Category Archives: Affordable City

I endorse Carl Bromley’s bid for Christchurch City Council. Cross the Rubicon’s commentary on Carl’s Maiden Campaign Speech.

I will be doing my part in supporting Carl Bromley’s campaign for Christchurch Mayor.
It is unfortunate that his electorate is so distant from where I live that severely limits what assistance I can be.
The one thing I can do is share his press releases etc here on Eternal Vigilance blog, and on Gab and Mewe Social media sites… and encourage others to do the same.
I will encourage any of my readers living in the Christchurch region to make contact with Carl and to get out there on the streets and support him.

Carl Bromley stands in stark contrast to the fashionable woke madness that is sweeping the globe and corroding the very foundations of our societies.
And he does so without guile.

Anyone who is unfamiliar with my personal Political leanings, let me state that I myself am a Christian, and a Libertarian, and a Maori who does not support the politics of Treaty separatism.
I believe it is important for Maori who do not support the hateful woke radical far left to stand up behind good and honest candidates like Carl who have the integrity and courage to vocally challenge the systemic racism and power grabs that are raging under the current Far Left Ardern regime.
I defend Carl’s assertions about the injustice and divisiveness of the Separatist agenda and call the people of Christchurch to shrug off the bogus woke guilt trip that Maori are an oppressed victim-population… that Non-Maori are Usurpers… and to boldly rally behind Carl’s call for an end to racist politics. I believe Carl’s policy is not only righteous, but in the best interest of the nation… including the Maori people.

Remember Martin Luther Kings dream? It is as applicable here in New Zealand as it was when he said it. The irony is that now it is the Pakeha who are being unjustly judged by the colour of their skin. For all their wild claims of inclusivity it is the Woke far left who exhibit extreme exclusivity, division, and venom.

I have written on this subject many times, and I have even stood for Council myself in Hamilton, and so I know from first hand experience the road that Carl is walking.
And hopefully enough Christchurch voters are not so stupefied by Woke lunacy and appreciate that a vote for Carl is a vote for all that has been good about our country… and made New Zealand the envy of the world… All the things that the Far Left despise… Our values… our openness… our Freedoms… our prosperity… Our independence… Our unity.
I will post some links below.

Follow Carl’s Youtube channel… ‘Is it just me NZ

I have also blogged on Carl’s ‘run ins’ with the Ardern regime because of a refusal to bend the knee… the very real oppression he has suffered because of his insistence to remain free.
Among other things, as a Pastor and Church leader Carl refused to allow the Ardern regime to prohibit his congregation from worship during the ‘Fake Covid pandemic’… by fake I do not mean Covid 19 not a real disease, but that it was never the ‘existential threat’ the ‘Schwab-ite treasonous Far left Leaders about the globe pretended it to be for the sake of bankrupting Western civilisation via extreme lockdowns and by subjugating whole populations to home-detention unless they submitted to receiving a ‘Global Vaccine passport’.
Anyone who still believes the lies of their Far left government henchmen must have rocks for brains as now even Bill Gates admits Covid 19 was no where near the world ending pathogen they had insisted it was and which was the justification for the lockdowns and the attempted mandatory inoculation of the entire population of humanity!
Bill Gates recent confession proves people like Carl were 100% right, and the Governments like the Ardern regime… absolutely wrong… and found to be peddling a globalist scam rather than acting in the best interest of New Zealanders.

How much of Carl’s bid for Office will focus on how our Government behaved during the past two years I do not know. I know he certainly has other matters on his radar, such as his opposition to the governments ‘Three Waters’ Asset grab, and it’s related ‘He Pua Pua’ agenda which is blatant racism and yet another attempt to sell out New Zealand to the UN Globalist agenda.
These are serious matters that have bearing on how local councils will function in the future.
While it is possible that as Carl’s campaign progresses Carl may release some policies with which I will not agree, my endorsement for Carl will not be easily shaken given his conduct in recent years has given me insights into the kind of man Carl Bromley is… he is a man after my own heart… a man who exemplifies the traditional spirit and values of our once great nation.
Carl want’s future generations to enjoy the same liberty and quality of life as we enjoyed as children.
Carl is a man of good will to all despite what any Radical Far left haters might say… simply because he opposes their blatant prejudices and oppressive ambitions.

Carl has stepped up!
Carl has given freedom lovers someone to vote for!
It’s now up to every individual to be equally committed to carrying him into office.
As Lee Williams says in his video above, Carl is starting off as a rank outsider and has his work cut out.
It is an uphill battle because we can be sure he wont get fair play from Christchurch’s media when it comes to informing the voters about where the various candidates stand on the hot topics… Media are notorious for supporting the status quo and in this regard they fail in their moral duty to maintain a level playing field. This makes it all the more imperative that those of you who are awake to the dire need to get people like Carl elected that you dig deep and seriously commit to getting the word out to the people of Christchurch… by sharing Carl’s campaign flyers… helping pay for his press releases to be published in local newspapers… help him to pay for Election posters, and even door knocking.
It is possible for a small group of committed supporters to carry Carl into registering 5%-10% on Polls and then the mainstream will pay him more attention and he will start to get better press… and yet it will be up to his supporters to put him on the map as a real contender.
He cannot do this on his own.
And should he start to gain traction, that is when it is possible some Citizens of means may pour in much needed campaign funds for him to drive his Run all the way home!
This is doable!
It just takes dedication and hard work… from everyone.

