Category Archives: History

Maori Academics These Days no better than Maori science.

Important note: This is not an attack on Maori students, or ordinary Maori. This is an attack on the shameful rubbish that is being peddled by Racist radicals posing as scholars and professors in our universities that is filling our young peoples minds with toxic lies about the history of our country and about very serious social problems going on today.
It is a rebuke of hopeless politicians like PM Chris Luxon who allow this travesty to go on indefinitely.

Just recently many New Zealanders were stupefied to learn ‘Maori scientists’ had been granted $4m Tax dollars by the NZ Gov to try and heal Kauri Die-back disease by playing recorded whale songs. The Oranga Project defended its methods, on its website referencing the cultural and scientific context of their work.

“Māori whakapapa describes how the kauri and tohorā (sperm whale) are brothers, but they were separated when the tohorā chose the ocean over the forest,” the project said on its website.

Read about that here Taxpayer money spent on Kauri tree research using whale song and whale-oil potions

This is a gigantic farce and the people of New Zealand have had a guts full of being fleeced by snake oil salesmen under the guise of ‘honouring the Treaty’.

Nobody believes that Kauri trees and whales are brothers!
That may have been a belief 200 years ago… yet today no Maori believes that!
Only Radicalised academics foist their delusions (and evil ideologies) upon the nation.
It’s a scam!
These scammers are bringing the Maori people into disrepute.

It’s the same sort of rubbish as has recently happened in parliament when the entire house voted that Mount Taranaki be recognised as a Legal person!
How on Earth can our parliament be so absurd and contrary to truth and reason?
They are selling us all out to radicalism and delusion.

Yet these travesties are far from being the worst form of chicanery that is running amok!
Far worse is going on… contemptible rasict lies are being drilled into our children’s heads and are being institutionalised.

Maori ‘Academics’ claim the obscenely high incidence of child abuse in Maori communities is not their fault!
We are told it’s not because Maori lack self-control and Ethics…. no… Maori academics like Associate Professor Leonie Pihama says colonisation is the root cause of the high rates of Maori child abuse.

She blames History, White people, and racist systemic oppression for Maori murdering and abusing their kids!

Not a hint of self responsibility in sight!

Read the Stuff article here

This is an outrage!
This is not scholarly wisdom… but Marxist racist radicalism!
It’s bear faced toxic and hateful radical ideology with no basis in reality… and it’s passing the buck.
These people are demented racists.
What is even worse is that Politicians Like Ardern and Chris Luxon Bite into that Shit sandwich and swallow.
They are fully lobotomised by these radical beliefs.
They allow them to be shoved down the throats of the good people of New Zealand who are also expected to swallow.

They allow these racist lies to be disseminated in our schools and universities!
This is systematic vandalism of History. It is generating a pandemic of vile racism amongst Maori, and indoctrinates new generations of Maori Radicals and extremists to guarantee New Zealand gets no rest for the foreseeable future.

Read about the radicalisation of one Maori girl student here.

And that is not even the worst consequences of such systematic propaganda.
These despicable falsehoods are reeking havoc in our most essential institutions such as our Laws and Justice system.

I wrote an article about another shyster Gov Report (like He pua pua) called ‘A Vessel of tears’ that blames Maori crime on colonisation, and we can see the justice Dep trying to implement these racist lies when in October last year, due to public backlash NZ Solicitor General Una Jagose KC was forced to withdraw her controversial guidelines she had issued instructing judges to create a two tier sentencing hierarchy which gives Maori lower sentences than non-Maori on the basis that they have ‘suffered colonisation’.

She revised and re-issued her guidelines yet she has exposed her hand…. she buys into the lies that Maori are not fully responsible for their own criminality… and that blame lies with Pakeha colonisation.
I’m certain a copy of ‘A Vessel of Tears’ sits in her top office draw.

Read: NZ Herald Solicitor-General backs down over controversial Māori prosecution guidelines

^Satire posted on X… yet what makes satire funny/concerning is that there is always a kernel of truth. What really is Luxon thinking?

Anti-colonialism is a Marxist doctrine designed to undermine and destroy Western Capitalist nations like New Zealand.
These are some of the evil lies slandering Pakeha and perpetuating Maori victimhood that underpin Treaty separatism and the Treaty Grievance industry that Woke National party PM Chris Luxon refuses to address!

