Category Archives: Truth

Evolutionary ‘Mumbo Jumbo’ of the the Week. The human face… ‘bashed into shape’

“…The earth also was corrupt before God, and the earth was filled with violence. ”
Genesis 6vs11.

The Bible explains why Mankind is violent.
It has to do with the Fall of Adam into sin, Exile from the Garden, and The loss of God.
Mankind has become rebellious, deceitful, and vicious.
Driven by Lusts, and Damnable.

For all have sinned and come short of the glory of God.

We all need to receive >>>> The Gospel of God’s Grace.<<<< *************************************************** zombie_fist_fight_by_otkman1995-d5rxdj4

‘Evolutionary Science’ is Oxymoron-ic.
This is proven time and time again.
When these whack mystics posit such a ridiculous arguments as to suggest that the Human face has been shaped by ‘hand to hand combat’… you know they are absolutely Clueless!
Yes Folks, these idiots would have you believe that you look like you do because your ancestors… for millions and millions of years have been punching each other in the face!

They would have you believe that fist fighting is an ‘evolutionary driver’… that it has effected our Genetics!
This is patently false.
It also shows how vacuous…. how absolutely lacking in Genetic reality… how thoroughly reliant on unscientific imagination the whole theory is.
This latest theory is no better than the previous…. equally imaginative… equally un-scientific hypothesis that…
” the transition in facial structure from apes to early hominins had previously been explained largely by the need to chew on nuts and other hard foods that needed crushing.”

Read about these laughable theories >>>here<<< and >>>Here<<< This is not science. This is grasping at straws. The Truth is Human beings *Did not* Evolve from Monkeys/ apes! Evolution *Cant* explain why Human beings exist. It's not Plausible... Its Delusional. Naturalism is Impotent. Materialism cant generate life from Dead matter and then trans-mutate it from Algae into humanity. And the more powerful scientific tools of investigation we Humans invent, continuously *increase* the implausibility of Atheist Naturalistic Materialism with every new insight and revelation. The only reason Atheists embrace such wild fantasies that constitute the theory of evolution is because they refuse to consider the only really plausible explanation in the light of Genetic Information.... That Living things prove there is a Grand Designer... a Super-mind... whom exists 'outside' the Physical Universe. Atheists allow their personal hatred of the Idea of 'God' to blind them to the obvious truth, and insodoing they cling to the most ridiculous of delusions about how monkeys can turn into people. And Science has now proven Materialism to be false and that the Super-natural realm *must exist*. The Universe *was born* out of this prior-existing eternal Transcendental reality... which is far more *fundamental* and primary than our temporal universe. Science is catching up with the Book of Genesis. " In the beginning, God created the Heavens and the Earth." The Walls are closing in on Atheism… not Theism.

Tim Wikiriwhi.


Monkey killing Monkey. Tool

Read about more Evolutionist Bullshit >>>> Evolutionary ‘Mumbo Jumbo’ of the the Week. “Why Do Humans Cry?”

Evolution in action. Dr Richard Nixon.


Hamilton City Council’s relentless agenda to starve out the homeless.



Over the last few months I have written several blogposts about a fledgling voluntary charity which has begun operating in Hamilton City, Waikato, New Zealand, attempting to embody the Christian principle of Loving our neighbor as ourselves.
Hamilton Homeless was started by a small group of Mormons concerned about the growing number of Homeless people living in the Central City.
They saw their plight and felt a Religious Humanitarian obligation to do something about this unfolding tragedy, and rallied Hamiltonians to start providing free meals, clothing, and Love to the many people in desperate need.
And caring Hamiltonians of all shades of Religious and cultural backgrounds put aside their doctrinal differences, and in the spirit of Good will and co-operation have been working together in this Righteous endeavour.


Despite these obviously noble and selfless ambitions aimed at helping the most needy sector of our society, and the fact that all this Charity work is being done voluntarily and without any politically imposed burden on Hamilton residents and ratepayers, ‘Hamilton homeless’ has nonetheless become the target of what can only be described as an orchestrated and on-going campaign of oppression at the hands of the City Council, in whose warped minds… it is more important to foster a commercially and Politically aesthetic façade of Hamilton’s CBD a place of glamour and affluence, than any concern about the *Real World* Poverty which is growing there… a reality they intend to shove into a dark corner…. Away from the public view.
‘Out of sight…. out of mind’.

