed with Racist radicals of the Maori Party, etc… New Zelanders need to find a Political party dedicated to ending Treaty separatism and abolishing the Maori Seats in parliament… as a non-negotiable bottom line (never trust Winston Peters! Sadly for all his claims to want to end the ‘Brown mail’…the man speaks with forked tongue)


Woke Una Jagose.

Update: 18-10-24. Due to Public outrage NZ Solicitor General Una Jagose KC has been forced to Withdraw her controversial guidelines she issued that instructed judges to create a two tier sentencing hierarchy which gives Maori lower sentences than non-Maori on the basis that they have ‘suffered colonisation’.

Read: NZ Herald Solicitor-General backs down over controversial Māori prosecution guidelines

Update: 2-2-25
This Bullshit never stops…

The high rates of child abuse among Maori can be traced back to colonisation, an academic tells Florence Kerr for the Faces of Innocents project.

Nearly half of all children in the child victim toll are Maori.

There’s a reason for that, says Waikato Associate Professor Leonie Pihama. It’s called colonisation…”

Read Stuff article here.

This is an outrage!
This is not Scholarly wisdom… but Marxist racist radicalism!
It’s bear faced hateful and passing the buck.
And this is the shit they are teaching in our schools and universities!
This must stop!
The longer it continues the more Maori slip into Race hatred of Pakeha… and the more Maori Children will be murdered by their own maniac Whanau.


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More from Tim







Universal Pride in Washington, Separatist Shame in Wellington.

The Shame of Maori Radicalism. Hate and Violence.

Why a new Constitution for New Zealand must protect the Individual from Mobocracy.

Paul Holmes on Waitangi day Stench.

State of Confusion. The Rule of Law vs The Mandate of the Majority. New Zealand’s Constitutional Crisis.

Low Lives in High Places. Water and John Key’s Racist Alliance

The Great Waitangi Swindle.

Trojan Horse: The UN Separatist Declaration of Indigenous Rights.