Head up his own arse!
It’s been business as usual for racist radicalism under Luxon.
It’s like Ardern’s never left office!
New Zealanders have a right to be livid at his pig headed refusals to stop this Racist madness.

In truth Luxon is way out of his depth.
He’s incompetent on so many levels.
Naïve and cowardly… and seeking to ‘out-woke’ Jacinda Ardern.
New Zealanders must face the truth that National is no alternative to Labour… they are effectively one and the same.
We desperately need leadership of courage and principle… to restore our Nation back to it’s tolerant and enlightened recent past.

To make New Zealand Great again.

New Zealanders Need to Rally and organise themselves into a massive Protest protest movement to send a message to our Politicians that We will no longer tolerate these racist lies and extortions.
We demand an end to the fraud of Treaty separatism, and we demand Racial equality before the Law for all, be constitutionally enshrined forbidding any Racist laws or institutions being created in the future!

The longer these farcical delusions continue the more Maori slip into race hatred of Pakeha… the longer Maori will continue with their obscene levels of crime, and the more Maori children will be murdered by their own maniac Whanau.

Tim Wikiriwhi
Christian Libertarian.

Read more from Tim.

Stop with the lies and Blame! Maori need to take responsibility for their own shocking Crime statistics.

Principles of The Treaty Of Waitangi Bill. Submission By Tim Wikiriwhi.

Maori Science? IMO NOPE!

Anna McAllister: Portrait of a Maori Supremacist, and Serial Social Media Extortionist. ‘The Great Deplatforming of Matariki 2021’.Part 2.

The Wanganui River and the incredulous incantations of the Neo-Tohungas…

Third Man Factor… Real spiritual experience? or mere psychological ‘coping mechanism’?

To be edited…

Below this ‘introduction’ is Large portion/excerpt from the Wikipedia Website on what is being called ‘The Third Man Factor’.
It contains quite a few historical accounts of Explorers and other people who when in dire situations experienced ‘A guiding presence’ that helped them survive perilous trials.
This includes one of the Greatest explorers of all time Ernest Shackleton. His exploits were truly epic to the degree of defying human limits of endurance.

That this phenomena is *a real thing* is not in dispute as it has been reported many times.
The reason I’m posting this to Eternal Vigilance Blog is because I wish to discuss what you people (and myself) think this phenomena really is?

Is it (A) a real spiritual encounter with benevolent spirit beings?
Or (B) just a quirky psychological delusion brought on by stress… ie ‘a coping mechanism’ of the mind?
Or (C) something else?

Read the Wiki excerpt below… take in all the details… then ask yourself how this is best explained.

Why did you arrive at your conclusion?

My intention is to expose our *personal prejudices, and aversions* and how they affect our interpretation of facts.
Are we truly open minded and objective thinkers or are we twisted souls with blinders on… that prevent us from being able to perceive the truth?

My contention is most atheists go through life with blinders on… preventing them from seeing truth and severely limiting their understanding of realty.

I have experienced this myself. I have also experienced the scales falling from my eyes.

Daily Mail Article here

With few exceptions most *Atheists* will without hesitation jump towards the ‘Secular so-called scientific explanation’ of this phenomena… not because it best fits the facts presented, but on the basis of their own atheist preconceptions they bring with them on this investigation… their rock solid certainty that spirits don’t exist… therefore that explanation can’t be true.

So they assume this must be a psychological phenomena… because that’s the only naturalistic explanation.

Yet this is not ‘practicing science’. This is applying personal belief to the situation… that is all.

The only reason you (atheist) find that a satisfying explanation is because it saves you confronting the uncomfortable probability that these are in fact recorded human encounters with real spirit beings.

*That is too extreme a proposition for most Atheists to give any credence.*
Because to entertain that possibility challenges their entire world view!

It breaches their fundamental tenets… No Ghosts allowed!

This is why I’m presenting this recorded phenomena here today to expose how our preconceptions limit our ability to think objectively about the world about us.

Ghosts may indeed exist! Yet if you have a mental block against that possibility… no amount of evidence will convince you otherwise. You are impervious to it all.
Every account of people claiming to have seen Ghosts you must write off as delusional… without any evidence! That is your default setting.