There can be no doubt that the Council is behaving in a malicious and oppressive manor…. abusing it’s political power to violate the rights of the citizens of Hamilton to exercise their Religious convictions in a peaceful manor, …. having threatened the Land lord of a property ‘Hamilton Homeless’ have rented for the purposes of avoiding City Council threats of arrest for feeding the Poor on public spaces… without a permit.

Council staff have put pressure on the Landlord demanding he insists Hamilton homeless immeadiately stops feeding the poor from their rental property.

It appears that even though Hamilton homeless have acquired their own private property… quite a distance from any commercial interests whom might complain about poor people ‘loitering’ in front of their businesses, that the Council is determined to shut this Charity down.


I personally believe the Council is in serious violation of Private property rights, and intend to investigate whether or not the laws of our Nation protect our private property rights, and religious liberty, or in fact sanction such vile abuses of political power!
On top of this wicked agenda, It is of course truly heartbreaking to the compassionate members of Hamilton Homeless that the Poorest members of our community… the people whom they seek to serve… are in danger of loosing this loving support.

This really is a question of our rights to peacefully practice our religion, and follow our own conscience.

Private property rights are not merely a Legal protection against theft…. Not merely a foundation for establishing and exchanging ownership and legitimizing trade, it is fundamentally a principle which establishes *a space* …. *a place*… where citizens can worship their God/God’s, and peacefully practice their beliefs.

This function of private property is a fundamental corollary of our inalienable rights as individuals to Religious liberty, and is why we live in a society which is to great extent a testimony to Religious tolerance and peaceful co-existence.
We as individuals have the inalienable Right to form voluntary associations, and to function as a group, from private property… and it is a measure of the Justice of any society to the degree that such Freedom is protected from molestation and any potential violence of intolerant bigotry at the hands of other citizens, or from political oppression from the powers that be.


And the glory of these principles of Rights….Freedom, Equality, and Private property is why here in New Zealand that within the space of a few kilometres you can have a Catholic church, an Islamic Mosque, and a Mormon Temple… with virtually zero religious conflict!
This is truly a wonderful testament to the virtues of a society which has respect for these principles, and All New Zealanders should be Eternally Vigilant… watching politicians and Public servants, that they don’t start to undermine our Rights and Liberties… and to be always ready to Rally in defence of *Any voluntary association* whom has become the victim of political oppression.

Real Christians, and Patriots ought to rally in defence of Muslims, or Hindus… should it become apparent that their Religious liberty is being violated.
All our rights are equal.
When government threatens the freedom of anyone, they are in reality a danger to every ones freedom.
It is only the foolish and ignorant that don’t appreciate this… and the Nasty Bigots whom enjoy watching people whom hold different beliefs being suppressed.

Socialist Governments and Councils love to try and divide our society into separate groups and to systematically oppress these sub-sections, and it is appallingly far too often that New Zealanders go along with such corrupt political agendas instead of unifying for the sake of the principles of Freedom, equality, and Real justice… realizing what really is at stake… ie either maintaining a system of justice and freedom, or allowing the government and city councils to start telling us what peaceful religious beliefs we are allowed practice on our own property!

And Private property rights, in regards to religious liberty also exist on rented properties as long as all activities are kept within any caveats that may have been conditional upon agreement to lease.

Hamilton Homeless was doing exactly that.
It is not a commercial enterprise.
It is not a Community house.
It was not even cooking food, and therefore is not subject to Health department regulations which apply to such things as Restaurants, Cafes, etc.
It is a privately rented house in which invited people in need to come and enjoy food which was being cooked in other private homes… the very same way that we all cook our own Kai… and all this was done peacefully, quietly, and in love… the same way that is very common in Communities of strong communal bond… for example in many Christian, Indian and Maori homes the front door is always open, People come and go at leisure, They sing songs and enjoy fellowship… nothing at all strange or evil about it.
This may not be everyone’s ‘cup of tea’… there are of course millions of Kiwis whom shun such openly communal living… enjoying their own privacy and insulation, yet I would hope that such people are still tolerant of their neighbors whom have much larger community involvement.


It is truly tragic when small minded prudes allow their own closeted ways to become motivation for making complaints against their neighbors more open enjoyment of their properties… and lobby the Government and Councils to generate and impose heavy restrictions which violate Freedom and equality.

