Category Archives: Dispensationalism

Happy New Year? Let us Re-commit to the Battles of the Minds, Hearts, and Souls of our fellow humanity.


So another year begins.
Satan and his Bitches have not buggered off and so this means we lovers of Truth, Justice, and Freedom must Recommit ourselves to the righteous causes and carry on the fight against the lies and Evil oppressions they spawn.
So My brave friends, let us remember our brothers and sisters in the Jails of our petty tyranny.
Let us rise again to speak boldly against the wicked lies that damn our loved ones souls and keep them under the dragons wing.
May God give me a greater portion of wisdom, grace, and self-control…. to be a better servant… a better soldier…. a better son.

Evil prevails when good men do nothing.
Ask yourselves… is this the world you desire to bequeath to your children and their children?
Not I.

The Battlefront is on all sides.
To Arms!

Tim Wikiriwhi.
Protestant Christian.
1611 Bible believer.

The Word of God is inerrant. His scribes, not so much.


Jesus is inerrant, but the Bible isn’t.

Anyone who’s spent any time in serious study of the Bible (or even someone who’s only delved into it intermittently) will have discovered, for themselves, apparent contradictions, of which there are very, very many.

Just for example, Ezekiel 33:11 (and Ezekiel 18:32) and Psalm 37:13 seem rather at odds.

Say to them, ‘As surely as I live, declares the Sovereign Lord, I take no pleasure in the death of the wicked, but rather that they turn from their ways and live. Turn! Turn from your evil ways! Why will you die, people of Israel?’ (NIV)

but the Lord laughs at the wicked, for he knows their day is coming. (NIV)

How should a Christian respond to such apparent contradictions? It’s not easy maintaining contradictions. Maintaining a contradiction is surely the very essence of cognitive dissonance, and cognitive dissonance is something we all naturally seek to minimise.

Of particular concern are the apparent contradictions in Bible verses about salvation. Is justification through good works or by faith alone? Enquiring minds want to know.

The inerrantist response is to hold that the Bible is inerrant. On the premiss (due to Douglas Stauffer) that

God will preserve His word, and not allow it to pass away.

And then try to explain away the apparent contradictions. All of them. One attempt to do this (with particular emphasis on what the Bible says about salvation) is the doctrine of Dispensationalism due to John Nelson Darby.

Now, I can see that the above premiss has merit and that Dispensationalism is, in some sense, a reasonable response to the apparent contradictions in the Bible.

But doesn’t God operate according to the KISS principle?

“Truly I tell you, unless you change and become like little children, you will never enter the kingdom of heaven.” (NIV)

Dispensationalism is complicated. Doesn’t God’s fundamental message have to be intelligible to little children and simpletons? Because Dispensationalism isn’t.


The errantist response is to hold that the Bible is not inerrant. To concede that it’s full of contradictions, some of which cannot be adequately explained away. But that, nonetheless

All scripture is given by inspiration of God, and is profitable for doctrine, for reproof, for correction, for instruction in righteousness (KJV)

and that Jesus’s fundamental message remains intact, which it does.

Master, which is the great commandment in the law?

Jesus said unto him, Thou shalt love the Lord thy God with all thy heart, and with all thy soul, and with all thy mind.

This is the first and great commandment.

And the second is like unto it, Thou shalt love thy neighbour as thyself.

On these two commandments hang all the law and the prophets. (KJV)

My reason for writing this post is my concern that those who hold that the Bible is inerrant are fooling themselves. In a bad way. Notwithstanding that Douglas Stauffer (already quoted above) tells us that

Satan has reveled in creating doubt concerning the authority of the words of God.

the simple fact is that there is doubt concerning the authority of scripture as it has been handed down to us. Not to acknowledge and to express doubt such as this is to deceive oneself and maybe others too. It’s my considered opinion that those who persist in maintaining that the Bible is inerrant are involved in more convolutions and contortions than David Bain trying to explain his movements on the morning of 20 June 1994, more turns than a sluggard on his bed, more preposterous suspensions of disbelief than an atheist proclaiming that this blog post is an anticipated result of the Big Bang. They’re playing the exegetical version of Twister—the game that ties you up in knots.


First Baptist Church of Glendale…. Moral Legalist FAIL!

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^^^ THAT EVIL is one of the chief reasons why I don’t attend church… they are filled with Snakes,Hypocrites, and Chumps who go to church to feel superior to the rest of humanity.
*You wont find Salvation* in such places as Satan Rules there… not Christ.
Am I being harsh?
I have never set foot in the place… they may have Good intentions yet they are unintentionally paving the road to hell.
There are few enemies of Humanity with bloodier hands than Religious tyranny and persecution of infidels…(including Atheist tyrannies)

This is an age of Apostasy.
Nowhere in this age of grace are we Christians told *to compel* righteousness.

It’s a simple truth… yet sadly one that has become absolutely alien to a great portion of so-called Protestants.

To please God in this present age all our good works must spring from the heart… not from compulsions or fear of the human magistrates…or fear of hell.
Not to be able to make this simple distinction is a testament to gross ignorance on the part of so-called Christians and is the chief reason they have been involved in atrocities throughout the centuries… all under the Guise of ‘Piety’ and the common good.

Legalist Christians cause the gospel and name of Christ to stink among the very souls Christ came to save!
You are Pharisees and know not the Grace of God.

Christianity is the salt of the Earth *because it converts souls*… not because of Zealous legislation’s.
You want Society to become more Godly?
Get out there and Preach the Gospel of Grace!
Teach God’s love and forgiveness to sinners…. Don’t Persecute them… and feel all Righteous about it.
Satan appears as an Angel of Light, and his Wolves appear as Sheep… Ministers ‘of Righteousness’.