I have told Carl I am here for him to discuss issues and policies, and bounce ideas off, yet he has not as of yet taken me up on this offer.
My experience with local body politics and elections, and insights in how to avoid embarrassing inconsistencies is at his disposal.
Maybe my Libertarianism is a bit rich for his tastes… I can understand that.
Yet the offer stands.
I have no doubt that Carl and I will have differences of opinions on many matters and policies, and yet at the vital core of fundamental values and ideals we are in accord.
And it is for this reason I believe Carl is fit for Council… a man of good will and integrity… and thus without reservation I endorse his candidacy and encourage the people of Christchurch to support him in his bid for Mayor.

I am still pondering whether I shall run again for Hamilton City Council myself.

Tim Wikiriwhi.

P.S Yesterday I attended a sausage sizzle… ‘The Common sense BBQ’ put on by Hamilton Deputy Mayor Geoff Taylor on the Pukete-Flagstaff foot bridge.
He will be running for Hamilton Mayor.
Like Carl Bromley, Geoff also sees the ‘Three Waters’ Ardern Agenda as an outrageously undemocratic Asset grab.
He is also running a petition for a public referenda on the Current drive to rename Hamilton places and Streets in an attempt to blot out our Colonial heritage, and also on the anti-democratic separatist scheme of ‘Co-governance’… which is nothing less than racist socialist apartheid.
He seeks to curb spending, and free up land for housing to reduce the current madness of ‘intensification’ by which we can see the New Zealand quality of life evaporating before our very eyes.
Geoff seeks to facilitate privately inspired development of Hamilton rather than ‘fund it’ via rates.
On the strength of these important policies I will be encouraging Hamiltonians to vote for Geoff Taylor.

Update: 26-6-22

‘No Hope’?
This Blogpost had only been up on social media 1/2 an hour when a feeble minded turnip remarked… “There’s no way he’ll win so all he’s doing is splitting the vote helping the opposition…”
This is the sort of defeatist slave mentality that perpetuates the Rot!
I apologise for my derogatory tone… the proposition is worth discussion as it is a point of view that many people have been duped into believing.
Unless we can snap people out of this pessimism there is little point in having elections…. for the powers that be… will remain entrenched.
Satan laughing spreads his wings!

My Reply…. ” …Splitting the vote between who?
Is there a Candidate more worthy of your vote than Carl?
Then give them your vote! But if there is no candidate who better represents your personal views than Carl… then you will be wasting your vote if you do not give it to him!
That is how democracy is supposed to function… not how you foolishly suggest… ie like betting on the races!
You would vote for someone who does not represent your values simply because in your mind they have more hope of winning?
That is like scoring an own goal!
Carl will not win… if people who know he is right… still don’t support him…”

That would be a failure on their part, not his.

In 2014 I wrote a blogpost about voting cowards and fools… suckers who have been duped into voting for the powers that be….

As I said in my post … It is an uphill climb yet if those who care get behind Carl and the people of Christchurch get to hear and appreciate what Carl represents… he can win.
In fact by standing up for what is right, and giving likeminded Enlightened people a worthy candidate upon which to cast their vote… Carl is already winning on the moral front.

Democracy is supposed to contrast itself to Monarchy and Elitist Oligarchy. It is supposed to be classless and give the working man an equal opportunity to participate in parliament, or Council. It is only the folly of the working Class that they so often vote for Fat Cats, and Tyrants, and neglect the Hard working Family men and Champions of Common sense… like Carl.
And you wonder why Parliaments and Councils fill to the brim with University graduate radicals and Plutocrats???
We need to break this hypnotic stupor.

Read more from Tim…








Commentary on the Hamilton City Council and Waikato District Election Results 2019 by Tim Wikiriwhi.

So Hamilton and Waikato regional Council has a New Mayor and some new Councillors.
I will not reveal too much about my own votes which were left to the final hours before being cast.

I will say that I was surprised that Paula Southgate won the Mayoralty and that she was not my choice.
I reserve making any serious commentary on what I expect this to mean for Hamilton other than I do fear she may be heavy on the Environmental hysteria and Heavy on spending in general… yet I may be wrong about this and so I am prepared to wait and see.
Maybe she will prove to be neither of these things?

One of the greatest disappointments I have about the result is that Hamilton’s best and most experienced Councillor of any Ward failed to be re-elected… Garry Mallett…and to him I salute for his hard work and tireless service to our City in trying to keep rates in check and being a voice of reason when other Councillors were proposing Ludicrous Schemes and projects.
I hope that Garry takes this time to enjoy a break, but that he gets back on the horse next election… and hopefully I myself will also rejoin the race.
I also hope Garry continues to keep his finger on the pulse and regularly publishes his Critiques of what council is doing… for better or ill as there has been no better analyst of Hamilton’s affairs than Garry Mallett. He certainly shows up the paucity of journalistic talent at the Waikato Times and they would do well to approach Garry about making regular commentary.
Unfortunately the Waikato Times is politically sloped towards PC Lefty SJW Tofu.

Garry has earned my ‘Outstanding Individual’ award for his contributions to our Local politics.
I hope that one day Garry is Mayor of Hamilton.

There are some new faces of whom I know little apart from their short profiles… and yet I do fear HCC and Waikato have lurched to the radical left… and with that we can expect more climate alarmism…more pandering to Treaty separatism… and less restraint on spending and borrowing.
I fear rates increases and other madness is far more likely now… such as ideologically driven regional fuel taxes, and the like… so what this demonstrates to me is that Hamiltonians have shown a tragic level of being indoctrinated by the globalist liberal propaganda.
I know that is not a politically expedient thing to say but I dont care… I believe its a fact and i want to be honest in sharing my genuine opinions.
Given the extreme bias of the media … and the scale of their bombardments I would not at all be surprised to see this was a general tend reflected in results across the country.