Let me introduce a second very commonly recorded phenomena…. Nocturnal ‘Entity Attacks’.

Millions of people throughout history have experienced being attacked in bed at night by malevolent spirit beings.

I was once an atheist teenager who experienced this myself… it was terrifying… I have recorded my experience here… yet when I talked with people about it I was told “Oh that’s when you wake up at night but your body is still asleep’.
‘Scientists’ have even given it a secular name ‘Sleep paralysis’.

When I herd this explanation… being an atheist… I accepted it because it seemed to me that ‘Science had investigated this and knew what it was…. besides… It can’t have been a real spirit attack… because spirits don’t exist!
Relieved by this knowledge… Science has an explanation… I went on with my life. (though I never forgot the experience! Too Freaky!)

Several years later…. after (much to my own surprise) I had become a Christian I contemplated my experiences (x2) and realised just how easily fooled I was into thinking that Entity attack was *not a real spiritual experience, but some sort of psychological delusion.
When I thought about the experience itself… and having put aside my Atheist spectacles I realised that by far the most compelling explanation was that what I experienced was real… esp when you read the many many accounts of others who have experienced it too.
It is then that you realise the so-called ‘scientific explanation’ was a load of bollocks!
Not science at all… just atheist presuppositions dressed up as ‘science’… ie the Blinders that keep fools believing there are no Spirits, No Ghosts, Not Miracles…. and no God.

In truth recorded history is cram packed with accounts of spiritual experiences!
The greatest of these being the life, death, and resurrection of Jesus Christ.
That really happened, yet you can’t see any of these facts if you have your atheist blinders on.
You will swallow any ‘rationalist drivel’… any so-called ‘secularisation of events’… rather than believe supernatural or spiritual realities exist and happen and have been recorded in history proper.
What is patently obvious to me now is how hollow and vacuous and absurd 99% of the Atheist rationalizations are about Reality!
They profess to know everything when in fact they know nothing.
They are lost and confounded by their own follies.

IMO one of the greatest… most sophisticated of pseudo-scientific myths believed by atheists today is the Theory of Evolution.
Let’s leave that for another time.

It is difficult to break the strong delusion that ‘science has answered the question about what Entity attacks really are’ as the rationales provided are powerful… yet I can assert with certainty that the arguments presented by so-called ‘sleep experts’… are not valid science.
One way to do this however is to ask these experts… or atheists… what circumstances… or proofs would they accept would invalidate, or disprove their belief these phenomena are just psychological but are in fact real?
Philosopher of Science Karl Popper said one of the essential attributes that distinguishes true science from pseudo-science is the principle of falsifiability.

For an idea/proposition to have scientific validity you must be able to define mechanisms that should they be proven… *falsifies the proposition*`.
This is a safety mechanism to guard against ‘Scientism’ and pseudo-science.

This being so… under what conditions would an atheist accept ‘these visitations’ are not mere hallucinations?

One might say… what about bite marks? Or Claw marks? Does not an absence of any physical evidence prove these things are hallucinations?
No… for 2 reasons.
1. For if these things are spiritual/ incorporeal entities… expecting them to leave ‘physical evidence’ has no basis. It’s just a whim.
And secondly… and more importantly… *reports of physical evidence has been reported!* These would indicate that whatever these beings are… they are capable of physical harm!
A recent account like this was from no one less than the Famous TV presenter Tucker Clarlson… who experienced a physical spiritual attack that left marks on his Body.
Yet what did sceptics say? They said he had injured himself while he was asleep! Or he had been attacked by one of his dogs!
So you see… Atheists will *always* come up with some *rationalisation* why they reject the possibility these entities are real.
Not even physical evidence will convince them.
This shows that the atheist premise that these entity attacks are mere psychological events… is not True science… but pseudo-science because there are no conditions by which their assumptions and rationisations can be falsified. They continue to rationalise away all evidence… they simply refuse to believe these attacks can be real.