The snare he lays is Self-righteous Hypocritical Piety… Gross judgmentalism … Vicious hatred where their ought to be compassion… a Spirit of persecution… a lack of faith in the power of the Gospel…. and Gross mis-handling of the scriptures…

This is also why so many Christians foolishly support *Socialism*… yet True Christian Charity *Is voluntary*

Christianity is a Voluntary society… not a political movement, yet Satan has been able to deceived multitudes, because they fail to *Rightly Divide* the word of truth… causing them to completely miss what the Gospel of the grace of God means, and to become Pharisaic Legalists

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No Grace here…. Isis Zealots prepare to throw a Homosexual to his death… in accordance with Sharia Law.

What Light distinguishes you from the Witch burners of Old….from the tyranny of Isis?

Rediscover the great Truths upon which America was born!
Yes the sin about you is great, yet Tyranny is not the solution!

You have a much Higher calling!

Sadly the Bible teaches that in the end times the Church will dive into apostasy…. The Salt looses it’s savor … and the world gets ready to embrace the tyranny of the White Horse Rider…

Tim Wikiriwhi
Christian Libertarian.

Should Christians kill all the homosexuals?

I chose the title of this post carefully in order to comply with Betteridge’s law of headlines.

Should Christians kill all the homosexuals? (Let’s be clear. The answer is NO.)

Not even Pastor Logan Robertson thinks that Christians should kill all the homosexuals. He thinks that’s a job for the government.

I believe every single one of them should be put to death. Obviously Christians shouldn’t be doing it. I’m not going to do it. It’s the government’s job to be doing it.

Which is worse? Pastor Logan Robertson’s appalling homophobia or his abject statism? (Let’s be absolutely clear. It’s NOT the government’s job to kill homosexuals. It’s no one’s job. No one should kill anyone. Glory to God in the highest, and on earth peace, good will toward men.)

Presumably Robertson is somewhat cynical about the government’s ability to do whatever it is they’re supposed to do, and that’s why he says he’ll pray that Marjoram tops himself, rather than patiently wait for the state to embark on genocide.


I’m downgrading my assessment of Pastor Logan Robertson from stooge to sitting duck.

I was by no means the only one to suspect that Marjoram and Robertson were colluding and that it was all a set-up to gain publicity for and sell Marjoram’s book. Or, worse, that it was a cunning plan by new atheists to discredit Christianity. Investigative journalist Ian Wishart says

Maybe it’s the investigative journalist in me, and the sceptic in someone else who shall remain nameless, but something seems fishy about this story of the pastor abusing the gay author.

Logan Robertson does not seem to have much of a digital footprint pre-dating this. In fact, his “church” is so obscure it runs from a house and its website was only established a matter of weeks ago. Frankly, I’m surprised Jim Marjoram was able to find so obscure a church to send an email to…because I couldn’t find it in the usual church email directories he would ordinarily have used..

Maybe I missed something…

What Wishart missed, and what I missed, is that Robertson has a history of serious mental illness.


Here ends the short sad sorry saga of Pastor Logan Robertson and his Westcity Bible Baptist Church with its congregation of three.

Or does it?

What about the elephant in the room?

Let’s grab it by the tail and look the facts in the face. The Bible quite clearly tells us, as Pastor Logan Robertson reminds us in his email, to kill all the homosexuals.

If a man also lie with mankind, as he lieth with a woman, both of them have committed an abomination: they shall surely be put to death; their blood shall be upon them. (KJV)

So shouldn’t Bible-believing Christians be coming out and putting homosexuals up against the wall?

There’s a standard form of reply to this last question, which has to do with covenants and/or dispensations. A typical reply goes something like this.

The prohibition on homosexuality in Leviticus is part of what Bible scholars often call the ‘Holiness Code’. Its purpose was to maintain the distinctiveness of the Israelites from the Canaanites.


So we’re no longer required to kill homosexuals? Well, that’s nice and all, but I just don’t swallow the dispensationalist defence. Do I worship a God who, at one time, commanded the Israelites to stone their gay brethren to buggery? Or not? That’s the question I ask myself and my answer is NO.

I suggest that the repository of bigotry and bans that is the Book of Leviticus isn’t God’s word and doesn’t belong in the Bible. It’s canon fodder, i.e., expendable. (I leave everyone free to hold his own opinions. I would not have anyone bound to my opinion or judgment. I say what I feel. Let everyone think of it as his own spirit leads him. My spirit cannot accommodate itself to this book.)

Christian grace and compassion for the Suffering. Against suicide, yet tolerant of euthanasia.

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Two different perspectives about Life, Death, Suffering, and Euthanasia have appeared here recently…

Why No Christian Should Support Euthanasia, by Blair Mulholland


God’s gift to the terminally ill by Richard Goode.

Most thinking people fall squarely into either of these camps.

I would like to suggest that there is a third way… a middle course.

Having come down from my mountain I’d like to wade in 🙂 … Mine is the lonely path… loved by few… because it appears to these antagonists that I’m too cosy with their enemy… not resolute enough… yet I believe it to be the best course.

I support certain aspects of Blair’s Anti-Euthanasia post to a high degree… yet ultimately I support Richard’s conclusion regarding Opium.

Both are arguing from the premise of ‘the sanctity of human life.

It’s a very interesting subject because it’s one of these issues which if the Christian is not careful, he will find himself supporting harsh and inhumane Laws out of a misguided sense of piety (like the twats who support drug prohibition).
It is ‘one of those’ controversial issues which some Christians insist gives them the right to impose *Un-Libertarian* prohibitions on others…. thus these so-called Christians also tend to insinuate that Real Christians *cant be Libertarians*… that there can be no separation of Church and state.

