It cannot be denied… There is a systemic subversive propaganda drive at work as we speck… seeking to corrupt the Pro Independent National Sovereignty anti-globalist… anti-WEF movement via Far Right extremist tropes. And sadly it’s working.
Satan laughing… spreads his wings.
How easily many people are being deceived into supporting Far Right extremism and even into thinking Hitler was some sort of hero!
It’s not his talking which made him infamous but his violent and murderous deeds. He was a maniac who threw Europe (and other lands) into war and chaos. He did not simply want German children taught German culture. He preached that German Children deserved to Rule the world and impose *their culture and beliefs* on everyone else… etc etc. He invaded France and Bombed Britain. Hitler was a racist lunatics. A psychopath. You have to be extremely ignorant to think what Hitler believed is the solution to what Western civilisation is facing today by the Globalism Mass migration agenda! You are being deceived into thinking this is about keeping Nations segregated, when in reality it is about a nefarious Global plot to use immigration as a means to destabilize and bankrupt Free, Civil, and tolerant societies…. This evil is part of the problem… not the solution. Fight the WEF. Fight the Politician who are betraying your countries to this Globalist Subversion. And above all things… reject Far Right extremism.
Even if mass Deportation of illegal migrants is a necessity to restore order… do it without the hate. Do it on justifiable grounds… on principles… not vile race hatred.
We must be ever vigilant to prevent our defense of Western civilisation being subverted by Far Right radicalism. It’s a tragedy because many good people are being led astray by that vile ideology. Yes we want to thwart the Globalist agenda… yes we want to keep our nations Civil and prosperous… yes we must be more forthright and determined… for our children’s sake… yet this also means we must be adhering to the highest moral principles lest we fall into the snare of Far right extremism… with is the same evil we are fighting.
How easily The world can be ensnared in War!
Neither Luxon or Albanese have mandates from their people to commit our respective nations to supporting the ongoing war in Ukraine against Russia.
So why do they do it?
Both New Zealand and Australia have The Chinese Dragon lurking about our Waters.
New Zealand in particular would be absolutely incapable of defending ourselves should China decide to invade our country (esp since Ardern took away Private citizens AR rifles). Successions of governments have weakened our military ties such as the ANZUS alliance. The only Defense strategy we have left is to belong to Global organizations like the UN in the hope that If we participate in supplying aid to other countries who are invaded by hostile forces… that should the same evil befall us… in theory we should expect assistance in return. Obviously though any support we give must take into consideration not only a clear understanding of the causes of such conficts… and who is primarily in the wrong, but also be looking for swift resolution to bring armed conflict to a end… thus minimising the destruction and the loss of life.
These things being understood we can see there is more than this going on with Luxon and Albanese with regard to the war in Ukraine.
They show no tempering of their support for Ukraine in the light of how things develop… how Zelensky behaves… what his intentions are, etc. What hope of winning this war does Ukraine have? What would it require of the world to intervene to cause Russia to capitulate?
World War 3!
Why would The Puppet masters of the world encourage World war 3?
What we need to understand about both Luxon and Albanese is they are both puppets of the Globalist WEF War Pigs who want to destroy Russia’s independence and resistance to their New World Order.
Albanese and Luxon are fully on board with the Great Reset and the objectives of the WEF.
On the other hand President Trump is not party to those objectives.
He’s simply seeking to bring an end to this horrible and disasterous conflict, yet Zelensky seeks to use his alliance with the US as means to carry on the conflict.
Trump wants nothing to do with ongoing war. He wants a quick and lasting settlement. He made this crystal clear in their Public Meeting in the oval office.
This is in the best interests of the people of Ukraine and the world.
Zelensky was arrogant and rude.
Instead of peace, Zelensky seeks to embroil the whole world in this war with Russia!
That was clear from what he was saying in the Oval office.
He’s a Mad man!
By giving this Lunatic their unwavering support despite his unwillingness to make concessions for the sake of Peace… in a war he has no hope of winning, demonstrates the idiocy of many world leaders who dangle on the strings of Claus Schwab.
We should expect both Luxon’s and Albanese’s ongoing slide to continue unabated in the polls of their respective countries as they parrot the will of the WEF rather than the will of their own nations.
Most people in the world stand aghast at the destruction and carnage of this war and want it to end.
Starmer in Britain is experiencing the same disconnect with Britons.
Likewise with Cañada and Trudeau.
Satan Laughing spreads his wings.
All these Prime ministers are under the sway of Schwab and the WEF.
Because of his contemptuous behavior and stubborn refusal to make accommodations for the sake of peace, Trump literally threw Zelensky out of the Oval office and told him to go home… but that he is welcome to return when he’s ready for peace.
Watch video below (The heat turns on about 40 minutes in)
If you watch the full Trump-Zelensky press conference, it is very clear that Zelensky, not Trump or Vance, became the antagonist. Both POTUS and VP were very respectful and cordial until Zelensky very publicly ignited a firestorm.
THIS is what the Zelensky regime of utter cruelty, does to young Ukrainian men to force them to fight in his pathetic, corrupt war.
^Twitter seems to have censored the horrifying video attached to Liz’s post so it cant be shared off twitter… go here to watch it. Ukrainian Men being beaten and kidnapped by Zelensky’s Military to become Cannon Fodder at the Front! Grist for the Mill of War!
Zelensky has cancelled elections. Jailed critics. and is a Dictator… Yet Luxon pretends otherwise.
The more the world witness such truths going on under the Zelensky regime… the less support there is *from the people of the world* for continuing the conflict.
Our leaders however don’t seem to care about what Zelensky does.
Puppets of the WEF like Albanese and Luxon not only have Trump derangement syndrome.
They actuall act and pretend Ukraine can win the war!
Neither acknowledge the true causes of the war (Nato provocation) or what the Globalist End game is for the entire planet.
The only people who profit from an extended conflict are the Globalist warpigs who want to humble Russia… and instigate an end to Putin’s rule… because he represents a major obstacle in the attainment of their primary goal of Global Domination.
— “Sudden And Unexpected” (@toobaffled) March 2, 2025
Biden was a WEF Puppet. The war began under his watch and continued unabated. Biden and the Dems were enthusiastic supporters of the conflict. They even bombed the Nord Stream Gas Pipeline, and it’s not hard to imagine that of Kamala Harris had won the election that the world would be edging ever closer to full blown war with Russia.
Thank God for Donald Trump!
Trump is not a puppet of the WEF War Pigs!
Trump’s first term in office, he was the only US President in the past 80 years not to have started any new wars!
God bless Donald Trump!
Trump understands the Globalist threat to the Freedom and independence of Nations.
Trump also understands what motivated Putin to strike in Ukraine… the encirclement of Russia by Nato.
Trump respects Putin’s determination to Retain Russia’s own Sovereign independence from the Globalist take over.
Trump seeks to establish and maintain peace in the world via good relations with other strong independent countries like Russian to mutual benefit.
We need to understand the big picture and why having a strong independent Russia, and a strong independent US is essential for Freedom and democracy in the world.
Putin is no saint, Democracy in Russia is no better than in the ‘Democratic Peoples Republic of Korea’ yet for all his evils he is at least defending Russia from the Tentacles of the Globalist leviathan. While the whole of Europe is now over-run with Aliens from Africa and the East Russia is still strong and comparatively safe from the Violence, Rapes, and murders the hordes of illegal aliens are now visiting upon their foolish host nations all thanks to the WEF Globalist agenda.
Having powerful independent nations like the US and Russia refusing to surrender their autonomy to a globalist scheme means The Globalist plan for their one world order *is dead in the water*
The Globalists wanted this war with Russia in the hope that it would end Putin’s control and that they could install a Russian Leader who would sell out that Nation to the Globalist agenda. It is the same reason the Globalists tried every trick in the book to prevent Trump Regaining Office… including trying to have him whacked.
Trump represents a Strong Independent United States that will not fall into lockstep with The WEF Agendas.
We need more World leaders like these Patriots of their own Nations… defending their Independence, Sovereignty, and Self-determination.
The formula for Global co-existence under that model is peace and trade, and mutual good will that does not require surrendering their Sovereignty or Democratic foundations… whereby the peoples of every nation choose the laws and terms of their own societies… not some all powerful unaccountable international committee of Bankers, technocrats, and Political shysters.
Look at the state of this seething vile socialist hater of Christian values and Christ!
Molesters of Children’s minds.
See how Satan works.
Step one: Introduce inappropriate perversion into schools.
Step two: Silence any dissenting opinions by accusing Christian parents of being inappropriate and bigoted when they express outrage at the perversion they introduced.
Fact: This is a spiritual Ideological war being waged against our Christian foundations.
These people are destroyers and they are evil.
They are wreaking absolute havoc creating legions of lobotimised zombies who have been taught that Christianity is Nazizm…. all classic Marxist strategy for corroding overthrowing Nations.
Parents must stand up against them.
The Socialist onslaught is on many fronts… Critical Race theory, revisionist History, Gender Identity, Economics, Science… Climate change,… ie all the whack ideas the extreme leftist radicals screech and kick big tantrums about…. yet most of all… they hate Christianity and the Bible.
The fruit of Far left socialism…
These vile sentiments translate into crime and violence against white people.. If sh’e a mother and teaches those vile opinions to them to her sons they have a high probability of ending up in jail for Race hate crimes.