That is the road backwards towards societies of Intolerance and conflict.

Thus I fervently argue that Hamilton homeless has become the target of political oppression and abuse of power.
I hope to be invited to attend any meeting of the Hamilton homeless executive to discuss how to move forward and fight this council injustice.

I hope to inquire what legal grounds, if any the Council staff had in approaching Hamilton homeless’s Land Lord as I believe they have seriously overstepped their duties as servants of Hamilton ratepayers and residents.
I hope to inquire what legal right, (if any) the Land lord has to insist Hamilton homeless cease to feed the poor from that address, or whether in fact he is in breach of their tenancy rights.
Did their Landlord know what purposes Hamilton homeless intended to use the property for when he rented them the house?
I will be asking these sorts of questions.
I do believe everyone should respect their landlords reasonable requests, yet It is a very poor show if the Landlord is simply bucking under the duress of a Bully Council which is out of control…. Esp to detriment of the Poor, Cold, and Hungry!

I will report back as things run their course…. For good or ill.

It may amaze some readers to realize just how uncaring and Nasty Hamilton City council is behaving on this matter, yet a quick Google search will reveal to any inquirer just how common this sort oppression is meted out by Heartless Councils around the globe upon Charities whom care for the Needy.

Eg>>>> Here <<<< The difference being how the various communities respond… to the knowledge of how their elected officials and paid City staff treat the most vulnerable and exposed members of our community! How will you Hamiltonians and Kiwi’s respond to this local crisis? Will you rally in defence of voluntary charity and your poor neighbours? poor

I am reminded of a homeless Beggar whom not so long ago was found dead in the Waikato River after being thrown out of his hovel by a Hamilton City Ticket Warden whom had no business doing so!
He was not on council property, but had found a corner somewhere along the Riverside on Private land where he had lived in squalor for some time, yet had not caused any one any real harm.
The Council worker went out of his way to take away the smallest comfort this poor soul had in this world… and he died.
I think this story is a exemplar of just how Cold hearted, and indifferent to the plight of others some Public servants can be.
Vicious and tyrannical.
Poverty is happening not only in Africa… but is growing here in God’s own!

This sorry tale also shows the sort of Dire straights many people are finding themselves, and the urgency with which the down and out need the care and compassion of people like Hamilton homeless.

This is a matter of Religious Conscience.

Will You readers spread the word and rally in defence of this Noble charity?

As a Libertarian I will be doing my best to guide ‘Hamilton Homeless’ to remain fully private and voluntary so as to maintain it’s moral stature as true charity in the Christian sense of the word… rather than becoming another burden upon the backs of struggling ratepayers and renters.
As far as I am concerned…. we just want The Council to ‘Bugger off’ and leave us Hamiltonians to take care of business ourselves.
Tim Wikiriwhi.
Christian Libertarian.


Read more from me about Charity, and Hamilton homeless…

Hamilton Homeless. Natural Law, Loving Thy Neighbour as thyself, The Basis for Religious liberty and peaceful Co existence.

Hamilton Homeless Meet and Greet… The Lords feet and hands working in the trenches.

NEED A PERMIT TO HELP THE POOR? Nazi Hamilton Council Bastards!

Real voluntary private Charity vs the evils of welfare and Political force Ruff draft.

Swallowing Brontosauri: The great fossil fuel delusion.


^^^^ Hahahaha…. on whom is the Joke really?

Many years ago I herd a very interesting theory, which immediately struck a chord.
Simply put … It made much more sense than the common assumptions.
What is un-questioningly accepted as Scientific Fact and ‘Common wisdom’ is patently absurd.

What am I on about?
Oil and Gas are falsely assumed to be a fossil fuels…. the reality is *there are no Fossil Fuels!*
They are all simply naturally occurring accumulations of Organic compounds of which the Earth is made.

The idea that Oil and gas reserves are the remains of Prehistoric Creatures and vegetation which were somehow buried in massive deposits before decomposition is quite frankly Ridiculous!


Apart from the fact that you can make make oil, gas, and coal via industrial processes from Wood, etc,
the delusion that Oil and Gas are ‘fossil fuels’ was argued from the fact that oil samples under a microscope revealed ‘cellular’ materials.
Yet it later turned out that these Biological ‘bits and pieces’ are not the remnants of Dinosaurs and trees (as supposed, and taught to the Masses) but are the remnants of Bacteria which have since been discovered to live in the Oil deep down below the surface of the Earth.