Read: Tucker Carlson Says a Demon Attack Left Him Bleeding in Bed

I myself suspect what Sleep experts call ‘Sleep paralysis’ and what History describes as ‘Entity attacks’ are actually two completely different phenomena, yet they share some common attributes… If so-called ‘sleep paralysis’ is a thing at all.
IMO It’s more likely a complete pseudo-scientific fabrication whose only purpose is to discredit ‘Entity attacks’ as valid spiritual experiences… after all so-called ‘sleep experts’ have to have *some explanation* for what is going on… because something is definitely going on!

With this in mind please now read the Wikipedia excerpt I have posted below.
Make up your own minds about it… yet just remember there are two perspectives presented below.
1. is the so-called scientists and psychologists who have deemed these experiences to be nothing more that a ‘ psychological coping mechanism’

And 2. The perspective of the people who experienced the phenomena themselves… and are convinced they encountered benevolent spirit beings that helped them in their hour of need.
When I read their accounts… I fall into Camp 2 because I think it’s absurd to think Adults invent ‘imaginary friends’ and that these delusions know what to do… which direction they should take, etc etc. IMO those are definitive traits of an entity who knows the way.

What a mind-popping experience it is for any atheist to realise Spirit beings possibly do exist!
That is the beginning of the scales falling from your eyes…
In a society where belief in God and Ghosts is frowned upon as ‘delusional’, it takes great courage to swim against the current of popular materialism.
Some people simply don’t have the moral courage to follow their own convictions choosing instead to sheepishly go along with the crowd.

Tim Wikiriwhi
Christian Libertarian.

Please read the Wiki Excerpt below…

Third man factor

From Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

The third man factor or third man syndrome refers to the reported situations where an unseen presence, such as a spirit, provides comfort or support during traumatic experiences.

Sir Ernest Shackleton, in his 1919 book South, described his belief that an incorporeal companion joined him and his men during the final leg of his 1914–1917 Antarctic expedition, which became stranded in pack ice for more than two years and endured immense hardships in the attempt to reach safety. Shackleton wrote, “during that long and racking march of thirty-six hours over the unnamed mountains and glaciers of South Georgia, it seemed to me often that we were four, not three.”[1] His admission resulted in other survivors of extreme hardship coming forward and sharing similar experiences.

Who is the third who walks always beside you?
When I count, there are only you and I together
But when I look ahead up the white road
There is always another one walking beside you
Gliding wrapt in a brown mantle, hooded
I do not know whether a man or a woman
— But who is that on the other side of you?

T. S. Eliot, The Waste Land Wikisource has information on “The Waste Land”
Lines 359 through 365 of T. S. Eliot’s 1922 modernist poem The Waste Land were inspired by Shackleton’s experience, as stated by the author in the notes included with the work. It is the reference to “the third” in this poem that has given this phenomenon its name (when it could occur to even a single person in danger).

In recent years, well-known adventurers like climber Reinhold Messner and polar explorers Peter Hillary and Ann Bancroft have reported experiencing the phenomenon. One study of cases involving adventurers reported that the largest group involved climbers, with solo sailors and shipwreck survivors being the second most common group, followed by polar explorers.[2] A similar experience was documented by mountain climber Joe Simpson in his 1988 book Touching the Void, which recounts his near-death experience in the Peruvian Andes. Simpson describes “a voice” which encouraged him and directed him as he crawled back to base camp after suffering a horrible leg injury high on Siula Grande and falling off a cliff and into a crevasse. Some journalists have related this to the concept of a guardian angel or imaginary friend.

Scientific explanations consider the phenomenon a coping mechanism or an example of bicameral mentality.
[3] The concept was popularized by a 2009 book by John G. Geiger, The Third Man Factor, which documents scores of examples.


More from Tim…

My Testimony… Death of an Atheist. Follow the evidence.

Faith, Science, and Reason. The Pomposity of Atheism.

The Rock of Divine Revelation.

Space Truckin: Dead for 45 minutes.

The Rusty Cage: Scientism.

Defunct / Archaic Western Dogma blindly insists : ‘Whatever does not fit the Naturalistic Materialist Paradigm is Illusory’. Entity Attacks

The Walls are closing in on Atheism… not Theism.

Pasteur’s Law, Creation Science vs Nose Bone Atheism.

The Ludicrous Claims of Evolution! Why not ESP?