We cannot allow these Haters and Evil and Oppressive Extremists to control the public sphere.
We must boldly and forthrightly Oppose them.
Free Speech Champion!
Watch her Bold stand against a Woke School Borad that tried to censor what parents were allowed to say at Board meetings… here
There is no excuse for cowardly silence.
Everything is at stake.
Is there any meaning or purpose to human existence?
I’m bad to the bone.
I know this. Some might say I am unfit to write this blog article about Easter. They may be correct.
Just recently I was proscribed medication to lower my blood pressure. It’s high.
It’s partly to do with my age, partly my genes, but mostly to do with my bad habits… too much craft beer… too little sleep, etc.
Though I am a happy person, I am highly strung, and don’t ever relax… even when I’m chilling… I have inner tension at all times.
I find myself holding my breath.
Though I am ready to meet my Maker, I don’t want to die. I have a young son I wish to finish raising, and I believe I have more to contribute to society and in sowing, watering the soil for the Gospel.
My chief inner contradiction is that I’m an optimist in outlook, yet being proscribed heart meds has done nothing to alleviate my life-long fatalism.
By fatalism I esp mean my ever-present sense of approaching demise.
Optimism and Fatalism in one bag means I’m happy, yet always have a sense of urgency that I must take care of business before I check out.
I may live 20 more years, or I may not last out the day.
I have faith that if Today is the day… then praise the Lord… it’s my day! Thanks for a wonderful life. Thanks for the grace that has given me these decades, these friends, this family.
This is not a sympathy seeking ‘poor me’ article. I’m not a victim. I own my own circumstances.
I needed to say these things for context of the real message I wish to make for my Easter 2023 Blog article.
In my family, and in my associations, I’m the Black Sheep of my generation. I accept this because my thoughts are often the polar opposite of my peers. I am grateful most of them have grown to appreciate that’s just how I roll, and chuckle whenever I open my mouth. I have little doubt most question my IQ and believe I am ill informed.
Yet… and here is the punchline… to maintain even this strained relationship, requires I keep expression of certain forbidden opinions to a minimum.
For context most of my Family are Socialists politically, and Atheists spiritually. Many of my friends and colleagues are A-Political/ A-religious… so they are not open to free discourse on these subjects. They tolerate me as long as I don’t get ‘Preachy’.
I fully understand that nobody should harass others on subjects they prefer to avoid… yet still The years pass by quickly and is it not sad to think you have wonderful friends and family yet never have been able to fully discuss such essential aspects of life?
It is especially hard when you have dedicated your life in the pursuit of truth… and have discovered mind-blowing facts and arguments that you must keep to yourself for fear of being scorned and outcast by hard hearted loved ones who have no intention of challenging their own entrenched beliefs.
Remember my opening paragraph how I have a sense of urgency… and a repetitive source of despair in my life is watching my loved ones… friends, associates, and Family either sailing away never to be seen again… or pass away without having communicated with them truths I believe are essential to their Eternal well being. My own time is limited too. When I pass away my opportunity to persuade my people to Trust in the Cross of Christ, and in the miracle of his resurrection will be finished.
Yet I still have a bag of wind left in me, and I will take the opportunity that Easter long weekend provides to openly speak today.
I’m a Libertarian Christian, which means I believe in self responsibility and religious liberty.
This means I know there are limits to my duty, and ability to communicate truths to others.
The Bible says not to cast our pearls before swine… where they will not be received with gladness, but instead simply be trodden underfoot.(don’t take offence… it’s only a metaphor)
The Bible talks about the heart condition of lost souls.
Some have been softened… some are good fertile soil in which the seed of the Gospel can take root and flourish. Others cannot receive the seed.
This is my Easter message… An appeal to anyone reading this article who is honest enough to admit the origin and meaning of life has alluded them so far… to dare to remove the Blinders that prevent their minds from being able to take Christianity seriously. Ideological blinders that render them incapable actually contemplating the possibility, that Christ really was the Son of The Almighty… God Incarnate…. Sinless… and that he willingly went to the cross to suffer a criminals death… a redemptive sacrifice…. paying for the sins of humanity.. and rising from the dead on the third day day as proof of his victory over both sin and death… and that whosoever chooses to believe that gospel… shall be freely forgiven of all sin, and shall enter God’s presence in perfect newness of eternal life.
It’s a fantastic mind-blowing thing to even contemplate!
How can *that* possibly be true?
Is not that a demonstration of humanities wishful thinking and capacity for believing absurdities?
Easter cant be relevant in 2023…. can it?????
I once thought that way.
I have written several accounts of my own conversion from Militant Atheism to Christianity (links below) and it remains vivid in my mind the process… indeed the moment the scales fell from my eyes.
I won’t repeat what I have said elsewhere except to say the miracle of my own conversion depended first of all upon unusual circumstances that caused me to unwittingly lower my cognitive shield and actually give Christian apologists a fair hearing.
Holy Smoke!
For the life of me I never dreamed that I would be persuaded to believe the bible!
My conversion took many months of discussion, argument, presentation of historic and scientific facts… the miracle being that I even gave them 5 minutes of my time to discuss matters I strongly considered to be beneath contempt, ridiculous, false.
My testimony today is to tell my reader that there is overwhelming evidence and logic to Believe the Gospel is true… in spite of how incredible it appears to the atheist mind that is trapped in the false materialist paradigm.
My Easter appeal to the gospel is for any honest atheists, or people of other faiths, Is to ‘seek with an open heart… and ye shall find’… yet should you harden your own heart and remain of closed mind… there is nothing I can do. If my appeal falls on deaf ears, it is not me you have rejected… but Jesus Christ and the Love, Grace, and mercy of the Almighty.
One truth that weighs heaviest in my own soul is the knowledge of my own wickedness… my own unworthiness.
When I was an atheist I had absolutely no sense of my own spiritual corruption. I thought reality was ultimately A-moral… a nihilistic reality in which Human individuals were valueless and meaningless in a cold and indifferent Universe.
You can’t understand the importance of the cross unless you first have a realisation of your own fallen Moral condition.
Our Evil deeds really are evil, and God is not Mocked… Divine Justice is a real thing. And we will all have an appointment with the Great Judge, and will give account as to our acceptance or rejection of Christ’s work of Atonement on the Cross.
Some undoubtedly will say I’m employing fear-tactics to cajole feeble minds into religious subjection.
I know that is a thing, yet If what I am saying is Objectively true… it matters not whether or not the facts are pleasing to our personal inclinations… The truth is the truth irrespective.
God sets the terms and conditions for Salvation, not us.
It is the nature of fallen humanity to rebel against the Sovereignty of the Almighty. That is a piece of Deep irrefutable psychology. Know thyself! Understand how your deep innate nature pre-conditions your thoughts.
We are all children of Fallen Adam and eve.
These are Facts of Reality.
Facts of History.
Facts of Science.
Facts of knowledge founded upon personal experience.
The explanatory power of the Bible has no equal.
The Materialist cosmology/faith is utterly inadequate and filled with absurdities.
It cannot be honestly entertained by informed thinkers in the light of Modern science.
My advise is you go spend some time on Youtube listening to high caliber Christian apologetics, such as William Lane Craig, and Gary Habermas debating the likes of Richard Dawkins, Sam Harris, etc.
The Truth is there ready and waiting for you to descover… and have your mind blown!
Christ is worthy of worship.
I’m not worthy to worship him.
My only hope is that his grace is sufficient for a wretch like me.
The Easter Story specks of the Love of God towards us sinners.
Will it still be legal to celebrate Easter in 10 years time?
The light is fading.
Satan Laughing spreads his wings.
To my last breath I will declare Jesus is Risen!
Amazing Grace!
How sweet the sound!
That saved a wretch like me!
I once was lost, but now am found.
Was blind but now I see.
Watch this shameless Propaganda from the NZ Mainstream media (below)…. and a grandstanding Police Commissioner eager to project an image of a Man of Action and integrity…
In reality this was an act of Bad faith and an abuse of power… in harmony with Draconian events in Canada.
Ardern and Trudeau are both traitors to their own Nations and devotees to Klaus Schwab’s World Economic Forum Great Reset Socialist New World Order.
This shows you what total disregard these Globalists have for democratic process, and the sort of societies our children will suffer if we do not resist!
This protest was a legitimate Democratic response to Ardern’s Leftist radicalism that took advantage of the Covid 19 pandemic to Grow State power at the expense of Citizens rights in particular Vaccine Mandates, Lockdowns, and ‘Vaccine Passports’.
Thousands of businesses and Jobs have been lost!
Ardern has been a Train wreak for our Nation!
And you wonder why people are protesting?
Ardern’s thugs provoked a tranquil atmosphere into Chaos… exactly what Ardern hoped for… she wanted this peaceful protest to end badly.
I despair that the protesters allowed themselves to lose their composure in the face of this State thuggery… and yet Self defense is the natural reaction… they could have done things much better… in the spirit of Martin Luther King… maintaining Passive resistance even in the face of being arrested and taken away.
I admit my words in that regard are Cheap as I was not there trying to hold the line… for that I am sorry.
There has been talk on line that the fires were actually lighten by Antifa subversives… not Anti-mandate protesters.