It is my experience to note that most of the Anti-Euthanasia Religionists do this because they still have not figured out the dispensational distinctions of the Christian living under grace, from the OT Jew living under the Law.
They dont yet grasp the reality that Euthanasia is just like the issue of Smoking Cigarettes…. that a Christian can be ideologically *against Cigarettes* yet also ought to be Ideologically *against a prohibition on cigarettes*… and that it is quite right to speak out against the vise of smoking cigarettes… if they be so moved…. yet to maintain a libertarian respect, and compassion for cigarette smokers and their rights rather than the Legalistic spirit *self righteous persecution and hate*.


Let me speak about what I mean with myself as the example.
As a Christian I do believe in the sanctity of human life, and that it would be insulting to God and a gross lack of faith, for me to ‘Commit suicide’ out of depression… yet I also know that we are not under the Law, and that God is a merciful God.
I do believe that he put things like Alcohol, Opium, etc on the Earth to alleviate pain and I am not so silly as to not be able to distinguish someone wishing to avoid a Ghastly and excruciating death, from someone callously throwing their life away out of spite, or sloth.

Not appreciating these distinctions is a bit like those dullards whom cant distinguish Loving discipline from child abuse (forgive my terseness).

Assisting a terminally ill person to end their own life, or taking your own life rather than facing the torture of a brutal enemy, are not the same things as assisting a Depressed, faithless, Godless, and ungrateful, (yet otherwise healthy) person to harm themselves.

The thing is that I dont think *prohibitive Laws* have anything good to add to this situation for the Obvious reason that a depressed person determined to kill themselves is in no way obliged to obey Human conventions…. which is all a prohibition is… when not underpinned by a personal ethic… and those whom actually have such a personal ethic *dont need any such law*.

Depressed yet otherwise able bodied people don’t need help to kill themselves.
Only the dying fear that the longer they endure, the less capable they become to take their own life in a peaceful way…. And so then may come to rely on their loved ones for assistance.
The people who want such prohibitions simply seek to persecute the caring Doctors and Family members whom assist their patients and loved ones from ending their sufferings.
I think many are acting out Malice against people whom dont share their personal religious sentiments, which is far Colder …. far less forgiveable than simple ignorance or delusion, … cloaking their evil hearts under the guise of ‘concern’ and religious piety.

This is the very antithesis of Christian Love.

Worst of all is that fact that many supposed ‘Orthodox’ Christians employ false doctrines … resorting to the time of Jewish Law, and Christs preaching to the Jews about being found worthy to enter his kingdom.
They attempt to say that a Christian risks loosing their eternal salvation if they choose Euthanasia…. Because they have failed to ‘endure unto the end’… etc.

This is a clear demonstration of mishandling the word of truth and results in a horrible in-humane doctrine which increases the un-necessary misery and human suffering in the world and when these false doctrines are used to Rally zealots into lobbying the government against Libertarian Law reform…. It causes unbelievers to despise Christianity as Barbaric and oppressive.
It causes Christianity to stink and makes a mockery of the Grace and compassion of God.
It Damns men’s souls via unbelief.

The Truth is quite different.
Under God’s Grace…. In this dispensation we are free from the Law, and salvation is absolutely a free gift…. Not determined at all upon our good works, endurance, etc.

So the Libertarian Christian (like me) does believe in the Sanctity of Human life, and intends to do what I believe is the Godly thing to do… with as much bravery as I an muster…to endure… and face my own fate (Following in the footsteps of my Heroic Grand Father) yet I confess that certain terminal conditions terrify me… and I reserve the right to chicken out and take matters into my own hands.

I know that such a decision would be to opt for the ‘weaker’ path for the Christian to take, yet I am confident of God’s grace and mercy.

I certainly don’t desire any legal prohibitions to prevent me having this option, and I would never be so cold and uncaring as to desire to prohibit others having the right to make this decision for themselves either… or loving parents making the painful decision that it is not in their child’s best interest to postpone the inevitable!

*This is a fundamental principle of Christian Libertarianism … That we are not the property of society… or the government…. We own ourselves… and it is up to us whether or not we will impose upon ourselves certain religious convictions regarding our own death.*
Parents must have their parental rights and responsibilities respected by the state.

Though I hate the false doctrines which try and ensnare fearful souls back under Law, and I have contempt for people whom seek to use the Law to unnecessarily prolong human suffering, I have no problem with people peacefully… and without recourse to political coercion propagating their belief that Euthanasia is wrong…. From forming associations which seek to propagate that belief… from boycotting Doctors whom are known to assist terminal patients to end their lives with dignity.
This is how Libertarianism works… Nobody *forcing* their opinions on others.

* The most important Political reality is that having legally assisted suicide (of itself)does not effect any third party’s rights…. And thus such prohibitions cant be justified*… I’m not saying there cant be any legal challenges Re: debts, and other contractual obligations)

When it comes to my loved ones, there is no way I would assist any of them to die, if they have still have the power of reason, yet have not receive the Gospel.
Death in that case will not end their suffering… it will be but the beginning.
Yet I would assist them if they are trusting in the Resurrection of Christ…. and even though…. perish the thought that many may so choose…. I would not seek a law to forbid people from arranging for their own death… or assisting their loved ones… even if they reject Christ.
God has given them the right to go to their deaths un-repentant, and in their own sins.

Christianity is properly a tolerant liberal faith…which seeks to make the world a better place via preaching the gospel and Christian values to whomsoever hath an open ear… not a Religion of Political force.
Christianity seeks to convert hearts and minds… not impose an artificial draconian order.