Though we disagree on the issue of climate change, I’d like to congratulate Jennifer Nickle for her success in regional council.
I worked on site with Jennifer at Fonterra Te Rapa and hope that her experience in the Dairy industry tempers her judgement to balance environmental concerns with the need for New Zealand and the Waikato to have viable industry that is the engine of our quality of life just as much as having clean water and air, and looking after our Fauna and Flora.
In fact I would hope she realises from her work with Fonterra that Industry can be a valuable partner to have in getting Private assistance to achieving ecological aims.

I would also like to give a shout out to Lisa Lewis and Jack Geilen.
Lisa worked very hard this election and put in a very credible and impressive campaign! I have always admired Lisa’s spirit… her courage, and should she have been elected she certainly would have added some colourful Charisma to the mix and an alternative perspective that would add value… in contrast to the *Wooden middle-class Uni indoctrinated blinkered types that infest city councils. I certainly think she would be a better Councillor that those whom are Liberal radical Greens steeped in socialism and Climate hysteria.
I hope she perseveres.

And Jack… Jack is a guy with whose struggle I understand.
Like Jack, I myself know how hard it is to stand up for what you believe in when you have no War chest from which to do the most basic advertising… and the Media does not give you a fair opportunity to share your ideas and solutions thus failing in their moral duty to inform the public of their real options on the ballot.
And most of all I respect Jack for his ceaseless activism and support for Fathers rights.
Such an important issue that is ignored by our PC feminist anti-Men indoctrinated political elites.

I will finish this Election commentary with a general congratulations to all the successful and a salute to all of the fallen… as I know that even those with whom i disagree that they have served… and will serve the Waikato with the best of intent… that they are civic minded people … and for that alone they deserve recognition.

I lay down the injunction to all to resist radical socialist hysteria but instead make prudent judgments that put the rights and rates of the citizens first… ahead of personal ideological bents.
Keep council spending down.
Dont expand Bureaucracy.
Dont hobble our personal liberty or rights to develop.
Dont waste our money on extravagant Colosseums and pyramids.

Below are links to some of my own thoughts on how to Council best.

Tim Wikiriwhi.

Election results here

More from Tim….








Jacinda Ardern: High On Tax Crack. Heavy Taxation and the Growth of Poverty in New Zealand.

Poverty is growing in New Zealand.
Suicide is too.
Financial stress is destroying families.

With the heavy oppression I face from the Tax department, only two things prevent me from becoming a dangerous enemy of the state… rather than a passive victim.
1. My responsibility as a husband and Father to put their immediate well-being ahead of my need for vengeance.
2. My Christian faith that abhors violence… even against those who deserve it… yet the restraints of these two factors have limits… I ask myself at what point does it become the Christian and Fatherly Duty to take up arms and wage war against a tyrannical State?
Anyone here remember the words of the American Declaration of Independence and why America was born?

How many struggling families receive Threatening letters about arbitrary ‘Debts’ from The New Zealand tax department each week?
How many self employed people are bankrupted by the IRD… or loose everything they have worked years to gain?

There is a crisis going on!

What will it take to stop the Legalised Robbery?
The Government makes Organised crime look like amateurs!

So far my Activism has been Peaceful and reason based… like the Gospel… an appeal to the hearts and minds of my fellow citizens… Yet the Jackboots of the state are kicking at my door…. like Extortionate Gangsters.

They are destroying the lives of the virtuous and hard working.

Yet the *real sad truth is* it is *you*…. my fellow countrymen who continue to vote for the Rapacious Extortioners… and their ever growing addiction to expropriation.

You vote for the Theft… You support the Media personalities who encourage the IRD to take more… and more…

How many more homeless people will have to die in gutters? how many suicides and broken families will loose everything before you realise that it is the Jack booted Government *itself* that is by far the greatest threat to your lives and family?
Every Tax hike pushes more Families towards crisis.
Nonetheless like a runaway juggernaut the Government and Councils are having meetings about the country scheeming more ‘innovative’ ways to take our money for their whack schemes!
Tax is Crack Cocaine to Socialist addicts like Ardern.

The pic above is the sort of ‘editorial’ that passes for wisdom in New Zealand when it is nothing short of absolute falcehoods and propaganda designed to ‘soften up’ the masses into accepting new and higher Taxes!
They peddle the lie that higher taxes will bring greater prosperity!
They peddle that great Lefty lie that those with property have not contributed ‘their share’ to society!
Tolerance towards this sort of sycophancy in the media in New Zealand is outrageous!
How Journos and editors can get away with such one eyed lies is a testament to how lobotomized our population is(thanks state education).
The so called ‘Free Press’ have failed in their Duty as the vanguard against tyranny.
Read : Lost Plot. World Press Freedom Day.

and… Spiel on brain washing, and socialist engines of confomity. State education.

We are expected to maintain composure while being fleeced… to suffer in silence… to maintain the Delusions that higher Taxes are Good, Justified, enlightened, when in reality by far greatest cause of Poverty in this country is Socialist over-government and heavy taxation.
No matter how hard I work… or how many thousands of dollars I withhold from my family and give to the beast… no matter how many Holidays I forego… They still send me threatening letters telling them I owe them tens of thousands more….
How many of you are working yourselves to death… forego Medical attention for yourself… yet suffer sleepless nights, and whose only Forlorn hope is to win lotto?

They take the Joy out of life and keep families on the edge of poverty at all times. (A Habitat of Envy and want under which white horse riding socialist Scammers flourish… )

For the Grace of God People…. Wake up!!!!
Stop worshiping evil Idiots like Jacinda Ardern!
The Labour Party is not the friend of the worker!
She is *not* a heroic leader… she is a Thief and a bully.
She’s a sexist, Racist hypocrite…
A Gangster.
Why she (and her ilk) are in power is because *her* sexism… *her* Racism… *her* hypocrisy… and *Her Economic delusions* all are of the popular variety.
She’s a Retard…. Captaining a ship of Fools.