Compare this skewed and slanderous report by the mainstream media with how things really were down there….
Read this excellent report that contradicts everything the Police commissioner claims… Freedom Village, Wellington, 25 February 2022
This was a Jackbooted Political action against a legitimate peaceful Democratic protest.
All talk to the contrary is dishonest propaganda designed to slander the protesters to de-legitimise their righteous peaceful stand.
This Police Narrative has been exposed as lies… watch/listen below…
Shame on the New Zealand Police for caving into political pressure from the Ardern Regime.
Congratulations! You have trampled peaceful activism under your boots… next you will complain when having learned from your recourse to violence, protesters come better prepared to voice their protests against a Police State.
You Escalated the problems… You did that!
I personally only advocate for peaceful resistance… yet you have weakened our voice and given opportunity for less principled agitators to gain ascendency… you did that.
You have debased and disgraced yourselves in the process no surprises there… if only you had maintained the peace as you indicated you would!
Instead you showed your forked tongue … seeking to execute a Dawn raid on Non-violent innocent people who have already suffered oppression at the hands of Ardern. That is why they were there in the first place! You are supposed to work for the people… not Political Parties and agendas. This is supposed to be a Democracy in which we have the right to protest… and the right to critisise the Government. You are supposed to protect our rights!
Shame on you.
The people of New Zealand never voted for Arderns Tyranical measures.
In fact she lied! She said Vaccines would never be imposed upon New Zealand citizens against their Will and rights!
Anti-mandate protesters march across Auckland Harbour Bridge causing traffic chaos | Newshub
Protests by their nature *Do not require the permission of the Police* who are notoriously aligned with the very Political Party which is in power.
This is legitimate peaceful democratic civil disobedience.
Protester must however appreciate they risk violence and arrest from police who are historically… notoriously oblivious to their duty to the People and their rights rather than the corrupt governments they serve. This is how the Police all too often become the servants of Tyranny… so few have the integrity to refuse to follow unjust laws and orders.
And the Vaccine Mandates were unlawful!
I must admit to finding these claims incredulous… I was worried they were ridiculous frauds designed to make any members of our Freedom movement who bought into this look like loons…
Yet I have respect for Olivia’s intellect, and since she has spent far more time than I have investigating these claims, that she finds them to be made from reliable sources … this is mind blowing stuff!
Part of the difficulty for me is simply trying to make any sense of these Nano ‘Structures’… they are so alien-like… this really is like something out of a Science fiction movie.
And yet despite this stretch of the imagination what ought to make a free thinking person pause is that it is no secret that The Bigwigs pushing for ‘the Great Reset’ like Klaus Schwab openly admit using the Covid 19 Crisis as an opportunity to realise their scheme, are also heavily into ‘Transhumanism’… and ‘the Forth Industrial Revolution’ whereby mankind interfaces with Super technology.
Schwarb openly talks about this… and it is in this context that sends chills down my spine that Scientists about the globe are now making claims they have found inexplicable Nanotec in the vaccines.
That Microsoft Founder Bill Gates is also at the forefront of getting these vaccines into every arm has also been a weird ‘interface’ of the Computing Tech World and the Vaccines.
Reading Olivia’s article is causing me to reevaluate my skepticism about the veracity of these claims.
And I have even more unsettling thoughts from a completely different quarter to throw on the table!
Now what I am about to say will probably blow your mind…. It has to do with ‘Transhumanism’ and the Bible.
Please bear with me…
While most people living in Western societies will be to some degree familiar with the Apocalyptic story of the rise of the Global Antichrist who is to enslave the whole Earth and cause all to receive ‘The Number of the Beast’… no one being able to buy or sell except they have the mark ‘in’ their right hand or forehead (Revelations 13) , there is another much less familiar prophecy that I want to discuss.
Christ likened ‘The End Times’ as being just like the days of Noah before the flood… people eating and drinking… etc.
Yet we are told something very ‘weird’ happened just before the flood … The Bible says that ‘Fallen Angels’ had sex with Human woman and produced ‘Angel/human hybrids’… Trans-humans… ‘giants’…. and that this represented ‘a genetic contamination’ of Humanity… and was the main reason for the Flood… to destroy this *Trans-humanist contamination* of humanity… Those who entered the arc were ‘Pure blood humans’… and they repopulated the Postdiluvian Earth.
So the rationale I have concerning Christ’s prophetic description of ‘the end times’ [today] being ‘like the days of Noah before the flood’… this seems to predict some sort of Genetic transhumanist contamination of Humanity.
This in my view could be precisely what they have done using the Vaccines.
These people doing this are Satanic….in the literal sense.
Nothing Odd or Sinister about Klaus Schwab…. nooooooo
The push to vaccinate every human being has been like some sort of Fanatical Diabolical Madness!
What The Hell are they doing to the human race?
Are these Nano-structures in all the vaccines?
This Batshit Dr Who level stuff might drive me insane… yet here we are.
You 90% Sheeple who blindly let them inject that shit into your bodies ought to be very concerned!
What is it doing to you?
Are you even ‘Human’ anymore?
Wikipedia says…. Fonterra Co-operative Group Limited (/ˈfɒntɛrə/) is a New Zealand multinational publicly traded dairy co-operative owned by around 10,500 New Zealand farmers.[3] The company is responsible for approximately 30% of the world’s dairy exports[4] and with revenue exceeding NZ$17.2 billion,[5] is New Zealand’s largest company.”
The NZ Dairy Workers Union (I am not a member) distributed a leaflet on December 17 2021 stating that
‘On 26 October, the Government passed legislation that gives all employers the right to introduce compulsory Vaccinations in workplaces if this is the outcome of a Government-authorised Risk Assessment process.’
In December Fonterra notified workers they had carried out an assessment and indicated their intention to mandate vaccination for all staff, yet also stated the proposals were currently only in draft form and that Fonterra was allowing a consultation period whereby those affected could make their views known… submissions being open until December 20. Later this deadline was extended to December 27
As an affected unvaccinated Contract Engineer, I participated in the submissions process hoping to sway Fonterra to reconsider.
There is a particularly difficult aspect of all this that has stifled open discussion.
By their very nature of being ‘Workplace related’, it is very hard to discuss the real world impact of the Ardern Regime’s latest corrupt legislation that gave New Zealand Employers the legal power to demand all staff be vaccinated… because worker/employer relationships and business have many contractual privacy obligations.
How then can the public interest be served when corporations seek to keep confidential their processes and procedures for various reasons?
As a political commentator and Libertarian activist who gives advice to many people on these subjects, including many people who share my personal desire to remain unvaccinated how can I be open and honest and yet at the same time remain circumspect about what I reveal about any privileged information I might be privy to as a servant of Fonterra?
The following post is my attempt to walk this precarious tightrope and do justice to all concerned.
As I intend to fully honour all such business obligations on my part to Fonterra I will not discuss any details about the worker consultation process they carried out, only to say that I submitted both a written submission, and later an oral submission to their process.
I am publishing these personal opinions on my blog today without comment for the public record, and for the purpose that some of my ideas may be helpful to others who are going through the same process with their employers.
The opinions expressed should not be mistaken as legally objective facts… but only as strongly held subjective personal views open to counter-views.
Any objective truthfulness will borne out by unfolding history.
The purpose for sharing them is not to cast any ill light onto Fonterra but for the purpose of informing the greater public discourse on how the vaccine mandate legislatiion has impacted Employer/employee relations… how this Jazz is goin down.
This is important.
It is normal practice for submissions to Government hearings to be available to the public to weigh up for themselves the merits or otherwise of submissions made and the resultant determinations.
I have taken care to redact out other peoples names, and anything that I believe ought to remain confidential to honour my contractual moral obligations.
I hope I have done a thorough job.
Tim Wikiriwhi
Me servicing a Milk Powder Drier at Te Rapa in 2013.
Oral Submission to Fonterra Committee for the Covid 19 Vaccine mandate proposal and Risk assessment. 20-1-22.
by Tim Wikiriwhi.
Good morning.
We live in strange times.
Hysteria is running amok!
Yet as far as Global pandemics go Covid 19 has been an absolute fizzer!
Survival rate is 99.97%!
There have been more than a 1000 cases of Covid in New Zealand over the past month, with zero deaths.
As time passes more and more people are waking up to the fact that this whole crisis has been grossly over-sold.
As time passes the vaccines prove to be less and less efficacious.
So much of what has been done in the name of fighting Covid 19 is superstitious nonsense , yet we are not allowed to question any of it.
Should we dare to do so we are accused of being lunatics, or conspiracy theorists.
Do you know what the definition of misinformation is these days?
Misinformation is any fact or opinion that contradicts what the government wants the people to believe.
I suppose you Executives are all vaccinated and have been enjoying your privileges granted to you by our great leader Jacinda Ardern as a reward for getting your vaccine passports.
Dining with colleagues at a café you are asked “Show us your papers”.
You casually display your personal Global QR code… and carry on enjoying lunch…. meanwhile thousands of New Zealanders are as we speak, forbidden these simple freedoms…. Not from science but from politics.
They are being punished for not submitting themselves to the government Jab.
This segregation is designed to break their resistance and cause them to abandon their personal judgement, feelings, and beliefs.