Man’s knowledge and powers of Medical intervention have made these sorts of Moral dilemmas far more acute as we understand a lot more about things like Opium, Diseases, and how to prolong life than in the past, and so a lot of the so-called ‘life’ many people ‘endure’ at the end is wholly due to the Un-natural interventions of Humanity… orchestrated in the name of ‘the Sanctity of human life’… ie this so-called ideal results in untold more *un-necessary and futile* misery.

*And it is to a large degree this *artificially engineered period of misery* which we are talking about here… as if Nature… and Human concerns were left to themselves… death would naturally end this misery a lot sooner.
Ie Medicine could concern itself more with ‘Mother Theresa…hospice care’ rather than Frankenstein type fanaticism…. Living Heads in a Jar… trying to steal a few last breaths… under delusions that this is honouring God.

And If I am ever undone…. laid out flat… writhing in agony … beyond repair… I hope my caregivers are not Frugal with the ‘Milk of the poppy’….
Fear not for me… My time will be done…. And my soul is secure in Christ.
Likewise all you whom have loved ones knocking on Heaven’s door… Tell them to trust their souls to the Gospel of Grace and the Resurrection of Christ… and to ‘relax’… accept death … in the faith and hope of God’s Love and promises.
That’s what I intend to do.
Tim Wikiriwhi.
Christian Libertarian.

Read more…

Life and Death. Hope and Happiness. A Tribute to Rev John Steele Clark. (Re-post)

A High Calling.

Car Crash.

Read about Dispensationalism….

The Gospel of God’s Grace.

The Irony. Why I follow St Paul… Not Jesus.

Dispensational Truth. 2Timothy2vs15, Ephesians 3vs1-9

“I thank God I Baptized none of you…” St Paul. 1Cor1vs 14.

The Rock of Divine Revelation.

The Christian Fellowship is a voluntary private society, not a theocratic political movement.

Hell is for the Self Righteous, Heaven is for Sinners.

Did Paul Re- Invent Jesus?

Rediscovering Dispensational Truth…Exposing the Frauds of Orthodoxy one Fallacy at a time… Part 1. Christ’s Gospel.

Rediscovering Dispensational Truth…Exposing the Frauds of Orthodoxy one Fallacy at a time… Part 1. Christ’s Gospel.


Dear Readers, I intend to expound the Dispensational doctrines of the scriptures in a piecemeal fashion, having been labelled ‘a heretic’ for some of my Blog posts on this subject.
I can sympathise with such sentiments because Dispensationalism is *not* taught in so-called orthodox Churches, and to the Degree that it is at all studied in Higher Education, It appears to be maligned as a ‘modern heresy’… ironically by ‘Learned scholars whom pride themselves with being ‘up to date’ on everything.
I will be using my King James Authorised Bible.
I Dedicate this series of posts to my Fellow Blogger Richard Goode.
I hope that by taking my sweet time, and patently getting him to walk with me through the Bible, that he will slowly but surely begin to grasp the accuracy of the Dispensational perspective.


Dispensationalism makes distinctions and puts various things, events, doctrines, etc in chronological order… thus creating a linear Time line which basically may be viewed as Past, present, and future… and we can place events in chronological order and see the flow, the changes, the purposes, etc and this gives clarity to what is going on and dispels a great deal of Confusion which results from not understanding the proper context of things and clearly making distinctions.
The Failure to appreciate Dispensational truth results in Chaos… and even has meant many Christians today don’t even know The Gospel of the Grace of God.
They utterly confuse it with Old testament Law and other Gospels.

I will start with the beginning of Jesus’s Ministry.


St Mark Chapter 1vs 14….

“Now after John was put in prison, Jesus came into Galilee, Preaching the Gospel of the Kingdom of God.
And saying, The time is Fulfilled, and the Kingdom of God is at hand: Repent Ye and believe the Gospel.”

Ok… Now that should be simple enough to understand.
Jesus Preached *To Jews* ‘The Good News’ that God’s Kingdom was *at hand!*
This is called *the Gospel of the Kingdom of God*… and it was ‘Good news to the Jews of his day because They were living under the Roman Yoke.
The Jews were waiting for their promised Messiah to appear and Save them *as a Nation*, and to set up his Kingdom… ruling from ‘the throne of David’.

Jesus was telling them… The Time fulfilled… God was now moving to set up The promised kingdom they were waiting for… and this meant Freedom from Rome.

Traditionally this beginning of Christ’s ministry is said to have been 31AD

Notice what Jesus Gospel *did not include*…. it did not include any mention of the cross, or Himself dying on the Cross, or any ideas associated with substitutional atonement.
And we can know this because the Bible clearly declares that it was not until much later on in his ministry that Christ began to discuss the fact that he would be killed.

Chronologically speaking Matthew 16vs 21 is much later on in Christ’s ministry… yet it was not until this late stage that He began to talk about his Death on the cross… in a series of ‘Progressive revelations’…

“From that time forth began Jesus to shew unto his disciples, how that he must go unto Jerusalem, and suffer many things of the elders and chief priests and scribes, and be killed, and be raised again the third day.”

Here we are specifically told the *from this time* Jesus *Began* to talk about his death… and no matter what scholarly squabbles about the actual dates involved… this Beginning of talking about the Cross was already two years into his three year ministry!

Thus we know that the ‘Gospel of the Kingdom he had been preaching said nothing about the cross!