What is known as Earth’s ‘Biosphere’ … the regions of which Living organisms may be found extends from deep within the Earth itself right up into High altitudes of the atmosphere.
Thermopiles have been found living as deep as 5km underground.

And recent discoveries in Space exploration are now rendering the Fossil fuel hypothesis even more untenable.
Surely the Lie cannot continue much longer… can it???

Just recently vast quantities of liquid “hydrocarbons’ have been discovered in places like Saturn’s moon Titan … and because there have never existed living creatures on theses moons…. it proves that Hydrocarbons form in abundance within our solar system via other natural processes… On Earth carbon is converted internally under heat and pressure etc.
On Titan, it is the cold which liquefies the naturally abundant Gases and ‘Oils’ rain from the sky and form lakes, etc.
All it takes is the right conditions… no Dinosaurs… no forests required.

Suspicion that Oil was not a Fossil fuel has been suspected for Decades… even longer, yet the belief persisted and is perpetuated because it suits the Oil companies to sell it at a premium, and to the Doomsday Greenies whom cry out that ‘fossil fuels’ are a Non-renewable resource that are being Rapaciously consumed… that there is an Oil crisis ahead… and so Capitalism must be stopped, and that heavy handed State control of these ‘limited Resources’ was essential to prevent the eminent ‘Dooms Day’ … The collapse of modern civilisation and Technology…. and a reversion back into the dark age.

These are the same freaks whom also push ‘Climate change’ hysteria…. which also according to them is fast bringing Global catastrophe…. and so…. ‘surprise surprise’… requires the State to seize control of all the worlds resources and restrain Human liberty.
Putting an end to the assumed Decadence of owning your own Gas guzzers with Ginormous ‘Carbon footprints’… etc


Yet there is no crisis (At least not from Green house gasses or a shortage of Oil!)… no need to surrender the world to a Global Fascist/Commy State….alias Leviathan.

Oil and Gas are constantly being made within the Earth’s crust… out of the Earth itself.
Drained reservoirs refill.
The Idea that Oil and Gas are ‘fossil fuels is one of the great myths of our age.
It demonstrates Humanities infinite capacity to swallow Brontosaurus sized delusions and politically manufactured pseudo-science.
Yet because the Fossil fuel myth it is so utterly believed by the great bulk of humanity, I know that not many people reading this will believe me.
They will say I’m Nuts.
How dare I question the orthodox view?

I on the other hand am wondering how long will these Jurassic delusions continue?

Hitler has been sited as saying… “the Bigger the Lie, the more people will believe it.”

Another saying is…
‘… a person is more likely to continue to believe a lie he has herd a thousand times rather than the truth he has herd only once’.

I wonder what sort of Comments this Blog post will elicit

Tim Wikiriwhi.


Cannabis: Better than legal highs but makes student “slower”

dopeI was at my kids school today and while I was waiting a couple of students were discussing their drug use. They indicated that they’d used legal highs but preferred cannabis. So I thought I’d ask a couple of questions…

Me: What do you think of “legal highs” being made illegal?
Student: [Shrugs shoulders] Don’t care. I’m smoking the real stuff now.
Me: Does that affect your schooling?
Student: Yeah. [chuckling] It makes me slower.

The other student didn’t speak to me but gestured that he agreed with his fellow student. He also chuckled when his friend admitted that cannabis made him slower.

Cannabis Cures Epilepsy. 1881. Prohibition has been a monumental crime against Humanity.


How many have died as a direct result of the lies which underpin Cannabis prohibition????

Cannabis has been a revered medicine for thousands of years… yet the fanatical prohibitionists lied, deceived, murdered, and imprisoned countless numbers of innocent people via their obsessive Drug war.
That this mentality still prevails in western civilisation make a mockery of the idea that the West as being ‘enlightened, Free, and Humane’.

hemp 1881

Medical Cannabis. Wonder Drug! Halts Epileptic Seizures in Children! PTSD. Etc etc.

It is extremely tragic to consider that the Lies have been so thoroughly imbibed by the Masses, and the fear it instils in parents as to both it’s safety, and because of the terror involved in what might happen if the State finds out they have administered cannabis to their children…. that many will not be brave enough to get this valuable medicine to their kids…. and many will continue to suffer and die as a result of the lies… and the tyranny.