An example of how bogus this legilised segregation is can be seen should you be an unvaccinated person and visit a Fuel hub here in Te Rapa Hamilton in which there is a gas station with a subway bar attached by direct access. It is lawful for me to get a pie at the gas counter, yet illegal for me to purchase a sub only a few meters away!
This has nothing to do with science, or safety, and everything to do with the dirty politics of carrots and sticks!
I ask today… does Fonterra have any conscience at all about participating in this farcical and unjust political persecution of the unvaccinated?
Is Fonterra really happy to dance to Jacinda Ardern’s drum and become a major promoter and perpetuator of this discrimination in our society?
This behavior is truly outrageous and ought to be intolerable.
We… The Unvaccinated are not the enemy of Fonterra, nor do we stand in the way of company values.
We are in truth a significant group of dedicated workers who have done everything reasonable that has been asked of us to help Fonterra manage Covid 19 risk.
We are not… as the de-humanising social conditioning is currently being programmed into the masses… a bunch of dangerous disease carrying vermin.
How you choose to view us is important.
Do you appreciate our value to this company?
What sort of opinions do you guys at the Top think about the little people who work for you?
Over the years I have seen many signs that despite all sorts of clichés and platitudes that Management don’t have much regard for those beneath them, and this shows itself in staff retention problems… yet nothing in the past can compare to what is being contemplated today with regards to the vaccines!
You seek to treat your workforce like a herd of cattle rather than human beings with personal dignity and rights!
Cattle have no say whether they will be drenched or not!
What more proof is needed that Fonterra Management have nothing but contempt for their workers personal choices, values, and beliefs?
Surely you don’t expect to get away with such a cavalier treatment of your workforce without serious damage to worker morale???
Another sign that Fonterra is in crisis with morale among the workers is that many staff members have told me they agree with my stand that vaccination ought to remain a personal right to choose, yet they think my stand is futile… and a waste of time.
They are of the opinion that Fonterra Management is so far above them as to be untouchable by us lower ranks.
They tell me they think you have already decided to mandate the vaccines irrespective of how well we Resisters argue that such a move is both wrong, and a bad idea.
They say this believing you do not consider worker opinions of any importance or relevance.
This is evidence of failings in Fonterra’s management style which have created such a cultural attitude among your lower ranks.
Some workers think you have bargained away their rights to appease foreign customer demands!
God forbid it to be so!
There could be few propositions so callous of a workforce!
Workers rights can never be traded away simply to secure sales.
They are not yours to negotiate with.
Indifference from the Top to the real world effects your decisions have on those under your leadership destroys Productivity in your workforce.
Your workers cannot be proud of working for a company in which they believe they as individuals count for nothing.
You need to consider the massive detrimental effects mandating the vaccine will have, not only on those of us who will lose our jobs, but also on those that remain.
What you are proposing is no lightweight matter!
You need to fully contemplate the enormity and predatory nature of what you will be demanding.
You seek to impose yourselves upon us in the most personal and intimate way… You seek to inject ‘stuff’ into our bodies against our will!
Do you expect us to block out such a disrespectful intrusion and violation… and simply lie back and think about the money?
This is not a reasonable request.
This is a type of bully behavior by the powerful of this company upon those with no power…. Holding our very livelihoods to ransom.
It ought not to be this way!
How about instead you choose to change course and respect our rights?
Now that is a proposition that would positively affect Workplace morale and show that in truth upper Management does have respect for individual workers dignity and rights.
Realise that having herd worker concerns that should you reconsider and advise against mandating the vaccine that this would turn this from a disaster into a positive boon to company morale!
This issue really has the potential to define how Fonterra treats it’s staff… it is an opportunity not to be missed…. Please demonstrate some respect!
The New Zealand Bill of Rights Section 11 states:
The Right to refuse medical treatment.
Everyone has the right to refuse to undergo any medical treatment.
This clause is in plain English and should be the only exemption against being compelled to be vaccinated that any New Zealand citizen should need.
The bill of Rights is supposed to protect the rights of minorities from mob rule.
In times of Crisis there is a tendency for fear to trump reason and for morals and decency to be jettisoned in favour of rash and radical actions. Human beings get steam rolled over… while being told it is for the greater good.
Ardern’s latest legislation which seeks to covertly impose vaccine mandates using workplace safety legislation is in direct violation of the New Zealand bill of rights… so too will any vaccine mandate by any New Zealand company be.
What Fonterra decides to do will greatly affect workers’ rights right across the country… for better or for worse.
The political powers that be want Fonterra to do their dirty work for them and destroy workers rights to make their own health decisions.
Anyone with a modicum of historical knowledge knows that bad politicians use times of crisis to increase their own powers and rob the people of their rights.
Injustices ensue.
And once rights are lost they are never given back without a hard and costly struggle.
These are the massive implications of what is going on here.
Fonterra can rise to the occasion and decide not to mandate the vaccines… I pray this is what you decide to do!
The Vaccine mandates are not science based.
They are not medically sound practice.
Appreciate the truth that when it comes to Medicine… *one size does not fit all!*
The drive to vaccinate everyone is not based upon medical prudence but instead is a cold political calculation … with collateral damage measured in destroyed lives.
Fonterra needs to wake up to what is really going on here!
The government have an agenda and they are trying to pull the wool over everyone’s eyes as far as the safety of the vaccines are concerned.
The fact is no one know what the long term effects of these vaccines will have on the health of everyone who has blindly allowed themselves to be experimented upon because the vaccines were rushed into distribution without following normal safety protocols and there has not been enough time to evaluate their safety in the long term.
This is an unassailable fact and it ought to cause Fonterra to be very hesitant in issuing the directive that all staff must be vaccinated.
The vaccines have proven not to be the magic Bullet Politicians and Bill gates promised them to be.
The vaccines do not prevent anyone for contracting or transmitting the virus so Fonterra must rely primarily upon all it’s tried and true processes and protocols it already has in place to safely manufacture food in an environment rife with Pathogens.
Germs and viruses are nothing new.
All Fonterras’ systems are designed to ensure high quality Safe product.
I will not bring my submission to a close.
I make myself available to you for any further help that I might be able to provide to facilitate a good and just outcome.
Mandating the vaccines is bad business.
It is bad for workplace culture.
Mandating the vaccines is far more about politics than safety.
Mandating the vaccines is a violation of the New Zealand Bill of Rights.
Workers should be respected to make their own choice on this matter.
Thank you for your time, and I am happy to discuss these matters and answer any questions.
Tim Wikiriwhi
Te Rapa
From the Fonterra Focus July 2013.
[Written] Submission to the Fonterra Vaccination Mandate Proposal.
Written by Tim Wikiriwhi.
Contract Engineer.
Te Rapa Processing Plant.
Kia Ora Miles from Te Rapa Waikato.
Regarding Fonterra Management’s intention to make Covid vaccination a non-negotiable condition for ongoing employment and services on all Fonterra sites from the 1st of March 2022.
An email you posted 8 December 2021 notified workers of this intention, yet also stated the proposals were currently only in draft form and that Fonterra was allowing a consultation period whereby those affected could make their views known… submissions being open until December 20. Later this deadline was extended to December 27.
This letter is my submission to this process as someone who will be adversely affected should this proposal become policy without allowing for broader justifications for granting exemption than the current draft allows.
It also contains other signatories [redacted] from Te Rapa site, some of whom are likewise affected as I am because they are not vaccinated and so far choose to remain so.
Other signatories [redacted] are fully vaccinated yet wish to support us in our right to make such medical decisions for ourselves.
Even though their employment is not in jeopardy from the proposal, they know what is at stake and that if this proposal is ratified unchanged that it undermines all workers’ rights in principle to choose for themselves… not just the unvaccinated. They are as equally concerned about what Fonterra management are considering as those of us who are looking at the possibility of losing our jobs.
These vaccinated staff want Fonterra to know that they too disapprove of your mandate proposal as it stands.
This is not a matter of the Vaccinated vs the Unvaccinated but a question of Compulsion vs Freedom.
The idea of imposing universal vaccination as a condition of employment is harsh in the extreme.
We appreciate the fact that Fonterra is seeking to comply with recent legislation in carrying out a Risk Assessment to see if such extreme measures are warranted to provide a safe work environment.
Unlike other workplace PPE and safeguards like masks, vaccination cannot be taken off when we go home.
In this submission I seek to unpack as many aspects of this controversy as I can so that all the facts are on the table when Fonterra makes it’s final decision.
It is our hope that after having genuinely considered submissions like this one Fonterra Executives will be moved to reconsider this matter in it’s entirety.
We realise that we are hoping for a miracle, esp given the heavily propagandised climate in which this is taking place.
Facing the prospect of losing my job I am fearful about my future.
2.Disclosure of personal opinions, beliefs, and concerns.
I am uncomfortable about many of the things I am about to say as they are opinions which under normal circumstances I would never raise in discussions with Fonterra, because under normal circumstances there would be no need.
I try to keep a strict separation between my professional life, and my personal beliefs.
It is only that this proposal is of such dire consequences for myself and many other good people, that it behooves me to talk about things I would prefer to remain private.
To do a thorough risk analysis Fonterra must look at the Big picture.
When I use the terms ‘Us’, ‘Our’ and ‘We’, I am referring to Fonterra staff who have chosen not to be vaccinated.
