Insidious Evil . When ethics are used as a weapon against you.

Ayn Rand could not be more wrong. Despite the reality that Satan will try and use your virtue and morality against you, the truth is when guns are pulled *morality becomes absolutely essential!* It is essential that the virtuous remain distinguishable from the Wicked. I’m going to dig deeper into the subject of ‘Ethical conduct’ … Continue reading Insidious Evil . When ethics are used as a weapon against you.

Where was Jamie Whyte while Laila Harre was getting high?

So Laila Harre has seized the initiative… and the high ground on Cannabis Law reform. Good for her! I chuckle because this will test the bonds of the Internet Mana Marriage. Will Hone Harawera do a ‘Hone Banksy’ on her? We all witnessed last election ‘Righty Hone Banks’ knife his dear leader, Don Brash for … Continue reading Where was Jamie Whyte while Laila Harre was getting high?

Legal Heroin Ban: PSA and the Evil of Politics.

It’s a great relief to me that at least one of my libertarian friends gets it. This compelling piece on the diabolical Psychoactive Substances Act by atheist blogger and fellow freedom fighter Mark Hubbard is so good, I’m syndicating it. Be sure to check out more of Mark’s blog. I wish I had more time to … Continue reading Legal Heroin Ban: PSA and the Evil of Politics.

The Jaws of Hell. H R Giger

H R Giger has died… Aged 74. By all accounts Giger was Possessed. He gloried in Satanism and perversion. His creations preyed on Humanity like Spiders eating flies. He turned his God’given talents to Infernal ends. Though he is Dead, his works will Go on Freaking the S#%t out of Generations to come, and inspiring … Continue reading The Jaws of Hell. H R Giger

Tick…Tock… Tick… Puff Puff. Where does Act’s Jamie Whyte stand on Cannabis Law Reform?

Currently nobody knows! Will he maintain Political Dinosaur John Bank’s status quo position or will he show he’s got bigger gonads, more heart, and more scruples, by actually putting forward a more enlightened policy which actually gives some substance to Acts claims to be a party founded upon principles of personal freedom and responsibility? Is … Continue reading Tick…Tock… Tick… Puff Puff. Where does Act’s Jamie Whyte stand on Cannabis Law Reform?

The Folly of Scientism. Austin L. Hughes

The Folly of Scientism Austin L. Hughes When I decided on a scientific career, one of the things that appealed to me about science was the modesty of its practitioners. The typical scientist seemed to be a person who knew one small corner of the natural world and knew it very well, better than most … Continue reading The Folly of Scientism. Austin L. Hughes

Theism, Atheism, and Rationality

This post is the third in a series of classic philosophy papers. Theism, Atheism, and Rationality is a paper by renowned Christian philosopher Alvin Plantinga. Uncoincidentally, this paper is the recommended reading for tomorrow’s meeting of the New Inklings. 🙂   Theism, Atheism, and Rationality Atheological objections to the belief that there is such a … Continue reading Theism, Atheism, and Rationality