Back in Matt 10 Christ sent his 12 disiples to preach the Gospel of the Kingdom to the Jews Only…

“5 These twelve Jesus sent forth, and commanded them, saying, Go not into the way of the Gentiles, and into any city of the Samaritans enter ye not:

6 But go rather to the lost sheep of the house of Israel.

7 And as ye go, preach, saying, The kingdom of heaven is at hand.”

The reason Christ sent his disciples to the Jews Only…. with this Gospel of the Kingdom is because God had made covenants with Their Fathers!
Abraham, Isaac, Jacob, Moses, David….

St Paul Says this about Christ’s ministry…. Romans 15vs8

“Now I say that Jesus Christ was a minister of the circumcision for the truth of God, to confirm the promises made unto the fathers:”

That’s why Jesus himself said Matt 15vs24

“…I am not sent but unto the lost sheep of the house of Israel.”

And that is why The Jews were looking for their messiah and “looking for redemption in Israel”
Go read Luke chapter 2 in your KJV!

Lost sheep

This will suffice for part 1 of this series.

Part two I will look at what happened when Christ started to tell the disciples about his coming death.
About why Peter slashed off the Ear of the Roman guard, why he denied Christ, and what the disciples thought when they got news of his resurrection.
All these things testify to the fact that they were not taught to focus on the Cross… but on the Messianic Kingdom.

As I have already said I dedicate them To Richard Goode, and pray God opens up his eyes to these truths.
I also pray that God can soften Glenn Peoples hardened heart, and spiritual Pride so that he at least will contemplate what I have said… on it’s face value rather than searing his own conscience and attempting to subvert these clear teachings into a confounding muddle…. which is what the so-called ‘orthodox’ must do to pretend that Christ’s Gospel to the Jews and St Paul’s gospels to the gentiles are the same.

Now I must declare that I myself do not claim to be a Minister, A Pastor, or any Person of Great piety.
I am a very carnal Man, and have many spiritual problems, and so I dont make any pretensions to be a Great Christian.

I am merely sharing what I have learned from much greater Christians than I.
And It appears that by God’s grace he has seen fit that I should know these truths, and I sincerely believe it is God’s will that I share them.
I guess God has always had to use less than perfect Vessels in his service.

Tim Wikiriwhi
King James Bible believer, Dispensationalist, Libertarian.

My Old Pastor. The Late Great Dr Denis Spackman.

Some people may wonder why I would put the following song on the end of this blogpost.
it’s because sometimes it’s necessary to ‘loose your religion’ to discover the truth.

Never confuse Christ’s ‘Great Commission’ to Peter to preach, with God’s Commission to St Paul… they are two separate commissions with two separate gospels.

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This was actually Christ’s commission to Peter and the eleven in respect to the Kingdom gospel…. which never got past stage 1…. Jerusalem, because the great % of the Jews Rejected Peters preaching of Christ as King, just as they had rejected Christ’s own ministry.
Peters commission ended in Failure at the Stoning of Stephen, and Christ was Sanding on the Right hand of the Father ready to return and crush those whom rejected the message… exactly as was warned in all the preaching of the Early book of Acts.
Yet instead Of the second coming… Something very different and unexpected happened.
God showed Absolute Grace towards Saul and appeared unto him, and forgave him, and made him an apostle with a completely new Gospel, and sent him to preach it to the Gentiles…. while the Jews were now set aside for terrible judgement.
And this is when *our Gospel* was first preached on the Earth… God gave St Paul a new Revelation That The Cross was not simply murder… as Peter had preached on the day of Penticost… but actually a secret plan of God to atone for the sins of all humanity, and that whosoever believes in this…. will be saved…. without works… without the Law.

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When you go back and look at when Christ talked about being killed… the bible clearly teaches that the disciples didn’t understand this as it did’nt fit in with their understanding that Christ would redeem Israel from Roman oppression and Rule as King.
The Bible clearly teaches that the Real reason for the Cross was hidden from them.
They did not even understand the resurrection.
This is because they had been preaching to Jews that the Old testament promises of the Messiah were to be fulfilled by Christ… that the Kingdom was at hand…. and that was ‘the good news’ to the Jews living in subjection to Rome…


Some Differences…

Peter was sent to Baptise… Paul wasn’t

“I thank God I Baptized none of you…” St Paul. 1Cor1vs 14.

…For Christ sent me not to Baptize…. 1 Cor 1 17.

Peter was sent with signs and wonders… because the Jews require a sign, Yet St Paul said that Signs and wonders would cease… because after a remnant of the Jews accepted Paul’s Gospel. God was no longer going to give them special treatment… and they would have to simply believe the Gospel when offered to them …. just the same as the gentiles.

The Jews had a special place under The Kingdom Gospel of Peter “Unto your Fathers were the Promises Given”, yet this Nationalistic Gospel was set aside and the Kingdom postponed due the the rejection of Christ Twice offered…. once before the Cross, and again after by St Peter.
Under St Paul’s New Gosple… it had nothing to do with establishing a National Kingdom, but the focus was upon *Individual Salvation* from Divine Judgement for their sins.
This New Fellowship was not a Reformed Judaism… but a completely new thing…. the fellowship of the Mystery.

to enter Chrit’s kingdom a person had to keep the Law and ‘endure unto the End’, whereas under St Pauls gospel of grace, a person is 100% saved simply by belief alone…. without works…. without the Law, and no condition of having to ‘endure unto the end’.
These and many other things distinguish the vast differences between what St Paul Preached from what Jesus and Peter Preached.

Once a persons eyes have been opened to these important distinctions they will wonder how they ever missed them for years and years of reading the Bible…. it is because Satan has succeeded in hiding the True Gospel and the so-called Orthodox churches have been corrupted and now walk in utter darkness.

Tim Wikiriwhi.
1611 King James Bible believer, Protestant, Dispensationalist, Libertarian.