3.A short summary of who I am.
My name is Tim Wikiriwhi.
I am married with one dependent child and am an engineering contractor who has been doing maintenance and production troubleshooting for the past 14 years at your Te Rapa site.
I sub-contract to Fonterra via ‘Dairy Systems Maintenance and Engineering (DSME) Ltd’, yet this submission is written on my own behalf and independent of DSME Ltd.
I trade under my own name.
So my relationship with the Te Rapa Milk Processing Plant has been longstanding.
To all accounts I am a Fonterra employee in all but name.
I work 40 hours a week.
I am scheduled work just as the regular staff are.
I have my own Fonterra On-line Milky way account, and use the company SAP system the same way Site maintenance staff do.
A few phone calls to the various department managers would be all it would take for you to find out that I have a first class reputation for safety, reliability, and quality of workmanship as an engineer.
I have first rate problem solving skills that are constantly being utilised to prevent and minimise plant downtime.
This is because I have dedicated myself to achieving your companies’ values and aspirations.
I live locally and my relationship with Te Rapa has been mutually beneficial for both parties, yet now my whole livelihood is in jeopardy because of this mandatory vaccination proposal.
4. Defending the motives, character, and Informed basis of those of us who oppose compulsory vaccination.
If it is a simple matter of common sense that universal vaccination is a reasonable course to pursue then why would so many otherwise intelligent people resist?
Those pushing for mandatory universal vaccinations often try to portray those who will not submit as either ignorant misguided fools, or as rouges bereft of any social conscience.
They would have you treat us as if we are misfits, whose opinions should be ignored.
Are such gross derogatory opinions objectively true?
On the contrary, if you take myself as an example, I can justifiably claim to have a very strong sense of civic duty much higher than the average person.
My social concerns have motivated me to stand for Parliament, and for Hamilton City Council many times. When I am not fixing your pumps and valves, I am involving myself in the politics of our day… because I care a lot about what affects New Zealand society.
I am a Father, Grandfather, Christian Libertarian… as well as an Engineer.
If then people like myself cannot simply be written off as ignorant reprobates, it must be asked if it is possible that genuine safety concerns and other relevant factors exist that ultimately make mandating universal vaccination on all Fonterra sites a bad proposition.
Because I am a vigilant and concerned citizen, and the magnitude of what has been going on over the past 2 years, I have gone the extra mile to ensure that I am well-informed on the Covid 19 pandemic, the vaccines, and the government response.
I have made several submissions to the government on legislative measures and response, etc.
These are not the activities of a thoughtless and indifferent person, but a fully engaged citizen.
I hope this submission is therefore received in the spirit in which it is written… that of a loyal servant of the company, and New Zealand Citizen seeking to add value to this discussion in participation of your worker submissions process.
5. This submission is not an ‘anti-vax’ diatribe.
Having weighed up all information from many sourses I chose not to take the Covid 19 vaccine, and yet I am not an ‘Anti-vaxxer’ which is a derogatory term used to portray a person as an anti-science loon much in the same way the term ‘Flat Earther’ is used.
I am simply Pro-free choice as of right.
My 3 children have received all their vaccinations,
My wife has chosen to take the Covid 19 shots.
I am not a loon, nor should I be treated like ‘a naughty child’ for refusing to obey ‘our great Leader’ Jacinda Ardern.
I am an independent thinking person who holds dissenting opinions about how our country has handled this pandemic, and I am acting fully within my democratic rights to hold such opinions.
There is therefore nothing shameful about my conduct in this regard.
6. We have done our part in the fight against Covid 19 yet Ardern keeps pushing us down.
Like all New Zealanders, for 2 years We have complied with heavy restrictions, yet despite all our sacrifices we now face persecution that threatens to destroy our lives simply because we desire to maintain our own evaluation and conclusions concerning the risk/benefits with regards to the shots.
What happened to Comrade Ardern’s ‘Team of 5 million’… we are all in this together type rhetoric?
What happened to her promise that she would not impose vaccine mandates?
Both these statements have proven hollow frauds.
Her nasty dictatorial side has revealed itself.
She is the central reason why this process is now happening.
Twist by twist she has tightened the screws upon New Zealand citizens in complete disregard for our rights.
Via enacting oppressive legislation she is gunning for our jobs.
She could have passed an outright mandate directly, yet she is a far more devious political operator than that.
Her scheme is to blackmail private businesses into imposing her will by proxy using workplace safety as the pretext with the ever present threat of court action for businesses who do not provide ‘safe’ workplaces.
By this means she hopes to bypass sections in the Bill of Rights such as section 13 which protects us form discrimination on religious grounds.
This sleight of hand must be understood with it’s relevance to the business at hand, and how it crosses such ethical boundaries and safeguards that must not be overlooked.
These problems ought to factor into your risk assessment process because what you are considering has monumental implications that extend far out into workers private lives.
Should you impose any vaccination mandate without weighty consideration of how this will seriously impact your workers on such a fundamental level of their rights and wellbeing, you cannot claim to have done due diligence in this risk assessment.
Jacinda Ardern is hoping you will disregard any such considerations as irrelevant to workplace health and safety, and yet you must also consider the impact your decision will have on your workers private lives too.
Under Ardern, We who have decided against taking the shots are being treated like lesser New Zealanders… with less dignity… with less rights… treated as if we pose a threat to everyone else.
This is persecution.
My marriage might break under this strain.
Some may marvel that people like myself are so stubbornly resisting given how much we have to lose, yet apart from the very real risks involved in taking the shots a chief reason I am resisting is that I find it absolutely contemptible that people are expected to consent to a medical treatment because of purely non-medical considerations and threats!
That is not how self-responsible adults are supposed to make medical decisions!
This duress is nothing short of tyrannical.
This is a violation of our legitimate right to say no.
What Fonterra is contemplating under the sanction of our current Labour Led Government is morally wrong.
8. The New Zealand Bill of Rights.
The New Zealand Bill of Rights, Section 11 states:
Right to refuse to undergo medical treatment. Everyone has the right to refuse to undergo any medical treatment.
This is in plain English and should be the only exemption against being forcefully vaccinated that New Zealand citizens should need!
Do not pretend that this vaccine mandate proposal is anything other than heavy coercion that is in direct contravention of the New Zealand Bill of Rights.
Being told we must get vaccinated under threat of losing our jobs is not a free choice, but a form of employer/employee extortion.
9.The Legislation, and failure of the Unions to defend workers rights.
The NZ Dairy Workers Union (I am not a member) distributed a leaflet on December 17 stating that
‘On 26 October, the Government passed legislation that gives all Employers the right to introduce compulsory Vaccinations in workplaces if this is the outcome of a Government-authorised Risk Assessment process.’
What is shocking about this leaflet is the absolute failure of the DWU to point out that the above mentioned legislation renders the New Zealand Bill of Rights section 11 void!
You would think that they would have made note of this and been quick to point out how serious a violation this is, and put out a call to members to rally against it.
And yet they have not.
Many workers… both vaccinated and unvaxed are wondering what the hell their Union is playing at when they say ‘the DWU strongly supports the Government and Ministry of Health nationwide COVID Vaccination program.’ The Unions are just one so called independent lobby groups that Labourite leader Ardern has in her back pocket.
Workers can see their Union has sold them down the river.
I am not referring to worker department reps, many of whom are disappointed by the position their superiors have taken that puts them in a very awkward spot with their peers.
I myself am not surprised given Union Upper Echelons have always been in bed with the Labour party.
Union Bigwigs turn a blind eye when the oppressors are their own political comrades.
This is corruption.
There is no good reason why Unions could not have taken the position of expressing their recommendation that all members get vaccinated, and yet also state they would still stand by those members who for their own reasons and concerns choose not to be vaccinated.
This is their moral duty to their members and would place them on the right side of the Bill of Rights.
And yet they have chosen not to take such a principled stand.
Unions are working in cahoots with the Labour Government and we can only speculate at what sort of deals they have been doing behind closed doors.
Tragically, it looks like many Fonterra staff are being abandoned by their Unions.
This also highlights why it is necessary for me to table the political context in which Fonterra’s Risk Assessment is taking place.
There is a hell of a lot going on in the shadows that jeopardises any hope of objectivity holding sway in this health and safety process.
It is not beyond credible conjecture to believe if this was a National Party led initiative the Unions position would be vastly different.
Furthermore Ardern is seeking to control and narrow the scope of any assessments carried out to further restrict what oppositions can be raised against mandating vaccination.
Will Fonterra join this powerful Clique who show zero compunction about trampling a minority of good workers underfoot for their own political ends?
I say that to mandate vaccinations under the guise of workplace safety entails far more than simply stating you now have the legal power to do so, Fonterra needs to explain in clear terms why it believes it has the moral justification to ignore the Bill of rights which forbids such coercion.
The verdict of history condemns as guilty those who violate the rights of people under their power and then attempt to hide their wickedness behind such excuses as ‘We were only following orders!’, or ‘We were obeying the law’.
10. Such Laws that violate rights are evil and ought to be resisted.
The legitimacy of the entire Labour led Government itself is open to question in this regard. Virtually everything that has been enacted under PM Ardern has been done via subversion… bypassing all the due processes and safeguards against bad and oppressive laws being perpetrated against the population. Virtually all of it has been rushed into law in the dead of night with virtually zero public consultation.