This is one of the reasons why I am dedicated to Ending Cannabis prohibition and destroying the Myths it has propagated.

Medical Cannabis. Wonder Drug! Halts Epileptic Seizures in Children! PTSD. Etc etc.

Colorado Medical Cannabis user Charlotte Figi.
Charlotte’s life has been saved via the Wonder drug…. medical cannabis.
She used to suffer Hundreds of Seizures every day.


END The War On Drugs!

I implore parents with children who suffer Fits and seizures to *Get Cannabis* for your sick children!
Dont worry about the fact that ‘your local supply’ is most likely to be the ‘THC’ variety…. *It wont Harm* your kids! It will Save their Lives!!
Tim Wikiriwhi.
Christian Libertarian.

Update: Head Of Epilepsy Foundation Wants Cannabis Oil Available


Wikipedia…. Charlotte’s Web is a strain of medical marijuana processed into a marijuana extract[1] that is high in cannabidiol (CBD) content, called Realm Oil and Alepsia. It does not induce the psychoactive “high” typically associated with recreational marijuana use.
Charlotte’s Web is named after Charlotte Figi, whose parents and physicians say she experienced a reduction of her epileptic seizures after her first dose of medical marijuana at five years of age, and whose usage of the strain was featured in the 2013 CNN documentary “Weed”. Media coverage increased demand for Realm Oil and similar products high in CBD, which has been used to treat cancer and epilepsy in toddlers and children. While high profile and anecdotal reports have sparked interest in treatment with cannabinoids,[2] there is insufficient medical evidence to draw conclusions about their safety or efficacy.[2][3]
Families who say they have run out of pharmaceutical options have moved to Colorado to access the strain. The demand has spurred calls for more research to determine whether these products actually do what is claimed. While the use of medical marijuana products is allowed in many U.S. states, the nationwide legal status of Realm Oil is less clear.

Read more >>Here<< Below is a Tragic story which is being repeated around the Globe due to Prohibition and ignorance... May God's grace shine upon this little girls family as they come to terms with their loss. She is safe in Heaven, with Jesus. CharleeNelson
Charlee Nelson passed away Sunday. She had a neurological disease that caused seizures. Cannabis oil could have helped.
They named a bill “Charlee’s Law” after her. Charlee Nelson, who died Sunday, was one of countless children around the country awaiting passage of bills that would allow them to use CBD oil, a form of marijuana.
The six-year-old resident of West Jordan, Utah suffered from a neurological condition called Batten disease that causes seizures, mental impairment, blindness and loss of body control, and eventually death. She was diagnosed with the disease last February.
During that time there have many accounts of how hemp oil – low in THC, high in CBD (for cannabidiol), hence minus the high – can help children who suffer from seizure conditions, such as epilepsy. Dr. Sanjay Gupta’s two Weed programs on CNN have both focused on the search for CBD, which generally takes parents to Colorado for a steady and reliable supply of a strain known as Charlotte’s Web.
Now states like Utah are moving ahead with legislation that will only allow legal use of CBD-rich products, primarily in the form of a tinctures taken orally. Just days before her death, the Utah State Senate voted unanimously in favor of the bill, joining the House in support. Gov. Herbert’s expected to sign it.
It appears that Charlee was never treated with cannabis oil, simply because it wasn’t available to her in Utah.

Read more about this Moral outrage Here >>>Utah Girl Denied Marijuana Dies<<< Update: 13-4-14. CBD Oil is Saving My Daughter’s Life

Marijuana stops child’s severe seizures

Charlotte Figi’s Story Brings Families to Colorado for Her Medical Marijuana Strain

American Christians using medical cannabis to save their Children’s Lives. Epilepsy .Self help (4)

Medical Cannabis Halts life-Threatening Fit’s and Seizures in Children! Self Help (3).

Personal Enlightenment… That Glorious moment when the Scales fall from the Eyes of a Sheep blinded by Propaganda…and they See the truth! Cannabis is a Medicine.

Eeewww! I’m not reading that book! It’s got Jesus on the cover!

Pierre+Henry+&+Spooky+Tooth+-+Ceremony+-+LP+RECORD-380943 (1)
This ‘Spooky Tooth’ record cover displays an atheist visualisation of Christ… as Cosmic Buffoon.
With such preconceptions about religion and Christ…why waste any time reading about such drivel?
Why waste any brain power with absurdities?