Read More…. The Irony. Why I follow St Paul… Not Jesus.

Did Paul Re- Invent Jesus?

The Gospel of God’s Grace.

Dispensational Truth. 2Timothy2vs15, Ephesians 3vs1-9

“I thank God I Baptized none of you…” St Paul. 1Cor1vs 14.

The Rock of Divine Revelation.

The Christian Fellowship is a voluntary private society, not a theocratic political movement.

Hell is for the Self Righteous, Heaven is for Sinners.

Did Paul Re- Invent Jesus?


^^^ This Tube Vid asks a very Important question.

The Connotation that St Paul ‘invented’ his own Gospel of Christ is a valid question, yet it is important to grasp that though Paul’s Preaching of Christ was a radical departure from what Christ himself had preached, and from what Christ commanded Peter and co to preach, still
St Paul *Did not* Re-invent Jesus.
He Revealed the Mystery of the Cross and preached a new Gospel to the Gentiles *after* the Jews had rejected their Messiah and his *kingdom Gospel*

This video is wrong about Paul not ‘changing fundamental doctrines’…. he did exactly That…. which was what God had saved him and commissioned him to do. He was not saved to simply preach what Christ and Peter had already preached before him.
He was given *Special revelations* concerning our ‘Dispensation of Grace’…. which focus’s on Gentiles being saved by the Cross, where as Christ and Peter had preached ‘Redemption of Israel from Roman oppression and the establishment of the Kingdom of David… in Israel… as promised by God.

Thus The preaching of Jesus and Peter was Nationalistic and Theocratic, whereas St Paul’s gospel was addressed to individuals, and was universal…. open to all… and the fellowship he fathered was a voluntary private society.

Of Course St Pauls message still includes many of the fundamental truths about Jesus being the Son of God, etc, yet it is the differences between what Paul Preached from What Christ preached, which must be appreciated to apprehend the amazing truth that with the conversion of St Paul, God was beginning a completely new dispensation… with a new Gospel message.


One of Satan’s greatest deceptions has been to hide this amazing Novelty of St Pauls Message from mankind and to establish an ‘orthodoxy’ which is hostile to the truth.
Today when I try and tell Christians there is more than one gospel in the bible most of them recoil in horror!
It’s a thoroughly alien concept to their minds… a blasphemy!
Pointy fingers declare me “Heretic!”
They start saying ridiculous things like… ‘You worship Paul!’
They refuse to admit the utter confusion that exists in their own ‘orthodoxy’.
Their belief that Baptism is necessary for Salvation… that if someone is sick but cant be healed… that they must not have ‘enough faith’, etc…. and worst of all the preach a false Gospel of Faith plus works… and attempt to live a life of slavery to the Old testament… and think nothing of lobbying the Government to criminalise Homosexuals, drug addicts, etc.
Satan laughing spreads his wings.

What is good about the above video is that though it appears to be heading down a blind ally.
at least they are asking the right sort of question.

I look forward to watching further episodes… even though I expect it to absolutely fail to appreciate the magnitude of what St Paul was commissioned by God to do.
This is an all too common problem for those who come as far as asking why St Pauls preaching ‘contradicts’ what is found in other NT writings.

The Objectivist Atheist James Valiant seizes on the differences between what Paul and Jesus Preached and boldly proclaims ‘the Christianity of St Paul’ was a Gentile movement and Re-hash!… as if this fact was supposed to be a Nail in Christianity’s coffin… when in reality he is actually verifying an important scriptural truth that millions of so-called ‘orthodox’ Christians…. blinded by centuries of False tradition refuse to believe.
They prefer to deny, to re-translate, to perform Back-flips … ‘spiritualising away’ the stark conflicts with what St Paul Preaches…. free salvation via faith alone….calling upon the name of the Lord *Shall be saved* ….from what James, Jesus, etc preach about faith without works being dead… about only those who ‘endure unto the end’ will be saved…. and that some who said ‘Lord’ ‘Lord’… being accursed.
Paul preached Salvation without baptism…. Jesus commanded Peter to preach Baptism as necessary for salvation…etc etc.

st p

I even own a book called ‘The Rival philosophies of Jesus and St Paul’, By Ignatius Singer in which he correctly detects vast discrepancies between the doctrines of Jesus and Paul…. yet not appreciating why these differences are there, not seeing any way to reconcile them as a unity… he assumes he must make a radical judgement…. and decides to call St Paul a Heretic and a False Teacher!
He deludes himself that by demonising st Paul… he is being faithful to Christ.

This is truly sad because having discovered these apparent ‘contradictions’, Ignatius was on the verge of uncovering one of the most important doctrines necessary to understand the scriptures… the Need to ‘Rightly Divide the word of Truth’.

Once the dispensational nature of the scriptures is apprehended, all these differences take on Great Power and importance, and the Bible unfolds before your eyes.
Doctrines become clear and purposeful.

stand fassst

The importance of the 1611 King james Bible also comes to the fore as though the translators were completely ignorant of the Doctrine of Dispensationalism…. their faithful translation of the scriptures perfectly preserves the doctrine of Dispensationalism… so that it can be discovered by those who look.
This was not an intentional scheme by the translators but a display of Almighty God’s hand in getting The pure scriptures into the hands of the English speaking peoples of the world.

it is an interesting fact that almost everyone whom rejects the authority of the KJV is also absolutely ignorant of the dispensational scheme of the scriptures… any that are aware of if foolishly reject it too on the basis that In their opinion Dispensationalism is a modern ‘heresy’.

To find out more about this important subject Read my Blogposts…

The Gospel of God’s Grace.