Our nation has been transformed from a free society into almost a Police State over night.
People now have to ‘present their papers’… Vaccine passports to be allowed to go about their ordinary business, and New Zealanders who wish to remain unvaccinated are facing serious prejudices.
I pray Fonterra does not become complicit in this grand evil scheme.
11. The oppression is real.
It is staggering how quickly human beings… certain minorities can find their personal beliefs to be at variance with powerful agendas and are transformed from being considered valuable essential workers into social outcastes, having their rights diminished, and be treated like their very existence is a hazard.
Sociologists call this a process of dehumanisation.
12. Maintaining objectivity in conducting the Risk Assessment and not allowing political pressure to influence the outcome.
As the legislation stands Fonterra may assess the risks Covid 19 poses to their staff and operation, yet if conducted properly it ought not be a foregone conclusion that compulsory vaccination must be accepted as a reasonable expedient.
That is open to very compelling practical challenges which when coupled to the moral aspects involved … the clear matter of rights… Fonterra can reach the conclusion that mandating vaccination for all is not warranted or justifiable.
After weighing up all relevant facts, pondering submissions, and Fonterra Objectively reaching such a conclusion, should the government then try to pressure Fonterra for making such a stand, you would have legal grounds to hire a QC and legal team to fight back.
It would not be difficult to shine a public spotlight on this governments corrupt legislative abuses, and you can be sure far more New Zealanders would support Fonterra for this than might be gleaned from what is currently being said in our compromised media. Thousands of smaller businesses who simply cannot afford to challenge this political corruption would be eternally grateful should Fonterra become a bulwark against this tyrannical government which is bankrupting them in the hundreds every month.
None of what the government is doing is good for NZ business or our economy.
Mandating vaccination is a political drive to use peoples jobs as a means to pressure them into doing something that goes against our own inclinations… and force us into line … cloaked under the guise of Public / workplace health and safety.
The pretext being that anyone who does not consent is therefore acting contrary to health and safety.
Such a rationale is an over-simplification of the situation that cannot withstand rigorous scrutiny.
When examined fully this rationale is exposed as nothing more than a weak excuse to impose a very draconian program that violates the highest ethical principles.
A system at variance with the very foundations of our once free society.
And yet nobody is supposed to raise these issues.
That is the Elephant in the room.
13. The cost of standing up for our rights draws upon us the displeasure of the powers that be.
Under such duress some Fonterra staff have already lost hope, succumbed, and submitted to your threats and have been vaccinated against their own will and judgement rather than risk losing everything.
We know that Jacinda Ardern takes perverse pleasure in treating us little people like pawns, and breaking our will, yet how can Fonterra take any pride in this?
The stress and worry your proposal entails is adversely affecting worker mental health and wellbeing.
Others like myself cannot in good conscience submit to the Jab under duress, and unless you find it in your conscience to drop this whole proposal or make some way for us to be exempt, we dedicated workers and service providers shall be rendered unemployed.
This means we are at high risk of failing on our mortgages and of being unable to provide for our families.
We shall be utterly ruined because of our determination not to be bullied out of holding to our personal beliefs.
This is especially true because in today’s political climate of Covid hysteria as it will be very difficult for us to find alternative employment.
Some people may even become suicidal as a result of losing their jobs.
You must know this is not an exaggeration on my part but a very high probability.
Does any of this factor into your risk assessment process?
14. Fighting to save our Free Land.
We are not bad people. We are not foolish people. Nor do we desire to come into conflict with Fonterra’s ultimate business aims.
We simply desire to do our jobs, and yet because of the push to force upon us medical decisions that violate our own autonomy, we must stand up for our freedom and rights knowing these are values that cannot be surrendered without unconscionable results for future generations… for our families and nation as a whole.
We desire our children to inherit a free country in which they are sovereign over their own bodies and the government and others *don’t have the power* to imposed such agendas upon them.
We will not surrender our right to say no!
We are standing up for ‘God’s own country’… the country we love, and the way of life our Anzacs have bled and died for…not this Covid Tyranny!
Now it is our turn to defend our country from those who threaten our freedom, yet sadly today the threat is coming from our own political class!
Will Fonterra stand strong for the New Zealand we were bequeathed by the Greatest generation, or will you sell us out to the Socialists who work for the Global vax agenda, not the well being of New Zealanders?
If Fonterra seeks to remain on the side of right, you must steer away from such oppressive socialist policies!
Seeking to compel every one in the world into getting vaccinated is truly Maniacal!
It’s outrageous megalomania!
How can any sane person construe this madness with being in the common good?
It’s Diabolical!
15 Essential workers one day. Out with the trash the next!
For all we have done playing our part in fighting Covid 19, we are now to be thrown out like last weeks newspaper.
I am typical of the hundreds on faceless little people who have dedicated ourselves to Fonterra and to it’s values, and who have worked on site right through the pandemic as essential workers, and have modified our shift patterns to help Fonterra’s covid isolation strategy and yet for all that we have done for Fonterra, we now find we are likely to be thrown to the Wolves.
Are Fonterra Executives in their air conditioned board room so isolated from us little people who work in their factories, and drive their tankers that they can make such decisions without conscience of the devastation they will cause in our lives?
Are we and our families so insignificant to you?
Surely you can find some way to achieve your aims without being so brutal to people who have faithfully served you?
These things ought to factor high in your mind as you conduct your risk assessment.
When considering implementing any new safety initiative to either eliminate, isolate, or minimise an identified potential hazard any new initiatives musty pass a fundamental qualification that they do not introduce any new hazards. Ie True Safety initiatives must be more than just a knee jerk reaction to be seen doing ‘something’.
Safety Solutions to problems must promise to be conclusively a move in the right direction and deliver real gains, and that is what makes running a good health and safety system a difficult task that takes Good minds to run properly, because so many suggestions can turn out to be worse than if nothing was done at all.
There are not only risks of serious adverse reactions from the vaccines that Fonterra cannot ignore in it’s Assessment, there is also the heavy price that will be paid in the lives of all affected by a decision that will cost them their livelihoods.
16. It is not in anyone’s best interest to threaten peoples livelihoods.
When you powerful Executives sit at your meetings deciding our fate, please do not frame this matter as if you are caring about our health and well being.
A decision to force us into obedience otherwise to you will treat us as if we are vermin, and exile us from our place of work, and expose us to financial ruin is the very opposite thing of caring about our well being.
Nor is that *your duty*!
As far as our own health goes, that is foremost a matter of our own responsibility. We should be left to make up our own minds about vaccination.
17. How large a Risk do the unvaccinated pose to vaccinated staff?
How great a risk to others, and Fonterra product do the unvaccinated really represent?
Quantifying this accurately is difficult. Fonterra must guard against hyper-paranoia.
I believe the truth is the minority of Staff and others who remain unvaccinated do not pose any significantly greater threat to Fonterra Food safety or to other staff members than the vaccinated Staff do… after all they have been vaccinated have they not?
Those whom have chosen to be vaccinated are supposed to have a layer of personal protection from the virus.
We are told that getting vaccinated reduces the severity of the illness.
There is some very convoluted logic being employed to justify vaccination mandates.
18. The vaccines do not prevent transmission.
One of the great early deception’s that has been exposed is the vaccines are now know not to be the magic bullet that was supposed to guarantee life returns to normal.
This was promised by Bill Gates early on when he was convincing governments around the world to buy Billions of dollars worth of his product for which his corporations were also given immunity from prosecution for any death or injury his product caused.
Given the vaccine does not prevent the vaccinated from contracting or spreading the virus one wonders on what scientific basis any significant workplace benefits can be expected to be gained from violating individual choice and demanding everyone be vaccinated esp given the high rates of vaccination which have already been achieved without the mandate.
Do the math. Most of any perceived gains have already been achieved voluntarily, and so only a fraction of this perceived advantage can be hoped for by a mandate.
The truth is vaccinated staff are still a Covid risk.
Actions other than vaccination must be the priority.
19. Managing the Covid 19 risks.
Fonterra has already been managing the risks to workers in your production plants for two years, by other means.
For example by implementing higher segregation of shifts, many staff working from home, running on line meetings, Having special Covid 19 permit check lists.
We are already instructed not to come to work should we in the slightest way feel flu-like symptoms.
We are temperature checked at the gate.
So far New Zealand has experienced several outbreaks of Covid 19, including high numbers in the Waikato and yet the measures Fonterra Te Rapa has already in place have proven very effective in keeping manufacturing sites Covid free and staff safe.
If anything there is plenty of sound reasons to believe Fonterra has already been over zealous (eg insisting Staff wear masks when they are working alone outside), and yet all Staff including the unvaccinated have done their best to comply with all company directives.
Please do not now… after all we have done for the company… tell us we have not been committed enough, or safety conscious enough… and that you will now take away our jobs!
20. Fonterra Product Safety.
Fonterra has always been able to safely manufacture food in an environment rife with viruses and pathogens.
The Flu, Listeria, Salmonella, Legionnaires disease, Hepatitis… just to name a few.
Virtually all the final processes and packaging are ‘Hands free’.
Sanitisation and other Bio-controls have been normal practice well before anyone ever herd of Covid 19.