Of course the problem is bigger than Jacinda’s Regime… Its Ideological and systemic… she’s just the latest Demagogue to wield the flail.
The real problem for Modern civilization is in the unfathomable void… the monumental sheepish ignorance of our systemically lobotomised voting populations.

You Useful Idiots still believe socialists care?

What sort of Slavery are we bequeathing to our children?
Speak now or forever hold your piece… pun intended.

Tim Wikiriwhi

Politically Homeless Libertarian Slave of the State.

What goes up must come down


Auckland rates are already too damn high, and they’re about to get unaffordably higher next month because Auckland Council voted for a 9.9% rates increase!

Democracy, said H. L. Mencken

is the theory that the common people know what they want, and deserve to get it good and hard.

Auckland ratepayers are about to get it good and hard and 1 in 6 Auckland ratepayers most assuredly deserves it, for having re-elected devil-may-care Mayor Len Brown and a Council of reckless spenders in the 2013 Auckland local elections.

Are you an Auckland ratepayer? If so, did you know that what you wanted was a 10% hike in your annual rates bill? If not, then please mark 10 June 2015 in your events calendar and get the bones of your sorry ratepayer ass to the Mt. Eden War Memorial Hall at 487 Dominion Rd next Wednesday at 7:30 pm.

Auckland Rates Meeting June 10

Tuesday, 2 June 2015, 10:35 am
Press Release: Ray Calver and Dick Cuthbert
Auckland Rates Meeting June 10

Auckland residents Ray Calver and Dick Cuthbert are part of a group of concerned ratepayers organising the Auckland Rates Increases Public Meeting to be held June 10. “There is widespread anger at the imposition of an average 9.9% rates increases across Auckland. It particularly hurts those in poorer parts of Auckland where residents of Mangere face increases of 16.9%.”

Mr. Calver says “The purpose of this meeting is to give Aucklanders an opportunity to voice their opposition to the increases and also to plan how they would like to make this opposition known.
The meeting will be addressed by several speakers who have a variety of ideas on how ratepayers can take a stand against the Council’s rates plan.”

The meeting will be held at Mt. Eden War Memorial Hall 487 Dominion Rd on Wednesday June 10 commencing from 7:30pm. Confirmed speakers are

  • Stephen Berry – Affordable Auckland Mayoral candidate
  • Cameron Brewer – Orakei Councillor
  • Penny Bright – Mayoral candidate
  • Jo Holmes – Auckland Ratepayer’s Alliance
  • Damien Light – United Future
  • Bill Raynor – Grey Power
  • David Seymour – Act Epsom MP

“Following speeches, there will be time put aside for people to ask questions of the speakers and also voice their concerns about the rates increases. The meeting organisers and I look forward to hearing how those who have attended wish to proceed.”

Do the common people, the ratepayers of Auckland, really know what they want? Because I do. 🙂

What they want is to give profligate philanderer Len Brown and his fiscally feckless teammates the inglorious defeat they deserve, good and hard.

What they want is an Affordable Auckland.

Libertarian Hatchet. Peter Davies. Mayor of Doncaster.


Why this Pic?….. Bloody Internet would not give me a Pic of Pete!

From Stuff…. Would you vote for Peter Davies – if you were given the opportunity?

He’s a maverick English mayor elected after promising to slash council spending, clear the streets of yobs and ditch politically correct services – the torchbearer for how towns should be run.

On his first morning as mayor of Doncaster in South Yorkshire, Peter Davies cut his salary from 73,000 to 30,000 then closed the council’s newspaper for “peddling politics on the rates”.

Three weeks into his job Mr Davies pressed ahead with plans he hopes will see the town councillors cut from 63 to 21, saving taxpayers 800,000.

Mr Davies said: “If 100 senators can run the United States of America, I can’t see how 63 councillors are needed to run Doncaster.”

He’s withdrawn Doncaster from the Local Government Association and the Local Government Information Unit, saving another 200,000.

“Doncaster is in for some serious untwining. We are twinned with probably nine cities around the world and they are just for people to fly off and have a binge at the council’s expense.”

The mayor’s chauffeur-driven car has also been axed by Mr Davies and the driver given another job. Mr Davies swept to power in the May election with 24,244 votes as a candidate for the English Democrats, a party that wants tight immigration curbs, an English Parliament and a law forcing every public building to fly the flag of St George.

He’s promised to end council funding for Doncaster’s International Women’s Day, Black History Month and the Lesbian, Gay, Bisexual and Transgender History Month.

He said: “We need to cut costs. I want to pass on some savings I make in reduced taxes and use the rest for things we really need like improved children’s services.

“Politicians have got completely out of touch with what people want.”

– These facts are from reader Ian Sprott

Does that quote “completely out of touch with what people want” sound familiar?

Would he have okayed hundreds of thousands of dollars on a brochure telling ratepayers what clever people he and the councillors are – ignoring specialist staff warnings about the cost?

Would he have allowed yet another expensive switch on Auckland’s logo – after $329,000 was spent on a design in 2007?

How would he have reacted to the shambles on the first night of the world cup?

The mailbag reveals other drums being beaten in Auckland’s far-flung suburbs:…. read more..

Davies Reforms mirror my own campaign policies that I have represented in Local body elections over the last decade.

Google this guy and you will see how his reforms are met by seething hatred by those whom parasite off Heavy rates Big spending Busy Body Councils.
The Devils wail and gnash their teeth… yet it is their own Vampire which has brought them to ruin!
Their Victims have had enough.