The Irony. Why I follow St Paul… Not Jesus.

Dispensational Truth. 2Timothy2vs15, Ephesians 3vs1-9

“I thank God I Baptized none of you…” St Paul. 1Cor1vs 14.

The Rock of Divine Revelation.

The Christian Fellowship is a voluntary private society, not a theocratic political movement.

Hell is for the Self Righteous, Heaven is for Sinners.

Oh Really Albert? Beware vain philosophy my children, and Science falcely so-called!


“Beware lest any man spoil you through philosophy and vain deceit, after the tradition of men, after the rudiments of the world, and not after Christ.”
St Paul Colossians 2vs8.

*Everything* is energy you say Albert? Why should I believe that *I* am merely energy?
This is an unproven materialistic assumption… not a scientific fact.
Does anyone appreciate the truth of what I am saying?
Albert himself said something to the effect that “Blind submission to Authority is the enemy of truth”.
Does anyone here have the courage to challange the authority of The great Albert Einstein?

It is because of the Prevalent acceptance of this sort of unscientific atheist fundamentalism in the Academic communities of the world that brings into question the existance of Free will and the human soul.
Because Modern infidelity and Rationalism has succeeded in portraying belief in supernaturalism/ spiritual reality as being a hallmark of scientific ignorance, many Christians have been duped into thinking this Materialistic world veiw is a scientific fact rather than an unproven atheist assumption.
These rationalist Christians also tend to follow their atheist brethern and also abandon the Classic Judeo-Christian Morality as being valid… and faith in the reliablity of the scriptures.
They have stepped away from being true theists and have become Deists.

Those Christians whom pride themselves as being the most ‘Educated’ and Ruggedly consistent rationalists will then go further…as a matter of course… and deny the existance of Eternal Damnation, because to their rationale, it would be grossly unfair to Damn someone to eternal torment if they had no freewill choice in the evils they committed or had no freewill in their decision to reject Christ.
I wonder how they can reconcile all this with their voluntarily accepted moral obligation to preach the gospel of God’s grace in Christ to the lost?
Do they believe they have the freewill to actually bother?
Can they justify their own inaction as being materialistically determined and that therefore they are not morally responcible for not bothering to preach?

“O Timothy, keep that which is committed to thy trust, avoiding profane and vain babblings, and oppositions of science falsely so called:”
St Paul 1 Tim 6:20

Thus a little leven leveneth the whole lump.
The mind boggles at just how utterly corrosive the Materialist world veiw is.
How effective it is in absolutely destroying faith in the Bible, in particular the classic moraity of a Holy and judging God and Mankind as a fallen yet Free willed and morraly culpible beings.


It is Sad yet interesting to witness the responce of Humanity to testimonies which dare to suggest that the Bible is the preserved word of God!
Such calls to true theistic faith are met with venimous cursings and accusations of maddness and folly… from all quarters!

The unadulterated arrogance of the skeptics!
They speak with the highest authority!
Human Rationalism!
Kneel Petty theist they command!
How dare you challenge the consensus of High academia?!
Humble thyself before the edifice of Modern scholarship ye unlearned fellow!
We will not yield to that ghastly Bible!

A harmony of outrage, and a choris of ‘rational proofs’ batter the Bible believer From both Atheists and so-called Christians alike.
The Bible believer finds himself alone.
The Rationalist Christians assure the atheists that these Bible believers are deluded fools… Throwbacks from a bygone age….not at all representative of the modern Christian position.

Mankind simply cannot bear the Idea that God’s Pure revelation Exists.
They know that to admit such a thing places them and all their Rationalisms under condemnation… under Judgment.
They don’t want to admit there is a light shining a path in the darkness!
They want to carry on the delusion that ‘nobody knows’…nobody can tell me what I should do, what I should believe, how I should live, why I should change…etc.
And they certainly don’t want to admit that the Great Moral light is that accursed and judgmental Bible!
To the Proud Sinner that is the most unacceptable proposition of all!
The Rationalist Christian doe’s not even want to believe that!
It’s too filled with things which they find repugnant… like Hell!

It is relatively easy to understand why the average sinner does not want to believe in moral culpability and a judgment day.
There is pleasure in sin.
The low road is an easier path to travel than the high steep path, and many Christians prefer to deny the reliability of the scriptures than having the burden of preaching an unpopular message to the lost.
What is truly sad to grasp is that these rationalists Christians have completely smoked themselves!
They have chosen to follow the delusions of the children of Darkness rather than the Light of the word of God.
Professing themselves to be wise they became fools.

I would like to point out that though there may be a cozy bit of kinship between atheists and Modern Rationalist ‘educated’ ‘Christians’ in their mutual hatred of ‘Fanatical Bible believers’, that in reality the Atheists are laughing at the so-called Rationalist Christians whom have abandoned faith in the scriptures, and share the atheist views that the Bible is unreliable.
Atheist laugh when Christians claim to also accept the theory of evolution instead of believing the book of Genesis.
They Laugh because they know they have won!
They have managed to get the Christians to abandon the Bible and instead accept atheist Materialism as the truth!


It is my solemn belief that is is impossible to convert the lost to faith in the truth of the gospel of Christ without preaching and teaching faith in the trustworthiness of the scriptures themselves in which the gospel is found.

News Flash Ye Christians!
Materialism is not a scientific fact!
Belief in the supernatural is not definitive of Ignorance!
Ye of Little Faith!
“ O fools, and slow of heart to believe all that the prophets have spoken!”
Jesus Christ. Luke 24:25

Tim Wikiriwhi
Christian Libertarian
King James Bible believer.