It must be remembered that globally Influenza kills many hundreds of thousands of people every year
All through Heavy Flu seasons Fonterra has soldiered on pumping out Billions of dollars of first rate product.
Fonterra routinely offers free Flu shots to anyone who wanted them… and that has been considered good enough to fulfill their Employer obligations and protect Operations.
These things being so draws heavily into question that any valid scientific basis exists to justify a call for compulsory vaccinations on site.
Because of stringent biological controls are standard practice in food processing and manufacture means the true threat Covid 19 actually poses to Fonterra product is small, and manageable.
No extreme measures can be justified.
Perhaps Quality Assurance procedures could be an area where extra vigilance could help alleviate product safety concerns.
21. Do not bend to hysteria.
In conducting this risk assessment Fonterra is in danger of allowing panic and extremism to cause them to make a very inhumane decision that will cause real harm to workers.
Have you calculated just how many might lose their jobs?
If we use government stats that nearly 90% of New Zealanders have been vaccinated it is plausible that up to 10% of Fonterra Staff could be facing unemployment. This could easily number in the thousands.
From what has happened in Health and Education we know soul-less Jacinda Ardern couldn’t care less.
Does Fonterra have any stronger sympathies and sense of doing the right thing than our stone faced power mad PM?
22. It looks like time is not on Ardern’s side.
As time marches forward, progressively one by one, all the assumptions about the danger Covid 19 really poses, the efficacy of the vaccines, and the lockdowns, mask obsessions, have all been exposed as fallacious, and founded upon pure folly, not science fact.
My submission is seeking to prevent Fonterra from making one of these monumental blunders.
When history is written our generation will wince in embarrassment at how they were driven by fear into adopting such extreme and absurd policies.
My Goodness!
It beggars belief that so many New Zealanders are currently oblivious to the shear madness of the what is going on!
What will it take to break this mass hypnosis?
23. Covid 19 neurosis is prevalent.
This is a politically manufactured hysteria.
As I have indicated above there are simple rational things that can be done… all practicable steps to mitigate risks, and when things are conducted reasonably you will get virtually universal buy in from all parties… but right now the voice of reason is being shouted down by hysteria and delusion!
This is a critical time in which Fonterra needs bold leadership to defend our cherished Kiwi values, with the will to stand strongly opposed to the extremism that is sweeping the world.
New Zealand needs champions to defend our Free Land.
Will my plea fall upon deaf ears?
24. First hand accounts of Deaths and Vaccine injuries from Staff.
There are many just and reasonable motives why individuals might choose not to be vaccinated which render Fonterra’s intentions immoral and unjust and a form of persecution.
Some staff members have told me of family members who have suffered serious adverse reactions to the shots and are afraid they too might suffer such an event.
People have died from taking the shots.
This is a legitimate concern and far too common to be ignored.
Fonterra Executives must be aware of this.
Though seriously under reported, deaths and injuries on official databases clearly show the Covid 19 vaccines have caused more serious harm and death than all other vaccines combined over the past 30 years.
Many vaccination programs have been stopped after far fewer deaths and injuries.
What level of risk of serious harm from these Covid vaccines are acceptable to Fonterra?
How about instead deciding to honour every employees right not to be compelled into medical treatment against their will?
This is a legitimate option!
This way Fonterra completely eliminates the risk that a vaccine mandates entails… that ordering everyone get vaccinated might cause serious harm and even death to some of your employees.
Why should Staff members accept your assessment rather than their own assessment of the risks?
How can the Fonterra be so brash as to think they can make such a demand of all their workers when there is no way for you to be fully informed of each individual’s personal circumstances?
25. Political extremists hold sway in NZ parliament.
Because of our belligerent parliament that is hell bent on forcing universal compliance, it is illegal for New Zealand medical practitioners to issue medical exemptions even when GPs may believe there are sound medical grounds that warrants exemption.
Mirroring the governments own position, as your current mandate proposal stands you have set the bar so high, it is virtually impossible for staff to get an exemption on medical grounds or on the basis that they do not want to take the risk of adverse side effects.
You are usurping their personal right to make such an assessment of the risks.
The exemptions as they currently stand in your draft proposal ultimately are no exemptions at all… because so few people will be able to meet the narrow criteria.
Those whose lives have been destroyed by adverse reactions are coldly disregarded as ‘Collateral damage in the war against Covid 19’, and the Vaccine Juggernaut keeps rolling forward.
How much death, pain, and suffering, is an acceptable sacrifice to make before any consideration is made to stop this Vaccine agenda?
26. Exemptions on Religious grounds and the New Zealand Bill of Rights section 13.
Any workplace vaccine mandate will have implications and impact that extends far beyond the workplace.
Your decision will seriously encroach into the private sphere of your workers lives.
You must factor this into your assessment.
High on my list for rejecting the shots are my personal religious convictions.
The New Zealand Bill of Rights section 13 states:
Freedom of thought, conscience, and religion
Everyone has the right to freedom of thought, conscience, religion, and belief, including the right to adopt and to hold opinions without interference.
I am a Christian, and because of the use of aborted babies’ tissue in the experimental development and manufacturing process of the vaccines, I cannot have any part in that. I consider abortion to be one of the greatest moral evils of our age and I cannot condone it nor have any part in it’s justification.
I therefore cannot comply with any demands I be Covid 19 vaccinated.
Our Bible says It is better for Christians to obey God rather than Men.
At the risk of exposing myself to ridicule from those who do not share my beliefs I will tell you that I personally see the Vaccine passports as being part of an Orwellian nightmare into which our country is being tricked.
In my faith I perceive this as highly likely the establishment of the Global Antichrist system my Bible warns me will come, and I do not want myself or my family to be put onto some globalist Database.
Not everyone who co-signed this submission agrees with me on religious matters, and yet many do, and all of them believe we have the right not to be compelled into doing things that go against our convictions.
Christianity is still a widely held set of beliefs that many Fonterra staff ascribe to.
And it is incontrovertible that it was primarily Christian Enlightenment values that were largely responsible for making our Nation such a wonderful place to be born.
These values stand in the way of the New World Order.
To expect workers to surrender their religious beliefs for the sake of compliance to indifferent Employer duress is something too shocking to be believed!
Surely not in 2022 New Zealand!
How quickly has our Nation fallen under Comrade Ardern!
I have already explained above why she has made vaccine mandates a workplace health and safety issue rather than a general decree so that she can sidestep Section 13 of the Bill of Rights by getting employers to do her dirty work in this regard. She wants every New Zealander using the Global vaccine passport system.
And yet large numbers of Christians like myself want no part in this.
We stand in opposition to her Globalist ideological ambitions.
We seek to maintain New Zealand’s National Independence so that we the NZ people can remain in control of our own destiny, esp in such matters as maintaining religious liberty… for all!
It should not matter whether any of you consider my private views to be credible or true.
My right to hold them is not dependent upon anyone else’s assent, and you ought to appreciate just how important it is that we maintain a society in which personal beliefs are not trampled underfoot by the powerful.
It is only in freedom and equality before the law that we can agree to disagree on politics, religion, and all the other matters that are rightfully within the private personal sphere.
Please do not get angry at me for raising these matters.
I know this complicates things and that your inclinations will be to try and avoid admitting any of this is relevant to this process, and yet it is relevant because it explains to you why many workers will not be vaccinated.
New Zealand Companies have been thrown by Demagogue Ardern into this quagmire.
Such is the nature of living in a free society that has in place legal safeguards against discrimination so that New Zealanders have been free to follow their own conscience in matters of faith (or the lack thereof).
Western Nations have been a shining light in the world comparative to less enlighten countries that have religiously intolerant regimes. By safeguarding religious liberty for all, our Society has remained fair, and peaceful, and enjoyed tolerance, coexistence, and cooperation causing us to prosper, and making New Zealand a great safe place to raise a family.
Our quality of life largely depends upon this dynamic.
Religious liberty is so important because without it powerful interests will start to undermine the rights of the less powerful with whom they share no fundamental affinity. This is how religious persecution arises, and is precisely what Jacinda Ardern is attempting to do as we speak… by manipulating you.
That Fonterra might assume their business interests are more important than respecting the religious views of their staff is incredibly coldhearted.
Such an attitude of complete disregard for religious conviction is something we would expect from the Chinese Regime, or North Korea, not a New Zealand company.
This is the backward direction Jacinda Ardern has taken our nation and it is beyond shameful!
Surely Fonterra does not wish to aid and abet this slide into Authoritarianism.
Fonterra must therefore consider exemptions on grounds for religious Liberty.
Demanding peaceful people sell out their religious convictions as a condition of employment is outrageously unjust.
27. The Vaccines have not been proven safe in the long term.
An important reason many of us do not want the vaccine is because to get it into the arms of the world, governments bypassed the rigorous safety protocols that Dr Fauchi himself stated that even if a vaccine is successful, normally takes ten years to complete.
This is a fact.
So there is a falsehood at work when for our Government claims science has proven the vaccines to be safe and effective.
There simply has not been enough time, nor the proper rigor done to substantiate that.
The long term effects of these vaccines are still 100% unknown.
Is Fonterra relying on Government spin that the vaccines are proven safe?
The technology upon which they are based is itself experimental!