Read about my personal efforts to halt Socialist Tyranny and Bankruptcy below…

‘Revolution At The Roots’ Making Hamilton’s City Council smaller,better, and more conducive towards Prosperity. Tim Wikiriwhi.

Hamilton City Council’s relentless agenda to starve out the homeless.



Over the last few months I have written several blogposts about a fledgling voluntary charity which has begun operating in Hamilton City, Waikato, New Zealand, attempting to embody the Christian principle of Loving our neighbor as ourselves.
Hamilton Homeless was started by a small group of Mormons concerned about the growing number of Homeless people living in the Central City.
They saw their plight and felt a Religious Humanitarian obligation to do something about this unfolding tragedy, and rallied Hamiltonians to start providing free meals, clothing, and Love to the many people in desperate need.
And caring Hamiltonians of all shades of Religious and cultural backgrounds put aside their doctrinal differences, and in the spirit of Good will and co-operation have been working together in this Righteous endeavour.


Despite these obviously noble and selfless ambitions aimed at helping the most needy sector of our society, and the fact that all this Charity work is being done voluntarily and without any politically imposed burden on Hamilton residents and ratepayers, ‘Hamilton homeless’ has nonetheless become the target of what can only be described as an orchestrated and on-going campaign of oppression at the hands of the City Council, in whose warped minds… it is more important to foster a commercially and Politically aesthetic façade of Hamilton’s CBD a place of glamour and affluence, than any concern about the *Real World* Poverty which is growing there… a reality they intend to shove into a dark corner…. Away from the public view.
‘Out of sight…. out of mind’.

There can be no doubt that the Council is behaving in a malicious and oppressive manor…. abusing it’s political power to violate the rights of the citizens of Hamilton to exercise their Religious convictions in a peaceful manor, …. having threatened the Land lord of a property ‘Hamilton Homeless’ have rented for the purposes of avoiding City Council threats of arrest for feeding the Poor on public spaces… without a permit.

Council staff have put pressure on the Landlord demanding he insists Hamilton homeless immeadiately stops feeding the poor from their rental property.

It appears that even though Hamilton homeless have acquired their own private property… quite a distance from any commercial interests whom might complain about poor people ‘loitering’ in front of their businesses, that the Council is determined to shut this Charity down.


I personally believe the Council is in serious violation of Private property rights, and intend to investigate whether or not the laws of our Nation protect our private property rights, and religious liberty, or in fact sanction such vile abuses of political power!
On top of this wicked agenda, It is of course truly heartbreaking to the compassionate members of Hamilton Homeless that the Poorest members of our community… the people whom they seek to serve… are in danger of loosing this loving support.

This really is a question of our rights to peacefully practice our religion, and follow our own conscience.

Private property rights are not merely a Legal protection against theft…. Not merely a foundation for establishing and exchanging ownership and legitimizing trade, it is fundamentally a principle which establishes *a space* …. *a place*… where citizens can worship their God/God’s, and peacefully practice their beliefs.

This function of private property is a fundamental corollary of our inalienable rights as individuals to Religious liberty, and is why we live in a society which is to great extent a testimony to Religious tolerance and peaceful co-existence.
We as individuals have the inalienable Right to form voluntary associations, and to function as a group, from private property… and it is a measure of the Justice of any society to the degree that such Freedom is protected from molestation and any potential violence of intolerant bigotry at the hands of other citizens, or from political oppression from the powers that be.


And the glory of these principles of Rights….Freedom, Equality, and Private property is why here in New Zealand that within the space of a few kilometres you can have a Catholic church, an Islamic Mosque, and a Mormon Temple… with virtually zero religious conflict!
This is truly a wonderful testament to the virtues of a society which has respect for these principles, and All New Zealanders should be Eternally Vigilant… watching politicians and Public servants, that they don’t start to undermine our Rights and Liberties… and to be always ready to Rally in defence of *Any voluntary association* whom has become the victim of political oppression.

Real Christians, and Patriots ought to rally in defence of Muslims, or Hindus… should it become apparent that their Religious liberty is being violated.
All our rights are equal.
When government threatens the freedom of anyone, they are in reality a danger to every ones freedom.
It is only the foolish and ignorant that don’t appreciate this… and the Nasty Bigots whom enjoy watching people whom hold different beliefs being suppressed.

Socialist Governments and Councils love to try and divide our society into separate groups and to systematically oppress these sub-sections, and it is appallingly far too often that New Zealanders go along with such corrupt political agendas instead of unifying for the sake of the principles of Freedom, equality, and Real justice… realizing what really is at stake… ie either maintaining a system of justice and freedom, or allowing the government and city councils to start telling us what peaceful religious beliefs we are allowed practice on our own property!

And Private property rights, in regards to religious liberty also exist on rented properties as long as all activities are kept within any caveats that may have been conditional upon agreement to lease.

Hamilton Homeless was doing exactly that.
It is not a commercial enterprise.
It is not a Community house.
It was not even cooking food, and therefore is not subject to Health department regulations which apply to such things as Restaurants, Cafes, etc.
It is a privately rented house in which invited people in need to come and enjoy food which was being cooked in other private homes… the very same way that we all cook our own Kai… and all this was done peacefully, quietly, and in love… the same way that is very common in Communities of strong communal bond… for example in many Christian, Indian and Maori homes the front door is always open, People come and go at leisure, They sing songs and enjoy fellowship… nothing at all strange or evil about it.
This may not be everyone’s ‘cup of tea’… there are of course millions of Kiwis whom shun such openly communal living… enjoying their own privacy and insulation, yet I would hope that such people are still tolerant of their neighbors whom have much larger community involvement.