Science goes Ga Ga! The Spirit Temple-Material Interface. The Human Brain.

The Green Manalishi.

Ke$ha’s Incubus.

Descendant of Henry William’s Supports Act’s Treaty Principles Bill. Henry’s Pen Translated Te Tiriti O Waitangi From the Littlewood English Draft.

Bill Ludbrook sent me a copy of his submission in support of Act’s Treaty Principles Bill, and gave me permission to share it here at Eternal Vigilance and elsewhere.
It is significant in that Bill steps up in defense of the true meaning of Te Tiriti O Waitangi… translated from the English ‘Littlewood Draft’… by the hand of his Great Great Grandfather… Chief Missionary Henry Williams in 1840.
Henry Williams looms large in this pivotal period of our nations history.
It is outrageous that modern revisionists place themselves… and their interpretation of the meaning of Maori Words over and above this Great man who was not only contemporary with the times, but also his Brother ‘William Williams’ authored The Maori Dictionary!
As Bill says in his submission… “Henry Williams will be ‘turning in his grave’ at the current absurdities of the situation.”

Bill also makes a very truthful claim about the Treaty being ‘Redundant’… It ought to be… yet that is a discussion for another hour.
The debate today is about what is the true meaning of the Treaty?
Why are the ‘Treaty Principles’ enacted in 1975 False?

Read Bill’s sub (below)…

Tim Wikiriwhi
Christian Libertarian.

To: The Select Committee – Treaty Principles Bill Submission.
Dated: Monday 2nd December 2024.

My name is William (Bill) Ludbrook and I am a descendant of Henry Williams.

I support David Seymour’s Treaty Principles Bill, because it uncomplicates an ancient Maori document that nobody understands, if they ever did understand it at any given time?

In February 1840, New Zealand’s first Governor, Captain William Hobson of England, asked Henry Williams to translate Queen Victoria’s Treaty offer to New Zealand, into the Maori language to become known as “Te Tiriti o’ Waitangi”.

The Te Tiriti o’ Waitangi in its existing form, has now become redundant.

It remains controversial, it is ineffective, it is shameful, it is embarrassing, it is divisive, and it does not represent New Zealanders well in 2024 or 184 years after its date of execution between Rangatira and New Zealand’s first British Governor William Hobson in 1840.

My grandfather of two greats, Henry Williams, will be ‘turning in his grave’ at the current absurdity of the situation in New Zealand regarding “his Tiriti o’ Waitangi”

The ‘twisting and changing’ interpretations of our foundation document in New Zealand, by the Waitangi Tibunal and others, has been dramatic, inaccurate, and unacceptable!

The representatives of Queen Victoria would never have signed a Treaty in Queen Victoria’s name, without guaranteeing her full Sovereignty over that colony. To say otherwise is part of the absurdity emanating from some sectors of NZ today.

The Treaty of Waitangi was translated into the Maori language in 1840, for one solitary reason, and that is Rangatira Maori did not understand any language except the Maori language, especially as something as important as a Treatywith the British Royal Crown!

Obviously today in 2024, it is an entirely different proposition.
Every single Maori on this planet clearly understands the English language.
Henry William’s Maori version, referred to as te Tiriti o’ Waitangi, was signed by over 500 Maori Chiefs and Ariki throughout the country of New Zealand.

Only 39 Chiefs signed Queen Victoria’s English version.
To answer the reasons for this, we need to go back to the Treaty of Waitangi and compare what the English Treaty said originally, with what tribal representatives, ‘inept Waitangi Tribunal members’, and many ‘history ignorant’ politicians today say it says.

The final English draft from which the Treaty in Maori was written by Henry Williams, is called the Littlewood draft.
It has this name because this draft was given to a lawyer by the name of Henry Littlewood by James Busby and Hobson to check over the Treaty draft in English.

Henry Littlewood who was present in the Bay of Islands in the 1830s and 1840s is presumed to have had some association with the actors involved in the signing of the Treaty of Waitangi. This said document is written on paper watermarked as 1833 and is dated 4th of February 1840. This was the day Henry Williams was given the Treaty to translate into Maori. It has also now been confirmed as being in Busby’s handwriting. Therefore, the Littlewood Treaty draft in English, mirrors the official versions.