Worse still there is a growing body of evidence that indicates these vaccines carry high risks, and are woefully ineffective… esp compared to natural immunity.
I would have thought Fonterra would also be far more cautious about insisting all employees get injected with an experimental vaccine that did not pass though the normal rigorous safety protocols.
28. Facts vs Misinformation.
Anyone who is not so silly to accept Jacinda Ardern’s Government apparatus as ‘Your single source of truth’ knows there have been reports around the globe of very serious side effects, and thousands of deaths attributable to the shots.
I hope these facts are not ignored in your risk assessment in favour of Propaganda that down plays the true risks.
In regards to misinformation, anyone who has not also been living under a rock also knows that there has been unprecedented censorship going on in the mainstream media as a concerted effort to hide the truth about serious adverse reactions, and the failure of the vaccines from the public.
All rational minds should be deeply concerned about the systematic suppression of free speech with regards to Covid 19 and the Vaccinations.
There is also a false narrative being propagated that virtually universal scientific consensus exists that the vaccines are safe and effective.
The truth is however there are legions of the highest qualified medical experts who stand in abhorrence at the relentless drive to vaccinate every human being on planet earth.
These experts warn that the MRNA vaccines are far from safe, yet such contrary voices are ruthlessly suppressed, heavily censored, and silenced.
Only 1 narrative has been allowed.
Will Fonterra pretend there is not a heavy skew on the official narrative and what passes as official science?
Will Fonterra run it’s risk assessment founded upon ‘Facts’ authored by the Government?
To do so brings the whole enterprise into question.
What would be the result if such a blinkered approach is adopted …measured in harm done to those who undergo the shots at Fonterra’s behest and those that don’t and are sacked?
Has Fonterra considered any alternative expert opinions other than the official line?
Is Jacinda Ardern and her minions Fonterra’s single source of truth?
29. Has Fonterra noticed how the official goalposts keep shifting?
Think about how dubious that is!
At any point in the near future the scientific assumptions upon which you are basing this proposal could crumble to dust, and in fact I argue they already have been exposed as fallacious.
I marvel that the company might be prepared to navigate where angels fear to tread with such sinking sands beneath their feet!
Can Fonterra executives appreciate just how imprudent it is to take your ‘science’ from political operators pushing an agenda that routinely buries all facts that are not conducive to them achieving their ends?
There are too many valid reasons to not trust the Governments vaccine agenda.
The Dystopian ‘1984’ aspects to all this are pulpable!
Millions of New Zealanders are wondering how their Free Land has been so swiftly taken away before their very eyes.
I personally do not want that secretive , improperly tested scientific experimental DNA altering junk injected into my body… no thanks!
There is way too much Censorship, peer pressure, and political shenanigan going on for me personally to trust these shots are safe.
Fonterra ought to think twice too!
30. New Zealand is facing a crisis that is much greater than Covid 19.
That Fonterra is even considering such a rash policy is evidence of this.
Normal protocols are being abandoned.
Through legislative sleight of hand our Ardern led parliament is fostering a fundamental form of bigotry and oppression against unvaccinated citizens to be carried out by New Zealand businesses, and it is shameful how thoughtlessly and quick many are moving to do so… doing Jacinda Ardern’s dirty work for her!
This proposal is especially incredulous given we have learned in the past two years that Covid 19 is nowhere near as dangerous as the fear mongers first imagined.
31. The world is waking up to the fact that the fearmongers have misled them.
All of their original models and predictions about countless million were going to die have been exposed as wild nonsense.
Much of the world is now abandoning all the so=called measures and seeking to get back to business as usual.
The Governor of Florida has passed special legislation forbidding Workplace Health and safety being used to justify Vaccine mandates.
During a special legislative session, Florida just passed a new law banning private employers from mandating COVID-19 vaccines unless several exemptions are offered to employees. The law, signed by the governor today, comes as OSHA’s national emergency temporary standard mandating vaccines is embroiled in legal challenges.
Thanks to Ardern We have lost our international reputation as an advanced and enlightened nation.
New Zealand is now being held up as an example of delusional authoritarianism.
The end of the Global panic is near.
One day soon…by the grace of God… New Zealand too will awaken from this hysteria and in that day the books will be opened to see who participated in the oppressive measures, which companies did not defend the values of freedom and equality upon which our nation was founded and which made life worth living in our country, and caused it to prosper, and what distinguishes our way of life from backward oppressive nations run by dictatorships.
In that day how will Fonterra fair when placed in the balance?
Will Fonterra be found to have been one of the companies that collaborated with the oppressive political powers of our day or be numbered among the righteous who help defend the targeted minority from oppression?
32. Individual rights cannot be sacrificed.
Many of us who are refusing the Jab are seeking to save our nation from marching into an oppressive Socialist prison camp where the individual is enslaved to the will of the Collective/ State using the false rationale that the rights of the individual must be sacrificed to the common good.
That is a lie, because for a society to be good, and just, the rights of the Individual are essential!
No society that sacrifices individual rights turns out better, stronger, healthier than those who maintain them.
It is only our Freedoms and Rights that ultimately distinguishes us as citizens of a free society, from subjects living under subjection.
If Jacinda Ardern is allowed to cherry pick which sections of the Bill of Rights her government will honor and which she may disregard, this renders the Bill of Rights as useless as Tits on a bull!
If we do not call her out for her legislative breaches that have already occurred, what is to prevent her from pushing more oppressive Bills into law?
For example What would prevent her from using the same excuses of the common good to over ride say section 21 of the Bill of Rights pertaining to Unreasonable search and seizure
Everyone has the right to be secure against unreasonable search or seizure, whether of the person, property, or correspondence or otherwise. ???
Ardern’s Covid 19 Tyranny has exposed the severe lack of constitutional safeguards that has allowed her to run roughshod over our lives and nation.
This hazard from dangerous ideologues like Ardern gaining control of our Parliament must be eliminated.
The Bill of Rights is supposed to be ‘The Rule of Law’ that prohibits parliament passing oppressive legislation that violates individual rights… limiting their power, and yet politicains like Ardern thrive on power and coercion.
Fonterra may not be at all disposed to taking on the Constitutional shortfall, but it is still imperative that you understand it, and do your best within the legal framework that now exists to navigate the company in as ethical manner as possible, taking every opportunity to avoid being manipulated into becoming a tool of our political class to impose their draconian will.
33. My positions are not radical.
The Right of every individual to choose for themselves whether or not to take such things as the vaccine has always been the norm here in New Zealand, and holding such opinions has always been recognised as a moderate, and conservative view… the New Zealand position on such matters.
And yet a subversive political narrative has crept in and managed to turn this on it’s head.
Now many people have been subtly reconditioned over the space of a few years to now argue that my insistence to be left free to decide for myself is now supposed to be dangerous and an extremist view!
The unfettered truth is the very opposite! It is the compulsion touters who have been radicalised.
They have accepted an extremist political doctrine that is at enmity with New Zealand’s traditional values!
34. Pandemics are not mysterious or new.
Those who penned both the Nuremberg code, and the New Zealand Bill of Rights were not ignorant of pandemics, and they purposefully and emphatically state we should not be coerced into any medical treatments against our will.
They did not say that we have a limited right to make our own medical decisions up only until the government decides it will impose it’s own decision upon us… for the public good!
We have the Absolute right to chose for ourselves.
These documents were written to expressly protect us from precisely that sort of Government over-reach!
We are a significant portion of the population who are currently being demonised, and falsely presented as being ‘a safety hazard’.
This has parallels with how the Holocaust started and how the Jews were treated early on in Nazi Germany.
This is being called ‘a medical apartheid’ by international commentators and many politicians who oppose this oppressive response to Covid 19.
Just look at how much devastation whole nations have suffered at the hands of inept politicians and parliaments!
It has been Political decisions … not the virus that has put us Billions of dollars of debt, the massive losses of production, business closures, job loses, suicides, and deaths from other non-covid related conditions… The legislative tyranny!
All these things prove the abject disaster that has resulted from draconian Covid 19 measures taken the world over by dim witted unprincipled Madmen (and woman)… drunk with power.
Surely the objective observer cannot help but reach the conclusion that the prescribed cures have been far far worse than the disease… and it has all taken place because of Fear and hysteria.
As the saying goes ‘the road to hell is paved with good intentions.’
Undoubtable Fonterra means well with this proposal and yet ultimately such thinking is destroying the cherished principles of Freedom that made our nation to shine above so many others.
35. My appeal, my advice, and my warning to Fonterra is to seriously rethink everything!
Please honor the New Zealand Bill of Rights Section 11!
The Bill of Rights ought to be the unquestionable basis upon which Fonterra defends, and any implementations for their Covid 19 response ought to comply with it.
If in the process of honoring the rights of New Zealanders Fonterra finds itself at variance with the party political aspirations, Fonterra ought to stand firm.
Respect every employee’s freedom!
The Law still allows this.
I fully appreciate the difficulties the company faces.
I sincerely hope my plain speech has contributed to your important discussions.
It is also my sincere hope that I am allowed to continue to be of service to your Maintenance department at Te Rapa.
Should you be moved to reconsider your proposal… to make it more accommodating and humane, I and my family will be eternally grateful. I would strive to prove what a good management decision it was to allow people like myself to continue to be a part of Team Fonterra.