Richard Dawkins is a poster child of this type of tunnel vision… all his works reek of his incapacity to be objective on the question of God’s existence and his ignorance of Christianity is a direct consequence of his mental incapacity to take the subject seriously.

I implore any atheist reading this to take the time to watch the Video below.
An intelligent woman explains her journey from incredulity to faith in Christ.
She explains that even Richard Dawkins is not beyond reach if he would only dare to challenge himself.
She gives an awesome testimony from an ‘orthodox’ modern academic perspective explaining why as an atheist she could not bear to honestly investigate the claims of Christianity.
she accurately reflects my personal attitude towards religion before the miracle of my own conversion from militant atheism and so not only do I relate to her experience, I also hope she can help others ‘break free’.
The video does not ‘Attack’ Atheists as ‘stupid’, nor call Atheist to throw their brains away.

I implore you…. My Family and friends to watch it….. It’s not about ‘facts’ and ‘figures’… but about *thinking*.
It’s a lesson in intellectual honesty and objectivity… about free thinking and escaping the Tiger cage of your own preconceptions… removing blinders to see reality.


And Christians…. I implore you to watch it too!
This woman has a degree in apologetics and makes some essential points about how to share our faith and win people to Christ rather than drive them away.
I confess to my own need to improve how I sow the word…. 🙂
Tim Wikiriwhi


Read more…

letting Lust blind…. Hiding in the Dark.

I just didn’t want to know

My Testimony…. from Rabid atheism to faith

Machine Gun Preacher.

machine gun preacher

A man known internationally as the “Machine Gun Preacher” said Friday that federal agents interrupted his charity work in Africa when they raided his Pennsylvania home, business and warehouse Wednesday.

“They went into a container that was packed and ready to come to the orphanage and totally destroyed it,” Sam Childers, currently in Africa, told WJAC-TV over the phone. “I mean, destroyed it, and what’s so sad is that it was all children’s clothes.”

According to WJAC-TV, the FBI said they couldn’t elaborate on why they conducted the raid or comment on a pending investigation.

Read more >>>Here<<<

Genesis is real history: Evidence supporting the account of Noah.


This from the Facebook page Biblical Creation


The Hebrew name for one of Noah’s grandsons is Mizraim (Genesis 10:6). It is no coincidence that modern Egyptians call themselves Misr, which is a derivative of Mizraim. According to the Book of Genesis, Noah’s grandson, Mizraim, is the father of the Egyptians. In a revised chronology, Egypt comes into existence soon after the dispersion from Babel, around 2100 BC. Eusebius, the famous 4th century AD historian, writes:Egypt is called Mestraim by the Hebrews; and Mestraim lived not long after the flood. For after the flood, Cham (or Ham), son of Noah, begat Aeguptos or Mestraim, who was the first to set out to establish himself in Egypt, at the time when the tribes began to disperse this way and that…Mestraim was indeed the founder of the Egyptian race; and from him the first Egyptian Dynasty must be held to spring.


A question of harm and government’s duty

A common argument for Marijuana being illegal is as follows :-

P1. Government has a duty to protect people from harm.
P2. Marijuana is harmful.
C. Therefore, Government has a duty to protect people from marijuana.

At a Libertarianz conference Dakta Green spoke against this argument’s conclusion – he argued for the legalisation of cannabis. Dakta’s speech was aimed at convincing the audience that P2 was false (i.e. that cannabis was not harmful).

His seat was near mine so after he had finished speaking I asked him if he thought P should be illegal. He was quite insistent that P should be illegal because it was harmful.

Dakta’s argument for criminalising P was the same form :-

P1. Government has a duty to protect people from harm.
P2. Methamphetamine is harmful.
C. Therefore, Government has a duty to protect people from methamphetamine.

According to Dakta’s own reasoning cannabis should be illegal if it is harmful. Dakta was incorrect about cannabis not being harmful. But he was correct that cannabis should not be illegal. The false premise is P1 – i.e. government does not have a duty to protect people from harm.

Consider the following :-

P1. If government has a duty to protect us from harm then government should protect us from alcohol.
P2. Government shouldn’t protect us from alcohol.
C. Therefore, government does not have a duty to protect us from harm.

The belief that Government has a duty to protect people from harm is the basis of Nanny Statism.

Do you believe that government has a duty to protect you from harm?