It went missing and was found in Auckland in 1989 (Nineteen Eighty-Nine) among family records belonging to the descendants of Henry Littlewood.

“The Fair Colony” (By Bruce Moon, New Zealand, Historian and Author, Second Edition, p6) confirmed it was the final original English draft. However, under pressure from activists, aided by various politicians, it was quickly taken out of sight by government officials and hidden away to this day.

When one compares the Treaty in Maori with the Littlewood Draft, we could say they are identical.
This is how historians can tell it was the Littlewood final draft that was used to draw up the Treaty in Maori by Henry Williams in 1840.
If you want to know what the Treaty in Maori says in English, then read the Littlewood draft.

Following, are the three Articles of the Treaty from this said Littlewood draft.
These articles are simple, and very easy to understand.

“Her Majesty Victoria, Queen of England in her gracious consideration for the Chiefs and people of New Zealand, and her desire to preserve them their land and to maintain peace and order amongst them, has been pleased to appoint an officer to treat with them for the cession of the Sovereignty (sic) of their country and the islands of their country and of the islands adjacent to the Queen.

Seeing that already many of her Majesty’s subjects have already settled in the country and are constantly arriving, and that it is desirable for their protection as well as the protection of the natives to establish a government amongst them.

Her Majesty has accordingly been pleased to appoint me William Hobson a Captain of the Royal Navy to be Governor of such parts of New Zealand as may now or hereafter be ceded to Her Majesty and proposes to the Chiefs of the Confederation of United Tribes of New Zealand and the other Chiefs to agree to the following Articles”:

Article One:
“The Chiefs of the Confederation of United Tribes, and other chiefs who have not joined the Confederation, cede to the Queen of England forever the entire Sovereignty of their country”

Article two:
“The Queen of England confirms and guarantees to the Chiefs and the tribes and to all the people of New Zealand, the possession of their lands, dwellings, and all their property. But the Chiefs of the Confederation of the United Tribes and the other Chiefs grant to the Queen, the exclusive rights of purchasing such lands as the proprietors thereof may be disposed to sell at such prices as may be agreed upon between them and the person appointed by the Queen to purchase from them”

Article 3.
“In return for the cession of their Sovereignty to the Queen, the people of New Zealand shall be protected by the Queen of England and the rights and privileges of British subjects will be granted to them” end.

That is a clear, uncomplicated, easy to understand, Treaty of Waitangi.
Yet, what do we see today? A toxic culture of division being perpetrated by activists who are only interested in causing resentment. Instead of celebrating the benefits of a shared heritage, one that includes Western advancements that raised the standard of living for everyone. These agitators push for separatism. Co-governance, race-based laws, and constant demands for ‘decolonisation’ are going to rip our social fabric apart.

Here’s the truth: no nation can survive on the basis of two separate legal systems, one for one race and one for another. That’s not equality, it’s apartheid, plain and simple. And what makes it worse, is that this divisive ideology is being peddled under the guise of liberal ‘justice’. It’s not liberal and it’s not justice, it’s Maori supremacy, brought to you mainly by a number of present day new generation Maori.

We need to reject this path and embrace the only principles that made New Zealand a success: equality before the law, individual rights, and a shared national identity. We should respect Maori heritage, but respect isn’t achieved by bending the knee to historical grievances or rewriting the rules of governance to privilege one group over many others.

Maori culture, like Western culture, is worth preserving, and not through racial favouritism or endless guilt-tripping about colonisation. It’s preserved through genuine pride, mutual respect, and the recognition that we’re all citizens of the same country.

Kiwis are some of the most patriotic people you’ll ever meet. There’s a pride that runs deep in this country, pride in our way of life, pride in the freedoms we enjoy, and pride in the fact that we’ve created a society which, despite its flaws, is still one of the best in the world to live in. We’re fiercely protective of our home, our culture and our shared history.

So, when we talk about Maori and Pakeha relations, it’s important to remember that the vast majority of New Zealanders, regardless of their background, are united in their love for this country.
They want a future where we can all live side by side as equals, without the need
for separate laws or separate systems of governance.

This isn’t about ignoring the past or rejecting the Treaty, it’s about building a future that reflects the reality of what New Zealand is today: a diverse but unified country, where every person, regardless of their ancestry, has the same rights and accountabilities.