It is truly tragic when small minded prudes allow their own closeted ways to become motivation for making complaints against their neighbors more open enjoyment of their properties… and lobby the Government and Councils to generate and impose heavy restrictions which violate Freedom and equality.

That is the road backwards towards societies of Intolerance and conflict.

Thus I fervently argue that Hamilton homeless has become the target of political oppression and abuse of power.
I hope to be invited to attend any meeting of the Hamilton homeless executive to discuss how to move forward and fight this council injustice.

I hope to inquire what legal grounds, if any the Council staff had in approaching Hamilton homeless’s Land Lord as I believe they have seriously overstepped their duties as servants of Hamilton ratepayers and residents.
I hope to inquire what legal right, (if any) the Land lord has to insist Hamilton homeless cease to feed the poor from that address, or whether in fact he is in breach of their tenancy rights.
Did their Landlord know what purposes Hamilton homeless intended to use the property for when he rented them the house?
I will be asking these sorts of questions.
I do believe everyone should respect their landlords reasonable requests, yet It is a very poor show if the Landlord is simply bucking under the duress of a Bully Council which is out of control…. Esp to detriment of the Poor, Cold, and Hungry!

I will report back as things run their course…. For good or ill.

It may amaze some readers to realize just how uncaring and Nasty Hamilton City council is behaving on this matter, yet a quick Google search will reveal to any inquirer just how common this sort oppression is meted out by Heartless Councils around the globe upon Charities whom care for the Needy.

Eg>>>> Here <<<< The difference being how the various communities respond… to the knowledge of how their elected officials and paid City staff treat the most vulnerable and exposed members of our community! How will you Hamiltonians and Kiwi’s respond to this local crisis? Will you rally in defence of voluntary charity and your poor neighbours? poor

I am reminded of a homeless Beggar whom not so long ago was found dead in the Waikato River after being thrown out of his hovel by a Hamilton City Ticket Warden whom had no business doing so!
He was not on council property, but had found a corner somewhere along the Riverside on Private land where he had lived in squalor for some time, yet had not caused any one any real harm.
The Council worker went out of his way to take away the smallest comfort this poor soul had in this world… and he died.
I think this story is a exemplar of just how Cold hearted, and indifferent to the plight of others some Public servants can be.
Vicious and tyrannical.
Poverty is happening not only in Africa… but is growing here in God’s own!

This sorry tale also shows the sort of Dire straights many people are finding themselves, and the urgency with which the down and out need the care and compassion of people like Hamilton homeless.

This is a matter of Religious Conscience.

Will You readers spread the word and rally in defence of this Noble charity?

As a Libertarian I will be doing my best to guide ‘Hamilton Homeless’ to remain fully private and voluntary so as to maintain it’s moral stature as true charity in the Christian sense of the word… rather than becoming another burden upon the backs of struggling ratepayers and renters.
As far as I am concerned…. we just want The Council to ‘Bugger off’ and leave us Hamiltonians to take care of business ourselves.
Tim Wikiriwhi.
Christian Libertarian.


Read more from me about Charity, and Hamilton homeless…

Hamilton Homeless. Natural Law, Loving Thy Neighbour as thyself, The Basis for Religious liberty and peaceful Co existence.

Hamilton Homeless Meet and Greet… The Lords feet and hands working in the trenches.

NEED A PERMIT TO HELP THE POOR? Nazi Hamilton Council Bastards!

Real voluntary private Charity vs the evils of welfare and Political force Ruff draft.

Hamilton Homeless Meet and Greet… The Lords feet and hands working in the trenches.

ham hom

Great ‘Hamilton Home-less‘ meeting tonight.
Awesome Interesting caring people from all walks… gathered together in the spirit of Christian charity and good will.

The Lord works in mysterious ways!

The reasons people said which moved them to step up were such things as their “love of God and his people…”
Many had been through tuff times themselves in the past and had the deep desire to “Give something back”.
One of the Organisers said that because they claimed the name of Jesus, that he “didn’t want to be a hypocrite” and that he wanted to believe his life to have contributed something Good and right.


Even Hamilton East Mp David Bennett put in a show.
He did not grand stand, or offer up ‘buckets of other peoples money… ill gotten’, but contributed his advise as to the best way he thought the group could move forward.
Good on Him.

The Pastor of Rototuna’s C3 Church turned up and said he was keen for his fellowship to assist.

‘Hamilton Homeless’ are looking to become a charitable trust and to have premises in the CBD… both essential for serving this sector of our community whom naturally congregate in the CBD.
They hope to eventually extend their charitable work far beyond just the homeless, to include anyone…. families… students… etc whom need some Kai and fellowship.
So Pray for them!

ham home

Hamilton Homeless Mission statement.

There certainly is a growing need for such private charitable voluntary associations.
For all The Platitudes of our Socialist ‘Welfare State’…. ‘Caring’, there are multitudes subsisting on and below the poverty line.
The Hamilton City council is doing everything they can to impede this charity work, including threats of arrest.

It’s time to step up peeps.
I hope to become an active contributor to this worthy cause.
You don’t have to be a Christian.
You don’t have to be wealthy.
You don’t have to have heaps of spare time to contribute something… whether Donations of Money, food,… even hugs!
This is about what is best in humanity, and making a real difference to people at the bottom of the heap.

Tim Wikiriwhi.
Hamilton Christian Libertarian.