“For this cause also thank we God without ceasing, because, when ye received the word of God which ye heard of us, ye received it not as the word of men, but as it is in truth, the word of God, which effectually worketh also in you that believe.”
St Paul 1 Thes2:13

“Study to shew thyself approved unto God, a workman that needeth not to be ashamed, rightly dividing the word of truth.”
St Paul 2 Tim 2vs 15

“And that from a child thou hast known the holy scriptures, which are able to make thee wise unto salvation through faith which is in Christ Jesus.”
St Paul 2 Tim 3:15

“Sanctify them through thy truth: thy word is truth.”
Jesus Christ John17:17

“Heaven and earth shall pass away, but my words shall not pass away.”
Jesus Christ Matt 24:35

“…So then faith cometh by hearing, and hearing by the word of God.”
St Paul Rom 10:17

UPDATE: Did Albert Really say that?
Thanks to Eternal Vigilance commenter and Libertarian ‘Terry’ I have been made aware that there is a dispute as to whether this Meme has a genuine Einsten quote or whether it is an evil deception. It is a testament to the sickness of Humanity that unfortunately there are millions of unscrupulous liars out there whom manufacture Frauds either to push their own agendas or simply to cause chaos and destruction. I must Therefore warn readers that there is doubt as to this quotes reliability. I will leave the blogpost up because even if the quote is a fraud, my argument against Materialism still holds good, and it may be discovered that Albert did in fact say this. Thus the controversy! Check out this discussion here…
Keep Vigilant!

Update 2: Pondering further upon the problem about the verasity of this Meme raises a very interesting dilemma, very similar to the basic premise behind the Face book page ‘Did Abraham Lincoln really exist?’
Ie that is is impossible to say with certainty that Einstein did not say this quotation…even if no reference to it can be found in the common places one looks (eg Google)
All that skeptics can claim is that *they cannot find sufficient evidence to convince them in their own minds that Einstein did say this.

The reality is that this could very well be a genuine quote from an obscure source… ie It may be a record of a conversation, or a lecture he gave which does not enjoy fame.
And this is a very common reality!
Not everything famous people say becomes common knowledge.
The majority of their sayings actually get quicky forgotten.

I find this dilemma very interesting because it also relates to arguments used by textual critics in their attacks against the trustworthyness of the King James bible because according to them it includes portions of scripture the authenticity of which they dispute.
What is of grave concern is that all valid and truthful historic records can be undermined via such devious rationalisms which only need to caste doubt to destroy faith… and what sort of Malevolent spirit loves to caste doubt against the truth?
The Thinking person must navigate this Dominion of Devils filled with snares and stumbling blocks deliberately engineered to keep people in the dark.

A High Calling.

Christian Libertarianism to aspire to.
Easier said than done.
Take heed ye Islamophobes, Homophobes, Ye Pharisaic Legalists.

Now I am not a Righteous Man, I am full of Human imperfection and only function as a Christian trusting in God’s grace.
This understanding humbles me and makes me more Libertarian… less legalistic and judgmental of the sins of others… and more acutely aware of how vile the bigoted and persecuting spirit of Religious self righteousness and hypocrisy is.

A Few Years back… in the height of the Wars in Iraq, and Afghanistan, A Zealous and otherwise Godly Christian brother ask me if I would come with him Downtown to confront the Muslims.
I could tell that his motivation was warlike… His intension was not to demonstrate Christian Grace.
I said to him that I would go with him if he could honestly say he would be acting out of Love for the Muslims, and not hate… That he desired their Salvation.
This stopped him in his tracks.
We did not go.

So many ‘Christian soldiers’ forget this most fundamental aspect of Christian action.
Some times I forget it too and need reminding.
Being kind to the Lost and Sinful is not the equivalent of condoning Evil.
It is to put Christian ideals into practice.
Christianity moves the world via Love, not Hate.
Through Humility, not Self righteousness.

Yes we must earnestly contend for the faith, yet if your actions are motivated by such festering and malignant desires as Hate, Hypocrisy, and Bigotry… you are not being a Christian at all… but the worst kind of Pharisee.

Christianity is Love in action…an appeal to reason and humanity.
It seeks to save those in distress.
It’s methods are not violence or oppression.
Indeed the true Christian will risk their own lives and stand between those whom seek to impose themselves and their victems.

True Christianity is Lighthouse in a stormy sea, not a Prison for the wicked.
It is a beacon for the lost and distressed.
A House built upon the Rock whose foundation is sure.
We have Good News!
True Christianity seeks to increase via voluntary subscription.
If you preach a gospel of Hatred and persecution, the only people you will attract into your fellowship are hateful people!
You will lead no one out from the Kingdom of darkness into the light.
Christianity is about a rebirth… a new and better way, not about feeding the worst of human prejudices and phobias.

When St Paul was confronted and saved by Christ on the Damascus road that was the end of his Pharisaic Legalism
That was the end of his spirit of Self Righteousness and Persecution.
Never again did he seek ‘Letters from the authorities’ to cast those of contrary beliefs in Jail.
Never again did he seek to stone to death sinners, unbelievers, or heretics.
He was forever changed by Gods Love, mercy, and grace towards him.
And that is what motivated all his future ministry unto death.

St Paul is our Apostle and example.
Let us follow him, as he followed Christ ie the Christ he met on the road to Damascus.

“This is a faithful saying, and worthy of all acceptation, that Christ Jesus came into the world to save sinners; of whom I am chief.
Howbeit for this cause I obtained mercy, that in me first Jesus Christ might shew forth all longsuffering, for a pattern to them which should hereafter believe on him to life everlasting.”
(St Paul 1Tim1vs15,16)