The reality is, most Kiwis want the same thing, respect for Maori culture and respect for our European heritage which gave us a parliament (and everything else). It’s time to stop using history as a weapon to divide us. New Zealand should be better than this.

I support David Seymour’s Treaty Principles Bill simply for reasons of clarity.
Also, what appears as conceivable and sensible and reasonable, is we already have a perfectly clear Treaty of Waitangi currently in our possession in the form of the said “Littlewood draft” which is already in the English language and will inevitably be clearly understood by every single New Zealander.

This may not be accepted because it may conjure an absurdity of being too simplistic, too easy, and too sensible to consider. On the other hand, it may be seen in the spirit and simplicity it is written.

Background to the author of this submission:
Archdeacon Henry William’s daughter Caroline, was my grandfather, Henry Ludbrook’s Mother.
My family were all born and bred on the same ‘sacred land’ at Pouerua, Pakaraka, and Taiamai, Bay of Islands, which Henry Williams purchased from 16 powerful Ngapuhi Chiefs and Ariki, including Hone Heke, in 1833.

Dr Aidan Challis of the Science and Research Division of the Department of Conservation, describes Pouerua as a “World Class Cultural Monument”

In his 20 years involvement with ‘Heritage Protection’ he says that “Pouerua and the main cone and associated lava, is a historical landscape of outstanding significance”

He says “Although there were once large horticultural Maori settlements throughout New Zealand, all but Pouerua have been destroyed”
“This special place” has a unique ancient archaeological history that has been designated by famous researchers as being one of the world’s largest, most intact unspoilt archaeological sites, anywhere in the world!

Dr Aidan Challis said “It could be likened to Hadrian’s Wall in England, or the Pyramids in Egypt, or the Colosseum in Rome, dating back to around 1200AD.

“It remains intact and unspoilt as it was during human (Maori) occupation hundreds of years ago”

“Pouerua, through the benign management practices of the Williams and Ludbrook families for 191 years has meant full protection of Pouerua has been allowed to occur”

Ownership of this subject land was passed down to Henry William’s Ludbrook grandsons over many generations.
Parts of this special place are still farmed by the Ludbrook family to this present day in 2024.

Closing comments:
Henry Williams, as an ex Royal Navy officer, arrived in NZ in 1823 from Britain to Head the Church Missionary Society of New Zealand.
In subsequent years, in 1840 he was to become known and revered by Maori throughout New Zealand for his courage as a Missionary and peacemaker, and always his intentions and willingness to help Maori deal with the tidal wave of lawless European pakeha settlers around this time.

He was recognised by Maori throughout the country and early settlers in New Zealand as being fearless. He feared his God and therefore had no fear of men.

On February 6th 1840, 40 Ngapuhi Chiefs signed the Treaty of Waitangi, at Waitangi, Bay of Islands, Northland, New Zealand.
Queen of England Victoria’s English version was translated into Maori by the Head of the Church Missionary Society of New Zealand, Henry Williams, and it has been known in this country ever since as Te Tiriti o’ Waitangi.

Any weak-kneed approach to the Treaty Principles Bill from anyone is exactly what NZ does not need!
At a time when Kiwis are yearning for strong leadership, that stands up for unity and fair-mindedness, Hon. David Seymour appears to possess all of those qualities required for these purposes!

Bill Ludbrook
Bay of Islands, New Zealand.

More from Tim…

Principles of The Treaty Of Waitangi Bill. Submission By Tim Wikiriwhi.

Big Hui: Kingites Plot Social Unrest To Maintain Racist Treaty separatism @ Turangawarwae .

A Submission In Opposition To The Electoral (Entrenchment Of Maori Seats) Amendment Bill








The Firmi Paradox Rattles Atheist Brian Cox. If Evolution is true…Where are all the Space Aliens?

Watch short (below)

The idea that there are aliens out there is pure Atheist Evolutionary Myth. The reality is *Life cannot spontaneously generate* Mic Drop. We know this because There is no such thing as a ‘simple cell’… Cells are super-complex… that is why blind nature cannot make life…. Mic Drop. Which is also why The Firmi paradox is a death blow to Atheist evolution and why Brian is bothered by this truth.