Update: 14-4-14.
90 showed up for tonites Feed.
Winter is coming!
Hamilton Homeless needs Warm clothing, blankets, and wet weather gear/ tarps, etc.
The need for Extra large men’s clothing is dire.
If you can donate any of these items, or help out in any way please contact Hamilton homeless at the facebook link … private message >>>here<<< or... Jo, Admin 027 8146995 Coordinators Monday- Oli and Bex 021 0771526 Tuesday- Petrina 022 1772210 Wednesday- Claire 027 9459474 Thursday- Kyle 027 2579269 Friday- Murdoch 022 0112002 Saturday- Jahna 021 08188666 Sunday- Kim 020 40318001 Food Donations- Mel 027 8432273 Claire, Manager 0279459474

Mangawhai Rates Rebels to defy corrupt Beehive legislation.


New Zealand has rotten political institutions from top to bottom.

New Legislation…. Kaipara bill passes, validating Mangawhai rates

Listen to this podcast.

The Kaipara City council acted with gross incompetence and criminally in intentionally overspending by tens of millions of dollars on a new sewage system, and yet instead of finding the Councillor culprits guilty and accountable… Our Mikey mouse Parliament tries to ‘legalise’ this corruption by passing a special new law to force the ratepayers to into submission.


The ratepayers intend to challenge this in the high court.
We must watch this case and support the rebels because depending on what the High court determines will have serious implications…. not just for Mangawhai…. but for all New Zealand.
This Corrupt new parliamentary dictate must be overthrown because it opens the floodgates for incompetent big spending councils to completely disregard the Ratepayers they are supposed to represent, and to frivolously spend up however they please…. without accountability.

mark t

In my view this new Beehive legislation is proof that the Mangawhai Ratepayers were/ are in the legal right to withhold their rates…. and the Evil bastards in the Beehive know this!
Yet instead of supporting these righteous folk they chose rather to pass a tyrannical new Law to halt Ratepayers/ taxpayers all about the country from questioning the Spending practices of the government, and withholding their money.
Parliaments actions show that the scum in the Beehive will simply legitimize any such miss-representation, miss-appropriation, and extortion.


Should their appeal to the High court fail…. they should take it to the Supreme court.
If that fails, this will prove the dire consequences of not having a written and binding constitution which limits the powers of Parliaments for the sake of protecting the Rights and liberties of Individuals and citizens from tyrannical legislation, Mob rule, and the Political agendas of Party politics .
It’s a pity Hamilton ratepayers did nothing when their City council’s sleazy dealings with the V8 Supercars ended up costing then ten’s of millions more than the Mayor and council said it would.
(read about that >>>here<<<) You can contact the Mangawhai Ratepayers >>>here<<< jeff

I salute these brave people standing up for their rights.
It is a travesty that the strikers are now inciting people to ‘Break the Law’.

Tim Wikiriwhi.


“Mangawhai Ratepayers and Residents Association chairman Bruce Rogan said residents were refusing to pay because the sewage system was an ever-expanding “Ponzi scheme” foisted on the community without its consent.

Meeting papers show councillors secretly agreed to expand and more than double the cost of the project in 2006 without telling the community for another four years and the council’s own legal opinion shows it has collected about $17 million of rates illegally.

Mr Rogan said residents were being asked to bail out the scheme again when many had already paid a lump sum which was supposed to cover the capital costs.

The council resigned in August and was replaced by commissioners. Chairman John Robertson, a former National MP and Papakura mayor, said 90 per cent of residents were paying their rates, including 75 per cent in Mangawhai…
Read more….From…>>>
NZ Herald Kaipara rates rebellion grows

Read more from Tim Wikiriwhi on City Council tyranny and spending…

‘Revolution At The Roots’ Making Hamilton’s City Council smaller,better, and more conducive towards Prosperity. Tim Wikiriwhi.

Tim Wikiriwhi represents Affordable Waikato in the Hamilton City Council Elections. Mayor and West Ward.

Hamilton and Wellington Rate payers, and Renters Beware! The Wolf of Socialism is at your Door. ‘Living wage’

How the census meshes with bankrupt Socialist Totalitarianism

Liberty Conference: Dick Quax and the Great Leap Backwards. Agenda 21.

Comparing Hamilton City’s Dire straits to Bankrupt City of Stockton.

Reality Punches Socialist’s In The Face!

Conspiracy of Silence.

Banning legal highs ‘not core council business’


This is a recent press release from New Zealand’s #1 libertarian.

Banning legal highs ‘not core council business’

“There have been intermittent calls for further government crackdowns on the legal high industry by those involved in local body politics, most recently from the Team Manurewa organisation, who believe New Zealand should emulate steps taken in New South Wales to ban all psychoactive substances. In the interests of harm minimisation, individual freedom and small local government, these calls should be ignored by Auckland Council,” says Stephen Berry.

Berry is right. Crackdowns on the legal high industry are outside the mandate of local government. They’re outside the mandate of national government, too.

“This year the National Government passed pragmatic legislation aimed at maintaining some standards of safety in psychoactive substances. While I have long been on public record as opposing the unrealistic and hypocritical threshold involved in proving a substance to be safe, and continue to maintain that position, I concede that the law did at least set up a framework for these substances to continue to be sold without resorting to the ineffective club of total prohibition.”

It’s a bold concession. This is the same law I have elsewhere described as pure evil. But Berry is right, again. One good thing the Psychoactive Substances Act has done is set up a regulatory framework for the sale and purchase of psychoactive substances.

Actually, it hasn’t. The Act delegates the task of setting up a regulatory framework for the sale and purchase of psychoactive substances to the Ministry of Health, a task that has yet to see completion. While we wait, we have interim product approvals of untested research chemicals. Hopefully, this situation doesn’t contribute to the larger “die while you wait” public health system. (In the event of sudden death, call the National Poisons Centre.)