Tim Wikiriwhi
Christian Libertarian.


“There’s a thing called the Fermi- Paradox… and the paradox is… if we hadn’t seen anything… lets assume we haven’t seen any evidence of anything… That’s a paradox. We now know.
We didn’t when Firmi first posed it. by the way.

We now know there’s so many planets out there… so let’s say trillions of planets in the Milky way. The Milky ways been there for over 13 billion years. Pretty much the age of the Universe. So If there’s no one else out there, then the question is why?

Because there’s been so much Time and so many places for civilisations to become Space faring civilisations. We are very close to becoming a multi planetary civilisation. And once you have become a Multi planetary and multi Stellar civilisation, and you become that you’re immortal basically.

So the question is… the paradox is why does it appear nobody has done that.

So the first thing to say is…. I would not be surprised if a UFO landed here now in the parking lot. I’d actually not only would I not be surprised, I’d be relieved.

This is good. It would be a weight off my shoulders. because I’m worried [Joe Rogan: that we are the only ones… that’s a terrifying scenario] … and we are going to make a mess of it.
Brian Cox on Joe Rogan.

There is a God.
He Created this Universe and Us.
We fell into evil and that is why he separated himself from us.
Yet he loves us and has provided a way for us to be forgiven and cleansed from Sin.
By believing the Gospel and receiving Jesus Christ as our Lord and Savior.
Christ died on the cross for our sins.
He was buried, and rose from the dead on the third day in victory over sin and death.
Whosoever believes the gospel and calls upon the name of Christ… shall be saved from eternal damnation and instead will live forevermore in God’s loving presence.

Update: 12-1-25

More From Tim…

Why have we not met Aliens? Are we alone in this Universe?





The myth making processes of Pseudo Science. The Epic Tale of the Simple cell. (Part 1)

David Berlinski—Atheism and its Scientific Pretensions

Evolutionary ‘Mumbo Jumbo’ of the the Week. “Why Do Humans Cry?”

Multiplying Absurdities Equals Certainty… The Math Magic of Modern Atheist Astrologers!

Dingbat Atheist Pseudo-science. Instant Life… just add water!

Science goes Ga Ga! The Spirit Temple-Material Interface. The Human Brain.

Russell’s Teapot really refutes Atheism not Theism!

The Ludicrous Claims of Evolution! Why not ESP?

Faith, Science, and Reason. The Pomposity of Atheism.

The Rusty Cage: Scientism.

Square Circles. When Continuity is claimed as Evolution

The Lies of Atheist Pseudo Science.

Way too Starry for Atheism!

Molesters of Children’s minds. Satanic Neo-Marxist Attack on Christian Foundations of Western Civilisation.

Look at the state of this seething vile socialist hater of Christian values and Christ!

Molesters of Children’s minds.
See how Satan works.
Step one: Introduce inappropriate perversion into schools.
Step two: Silence any dissenting opinions by accusing Christian parents of being inappropriate and bigoted when they express outrage at the perversion they introduced.

Fact: This is a spiritual Ideological war being waged against our Christian foundations.
These people are destroyers and they are evil.
They are wreaking absolute havoc creating legions of lobotimised zombies who have been taught that Christianity is Nazizm…. all classic Marxist strategy for corroding overthrowing Nations.
Parents must stand up against them.

The Socialist onslaught is on many fronts… Critical Race theory, revisionist History, Gender Identity, Economics, Science… Climate change,… ie all the whack ideas the extreme leftist radicals screech and kick big tantrums about…. yet most of all… they hate Christianity and the Bible.

The fruit of Far left socialism…
These vile sentiments translate into crime and violence against white people.. If sh’e a mother and teaches those vile opinions to them to her sons they have a high probability of ending up in jail for Race hate crimes.

We cannot allow these Haters and Evil and Oppressive Extremists to control the public sphere.
We must boldly and forthrightly Oppose them.

Free Speech Champion!
Watch her Bold stand against a Woke School Borad that tried to censor what parents were allowed to say at Board meetings… here

There is no excuse for cowardly silence.
Everything is at stake.

Tim Wikiriwhi.
Christian Libertarian.

More from Tim…