Actually, it’s not a good thing, either. It’s the lesser evil. A regulatory framework is the best we libertarians can expect. But does it have to be this one, implemented by the Ministry of Stupid? (I’d sooner have one from Colorado, Washington, or even Uruguay. $1 per gram!)

Stephen Berry recognises that some nasty substances have resulted from the legal high industry but claims this is the result of prohibition rather than the legal high industry itself. “New Zealand previously had some relatively safe recreational legal substances in the form of benzyl piperazine and the ingredients in the very earliest forms of cannabis substitutes. Unfortunately a combination of a small number of cases of irresponsible use, coupled with nosey neighbourhood crusaders and a scandal driven media eventually resulted in their ban. As time has gone on, activist pressure has resulted in more products being banned and what has replaced them has often been filthier, nastier and more harmful. Many of the synthetic cannabis products on the market prior to the new laws were harmful because of prohibition rather than because of a lack of it. Indeed there is a strong case for the claim that if relatively benign genuine cannabis were legal, the market for synthetic alternatives would disappear.”

Berry is right that some nasty substances (causing all of the harms listed on the protest placard pictured above) have resulted from the legal high industry and right, again, that this is the result of prohibition rather than the legal high industry itself. As he goes on to illustrate.

I’ve said before that the legal highs industry is caught between a rock and a hard place. Indeed, it is. Thanks to the past prohibitionist policies of the New Zealand government, the only substances the legal highs industry can offer consumers are novel, untested research chemicals about which we as yet know next to nothing. Bring back BZP! And legalise cannabis.

Should the legal highs industry offer consumers novel, untested research chemicals about which we as yet know next to nothing? Because, legally, now they can. ‘Because it was there’ was the reason George Mallory gave for climbing Mount Everest. He disappeared in 1924 attempting to reach the summit. Is ‘because we can’ a good enough reason for the legal highs industry to peddle potentially dangerous drugs? K2 takes you higher.

“The crusaders for bans on new liquor stores, gambling venues and legal high retailers are usually driven by a wowserish desire to ensure the lives of everyone else are as miserable as their own. They’re convinced that their idea of how one should live their day to day life is so superior that everyone else should be forced to adopt it.” Manurewa Action Local Board member Simeon Brown is a prime example of moral crusaders who value personal prejudice over logic. “Mr. Brown advocates the Manurewa Local Board ban sales of legal highs in their board area even if they are proven completely safe. That position is ridiculously totalitarian.”

It’s not pleasant accepting the fact that there are shades of totalitarianism. Nonetheless, evidence-based policy premised on harm minimisation is a much lesser evil than the ridiculously totalitarian position of the likes of killjoy Brown. We’ve had more than enough of the latter and not nearly enough of the former. In fact, none. We’ve yet to see the implementation of any significant evidence-based policy premised on harm minimisation in New Zealand.

Mr. Berry believes the concepts of individual choice and personal responsibility are far better than any prohibitionist approach to the various vices hundreds of thousands of New Zealanders choose to enjoy. “Our country does not have issues with alcohol because of its availability. Issues with alcohol are the result of a culture that promotes excess and individuals that do not take responsibility for their own behaviour. No amount of new laws and regulations will make a dent in this. It is for individuals to willingly change their own behaviour, not politicians to implement more and more bans. One only needs look at the result of US alcohol prohibition in the 1920s and the result of widespread drug prohibition today to see that more laws will not only be ineffective but actually exacerbate the problems associated with enjoying vice.”

Change comes from within.

“Preventing new liquor stores does not prevent the supply of alcohol, nor dent the profitability of its sale. What it does do is entrench the existing operators and maintain their profits. Were the market allowed to decide how many alcohol retailers are appropriate, the sales of the product would be spread amongst a greater number of players in a more crowded market resulting in liquor retailing actually being less profitable than it is under the current regime.”

Berry identifies some of the less immediate outcomes observable by viewing council crackdowns on the liquor industry through the lens of the Law of Unintended Consequences. These less immediate outcomes—crony capitalism and a lucrative liquor industry—are among the costs overlooked by the authors of overzealous drug policy

“The Government has put in place regulations to deal with alcohol and legal highs at a national level and those regulations are more than enough. Local government should not be getting more involved. Councils and local bodies already tax, spend and borrow far too much. The last thing they should be doing is getting involved in the personal lives of individuals as well.”

More than enough is too much.

Stephen Berry was the Affordable Auckland candidate for Auckland Mayor in the 2013 local body elections. He finished in third place receiving 13,560 votes. Affordable Auckland’s five core policies did not include how legal high regulation should be approached and the party membership includes a range of views.

Freefm radio interview with Affordable City’s Hamilton Mayoral candidate (and West Ward) Tim Wikiriwhi


Listen to my FreefM interview with Radio Host Andrew Johnstone Here

Facebook Affordable City >>>Here<<< Read more about Agenda 21 and the Socialist Utopian Engineering at it's most diabolical >>>Here<<< Read more about Tim Wikiriwhi's Ideas and principles... why he is standing for City Council ... ‘Revolution At The Roots’ Making Hamilton’s City Council smaller,better, and more conducive towards Prosperity. Tim Wikiriwhi.

Tim Wikiriwhi. Hamilton … No to Fluoride!

Hamilton City Rates System Review 2011. Where I Stand. (Tim Wikiriwhi)

****And because this Radio interview crossed over to discuss my personal religious beliefs****, I share the following …

Read more about Dispensationalism Here>>> The Irony. Why I follow St Paul… Not Jesus.<<<< About my faith in the trustworthiness of the 1611 King James Bible... >>Here<< Christian Libertarianism and the separation of Church and State Here >>> The Christian Fellowship is a voluntary private society, not a theocratic political movement. <<< Standing up for Justice more important than Personal Ambitions